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bellonathedragonborn · 8 months ago
I’m thinking calling Vulpes, Pricilla, Maria, and Lloyd’s people the Pando. After the giant organism of Aspen trees.
The tribe lives mostly around the main Lake of Fishlake National Park but they have their origins from the single organism forest in that area.
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elcineblue · 2 years ago
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dansnaturepictures · 10 months ago
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Some photos I've taken of birds of prey in flight this year; Marsh Harrier at Testwood Lakes, Sparrowhawk at Lakeside Country Park, Red Kite at Farnham, Buzzard at Lakeside, Osprey at Lossiemouth, Hobby at Fishlake Meadows and record shots of Golden Eagle and White-tailed Eagle at Strathdearn.
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vintagecamping · 2 years ago
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A group of campers relax around a fire on a cool spring day.
Fishlake National Forest, Utah
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
Writing Reference: Topographical Elements
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Ideas for Naming your Fictional Places
Buildings and stones brough, burton, caster, church, cross, kirk, mill, minster, stain, stone, wark ⚜ Examples: Crossthwaite, Felixkirk, Newminster, Staines, Whitchurch
Coastline features ey, holme, hulme, hythe, naze, ness, port, sea ⚜ Examples: Bardsey, Greenhithe, Sheerness, Southport, Southsea
Dwellings and farms barton, berwick, biggin, bold, by, cote, ham, hampstead, hamton, house, scale, sett, stall, thorpe, toft, ton, wick ⚜ Examples: Fishwick, Newham, Potterton, Westby, Woodthorpe
Fields and clearings combe, croft, den, ergh, field, ham, haugh, hay, ing, land, lease, lock, meadow, rick, ridding, rode, shot, side, thwaite, wardine, worth, worthy ⚜ Examples: Applethwaite, Cowden, Smallworthy, Southworth, Wethersfield
General locations and routes bridge, ford, gate, ing, mark, path, stead, stoke, stow, street, sty, way ⚜ Examples: Epping, Horsepath, Longford, Ridgeway, Stonebridge, Streetly
Hills and slopes bank, barrow, borough, breck, cam, cliff, crook, down, edge, head, hill, how, hurst, ley, ling, lith, mond, over, pen, ridge, side, tor ⚜ Examples: Barrow, Blackdown, Longridge, Redcliff, Thornborough, Windhill
Rivers and streams batch, beck, brook, burn, ey, fleet, font, ford, keld, lade, lake, latch, marsh, mere, mouth, ore, pool, rith, wade, water, well ⚜ Examples: Broadwater, Fishlake, Mersey, Rushbrooke, Saltburn
Woods and groves bear, carr, derry, fen, frith, greave, grove, heath, holt, lea, moor, oak, rise, scough, shaw, tree, well, with, wold, wood ⚜ Examples: Blackheath, Hazlewood, Oakley, Southwold, Staplegrove
Valleys and hollows bottom, clough, combe, dale, den, ditch, glen, grave, hole, hope, slade ⚜ Examples: Cowdale, Denton, Greenslade, Hoole, Longbottom, Thorncombe
These elements are all found in many different spellings. Old English beorg ‘hill, mound’, for example, turns up as bar-, berg-, -ber, -berry, -borough, and -burgh. Only one form is given above (Thornborough).
Several items have the same form, but differ in meaning because they come from different words in Old English. For example, -ey has developed in different ways from the two words ea ‘river’ and eg ‘island’. It is not always easy deciding which is the relevant meaning in a given place name.
This resource does not distinguish between forms which appear in different parts of a place name. Old English leah ‘forest, glade’, for example, sometimes appears at the beginning of a name (Lee- or Leigh-), sometimes at the end (-leigh, -ley), and sometimes alone (Leigh) (K. Cameron, 1961).
Source ⚜ More: Notes ⚜ Worldbuilding ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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hearmeoutworthypoll · 2 months ago
"I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree."
An aspen tree, specifically. HOT DANG.
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From the National Forest Foundation:
Most widespread tree in North America
A stand or group of aspen trees is considered a singular organism with the main life force underground in the extensive root system. In a single stand, each tree is a genetic replicate of the other, hence the name a “clone” of aspens used to describe a stand.
oldest known aspen clone has lived more than 80,000 years on Utah’s Fishlake National Forest. It is the clone the oldest living organism and also the heaviest, weighing in at an estimated 6,600 tons,
Aspens grow year round, young aspens provide food for a variety of animals including moose, black bear, beaver, porcupine, ruffed grouse and rodents. A thin green photosynthetic layer beneath the surface allows the tree to create sugars and grow when other deciduous trees would otherwise be dormant, providing necessary nutrients for deer and elk
Reminder, the premise is “would a normie think it’s weird to find them attractive?” (Would they have to “hear me out?”)
