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fanthatracks · 1 year ago
Hoth Strikes Back 2024 is just over a week away and Fantha Tracks will once again be returning to the icy wastes of Hoth - aka Finse in Norway - to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the filming of The Empire Strikes Back, and not only are we planning on covering every aspect of the event as well as heading out to some incredible locations, but we're also involved in some of the programming across the weekend. From 10.30am - 11.30am on Saturday, Fantha Tracks present How The Empire Struck Finse, a look at the legendary Hoth shoot for Empire, and from 16.00pm - 17.30pm we'll be steering the Film Crew Panel Q&A and original film crew patch raffle.  [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="large" ids="157106,157107,157108,157109"] It's going to be an amazing weekend, and you can follow our progress on our social media feeds and on both Fantha Tracks Radio and Fantha Tracks TV. To give you an idea of what's in store, check out our adventures back in 2018 when we last visited the Finse 1222 Hotel. https://youtu.be/Eua41AHVhkY [amazon box="0593597958"]
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louisbrillot · 1 year ago
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deadrlngers · 11 months ago
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James Fitzjames + Caravaggio's Entombment, David with the Head of Goliath, Penitent Magdalene, The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Death of the Virgin, Bacchus
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roboraindrop · 7 months ago
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I love him so fucking much, he's such an asshole 🥰🥰
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purplecladmerchant · 4 months ago
Zirk casually drinking poison because he got immune as a high lvl alchemist.
Or zirk becoming immune to posions because he's a high int low wisdom ass who continuously end up drinking poison.
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murcielagatito · 10 months ago
bitches help these white people i work with are fucked up 😭
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celeblessed · 11 months ago
Me thinking about modernized Disney plots.
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just-call-mefr1es · 1 year ago
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guess who found a way to hack the system😋😋
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vamppvania · 2 years ago
It's very rare that I draw fanart for something and spend hours on it. Not bc i likw that media more than others it's just I need to be in the perfect mindset mercury needs to be in gatorade alright. everything else is just oc stuff that is for no one but me <3
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ratboi07 · 5 months ago
I just had a heart attack because they unplugged and I didn't notice and I genuinely thought these fuckers died on me and I started crying. I've had these headphones since 5pm and they have already become the most important thing in my life.
Okay so I live in a very technically advanced family, the newest computers, phones, headphones... But I'm very 2007 with my technology style (if I could bring my iPod to school to listen to music without being bullied I would). For the first time in 4 years I've had plug in headphones rather than air pods or Google buds and omg they are just so much better! Never going back! Bring back headphones Jack!!
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raccontidialiantis · 29 days ago
Violata, finalmente
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Ada s'era sposata molto giovane, con un uomo di venti anni più anziano, dai modi gentili e molto colto. Dedito ai suoi studi e immerso nel suo lavoro. Presto egli aveva cessato di rivolgerle le dovute attenzioni. E le nascite dei due figli avevano infine mortificato la sua femminilità e fatto assopire i suoi desideri.
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Dovendo rifare il bagno, era stato dato l'incarico a un artigiano del vicino paese. Il marito le aveva dato carta bianca e un opportuno budget di spesa. Per cui, al mattino, portati i figli a scuola, assieme a lui aveva iniziato ad andare in giro per scegliere i vari componenti: doccia, sanitari, rubinetteria, piastrelle, colle varie, mobiletti etc.
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S'era quasi subito sorpresa a vestirsi, profumarsi, truccarsi e infine attenderlo con trepidazione. L'uomo non le era indifferente: qualche anno più di lei, sui trentacinque e molto solido. Capelli ricci e arguto, schietto, allegro. Per lei egli rappresentava un raggio di pura luce nella nebbia degli ultimi anni. Sempre cortese, con lei, ma a suo modo comunque pieno di mistero.
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Le aveva infine confessato di essere separato e di essere stato deluso e molto amareggiato per i ripetuti tradimenti della moglie. Cresceva in Ada la voglia insopprimibile di averlo, mentre capiva chiaramente di avere vicino ogni giorno un uomo affascinante e soprattutto pieno di desiderio per lei. Avrebbe voluto amarla, questo le era ormai evidente, ma Bruno non voleva far passare a un altro uomo ciò che aveva passato lui.
