#Fear Bishops Fear Bishops F
spiderin-space · 13 days
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Sometimes you just gotta make a self indulgent crossover/au for Yourself and Yourself Alone
(Feat. @fanofthelamb ‘s Vitas in the last one)
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Who Are You People?!
Yelena Belova x F!R (Platonic)
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Yelena had a tendency to bring home strays, and it had always bothered you, until one day it didn’t. WC: 1,929
Request(via dm): “could you do a imagine where Yelena keeps bringing home random animals and even people and drives the reader up the wall” | I gave it a cute little romance spin
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Yelena had a tendency to miss signs. Trained as she may be, with the discipline to prove it, she just never was much for understanding the social norms. So, you had learned to adapt—after that first night as roomies, when she told you everything she’d done and been you hadn’t much of a choice. There was no such thing as a filter, she believed in open conversations, which didn’t bother you. It was her belief in the open doors that did.
The first time you came home to one of her eccentric guests you were startled into losing your groceries. A frown befell your face as the soy milk box spewed its contents on the floor along with the yolks of your eggs.
Fanny, as you’ve learned to know, and love her as, was there to lick up the mess. After she’d finished licking your cheek in a rushed greeting, she’d disposed of your hard earned money in the form of the wasted food.
Yelena had apologized, and for some odd reason you believed she took the hint after the entire ordeal.
Then you came home a week later to find her nowhere, but your house sure wasn’t empty. Five woman in various positions all looked up at you with fierce eyes. One of them raised her arm, and the loud whirring told you all you needed to know. These were widows, and the pain you were about to feel would be hellish.
“Oksana, put your arm down, this is just Y/N,” your roommate admonished her friend with the black hair, “Honestly cyka, you should be able to see she is of no real threat, or have you lost touch with your eyes?”
Then the blonde turned to you with a genuine smile, as if she didn’t nearly get you fried, then call you weak. “Would you like to join us for game night Y/N/N?”
You sighed harshly through your nose, tempering the anger you felt for the sake of your new friend’s heart. She was strong, but you could also tell she was soft, and breaking her spirit for her lack of social understanding, at no fault of her own, would be cruel.
“Sorry Lena, but I have to be up early,” you lied, and gave the girl a quick hug before heading upstairs to your room where you enjoyed the needed solitude.
Occurrences like that became normal, the random game nights, and the alarming amount of new animals you found yourself feeding, and faces you’d forget. Yelena trusted easily, as in, she knew that if anyone she brought home on a whim would try anything, she could handle them without even breaking a sweat.
You put up with just about everything—if she had a mission gone wrong, her stitched up field partner, a cheery girl by the name of Kate Bishop, would sleep on your couch and greet you with sudoku and breakfast.
That first meeting was terrible too, as you’d stumbled into your dark house and threw yourself on top of her. It ended quickly, with Yelena coming downstairs with a gun and you and Kate in opposite corners screaming.
Her in pain, and you in fear. You had left to bed embarrassed, and woke up to laugh about it with her.
You don’t mind the archer, but you would have liked a heads up. You always wanted it, but never received it, and slowly but surely a festering of resentment resided.
Everything honestly came to a head last night, when you finally agreed to spend the night in a shitty bar with your favorite coworkers. You’d let loose way beyond your limits, and as you were rushed into the house by a equally drunk friend all you wanted was to make yourself a mug of tea, grab a snack, and sleep.
Yet when you went to make yourself something you found that your tea was used up, the kitchen was a mess of wasted food and dishes, and Yelena’s strangers were all asleep around the place, one even in your bed.
“Yelena!” The blonde cringed from her place on the balcony, where she stood with a dying bud in her hand. She hoped you’d go home with a friend, or a stranger of your own, so that she would have been able to clean up the mess that had occurred from a party gone bad.
You never told her to stop, but she always saw in your eyes that you didn’t trust her process of friend making. The truth was the blonde just liked the freedom to choose. No one could tell her the man with the eye patch on the corner was bad news, and make her stop talking to him. He told her stories about his life as a young man, and how it ended him here, she believed that no one was undeserving of sharing their stories.
Still, she felt guilty for letting these friends inside to trash your place. Kenny was never meant to be in your room, let alone be allowed to sleep, but she was just too drunk an hour ago to care about removing him.
You waited with your arms crossed for her to join you in the kitchen, and when she entered you let loose. “Yelena, I do not care who you keep as company, but for the love of God never let them in my bed again, give me a heads up from now on, and keep the place tidy!”
The blonde blinked a few times, having expected your tirade to be more venomous, but she appreciated that it wasn’t. You were clearly mad, but you weren’t rude.
“Okay, I’m sorry you can have my room tonight, and I promise everyone will be gone by morning Y/N.”
After that conversation she seemed to understand that just letting anyone in, without at least a heads up, was poor etiquette, which wouldn’t fly. The blonde strived to be the best roommate, she once told you she would be so good that they’d have to give her the crown for it.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her it would never happen, actually, you had the big heart that led to you leaving an emerald bejeweled crown for her on the counter one morning. The childlike smile she wore was enough to keep you from regretting it when she wore it all day and made you read the congratulations they’d (you’d) left for her. It made you feel warm inside to be able to help the former assassin heal her inner child.
But now, as you stood before a stunning woman in nothing but a raggedy shirt and old white, cotton panties you were feeling that regret return and double.
When you went to sleep last night you were once again not informed to be prepared for strangers in the form of guests. In Yelena’s defense though she wasn’t exactly expecting this one, so she rushed out the door with an excited Fanny and whispered to her sister to keep it quiet so you could sleep off your night out on the town.
Unfortunately, the sound of the front door closing was enough to rouse you, your eyes opened and a groan slipped passed your lips as the bright sun beamed into your face mockingly. After a moment of calm you felt a headache burning behind your arm covered eyes, so you headed down the stairs to get to your kitchen for a cup of water so that you could take an Advil and crash.
“I, um, I’m sorry,” you managed to squeak out, and in an embarrassed rush you turned on your feet, but before you could even move up a step you were halted.
“Hey,” she rasped, and watched in amusement as your spine shivered before her very eyes. “There’s no need to apologize darling, this is your house after all. I’m sorry to have barged in, but I needed somewhere to lay low for a while. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”
Your stomach swirled with aroused tension, the pet name, the gritty tone of her voice, and the intense look in her eyes had you going weak in the knees. It showed as you stumbled down the last two steps and skirted to a stop just before her. “No, it’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting company is all. I’d have gotten dressed.”
Natasha was suave with the way she pushed your bodies together, using the wall to keep you trapped against her, and unable to avoid her temptations. It was only a breaths time for you to find yourself there.
“I can assure you honey,” her hand fell to your thigh and your heart raced incessantly. “I don’t mind.”
“I don’t either,” you admitted, but felt too seen so you continued on, “That you stay here, to lay low, that is.”
“Oh,” she teased, with the lightness in her voice, “I’m so glad to hear that, because we will have the chance to get to know each other better. Maybe we’ll even…”
You wanted to know what might be, but fate decided to leave that for another day as the door flew open and Yelena shrieked, “Oh my god, no, Fanny girl cover your eyes!” You looked over in confusion. “Natasha, unhand my roommate now!” The redhead rolled her eyes, and stepped back with a smirk as you whined at her loss.
You hadn’t a chance to protest—or even say goodbye, as Yelena reached for her sister’s hand and pulled her away, fighting with her in their mother tongue.
“Chto s toboy ne tak.”
(What the fuck is wrong with you?)
“Mne? chto s toboy ne tak?! ona velikolepna, i ty derzhal yeye ot menya”
(me? what's wrong with you?! she is gorgeous and you kept her from me)
“Ona zapreshchena, Natal'ya”
(she is off limits, Natalia)
“Eto ne to, chto skazali yeye glaza.”
(that's not what her eyes said)
The door slammed and you didn’t even flinch, too busy daydreaming about the moments prior. And for the first time since Yelena had become your very own (craigslist found) roommate you didn’t mind the thought of getting to see one of her guests again; Natasha had made her mark on you in record time.
That night, Yelena came back with her head low, and elder sister in tow. The redhead smiled triumphantly as she winked at you, your nervous gaze fell, and in her hands laid a sleeping kitten. “Y/N, meet Liho…”
You chuckled in amusement, and scooped the kitten up and settled her into your lap. “What’s so funny detka?”
“It’s just,” you stifled another rude laugh. “Yelena’s strays have never brought one of their own before.”
Natasha took a second to process your tease as she sat beside you, eventually she leaned forward, her chin resting on your tense shoulder. “I am more so a lone wolf type, no one’s stray. I plan on sticking around for a while too, so I hope you don’t make it a habit of being so bare in front of my sister, save that for me instead.”
“Also,” she scooped the sleeping kitten up and onto her shoulder, “Liho is no longer a stray, she is a house cat.”
Yelena settled beside you, frowning, “I’m sorry Y/N…”
“Don’t be,” you shrugged her off, and patted her knee before you followed the trail of her sisters upstairs.
Yelena huffed, and snuggled into her Akita’s fur. “This is why I prefer dogs to people. They are so overrated.”
R (for real)
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come back home (i'm afraid of disappearing) [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: kate comes home after a rough night out patrolling the city to find you waiting for her. despite the argument the two of you had earlier in the day, you do everything in your power to comfort your girlfriend.
warnings: mentions of an argument; small injuries [cuts and bruises]; hurt/comfort; weird metaphors; kate being a cute dork who is trying her best [and failing a little]
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: kate bishop deserves all the hugs in the world. send tweet. title is a loose translation of a lyric from torna a casa by måneskin [apologies for the sudden ending, it's cute though?]
* * * * * * *
The sound of the front door slamming shut wakes you from your slumber. You wipe the sleep from your eyes as you wait to hear your girlfriend's footsteps coming into the living room.
A few minutes go by without any sign of her so you slowly get up from your spot on the couch, careful not to bother the golden retriever lounging next to you. Your steps are soft as you make your way toward the kitchen, assuming Kate stopped to get a drink of water before changing out of her Hawkeye suit.
You can't help but let out a small gasp once you finally find her leaning against the fridge, her suit battered and torn.
Her eyes snap open when she hears you and you can clearly see every ounce of fear she usually keeps hidden deep inside of herself on her features. “y/n? What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” you answer softly. “Guess I'm the one who got the surprise, huh?”
The humor in your tone seems to go unnoticed by her and you watch as the dam behind her eyes breaks. Those usually vibrant eyes you love so much turn stormy in seconds and the tears start falling before either of you can say anything.
You're in front of her in a second, your arms reaching out to comfort her without a second thought. She crumbles in front of your eyes and the sight alone breaks your heart. The feeling intensifies, however, when you finally realize what she's mumbling into the crook of your neck.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
You’re not sure if she’s apologizing for your earlier argument or for whatever happened on her late-night patrol of the city. You don’t care, either way, your worry overpowering any sense of anger you might still hold after your fight.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Katie.” Your words are soft as you run a hand through her hair.
Her tears are cold against your skin and you want nothing more than to take her pain and place it inside yourself.
You don't know how much time passes, all you know is you hold her against you until her tears dry out and her sobs die down. She's still shaking but she pulls away from you and you already know what she's going to say before she opens her mouth.
“I mean it,” you rush out before she can get a word in. “You don't have to apologize. For anything.”
Whatever protests she had die on her tongue and you thank every force you can think of for that. You take her hand in yours and gently pull her toward the bedroom. A million questions swirl around in your mind but you force them away, choosing to focus on your girlfriend instead.
You lead her over to the bed and help her sit. “How bad is it?”
“I’m f-”
“Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, do not lie to me.”
Her eyes widen slightly, both from your tone and the fact that you just full-named her. She stares at you, the remnants of her tears shining against her skin. “It's not that bad…I've been through worse.”
You assume the words are supposed to be reassuring but her tone doesn't match. For the first time since you met her, she seems defeated. Like she's finally been crushed under the weight she carries on her shoulders every day.
You feel like you should say something but there are no words to describe what you're feeling so you settle your attention on the cuts scattered along her face. “You're bleeding.”
You attempt to move away from her to get the first-aid kit but she reaches out to grab your wrists. She pulls you close before you can get too far, looking up at you while you stand between her legs. “I don't care about that. I care about you…about us.”
“Kate...” Your voice is as soft as ever as you reach out to cup her face with your hands, your eyes searching for the familiar depths of her eyes. “Was this because of our argument?”
She gives you a small nod, a few new tears slipping down her face. “I just…I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
A part of you thinks you should be angry with her for being so reckless but you can’t be. Not when she’s looking at you with such pain, such vulnerability, in her features. You don’t know what she needs but you know you’d do everything in your power to help her. You’d steal the moon and the stars from the sky if it would make her smile.
“You do realize you proved me right…?”
The corners of her mouth lift up the slightest bit at your words. “I do, yeah. That almost hurt more than the punch to the face.”
“You’re an idiot.” You shake your head, a small chuckle falling from your lips. Despite the heaviness of the situation, you’re happy to see her smiling again.
“But you love me.”
There's a hidden insecurity to her words that most people wouldn't catch.
But you're not like most people.
"I do," you reply softly. "I love you…no matter how big of an idiot you are sometimes."
The little grin on her face grows until it's a full-blown smile and the sheer amount of beauty it radiates leaves you speechless for a few seconds. You wipe away her remaining tears with your thumbs, your eyes scanning her face again.
"I'm okay." She turns her head to the side and gives the inside of your wrist a tiny kiss. "You're cute when you're worried."
"Then I must be cute all the time."
She gives you a small nod, her eyes glued to your face. “You are. You're incredible. I don't deserve you.”
“Don't say that-”
“I almost lost you, y/n. Over a stupid argument I should’ve never started. I'm an idiot who doesn't deserve you."
