#Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition
deltoranembassy · 1 year
Happy Birthday,Emily Rodda!
Today, April 2, is Emily Rodda's 75th birthday. Congratulations 🎉.
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Events related to Emily Rodda in 2022
January: "Dog Tales (21st Anniversary Edition)" released The 21st Anniversary Edition of "Dog Tales" published in 2001 was released.
September: "Deltora Quest2 21st Anniversary Edition" was released. Following the release of "Deltora Quest 21st Anniversary Edition" in 2021, a new bound-up edition of the "Deltora Quest II" series was released to celebrate its 21st anniversary.
November: Fantasia Down Under: Japan-Australia Fantasy Arts Exchange Festival Deltora Quest 21st Anniversary Edition" was exhibited at the exhibition "Weaving Fantasy" at the University of Queensland Library as part of the "Fantasia Down Under: Australia-Japan Fantasy Exchange Festival".
December: "Finders Keepers (2 Books in 1) A new edition of "Finders Keepers" and "Time Keepers," published between 1990 and 1992, were combined into one book.
Happy Birthday!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the "Rowan of Rin" series, first published in 1993. Next year, 2024, will finally mark the 40th anniversary of her debut as an author in 1984. We wish Emily Rodda continued success in her career and wish her the best in her ability to freely create a story world that is not limited by genre.
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blaserables · 10 months
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Art of Terra by tomatika for Final Fantasy's 30th Anniversary exhibition. [full picture]
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chuansleisheng · 7 years
Translation of Regis and the Chocobros’s Wedding Speeches (Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition)
Many thanks to @socialdegenerate​ for providing scans of the Japanese transcripts! Translated in the following order:
Feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made since I churned this out as quick as I could x'D
I aimed to stay as faithful as I could to the Japanese and went word-by-word when possible, but I did make some very minor tweaks to improve readability/flow. If there are any questions regarding specific phrases or wordings, I'm always happy to clarify.
Translations below the cut.
My son, I know your journey was not an easy one. Though the challenges you faced as king were numerous, you confronted them all without ever losing heart, walking tall until the dawn. You should be proud. Lunafreya, I must thank you for watching over my son — as the Oracle, and as his betrothed. May you both know happiness forevermore. Gladiolus. Ignis. Prompto, you stood by my wayward son. For that, you have my eternal gratitude. The future of our kingdom goes with you.
ノクティス。 辛い思いをさせてすまない。 おまえが立派な王となり、最後まで諦めろことなく 困難に立ち向かったこの夜明けこそ、 胸をはって生きた証だ。よく頑張ったな。 ルナフレーナ。 神凪として、婚約者として、息子を守ってくれてありがとう。 これからいつまでも幸せに グラディオラス、イグニス、プロンプト。 いつも息子を支えてくれて、本当にありがとう。 これからのルシスを、どうかよろしく頼む。
Noctis. I apologize for making you endure such painful hardships. On the way to becoming a magnificent King, not once did you give up; you saw things through to the very end. In the face of adversity, you lived on and walked tall until the dawn. Well done. Lunafreya. I thank you for watching over my son as the Oracle and as his betrothed. May you know happiness forevermore. Gladolus, Ignis, Prompto. You have my deepest gratitude for always standing by my son. From here on, I shall be leaving Lucis in your hands.
Hey, buddy. Congrats on your wedding! Guess this means our journey together’s finally come to an end, huh? Lady Lunafreya’s words and your friendship changed me for the better, and I can’t thank you guys enough. …Oh, and leave the whole “ushering in the dawn of a new world” to me. You just enjoy your happily ever after.
ノクト、結婚おめでとう。 みんなで旅に出たきっかけは、 ルナフレーナ様との結婚式だったんだよな。 ノクトと一緒に過ごした時間と、 ルナフレーナ様がくれた手紙はオレの宝物だよ。 オレが一歩を踏み出すきっかけをくれた二人を、 めいっぱい祝福するから! 生まれとか関係ない国、約束通り作るからさ。 あとは任せて。
Noct, congrats on your wedding. When we set off on our journey with the others, it was for your wedding with Lady Lunafreya, huh? I really treasure the time I got to spend with you* and Lady Lunafreya’s letters, you know! And so, to the two people who gave me the chance to take that first step forward,  here are my deepest blessings . I’ll create a country where something like where someone was born doesn’t matter, just like I promised. Leave the rest to me.
*T/N: Prompto actually says “Noct,” but this translator changed it to "you" for better flow
Before, you could barely even tie your own shoes, so it’s kinda crazy to think you tied the knot. You’ve come a long way, Noct, and I want you to know I’m proud of you. Now that you two are finally together, you better treat her right. Got it? We’ve got everything else under control. Don’t worry: this world’s in good hands. Congrats, buddy. Hope you two are happy now and always.
へっ、頼りなかったおまえが、 こんな立派な王様になって結婚式を迎えるなんてな。 オレも、王の盾として…友人として、 心から誇りに思うぜ。 どんなときも、二人で支えあった ルナフレーヤ様と仲良くな。 おまえが守った世界は、最後までオレたちが守っていく。 こっちのことは、任せてくれ。 二人の未来幸せを。おめでとう、ノクト。
Huh, you used be such an unreliable guy, but then you became this great king, and now your wedding is coming up, eh? As the King’s shield...and as your friend, I’m really proud of ya, from the bottom of my heart. Stand by each other through thick and thin, and get along well with Lady Lunafreya, y'hear? The world you worked to protect, we’ll be watching over it till the very end. Just leave everything to us from here. Hope you two will be happy now and forever. Congrats, Noct.
Congratulations, Noct.  I suspect your father would be delighted to see you don his royal raiment with pride and join your beautiful bride in holy matrimony. Would I were able to see it for myself. Ever since you were a lad, I sensed you were destined for greatness. I’m glad to see I was right. My friend, my liege, my brother — I wish you and Lady Lunafreya happiness everlasting.
おめでとう、ノクト。 きっと、ルナフレーナ様の隣りで ルシスの正装をした凛々しい王になっているのだろうな。 レギス陛下もそんな姿を見られた、お喜びになられるだろう… オレも、とても嬉しく思う。 昔から、おまえは立派な王になると信じていたからな。 想定通りだ。 ノクト…いや、陛下。 ルナフレーナ様と、末永くお幸せに。
Congratulations, Noct. Surely, with Lady Lunafreya by your side and you dressed in the royal raiment of Lucis, I imagine you must look every part the majestic king you’ve become. King Regis would have been delighted to see you like that, I’m sure. I too, think that (such a sight) would have made me very happy. I’ve always believed you capable of becoming a magnificent king, you know. And I assumed correctly. Noct...no, Your Majesty. May you and Lady Lunafreya know happiness forever and always.
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socialdegenerate · 7 years
Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition - Jan 21st
It officially opens tomorrow and runs til the end of Feb, but I got an early preview ticket.
I won’t ruin it for anyone who’s going, so I’ll put the good stuff under the cut but here’s some basic info:
You get there and they hand you an iPhone and a pair of headphones. The phone can be put into English, and they ask for a nickname (which is used for a couple of things at the end), who you came with and which FF games you’ve played.
Almost all of the audio (exhibit descriptions, etc.) and signs are in Japanese AND English, and the few exhibits with Japanese-only audio will play the translation on the screen of the phone in English. So, don’t fret if your Japanese is as shitty as mine!
When you stand in range of an exhibit, the phone will automatically start playing a song from that game, and if you have audio descriptions on you hear the woman talking a little bit about the game (in English, if you choose to put the phone in English). You have to be careful not to stand in the middle of two exhibits, as your phone might get confused and switch over halfway through lmao.
As a side note, there are major spoilers for most of the games, so be warned if you go!
Also, if you’re planning to go, I recommend looking at the Goods list and taking an appropriate amount of money...
Now, onto the good stuff (photo heavy!!):
The first thing you do is hear all about how you are a Warrior of Light, and everyone is assigned to either ice, fire or lightning (I was ice). This is only relevant for the first few minutes, where you board the Starship Airship Enterprise and the Omniscient Voice tells you that you’re off to the Realm of Final Fantasy- but that Bahamut might attack.
In the next room, there are lights projected on the floor where you gather according to which element you were given. There’s a full-room projection of being on the deck of an airship, and of course, Bahamut does attack. You tap the screen of the phone when prompted to charge your magic and kick his ass, it’s pretty cool. Then it’s off into the exhibition proper.
I-VI have pretty small displays: 1-3 screens each with a loop from the game playing, a song from each game playing, and a small write-up about each one. I stood there listening to Battle on the Big Bridge for WAY too long lmao.
They have bigger displays for FFVII, Crisis Core, FFVIII, FFIX, FFXII and FFXIII, with movies being projected onto walls for each one.
FX and Mobius have bigger displays again, with a mirrored room covered i TV scrren being used to show Tidus and Yuna’s dimension...or something...In any case, wear something nice bc you’ll be able to see yourself from every angle in there. The audio in this room is only Japanese, but the phone shows English subs.
The FFXV section was easily the biggest, and I’m just gonna throw in a whole lot of pictures (if there’s any you’d like a closer look at, just let me know):
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(”Jade did you just take a bunch of pictures of your wife” uhhhh no...)
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I kinda breezed through the FFXI and FFXIV exhibits bc I haven’t played them and I won’t play them lmao, sorry!!
The last major room is made to look like Aerith’s church, and she makes various comments based on where you stand in the room. They had some concept art for the VII remake, but NO PICTURES ALLOWED. Looks good, though!!