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Glielo aveva fatto capire chiaramente. Ma se una donna vuole un uomo, alla fine se lo prende. Punto. Una mattina lei finse di essere ancora in preparazione e lo accolse avvolta da un telo da bagno che appena le copriva il seno. A vederla così l'uomo ebbe un tuffo al cuore e un'insolita affluenza di sangue in zona pelvica. Lo pregò di accompagnarla in camera da letto, che avrebbe finito in cinque minuti.
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Entrati che furono, lei spudoratamente si tolse l'asciugamano, salì sul letto completamente nuda e rossa in viso; bellissima, irresistibile. Si mise in ginocchio con i gomiti sulle lenzuola e natiche all'aria, pensando: “Jericho ora dovrà crollare.” E si: l'uomo la prese senza più esitazioni. La possedette e lei finalmente godette nell'essere trattata come ogni donna desidera.
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Le sussurrava parole oscene e irripetibili ma dolci all'orecchio, mentre la penetrava inaspettatamente dove lei non avrebbe neppure osato pensare di chiedere al marito, per non essere considerata una donnaccia. E la teneva ora per le spalle ora per i capelli, strattonandola gentilmente al ritmo dei colpi. Le sborrò a lungo una prima volta nel culo e dopo un po' ancora una volta nella fica. Un'estasi, per una donna a lungo trascurata. Che ebbe orgasmi dolci e intensi. Si rividero anche dopo che il bagno fu sistemato e lei godeva sempre molto nell'essere strapazzata, violata e fatta sua, sua, sua seppure in pieno peccato.
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Gli succhiava l'uccello sino a sfinirlo, si faceva mangiare l'albicocca sino a godere e lo inondava di nettare, cosa che lui gradiva molto. Non sta bene, non si fa: una signora rispettabile non dovrebbe fare queste cose. Ma più si sentiva in colpa, più lo desiderava e lo cercava. La vita ti pone davanti curve, situazioni difficili. Ma anche gioie incredibili, magari ben nascoste dietro una frustrazione, un dolore o un lungo periodo di speranze perdute. E te le devi prendere, le tue gioie: anche se questo comportasse la inevitabile e continua sofferenza sia del peccatore che del tradito. Chissenefrega.
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dogfancier · 7 months ago
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Obedience for search and rescue (avalanche) dogs in Finse, Norway. Published 1963
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armandoandrea2 · 2 days ago
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E l’amore guardò il tempo e rise: testo originale
E l’amore guardò il tempo e rise.
Un sorriso lieve come un sospiro,
come l’ironia di un batter di ciglio,
come il sussurro di una verità scontata.
Perché sapeva di non averne bisogno.
Perché sapeva l’infinita potenza del cuore
e la sua poesia e la magia di un universo perfetto,
al di là dei limiti del tempo e dello spazio.
E le ragioni dell’uomo, fragile come un pulcino,
smarrito come un uccello,
cannibale come un animale da preda.
Perché conosceva la tenerezza di una madre,
l’incanto di un bacio, il lampo di un incontro.
Poi finse di morire per un giorno,
nella commedia della vita,
nell’eterno gioco della paura,
nascosto, con il pudore della sofferenza,
con la rabbia della carne,
con il desiderio di una carezza.
Ma era là, beffardo, testardo, vivo.
E rifiorì alla sera,
senza leggi da rispettare,
come un Dio che dispone, sicuro di sé,
bello come la scoperta, profumato come la luna.
Ma poi si addormentò in un angolo di cuore
per un tempo che non esisteva
e il tempo cercò di prevalere,
nel grigio di un’assenza senza musica, senza colori.
E sbriciolò le ore nell’attesa,
nel tormento per dimenticare il suo viso, la sua verità.
Ma l’amore negato, offeso,
fuggì senza allontanarsi,
ritornò senza essere partito,
perché la memoria potesse ricordare
e le parole avessero un senso
e i gesti una vita e i fiori un profumo
e la luna una magia.
