#Frank Eberling
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pokecheckhooking · 26 days ago
Frank Nazar needed three tries to spell "Blackhawks" correctly
the idiots list was severely outdated so here is what else i’ve collected over time
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the matt boldy cannot swim propaganda lives on..
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blindbatalex · 8 months ago
bruins hrpf recs from the server #5
Hello again! The theme for this week was ✨ a fic that broke your heart ✨ Below are our recs:
rec lists so far: || week 4 || week 3 || week 2 || week 1 ||
A (Little) Slice of Heaven by Anonymous || willypasta || 11,541 words || reccer's notes: this fic rewired my brain. I read it months and months and months ago and I have yet to recover. 11/10 I come back to it way more than I probably should
(and i’ve got a plane to catch) you drove me all the way back by @fvcking-damage || mcgryz || 2,862 words || reccer's notes: this is some self-indulgent mcgryz angst i wrote a couple of years ago, idk what i was writing out with this one but. yeah
and turns to dust by adjacently || Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall || 2,130 words || reccer's notes: i can eat taylor hall angst for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
between your love and mine by @blindbatalex || willypasta || 6,360 words || reccer's notes: This is a story about trying to reconcile two sides of your identity that are at irreconcilable conflict with one another, and what having your wings clipped like that at a young age does to a person.  I certainly broke my own heart while writing it.
dancing by @rasksmoustache || marcheron || 1,111 words || reccer's notes: This fic is so vivid and visceral and sad, it permanently altered my brain chemistry.  Unrequited (but is it really?) marcheron which gets the feeling of loving someone and being just a little too late so so well
Done & Undone by @ghostgeno || marcheron || 14,428 words || reccer's notes: 2023 Game 7, the aftermath. Fair warning: I don’t reread this very often because of how effectively it puts you in Brad’s headspace immediately after the game, in brutal, excruciating detail. And yet. And yet. If you feel like being taken apart and then put back together, if you want to feel all the loss and tenderness and love that remains despite the loss, read this fic.
good at secrets by @fridgefishwrites || prefix boys; mcgryz || 4,017 words || reccer's notes: this fic meant (and means) so much to me because it just gets what trying to live your life and build something beautiful while faced with unrelenting homophobia is like.  I love the non-linear narrative and the prefix boys but it was always Matt who stole the show for me in this story
like a stranger by blindbatalex || marcheron || 13,142 words || reccer's notes: not a fic alex hasn't read before (sorry bud) but i'm Obsessed with fics where the characters talk past each other and the angst compounds and this fic is a perfect example of that, amongst other things!!!
make no apologies by @sphesphe || marcheron || 3,757 words || reccer's notes: Brad gets himself suspended before the Winter Classic and Patrice takes it harder than he thinks he should.  He plays it off as fine, things happen, just be better Marchy but it isn't true. He's angry. After the game, Brad stops by, they have a talk and lo and behold, feelings emerge! (And much more!)
Sixth Borough by bookhousegirl || Jimmy Hayes/Frank Vatrano || 3,067 words || reccer's notes: The third in a trilogy of fics featuring this pairing. This is a very quiet little vignette featuring two former Bruins who were not stars and did not end up experiencing great success in their time here. It exists entirely in the gray of adult complications and disappointments, and refuses any easy catharsis, and is beautiful for those reasons. For those of us who cared about the Bruins in the (relatively) dismal era between 2015-17 it may come across as a tiny time capsule; for everyone else, I hope the delicate way it honors the hopes and dreams of those who don’t become hometown heroes, who don’t get the happily everafter ending, stays with you.
Westward Expansion by bookhousegirl || Jimmy Hayes/Frank Vatrano || 3,625 words || reccer's notes: Jimmy stares out vacantly at the coaster climbing the track. “Just because we’re from the same place doesn’t mean we’re from the same place.” When Frank takes Jimmy to Six Flags, he expects it to be a fun day, showing Jimmy all the rides he used to love growing up. Jimmy is distracted though, melancholy because Frank has so much promise and Jimmy took so long to get to where he is.
Wolverine Feed by @sphesphe || swaymark || 10,659 words || reccer's notes: fic that makes me ill each and every time i think about it
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bububibibaba · 2 months ago
"My relationship with Son is really good. We formed a great partnership at Tottenham and became good friends off the field,"
he said. "I think we can do pretty well together in the Bundesliga."
German club Avent Zeitung also 다파벳슬롯paid attention to the possibility of a reunion between Son and the Kane duo. The media said, "Christmas is always a time to make reverent wishes. This is not just for children. Bayern's top scorer Kane also sent his boss Max Ebe to the director. That is the name of his old teammate Son Heung-min."
"These are the words that make Director Eberle listen up!" said Avent Zeitung. "He has been 넥스트벳우회주소Kane's good attacking partner for many years at Tottenham. They played almost 300 games together and scored goals for each other. Son will be a free agent, and he is well aware of the Bundesliga as well."
In fact, Son and Kane were the best attacking duo in the Premier League when they were 메이저사이트playing for Tottenham. By scoring a whopping 47 goals in the league alone, the two have set a new record of the most joint goals in the PL, beating the Frank Lampard-Die Drogba duo (36 goals). Son also has 24 goals and 23 assists, while Kane has 23 goals and 24 assists, respectively.
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rocklandhistoryblog · 8 months ago
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The New South of the Mountains is available now!
"South of the Mountains" is one of the tangible benefits of membership in the Historical Society of Rockland County. For more information on membership, click here: http://www.rocklandhistory.org/product.cfm?category=17.
Vol. 68, No. 2 — April–June 2024
🔹The Rocks of Rockland: Iconic Rocks. Your editors highlight five famous rocks in our county.
🔹Update: The Restoration of the Eberling Mail Wagon. Ray Eberling and Marianne Leese visit the studio of Fallon & Wilkinson to observe the progress made on restoring the wagon which once belonged to Frank Eberling, the first rural delivery mailman in New City.
