#For the Wayne it's like they are in the beginning of a horror movie
moonlight-stalker · 5 days
# Dcu x Dp 205
Danny had been Reborn into the Wayne family. The Wayne's belive that Danny has many imaginary friends what they don't know is that they are all ghost that come to play with the Reborn king.
The Wayne family become varied worried when Danny would hold funerals for his imaginary friends at first they thought that Danny was just out growing them and was killing them off. They did not like that he was killing them off especially considering that a lot of them have violent ends some examlps are
Boxy was cushed to death when he was looking for a small box
Cujo who was a guard dog that was put down because the people had no more use for him
Ember McLain who was a rock star and die in a house fire
Johnny 13 and Kitty who died in a motorcycle accident after being run off the road by a angry driver
Nicolai Technus who loved anything and everything electronic died by electrocution
Sidney Poindexter died because he was locked and forgotten in a locker
Skulker who loved to hunt die in an hunting accident
Youngblood who like to play pretend and died becuse he was left in the hot car with his pet
After the funerals they wold see him play and talking to the imaginary friends and around the time he started to give them funerals he also started supposedly started to do things that his friends told him to do some examples
Nocturn who ask for Danny to put them all to sleep luckily they caught him before he could drug them all but he got to Tim and Dick
Evergreen who asked him to grow some plants for him they found out that Danny had managed to sneak off the manors ground find poison ivy bring her back and started having her help plant flowers and other plants.
Clockwork who told Danny that if he could get all the clocks and bring them to Bruce's office he would show him a secret, the secret was the entrance to the Batcave were they would find Danny in. When the Wayne were collecting the clocks they noticed that they all had specific times. They're starting to worry that Danny's friends aren't so imaginary
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on-leatheredwings · 7 months
Yandere! Damian Wayne x (Fem!) Reader
romantic > summary: During a sleepover, Damian makes his first foray into infatuation. > word count: 1605 > [ a/n: i just love writing from the yandere’s point of view! Damian is 19 or college-age here. honestly not much plot, just musings~ i will try to write from the Darling’s POV next time hehe.]
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This must be love.
“Wow, Damian… I’ve never noticed but your nails are so pretty,” you compliment, satisfied with the boy’s upkeep. Damian feels his heart thrumming against his ribcage. You are holding his hand. 
Not for the first time either, but the thrill never fades. 
If this had occurred a year ago, before Damian learned of how casual (generous, even!) you were physical affection, he might have dumbly stated, “You’re holding my hand.” Instead, he simply thinks it, on loop, in one long string. 
You’re holding my hand. You’re holding my hand. You’re holding my hand.
Unbeknownst to all this, you simply paint his forefinger with a stripe of green so dark it looks black. 
“If we’re going to do this, it’ll be by my rules,” he had said. 
In reality, if you needled him any harder, he would’ve accepted pink nails with glitter on them. Who cares? There wasn’t anyone who dared to make fun of him at school. Not to mention, it’d be obvious to everyone that you painted them. You'd be marking him as yours, essentially. And at night… well, Robin wears gloves.
“Hn. How so?” Damian asks with feigned coolness. Mainly because he wants to hear you praise him. In your hushed, awed voice. When he dreams, you often sound like that. (And he quickly pushes that thought away.)
You look at him pointedly, grinning. Oh, he’s not so slick. You acquiesce to his whims anyway.
“Your cuticles are impeccable and your nails are finely trimmed… I’m impressed. Don’t you do martial arts, too? Crazy they aren’t more dinged up.”
Martial arts. That was supposed to explain his abnormal strength and fighting capability, the one time you saw him nearly break a man’s wrist for trying to pickpocket you. 
You accepted the excuse with only a little suspicion.
“It’s simple grooming.”
A catlike grin forms on your face. “Hm~ I don’t knowwww… Seems like you may be trying to catch the eye of a girl – you know, girls look at stuff like that.”
Damian frowns. 
He’s infatuated but not delusional. He’s aware this ‘sleepover’ is pretty platonic on your end. After nails, it’ll be skin care. Maybe you’ll even do your makeup and take goofy pictures with him. You’ll laugh and platonically huddle against him during a movie. You may doze off on his shoulder while he’ll be committing your every dewy, moisturized pore to memory. 
Because of Damian’s (self-admitted) social awkwardness with your peers, you think that gives you some sort of elder sibling-esque edge on him. You are the social butterfly, leading a naive, but well-meaning social pariah through the perils of young adult life. You don’t know you are so much more naive than he is, and he adores that.
Rather than addressing the question, he snorts. “When are you going to turn on the movie?”
You hum, completing his nail’s first coat. “Oh yeah, that’s right!” You grab the remote and press play. You continue painting, gingerly admiring his long, golden brown digits. Damian preens at the attention. 
As the movie plays, you pause often to look up and gape at the screen. It’s a horror flick, and boasts an abundance of cartoonish gore. While a bit more sensational than something he’d put on, he likes your dark taste. An annoying teenager gets their head hacked off with a chainsaw. You laugh and Damian feels his heart sing. 
There’s a chime that rings through Wayne Manor, and he has to bite back a groan.
“Pizza’s here!” you cheer. You begin to get up when Damian whips out his card in an instant. 
“I’ll pay.” To his delight, you gape in surprise, cheeks warming. 
“Oh… Thanks, Damian!” You never quite get used to him paying for things, but you at least know by now not to argue. You grab his credit card and – thank God – your fingers brush against each other. It sends the most pleasant trill down his spine. “Since you’re paying, I’ll go bring it! I won’t be long.”
A corner of his lips quirk. “I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it gets back to this room at all.” You stick out your tongue on the way out.
As soon as he hears your footsteps disappear down the hall – such clumsy, loud steps – Damian’s attention falls to the messenger bag you threw to the ground of his bedroom. He knows your diary is in there. (In his mind, he can hear you protest, It’s a journal!)
He’ll be quick. He flips open to a random page, and he already is laughing at your writing style. There’s little care for capitalizing letters and full of what you explained are “emoticons”, despite being handwritten. He flips to today’s entry, half-finished.
February 01. 
there’s a guy in class who’s pretty cute… one may even say HOT xP
Damian’s jaw tightens. He knows exactly who you’re talking about, and he won’t allow that neanderthal anywhere near you. At least, not again. Yesterday, you told him that your crush had smiled at you. Brushed fingers with you when passing papers. In the only class you have without Damian.
(Also, “your crush,” he scoffs. What a juvenile concept. You and Damian share something much deeper. His feelings for you are not so trivial.)
The semester is still young. Damian can pull any string to land himself in your anthropology class.
The rest of your entry for today (and the past days prior) isn’t anything notable except for when he’s mentioned. 
stressful day, but at least i have tonight with damian to cheer me up. he’s seriously the best …. i should tell him more often !!! (but it’d give him an even bigger head)
He doesn’t even attempt to stop the smile splitting his face. 
Damian’s keen hearing catches you striking up a conversation with Alfred in the kitchen. Despite your promise, he knows you will, indeed, take long. You love talking to everyone, even in passing. It’s an admirable quality, and one he envies.
He unlocks your phone and rifles through some messages of yours. He uses his own phone for documentation purposes. What else is there to do… He spies your jacket on his bed.
There is a shameful thought and Damian’s heart skips a beat. It is… frankly, it’s humiliating as a concept. Yet he’s enticed. It’s your jacket, after all. He brings it to his face delicately and inhales, almost shyly. Once he catches the familiar scent of your body wash, however, he allows himself to breathe it in. After being lost in it for a few seconds, he rips it away. 
Only to see his father standing in his doorframe. 
He knows what this looks like. Damian knows what this looks like. After years of working with the man, Damian can hear his thoughts as if they were his own, as they happen. 
Damian just smelled your clothes. Even if it was investigative in nature, he could’ve retrieved a sample some other way. Someone’s personal journal is open on the floor. A phone that he knows is not Damian’s is unlocked and displaying text messages. All these things are splayed out in a circle around him. It’s uncharacteristically messy of him, as well. Damian’s own phone is actively on his camera. Was he taking pictures? And most notable is the absence of you.
In summary? Damian must have some interest in you. And by this sloppy job, it’s quite emotionally charged. And at his age, it’s likely romantic.
Damian’s skin rises to what feels like a boiling heat. What is Father going to say? He can’t stop him – he can’t. Damian doesn’t even want to talk about it, let alone be reprimanded. A feral need to escape bubbles underneath his skin. Despite the panic, he channels years of League training and hardens himself. 
Bruce watches his son’s expression morph from dazed, to fearful, to steel, in real time. From Damian’s seat on the floor he offers his father only silent defiance. Bruce knows his son, his darker needs that stem from his cruel childhood. And perhaps he should’ve expected this to happen someday. Bruce exhales, eyes closing. When they reopen, his slate-grey eyes are firm and hard. 
“No one gets hurt.”
And by that, Bruce means no one dies. Because Bruce and Damian are Batman and Robin – they’re all in the business of hurting people. People who deserve it, yes, but it’s still hurt. Pain.
Damian feels immense relief. He wouldn’t have killed his father – he’s not that boy anymore. But a life without you seems similarly unbearable. Damian feels… shaken. He doesn’t know what he would’ve done. He also feels grateful, that it didn’t turn out any other way. 
His eyes drop to the jacket he holds in a fist.
“... Yes. Thank you, Father.” Bruce’s gaze lingers, but he leaves wordlessly.
This encounter reminds Damian of who he is. He is a detective, vigilante, assassin, and creature of stealth. He can’t be this careless, even if he knows you won’t notice. 
Damian returns your belongings to their place, exactly how you left it. Diary back in your bag, jacket to where you were lounging, your phone underneath a pillow, because you carelessly tossed it aside. You’ll inevitably begin to look for it and he’ll grin once he places it in your hand.