Perché l’emozione bruciasse il tempo e le delusioni,
perché la danza dei sogni fosse poesia.
Così mentre il tempo moriva, restava l’amore.
Luigi Pirandello
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banthony-baxon · 9 months ago
Hmmm... somewhere interesting, or... where you live, whatever you think is good love! I trust your judgement
Rassilon hasn't said anything in 5 days is this another divorce arc???
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baldurs-gape · 10 months ago
Broken Hallelujah
The last thing the party needed was for Astarion's 'siblings' to make an unexpected visit in the middle of the night. They were already exhausted and battered, in need of a good night's sleep so the worst outcome was yet another fight. It didn't go well. Astarion was spirited away after taking a series of heavy blows that rendered him helpless and curled up on the floor. Storming Cazador's palace was out of the question in the state everyone was left in. Plus, taking on a vampire in the middle of the night was madness. By reluctant mutual agreement, Astarion's rescue was going to have to wait until daytime.
Plans were all very well but it was rare for them to be followed without a hitch. There was the matter of Gortash's Steelwatch which needed to be brought down as soon as possible. Finding the clown's torso was a happy little accident but it needed to be lugged back to the tavern because it was so heavy. And there was the small matter of needing to stock up on supplies before they could even consider getting Astarion back. Night was upon the party all too soon. Astarion was going to have to survive another night before getting rescued.
Daylight came again and more unexpected interruptions. An urchin was pleading with the barkeep, something about only wanting to deliver an important message. It was a good act, almost enough to convince Gale that the he did have a message to pass on rather than simply looking for a way in to pilfer some valuables.
"it's you!" The child's eyes were fixed on Wyll and Lae'zel let out an unimpressed tsk. "Blade of Frontiers! We need your help!"
Only a little charmed, karlach gave Wyll a nudge and a grin, a pleased 'told you so'. Just because he now had horns made him no less of a hero and defender of the Coast. The boy approached without fear, cap literally in hand.
"Please, Mr. Blade," he began, trying to be formal, "we need your help down at the dock. Some awful, vile creature has taken residence overnight and is obstructing our work."
"What kind of creature?" Wyll asked, torn between amusement and concern.
"Bossman says it's probably some deformed mercreature! Hisses and screeches from where it's squeezed itself between crates. Probably killed some cats or something because there's blood all over the planks. It screams what sounds like "go away" from a throat that wasn't made for speech."
All very concerning. Wyll looked at the other three. "It'll take maybe an hour by the sounds of it." A tinge of guilt coloured his voice, "Vampires are asleep until sunset. Another hour won't make much of a difference."
Lae'zel nodded in agreement while Karlach hesitated. Only Gale's lips were pressed into a thin line.
"We need to get Astarion free. He was already hurt when they took him."
"That's one being's benefit against that of many," Wyll argued. "We put one injured creature out of its misery and the dock workers can go back to their duties."
Clearly outnumbered, Gale sighed. He hated being in the minority, before all this mess, he just had to suggest something and it happened. Now, even outright saying how things should be wasn't enough to make it happen. Expression mildly thunderous and with half a mind on petty vengeance of blowing a few crates up to express his displeasure, he followed the others to the docks.
Finsing where the creature had holed up wasn't exactly difficult. Judging by the amount of blood, it had dragged a whole ox into its lair, not just a cat or two. A gaggle of workers stood a safe distance away, necks craning to catch sight of it. All too telling was the broken pitchfork near a wonkily piled of crates. Just enough of a gap between them for something to squeeze in and set up camp.
Sword pulled out, Wyll approached. He squinted into the dark, blade raised and ready to defence. The hiss that came from the crevice was hoarse and weak. Whatever it was, if left alone for a day or so, it would probably die anyway.
Gale watched as Wyll crouched down to get a better look. From his position he had the perfect view as another hiss made him flinch but peered in. No attack was coming forth. Not from Wyll and not from the creature either. In fact, the wooden boxes moved as though the creature was pressing further into the darkness and meager cover it had found.
