#Firewall Interference
technicalfika · 1 year
Overcoming Common Challenges in SharePoint Server Installation
SharePoint Server, a powerful collaboration and content management platform, provides organizations with robust functionalities. However, the installation process can present various challenges that may hinder a seamless deployment. In this article, we will explore common issues faced during SharePoint Server installation and provide probable solutions to overcome them. “The tool was unable to…
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hypewinter · 1 year
Dick stared out at the snowy landscape past the window before turning back to his new baby brother. Danny was sitting in his high chair, happily munching away at some Cheerios. Looking at him now Dick thought back to how he had come to Wayne Manor just a few months prior.
Bruce had stormed into the Manor after coming back from a Justice League mission with a bundle in his hands. Dick who had stopped by the manor to steal food catch up with Alfred had been thoroughly thrown off by his father's open animosity. He could hardly recall the last time he'd seen Bruce this outwardly furious. The man's glare alone could rival Darkseid's omega beams. As Bruce sat down at the table, the two men finally got a good look at just what he was carrying. It was an infant. An infant who was fast asleep, his soft black hair falling over his eyes. Bruce quietly asked Alfred to prepare a room as well as all necessities needed for a baby. The old butler had immediately set off to just that.
Meanwhile Dick was quick to ask what had happened but Bruce didn't say. Even when the others gradually found what was happening and asked their own questions, he still refused to answer. Not even Alfred had been told where the baby had come from. The only information Bruce had offered up was that the baby's name was Danny and he would be staying at the Manor from now on. As for the rest of the details, he claimed he would tell them in due time. But Batman's "due time" was often too late to actually do anything about it so desperate for answers, the family had turned to their own investigations only to come up with nothing.
All files related to Danny were locked behind a mountain of firewalls and Oracle had apparently already been sworn to secrecy by the big man himself. Whatever it was, Bruce wanted absolutely zero interference, so for now, the family was forced to sit in their hands.
That led till now, 5 months later. It was mid-January and Dick was on babysitting duty. Everyone else was either out running errands or on a mission. Not that Dick minded though. Danny was incredibly cute and he loved taking care of him. Besides, it gave him the perfect opportunity to get Danny to see him as the favorite brother. Still, Dick couldn't help but feel couped up today. Maybe it was because it had been snowing the last few days leaving both boys alone in the giant manor all day long.
Dick stared wistfully out the window once again before an idea dawned on him. He turned back to Danny who had stuffed the last of the Cheerios into his mouth along with his entire hand.
"Hey Danny. Wanna have a snow day?" he asked cheerily. The boy cocked his head at Dick, hand still in mouth. Dick smiled wider. "I'll take that as a yes!"
Dick hoisted Danny out of his high chair and carried him upstairs to his room. After he set Danny down in his crib, he grabbed all the gear he needed. He picked out a long sleeve shirt with a cartoon star and big bold letters reading "You're a Star!" He also grabbed long socks, some elastic pants as well as jeans, a scarf, a blue beanie, and a pair of cute little mittens.
It didn't take long for Danny to be fully dressed for the outside elements. Though after Dick finished putting his shoes on, he squirmed a little and made a face.
"I know I know," Dick cooed. "But I'm pretty sure B. would make an exception to his 'no killing rule' if you got sick on my watch."
Dick admired his handy work for a minute (taking dozens of pictures as he did so) before picking his brother up and heading downstairs. After a quick pitstop at the door to grab his own jacket and gloves from the coat rack, he opened the door and greeted the chilly air outside.
Danny giggled as he reached up at the snow while Dick circled around to the side of the manor.
"Bitey! Bitey!" he squealed.
"Yep, Bitey," Dick replied with mild confusion.
Danny would say random things like that sometimes, forcing the world's greatest detectives to put their minds together in order to figure out what he was talking about. One time he just wouldn't stop saying "Em". It took everyone a whole day to realize he was referring to music. And an extra two days to figure out he was specifically referring to pop music.
Oftentimes he would call Barbara "Jazzy" and Duke "Tuck". On occasion he would even call Cass "Sammy". Every time he called something a new name, it was a race to figure out what he meant. Each time they figured out a new word, Bruce's face would darken and he'd disappear off to the Watchtower for the day. Something that was really starting to drag on Dick's nerves. It was like it was physically impossible for that man to share information.
Dick was startled out of his thoughts by a tug at his jacket and looked down to see Danny staring at him.
"Sorry sorry," he said with a smile. "Lost in my thoughts. Forgive me?"
Danny put on a pout but Dick knew by now that it was fake. One could tell by the mischievous look in the boy's eyes that he just couldn't hide. "So be it then!" Dick declared before pulling Danny close and snuggling into him. The boy shrieked as cold nose touched warm neck. "Fo-give! Fo-give!" he cried.
"Aw thanks," Dick said as he pulled away. Danny giggled again, his bright blue eyes crinkling with laughter.
The pair walked around in the snow for a bit longer before Danny started making grabby hands towards the ground. "You want down?" Dick asked. Danny nodded energetically.
Dick carefully set Danny down in the snow. The boy excitedly wriggled before putting his hands down to the snow. As Dick watched, there was a burst of light and suddenly there was a semi circle of ice, radiating out from their position. Dick stared at the ice in shock. Danny turned and blinked up at Dick, almost as if he were in shock too. But he very quickly went back to playing in the snow. Dick swallowed. Sure they all knew Danny had powers. It was pretty obvious when the third day there, he floated up to the ceiling. Still though, he highly doubted ice powers was up there on anyone's list of "abilities our new baby brother might manifest next."
Dick was so shocked all he could manage to utter was, "Huh. That's new."
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vicmillen · 1 month
Where's the Justice League?
So I been thinking about an AU with a merged setting. You know, where DP happened inside of DC multiverse.
Specifically, I've been thinking about the JL and the other capes, what's Danny's opinion on them and what would keep them out from the Amity clusterfuck.
Here's some thoughts:
At first it just didn't cross the trio's minds that they could or should call the JL.
Sure there's a literal portal to the afterlife in Fenton's basement, and sure there's dangerous beings coming out of it that endangered people's lives. But hey they're handling it! The whole thing is kinda sort of their fault anyways, and the three of them are gonna try their best to hide it and deal with it on their own.
They are teenagers after all.
Then comes the GIW, and Vald. Both of them makes a solid attempt at locking up the ghosty news within Amity. For different purposes, sure, but the results marks the foundation of a solid media blackout.
Fine by the trio, actually, they really don't need more attention being put on Phantom. The less people knows about Phantom, the safer Danny is. Since he's still hiding from his parents and they really don't want to find out if those threats are real or not.
As the danger level ratchets higher and higher though, it's inevitable that the JL would cross their minds. They are teenagers, after all. This world threatening bullshit is starting to get out of their depths, and they do know it. They may make questionable decisions sometimes but they're not complete morons.
Except, they also knows how dangerous it could get if the supers got involved. For all they are teenagers struggling with highschool, they do know what they're doing, mostly. Team Phantom knows how their enemies function, what powers are to be expected, and what equipments is needed to counter those. They knows what to look out for, and what to do when stuff goes wrong. Most of the time anyways.
They don't have the same confidence in the Justice League.
Which sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, but hey. It's a matter of specialization, not absolute power. Besides, with the power and influence the JL have, they really can't risk any of them getting overshadowed.
They've all seen the aftermath of a mind controlled superman.
There is unfortunately, also the uncertainty of if the JL would even be on their side. Sure, the JL sounds reasonable and accepting enough to see through the GIW's bullshit, but that's just another thing that they can't afford to lose the gamble. The Fenton parents and the GIW is already hot on their heels, they can't afford the Justice League hunting Phantom for sports too.
