#Fay like dolls
alanaartdream · 1 year
One thing I’m gonna say here is don’t go shopping on Amazon when you’re super tried from work or you’re gonna order something you are waiting on to arrive from somewhere else and will now have double of
BUT being as I am waiting on my order from Jane’s dolls of penny’s blind box antu dream tea party censors set I have one single one of the sweet dream one I REALLY wanted out of the set to hold myself over while I wait and if I do get a double of her the double I can practice my custosming on until I manged to save up someday for a bigger ball jointed doll from Jane’s doll website
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Also look at her she’s so cute the name sweet dream suits her (I know this because kika goods sells them as well and has English translation of each of the dolls in the set names for buyers to see what doll they have a chance of getting out of this set of blind box dolls)
Witch I have a screenshot of here if you’re all interested in what the other dolls are called under
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So far with all these mystery dolls each blind box dolls sets offer rarely show up so one would have to be EXTREMELY lucky to get one but have better luck if you get a set then just getting a single surprise box and being as the dream tea party series has 2 mystery dolls but so far haven’t seen anyone get lucky enough to show everyone what they look like in person and I don’t want to get my hopes up so will just be glad on finishing a set then getting a mystery doll out of any of these surprises box dolls
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killmebythebeach · 1 year
Anyone else ever think of the possibility that Edgar might have turned Annabel into a doll or?
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I have a special place in my heart for dolls of new albion productions that have little hints to Jasper caring a little about Amelia, I think he truly wants to die to be free from the life he is forced to live in this body but still cares for life and I think its so sad that Jasper can see her pain and recognise it but can't tell her or tell Byron to help her. Just like with everything else he's helpless to help and just watches everything happen around him.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 8 months
Belle Mort || LN4
AN: this was deep in the archives of abandoned fics but figured I’ll just post it anyway.
Pairing: Lando Norris x vampire!fem!reader
Summary: Your paths weren’t meant to cross - he was a famous driver and your brethren were the thing of myths and nightmares.
Warnings: smut, major character death
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He didn’t belong here.
You could only surmise Vinny let him in the club because he knew an easy target when he saw one. Rich, young and handsome - he was ripe for the taking. A part of you knew not to get involved but, unlike your brother, you had a small conscience, especially when it came to the pretty, blue-eyed man who had shared your bed.
Making your way across the busy dance floor of Belle Mort, you snaked between the women who were selling themselves to the richest man one sway of their hips at a time. You slapped away roaming hands that tried to pull you into their laps and glared at the men until they looked away with wounded egos.
Your brother spotted the target and you stepped lightly in your high heels as you dodged the revellers, finally making it in front of the handsome man. “Qu'est-ce que tu fais, garçon perdu?”
Lando smirked as he cast his eyes over your body, the tight fitted dress hiding very little of the body he knew intimately. “I don’t speak French.”
“I know.”
His hand caught your waist and pulled you closer, his lips brushing your cheek. “You didn’t call me.”
You rolled your eyes at the need that laced his words, but it would have been a lie to say you hadn’t thought about it. You had even kept his number when you should have deleted it. Your worlds were so far apart you didn’t see the point in making it more than a one night stand, it was safer that way. “I know. Find another bar.”
“I like this one.” His hand tightened and his thumb brushed over your ribs, tracing the curve under your breast. His smirk grew as he felt your ribs expand with the sharp intake of air you took.
“You’ve never been here before.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I own it.”
“Co-own, dear sister,” Nix added as he stepped to your side. “And if Lando wants to party then who are we to deny him.”
You narrowed your eyes at your brother. “It’s bad for business.”
“Why? Because you mixed it with pleasure,” he laughed as he ruffled your hair, cracking your neck as he pushed you away to leer at the man himself. “I can see the appeal. No one can deny you have good taste, it’s just a shame you always leave them broken.”
“What’s he talking about?” Lando asked as he helped keep you steady from your brother's push.
“Nix has always been jealous of me, haven’t you?” you taunted him. “Always wanted my dolls for himself.”
Nix’s jaw ticked and if the music wasn’t so loud you probably could have heard a tooth break. “Shouldn’t you be working?”
“I’m on a break,” you stated, catching Lando’s attention as you grabbed his wrist and started to drag him to your office before freezing. Your hand met bare skin and you held your hand out to your brother. “Give it back. Now.”
Nix rolled his eyes but reached into his pocket to return the watch he had easily lifted from Lando. The glass and diamond face slapped into your palm but you curled a brow at him and cleared your throat, waiting for the rest.
“You really used to be more fun,” he grumbled as he returned Lando’s wallet too. “Don’t worry, the condom is still in there.”
“And the cash?”
“I don’t think that is really your worry, but yes, cash too.”
