#Financial Adviser
davidsmart73 · 5 months
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edwardamfinancial · 1 year
It's Time to Expand Your Independent Financial Advice, Independent Financial Adviser Liverpool Options
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If you are in Liverpool and seeking independent financial advice, it's time to explore your options and expand your horizons. One great option is to consider working with an independent financial adviser, such as Edward Asset Management.
Independent financial advisers provide unbiased, personalized financial advice that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. They can help you to navigate through the complex world of finance and investments, and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to make informed decisions.
At Edward Asset Management, we understand that every client is different. That's why we take a customized approach to each of our clients' financial situations, taking the time to understand their unique needs, goals, and risk tolerance before making any recommendations.
Our team of experienced independent financial advisers is committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and expertise. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their financial objectives, whether that means building a retirement nest egg, saving for their children's education, or creating a diversified investment portfolio.
As an independent financial adviser, we have access to a wide range of financial products and services, including investments, pensions, and insurance. We are not tied to any particular financial institution, which means that we can provide unbiased advice that is tailored to our clients' needs and goals.
Working with an independent financial adviser like Edward Asset Management can provide you with peace of mind and financial security. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are making informed financial decisions that are aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.
In conclusion, if you are seeking independent financial advice in Liverpool, it's time to explore your options and expand your horizons. Consider working with an independent financial adviser like Edward Asset Management to receive unbiased, personalized financial advice that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your financial objectives.
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fingurus · 2 years
Best Accounting Services In Bangalore
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linkfinance · 2 years
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aro-culture-is · 8 months
Aro culture is:
“You’ll get a crush someday!”
Five years later, seventeen years old, no crush and forced into a toxic relationship because your mom is toxic
I'm sorry that that has happened to you. To you, and anyone else in these situations:
You know yourself. Even if your current aromanticism is a phase, that doesn't mean people should be invalidating your current feelings and intentions. You deserve to be listened to and respected.
As much as is possible, establish boundaries in your relationships. I will always advocate that a boundary is not "Do not do this", a healthy boundary looks more like "If you do this, I will respond like this." For example, in toxic relationships, there is often an expectation that you will drop everything for the other. It may be useful to say "If I tell you I cannot hang out right now and you insist I should regardless, I will silence notifications from you for an hour." If they disrespect your boundary, enforce your reaction. If they tell you this is extreme, unreasonable, anything of that nature - remind yourself: I am respecting my time. Even if I would like to be hanging out, I cannot, and being pressured to find excuses or being shamed for circumstances I cannot change in this moment is unreasonable and harming me.
Things will get better, and that is a promise. I know at 17 I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle anyone that told me that - but seriously. My life at 23 isn't perfect at all - but I am in control of it. You will get there.
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sapphirepolexia · 19 hours
the fact that i’ve been working at the same company for almost 7 years and i still can’t afford to live comfortably pretty much anywhere on my own is really fucking sad. i couldn’t even afford a studio apartment anywhere in my home county if i wanted to, definitely not on the 30% or even 50% rule, if i stretched it
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The Biden administration announced a rule Tuesday to cap all credit card late fees, the latest effort in the White House push to end what it has called junk fees and a move that regulators say will save Americans up to $10 billion a year.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s new regulations will set a ceiling of $8 for most credit card late fees or require banks to show why they should charge more than $8 for such a fee.
The rule would bring the average credit card late fee down from $32. The bureau estimates banks brought in roughly $14 billion in credit card late fees a year.
“In credit cards, like so many corners of the economy today, consumers are beset by junk fees and forced to navigate a market dominated by relatively few, powerful players who control the market,” said Rohit Chopra, director of the bureau, in a statement.
President Joe Biden planned to highlight the proposal along with other efforts to reduce costs to Americans at a meeting of his competition council on Tuesday. The Democratic president is forming a new strike force to crack down on illegal and unfair pricing on things like groceries, prescription drugs, health care, housing and financial services.
The strike force will be led by the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission, according to a White House statement.
The Biden administration has portrayed the White House Competition Council as a way to save people money and promote greater competition within the U.S. economy.
The White House Council of Economic Advisers produced an analysis indicating that the Biden administration’s efforts overall will eliminate $20 billion in annual junk fees. The analysis found that consumers pay about $90 billion a year in junk fees, including for concerts, apartment rentals and auto dealers.