All in all, it took a depressingly short amount of time for Team Phantom to start actively keeping themselves under JL's radar. The firewall around all things Amity gets reinforced, several times, and even the other locals learned to keep the ghosts to themselves.
What happens in Amity, stays in Amity.
So for almost three years Team Phantom deals with their own problems. Without outside help, but also without outside interference.
For the sake of this setting, JLD has formed but isn't public knowledge yet, at least not until after the DP related plot concluded. So Team Phantom wouldn't have known to ask for them at that point. Also the whole timeline is completely made up and stretched out as I see fit. Canon is but the sandbox we play in, and it's mashups anyway so.
There are more of this au that I'm contemplating. We'll see if this gets a part two. Maybe about what caused team Phantom to leave Amity.
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pin-k-ink · 4 months
ghost hunt // shalnark (pt. 1)
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tw ⇢ hacker!reader, strong sexual tension, mentions of violence and torture
wc ⇢ 2.9k
part one | part two
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For months, Shalnark had noticed anomalies cropping up in the Phantom Troupe's secure networks. At first, he dismissed them as random glitches - minor system hiccups that were an inevitable result of the complexity of the Troupe's digital infrastructure.
But as the weeks dragged on, a distinct pattern began to emerge. The seemingly innocuous disruptions coincided precisely with the Troupe's face-to-face meetings and operations. And each time they occurred, just a little bit more data was quietly siphoned away into the ether - personnel files, coded transmission logs, details on upcoming jobs.
At first, the leaks were so minute as to be almost imperceptible. But compounded over time, they formed an insidious trail of digital breadcrumbs leading straight to the heart of the Troupe's clandestine activities.
Shalnark was the first to realize something was wrong, his keen eyes for patterns and minutiae detecting the faint specters moving through the network. He ran a battery of diagnoses and security sweeps, but could find no obvious points of infiltration, no gaping system vulnerabilities to explain the slow bleed of information.
Frowning, he made a subtle adjustment to the Troupe's firewalls, adding an extra layer of encryption to the data streams. If this was the work of an outside hacker, he was determined to fortify their defenses.
But the next convening of the Troupe saw another infinitesimal data leak, this time compounded by a more overt disruption - a brief negation of the network's security protocols, just long enough to expose their meeting's coordinates to the world before the systems snapped back into lock-down.
Cursing under his breath, Shalnark realized they were dealing with something more insidious than a run-of-the-mill cyber attack. This was the work of a skilled technician, a digital specter with the know-how to bypass even the Troupe's most stringent security measures.
A hacker. And a formidable one at that.
Over the following months, the pattern repeated itself with clockwork regularity.
Each time the hacker struck, it was like a digital harbinger - a crimson warning flare cutting through the night, exposing the Phantom Troupe's operations to scrutiny before they could batten down the hatches.
No matter how diligently Shalnark fortified their systems, the hacker always found a way to slither through, leaving just enough of a trail to compromise their next rendezvous point or heist location. Within hours of detecting the breach, encrypted coordinates and mission files would be radiating outwards across the digital ether like a neon signpost to the Troupe's whereabouts.
Curses and rebukes followed in the wake of each incident as the Troupe was forced to abandon meticulously laid plans at the last moment. Tempers frayed as vital targets were lost, lucrative scores forced to be postponed or scrapped entirely due to the consistent risk of exposure and interference.
The effect on morale was insidious. An air of tension and distrust began to pervade the Troupe's ranks. Suspicions were raised, allegiances questioned as each member wondered if there might be a mole in their midst feeding information to this unseen cyber adversary. The group's well-oiled machine of criminality ground to a halting, stuttering cadence as the constant disruptions took their toll.
Through it all, Shalnark became increasingly obsessed with his game of digital cat-and-mouse against the shadowy hacker. He rabbited down every cyber-trail, exhausted entire networks of resources, and still the intruder always danced just one step ahead of his pursuits. The futility bred a simmering frustration that he struggled to keep contained around his Troupe brothers.
Shalnark's skills with data systems and encryption were unparalleled, and to have them so flayed and exposed by this unknown factor needled at his professional pride. With each defeat, each near-miss at cracking the hacker's stratagem, a bitterness took root - festering into an almost singular obsession.
As the months ground on with no reprieve from the hacker's relentless cyber intrusions, Shalnark's attitude towards his digital foe underwent a palpable shift. What had begun as a sense of competitive respect and professional curiosity about their skills slowly contracted into something more bitter and resentful.
No longer was the hacker just an abstract technical challenge to be solved and neutralized. Now they had become Shalnark's personal white whale, a nemesis whose very existence mocked his abilities as the Phantom Troupe's cyber warfare specialist. With each fruitless lead and dead-end data trail, his obsession with unmasking their identity took on an increasingly personal dimension.
He saw traces of the hacker's work everywhere - in the stuttering lag of an encrypted video feed, the garbled fragments of a disrupted call. Always just ephemeral glimpses of a digital specter staying maddeningly out of reach. Shalnark's sleep became fitful, his waking hours consumed by the all-encompassing Need to solve this puzzle and expose the human factor behind the ones and zeroes.
The other members of the Troupe gave him a wide berth during this period, sensing the rising volatility in their comrade as his quarry continued to elude him. Only Chrollo dared approach Shalnark about the intensifying situation - and his words carried the unmistakable timbre of an ultimatum.
"This has gone on for too long," the Troupe's leader stated flatly during one particularly heated convening. They had just abandoned yet another heist after the coordinates leaked mere hours before the operation. "The hacker has become a liability we cannot tolerate any further."
Shalnark opened his mouth to object, but Chrollo raised a quieting hand.
"Find them," he said, his voice deceptively calm but laced with undercurrents of menace. "Use whatever means are required, but bring this to an end. The Troupe's resources are at your disposal."
It was not a request, but a command from the one man whose authority within the group was absolute. Shalnark could only nod tightly and set his jaw in grim determination.
No more games. No more playing defensive cyber games. It was time to take the offensive and hunt this ghostly intruder into the cold, harsh light of reality.
Shalnark initiated his most intensive manhunt yet, systematically dismantling encrypted networks and tracing fragmented data signatures across a labyrinth of proxy servers and dark web portals. He called in every favor owed, diverting the Troupe's vast resources towards isolating and triangulating the physical location from which the hacker's intrusions originated.
Weeks of effort finally paid off when Shalnark managed to trace a unique system signature to its source - a distinct set of geographic coordinates in a densely populated urban city center. Not even bothering to notify the rest of the Troupe, Shalnark grabbed his gear and set off to finally, ultimately, confront the entity that had tormented him for so long.
His fingers were steepled and expression darkly focused as the city's skyline came into view outside his car window. At long last, the hacker would be exposed and whatever drove them to carry out this endless campaign of cyber warfare against the Phantom Troupe would be excised.
One way, or another, tonight would see this chapter brought to a decisive close.
His footsteps were silent as he ascended the stairwell and made his way down the dreary hallway to the apartment indicated by his tracer.
Shalnark stepped across the threshold, ears pricked for any sound of movement from within the dimly lit interior. But the apartment appeared deserted, a simple living space with minimal furnishings. His brow furrowed slightly as he advanced further inside, perplexed by the apparent lack of activity.
That's when he noticed the open doorway leading to what appeared to be a bedroom area. And through that open doorway, he caught a glimpse of tousled bedsheets...and you.
You were seated cross-legged amidst the rumpled blankets, apparently just rousing from slumber. Shalnark's breath caught in his throat as he took in your disheveled appearance - clad in nothing more than an oversized shirt that rode up to mid-thigh, exposing an enticing expanse of leg and a pair of panties which did not do its intended purpose of obscuring your modesty.