Nix disappeared into the crowd and even you found it difficult to trace his movements but he was one of the fastest vampires you knew.
“Interesting family you have,” Lando commented as the music was cut off with your office door.
“You should be more careful,” you warned as you slid the security chain onto the latch. “This side of town could get a guy like you killed.”
“A guy like me?” he asked as he accepted the whiskey you poured, neat. “Handsome?”
“Well known,” you corrected, despite his knowing smirk. Of course you found him handsome, or else you wouldn’t have let him fuck you in the bathrooms of another nightclub in the city. You had a business meeting, with a wolf no less, and the owner had left you displeased, so you found another form of pleasure in his den. “Where you go, pictures are taken. That is bad for my business.”
Who knew what illegal activities those pictures or videos might capture and be uploaded. Voices had been silenced for less in the dark alleys around the club - but the bodies were never found.
Lando took a sip as he weighed your words of warning, but it didn’t stop him wanting to go another round with you. He knew you were different from the moment he saw you. Determination and strength rolled off you as you stalked through the club to a door labelled ‘staff only’. A different look of determination had been seen when you emerged, scanning the crowd for someone to use - he had come to the club for the same reason.
“I can be invisible, when I want to be,” he promised as he followed you to the desk you leaned back on, crossing your heeled ankles in front of you. He placed the glass on the wood beside you and smelt the smooth spirit on his breath when he kissed the corner of your lips. “But I wanted you to notice me, again.”
His hand ran down your thighs and your ankles uncrossed. He took the space given and parted your legs so he could step between them and steal your moan with his kiss. His tongue parted your lips with the same confidence he parted your legs and he hummed when your hands slipped under his shirt, your nails dragging down his spine.
“I’m going to fuck you on your desk and every time you have a meeting here you will think of me.”
Desire pooled between your thighs at the promise and when his fingers found your body bare beneath the dress he felt it slick and warm. “You like that idea don’t you?” he chuckled in your ear, the deep timber of his gravelled voice making you clench around his fingers before they withdrew from you. “Turn around.”
For a woman who considered herself to be the bossy one, you were quick to follow his instruction and it didn’t go amiss from the smirk on his face. “I don’t remember you being this demanding last time,” you said over your shoulder, feeling the air on your skin as he pushed your dress up over your hips.
“That’s because you looked like you needed it more than me.” He flipped his wallet open and pulled the condom out, tearing through the foil packaging before rolling it down his hard length. With one swipe of his arm he cleared space on your desk and started to push you down before he changed his mind and spun you to face him. “Actually, I want to see your face when I make you come.”
The mahogany wood was hard under your ass and you spread your knees for Lando to step between. His cock pressed to your entrance and he watched your lips part as he slowly began to stretch you, inch by inch, until he was fully sheathed inside you.
“You’re going to call me, aren’t you?” he asked with the teasingly slow retreat he made. He stopped just short of leaving you empty and made no move to fill you again. “I’m not going to fuck you until you answer me.”
You tried to shuffle your hips closer but he held them tight and your feet were off the ground so you couldn’t move, not without revealing your unnatural strength. Finally a frustrated sound left your lips and he smiled triumphantly when you agreed. “Now would you please fuck me?”
He answered with the snap of his hips and you moaned in unison as he filled you completely. The computer screen came to life and the mouse moved with the rocking desk and the cup of pens tipped over, scattering among the mess he had already made. Stars danced across your vision and your body pulsed with the deep bass that made it through the soundproof door.
“Lando,” you moaned as you tipped his head back, baring his neck as you felt your canines elongating behind your lips. The throb of his rapid pulse invited you to taste him and you dragged your nose over the vein, inhaling the rich scent hidden beneath his cologne. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
He shivered as your teeth grazed his skin but he was too far gone in his pleasure to question the sharp points. Just a little sip, you told yourself.
Lando gasped as pain flared, but just as quickly as it came it bled to a burn that felt better than any high he had ever had. He couldn’t breathe as you sucked at the puncture wounds, filling your belly with the same need you had for his cock.
He couldn’t explain how he found himself sat on the couch in your office with you on his lap, he had only blinked. You were high on him, making silly errors like using your speed and strength carelessly. You weren’t new to this life, but you were acting like it with him.
“Why did you come here?”
His head fell back and his eyes closed as you took your pleasure in riding him. He couldn’t think, there was only the tight feeling in all his muscles as his orgasm threatened to shatter him beneath you. “Just wanted you,” he choked as he bucked his hips up to meet you. “Again.”
You cried out as your climax peaked and Lando followed, unable to hold back with how tight you felt around him. Your head spun as the high receded, but you wanted more - it was the curse of immortality, you always wanted more.