🔹REMINDER: In this issue, we have made some references in the footnotes and text to past issues of South of the Mountains. These can be viewed via the Historical Society website, rocklandhistory.org. On the home page, click on Collections and then on Digital Collections, and South of the Mountainswill come up. Issues are digitized through 2013, vol. 3.
🔹COVER PICTURE: Indian Rock, before the Indian Rock Shopping Plaza in Suffern was built. Photographed by John Scott, 1989. The woman in the picture is unidentified.
SOUTH OF THE MOUNTAINS (ISSN 0489-9563) is published quarterly by
The Historical Society of Rockland County
20 Zukor Road
New City, NY 10956
Phone: (845) 634-9629
Website: www.RocklandHistory.org
Single copy price of South of the Mountains is $5, including postage and handling.
While all efforts are made to ensure accuracy in the articles, the Historical Society assumes no responsibility for opinions and conclusions expressed or implied by contributors. The editors welcome contributions of letters and articles. Please contact us at the Historical Society.
(C) 2024 The Historical Society of Rockland County
All rights reserved
Editor: Marjorie H. Johnson
Consulting Editor: Marianne B. Leese
Printing by Harrington Press, Nyack, New York
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arsmusica · 10 months ago
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Jazz - Latin – Biergartenkonzert
STANDARDS & BALLADS, BRÄNDLE / EILERT - Do, 06.06.2024, 19:00 Uhr
Ende: 21:00 Uhr
Mitwirkende: Paul Brändle (git) und Michael Eilert (voc/git)
Veranstalter: ars musica München e.V.
Location: Tannengarten / Biergarten
Adresse: Pfeuferstraße 32, 81373 München
Eintritt: Eintritt frei! Wir freuen uns über Spenden.
Beschreibung: Da begegnen sich zwei Musiker-Generationen, und doch hat das Verbindende ein Übergewicht.
Freut Euch auf einen entspannten Musik-Abend unter Kastanienbäumen mit groovigen Jazz-Standards und gefühlvollen Balladen.
Jazz-Gitarrist Paul Brändle, geboren 1992, ist in seiner Wahlheimat München und darüber hinaus einer der gefragtesten Vertreter seines Fachs. Er verfügt über eine enorme Bandbreite an seinem Instrument und hat auch als Komponist zu seiner eigenen Stimme gefunden. Seit 2016 spielt er im Quartet des amerikanischen Schlagzeugers Rick Hollander, dessen Band mitlerweile 15 ausgedehne Tourneen im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum, Europa und Japan absolviert hat. 2017 und 2018 trat die Formation im legendären „Smalls Jazz Club“ in New York City auf. Sein eigener Stil ist mittlerweile auf 14 LP- und CD-Produktionen dokumentiert mit unterschiedlichen Künstlern wie Enji Erkhem, Fazer, Miriam Hanika, Rick Hollander, Vincent Eberle, Claus Reichstaller... Neben der regen Konzerttätigkeit ist Paul Brändle auch begeisterter Pädagoge. Er ist Dozent beim großen Sommer-Jazzkurs in Burghausen, war Gastdozent am „Music and Dance College Ulan Bator“ und ist seit 2018 Lehrbeauftragter für populäre Musik an der Musikhochschule München.
Jazz-Sänger und Gitarrist Michael Eilert, Jahrgang 1958, Sein musikalischer Weg ist alles andere als gradlinig, Noten- und Blockflöten-Opfer mit 11, Beatles-Fan mit 17, Banjo-Spieler in der Dixie- und Swing-Band mit 19, Liedermacher in der Umwelt-Protestsong-Gruppe mit 22, später Schüler an der Munich Jazz School, etabliert im Jazz-Gesang und Scat (Gesangsimprovisation) mit Vorbildern wie Chet Baker, Sarah Vaughan und Ella Fitzgerald. Sein Spiel auf der Konzertgitarre, das inzwischen weit über die reine Begleitfunktion hinausreicht, hat ganz eigene Akzente, wie sie sich nur im intensiven Eigenstudium entwickeln. Differenzierte eigene Jazz-Songs und zahlreiche Neu-Arrangements von bekannten Standards, in denen sich eine gereifte Musiker-Identität widerspiegelt.
Admin: Frank McLynn
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junkyard-gifs · 5 years ago
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Tecklenburg 2015: Gumbie Cat (Part 1 | Part 2)
With this production themed around the idea of a circus, Jennyanydots becomes the Bearded Lady - and, incidentally, the largest member of the company. (Skimbleshanks is, I think, the smallest, or close to it - there are some cute moments with them! You can see him in the middle of the line in the last gif, in blue pants and a red coat and hat.)
Munkustrap loves and respects her as always, though that doesn’t stop him from taking a moment to wash his face in the last gif.
Note also that Rumpelteazer (white frilly bloomers and garters, cherry red jacket and hat) joins the usual trio in singing her song. Demeter is in pink and black, Bombalurina in black latex, and Jellylorum in a pink flowery frock with pearls.
Armin Kahl as Munkustrap, Benjamin Eberling as Jennyanydots, Anna Carina Buchegger as Rumpelteazer, Rachel Marshall as Bombalurina, Leah delos Santos as Jellylorum, Caroline Frank as Demeter.