You finally return to his room, two pizza boxes of deluxe cheese (for him) and pepperoni (for you) in your arms. You laugh sheepishly. 
“Sorry for the wait, Dami.” His heart skitters at the nickname.
“It’s fine.” Your eyes glitter with excitement and optimism and purity. He finds it hard to look away, you raining down a gaze like that upon him.
“I was waiting for you.”
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Maybe could you write a dad Eddie x reader fic where penny wants to have a baby of her own so she can be a mom like reader
You were cuddled up to Eddie’s side on the couch, your toddler playing with her toys on the floor and your newborn curled in your arms, his face nuzzled against your bare breast as he nursed.
  The TV was on, but you and Eddie had long forgone your horror and dark fantasy movies for child friendly films and shows like Sesame Street, which was currently displayed on the screen. It was far from your favorite thing to watch, for either of you, your daughter was entranced with reruns of the show, and had a special love for Kermit and Elmo.
  “I’m telling you, there is no way they’re just roommates.” Eddie remarked with a scoff, during the Bert and Ernie segment.
  “They so are! I mean, the romantic tension is obviously present but neither has acted on it yet. Ernie’s too oblivious to do anything about it, probably thinks it’s only one-sided, and if Ernie’s not showing his interest, Bert’s not gonna make a move.” You countered, sinking further into Eddie’s side. His arm was around your shoulders, hand stroking along your forearm before latching onto his son’s tiny sock covered toes and giving them a gentle wiggle to which baby Wayne curled his feet further into his body, depriving his father of access to his toes. It didn’t distract the little glutton from the task at hand, your baby just mouthed a little at your nipple, head moving around until it was in place before latching once more.
  Eddie chuckled at that, watching with affection as his baby continued to stare up at you with wide eyes while he nursed, before his gaze moved back to the characters in question.
  “Sweetheart, they are clearly in a domestic partnership, they’ve just grown very comfortable around each other. We don’t need to see their affection to know they’re in a relationship.”
  “They sleep in separate beds, Eds.”
  “Okay, you got me there.”
  Penny chose then to get up from the floor, rushing over with the baby doll you’d gotten for her when you’d told her you were pregnant. She leaned against Eddie’s leg, resting her head on his thigh and letting him stroke over her curls before she pushed herself up and held the doll out to you.
  “Is that your baby doll?” You asked, assuming she was trying to show it off and she nodded, continuing to extend it and you realized she was trying to give it to you.
  “Hew you go, mama.”
  You made sure your actual baby was secure against you, glancing down to meet his unwavering stare as he ate, satisfied grunts sounding from him every so often, before you took the doll into your free hand, “Oh, you want me to hold…her?”
  You didn’t know what gender it was supposed to be, you’d heard Penny change it constantly.
  “Uh huh!” She nodded, grabbing onto Eddie’s knee and using it to sway back and forth. Sounded simple enough, you could play along, “She’s hungwy.”
  “You want to hand me her bottle then?” You could see the toy baby bottle, it had come included with, on the floor where Penny had previously been playing.
  “No, you has to feed the babies.” Penny released her dad’s knee to poke at her chest with both index fingers. “Fom wight hew.”
  You could hear and feel Eddie choke beside you, trying to muffle his laughter as you realized your toddler wanted you to breastfeed her doll.
  “Oh. Um.” You tried to think of a way to get out of it, casting Eddie a glare when you caught sight of his wide smirk from your peripheral vision. “Brother is eating right now.”
  “Udda one.” She pointed at your freed up, covered boob rather than the one your son’s wispy curl covered head was blocking for her.
  Damn it, Penny was beginning to become too self aware.
  Reluctantly, and very awkwardly, you held the baby doll’s plastic head against your other breast as Eddie literally started shaking against you. He might as well have just laughed outright with all the wheezing he was doing. Even Penny was casting him a few side-eyes.
  You turned your head towards him, eyes narrowing as Eddie continued to try to muffle his amusement behind a fist, face turning red with his effort but not even his fist was large enough to conceal the grin at your expense.
  Penny, however, looked like the cat who got the cream, happy you were once again complying with her demands. 
  You thought you’d be able to put the doll down once she went back to the toys, no luck, she’d apparently come over with the intention of watching you ‘feed’ her baby. So for like seven entire awkward minutes, you held the doll to your boob, its plastic face pressed against it, while she stared at you and Eddie suffocated on his amusement. The reason he didn’t just openly laugh at you was because he knew Penny would get mad at him. He could tell this wasn’t a game to her and if he laughed at something she didn’t intend to be funny, he’d have an angry toddler on his hands.
  Then you’d be the one laughing. 
  Mercifully, Penny eventually grew bored of watching you and reached up for the doll, which you were all too happy to give back. “You want to burp her?”
  The answer to that was no. Penny adjusted the baby doll in her hands until its face was smashed to her chest. It was half her size, but her motive was clear as she beamed up at you.
  She was imitating you.
  “Look! I A MAMA, LIKE MAMA!”
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imagine--if · 7 months
A/N: I've missed writing for Eddie 🥹 hope you enjoy reading! And happy 2nd anniversary to The Batman movie!! Can't believe I fell in love with the film and its characters two solid years ago, and super hyped for the sequel 🖤 A Bruce Wayne/Battinson imagine will be coming soon, so stay tuned!!
Wordcount: 1.3k
Time period: Riddler Year One, Issue 6 (beginning of The Batman)
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He hated it when you were gone this long.
It was okay if he knew where you were, if you were working or out with a couple of friends, someplace he could track you through your phone. Through windows. Through anything. As long as the sun was still out and he knew exactly where you were, could reach you whenever he wanted, he could keep his grip on his mentality, and at least half-focus on his plans and preparations.
But he couldn't do any of that right now. Which led to the inevitable.
Pacing his shabby little apartment that you somehow managed to make a little brighter, tidier, something close to home, closer than he'd ever got before. But now, it was cold and dark and empty, painfully quiet, apart from his uneven, staggering breaths that Edward tried in vain to swallow down.
It was a simple job. Too simple. Sneak into the Penguin's rooms at the Iceberg Lounge, plant the bug, slip out again, unnoticed. And you would either be very much unnoticed, blending in perfectly with. there's of the deceptively beautiful girls and boys who danced and flirted and drank at the bars and around round tables and tall, glossy silver poles stretching up into the high ceilings of the club. Or you would be pulled aside by some pervert that thought you were as pretty as Edward himself did, maybe by the Penguin, or that pig Falcone.
He shouldn't have set you. Too risky. Send a follower? No, too complicated; not enough of them yet, everything still growing and finalising, piecing together in a lovely puzzle crafted by his mind. You might well go unnoticed, but if he dared go himself, it would be a horror show.
This was a baadddd idea.
The smooth click and glide of the lock twisting and opening up the heavy front door made him flinch out of his thoughts, murky green eyes jumping to the short hallway with hope and fear in his gaze. The same hope a puppy gets when its owner comes back home, the same fear a madman harbours in a dizzying craze, living off the what-ifs and obsessions their mind feeds them in the darkness.
When he speaks, it's in a rush, words tripping over each other and his voice catching, stumbling forwards to grip onto your shoulders with his soft but firm, trembling grip.
"You were gone too long," Edward insists, his fingers digging into the fabric of your sweater, searching for your warmth and reassurance, his eyes trying to take in every part of your face at once. "Too long... and I was worrying, and I felt sick, and I- you can't do it again, please, please, because-"
"It's alright, Eddie," you cut him short gently in amusement and sympathy, your arms fitting snugly around his neck as you embrace him. You easily fill him shiver at the contact, starving, aching, as he hugs you back with enough force to make you breathless, digging his face in your neck needily with a soft whining sound.
It's almost funny, how desperate and childlike he can be, all big green eyes sparkling with joy and awe at how readily you give your affections to him, his skin bare of any sweet touch from another being in Gotham other than yours. But he doesn't want anyone else's now, anyway. The rest of Gotham can sink into its corruption, and his hope incarnate can dance above the waves.
He gazes up at you in a slight daze, speechless, and you smile at him the way you do, the way that makes him smile back in giddy wonder, his thoughts spinning around and around like a carousel, all bright, pure lights and ethereal tunes.
"I miss you," Edward mumbles, half to himself, his stare wandering to study your eyes, your nose, your lips. "Always."
"I missed you too," you reply earnestly, "but it was worth it. I did what you said."
He blinks at your words, his attention circling back as he looks up into your eyes in curiosity and a sweet, almost innocent light, one that doesn't at all match the moment.
"I bugged his office," you clarify, nodding, "in and out. No one saw my face, and if they did, they won't remember it."
Edward lets out a slow breath, his expression loosening from intrigue and thought to the depths bubbling to the surface, his eyes spiked with venom and his words hushed with a small smirk.
"Oh," he mumbles, before giggling slightly, blinking up at you in pride and unhinged malice. "I love you."
You beam at his words, your fingers stroking down the plump curve. of his cheek, an action that makes him shudder and his breath catch in his throat, his eyes round and adoring.
"I love you too, Ed."
"I- I'll give you everything," he promises, his words rolling into lovestruck rambles between repeating your name, "everything I have. Every... everything."
There's that strange but familiar feral hunger in his eyes, not violent, but full of untethered passion and obsession, of love and lust, of everything he's never experienced before. And now that he is, he wants it all, wants it now, to feel everything at once and lose himself in endless spirals of pleasure and ecstasy that rakes up his spine and makes his voice crack and break-
"I'll never," Edward continues in a whisper, tugging you deeper into his arms, walking back and down onto his couch and pulling you with him, "never let you go. Everything will happen as it should, and I'll be there to get you... again, and again, and again, and again, and-"
You let him keep rambling on, his cheek rubbing against yours and ducking into the hot curve of your neck like a cat, his damp lips skimming your skin mindlessly, hanging onto you with his surprisingly strong grip, even though there's nowhere else to go. Tonight, there's nothing but the Riddler, his arms trapping you inside all that he is.
