#Fees & Dates
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fullcravings · 1 day ago
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Healthy Matcha Ice Cream (V)
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sengenism · 1 month ago
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wait wait wait so i just remembered we have information on senku, gen and ukyo's favourite foods
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and we also have their reactions to eating/drinking them for the first time in the stone world... this is so important to me u don't understand
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lulublack90 · 8 months ago
Prompt 17 - Fee
@jegulus-microfic July 17, Word count 994
Previous part First part
He watched James zooming around the pitch until he stopped, hovering above the pitch watching something. It took Regulus longer than he cared to admit to realise that James was watching him. James swooped down to the ground in a perfect corkscrew. He must have been working on it. He touched down just as Regulus walked onto the grassy pitch.
“Hi,” James greeted him a little breathless as he pushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes. 
“How long have you been out here?” Regulus asked. James’s hair was sticking up at all angles like it had been a while.
“Oh, er, about half an hour I think,” James said as he checked his watch. “Oh no, more like an hour,” He laughed a strong chuckle which shook his whole body. “I kind of lose track of time when I’m in the air.” Regulus knew exactly what he meant. Time didn’t mean anything when you had the wind in your hair, and you were tearing across the pitch after the golden snitch. “I booked the pitch for a private practice so we shouldn’t be disturbed. I’ve er, I’ve not told Sirius about, you know, our, erm.”
“Date?” Regulus supplied helpfully. “Thank you for not telling my brother it’s none of his business, and I’d like to keep it that way if that’s alright with you,” Regulus didn’t want to give Sirius any new ammunition to use against him. Sirius might not live at Grimmauld Place any longer, but that didn’t mean his actions didn’t get back to their mother. She knew he was in a relationship with Remus Lupin. She’d set fire to the curtains when she’d gotten that bit of news and his father had to quickly put them out before the whole house burned down. 
“Right, yeah, thought you’d probably prefer that,” James smiled while running his fingers through his hair. Regulus decided he’d better lighten the mood. 
“So, about this private practice you’ve booked, I must inform you that the fee for my tutoring is extortionate, and I have been told I am quite the tyrant when I get going,” Regulus told James seriously. James burst into loud guffaws and ended up dropping his broom. Regulus took advantage of his incapacitation, he snatched up James’s broom and kicked off into the air.
“Oi! Come back with that!” All merriment had left James now as Regulus flew in circles around him. 
Regulus was already having more fun than any other date he’d been on, not that he’d been on many and none had been anything more than a walk in the courtyard and then back to the common room. He still didn’t know why he’d said yes and, even more puzzling, why he’d actually come to meet James. Barty had probably spiked his soup or something. 
He reached out and poked James in the shoulder as he dared to fly a bit nearer. To his surprise, James’s hand shot out and grabbed the broom handle. He swung Regulus and the broom around and hopped on behind him, folding Regulus forward so he could grasp the broom handle with both hands. 
“Like a bit of fun, do you?” James whispered in his ear. Chills shot through Regulus’s body as James took control of the broom, and they flew straight up into the sky.
Higher and higher they climbed until the castle and quidditch pitch looked like toys below them. Then James suddenly changed their trajectory and for a few split seconds they were totally weightless. Regulus lifted off the broom and only James’s arms that were bracketing him and his strong torso kept him from floating away. 
Gravity came back with a wallop and Regulus was slammed back onto the broom, thank Merlin for cushioning charms. James leaned further forward, crowding Regulus even more. He’d never been this close to anyone. It felt wonderful. He wiggled back closer to James, basking in the heat radiating from his chest. 
James flew them around the pitch, showing off his best moves. He twirled around the goalposts and up through the hoops. Eventually, he slowed and spun them in soft barrel rolls until he just let them glide lazily around the pitch. Regulus didn’t want the date to end, but the sun kept sinking lower and lower into the black lake, and they were forced to land or face the wrath of Madam Hooch if she caught them flying after curfew. 
James landed them far more gracefully than Regulus would have given him credit for. They headed into the changing rooms together. Regulus dared to follow James into the Gryffindor one rather than enter the Slytherin changing rooms on his own. 