You turned his head and struck again, lapping at the twin lines of life blood running down his collar. Cursing inwardly, you realised you were taking too much, you always took too much when you played with your food. Lando’s eyes fluttered shut and his breathing laboured, his skin fading before your eyes. Nix was right, you always left them broken.
“Fuck,” you growled at the thought of losing another man. Tearing the skin from your wrist you made what was possibly the second biggest mistake of your life, the first would always be asking for this life. Your blood was thicker and darker than his, staining his lips as you squeezed it out before the wound could heal.
“Wake up…” You prayed you weren’t too late, the seconds ticking by with quiet reassurance that time would continue to move on even if Lando never did again.
Nix crashed through the office door as dawn approached and the club closed. His black eyes found Lando’s body on the couch and a sneer carved across his lips. “What a waste.”
You barely lifted your head from your hands as you sat at your desk. You had felt lethargic from a full belly and drained veins. “I didn’t mean to.”
“You never do,” he snickered. “There will be people looking for him, I’ll have Vinny dump him in the marina - another rich boy who partied too hard.”
Lando gasped as he jolted upright, his eyes ringed red from the transformation, and a war waged within you. Rage exuded from Nix as he realised the danger you had put the entire coven in and his features sharpened as his fangs pierced his lips. “You would bring the Council down on our heads, sister?”
“I said I didn’t mean to. I just couldn’t stand to see another die because of my weakness.”
“I would rather you have just killed him.” Nix pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. To change a human required petitioning to the Council, and permits were rarely given this century - and certainly not to those well known. People tend to notice when someone doesn’t age at the same rate: Jennifer Anniston, Cillian Murphy, Paul Rudd, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Those half breeds could get away with it for a little longer but they would soon be faking their own deaths to keep the secret of their heritage.
“Take him to the mountains,” Nix said as he crossed the room to where Lando writhed in pain on the carpet, the transition destroying his delicate human cells for something much more robust. “I’ll tie up the loose ends here.”
Nix took the car keys from Lando’s pocket and checked his watch. There was still enough time before dawn came to wreck the car off the cliffs and into the French Riviera. When the car was found empty they would assume his body was carried out to sea. Lando Norris was dead. Lando de Belle Mort had risen.
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Love the morgie and hook dominant!reader, maybe another headcanon version with submissive!reader, sfw pillow princess vibes?
Sfw pillow princess is the funniest statement I’ve ever read but also I have NO CLUE how to describe what you’re asking for otherwise. I can absolutely do that love, I love playing with the dynamics of hook/reader/morgie they’re literally my boys
James Hook x GN! Reader x Morgie le Fay
No Pronouns Used
Warnings: SFW Dominance, vomit mention, pet names, mentions of makeout sessions but absolutley no detail what-so-ever, neck kiss mention, jealousy mention, hot type of possessive tendencies (not yandere shit), mentions of Hooks and spells being used violently
Word Count: 1.7K
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Anyone who was anyone was well aware that Morgie le Fay was head over heels for you from the second you started at Merlin Academy. 
Which is what shocked everyone when his roommate asked you out, nobody thought that Hook would betray him like that 
Of course the rest of the school wasn’t aware that he had asked Morgie out too, for the same night, same time, and same place
James Hook has always been a man who knew exactly what he wanted, and what he wanted was you and Morgie. He had no shame in taking what he wants, and both of you were well aware of that
It was a shock to Morgie when James said they had to go pick you up before they could go, and it was a bigger shock when you had both guys who caught your attention standing outside of your door. 
Not that Morgie could complain, even if his crush on you was more noticeable, he’d had a thing for Hook for years. Probably since the day that they moved into their freshman dorm. 
And you weren’t one to complain either, having two extremely attractive guys fawn over you felt extremely good
Hook pulling out your chair for you, Morgie ordering for you when he could tell you were nervous about talking to the waiter
They were taking care of you, had you right where they wanted you. And it felt amazing, you needed it to be more than just one night 
Lucky for you, neither boy had any plans of letting that night be the only one. There would be many more dinners and picnics and walks and whatever else they could think of to pull a smile out of you
The three of you made it official by your third date
It didn’t take either of them long to realize that you were putty in their hands when they did anything someone could consider as an act of dominance, and they surely did like that 
Like you were their little doll, theirs to touch and tease and dress up, they loved that
Hook Focused Headcanons 
Obviously, as the Captain of a pirate crew, James is used to being dominant in his life
But with you (and Morgie if the boy is also leaning towards being more submissive that day) he gets to be gentle in his dominance, and by god does he like that
His Hook pretty much stays tucked into one of your belt loops, holding you against him.
