#Fitness Program
blacknightsthings · 5 months
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seumascowan · 1 year
KbCaliUL W2-D4
3x circuits of: Jump rope x100reps Step-ups x10reps Chin-ups x15reps Band shrugs x15reps Asst pistol squats x5reps Kb Pendlay rows x10reps Kb clean/squat x5reps Bicep curls x4-6reps
Went circuit mode for the second Upper pull/Lower push day. Not sure I like it better, aside from 3x with around 2.5 min rest lasting all of about 20 minutes or so and my HR blasting through my chest. A decent session nevertheless.
Okay, last Hellripper tune for the week. Today's is "The Hanging Tree" from the great record, 'The Affair of the Poisons'
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gymsoul · 1 year
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strivecompetitions · 1 year
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Fitness Challenge
Download the Strive Competitions App for the best Fitness Challenges App and try an amazing body transformation workout to achieve your dream body in only 5 weeks!
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newmusicbreakthru · 2 years
How to Start Exercising: A Beginner’s Guide to Working Out
How to Start Exercising: A Beginner’s Guide to Working Out 101
Fitness 101 Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. In fact, you’ll begin to see and feel the benefits consistent physical activity can have on your body and well-being quickly. However, working exercise into your routine takes a lot of determination, and sticking to it in the long term requires discipline. If you’re considering starting to exercise but don’t…
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fitnessandabs · 3 days
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ebylife-blog · 10 days
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Are you looking for personal training in Barcelona?
Our English-speaking trainers at Ebylife provide tailored fitness programs designed to meet your unique needs and goals.
What is Personal Training?
Personal training at Ebylife involves a customised approach to fitness, focusing on individual goals, preferences and fitness level. Our trainers ensure you receive the best service to achieve effective and sustainable results.
Our Training Approach:
Open Dialogue: We build a strong rapport with clients to better understand and support their needs and fitness goals.
Custom-fit Plans: Each training plan is tailored to your specific goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle growth, or overall fitness.
Regular Follow-ups: Continuous and ongoing support and motivation to help you stay on track and make steady progress. We’re with you every step of the way!
Why Ebylife?
Personalised Direction: Our sessions are designed to meet your individual fitness goals.
Expert Guidance: With over a decade of experience, our trainers offer valuable insights with tried and tested training methods and techniques.
Extensive Support: From diet and exercise to stress management and mindfulness, we provide comprehensive support.
Ready to Get Started?
Start your journey towards a healthier, fitter you with Ebylife.
Book your free consultation and let’s get started today.
Contact us at www.ebylife.com/contact-us
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anand07723 · 4 months
CrossFit Harwood Heights: Elevating Fitness in Chicago with Premier Group Fitness and Personal Training
In the vibrant city of Chicago, where the pursuit of fitness meets the bustling urban landscape, CrossFit Harwood Heights stands as a beacon of strength and conditioning excellence. As Chicago's #1 Strength and Conditioning gym, CrossFit Harwood Heights has carved its niche by offering a dynamic blend of group fitness and personalized training experiences. In the heart of the community, this fitness haven has become a hub for individuals seeking not only physical transformation but a supportive community that fosters lasting wellness.
The Gym that Defines Excellence:
At the core of CrossFit Harwood Heights is a commitment to excellence in fitness. As a comprehensive gym catering to diverse fitness needs, the facility is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and staffed by experienced trainers dedicated to guiding members on their fitness journey. The gym's expansive space is meticulously designed to accommodate both group fitness sessions and personalized training, ensuring that every individual finds the right path to their fitness goals.
Group Fitness: Uniting Strength in Community:
CrossFit Harwood Heights has redefined the concept of group fitness, turning it into a collective experience that transcends mere workouts. Group fitness sessions at the gym are more than just exercises; they are a fusion of motivation, camaraderie, and shared accomplishment. Each class is carefully curated to cater to all fitness levels, from beginners to seasoned athletes, fostering an environment where everyone feels challenged and supported.
From heart-pounding cardio sessions to strength-building circuits, the group fitness classes at CrossFit Harwood Heights are diverse and dynamic. Expert trainers lead each session, providing guidance on proper form, motivation to push limits, and modifications to meet individual needs. The energy within the group setting is infectious, creating a sense of belonging and shared achievement that keeps members coming back for more.