Black and green screens of computers running code down their displays absently fills the night with an eerie but almost comforting glow, polaroid pictures of his targets, red ink scribbled harshly in question marks and accusations over the glossy print. For you, there's a separate case of shots, most taken with you knowing, across the room in his apartment, with Edward grinning and giggling when you glare at him weakly in amusement and protest at the constant flashes and printing of pictures and mugshots.
No escape. None at all. You're with him for life, because you let him in, and like a virus, he ran through everything that makes you, you, drinking it in and fantasizing up until this very moment. A moment where Edward forgot about the blood he shed and the streams up for his cult following, the big board pinned with pictures and news clippings and rage in the form of black and white. He just clung to you fiercely, inhaled you, to do it all again the next morning, still trembling with the warmth and tremors of raw desire and love.
I am there, but cannot be seen," he whispers in your ear, nuzzling impossibly closer to you, his fingers lacing with yours, "to have me costs you nothing. To be without me costs you everything. What am I?"
You've heard this one before. It was in one of the little notes he left you during your first few meetings with him, and every one of his riddles seemed to have something to do with you, with how he saw you, absolutely angelic with no flaws, no blemishes, gorgeously unharmed by the wicked world of Gotham.
"Hope?" you guess correctly, glancing up at him expectantly, and he giggles again, his fingers tracing over your lips boldly, caught up in the moment and his own wonderful world of puzzles and clues.
"Or," Edward smiles brightly at you, resting his forehead against yours... and answering with your name.
✧༺ 𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 ༻∞ (message me know if you want to be removed. ghost blogs/dead accs have been removed.)
@misadventures0fdes @junebugp @simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowersleep @hxney-lemcn @callsigncrash @bokksieu @skateb0red @philiasoul@felicityofbakerstreet @deadlights-darling @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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corroded-hellfire · 11 months
Infestation, Oppression, Possession - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: You warn Eddie about playing with a Ouija board, too bad he doesn’t listen.
Note: As a horror movie junkie, my personal favorites are the possession ones (esp The Conjuring, where the title of this comes from) so here’s a little Halloween horror starring Eddie
Warnings: playing with ouija board, possession, general spookiness because tis the season
Words: 2.7k
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“Please promise me that you won’t play with it,” you beg your boyfriend. “They’re dangerous.”
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head. “Babe, it’s just a piece of wood with some paint on it. How could it be dangerous?”
You eye the Ouija board sitting on his bed, the planchette inconspicuously resting on top of it. There are no shortage of horror stories and cautionary tales warning people away from playing with such a dangerous game. You’ve spent the better part of the last hour relating these worries to Eddie, who seems to think nothing of them at all–or about the fact that he bought it to begin with. It doesn’t seem to matter how much the whole thing bothers you. 
“You never know who or what you’re communicating with,” you tell Eddie. “You could be opening a portal for something evil.” “So, you think a demon is going to decide to come here to little ol’ Hawkins? And will want to possess me? I’m flattered.” Eddie raises his eyebrows and lets out a small chuckle. A groan slips from your lips as you rub your hands over your face in aggravation. 
“Just…please,” you beg as you stand up from where you’re perched on Eddie’s amp. “For me? Just throw it out.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says as he takes a few steps over to you. He places his hands on your shoulders and presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Relax, okay? I’ll be careful.”
“Can’t you just–”
“Baby,” Eddie interrupts you. “Go to work, okay? I promise I’ll put it away.”
“You should throw it away,” you say sternly. “Or burn it. You’d have fun doing that, I know.”
Eddie chuckles and presses another kiss to your head. He slips his arms around you and tugs you against his chest. “Come on, sweetheart. It’s okay. Just go to work and try and forget all about it, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, pulling out of his arms. “Serving greasy burgers to angry truckers is really going to take a load off my mind.”
Calloused fingers gently grip your chin and tilt your head up. Soft but chapped lips press against your own and you close your eyes as you lean into the kiss. 
“I love you,” Eddie whispers against your mouth.
“I love you, too.”
“Everything is going to be fine,” Eddie assures you. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Bright and early with two coffees.”
“Make sure you don’t drink half of mine before you get to my house this time,” you say as you swipe one of your boyfriend’s hoodies from where it’s sprawled across his desk.
“No promises,” Eddie tells you as you slip the sweatshirt on over your head. 
You press one last kiss to his lips, avoiding looking at the devil board on his bed, before heading out to work.
Eddie huffs a laugh to himself once you’ve left. He’s surprised that you’re so worried about the Ouija board. Usually, you’re so cool and collected, always logical and tactful in your way of thinking. It’s not like you to believe in some silly superstition. Maybe it’s just getting too close to Halloween, Eddie thinks as he picks up the board and planchette. Corroded Coffin should be by in about twenty minutes for a songwriting session, but first, Eddie thinks, perhaps the guys will have some fun and try to scare one another. 
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The next night, Eddie’s lounging on his bed, guitar perched on his lap as he strums a few new chords that the band came up with last night. His amp is on since Wayne isn’t home, turned down just enough so the neighbors won’t complain. Fingers glide over the strings as Eddie plays around with the sounds of a possible new song. A beautiful melody flows to meet Eddie’s ears, but the moment he lets his eyes slip closed to lose himself in the music, the amp cuts out. 
The sudden silence has Eddie sitting up and frowning at the amp in confusion. Gently setting his sweetheart down on the bed, he leans over to fiddle with the controls on the amp. It’s still turned on, all the dials are set just as they should be, so why did it go quiet? Eddie pushes himself off the bed to make sure the plug hasn’t come loose. A deeper frown etches on Eddie’s forehead as he sees the plug snugly in place in the outlet. 
“Stupid old trailer,” Eddie grumbles as he gets down on his knees. “God damn electric problems.”
The outlet above the one the amp is plugged into has Eddie’s lamp connected to it–the same lamp that’s currently on and shining brightly next to his bed. Yanking both cords from the wall, Eddie tries putting the lamp’s plug into the bottom outlet, just to make sure that’s what isn’t working. The moment the prongs snap into the wall though, the light illuminates his dark room again. 
“What the fuck,” Eddie mutters under his breath. He switches the lamp back to the top outlet and puts the amp back into the bottom one. “This amp is new, what the hell? Stupid piece of–”
Earsplitting feedback abruptly rings out through the amp, causing Eddie to fall back on his ass and cover his ears. Heart beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings, Eddie stares at the amp with wide eyes. The racket only lasts five seconds, but it’s enough to freak Eddie out. 
“O-Okay…” Eddie says as he pushes himself back to his feet. The room is quiet once again. The lamp is on, his guitar is still nestled against his pillow, and the amp sits there inconspicuously on the stained carpet. 
“Jesus, this place is a shithole,” Eddie says, trying to convince himself it’s just some faulty wiring in his old home. He sits back down on his bed and the moment he grips the neck of his sweetheart, the bleating sound of the phone ringing in the hallway has him jumping out of his skin. Once his mind registers what the new noise is, Eddie laughs at himself as he sets his guitar back down and heads toward the phone. “You’re a wuss, Munson. Yeah, yeah, I’m coming, keep your pants on. Hello?”
“Hey, Eddie,” your cheerful voice greets through the phone. 
“Hi, babe. Hmm, I take back what I just said then.”
“What?” you ask.
“I told whoever was on the phone to keep their pants on as I walked down the hall. I take that back now.” You can practically hear the smirk on your boyfriend’s face. 
“Who said I’m even wearing any?” you tease.
“I’m listening.”
The mystery of the faulty sound equipment quickly fades from Eddie’s head.
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Eddie huffs as he uses a flashlight to look through the pantry. The damn lights in the trailer are flickering like crazy and it’s driving Eddie up the wall. At first, he’d thought it was just the lights in his room, but it seemed to follow him down the hall and into the living room as well. 
Searching for something to eat, the aggravation only hits a new high when the flashlight in Eddie’s hands also starts flickering.
“Okay, what the actual fuck?” Eddie demands. He bangs the flashlight against his palm and the beam becomes steady once more. “Thank you.” 
As if the lights heard his pleasure, they all turn off at once–even the flashlight. 
“Are you shitting me?” Eddie shouts. The darkness comes on so quickly that Eddie’s eyes take their sweet time adjusting. He bangs his head on a cabinet as he shuffles out of the kitchen. Like someone flipped a switch, the lights come on all at once–even ones that weren’t turned on before. The sudden brightness burns Eddie’s eyes, and he drops the flashlight to cover them. Slowly, the lights fade back to their usual strength and Eddie is able to open his eyes without pain. He blinks them a few times, still getting them to adjust to the brightness when the front door opens and Wayne steps inside.
The older man shrugs out of his jacket and hangs it on a hook near the door. He eyes Eddie where he stands, eyes watering from how sensitive they are right now.
“What’s with you, boy?” Wayne asks.
“Did you pay the electric bill?” Eddie asks in return, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“‘Course I did. Why?”
“Because these damn lights are going crazy,” Eddie says, flinging one hand in the direction of the nearest lamp. “Just wait, they’ve been flickering for an hour now.”
Wayne stands near the door with his hands on his hips, looking around the room at the different lights that are on. Eddie squares his jaw when not even one little flicker occurs. 
“Smoke a little too much tonight?” Wayne asks with a chuckle as he walks past his nephew and into the kitchen.
“I didn’t even…ugh, never mind.” 
“You want a grilled cheese?” Wayne asks, opening the fridge.