Lips constantly brushing over your temple or forehead, not pressing against them but leaving the ghost of a kiss on you. As if you’re fragile in some regard. 
He can get more aggressive though, especially if you’re being bratty or someone else upset him
You’re no stranger to having kiss reddened lips from your place against a wall if he sees fit
But more so, he loves being able to be gentle with you
If you need help with something and he can tell, it’s “Love, let me help you” before you can open your mouth to ask for it
If you wear makeup and you’re getting frustrated with it, he’ll kneel in front of you and take over for you, damn near cooing at you about how pretty he thinks his partner is
He loves getting to introduce you and Morgie to people, “This is my partner, (Y/n) and our boyfriend, Morgie” he’s so proud of it
You spend an ungodly amount of time perched on his lap in the hideout or the courtyard (with Morgie’s hand tightly grasped in yours) 
James isn’t much for holding hands, but as long as you’re okay with it he loves PDA. Again with the belt loop agenda, but also kissing your forehead/temple/cheek, and lap sitting, and kissing you at school dances. He’s got part of himself touching you pretty much at all times
 Pet names fly off of this boy’s lips on basically every single sentence he lets out and you eat it up every single time
He likes to use different ones to see what you react to better, he takes a mental note on nicknames you seem to prefer. 
If you’re clingy, he eats it up he adores feeling needed
Hook loves to pick out your outfits for you, especially when he can get you in colors that he and Morgie prefer to wear
After the first date, he continued to pull your chair out for you and scoot you back into the table any chance he got 
Morgie focused Headcanons 
You’re significantly more likely to be a brat for Morgie because he’ll put up with more before putting you in your place (unless Hook gets tired of it first and beats him to it) 
Morgie isn’t huge on PDA but he loves to hold your hand. He actually prefers to hold one of yours in both of his, as if you’re absolutely precious
He carries your bag/books for you in the halls when you’re on the way to class
Morgie is really big on planning dates, he loves it. You and Hook just have to dress appropriately and show up, he’ll handle the rest
Has never and will never forget an anniversary or birthday, Morgie is on that. 
Even though he’s not big on PDA, you best believe he’s kissing you before you part ways, just a little peck on the lips.
He’s really intune to your emotions, the slightest hint of you being any form of upset will lead to him opening his arms with a “Come here, Baby” 
Puts your shoes on for you (+ties them if they need it) 
Literally doesn’t let you carry anything, not because he thinks you can’t but because he doesn’t think you should have to 
 He’s a lot less likely to get aggressive with you (he will with Hook if James deserves it) but when he does, by god have you earned it
On nights where you end up staying with them without intending to, it’s always because of him. Morgie is no stranger to laying on top of you and dotting kisses on your neck and shoulder until you agree to stay the night with them
He has your go-to orders memorized, and unless you mention wanting something different that day he orders for you without having to ask
Big fan of buying you flowers, your nightstand never goes bare 
He fixes your clothes or hair anytime he can notice them out of place as if it’s second nature for him
If you’re telling him something and get flustered and look away, he’s no stranger to tilting your chin back up and telling you to look at him. 
Often is the one telling you to go to bed, he wants to sleep and also knows that you don’t sleep enough 
He will tell you to ask him nicely if you ask for something while being bratty, and you’re not getting it until you ask nicely or get it yourself 
Back to both of them 
They will find any reason to have you stay the night with them (“It’s raining you can’t walk back to your dorm in that, Baby” “It’s far too cold for you to go back to your dorm, Love, you forgot your jacket.” “You know, Darling, we have plans early tomorrow, you may as well just stay here and we can get ready together”) 
They’re not above referring to you as Theirs to others, no one gets to have the idea that you’re open to more than just the two of them
You haven’t had to actually get up and get something for yourself the majority of your relationship,they have you so incredibly spoiled
Both boys have a tendency to slide a hand on your back to guide you through crowds
They’re big on praise,both to you and from you. If you like something they’re doing, tell them
If you’re getting sick, Hook is holding your hair (or rubbing your back if your hair is shorter) while Morgie is getting 2 wet rags (one to wipe your mouth, the other for the back of your neck) 
When they get you to sleep over, more often than not you fall asleep listening to James’ heartbeat with Morgie spooning you so incredibly warm and wrapped up in them 
Or you’re the middle spoon, Hook curled up in your arms with Morgie’s face nuzzled into your hair
Rarely (as Hook hates to be the big spoon) you’ll fall asleep with your face nuzzled into Morgie’s chest, his arms stretched around you to rest on Hook who’s spooning you. All six of your legs creating a tangle
They don’t get jealous of each other (obviously) but by god do they get jealous of other people
If a prince gets a little too comfortable and starts flirting with you, there’s suddenly two guard dogs on either side of you, their hands wandering over you as they’re glaring 
Which will end up with you in their dorm or a dark corner, them taking turns with your lips while the other whispers in your ear about how you’re theirs (Not that you need the reminder) 