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setdeco · 7 years ago
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FRANK GEHRY, Walt Disney Music Hall, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2003, Photo by TODD EBERLE
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cultfaction · 3 years ago
Preview: Adventures of Captain Marvel (12 Chapter Serial - Bluray)
Preview: Adventures of Captain Marvel (12 Chapter Serial – Bluray)
Newly Re-mastered from a 4K Scan by Paramount Pictures Archives! One of the Greatest Serials of All Time! Considered by many to be the finest serial ever made, Adventures of Captain Marvel chronicles the exploits of Captain Marvel (Tom Tyler, The Phantom), the world’s mightiest mortal, as he combats the Scorpion, a hooded villain intent on obtaining six optical lenses that turn ordinary stones…
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helmar-weiss · 4 years ago
Balounge - Make Believe Bossa (Official Lyric Video)
Wenn Du unsere Arbeit Unterstützen möchtest kannst Du das folgendermaßen tun: https://www.amazon.de/Marmara-Baloung... https://www.amazon.de/Timeless-Future... https://www.amazon.de/Recast-System-B... https://www.amazon.de/Starlight-Balou... Balounge - Make Believe Bossa Gaze, peaceful view, waves rushing to the shore, snore, asleep. Fine restaurant, take what you want! All you can eat! Leave cares behind, breathe, never mind, refrain from thoughts! When the heat of the day is through, they’re coming back for reminding you, three days left in a make-believe, time goes by by itself, though not those shadows. Back at home, they’re awaiting you. Don’t you know that it’s all up to you. Short summer dress worn to impress such nice disguise. One careless thing another fling Hello, goodbye When the heat of the day is through, they’re coming back for reminding you, two days left in a make-believe, time goes by by itself, though not those shadows. When the heat of the day is through, they’re coming back for reminding you, one day left in a make-believe, time goes by by itself, though not those shadows. Back at home, they’re awaiting you. Don’t you know that it’s all up to you. https://www.facebook.com/BaloungeMusic https://soundcloud.com/balounge https://soundcloud.com/helmarweiss Franziska Eberl - Vocals Martin Thüring - Bass Helmar Weiß - Drums, Percussion, Keyboards, Guitar Recorded & Mixed by Bernhard Frank Mastered by Stefan Noltemeyer at Mastering Online Produced by Helmar Weiß Copyright: Balounge Music
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ellismuse · 4 years ago
I was all for open ended but that was SO open ended asdfghlk.
Anyway, I loved all the Ian/Mickey scenes. Surprised they didn't mention Yevgeny during the baby scene but I really shouldn't have been. They really just never mention characters again after they've left, huh?
And they really cut the linked arms toast they used in the promo? Mfers owe us so many deleted scenes...
Someone better talk Lip out of selling the house for SEVENTY FIVE K ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? The only reason to sell was to make money by taking advantage of gentrification. He really needs to just move back in, with Tami and Fred and the new kid, and keep the roof they actually already own over everybody's heads. I'm choosing to believe he will.
I liked the idea of Ian and Mickey buying the Alibi but I'll take it for Carl! He hates being a cop anyway. Plus he can move in upstairs and make more room in the house. Again, I am choosing to believe that's what happens.
Debs is surely going to Texas anyway so that frees up even more room for Lip and his fam plus Liam.
Debbie has shown herself to be a terrible mother all season and although introducing Heidi at the last minute was a dumb waste of time (Elise Eberle really got screwed this season) I think it really just shows she's going to follow in Frank's footsteps as a terrible mother, bad person etc. I feel sorry for Franny but I guess that's the point. Those kids all grew up with shitty parents and we felt sorry for them. Now it's, sadly, Franny's turn to feel the family legacy.
Lip's in a bad spot right now but I liked that he swallowed his pride and actually got back to work, albeit shitty work, to support his family. Sidenote: Tami rocks.
I liked the Ian and Lip brothers talk too. Lip's had a shit year but I do think he is determined not to follow in Frank's footsteps and I don't fear for his long-term sobriety (even if he has a few relapses).
After those pointed glances up at the 'Think foundry' (a tech place?) I do feel hopeful that Lip is going to figure out a way to use his intelligence to either go back to college and/or find some way to pull himself out of this mess and to bring in real money to support his family. Something Frank never managed.
Uh, Frank. You know, going up to heaven with a never-ending glass of beer was probably more than he deserved. I do like that he actually died in the end. Fitting, I think. And I'm a sucker but I totally teared up at all the flashbacks of him thinking about the kids.
I wonder what happened to the flashbacks of him as a young man that were supposedly filmed by that other actor? I guess we'll never know.
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tkmedia · 4 years ago
NHL Expansion Draft 2021: Full list of players available for Seattle Kraken
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The NHL announced the protected lists for the 30 teams involved in the NHL Expansion Draft. (Vegas is exempt.) With the names of those protected come the guys who could be snatched up by the Seattle Kraken. There are a number of big names that have everyone trying to figure out just what general manager Ron Francis will do. Will he take Canadiens netminder, and future Hall of Famer, Carey Price and his hefty cap hit? Is Vladimir Tarasenko the sniper he needs or is his health a big question mark? There's also a number of guys who would fit in nicely but are free agents and the chances of signing them are not high (i.e. Alex Ovechkin).  EXPANSION DRAFT: Date, time, rules & more for Seattle Kraken team selectionRegardless of what Francis, coach Dave Hakstrol and Co. end up doing, there's a good chance the Kraken will be a playoff contender in just their first season. For now, let the intrigue and the guessing WWRFD (that's: what will Ron Francis do?) begin. Here's a look at every player they can pick.