"Just toss a caustic bulb in," Lae'zel offered, poised and ready to pounce.
Patience gone, Karlach marched closer. "This is easier." The top crate was hefted up and easily discarded to the side with an ominous rattle. A pained screech went up as the creature tried to hide. At the same time Wyll's exclamation was just as loud.
For a long second everything hung in the air. Gale craned to get a better look but only saw blood smeared flesh and a mop of filthy hair. In slow motion the head raised and feral red eyes scanned the threats. The moment another hiss left Astarion's throat, the world snapped back into motion.
Without thought, Gale was vaulting over the crate he was behind, rushing to get to Astarion. Lae'zel sheathed her sword and Wyll stepped back in shock. Unthinking, Gale pushed Karlach to the side and dropped to his knees, hand reaching to cup Astarion's face gently.
"What did they do to you, my love?"
The snarling his twisted into an agonised sob as Astarion sagged. Still, he didn't say anything, slumping into Gale's touch. In the light of day the damage was easy to perceive but not easy to see. Astarion's face was bloodied, Gale would have put good gold on a broken cheek. A lot of the blood was around his lips and chin though and, at first, he thought maybe Astarion had had a chance to feed. Yet that should have helped with the healing. Another look and Gale wished he hadn't. As Astarion took a heaving breath through trembling lips, he could see gaps where fangs had been broken off. Gale couldn't help the wince of sympathy. Gathering him closer, his hands brushed over a familiar back but he didn't feel just the scars. Instead, his hands touched wet and sticky lines. Adjusting them, Gale regretted his choices. The scars were near enough obliterated by vicious lines of split skin. At a guess it was the aftermath of a frenzied whipping.
"Get Shadowheart," he croaked at the others. He wasn't versed in healing magic, none of them were. Helping Astarion rearrange his limbs into something comfortable was proving impossible. He was in the blood soaked remnants of his sleep pants, feet bare and Karlach tried to gently pull shards of glass out. All through it, Astarion got quieter and quieter. Too quiet and Gale clutched a him.
"Help's coming, hold on."
Almost not soon enough, Shadowheart was dashing towards them, Halsin on her heels. Blue healing magic glowed around them and a hand thrust a potions bottle to Gale.
"Get it into him."
Easier said than done. Astarion could barely sip, coughed and choked on every other small mouthful. A weak, trembling hand even tried to shove the bottle away but Gale held firm despite everything in him screaming to not force Astarion into anything.
"Why isn't he healing?" he growled in frustration as Shadowheart sat back, spells exhausted.
It was Halsin's turn to kneel by them, the golden glow of his magic strong. He offered Astarion a soft smile and looked over to Gale.
"Spells will target the most critical injuries first." A sadness overtook his features. "Sometimes it's more important to get someone healed than to assess what injuries have been sustained."
Cold seeped into Gale and not just from holding Astarion close. He couldn't see a single part of Astarion that had healed. Whatever other injuries he had, they weren't visible.
Finally the potion bottle was empty and Gale discarded it carelessly in favour of brushing fingers through Astarion's filthy hair. It had Astarion stirring to blearily blink at them. Gone was the mask of aloofness, the pretence of immortal invulnerability. Instead all that was left was a breaking heart left bleeding in the open for all to gawk at.
"You didn't come." An accusation, a gut wrenchingly pained statement, a hollow cry of disappointment. "You didn't come."
"I'm sorry, love. I'm so sorry." Gale should have kicked up a fuss, they should have gone the moment the sun rose after Astarion was snatched. Guilt gnawed at him. He and Halsin should have gone, even if nobody else was willing. It was what Astarion would have done, in fact had done when Orin had snatched Halsin.
The warmth of Halsin enveloped them from Astarion's other side. Together, the two of them tried to hold Astarion together as he began to shake apart with emotions he could no longer contain.
"He did the ritual. Was so angry. Livid." A hand ghosted over his own lips, fingers feeling the memory of agony. "Said it was my fault."
It made no sense but, for now, it didn't have to. Gale held him closer and looked to Halsin for guidance. This kind of thing played more to his strength than Gale's.