“Sure. Thanks.” Eddie plops down on the couch and stares at the ceiling. The lights had been going crazy–right?
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“Did you sleep at all last night?” you ask Eddie at lunch.
Dull brown eyes slide over to you, dark bag eyes beneath them puffy and prevalent, and seem as if they look right through you.
“A little,” Eddie says with a shrug.
“Dude, you look like shit,” Gareth says.
The Dungeon Master raises his hand to flip off his friend while he lowers his head down to the lunch table. He felt like shit too, but he wouldn’t give his friends the satisfaction of knowing that.
Over the next few days, Eddie only looks worse and worse. His face begins to look drawn, his skin a sickly shade of greenish gray. His clothes are more unkempt and wrinkled than normal, appearing as if he’d slept in them the night before. Every morning on the way to school you’d try to get out the knots that had accumulated in your boyfriend’s hair during the night. There hadn’t been a time when his hair had been this much of a pain before. Eventually, you just slip your red scrunchie from your wrist and tie his hair into a ponytail at the base of his neck. 
“Are we getting pizza tonight?” you ask as Eddie parks his van in the Hawkins High parking lot.
“Babe, I’m not even going to Hellfire tonight,” he tells you, all emotion zapped from his voice.
“You’re not going to Hellfire?” you ask in shock. 
“No,” Eddie grumbles as he pulls the keys from the ignition. 
“Why don’t you just go home, baby?” you suggest as you reach over and move a few loose strands of hair out of his face.
“Maybe.” Eddie gives a half-hearted shrug and shoves the van door open and slides out. Frown still pinched on your face, you follow him out and stick by his side as long as you can until you have to go to your separate first periods. 
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Your phone rings as you’re buttoning your jeans the next morning, and you hop over to pick it up.
“Hey, sweetheart.” There’s no energy in Eddie’s voice, the sound raspy and gravelly. “I can’t take you to school today. Not getting out of bed.”
“Aww, baby,” you coo. “I’m going to come over and take care of you. I’ll be there in twenty.”
“No,” Eddie responds. “You’ve got a test today, go to school.”
“Can’t hear you. I’m coming over. Bye.” You hang up before he can protest again; because you know he will. Eddie’s hoodie from the other week is still hanging over the chair in your room so you toss it on before heading out the door to your car.
Eddie looks as shitty as he sounded when you get to his place. He’s sprawled out in bed, the covers tucked up under his chin and his eyes half-lidded as he tries to focus on you. You sigh as you sit down on the edge of his bed. When you reach up and move some hair off of his forehead you feel that his skin is surprisingly cool against your fingertips. You’d expected heat there–most likely a fever raging inside of his body. 
“Are you cold?” you ask. Eddie nods, seeming like he hardly has the energy for even that. “I’ll get you another blanket.”
The room feels chilly to you as well, but not enough to warrant two heavy blankets being piled atop of you. Something is definitely going on inside of his body. As you open Eddie’s closet to grab another blanket, your eyes land on the Ouija board sitting on top of a pile of dirty clothes. The room suddenly feels hot as your temper flares. Anger builds up in your chest and your nostrils flare as you snatch up a blanket. Spinning around to face Eddie again, you stomp over to him.
“What the hell, Eddie? Why is the Ouija board still here?” you demand.
Eddie groans and turns his head to bury it in his pillow.
“Talk quieter, please,” he begs.
“Answer. Me.” Despite your anger, you’re not heartless. You lower your volume as you shake out the blanket and lay it across your boyfriend’s body. “Did you play with it?”
The guilty look that crosses his face gives you his answer before he opens his mouth to croak out, “Yes.”
“Eddie,” you whine, running your hands over your hair. “What if that’s what’s wrong?” You gesture to him lying down on his bed, lethargic and exhausted. 
“Stop,” Eddie groans, squeezing his eyes closed. “M’just getting sick. Or worn down.”
“But you don’t know–”
“Babe, calm down,” Eddie begs, trying to inject as much fervor into his voice as he can. “It’s not from some dumb game. That’s ridiculous.”
The only reason you bite your tongue is because he looks so miserable bundled up in the middle of his bed. Deciding to let it go for now, you sit down next to his head and card your fingers through his curls.
“Can I get you anything?” you ask him softly.
“Just you,” Eddie answers, mustering up a small smile to give you. 
As you lean down to press another kiss to his forehead, you swear he feels even colder than he did a few minutes ago.
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Eddie still isn’t back to himself the next week. In fact, he says he feels worse. You weren’t able to take the whole time off from school or work, but any moment that wasn’t spent somewhere you were obligated to be, you were at his side. He refused to go to the doctor and even Wayne couldn’t get him to go. It seems the shittier Eddie feels the more stubborn he is. 
On Thursday, you don’t have work, so you head to Eddie’s place straight from school. He hasn’t been able to answer the door since he’s been staying in bed most of the time, so you just let yourself inside as usual. 
“I’m here, Eddie,” you call out, not too loud though, in case he’s asleep. Your sneakers join the small pile of shoes near the front door, and you pad down the hallway to your boyfriend’s room. Confusion furrows your brow when you don’t see him in his bed. A glance behind you confirms that he’s not in the bathroom, so where else could he be? You take a few steps into his room and spot Eddie standing near the closet, his back to you. His back is straight as a rod and his stained Marlboro shirt and blue plaid pajama pants hang loose on his thin frame, even thinner from lack of food lately. 
Cautiously, you take a few steps in his direction. The hair on the back of your neck is raised but you’re not sure why. It’s just your boyfriend.
“Eddie?” you ask timidly. “Are you okay? What are you doing out of bed? Eddie?”
A few heavy silent moments hang in the air. Then with a sudden sickening cracking sound, Eddie’s head snaps towards you. With a gasp, you take a step back. His eyes are entirely black. No trace of the dark brown that you love so much or the white that should be there. Pure black, darker than night. A sinister, toothy smile slides onto the mouth you’ve kissed so many times before. Your body trembles from the inside out as you stare in horror at whatever you’re witnessing in front of you. Eddie’s mouth opens, but the growling voice that comes out does not belong to him.
“Eddie isn’t here anymore.”
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
Me and You, & Your Uncle Wayne — part one.
Summary: Eddie tells his Uncle Wayne about him and Steve. Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Content Warnings: Period-Typical Homophobia Read on Ao3 Part Two || Part Three Masterlist
Wayne Munson was less than thrilled when he found out who his nephew was dating.
He knew he'd hate the conversation from the moment Eddie sat him down, the kid's leg bouncing so badly he was sure it might jackhammer completely through the floor of the trailer. Eddie and him didn't have serious conversations, not since Wayne's brother made his son cry the one and only time Wayne agreed to let him visit a few years before and they had to have a conversation about what little Eddie hoped his father would be like and what he actually was.
"I think I'm in love, and I think I'm gonna marry this person someday." It shouldn't have been a bad conversation. Wayne had been wishing for his nephew to find someone good, someone who could convince him that love was still out there for people like him, people who’d never quite been given a fair shake by the world.
But Eddie looked nervous, more nervous than the time Chief Hopper brought him home after dealing at one of that Harrington boy’s parties. He looked downright terrified, and Wayne hated the thought of him ever being the cause of that.
“It’s a guy, I’m…it’s a guy, Uncle Wayne.”
And suddenly Wayne understood the cause of Eddie’s fear. He wasn’t blind to how the town of Hawkins labeled his nephew, how they ostracized him for being different. He liked odd music, and wore even odder clothes compared to the other teens. He was loud, and non-conforming, and lived in the trailer park at the edge of town. He wasn’t a part of urban suburbia that everyone here demanded. This would only make it worse, if anyone found out. New waves of acceptance were beginning to spread through the cities but Hawkins was not San Francisco, it was not Chicago or New York; it was a small town in nowhere Indiana where God and Reagan reigned supreme.
He didn’t know how to tell his nephew everything would be okay because it probably wouldn’t, not until he escaped this town that never gave him a chance. It became all the more clear that while Wayne could get by with his head tucked down, Eddie couldn't survive in this town. He was so much bigger than it, and deserved the chance to get out of here the second he could. Wayne had never been the best with words, so all he could do was nod, slowly, and ask, “What’s his name?” he hoped, with everything in him, that Eddie would understand that acceptance.
“You’ll never believe it,” Eddie laughed, that bright smile Wayne loved finally coming back, “it’s Steve Harrington.”
Wayne was okay with eddie being gay, and maybe deep down he’d always known this about his nephew. But Steve Harrington? Wayne had gone to school with Robert, had experienced first-hand the cruelty that could come from a boy who was given everything and couldn’t be touched because of it. He had no doubt that the Harrington boy would be the same, especially after having heard from John at the movie theatre what had been spray-painted when the boy’s last partner upset him. Wayne could already picture it, could see the devastation that could be wrought on his son.
How long would it take until Harrington spray-painted that one word, that slur Wayne used to sling around in high school but now would never utter again, around town? How long before Eddie was quite literally run out of Hawkins because he’d gotten into a fight with Steve?
He took too long to answer. He could see it in Eddie’s face, the horror taking over his expression at Wayne’s hesitation. He saw the quiver in the boy’s normally steady hands. “Eddie,” Wayne started, but that only seemed to jolt him into action. Eddie jumped from his seat, hands in his hair as his eyes averted from Wayne.
“Nevermind, nevermind,” Eddie wrenched out, “Jesus Christ.”
There were no harsh words, no anger thrown at him. No hurt, just Eddie, not looking at him. And then Eddie was taking off out the front door before Wayne could even hope to gather his thoughts.
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phantobats · 15 days
Could I ask you to grace us with a 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'—esque plot for the Batfamily?
This ask inspired me to re-watch the movie and my god, I am feeling inspired!