The effort appears to have done little to help Biden politically ahead of this year’s presidential election. Just 34 percent of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s economic leadership, according to a new survey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
Sen. Tim Scott, R-South Carolina, criticized the CFPB cap on credit card late fees, saying that consumers would ultimately face greater costs through higher interest rates and less access to credit.
“It will decrease the availability of credit card products for those who need it most, raise rates for many borrowers who carry a balance but pay on time, and increase the likelihood of late payments across the board,” Scott said.
Americans held more than $1.05 trillion on their credit cards in the third quarter of 2023, a record, and a figure certain to grow once the fourth-quarter data is released by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. next month. Those balances are now carrying interest on them, which is the highest it has been since the Federal Reserve started tracking the data back in the mid-1990s.
Further, more Americans are falling behind on their credit card debts as well. Delinquency rates at the major credit card issuers such as American Express, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Capital One and Discover have been trending upward for several quarters. Some analysts have become concerned Americans, particularly poorer households hurt by inflation, might be taking on too much debt.
“Overall, the consumer is credit healthy. However, the reality is that there are starting to be some significant signs of stress,” said Silvio Tavares, president and CEO of VantageScore, one of the country’s two major credit scoring systems, in an interview last month.
The growth of the credit card industry is partly why Capital One announced it would buy Discover Financial last month for $35 billion. The two companies, which are two of the largest credit card issuers, are also two companies whose customers regularly carry a balance on their accounts.
This is not the first time policymakers have weighed in on credit card fees. Congress in 2010 passed the CARD Act, which banned credit card companies from charging excessive penalty fees and established clearer disclosures and consumer protections.
The Federal Reserve issued a rule in 2010 that capped the first credit card late fee at $25, and $35 for subsequent late payments, and tied that fee to inflation. The CFPB, which took over the regulation of the credit card industry from the Fed after it was established, is proposing going further than the Fed.
The bureau’s proposal is similar in structure to what the bureau announced in January when it proposed capping overdraft fees to as little as $3. In that proposed regulation, banks would be required to either accept the bureau’s benchmark or show regulators why they should charge more, a method that few bank industry executives expect to use.
Biden has made the elimination of junk fees one of the cornerstones of his administration’s economic agenda heading into the 2024 election. Fees that banks charge customers have been at the center of that campaign, and the White House directed government regulators last year to do whatever is in their power to further curtail the practice.
In another move being highlighted by the White House, the Agriculture Department said it has finalized a rule to stop what it deems to be deceptive contracts by meat processors and to ban retaliation against small farmers and ranchers that work together in associations.
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zahroreadsthings · 8 months
Study session...
Question: Do you go?
Response: Yeah. Time to learn about geography too, I guess.
In the end there's no point in staying - the only prize for winning this competition was clout. You both take up Sol on his offer, Dessa more enthusiastically than you.
It's easy enough to lead the way to the library but you fumble when it's time to find books on weather - you've only used Deema's before.
Sol pats you on the shoulder sympathetically and goes to speak with a librarian while you and Dessa find a table.
'You have a real talent for poking holes in solutions, Dessa,' he says when he returns, a small stack of books in his arms. He doesn't sound the least bit annoyed.
'I have to! Almost everything's written for you coastal folk. I make so many notes in my books I basically wrote them. You coastal folks have it easy.' She giggles behind her hand at Sol's surprise. 'It's true! I don't have the sea to moderate temperature.'
That hadn't occurred to you; you've lived by the sea all your life. You jot that down in your notebook.
'And altitude,' Sol says. 'Air gets thinner and colder the higher you go.'
'And if there's, say, valleys where cold air pools,' Dessa continues.
Sol nods along as he flips through a book. 'Rain shadow, valleys, basins... all things you look out for where you are?'
She nods confirmation.
They carry on while you flip through the book in front of you. It has more detail than you think you'll ever need, but you diligently take notes regardless. Who knows what you might need to know when finding Deema's samples?
An hour passes and the library closes. Your notebook is full of notes to go over... but you think you can also get your mittens finished tonight.
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willowcrowned · 3 months
Hi sorry for politics question but why is libertarianism considered bad? Like I thought it was about equality and sharing power in opposition to hierarchical authoritarianism but based on how you talk about it I’m likely super wrong about it?? Ty!!
I assume you're talking about this post.
Disclaimer: I don’t have a lot of experience with political theory or political history, so I can’t explain how libertarianism got from what it originated as to the modern American party that calls itself the Libertarian Party.