Your eyes, still heavy-lidded with the haze of sleep, nonetheless snapped to sharp attention at the sound of his footsteps. In one lithe movement, you were on your feet, shoulders set in a subtly defiant line as you regarded the intruder.
"Well, well," you murmured, giving Shalnark an appraising look that somehow made him feel briefly self-conscious. "The infamous Shalnark of the Phantom Troupe. To what do I owe this rude awakening?"
Shalnark found himself momentarily thrown by your provocative state of undress. He had been prepared for any number of scenarios - from a shadowy hacker's lair bristling with cyber weaponry to an ambush by hired muscle. But this? This beautiful woman regarding him with a mixture of defiance and amusement in your heavy-lidded eyes? It wrong-footed him in a way he hadn't anticipated.
Rallying his composure, Shalnark allowed his gaze to brazenly trail over the bare expanse of your thighs before lifting to meet your challenging stare. "I must admit, you're not quite what I pictured," he said, taking a slow step further into the bedroom. "Though I can't deny the view is...enticing."
One finely sculpted eyebrow arched upwards at his suggestive tone. "Is that so?" you replied, clearly unfazed by his attempt to wrongfoot you. "And just what were you picturing when you decided to violate a young woman's privacy in the middle of the night?"
Shalnark felt the faintest prick of heat entering his cheeks at your words. Clearly you weren't going to make this easy on him. "Don't play coy," he said, his voice lowering an octave. "We both know exactly why I'm here...ghost."
The endearment, laden with faint derision, rolled off his tongue. For months now, you had been the enigmatic presence haunting the Troupe's systems - this maddeningly elusive "ghost in the machine" tormenting them with your formidable hacking skills. But now, finally, Shalnark had cornered his digital quarry.
"Ah, so you figured it out," you said lightly, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather. Distractingly, you reached up to try and smother a yawn, causing your shirt to ride even higher.
Shalnark's eyes briefly tracked the motion before snapping back to your face, realizing you were deliberately trying to chip away at his eroded calm.
"Don't get cocky, ghost," he growled, mouth twisting in a fractional smirk. "You and I both know you're out of your depth here. So why don't we drop the games and you tell me what sort of suicide mission compelled you to gain the Troupe's...undivided attention."
Shalnark studied you for a moment, taking in the defiant set of your jaw and the way you steadily held his intense gaze. Despite the provocative situation, it was clear you weren't some wide-eyed innocent easily cowed or seduced. A formidable mind lurked behind that beautiful facade.
Perhaps a change of tactic was required.
"You're good, I'll give you that," he said finally, taking a couple of slow steps towards the bed. "Damn good, in fact. To slip past my security safeguards again and again...it's frankly impressive."
You said nothing, merely watched him approach with eyes narrowed in wariness. Shalnark's lips quirked upwards.
"I have to wonder what could have motivated such extraordinary efforts to gain the Phantom Troupe's attention," he continued conversationally. "Unless of course your true aim was to impress us with those prodigious skills of yours."
Halting at the foot of the bed, Shalnark braced one knee against the mattress, leaning towards you with a slow, predatory smile.
"I can assure you, ghost...you've more than proven your bona fides. The question is - what do you intend to do with such talents?" His voice dropped to a low purr. "Because I can think of several...tempting propositions for someone of your unique capabilities."
Your eyesbore into his, clear and unwavering, as Shalnark extended the unspoken offer to join the ranks of the Troupe. To gain all the power, resources, and reputation that came with being one of the world's most feared criminal empires. All you had to do was take his hand.
To Shalnark's surprise, you suddenly threw back your head and laughed - a rich, full-bodied sound devoid of any mirth.
"You Troupe boys really are delusional, aren't you?" you chuckled, the sound sending a frisson of surprise through Shalnark. "Did you really think a few cheap innuendos would be enough to sway me to your precious little gang's cause?"
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you rose in one lithe motion until you were mere inches from Shalnark's face, close enough for him to feel the warmth of your exhaled breaths.
"Let me be perfectly clear," you murmured, so close now that your lips almost brushed against his with each enunciated syllable. "I don't give a solitary fuck about your vaunted reputations or resources. And I certainly didn't go to all this effort just to impress a bunch of two-bit crooks and earn a tacky tattoo."
Shalnark felt his jaw tense at the open disdain in your tone, the utter dismissal of the fearsome credibility the Phantom Troupe's name carried. Before he could snap a rebuttal, you reached out and traced one fingertip along the line of his neck in a dangerously intimate gesture.
"No, I had a very...personal reason for painting such a large target on your troublesome little organization's backs," you breathed, your touch a delicious torment of physical proximity without release. "And I won't stop, I won't rest, until my goal is achieved. No matter who or what tries to get in my way."
With that final veiled promise, you pulled away from Shalnark and retreated a step, eyes glittering with a mixture of challenge and something else he couldn't put a name to.
"So I hope your Troupe masters are ready," you said flatly. "Because this is just the opening salvo. The game's only just begun."
Shalnark stared at you for a long moment, feeling a strange mixture of aggravation and reluctant intrigue. Your defiant rejection of his overtures had stung his pride, but he found himself perversely captivated by the fiery spirit blazing behind those beautiful eyes.
"You talk a good game, ghost," he said finally, recovering some of his usual cockiness. "But do you really think taunting the Phantom Troupe is a wise long-term strategy? We're not the type to take such provocations lightly."
"Is that a threat?" You arched one delicate eyebrow. "My, and here I thought the fearsome Shalnark would be above such blunt intimidation tactics."
You began slowly circling around him, each unhurried step carrying you through the small bedroom space. Shalnark turned, keeping you fixed in his sights as you moved with predatory grace.
"I'm simply making sure you understand the realities of what you're getting yourself involved in," he said evenly. "The Troupe doesn't take kindly to those who make sport of undermining our operations. Eventually, this path you're on leads to only one destination."
"And I'm sure you'd just love to be the one to personally deliver me to that destination," you purred, stopping directly behind him.
Shalnark tensed as he felt the barest whisper of your breath against the back of his neck, your presence suddenly looming at his back. Slowly, almost experimentally, you reached out and traced a fingertip along the nape of his neck and up into the tousled blond hair at his hairline. He suppressed a shiver at the intimate touch.
"Tell me, Shalnark," you murmured, voice a throaty purr against his ear. "Is this the point where you try a more...physical form of persuasion? Put that famed skill against me in hopes of bending my will?"
You punctuated the daring suggestion with the slightest graze of teeth against his earlobe. This time Shalnark couldn't stop the full-body jolt that rippled through him at the electrifying gesture.
Capitalizing on his moment of discomposure, you suddenly stepped around and invaded his personal space, leaving barely an inch between your bodies. He could feel the heat radiating off you, feel the hardened peaks of your breasts against his chest, smell the faint scent of soap and something muskier underlying it all.
"Because I have to warn you," you breathed, craning your neck to bring your lips tantalizingly close to his. "I don't break easily for anyone. No matter how...skilled their methods of interrogation might be."
The suggestive emphasis in your tone was unmistakable. As were the sudden fireworks of mutual awareness now crackling between your body and Shalnark's like an unstable current.
He could play coy and demure all he wanted, but you had clearly sensed the undercurrent of physical attraction simmering beneath the surface of his bravado. And you were expertly using it against him, stoking that heated tension with a deftly applied mix of coy words and distractingly intimate gestures.
For a moment, Shalnark was rendered speechless and unnervingly flustered by your brazen tactics. He opened his mouth, struggling for a witty rejoinder or cutting remark to undermine your dominance of the situation.
But you merely watched him with open amusement, waiting with the overpowering confidence of one wholly in control and unafraid of any retaliation. Finally, Shalnark managed a slightly strained chuckle.