I think for a plot like this I'd want to cast Tim as Tom Ripley and Dick and Jason as Dickie Greenleaf and Freddie Miles, although they would be the Wayne brothers in this. I know a huge portion of the plot is that Tom kills Dickie after he rejects his romantic feelings for him, so in this case it would be Dick rejecting Tim as a potential family member instead.
Most likely I will focus more on the horror elements and turn this into a man trying to fit amongst the elites and, when failing to do so, begins to pluck them off one by one until he can assume one of their identities to better his life.
No worries, a draft is already being written up.
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steviestits · 3 months
yes totally down for warlock Eddie making his partner more compatible with him. So prompt 2: Eddie and Steve grew up in maybe a kind of cult, and as children were best friends who were promised to each other by the leader, and said to be the next leaders themselves, till people came in and destroyed the cult and took Steve away, im kind of seeing Eddie being the son of maybe Wayne being the leader. so years later Eddie comes for him but Steve has been taught the cult was evil. 1/2
2/2 just really into the very innocent childhood loves that Steve and Eddie had growing up, like thinking its so great I get to marry my best friend. till he's taken away and made to live with the Harringtons who make him cut his long hair and force him to wear stiff clothes and tell him that the members of his community were crazy and evil. while Eddie who I imagine a few years older has been rebuilding and now wants his other half to fulfil the promise they made.
Prompt Discussion 1 ~ Prompt Discussion 2 ~ Prompt Discussion 3
My God Longs For Me Masterpost
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: E Summary: When Steve was a child, he was abducted and brought to the cult, the Hellfire Club, as he was prophesied to be the wife of the dark forest god they worshiped. Steve enjoyed his time there, especially the time he spent with the cult leader's nephew, Eddie. This wasn't meant to last however as Steve was eventually returned to his parents. Thanks to the deprogrammer that his parents hired and time, Steve has mostly forgotten the cult that raised him. That is until he goes on a camping trip and his friends start to get murdered one by one with the only connection between the killings being the ritual offerings to the cult's gods and the strange dreams Steve has before each one. Now Steve must piece together his past to discover who is murdering his friends in the present. (Inspired heavily by various horror movies and is a horror story itself.) Trigger Warning: Child Abuse, Feminization, Brainwashing, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Ritual Sacrifices, Gore, Mpreg, Body Horror, Monster Fucking Ao3 Link: (Coming after first chapter is finished) Additional Notes: Thanks to @deadchosenking for the fic's title
Chapter List
Beginnings - Part 1.1
Beginnings - Part 1.2
Beginnings - Part 1.3
Beginnings - Part 1.4
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pekejscatbed · 11 months
Hearing You So Breathless (a sound i never wanna forget) | Dick Grayson x Wally West
Info/Warnings: Dick is 17 and still Robin, Wally is 19 and still Kid Flash, both are trans masc (t4t birdflash>>>), consensual kissing, making out, groping, and grinding, but No Smut, movie date (mentioned movies: Black Christmas (1974), Red, White & Royal Blue (2023), BASEketball (1998), and Barbie (2023)), both Dick and Wally are suggested to have ADHD
loosely based on me and my bf's date the other night <3
batman masterlist
It's their fourth date, and the two decide to have another movie date, as they both want nothing more than to curl up next to each other and forget their alternate lifestyles, even if it's just for one night.
Dick, despite popular belief, is actually a good cook, and makes a pot of Cajun Chicken Alfredo from a recipe Alfred taught him, enough to feed all of the Justice League, really, but Dick is just accounting for his boyfriends never-ending appetite; perks of dating a speedster, right? And not only do the two lovers have that to eat, but they have a cake, too, that Wally picks up on his way to Wayne Manor- a 'thank you' for cooking, even though Wally will maybe- probably- definitely- eat most, if not all, of it.
(The Alfredo is gone in ten minutes, and the cake in five.)
After they eat, they go up to Dick's room and put on their first movie, one of six they've chosen to watch tonight, three chosen by Dick and three chosen by Wally. The first movie is one of Dick's, an old horror movie surrounding Christmas that neither of them pay much attention to. Next is a movie Wally picked out, a romance and comedy about gay princes, with a non-descriptive sex scene that has Dick saying, "could be us", just to fluster his boyfriend, because with all the flirting Wally dishes out, he still gets so shy when someone flirts back. The third movie is another one of Dick's, a sports comedy with outdated humor, but it has both Dick and Wally laughing the whole time, and the two main characters, both male, kiss at the end, despite both being straight and pining for the same girl, leaving Dick and Wally to spout headcanon after headcanon about how the characters are "so totally into each other" and how they've "definitely explored each other's bodies".
During the fourth movie, a feminism movie surrounding children's toys that just recently came out with an actress who looks suspiciously similar to Harley Quinn and Wally's second choice, the two young men gets antsy from sitting still for too long despite the fact that neither of them want to stop cuddling. Luckily, they quickly come up with an alternative, one where they can still cling to each other but move enough to not want to rip their skin off; kissing. 
The only problem with kissing, however, is how shy Wally is whenever they start, nerves through the roof and turning him into a giggly mess, which then turns Dick into a giggly mess as well, and now both of the vigilantes are laughing every time one of them tries to initiate and kiss.
Eventually, they both calm down, and the laughing has eased Wally's nervousness, so now they can share a proper a kiss. Except one kiss turn into two, turns into three, turns into five, and on and on, until they're just making out, movie forgotten in the background. But then making out leads to Dick perched in Wally's lap, and then Wally falls back onto the bed with Dick on top of him, and then Dick is rolling his hips against Wally's,, and Wally is so excited he’s beginning to vibrate, and-
"You can touch me, babe." Dick breaks the kiss to look down at his boyfriend, who's face is flushed and Dick wonders if his own face is just as red.
"Are you sure? Like, really sure?"
"Yes, Wally," Dick presses another kiss to the redheads lips, "I'm sure."
And then Wally's hands are cupping Dicks breasts through his shirt- through Wally's shirt- and Dick hums into the other mouth. "You can touch me under the shirt, if you want."
"Do you want me to?" Wally is breathless now, looking up at his boyfriend with wide eyes and flushed cheeks and bruised lips.
So, Wally's hands find their way under Dick's shirt, groping the raven-haired males chest, skin on skin. His hands occasionally move down to Dicks hips, pulling him impossibly closer, and to Dicks ass, giving a light squeeze every now and then.
"You look so pretty under me," Dick mutters against Wally's lips, who bucks his hips up at the compliment with a whine, and he’s trying so hard to stay calm and not vibrate right through Dicks bed. Both of them are soaked through their boxers by now, and Wally asks if he can touch Dick lower, and Dick is guiding the others hand towards his boxers, fingers just slipping past the waistband, and-
Knock, knock, knock!
"Master Richard, please do clean up after yourself when cooking." Alfred's voice is smug from behind the door, like he knows what Dick and Wally are doing.
Dick groans, shouting back, "Yes, Alfred! I'll be right there!"
Wally laughs as Dick rolls off of him, though both boys are disappointed at the interruption.
"Finish this later?" Dick asks, pressing one last kiss to Wally's lips.
The two walk hand-in-hand downstairs, ready to wash these dishes as fast as possible (without powers, of course; Bruce always knows, and he's incredibly strict on his "no superpowers in Gotham” rule) and finish where they left off.
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laundrybiscuits · 10 months
let me out my head, let my mind run free / let me just pretend that I feel like me / need a flicker start ‘cause I’m ready / anything to spark a new beginning
That murky summer was the longest of Eddie’s life. It had started in rapid-fire panic and death like a blockbuster horror flick, and tapered off to a dull ache that seemed to stretch over his body and soul like a shaky meniscus. 
He moved slow, that summer. He’d never thought too much about his body except as something that had inconvenient wants and needs sometimes; it cleaned out the fridge and cupboards faster than Wayne could fill them, it kept shifting and fidgeting when he knew damn well that he had to sit still, it had strange hungers that he swallowed down again and again. 
In the spring, he’d opened his eyes to a pea-soup fog of pain, and for a little while it had felt like he didn’t have a body at all, just a useless collection of twitching flesh pieces strung together with chicken wire. 
It got better. The docs threw around words like “miracle,” but it didn’t feel much like one. Mostly it just felt like getting back to his old body, but with all the dials turned down. Slower, especially at first, and stiffer, and weaker. Everything took twice as long to do, and consequently the summer became longer and longer. It might’ve had the same number of minutes in it that all of Eddie’s summers always had, but every one of those minutes was soaked through with a grey kind of languor. 
Dustin didn’t really get it, but he kept coming around anyway. With him came Steve Harrington.
Steve didn’t talk to Eddie a lot. Not that summer. Not at first. He was just sort of there, flipping through a magazine in the corner of Eddie’s hospital room like a blurry apparition, then shepherding in Dustin and sometimes Mike and Lucas (and even Erica, once or twice) while Eddie held exhausted court from a recliner, handing them off like a pack of puppies for Eddie to watch for a couple hours.
Eventually, Eddie roused himself enough to ask: “Where do you even go while they’re here, man?”
“Just around, I don’t know,” said Steve. “I drive around. It’s nice out.”
“That’s really dumb. Just stay here,” Eddie told him. So after that, Steve stayed. 
It was easier when Steve could say hey dickheads, Eddie’s tired, let’s go. And then ten or fifteen or twenty minutes later it’d be quiet again, and most of the time Eddie wouldn’t even bother  moving, he’d just curl up and fall asleep on the recliner. 
He was just so worn-out all the time. There didn’t seem to be any such thing as rest for him. Even when he wasn’t actually sleepy, getting through the day felt like slogging through calf-deep sand. 
The first time Steve showed up by himself, Eddie wasn’t sure what to make of it. 