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Then you hand back your phone, and they have one last room with a bunch of Final Fantasy miniature displays and a biiiiiiig fuck off Amano painting done for FFXV:
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It was SO GOOD omg
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iambecome · 3 years
Digital vs. Traditional Art, Re: Berserk
Today I went to the 30th Anniversary Berserk Exhibition in Hirakata Park. Im planning on making a longer post with some photos and some other things to talk about the exhibit as a whole (spoiler: it was awesome).
The exhibit was about 20% elaborate plastic models and replicas (which we were allowed to photograph) and 80% original manga panel drawings (which we were not allowed to photograph). Seeing the original panels in person was amazing, and also quite surprising.
The main thing that surprised me was the number of materials used. Miura is known for his beautiful, dynamic art, but it was only upon seeing it in person that the creation of these pieces went far beyond just drawing something well or creatively. Black and white ink was utilized, as well as white out and deleter sheets. He also used large, thick black pens, graphite pencil (especially when drawing Griffith, who appeared to be uninked in several final versions to give him that ethereal, angelic quality), and a number of different sizes of pen, even when drawing a single figure. His drawings werent just linework-- it was highly textured. One of the most brilliant things he did was use ink splatter-- which, in person, you can clearly see is literally just ink splattered from a pen-- in order to project an image of something being dirty or chaotic, such as in fight or battle scenes.
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Its a whole ecosystem in there, is what I’m trying to say. 
This all begins to change though some time after the eclipse, right around the end of the Conviction Arc. 
Now, this is just my personal opinion but, after the Conviction Arc it always felt like the story sort of... fell off. It wasnt that it god bad, but there was just something that wasnt the same. It began to feel less like an earth shattering fantasy epic and more like... just a regular anime.
Many people attributed this to Miura growing older, his interests shifting, or studio pressure. I, however, have a different theory-- I believe it was due to the shift in digital art.
You can see in the artwork once Miura begins to do more digital rather than analog pieces that there is a certain degree of restraint which  you dont find it earlier works. Character linework becomes crisp and defined. Miura’s dynamic cross hatching is replaced with more standard shading techniques. You can see this in the manga too, but when faced with it in person the difference is incredibly striking.
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I had believed for a long time that maybe his style was just changing. He just had different interests. Then, however, I got to the end where they had an interview with him, filmed a few months before his death. 
In the interview they ask him if he prefers digital or analog art, and he has a very surprising answer. I was not allowed to record, so I cant say it in entirety, but he is very eager to descibe analog drawing as “like calligraphy”. 
As he describes his process in analog drawing, he mentions several times that it is a process that relies almost entirely on creative flow. You begin a piece with an idea, and then let the pen and page carry you to the final work. He describes how it was “extremely fun, but difficult for others” because when drawing analog, he may decide to change a scene entirely or a perspective. It was an organic process.
Digital, however, he describes as “synthesizing”-- he seems to enjoy doing digital work, but he mentions how it gives you the ability to go into very deep detail. It allows you to plan out your work, change it and mold it. It also allows you to work more closely with others, delivering a cleaner yet more studied product.
He did not state a preference. Perhaps he never had a preference.
But after watching that interview and looking at the work in the hall, I began to wonder about the story of Berserk. How it began to feel formulaic and somewhat dry. It was less dark and dreary of course, but it also just didnt seem to flow the same way that it had before. 
It is only a theory. It can only be a theory I guess, I doubt even Miura himself would know if he could say. But after seeing what I saw, I now attribute this to the shift to digital. Once the work became digital, it stopped being just an exercise in free flowing creativity, and instead became something synthesized, planned, and heavily managed. 
Earlier panels in Berserk may not look as polished. They have a chaos to them that can sometimes make it hard to follow with your eyes, and the amount of black, dark ink used fills the page to sometimes make things near unrecognizable. 
But... I dont know. I think that’s sort of a part of the whole thing. Miura was a visual story teller first and foremost. Moving to digital-- in my opinion-- removed much of that artistic agency and creative flow, and for that-- again, in my opinion-- the story (and the art) suffered.
He did, at least, still seem quite happy. I dont mind if I dont like some of the last chapters. I just hope he enjoyed making them.
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skania · 4 years
Hollow: an ode to Cloud’s regrets about Aerith
I’ve always felt Hollow is about Cloud’s regrets after Aerith’s fate. But after finishing the Original Final Fantasy 7 game, I realized the lyrics outright quote and reference things Cloud says about Aerith in Disks 2 & 3.
So if I was convinced before, now I just can’t see the song being about anyone nor anything else.
I’ve been posting my thoughts about it on Twitter the last few days, but I figured it was worth putting everything together in one single post to illustrate just why I feel this way. I’ll divide the post in a few parts:
What we know about the song
Where we hear the song in Remake
The name of the song
The song lyrics and its ties to the OG (and to AC)
The imagery of the song
Could the song be about multiple people? nope
I’ll illustrate each point with images from the OG and occasionally Advent Children, so beware of spoilers for both! In contrast, there are only a few spoilers from Remake, including one cut-scene from the ending and a scene from Chapter 14.
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What we know about the song
The song’s lyrics were written by Nojima and the music by Uematsu. In the Behind the Scenes, Uematsu explains that the song is sung from Cloud’s perspective and gives the vocalist clear instructions to make the vocals fit Cloud’s character.
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This was further confirmed on a recent interview, where Uematsu said: “[...] the song is supposed to be about Cloud's inner feelings” (source).
Similarly, Nojima confirmed that one of the two keywords he received to write the lyrics was “told from Cloud’s point of view.”
Even more interesting, however, is the following:
I interpreted [Hollow] as "a ballad for a man who lost something important to him."  — Nojima
In other words, Nojima wrote these lyrics thinking about Cloud having lost “something important” to him. In Japanese, the wording is 大切なもの, which means both “something important” or “someone important” depending on the context (comment from the translator).
Both have already been used from Cloud’s point of view, in regards to Aerith.
In the OG, it’s used when Cait Sith predicts that Cloud will lose Aerith. “What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose something dear." In Japanese, “something dear” is written with the exact same wording used by Nojima:  大切なもの
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The same wording is also used in Cloud’s cameo in Final Fantasy Tactics, where he’s featured alongside Aerith.
As for “someone important”, Aerith has been described as Cloud’s 大切な人 "important/precious someone” more times than I can count. Like here, for example:
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... [Sephirot] took away my important/precious someone. 
So just from the wording alone, we can establish a link to Aerith. However, this is far from being the only way Hollow is connected to Aerith.
Where we hear the song in Remake
The very first time we hear the instrumental version of song in Remake is in Chapter 8, called “The Flower of Reunion” in Japanese and “Budding Bodyguard” in English. In other words, the first time it plays is on a Chapter entirely dedicated to Cloud and Aerith.
But even more telling is the very first moment we hear the song. It’s when Aerith briefly separates from Cloud in the Sector 5 Slums. It literally starts playing the instant Aerith leaves the party.
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Then, it continues to play throughout the chapter as Cloud & Aerith reunite and do different quests together.
Fittingly, the second time we hear the instrumental version of Hollow is in Chapter 13, as Cloud & the party step into the places that Aerith first showed to Cloud  — except that this time, Aerith isn’t with them because she’s been kidnapped by Shinra.
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Meaning, Hollow’s instrumental version only plays in Sector 5. Aerith’s Sector.
The last time we hear the song is, of course, in the credits of the game. Where the full version of Hollow plays in full. But I think it’s interesting to think of the moment when the song starts to play.
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First, we focus on Cloud & Aerith, standing on a barren place as rain starts to fall down on the party (this will be important later). It’s only after this very shot that the camera pans to the sky and Hollow starts playing.
So three out of three times we hear Hollow, the song can be connected to Aerith.
Which makes perfect sense IMO, because everything about the song itself is connected to Aerith.
Including its title.
The name of the song
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While the song is sung in English, the original lyrics were written in Japanese. The original name of the song was actually 「 空っぽの雲 」 “Empty Cloud”, which then became「からっぽの空」aka “Empty Sky” or “Hollow Sky”. And in fact, the Instrumental version of the song that plays in Sector 5 — again, Aerith’s sector —  keeps the Japanese name.
Of course, both “empty” and “hollow” carry the same meaning:
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“Having a hole or empty space inside”.
You know what was meant to evoke this exact same feeling in the players? Aerith’s death.
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The feelings aroused by Aerith’s death are “a great emptiness” and “If I had know this was coming, I’d have done things differently”.
These are the exact same feelings Cloud sings about in Hollow. 
And what’s more, his pain after losing Aerith was recently referenced in the Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition with the following quote:
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Which takes me to:
The song lyrics & its ties to the OG and to AC
Since the song was originally written in Japanese, I will be using @gurekura’s literal translation as well as the official translation of the lyrics. You can see their original post on Twitter HERE.
I think that when you read the lyrics, it becomes very obvious that it’s written from the perspective of the original Cloud. The Cloud we see in the Original FF7 as well as in Advent Children, among others. So, of course, it’s no surprise that these lyrics perfectly match various scenes.
What’s telling though, is that just as we’ve seen until now, the lyrics are a perfect match for scenes focusing on Cloud and Aerith.
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No matter whether you take these lines literally or figuratively, “healing” easily evokes images of Aerith. Who not only is a healer  — we even see this in AC, where Aerith heals Cloud of Geostigma — but also reaches out to Cloud as he’s broken by pain and guilt in AC and helps him recover.