"You're playing a very dangerous game, ghost," he said, allowing some of the unveiled hunger shading his voice. "And I do so love games with...high stakes."
Slowly, deliberately, he lifted one hand and traced the curve of your jaw with just enough pressure to tilt your face upwards towards his. Your gazes locked, pure molten irises against flinty steel, as he dipped his head fractionally closer and inhaled your intoxicating scent.
"Perhaps it's time I showed you just how skilled I can be at...extracting what I want," he purred, allowing his lips to skim featherlight against the sensitive hollow beneath your ear. "The hard way can be so very...invigorating."
You tensed infinitesimally against him, the only outward sign of the effect his seductive words were having. Shalnark smirked darkly and doubled down, lips brushing your neck as he murmured, "I do hope you're...prepared, ghost. Because this is your last chance to back down from the game you've started."
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alainamama17 · 2 months
The Erosion of Media Autonomy: Project 2025 and Echoes of 1930s Germany
The autonomy of media agencies is a cornerstone of a free and democratic society. The Voice of America (VOA), under the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), has historically operated with editorial independence, free from direct government control. However, Project 2025 proposes changes that could shift this dynamic, echoing the media control strategies of Nazi Germany.
Project 2025 and the Voice of America
Chapter 8 of Project 2025’s policy guide suggests transferring the autonomy of the VOA to the executive branch, potentially undermining the firewall that currently ensures its editorial independence. This move could align the VOA’s messaging with the political objectives of the ruling administration, rather than allowing it to function as an unbiased source of news.
Nazi Germany’s Propaganda Machine
In Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, exerted total control over the media. The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda dictated the content of all forms of media, ensuring that only messages which supported Nazi ideology were disseminated. This centralized control was instrumental in maintaining the Nazi regime’s power and suppressing dissent.
Comparative Analysis
Centralization of Control
The proposed changes in Project 2025 bear a resemblance to the early stages of media control in Nazi Germany. By centralizing media control under the executive branch, there is a risk of creating a state-run media that serves the interests of the government rather than the public.
Editorial Independence vs. Propaganda
The USAGM’s current structure, which guarantees the VOA’s editorial independence, is designed to prevent government interference and ensure objective reporting. The dismantling of this structure could lead to a scenario where the media becomes a tool for propaganda, as was the case in Nazi Germany.
Impact on Democracy
A free press is essential for democracy, providing citizens with the information needed to make informed decisions. The erosion of media autonomy, as seen in Nazi Germany, can lead to the suppression of critical voices and the manipulation of public opinion. If the USAGM were to lose its autonomy, it could have a similar effect on the democratic fabric of the United States.
The parallels between Project 2025’s proposed policies and the media control tactics of Nazi Germany are striking and serve as a cautionary tale. The independence of the VOA and other media agencies is vital for maintaining a healthy democracy. Any move towards centralizing media control under the executive branch should be carefully considered for its potential impact on the freedom of the press and the democratic principles it upholds.
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61below · 1 year
I really gd love how Cang Lan Jue digs into the way enmity just perpetuates enmity (unchecked) like, not only does Yunzhong immediately go ‘if she isn’t a fairy and she isn’t human, then she MUST be Yuezu’ but like the whole thing just escalated (so quickly) from what was just a genuine question that should have had an easy answer: what is XLH? And the thing is, we know that her true form can be read, that was like, the third thing DFQC did after meeting her. Including his instinctive reaction to kill all fairies on sight
So why couldn’t the high immortal, Sansheng, do it?
I think that the protection DFQC conferred upon her also protected her from any kind of magical intrusion or interference, too. Not just physical attacks, but magical ones. But like an anaphylaxis response to allergens, it’s not that good at telling the difference between an actual attack and just someone trying to … what, scan her meridians? Idfk how it works, but I’mna run with the idea that to sample something you gotta take a piece of it, so to ‘read’ her form, one has to dip into her qi. But the bone orchid registers that as HEY YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!!! and does the meridian-level equivalent of throwing up a wall of hellfire around her. Which is why what Sansheng projects ends up looking like flames. She can’t read XLH’s true form bc all she ‘sees’ is the firewall.
(… and ok now I’m actually interested in whether or not the Yuezu doctors were able to do any magical diagnostics on her. Like, did it not register as an ‘attack’ to the bone orchid bc it’s Yuezu cultivation? Did she refuse to let these nosy strangers even do a check? I am CURIOUS.)
But my POINT is that it’s really interesting that the story takes ‘here is someone just trying to defend what’s theirs, but the State of Hostilities is so Hot that even the very act of defense is seen as a Threat’ and gives ‘the INSTANT response to any Perceived Threat is with Aggression. Up to DEATH.’
… and where do you even begin to start conflict resolution from there? It’s no wonder things escalated as far as they did.
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alchemocha · 1 year
You think robotnik has a soft spot for all animals in general? Like he said that he hates all humans and wants them to die, but never said anything bout creatures other than humans. You think when he was an orphan, he hung out with animals because he was lonely? So much so that he's now a sorta animal whisperer? Would he get really pissed off at humans and emotional because he saw a post on social media saying that there are under 10,000 red pandas left because of habitat loss?
A thought that just popped up when looking at animal videos
I think so, yeah!
I like the idea that when Robotnik was a kid, he befriended a stray once and named him Gizmo. Pets weren’t allowed at the orphanage and he was never with any foster family long enough to have a pet of his own, so he more or less claimed Gizmo as his buddy. He tried making friends, originally, but no one cared to stick around him long, and they all thought his intelligence and bluntness were him being smug and arrogant.
That really wasn’t the case though, not when he was still a kid, he was just a very gifted autistic kid with a passion for robots, which stemmed into building and creating technology. He got in trouble a lot for taking things apart and rebuilding stuff in the orphanage and foster homes, but he’d just wanted to show off things he was proud of and be told he did a good job! Never happened though. Eventually kids got meaner and would take things that he thought were his and in trying to defend the items he was attached to, would get scolded by adults and still have them taken from him. So eventually he began keeping more to himself unless directly approached, though even that rarely went in his favour.
Gizmo was the only real connection he’d felt in a long time, so whenever he was able, he would hang around outside with him, feed him scraps, and give him all the best belly rubs he could! As he got older though, Robotnik would see his only friend less and less and eventually had to attend school too far to keep him nearby.
His love for animals in general remained into his adult years, but much more… locked away tight in the private vault of his feelings.
Having grown jaded and bitter towards the world and humans as he aged due the neglect and cruelty he’d so often faced, Robotnik threw away any joyful piece of himself, or he liked to think. He’d actually just tucked them so deep within his being that he believed they were gone, but they were there, still burning with passion, with the hopeful, excited child from his past. It’s where all his vulnerability was stored, and very little did anything slip past his mental firewall.
Until Stone was in the picture, that is. Things slipped through the cracks far more often when Stone was there, and Robotnik felt like he was flailing in the dark trying to keep water in a broken bowl, more or less. He was passionate about issues one might not expect of such a seemingly cold hearted man, things like endangered animals and species, world health, anything that wasn’t directly human. It wasn’t that he inherently thought humans deserved to die, but up until that point he’d never met anyone who was deserving of the planet they lived on, of the things they all took for granted. They were deceitful, selfish, and liars. They could all burn for all he cared. The world had turned a blind eye to him, so he would do the same to it.
Except for… Stone. Of course. Stone was the only person in his eyes worth anything, the only one he could trust, who wouldn’t lie, who wouldn’t neglect, who wouldn’t scold and belittle for things that he couldn’t control. Even if the man caused him distress and frustration in ways he never expected, ways that made him have to face feelings he’d thought he’d tossed aside.