Rarely, when Morgie is feeling especially submissive, you two are the brat duo of James’ nightmares (he finds the both of you playing your attitudes off of each other mind-numbingly hot but be he wouldn’t admit that with a sword to his neck) 
 Hook rarely gets submissive but more so needy, laying down and looking over the two of you before demanding that you “Come cuddle” 
Pirate ship dates where Hook is steering and Morgie is rubbing sunscreen on your back 
Swimming with them is the absolute worst though, Hook loves to play colors and think of the most ridiculous colors to keep dunking you in the water (Who in their right mind thinks of burnt-sienna while playing colors) And marco polo with Morgie leads to him cheating every single time 
They’re without a doubt protective over you, especially if you’re not a villain. No one is making their partner feel out of place
And if someone threatened you? That golden Hook or Morgie’s book of spells would be put to good use, no one is going to threaten you and get away with that 
They’re obsessed with you, you hung the stars to them. They’d do whatever you wanted to make sure you were happy, to ensure that you don’t want to leave them (not that you’d ever so much as consider it)
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Diahann Carroll (Paris Blues, Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess)— Face of an angel. She had the range. She brought chemistry with every romance she portrayed. She also had a great fashion sense, and was so pretty Mattel made a doll based off of her.
Fay Wray (King Kong)— the original scream queen!! she started acting in silent comedies as a teenager and got her first big break when erich von stroheim cast her as the lead in the wedding march. her career started to take off starring in silent movies at paramount, and she survived the transition to sound smoothly - josef von sternberg’s weird proto-noir thunderbolt was one of her first sound films. she began to make horror movies in the early 1930s, such as doctor x and mystery of the wax museum, both filmed in beautiful two-strip technicolor (which looked like this if you're curious. i just think it's neat!), as well as the vampire bat, the most dangerous game, and of course the boy himself, king kong. a little on how she worked with her most famous costar: “Although Kong appeared huge, the full figure was a model covered with rabbit hair, standing only 18 inches tall, that was filmed one frame at a time by stop-motion photography artist Willis O'Brien and his crew. The 5ft 3in Wray only knew one part of the ape's body when she was grasped in an articulated 8ft long hand. Hence the title of her 1989 autobiography, On The Other Hand. ‘I would stand on the floor,’ she recalled, ‘and they would bring this arm down and cinch it around my waist, then pull me up in the air. Every time I moved, one of the fingers would loosen, so it would look like I was trying to get away. Actually, I was trying not to slip through his hand.’” (link)
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Diahann Carroll:
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Another groundbreaking black actress, although she might be better remembered for her television roles. She was also an activist and worked with charities to support women in need.
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here she is hanging out with shadow prince anthony perkins :3
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Fay Wray:
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Actress prominently known for starring in horror, she was one of cinema's original "scream queens". She knocks it out of the park whenever she's with the horror genre, bringing a depth and likability to characters that would other be flat and boring characters.
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An early scream queen, name me another woman who could look so beautiful while so disheveled and scared for her life
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She was name-dropped not once but TWICE in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. She's arguably the original Scream Queen.
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Eleanor redesign!!!! Let's go women!!! Design stuff/original design comparison underneath
So here's the original Eleanor design.... As you can tell it's not good. Like I give forgiveness to the Graphic novel Eleanor on the left since there was a time constraint and the artist was constrained by the previous Eleanor design but... Lady fizz Eleanor go to hell please :)
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Anyway this is basically a purely vibe based redesign!! Also some like kind of rewrite stuff I don't care about cannon I'm just being silly-
First thing: My Eleanor isn't a fun time! I think she's like a fairy princess from some faz bear knock off. Either way because of that she doesn't have faceplates instead her face is made out of rubber! Also those aren't moving eyes they're Printed on like a Barbie doll!
Second thing: I made her a fairy. As my friend @fyrefrostanimus Pointed out it kind of works thematically with her like element of tricking people kind of being like a fay... But I picked it because bug horror!!! Which I leaned into for her monster form. I also thought basing her around something would differentiate her from baby and give her a bit more of her own identity. And I thought what better to base a horror design on then a soul list Barbie fairy princess doll!
Third thing: I completely overhauled Eleanor's monster form. I threw it all out the window because tentacles are charlie's thing. Instead my version of Eleanor is freaky bug lady. Also I think she collects the bones of her victims as a way to feel closer to being human.