List of players made available by all 30 NHL teams
Anaheim DucksAndrew Agozzino (F) David Backes (F) Sam Carrick (F) Chase De Leo (F) Ryan Getzlaf (F) Derek Grant (F) Danton Heinen (F) Adam Henrique (F) Vinni Lettieri (F) Sonny Milano (F) Andrew Poturalski (F) Carter Rowney (F) Nick Sorensen (F) Alexander Volkov (F) Trevor Carrick (D) Haydn Fleury (D) Brendan Guhle (D) Jacob Larsson (D) Josh Mahura (D) Kevin Shattenkirk (D) Andy Welinski (D) Ryan Miller (G) Anthony Stolarz (G)Arizona CoyotesDerick Brassard (F) Michael Bunting (F) Brayden Burke (F) Michael Chaput (F) Hudson Fasching (F) Christian Fischer (F) Frederik Gauthier (F) John Hayden (F) Dryden Hunt (F) Andrew Ladd (F) Lane Pederson (F) Tyler Pitlick (F) Blake Speers (F) Tyler Steenbergen (F) Jason Demers (D) Cam Dineen (D) Alex Goligoski (D) Jordan Gross (D) Niklas Hjalmarsson (D) Ilya Lyubushkin (D) Dysin Mayo (D) Aaron Ness (D) Jordan Oesterle (D) Vili Saarijarvi (D) Josef Korenar (G) Marek Langhamer (G) Antti Raanta (G)Boston BruinsAnton Blidh (F) Paul Carey (F) Peter Cehlarik (F) Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson (F) Taylor Hall (F) Cameron Hughes (F) Ondrej Kase (F) Alex Khokhlachev (F) Joona Koppanen (F) David Krejci (F) Karson Kuhlman (F) Sean Kuraly (F) Curtis Lazar (F) Greg McKegg (F) Nick Ritchie (F) Zach Senyshyn (F) Chris Wagner (F) Linus Arnesson (D) Connor Clifton (D) Steven Kampfer (D) Jeremy Lauzon (D) Kevan Miller (D) John Moore (D) Mike Reilly (D) Jarred Tinordi (D) Jakub Zboril (D) Callum Booth (G) Jaroslav Halak (G) Tuukka Rask (G)Buffalo SabresDrake Caggiula (F) Jean-Sebastien Dea (F) Cody Eakin (F) Steven Fogarty (F) Zemgus Girgensons (F) Andrew Oglevie (F) Kyle Okposo (F) Tobias Rieder (F) Riley Sheahan (F) Jeff Skinner (F) C.J. Smith (F) Will Borgen (D) Brandon Davidson (D) Matt Irwin (D) Jake McCabe (D) Colin Miller (D) Casey Nelson (D) Michael Houser (G) Carter Hutton (G) Dustin Tokarski (G)Calgary FlamesByron Froese (F) Glenn Gawdin (F) Justin Kirkland (F) Josh Leivo (F) Milan Lucic (F) Joakim Nordstrom (F) Matthew Phillips (F) Zac Rinaldo (F) Brett Ritchie (F) Buddy Robinson (F) Derek Ryan (F) Dominik Simon (F) Mark Giordano (D) Oliver Kylington (D) Nikita Nesterov (D) Alexander Petrovic (D) Michael Stone (D) Louis Domingue (G) Tyler Parsons (G)Carolina HurricanesMorgan Geekie (F) Steven Lorentz (F) Jordan Martinook (F) Max McCormick (F) Brock McGinn (F) Nino Niederreiter (F) Cedric Paquette (F) Sheldon Rempal (F) Drew Shore (F) Spencer Smallman (F) Jake Bean (D) Jake Gardiner (D) Eric Gelinas (D) Jani Hakanpaa (D) Dougie Hamilton (D) Maxime Lajoie (D) Roland McKeown (D) Joakim Ryan (D) David Warsofsky (D) Antoine Bibeau (G) Jeremy Helvig (G) Petr Mrazek (G) James Reimer (G) Dylan Wells (G)Chicago BlackhawksRyan Carpenter (F) Brett Connolly (F) Josh Dickinson (F) Adam Gaudette (F) Vinnie Hinostroza (F) Brandon Pirri (F) John Quenneville (F) Zack Smith (F) Calvin de Haan (D) Anton Lindholm (D) Nikita Zadorov (D) Collin Delia (G) Malcolm Subban (G)Colorado AvalancheTravis Barron (F) Pierre-Edouard Bellemare (F) Matt Calvert (F) J.T. Compher (F) Joonas Donskoi (F) Sheldon Dries (F) Vladislav Kamenev (F) Gabriel Landeskog (F) Ty Lewis (F) Jayson Megna (F) Liam O'Brien (F) Brandon Saad (F) Miikka Salomaki (F) Kiefer Sherwood (F) Carl Soderberg (F) T.J. Tynan (F) Mike Vecchione (F) Kyle Burroughs (D) Dennis Gilbert (D) Erik Johnson (D) Jacob MacDonald (D) Patrik Nemeth (D) Dan Renouf (D) Devan Dubnyk (G) Jonas Johansson (G) Hunter Miska (G)Columbus Blue JacketsZac Dalpe (F) Max Domi (F) Nathan Gerbe (F) Mikhail Grigorenko (F) Ryan MacInnis (F) Stefan Matteau (F) Cliff Pu (F) Kole Sherwood (F) Kevin Stenlund (F) Calvin Thurkauf (F) Daniel Zaar (F) Gavin Bayreuther (D) Gabriel Carlsson (D) Adam Clendening (D) Michael Del Zotto (D) Scott Harrington (D) Dean Kukan (D) Cameron Johnson (G)Dallas StarsNick Caamano (F) Andrew Cogliano (F) Blake Comeau (F) Justin Dowling (F) Tanner Kero (F) Joel L'Esperance (F) Adam Mascherin (F) Matej Stransky (F) Taylor Fedun (D) Ben Gleason (D) Joel Hanley (D) Niklas Hansson (D) Julius Honka (D) Jamie Oleksiak (D) Mark Pysyk (D) Andrej Sekera (D) Sami Vatanen (D) Ben Bishop (G) Landon Bow (G) Colton Point (G)Detroit Red WingsRiley Barber (F) Kyle Criscuolo (F) Turner Elson (F) Valtteri Filppula (F) Sam Gagner (F) Luke Glendening (F) Darren Helm (F) Taro Hirose (F) Vladislav Namestnikov (F) Frans Nielsen (F) Bobby Ryan (F) Evgeny Svechnikov (F) Dominic Turgeon (F) Hayden Verbeek (F) Alex Biega (D) Dennis Cholowski (D) Danny DeKeyser (D) Christian Djoos (D) Joe Hicketts (D) Dylan McIlrath (D) Marc Staal (D) Troy Stecher (D) Jonathan Bernier (G) Kevin Boyle (G) Kaden Fulcher (G) Calvin Pickard (G)EXPANSION DRAFT: Full list of players protected by all 30 teamsEdmonton OilersTyler Benson (F) Alex Chiasson (F) Adam Cracknell (F) Tyler Ennis (F) Joseph Gambardella (F) Seth Griffith (F) Dominik Kahun (F) Jujhar Khaira (F) Cooper Marody (F) James Neal (F) Alan Quine (F) Patrick Russell (F) Devin Shore (F) Anton Slepyshev (F) Kyle Turris (F) Bogdan Yakimov (F) Tyson Barrie (D) Oscar Klefbom (D) Slater Koekkoek (D) Dmitry Kulikov (D) William Lagesson (D) Adam Larsson (D) Kris Russell (D) Mikko Koskinen (G) Mike Smith (G) Alex Stalock (G)DUNCAN KEITH: Oilers add three-time Stanley Cup championFlorida PanthersNoel Acciari (F) Patrick Bajkov (F) Juho Lammikko (F) Ryan Lomberg (F) Brad Morrison (F) Aleksi Saarela (F) Frank Vatrano (F) Lucas Wallmark (F) Alex Wennberg (F) Scott Wilson (F) Lucas Carlsson (D) Kevin Connauton (D) Tommy Cross (D) Radko Gudas (D) Noah Juulsen (D) Brady Keeper (D) Brandon Montour (D) Markus Nutivaara (D) Ethan Prow (D) Anton Stralman (D) Philippe Desrosiers (G) Chris Driedger (G) Sam Montembeault (G)Los Angeles KingsAndreas Athanasiou (F) Michael Eyssimont (F) Martin Frk (F) Carl Grundstrom (F) Bokondji Imama (F) Brendan Lemieux (F) Blake Lizotte (F) Matt Luff (F) Drake Rymsha (F) Austin Wagner (F) Mark Alt (D) Daniel Brickley (D) Kale Clague (D) Olli Maatta (D) Kurtis MacDermid (D) Jacob Moverare (D) Austin Strand (D) Christian Wolanin (D) Troy Grosenick (G) Jonathan Quick (G)Minnesota WildWilliam Bitten (F) Nick Bjugstad (F) Nick Bonino (F) Joseph Cramarossa (F) Gabriel Dumont (F) Marcus Johansson (F) Luke Johnson (F) Victor Rask (F) Kyle Rau (F) Mason Shaw (F) Dmitry Sokolov (F) Matt Bartkowski (D) Louie Belpedio (D) Ian Cole (D) Brad Hunt (D) Ian McCoshen (D) Brennan Menell (D) Dakota Mermis (D) Carson Soucy (D) Andrew Hammond (G) Kaapo Kahkonen (G)Montreal CanadiensBrandon Baddock (F) Joseph Blandisi (F) Paul Byron (F) Phillip Danault (F) Laurent Dauphin (F) Jonathan Drouin (F) Michael Frolik (F) Charles Hudon (F) Corey Perry (F) Michael Pezzetta (F) Eric Staal (F) Tomas Tatar (F) Lukas Vejdemo (F) Jordan Weal (F) Cale Fleury (D) Erik Gustafsson (D) Brett Kulak (D) Jon Merrill (D) Gustav Olofsson (D) Xavier Ouellet (D) Shea Weber (D) Charlie Lindgren (G) Michael McNiven (G) Carey Price (G)Nashville PredatorsMichael Carcone (F) Nick Cousins (F) Matt Duchene (F) Mikael Granlund (F) Rocco Grimaldi (F) Erik Haula (F) Calle Jarnkrok (F) Ryan Johansen (F) Sean Malone (F) Michael McCarron (F) Rem Pitlick (F) Anthony Richard (F) Brad Richardson (F) Colton Sissons (F) Yakov Trenin (F) Frederic Allard (D) Matt Benning (D) Mark Borowiecki (D) Erik Gudbranson (D) Ben Harpur (D) Josh Healey (D) Tyler Lewington (D) Connor Ingram (G) Kasimir Kaskisuo (G) Pekka Rinne (G)New Jersey DevilsNathan Bastian (F) Christoph Bertschy (F) Brandon Gignac (F) A.J. Greer (F) Andreas Johnsson (F) Ivan Khomutov (F) Nicholas Merkley (F) Brett Seney (F) Ben Street (F) Marian Studenic (F) Will Butcher (D) Connor Carrick (D) Josh Jacobs (D) Ryan Murray (D) David Quenneville (D) Colby Sissons (D) P.K. Subban (D) Matt Tennyson (D) Colton White (D) Evan Cormier (G) Aaron Dell (G) Scott Wedgewood (G)New York IslandersJosh Bailey (F) Cole Bardreau (F) Kieffer Bellows (F) Casey Cizikas (F) Austin Czarnik (F) Michael Dal Colle (F) Jordan Eberle (F) Tanner Fritz (F) Joshua Ho-Sang (F) Ross Johnston (F) Otto Koivula (F) Leo Komarov (F) Kyle Palmieri (F) Richard Panik (F) Dmytro Timashov (F) Travis Zajac (F) Sebastian Aho (D) Braydon Coburn (D) Andy Greene (D) Thomas Hickey (D) Mitchell Vande Sompel (D) Parker Wotherspoon (D) Ken Appleby (G) Cory Schneider (G)New York RangersColin Blackwell (F) Jonny Brodzinski (F) Phillip Di Giuseppe (F) Gabriel Fontaine (F) Julien Gauthier (F) Tim Gettinger (F) Barclay Goodrow (F) Anthony Greco (F) Ty Ronning (F) Anthony Bitetto (D) Brandon Crawley (D) Tony DeAngelo (D) Nick DeSimone (D) Mason Geertsen (D) Jack Johnson (D) Darren Raddysh (D) Brendan Smith (D) Keith Kinkaid (G)EXPANSION DRAFT FRENZY: Ryan Ellis, Jared McCann, Barclay Goodrow among players swapped before trade freezeOttawa SenatorsAvailable Vitaly Abramov (F) Michael Amadio (F) Artem Anisimov (F) J.C. Beaudin (F) Clark Bishop (F) Evgenii Dadonov (F) Jonathan Davidsson (F) Ryan Dzingel (F) Micheal Haley (F) Jack Kopacka (F) Zachary Magwood (F) Matthew Peca (F) Logan Shaw (F) Derek Stepan (F) Chris Tierney (F) Josh Brown (D) Cody Goloubef (D) Mikael Wikstrand (D) Joey Daccord (G) Anton Forsberg (G) Marcus Hogberg (G) Matt Murray (G)Philadelphia FlyersAndy Andreoff (F) Connor Bunnaman (F) David