What I can tell you is that libertarianism as it’s used in modern America refers to the party with a right-aligned libertarian philosophy that prizes free-market capitalism. A lot of libertarians tend to refer to themselves “socially liberal” but “fiscally conservative,” which is to say that they don’t think governments should regulate industry but are generally pro-gay rights and pro-legalizing weed and other drugs.
There is, of course, a distinction between the libertarian party and people who identify as libertarian but aren’t a part of the party for various reasons, and left-aligned libertarians certainly do still exist in America. (Extremist right-aligned libertarians also exist—many constitutional militias are composed of extremist right-aligned libertarians.) But “libertarian” as it’s used in the American common discourse (and as I used it) still tends to refer to supporters of the Libertarian Party.
tldr; Kalvaxus thinks that taxation is theft and he should be allowed to burn towns get money without the government trying to stop him, but also thinks that being gay is fine, probably.
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emmettverhoogen · 10 months
“You gave me specific instructions not to let the children back in, Mrs. Squalor,” the doorman said. “At least, until Gunther left the building. And he still hasn’t left.”
“Don’t be absurd,” Esmé said. “He left the penthouse last night. What kind of doorman are you?”
“Actually, I’m an actor,” the doorman said, “but I was still able to follow your instructions.”
Esmé gave the doorman a stern look she probably used when giving people financial advice. “Your instructions have changed,” she said. “Your new instructions are to let me and my orphans go directly to my seventy-one-bedroom apartment. Got it, buster?”
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edwardamfinancial · 1 year
Independent financial advisor based in Liverpool and the North of England
We are an independent financial adviser serving private and corporate clients in Liverpool and the North of England. To meet your financial planning needs, an independent financial adviser (IFA) recommends unbiased advice on your investments and wealth. Call Immediately! We are an independent financial adviser firm in Liverpool and the North of England that provides a wide range of financial services.
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shubhmortgage · 2 years
Mortgage Calculator Service in California:
Use the free California Mortgage Calculator to estimate your monthly payment, including taxes, mortgage insurance, principal, and interest.
A mortgage calculator helps in calculating things in a few minutes. Buying a new home is a time of dreams and opportunity, but navigating the mortgage process can also make it stressful and confusing. Different interest rates and repayment terms can make it difficult to compare mortgage loan offers.
Our mortgage calculator should help you understand everything. This helpful tool makes it easy to find mortgage loans and choose the best deal for you.
How to Use This Calculator:
Our mortgage calculator can help you understand how differences in interest rates and repayment terms affect the size of your monthly payment and the total cost of a home over time. Little information is required to get started. Adding a few more details using the calculator's optional advanced options can give you an even clearer idea of ​​what your monthly mortgage payment might look like for different loans.
- House Price: This is the amount you pay the house seller. If you are in the early stages of home shopping, use the seller's asking price for comparison, but remember that this number is negotiable. If you are shopping in a highly competitive market and expect to be one of several bidders, you may want to bid above the asking price. In slower markets or for properties that have been on the market for a longer period of time, a bid below the asking price could be successful. Work with a real estate professional/ Mortgage Advisor to set your bidding strategy.
- Down Payment: When you enter the house price, the calculator automatically fills in the Down Payment field to reflect 20% of the house price. This is the standard down payment required for most traditional mortgages. Many mortgage lenders, including those who make government-backed loans, will accept lower down payments, usually in exchange for higher interest rates and/or fees - and with the stipulation that you pay for mortgage insurance, which you can factor into the calculator's advanced features.
- Term (in years): Enter the number of years required for the mortgage to be repaid. By default, this calculator assumes a 30-year mortgage, as this is the most common home loan term in America. Other standard mortgage terms include 15 years, 20 years, and 40 years. Adjust this number according to the offer you are evaluating. All things being equal, longer mortgage terms mean lower monthly payments, but also significantly higher interest costs over the life of the loan.
- Interest Rate: Enter the interest rate for the loan you are considering. Be sure to enter the interest rate, not the APR  (annual percentage rate). These numbers may be similar, but the APR reflects interest costs plus additional financing costs like fees and mortgage insurance.
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caressthosecheekbones · 7 months
took me half an hour to figure out how much money the fucking bra brand owes me after yet another confusing order where i bought three bras (one free), returned one (so the second bra was half off) and still somehow paid the full price of two. looks easy now. was hard on my two brain cells.
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nangua · 2 months
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@nosebleedclub prompt: carapace
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 months
school's starting next month I gotta finish remaking my coding blog
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