Fourth thing I don't care about the cannon I'm being A goofy guy: I think this Eleanor is still basically the same doing like to be beautiful and stuff.. But she isn't just like the devil basically or the most powerful agony creature. She's like really good at tricking people especially young girls with body issues. Also she really thinks Afton is the coolest guy.. She's basically the only agony creature that buys into his god myth.
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sellensand · 2 years
The truth about the Golden Lineage
Ok sooo I've just had a MASSIVE realization about Godfrey's children with Marika and I need to share it with the Elden Ring lore community. I have no idea if anyone has already put this theory forward, but as soon as it crossed my mind I knew I had to write it down before I forgot about it.
I had always kind of assumed that Godwyn the Golden was Godfrey and Marika's firstborn child. This is not stated anywhere though, it was no more than an assumption on my behalf. So I began to wonder... what if the omen twins were actually older than Godwyn? What if they were Marika's first children with Godfrey? The Crucible predates the Golden Age of the Erdtree after all...
Once again, I had always assumed that Morgott and Mohg were thrown into the sewers of Leyndell as soon as they were born, which doesn't really make any sense considering:
- They are both quite well-spoken. They don't act like they were brought up by giant slugs and rats with no contact with the outside world. They are not like the feral omens we fight in the sewers.
- They had to use special shackles in order to keep them down there. As if... they would try to escape. To go back home. Someone had to make sure they never got out.
- They brought at least one doll with them. Newborn babies don't play with dolls, children do.
- Godfrey's words towards Morgott ("It's been a long while...") and the way he holds his son's dead body imply they once knew each other. They once had some kind of relationship. And I'm inclined to believe that Morgott remembers and loves his father too: as SmoughTown points out in his latest video, the magic seal from which Godfrey's golden ghost appears is the exact same Crucible seal that Morgott uses when he "teleports". Morgott created a spectral protector of the Erdtree in the image of his father (I'm about to cry).
So, if Mo & Mo once lived in the surface, why were they shunned? Well, here comes the crazy part. Once upon a time, in the Age of the Crucible, horns, scales, wings and other beastly parts were considered sacred, divine. They were the manifestation of the power of the Tree, from which all life begins, where all life is blended together. With Godfrey being a man from the Age of the Crucible (his knights are the Crucible Knights), it is possible that his first children with Marika, Mo & Mo, were actually revered when they were born.
However, at some point, something motivated Marika to change the dogma. The conquest of the Mountaintops of the Giants gave way to the Golden Age of the Erdtree. All things Crucible were suddenly frown upon. Lord Godfrey and his warriors were exiled from the Lands Between. And the omen twins had to be forsaken.
LUCKILY the royal couple had produced another child, one more in line with the religious ideals of the new age: Godwyn, a perfectly built golden boy, without any Crucible in him. A strikingly handsome prince, with a gorgeous set of long, androginous, golden hair, who we've only seen wearing a beautifully embroidered skirt. His looks and his fashion sense always reminded me of a certain red-headed champion of the Golden Age of the Erdtree...
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Has anyone else noticed that the items related to the Prince of Death require both Faith and Intelligence? I'm talking about the Prince of Death's Staff (allegedly made out of a fragment of Godwyn's corpse) and all of the Death sorceries (which said staff boosts). You know which other items also require both of those stats, right? Well, as far as I know, only Rykard's Magma sorceries and the Golden Order incantations need both Fai and Int to be used. And the Sword of Night and Flame, yes, a Carian heirloom hidden in their Manor.
HUH. I wonder what the Carian royal family and Golden Order Fundamentalism have in common... OH, I KNOW. They are both connected to Radagon, the champion who aspired to be complete by dominating both sorceries and incantations.
My point is... What if Godwyn is not Godfrey's? What if he's Radagon's? What if he was Marika's first attempt at having descendants by herself? She was devastated by Godwyn's death because he was her favorite, her perfect golden boy, a personification of the Golden Order and a living proof that she was the One True God.
Now let's have some fun with this theory. We all know about Miquella's obsession with Godwyn ("O brother, lord brother..."). Some have speculated that the statue of the older figure embracing young Miquella and Malenia in Loretta's arena in the Haligtree might be Godwyn, because it doesn't sport Marika/Radagon's signature braid and the asset is apparently flat-chested (according to Vaati's Miquella Lore video).
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Did either Miquella or Godwyn know the truth? Was Godwyn particularly protective of the Empyrean twins because they were more than just his half-siblings? I honestly don't know, buy it's not hard to imagine what they felt after their older brother's murder...
I obviously don't have all the answers, but if all of the above was true, it would mean that the whole Golden Lineage is built on a lie, because the firstborn male heir of Godfrey was not only not the firstborn at all, but he was also not Godfrey's! This would be so GRRM it's insane! Even Godrick's pride and his fondness of Lion iconography becomes all the more ridiculous!