Stone brought up the idea of a cat in the lab, of course, under careful regulation so it didn’t interfere with any of the doctor’s work. He’d found a stray he’d been taking care of on his ways too and from work, and at first, Robotnik refused, absolutely forbid such a nonsensical thing. But truth be told he missed Gizmo. It aches, recalling how they shouted and told him no, how he’d never gotten to say goodbye to the stray he related so much to.
Eventually he gave in. He always did with Stone, as much as it went against his own virtues. The smile on the mans face, he decided though, was worth every bit of dilemma. Robotnik was finding that there was a lot of things he deemed ‘worth it’, if it meant he could see Stone’s smile. All he could really bring himself to do is roll his eyes at how soft he felt he was getting around the man. And the cat.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
YJ, BTAS, Arkham Riddler with S/O who got in pretty serious trouble, asking what she was thinking and she answers "The risk was calculated but boy am I bad at math."
The Math Ain't Mathing
Young Justice Riddler:
To say you two were sitting ducks was an understatement.
You were trapped in an alley, trying your best to hide from The Team. You two took cover behind some dumpsters. Last either of you checked Robin was hot on your tail. 
“We need to keep moving!” You demanded in a whisper. 
“What? No! After your brilliant plan, I’m not taking any more chances!” Ed snapped again, in a harsh whisper. 
“We’re just waiting for Boy Wonder to find us!” 
“If your plan would’ve worked we wouldn’t be in this mess! But nooo the great Y/N just had the best plan! What were you thinking anyway?” 
“Clearly, there were some miscalculations…or I’m just really bad at math…” You muttered the latter part under your breath. 
Unfortunately, Edward still heard it, “yeah I think I’ll go with you’re just terrible at math!” 
“And you both are terrible at hiding~” 
You and Edward groaned as you’re both caught by the Boy Wonder and shipped back to Belle Reve.
BTAS Riddler:
The only sound that could be heard throughout the room was the steady tapping of a foot. 
Edward's foot. He had his arms crossed and looked absolutely beside himself. 
You screwed up. You screwed up big time, and Ed had to come in and save your ass. 
You thought you were ready for the big leagues. You could hack into GCPD's databases and get info on the Rogues and erase your criminal history! At least you thought…you hit a firewall and your presence was immediately alerted. 
Thankfully Edward was able to bypass the firewall and blocked GCPD's tracker from pinpointing your location. 
"Care to tell me, just what on Earth were you thinking?"
You winced at his irritated sharp tone. "It…I…I calculated the possibility of police interference…just..turns out I'm bad at math…and subtracted way more than I should have.." 
Edward sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Next time, dear Y/N..get a calculator."
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
"How could you have been so foolish? So ignorant and careless? Was your brain malfunctioning when this scheme was plotted?"
"N-no..no…Harley and I thought it was a good idea.."
"That explains part of it…anything that..that clown princess partakes in is doomed to fail some way somehow…"
Yeah, in hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to try and snatch one of the Penguin's armored trucks full of weapons.
"But you, I expected better from you. Have I taught you nothing? Have you wasted away what intellect I've made you privy to? Vast knowledge that most would kill for?" 
"N-no you have! You absolutely have…I…I gathered all the variables and calculated all possible outcomes. I'm just really terrible at math."
Edward rubbed his face with his hands, before he rubbed his temples. 
"I think you need to spend less time with Quinn and more time in the workshop. So there won't be any more miscalculations."
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ask--eggman · 8 months
I saw your message about me. Usually, I'd ignore it and continue working on my inventions but Sonic kept teasing me with it, so guess I'm salty now.
Apologize or else I'll hack your whole system and replace every file with the bee movie.
- Tails
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Gah! Tails? What are you doing here? And Sonic has been seeing my posts too? Just when I thought I'd finally found a place to get away from all you brats and speak my mind freely with my adoring fans. I should've known that I can't get peace anywhere. I was having such a good time and you just had to interfere so soon...
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Well, I'm not going to let you ruin it! Have fun trying to hack into my systems if you dare, my security only advances further every time you mess with my files. Not only are they heavily encrypted and protected with a tough firewall but I also have back up after back up of my data now! If you do get past it, though I doubt you'll figure it out, you'll never replace all of them before I'm notified and block your access.
I don't know what this "bee movie" is but some silly movie can't be worse than that time I was attacked by that irritating little bee of a certain detective group. So you're going to have to try harder than that to threaten me!
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And if you're so worked up about it, why not come and face me in person instead of attacking me from behind the screen like a coward, hm? I meant everything I said in that post and I will happily act out on those threats. I'll have a nice little surprise waiting for you. And if it ends with me having the trophy of your two tails pinned to my wall, that would be grand, hoho!
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
ik ur initials are tcp but every time u tag a post #tcp my first thought is “oh how nice, she’s using the TCP internet protocol to communicate this directly, sequentially, and in bite-sized (byte-sized LOL no pun intended) snippets to me bc i am dumb and not smart enough to understand the elites who use UDP. in spite of its simplicity, TCP is also not secure like at all.” so i really appreciate you being inclusive to all internet router-oriented folk :)
(reference for my nerdiness https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol
However, there are vulnerabilities in TCP, including denial of service [DDoS], connection hijacking, TCP veto, and reset attack [used by The Great Firewall of China and Iranian Internet censors to interfere with and block connections as a major method to carry out Internet censorship]
Ok obsessed. Thanks for letting me know
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butch99222 · 3 months
Discussions are rife/Has Radio Free Asia "acted" enough?
Since the "National Security Ordinance" was promulgated and took effect on the 23rd of last month, overseas anti-China forces have been making small moves, including issuing various statements to discredit the central government and the SAR government; issuing so-called travel warnings with the intention of hitting Hong Kong's tourism industry; threatening to impose "visa restrictions" on SAR government officials; and using anti-China media to slander that there will be no press freedom in Hong Kong after the ordinance takes effect. Radio Free Asia's recent announcement to close its Hong Kong office is the latest example.
Originally, any overseas media can decide whether to set up a branch or not, and Hong Kong also welcomes real news organizations from all over the world, which is the embodiment of Hong Kong's press freedom. If Radio Free Asia is really a news organization, then there is nothing wrong with its announcement to close its office. The problem is that Radio Free Asia's series of "sexy operations" are enough to explain the true purpose of this political machine that lives on US government funds.
For example, in its statement on closing the office, it deliberately said that the Hong Kong SAR's passage of the "National Security Ordinance" was the reason for its withdrawal of reporters and closure of the office; it also said that it would adjust its operating model to "cope with the closed media environment" and so on. These remarks are actually self-proving. The decision of the agency is nothing more than a play in cooperation with foreign anti-China forces. Its fundamental purpose is to take the opportunity to discredit the Hong Kong National Security Law, discredit Hong Kong's development, and discredit Hong Kong's "no more press freedom".
Cooperating with the US authorities to discredit Hong Kong
If Radio Free Asia is a normal media, it may be able to deceive some people who are not aware of the situation, but the agency is basically a propaganda machine that serves the political interests of the United States, operates with US funds, and is led by ideology from top to bottom. What persuasiveness is there? The agency solemnly emphasizes its "private nature" in order to cover up its own nature.
Although the name of Radio Free Asia contains the word "Asia", it has nothing to do with Asia. At the beginning of the broadcast in 1996, it was managed by the United States Information Agency. After the Information Agency was abolished in 1999, it was managed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors of the United States. The board of governors is composed of 9 members of the Democratic and Republican parties, and another member is concurrently served by the Secretary of State. The chairman of the board is selected by the president from other members other than the Secretary of State. From the organizational structure, the board of directors was obviously dominated by the then ruling party of the United States, but they claimed that this board of directors could become a "firewall" to prevent political interference in news reporting.