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But while this is all fine and dandy, I can understand why people may think of different scenes while hearing these lyrics.
However, their link to Aerith becomes even more blatant as we go. In fact, from here on out, the lyrics basically quote Cloud’s words, feelings & thoughts in the OG as he faces Aerith’s death.
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Was it all a dream? Will I ever know?
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Foolish and blind to everything Had I realized, had I noticed it sooner, Would you be here in my embrace?
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Word. For. Word. These are literally Cloud’s feelings, pain and regrets after losing Aerith.
Then we have the chorus, where the references to Aerith are also clear because she’s always been known for her bright personality, and for keeping a smile on her face even in the hardest of times.
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Remember how Kitase said that “If I had know this was coming, I’d have done things differently” was one of the feelings he wanted to inspire with Aerith’s death? 
That is exactly what Cloud is singing about in this chorus. But this will become more obvious when we get to the end of the song.
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This is honestly unequivocally about Aerith, who hid her pain and the weight of her mission behind smiles and comforting words to not pain Cloud and the others.
Hidden within your smile There were secrets
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But I was empty I just demanded
This fits perfectly with how blinded Cloud was by his own pain after he lost her, and how this kept him from realizing the truth of her sacrifice.
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Then there’s the second chorus, where Cloud once again sings about all the things he would do differently if only he were given a second chance.
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And what he wants to do most of all, is to be able to notice Aerith’s pain and the truth hidden behind it.
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What’s more, while players may have missed it given the graphics of the OG, Remake itself shows that this is indeed how Aerith is. She is always hiding her pain and heavy truths behind a smile. The perfect example comes in Aerith’s Resolution Scene in Chapter 14, where Aerith tries to reassure Cloud that she doesn’t mind staying in the Shinra Tower.
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She does her best to keep a bright smile and a happy front. But if you look closely enough, you can see the sadness in her eyes, a clear reflection of her true feelings.
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Lastly, we have Cloud facing the truth. That despite all his regrets, despite how hard he may wish to have a second chance, Aerith is gone. And the song takes us full-circle.
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You’re no long here, so I’m empty. Again, this fits perfectly with the feeling Kitase wanted to evoke with Aerith’s death.
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And Cloud feeling this way is also backed-up not only by his behavior in AC, but also by insight from Tifa, as shared in Dismantled:
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Plus, of course: “She was gone in the blink of an eye. But the pain never went away.”
So really, given everything I’ve mentioned above, I just can’t see this song being about anyone but Aerith. Because the lyrics clearly evoke thoughts and emotions Cloud himself said about her in the original game.
And if you keep Aerith in mind, then...
The imagery of the song
In the Behind the Scenes, Uematsu  also talks about the imagery that inspired the music. This is what he says about it:
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Nojima also confirmed that  [Cloud] “standing in the rain” was the second keyword he received to write the lyrics.
The moment I heard this, I thought of one particular scene from Advent Children:
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This scene fits the imagery on multiple levels. Cloud is alone, standing on a barren and empty place, as rain pours over him. He lets the rain wash over him, eyes closed.
In this scene, that rain is Aerith’s Great Gospel. It starts falling the moment Kadaj hears Aerith’s voice, heals everyone it touches from Geostigma and Tifa outright speaks to Aerith as she watches a droplet of the rain.
Of course, there’s no way to know exactly what image Uematsu was talking about. But I find this particular scene quite fitting, given all the ties the song has to Aerith.
Not to mention that in the Final Fantasy 30th Exhibition, Aerith says the following about Cloud’s pain after her death: 「もう、泣かないで. 雨になっちゃうよ」 “Don’t cry. You’ll make it rain”. (source)
So, there we have an explicit link between rain — and Cloud’s anguish after he loses Aerith.
To wrap this up, I’ve seen people suggest that the song is about multiple people. I respect that everyone has the right to have a different view-point, but personally, I can’t help but to disagree with this particular one.
Could the song be about multiple people?
There is no evidence of this in the song. At no point does the song switch its focus. At the contrary, the references and themes remain the same all throughout-it  — as does its subject.
Your shining smile = Once more, shine brightly = Once more, laugh again = Hidden within your smile, there were secrets = Had I noticed sooner, would you still be in my embrace? = Show me your smile one more, this time = I'll notice the truth hidden inside your tears
The subject and the imagery remain constant, so it’s safe to assume the song is about one person and one person only. 
And given all the things mentioned above... I hope you can now see why I can’t think of anyone else but Aerith.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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eleamaya · 4 years
Aerith’s Farewell Monologue at FF 30th Anniversary Exhibition 2018 hinting FF7R
The event, entitled “Farewell Stories Exposition,” was held from January 22 to February 28, 2018 in the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. It will reportedly feature interactive exhibits featuring various farewell stories from the Final Fantasy series, including recreated locations and augmented reality. Final Fantasy VII’s exhibit is described as follows: 
Aerith met a tragic death in the story of the original game. In this exhibition, the “Sector 5 Church” where Aerith and the protagonist Cloud first met will be recreated. Freely walk around the inside of the church while listening to a monologue of Aerith’s memories specially recorded for this exhibition. Additionally, never before seen image boards for the long-awaited Final Fantasy VII Remake and more will also be on display.
Scenario by Kazushige Nojima, voice-over by Maaya Sakamoto
Let's analyze her monologue with official translation and order list below: 
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(1) "I hate the sky, it carries away everyone I Iove."
First of all, this line is voiced up in FF7R ending and Nomura confirmed in FF7R Ultimania that this is because the sky took the man she loves, Zack, and her mother, especially as CC ending literally depicts a scene of Zack’s spirit soaring to the sky / heaven with Angeal picking him up. Let's forget the depiction she's unaware of his death. Aerith is Cetra and she could sense it--CC showed us and it doesn't contradict her sensing Elmyra's husband passing away since OG.
Though, I dont think Aerith only muttered that phrase when she walk past the location where Zack died (ending). We can think of what she’s thinking of in the opening as well, when the flower is stepped on by passer by and she then looks up to the dark sky of Midgar.
(2) "Stamp... Stamp! Guess, you're gone too."
As this specific line confused everyone around the time of exhibition, FF7R reveals what Stamp really is. Stamp is a dog that become SOLDIERs mascot. And if we broke the lyrics of its theme down, it matches the ideal SOLDIER embodied in Zack as how he’s portrayed in CC although Sephiroth is the idol one. When Barret said “Shinra’s loyal Dog” referring to Stamp in front of Cloud who acted as ex-SOLDIER, it made him get buzz on his head.
So... If anything, Stamp is connected to Zack. First, think of her seeing Stamp painted on the wall as graffiti whenever she’s going outside and it reminds her of Zack. Second, this is pure speculation but... what if we saw the new Stamp graffiti/book/etc in Kalm and her line referred to the old Stamp? We know that the Stamp chips bag in Zack's survival timeline has changed from beagle species to terrier.
(3) “‘With a new love, you’ll forget the old one.’ I’ve heard this story before, but… is that really so? Is it okay if my heart hurts?”
Aerith is aware she has to ‘move forward, not back’ but she’s afraid it makes her slowly erase her memory of Zack and her love for him. She treasures every piece of it, she doesn’t wanna lose it. Perhaps, she’s guilty too if she did that. What if it’s unfair to him? What if he watched her with someone else?
With this line, the fanon phrase in Benny Matsuyama’s writings that ‘I, undoubtedly, love Cloud more than Zack’ doesn’t make sense and very out of character.
(4) "This is a strange place. Flowers bloom all year long. The seasons never change--my feelings never change. I’m stuck.”
I think 'strange place' refers to the church. From TOTP novella, we know Aerith found the church at 14 and the flowers are already blooming there because of the spring beneath it that close to Lifestream, but she probably dunno why. Quite strange, isn’t it?
But then, since that fateful day, it’s also been the place where she always meet him. Nomura stated in CC interviews at Dengeki, that Zack always headed straight to the church whenever something comes up. Her feelings linger there, it never changes, she always waits for him there, senses his death there, and she doesnt wanna to forget him with a new love---she’s stuck.
(5) "Sometimes I see someone who has the same eye. Same as you, I mean. And I wonder, should I ask: do you know him? do you know where he is? But I never do,"
From the church, now we’re following Aerith selling flowers and meeting many people. She may meet other SOLDIERs in the street, not only Cloud. But she never asked it till Cloud crashes into the church the same way Zack did and makes her wonder. 
FF7R makes it clear that holding that question, she finally asks him at night if he had any SOLDIER friend of war buddy, in the route of her showing Cloud the way to sector 7. The game even makes the playground scene different from OG because she looks into Cloud’s eyes and this is an explicit reference from CC, with JP lines even the exact same words for words like when she stared at Zack's eyes. 
(6) "I know goodbye will be hard. But when I think of meeting someone new, I still get so excited. It's cruel."
I think this is Aerith struggling with her feelings between Zack and Cloud. She knew she has to "Gotta move forwards, not back" as she stated in the playground, but it's so damn hard that she might have this motivation conflicted for so long even before meeting Cloud, afraid to forget him/let go of his memory as she develops new relationship with new friends or falls hard to someone else.
Second, I think this could also be foreshadow that she knows her fate and people she would meet in the journey but she’s still get excited to meet them. Goodbye will be hard, right?
(7) "Things won't last forever. Sure, it's lonely. It's sad. But I can say "bye" with a smile, right?"