Personal Training: Tailoring Success, One Individual at a Time:
For those seeking a more personalized approach to fitness, CrossFit Harwood Heights offers bespoke personal training programs. The gym's certified trainers work closely with individuals to understand their unique fitness aspirations, crafting tailored workout plans that address specific goals, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, or overall well-being.
Personal training at CrossFit Harwood Heights is not just about physical exercise; it's a holistic journey encompassing nutrition guidance, lifestyle adjustments, and continuous support. The one-on-one sessions allow trainers to focus on the individual's strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring a customized and effective fitness strategy. The personalized attention extends beyond the gym floor, creating a partnership that empowers individuals to make lasting changes in their lives.
Community, Connection, and CrossFit:
CrossFit Harwood Heights goes beyond the conventional gym experience by fostering a sense of community that extends far beyond the workout sessions. The gym has become a meeting ground for like-minded individuals who share a passion for fitness and a commitment to personal growth. Regular events, challenges, and social gatherings create an avenue for members to connect, support each other, and celebrate collective achievements.
Gym, Group Fitness, Personal Training: A Triad of Wellness:
At CrossFit Harwood Heights, the triad of Gym, Group Fitness, and Personal Training harmoniously intertwine to create a holistic approach to wellness. The gym serves as the epicenter, offering a space where individuals can choose their preferred path to fitness. Whether sweating it out in a high-energy group class or embarking on a personalized training journey, members have the flexibility to shape their fitness experience according to their preferences and goals.
The integration of group fitness and personal training at CrossFit Harwood Heights recognizes that wellness is not a one-size-fits-all concept. The gym's philosophy revolves around the understanding that every individual is unique, and their fitness journey should reflect that individuality. The variety of offerings ensures that members can find the perfect balance between the motivation of group dynamics and the personalized attention of one-on-one training.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Fitness Journey with CrossFit Harwood Heights:
As the sun sets over the Chicago skyline, CrossFit Harwood Heights continues to stand as a pillar of strength and conditioning in the city. For those seeking a fitness experience that goes beyond the ordinary, this gym offers a transformative journey fueled by community, expert guidance, and a commitment to individual success. Whether you thrive in the energy of a group setting or prefer the tailored approach of personal training, CrossFit Harwood Heights invites you to redefine your limits, embrace your potential, and join a community that celebrates the journey to a healthier, stronger, and more empowered you.
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beyondkindhomecarellc · 4 months
Do you have an elderly loved one at home? As a person grows older, they will go through many changes and challenges in life. As they experience such struggles in their daily activities, this can take a toll on their mental health. Despite being an unpleasant feeling, loneliness is prevalent among seniors, which can even lead to elderly depression.
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aigle-suisse · 5 months
Cleo and the daily fitness program .... par Regina Via Flickr : Cleo is beginning to enjoy her daily fitness session with the peacock feather even if her enthusiasm never lasts long. She still lies down for her fitness program but we are making progress, in the meantime she moves both paws AND the tongue. :)
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blacknightsthings · 5 months
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seumascowan · 1 year
KbCaliUL W2.5-4
It's been a while since I've done "fasted" lifting — not in the traditionally fasting sense, just earlier morning and pre-meal. I used to always be an early morning lifter. Like 0500 lifter! Generally have never been big on eating large meals then lifting; always makes me feel sluggish and actually less energetic. Felt pretty good today getting back into the grove of things.
Warmup: jump rope w/ step-ups
Supersets: all x3 Chin-ups (+9.5kg) x 6-7 reps Band shrugs x 10 reps Pistol squats (assisted) x 6 reps each leg
Inverted ring rows (bw) x 12 reps Kb clean/squat (2x 16kg) x 7 reps
Finisher: Kb windmill curls (16kg x 11)
Today's A-Z selection is some Massachusetts thrashy deathy nerd metal, which is my own explanation but should be a proper genre imo. It's good shit from High Command.