“I thought Henderson left for camp this week,” he said. Steve had a key by that point, to save Eddie having to get the door all the time, so he’d just walked in and started unloading groceries. 
“Yeah,” said Steve, like it was obvious. “That’s why he’s not here.”
Eddie didn’t ask the conspicuous follow-up question, but he thought it real hard as Steve shut the fridge. 
Maybe the bat bites had psychically linked them after all, because Steve huffed out a sigh and turned around. “I brought a couple of those movies you like—the werewolf one and the zombie one. Plus we just got Jewel of the Nile, so I figured if you wanted a change of pace…” Steve wiggled his eyebrows, and Eddie found himself laughing without really meaning to. 
“You thought I’d like Jewel of the Nile for a chance of pace?”
“No, I thought I’d like Jewel of the Nile and you’d put up with it because you’re such a good friend,” Steve said. “For a change of pace.”
So that’s how Eddie found out they were friends. 
After that, it was easier. That was about the time Eddie started being able to move around a lot better too, so it all got tangled up in his head: Steve, and movement. Freedom, and Steve. 
It was a lot to put on Steve’s shoulders, so mostly Eddie tried not to. But Steve kept coming around by himself sometimes even after Dustin got back from camp, and the back half of the summer passed a little smoother and a little sweeter like that. 
The kids started preparing to go back to school, and Eddie didn’t. Steve very blatantly tried not to ask about it until one evening, sitting on the porch, he finally said: “School.” 
He pressed his lips together like he hadn’t even meant to say that much. Eddie just shrugged.
“Got my pity diploma in the mail, dude.”
“What? When?”
“Like, uh. A month ago? Maybe two?”
“Shit, man. You shoulda told me, I’d have—we’d have—the kids’d go nuts, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“What, uh. What’re you planning? Like, what’s next?”
Eddie rolled his shoulders. “I dunno. What’s next for you?”
Steve leaned back, bracing himself on his hands and looking up at the violet sky. After a moment, he said, “Guess I don’t know either. Maybe we both need, like…a fresh start. We could, I don’t know. Go somewhere.”
“Ste-eve Harrington.” Eddie smiled up at him. “Are you asking me to run away with you? Whatever will the society papers think?”
Steve didn’t take the bait, though. He just grinned back at Eddie and said, “Maybe I am. Whatcha gonna do about it, Munson?”
Eddie hesitated, but what did he have to lose? Or rather—what did he have to gain?
He reached out, slow and careful, and settled his hand over Steve’s. It felt like a circuit connecting. Like something was clicking back together inside of Eddie at last.
Steve didn’t say anything about it, but he didn’t move, either. They just sat there for a while in the twilight, watching the light change.
DVD extra:
“I’m going to see Eddie!” Lucas hollered, halfway out the door. “I’ll be back by dinner!”
“Uh-huh, and I’m not good enough for your stupid boys’ club?” Erica shrieked, tearing around the corner and skidding to a stop so she could plant her hands on her hips and glare at Lucas.
“What?” said Lucas. 
“It’s just a little suspicious how there’s no girls allowed when you go see that long-haired freak,” she sniffed. 
“Do you…want to come with me?” Lucas said slowly. 
“Of course I don’t, dumbass! Why would I want to go?” Erica pushed past Lucas, swinging her backpack over her shoulder. “But someone’s gotta make sure you stupid boys don’t burn the place down.”
“Hey, Lucas,” called Steve, leaning out of the car window. “Erica coming with us today?”
Lucas made frantic throat-cutting motions.
“Huh?” said Steve. “She’s…not coming with us?”
Lucas groaned and jogged up to the car. “She’s coming, just don’t talk about it,” he hissed. 
He thought for a second about trying to slide over the hood of the car like cool guys in the movies, but if he messed it up, Erica would never let him live it down. She’d be telling the story at his wedding and his funeral. So he just walked around to the passenger side like a normal person and got in.
“Seatbelts,” said Steve.
“I remember you being less of a nerd,” said Erica. “Now move it, the king of the nerds is waiting.”
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doamarierose-honoka · 8 months
About a decade ago, Zack Snyder developed a storyline for the DC Extended Universe that involved Bruce Wayne impregnating Lois Lane.
The subplot in which Batman cuckolds Superman was poised to unfold in “Justice League,” with Batman dying in the sequel and Lois raising their spawn with Superman. Snyder’s vision for Wonder Woman was equally unorthodox, with visuals featuring a superheroine who brandished the decapitated heads of her conquered enemies like an ISIS jihadi.
Warner Bros. and DC Studios — which hold a firm grip on their intellectual property — rejected Snyder’s ideas, which were deemed “super creepy,” according to a source familiar with the back and forth. (DC declined to comment for this story. A representative for Snyder did not respond to a request for comment.) But in the next decade, artists and rival studios won’t need permission to create their own take on the characters.
A sad fact of Hollywood is that while superheroes never truly die, all copyrights do. On Jan. 1, Disney lost control of “Steamboat Willie,” and within 24 hours two horror-comedies starring Mickey Mouse were announced. The DC characters are the next major expirations looming on the horizon. Superman and Lois Lane will enter the public domain in 2034, followed by Batman in 2035, the Joker in 2036 and Wonder Woman in 2037.
Chris Sims, a comic book author and Batman expert, expects a flood of unauthorized Batman comics to hit the stands as soon as the copyright expires.
“There’s going to be 100 of them,” he says. “They’re going to have them ready to go.” Movie producers will also be able to make their own versions — much as they already do with public domain characters like Dracula and Robin Hood — though in the beginning they will have to stick to the original versions of the characters.
“You get Batman, but you don’t get Robin,” Sims says. “You get Superman, but you don’t get kryptonite.”
The initial Superman could only leap — not fly. “Those characteristics are going to fall into the public domain one by one,” says Amanda Schreyer, media and entertainment lawyer at Morse.
DC has been preparing for this for years. At a press event in 2023, CEO James Gunn noted that the next Superman film will introduce characters from “The Authority,” a comic series that launched in 1999, in part because the Superman copyright is about to expire.
Jay Kogan, DC’s deputy general counsel, laid out a strategy to protect characters that fall into the public domain in a 2001 article. Since only the older versions lose protection, he urged: “Keep ’em fresh and up-to-date.”
“By gradually changing the literary and visual characteristics of a character over time, a character owner can keep whatever the then-current image of the character is as the de facto standard in the public consciousness,” he wrote.
The company has done a good job of updating Superman, argues Steven Beer, an IP lawyer at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith.
“The public’s perception is the contemporary Superman. It’s distinctive,” he says. “That gives them a lot of protection.”
Another tactic: Maintain a high level of quality control.
“The public should be conditioned to view any works from unrelated parties featuring a trademark owner’s characters as second-rate knockoffs,” Kogan wrote.
Kogan also suggested that trademarks could be used to block the use of a character’s name, image and slogan even after the copyright expires.
But trademark is not a cloak of immunity, argues Jennifer Jenkins, director of Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain. “That only prevents uses that are likely to cause consumer confusion about source or sponsorship,” she says.
In other words, the characters’ names should be fair game, so long as it’s clear that the depiction is not coming from DC.
“You could still create a Superman horror movie or Batman horror movie,” says Jonathan Steinsapir, an IP attorney at KHIKS. “You just need to be careful about how you advertise it and how you use images of Superman in a branding sense.”
DC has done a careful job of tying the characters to itself by trademarking the terms “Man of Steel” and “Caped Crusader,” as well as Superman’s “S” and Batman’s logo.
“The bat symbol is a very strong mark,” Schreyer says. “That is going to limit what subsequent creators can do.”
Even so, expect the mid-2030s to see a glut of off-brand superhero content.
“People will make a run at these characters because there’s money to be made,” says Mark Waid, a comic book author and historian best known for his work on DC Comics titles like “Superman: Birthright.” “Or how about Superman versus Godzilla. It’s a gray area. But this town works on the speed of capitalism, right? That’s how we work.”
Sims believes more superhero comics will be a good thing. But the idea that there will be a Superman renaissance is oversold, he says.
“It’s gonna come down to execution,” Sims says. “There’s one company that’s used to doing it.”
Steinsapir says nothing would keep Snyder from making a non-Warners film featuring the DC troika.
“Zack Snyder could reshoot it and make his own new iteration of it,” he says. “You just need to be careful. For example, he definitely couldn’t call it ‘Justice League.’”
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tarrenterror25 · 11 months
If it's not too late for the Fear Lounge I was hoping for a smol drabble for Yandere!Alfred (for me and C). Make it as dark as you'd like!!
And what spoopy movie you'd recommend to a newbie horror movie watcher! I'm thinkin of dipping my toes into the pool 👀
🕸️ Caught! - Send in a character with a prompt/theme and I will write a drabble for you! (Less than 500 words) 📼 Scary Movie - I'll tell you what horror/Halloween/fall movie I'd watch with you!
Fear Lounge
Hi H!! You made it just in time and oh dear 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
I had a scene thought out for this request, but as I started writing it uh...took a turn and I know you said make it as dark as I'd like, but I'm still worried this is too much 😩 I went with the more obsessive side of yandere 💀 I was inspired by movies like Prom Night (2008) and The Resident (2011). I hope you and C like it!! 💕💕
Yandere!Alfred Pennyworth x (Implied)F!Reader
Tags: stalking, masturbating (male), yandere, mention of dubcon/noncon actions
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It’s as soon as Bruce leaves that Alfred does his own moonlighting of sorts.
As the Dodge Charger roars out of Wayne Terminus, Alfred makes his way to his desk in the open concept foyer.
It’s just a few clicks to pull up what he’s looking for; pictures and videos of you from the Wayne Tower security cameras.
Alfred admits he was ashamed for lusting after you, but he’s in too deep now. There’s no going back.