Kase (F) Pascal Laberge (F) Samuel Morin (F) German Rubtsov (F) Carsen Twarynski (F) James van Riemsdyk (F) Jakub Voracek (F) Mikhail Vorobyev (F) Chris Bigras (D) Justin Braun (D) Shayne Gostisbehere (D) Robert Hagg (D) Derrick Pouliot (D) Nate Prosser (D) Tyler Wotherspoon (D) Brian Elliott (G) Alex Lyon (G) Felix Sandstrom (G)Pittsburgh PenguinsPontus Aberg (F) Anthony Angello (F) Zach Aston-Reese (F) Josh Currie (F) Frederick Gaudreau (F) Mark Jankowski (F) Sam Lafferty (F) Sam Miletic (F) Evan Rodrigues (F) Colton Sceviour (F) Brandon Tanev (F) Jason Zucker (F) Cody Ceci (D) Kevin Czuczman (D) Mark Friedman (D) Jesper Lindgren (D) Andrey Pedan (D) Marcus Pettersson (D) Juuso Riikola (D) Chad Ruhwedel (D) Yannick Weber (D) Casey DeSmith (G) Maxime Lagace (G)San Jose SharksRyan Donato (F) Kurtis Gabriel (F) Dylan Gambrell (F) Jayden Halbgewachs (F) Maxim Letunov (F) Patrick Marleau (F) Matt Nieto (F) Marcus Sorensen (F) Alexander True (F) Christian Jaros (D) Nicolas Meloche (D) Jacob Middleton (D) Greg Pateryn (D) Radim Simek (D) Martin Jones (G)St. Louis BluesSam Anas (F) Sammy Blais (F) Tyler Bozak (F) Kyle Clifford (F) Jacob de la Rose (F) Mike Hoffman (F) Tanner Kaspick (F) Mackenzie MacEachern (F) Curtis McKenzie (F) Austin Poganski (F) Zach Sanford (F) Jaden Schwartz (F) Nolan Stevens (F) Vladimir Tarasenko (F) Nathan Walker (F) Robert Bortuzzo (D) Vince Dunn (D) Petteri Lindbohm (D) Niko Mikkola (D) Mitch Reinke (D) Steven Santini (D) Marco Scandella (D) Jake Walman (D) Evan Fitzpatrick (G) Jon Gillies (G) Ville Husso (G)Tampa Bay LightningAlex Barre-Boulet (F) Blake Coleman (F) Ross Colton (F) Yanni Gourde (F) Tyler Johnson (F) Mathieu Joseph (F) Boris Katchouk (F) Alex Killorn (F) Pat Maroon (F) Boo Nieves (F) Ondrej Palat (F) Taylor Raddysh (F) Gemel Smith (F) Otto Somppi (F) Mitchell Stephens (F) Daniel Walcott (F) Luke Witkowski (F) Andreas Borgman (D) Fredrik Claesson (D) Sean Day (D) Cal Foote (D) Brian Lashoff (D) Dominik Masin (D) Jan Rutta (D) David Savard (D) Luke Schenn (D) Ben Thomas (D) Christopher Gibson (G) Spencer Martin (G) Curtis McElhinney (G)MORE: Maroon fourth player to win three straight Stanley Cups with two different teamsToronto Maple LeafsAvailable Kenny Agostino (F) Joey Anderson (F) Adam Brooks (F) Pierre Engvall (F) Nick Foligno (F) Alex Galchenyuk (F) Zach Hyman (F) Alexander Kerfoot (F) Kalle Kossila (F) Denis Malgin (F) Jared McCann (F) Riley Nash (F) Stefan Noesen (F) Nic Petan (F) Scott Sabourin (F) Wayne Simmonds (F) Jason Spezza (F) Antti Suomela (F) Joe Thornton (F) Zach Bogosian (D) Travis Dermott (D) Ben Hutton (D) Martin Marincin (D) Calle Rosen (D) Frederik Andersen (G) Michael Hutchinson (G) David Rittich (G)Vancouver CanucksSven Baertschi (F) Justin Bailey (F) Jay Beagle (F) Travis Boyd (F) Loui Eriksson (F) Jonah Gadjovich (F) Tyler Graovac (F) Jayce Hawryluk (F) Matthew Highmore (F) Lukas Jasek (F) Kole Lind (F) Zack MacEwen (F) Petrus Palmu (F) Antoine Roussel (F) Brandon Sutter (F) Jimmy Vesey (F) Jake Virtanen (F) Madison Bowey (D) Guillaume Brisebois (D) Jalen Chatfield (D) Alexander Edler (D) Travis Hamonic (D) Brogan Rafferty (D) Ashton Sautner (D) Josh Teves (D) Braden Holtby (G)Washington CapitalsDaniel Carr (F) Nic Dowd (F) Shane Gersich (F) Carl Hagelin (F) Garnet Hathaway (F) Axel Jonsson-Fjallby (F) Alex Ovechkin (F) Garrett Pilon (F) Brian Pinho (F) Michael Raffl (F) Michael Sgarbossa (F) Conor Sheary (F) Zdeno Chara (D) Brenden Dillon (D) Nick Jensen (D) Lucas Johansen (D) Michal Kempny (D) Paul LaDue (D) Cameron Schilling (D) Justin Schultz (D) Craig Anderson (G) Pheonix Copley (G) Zach Fucale (G) Vitek Vanecek (G)Winnipeg JetsMason Appleton (F) Marko Dano (F) Jansen Harkins (F) Trevor Lewis (F) Skyler McKenzie (F) Mathieu Perreault (F) Paul Stastny (F) CJ Suess (F) Nate Thompson (F) Dominic Toninato (F) Nathan Beaulieu (D) Jordie Benn (D) Dylan DeMelo (D) Derek Forbort (D) Luke Green (D) Sami Niku (D) Nelson Nogier (D) Tucker Poolman (D) Mikhail Berdin (G) Laurent Brossoit (G) Eric Comrie (G) Cole Kehler (G) Read the full article
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elishamanning · 4 years ago
ChriKra starts out saying "Good morning" and gets chided by the interviewer "You're funny, 'good morning'! It's a quarter to 12!" at which point ChriKra admits that he only got up at around 11. The reporter says he's lucky he doesn't have children, "your colleague Stindl & co have to get up earlier to entertain their kids" and ChriKra's reply to that strongly implies there'll be little Kramers at some near point in the future yet, saying he's taking advantage of that while he can. It somehow