"Not your fault. He's a wretched cur for making you even think that. Once you're better, we'll rid the world of him together if you'd like. Raze the castle to the ground. I'll serve his head on a platter if that is what you need."
Slow clapping interrupted them. Raphael of all people was sauntering closer, hands in front of him.
"Bravo, little one! Bravo."
Gale willed a spell into his hand and aimed it at the intruder. "Not now, dickwad."
"Oh but now is exactly the right time." Standing, he gazed down at Astarion with indulgent affection. "You might have just made it to the top of my favourites list."
Bristling at the threat such words held, Halsin shifted to cover Astarion as much as he could.
"You're not welcome, Raphael. Not that it has ever stopped you before."
"But I come bearing gifts. Yes, gifts! You see, Astarion has just created the hottest gossip of hell. And, because he is a friend of mine, I am now an elevated denizen of Hell." Preening, Raphael waited for a reaction which never came. It didn't deter him in the slightest. "You see, our beloved Astarion here was charged with bringing Cazador 7000 souls for his grand Ascension. And hwat a busy little spawn he's been. Two hundred years and over 7000 victims lured back. Makes you shiver, doesn't it? Not all of them survived though."
"None of them did," Astarion replied, voice rough and raspy.
"Well, quite. Cazador had a rather large appetite, didn't he? But 7000 of those you lured back he fed from, turned into spawn and stashed under his palace, didn't he?"
Eyes closed, Astarion nodded. "It was my fault."
"Indeed. But Cazador only wanted the beautiful for his ascension so he was choosy about who he turned. But finally, at long last, after centuries of waiting, he had it." Raphael laughed coldly. "He performed the rite, didn't he? Tell me, what was it like?"
"Like watching the ringmaster from a torture rack, what do you think?"
"Oh to have seen his face though. Completing his ritual, calling Mephistopheles to claim his souls, only for daddy dearest to appear, look at all your victims and say-" here, he paused in the hopes that Astarion would help act out the stroy. Stubborn silence left him sniffing, offended at the lack of participation. "Mephistopheles says 'where are the souls?' and looks around again."
Slapping his knees, Raphael cackles as if it was the funniest thing in the entirety of the world. "Where are the souls?" he repeated with more mirth.
"Very droll," Gale replied, utterly unamused. "Maybe this is Avernus humour rather than Faerun humour."
"You don't understand!" Still hooting, Raphael struggled to stand straight. "They were all spawn! 7000 spawn, not a single soul between them."
"So Cazador failed?" It was Halsin who asked, blunt and flat.
The same time Raphael exclaimed an elated "yes", Astarion let out a bitter scoff. "As if that wasn't obvious. Took it out on me, blamed me for it."
"And so-" Raphael cut in, undeterred, "-I come with two gifts." He snapped a finger. "Ta-dah!" The trio stared without a single clue as to what had happened. "Oh for crying out loud, you're free! Still a spawn but free of Cazador's influence."
"Oh." Astarion didn't seem elated at the news. "The tadpole was already doing that."
"Yes, but think of after! Think of the future."
Halsin cleared his throat. "You said two things?"
"Greedy." Raphael booped Halsin on the nose. "But yes." Another finger click. This time Astarion shivered.
Eyes wide with hope, Gale looked over him. "Did he give you your soul back?"
Eyes closed, Astarion shook his head while Raphael let out a delighted giggle. "No, silly! You're more greedy than bear-boy here. He's fully healed!"
Which was great but it wasn't anything they couldn't have done. It didn't do anything but fill Gale and Halsin with cold dread. Living in hope had been better, easier. They knew for sure now, Astarion truly didn't have a soul.
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throwaninkpot · 15 days ago
MDZS AU where it's all just fandom drama on tumblr. Wei Wuxian, after a brief stint as a BNF, is cancelled after he starts making problematic edits. He fakes his own death online after the backlash leads to peoplw finsing his sister's Instagram and sending her hate. Nie Huaisang quietly compiling a call out doc for Jiggy, and sending him messages through sockpuppets pressuring him to confess or else he'll post the receipts. Su She lied about having HIV.
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