He lets out a soft sigh as he undoes the button and zipper of his pants.
There’s a camera that overlooks directly above your desk at Wayne Tower, during the day he often watches you work. Sometimes he gets a nice view down your blouse depending on the angle you sit at.
Alfred begins to stroke his cock to the sight of you. He’s always such a well composed man, but you, something about you sets him off, makes him…unhinged.
All the things he’s done to get close to you; finding excuses for him to call you, brushing his hand against yours, or insisting you join him on errands for Bruce.
As he touches himself, his other hand retrieves from his pocket a pair of your panties. He couldn’t help looking through your bag that day when he saw on the cameras that you had left your desk. He doesn’t know what possessed him, but he rummaged through your belongings and found the garment and pocketed it.
He strokes his cock faster now. God, he’s so hard from just thinking about how you make him come undone. He imagines that fucking you would ruin a man to pieces. Oh, how he longs to feel you from the inside; wants to rut into you until you’re full of his come. He bets you’d look stunning underneath him.
“God,” he breathes out before bringing your panties to his face and deeply inhaling your scent from them.
He adjusts them in his hand and wraps that hand around his cock so he’s stroking himself with your panties. He uses his free hand to navigate the pictures and videos.
You make him absolutely insane.
His hand moves faster and his breath hitches in his throat.
He wishes he had more courage to approach you in person, but words fail him when he’s around you. You’re so beautiful and his throat tightens when you walk near him; the way your hips move, the scent of your perfume as you walk by, the way your eyes look from under those lashes.
He comes with a sudden gasp and jerk. He releases his spend into your lacy garment, moaning softly as he watches it soak up his come off his cock.
Maybe he should give them back to you like this. You would never know…or you might. He isn’t sure which idea he likes better.
Alfred cleans himself up and looks to the pictures of you on his computer screen.
His gaze slides over to a file on his desk, a file he asked you to bring to him first thing in the morning. You won’t be able to find it and well, he’d be remissed to not help you.
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There are soooo many options in my head for what I would recommend as a horror movie if you're just getting into them, but I gotta go with a classic that (to me) feels well rounded enough to introduce someone to horror!
With you, H, I'd watch-!
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It is a SUPER fun and neat horror movie. It has some intrigue, supernatural elements, and some blood and guts, but the tone of the movie is very light and spooky rather than doom, gloom, and gore. One of my besties and I have a tradition of watching it EVERY year because it's just a classic. It's got a little bit of everything! Plus, I think there are some scenes you'd really like!!
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
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Killer Queen
Chapter 2: Without a Trace
Series Masterlist
Pair: Steve Harrington x Munson!reader
Warnings: murder, blood, bullying, past trauma, mature references. Readers under 18 are encouraged to not interact with this series. Bully!Steve
Trope: Angst, enemies to lovers romance
“But behind those Emerald eyes
She’s a devil in disguise
The prom queen has blood on her hands
Every boy and girl she dates disappears without a trace
So be careful when she asks you to dance”
[1.7k words]
Even though Hawkins is a small town, where even the smallest bit of gossip spreads like wildfire, the news about Justin’s burnt and decaying body was kept hush hush. Out of fear, perhaps… or even suspense. Either way Y/n Munson didn’t really give a fuck.
In fact, the rest of the male population were quick to jump at the opportunity of snatching her now that Justin was gone. Of course, her killing spree had only just begun and she planned on crossing off more on her list…. The only issue was she had to keep a low profile. Space them out strategically.
And for today, the first weekend after the poor body of Justin Miller was found. Which meant the capital of low profile.
“So, one or two?” Eddie asked, shaking between the two movie tapes in his hands.
“Neither.” She replied, her dark red pointed nails flicking page after page of her magazine.
Dramatically, Eddie collapsed onto the couch, clutching at his chest.
“You wound me— my own flesh and blood refusing to take part in one of the only traditions we have, Slasher Saturdays.”
“If I recall, I haven’t been around on a Saturday in quite some time now—so it’s not really a tradition anymore, right?”
Smirking at his little sister's reciprocal sarcasm, Eddie refused to give up. “And if I say it’s a tradition, then it’s a tradition. Now, pick one OR two.”
Sighing, the young girl forgot for a moment about all her troubles. Here alone in their little trailer with Uncle Wayne at work, it was easy for her to remember the happy moments in her life. Despite how little they had most of the time, Eddie was the type of big brother who drowned out the rest of the world easily.
Whether it be through his stories that made the scary night seem magical, or recklessness for rules; Y/n was never afraid or sad when he was around. And right now, back in the theatrics of Munson Movie night…. Y/n almost forgot the horrors she witnessed— and inflicted.
Eddie prided himself knowing he was his little sister’s hero. He’d gladly surrender a full night's sleep so she felt safe. Which made what happened all those months ago so much worse.
In the beginning he noticed a few bruises; nothing of concern to him since she most likely had his same clumsy genes. Then two nights before the incident he swore his soul was ripped out of him. On the outside she looked fine, no physical damages…. Yet the eyes— those eyes that used to be full of happiness and wonder were dull beyond compare.
He pushed Wayne to tell him why Y/n had to leave, to understand why she needed more than Eddie to feel safe.
Was there something he missed? Was she experiencing more than just school yard bullies tormenting her?
He initially felt like a failure when she refused to meet his gaze, getting into the truck with all her belongings to go live with distant relatives. As much as he tried to find out who may have hurt his baby sister right under his nose, yet there were no clues. Only the memory of the haunted emptiness in her eyes.
And so Eddie vowed to himself that when she returned he’d keep a closer eye, be kinder at home and never— NEVER let her experience anything horrible again. Although, her sudden change in persona and new found social life was making it difficult for him. He thought that perhaps it was good for her that she was making an effort to make friends— even if they weren’t his first choice of crowd. He could live with it, he could put up with her hanging out with snobby jocks if it meant she got the sparkle in her eye back.
He just had to push down his worries, especially now that Justin was brutally murdered.
“Uh, Eds?” She spoke, nudging her brother with her elbow. “I smell burning.”
His eyes widened and he forced himself to stop thinking about the possible ‘what if’ and bring himself back into the real world.
“Shit—burnt the fucking popcorn.”
His heart strings tore in his chest when he heard her faint giggling from the couch.
He could put up with it. He could— he would. She was back, and happy.
“Maybe we’ll just order a pizza instead, gonna have to scrub the hell out of this pot in the morning.” He said, tossing the burnt pot into the sink.
“Just wash it now before it sets!”
He scoffed her, joining her once more on the couch. “And take up precious movie night time? I think not.”
All was well as the movie continued, the two siblings joking around and enjoying having each other close. Momentarily in ignorance bliss for the horrors that were about to unfold.
Monday morning was eerie silent. The student body was too afraid to look in the eyes of anyone that wasn’t a friend, fearful that whoever killed Justin still roamed the school halls.
Y/n knew that she had to play it smart. Appear scared and fragile; after all, her boyfriend was just murdered.
“Oh sweetie! How are you feeling?” Chelsea asked, quickly drawing in the girl for a tight hug. “Can you believe it?”
Y/n tried to avoid looking directly at her, forcing her body to be stiff. “I— we were— it all happened so quickly.”
She knew exactly how to act to make Chelsea, flyer on the cheerleading squad, overly clingy. Y/n was skeptical about Chelsea's romantic preferences…. Sometimes she noticed the small blonde blushing when she catches her staring, she was always the first to change and rush out of the gymnasium changerooms.
Y/n didn’t care of course, she had no issue with people who chose to love those outside of social norms. Oh no, that wasn’t the issue she had with Chelsea. Chelsea had been the one to lure her that night of the incident, her innocent smile hiding away the sinister laugh she could remember echoing around her as everyone took turns tormenting her. That laugh that stayed with her well into the early hours of the following morning, her body lifeless and aching all over.
Which is exactly why Chelsea, sometimes sweet but manipulative little Chelsea, was the next on her list.
“I—I really don’t wanna be alone tonight. Do you think I could stay at yours?” Y/n spoke softly in the girl's ear, who blushed slightly as she nodded her agreement.
“Of course, cheer practice finishes at five so just swing past mine after that.”
“I can’t thank you enough, Chi-chi,” it took so much power to not vomit at the nickname, “You’ve been such a wonderful friend….”
Embracing the girl one last time, Y/n kissed her cheek softly. To everyone else it would appear as nothing more than two friends saying goodbye, but Y/n didn’t fail to notice the slight hitch in Chelsea’s throat once they departed.
Perhaps it was cruel of her, to be toying around with someone’s raw emotions like this. And yet, none of them stopped for a moment to see their actions as cruel. So why should she?
Walking down the halls, she tried to think of her next move. She wasn’t stupid enough to write down victims or how she planned to make them suffer; leaving a paper trail like that is just asking for trouble.
The safest place for every detail was in her mind. Whilst it had its benefits, it did mean that she was rather preoccupied. Which is exactly how she found herself flat on her ass after colliding into someone.
“Jesus— I’m sorry.” A male voice spoke to her, “Here let me—“
“I’m fine.” She snapped, getting up instantly. She fixed herself, trying her best to keep her image the best she could.
“Look, I’m really sorry—“
“I said I’m fine. Now excuse me.” She blurted out rather harshly, her eyes finally moving to see none other than Steve Harrington on the floor.
Flashbacks of him teasing her flooded her mind, and she didn’t have the time to worry about him now. Harrington would have his turn further down her list. She knew exactly who he was; an arrogant man whore who belittled anyone that didn’t fit into the social normalities. He’d tease her brother, filled his locker up with slime and rotten food, ruined his tapes that had fallen out of his van—
She retreated down the hallway with such fierce passion in her walk that Steve stayed there slumped down on the floor, merely watching her. She looked familiar to him, but the way her eyes changed and burned into his was something that made the whole world stop.