segues into music and one thing, apparently, that stopped CK from trying to learn to play the guitar is that his fingers always hurt and he's a bit of a crybaby when it comes to his hands ("my feet definitely aren't as sensitive as my hands"). The problem with the piano, however, "is, I can't do anything different with my left hand than what I'm doing with my right hand". The interviewer reckons that he should practise, as it would be good for his brain "you're not getting any younger", CK "yes, and vicious tongues say that as I've been hit on the head a few times in my career, so it might not be the worst for me to try and coordinate the left and the right part of my brain..." he says that laughingly, but then elaborates about head injuries and how he's extra careful and would rest longer than necessary after a blow to the head. Coming back to that "day off, no children to look after" issue, he's asked what he would normally do now, and he says that if it wasn't for lockdown, he'd probably go swimming, which he's done regularly in recent years, and then afterwards go sit in a café. The reporter asks where and he says a regular public swimming pool. The reporter references a previous chat they've had in which CK apparently said that he was fully aware that professional football was "like another planet" from the normal world, so the reporter asks (a bit weirdly, I think), if going to the public swimming pool was like "a bridge to normalcy" (don't know how to translate that, literally the reporter says "is it like a ritual, like 'I want to connect with normal people'?" to which, to my great relief, ChriKra answers, "well, to begin with I'm not an un-normal person, am I? And it's not like I'm Justin Bieber, arriving at the swimming pool and unable to swim [for being swarmed by people]. Obviously it occurs sometimes that someone recognizes me, but, especially during those times that I go there, Mondays or anyway during weekdays, I can't complain about being bothered or anything, I'm very comfortably moving around as I want", extending that to his life as a whole, saying he has to write an autograph or take a picture once or twice a day, which he considers very comfortable and part of his job and isn't bothered by at all (saying that it was different directly after the '14 WC, when it got a bit too much for him "for a little while there" and he didn't go out much for a bit)
anyway, they talk about more substantial matters, and about football (and Marco Rose:) and Max Eberl and he's really eloquent and very self-confident but also quite self-aware and frank and honest about his short-comings, so it's really nice (hehe, he says he can do about 1000m crawling (as in freestyle swimming - is that right?), not more. And he repeatedly praises his classmate - saying the full name - who "saved him" in school by letting him copy Latin translations ("he had really good hand-writing as well!") - I can write more at another time if you want. I'm just quite tired now, I'm sorry...
so i’m still not quite past chrikra talking about how he’s going to have kids (cause will i ever be over that? realistically probably not) BUT i have processed it somewhat so my brain can handle other things now
but i can very much relate to and understand the desire to sleep in on days off lol
i also relate to the piano over guitar part cause i have weak baby fingers and couldn’t ever get them tough enough for guitar (but i was sort of okay at piano when i played!)
i’m also glad to hear that he’s being more careful regarding recovery from head injuries, cause those still aren’t generally taken nearly as seriously as they should be, and i worry about them so i’m happy he’s being more cautious
it’s interesting to hear about his experiences as a “celebrity” (or at least his own personal experience as a personal recognizable for certain groups/regions). it seems like he recognizes that having people come up to him is part of the deal for the life he lives, and it’s nice to see him being okay with that as long as it doesn’t cross any boundaries. it is also nice to see that he’s able to maintain something of a private life in public!
anyway he’s such a gem and i love how open he is with his life and opinions. i just wish i could actually understand what he’s saying when he’s speaking lol
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professorsparklepants · 6 years ago
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Still It Stands | A soldier and an orphan meet after the war. Or, the happy ending Gondor's favorite son and the last Queen of Narnia deserve.
