The Trugmans
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We seek daily interactions with our students and friends through our social media presence, ongoing communication, our published books, music, classes, and events in person and online. We build lasting, trusting relationships with those who desire to learn, grow and expand their spiritual horizons, connect to God, the Torah, Jewish tradition and the Land and People of Israel.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Shabbat and the Garden of Eden - The Trugman
According to the Parashat Bereishit,One of the most important concepts relating to Shabbat is that of oneg Shabbat, “the pleasure of Shabbat.” The holy pleasures of Shabbat are manifest and meant to be experienced in both the spiritual and physical domains. Every aspect of Shabbat is infused with a special ambience which gives great pleasure to both body and soul. Due to the highly spiritual nature of Shabbat it is compared in many writings, especially the zemirot (songs) of Shabbat, to the utopian ambience of the Garden of Eden.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Rabbi Trugman's powerful Ohr Chadash online Jewish events
In order to assist people find a deeper sense of purpose in their life, Rabbi Trugman's Ohr Chadash offers online programmes and events that impart spiritual knowledge and awareness. Rabbi Trugman's Ohr Chadash online programs and events offer teachings and insights on spiritual matters and the meaning of life. They provide a platform for individuals to deepen their understanding and connection to their faith.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Based on the fact that the opening verse of the portion contains Parashat Noach's name
Based on the fact that the opening verse of the portion contains Parashat Noach’s name twice in succession – “These are the generations of Noah, Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generations; Noah walked with God” – the Zohar speaks of a “higher rest” and a “lower rest” on Shabbat (Zohar Chadash 3, 94a). Several times in his classic work Netivot Shalom, the Slonimer Rebbe declares that a person who meticulously keeps all the laws of Shabbat .
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Why does the Torah give Abraham this name "The Abahram Hebrew" ? - Parashat Lech Lecha
According to the Parashat Lech Lecha, In this week’s portion Abraham is referred to for the first time as “Abraham the Hebrew” (Genesis 14:13). The root of the Hebrew word for “Hebrew” (ivri) literally means “to cross over.” Why does the Torah give Abraham this name? One opinion is that he gained this name because in coming to Israel he left his birth place in Ur Kasdim and crossed over the Euphrates, a major geographical demarcation line in the ancient world. Thus he was known as one who had “crossed over.”
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Ohr Chadash - The Essence of Names - Bereishit Genesis
According to the Parashat Bereishit ; Kabbalah and Chassidut assessed the fundamental nature of each animal and identified the Hebrew letters that best embodied that quintessential essence. This, in fact, is the basis for all Hebrew words. The Hebrew letters that form any name or word contain the very essence and Divine life force animating that being or entity.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Powerful Ohr Chadash Jewish Events by Trugman
Powerful Ohr Chadash Jewish Events by Trugman held by the Ohr Chadash such as Fundamentals of kabbalah and chassidut, Rabbi Trugman events online, Jewish events online, Events by rabbi trugman, Rabbi trugmans events, Online learning with rabbi trugman, Online programs by rabbi trugman, Ohr chadash jewish events etc. For the Jewish People which is inspiring and knowlegable. Its gives the actual meaning of the life. . This  is the Traditional Methods for Revealing the Inner Dimensions of Torah.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut
Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Rabbi Trugman starts a new series about the Attributes of Understandings and Principles of Faith. This is geared for this time of the year as we approach the month of Elul and Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In this class Rabbi Trugman introduces the idea of the Thirteen Attributes  of Understandings  as well as the less known Nine Attributes of Understandings and their important application to this time of the year.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Online Events by Rabbi Trugman – Ohr Chadash
Online Events by Rabbi Trugman  taught you all the essential knowledge and understanding spiritual Meaning of life.The connection of seeing and hearing in a deeper manner is as we have seen connected to both the Shema and the sin of the spies. You shall look upon them and remember all the commandments of God and fulfill them.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Ohr Chadash - Online Programs by Rabbi Trugman
Online Programs By Rabbi Trugman gives you all the knowledge about the Jewish culture and Tradition which gives us a spiritual meaning of life. This  is the Traditional Methods for Revealing the Inner Dimensions of Torah. There are many events held by the Ohr Chadash such as Fundamentals of kabbalah and chassidut, Rabbi Trugman events online, Jewish events online, Events by rabbi trugman, Rabbi trugmans events, Online learning with rabbi trugman, Online programs by rabbi trugman, Ohr chadash jewish events etc.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Ohr Chadash Jewish Events Organized by Trugman