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nicoartpage · 10 months ago
Freelancer RedactedVerse
(Questions from @mr-laveau - LaVeau-gue)
What’s your listener’s name and nickname?
Name: Parker Woods Nickname: Freelancer/Deviant/Voyeur/Silly
What’s their backstory?
Their family work as rangers at FishLake National Forest, Utah. Living in Fillmore, for quick entry to the forest. They grew up learning the way of the land and each part of it; they can navigate the area if they got lost. Once their powers manifested their parents were very shocked, they didn’t understand what was going on with their child so they kept away from them. (Note: their powers did appear at the age of 14 - 15 but they were very weak then. Once reaching later teens to early 20s, they started to become more unstable and they fully got out of control at 25 - 26).
Freelancer decided to go out into the forest when their powers were out of control. One night, it became too unbearable that they began to have a panic attack and that is when Caelum first appeared to them.
Caelum told them about D.A.M.N. Uni to which they decided to go there. They told their parents they are leaving. From that point we are at Freelancer Season One.
What’s the desired aesthetic of your listener character?
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(Drawing is made by LittleLuxray)
What’s your listener’s gender presentation like?
Non-Binary (They/Them)
What’s your listener’s ethnicity?
Hispanic/Mixed race.
Mexican + Austrian - Grandpa from Mexico & Grandma from Austria
What’s your listener’s age?
28 years old
What’s your listener’s body type/build?
Slightly built but does have a little chub around stomach area. They do go to the gym three to four times a week, just so they don’t feel like they haven’t done enough exercise that week.
What’s your listener’s star sign?
Scorpio - Birthday is 31/9/1996
What are your listener’s most important relationships and who are they connected to?
Caelum - He is like a little brother to them and they’ve grown to have a very strong friendship. Even when Freelancer gets weird looks from others when talking to him in public, they shrug it off and only care about him in those moments.
Gavin - He has also been a very strong relationship for Parker, probably one of the best people they’ve had a romantic relationship with. They care a lot for each other and even when Caelum is around they are like two parents caring for their child.
Damien, Huxley, Lasko + Coworker - It did take them a while for their friendship with these lot to get to the full ‘trust’ level, but once spending more time they have grown to care for them and Lasko also having family unempowered, he has also become a sibling figure for Parker.
Fredrick - their Uncle. He was a big role model when growing up and is the only one they stay in contact with as he is fine with their powers.
What’s your listener’s hobbies/interests?
Hobbies: Reading, Bowling, Training with Damien, Hiking, Watching storms
Interests: Arcade games, foraging, forest creatures
What Audio RP series are they from?
Redacted Audio’s D.A.M.N. Storyline - Freelancer Season 1, 2, 3 + Gavin’s playlist + Caelum’s playlist + Kody’s playlist + Huxley, Damien, Lasko’s playlists
What kind of lover are they to their partner/what kind of friend are they?
Lover - Passionate but does let boundaries be known now after the incident with Kody. Very much protective as well and will do anything for their partner, whenever they need anything they’ll be there.
Friend - Cares sometimes a bit too much and thinks their problems are lesser than their friends. They are protective but also become care free around their friends, feeling very relaxed around them to the same point as family, once getting to the full trust level.
What is something/are somethings that your listener values?
Trust, family/friends, support, boundaries.
Pick a song that you think represents your listener.
Inertia - AJR
It’s Not A Game/It’s Just A Ride - Ride the Cyclone the Musical
What’s the inspiration behind your listener’s design?
Freelancer is inspired by my love of the woods, some aspects of myself and other info that was dotted through out the series.
Could you give me a vague concept of what your listener’s visual vibe is?
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What are some extra tidbits you wanna tell me about your listener?
Their sass is very much like Captain Holt’s (Brooklyn Nine-Nine). Favourite musical is Ride the Cyclone, they find “Space Age Bachelor Man” hilarious but slightly reminds them of Gavin.
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protestantfaceofanglicanism · 5 months ago
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One appreciates Fishlake’s chancel so much.
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seasoflife · 3 months ago
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The world's largest tree has been rigorously dated for the first time, confirming it is at least 16,000 years old.
Named Pando, the tree is a quaking aspen (Populus tremulodes) with around 41,000 stems connected by a root system that sprawls about 43 hectares in Utah's Fishlake National Forest. It has long been thought to be among the most ancient living things on Earth, but scientists didn't know for certain how old it is.
