#Forklift Brands
forkliftpartssales · 4 months
 A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Your Caterpillar Forklift
Is your caterpillar forklift not working as efficiently as it used to? Caterpillar forklift parts are renowned for their exceptional durability, reliability, and performance. However, many consumers tend to face issues when it comes to long-term usage. There are various crucial aspects that you need to consider here, which are often overlooked. These machines operate at peak efficiency only when you keep regular maintenance as a top priority. Hence, it is crucial to take a step further this year and take care of your caterpillar forklift parts. We have created a comprehensive guide that will walk you through all the essential steps and considerations for maintaining your Caterpillar forklift for future years. Let's get started.
Analyzing your Caterpillar Forklift
Before you dive into maintenance, you need to understand the basic components and functions of your Caterpillar forklift. Ensure that you know everything about the components to identify any potential issues early.
For example, analyse the key components of your Caterpillar forklift, such as the engine and transmission, hydraulic system, mast and forks, electrical system, wheels and tyres, and more. These cover the controls, lights, electronic features, safety locks, stability, and other aspects that need regular checks and maintenance.
Routine Maintenance Checklist
Ensure that you have a checklist to track the condition of your Caterpillar forklift parts. For example, consider doing a visual inspection every day. You must also check the fluid levels, battery condition, lights, and signals every day to ensure proper functioning.
Similarly, check the lubrication, tyre pressure and condition, brake functionality, and other aspects every week. Check the engine oil and filters, hydraulic system, mast operation, cooling system, transmission fluid, and other elements every month or quarterly. This will help you keep your machine in check and prevent possible wear and tear.
Buy only genuine Caterpillar Forklift Parts.
Using genuine caterpillar forklift parts is extremely important for maintaining the integrity and performance of your machine. Parts from genuine sellers like Forkliftparts 101 are specifically designed and tested to meet rigorous standards, ensuring compatibility and reliability.
These parts also have warranty protection. Hence, you can be assured of this investment. Furthermore, authentic parts ensure the safety features of your forklift operate as intended. This reduces any risk of accidents in the future.
Follow these Tips For Regular Caterpillar forklift parts and their maintenance.
Various tips can help you increase the regular maintenance checks of your Caterpillar forklift parts. Let's quickly take a deeper look at each of them.
Replace the oil filters regularly to keep the engine clean and efficient.
Clean the air filters regularly. Ensure the engine gets clean air. This prevents dust and debris from causing any damage.
Replace the Spark Plugs as per the manufacturer's recommendation to ensure proper engine ignition.
Regularly inspect the hoses and fittings for leaks or wear. Replace whenever necessary
Ensure that you check the levels of hydraulic fluid frequently and top up or replace it as needed to maintain optimal performance.
Keep the battery's terminals clean. Ensure that it is fully charged. Replace it if it shows signs of failing.
Regularly check the tyres and wheel bearings for proper inflation. Lubricate periodically for smooth operation.
Ensure that your operators are trained on proper forklift use and maintenance.
Stick to a regular maintenance schedule for your forklift to catch issues early.
Avoid overloading the forklift, which can strain the engine and hydraulic system.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Even with regular maintenance, you can find issues with your caterpillar forklift parts. Here are some extremely common problems and their possible solutions. For further assitsance, you can always connect with the supplier for expert guidance.
Engine overheating: Check the coolant levels and ensure that the radiator is clean. Check for any possible leaks in the cooling system.
Hydraulic lift problems: Check the hydraulic fluid levels and inspect the hoses and cylinders for leaks or damage
Break issues: Inspect the brake pads and discs for any wear and damage. Replace early if possible.
Electrical failures: Ensure that the battery is fully charged. Check for any fuses or relays in your system.
Maintaining your caterpillar forklift is essential for optimal long-term performance and reliability. By following the above-mentioned steps and aspects, you can expect a longer lifespan for your caterpillar forklift parts. However, you must always purchase from reliable suppliers over others. Never compromise on the quality. You can always find fantastic options under your budget from reliable suppliers online. Ensure that you check their reviews before you finalise the purchase. This will ensure higher productivity and safety in your operations. Choose reliable suppliers like Forkilftparts 101 as your supplier and follow our expert tips and advice on forklift maintenance. After all, your caterpillar forklift deserves the best care.
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GUIDO - Cars
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cocaineyoga · 7 months
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I was raised agnostic and tend to remain ambiguous on theological matters.
-but my house has a porch on the second story that affords me a terrific view of my neighborhood and the Colorado Front Range and I was partaking of some peace before the 4th Of July Finger-Loss Festivities begin, and I have had a
~*Spiritual Experience*~
I just watched my neighbor try to unload an actual wooden pallet that had to have been forklifted into the back of his insecurity pickup worth of fireworks.
Except that he does not have a forklift in his garage.
He does have so much sports memorabilia and cardboard boxes of unsold MLM Merchandise and patriotically themed camping gear and posters of women in bikinis and flags of suspect political organizations in his garage that there is only BARELY enough space for the fireworks and certainly none for his truck.
So he had to unload the individual boxes of recreational explosives from the back of his truck and stack them in the minimal space he had cleared by hand. This is a tedious and time-consuming process as this neighbor has purchased a wide variety of recreational and locally illegal explosives instead of many of just a few types, so the individual boxes are rather small.
He begins, and this is crucial to what happens next, by cutting apart the industrial-grade saran wrap his explosives dealer had so carefully wrapped his merchandise in, and discarded it unsecured on his lawn.
Where Outdoor Conditions sometimes happen.
His process for unloading the fireworks is to 1. Climb up through the gate into the bed of his pickup truck (a feat made unusually difficult due to the slope of his driveway, and this man's fascinating decision to wear the world's Siffest and least Flexible Denim Overalls. 2. Once in the pickup bed, he selects ONE (1) box from the pile He is apparently from a niche religious institution that doesn't believe in stacking things. 3. Carries it awkwardly around the palette that barely fits in the truck bed 4. His wife yells "Be careful!" when he nearly falls out of the pickup. 5. He Yells "SHADDUP!" back at her. 6. The Large German Shepherd barks from inside the house. 7. He yells "SHADDUP!" back at her too. 8. He sets the (1) box down on the gate 9. Slowly and awkwardly climbs out of the pickup bed 10. picks the box back up, and carries it into the garage.
Question: Aren't you going to help this poor man? Answer: Absolutely Not.
There's four military veterans, MANY dogs, and several people with dementia in this neighborhood, all of whom are terrified by this chicanery every year and many neighbors have repeatedly asked him to maybe do the fireworks somewhere else. (This is the Eighth Year Running he's held a major demolition event in his driveway, and for those of you who can do math, you may be able to guess the precipitating incident to this little ritual) Additionally, I live in Colorado, a state marginally less prone to spontaneous and catastrophic conflagrations than a rotting grain silo, but only marginally. Our recreational explosives laws are written accordingly.
I am in fact calling the Non Emergency line to report Fireworks violations, and reading off the brand labels to someone named Dorothy, who is gleefully totaling up a SPECTACULAR fine for my oblivious neighbor.
However, while I'm on the phone with Dorothy, I notice the wind begin to pick up. and by "Notice" I mean "The Industrial Saran Wrap he left on his Lawn earlier is suddenly swept up about 100 feet into the air by an updraft intense enough to make my ears pop" And by "Pick Up" I mean "I look up to see the sky has turned a fun and exciting shade of glass green, and the bottoms of the clouds are bumpy and rounded, and the overall effect is not unlike looking up through the bottom of the cup at God's Matcha Boba Tea."
For those of you who do not live in places with Inclement Weather, these conditions mean "You have about 30 seconds before a Major Meteorological Event Occurs."