Online Ohr Chadash Jewish Events gives you all the essential knowledge and understanding spiritual Meaning of life. Its gives all the knowledge about the Jewish culture and tradition which gives us a spiritual meanings of life. Inspiring and Motivational Ohr Chadash Jewish Events reveals how the various stories and symbols of the holidays offer us powerful tools through which we can dig deeper into the subterranean layers of our own selves in order to manifest our most hidden potential.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Ohr Chadash Jewish Books For Jewish People
Inspiring and Motivational Ohr Chadash Jewish Books reveals how the various stories and symbols of the holidays offer us powerful tools through which we can dig deeper into the subterranean layers of our own selves in order to manifest our most hidden potential. Traditional Methods for Revealing Inner Dimensions of Torah is a truly unique work that brings together, in a highly organized and accessible manner, over eight hundred fascinating explanations based on seventy different textual methodologies developed and used by the Sages, Rabbis and Jewish mystics for thousands of years.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Inspiring and Motivational Ohr Chadash Jewish Books
Inspiring and Motivational Ohr Chadash Jewish Books reveals how the various stories and symbols of the holidays offer us powerful tools through which we can dig deeper into the subterranean layers of our own selves in order to manifest our most hidden potential. Through celebrating and observing the holiday rituals with an open heart and focused mind, we at once connect to the chain of tradition that links us to all of our ancestors, while simultaneously allowing us to create our own unique link in that eternal chain, as we both preserve and perpetuate our holy tradition for future generations.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Search Information About the Gematria with Rabbi Trugman
The technique of assigning numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet is known as gematria (from the Greek term geometria). One of the aggadic hermeneutical guidelines for understanding the Torah (*Baraita of 32 Rules, no. 29) entails describing a word or group of words based on the numerical value of the letters or replacing other letters of the alphabet for them according to a predetermined scheme. The term is most commonly used to signify altering based on numerical value and is also used to denote "calculations" on occasions.
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Rabbi Trugman's program "OHR CHADASH" is pleased to introduce you to a useful tool Gematria with Rabbi Trugman that will help you to understand new depths in comprehending Torah and its complex layers of significance, as well as how the universe is integrally interrelated, eventually leading to fresh and enlightening insight. You can enter a word in Hebrew and almost instantly see spelled out all the locations in the Torah, the 24 books of the Bible, where this term, name, or phrase appears. By examining these appearances, we can make connections that we may not have seen previously. 
How Does Gematria Connect Us With Torah and Life?
This Gematria addresses several ways of determining the numerical equivalent of individual letters and how these letters can be determined based on their names' implied word value. This approach is based on the idea that numerical similarity is not a coincidence because the world was formed by God's word and each letter signifies unique creative energy. Thus, the numerical equivalent of two words indicates an inherent link between each one's creative potential.
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According to Kabbalah, if two words or sentences share the same number, they are said to have a profound relationship. The Gematria reveals a deeper set of correspondences than those found in the literal text, pointing to a whole mathematical structure beneath the Torah. Gematria reveals the deeper meanings of the Torah.
ABOUT GEMATRIA: Beliefs And History
While gematria was utilized occasionally in the Talmud and Midrash, it was not important to rabbinic writing. The rabbis used gematria to bolster biblical exegesis on occasion, but not frequently. They were considerably more involved in using logical reasoning and debate to defend their beliefs. However, gematria is vital to Kabbalah, the Jewish spiritual tradition. Indeed, the various names of God and their permutations in Kabbalah have numerical values that are thought to hold strong power.
The name "GEMATRIA" is derived from the Greek "geometria," and the notion can be found in Plato's works. Some people have thought throughout history that the Torah contains secrets that can be discovered through gematria and utilized to forecast historical events. Some Hasidic groups that study kabbalistic literature think that the Torah, when viewed through the prism of gematria, offers insights to present events. Skeptics, on the other hand, have pointed out that, depending on the words and sentences highlighted and calculated, gematria can be used as "evidence" to support opposed beliefs.