He showered quickly and was almost finished changing into the clean robes he’d brought with him when James opened his cubical door. Regulus’s jaw dropped. James had wrapped a towel low around his waist and was using a smaller hand towel to rub the water from his hair. His rippling muscles glistened with water droplets, Regulus had the sudden urge to lick them from his chest before they could drop to the floor. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” James asked, but Regulus’s brain wasn’t working. He blinked slowly as the words wormed their way in. He nodded.
“Erm, er, yes, yes. Best date I’ve ever been on.” Wait, what did he just say? He flushed. James seemed to like that and leaned in slowly to press a soft kiss onto his reddened cheek. 
“Next time, I’ll take you to this fairy ring I found in the forest. When they come out at night it’s beautiful.” Regulus didn’t question how James would get them into the forest at night, just assumed he could.
“You want to go on another date?” Regulus asked, his voice trembling ever so slightly. James knelt down and cradled Regulus’s face in his hands.
“I want as many as you’ll give me,” He murmured, before closing the gap between them and kissing him.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year ago
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florian's always struggled to make friends so he didn't really have any back in galar... uh, actually — it might be more accurate is that he USED to have one...
headcanon explanation + bonus under the cut!
like mentioned above, florian has always struggled a lot with making friends. while he's a kindhearted and friendly kid, he can come across as kinda intense to others, ( especially when discussing his interests, ) and that's led to him often being alienated amongst his peers. though he's grown used to being by himself and has learned to not care if others dislike him, he still hopes that he can find at least a few people to connect with outside of his family. it's a hope that's always been present, ever since he was growing up in wyndon.
of course, he wasn't the only loner amongst his childhood peers. around 7 years old, he found a friend in bede fee, who attended the same primary school as him. bede themself wasn't exactly the friendliest kid out there and often had spats with people who made fun of them for their family's low-income status, but florian managed to get them to warm up to him. the two got along pretty well and found comfort in having a friend that seemed to understand them, both being lonely kids who were often picked on by others. after a while, they became pretty much inseparable as they frequently played, read, and laughed together. to florian, it didn't matter that people picked on him just as long as he had bede there to be his friend. bede shared a similar sentiment... at least, at first he did.
admittedly, florian has a habit of resting on his laurels when it comes to things he doesn't have an interest in improving. ( it doesn't matter if he isn't as good of a battler as his sister, all he needs is to be strong enough to keep himself safe during field research. it doesn't matter if he's ostracized amongst his peers and looked down upon, he's alright as long as he has someone to call a friend. etc, etc. ) bede, however, couldn't keep themself from caring about their place in the pecking order. they were sick of others looking down on them, sick of others thinking they were better than them. they just couldn't understand how florian could stand people treating him poorly without getting angry. over time, frustration and resentment towards his attitude festered inside them. these feelings were only exacerbated by their struggles at home and being sent to the orphanage. while they would still call each other friends, their bond had definitely become strained.
everything came to a head when they were both 11 years old, when rose visited bede's orphanage and his acknowledgement caused a major shift in their personality. after all, someone that important seeing their potential surely meant that they better than their peers, right? they soon became much more pompous and rude in nature. florian still stayed close by despite bede's worsening attitude towards him, but it wasn't before long until all of their pent-up feelings came flooding out. their friendship ended with massive fight, with bede telling florian that they were sick of being weighed down by an " annoying pest " like him. while they expected for him to take their cruel remarks in stride like he always did with everyone else, bede couldn't help but feel a little guilty when florian ran off in tears. the two stopped talking after that fight and ever since then, there's always a worry in the back of florian's mind that his friends will eventually get sick of him like bede did. ( thankfully, the friends he's made since then have helped make him feel a lot more secure in their relationships. )
apologies for the long-winded explanation, here's the bonus i promised to make up for how sad this hc got :
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the goofy ass side effect of coming up with this headcanon is realizing that they accidentally shaped each others' taste in guys rip
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doriandrifting · 2 years ago
POV: You’re Robin Buckley and Mike Wheeler forgot to rewind his VHS rentals before returning them again.