I move under the eaves. "Hang on Dorothy." I say, nose filling with Petrichor. "The show is about to be cancelled." "Oh, that doesn't matter!" Dorothy cheerfully informs me. "It's illegal for him just to possess those, no matter if he actually gets to set them off or not." "Terrific, because he's gotten maybe five boxes out of a hundred inside."
Sometimes, the weather gods are Merciful and give you a verbal warning, typically in the kind of thunderclap that makes your ears ring.
The Gods were not merciful today.
It's not often that I am in the time, place, correct angle or in a properly observational frame of mind to see this, But I got to see it today. Huh. I thought. I've never seen a cloud just DIVE for the ground before. Oh. I realized as it got closer. That's RAIN.
Sometimes, a thunderstorm will form in such a way that the rain that would normally be distributed over an area of say, five to tent square miles, is instead concentrated into an area of say, my neighborhood exactly.
So today, I was granted the rare privilege of being able to actually see the literal wall of water descend from On High and DIRECTLY onto my porch, my street, and my neighbor's truck, and his pile of unwrapped fireworks.
The sheer impact force of the downpour immediately scatters the teetering pile of fireworks boxes in the back of the truck, like the wrath of God striking down the tower of Babel. Boxes tumble, then are washed out of the bed of the truck by the deluge. Smaller Boxes are carried down the road in a little line by the stream forming in the gutter, like little impotent explosive ducklings.
My neighbor was definitely yelling something, but I could not hear what over the DEAFENING noise several million gallons of water makes upon high-speed contact with the earth's surface, but there was a lot of arm-waving and faces turning red as he went looking for the saran wrap that had probably blown to Nebraska by now, while his wife started disassembling the complex three-dimensional puzzle of interlocking material goods in search of a tarp. They do not have a tarp. They have one of those wretched Thin Blue Line flags though, and my neighbor jogs out in a futile effort to cover what's left in the truck.
Which is when the hail begins.
"HELLO?" Yelled Dorothy. "HI!" I shouted. "WE'RE HAVING SOME WEATHER!" "OH GOOD!" she shouts back. "WE NEED THE MOISTURE!"
I watch for a minute longer, but the loss was immediate and catastrophic- the hail is the size of marbles and dense and cares not for your pitiful cardboard and cellophane, ripping the boxes asunder and punching holes in the few things covered in plastic. The colors on the Thin Blue Line Flag are seeping all over the remains of that it was supposed to protect in a particularly apt visual metaphor. Not even the few boxes that made it into the garage are spared, as the German Shepherd escapes from indoors, and in an attempt to assist her humans, jumps directly into the small stack of not-yet-ruined boxes, scattering them into the driveway and deluge. She even picks one up so her humans will chase her around the yard, before dropping it in the gutter to be swept away.
So. I was raised Agnostic -but even I can recognize when God slaps someone upside the head and shouts "NO!" at them.
(If you laughed, please consider supporting my Ko-fi or preordering my book of Strange Stories on Patreon)
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
My brother really had the audacity to tell me his work took them out to breakfast this morning (the entire business, which is small because it's family run, but it's still like ten people) and paid for it and then he tells me this afternoon after lunch that he's "going back to hell"
Bro they provide drinks for you??? Water, soda, monster, Gatorade, you ask for it they buy it??? You're able to come home for lunch, you can leave a job site and go back in an emergency, and you're in hell???
I never want him in my industry I swear to God 💀 he would absolutely complain about the hours, the people, the drive, the customers, the companies, and it would all come back to in me because your family affects your work in the industry. If you come from a family that's known for some lazy workers, you're going to be side eyed unless you prove yourself different. Coursez if you come from families that have union ties and have had them for a while, you're also all set regardless of how well you work 🥴
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Why are good shoe insoles so fucking hard to find
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
It's a new age of motoring. The old world of inefficient, gas-burning, polluting vehicles is over, and now is the time for zingy cough drops that do 0-60 in four seconds and have a bunch of annoying dinging sounds that you can't figure out how to turn off. If you're the kind of person who rides on an elevator and thinks "this could use more JavaScript," the world is your oyster.
Of course, no matter how many touchscreens, gewgaws, doodads, and fart noises you throw at an electric car, someone still has to build the car. You could go to a boring, old-technology company that worries about things like "bolts that fit," or you could take a gamble. You could step into the future and invest in a Switch Motors platform for your next electric car.
Switch Motors is the only small, unproven brand you need to risk millions of dollars and the livelihood of your employees on. We know about making a reliable car, because we know everything about how to make an unreliable car. And like Thomas Edison said before he was deluged by telemarketers: goddammit, why doesn't this thing work? Here's an example of our focus. Switch Motors cars are guaranteed to have at least four wheels, or we'll provide you with a pro-rated discount.
Don't care about the "car" part of electric cars? We've got you covered, with several platforms based entirely on classic Malaise Era American cars. Customers will love the straight chrome bumpers, which are easy to bang back into shape when they have a little whoopsy-doo at highway speeds while trying to quit their Zoom call. And our powertrains are proven – they come from high-end Chinese electric forklifts that we source from only the finest AliExpress vendors. No Wish.com for you, oh no: we're premium all the way.
Paint? Friend, paint slows you down. Besides, it looks way cooler when the arcs the motors kick off are shooting across the skin of the car like a Jacob's ladder. Keeps carjackers away, too. And pigeons. And anyone with a pacemaker. Maybe we can do something to improve that last part, I've got some Toyota water pumps around here somewhere. Switch Health Solutions sounds pretty good.
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thelampisaflashlight · 11 months
*sitting cross legged on your floor and hands you a cup of tea*
The ghouls working in agriculture/farm and ranch supply
Mountain is your seed agronomist/soil sciences expert. He's gonna tell you exactly what type of grass mix you want and when to plant it. You want to plant orchard grass in a fast draining sandy soil? No ma'am you need something hardier than that.
Dew and Swiss are in the back working the loading bay and the forklifts. Dew got teased and shit on for being so small and not being strong enough until he loaded an entire trailer bed with alfalfa bales by hand.
Rain is your irrigation expert. He can definitely tell you if you need center pivot irrigation or if you can get away with wheel lines. For the love of God, don't talk to him about over watering your lawn. Conserve water dammit!
Phantom is the new associate they put in charge of the rabbits, ducks and chicks during Chick Days. He's so sweet with them but he's had to be told multiple times that no, the kids cannot reach in to hold the animals.
Aether is in charge of the animal husbandry/veterinary supply section. He also helps with the quarterly spay/neuter pop up clinics that they host in the store.
Cumulus and Sunshine are in charge of the clothing section. They can tell you for sure what brands are more affordable but still just has sturdy as Carhartt. And no, that cut of boot cut jeans does not work for your body shape but we will find you something that makes you feel great and your ass look fabulous.
Aurora is in charge of the nursery section. Her plants are the healthiest and come with a life guarantee. She and Mountain work...very close together.
Cirrus is the store manager. She's fair, she runs a tight ship, but you better be respectful to her employees or she will ban your ass.
*takes the tea and slides you a plate of pastries*
Dew getting teased/people not thinking he's strong enough to do his job is highkey relatable, but also him hauling ass and getting shit done is very satisfying. (I have The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy stuck in my head, and you just have to imagine Dew flipping Swiss off on the truck.)
He's probably also had to answer the question, "Is this first cut or second cut hay?" but no one has told him, and, hell, it could be third cut his late in the season-
His intuits it, and he's always right.
Also the image of Aether helping with the pop up clinics; How many times has he looked at the other guys passing by and joked, "That one's not up on his rabies shot, so look out!" and it's Mountain, who's busy carrying flowerpots, so he nudges Aurora to flip him off for him.
I feel like they all wind up dirty somehow, it just happens, but it's a gradient of filth.
On that note, today's one of my long day at the barn; It's seed restock day.