The familiarity in her face was reckoning with him, but it had been so long since he’d seen someone walk with such determination and passion. She fascinated him, captivated him entirely— how could he not know who she was. Perhaps he did, or had met her before, when his boyish head was filled with arrogance and stupidity. Thankfully, Y/n wasn’t the only one who had changed in the last year; Steve had learned to become a better version of himself, less selfish and more caring thanks to Nancy Wheeler and the small band children he’d taken under his wing.
It repulsed him to even think of the possibility that he had been cruel to this girl— who had just run away from him quickly.
“Already ruined it before I even learnt her name, nice fucking work Harrington.” He whispered to himself.
Series Taglist:
@loving-and-dreaming @sweetsweetjellybean @azaleaforsure @cutiecusp @lipglossanon @sheisjoeschateau @tinydonkeysforlife @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @gothvamp1973 @taeddybearkim @anapockets @whoreforhowl
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
Moonie my beloved.
i’m not sure if your requests are open but. i need eddie munson // gremlins content like i need god. What are his thoughts watching the movie for the first time. is he haunted by the thought of stripe. does he need a gizmo in his life or is he already a gremlin after midnight. inquiring minds must know ,, thank you g bless
eddie and you love going to the movies, barreling out right after school or sneaking into midnight shows of the latest horror releases, spending full weekends in the theater to watch your favorites over and over again. of course you guys sneak in your own snacks and treats, but you're respectful about it, always making sure to clean up after yourselves. eddie'd worked a few shifts as an usher one summer and christ how he hated cleaning up after the slobs -- he vowed to never be that kind of customer.
oh, but, when you two first see the trailer for gremlins on tv? he's already staring at you and grinning when you whip your head around to him.
"um. we're seeing that," you state matter-of-factly.
eddie snorts, about to say something in agreement, and then gasps, full shock,
"...babe... BABE!"
"that's the SAME DAY ghostbusters is out."
wayne just watches from his recliner with a smirk as you -- unsure of how to express your excitement -- begin dog-piling yourself on eddie while cheering, your boyfriend cackling all the while.
that friday, eddie and you aren't at school, oh no. in fact, you're one of the first ones in line at the theater, 'giddy' not even covering it as you both recite lines from the trailers, discussing theories and what you expected.
ghostbusters is the first flick of your double-feature -- to say you both enjoyed it is a heavy understatement -- and going into the second movie of the day you're beyond ready for whatever gremlins throws at you.
the set-up part of the film has you both hooked -- hell, just the trailer had you hooked, but when you finally see gizmo for the first time, whining over how cute he is, eddie is cheesing hard and squeezing you into him. he loves the movies as much as you, but watching you watch movies? sometimes that was even better. eddie was a sucker for your commentary.
he's scolding the screen as every mogwai rule is eventually broken, fully immersed, fully engrossed, fully ready to fight stripe with his bare hands. the moment the antagonist dares to spit upon sweet, innocent gizmo, eddie has a vendetta.
although, that's not to say he doesn't absolutely love every minute of the gremlins being gremlins. he's cackling and pointing, elbowing you excitedly through the whole chaos montage. and when it comes to mrs. deagle's turn for a visit, he's on the edge of his seat just waiting to see what will happen.
when the old lady goes soaring, you both along with the audience are clapping and cheering at the grisly yet much-deserved demise. barney could rest easy now, poor dog.
now, eddie would never openly admit it, but he was a sucker for those old disney movies -- ever since he was a kid. when the gremlins are all together in the theater, watching snow white and entranced by the dwarves' working song, he's singing along with them too, with a grin so wide his cheeks are hurting.
somewhat surprisingly to you, eddie is near hiding his face in your shoulder when stripe finally meets his end, whining sounds of distaste as the creature melts and perishes. you just coo and pat his cheek, while your eyes are glued to the screen in delight.
you could swear as well you hear him sniffle when gizmo bids billy goodbye as the movie draws to a close. you don't judge, though. you're definitely crying a little, too.
you'd gotten to the theater early in the afternoon, and after two flicks it still wasn't too late in the day, but the excitement had definitely wiped the pair of you out. eddie leans into you heavily, almost sad, pouting and squeezing his arm around your shoulders as yours does around his waist.
"...i want a gizmo..."
you snort softly and tilt your head to peck his cheek, "i know, sweetie, i know."
in bed that night, curled up together and yawning in-between reminiscing in the day you'd had, eddie is about to get up for a glass of water when he pauses.
"what's up, babe?" you question softly, rubbing his back. eddie shuffles a bit and turns his head to look at you, bemused and smirking.
"... what if there's gremlins out there..? ghouls..."
you can't help the laughter, giving him a playful shove out of bed to which he whines and makes a show of tiptoeing to the door, cracking it open and peaking out.
"well, then, you better go bust 'em! show 'em who's boss, baby, you got it."
and, of course, eddie most definitely is a gremlin, as he sheepishly re-enters the room with the glass of water and a plate full of food for you both to share. tired before, he's wired after the late-night feast, leaping around you sat in bed asking repeatedly as you're wracked with giggles, 'who you gonna call?? ED-BUSTERS!'
the next few days neither of you can go a full sentence without quoting the films at each other, and of course you go back over the weekend multiple times, at least once with wayne after convincing him to join you.
a few weeks after release and it continues when eddie is crouched in front of the tv, grumbling softly and smacking the sides, adjusting the antenna while the screen shifts between shades of fuzz. he huffs, calls to you while you're in the kitchen. "hey! theres GREMLINS in here. we got gremlins in the tv."
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
📄📝💗👻 (or however many of those you feel like doing) for the wip ask owo
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
Batman, The Conjuring AU my beloved. I finished the first chapter out of five and then got distracted by Ted Lasso and never posted any of it. It is my first true attempt at writing horror and I am cautiously pleased with it. The bones of it are the basic plot of the movie The Conjuring - Bruce and Alfred take Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian to Wayne Manor, a property that's been lost on the Wayne's asset list for years, in an attempt to get away from the city and bond after some less-than-pleasant events have happened. When they get there, they all individually begin to experience weird goings-on, and the haunting begins in earnest.
The Kents are then called into help, with Clark being the 'medium' of the two while Lois is the diligent researcher who fact checks all the bullshit. Oh, and Jon is there too.
I do not kill the dog.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
"Oi, knock that off. She's your mum, and she doesn't think you're disgusting. She loves you. You just scared her a bit, calling her up like that."
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
SO. MANY. Off the top of my head-
Oh God You're Gonna Get It (You Have Not Been Given Love) - the Roy finds out what's been going on with Jamie scene, the entire Phoebe chapter ('do you think the bloke in the book turns out okay?'), and the chapter where Roy and Jamie go for a run (which is technically just a very long scene)
The Vacant House Behind Our Home - the Roy chapter (which is entirely in dialogue), and the Rebecca chapter (where you find out a bit more about how Rebecca ended up there and we get to sit with her feelings about her divorce while lightning crashes around her)
I Still Feel Like the Same Person I've Been (the 5+1 jamie falling asleep pavlovian fic) - the entire WEMBLEY chapter, ugh my heart. I am DYING TO SHARE THIS. It is over halfway written.
👻Is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
There is a scene in Oh God You're Gonna Get It (You Have Not Been Given Love) where Jamie and Sam have a fight. I am scared anxious excited to write it. It's gonna hurt.
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sparx-png · 11 months
blog intro! let's be moots!
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I've had this blog for a while, but I realized I've never made an introduction and I love doing that. So here we go.
name: sparx
gender & pronouns: bigender/two-spirit, they/[any]
ethnicity: mixed-race latino
languages: english, spanish
age: 22
blog type: multifandom
interests: video games, anime, movies, tv, webcomics/comics, etc.
video games
• genres: RPGs, JRPGs, visual novels, platformers
• favorites: kingdom hearts, the world ends with you, devil may cry, mortal kombat, our life, mystic messenger, rakuen, ori and the blind forest, final fantasy, persona, our life: beginnings and always
• blue exorcist, erased, tokyo revengers, jojo's bizarre adventure, attack on titan, ouran high school host club, angel beats, free!, hell girl, to your eternity, death note, tanaka-kun is always listless, afro samurai, devil may cry (2007), from me to you, delicious in dungeon, etc.
• genres: animation, comedy, romance, romcom, fantasy, action, adventure, horror, martial arts
• favorites: scott pilgrim vs. the world, inception, studio ghibli films, gkids films, lord of the rings, knives out, the mummy, fantastic beasts and where to find them, the matrix, encanto, old 2D disney movies, insidious, old dreamworks movies, x-men, etc.
• genres: animation, fantasy, sci-fi, action, adventure
• favorites: invincible, over the garden wall, the legend of vox machina, avatar: the last airbender, twin peaks, our flag means death, clone high, etc.
• omniscient reader, blue hearts, surviving romance, let's play, i'm the queen in this life, blue exorcist, death is the only ending for the villainess, i love yoo, my deepest secret, the guy upstairs, kiss him not me, age matters, batman: wayne family adventures, lost and found, comedown machine, etc.
• music, hello kitty, garfield, books, poetry/lyrics, liminal space, glowwave, backrooms, reality shifting (don't judge my escapism tactics aaa), language learning, stand-up comedy etc.
dni list
• homophobes, xenophobes/racists, transphobes, and any type of bigot I guess lmao
• i'd prefer to interact with 18+ users instead of minors, but I'm not super strict
And that's pretty much it! I'll likely be continuously updating the list of interests over time. By the way, this is my secondary blog. If we become moots, I'll follow you from my primary (@eightb-all) that I don't use much. Tumblr sucks at secondary blog capabilities :,)
Nice to meet you all!
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