#Final Fantasy VII Fanfic
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tunafishprincess · 1 year ago
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Patricide is Harder than it Looks (LINK)
Cloud made a promise to Gaia, believing he would return to the past to stop Sephiroth from erasing Cloud’s existence. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned. It didn’t help that the Goddess elected to solve the issue of his continued existence through the use of Sephiroth’s cells. Couldn’t she have made him a bit bigger at least?
When Sephiroth was called to an emergency in Hojo’s laboratory, he didn’t expect to find the Professor dead, nor was he expecting to walk out a father to a mysterious five-year-old boy. Nor was Shinra, for that matter. Nevertheless, he’ll adjust. He hopes.
Shinra’s SOLDIERs hadn’t expected to babysit Sephiroth’s new son, who may or may not be looking to commit patricide.
(AKA Gaia saw Sephiroth needing a family and yeeted Cloud at him like a son-shaped grenade.)
Updates Every Thursday
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bardic-tales · 4 months ago
Tumblr Games: Writing Share Tag
Thank you so much for the tags: @frostedlemonwriter and @glbettwrites. Your shares were awesome!
Rules: Share a piece of writing you're proud of.
I haven't written much over the last week, since my spoons have been really low. Holidays tend to take a lot out of my family now.
I have been working on a drabble or flash fiction. It doesn't have a title, yet. As always, this is a really rough draft. :)
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"As a god," Sephiroth said, his voice was smooth like poisoned honey, "I can offer you something the Celestials or Devils cannot."
"Oh? What can you offer me that the divine can not?"
"Everything." He glided his hand down the smooth sloop of her throat, igniting goosed flesh to rise on her skin. She shivered. "Absolute power. Unlimited wealth. The submission of nations and empires. The Promised Land."
As he lowered himself to her height by bending towards her, his lips hovered close to hers. His breath fanned her cheek and lips, igniting fire within her belly that soon spread throughout her entire body: a burning need to join him on his crusade for revenge against those insects that call themselves human.
"But, most importantly," he whispered, "eternal devotion and unwavering loyalty. You are mine by right, Bia, and I will treat you like the queen you are meant to be."
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Going to open this up to the Creators Club as a CC member tag game. Share your work you're proud of.
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@megandaisy9 @watermeezer @littleshopofchaos
@themaradwrites @pinkevilwriter
@serenofroses @asirensrage @aalinaaaaaa @goldenlilium-ocs @glbettwrites
@wyked-ao3 @badscientist @thebadphilosopher @andromedalestrange
@fantastictrashpolice @seastarblue @happypup-kitcat24 @chickensarentcheap @allaboutmagic
@ryns-ramblings @kathaliabloodyrose @riemmetric @andromedaexists @kckramer
@tales-from-nocturnaliss @pastelpinkhobbies @idonthaveapenname @the-bar-sinister @rosesonkittens
@bloodred2023 @kanobarlowe @aquixoticwrites @new-royston-cursebreakers
@rosemirmir @salmonandfox @fablesandfragments @paganmindidnothingwrong @elshells
@viscerawrites @ellowynthenotking @dawsonskyelar @greenapplespider
@edupunkn00b @the-duke-of-nuts @exclawshou @karkkidoeswriting @meerawrites
@theglitchywriterboi @mayarab @memento-morianon @mrsmungus
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bouncymouse · 3 days ago
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I've written an Alice in Wonderland-flavoured children's story for Final Fantasy Tales, where Tifa finds herself somewhere very strange indeed... Check out @ff7storybook for more info🐇 All proceeds will support The Palestine Children's Relief Fund♥️
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venusxblue · 1 year ago
Rating: E
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine
Tags: rough smut, switching, body worship, pwp
Cid wonders to himself just how he wound up in bed with the most beautiful yet emotionally damaged man that he's ever met.
So I'm rusty and this is my first foray into this ship. I can only hope it turned out alright haha
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team5ds · 6 months ago
i can feel you all around me
Summary: she's not gone. she's still there. in the life stream.
Rating: T
Ships: Tifa Lockhart/Aerith Gainsborough
Author’s note: written for @sapphic-september with the prompt of "undead" and also partly for @millenniumpuzzle. hope i did your girls justice. aerith is technically dead in this but also in theory she isn't.
read on ao3 / support me on kofi (battle city & up supporters get early access) / join my discord (18+)
Tifa swore she'd been here before, but her mind was blanking on when. She felt too serene, but something was tamping her emotions down, leaving her unable to react. Her mind could sense something wrong, and yet whatever was impacting her made it difficult to care. The contradictions were annoying. She felt like she needed to rest, actually. Just let whatever was ensnaring her take her away. Aerith was here too, and so inviting. She was smiling, like nothing was wrong. "Tifa," she said, and oh, she liked the way Aerith said her name. "It's good to see you again."