There are a thousand words on the tip of your tongue but they all feel insufficient when compared to the way your heart beats when you're around Kate. You could round up all the poets in the world and have them all write a thousand different poems about what you feel for your girlfriend and it still wouldn't be enough.
So, instead, you lean down and capture her lips in a soft kiss.
Her arms wrap around your waist and she guides you onto her lap without breaking the kiss. You pour all the feelings you can’t put into words into the kiss. All your fear, all your worry, but most importantly, all your love.
You pull away from her to catch your breath. Your voice is barely above a whisper when you speak again. "You're not going to lose me, Katie."
"You mean that? Even after what I said?"
You're reminded of your earlier argument once again and you can't hide the frown that makes its way onto your face. "We both said things we didn't mean."
"Yeah, but I was a total jerk. You were just looking out for me and I lashed out at you." Her voice cracks under the weight of her emotions.
"It's okay," you reassure her, your thumb drawing soft circles onto her cheek. "I promise we're okay."
She doesn't say anything in response, she just leans in to kiss you again. You let her pull you as close as possible while you enjoy the feeling of being back in your girlfriend's arms after the day you've both had.
There's nowhere else you'd rather be right now.
“You’re wrong, by the way," you mumble against her lips. "you deserve the world.”
“Well…” She trails off, the subtlest of smirks on her face as she pulls back to look into your eyes. “You’re my world.”
You shake your head at her while she laughs, the sound filling you with nothing but love for the archer. “Smooth, Bishop.”
“I love you, y/n.” The humor in her tone fades away into something more sincere. “And I know I’m a reckless, stubborn, idiot but I’ll always come home to you. No matter how bad things get out there. You're my safe place, you know?”
You lean in to give her another quick kiss. “I know. You're my safe place too. I'll always be waiting for you.”
“Great!” It startles you how quickly the sadness fades from her eyes, even if there are still a few traces of it on the rest of her face. “I think I deserve some cuddles now.”
"I don't think so. I love you but you need a shower.”
She pouts but you don't give in. Determined to resist her puppy dog eyes. After a few seconds, she sighs. “Fine…but afterwards we can cuddle?”
“Yes, Katie. Shower then cuddles.”
In an instant, her strong hands grab onto your waist and she picks you up. You let out a yelp as she drops you onto the bed before running off toward the bathroom. "I'll be right back!"
"Kate!" You yell out after her, unable to stop your laughter. "I still have to clean those cuts!"
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blissfulip · 6 months
On AO3
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Priest!Viktor x F!demon!reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Priest Kink, Blasphemy, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Flagellation, Demon Sex, Demon Summoning, Demon/Human Relationships, demon reader, AU - Canon Divergence, Post medieval era, Dubious Science, Church Sex, Roman Catholicism, Catholic Guilt, Improper Use of Catholic Rituals, Shameless Smut, Masturbation
Cw: blood, self flagellation, masturbation
Words: 1.7k
[A/N: extremely blasphemous, but again, you saw the tags. Please read at your own risk! (also, let me know if you want to be tagged or removed in future fic updates!)]
Tags: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @chemical-killjoy @jinxed-jk @bobobomao @queen-of-elves @thedustybunny @syren201 @thayfass @thehistoriangirl @hypocritic-trash-baby
Playlist made by my baby Soln <3 @ihopeinevergetsoberr
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
 There is a certain comfort in fear. When you see what awaits you at the gaping, harrowing mouth of hell, knowledge of the place you must avoid, ultimately, is power. There was a time when Viktor pitied those who did not know—those who lived despondent lives, unaware and unafraid of damnation. Recently, he had found himself wishing he knew less. 
 A ravening beast with a thousand bloody teeth, inside its mouth a cauldron, and in it the souls of the accursed with sin, boiling over scorching flames as legions of fiendish demons dragged in multitudes more. This image plagued Viktor’s mind without rest, be it vividly in his dreams, in the colossal fresco at the entrance of his local cathedral, or in the comical props onstage at the theater plays. 
 The parish clergy that had taken him in as a kid had made the mistake of noticing his outstanding intelligence and awarding him time to dedicate to studying philosophy, a privilege that many of the choir monks and lay brothers did not receive. In university, philosophy had turned into physics, and soon that turned into astronomy, which he had to keep a secret on account of the recent prohibitions put in place by Paul V’s Inquisition over the study of Copernican theories. 
 After he was ordained and returned to his home cathedral, this once silent yet innocent interest had turned into complete secrecy, and the fear of God that had once given him solace now tormented him. At times he considered giving up on his work; the mechanical objections of Copernican theory should not be of this much significance to him after all; there had to be something of value in what Thomas Aquinas had to say, and perhaps Agustine of Hippo had some good points. Nevertheless, it was the night sky that called to him, and even this far from it, he could not escape. 
 But outside the church there is no salvation , and Viktor knew that even if he was never to be condemned as a heretic in life, what awaited him in death was a flaming tomb at Epicure's side. Quod extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
His parish was a pious one, but Viktor would refuse to receive lithe from the members of his church. The first time he tried this, the bishop was immediately alerted, and he was secluded to live in the small room inside the chapel as a ‘punishment’ for his impertinence. Viktor did not mind; the lands he had been previously allotted were too much to care for on his own, with cleaning being especially hard once his leg would start tiring out, and the presence of the personnel of lay brothers that would follow him around made his studies impossible; thus, the contained space of the church was comfortable to live in on his own.
 It had been a particularly cold morning. The week before, he had received word of the imminent visit of his diocesan bishop, and the impending possibility of his stay at any moment in the near future had tied his eyebrows into a permanent knot and his shoulders into a tense bundle of nerves since that morning. 
 To his dismay, the state of his works had made no decent progress, his journal being nothing more than a few numbers and three words on a painfully empty piece of parchment. He understood Latin; he had studied it at length in university, but when he took a break to read the Bible, the words on it floated around aimlessly, in a messy concoction of nothing. 
 “Per fidem enim ambulamus et non per speciem,” he repeated to himself in a whisper, and then closed the pages lethargically. 
 He read the cover of a white volume that had been lying on his desk for over a month now. He was sure he would have possibly agreed with what Foscarini had to say, so the feeling of dread he felt every time he laid eyes upon the title was mystifying to him. Though it made sense after some reflection, he was afraid. 
 When he read Copernicus, it felt distant, a world he was only a visitor in, but the Foscarini was a carmelite father, one of his own that was now nothing short of a persona non-grata in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church. Viktor was afraid that what he had to say might make sense and that he might be so correct in his observations that this knowledge would drag him into the same status. 
 In retrospect, he should not have read it. 
 In fact, opening the cover was a big mistake on its own. Not even 3 pages in, the door of his room unceremoniously barged open, revealing the full figure of Father Isodore. Viktor and him never really got along; his time in the monastery as a kid was full of rule-breaking and inappropriate questions, and to Father Isidore’s dismay, insatiable curiosity remained Viktor’s fatal flaw well into his adulthood. 
 Not a single word was uttered as he carried his sunny disposition and rubicund complexion over to Viktor’s desk. There was no use in trying to hide what he was holding; Viktor carried the same guilty look on his face every time he did something he was not supposed to. Once a cute kid trying to hide some innocent misdeeds, his expression had grown into one of unadulterated shame and indignity in the wake of sin, and the bishop knew this all too well. The book was snatched off his hands aggressively.
“‘Epistle concerning the mobility of the earth’,” he read, “would be an interesting read if only as a piece of fiction, and perhaps in a different climate.”
“Your excellence, I eh—”
“Save it. Don’t worsen your sin by bearing false witness.”
Viktor looked down and sighed in resignation, a disappointed sadness creeping up in his throat.
“You are very much aware those texts have been forbidden, but since words seem to slide off you, I hope physical penance can remind you of your depravity,” Father Isidore said coldly as he handed Viktor the whip that usually served as no more than a piece of decoration adorning his wall. “Ten of them, and be intentional. One pater noster after each.”
“Yes, father.”
“It’s a shame; I have come to congratulate you on your work for the community. Repent. ” The emphasis on the last word punctuated his departure.
A cold feeling arose in Viktor’s stomach as he looked down at the whip, something akin to fear but also awfully comparable to excitement.
Three deep breaths are what he allowed himself; it would be better to get it over with as quickly as possible. He removed his vestments unhurriedly, only his bottoms remaining as he sluggishly kneeled by the bed, and the chilled air on his back was, in hindsight, not as bad as he thought at the moment. His hand trembled slightly when his grip on the whip tightened, and his jaw locked into a gritted grin as he sucked air in through his teeth.
The first flick of his arm was swift, like ripping away a bandage to make the pain go away as fast as your wrist could tug at it. It did not help; the feeling of the small metal beads digging into his skin was instantaneous, and it disappeared soon, but the burning that replaced it lingered.
“ Pater noster, qui es in cælis:sanctificetur nomen tuum; adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra .”
A swarm of ants biting at the exposed skin on his back was a scorching fire.
“Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris; et ne nos inducas in tentationem; sed libera nos a malo.”
Then it subsided, and the slight chills on his arms were due to something else. He took his time with the second hit, languidly whipping both hands back this time to maintain the same level of strength. The aching this time was different; the burning of his skin was quenched by the few droplets of blood and sweat trickling down his spine. And there was something else—a burning feeling that was misplaced not on his back or wrists but in his lower stomach.
“Pater noster, qui es in cælis:sanctificetur nomen...” He started once again, both hands holding one another around the handle of the whip, closed in prayer as he shut his eyes tightly for concentration. This proved to be fruitless when an uncomfortable tightness in the fabric around his crotch distracted his attention away from the words he was reciting. He tried to continue with his prayer, but an ill-calculated movement tugged at the tender skin of his back, and the brief sting made the already confining feeling worsen, morphing into an odd mixture of ache and delight.
He figured out what this meant soon enough. The conflicting feeling did not originate from any sort of confusion about what he was experiencing; it came with the quandary of his two options: either keep going to conclude his penalty and follow orders, or go against those orders to avoid tainting this sacred act with his depravity.
He unlaced his trousers before going for the third whip. The aching feeling on his back was almost completely gone, replaced by a numb tingling along the wounded skin and an unbearable heat in his groin. The fourth hit was one-handed. Right hand wrapping tightly along the handle and left hand mirroring the grip around his cock as he pumped himself mechanically. When the metal hit the skin, a jolt of what felt like electricity traveled all the way down to his stomach, the member on his hand twitching in anticipation.
There was no fifth hit or anything beyond that. A final tug with a firm hand and gritted teeth culminated in his climax, hot viscosity percolating through his fingers as he rested his forehead on the edge of the bed. His chest heaved up and down as he whispered a string of prayers. Shame washed over him.
“Castigo corpus meum.” He repeated incessantly until he had enough strength in his legs to stand.
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
25 years of 'thoughts and prayers'.