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forkliftpartssales · 4 months
Buy Daewoo Forklift Parts Online
Shop Daewoo forklift parts in a variety of models. We offer quality assured products with low pricing and fast shipping.
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months
Time to finish off Scavengers Reign!
Hey Kris, you look kind of… scared. Thought fear was for the weak. Thought you'd mastered it and left it behind. What happened to all that?
Oh hey Mia's still alive in there
I'm not sure that shuttle looked big enough to fit everyone in cryostasis. What are its air scrubbers rated for? How close are they to a liveable station?
Azi don't let her manipulate you, "are you really going to kill me in cold blood?" she legit just said she wanted to kill you in cold blood.
Psychic baby has the incredible diabolus ex machina power to appear whenever it would be most inconvenient
Woo, Barry standing up for himself!
A few details suggests Kris might be from a colony that was abandoned or cut off (maybe their corporate sponsor fell through? they stopped making payments?) which would explain why she is so desperate to get more supplies, but you'd think it would make her sympathetic to other people who are trapped. Unfortunately though looking at a lot of human history, being the victim of suffering does not make you more likely to treat other people better. There's no guaranteed ~silver lining~. It just means you went through something shitty.
"When did you become so selfish?" God her exact brand of transparent manipulation really gets on my nerves. Maybe she's so twisted up inside and fixated on her goals that she genuinely sees anyone else having feelings/motivations that make her life harder as being selfish because how dare they get in the way of what is important (what she wants)
Oh shit that's right Azi worked in cargo!! Your fave IS forklift certified!!!
A shot of the death lily fungus in the escape pod… what died in there? (Also wonder if the lily resemblance is because of lilies being a flower of the dead/representing the soul leaving the body, etc.)
This would be the nightmare scenario for me… waking up all my cryopreserved crewmates who are probably suffocating and it's all up to my abysmal upper arm strength. I'd be tugging ineffectually on those levers until everyone died.
What does the psychic baby think it's accomplishing here? Why go after these humans so hard? It doesn't appear to be about food, does some association with Kamen make it see them all as a cause of pain that needs to be destroyed? What level of intelligence does it have, and how much is instinct?
Honestly surprised Kris got out of there without the baby wrecking the shuttle, but I'm still waiting for that lily to come into play somehow. There's wildlife on there.
Azi you should've played dead
The baby was trying to feed her? It wanted Azi to belong to it? That's true, it tried to break Barry's neck and didn't for her… does this come from Kamen recognizing her as crew?
Levi to the rescue! They recognize Azi even if they still seem a bit checked out
This is getting really trippy. Are we watching the development of the planet from gas cloud to evolution?
Not entirely sure how Levi psychic blasted the baby. Was it that the slime allows it to psychically connect to lifeforms, and since Levi is connected to the whole planet, it overloaded it and… exploded?
Going to assume this species molts naturally given that Levi blasted its outside off and there's another one inside. It's so cute and little <3
Poor Mia waking up in a crashed ship with a bunch of corpses, Kamen (catatonic), a strange kid, and a sentient planet robot: uHH. Azi it's kind of you to be there for her but I don't think the sight of her one night stand is enough to get her through this calmly.
Ursula is THRIVING with her alien garden.
Is Kamen nonverbal now? And hanging out with one of the creatures that is often parasitized by the psychic babies… interesting.
Levi is growing baby Levis?? Admitting to be baffled by this. How does that work
uhhhhhhhhhh space death cult?? Did Kris get picked up by the Nine Houses?
Wow she actually survived even though the shuttle was infested. So that's their season 2 hook if they want one, Kris leads the space death cult back to Vesta assuming everyone's been eaten and she can grab the cargo. Was kind of hoping she'd get attacked by wildlife and have no one to help her (because she ditched Barry) but ah well we can't have everything
And that's the show! I will ponder and then do a full show thoughts post later.
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neilwroteathing · 10 months
I don't know what to title this, but here you'll read of my Murder Drones OC
It's time! I wanted to make a post about my Murder Drones OC since me and a couple of frens have been roleplaying with them lately, so to give more to this blog and add characters that maybe people enjoy and ask, I present to you in a lengthy post:
Boone Doser
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Lots of thank u's, pat pats and sm more to my lovely friend over on instagram @d3athup0n for gifting me this for my birthday, as a bust reference of the big man himself. In this post you'll get to know more about him and maybe a note here or there about the process of developing him.
Unit BD2, otherwise known by his co-workers as 'Boone Doser' is an Industrial type of Worker Drone within the world of Murder Drones.
Industrial Drones (IDs) are different from Worker Drones (WDs) for the way that they're heavily altered by a company and given specific programming to work as an automated heavy machine and perform more arduous tasks individually. Drones like these were a safe way for humans to have machinery identical to those such as Bobcats, Forklifts, TLBs and like Boone Doser's name implies, Bulldozers.
Yes I'm proud of that pun name
Boone was designed to function in the way of serving in heavy facilities that would require digging, moving rubble or in his case, aid in digging operations.
One of the few models of his generation, Boone was the 2nd model of the Bulldozer line, which was only 5 models total made before the next generation of Industrial Drones was developed. Boone is part of the 3rd generation of IDs and was sent to work in the mining facility located in Copper 9.
Equipped with a heavy duty casing, flexible joints with more rigid segments on his extremities and almost armor-like plating, Boone is built to be heavy and put up high torque. The blades on his back can be removed and attached to his arms, then to be used for pushing and digging by splitting in two parts and connecting once together on his arms.
Another feature not visible is that he does not possess the typical legs a WD would, but instead have his entire feet and part of the ankle be replaced by two sturdy wheels with high grip to traverse smoothly over rocky terrain and step across mud piles without getting stuck.
With all this torque and power, he is a hard machine to break apart without special equipment, blades themselves able to withstand plenty of damage (like a shield).
He wears work approved clothing, such as a safety mining vest, safety goggles and a hardhat (with his name scribbled on the left side)
Lots of blah blah about his design and origin, and yes I invented a whole new brand of Drones just for this, bite me.
Now to the fun part!
His lore!
Grengcore was the name of the company owner of the mining facility where Boone worked, which was a company entirely set within Copper 9.
Boone was created in 3040 and sent to one of the mining resource plant, in which he'd work with humans and drones until Copper 9's explosion, which caused the death of the humans and leaving all drones to continue work on their own (which was hard, since none was taught how to send a spaceship with the mined material anywhere)
Either way, he'd develop relationships with almost all workers and mostly positive ones too, him being quite upstanding and serviceable as can be, optimistic, even eventually, developing a link for one of the workers within, being a girl that he'd work alongside with daily, even together during breaks.
This link would continue to flourish into a code full of love, where he and this worker would decide to create their own starter neural network, AKA a child of their own, a compromise solidified after a wedding within the facility, where two rings of quartz were worn to seal the promise and become husband and wife.
After the big day, Boone would be given his name by the workers, who all called him B-2, and his name would be scribbled onto his helmet as a fun gift from his wife.
Time passed, and while working during break hours, a sudden cave-in happened, that crushed the entrance in due to something causing too much movement nearby. The workers instructed Boone to
'Just continue digging'
He'd continue as instructed, expecting the others to soon dig out the entrance as he discovered the cave in to be far more risky to clean out from inside with the chance of a complete breakdown of the tunnel being dug if attempted from the inside.
He'd just keep digging.
The assurance calls from the intercom ceased, and his order remained unchanged
The visits from his wife through the speaker on the single camera mounted in the room prior to the tunnel stopped coming
He wouldn't hear the gibberish of his child with the sweet voice of his wife
His code began to deteriorate with one order starting to freeze onto his programming
1095 days went by as he continued to work non-stop
He had no idea what happened as the days went by
He had no knowledge of where anyone was
He had no other things he knew besides to dig
to replace damaged blades
eat from a huge boxed supply of batteries
run out of wires to light up the tunnel
run out of working explosives
his body wearing away
and finally, becoming a hollow husk of what once was a worker with pride, with friends, with a loving partner and a child he wanted to provide proper parenting to.