Am I going too far with this? Please let me know if I'm losing my mind over this game.
(Oh and link me to any similar theories if you know of any, because I can't be the only one crazy enough to have thought about this).
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We can see the edges of the store’s reality are beginning to fade away. Time is running out. 
Time has been running out for a while but it appears that they’re really on the edge of it now, if the very fabric of it is wearing away even with Yuuko right there. 
She is also giving away feet pics, for free. In this economy. Which is surely another sign of how bad things are getting.
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OHH OHH OHH. ITEMS? I'm in heaven.
Yuuko mentions that the treasure storage room should be especially protected, and we know these are the items that were critically important in granting significant wishes. My question is whether they need to be protected for their emotional worth, or if they will be used again at some unknown time in the future? Or if their continued existence is important for the reality of the wishes they have already granted? I guess we'll find out eventually!
But let’s see what we have!
-Fai’s power limiting tattoo, that he traded away to run from Ashura
-What looks like one of the dolls from Angelic Layer, still in its egg (which, like, thematically appropriate. Because egg.)
-What also looks like a little framed picture of one of the fox spirits?
-In the next frame we have Ginryuu - or like, the replica Ginryuu that Kurogane traded to get back to Tomoyo
-Next to it are two swords that I think must be the swords from Yasha and Ashura in the Shura/Shara arc, that helped pay for Yuuko’s assistance with Ashura
-A bird in a cage with ivy growing around it. I don’t recognise this at all, so maybe I've forgotten something
-Next panel over we have Fai’s staff, traded away so that they could enter the castle in Koryo
-And then we have xxxholic items! The water vase is the one from when Watanuki went to visit the Ame Warashi
-The little things below it look like the Chobits ears Watanuki was wearing when they investigated the school rumour very early on
-The decorated tube on the little stand I think is the Monkey’s Paw
-The tube below it looks like the container that held the noodle fox spirit, which I’m only just noticing we haven’t seen in a while
-And a fan! Oh, the fan that tengu traded to Yuuko so that Watanuki would save her from the spider? 
What a great selection of items! It's a fun way to showcase the connections between the various past arcs and storylines, while also reminding us of all the characters we've met and the wishes that tie things all together. The only thing I don’t recognise is the bird, so let me know if that's something I should know about!
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Alternative Universe Father-In-Law
Word Count: 2,700
Summary: Bruce enters a portal by mistake, leading him to bring back someone from another universe for a nice breakfest.
Pairing: Bruce x female!reader
Notes: I enojyed the comic and the animated movie where thomas meets bruce and i had an idea to write for it. also give alfred some well desserved flowers in being a dad. #alfreddesreveshisflowers
Warnings: dad that has come back with the milk
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'I am telling you, Lois. Clark is stubborn, but he has a weak spot; mention the missing turkey of '08, and he will shut up and let you do whatever you want. "
'Wait! That really works?'
'Of course, it does. I have known Clark for 7 years, and I was the witness to that crime, so just mention it: he will fall back, trust me. Now I have to go. I am home.'
'Thanks, doll!'
'No worries, bye!'
Opening the big door, you enter with your phone nestled on top of your shoulder as you held the grocery bags. Stepping into the manor, you noticed the living room where Alfred was dusting behind the plasma screen.
'Mistress y/n. Welcome back.' The cheerful butler spoke as he walked to you, grabbing the grocery bags
'Thank you, Alfred. How was your day?' I asked him, striding next to him as we entered the spacious kitchen that held the marble island in the middle, placing the bags on top of it
'My day was good. The gardener came by and took care of the bush that Master Damian had 'shaped' with his swords yesterday. Although the poor man left with a terrible mind haze after finishing the Herculean task, managing to shape it back into a proper bush, and not some rhombus as Master Damian did.'
'Do remind me to tell Damian to leave the shrubs at peace. Maybe he can use those swords' skills to cut up meat when we have BBQs.'
'That seems like a great idea.'
The two hushed and resumed their conversation as Damian entered, his smile non-existent, his eyes scrunched into a tight-knit. You turn to him, saying with a slight chuckle
'Speak of the devil. What's up, Dami?'
The child walked between Alfred and you, crossing his arms and with a deep sigh, he articulated gradually
'Father has disappeared.'
You look at Alfred, knowing fully well that sometimes Bruce disappears to follow a clue, 'He will turn up by the end of the day. Bruce is like that, don't worry, sweetheart.'
'That is true, even before his vigilante lifestyle, Master Bruce was always the one to go with no notice but always turned up when his belly rumbled.'
With a giggle nestled in Alfred's sentence, Damian spoke again, shaking his head 'No. Father and I have been working on a portal and when I was grabbing a tool, he connected two wires, which opened a portal and pulled him in. By the time I came close, the portal closed.'