Thurston High School
Columbine High School
Heritage High School
Deming Middle School
Fort Gibson Middle School
Buell Elementary School
Lake Worth Middle School
University of Arkansas
Junipero Serra High School
Santana High School
Bishop Neumann High School
Pacific Lutheran University
Granite Hills High School
Lew Wallace High School
Martin Luther King, Jr High School
Appalachian School of Law
Washington High School
Conception Abbey
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
University of Arizona
Lincoln High School
John McDonogh High School
Red Lion Area Junior High School
Case Western Reserve University
Rocori High School
Ballou High School
Randallstown High School
Bowen High School
Red Lake Senior High School
Harlan Community Academy High School
Campbell County High School
Milwee Middle School
Roseburg High School
Pine Middle School
Essex Elementary School
Duquesne University
Platte Canyon High School
Weston High School
West Nickel Mines School
Joplin Memorial Middle School
Henry Foss High School
Compton Centennial High School
Virginia Tech
Success Tech Academy
Miami Carol City Senior High School
Hamilton High School
Louisiana Technical College
Mitchell High School
EO Green Junior High School
Northern Illinois University
Lakota Middle School
Knoxville Central High School
Willoughby South High School
Henry Ford High School
University of Central Arkansas
Dillard High School
Dunbar High School
Hampton University
Harvard College
Larose-Cut Off Middle School
International Studies Academy
Skyline College
Discovery Middle School
University of Alabama
DeKalb School
Deer Creek Middle School
Ohio State University
Mumford High School
University of Texas
Kelly Elementary School
Marinette High School
Aurora Central High School
Millard South High School
Martinsville West Middle School
Worthing High School
Millard South High School
Highlands Intermediate School
Cape Fear High School
Chardon High School
Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Oikos University
Hamilton High School
Perry Hall School
Normal Community High School
University of South Alabama
Banner Academy South
University of Southern California
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School
Taft Union High School
Osborn High School
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts
Hazard Community and Technical College
Chicago State University
Lone Star College-North
Cesar Chavez High School
Price Middle School
University of Central Florida
New River Community College
Grambling State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School
Ronald E McNair Discovery Academy
North Panola High School
Carver High School
Agape Christian Academy
Sparks Middle School
North Carolina A&T State University
Stephenson High School
Brashear High School
West Orange High School
Arapahoe High School
Edison High School
Liberty Technology Magnet High School
Hillhouse High School
Berrendo Middle School
Purdue University
South Carolina State University
Los Angeles Valley College
Charles F Brush High School
University of Southern California
Georgia Regents University
Academy of Knowledge Preschool
Benjamin Banneker High School
D H Conley High School
East English Village Preparatory Academy
Paine College
Georgia Gwinnett College
John F Kennedy High School
Seattle Pacific University
Reynolds High School
Indiana State University
Albemarle High School
Fern Creek Traditional High School
Langston Hughes High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State University
Miami Carol City High School
Rogers State University
Rosemary Anderson High School
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Frederick High School
Tenaya Middle School
Bethune-Cookman University
Pershing Elementary School
Wayne Community College
JB Martin Middle School
Southwestern Classical Academy
Savannah State University
Harrisburg High School
Umpqua Community College
Northern Arizona University
Texas Southern University
Tennessee State University
Winston-Salem State University
Mojave High School
Lawrence Central High School
Franklin High School
Muskegon Heights High School
Independence High School
Madison High School
Antigo High School
University of California-Los Angeles
Jeremiah Burke High School
Alpine High School
Townville Elementary School
Vigor High School
Linden McKinley STEM Academy
June Jordan High School for Equity
Union Middle School
Mueller Park Junior High School
West Liberty-Salem High School
University of Washington
King City High School
North Park Elementary School
North Lake College
Freeman High School
Mattoon High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary School
Aztec High School
Wake Forest University
Italy High School
NET Charter High School
Marshall County High School
Sal Castro Middle School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
Oshkosh High School
Catholic Academy of New Haven
Bellaire High School
North Crowley High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
South Oak Cliff High School
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonora High School
Western Illinois University
Oxford High School
Robb Elementary SchoolThurston High School
Columbine High School
Heritage High School
Deming Middle School
Fort Gibson Middle School
Buell Elementary School
Lake Worth Middle School
University of Arkansas
Junipero Serra High School
Santana High School
Bishop Neumann High School
Pacific Lutheran University
Granite Hills High School
Lew Wallace High School
Martin Luther King, Jr High School
Appalachian School of Law
Washington High School
Conception Abbey
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
University of Arizona
Lincoln High School
John McDonogh High School
Red Lion Area Junior High School
Case Western Reserve University
Rocori High School
Ballou High School
Randallstown High School
Bowen High School
Red Lake Senior High School
Harlan Community Academy High School
Campbell County High School
Milwee Middle School
Roseburg High School
Pine Middle School
Essex Elementary School
Duquesne University
Platte Canyon High School
Weston High School
West Nickel Mines School
Joplin Memorial Middle School
Henry Foss High School
Compton Centennial High School
Virginia Tech
Success Tech Academy
Miami Carol City Senior High School
Hamilton High School
Louisiana Technical College
Mitchell High School
EO Green Junior High School
Northern Illinois University
Lakota Middle School
Knoxville Central High School
Willoughby South High School
Henry Ford High School
University of Central Arkansas
Dillard High School
Dunbar High School
Hampton University
Harvard College
Larose-Cut Off Middle School
International Studies Academy
Skyline College
Discovery Middle School
University of Alabama
DeKalb School
Deer Creek Middle School
Ohio State University
Mumford High School
University of Texas
Kelly Elementary School
Marinette High School
Aurora Central High School
Millard South High School
Martinsville West Middle School
Worthing High School
Millard South High School
Highlands Intermediate School
Cape Fear High School
Chardon High School
Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Oikos University
Hamilton High School
Perry Hall School
Normal Community High School
University of South Alabama
Banner Academy South
University of Southern California
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School
Taft Union High School
Osborn High School
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts
Hazard Community and Technical College
Chicago State University
Lone Star College-North
Cesar Chavez High School
Price Middle School
University of Central Florida
New River Community College
Grambling State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School
Ronald E McNair Discovery Academy
North Panola High School
Carver High School
Agape Christian Academy
Sparks Middle School
North Carolina A&T State University
Stephenson High School
Brashear High School
West Orange High School
Arapahoe High School
Edison High School
Liberty Technology Magnet High School
Hillhouse High School
Berrendo Middle School
Purdue University
South Carolina State University
Los Angeles Valley College
Charles F Brush High School
University of Southern California
Georgia Regents University
Academy of Knowledge Preschool
Benjamin Banneker High School
D H Conley High School
East English Village Preparatory Academy
Paine College
Georgia Gwinnett College
John F Kennedy High School
Seattle Pacific University
Reynolds High School
Indiana State University
Albemarle High School
Fern Creek Traditional High School
Langston Hughes High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State University
Miami Carol City High School
Rogers State University
Rosemary Anderson High School
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Frederick High School
Tenaya Middle School
Bethune-Cookman University
Pershing Elementary School
Wayne Community College
JB Martin Middle School
Southwestern Classical Academy
Savannah State University
Harrisburg High School
Umpqua Community College
Northern Arizona University
Texas Southern University
Tennessee State University
Winston-Salem State University
Mojave High School
Lawrence Central High School
Franklin High School
Muskegon Heights High School
Independence High School
Madison High School
Antigo High School
University of California-Los Angeles
Jeremiah Burke High School
Alpine High School
Townville Elementary School
Vigor High School
Linden McKinley STEM Academy
June Jordan High School for Equity
Union Middle School
Mueller Park Junior High School
West Liberty-Salem High School
University of Washington
King City High School
North Park Elementary School
North Lake College
Freeman High School
Mattoon High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary School
Aztec High School
Wake Forest University
Italy High School
NET Charter High School
Marshall County High School
Sal Castro Middle School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
Oshkosh High School
Catholic Academy of New Haven
Bellaire High School
North Crowley High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
South Oak Cliff High School
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonora High School
Western Illinois University
Oxford High School
Bridgewater University
Robb Elementary School
Michigan State University
Covenant Christian School
***feel free to copy and paste, then share ****
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skyartworkzzz · 5 months
COTL Headcanons ramble
Felt like sharing these in case I take a long ass time to draw it out These are still raw in my mind, so some things may change futurely or the way I explain it might not make sense BUT ALAS it is fun to ramble
Before Narinder was banished, a feeling of mistrust was already growing amongst the siblings, and one of the reasons for such a thing involved envy (except for Shamura, I like to think they were above finding themselves lower or greater than anyone) Ever since a young age Narinder has always been a fast-learner, and quite skilled at everything he did. Gardening, fighting, cooking, strategizing, he was good. Definitely not perfect, but alarmingly good So as time went by, the Bishops grew colder with him until he eventually turned against them all, and thats where their feeling of envy turned into fear. For both of their own lives and their brother's, because that's when they realized his "flawless" abilities were always and clearly prone to turning him into the monster he then became (smtng like Anakin Skywalker if the image I have of him in my head makes any sense-) Naturally, a feeling of guilt lingers in them for not having been able to see it sooner and stop it, but as Shamura pointed out after Narinder was sealed, this was meant to happen. He was meant to be a monster, and a really good one
Aym and Baal were secretly given to Narinder by Shamura; they performed a ritual by themselves and killed the kits to send them to the Gates. When the brothers arrived, Narinder reluctantly took them in and naturally grew fond of the twins as time went by, but because they were sacrificed as offerings, Aym and Baal were half-immortal (something like the Lamb once they receive the Crown), meaning that they still had mortal needs such as eating or sleeping At the time, Ratau was serving Narinder as the bearer of the Red Crown, and amongst the rat's adventure, the god of Death eventually introduced the red chest we use to sell things for gold. He would request Ratau regularly to send in meals and fish in order to feed Aym and Baal (and I feel like a genius for coming up with why that chest exists hi-) When the kits were finally fully grown and well-trained, they ascended to Divine Guardians of TOWW and officially started serving him Despite their Ascension, Aym and Baal were never trapped into the Gates, so they were able to visit the world above but as ghosts of sorts (which means only a few ppl would be able to see them). It was through these ghostly travels that both were able to learn who their mother was and watched her from afar when not serving TOWW
The Bishops were once mortals before becoming bearers of the Crowns, a long time to ago, meaning that they likely have a life they no longer rememeber For the funs and giggles of it, I like to imagine that this "long time ago" for them was around the times animals still did not wear clothes nor knew how to speak aside from their respective noises AUHAUHASDJSD ALSO POSSIBLY LESS HUMANOID I like the thought of them looking either much more beast-like or just- tiny. Very tiny. As the animals they are AUHAJMDKADS
The Lamb doesnt know how to do SHIT aside from fighting. Im writing my Lamb as an artist in my Death After Life fic for the sake of the angst, but in actuality, they do not care about art that much. I like to think that they'd prefer small silly doodles over full-blown paintings, but if they do put in the time and effort, they manage to make smtng Mona Lisa-esque. So the skill is there, but they prefer to not use it unless for smtng specific. Its like those kinds of hobbies nobody knows u have til u make smtng CRAZY yk This also goes for cooking, except they are truly a Terrible cook, in modern AU Lambert lives off from cheap pizzas and dollar-stored cupnoodles u cannot change my min-
Leshy is the one who'd soften up the most for me. Obv still a fcking GREMLIN but I think he'd be much more considerate than his former self My guy would go from "kys /srs" to "kys /j" ALSO I like to think his and my yellow cat's love language is gifts and/or acts of service, theyre oftenly pampering each other out of the blue <3
This idea is still in the approval stages but.............Shamura remembers a bit of their pre-Bishop life. A bit. And that bit revolves around the fact that they might have known love in the past. Perhaps a romantic one, Im still not sure- Which now that I think about it would make the most sense as to why theyre so forgiving to Narinder, since the Bishop of War would probs want anything but peace with those that wronged them, unless they had a good reason not to cause havoc immediately............
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The Dove
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Lavellan x Blackwall
18+ fantasy racism, death, explicit violence, implied abuse, fear, tenderness, injury, hurt/comfort, fingering (f!), oral (f!), p-in-v, unprotected sex
Using the full force of her foresight and the strife within decisions made, Celene's Grand Ball proves to be bloodstained and venomous. Leaving Vella exhausted to old and new injuries, tenderly caught by his soft love...
Masterlist, Prev Chapter
"And now, presenting..."
Blackwall leaned low into her ear.
"If you are... underdressed under that cloak, please warn me now."
Vella slid him a teasing salacious smile.
"Grand Duke Gaspard De Chalons, and accompanying him..."
"Maker, Vella..." He sighed, giving her a knowing glare.
"Lady Inquisitor Lavellan!"
"That's my cue, take my cloak, will you?" She purred, pulling her arms behind her back. Dropping her shoulders to let the heavy fabric fall.
As she stepped forward, Blackwall's breath choked, followed by a rattled sigh. The sweetest sound to her entrance. Striding forward with dark cherry red silk trailing her silent step. Gasps of shock risen on balconies.
The dress had, naturally, been Leilana's idea.
The agreed upon silhouette of Orlesian dress was a structured bell with layered fabric and steel boned corset.
The garment that Josephine had brought to her, special made by a seamstress who must've had a terrible amount of amusement fulfilling, was all draped fabric.
Falling from her hips slick as oil, the plunging back tight to her waist and draped on the sides by bishop sleeves. Only girded by featherbone stays with rich indigo beading, matching the traditional Dalish boots that Blackwall had sewn her. The silhouette was all her, only partially hidden by the heavy drape of a shoulder cape, the red and blue of her entourages color coordinated uniform. The cape hung over her left shoulder, leaving her marked hand to only tantalizing glances.
"Nothing makes one more desirable company quite like tasteful scandal." Vivienne appraised the dress, running a finger over the high neck.
"Yes, a beautiful woman who steals the show and clearly holds thinly veiled contempt for the whole affair? They'll be staring like awestruck children." Dorian's eyes glittered with delight.
It certainly appeared to be working.
Vella strode with cold grace. This ball, this whole disgustingly ornate mansion, was beneath her, and she made little effort to hide it. Moving with the momentum of her hips. Letting uninterest carry on her face under her black blindfold.
By the time she reached the stairs, a quiet murmur surrounded like insect song.
Unbothered, she stared up at Empress Celene. Giving a graceful bow instead of the glare her heart called for.
Gaspard's shit eating grin was barely hidden under his ornate mask. Clearly pleased with the devious spectacle of it all.
After all the indulgent pleasantries were exchanged, Celene stared down her nose at her.
"You've certainly come dressed outside of our custom. Is this Dalish fashion?"
Vella laughed lightly behind her left hand, the gash of green light pulsed deep between bone. All eyes on her.
"Certainly not! I'd be wearing much less your Highness."
"Is that so? I'd be a shame if you couldn't see the decor beyond that blindfold."
"Oh, I can see everything I intend to."
The silver glow of her eyes shielded behind the molded black mask. Tied behind the fall of her golden hair with long silk.
The court was quiet in rapture within their exchange.
The whole of them laid out to her. All she needed to know unfurled behind the curtain of her mind. Bordering on overwhelm that she would need to muffle soon. The rolled elfroot cigarettes in their gilded tin assured in the taut garter on her thigh.
The secrets of all of these hateful people displayed to her at rapid speed. Especially Celene. Simmering rage seared under her easy smile.
I know what you did.
"With your lineage, you must certainly hold opinions on Halamshiral."
How many had to burn to soothe your ego?
"Oh, it's all quite beautiful. I'm sure much thought went into the conversion of the scenery. Sculptures and hedgemazes don't sprout up as easily as the humble orchid tends to."
It was a volley of elegant strikes. Words tossed with the air of nonchalance but beheld with bated breath by their audience.
Vella may be Dalish, but she was no stranger to appeasing the sensibilities of people she hated with the whole of her chest. Years held in the gilded prison of the Chantry taught her very quick that a sweet tongue kept you some semblance of safety.
"I wouldn't imagine keeping your company from our guests any longer, Lady Inquisitor. We look forward to watching you dance."
Vella gave another gracious bow and a sweet smile to her enemy. Striding up the stairs with eyes set only on Leilana as she approached.
"Well played." She whispered as a small smile pulled her cheek. "A word, when you have a moment."
Vella nodded, her own smile already fallen. "I'm going to need a cigarette after that."
"You and me both." Leilana sighed. Stepping back into shadow.