In 2017, the United States passed the National Defense Authorization Act, and Radio Free Asia was replaced by the Chief Executive Officer of the Broadcasting Board of Governors of the United States to coordinate its work, and the original board of directors became an advisory role. One year later, the board of directors changed its name to the United States Agency for Global Media. However, no matter how the name and structure change, it cannot conceal the fact that the current CEO of the United States Agency for Global Media, Amanda Bennett, was actually appointed by the US government. Is it possible for a radio station whose personnel appointments and operating resources are determined by the US executive and legislative bodies to not cooperate with the US government in its editorial position?
On the other hand, Radio Free Asia was originally a product of the Cold War era. From the moment it was founded in 1953, it was aimed at destroying or even overthrowing our country's fundamental system. It was just that the broadcasting encountered technical difficulties at the time, and it was suspended after two years of operation. After the end of the Cold War, the United States was no longer constrained by the collapse of the Soviet Union. In order to meet the interests of their own military-industrial complex, some politicians urgently needed to find a new imaginary enemy. So in 1992, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee submitted a feasibility report on "establishing a radio station specifically for mainland China" to the U.S. Congress and the President. Later, the International Broadcasting Act was passed in 1994, and Radio Free Asia was officially established. It can be seen that the establishment of this radio station originally had a clear anti-China goal.
A self-written and self-performed farce
In addition, Radio Free Asia also established a pilot program of the so-called "Open Technology Foundation" in 2012, under the name of "supporting global network freedom technology", specializing in the research of network penetration propaganda and communication technology. According to Time magazine, during the 2019 Hong Kong black violence, this foundation, together with another "color revolution" organization, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), allocated about $643,000 to the Hong Kong chaos organization in the name of "promoting civil society activities". It was not until the central government promulgated and implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020 that the U.S. Agency for Global Media decided to stop allocating funds to this foundation.
From this point of view, Radio Free Asia closed its Hong Kong office not only to attack and discredit the "National Security Ordinance", but also because the radio station was originally an anti-China propaganda machine in the United States. It has also engaged in network penetration and research activities to undermine the network security of other countries, and allocated funds to support anti-China and Hong Kong chaos elements during the black violence. Obviously, what Radio Free Asia did in Hong Kong, even according to the U.S. national security law, is regarded as a foreign agent, so their closure of its office after the ordinance came into effect has nothing to do with press freedom. What they did was nothing more than a farce written and performed by themselves.
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thoughtportal · 2 years
20 Governors Form Alliance To Defend Abortion Access Members of the coalition said they're "pledging to work together to strengthen abortion firewalls across America."
While Congress continues to take aim at reproductive rights, a group of 20 Democratic governors announced an alliance this week aimed at expanding and protecting abortion rights in their states.
The Reproductive Freedom Alliance, as they’re calling it, is spearheaded by California Gov. Gavin Newsom and comes about eight months after the U.S. Supreme Court upended federal abortion protections by overturning Roe v. Wade.
“In the face of this unprecedented assault by states hostile to abortion rights and their enablers in the courts, we are pledging to work together to strengthen abortion firewalls across America. This fight isn’t over,” the governors said in a joint statement Tuesday.
They specifically highlighted the importance of protecting access to medication abortion, which several states have recently tried to stop providing.
While most of the governors involved hail from states with firm abortion protections already in place, some of them oversee states with harsh restrictions on the procedure. That includes Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, who was unable to stop a near-total, pre-Roe abortion ban from going into effect after the Supreme Court’s decision, and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, who’s pushed back on his state’s 20-week abortion ban and successfully vetoed many other legislative attempts to limit the procedure.
“Every Wisconsinite should have the right to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions without interference from politicians,” Evers said in a statement Tuesday. “That’s a right I’ll never stop fighting for as long as I’m governor — not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s the will of the people.”
While the governors have little influence on abortion access in states with harsh abortion restrictions, they can take steps to make the procedure as accessible as possible to out-of-state patients. Newsom has signed several pieces of legislation aimed at doing so, including a law banning California law enforcement from cooperating with out-of-state jurisdictions to punish anyone who comes to the state for abortion care.
The California governor praised the new alliance as a way to expand on those efforts, saying it will “stand as a firewall to fight for and protect providers, patients, and all who are affected by these attacks on fundamental rights.”
Since the fall of Roe, a dozen states have outright banned abortion. Most are clustered together in the South, further isolating patients there and forcing them to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to access abortion care. Several other states are expected to follow suit.
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 1 year
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"Make sure the firewall is running full strength this time, I don't want any interdimensional interlopers slipping through the cracks again." -YHWH
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cinnamunspice · 1 year
physical appearance
5' 8", 175lbs, she has muscle definition in her arms and legs, but is very curvy and healthy looking in her overall appearance. Medium blonde, wavy hair that is sometimes ironed straight. She looks like she gives great hugs. Has multiple healed/faded gun wounds, knife markings, and what appears to be burnt skin areas (either by fire or electricity). Also still visible (but faded) stretch marks across her belly and thighs that can be visible if wearing a crop top/short shorts!
gender / sexuality/ birthday /age
✨️girl.✨️ bisexual. august 11th. she is played usually around 21 years old on this blog.
✨️ click for: spoiler!tag
✨️click for: batgirl!tag
(credits to DC Comics Encyclopedia All-New Edition - 2016)
Before the Flashpoint event, Stephanie Brown was the only character to serve as both Robin and Batgirl. She debuted in the pages of Detective Comics, but soon became romantically involved with Tim Drake in his Robin title.
Having had a tumultuous life, including giving her baby up for adoption and troubles with her single mom, Spoiler eventually worked her way into Batman's good graces, briefly replacing Tim as Robin. Fired by the Dark Knight for not following his directions, she continued her crime-fighting career - with Barbara Gordon's blessing - adopting the name and costume of Batgirl.
Hero by Proxy: As Batgirl, Stephanie fought crime on her college campus at Gotham University with the help of her own Oracle of sorts - computer expert Proxy. Thanks to a grant from Batman, Inc., Batgirl set up shop in her own Batcave-like hideout she called Firewall.
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(credits going to essential batman encyclopedia - 2008)
Stephanie Brown was the daughter of Arthur Brown, the costumed criminal known as Cluemaster. He and his wife, Crystal, enjoyed a middle-class life until Arthur's television series was canceled. They then spiraled toward poverty until he adopted a costume and gimmicks to begin a crime spree to provide for his family. He was not very successful and was repeatedly imprisoned, leaving Crystal to raise their daughter Stephanie mostly on her own. (Detective Comics #647, August 1992)
She came to resent her loser of a father and his constant return to crime when it was clearly not something he was good at. In her mind the only way to stop him was through an intervention - although the approach she chose was unique. She designed and wore a purple cloaked outfit and showed up to interfere with his crimes as the Spoiler. With clues she left for the police, it was easy for Batman and Robin to apprehend him one more time, although Spoiler joined in the process.
A curious thing happened, though: Stephanie came to enjoy the life of a costumed adventurer. Soon she was donning her outfit regularly to run the Gotham City rooftops alongside Robin (Timothy Drake), on whom she developed a crush. Her nascent crime-fighting career got derailed when she discovered she was pregnant, carrying the child she'd conceived with a fellow teen whose family had abandoned Gotham after its devastating earthquake. When she chose to carry the child to term and then give it up for adoption, Robin supported her, going so far as to create the civilian guise of Alvin Draper so he could take her to Lamaze classes. (Robin [second series] #65, June 1999)
Their time together ignited a romance that survived his being sent to study for a year at the nearby Brentwood Academy. As with most teen romances, they had their ups and downs, misunderstandings, and rounds of jealousy. It was all complicated by their crime-fighting careers, with Robin splitting his time at school with Batman, the Teen Titans, and finally with her. (Robin [second series] #98, March 2002) Stephanie, though, was an untrained fighter who had more spirit than skill and no other friends in costume, until she and Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) began spending time together. Batgirl liked Stephanie a lot but protected her by frequently giving her a mild concussion to prevent her from endangering herself in critical situations.