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arbaah · 7 months
Unlock Your Body [Online Course]
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A Journey to Wellness in 2023"
In the dynamic landscape of wellness, the year 2023 brings forth a groundbreaking opportunity to embark on a transformative journey with the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]." This comprehensive course isn't just about physical fitness; it's a holistic approach to unlocking your body's potential, fostering well-being from the inside out. As we explore the key facets of this course, let's delve into the promise it holds for a healthier, more vibrant you.
Click here to get more details
Embarking on the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" Adventure
The journey begins with the anticipation of embarking on the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" adventure. More than just a fitness program, this online course serves as a roadmap to unlocking your body's full potential. As individuals enrol, they are met with a wealth of resources and insights that extend beyond the realms of traditional exercise routines. The human touch in this online experience lies in the anticipation of personal growth, an exploration that transcends physicality and touches the essence of holistic wellness.
Discovering the Holistic Approach to Well-Being
One of the hallmarks of the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" is its commitment to a holistic approach to well-being. Beyond the realms of conventional fitness programs, this course encompasses elements of mental and emotional health. It delves into practices that foster mindfulness, stress reduction, and the cultivation of positive habits. The human touch here lies in the recognition that true well-being is a harmonious blend of physical, mental, and emotional wellness, setting this course apart as a comprehensive guide to unlocking your body's full potential.
Navigating the Virtual Landscape of "Unlock Your Body" in 2023
The virtual landscape of the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" mirrors the evolving nature of wellness in 2023. With user-friendly interfaces, engaging multimedia content, and interactive elements, participants navigate a virtual space that feels both accessible and immersive. The human touch in this digital experience lies in the seamless integration of technology to create a supportive and engaging learning environment, fostering a sense of connection and community among participants.
Unlocking Physical Potential: The Core of the Online Course
At the heart of the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" is the focus on unlocking your physical potential. Tailored exercise routines, expert guidance, and progressive challenges form the core of this aspect. The human touch in the physical dimension lies in the personalised approach, acknowledging that every body is unique. Participants are encouraged to progress at their own pace, fostering a sense of empowerment as they witness their bodies respond and adapt to the carefully crafted exercises.
The Mind-Body Connection: A Guiding Principle
Central to the course is the principle of the mind-body connection. "Unlock Your Body" recognizes that physical fitness is intrinsically linked to mental well-being. Mindful movement, breathwork, and practices that enhance body awareness are seamlessly woven into the fabric of the course. The human touch here lies in the understanding that unlocking your body is not just about external transformations but also about cultivating a positive relationship between the mind and body, fostering a holistic sense of wellness.
Expert Guidance: The Compass on Your Wellness Journey
An invaluable aspect of the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" is the expert guidance provided by seasoned instructors. These experts serve as compassionate guides, offering insights, encouragement, and practical tips throughout the journey. The human touch in this element lies in the mentorship provided, creating a supportive environment where participants feel seen and supported on their unique wellness paths. Expert guidance becomes the compass that navigates individuals through the multifaceted terrain of unlocking their bodies.
The Community Aspect: Shared Journeys and Mutual Support
In the virtual space of the "Unlock Your Body" community, participants find a network of like-minded individuals on similar journeys. The course fosters a sense of community where experiences are shared, milestones are celebrated, and challenges are met with understanding and encouragement. The human touch in this communal aspect lies in the connection forged between participants, creating a supportive ecosystem that enhances the overall transformative experience of unlocking your body.
Unlocking Lifestyle Habits: Sustainable Changes for Long-Term Wellness
Beyond structured workouts, the course emphasizes the importance of unlocking lifestyle habits for long-term wellness. From nutrition tips to sleep hygiene practices, participants are guided towards making sustainable changes that extend beyond the duration of the course. The human touch here lies in the acknowledgment that true well-being is a product of daily habits, and the course serves as a catalyst for positive, enduring lifestyle shifts that contribute to long-term health.
Tracking Progress: Celebrating Personal Victories
"Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" provides tools for participants to track their progress – not just in terms of physical changes but also in personal achievements and milestones. The human touch in this element lies in the celebration of personal victories, be it mastering a challenging exercise or overcoming mental barriers. Tracking progress becomes a source of motivation, reinforcing the transformative nature of the journey and inspiring individuals to continue unlocking their bodies.