"Please find a balcony first." Josephine urged in a quiet rush. "There's only so much rule breaking that will be taken as alluring here."
Vella cupped her cheek with a gentle hand. "You worry too much. I'm only a savage wandering the most proper of society."
The use of the hateful word was deliberate. Many eyes held on her. Their power to cut her down taken from their mouths.
"Such an awful word!" A younger woman standing at Josephine's side gasped. "I couldn't imagine anyone calling you that!"
"Then you're better mannered than most, but I would expect no less from a lady Montilyet." Her eyes burned with near constant light behind the dark shield. The torrent of Dirthamen unveiled things untold to her as cacophony she focused to discern.
"This must be her!" Yvette giggled brightly behind her hand, blush pink in her cheeks.
"Your reputation certainly proceeds you." Josephine sighed, giving her sister a soft glare. "She's been insatiable for details on... well, you."
"Josephine writes, but she never tells me anything." The sweet yearn in her voice pulled a soft smile from Vella.
She had always wanted a sister. Though she knew that experience varied wildly between siblings, the accusatory stare of endearment from Josephine made her heart twinge with things she could never know.
"What would you like to know?" She offered with a gentle laugh.
"Please don't encourage h-"
"Is it true that Dalish women dance naked under the full moon?"
"Yvette!" Josephine hissed.
"Well, I certainly do." Vella laughed.
This seemed to delight the sweet girl and got her a stern clearing of the throat from behind her. Practically feeling the heat rising up Blackwall's neck.
"My lady, would you like accompanying for some air?" He led in the monotone gruff of his voice.
The flat delivery of his words irked most but she found it endlessly endearing. Especially when her teasing or tenderness softened the cadence.
"Oh, do I need escorting?" She teased, eyeing him beyond the black mesh shrouding her eyes, only seeing the shadow of things. The dark of it staving off the near constant threat of migraine from her untethered foresight.
"We both know that you do." He tried for aggravated, but affection was thick underneath.
"Oh, and who is this?" Yvette batted her lashes at him.
"Go while you still can." Josephine urged.
"I'll find you later, Josie." Vella laughed, led forward by the small of her back through the halls to a balcony.
"You seem to have caught many young ladies' eyes." Vella teased, lifting the fall of her dress to thigh to take a cigarette from the tin.
"Vella, please..." He hissed, sliding behind her to shield the full length of her leg from view.
"Oh, let me have my fun." She shushed, bringing the cigarette between her fingers. "It's going to be all downhill from here. Damn, I've forgotten matches. Where is Dorian when you need him?"
Blackwall pulled a matchbook from his breast pocket.
"Oh, you're so thoughtful." She smiled, leaning into the flame he struck. Speaking through a contented sigh of smoke. "My savior."
"How do you feel?" He leaned down to her.
"Held together with twine and a wish." She sighed, feeling the incomprehensible barrage of information battering her mind dulling. Taking another grateful pull of burning relief.
"But I'm well stocked for tonight, don't worry." She patted her thigh. "Though, if actually do start undressing, I give you permission to tackle me."
"Like at Haven..." He sighed.
The fever of madness had always been terrible. Gods, that whole night weighed so heavy in memory. But it could only be more painful for him.
"We've never really talked about that night, have we?" She whispered, taking in his sweet eyes so creased with worry.
"No, and we're certainly not going to here." The monotone growl filled his voice again, glancing at several suspiciously still backs that had gathered.
"If one more person calls me rabbit... I suppose I should mingle." She sighed, taking a deep pull of smoke. Offering him the cigarette which he waved away, a silly ritual at this point. Another way they played. How dearly she loved playing with him.
She pinched out the cigarette and leaned in to whisper conspiratory to him.
"Don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite."
She could feel his smile as she pulled away.
"I'm going to need a dance from you, my lady!" He called as she strode back inside.
"I'll try to squeeze you in!" She chirped, biting her lip in a smile.
With her heart dizzy with love, she steeled herself to begin her rounds.
The loop of Vella's stride made him exhausted by proxy. With each circle, she passed his post and leaned in to leave a whisper in Elvhen. Often making him stifle a laugh.
"I hope they all choke."
"This place sucks shit."
"That's it, I'm burning it down."
"With us inside it."
He nearly laughed out loud at that last one. Having to stifle it into a cough, nodding in feigned interest at the man prattling on in front of him.
Her echoed resentment of their situation was the highlight of his night so far, but he couldn't help the prickling concern.
She had slept hard the previous night. He wanted nothing less than her to rest, but the longer she slept, the stronger her condition held. He could only imagine the sheer noise that was filling her mind.
She could only hold like this for so long before it started to burn. Until it held her down in that terrible seize. Dropping her to the floor to pull rigid as her body shut down, knocking her unconscious to protect her mind from boiling.
It made him furious how the others seemed content to let her do this. The only steadfast objectors to using her as prophet being Cole and himself.
He wasn't naive. He understood the stakes at hand. They were at war, and even a small misstep could be catastrophic. But the way the others saw her suffering as regrettable but acceptable collateral...
He knew her foresight was an invaluable asset, but Maker, how could he not worry? How could he not wish it would stop whispering madness into her, no matter the advantage?
She approached him again just as a man strode forward. Pointing at him as if he knew him. Panic rose higher and higher in his chest as this noble danced around his identity with drunken ignorance. All while she stood studying the exchange with unreadable eyes.
The other concern, the one he was ashamed to acknowledge: Would it whisper to her the truth of him?
Of course she knew he was keeping something from her. She was too clever, too attuned with other people, to not see it. To not feel it writhing under his skin.
Maker, he nearly buckled under the weight when she confessed her own crime. Kneeled cradling the flowers of her dead family, killed by men like him, then taken in turn by her. Shame so hot in his belly he almost vomited when he had a moment alone.
He had to believe he had atoned in some small way. Maker, please let him have. Please let her not be broken by him.
The man finally wandered away, and he steeled himself to dance around her question. He couldn't stomach lying to her anymore. She shouldn't love a man who lies to her.
"Someone from your past?" The gentle prod of her voice made his throat clench. So sweetly asking him to open to her. To unfold into the warm of her.
I wish I wasn't the one you love.
"Drunks think all men with beards look the same." He grunted. A statement he felt true, at least.
"Hey, I didn't know you had a medal of valor!" Her eyes brightened, so delighted to know more about him. "What is that for again?"
She leaned in that adorable way, like she was telling secrets. "I'm Dalish, fill me in."
Darling, please don't trust me. Not like this.
"Valor, mostly."
She laughed, the sound so bright.
Why did you choose me. Anyone but me.
"Fair enough."
Her demeanor fell back to solemn. Hitching her head to follow.
He nearly sighed in relief.
The silent sprint of her feet was the rush of wind through trees. Torn dress whipping behind her. The clash of her party at her back.
Run, girl. You're out of time.
Venatori tried to rush her, but she had already run through them. Dodging through their fingers seconds before they reached. Arrows and blades seeking to strike before she entered the fray.
The toll of bells striking. She could see the precious seconds ahead of their arrival. The pounding of her blood-soaked step a trail led in a circle of time.
Circled. All spiraled.
No, focus. You're here.
She squeezed her eyes. Leaping onto the banister invisible, she sprinted into the ballroom. Running along marble, pulling her bow from her shoulder. The sea of people gathered wouldn't see her until she struck. Ripping the arrow tied from her thigh.
Florianne stepped forward, a wicked smile on her face. Blade poised on Celene's back.
Vella notched her arrow as she slid to a knee. Drawing back in the same breath. Locked in the tunnel of her prey.
But her hand paused. Time she didn't have. Arrow poised waiting.
She saw it.
The future that Briala would bring puppeteering the hand of Gaspard. The Elven Queen in Shadow. It would bring revolution and civil war, further shattering Orlais.
But her people would be free. Free.
But only if Celene fell.
Her fingers held steady on the string.
Breath a hot wave over her lips.
You're out of time. Decide.
She clenched her jaw to ache. Leveling her sight on Florianne.
She pursed her lips and whistled death. An ancient promise of a spirit.
All heads turned up. The Elven servants gasped and covered their ears.
Florianne's gaze wavered as she froze, just as Celene began to feel the threat. Her eyes wide as the blade met her back.
Florianne's head turned.
She released her fingers.
The arrow snapped into the thin bone at her temple. Florianne's eyes rolled up into her skull as her body dropped. Several shrieks rose.
Vella's body appeared under her again. Kneeled in a torn dress and blood smeared.
Here it comes. Relax.
She let her arms fall, sighing out the tension in her body as the guards arrow ripped through her shoulder. Her drawing arm fell useless at her side.
"Good shot!" She laughed, finding the shaken guards eyes.
The pain unfurled then. Her shoulder screamed, the nerve that ran through a lightning bolt. With breath ragged, clutching the wound, she stood. Left arm tremoring uncontrolled at her side. Arrow still lodged firm under the blade of bone.
Good, it would keep her blood.
The guards swarmed around Celene, discovering the knife that had scattered out of Florianne's hand.
Vella rushed forward one last time. Dagger poised along the back of her forearm.
She drove the blade under Florianne's jaw. Straight into the base of her brain. Her body went limp and gave a few short convulsions. More shrieks rang through the air.
Good girl. It's just the muscles. They're gone.
But they shake like me.
It's mercy. You've severed their tie. They'll get to the Beyond kinder now.
Vella released the hilt. Falling to a kneel, letting her arm fall loose at her side with its twin. Gasping hard into the air with head thrown. Blood pooled up the tear of her dress.
The guards backed away from her. Celene's shaken hand gripped her good shoulder.
Vella slipped the locket into her palm as she pulled the blindfold. Celene's empty hand flew to her mouth.
As the last of the silver fell from her sight, she folded Celene's fingers over the locket.
"Find her."
"Twas a clean strike."
Vella smiled, her eyes meeting amber.
"The blade or arrow, Morrigan?"
"I hadn't gave my name, Inquisitor." She leaned against the balcony. "But you realize that."
Vella offered her a cigarette, which she took. Placing the tin inside her sling again. Letting Morrigan spark her fingers in flame to light both of them.
"You're left-handed. A sign of a witch." Morrigan appraised her, cupping her elbow under her breast.
"Dual-handed. Not sure what superstition that's associated with, though."
"Spirit? Siren? Shapeshifter?" Morrigan offered with a sly smile.
"How many of your clan knew about burning elfroot?" Morrigan appraised the rolled paper between her fingers.
"Not many. Our hahren had me chew bark as well."
"Smart. And this gift you have, I presume it has a price? The Pantheon does not give with two hands."
Vella laughed. She already adored this woman. They both spoke as they had known each other for a long time. Perhaps they had.
"Do you even have to ask? Though, I'd rather take a two edged gift from the gods than whatever the chantry worships."
Morrigan slowly spread a smile.
"Oh, I think you and I are to get along beautifully."
"Then you're joining us?"
"For the time being."
"Naturally. I'd never try to pin you down."
"You are sworn to another, yes?"
"I am."
"A pity." Morrigan sighed. Letting her eyes wander Vella's svelte frame. "I will find your apothecary in Skyhold. That shoulder 'tis too valuable to sqaunder. I will be eager to sate my curiosity of your... condition, upon your return. And, do try to have fun tonight. You've earned it."
"You know, I realize I never caught your name." Morrigan paused at the door.
Vella spoke in Elvhen.
"Nothing is more vulnerable than the named."
Morrigan laughed.
"Of course."
She appraised Blackwall as they crossed path. He stared hard at her in distrust, slowing his gait.
"That poor guard is still shaking. He's insistent on apologizing."
"He shouldn't." She smiled as he leaned down onto his forearms on the banister. Finally close again. "It was a clean shot. We could use another marksman."
He chuckled low.
"Celene's terrified of you now. Don't see her giving much fight to recruiting a guard."
Vella leaned her hip against the banister. Closing her eyes for a moment. A full night's sleep, wretched thing that it was, could only go so far.
"Care to share your thoughts?" Blackwall led.
Vella shook her head. Cupping gently under her elbow.
"It went well. I should be celebrating."
"With these snobs?"
Vella snorted a laugh.
"We owe everything to you, my lady. You deserve to take a moment of respite."
"I'm just..." Vella sighed. Her decision heavy on her mind. How she hated this outcome. That anger she couldn't stifle anymore flared in her chest. How she wished to burn this place to cinder. "No... it's nothing. Nevermind."
Blackwall paused. His eyes steady on her.
"What?" She whispered, bristled up her back. Trying to not feel the resentment that sat in her belly.
"You did the right thing." His hand cupped over hers. "Gaspard is a fucking bastard. And Briala will be a good influence."
Tears pooled on her waterline. She blinked them away.
"Would you still like that dance?" He pulled close, cupping the small of her back. Steel blue eyes staring down so soft with concern.
"I'll make a poor partner." She mumbled. Her arm hung limp in its sling agreed.
"Impossible. You're the belle of the ball. Blood soaked and beautiful."
She knew he was trying to cheer her. She wanted to be cheered. But all she could do was lay her head on his shoulder.
He wrapped around her, kissing her temple. Swaying them in a slow circle. A dance all their own.
Vella dropped her folded elbow. The sharp pain a clear signal to stop.
She dropped her good arm. Hanging her head.
Not even able to undress herself.
An old shame filled her chest.
The helpless get eaten. Stand up, girl. You are more use to me as meat than weight. And don't you dare cry.
Could she pull her bow again? Oh Gods...
A badger will chew through a leg in a trap. If it doesn't bleed out, it will be hobbled in the cold. Better to go head first.
The cold of shock unfolded along her spine. She tried to flex her fingers.
"We might need to cut you out of that dress." Blackwall's warm voice came to her back. Kissing a tender greeting on the curve of her neck.