If only he knew the carnage that had gone down back in his home, but alas, all he knew now was few things:
Just keep digging, to throw ore to the left, dirt and stone to the right, replace damaged equipment.
Boone Doser became the sole survivor of the mining facility, but not without severe impact to his own self. Only one thing would be able to maybe help him return to reality, and it came in the form of a faulty Disassembly Drone, who took pity on his miserable state, and offered him to escape.
Okay that was way more than I expected to write-
If you managed to reach this part like... I'm proud of u, and if you want, you can ask Boone questions, see if his poor CPU can answer them.
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megamuscle885-blog · 4 months
@greatwyrmgold said "#resisting the urge to write a trigger event and corresponding backstory for someone else's OC..."
RESIST NOT. I would welcome DMs either here or on discord especially workshopping her character out. I am MuscleGirl in the Gaylor and Cauldron discords, feel free to message me. I will probably ignore people that aren't already in a Worm discord that I am also in, but if you mention Tortuga in your initial post it'll be easy to identify eachother.
In that spirit, I think I'll drop a few Tortuga backstory teasers I've figured out;
Her cape name and her mech's name are the same! The Tortuga.
Her current Tortuga is the Mk2 version. The Mk1 was lost in combat.
She knew Sphere when he was Sphere.
Mannequin is the biggest contribution to the reason the Mk1 was lost. Her redesign makes the Mk2 "Mannequin proof".
Hero was a personal role model of hers. She sorely regrets not joining the inaugural Wards while he was in charge of them. His death probably sent shockwaves throughout the Tinker side of the parahuman community, but his manner of death, and Siberian's injury of Alexandria in particular, has her afraid that she'll never be able to truly upgrade her mech to the level it needs to be to keep her permanently safe.
She prefers a close shave of her head because it allows her helmet and plugsuit hood the best contact surface.
She probably comes from the deep south. I am Australian, so I will need to do some more research on North America.
She knew Madcap and has designed a pair of mech-sized powerfists that resemble giant metal boxing gloves based off his power. Amongst many other features from other parahumans built into the gloves, Madcap's power expressed itself most keenly in her KERS (Kinetic Energy Redirection System). Distinct from the Kinetic Energy Recovery System in some cars, her tinkertech allows her to take most impacts (and the usual movement of her mech) and redirect it out into her mech's punches and kicks, for short, direct bursts of speed or power. These gloves are just one of the many items in her arsenal, stored in a converted semi-trailer that doubles as a mobile repair workshop for her mech.
She is forklift certified.
She has agoraphobia (pending my research into this).
Most of her mercenary work has her working around Central America, from Texas to Brazil. She does not accept work with reknowned killers (like the S9) or anyone dealing in children or human trafficking (like the Fallen). She has been known to work pro bono on humanitarian jobs like guarding aid convoys.
I am looking forward to making people as insane about Tortuga as I am about her. Taylor and her will get along well I think. She's quite the mentor and doesn't have Armsmaster's brand of charm (halberd up his ass and death-bent vengeance against a teenager).
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The Stars, The Moon, The Sun, and an Incoming Constellation
A DP x DC x Tfrb fic - also posted on my Ao3 Agentsquirrel
After marrying Danny and getting engaged to Tucker, Sam packs up the trio and heads to Griffin Rock, a place that is rumored to be just as chaotic as Amity Park.
Of course, the Fenton luck follows them, and the three of them find out their family will soon become bigger than they thought.
"Shots fired at the dock! Dad, be careful!" Cody said, his voice shaking with worry.
"I promise, all protocol will be followed to the letter." Chase said, speeding towards the dock, Blades flying overhead.
They parked, and immediately, Charlie knew they were in over their head. A white goth woman no older than Dani was pinned behind a cement parking barrier, her forehead grazed and her forearm shot right through the skin, missing bone but severing muscle. She was oddly calm though, her body language free of shock as she kept pressure on her wound and watched the battle with rapt concentration.
"Danny, love, quit being cocky and wrap this up. The police are here, and Tuck's gotta scram." She said into her flip phone, the thing absolutely ancient compared to the cell phone, this year's model, shoved in her steel toed boot.
"Chase, I can't see anything! Whatever is opening fire is just a green blur!" Blades was bordering on a full on panic, Dani fully in control.
"It looks like a fight between a gang trying to set up shop and whatever that green blur is. Stay back dad, looks like it can fly fast." Dani said, retreating from the fight after scanning for civilians. The situation seemed to be resolving itself without them.
"Miss, do you require medical attention?" Charlie yelled over the sounds of gunfire.
"I'm fine, my partner needs to HURRY THE FUCK UP!"
With one last final blast, a white, blue eyed, black haired boy ran from the scene and behind Chase, his sneakers soaked in blood and a green substance Charlie hoped was paint.
"I got trapped between that… thing and the shootout. I don't know what I stepped in, but I think it's all blood." He said, panting hard, his face and arms cut up from debris. "My name is Danny Mason. That's my wife Sam. I'm a medic, got a first aid kit on you?" Charlie handed it over, and on a whispered count of three, he dashed over to his wife, quickly applying a tourniquet and dragging her towards the squad car. "Tuck's fine, is at the hotel. After we give a statement, I am taking you to the hospital."
"Wait." Graham said over comms Daniel and Sam Mason-Foley, with their fiance Tucker? Like, Mason industries, and Foley computer systems? Dad, half the island buys their tech, its the most repairable, environmentally sustainable, and secure software and computer companies on the market, and a flagship brand against planned obsolescence. Please, play nice. This could legitimately be huge for the island."
"Noted. Kade, you too."
Kade sighed. "Got it. Be nice to the Luskey Jrs."
"Do you need a ride? I can follow up on a statement later. I can have you flown to the mainland for a checkup or let you call for a ride."
"It's not-" Sam started, wincing as Danny cleaned her head wound.
"We will take that flight. I don't like the look of her head wound, and I am no good at stitches."
"First, call Tucker, so he can rub it in our faces." Sam said, hissing as Dani caught up to them and started redressing her wounds, Chase and Charlie clearing the area, Charlie trying not to vomit at the sight of the finely pureed gangster decorating multiple shipping containers and an overturned forklift.
"Well, this is… unpleasant." Chase said, wrinkling his nose at the smell.
In the background, Blades flew towards the mainland, very glad he wasn't on clean-up duty.
"Hey, there's my moon and stars!" Tucker said, dropping his duffel bag on a spare chair before resting a hand on Danny's shoulder and kissing Sam's cheek.
"Only if you are the sun." Sam said, a little loopy from the pain medication, the hospital keeping her under observation for a few more hours.
The nurse came in, oddly nervous, holding a box. "So, I have some news. Sirs, could I ask Mrs. Mason a question in private? Hospital policy, it will only take a minute."
"Oh." Danny said, suddenly concerned. "Sure. Be back soon, Sam. Love you."
"Love you too." Sam replied as Tucker and Danny awkwardly shuffled out of the hospital room.
The nurse watched them leave, then took a deep breath. "It's hospital policy to for this to be private. There's a few questions I have to ask first, but…" She opened the box. Inside, there was a positive pregnancy test, in a sanitary box, and some paperwork.
Sam looked shocked, covering her mouth and choking back a squeal. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. "I thought that. Could you bring my partners in?"
"Of course, but I have to ask a couple of questions before it, standard stuff."
"Oh. OK."
"First I have to give you this." The nurse gave Sam a couple of business cards with referrals to maternity resources, domestic violence hotlines, and reproductive care information. "Nothing personal, we give them to all patients with positive tests. In the same vein, have you experienced any threats of violence, acts of violence, coercion, or felt that your right to consent has been violated by chosen partners, friends, ex partners, or family members?"