Except... no. This wasn't right, was it? Her mind was sluggish, trying to figure out what was so wrong about this scenario. Aerith smiling at her was fine - she did that all time. It hit her just a little too late. "We're in the lifestream," Tifa said, immediately looking around. It'd been obvious - Mako surrounded them. How had it eluded her? Whatever the reason, Tifa didn't like it. "We need to get out of here."
"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," Aerith said with a laugh. "Don't you remember what happened?"
Her stomach lurched as it all came rushing back: Aerith had died. And yet here she was, standing in front of her, fully alive. The two realities didn't make sense. Tifa knew there was only one way any of this made sense, but it wasn't an option she was quite willing to accept. Still, she had to ask. "Am I... dreaming?"
Aerith tilted her head thoughtfully, and Tifa recognized that look. It was the "it's complicated" expression - one that she wore whenever she was trying to best think of a way to explain any given situation. "Well, you see, I think something happened when you also fell into the Mako," Aerith said, tapping her chin. She grinned, and laughed, shaking her head. "Then again, what do you think?"
"I think that..." Tifa paused, trying to piece together the information she had. She could smell flowers in the air - ones she didn't have names for. That wasn't something that happened when she dreamed. She reached to press her hand to Aerith's, and was shocked by the fact it felt fully solid. She could smell and feel here, so perhaps it wasn't entirely a dream. It couldn't be real, but it couldn't be just a dream. "We both fell into the Mako. Together." Aerith nodded, stepping closer. She could feel warmth radiating off her like she was still alive, and her stomach churned. "Am I... dead?"
"Don't think so," Aerith said, pressing a feather light kiss to her lips. The floral perfume ensnared Tifa for a moment, grinding all thoughts to a halt. She could catch a whiff of Aerith's shampoo, and her hair brushed against Tifa's shoulder. "Nope. Definitely still alive."
"But you're not," Tifa said, shaking her head. "I saw it happen. You died. I can't be here with you, and not dreaming. But... this isn't like any dream I've ever had. You're... I don't like this."
Aerith's eyes went wide, and she dropped Tifa's hand. She wished she could cram the words back into her mouth and have Aerith's hand back in hers again. It'd been too long since she'd gotten to hold her in her arms, and she was desperate for her touch. It didn't matter what the truth was if she could stay here with Aerith. "Don't you dare think about that," she scolded. Tifa looked back up at Aerith, stunned at the reaction. She seemed genuinely upset by something. "You can't stay here. You have to go at some point, you know."
"So this place is real then," she countered, her eyes wide. If this place was real, then she had to stay here with Aerith. There was no point in going back if it meant she could be with the love she'd lost too young. She made an accusatory point to Aerith as she said, "You know where we are, and you're not telling me. Why won't you tell me where we are?"
"As I just said: you can't stay here. Technically... you're not even supposed to be here," she said softly, before giving a big smile. The same big smile she gave whenever she was really upset about something but trying to be brave. "I have things to do here. You have things to do before you can come back here. Tell Cloud to not be so miserable all the time for me, okay? And tell Zack... tell Zack I'm sorry I couldn't meet up with him."
It was too late that Tifa realized where they were, and that her time here was running out. She could hear her name being called by a frightened Cloud, even if she couldn't see him. Tifa rushed forward to give Aerith one last desperate kiss - one last kiss to last a lifetime - as she woke up to stare into a pair of Mako colored eyes that were not Cloud's. "Aerith wanted to tell you she's sorry."
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seven-n-wolf · 5 months ago
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Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (Compilation of)
Relationship: Vincent Valentine / Sephiroth, Vincent Valentine / The Turks / Rufus Shinra
AU: canon divergence
Vincent wakes up nearly thirty years after being locked up in a coffin by Hojo and Lucrecia to find that they’re both dead and Sephiroth, against all odds, is alive and well—or as well as a genetic experiment can be. After a bit of coercion and emotional blackmail from Rufus and Veld, Vincent decides to rejoin the Turks as Head of the Department. Things go rather well until Vincent starts getting hot flashes and, almost at the same time, Sephiroth approaches him with a desire to be friends.
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bylightofdawn · 11 months ago
I'm apparently in a fic sharing mood today so have another snippet. These two fools go from this silliness to 100% angst level in like .02 seconds flat. Read at your own risk.
“Rufus, no. Stop.” He said hoarsely and gently pushed the blond away. Because he didn’t trust himself to keep his hands on the other man, he withdrew them reluctantly.
The blond offered him a look filled with confused frustration.
“We can’t do this.”
“I assure you, we most certainly can.” Rufus countered silkily.
“Fine, we shouldn’t do this.”
The frustration had melted into irritation, but Rufus at least leaned back into his wheelchair. “So help me Reeve, if you tell me you can’t fuck me because I am dying, I might get out of this chair and strangle you.”