"I can't feel my arm."
"The healer said that would fade. You'll get mobility back soon." He wrapped his hand around her front. Pressing assurance against the crest of her ribs.
"I can't..."
He circled around her. Concern tight in his eyes.
"Vella. Please, speak to me."
Something bad was coming. She didn't know it, then she did. Closing her eyes tight to the silver. Her senses too exhausted to make it take shape. But it was coming. Soon.
"Please, can we get a drink? I want to have a quiet night."
I want to pretend. Pretend this isn't the last of something.
He smiled, kissing her forehead.
"I'm sure Cabot has some good shit stored somewhere. I'll break cabinets if need be."
She gave a small smile and he tilted her chin up with his fingers. His eyes creased in adoration.
"There she is."
Vella tried to lockpick the door of Herald's Rest with one hand, but Blackwall simply shoved it with his shoulder. The latch gave with a whimper of a click.
"You're more battering ram than man." She smiled. Looking him up and down with trailing eyes.
"The chivalrous thing to do is smash down doors." He growled.
And just like that, they were playing again.
She sauntered inside, giving him a beckoning stare over her shoulder.
"Oh, this is what you've always wanted." She hopped up onto the counter, crossing a leg over her knee. "Me all vulnerable, needing a big strong man to help."
"I am going to enjoy this." He agreed. Circling around the bar to rummage a high shelf. Coming around to sit on the stool in front of her.
"You mind spreading your legs, darling?"
She leaned back on her palm, smiling wide as she unfolded her legs. He set the bottle down between the spread of her thighs as if this was standard.
"Oh, if I was a barmaid..." She laughed.
He full belly laughed, nearly spitting out his drink.
"The men would work here for free."
"The chantry would come with torches and rope." She agreed, her own laugh picking up contagious to his.
It wasn't that funny, not really, but they kept going. The back and forth of their joined laughter reignited the other until they were both doubled over. The song of her high keening melded to his deep bark. Collapsed into each other.
"Ow! Ow!" She laughed breathless. "My shoulder! Mercy!" Weakly kicking his side.
Blackwall wiped his eyes, still breathless in his own laughter. "No kicking!"
"I'm down an arm!" She kicked with both feet.
"Alright, that's it!" He climbed up on the bar and nipped at her throat, tickling her with his beard.
"No!" She shrieked, pushing his bicep. "I'm injured! I can't fight back, you asshole!"
He fell into his laugh again. Bracing on his forearm.
"Maker, my side!" He gripped at his ribs.
"Hah! Take that!"
His laugh fell away again, smiling down at her. Cupping her face so tenderly in his rough palm. Then his brow knitted together, letting out a deep sigh.
"Hmm, the brooding look is doing something for me." She teased.
"Is it?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah. I like men sad and wet."
He rolled his eyes but didn't fully return to her playful. His eyes still heavy with something.
"Hey..." She hushed, pushing back up onto her palm. "What's wrong?"
He lifted her in assistance behind her ribs. Leaving his hand there as she sat up close to him.
"Moments like these... when things feel so simple. When it all seems so clear..."
She waited, seeing something building in his pause.
"Like I could do anything with you by my side. Be anywhere. Be someone bigger than myself. It's hard to imagine anywhere without you."
Her heart pounded against its tender cage.
He could feel it too.
"Could you take me to your bed?" She hushed. Her unspoken question clear to both of them.
He cut away the dress with a soft pull of a blade along her spine. Peeling it down her shoulder as gentle as tending a torn petal. Kissing above her bandage in a line.
"My dove with a broken wing." He sighed.
Her eyes flooded with tears. Being treated so soft too much. Too vulnerable. An effort of will to not pull away from it. To allow herself be carried in his palm and not try to bite.
He gently folded her arm back in its sling. Leading her back onto the pelt with the strength of his hands cupped behind her.
"I love you. You're more than I could ever hope for. So much more than I deserve."
He marveled mournfully at her bare fallen under him. Spreading his hand along her ribs reverently.
"There's no future for us with me as a Warden." His palm moved to lay flat above her belly.
She nearly laughed. Then remembered he didn't know.
There's no future with me, either.
"If you're worried about getting me pregnant, I'm going to ask for something from Morrigan in the morning."
"Hmph, that woman... Not sure about her." He grumbled.
Vella smiled and pulled at his tunic, lifting it over his shoulders.
"I like her. She's trouble."
"Of course you do." He sighed, kissing above the curve of her breast. "You're trouble all the way down."
"All the way down?" She wiggled her hips, giving him a grin.
"Cheeky." He scolded. Trailing his fingers down the curve of her hip bone, over the seam of her thigh.
"Oh, if you want cheeky I can turn over." She made to flip onto her belly.
He pushed his fingers into her clit. Rocking slow, mind-numbing waves into her.
"You're staying right here."
"Oh..." She breathed, falling back again. Her eyes glazed as desire pooled warm in her pelvis. Rocking her hips slow into his fingers.
"There we go..." He smiled, kissing around her breast. Trailing over her heart, kissing it with deliberate tender pulses, then returning to her pebbled peak. Pulling the sensitive bundle into the curve of his tongue as his fingers pushed slow into her. Curving up into the place that made her legs shake.
Her mind emptied of all but pleasure. The languidly pulled silk of it wound around his fingers.
"Oh, my love." She sighed in Elvhen, staring down at him with the tender of her heart laid open. Carding her fingers through his dark hair. "My gentle bear."
He looked up at her under his brow. His eyes grew glassy as he trailed kisses down her belly. His gaze steady on her through the water.
"Why are you crying?" She whispered, reaching for his hand.
He wove his fingers into hers as he reached her center. Kissing the golden curls above her sex. His fingers still stroking so perfect into her.
He only shook his head, rubbing her palm with his thumb. Too overcome to speak.
"Then speak to me here." She smiled. Resting their joined hands on her belly.
His eyes closed softly as a crease formed in his brow. Nuzzling into her clit with his nose. Spreading his tongue flat to lap slow waves into her. Savoring each pull like it was the last supp of soup licked from a bowl.
She shuddered with each stroke as his fingers joined with his mouth. The rhythm set to unravel her at her very core. Calling out soft cries as her body slow writhed. The tender touch building to unfold a flood from her pelvis.
"Oh, Gods." She moaned. Starting to feel that delirious pleasure only he could pull out of her.
He moaned into her, the deep of his voice sending tingles of pleasure up her back.
"You're giving me chills." She smiled, closing her eyes to fully fall back. Falling into only her body and the feeling of him washed over her. Not certain he could understand her anymore, but not finding it impossible.
She let it be only her body and his. The devotion of his fingers and mouth. Everything else fallen away. A being of only pleasure.
Her orgasm pulled from so deep in her she wasn't sure where it could end. Letting out a whine she had never made before as her legs curled up. Even the clenches were slow, dragging out until she was panting up into the night air. Barely lucid through the endlessly unfolding torrent.
"You still with me?" He murmured as he rose up her. Undoing his trousers and stroking his cock with the hand that had been soaked with her pleasure, kissing the side of her neck.
"Mm-hmm." She hummed, words still beyond her. Gasping slow labored breath. Holding his wide back as anchor.
He pressed a hand to the back of her knee, angling her open with a gentle push.
"I adore you, thank you, thank you endlessly for this gift." He sighed, lining up below her. Cupping the curve of her face in his hand as he pressed his forehead to hers.
He pushed in slowly. His eyes strained up into lids, groaning low into her mouth.
She let out her own soft cry. The stretch of him sent her pelvis tremoring. Stroking up into that same undoing his fingers found, but beyond that. Pressing into the pleasure deep inside her walls. Filling her to the brim.
"Oh, fuck." She cooed, staring up into his eyes. Her lips fallen open almost in pleading. "Please, slow again."
He nodded, pulling his hips back to rock into her. Kissing her softly in little pulses.
It was unbelievable. Her body sang with pleasure. Babbling out soft cries in Elvhen with each thrust. Pleading in the tongue she was born with. Her own half formed words a new song that she didn't know the words to, but came from deep within the seat of her soul.
She came around him in another keening cry. Grasping his strong shoulder, astonished how fast it had happened. Another building on the collapsed ruins of her as it still crumbled. Tears of ecstasy dripped down her temples. Staring up at him as he unmolded her entirely.
He kissed her cheeks and her forehead, returning his to press against it. Huffing out breath as he picked up speed. His arms braced around her. His face tightened as he started to break.
"Yes, yes." She urged in a fast whisper, cupping his face in her hand. "Cum inside me, please."
She locked her legs behind his back.
"Don't you dare pull out. Fill me until I'm leaking you for days. Please, bear."
He buckled fully into her as his body tensed up into a bow. Gasping out at her words. His eyes lost in his skull.
He pressed his face into her neck, muffling his deep cry of release there. His hips stuttered as he flooded her, grasping with bruising fingers into the other side of her neck. Rushing inside her again and again as his end struck through him. Weeping into the nape of her neck.
Vella woke warm and heavy with rest. Swaddled in what must have been every blanket. Smiling as sleep fell from her as gentle as rain dripped from leaves. Blinking into the soft light.
Then it all fell away in an instant.
Bolting upright, she felt it. Pulling a hand tight to her chest as her eyes lit silver.
The bad thing was here, as certain as the pound of her heart.
This wasn't foresight, this was a premonition.
She glanced down and was confirmed by the carved wooden dove that sat on the pillow. The indent of his head still pressed.
She snatched his tunic and fast draped it around her, struggling with her sling as she rushed downstairs.
A scout met her at the barn door, quickly averting his eyes to her undress.
She pulled him inside, uninterested in propriety.
"Where is he?"
Next Chapter
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He's Mr. Perfectly Fine
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57854026 by howls_library Peter Parker, still a bit of a mess from the world forgetting his identity, is given a task as Spider-Man by Nick Fury to recruit members for a new initiative. This mission pushes him to meet with various young heroes. Why? He doesn't really know, but he fears that with the lack of the usual put together Avengers, he needs to work sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, Kamala's excitement and curiosity are at an all time high when she finds out that a fellow student at Coles Academic High School is also potentially a mutant. A high-achieving senior, volleyball and soccer star, all while unknowingly possesses the mutant gene. Kamala, eager to recruit him for her ideal superhero team, plans to approach him, despite feeling intimidated by his popularity. - Or Peter forms the Young Avengers, which leads to him butting heads with them and having to be their father figure all at the same time. Plus, a new kid just found out he's a mutant and Peter has to help with the whole secret identity fiasco of it all. Oh also, a world ending threat is imminent, can't forget that. Words: 8024, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Ms. Marvel (TV 2022), The Marvels (Movie 2023), X-Men - All Media Types, Avengers (Comics), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Peter Parker, Original Mutant Character(s) (X-Men), Original Male Character(s), Kamala Khan, Nick Fury, Kate Bishop, Billy Kaplan, Billy Maximoff, Teddy Altman (Marvel), America Chavez, Cassie Lang, Harley Keener, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Clint Barton, Yelena Belova, Monica Rambeau, Scott Lang, Kang the Conqueror | Nathaniel Richards, Wanda Maximoff Relationships: Peter Parker & Everyone, Peter Parker/Original Character(s), Bruno Carrelli & Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop & America Chavez & Kamala Khan & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Harley Keener, Nick Fury & Peter Parker, Nick Fury & Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop & Cassie Lang, Billy Kaplan & Cassie Lang, Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Childhood Friends, Not Beta Read, LGBTQ Character, Mental Health Issues, Young Avengers Team (Marvel), Familial Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Love Confessions, X-Men References, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop Friendship, Original Character(s), Minor Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Self-Acceptance, Touch-Starved, Found Family, so much pining its a forest, Coming Out, Protective Peter Parker, Puppy Love, BAMF Peter Parker, Not Canon Compliant, Peter Parker is a Mess, Bi-Curiosity, Irondad, Tony Stark Has A Heart read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57854026
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Could I get kallamar x reader(who's a friend) where he learns reader is sick and blames himself but reader was just born sickly and tends to get sick super easy and it wasn't his fault?
“..and we give thanks to Darkwood for the camellia that grants us good health all year round. With petals red like fervor, this flora nourishes and strengthens us in our time of need. May our farms allow them to grow in abundance this winter season and...”
As everyone in the temple listened to Lamb’s daily sermon, Kallamar stood in the midst of the crowd, towards the back. Although he did his best to pay attention and keep his gaze strictly to the podium, every so often it would shift over to you in worry.
Much like everybody else, your arms were raised in admiration of your great leader, but your face told him a completely different story:
You seemed dazed and exhausted. Being the closest one to you, he could see how labored your breaths were. Shallow and uneven, yet you tried your hardest to keep them quiet.
Over all, you didn’t appear to be in good health whatsoever. And this made the ex-bishop gravely concerned that he had something to do with it.
Ever since he befriended you, he noticed you’ve been sick more often. Almost every other day, you were resting in the healing bay or in a shelter, unable to do much work around the cult besides leaving offerings or giving devotion at the shrines. 
Because of that, you missed quite a few sermons..though Lamb didn’t seem to mind it at all. Of course, they’ve taken in sick devotees before--ones much like yourself.
But while they’ve gotten better with time and only rarely fell ill from there on, it was a daily occurrence with you.
It was..like you were cursed.
‘Were you?’ Kallamar wondered--a question that kept him up at night, yet he was too afraid to ask you about.
It couldn’t be a coincidence that when he arrived to the cult..you started showing symptoms almost immediately. Even though you had a relatively healthy bowl of food while he was being indoctrinated, you felt sick and started the friendship off on the wrong foot.
“..mar..did you hear me?”