"Would you like or have the need for confidential referrals to counseling on your pregnancy, either by our support counselors or religious clergy?"
"Would you like to keep the test?"
Sam smiled. "Yes. Could you bring my partners in?"
The nurse nodded, and closed up the box with the test inside. "In the box is the same forms and resources in writing, and some other paperwork. Congratulations."
"Thank you." Sam said, wiping away a few tears.
Tucker and Danny rushed back into the room, their voices overlapping with worry.
"Guys, enough. Open the box." Sam said, offering it to Danny.
Danny ripped it open, throwing the top aside. He dropped it in shock. "I'm…I'm…"
Tucker gasped, a huge grin on his face. "We are gonna be dads!" He yelled, rushing to hug Sam while shaking with excitement.
"I didn't know I could…" Danny said, obviously in shock.
"Danny, DANNY!" Sam yelled, snapping him out of his trance. "I demand attention for my sacrifice."
"Oh!" Danny squeaked, jumping into action. He gave Sam a peck on the cheek before grabbing her hand and flopping into one of the chairs. "We gotta call Jazzy."
"No, duh, but first, I want you two." Sam grumped, returning Danny's kiss. "I already have names for 'em." She said, resting her head on Danny's shoulder while Tucker was already looking up all the latest baby gear and thinking up his own.
"If it's Danny's bio kid, then it's gonna be Cassiopeia or Orion. If it's Tucker's bio kid, it's either Sadie or Orion. My selections are final and not up for debate."
"Yes, ma'am." Danny and Tucker intoned, only half joking. Sam's word was law, after all.
Danny counted backward in his head and gasped. "Uh, Sam. Who's gonna tell your parents that this one's probably mine?"
"Not it!" Danny and Tucker yelled, Sam catching on too late.
"Fuck." Sam hissed.
Danny chuckled. "Apparently, we are quite good at that." He earned a tug on the ear for that comment. "Ow. I deserved that."
Tucker did the math too. "Yep. First one is likely gonna be… no, wait, Danny failed math, we have got a fifty-fifty shot here."
"Meh. Doesn't mean much to me. I am bad at doing hair anyway." Sam said, only half joking.
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itsbenedict · 9 months
Hey. How's it going? You ok?
(You said once and again that you're better off with sc-accountability lists than without, and it's been a while...)
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if you recall this situation, it's degenerated. "the team assigned to this unit didn’t have any senior devs who could handle a big infrastructure transition"- yeah, and they still don't. i? am not the guy. i'm not capable of being the guy! they had a guy, but now they don't. i? am not. the guy.
[insert forklift solo]
it's insane. they basically sold them a brand as if it were a company, plus a bunch of random expendable devs, and expected them to become a functional company in two months. we have- and there's a list, a gigantic spreadsheet of needs- 91 different applications that need to be migrated and stood up on their own, and i'm on the hook for all of them regardless of whether i have the first fucking clue how they work. it's a total disaster, everything is constantly on fire, and i have basically no free time for anything at all.
this friday (and all this weekend) are going to be the Big Cut, the point at which we're expected to be completely off the previous company's infrastructure. they're yanking life support, and everyone is going to find out how completely insufficient my past two months of frantic work have been. i'm desperately trying to ensure this goes as undisastrously as possible but i am not ready for it, i'll never be ready for it, and frankly even if everything goes totally smoothly, being responsible for this much shit is just not something compatible with me living my life. it's beyond unreasonable and i intend to quit in january, after i've bulked up my savings a bit and done everything i can reasonably do to salvage the situation.
really what i should've done was quit immediately and let the acquisition completely fail, which is what it should've done because it was an insanely stupid decision that probably involved significant dishonesty on the selling company's side. maybe then they could've sued them and made back their money!
anyway, i'm miserable and stressed out of my mind and this will likely continue through january or so.
(it does mean a lot to me that you asked, though! i really appreciate that someone cares enough to look into my well-being unprompted.)
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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tonight, you find out who this secret admirer is and more shenanigans ensue. like anon said, reader is slowly entering her dean ambrose era but someone(s) want to put a stop to it before it gets worse. i KIND OF had to like split things up im doin something important just stick around....hotel interactions next chapter!
poor reader getting dragged into team extreme drama is insane like omg. at leaaasstt she can get closer to jeff, YAAYYY. this chapter, something in the air shifted i fear….
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RAW IS WAR // 6:37 PM
Monday came around quickly and yet again, you were back at the arena. Raw was a little different than Smackdown’s set up, but you didn’t really mind. The interchangeable brands, despite how much trouble it caused you, was somewhere you could easily call home.
You and Lita really drank too much, huh? You’ll both have to get those pancakes another time.
You remember Lita calling you and thanking you for allowing her to spend the night, but you couldn’t even respond with how loudly you were laughing once those memories came crashing down.
You swore off of drinking for a while. You also made Lita agree to never take you out to a bar again. At least not before eating anything. And next time, the destination would be IHOP instead of some sleazy bar.
Lita had to beg you to not tell Jeff what she said. In compromise, she said that you could meet her in the locker room before the first match to talk.
Today’s matches were as follows…
At least you weren’t on the card, but Jeff’s got a match with Christian? Looks like Stacy’s got a match too. Perhaps you’d be seeing them very, very soon.
That is, if you had time. The voice of that man over the phone replayed in your head, reminding the time you should meet him. 7:50? No, 7:20. NO, 7:30!
Now’s not the time to have a bad memory. This could be important. If they had some sort of “strategy” to keep Stephanie down for a bit, you wanted to hear it. You came earlier than usual just to ensure that you’d be there in time.
The hushed and murmured voices made you stop. You could hear them behind the door.
“Well, is she in here?”
“Ya’ think I know for sure?”
Okay, just by the tone of their voices, it sounded like Debra and Austin outside of your door. Their questions towards each other had turned into a small argument, something about who’s going to be the one to call you out first.
Why’d they show up? You knew Austin saw how mad you were the night of your match, so maybe he told Debra.
“Come on out, [Name].” Austin calls. “Just want to talk.”
You didn’t want to be chastised. It’s the last thing you wanted to hear, especially from him. “I’m not coming out.”
“Don’t make me break this door down.”
This time you got scared because you knew that he’d do it. So you slowly crack open the door. “Yes?” Of course, those cameras you loved so dearly were rolling. This must be good.
Debra steps forward, an apologetic look on her face. “We’ve been thinking...after what happened back on Smackdown…we think you should start looking into some anger management classes. You see, Mr. McMahon has offered it to certain people who were apart of the Alliance after a recommendation.”
Anger management classes??
It was one thing for Mr. McMahon to pour MORE salt in the wound after a crushing loss to your original team, but to even suggest anger management? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding.
“If I have to look into anger management classes, he has to look into them too!” You point a finger at Austin accusingly.
“Me? Anger management?” Shockingly enough, he seemed appalled at your words. “I don’t need a damn anger management class, goddamnit. All I need is a forklift.”
“You have issues!”
Debra can only shake her head. This is exactly why you should look into it. However, you made a valid case. The more she thought about it, she realizes the both of you needed to go. “That’s it then. I’ll be signing the both of you up for a class next week.” She briskly walks away, not staying around to hear you two’s outburst.
“Hey, no! What if I have a match or something? Debraaaaa!” You complain. Austin wasn’t too happy about this decision either. You walk after her, pleading to not let you go. “Pleaaasee?? Can’t you just send him alone? He’s an angry guy! Like way more angry than me!”
“My answer is final!” She asserted, making you take a step back. “If it makes you feel better, there are other people who you may know that are attending. Why don’t you make some friends?”
“Ughhhhh…” You groan. Debra softly rubs your shoulder.