This is still the continuation of the previous line about her knowing the fate. Though, since I don’t think she say “bye” for Forgotten Capital because she wants to come back when it’s over even if she knew it, this fits the narration of her resolution scene in chapter 14 since it’s like a message to the players, not only Cloud. Return to Shinra HQ is pretty lonely life, right? Two days spending with Cloud and also meeting Tifa is very short time; but she want it last forever.
Second, it can also be her “bye” to Zack as she positively need to move forward and reach that step with a smile.
(8) "That's it. I give up! I can't stop thinking of you. Ugh, I can't stand this!"
But the reality is she couldn’t say bye with a smile easily. She still wears the ribbon he gave her, still wears the pink dress for their promise, follow Cloud that resemble him a lot, see his last stand on the expressway, walk past his battle and death spot... I dunno what else we would get in FF7R Part 2 aside from meeting his parents. These things would keep distracting her from moving forwards.
"I cant stand this" or "it's frustrating" is also in line with her resolution scene in chapter 14 as Cloud says he's coming for her.
(9) "Helloooo~ Wake up. It's almost morning."
Both Zack and Cloud crashed into her church in the same way, talk in their sleep, and she wakes them up in the same way, too. But she doesn’t say about “morning”... just a “hellooo”
The time she said “It’s almost morning” is on her resolution scene. It happens on Cloud’s dream and sure he would have to wake up.
Another interpretation is, this could also represent that she’s a morning person and would wake up Tifa and the other whenever they stay in the inn. She talked about a day she get up in the morning till she get up again in the next morning anyway.
(10) "Don't step on the flower."
Pretty clear. Aerith scolded Zack, and Reno & Cloud when they are fighting in the church. It could also represent the opening scene when a passer by step on it and she’s sad about it. We know how the yellow flowers she sells represents reunion. If it was stepped on, perhaps it means she couldn’t reunite. 
With who?
If this was foreshadowing her death, of course it refers to Cloud, Tifa, and everyone. But the specific yellow flowers she sells and grows in the church also the symbol of her relationship with Zack. And people step on it in Zack’s survival timeline, does it mean they could not reunite?
(11) "You came. Thank you, I'm glad. But you're already...."
I think this refers to the resolution scene that she's aware Cloud isn't himself but he’d be still coming for her. Perhaps, this could also represent the time she prays in Forgotten City that Cloud comes to her but seeing he's under Sephiroth's control. 
Or... this is pure speculation, could this represent a future event in the next installment about her reunion with the Zack who survives and she knew he's supposed to be dead or something wrong with him? 
(12) "You're so far now. I'm so far from you. Oh, I'm rising. The sky is carrying me away. I can see you, you're crying. Don't cry, you'll make it rain."
Cloud gets a future vision where we saw he drops a single tear and this line is 100% her farewell to Cloud when it happened. But.... Is the line foreshadowing her death that would be different from OG? We know in OG, she's sunk down to the bottom of the lake in Forgotten City. But with all of these lines above correlated with FF7R, we'd probably get her death similar to Kadaj in AC as Cloud holds his dying body... her spirit (like Zack, not her body like Kadaj) then soar to the sky and both scenes are raining (although the Kadaj one is raining from Great Gospel as she heals geostigma around Edge). Her death could happen in the place where the open sky can be clearly seen (whether it's clear blue or cloudy with rain), and Forgotten City doesn't fit the definition as it's surrounded by sleeping forest.
If Zack was taken by Angeal and Kadaj was taken by Aerith, I guess Aerith would be taken by Zack here (either showing his glove’s hand like Angeal did in CC or with his voice like Aerith did in AC). And the monologue above would be spoken up later, similar to Zack in CC when he watch over Cloud dragging Buster Sword to Midgar. Or maybe, her death would still happen in Forgotten City but SE now use new meta of the death. So, we would see her soul is separated away as Cloud is laying her body to the lake. It doesn't mean Aerith is still alive when the party fight Jenova Boss tho′, remember Zack died longer before the sky set the sun to show his spirit goes to the sky.
This Aerith’s farewell story above can have two meanings: 
her farewell to Zack (as he died before her)
her farewell to Cloud (as she died in front of him)
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Friday Special #7
January 9th, 2021
So it has come to my attention that when people talk about RPG Maker the series, many aren’t aware of how far back the series goes.
Did you know that series dates back to almost thirty years?
That’s right, next year will be the 30th anniversary of RPG Maker!
So why don’t we have a history lesson into arguably one of the most important franchises in gaming history?
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Alright, where does the story begin for this iconic series?
According to sources, there has been games similar to RPG Maker that were made by ASCII (the original company behind RPG Maker) and that were released as far back as 1988, with the following titles:
Mamirin (1988)
Dungeon Manjirou (1988)
RPG Construction Tool: Dante (1990)
Dante 2 (1992)
Chimes Quest (1992)
The very first official RPG Maker title came in the form of RPG Tsukūru Dante 98, released on December 17, 1992. This game, along with its 1996 sequel RPG Tsukūru Dante 98 II, was originally made for the NEC PC-9801 Japanese home computers at the time. It was originally made when ASCII pulled from other games (listed above) and combined them together to create a RPG-making development title with its own toolkit. The genre of RPG specifically was thanks to the rise of JRPGs in recent years like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy to name a few. 
The next major release of RPG Maker was in the form of RPG Tsukūru: Super Dante in 1995, which marked the very first time that the series has landed onto a console. The console was the Nintendo Super Famicom and it was later broadcasted a year later using the Satellaview service. While it did exhibit some restrictions in terms of content due to system limitations, it was famous for providing hundreds of character, monster and scenery assets with color swap palettes to save on memory in the cartridge as well as designing the stats of characters and monsters pre-determined by the player. It was said that the game was popular with players but sources are limited about actual reviews. RPG Tsukūru 2 is the sequel and it was released in 1996 on the Super Famicom as well. 
Windows saw the release of the third installment with RPG Tsukūru 95, which was released in 1997 and was the first of many RPG Maker titles for Windows. Unlike its predecessors, it boasted higher resolution in sprites and tilesets as well as higher screen resolution. It also has the honor of being the first version to have an unauthorized English translation and release due to demand. Also with this version, the number of party members was boosted to 8 people with the first 4 acting as the main battle party. RPG Tsukūru 95 Value! was released not long after with the added bonus of having Windows XP support, which was new at the time and very valuable. 
So when did the West finally receive an official version version of RPG Maker?
On November 27, 1997, Enterbrain released the following title RPG Tsukūru 3 for the original Playstation and chose to release the software simply as RPG Maker in the West three years later on October 2, 2000 under Agetec. This was the first time the West would finally receive a version of RPG Maker and experience the magic of RPG development, but it was reported that a limited run of copies were released outside of Japan. It was also one of thirty games that utilized the now-rare Playstation Mouse (which is usually an arm and a leg to import). Players got to customize their own assets using the Anime Maker that was also built into the game and, like the original Super Famicom versions, utilized color-swap palettes to save on memory. Another cool feature that was a first for the series was saving your created game onto a memory card so that you could share your creation with your friends.
One of the most beloved and popular versions of RPG Maker is next on the list and it is RPG Tsukūru 2000 for Windows on April 5, 2000. Despite the popularity, it was Japan-exclusive and it featured a lower resolution for graphics and assets overall than its RPG Maker 95 predecessor. Despite this, it boasted more functionality with unlimited sprite sheets and tilesets.
The last in that trio was RPG Tsukūru 2003, first released only in Japan in 2003 before being released worldwide in 2015. Improvements to this version included the side-view battle system that was popular in Final Fantasy, and interchangeable resources. From this point, the development company Enterbrain would take over RPG Maker as it was part of the ASCII company. 
Starting with the released of RPG Tsukūru 5 on the Playstation 2 in 2005, Enterbrain was starting to look into developing the series for an international audience of players. They would beginning to craft titles that are now iconic in the RPG development community, with the first of these releases being RPG Tsukūru XP (RPG Maker XP as it was known world-wide) released on Windows in 2004. While many of the simplified features have been removed from this version, it was the first RPG Maker game to use Ruby, a type of programming language first seen in 1995, and it was the first title to distribute assets online amongst the community thanks to the rise of the Internet. It allowed greater control over sprite size other gaming aspects, which helped it become more versatile than previous titles. However, a drawback is the steep learning curve, which was intimidating to new players. It was released to Steam in 2015.
The next modern RPG Maker title was the release of RPG Tsukūru VX (RPG Maker VX as it was known world-wide) in Japan in 2007, world-wide in 2008. It has the one-up over XP for its more user-friendly layout and faster framerate of 60fps over XP’s 40 fps. The programming was completely done over to be more accessible in scripting and the battle systems were now similar to Dragon Quest with a front-view battle system and detailed text. Because of these aspects and other improved features, it became a popular choice for modern developers since release. However, one of the biggest drawbacks was the lack of support for multiple tilesets when mapping that frustrated players. It was released to Steam in 2016.
Right after that, RPG Tsukūru VX Ace (RPG Maker VX Ace as it was known world-wide) was a direct sequel to the version mentioned above. Described as an “overhauled version of RPG Maker VX”, it removed the multiple tileset issue that plagued players in the previous version and re-introduced battle backgrounds during battle scenes. Magic and skill systems were re-worked to have their own recovery and damage formulas in the programming, and a new set of music tracks were accompanied in the database files. It was released to Steam in 2012.