Ohr Chadash: Take Yourself To New Horizons Of Understanding Torah Teachings And Experience The Jewish Mystics.
Exploring ourselves and reaching new boundaries of understanding, connections, relationships, and many other necessary commodities accessible on and off the planet is what makes people the best versions of themselves and fulfills the meaning of providing justice to the world's creator's hardships. Ohr chadash is a program run by Rabbi Avraham Arieh and Rachel Trugman, who have 45 years of expertise in Jewish education. Ohr Chadash strives to impart the bright light, rich traditions, and spirituality of the Torah in a contemporary manner that is both practical and mystical to all Jews and people, regardless of race, religion, or creed. Along with the teachings, programs, and events of Jewish education, torah teachings, and spiritual connections, our useful tool Gematria with Rabbi Trugman helps in finding the relations between words, their significant meanings, and connections.
We seek everyday engagement with our students and friends through our social media presence, constant contact, published books, music, classes, and events in person and online. We cultivate long-term, trusted connections with people who want to learn, grow, and broaden their spiritual horizons by connecting with God, the Torah, Jewish tradition, and the Land and People of Israel. Join Ohr Chadash today and make a significant contribution to the beautiful world via our inspiring educational programs and discover the spiritual and mystical avenues of Jewish and Torah teachings.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Advanced Online Gematria Search by Rabbi Trugman
Hebrew scholars are not the only ones considering the concept of Advanced Online Gematria Search, as it is common to other religions and cultures. Plato referred to Greek Gematria, and the Abjad numerals are the Arabic equivalent. Many of us even have similar beliefs regarding superstitions seated in religion, whether we know it or not. 666 is a number we associate with words like devil or beast. Some have found the Gematria of 666 to be a reference Nero Caesar.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
The Torah Teaching Videos Given By Rabbi Trugman
One of the best ways to learn about the Jewish religion is to read the Torah, which is the sacred text of Judaism. A great way to get started is by reading the weekly Torah portions. The Torah Teaching Videos Given By Rabbi Trugman for All the Jews people believe in God, who not only created the cosmos but also shares a deep and divine spiritual relationship with them.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Torah Portion of the Week Made by Rabbi Trugman Jewish
The theme of prophecy occurs throughout the Torah Portion of the week. In addition to the words of the prophets and prophetic dreams or visions, the Torah Teachings explicitly predicts some future events and subtly alludes to others. Beginning, with the portion of Lech Lecha, the stories of the patriarchs and matriarchs allude to the future dynamics of Jewish history through a mechanism we have often mentioned above: “the actions of the fathers are a sign to the children” ( Sotah 34a). The Torah Portion concludes with a message repeated again and again in the book of Deuteronomy: if the Jewish people is true to its calling, adhering to God’s Torah, observing the commandments and acting justly, God will grant the nation peace and prosperity in the Land of Israel. However, if the Jews fail to observe the commandments and obey God’s word, they will experience the horrors of military conquest and be subjected to a long and cruel exile. The Torah, in fact, describes the horrors of exile in graphic detail. Anyone possessing even a superficial knowledge of Jewish history will recognize how the Torah’s predictions have come to fruition.
The idea that there are hidden messages, mathematical symmetry, and infinite layers of meaning in the Torah, lies at the basis of sod, the secret Kabbalistic tradition. Although the jury is still out regarding what are commonly called the Bible Codes, computer searches of the biblical text have revealed truly amazing mathematical patterns and a systematic order to the biblical text previously hidden from the human eye. Modern technology is ambitiously expanding the horizons of the sod tradition by discovering additional wonders concealed in the text. Such technology may yet reveal an even deeper stratum of prophetic information.
The Torah portion of Vayeishev is rich in prophetic material. It begins with Joseph’s dreams, which Joseph and Jacob clearly understood to be prophetic. Confirming this fact, twenty-two years later, Joseph’s brothers bowed down to him when they went to Egypt to buy food. They did not recognize him, but he certainly recognized them and must have realized that finally his prophetic dreams were coming true. Based on this time span, the Sages suggest that one wait for at least twenty-two years for his or her dreams to be fulfilled ( Berachot 55a-b). Indeed, in this portion even the promises of God are seen to come true. When Jacob first sent Joseph to check on the welfare of his brothers who were pasturing sheep, the verse states that he sent him from “the valley of Hebron.” Rashi points out that Hebron is not deep in a valley, but in the mountains. Explaining the words in metaphorical derash style, Rashi explains that Jacob sent Joseph so that God’s deep designs imparted to Abraham, who was buried in Hebron, would come to pass: his descendants would be strangers, oppressed in a foreign land, but would leave with great wealth. (Rashi on Genesis 37:14; Sotah 11a). It is important to note that this derash is based on the Hebrew word for “valley” coming from the same root as the Hebrew word for “deep.”