Once Debra made her mind up, that was it. Looks like you’ll be taking anger management classes with Austin.
Pissed off wasn’t strong enough to describe how he felt about it. He comes closer to you two, rubbing his face. “I need a beer.”
“I don’t have anger management issues, I was just mad!“ You complain. “Throwing chairs at the walls aren’t even that bad! I could do worse. I could do way worse, right?!”
You turn over to Austin, who was simply shaking his head at you. For a split second he was going to say something, but decided not to. So far, the things he’s done in the past have been completely worse than what you’ve did in the last few days.
In an effort to take it off your mind for now, you look between the two. “Err, have any of you seen Jeff Hardy? I’d like to talk to him.”
“Not at all.” Debra shook his head. “Wouldn’t he usually be with his brother and that Lita girl?”
“Sort of, kind of. Not with Lita. They got into an argument or something, but right now I’m not sure if they’re cool. I really hope things blow over.”
“Why talk to him?” Austin just cuts to the chase. “Rainbow hair makes me sick. Him and that girl who can’t pull her pants up.”
You roll your eyes. Of course he had an iffy opinion on them. He’s so old school. You bet if you gave him a keyboard, he’d take forever to type just one word.
“I can’t tell you. But it’s really important.”
“Let the girl go.” Debra waves her hand. “The classes aren’t today. Besides, I need to talk with you about things, Austin.” She then looks at you knowingly, a mischievous glint in her eye. Did she kno—
“Why’re ya’ lookin’ like that??” Austin questioned, switching his finger between you two.
Debra feigns innocence. “Like what?”
“Ya’ looked at her with that look in your eye like ya’ got something planned.”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about!” You smile. “Listen, I’ll catch up with you guys later. I need to find Jeff.” This was very urgent. It’s a matter of life or death.
“Hey, kid, before ya’ go…” Austin holds out his hand, causing you to stop in place. “Almost forgot. We’re on commentary tonight.”
…You’re on commentary?! Seriously?
“Wait, for all the matches?”
Debra shakes her head, thankfully. “Just for the last match I believe. You two need to keep it together. No picking fights. If they start something with you, you walk away.”
That’ll be easy for you, unless, for some reason…someone decides to show up unannounced again. If Jericho decided to mess with you, then that’d be another fish to fry.
For Austin though, it may be a little harder. Incredibly harder.
The Rock was in the match. It was a no-brainer that they’ve always had some sort of tension. And Jericho was there too. Not to mention Kurt Angle. Those men have had problems with him in the past.
Who cares right now?! You had to figure out if you should make a move or not! If Jeff had a thing for you, you needed to strike accordingly, right? You walk back in the other direction towards the locker room.
You still couldn’t believe it though. Lita had really spilled the beans on that one. This whole time, Jeff Hardy may or may not have been interested in you.
If you were fast enough, you could catch him and Christian’s match. It would be best to change right now. Should you wear something nice? It’s not like you were going on a date in the ring or something. 
...Okay, maybe you’re thinking about this too hard.
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RAW IS WAR // 6:50 PM
You were all set. New clothes, feeling energized, and most importantly, feeling confident. Tonight was a new night, so you couldn’t let anyone get you down.
“Hey, [Name]…you look nice…?”
The familiar voice makes you turn on your heel almost immediately. “Oh, you’ve got a lot of guts showing up here.”
Stacy holds out her hands. “Hey! I’m on your side. I don’t think you’ve ever asked me how I felt, huh? Before you try anything, just listen to what I have to say!”
Just this once, you’ll give her the time of day.
“I…I hate Torrie as much as you do.” She admits. “I don’t know how you didn’t realize. We’ve been at each other’s necks for at least a week or two now.”
“If it’s only been a week or two, you’ve gotta give me a break.” You sigh. “I’ve a lot of shit on my plate, Stacy.”
“I understand that!” She seems happy you hadn’t attacked her yet, clearing her throat afterwards. “But I just wanted to let you know before you came after me. Don’t forget, I’m your best friend too.”
Right. She is.
“Torrie’s been spreading some nasty things about you.”
You roll your eyes. This same song and dance. “I know. If it’s about the letters—“
“Oh, no,” Stacy shakes her head, folding her arms behind her back. “Not about letters at all. She says you’ve been sleeping around.”
“First of all, if anyone’s doing the sleeping around, it’s her. Last time, I remember her and Mr. McMahon had some sort of meeting. I hope she knows talent is not sexually transmitted…not like Mr. McMahon is talented anyway.”
Stacy comes over and hits your arm. “You can’t say that! You could get fired, what if someone’s listening?!”
“I’m just saying! Jeez.” You rub your arm. “By the way, you’re lucky you said something, because I was about to fight you right here.”
For some reason, she doesn’t seem to stop talking about Torrie, even if you thought it was over. “Did I mention she says you’re trashing most of the superstars? I mean, even disrespecting legends, wow!”
What? Disrespecting legends? What legends was she talking about?? Now, some of them deserved it. But who exactly?
“Wait, who?”
Stacy opens her mouth, but is interrupted by the door opening.
In comes Lita, surprised to see you two not mauling each other. Sure, it wasn’t Torrie, but it’s someone she associated with. “…You guys are still friends?” She stares at Stacy for a moment, fighting the urge to glare.
Stacy nods. “Of course. That’s my [Name]!” She gives you a tight hug. “I’ll see you later, okay?” Just like that, she was gone. Suspiciously quick.
You simply wave as she walks off. Lita can only scoff. “Her? Really? After I poured my heart out last night?”
“I just think you’re jealous.” You grin. “Litaaa’ss jeaaallouusss.”
Your sing-song tone made her smile as well. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you happy.” She looks at you, then your outfit of choice. “Woah, that’s a transformation if I’ve ever seen one. You really want his attention, huh?”
It’s not like she wasn’t dressed up herself either. Her thong was literally saying ‘hello!’ to you. “You’re talking about me, but do you have a match I don’t know about?” You question, walking over to fold the clothes you decided not to wear.
….You’ve never folded clothes so fast, with shaky hands at that. Lita catches on quickly and takes a seat nearby. She doesn’t comment on it, but she damn sure notices.
“Just accompanying Jeff to the ring. Don’t worry, I’m not stealing him away from you or anything.” She prefaced. “..He just got really hurt at Survivor Series. And in the argument that Matt started, he didn’t want him to perform.”
She didn’t want you to be nervous. In fact, she could even sympathize. Maybe YOU were more shy than she thought, haha.
You take a breather, doing your best to offset the anxiety. “Oohh, I see. No wonder. So, it’s just you and Matt that are having issues.”
“No, no,” Lita shakes her head. “Jeff has problems with Matt too. Me and Jeff don’t have any issue with each other.”
Noooow you got it. She didn’t explain that in depth when you first asked her. She must’ve still been frazzled from the whole thing.
“I just have a feeling Jeff’ll do something risky. As much as I hate to say this, you’ll have to take advantage of that. I’ll pretend like it’s a complete surprise.” Lita pauses for a moment, taking a second to now stretch on the floor. “…If Matt by chance shows up, he’s not gonna be happy Jeff’s in a match tonight.”
You finish with folding things up, zipping your bag shut. “Fine with me. Hey, you’re not gonna screw me over, are you?”
Lita gives you a confused look. “Hell no. Why would I do that?”
“Just making sure.”
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RAW IS WAR // 7:05 PM
You hoped this wouldn’t take too long. As much as you wanted to see Jeff, you had other obligations. You wanted to be in the parking lot at 7:30 sharp, no later than that. It’d be better if you got there earlier.
You’re backstage now, checking out the match on the television. It’s been going on for a while now. You giggle as you notice how Jeff’s shirt was stuck around his ankles. Him being shirtless was one thing, but you were immature enough to giggle at his shirt. You noticed how it limited his movement and Christian was really wearing him down because of it.