Three Coins in the Fountain // Frank Sinatra | A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square // Vera Lynn | Something's Gotta Give // Sammy Davis Jr. | Secret Love // Doris Day | There! I've Said It Again // Vaughn Monroe | My Darling My Darling // Jo Stafford & Gordon MacRae | La Vie En Rose // Louis Armstrong | Long Ago and Far Away // Helen Forrest & Dick Haymes | So This Is Love // Ilene Woods & Mike Douglas | At Last // Glenn Miller's Orchestra ft. Ray Eberle | Dream a Little Dream Of Me // Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong | 'Till Then // The Mills Brothers | We'll Meet Again // Vera Lynn | You Belong to Me // Patsy Cline
Listen: YouTube  | 8tracks | Spotify* 
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rocklandhistoryblog · 11 months ago
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New South of the Mountains is Available Now
2024 Jan-Mar | Vol. 68, No. 1
🔹New City in the Early 20th Century
In this article, Raymond A. Eberling addresses the question of what New City was like in the first three decades of the twentieth century, when his grandfather Frank Eberling was serving as the hamlet’s RFD mail carrier.
🔹Naming of Roads and Settlements
Rockland County was largely rural until rapid development began in the 1950s. Many roads were unnamed, and place names once familiar to county residents are largely unknown today. Marianne B. Leese introduces and presents two letters written in 1931 to the editor of the Rockland County Leader that address the issue of historical road and settlement names of the county.
🔹Notes about the Letter Writers
Brief biographies of our letter writers: the newspaperman Wilfred Blanch Talman (1904–1986) of Spring Valley and the writer and landscape architect Mary Helena Bothwell Horgan Mowbray-Clarke (1875–1962) of New City.
🔹In Memoriam: Laurence “Pete” Beckerle
COVER PICTURE: The author’s grandparents Frank and Elsa Eberling on the day of their engagement, ca. 1907. They are standing at the top of the hill on New Hempstead Road near the home of Frank’s parents, Henry Eberling Jr. and Anna Fedelia (Morphet) Eberling. Raymond A. Eberling Collection
"South of the Mountains" is one of the tangible benefits of membership in the Historical Society of Rockland County. For more information on membership, click here: http://www.rocklandhistory.org/product.cfm?category=17.
SOUTH OF THE MOUNTAINS (ISSN 0489-9563) is published quarterly by
The Historical Society of Rockland County
Single copy price of South of the Mountains is $5, including postage and handling.
While all efforts are made to ensure accuracy in the articles, the Historical Society assumes no responsibility for opinions and conclusions expressed or implied by contributors. The editors welcome contributions of letters and articles. Please contact us at the Historical Society.
© 2024 The Historical Society of Rockland County
All rights reserved
Editor: Marjorie H. Johnson
Consulting Editor: Marianne B. Leese
Printing by Harrington Press, Nyack, New York
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13mtm80 · 8 years ago
Sandra Mae Frank Takes Over Deaf West's Instagram for Opening Night of #AtHomeAtTheZoo
Sandra takes over Deaf West's Instagram for the Opening Night of Edward Albee's "At Home At The Zoo". Plus, Amelia Hensley's Instagram story also from Opening Night.
Deaf West's Instagram: [X]
See Edward Albee's "At Home at the Zoo", March 7th-26th, 2017.
Buy tickets here [25% off code- DWT]: [X]
Director: Coy Middlebrook Assistant Director: Sandra Mae Frank
Peter: Troy Kotsur
Russell Harvard [March 7th-15th]
Tyrone Giordano [March 16th-26th]
Ann: Amber Zion
Voice of Peter: Jake Eberle
Voice of Jerry: Jeff Alan-Lee
Voice of Ann: Paige Lindsey White
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mitchbeck · 2 years ago
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GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS NAME FRANK HORA CAPTAIN By: Mark Shelley, Greenville Swamp Rabbits GREENVILLE, SC -  The Greenville Swamp Rabbits, an ECHL affiliate of the LA Kings, announced today that veteran defenseman Frank Hora had been named captain of the organization ahead of the 2022-23 season. "Frank has been here for three years and is exactly what we are looking for from our organization on what a captain should be," said Head Coach/General Manager Andrew Lord. "First and foremost, he is an unbelievable person. Frank is a great teammate, helps the coaching staff, and gives this organization everything he has." Hora, 26, earns the captaincy ahead of his third season with the organization, joining the Swamp Rabbits during the 2020-21 season. The Cheektowaga, NY native has appeared in 79 games for Greenville over the past two seasons, playing just in just eight (8) contests during the 2021-22 season before signing an AHL contract and playing 42 games for the Syracuse Crunch. "I'm honored to have heard my name called this morning, and I'm excited to get to work as the core leader of this group," said Hora. "This is a big responsibility, and I'm excited to get started." A sixth-year pro, Hora has appeared in 327 professional games, 271 of which have come for ECHL clubs. The remaining 56 games came as Hora dressed for five (5) different AHL teams. Alongside Hora, forwards Tanner Eberle, Ben Freeman, Dallas Gerads, and defenseman Justin Hamonic were named as assistant captains of the organization. "All four of these guys will bring a little something different to this team," said Lord. "They are great people and will lead us very well in their own capacities." Lord announced, naming defenseman Bryce Reddick as a player assistant coach. "Bryce is an incredible leader on and off the ice," Lord stated. "He does everything right, and I know he will make a fantastic full-time coach when the time comes." The Swamp Rabbits open the 2022-23 season, presented by Bon Secours, on Saturday, October 22 at 7:05 p.m. as they take on the newest team in the ECHL, the Savannah Ghost Pirates, at Bon Secours Wellness Arena. Single Game Tickets for the 2022-23 season are now on sale by calling (864)-674-7825 or visiting SwampRabbits.com. About the Greenville Swamp Rabbits … Acquired by Spire Sports + Entertainment (SS+E) in 2020, the Greenville Swamp Rabbits hockey team has provided family-friendly, live entertainment at Bon Secours Wellness Arena since 2010. Formerly the Greenville Road Warriors, the Swamp Rabbits are the highest-level professional minor league franchise in South Carolina. The Swamp Rabbits are the proud ECHL affiliate of the NHL's LA Kings and the AHL's Ontario Reign. Additionally, Greenville is an ECHL, Premier 'AA' Hockey League member. GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS HOME Read the full article
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