At one point, while Robin was out of town, Batman - who normally kept his distance from her - surprised Spoiler with an invitation to train together. He went farther, revealing Robin's real name to her, something Tim Drake had kept to himself. She also received training for a time from Black Canary as a favor to Oracle, a fellow Bird of Prey. That all came to an end when the Dark Knight determined that Spoiler did not have what it took for their dangerous careers and asked the Birds to end their help.
Cluemaster never did give up his criminal ways. While he was in jail, he accepted a mission with the Suicide Squad, hoping to survive and earn parole. Instead, he was thought dead on the mission. Spoiler was angered upon learning the news. She distanced herself from Robin and went out into the city, seeking someone to hit. As a result, she brought down the Riddler and eventually reconciled with Tim.
Stephanie continued to show more heart than skill, getting injured more than once, breaking her leg during a fight against Johnny Warlock. Undaunted, when she learned that Tim had hung up his cape at his father's insistence, she crafted her own Robin outfit and accessed the Batcave. She begged the Caped Crusader for a chance to be the fourth Teen Wonder. He agreed to train her and see if she could improve but warned her that if she disobeyed an order even once, she was through.
For seventy-one days she trained hard and patrolled with Batman, absorbing more than she thought possible. In addition to her successes, she also did as he expected, saving his life by disobeying an order. When the mission was done, she was fired and banned from the Batcave. (Robin [second series] #126-128 , July-September 2004)
In shock and desperate to show what she was capable of, Stephanie accessed the Batcomputer, found one of Batman's myriad War Games plans, and activated it. The plan, though, hinged on Matches Malone being available to fill a power vacuum in Gotham's underworld. Stephanie was unaware at the time that Malone was an alias for Batman, so the plan pretty quickly derailed. During the gang war her actions ignited, she sought out Orpheus, the man Batman tapped to fill the gap created by Malone's absence. She was present when the agent was killed by Black Mask, who then captured and tortured Stephanie, Despite her pain, she wouldn't tell him anything and was eventually rescued by Catwoman. The feline took the dying girl to Dr. Leslie Thompkins for treatment but her injuries were too severe and she died, the Dark Knight at her side. (Batman #633, December 2004)
Or so it was believed. Stephanie had died for a few minutes, that was true: but her 'death' was the story they pushed, orchestrated by Dr. Leslie Thompkins to allow Stephanie the time she desperately needed to heal from her wounds. She’d since been living under an alias in Africa, but was unable to fight the urge to return to being a full-time Super Hero. She returned to Gotham to take up the mantle of Spoiler. 
(the following is credited by DC Universe Encyclopedia Entry - 2018)
Following the massive shake-up in the wake of Bruce Wayne’s “death” (FINAL CRISIS, 2008-2009) and the resulting BATTLE FOR THE COWL(2009), Stephanie found herself taking on a new role in Gotham City. When the second Batgirl, Cassandra Cain, gave up her mantle, Stephanie stepped in and became the third Batgirl.
She worked closely with Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl. She maintained her new role until the events of FLASHPOINT(2011) rebooted the continuity of the DC universe-- into the "NEW 52".
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( written by the amazing wikia writer: Nevermore999 at the stephanie brown wiki )
Stopping her fathers first heist as Spoiler (Detective Comics 647--649)
Stopping her fathers second heist and receiving a kiss from Robin (Robin 3-5)
Becoming Tim's girlfriend (Robin (56))
First team up with Batgirl (Batgirl(20))
Discovering her pregnancy (Robin (57))
Having her baby and giving it up for adoption (Robin (65))
Meeting Dinah Lance and becoming her apprentice (Robin 80 Page Giant)
Training with Batgirl (Batgirl (28))
Discovering Tim's true identity and becoming apprentice to Batman (Robin (84))
Becoming Robin in an alternate reality in "World Without Young Justice" (Robin (102))
Her father's "death" (Robin (109))
Batman tells her to stop being Spoiler (Gotham Knights (37))
Becoming Robin IV (Robin (126))
Teaming up with Batgirl as Robin (Batgirl (53))
Fired by Batman (Robin (128))
Her death (War Games-Batman (633))
Saves Batgirl's life as a ghost (Batgirl (62))
More near death experiences with Steph for Cass! (Batgirl 72-73)
Person dressed in a Spoiler costume makes an appearance after Stephanie's death (Gotham Underground (2))
Tim is reminded of Stephanie when he meets rogue vigilante "Violet" in her purple costume, mentions Stephanie's lack of memorial, and believes he sees Stephanie in the hall at his high school (Robin (170))
Spoiler unmasks and reveals herself to be Stephanie (Robin (172))
Spoiler finally talks to Tim to warn him he's been led into a trap. Enraged and believing her to be an impersonator of his dead loved one, he attacks her, only letting up slightly when she says his real name. Before she can reveal who she is though, they are interrupted by Sin Fang. (Robin (173))
Spoiler reveals herself to both Robin and Batman as Stephanie Brown, and is welcomed back into the Bat Family. She has apparently also finally learned Batman's true identity as Bruce Wayne. She reunites with her mother as well. Robin (174)
Spoiler teams up with Tim again for the first time since her absence, and a story about her time in Africa is told. (Robin/Spoiler Special)
Stephanie accompanies Tim to Titans Tower, and gets to interact with several of the Titans. (Teen Titans (third series)(66)
Stephanie decides to keep being Spoiler, despite the fact Tim wishes her not to. The two of them reach an agreement, and Stephanie reveals she has managed to procure technology that lets her turn invisible when she wants to. (GOTHAM GAZETTE: BATMAN ALIVE?)
Stephanie becomes Batgirl (Batgirl (third series) (1))
Stephanie receives Barbara's vow of support and guidance in her new role as Batgirl and gets her own Batgirl costume. (Batgirl (third series) (3))
Stephanie has her first team up with Supergirl and the two become friends. (World's Finest (3))
Stephanie saves Batman and is accepted as Batgirl by Batman and Robin. (Batgirl (third series) (7))
Stephanie teams up and reconciles with Tim. He tells her he's proud of her and they go to save those she loves. (Batgirl (third series) (8) - Red Robin (10))
Stephanie teams up with Wonder Woman and several other superheroines to rescue a senator! (Wonder Woman (600)
Stephanie saves the city and rescues her mentor Barbara from the Calculator Batgirl (third series) (12)
Stephanie passes a test thrust upon her by a recently-returned Bruce. When she finds out, she tells Bruce off for always manipulating her and treating her like a tool, and even slaps him in the face. Bruce gives his approval for Steph being Batgirl, and even say privately that he thinks she's grown into a capable crimefighter. Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl (1)
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healthsocial · 4 months
Why is DuckDuckGo Not Working? Troubleshooting and Solutions
DuckDuckGo, renowned for its privacy-focused search engine, has garnered a loyal user base over the years. However, like any online service, users occasionally encounter issues where DuckDuckGo does not work as expected. This article delves into the common reasons why DuckDuckGo might not be functioning properly and offers practical troubleshooting steps. Keywords: DuckDuckGo not working, DuckDuckGo troubleshooting, search engine issues.