Having the distinction of being released by Degica for the first time world-wide, RPG Tsukūru MV (RPG Maker MV as known world-wide), underwent quite a few adjustments by introducing multiplatform support as well as side-view battles and high resolution features and assets. For the first time, JavaScript replaced Ruby as the default programming language. Players also saw the return of layered tilesets, which were missing from the previous installments. Not only was it released for Windows, but also for PS4 and Nintendo Switch (A XBox One version was planned but unfortunately scrapped), giving players new ways to share games. It was released to Steam in 2015.
The newest installment to the famous series is RPG Tsukūru MZ (RPG Maker MZ as known world-wide), and it was just released last year in August of 2020. Reviews for the game were mixed as players noted that the trailers leading up to release were very similar to RPG Maker MV. It did have some positively-received features such as autosave functionality and XP-style autolayer mechanics. It was released to Steam in 2020. 
So with the history side taken care of, what about some of the most iconic games ever made using the software?
Good question! Given the extensive list of successful games to come out of RPG Maker, that will be a separate Friday Special so I can cover them more in-depth. Maybe next week perhaps?
So there you have it, a comprehensive history of RPG Maker!
(Now, there were some older Japanese titles that weren't mentioned because of lack of sources, I do apologize. I also wanted to stick more to the major installments of the franchise itself.)
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Thoughts From The Head
I was formally introduced to RPG Maker by some mutuals of mine on Discord a few years ago when I expressed interest in wanting to create scenes like a movie of sorts. My software of choice is RPG Maker VX Ace as it was suggested to me for being better at creating events than any other version. It's understandably intimidating at first, especially for newcomers, but there are hundreds of tutorials on Steam, Youtube and all over the internet.
I also have other copies of RPG Maker, including the PS1 version of RPG Maker and even RPG Tsukūru: Super Dante for my Super Famicom that I just received a few days ago! It's definitely wild how much the series has grown and improved upon over the years.
From what I have been recommended by friends who are long-time players of this series, either go for RPG Maker MV (if you're interested in mapping) or RPG Maker VX Ace (if you're interested in creating events). From what I have seen, those two are some of the more popular choices. In terms of platform, always go for Steam (and get them on sale when you can) because you will have better accessibility and it's more user-friendly than the console versions. The abundance of community-generated assets also help.
To end this post, here's some pics from RPG Tsukūru: Super Dante!
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starjunco · 3 years
FFXV World Maps 1/2
Recently I was doing research into FFXV’s world and I found many variations on the world map with no good collection of them all. I figured I’d compile what I found for reference.
Tumblr limits the number of pictures and dislikes external links, so I’ve divided this into three posts: two posts of the actual maps then a third post of links to the images for easier viewing at full size.
I’ve included the development maps that came up on searches to address any confusion about those maps and later ones. It has been ages since I played the game, so if I misremember something or there’s a good map I don’t have here, please let me know.
Images start below the break.
Development Maps
Back before release, the FFXV team showed off a clay model they used to conceptualize the world. In an interview with DualShockers, Director Hajime Tabata explained that it was their “initial mock-up” that “determined the overarching scheme of the map.” (1) Despite this not being the finished product, these maps show up often when searching for the world map since it was an exciting preview at the time. It is interesting to look at them now to get a sense of how the game developed and for nostalgia. Most are collected on a Japanese news blog found on the links post. (2)
Here are a couple examples:
(3) Clay Model Top-Down Image
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(4) This is a map I have come across alot in my searches. It was created by NurBoyXVI combining an image of the clay model with early screens and art to speculate on the coming game. He also has some hi-quality art and magazine features for FFXV and other games in his gallery.
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(5) An idea map that was shown for Final Fantasy’s 30th Anniversary Exhibition.
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Game Overview Maps
(6) Game Map of Lucis Region
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(7) This is a version of the same map that, from what I understand, was released with the Ultimania Scenario. It’s the same thing but slightly different color tones, a little better quality and without the special font. The larger size lets you really see Insomnia in great detail.
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(8) Game Map of Altissia
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(9) This is the Ultimania Scenario version for Altissia. Like the previous one, it is bigger and doesn’t have the fancy font, but the washed out coloring probably makes it less useful.
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(10) Game Map of Cygillan Ocean -- Best version I’ve found so far. Please let me know if there’s a better one.
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(11) Game Map of Niflheim Region -- I haven’t found a Scenario Ultimania version for this one.
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Part 2
Link Post
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hello, I’m new to the fandom so there’s lots of thing I want to find out more. I saw someone on Twitter post about Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary celebrated in Tokyo, and they claimed that C/A is the official main couple of Final Fantasy 7 because they were shown with other Final Fantasy couples. I’m a Cloti actually and I’m kinda disappointed when I saw the post. Can you explain about this? Thank you
So, you saw a cuckoo ranting and decided they made sense and then came to me because why? I can't explain their madness.
Also don't believe you because a lot of dumdums pull that "I'm a Cloti, please explain all this clerith stuff to me" and then give me an example of something stupid like I'm gonna go off, get mad and act like my common sense took a walk.
The exhibition organisers chose what they did because it's the main plot of the game. Ykno, Aerith dies? It's kind of hard to avoid. Also I grabbed a couple of images from it and
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Crisis Core style buster sword and that's a huge ass picture of Zack they're using to promote the VII display.
I'd say it's a case of the shade is delightful and yall just didn't pay attention like always.
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prynacle · 5 years
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Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary || FFXV Welcome Board
A welcome board featured at the FFXV “Phantom Wedding” of the Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary exhibition. The image was also distributed as an exclusive smarthphone wallpaper for the exhibition attendees.
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tsuburu · 5 years
every clerith scene in the original ffvii
if i’m missing anything, let me know and i’ll add it
the initial meeting where cloud (canonically) buys a flower from aerith and it is stated later that he thought “she has impressive eyes” and that “if this smile only costs one gil, then it’s a good purchase.”
cloud falls through the sector five church and becomes aerith’s bodyguard (and agreeing to one date)
cloud saves aerith from reno & the turks
takes aerith (while flirting) BACK to her house, spends the night there, and tries leaving for 7th heaven (once again, cloud needs money to be paid, and considering they agreed for a date i highly doubt it’s because he holds affection towards tifa)
cloud has a dream in aerith’s house of his mother saying he “should have an older girlfriend, one that’ll take care of you [him].”
cloud & aerith go on a (canon) date in the park in the slums, but are interrupted by tifa (cloud seems extremely invested into knowing who aerith’s former boyfriend is, and this is common to see when you’re curious in potential partners)
cloud & aerith go to wallmarket and we have the cross-dressing cloud sequence (the fact that this is stressed even further in the remake with cloud’s reaction to seeing aerith in her dress is incredible)
cloud proceeds to disregard the fate of avalanche and its members to go rescue aerith in the shinra hq tower
marlene (canonically) states that “aerith was asking me a lot of questions! like what person cloud is! i think she likes you cloud!” to which the canon response given by cloud is “let’s hope so.”
barret remarks during an elevator ride that “there are times when even you will fight for others. i am impressed.” in reference to cloud rescuing aerith, putting others before himself which is something barret has never seen before.
cloud & aerith proceed to flirt IN FRONT OF TIFA through the walls of the shinra prison, seemingly “building their own world” before tifa’s eyes
cloud promises to aerith, who wants to take a ride in the highwind at least once, that he will take her.
during the first trip to gold saucer, during a fortune reading from cait sith, he states that “what you pursue will be yours, but you will lose something dear.” ie, cloud who is pursuing [aerith] romantically, will be “his” and will return great affection towards him. however, he will lose her [something dear] when she dies at the hands of sephiroth. this is excellent forshadowing and a great example of the “star-crossed loveds” trope clerith follows.
cloud & aerith have an interesting conversation in gongaga (though this is optional and only available if aerith is in your party, but this is when aerith is beginning to overcome her feelings for zack in exchange for cloud) in which aerith says “it’s all in the past now, it doesn’t matter.”
cloud tells aerith, who tells him she feels lonely as the last ancient, that “but I’m- I mean - we’re here for you right?” and has a classic romantic confession slip-up
cloud & aerith have a canon date at the gold saucer, in which aerith openly acknowledges cloud & zack are two separate people and will continue to love him despite the fact that he is different from zack. cloud also says that, after this, (though not in the og) that he knew aerith knew the real cloud before he himself did. their date is said to have ended “magically” in the “city of desire” (see this as you will)
cloud & aerith venture to the temple of the ancients where they receive one last fortune from cait sith, who gives them a wedding prediction, something that is non-optional and makes aerith’s fate “all the more tragic.” if tifa is in your party, she will be visibly upset by this.
cloud proceeds to lose himself in a mental breakdown, and aerith reassures and comforts him that “you did nothing wrong,” while holding him before he attacks her.
aerith appears to cloud in a dream in the sleeping forest and tells cloud “not to worry” about everything, saying she will take care of sephiroth so he can rest. she tells him she’ll be back when it’s all over, and cloud proceeds to try and run after her. this is the game-changing scene because as cloud has been protecting aerith as her bodyguard throughout the game, it is finally aerith’s turn to protect him. cloud is a symbol of “everything she [aerith] holds dear.”
cloud ventures to the city of the ancients to find aerith after being persuaded by the others because he is fearful he will have another breakdown. he wakes up in the middle of the night, saying that he can feel in his soul that aerith (and sephiroth) are there.