Feeling a nudge, the squid nearly yelped in surprise as he looked to his other side, seeing Leshy tilt his head. “I said those flowers are only growing because of me.” He huffed. “This place wouldn’t even have half of them if it weren’t for my powers..”
‘He..still has his divine powers?’ Kallamar was starting to get a bad feeling. 
Maybe his hunch was right. Maybe deep inside, he could still somehow have an influence over health and sickness..just like how Leshy could influence flower growth.
They’ve had these powers all along--their crowns simply amplified them and allowed them to spread an even greater influence among their followers.
Now? These abilities were more subtle. Not as widespread as they once were, but Kallamar feared that he unknowingly caused you all this suffering.
He didn’t mean to hurt you. Did you hate him for it? You surely must.
“D-Don’t speak in the middle of the sermon..” He whispered back to his younger brother. “We’ll be in trouble.”
Leshy just scoffed quietly, but otherwise stayed silent.
Kallamar had almost calmed down, though he was startled yet again as a quiet gagging noise came from you. He looked over in alarm as you sneakily ducked out of the crowd, exiting the temple in a hurry before anyone else noticed.
Feeling guilt twisting his heart, he refused to stay here anymore and followed you outside.
You were sitting near a tree that was a fair distance away from the temple, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. Fortunately, you still had this morning’s breakfast in your stomach, but you had to sit down somewhere before the nausea became too overwhelming.
“H-Hi..are you okay?”
You saw the ex-bishop standing there, looking down at you with a worried gaze.
“Yeah,” you nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. “I’m alright. It’s just-”
“I-I’m so sorry..” His voice broke as he sat down, too--practically collapsing to his knees in front of you.
Tilting your head, your eyebrows furrowed upon seeing the tears sliding down his turquoise face. “Sorry for what?”
“It’s my fault you are constantly plagued with sickness. I just..I-I don’t know why or how but...I can still curse people apparently..” He sniffled, trying to wipe the tears away but failing miserably. It was useless, just like his inability to cure you.
“I didn’t mean to..y-you must forgive me-”
“Wait, did..Leader not tell you?”
“..tell me what?” Kallamar looked at you in confusion.
“I was born sickly.” You explained gently. “My immune system..never caught up to speed with the rest of my body. So I catch the flu and stuff easier than most people. It sucks but..I learn to live with it. Leader understands. They say giving devotion is enough for them, so they’re okay with it.”
“Th-That’s..that’s all?”
“Yep.” You chuckled, though you fell silent as he still frowned, and you shifted closer to him. “You could have asked me about it and save yourself the worry.”
“I didn’t want to be rude..” He muttered. “A-Are you sure it’s not my fault?”
“No. Not at all.”
“...you don’t hate me?”
“Of course not.”
At those reassurances, Kallamar felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders. He was so relieved to learn the truth--though knowing it sooner could’ve spared him from so much stress and anxiety.
“Thank you..” He smiled in gratitude, before seeing you stand up. “Oh! Where are you going?”
“To pray for a better abundance of camelia this winter.” You looked at him with a smile. “Care to join me?”
“Yes..I would love to.” 
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edupunkn00b · 5 months
Meus ex Machina, Chapter 13: Taking Turns
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Edited public domain image of two hands reaching for each other, lit in deep blue and neon green.
Prev - Taking Turns - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Late at night, long after the others have gone to bed, Logan returns to the basement to see Remus. But first, Janus teaches teenaged Virgil how to play chess.
“Are you sure this is a real game, Jan?” Virge had protested with a laugh, smirking down at the pieces Janus laid out. “The horse can’t even move in a straight line!” 
Janus merely shrugged and advanced a pawn. “Quite. And that ‘horse’ is called a knight.” He hid his smile better than Virge hid his eye roll. “My grandmother first taught me how to play when I was half your age. This had been her set.” With Luc and the twins out on a training excursion in the drowned coast, the house had been quiet. After helping Patton bake for as long as his attention span would allow, Virge had meandered into the common room and pulled down the old set.
Despite his protests, he’d taken to the game faster than Janus had. And certainly faster than Janus had expected him to.
Chin pillowed on the backs of his hands, Virge now sat slouched in front of the chess board, scowling lightly. Janus’ black knight made no sound as it captured Virgil’s queen. He hummed and sat back, waiting as Virge assessed the changed board. The boy had been over-reliant on the overpowered piece and neglected his knights, thinking them useless. 
Now, purple-ringed eyes peered closely at each piece.
Janus couldn’t help his little nod when Virge sat up straight, staring at the rook he’d left vulnerable. He was even more pleased when Virge didn’t take the bait and instead moved a bishop to C6 to take advantage of the opening.
“Very nice,” he murmured, pointedly ignoring the proud blush on the teenager’s cheeks. Well, technically still a teenager. Back in his parent’s time, Virge would now be old enough to vote. “With practice, soon you’ll be beating me.” He stepped another pawn forward and folded his hands. “I think you’ve got an even chance of beating Papa Bear if you try.”
“Are my ears burning? Or are you just singing my praises?” Patton laughed, plopping down onto the couch next to Virge. A plume of cinnamon and vanilla-scented flour accompanied his laughter. 
“Jan was just suggesting I challenge you to a game of chess.” He brandished a captured bishop and grinned.
Smile twisting into a wince, Patton rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, I don’t know, Kiddo. I’m not much for chess…” His voice trailed away when Virge put on big puppy dog eyes. 
“Please, Pops?”
“Yes, please, Pops?” Janus added, chuckling when Patton rolled his eyes.
“Oh, alright,” he caved, eyeing the board. “Lemme take the bread out of the oven and I’ll watch you finish this game to warm up, okay?” He squeezed Virge’s shoulder, smiling down with that same indulgent grin he still gave Luc sometimes.
“Deal!” Virge vibrated in his seat, the prospect of actually winning a match giving him fresh energy.
Janus didn’t leave him to bask for long, though. “First you’ll need to get out of check.”
“Wha—?” Eyes wide, he scanned the board, sighing when he finally noticed the rook in striking distance of his king. “How the f—”
Luc’s distress signal censored him, the flashing orange lights giving their movements a stuttered effect as he and Virge leapt to their feet. Virge’s captured bishop rolled under the table.
Worry pinched Patton’s face as he rushed back from the kitchen, tearing off his oven mitts. Their shared fear reflected back at them, Patton's voice nothing but a whisper. "Lukie?"
After his first visit was cut short by Hesper’s alarm, Logan returned to The Muse’s room each of the following three nights. Though V never mentioned how he’d found him in the basement that night, the lack of censure didn’t feel like approval.
So he would wait until long after the sun had set, until HQ grew quiet and his own eyes would grow heavy and he didn’t need to feign his yawns before retreating to his room with quiet ‘good night’s.
With his door cracked open and ears tuned to the creaks and shuffles of the halls, he sat in the window seat, tablet balanced on his lap as he tapped between the camera arrays in a slow loop. First the hallways to the other Mad Lads’ rooms, then the common room, the med bay, and finally, the cameras just outside The Muse’s room. 
Fighting his own drooping eyelids, he’d wait for the hallways to dim and then he’d count down another thirty minutes before wrangling his chair and heading downstairs.
And for each of those three nights, by the time he’d reached it, The Muse’s room had been dark and still. No moving shadows visible through the tiny window, no sounds beyond a faint snore from the little vent Logan had discovered on the second night.
He stayed for as long as he dared, the memory of V’s tight expression in the elevator growing clearer even as drowsiness fuzzed the rest of his thoughts.
The Muse’s breathing quieted, shifting into a peaceful, regular rhythm. Logan listened, head resting against the cushioned side of his chair. The Muse’s room wasn’t completely dark and as his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he made out the shape of a small table, books stacked on top. Real, bound, paper books.
Rolls and rolls of drawings were scattered around the room, some piled beneath the table. A cup sat overturned on the counter, next to a half-filled pitcher of pink-colored liquid.
Logan suddenly jerked in his seat,  and he grunted, the sudden movement sending fire over his shoulder. He rubbed the sore muscle and blinked, belatedly realizing he must have dozed off. The Muse’s room was still dim, his sleep sounds louder now to Logan’s barely awake ears.
He reached out and traced his fingers over the window, the plexisteel cool to the touch. “I’ll try again tomorrow night, Muse,” he promised, then rolled back to the elevator and to his room for his own much-needed sleep.
Four nights. Four whole nights. It had been four whole nights since he’d last seen Machina. Seven nights—an entire fucking week!—since that first glorious visit when he’d peeked outside and stared back at eyes the color of the sky in books.
He’d begun to fear Machina wouldn’t ever return. After that first visit was cut short, The Muse had feared Machina had been scared off Or blocked. But Jannie wouldn’t do that, would he? He wouldn’t actually keep Machina imprisoned upstairs. Virge wouldn’t, either.
Virge could. The Muse grinned and traced another shape onto the papered floor. Back when he and Virge had started testing the cameras and the locks, back before… The charcoal snapped in his hand, ash exploding against the paper. He smeared his fingers through the dusty shrapnel and nodded. Before that, he and Virge had practiced locking each other out from different rooms, testing the boundaries of how quickly they could switch on and off the permissions.
Ro had hated when he’d locked him out of their room, pounding on the door until his fists grew sore. And until Lucas came and made them reset the locks.
“Ha,” he muttered. “Guess that wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had, huh, Ro Bro? Didn’t know I’d be the one locked out of the controls.”
Still no Machina.
He went to bed each night curled on his side, one eye peeking out from the covers to watch the door. He stared at the elevator panel light spilled over the hallway’s floor, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting and wishing for that wobble that might mean Machina was on his way downstairs. He could picture the lights brighten and dance, the little flicker as the floor numbers changed with the elevator’s movements. He could almost feel the rumble of the elevator touching down, that little click-buzz that even Jannie said he couldn’t feel.
He could almost see those bright blue eyes beaming back at him, light not just reflecting, but shining out of them, undimmed by fear or revulsion. Or guilt. A soft glow no-one else had anymore when they came to see him.
Each night, he fell asleep seeing those eyes. Pretending he could see them, at least. That was nearly as good.
But three nights ago, he’d woken—been woken?—by something. It wasn’t the elevator and there was no movement outside the door. But something had pulled him from his sleep, pulled him from his nest and he’d crawled to the window and peeked out.
Face pressed to the window, The Muse watched the slow rise and fall of Machina’s chest as he slept in his chair. His head was tilted at an bad angle—fuck that was gonna hurt when he woke up—but his face was smooth and peaceful in sleep. Machina’s stitches had healed nicely, four thin red lines along either side of his face. The Muse brushed his fingers down his own face, his own scars flat and smooth as Machina’s looked. He nodded. Jannie was now nearly as good at sewing up his damage as Papa Bear was.
The wounds from his thumbs hadn’t gone as deep and Machina hadn’t even needed stitches for his, the shorter, shallow cuts highlighting the curve of his neck and underside of his jaw. He could’ve even gotten those shaving.
Machina sighed in his sleep, turning his head the other way. Good. He’d stretch the muscles in the other direction now and hopefully wake up with less of a crick in his neck.
Shivering, The Muse raced back to his bed and pulled two of the blankets out from their heap and brought them back to the door. Machina had already dressed for sleep, a heavy hoodie—was that one of Virge’s?—layered over a thermal just like his. The left sleeve was folded and pinned up, just like his thick knit sleep pants. No more cold feet, cold cold cold cold feet, no more cold feet… danced through The Muse’s head, but he knew the truth. He’d heard it when the shield fell. 
Machina’s feet were always cold. Cold and aching and screaming for a soft warmth he didn’t know how to give them.
The Muse bunched up his larger blanket on the floor and hunkered down under the other, drawing it up over his head. Machina should be wearing his hood up to trap his body heat better, but maybe it was comfy like it was, gathered up just under his jaw like a tiny pillow.
The Muse copied him, tucking a bit of his blanket between his shoulder and his head and he leaned against the door. If he tilted his head just right he could still watch the little flutter of Machina’s bangs as he breathed.
It was the last thing he saw before sleep finally took him again.
A few nights later, Logan spotted the shadow hopping across the floor as soon as he emerged from the elevator. He rolled out into the hall and smiled back at the face pressed against the window.
“You’re back, you’re back, you’re back! You really came back!” The Muse cried. His voice cracked, hoarse and thick. Tears glistened in the corners of his eyes, his chapped lips stretched painfully over a wide grin.
“Yes,” Logan nodded, steering his chair as close as he could manage to both the window and the vent. “Can you hear me this time?” he asked, watching The Muse’s face as it twisted between a sob and laughter. Without thinking, he reached toward him, hand stopped by the unforgiving window.
“I can hear you,” The Muse nodded. “Well…” He wobbled his head, light glinting against the wetness in his eyes. “Not hear you, but…” As though distracted by his mangled hand, The Muse stared down at it, eyebrows and lips scrunched down, scowling. 
Logan was about to pull his hand away, to keep it out of sight in his lap. Then he heard The Muse’s quiet whisper. 
“Always, always between. Always between,” he muttered and traced the shape of Logan’s hand before pressing his own, fingers splayed, against it. 
The plastic warmed between their palms.
“Do you…” He looked up and met Logan’s eyes. The Muse’s eyes were a clear, bright green, a greener green than his brother’s, undarkened by sunlight the way young children’s eyes looked before they dimmed with age.
He shuddered at the implication.
“Do you still want to come inside?” The Muse asked, voice warbly. Watery eyes stared back at him and The Muse swallowed, visibly bracing himself for a rejection.
Smiling, Logan stretched and pressed his palm against the controls. The door slid open with a woosh, exhaling the scent of sweat and charcoal, paper and tea. The Muse scrambled back, leaving space for him to enter. “I need to leave my chair…” his voice trailed off, unsure if he was asking or telling.