His threat lacked any real conviction and by now, Reeve felt like he knew Rufus well enough to tell when he was being serious or not.
“I think it might be a little too early to be discussing introducing kink into the mix.”
“Shiva’s tits, I’ve changed my mind.” Rufus laughed and hid his face in one hand as his shoulders trembled with laughter. “You drive me absolutely insane, do you know that?”
“You’re pretty good at that yourself. But seriously? This isn’t the time or place, we’re in a hospital for Gaia’s sake.”
“That is easily rectified with a shift in locations. I have my own private cabin for a reason.”
“-and as much as you don’t want to admit it, you are sick. I don’t want to accidentally make things worse for you. Even ignoring the fact I might not be up for it either, considering my recent brush with death.” Reeve pointed out and ignored the narrow-eyed look that Rufus shot his way.
The older man grew more serious and he pinned him with a somber look.
“There are also the ethical concerns to think about, I might not work for you anymore but can you imagine what would happen if it got out that not only were you quietly funding the WRO but we were lovers as well?”
“Mighty arrogant of you to assume we would be lovers, Tuesti.” Rufus was beginning to feel defensive, and it was easier to lash out than to examine his own emotional vulnerabilities too closely.
Judging by the way Reeve’s expression cooled, his barb had landed true and stung.
“Is that what this is, then? One last pity fuck before you die? Am I just the most convenient warm body you can find?” He challenged brutally, his voice as cold as the ice fields of the Northern Crater.
For the briefest of moments, Rufus’s mask slipped and some of that vulnerability shown on his face. “Reeve…”
“A man with your means could surely afford to hire a professional if that was the case.”
“Just stop, you made your point. I was being unkind.”
“That wasn’t unkind, Rufus, that was cruel. And I’ve suffered enough cruelty to last me two lifetimes." Reeve cleared his throat and climbed to his feet. "This was a mistake, I think you should leave now."
"Reeve, don't do this, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry as well, Rufus. But I would still like you to leave."
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tuliharja · 7 months ago
Fanikanta: Final Fantasy
Luokitus: Sopii kaikille
Genre: Yleinen
Luvut: 1/1
Tiivistelmä: Hyvin lyhyt ficci siitä, kun Vincent herätetään taas pitkästä aikaa uniltaan. Tällä kertaa herättäjä ei kuitenkaan ole Cloud…
Huomautus: Tämä ficci löytyy myös fanfiction.net:stä samalla nimellä.
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prokopetz · 1 year ago
"Sephiroth doing paperwork" gets treated like a funny meme about the peculiar fixations of fanfic writers, but if you think about it, the guy's job – at least pre-losing-his-shit – is to somehow be a corporate middle manager and a cop at the exact same time, both professions which are notable for the unbelievable quantities of bullshit paperwork they generate. He would absolutely be filling out Form 27-B.
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mrcatlion · 7 months ago
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I have been consuming Zack Lives AUs and would like to offer the headcannon: Zack keeps a habit of taking initiative for transporting Cloud to places even after Cloud wakes up. Usually grabbing and leading Cloud places, but sometimes ends up with Zack full on hoisting Cloud over his shoulder and starts walking.
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bardic-tales · 4 months ago
Tumblr Games: Out of Context
Thank you so much for the tag, @aalinaaaaaa.
Rules: Give an out of context line from your WIP
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For this, i wanted to share something from a one-shot I have been working on. Asmodeus is really fun to write, since he's always so over the top.
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Content Warning: abuse, captivity, manipulation, possession, psychological torment
"A momentary rebellion," Asmodeus sneered. "A flicker before the flame consumes. She will bend. She will break. And when she does, you will witness the Omniverse’s rebirth at my hands. There is nothing you can do to prevent it, Sephiroth. She is mine."
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Going to open this up to the Creators Club as a CC member tag game. Share your out of context lines. I also hope everyone is having a wonderful start to December.
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@bardic-tales @megandaisy9 @watermeezer @littleshopofchaos
@themaradwrites @pinkevilwriter
@serenofroses @asirensrage @goldenlilium-ocs
@wyked-ao3 @badscientist @thebadphilosopher @andromedalestrange
@fantastictrashpolice @seastarblue @happypup-kitcat24 @chickensarentcheap @allaboutmagic
@ryns-ramblings @kathaliabloodyrose @riemmetric @andromedaexists @kckramer
@tales-from-nocturnaliss @pastelpinkhobbies @idonthaveapenname @the-bar-sinister @rosesonkittens
@bloodred2023 @kanobarlowe @aquixoticwrites @new-royston-cursebreakers
@rosemirmir @salmonandfox @fablesandfragments @paganmindidnothingwrong @elshells
@viscerawrites @ellowynthenotking @dawsonskyelar @greenapplespider
@edupunkn00b @the-duke-of-nuts @exclawshou @karkkidoeswriting @meerawrites
@theglitchywriterboi @mayarab @memento-morianon @mrsmungus
@pebblesfromtheshore @noooimcastiel @the-nexverse @vesanal
@cryptid-crafted @angelfevr @stellarbay @bros-writing-ideas
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bouncymouse · 2 months ago
Chapters: 26/? Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tifa Lockhart/Reno Characters: Tifa Lockhart, Reno (Compilation of FFVII) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Short Chapters, Past Relationship(s), Tags May Change, Implied/Referenced Drug Use Summary:
Reno and Tifa both need to move on, but neither is willing to let anyone else pick up the pieces. An ill-advised act of kindness changes everything.