Embracing Flexibility: Tailoring the Course to Your Needs
Recognizing that every wellness journey is unique, the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" embraces flexibility. Participants are encouraged to tailor the course to suit their individual needs, allowing for modifications based on fitness levels, preferences, and personal goals. The human touch in this adaptability lies in the empowerment of individuals to take ownership of their wellness journey, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-directed growth.
Culminating in Personal Empowerment: Beyond the Course
As participants progress through the "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]," the ultimate goal is not just the completion of the program but the cultivation of personal empowerment. The human touch in this culmination lies in the newfound confidence and self-awareness that participants carry beyond the course. "Unlock Your Body" becomes a catalyst for lasting change, inspiring individuals to continue their wellness journey with a sense of purpose, resilience, and a profound connection to their bodies.
In Conclusion: A Transformative Invitation to Wellness in 2023
In conclusion, "Unlock Your Body [Online Course]" isn't merely a fitness program; it's an invitation to a transformative and holistic wellness journey in 2023. From the virtual landscape to the personalised approach, this course embraces the multifaceted nature of well-being. It is a testament to the understanding that unlocking your body goes beyond physical transformations; it's about fostering a deep connection between mind, body, and community. As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that "Unlock Your Body" is not just an online course; it's a profound invitation to unlock the fullest potential of your well-being.
Click here to get more details
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strivecompetitions · 1 year
30-day Fitness Challenge
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How to Transform Your Body in 30 Days with a Fitness Challenge
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your fitness journey? Do you want to see real results and make lasting changes to your body? Join our 30-Day Fitness Challenge today and experience a complete body transformation!
What is the 30-Day Fitness Challenge?
Our 30-Day Fitness Challenge is a comprehensive program designed to help you achieve your fitness goals in just one month. This challenge includes daily workouts, nutritional guidance, and expert coaching to ensure that you get the most out of your experience!
How Does the Challenge Work?
Once you sign up for the challenge, you will receive access to our online platform, where you can access your daily workout routines, nutrition plan, and coaching support. You will be required to complete a daily workout routine and adhere to the nutrition plan for the duration of the challenge!
What Can You Expect?
During the 30-day challenge, you can expect to see real results and make lasting changes to your body. Our expert coaches will guide you every step of the way, providing personalized support and encouragement to help you stay motivated and on track. At the end of the challenge, you will have achieved a complete body transformation, with increased muscle tone, improved cardiovascular health, and a boost in overall energy levels!
Who is the Challenge For?
Our 30-Day Fitness Challenge is suitable for anyone who wants to make real changes to their body and fitness levels. Whether you are just starting out on your fitness journey or are a seasoned athlete looking for a new challenge, our program is designed to help you achieve your goals!
Why Choose Our Program?
Our program is designed by fitness experts who have years of experience in the industry. We use the latest research and techniques to create a program that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. In addition, our program is fully online, so you can participate from anywhere in the world. We also provide personalized coaching and support to ensure that you get the most out of your experience!
So if you're ready to take your fitness to the next level and challenge yourself in a new way, consider a 30-day fitness challenge. At Strive Competitions, we make it easy for you to get started and provide you with all the tools and support you need to succeed. Don't wait – start your transformation today!
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ranjith11 · 10 months
Celebrating the Graduates of the Class of 2023 Yoga Teacher Training | Akram Yoga & Training
Congratulations to the graduates of the Class of 2022-23 Yoga Teacher Training! This remarkable group of individuals has completed an intensive program, delving into the art and science of yoga. Through dedicated practice, deep study, and self-reflection, you have honed your skills and gained a profound understanding of this ancient discipline. As yoga teachers, you now possess the knowledge and expertise to guide others on their own transformative journeys. Your dedication, discipline, and passion have brought you to this momentous milestone, and you are now equipped to share the profound benefits of yoga with the world. May your graduation mark the beginning of a fulfilling and meaningful career, as you inspire others to find balance, peace, and well-being through the practice of yoga. Congratulations once again, and may you continue to deepen your own practice while spreading the light of yoga to all those you encounter.
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