“Yeah,” The Muse nodded, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. “You… You can stay out there if…”
Logan shook his head. “I'm coming in,” he said and launched himself out of his chair and into The Muse’s room.
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aggravateddurian · 10 months
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You will NEVER see a picture of Avery smiling (at least until 'the event'). She's described in my notes as 'pathologically incapable of looking happy.'
Hey guys, say hello to Avery Greer.
She's not from 2077, she's actually a netrunner NPC I developed for my Cyberpunk RED campaign, How to Save a Life, which takes place in 2051.
Avery Greer (she/her)
Known aliases: Ana
Date of Birth: September 7, 2023
Place of Birth: Charlotte, North Carolina, NUSA
Nationality: NUSA
Occupation: FIA Intelligence Analyst, Netrunner
Affiliations: NUSA, FIA
Sex: F
Gender: Female (cis)
Orientation: Lesbian
Full story below
Avery Greer was born in Charlotte, NC in 2023. Her father, David Greer, was a high school humanities teacher, and her mother, Suzie, was a shopkeeper. Avery grew up being fascinated with drawing. She would draw on the walls of her bedroom and would act out if her parents tried to erase them. She eventually transitioned to drawing in books or on tablets, much to the relief of her family, who felt like fighting with Avery to erase the drawings from her walls was like invading Saburo Arasaka's private residence.
Avery also became very into coding, and from there, it basically guaranteed she would become a netrunner. In high school, she was identified by her teachers as being uniquely talented at organising and assembling code. Her talents also attracted another interest, from the FIA, who needed Intelligence Analysts who were also expert organisers, particularly when it came to data analysis and recommending action against threats to the NUSA.
After graduating from high school, Greer was approached by the FIA. She would now work for the intelligence agency as an analyst and offensive netrunner. She received her commission directly from President Elizabeth Kress, not out of any personal interest on Kress' part, but because Kress had taken to using the FIA as her personal hatchet-men.
Her present assignment is Night City, working with a group of agents led by veteran agent Hunter Wilkes (aka Bishop). Their task is investigating a potential plot to bring Night City under the control of a hostile power, possibly foreign, but also potentially domestic.
During the years, she has done many things on behalf of the NUSA, and she is starting to question her place in the world. As time has gone on, Bishop has noted that Avery has changed. She no longer smiles, and the effort she puts into her work has declined, especially since arriving in Night City. She's started drinking more, and has recently taken up smoking.
Worse, Bishop has started to lose track of Avery for days at a time. She claims that she's going dark because she's anxious of being found by enemy agents, but Bishop is beginning to suspect that Avery is up to something. Bishop is suspicious of netrunners, on a previous gig, he was betrayed by a netrunner, who hacked their AV to crash it in a city, and then handed them over to a local militia in exchange for his freedom. He fears that Avery may be planning to betray the NUSA in exchange for freedom from the FIA...
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
(Same universe as the aita for kidnappind my friends friend and aita for beating up like 5 people 3 times)
U/killer-kinfe-skills - 13 hours ago
Aita for accidentally getting my friend's room exercised by a priest
Since my last one did so well, I decided to post another. One of my experiences with the group
So I (16 M) have a friend who feels call L (15 F as she takes so many, so anyways her room let's talk about that monster.
Me and a friend who let's call H (16 F) are invited over by L, as soon as we enter her room it's like seeing a cognito-hazard. She has her closet fucking barricaded with a chair, there are dozens of half-drunken water bottles all over her room, a pencil case in the middle of the room, and a beanbag just facing the wall.
Then I see her setup, it's an RGB gaming pc with like 12 more of those fucking bottles behind the screen, and none of them are empty.
Then she has her bed, this single child gets to experience the bliss of a well made king size bed. Under which is tons of those plastic water bottles packs, this girl has killed more fish than fucking commercial fishing.
Now she has a singular window in her room, and you want to know what it shows? DO YOU?! A fucking brickwall. That's all the view that this room gets.
Now onto the worst of it. Her "lamp", I would not call that "thing" a lamp, it's just wires and a light bulb, nothing to house the wires or any buttons and no lampshade, NOTHING!
We somehow get over that and start talking about her setup it's up to date is all I'll say.
We play some weeb ass fighting game called 'Guilty Gear Strive', and if you know me you know I hate weebs. Anyways I pick funny bed guy because he's a bed. And she's some stupid guy like "happy chaos".
Anyways she says some shit like. "Don't feel bad if you lose 20 times, this is your first time playing." So I go mlg gamer and she's gets pissed, so she proposes a best out of 5. And after a very close match I win, and she releases her unbridled gamer rage, and calls me the "gamer word" while she insults my playstyle. A word a small Asian girl can not say.
Oon after while me and L practice the guitar, H calls a pastor to exercise the obvious demon in this cursed room.
Anyways our music teacher comes and is apparently a pastor, and you can not know the fear of seeing a grown 6" man shake with fear from seeing her room. He tells us he can't deal with this and calls for a bishop for later as it's late
Anyways I come back with my newly returned dad like the day after. When we get there we are met with shotgun bishop, he blows open L's door and let's my teacher do it as apparently, the demon is about wrath and he has a shotgun. And her room is full of paper cranes, it looks even more insane.
So while my dad was abandoning me he was a caretaker of a shrine in Japan, and tells us it's a yōkai and not a demon. So they leave to prepare for tomorrow with more equipment.
Anyway I got knocked out because H sneaked here and scared me, so I got a concussion. And wake up later, H tells me I was out for a day.
Finally the exorcism happens with shotgun bishop, my music teacher, and my dad. They bless us and have L wash her face in a mixture holy water and some temple water, after exercising her room. To test I insult her skills in guilty gear. And she fucking agrees.
She trys to tell me it's fake, but if I did that 3 days ago she would have called me every slur known to man. She then tells me she uses 4chan so I tell her the obvious. "L. 4chan is the demon"
So am I the asshole reddit?
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bleubcrries · 1 year
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It had been three months since the attempt on Willow's life, and Oscar had been inching towards this decision like a knife's edge toward his own throat. It was time for him to go back to Rusalka. In the days, weeks, months that followed the incident, Oscar had scurried back to his faith like a beaten dog. Slowly, at first, and then all at once. Before the first drop of blood hit the throne room floor, Oscar's faith was job security, at best, but it has since turned into the hand around his throat, keeping him from falling over the cliff; saving and suffocating him all at once. Being raised in a monastery, Oscar was sure that he and fear were well acquainted foes-- but fear had taken a new form on that wretched day. It had grown fangs, claws, and a million watchful eyes. It had become the kind of nightmare that followed you into your waking hours; exactly the kind of thing that sends you back to your knees before the Saints. And that's exactly what Oscar had done. One night, after a long, long court meeting about security measures to protect the Queen, he all but burst out of the room. He rounded corners, descended stairs, ran across corridors on autopilot, until he was back at the long-neglected alter of his rectory, falling to his knees. His face was slick with sweat and tears as he squeezed his hands together, the sword of his rosary cutting harsh lines into his palm as his free, shaking hand struggled to light the matches for his alter candles. And it was there that he begged and pleaded for the Saint to take mercy on Willow, to refrain from punishing her for his indiscretions. He had allowed himself to become blinded by lust, love, and greed, allowed himself to remove himself from holiness just to excuse his behavior of falling asleep in the chair beside her bed when he read her to sleep, or sneaking a kiss on the back of her hand, falling in love with her. And the Saint responded by almost taking her from him. He needed her, more than he needed to breathe, but he knew that it wasn't just him that would pay for his sins, were she to be taken from them. She had a kingdom, a husband, a son. They could not become casualties of his sins. It was then that he decided he was doing more harm than good, staying there. The court had long become suspicious of their closeness, every move he made to protect her caused another knife to dimple the skin of his back. He was becoming a shadow of himself beneath their scrutinizing gaze. And shadows couldn't protect Willow from another brush with death. And so, there Oscar stood, before the court, his eyes down and his hands behind his back, as he introduced the man who would soon replace him. "Your highness, gentleman," Oscar bowed reverently, schooling his expression into a neutral one. "This is Bishop Phillip Beasant. He has served as the advisor to Lord Chathman for over nine years, and was my apprentice at the monastery since he was a boy of only eleven. He has experience in political advisement, and worked closely with Lord Chathman in the security measures that protected the Lord's family from attempted assassinations. I trust entirely in his abilities to serve the royal court with the holiness of the Saint." He paused, as he and the young Bishop made the sign of the sword on their chest, as a proper Bishop is meant to do when mentioning the Saint in formal settings such as this. Oscar has yet to make eye contact with Willow, knowing that one look at her sharp, piercing gaze would turn his resolve to jelly and bring an untimely warmth to his eyes. However, he finally lifts his head to look around at the other members of the court, who are all frozen in suspicious confusion, their spines stiff as they look between Oscar and the unacquainted young Bishop beside him. "Bishop Beasant... well, he will be taking my place, as the Noble Minister of this great kingdom. I will be returning to my post in Rusalka, where I can help them prepare their kingdom for the impending famine of this new era of war."
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nani-nonny · 1 year
About LCD, i know he's like a vigilantiy or neutral who walks his own path - with protecting the kids in the shadow - but what would happen if kids got arrested by hidden police city?
Or worst got kidnapped by bishop? (I know rise doesn't have bishop but am putting out a " what if " scenario here).
(If you can add your own perspective with the same scenario but with different leo(s)? Such as DMD, WSD, reunion).
Oooh I’ll have to brush up on who Bishop is, I completely forgot about him. It’s been years since I’ve consumed tmnt content—well, until recently that is haha (I have been rewatching—albeit slowly because responsibilities—tmnt 2003 and 2012 so hopefully I get to it soon)
(A bit of a long post so more under the cut)
But, if the kids were to get arrested in the Hidden City, LCD would easily walk through the front doors and demand the kids be released. If no one complies with his demand, he’ll just walk through the building until he found them. After all, who’s gonna stop the Killer of the Hidden City? They all fear him, and rightfully so. LCD would simply release the kids and guide them to the surface and leave asap.
The arrest situation would be all over the news at the sudden resurgence of the killer, and even if he doesn’t hurt anyone, the city would be in a panic. The kids would be scolded for coming back to the Hidden City and LCD would go back into hiding. For the next few weeks in the Hidden City, many yokai would be afraid to leave their houses unless absolutely necessary. Fortunately for the Hidden City police, crime would be at an all-time low during that time.
If the kids were kidnapped, then that’s another story. (I imagine this would be a petty attempt at getting revenge from LCD.) Yokai would disappear for a few days before returning with pale faces as if they saw a ghost or witnessed horrors that haunt their everyday lives. News would go up that the killer is on the move again and there would be another city-wide panic but word would get out that he’s searching for “his son”. [Context: In the Hidden City, LCD Little Leon is believed to be F!Leo’s biological son.]
Yokai would throw each other under the bus in an attempt at helping LCD so they can save their own hides. LCD would eventually catch word where the kids are and the kidnapper would mysteriously “disappear” (and so would LCD but for an entirely different reason, such as hiding from the cops). The kids would be escorted home and scolded to never come back to the Hidden City ever again.
“Give me the kids and I’ll make your death as swift and painless as you deserve.” -LCD (it was in fact not swift nor painless)
In DMD’s, WDS’s and Reunion’s cases, they all have something LCD lacks: resources.
I feel like WDS F!Leo would be backed up by F!Donnie and track down the kids via their trackers implanted by P!Donnie. F!Leo would be fueled by parental rage and find the kidnapper easily and inflict hell upon said kidnapper while F!Mikey/Raph/Donnie get a few punches in using F!Leo’s body (obviously, he’d allow them to take turns guiding his fists and kicks.) It’d be a quick and easy mission with a punishment lasting weeks—maybe even months. But F!Leo would dedicate a lot of that time making sure the kids are okay and that they feel safe.
“Fuck, kids, you’re okay. You’re safe now, I’ve got you. We’re going home and doing whatever you want. Okay? I’m here.” -WDS
DMD would ask everybody he knows to keep a lookout. And this means Big Mama (this would entail doing something for her in turn, of course), Draxum, and Ripper and Wiler. He would also utilize his celebrity stance in the Hidden City to ask the yokai to keep a lookout for the kids. He would take matters into his own hands and interrogate every villain they’ve fought, which means terrorizing small bad guys like Hypno and Warren Stone. Casey Jr would have to help him keep it together because he would definitely spiral into a tornado of self-guilt.
“Come here, please, come here. You’re okay, right? You’re not hurt, are you? Case, report to everyone we found them. Let’s go home, okay? We can talk about this when we get home. I just need to make sure you’re safe.” -DMD
Reunion doesn’t have to worry too much because he’s incredibly confident in the kids’ abilities. (Well, that and he’d have to be back in the present to be aware that the kids were stolen. For this scenario let’s say he was just visiting but found the lair empty and Splinter alone in the lair.) That’s solely backed up by the fact the kids were able to imprison the krang which is the reason why he holds them to such high regards. He would search for the kids with Splinter’s help and utilize anything available to them. (I think this would be the first P!Splinter sees Leonardo as the leader he expected his son to be—he might tear up at the sight due to how proud he is.) P!Splinter and F!Leo would have to work fast because the portal back to F!Leo’s time would be held open by his brothers. When they do eventually locate the kids, the kidnappers would be beaten senseless then the kids rushed back home without a proper goodbye because Reunion had to go home.