Have I written every day for like a month? Yes.
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tunafishprincess · 1 year ago
Patricide is Harder than it Looks Comic
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Big thank you to @thefruitloop-chan for doing this wonderful comic commish for my fanfic “Patricide is Harder than it Looks! Check out Squid’s art and comics they’re amazing. Link to fic is in the reblog.
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soggy-fishsticks · 8 days ago
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fanart for this scene from @esamastation's svsss x ff7 fic SOLDIER General's Self-Saving Shizun !!!!!
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lime-sketches114 · 1 year ago
Hello I would like to request something. How eould Sephiroth act when he has a crush on someone? Idc if it's post-Nibelheim or while he's still a Soldier. I leave that up to you. Thank you so much if you do this and have a wonderful day :3
Great question Le Anonymous! This is similar to what I thought for my Ravenroth ship (maybe?) BUT this topic is cute nonetheless. I might just do both ideas! Hope you like these headcanons!
Sephiroth as a SOLDIER he never really had romantic feelings, even as a teenager. Once he became more of an adult that's when his tables turned.
He would get flustered when Genesis or Angeal made a joke about the person Sephiroth liked. But he hid it well but you could see pink dust on his cheeks. He'd get confused about butterflies in his stomach and why they were there.
As he explores his feelings more, he tries to be braver around his special someone. When he eventually asked them on a date on his free time he was happy. He shined that shy smile of his. He took them to a fancy restaurant and bought them flowers or a little gift for a start. He's a good listener and would mostly let his date take charge of small talk if they were brave, if not he would.
He might take them on a walk or shopping on the next few dates. He has a lot of money to burn! As the relationship progressed he'd eventually confess his attraction. He's still new to all this lovey dovey crap so it'll be a slow start but with the help of his partner he would be just fine and even start to be very romantic on occasion.
Genesis and Angeal would absolutely still tease him about his romantic efforts and Genesis would try and coach him to the behest of Sephiroth's will. Angeal would just tell Sephiroth to be himself and be more gentleman-like and uphold honor in his word. He loves his friends' efforts but he's already had Genesis talk his ear off about Loveless references...Angeal is more tolerable.
Yes Zack would absolutely have his jaw hit the dang floor about hearing about ALL of this and how Sephiroth has a partner. Zack just can't help not hiding his puppy-like wonder.
Sephiroth talks about his mother a lot with their partner. If his partner was willing to research more about if his mother was truly dead or not AND found the truth then you bet your bottom gil he would try and find his real mother and bring justice to Hojo.
Good lawd where to start....
Ok! With Sephiroth off his rocker bc of everything that's happened. Things would be different and difficult to comprehend.
If Sephiroth still had his partner before he went bonkers he would ABSOLUTELY try and keep them with him at all costs. He still loves them but it's slowly creeping into bad territory. If he did not have a partner beforehand he would kinda stalk them like he does Cloud. Leave flowers and candy and whatever else on their doorstep. Then it turns into jewelry or expensive items. Then himself out of the blue.
It creeps the partner out but the love is still there. His good looks and charm works wonders. They try and figure out what went wrong with him. Maybe they try and reverse what happened if they're more than just a normal person. Magic can only go so far.
If their efforts are fruitful then he slowly reverses back to his old self just a bit but can't quite shake off Jenova unless someone destroys her. He also finds out about his real mother. He would search for her with them.
If it was in vain then he would be angered fairly easily. Trying to turn them into more like him or be more loyal or obey him. Regardless if he still had love in his heart.
Sometimes at night, you can hear cries...but from who is up to the mind's desire...
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several-terrible-decisions · 10 months ago
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Lucrecia tries.
Alive, she decides, just. Relief comes tremulously, and it doesn’t last; his chest does not rise or fall in a telltale rhythm of breathing, and he doesn’t stir. What state is this in which he exists? Has he brushed with death’s quiet embrace, only to be pulled backward into some grey inbetween? What could have kept his body from seeking the comfort of nothingness, after enduring such horror?
Read the rest of Here before and after me on AO3
Honestly? This just happened. I don't think I've ever sketched Lucrecia before, but it was a joy.
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