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veg01 · 6 months ago
Passed my NREMT exam! I’m now a certified EMT :)
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roylustang · 1 month ago
i like looking at people’s registration tags on their license plates bc I a) like knowing people’s birthdays (or birth months at least), b) figured out that the years are color coded and am trying to find all the colors for the next 5 years and c) want to catch someone with expired tags for no particular reason
as for c) I’ve been doing this quite literally for months every time I drive and I have never once seen someone with expired tags UNTIL TODAY where I caught not one, not two, but THREE entire people with expired registration in ONE DAY. This will never happen again
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corpseybun · 5 days ago
So like are we just fucked if we ever want to date.
Bc being plural has scared friends away already. I can't imagine dating when there's sm pluralphobia (is that a thing?? Like, is that the right word? Idek man) out there.
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handweavers · 2 years ago
every time i teach a natural dye workshop they sell out and i get people asking me when i'm doing more because they couldn't get a spot or they couldn't make the date of the workshop and i have to say that i'm not sure & it's bc i don't actually know how people organize teaching a workshop (particularly where to host it) when it isn't being done by an organisation that's hiring me to teach for them 😭😭 i need to figure this out bc once i do i could be teaching workshops year round on my own schedule and more people could access this craft but idk where to hoooost themmm
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lnane · 3 months ago
Real stressful during holiday season. Due to all the holidays and weekends being cramped together like this, i wont get the money i need for the final bit of rent until the 30th. And j dont know if that transfer will be processed until after new years
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voltrons · 1 month ago
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d3athwish · 4 months ago
it was like almost 500 dollars for 2 mezzanine seats at standard value so i exited out of the checkout window and decided that i was not doing that today
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bighandsforabigheart · 10 months ago
I take back what I said about everyone ignoring the fact that libraries exist and there's no excuse to pirate because why does California libraries charge you $5 for interlibrary loans (non-refundable even if it was unavailable) when they have a crappy catalogue of maybe 100 books and 5 dvds they only have because someone donated it
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backlikeineverleft · 2 months ago
note: don't book hotel accomodation at 4am... because you might get the dates right but the month wrong... so now I gotta pay a cancellation fee 🙃
let's hope this gold membership let's me wriggle my way out of it.
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boycock-boycunt-boyslut · 11 months ago
azrael arrived !!! i do not have the grim plushie because i wasn't playing the game when it went live... so i think i just stole azrael from grim
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hideawayfairy · 1 year ago
PSA Regarding Official Hellaverse Merch
Wanted to make this post because of listings I've seen with scalpers. Also, please note that this is for official merchandise, not fan-made. I should also note that I'm not an expert, but I have bought merch before from SharkRobot and this is all based on my own observations.
Alright, so for the most part the merch can be broken down into 3 Categories: Limited Stock, Limited Edition/Run, and Last Chance.
Limited Stock
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If something is marked as Limited Stock, that means that there's only a certain quantity available for purchase. If it is only marked as Limited Stock, then that usually means the item will be restocked albeit at a later date. So if you're trying to save money and can't afford it right now, then I'd say it's best to hold off on purchasing the item. I would strongly advise that you don't go buying it for a higher price being sold by someone else.
Limited Edition/Run
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Something that is marked as Limited Edition (or Limited Run in the case of apparel and certain playmats) means that not only is there a certain quantity available for purchase, but that once it is sold out it will not be restocked. There's a distinct difference between Limited Edition and Limited Run: there's no real ticking clock for Limited Edition items as it's all first come, first serve.
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Limited Run, on the other hand, does have a time limit. The merch announcement videos will usually tell you when you can buy the apparel/playmats and by what time.
*Note: There is a chance limited run apparel can come back, but there's no guarantee on which designs it'll be or even when it'll happen.
Last Chance
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Last Chance is for any item that SharkRobot has absolutely ZERO intention of restocking once sold out. While this category can include Limited Edition items, it is important to remember that any item can fall under this category.
I hope this will help anyone whose looking to buy official merch and be wary of the prices certain items get resold at. Another observation I've made is that most Hazbin Hotel (pilot) merch on SharkRobot usually falls under either Limited Edition or Last Chance these days so take that as you will. Feel free to share around and include any corrections that may be needed.
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