#Flight missing
hotshotriot · 4 months
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that's a weird looking dolphin
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greatpistachiopie · 1 year
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it's mentopolis finale day!! i'll hate to see you go stacy fakename
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re-colligere · 1 month
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The professor's finally getting those dance lessons he sorely needed...even if his dance partner is not that great of a dancer either. oh well!
villain yaois kinda something.. to me
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renai-fr · 3 months
Perler Bead Flight Flags
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Made these flight flag coasters a bit back, figured it was a good time to post 'em! I do enjoy Perlers, they're like pixel art but at the end I can hold them and stuff.
Crafting details after the break, if y'all want to make your own.
These are using the original 2013 flag designs/colors on a 14x14 board, with standard 5mm beads. If you wanted to do the current flag designs, they'd need a little bit of tweaking as many are more symmetric in the current art (and also, I'd recommend a 16x16 size, since then you have room to put the current art's border). You could also try out an odd-sized flag, 15x15 maybe, but the angles at the bottom will look a little off. Doesn't hurt to try stuff though!
I got most of the beads for these out of variety packs and various kits, which don't necessarily label the colors in them, but these are my best guesses to what I used:
Earth: Tan design on Brown base
Fire: Butterscotch/Orange on Light Brown base
Wind: Dark Green on Kiwi Lime
Water: Light Blue on Dark Blue/Cobalt
Lightning: Toothpaste on Parrot Green
Ice: Turquoise on Robin's Egg
Light: Cheddar on Creme
Shadow: Pastel Lavender on Purple
Nature: Kiwi Lime on Dark green
Plague: Red on Cranapple
Arcane: Pink on Raspberry
(Most of these came from the Multi Mix packs or the Neutral Colors/Fun Colors trays, but Cranapple in particular was catankerous to get ahold of. Fitting for Plague, I suppose! Anyways, there's some wiggle room on hue for a lot of these, too, I was just using what I had onhand as much as possible)
As for what I would do differently if I made another set of these? Well... I've gotten a bit better at getting the melt level consistent, so there's that. Learned the hard way that trying to melt two designs on the same pegboard, even if said board is big, isn't a good idea (and it's near-impossible to fix). Also, I was using one of the freebie folded pieces of parchment paper, so some of the coasters have creases... On non-ironing notes, I think it would be fun to take a stab at a micro-bead variant, since they support a higher dpi and all!
Anyways, if you decide to make your own set, please uh... I'd say ping me, but I'm not actually sure how that works here? I think it'd be cool to see 'em, that's all. Happy crafting!
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dailyfalsesymmetry · 8 months
a request for when you get back
false in OlympZITS!
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day 101
you read my mind anon
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alkalinefrog · 1 year
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“We can’t stay in bed all day.” “Well, not with that attitude.”
@secretsivekept HIYA SECRET!
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humming-fly · 6 months
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Theatre Kid (Derogatory)
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aashiqeddiediaz · 6 months
this is canon confirmation of buck checking out eddie's ass, because that badonkadonk isn't hiding and we know he's hot and we know buck can't stop talking about him ever and thus. that is the conclusion to be drawn here
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katkat030 · 21 days
Scar sits, balanced on a precipice at the crest of the world, and thinks. If he tilts forward just a degree too far into the sweeping abyss that engulfs the city below, he will fall. It’s a height that very few could survive, and he knows without a shred of doubt that he is not one of them. “Careful,” comes the warning in a tone that, if he closes his eyes, sounds awfully like Cuteguy. But of course, the voice that Scar hears so often through his earpiece is nothing at all like the unmistakable lilt of Pearl’s words. OR Pearl watches Scar leave his apartment in the small hours between dusk and dawn. When she follows to find him dangling his feet off the edge of the tallest building in Hermitopia, she decides to sit by her archnemesis' side, just for one night.
I wrote and posted my first fanfic, a oneshot based on the @hotguycomiczine universe!
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aardvaark · 4 months
im so glad that we never get a clear picture of sophie’s background in leverage & i hope we never do. however i also really like making up various, often conflicting backstories for her in my head. perhaps they’re all backstories for an alias of hers, ones she laid to rest back in season two.
#leverageposting#leverage#sophie devereaux#particularly that one of or both her parents had to move around a lot for work & so she would change herself to fit in at every new school#or new town etc etc. and that whatever original identity she had was dropped due to some kind of really awful event and her bio family think#she’s dead. eg she got into some kind of extreme legal trouble for the first time & she faked her death & everyone she knew as a kid thinks#she’s dead too. like. astrid wasn’t the first person she left to miss/mourn her.#but also that she was a teen runaway at like age ~16 and pretended to be an adult (like. 18/19) cause theres not much you can do by yourself#as a minor like booking flights or renting an apartment. and so began her first proper alias. and she was a pickpocket until she could fund#her life fully through grifting & cons.#or alternatively her parents died when she was a teen & she was old enough to become an emancipated minor (everyone in lev is an orphan)#and she kind of just fell into crime from there bc she had no one#or perhaps she got married at 17 and realised how fucked it all was and stashed money until she could run away & leave it all behind. that’s#bc of a single vague sentence on john rogers’ blog saying she was married at 17 and in context it was quite possibly a joke or random#hypothetical example but i was like what if???? What If???????#i also like the hc that she’s trans which i’ve seen a few times#in some versions in my mind her parents were okay and in some versions they were awful and in some versions it was so complicated.#i think tara has heard one story and parker or hardison have heard another and nate has never heard any story. he’s never asked.#she is here now and that’s all that needs knowing. and sophie devereaux is her real name in any way it matters.#eliot has also never asked and she asked if he was curious once and he just asked if she was curious about What He Did and that was answer#enough for the both of them. just a mutual agreement not to ask and it actually solidified their bond.#i think she struggled for a long time about whether to tell her new family The Real Story but in much the same way we never hear her birth#name bc it’s not Her anymore… she never gives The Real Story. bc it no longer defines who she is. she’s so much more than whatever happened.#lvg
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
Marvel added a new superhero to the MCU called Flightless Bird Man. His power was turning into any flightless bird.
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pearlcatcher-problems · 2 months
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I've been really into matching dragons lately and figuring out what kind of relationship I see between them / how they'll fit in the main lair. Here are two paired projects I've been planning out ; w; really excited to tackle their lore a little more in-depth down the line!
» husbands [ Leynth | Xerxes ] abyss basic ᛜ spruce jester ᛜ grapefruit glimmer
» twins [ Khal | Hanta ] umber fade ᛜ antique bee ᛜ peacock glimmer
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aquilo-xenowyrm · 2 months
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obsidianobelisk-fr · 6 months
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Jumping on the rainbow lair wagon 😅
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tomswifty-fr · 8 months
I had a dream last night that I was complaining about how there are no Tundra npcs (because I forgot about Crim and Pink or something) and someone was like umm what are you talking about? we've had Tundra npcs for years, check the trading post. And so I did, and Crim and Pink were there but there was a THIRD Tundra. I don't remember her name or what she did but. She was Caper-colored with a bandana and didn't have unique art, just the site art blown up to fit the size of the trading post art but with her mane edited into huge Barbie-style hair with pink streaks.
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it looked like this.
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hulking-greatowl · 3 months
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made this meme after realizing how few unawakened familiars i currently own
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