You’d ask him how things were going later. It makes you jump in surprise to see Jeff rebound with a enzugiri.
By this point, Matt’s already down to the ring, picking an argument with Lita. While they’re at it, you think it’s time to head down to the ring yourself.
With a pep in your step, you make your way to gorilla. You’d only stick around to check in on Jeff and give him help, but that’s it. Every little bit counts.
You push away the curtains and head down to the ring, catching Lita’s gaze. She fought the smile on her face, doing her best to look upset instead. The crowd cheers at your appearance.
Jeff notices you, confused as to why you’re out here in the first place. You don’t have anything to do with him. You wave at him.
Did you come out for him? For some reason, a small grin appears on his face, but it’s quickly knocked off as Christian clotheslined him.
Christian notices you too. He comes over and even blows you a kiss.
He’s funny.
You cross your arms. You’re not out for him right now! Just for Jeff, but maybe you’ll keep that to yourself for now. You wave at him, feeling as if it’s rude to not respond.
Lita jogs away from Matt (much to his own confusion, a lot of it was going around..) right over to you.
“Started to think you wouldn’t come out here!” She raises her voice so you can hear her over the crowd. “Thought your dad was gonna stop you. I could’ve sworn he told me to pull my pants up!”
You laugh, raising your voice as well. “Yeah, right. Are things going okay out here?”
“Not..really.” She looks away, doing her best to not stare at Matt anymore. “It’s hard being here.”
“I get it. I’m sorry about that.” You turn your attention back to the ring, and Lita returns to her spot nearby Matt. Now you two were on opposite sides.
Christian begins to turn Jeff into the Killswitch, but Jeff reverses it into the Twist of Fate. Matt begins to scream at him to do the pin, but instead he climbs onto the top rope.
Even you thought it was a good idea to pin Christian. Was Jeff really going to be able to do this??
Matt comes over to your side yelling at him and you move further away. Christian, in the meanwhile, rolls out of the ring to safety.
But not for long. Jeff readjusts himself to do a high flying move, but Matt is still yelling. Taking advantage, Christian shoves Matt into the ring post, knocking Jeff straight into the mat.
You wince. That must’ve really hurt.
Christian gets right back into the ring and pins Jeff, retaining his championship. He points down at you with a smile.
You have to say, good for him. You clap, giving him some respect. You had nothing against him.
He rolls out of the ring and you roll right in.
“Jeff.” You get down on your knees, leaning over him. “Why’d you do that?”
He takes a minute to respond, breathing heavily. “Thought…ya’ might like it.”
Before you could say something, the referee shoos you out of the ring and you roll back out to give them space.
Jeff didn’t want that. He struggles to get up and slowly crawls out himself. “Wait.” He rasps, reaching out toward you. You come a bit closer to help him out and back up the ramp.
He’s holding his neck as you two go up, Matt and Lita trailing behind. This isn’t going to be good, you could just tell.
The closer you got to towards the medic, the thicker the tension had gotten. It got even worse after you entered the room.
No one was saying anything to each other. You and Lita could only exchange glances. The crinkling of the ice bag was the only sound heard throughout the room. One of the medics handed it over to you, and almost as if they knew something bad was coming, left the room.
You gently place it over the back of Jeff’s neck, making him quietly sigh. It must’ve been one of relief, because he sets his hand over your own.
“Jeff, how could you be so stupid, man?!”
And there it was. Matt stroked the fire.
“Stupid?!” Jeff immediately gets up from his spot, almost as if he had a jolt of energy. It startled you slightly, leaving the bag of ice in your hand.
“Yeah, stupid. I told you, you shouldn’t even have been wrestling tonight.” Matt got in his face. “But did you listen to me? No. And even when you went in the ring, I supported you. I told you what you should do. I told you; don’t take any unnecessary risks. I told you; do the Twist of Fate and beat him on the mat—“
Jeff interrupts him. “Who asked you, Matt? Who asked you to get involved in the match anyway, huh?”
“Nobody asked me to get involved. I got involved because I care about you. I got involved because I care about the team. Do you care about the team, Jeff?” Matt’s words were coming out almost a thousand miles an hour. It’s almost like this has been on his mind for a while.
You watch as they continue going back and forth for a while. You didn’t want to take sides, you were only watching from the sidelines.
Lita runs her hands through her hair. This was really getting to her. You felt really bad. She shouldn’t have to be in the middle of this.
“—Ever since we were kids Matt, you’ve been trying to run my life, you’ve been trying to control me.” Jeff accuses. “You’ve always thought you’re smarter, you’ve always thought you’re better..”
“I don’t think it’s a question that I’m smarter than you, Jeff. I think that’s obvious. And somebody—“
“Guys, relax, Lita is….“ You try to intervene, but you immediately get shut down by Matt.
“Look, shut up, please. She’s not in this and neither are you. I don’t even know why you’re here.” And now, his attention is on you. “Are you here just for yourself? Which one of us do you want to ruin first? Is it Jeff?”
Ruin? That must’ve been something Torrie must’ve spread. Matt must’ve considered you bad news.
But Jeff quickly stands up for you. “Don’t tell her to shut up. She came to help me, unlike someone I know. She actually cares.”
It goes silent again. You’re not exactly sure what to say.
This time, Lita speaks up. “…I thought you were in here cause’ you cared about Jeff. At the very least you could be nice to someone who’s trying to help. It’s pretty obvious the only thing you care about is yourself.”
She leaves, and Jeff glares at Matt. “Who feels stupid now, Matt?”
Matt ignores his comment, simply giving Jeff a scowl of his own. He calls after Lita and leaves the room.
Now, you and Jeff were alone. He mutters an apology, sitting back on the seat.
You say nothing, instead setting the bag of ice back onto his neck. He sets his hand back onto your own.
“You….look nice today.” Jeff compliments you, using his free hand to toy with his armband. He had no idea why he felt so on edge in your presence. Whether it was the atmosphere of the argument still lingering or just the idea of you taking care of him, he didn’t know.
“Hah.” You let out a strained laugh. “Thanks.”
It’s hard to bounce back from what just happened. And you didn’t know what else to say.
You had an idea though.
You let go of the ice and so does he. Jeff looks up at you questionably as you move to sit next to him.
No one was in the room, no one had to know.
So, instead of saying anything else, you take a chance and just kiss him. “I didn’t know what else to say, sorry.”
Jeff doesn’t have anything to say either, as his response is nothing more than returning his lips to your own. Again, and again. Each time, it was harder than the last. You hadn’t even realized how close you got to him until you felt his body against your own.
He sets his hand on your back, doing his best to keep you as close as possible.
You already felt like you couldn’t breathe. And just as you were going to open your mouth for him just a little more, he lightly pushes you away. Nothing lasts forever, you guess.
You still groan in disappointment.
“If we keep doing this, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” He admitted. “..and my neck is killing me.”
All you can do is nod. At least he came to his senses, any further and you’d forget your meet up with your secret admirer. You were close to blowing him off.
You finally collect your words. “What time..is it?”
Jeff looks up towards the clock in the room. “7:20.”
Shit. You had ten minutes to get it together.
“I’ve gotta go.” You say, getting out of your seat. “There’s something I’ve gotta do. I hope you get better, sorry about earlier.” In order to not explode, you try to talk about other things. “You guys shouldn’t have to go through that as a team.
Jeff waves you off. “It’ll blow over. Thanks for staying with me. I’ll see ya’ later.”
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RAW IS WAR // 7:27 PM
You were in a mad dash to the parking lot, trying to make sure you were on time. You had about 3 minutes to spare luckily, so here you were, just rubbing your temples.
“Over here, Nitro Girl.”
You turn over to the direction of the voice, a curious look on your face. The curiosity turns into shock.