“Are you guys okay? Did I make it in time? I’m so sorry, let’s get you home. What do you need? Dad, lead the way.” -Reunion
This was actually an interesting question ngl and I wish I remembered more about bishop to answer that one too haha! It took me a while to think of how they would react, but I think the easiest was DMD’s.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
No page break used… that’s the point. This isn’t even every school. It doesn’t take into account grocery stores, movie theaters, workplaces, public parks, malls, hair salons, bowling alleys, concerts, dance halls, nightclubs, yoga studios, places of worship, fucking “Independence” Day parades…. The list is endless. We are a sad, inept, violent nation incapable and unwilling to protect even our most vulnerable citizens.
Takes a long time to scroll thru the list and unless laws are changed, the list will get longer.
Covenant School
Thurston High School
Columbine High School
Heritage High School
Deming Middle School
Fort Gibson Middle School
Buell Elementary School
Lake Worth Middle School
University of Arkansas
Junipero Serra High School
Santana High School
Bishop Neumann High School
Pacific Lutheran University
Granite Hills High School
Lew Wallace High School
Martin Luther King, Jr High School
Appalachian School of Law
Washington High School
Conception Abbey
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
University of Arizona
Lincoln High School
John McDonogh High School
Red Lion Area Junior High School
Case Western Reserve University
Rocori High School
Ballou High School
Randallstown High School
Bowen High School
Red Lake Senior High School
Harlan Community Academy High School
Campbell County High School
Milwee Middle School
Roseburg High School
Pine Middle School
Essex Elementary School
Duquesne University
Platte Canyon High School
Weston High School
West Nickel Mines School
Joplin Memorial Middle School
Henry Foss High School
Compton Centennial High School
Virginia Tech
Success Tech Academy
Miami Carol City Senior High School
Hamilton High School
Louisiana Technical College
Mitchell High School
EO Green Junior High School
Northern Illinois University
Lakota Middle School
Knoxville Central High School
Willoughby South High School
Henry Ford High School
University of Central Arkansas
Dillard High School
Dunbar High School
Hampton University
Harvard College
Larose-Cut Off Middle School
International Studies Academy
Skyline College
Discovery Middle School
University of Alabama
DeKalb School
Deer Creek Middle School
Ohio State University
Mumford High School
University of Texas
Kelly Elementary School
Marinette High School
Aurora Central High School
Millard South High School
Martinsville West Middle School
Worthing High School
Millard South High School
Highlands Intermediate School
Cape Fear High School
Chardon High School
Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Oikos University
Hamilton High School
Perry Hall School
Normal Community High School
University of South Alabama
Banner Academy South
University of Southern California
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School
Taft Union High School
Osborn High School
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts
Hazard Community and Technical College
Chicago State University
Lone Star College-North
Cesar Chavez High School
Price Middle School
University of Central Florida
New River Community College
Grambling State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School
Ronald E McNair Discovery Academy
North Panola High School
Carver High School
Agape Christian Academy
Sparks Middle School
North Carolina A&T State University
Stephenson High School
Brashear High School
West Orange High School
Arapahoe High School
Edison High School
Liberty Technology Magnet High School
Hillhouse High School
Berrendo Middle School
Purdue University
South Carolina State University
Los Angeles Valley College
Charles F Brush High School
University of Southern California
Georgia Regents University
Academy of Knowledge Preschool
Benjamin Banneker High School
D H Conley High School
East English Village Preparatory Academy
Paine College
Georgia Gwinnett College
John F Kennedy High School
Seattle Pacific University
Reynolds High School
Indiana State University
Albemarle High School
Fern Creek Traditional High School
Langston Hughes High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State University
Miami Carol City High School
Rogers State University
Rosemary Anderson High School
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Frederick High School
Tenaya Middle School
Bethune-Cookman University
Pershing Elementary School
Wayne Community College
JB Martin Middle School
Southwestern Classical Academy
Savannah State University
Harrisburg High School
Umpqua Community College
Northern Arizona University
Texas Southern University
Tennessee State University
Winston-Salem State University
Mojave High School
Lawrence Central High School
Franklin High School
Muskegon Heights High School
Independence High School
Madison High School
Antigo High School
University of California-Los Angeles
Jeremiah Burke High School
Alpine High School
Townville Elementary School
Vigor High School
Linden McKinley STEM Academy
June Jordan High School for Equity
Union Middle School
Mueller Park Junior High School
West Liberty-Salem High School
University of Washington
King City High School
North Park Elementary School
North Lake College
Freeman High School
Mattoon High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary School
Aztec High School
Wake Forest University
Italy High School
NET Charter High School
Marshall County High School
Sal Castro Middle School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
Oshkosh High School
Catholic Academy of New Haven
Bellaire High School
North Crowley High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
South Oak Cliff High School
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonora High School
Western Illinois University
Oxford High School
Robb Elementary School
Thurston High School
Columbine High School
Heritage High School
Deming Middle School
Fort Gibson Middle School
Buell Elementary School
Lake Worth Middle School
University of Arkansas
Junipero Serra High School
Santana High School
Bishop Neumann High School
Pacific Lutheran University
Granite Hills High School
Lew Wallace High School
Martin Luther King, Jr High School
Appalachian School of Law
Washington High School
Conception Abbey
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
University of Arizona
Lincoln High School
John McDonogh High School
Red Lion Area Junior High School
Case Western Reserve University
Rocori High School
Ballou High School
Randallstown High School
Bowen High School
Red Lake Senior High School
Harlan Community Academy High School
Campbell County High School
Milwee Middle School
Roseburg High School
Pine Middle School
Essex Elementary School
Duquesne University
Platte Canyon High School
Weston High School
West Nickel Mines School
Joplin Memorial Middle School
Henry Foss High School
Compton Centennial High School
Virginia Tech
Success Tech Academy
Miami Carol City Senior High School
Hamilton High School
Louisiana Technical College
Mitchell High School
EO Green Junior High School
Northern Illinois University
Lakota Middle School
Knoxville Central High School
Willoughby South High School
Henry Ford High School
University of Central Arkansas
Dillard High School
Dunbar High School
Hampton University
Harvard College
Larose-Cut Off Middle School
International Studies Academy
Skyline College
Discovery Middle School
University of Alabama
DeKalb School
Deer Creek Middle School
Ohio State University
Mumford High School
University of Texas
Kelly Elementary School
Marinette High School
Aurora Central High School
Millard South High School
Martinsville West Middle School
Worthing High School
Millard South High School
Highlands Intermediate School
Cape Fear High School
Chardon High School
Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Oikos University
Hamilton High School
Perry Hall School
Normal Community High School
University of South Alabama
Banner Academy South
University of Southern California
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School
Taft Union High School
Osborn High School
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts
Hazard Community and Technical College
Chicago State University
Lone Star College-North
Cesar Chavez High School
Price Middle School
University of Central Florida
New River Community College
Grambling State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School
Ronald E McNair Discovery Academy
North Panola High School
Carver High School
Agape Christian Academy
Sparks Middle School
North Carolina A&T State University
Stephenson High School
Brashear High School
West Orange High School
Arapahoe High School
Edison High School
Liberty Technology Magnet High School
Hillhouse High School
Berrendo Middle School
Purdue University
South Carolina State University
Los Angeles Valley College
Charles F Brush High School
University of Southern California
Georgia Regents University
Academy of Knowledge Preschool
Benjamin Banneker High School
D H Conley High School
East English Village Preparatory Academy
Paine College
Georgia Gwinnett College
John F Kennedy High School
Seattle Pacific University
Reynolds High School
Indiana State University
Albemarle High School
Fern Creek Traditional High School
Langston Hughes High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State University
Miami Carol City High School
Rogers State University
Rosemary Anderson High School
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Frederick High School
Tenaya Middle School
Bethune-Cookman University
Pershing Elementary School
Wayne Community College
JB Martin Middle School
Southwestern Classical Academy
Savannah State University
Harrisburg High School
Umpqua Community College
Northern Arizona University
Texas Southern University
Tennessee State University
Winston-Salem State University
Mojave High School
Lawrence Central High School
Franklin High School
Muskegon Heights High School
Independence High School
Madison High School
Antigo High School
University of California-Los Angeles
Jeremiah Burke High School
Alpine High School
Townville Elementary School
Vigor High School
Linden McKinley STEM Academy
June Jordan High School for Equity
Union Middle School
Mueller Park Junior High School
West Liberty-Salem High School
University of Washington
King City High School
North Park Elementary School
North Lake College
Freeman High School
Mattoon High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary School
Aztec High School
Wake Forest University
Italy High School
NET Charter High School
Marshall County High School
Sal Castro Middle School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
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writingkitten · 1 year
Manuel Teaser
I’ve been writing this for over a year. I’m tired. Have a teaser because it’s not even close to being done.
That’s the first thing you register as you slowly come back to the land of consciousness. It radiates through your body, bringing a sense of peace.
You’ve barely begun to open your eyes when that peace vanishes. There’s an ache in the back of your neck. Using what little strength you seem to have, you try to lift your head.
The area around you is dimly light and darkly colored, though you can make out a bright orange glow somewhere in front of you. As you try to make out what it is, a black mass fills your vision.
Something warm presses against your jaw. It gently pulls your mouth open, and places a smooth, cold object on your lips. A sweet, rich wine pours into your mouth, the slightest chemical undertone being ignored as soon as you register how thirsty you are. You gulp greedily, a drop of wine running from the corner of your mouth.
“That’s it,” a low baritone voice says, “drink from your Master’s chalice.”
The drop runs past your jawline and down your neck. The thing holding the liquid is pulled away. You gasp greedily, not realizing your breath had been held for so long.
Your senses start rapidly coming back to you. You realize the warm thing holding your chin is a hand, the skin soft though you can tell it holds powerful strength. The hand wipes the wet trail from your lips, going down until it reaches the base of your neck. It pulls away, and you watch it as it returns to the side of its owner. Your eyes widen as the black mass that filled your vision quickly clears into a tall, husky man. His features are exquisite, and you briefly wonder what master sculptor created this beauty.
Briefly — as your mind quickly sparks into a panic when you feel your wrists and ankles are bound to the chair you sit in.
You look down at your bindings, your eyes growing wide at what you see. You wear a thin, white silk nightgown, with spaghetti straps loosely perched on your shoulders and the peaks of your nipples easily visible through the fabric. It’s with this that you become uncomfortably aware that the gown is the only thing you’re wearing. Your wrists and ankles are tied down by crimson rope that seems to have glints of gold thread woven into it.
The man you were previously admiring sits in a velvet crimson chair across from you. Despite the burning sensation filling your eyes as you begin to take in what’s happening, you’re able to note that he’s some sort of man of God. If you remember correctly, his attire is that of a bishop.
He stares at you for a moment, his dark gaze taking you in. You feel like a bug under a microscope, but the knowledge of being watched so closely doesn’t stop the tears from running down your cheeks or the grimace of fear that washes over your face. You open your mouth to speak, to say *something* to break through the blood rushing past your eardrums, but anything you would say gets caught in your throat. All you manage is a choked sob, so pathetic sounding that you choose to grit your teeth so nothing else slips past your lips.
The bishop looks almost bored, though, if you were in any state to pay attention, you’d notice a hint of intrigue peaking through his gaze.
“You are not what I expected,” he finally speaks. The moment you hear his voice again, a light heat sparks under your skin, and you feel as if a shallow gasp was pulled back into your lungs by some unknown force. He quirks his eyebrow just enough for you to know that he noticed the shift.
“Do you know your name?”
It takes every ounce of strength you have to break through whatever was blocking your vocal chords, but you reply, your voice hoarse, “Y/n…”
“F/n L/n.”
Your eyes widen, unable to rip themselves away from his own. He grins, though it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“I know quite a bit about you, Y/n. Perhaps…” he tilts his head, his eyes dragging across your body, “…even more than you know.”
You swallow, a thick lump in your throat. The bishop stands, unhurried. He steadily walks over to an ornate desk, moving with such elegance that he truly seems holy. You can’t help but watch him as he moves, and you notice a warm, salty spit starting to gather in the corners of your mouth.
“For example,” the bishop says, picking up a stack of papers from the desk, thumbing through them, “you don’t know where you currently are. I do.”
The act of talking still isn’t easy, but now it seems as though the thing stopping you is more so fear of misspeaking. The bishop looks over his shoulder at you.
“You’re in The Vatican,” he says simply, relishing in how your face pales, “thousands of miles from home. Deep within the walls of this sacred place, a maze of hallways to greet you just outside of this room.”
The bishop takes one page from the stack, placing the rest down and turning to face you. He slowly approaches, the tendons in his hand flexing as he grips the paper.
“Guards roam those hallways, waiting for some uninitiated fool to get lost in them. A foreign city, a labyrinth of twists and turns…”
He stops right in front of you, the tips of his shoes grazing your bare feet. He leans down, making you feel like a mouse caught by a python. The depth of his rich brown eyes offers an almost hypnotic intoxication that makes it impossible to look away.
“There is no escape,” he says gently, almost as if cooing you, “and if you do try to run, it will only make this much more difficult for me, and much more dangerous for you.”
The threatening edge to his words was cold, yet sent a searing heat along your spine.
“Do you know why you’re here, sweet little lamb?” he asked, stroking your cheek.
You wanted to scream. You wanted to bite his hand. You wanted to do anything you could to get out of this nightmare.
Instead, your body listened to instinct, and you nuzzled closer to the warmth of his palm.
“You’re a very special girl, Y/n,” the bishop continued, “wars have been fought to protect your bloodline. People have died to keep you safe.”
Your eyes widen as you look up at the bishop. It’s feeble, weak, but you’re barely able to mutter, “No-“
The hand on your cheek quickly grabs your chin, the strength of his grip surprising you.
“Look at you,” he cooed, like a man looking at a frightened kitten, “so innocent, so scared…”
He leans down, his breath hot against your ear.
“I didn’t expect the blood of Christ to be so tempting, yet here you are.”
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