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bellonathedragonborn · 8 months ago
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I’ve been fleshing out Vulpes’s tribe more and here’s a better version of his people’s tribal markings. Rather than tattoos or piercings his people do brands and scarification.
The tattoos are gendered and depending on how old your are you get a different brand.
For Vulpes he only had the wrist brand but when he was assimilated into the Legion he got the others in defiance. He was punished for it but since you can’t remove brands he instead has to cover them.
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obeetlebeetle · 9 months ago
dream vacation spots:
bracken cave (we are there to see the bats) fishlake national forest (we are there to see pando) snowdonia national park (we are there to see stars reflecting on the lake)
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dansnaturepictures · 8 months ago
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Photos of Cetti's Warbler at Fishlake Meadows, Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler at Winnall Moors and Willow Warbler at Cairn Gorm this year.
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The Reality Immanent Documentation Project
Alternate Reality AA1, commonly known as Reality Immanent, was discovered in 2007 by scientists working in Fishlake National Forest in Utah. They detected extradimensional phenomena occurring within Pando, a massive clonal tree network (and Earth's heaviest organism).
In the subsequent years, Reality Immanent has undergone extensive research and monitoring from a series of labs surrounding Pando - more than any of the dozens of realities discovered since.
This feed documents electronic communications (e.g. news articles and social media posts) that researchers have been able to extract from the garbled data they receive from Reality Immanent. It will sometimes include commentary from researchers interpreting these artifacts.
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gran-canaria-forestal · 1 year ago
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Al asombroso árbol "Pando"-Una maravilla de la naturaleza
En el corazón del bosque Fishlake National Forest, en el estado de Utah, Estados Unidos, se encuentra una maravilla natural única: el árbol Pando. Este coloso arbóreo no se destaca por su altura imponente ni por su frondosidad, sino por su asombrosa habilidad para replicarse y formar un extenso bosque clonal. Conocido como el "Trembling Giant" (gigante tembloroso), el árbol Pando es, de hecho, un organismo singular que despierta el interés y la admiración de científicos y amantes de la naturaleza por igual.
El árbol Pando pertenece a la especie de álamo temblón (Populus tremuloides), y lo que lo hace verdaderamente extraordinario es su modo de reproducción. A diferencia de otros árboles, el Pando se propaga principalmente a través de brotes subterráneos llamados rizomas. Estos rizomas emergen del tronco principal y se extienden bajo tierra, dando lugar a nuevos árboles genéticamente idénticos al árbol original.
El resultado es un bosque clonal compuesto por miles de álamos temblones que comparten el mismo material genético. Aunque individualmente estos árboles puedan parecer distintos, todos son genéticamente idénticos, lo que convierte al Pando en uno de los organismos más grandes y antiguos del mundo. Se estima que el bosque clonal de Pando tiene más de 80,000 años, lo que lo convierte en uno de los organismos más antiguos del planeta.
A pesar de su longevidad y resistencia, el árbol Pando enfrenta desafíos significativos. La actividad humana, la alteración del hábitat y el cambio climático amenazan la salud y la viabilidad de este bosque clonal. La conciencia y la conservación son fundamentales para preservar esta maravilla natural única.
La importancia del árbol Pando va más allá de su singularidad biológica. Este gigante tembloroso nos enseña sobre la interconexión de los seres vivos y la capacidad de la naturaleza para adaptarse y persistir a lo largo del tiempo. Su historia evolutiva es un testimonio de la resistencia de la vida en la Tierra y nos recuerda la necesidad imperante de proteger y preservar nuestro medio ambiente.
Visitar el bosque Fishlake National Forest y contemplar el árbol Pando es una experiencia única. Observar la vastedad de este bosque clonal y reflexionar sobre su historia evolutiva invita a la admiración y la reflexión sobre la fragilidad de la naturaleza y la responsabilidad que tenemos como guardianes de nuestro planeta.
En resumen, el árbol Pando no es simplemente un grupo de álamos temblones en un bosque remoto; es una lección viva sobre la resistencia, la interconexión de la vida y la importancia de conservar nuestras maravillas naturales. Cuidar del árbol Pando es cuidar de un tesoro biológico que ha resistido el paso del tiempo y que, con la atención adecuada, puede seguir siendo una fuente de inspiración y admiración para las generaciones futuras.
Fotos propiedad de sus respectivos autores.
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beaubearuttrainbuff · 9 months ago
Fishlake National Forest, Utah
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Meet Pando, not a forest but a single tree. Every trunk of the Quaking Aspen is genetically identical & connected by a single 80,000 year old root system, making it one of the largest and oldest living entities on Earth!
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Fishlake’s marvelous Protestant East Window
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