“Hey, wait, aren’t you….?”
The man nods. He’s a little aggressive as he shoves the bouquet of flowers into your arms. “Hunter. You’re a bit early.”
You just couldn’t believe it.
…..Triple H? He’s the person who wanted to meet you out here? Was this some sort of setup so Stephanie could ambush you from behind?
“Is this a joke?” You boldly ask. “Out of all people, it’s you??”
“No joke..“ He doesn’t seem to be in the best of moods, but you don’t point it out. “I’m going to cut to the chase. I think Stephanie is sleeping with someone else.”
Your eyes widen. That was one hell of an accusation. “How do you know?”
“I haven’t been in the ring and she’s been going on about this whole spiel about becoming business partners with others while I’m away. Because you refused, I think your attack on Smackdown may have been planned. I know how she is.”
“Do you really think it was planned? The only other person I could think of would be Jericho, but there’s no way he would be on it.” You say. “I mean, he’s called her so many nasty names. I don’t get it. And there’s no way in hell it could be Austin.”
Hunter shook his head. “Jericho’s the only one that makes sense. He’s threatened by me and he knows as soon as I come back, I’ll be going for the title spot. He’ll do anything to take me down, even if it means associating with Stephanie.”
“Yikes.” You mutter, adjusting the bouquet of flowers in your arms. “So, what’re you asking me to do here?”
“How about we become business partners?” He suggests. “You want revenge. I want a spot in the title picture. It’s an even exchange, nothing less, nothing more. I want to see what she’ll do next. If it’s true, we’ll officially start. If it’s false, we’ll pretend like we never met. Do we have a deal?”
You had nothing to lose, so you agree. “We have a deal. I’ll let you know if I see or hear anything.”
Neither of you had the confirmation, but once you did, it’d be one hell of a week.
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RAW IS WAR // 7:45 PM
You were able to put the flowers from Hunter away in the locker room. Austin was waiting for you outside to head out to the announcers table. In order to get by him, you passed it off as a secret admirer gift to Trish. Someone gave it to you, so you decided to pass on the message. You refused to elaborate any further than that.
“Let’s get goin’ kid, they’re waitin’ on us.” Austin rushes you out, making you groan. 
“I’m coming, hold on!” You close the door behind you. 
“Took ya’ long enough. I was gonna leave.”
Well, you’re here now!
Once you two hit gorilla, the sound of glass shattering was your cue. Austin walks down the ramp with you behind him. While he’s all serious, you wave to the crowd.
There’s a fan that reaches out a pen and a picture of you. Before you meet Austin at the table, you decide to sign it. You quickly write your signature with a smile and give them a final wave before you run towards the announcer table.
You take a seat nearby Austin, as JR and Jerry greet you before JR begins his introduction.
‘And we are back here on Raw, Raw Zone on the new TNN. At ringside, Austin and [Name] accompany us…..’
Jerry automatically has his attention on you. ‘You look great tonight!’
You gave a thumbs up at his compliment. ‘I take pride in my wardrobe!’
Austin isn’t too happy about you taking too long, complaining as soon as you put your headphones on. ‘She always takes her time gettin’ places because of her little wardrobe!’
‘I have to pick something out! And don’t even start, I was signing an autograph, okay! I was being nice! Debra told us to play nice!’
Before you can continue, the pop of pyro and Jericho’s music immediately gets you hot. You’re so sick and tired of him.
Lillian announces him in. “The following handicap match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing 227 pounds, Chris Jericho!”
‘Y2J told us earlier this night what was wrong with his game all along,” JR says. ‘He cared about the fans. Obviously, he doesn’t care any longer.’
‘Oh, whatever. He only cares about himself!’ You accuse.
Jericho enters the ring, turning his attention down to the announcers table. He smirks seeing you two, and you can only shoot daggers at him. ‘I fucking hate you!’ Of course, they bleeped your curse word out, but you meant what you said. You were still heated from your own handicap match. 
His music cuts off, changing into Kurt Angle’s music.
“Introducing his partner from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kurt Angle!”
‘Austin, you and Kurt Angle will go one-on-one for the WWF title at Vengeance. The winner of that match will go on against either Y2J or The Rock to unify those championships. How do you feel?’ JR asks.
‘Gotta be nervous, huh? I mean, this is the undisputed championship we’re talking about!’ Jerry adds.
‘I’m not nervous about those sons of bitches at all. I’m coming out of Vengeance as the undisputed champion. Most importantly, I won’t be kissing Vince’s ass tonight.’
Wait, huh? You look at Austin curiously. ‘Woah, I’m confused. What’re you talking about?’
You couldn’t hear anything else after The Rock’s music hits, the crowd coming alive and screaming. ‘I have to say, I’m on Rock’s side! A handicapped match? I can sympathize how hard it is. This isn’t fair.’
“And from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the World Champion, The Rock!”
JR agrees with you. ‘I can agree with you, [Name]. He’ll be lucky to survive this.’
Austin seems offended at your words. ‘You’re on his side? Really? Ya’ weren’t even goin’ in alone!’
‘I mean, can’t you sympathize sort of? The odds were—‘
Suddenly, Ric Flair’s music hits just as soon as the match is ready to begin. The crowd “woo’s”.
You snap your fingers. ‘Oh, I forgot! He bought our stock, huh?’
‘And he made a career of being fashionably late. The match already started!’ Jerry says.
Flair’s raspy voice echoes. “I don’t think my business partner will mind at all the fact that I am changing this handicap match into a tag match, WOO! Without further ado, The Rock’s partner, Kane!”
As soon as he says his name, an explosion of fire comes from the ramp.
Kane was another story. You weren’t quite sure about him, nor have you seen him around. All you’ve heard was that he had a bad, bad upbringing. He was intimidating and you were almost scared. 
This match certainly was something else.
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k temporary spacer thingy. i decided to kind of speed through the like last match since its not as important. what’s important is what comes after it sort of. sorry for cutting the jeff scene so short though, i kinda had to push myself out of my comfort zone since im not that experienced with likeeee all the serious romance stuff. there’s more to come next. btw i promise we’ll see some more superstars soon,,ones that left and all yes yes. btw “nothing more nothing less” my ass smh.
anyone been rushed out before by your parents? like them threatening to leave u if u dont hurry up?? yeah its totally stone cold and [name] lmaoo,,, them anger management classes about to go hard💯
also kane interaction anyone? no? ok i’ll leave…
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A Nebraska welder, who tried his hand at drug running after meeting cartel members at a Colorado concert, will spend decades in prison after kidnapping a suspected pot thief, torturing him and raping his girlfriend, according to local reports.
Tanner Danielson, 31, was sentenced to 40 to 50 years for kidnapping and 30 to 40 years for sexual assault after he abducted the couple on July 29, 2022, prison records show.
He pleaded no contest to the charges in June.
Believing the cartel would harm his family if he did not recover 50 pounds of marijuana that had been stolen from his house, he kidnapped the couple, drugged the man, tortured him with a blowtorch and hung him from a forklift, according to the Lincoln Journal Star.
"Only a sadistic and evil person could do these things to another human being," Judge Susan Strong told Danielson in court, according to the paper.
While the victim was tied up, Danielson used the torch to burn the word "thief" into his flesh.
The victim escaped and flagged a passing driver, who called 911, according to Lincoln police. Gage County deputies responded, found him with two black eyes, burns and other injuries, according to the paper. 
He told them he was held captive and tortured for 12 hours.
The couple thought they were meeting up with Danielson and his accomplice, Austin Widhalm, to buy cocaine, according to authorities.
A U.S. Marshals fugitive task force captured Danielson on Aug. 1, 2022, in Rapid City, South Dakota. 
Widhalm, 28, was arrested separately on assault and false imprisonment charges. He has not yet been sentenced.
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