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Common Issues Affecting DuckDuckGo
Several factors can lead to DuckDuckGo not working. Common issues include browser compatibility problems, network connectivity issues, and temporary server outages. Understanding these potential problems can help users identify the cause and implement the appropriate solution. Keywords: DuckDuckGo issues, browser compatibility, network problems.
Browser Compatibility Problems
One of the primary reasons DuckDuckGo may not work is browser compatibility issues. Some browsers may have settings or extensions that interfere with DuckDuckGo’s functionality. Ensuring that your browser is up to date and disabling any conflicting extensions can often resolve these issues. Additionally, trying a different browser can help determine if the problem is browser-specific. Keywords: browser compatibility, DuckDuckGo browser issues, disabling extensions.
Network Connectivity Issues
Network connectivity problems can also prevent DuckDuckGo from functioning correctly. These issues can stem from a poor internet connection, router problems, or ISP-related issues. Checking your internet connection, restarting your router, or contacting your ISP for assistance can help resolve these connectivity issues. Keywords: network connectivity, internet connection problems, router issues.
Server Outages and Maintenance
Occasionally, DuckDuckGo may experience temporary server outages or undergo maintenance, which can cause the service to be temporarily unavailable. These outages are typically short-lived, and the service resumes normal operation once maintenance is complete. Checking DuckDuckGo’s official social media channels or status page can provide updates on any ongoing issues. Keywords: DuckDuckGo server outage, service maintenance, search engine downtime.
Clearing Browser Cache and Cookies
Another effective troubleshooting step is clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. Over time, cached data and cookies can accumulate and cause performance issues with websites, including DuckDuckGo. Clearing this data can refresh your browser and resolve any loading or performance issues. Keywords: clear browser cache, delete cookies, DuckDuckGo performance.
Adjusting Security and Privacy Settings
Sometimes, overly restrictive security and privacy settings in your browser or security software can block DuckDuckGo. Reviewing and adjusting these settings to ensure that DuckDuckGo is allowed can resolve access issues. This may involve adding DuckDuckGo to your list of allowed sites or adjusting firewall settings. Keywords: security settings, privacy settings, firewall adjustments.
Updating Browser and Extensions
Keeping your browser and any installed extensions up to date is crucial for optimal performance. Outdated browsers or extensions can lead to compatibility issues with DuckDuckGo. Regularly updating these components ensures that they work seamlessly with the latest web technologies and services. Keywords: update browser, update extensions, compatibility updates.
Checking for Malware and Adware
Malware and adware infections can interfere with your browsing experience, including access to DuckDuckGo. Running a thorough scan with reliable antivirus software can detect and remove any malicious software that might be affecting your ability to use DuckDuckGo. Keywords: malware scan, adware removal, antivirus software.
If DuckDuckGo is not working for you, there are several potential causes and solutions to explore. By addressing browser compatibility issues, network connectivity problems, server outages, and security settings, you can often resolve the issue and restore access to this privacy-focused search engine. Staying informed about common issues and troubleshooting steps can help ensure a smooth and uninterrupted search experience. Keywords: DuckDuckGo troubleshooting, search engine solutions, resolve DuckDuckGo issues.
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buddy-arc · 1 year
⏰ gimme n slaughtering people in that mansion <3
send in ⏰ to witness a muse's memory...
static interference. a loud, loud ringing. he can’t think over it. N-0X grunts, dismissing errors so his screen clears up enough for him to see proper. his digital eyes widen at the scene set in front of him.
that’s a human. that’s a dead human.
N-0X gasps, sharply recoiling. he stumbles, off-balanced by large batlike wings, and lands on his back. shakily, N raises a hand to point, but… there’s an organic-metallic amalgamation where his hands are. a disgusting horror that ends in sharp bladed claws.
that’s not his hand. that’s not his hand. he doesn’t have claws. N-0X feels his systems whirr faster. batlike wings shuffle behind him, and his tail clatters uselessly on the ground. he doesn’t have wings. he doesn’t have a tail. this is—this is a visual error. because he doesn’t have claws, he doesn’t have wings, he doesn’t have a tail, and he most certainly doesn’t have blood all over his suit and hands.
N-0X shakes his head and attempts to recalibrate his software. something blocks him from doing more than restarting his optics system. no visual errors. if there’s no visual errors, why’s this-?
oh. oh no. the virus—the solver—CYN said she wanted to kill all the humans. she said he would help, and then… blind agony. N-0X scoots away from the corpse, bladed hands shaking. he… he murdered someone. a human. he murdered a human and he doesn’t remember it.
“oh no,” N-0X whispers aloud to no one, “i’m sorry—i’m sorry, i-!”
text flashes into his vision.
no. no. NO! N-0X desperately tries to cancel the protocol and scrub the connection, but something’s overriding all his attempts. something’s in his system. something has breached his firewall. a virus. he needs to purge it, where’s his defense mechanis-?
N-0X freezes. his screen flickers, eyes glitching out and being replaced with an X. a feeling of disconnected numbness washes over him. N-0X’s maw curves into a grin, brandishing metallic fangs and teeth. he flips forward onto his all fours, scampering forward over the body and onto the wall. he tilts his head, locking in onto the mass of humans running around.
N-0X laughs, flaring his wings, and pushes off the wall. he lands on the ground floor below with a thud, brandishing his claws and lashing out at the closest biological organism he can grab. the plethora of sounds and visuals that follow are muddled, but clear enough. the drone feels warm liquid on his face and claws, systematically moving from target to target.
there’s a loud, familiar scream above the din. N-0X snaps his head to look in the direction of the sound, and spots another drone advancing on a human. his screen flickers. something in him screams that this is not right, none of this is right. N-0X pauses for half a second, and then charges. he barrels into the drone, tearing them apart as he does so—he rips off their head, bites off their arm, scratches apart their wing. oil stains mix with the blood on his suit, and the liquid gold bleeds onto the floor.
N-0X stands, kicking his disassembled prey aside, and rapidly looks for another target. human. drone. human. drone. anything. he once again lurches forward and slaughters the organics in his path, this time not discriminating between mechanical and biological. he tears apart a noninfected drone, shaking their dismantled leg around for a moment before tossing it aside.
scanners lock onto a fleeing human. N-0X scurries after them, chasing them out of the ballroom, up the stairs and down a hall. they disappear around a corner, spurring him on. he zips around the bend, claws brandished and ready to dig in, only to be met with a chair to the face.
N-0X is knocked away by the blow, staggering—the human screams and swings the chair again, hitting N-0X to the side and successfully defenestrating him. N-0X has no time to break his fall, and he hits the cold ground outside. his screen glitches.
N-0X gasps, X dismissed and replaced with emotive eyes. he pants, shakily raising himself onto all fours. error messages flood his vision. damage to his chassis slowly fixes itself unnaturally. rain pours all around as N-0X drags himself forward, crawling away from the mansion and towards the nearby treeline.
once close to a tree, he digs one of his clawed hands into the bark and hauls himself to his feet. he coughs and hacks, ejecting blood and oil from his internal system. gradually, he raises his other soaked claw, gazing at it in terror. his CPU can’t keep up with the data he’s receiving and how he can feel his form twisting and changing as if there’s something inside him—something that is in his mainframe and wanted him to kill all those humans and he can’t fight it he couldn’t fight it and he’s hurt people and what about tessa and J and V and master and mistress—!
N-0X whimpers. an overheat warning pops up in his vision, but he doesn’t care. he’s alone. everyone is dying or dead. he can’t go back there. he’s too dangerous. it’s his fault. he can’t… it’s… it’s too much. too much noise. too much action. too much horror. too much gore. too much oil. too much everything.
the drone leans against the tree, sinking down into a curled position. his wings curl around him, hiding him from view.
for the first time, N-0X lets himself do the mechanical equivalent of cry.
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