aerith is murdered by sephiroth, and cloud’s “heart shatters” and is in a fit of sadness and rage as he holds her on the alter. he says “the cycle of nature and your stupid plan don’t mean a thing, aerith is gone.” ie, nothing else matters to cloud at this point, including tifa, because aerith has died. he doesn’t know what to do about his pain. cloud is trembling and cries over her death.
cloud picks up aerith, and buries her in the lake outside the coral structure. he later says (though not in the og) that her death was “too sad” and he “couldn’t understand.”
in cosmo canyon after aerith’s death, bugenhagen says, “have you lost your way?” to cloud, and proceeds to say that “there is always something in the deepest reaches of our hearts” and asks him to think about “what he is searching for.” after a few moments, cloud says, “i remember aerith a lot.”
later, when they return to the city of the ancients to search for holy, cloud understands aerith’s sacrifice and apologizes to aerith for not understanding, telling her “i understand now. aerith...i’ll do the rest.” and the others around him have to correct it to “we”
when cloud falls into the lifestream, the old men remark that “he was very lucky” and that he [cloud] must have one powerful guardian angel watching over him.” this is interesting because in advent children, there is an angel statue cloud is seen looking at from the window at the new seventh heaven.
at the very end of the game, after defeating sephiroth, cloud proceeds to reach up towards a hand descending from the lifestream as aerith’s theme begins to play in the background. this is confirmed to be her [aerith] when SE stated that this scene was mimicked and done homage in advent children during the fight with bahamut.
as cloud understands that the promised land is a place full of supreme happiness, something he never believed in before he met aerith, he states that “an answer from the planet...the promised land...I think I can meet her there.” ie, cloud’s eternity is best served with aerith, his source of hope and happiness.
aerith’s importance as the main heroine and love interest of final fantasy vii is stressed thoroughly. aside from the secret ending with red xiii, she is the first and last thing you see in the game. she is the heroine with cloud that has gotten the amano artwork, the merchandise, the final fantasy 30th anniversary exhibit, and love from square enix since 1997. it is exceptionally stupid to say cloud merely had a romantic infatuation with aerith when she is “engraved into his heart for the rest of his life” and continues to state that his eternity is with her.
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earith · 5 years
AERITH | FAREWELL STORIES / MEMORIES OF YOU - Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition
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virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-One-Year Anniversary to PyeongChang Timeline #04
Post-One-Year Anniversary to PyeongChang Timeline
Links: #01 Post-Sochi 2014-2016, #02 Post Comeback 2016-2018, and #03 Post PyeongChang 2018-2019
2019, continued:
February 22 – Scott poses with several junior ice dance teams on the ice at Toronto Cricket Club and is thanked for his help (Toronto)
February 23 – Tessa posts from Florence, Italy + Scott at Ilderton Arena + Scott posts a video from Thank You Ilderton + attends Paul Brandt concert that night (London)
February 25 – Tessa posts with Carolina Kostner and Anna Capellini (Florence) + VM confirmed as skaters for Fantasy on Ice + Great Kitchen Party/b2ten release video about their organization’s partnership with an interview with VM
February 27 – Tessa's Nivea Urban Skin commercial debuts + Scott’s Leaf Nation interview game session Guess Who? is released + Scott posts on twitter regarding a Leafs game + Tessa posts from Tuscany (Italy)
March 2 – Scott at a Blue Jays spring training game (Dunedin, Florida) + Scott with Jackie, Cara and friends at dinner (in face paints) in Disneyland (Florida) + Tessa posts from Tuscany (Italy)
March 3 – Tessa posts from Tuscany (Italy)
March 4 – Scott works with Carreira/Ponomaranko at Novi (Detroit) + attends a celebratory dinner + Tessa posts her new Nivea commercial + Toys R Us/Barbie announces Tessa as one of their choices as a Canadian role model and an appearance
March 6 – Tessa announces partnership with Barbie
March 7 – Scott tweets about Tessa’s Barbie partnership
March 8 – Tessa appears on several morning shows with her Barbie “Close The Dream Gap” promotion and a Barbie event (Toronto)
March 9 – Tessa at Toys R Us as an appearance in partnership with Barbie/Mattel as a Canadian Role Model for Barbie’s 60th birthday (Mississagua) + Tessa and Scott individually post about Lajoie/Lagha’s Junior World gold medal win
March 11 – Scott’s Leafs TV interview is released (taped February 19)
March 14 – Tessa tapes commercial for Air Miles partnership (Toronto)
March 17 – Tessa appears as a presenter for the Juno awards (London)
March 19 – Tessa spotted at The Root Cellar for dinner (London)
March 21 – Tessa attends Nivea UrbanSkin launch event (Toronto)
March 22 – Scott in an Instagram story doing coach duty (Montreal)
March 23-24 – Tessa and Scott doing choreography with Sam (Montreal) + Tessa spotted on a flight back to London
March 25 – Scott coaching Lajoie/Lagha (Montreal)
March 31 - Tessa posts an instagram (latergram?) from the cottage (Bayfield)
April 1 - Tessa and Scott attend the M&M Food Market partnership rally lunch (Mississauga or London).
+ Tessa and Scott attend ‘London Sportspeople of the Year’ celebrity dinner and auction (in support of Thames Valley Children’s Centre)
+ Tessa’s Nivea’s No Limits ad (choreographed by Sam Chouinard) is released. + Tessa’s cover on Glory magazine is revealed and Tessa is named as one of Canada’s 30 under 30 leaders by Bay St. Bull
April 2 - Tessa appears on several morning shows to promote the Nivea No Limits ad/campaign (Toronto)
April 3 - Tessa and Scott going for coffee at Starbucks (his treat) (Toronto), shown using his T/S Latch Visa Card.
+ Tessa and Scott lunching together at Calii Love (Toronto) and Tessa posting a picture of her old skates and the newer ones (possibly training for new ex programs?).
+ Tessa and Scott tour the Walter Carsen Centre with Canadian National Ballet’s Heather Ogden and Guillaume Côté and announce an upcoming project with them (Côté as choreographer) (Toronto)
April 4 - Tessa and Scott working with Heather Odgen and Guillaume Côté at the National Ballet for an upcoming project. (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott filming new content with Hello Fresh (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attends the Wanderluxe 2019 event sponsored by Air Canada (in support of the Hospital for Sick Children & the SickKids Research Institute) at the Fort York Amoury (Toronto).
+ Tessa revealed as a guest judge for upcoming season of MasterChef Canada
April 5 - Tessa and Scott spotted skating together at the Granite Club (Toronto)
April 6 - Day 1 of Scott working for Skate Canada’s weekend development camp as a featured “coach” (Calgary)
April 7 - Day 2 of Scott working for Skate Canada’s weekend development camp as a featured “coach” (Calgary) + Tessa doing a photoshoot at her house with redbutton photography [Eric Rockburn] (London)
April 8 - Tessa tweets about the upcoming tour in the fall and their media day from (London) + posts from Toronto
April 9 - Tessa and Scott announce the Rock the Ice Tour for the fall of 2019. Cast + partial dates announced. + Media day for RTR: Tessa and Scott appear on several shows to promote the tour (Toronto)
April 10 - Media Day 2 for RTR: Tessa and Scott appear on several shows to promote the tour (Toronto)
April 11 - Scott tweets about the RTR and the Leafs game + Tessa posts from London, UK.
April 12 - Tessa posts from London (UK): visits the Dior exhibit at the V&A museum and attends the Come From Away musical at the Phoenix Theater.
April 13 - Tessa hanging out with Lilah and Sasha Fear, two british ice dancers training part time at Gadbois, having afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason  (London, UK) + Scott tweets multiple times about the Leafs game.
April 14 - Tessa on the ice with Sasha Fear at the Alexandra Palace ice rink (London, UK)
April 16 - Rehearsals for Ice Fantasia (Seoul, Korea). Scott seen lacing up his skates, T+S on a bus, and Tessa and Jason Brown skating around on a weibo video.
April 16-18 - Rehearsals for Ice Fantasia (Seoul, Korea).
*****Ice Fantasia (April 19-21) (South Korea)*****
April 19 - First Ice Fantasia Show. Tessa and Scott debut a new ex: Dark Times and re-use their 2018 ex: You Rock My World (Seoul, Korea).
April 20 - Tessa posts about their Dark Time program on Instagram. Second Ice Fantasia Show, (Seoul, Korea)
April 21 - Third and last Ice Fantasia Show + banquet with all the Ice Fantasia skaters (Seoul, Korea)
April 22 - Tessa back in Canada. Posts an Instagram story from the airport. (Toronto?)
April 24 - Tessa doing a photoshoot for a “special project” with Genevieve Caron (Toronto)
April 25 - Tessa records the Player’s Own Voice podcast with Anastasia Bucsis + attends the One Connection pop-up event about branding with Bumble Bizz [curated by Jessica Mulroney] (Toronto)
April 27 - Scott spotted in a restaurant outside of Ilderton having lunch with his mother and brother (Ilderton)
April 29 - Tessa doing interviews/media for fillactive/fitspirit (Montreal)
May 1 - Tessa as a guest of honor/ambassador, giving a speech at the Villa Maria high school for fillactive/fitspirit (Montreal)
+ Cabbie presents podcast, The Kit truth or dare game and Tessa x Nivea Elle Canada interview come out.