One of the profoundest questions regarding prophecy is if the person always knows the import of his or her words or actions. For example, when Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers, was Jacob fully aware of the wheels he was setting in motion or was he merely a vessel through which God brought about the Jewish people’s destiny? This question applies to all of us, albeit on a somewhat less obvious level: are we always aware of our roles as agents for spiritual energies and dynamics beyond our conscious awareness? The answers to this enigma touch upon the mysterious paradox of how free will, Divine Providence, and Omnipotence operate simultaneously.
The Torah Portion of Vayeishev sheds light on this question by describing three sets of relationships: Joseph, “the man,” and Joseph’s brothers; Judah and Tamar; and Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. The Midrash puzzled by the appearance of an unnamed man who ensured that Joseph found his brothers at pasture explains that this man was the angel Gabriel; he had been sent by God to ensure that Joseph found his brothers and was subsequently sold into slavery, thus setting into motion the wheels of Jewish history (Genesis 37:15). Later Joseph seems to justify this interpretation for when he reveals himself to his brothers he tells them not to worry for although they intended to do him evil, God meant it all to happen for the good (Genesis 50:20). Joseph may not have known what was meant to be, but in retrospect he realized his role in fulfilling God’s plans.
As we saw in the previous section, Tamar actually had a prophetic sense of her role in Jewish history. She sensed that she was destined to have children with the family of Judah and foresaw that kings and redeemers would descend from them. She was so convinced of her prophetic intuition that she risked her reputation and her life for the sake of fulfilling what she felt was her destiny.
Later in this Torah  portion, we find the remarkable story of Potiphar’s wife trying to seduce Joseph. While Joseph was handsome, her attempts to seduce him are still somewhat surprising. According to the Midrash, she had a very good reason for these attempts: like Tamar, who intuited her need to have children from the family of Judah, Potiphar’s wife also had a prophetic intuition that she was meant to be with Joseph.
According to the Arizal, she was not entirely mistaken. Potiphar’s wife possessed two sides: a pure, holy one and an impure one. Her passion for Joseph was fuelled by a mixture of the two. She was driven by both raw desire and her soul’s profound attraction to Joseph’s holiness. The Torah Portion tradition teaches us that even though Joseph did not sleep with her, several generations later a spark of Joseph’s soul was reincarnated in Joshua who married Rahab. The mystical tradition teaches that Rahab — the woman who helped Israel conquer the city of Jericho — possessed the good side of Potiphar’s wife’s reincarnated soul; thus, at a certain point in history, Potiphar’s wife and Joseph did come together (Rabbi Menachem Azaryah’s Reincarnation of Souls, #90; discussed in Return Again: The Dynamics of Reincarnation, pp. 148). Additionally, the Midrash teaches that Joseph, himself, married Osnat who was Potiphar’s wife’s adopted daughter. Thus, we see that in Tamar’s case she had a “clear” prophetic intuition of what was to pass, while Potiphar’s wife’s intuition was “unclear,” leading her to erroneously attempt to seduce Joseph.
As we have seen, this Torah Portion provides several instances of clear and unclear prophecy and demonstrates the very fine line dividing these two states. The portion also exposes us to the fine line between free choice and Divine Providence and forces us to consider how they can operate simultaneously.
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thetrugmans · 2 years ago
Israel History Tracks by Rabbi Trugmans
When approaching a subject as vast and deep as the nature and understanding of the holiness of the land of Israel, one can only hope to open a few doors, explore momentarily a great treasure, and then take a lifetime to develop and experience what has been found. The idea of calling the Land of Israel “holy” immediately brings to mind a very essential question, which in turn leads to a whole progression of other questions. Do we mean that the land becomes holy because holy people live on it, or do we mean that the people become holy by the fact of their living on the land? 
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