May 2 - Tessa doing a photoshoot with Bonlook in the morning (Montreal) + attends the Canada Youth Summit as a guest speaker with Sophie Grégoire Trudeau for Fillactive the rest of the day (Ottawa) + Scott coaching at MAC’s Spring Skating School (Komoka)
May 3 - Tessa and Scott brunch with the members of Birds of Bellwoods at Rivoli on Queen Street West + attend the Stars on Ice show incognito (Toronto)
May 4 - Tessa attends a Barre Belle class with/taught by her sister Jordan in the morning + does a photoshoot with Adidas (Toronto)
May 5 - Tessa attends a meet & greet for Nivea [at the Run for Women event] (Moncton) + Scott is spotted at the airport in Florida (Tampa)
May 6 - Tessa posts from her house about a Barbie PR package and her home office renovations being nearly done (London)
***** Canada’s Great Kitchen Party Auction Trip, Mallorca (May 9-16)
May 9 - Day 1. Tessa posts from Palma (Mallorca, Spain) + probably hiking and attending a musical performance.
May 10 - Day 2. Tessa posts from Puigpuñent (Mallorca, Spain). Hiking and tasting rosé.
May 11 - Day 3. Tessa and Jackie appear at what looks like a wine tasting with some GPK guests (Mallorca, Spain) + probably cycling and visiting the Palma Cathedral.
May 12 - Day 4. Tessa posts about Mother’s Day and arranging for a flower bouquet to be sent to Kate (Mallorca, Spain).
May 13 - Day 5. Tessa’s partnership with MAC Cosmetics is announced as part of the MAC Canadian Original Campaign + tapas tour at night (vm + Jackie and the guests appearing in one picture) + probably winery tour (Mallorca, Spain)
May 14 - Day 6. Tessa posts from Mallorca. Probably hiking at Sant Elm, visiting La Trapa (Mallorca, Spain)
May 15 - Day 7. Last day. Probably exploring and shopping in Valldemossa + final banquet and musical performance (Mallorca, Spain)
May 16 - Day 8. Travel Day (Mallorca, Spain) + Tessa’s Air Miles Ad is released.
May 17 - TESSA’S 30TH BIRTHDAY - Tessa posts about celebrating her birthday with champagne from what appears to be her house or the cottage (London or Bayfield?)
May 19 - Tessa spotted by a fan at Romeo’s Corner Cafe (Stratford, Ontario)
May 20 - Tessa attends opening night at Budweiser Stage in partnership with Air Miles (Toronto) + Scott spotted grocery shopping in Tampa (Florida)[unproved]
***** Canada’s Great Kitchen Party Auction Trip, Newfoundland (May 22-27)
May 22 - Tessa posts about working out in her hotel room + Day 1: musical performance with Alan Doyle at the Merchant Tavern (Saint John’s, NL)
May 23 - Day 2: Book reading with Marc Critch and Alan Doyle at the Saint George Anglican Church in Petty Harbour + Scott spotted by two fans at Christian’s Pub (Saint John’s, NL).
May 24 - Day 3: Tessa and Scott skating and having a beer afterwards + pub crawl on George’s Street (Saint John’s, NL)
May 25 - Day 4: Tessa and Scott visit and picnic at the Ferryland Lighthouse + Tessa posts a cute InstaStory of both of them there (Saint John’s, NL)
May 26 - Day 5, Last Day: Tessa posts a picture of her and Scott at The Rooms for the final GKP banquet + musical performance by Alan Doyle at the Yellowbelly Brewery (Saint John’s, NL)
May 27 - Day 6: Travel Day. Tessa posts about leaving Newfoundland (Saint John’s) + Tessa and Scott spotted on the plane and at the Pearson Airport (Toronto) + [probably, timeline is fuzzy, Tessa and Scott attend the IG Private Wealth Management event at the JW Marriott Essex House Hotel as guest speakers (New York, USA)]
May 28 - Tessa and Scott attend the IG Private Wealth Management event at the JW Marriott Essex House Hotel as guest speakers (New York, USA)
May 29 - Tessa’s partnership with Colgate is posted on her Instagram + Tessa and Scott announced as guest judges on Battle of the Blades [two episodes] this fall.
May 30 - Tessa and Scott spotted at the Tokyo train station on their way to Sendai + rehearsing Long Time Running for Fantasy on Ice (Japan)
*****Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 31 - June 16) (Japan)*****
May 31 – June 1 - FAOI Sendai, first and second shows (Japan)
June 2 - FAOI Sendai, third show + Tessa goes to karaoke with some members of the cast + fan report of Scott flying out early to Osaka [unproved] (Sendai, Japan)
June 3 - Tessa’s episode of Masterchef airs in Canada
June 4 - Tessa posts about doing schoolwork from Kobe (Japan)
June 6 - Rehearsals for FAOI Kobe
June 7–8 - FAOI Kobe, first and second show + Tessa’s Run for the Ocean campaign with Adidas is released (Japan)
June 9 – FAOI Kobe, third show + Tessa and Scott attend the final Kobe banquet after the last Kobe show (Japan)
June 11 - Tessa posts about watching the Raptors game + Scott with Javier F. and others skaters golfing (Japan)
June 12 - Tessa’s Player’s Own Voice podcast with Anastasia Bucsis is released (recorded April 25th)
June 13 - FAOI rehearsals + Scott out with Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar (Toyama)
June 14 - FAOI Toyama first show + Tessa and Scott tweet and instagram about the Raptors’ win (Toyama)
June 15-16 – FAOI Toyama second and third shows +
June 16 - Tessa and Scott at the airport in Narita to see some of the skaters off + having dinner with Javier Fernandez, Jeffrey Buttle and Mayumi Nakamura in Tokyo (Japan)
June 17 - Tessa homeward bound posting from the Narita airport (Japan)
June 19 - Tessa comments about being in her own bed (London)
June 20 - Tessa posts from the cottage, presumably a latergram (Bayfield)
June 21 - Tessa does a photoshoot for MAC Canada (Toronto)
June 22 - Tessa attends a Barre Bell class taught by her sister Jordan and later goes to the Arkells concert at Budweiser Stage with Jordan, Craig and Mark McMorris + Scott spotted leaving Boccone Trattoria at Pearson Airport (Toronto)
June 23 - Olympic Day. Scott in Komoka helping at the new Moir’s Skate Shop location.
June 24 - Tessa arrives in Charlottesville for the Special Olympics Gala and hangs out with Elisha and Dion Phaneuf (Prince Edward Island) + Scott helping with the renovations at the new Moir’s Skate Shop location (Komoka)
June 25 - Tessa attends the Enriching Lives Gala in support of the Special Olympics (Charlottesville, Prince Edward Island)
June 26 - Tessa spotted at the airport in Charlottesville (Prince Edward Island)
June 27 - Scott visiting and speaking at a school (Parkville, Ontario)
June 29 - Tessa spotted at a grocery store (assumed Bayfield) + Scott spotted by a fan (assumed London)
June 30 - Tessa at the cottage [working out with her sister Jordan] (Bayfield)
July 1-3 – Tessa at the cottage [with her sister] (Bayfield)
July 5 - Tessa spotted at the Medina Restaurant (Vancouver)
July 8-12 – Scott coaches at the MAC spring and summer skating camp (Komoka)
July 10-12 – Tessa on a road trip in California with her friends Liz and Midori (USA)
July 10 - Tessa at the Daou Vineyards in Paso Robles (California)
July 11 - Tessa at a scenic landscape spot in Santa Barbara + in a swimming pool at the Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara with friends (California)
July 12 - Tessa posts from a beach in Malibu (California)
July 13 - Tessa posts from the cottage about being back from vacation (Bayfield)
July 15 - Tessa posts from the London, Ont. airport about going away (London)
July 16 - Tessa in Montreal for a photoshoot for RW & Co (Montreal)
July 17 - Tessa has a ‘girls night-in’ with Jaime Livingston [queenopain] and her family (Mont Tremblant) + Scott spotted at the airport in Washington, DC (USA)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott as guest speakers for the Deloitte Financial Advisory Summit (Mont Tremblant)
July 20 - Day of inclusion, Special Olympics. Tessa and Scott both posting (Bayfield & Québec)
July 21 - Tessa at the cottage watching a golf tournament (Bayfield)
July 22 - Tessa at the cottage (Bayfield)
July 24 (or July 25) - Tessa spotted on the ice by some fans [per a comment on her instagram post]
July 26 - Tessa attends a MAC meet and greet event at the Yorkdale shopping center in the afternoon and is spotted at a bar by a fan in the evening (Toronto) + the Moir’s Skate Shop announces they’re moving locations and will be opening soon (Komoka)
July 27 - Tessa attends a Nivea Q&A and a meet and greet event at Vaughan Mills (Toronto) + back at home posting about books later in the day (London)
July 29 - Tessa presumably at home waiting for her new desk to be delivered (London)
July 31 - Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas (Montreal)
August 2 - Tessa attends the Osheaga music festival with Nivea and has a meet and greet with the winner of a Nivea contest (Montreal)
August 3-4 – Tessa at the Osheaga music festival with Kelly (Montreal)
August 6 - Tessa attends the hometown star walk of fame event for Chris Hadfield (Sarnia)
August 7 - Tessa and Scott each receive their Walk of Fame Hometown stars (Ilderton, London) + Scott officially announces his engagement to Jackie Mascarin during his speech
August 8 - Opening of the new location of the Moir’s Skate Shop with Scott there selling skates + Scott filming a video for Parachute Canada (Komoka) + Tessa at home in London 
August 12 - Tessa in Toronto for a photoshoot with Paul Buceta + Scott at the skate shop helping out (Komoka)
August 13 - Tessa and Scott do a RTR media day with Birds of Bellwoods, Elvis S., Kaetlyn O. and Jeremy A. (Toronto)
August 14 - Tessa and Scott back in the studio with Guillaume Côté for tour prep + Scott guest coaches at the Granite Club (Toronto)
August 17 - Scott attends a friends’ wedding (Windsor, Ontario) 
August 18 - Tessa at the cottage with Jordan and family (Bayfield)
August 21 - Tessa attends the RW&Co inspiring women in Canada ambassador reveal event (Toronto) 
August 24 - Scott possibly spotted at the Detroit airport in the morning (Detroit)
August 27 - Tessa and Scott rehearsing on ice (Komoka)
August 28 - Tessa does a photoshoot with Yves Veggie + spotted out at dinner by a fan (Toronto)
August 29 - Tessa attends an Adidas 70th anniversary event + films an interview (stroll in Toronto) with Jean-Michel Dufaux, his company Siège Hublot, and Assembly Chef’s Hall (Toronto)
August 30 - Tessa and Scott rehearse at the rink early in the morning for RTR (Komoka or Toronto?) + Scott and Jackie spotted by a fan, location unknown. 
August 31 - Scott helping out at the Moirs’ Skate Shop (Komoka)
September 2 - SCOTT’S 32ND BIRTHDAY
September 3 - Scott helps out with the mini blades team at the Hamilton skating club (Hamilton) + his photoshoot with Harry Rosen comes out. 
September 5 - Tessa appears on several morning and radio shows in collaboration with Air Miles (Vancouver)
September 6 - Tessa stops by her friend Leah’s jewelry store (Vancouver)
September 7 - Tessa attends a meet and greet with The Brick at West Edmonton Mall (Edmonton)
September 8 - Scott helps Steve Mignardi [TTYCT driver] pick up some stuff for the tour (Ilderton) + Tessa attends Dior launch party during TIFF with Lainey Gossip and friends (Toronto) + Tessa and Scott go to the rink at 8 pm to rehearse their new program with Guillaume Côté and Anisa Tejpar [dancer and choreographer] for RTR (Toronto)
September 9 - Tessa and Scott spotted by a fan at an ice rink (Toronto) 
September 10 - Tessa and Scott at Hit And Run Dance with their choreographer Anisa T. + Tessa posts about leaving her hotel (Toronto)
September 11 - Tessa shoots something for team Canada and with Fuel Commercials at the Germain hotel (Toronto)
September 14-16 – Tessa and Scott en route to Vancouver to start rehearsals
September 18 - Tessa and Scott officially announce their retirement and the end of their professional skating career 
September 19 - Tessa and Scott guest judge at Battle of the Blades (Toronto)
September 20 -  Tessa and Scott back in Vancouver for RTR rehearsals (Vancouver)
September 21 - RTR day off. Tessa and Scott and some of the RTR cast attend the Elton John concert together (Vancouver)
September 23 - Tessa and Scott + cast attends the Canucks/Senators hockey game in Abbotsford + Tessa and Scott drop the puck (Abbotsford)
September 30 - Scott visits a local dance school with other members of RTR (Abbotsford)
October 1 - Tessa attends We for She as a keynote speaker (Vancouver)
October 2-4 – RTR rehearsals (Abbotsford)
*****Rock The Rink tour (October 5 - November 23)*****
October 5 - RTR, Abbotsford + Tessa and Scott spotted buying wine by a fan (Abbotsford)
October 6 - RTR, Penticton
October 7 - RTR, Vancouver
October 8-9 – RTR days off. Cast get to Calgary + Scott spotted eating at Moxie’s Grill & Bar (Calgary)
October 10 - RTR, Red Deer + RTR cast watching Friends in the bus after the show (Red Deer)
October 11 - RTR, Dawson Creek + Tessa and Scott and Birds of Bellswoods film a funny behind the scenes video with Tessa reenacting Dawson’s Creek.
October 12 - RTR, Prince George
October 13 - RTR, Grand Prairie
October 14-15 – RTR days off. Tessa + Michael Tobin film a video about Tessa going into the shops she’s partnered with [Bonlook and RW&Co] at the Chinook mall + Scott watches skaters at the Calalta figure skating club (Calgary)
October 16 - RTR, Calgary
October 17 - RTR, Lethbridge
October 18 - RTR, Regina
October 19 - RTR, Medicine Hat
October 20 - RTR, Brandon
October 21 - RTR day off. Tessa and Scott are inducted into the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame in Toronto [they don’t attend the event)] + Tessa and Scott fly back home and meet a fan on the plane from Toronto to London with whom they talk + same fan takes a pic with them at the London airport + Tessa goes to vote in the elections (London)
October 23 - Tessa and Scott are awarded honorary degrees from Western University (London)
October 24 - Tessa and Scott guest judge on Battle of the Blades (Oshawa)
October 25-28 – RTR days off
October 25 - Tessa attends a Leafs game with her sister Jordan (Toronto)
October 26 - Tessa attends a barre class taught by her sister Jordan (Toronto)
October 27 - Scott coaches the synchro team at the Ilderton skating rink with cousins Sheri and Cara (Ilderton)
October 29 - RTR, Sault Ste. Marie
October 30 - RTR, London
October 31 - Tessa and Scott guest judge on Battle of the Blades finale (Toronto)
November 1 - RTR, Sudbury
November 2 - RTR, Kitchener
November 3 - RTR, Kingston
November 5 - RTR day off. Scott appears on several morning show to promote RTR and the Special Olympics’ skaters + Tessa is spotted at a coffeeshop downtown by a fan + Scott and Patrick Chan are spotted by a fan at the Toronto Club bar before the hockey game + Scott, Maxim Trankov and Andrew Poje attend a Leafs game (Toronto) 
+ Scott announced as an ambassador for the for Scott Hamilton Cares Foundation. 
November 6 - RTR, Mississauga
November 7 - RTR, Ottawa. Tessa and Scott + the RTR cast are spotted having breakfast together at the Sunset Grill. 
November 8 - RTR, St. Catharines + Tessa is spotted having dinner before the show with some ‘older’ friends at The Merchant Ale House. 
November 9 - RTR, Oshawa
November 10-12 – RTR days off
November 10 - Tessa attends a barre class with her sister Jordan (Toronto)
November 13 - RTR, Peterborough
November 14 - RTR, Laval + Tessa visits her facialist friend Linda McDonald and poses for a pic with her dog. 
+ Tessa is announced as an ambassador for Team Canada Classroom Champions Chat 
November 15 - RTR, Quebec City 
November 16 - RTR, Moncton
November 17 - RTR, Halifax + Tessa and Scott and the RTR cast go out to eat at the Press Gang Restaurant & Oyster Bar + The Lower Deck Pub [dancing and karaoke]. 
November 18-22 – RTR days off
November 19 - Tessa spotted at the airport on her way to St. John’s
November 20 - Tessa spotted at the Winsor House Bed & Breakfast (St. John’s) + Scott spotted waiting in line at a restaurant (London) 
November 21 - Tessa does an interview with Melissa Royal for Rogers’ TV Out of the Fog + Scott & Patrick Chan spotted by several fans on George’s street, outside of Christian’s Pub (St. John’s) 
November 22 - RTR rehearsals for the whole cast
November 23 - RTR, St. John’s + Scott spotted out with his family by multiple fans 
November 24 - Tessa spotted at the airport and on a plane to Toronto + Scott spotted at the hotel said to be sightseeing in St. John’s 
November 25 - Scott spotted at the airport on his way to Toronto (St. John’s)
November 27 - Scott plays in a Poplar Hills Flyers hockey game with his friends (Ilderton area) 
November 28 - Tessa is a keynote speaker at the Grow Girl event at St Mary's High School in collaboration with Fitspirit (Woodstock, Ont.)
November 29-December 1 – Tessa and Sam Chouinard spend a weekend together in New York City (New York, USA)
November 30 - Tessa and Sam attend a broadway showing of Moulin Rouge (New York)
December 3 - Tessa takes over CTV and appears on several morning and afternoon shows (Toronto)
December 4 - Tessa attends CIBC Miracle Day in the morning and the Union Holiday Union Station Rink event in the end of the afternoon (Toronto)
December 6 - Scott helps out at the skate shop (Komoka)
December 7 - Scott at the skate shop for their holiday open house (Komoka)
December 8 - Tessa participates in an unnamed photoshoot (Montreal)
December 13 - Scott shoots pictures or a commercial at the Skate Shop (Komoka)
December 14 - Scott helps out at the skate shop (Komoka)
December 13-15 – Tessa goes to Bangkok for Evan Lysacek’s wedding with her friend Mayumi (Thailand)
December 17 - Scott is spotted by a fan grocery shopping at Loblaws near Western U at 9m (London) + Tessa is spotted by fan at the Leafs game [and is rumored to have lost her credit card on Queen Street earlier in the day] (Toronto)
December 24 - Tessa spotted last minute shopping at Best Buy (London)
December 28 - Tessa attends the Leafs game with her friend Midori (Toronto)
December 29 - A picture of Scott playing a beer league hockey game surfaces [exact date unknown) (London/Ilderton area) + Scott coaches the Ice Ignite Synchro team (Komoka)
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filmgutter · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition
Photos taken by Ama R. ©2018 (Tokyo, Japan) Tetsuya Nomura, character design
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beyondmidgar · 5 years
This was the audio played at the Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition, translated and dubbed to English
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