Looking at Alfred with a concerned look, you spoke what you two were thinking, 'And how come you two didn't tell us about that portal?'
Damian shook his head 'I-I have no clue, y/n.'
'Okay... and do you know where the portal leads to?'
'Between our world and other 456 parallel universes.'
Sighing deeply, you look at Damian 'So we have 1 in a 456 chance of finding him?'
'Yes. So are we going?' Damina asked, ready to jump into the adventure of the chance to jump from one universe to another
'No. We aren't. Damian, I can barely turn on the TV here without asking for help. And by no means will I manage to open a portal. We only have to wait and be next to the Bat computer to see if there are any anomalies. If an anomalie happens, I know someone who can help us.' I say, looking at the small assasin child
Damian looks up at you, his eyes asking questions, 'Who do you know, mother?'
'A friend, someone I knew way before you and Bruce. Even before I met Clark.'
You look at Alfred smiling 'He will show up, right Alfred?'
Alfred responds, faying his smile 'Of course, Misstress y/n.'
While the day dragged along in a snail-pace of time, you felt yourself doze off on the bat computer, a small trail of drool leaving a trail on the keyboard that was far too uncomfortable, but when you are fatigued, anything can be a pillow, and that stiff neck fo yours is a problem in the morning.
A shift in the air moved and circled, stirring you up from your slumber. Your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the luminous light that materialized in the Batcave, the wind pushing around the whirlpool of light as a tall, a dark shadow exited out. Staying up on numb legs, you felt the same pull you felt with Bruce, a warm safe space that drew you two always closer.
'Bruce?' you asked cautiously as you paused. The shadow you saw his features, the sharp hairstyle that was always in place, his tall and muscled build that was engraved in your mind. You knew that was him. Moving to him, you felt a wave of relief wash over you but another one followed, disappointment.
'Where were you?! We were worried sick about your stupid ass! How could you not tell me that you were making a goddamn portal in the house, Bruce!' you directed your words at him, the light of the rustled and shined over his taller-than-usual figure but nonetheless, you continued, 'And don't think for a fact you went to another universe that means I will get any sympathy from me. You are sleeping on the couch for the next 3 weeks.'
As the portal began to size down the light shimmered down you step back letting yourself catch a breath, sure you were mad but you were also glad that he was alive.
With the portal gone, the shadow started to dissipate bringing back the man you loved. You waited, a small smile on your face as you heard him speak a few shades deeper than what you know 'You were right. She is a firecracker.' Stepping back few more steps at the unfamiliar tone you watched a shape move behind him tall as him, same as him, did Bruce duplicate?
Leaning on the Bat computer, ready to press the button on the keyboard to call the remainder of the Bat Family you watched carefully as one moved closer to you, revealing... Bruce, your Bruce with a small smile.
'Sorry I was gone, dalrin.''
'Bruce, what is going on?'
'I met someone along the way.' Bruce steps for you to see the man that you talked to, with one confident step the man steps to you, his features coming to light, grey hair styled in a way that not even the wind could move one strand, his blue eyes decorated with wrinkles and his smile eerily identical to Bruce's looking at them side by side it struck you
'Love, this is my father, Thomas Wayne. In the universe I stumbled upon was a universe where my father was the Batman, and I was shot that night.'
Thomas smiled warmly at you, offering a hand to shake 'It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. L/n. Bruce has told me a great deal about you.' Shaking his strong hand, you think
What a great first impression. First, I thought he was Bruce and second I gave him an earful. What a great first impression.
'It is great to meet you, Dr. Wayne. I apologize for my actions beforehand, I thought you were Bruce and wel-'
'No worries about that. It is great to know that my son has someone who keeps him in check.' He spoke as you awkwardly laughed it off.
Bruce stood next to you, placing a hand on your waist 'Let's try this one more time. Father, this is Y/n, she is the love of my life, and the woman I wish to marry and spend the rest of my life.'
It's your time to be shocked yet again. You and Bruce never talked about it, only joking about being called Mrs.Wayne but he never communicated his desire to get married. Thomas glimpsed at the two of you, Bruce stood proudly with you while you tried your best to conceal your red cheeks and shocked eyes at his claims 'You better treat her right, son.' Thomas spoke
'He does, Dr. Wayne.'
You uttered, looking at the alternative universe father-in-law as Bruce examined your expression and in that moment, he felt himself fall in love yet again with you.
'How about we grab a bite? I am sure that Dr. Wayne would appreciate a good breakfast.'
Thomas nodded his head in agreement, beaming 'I'd love that, but y/n, no need for formalities. Call me Thomas. I haven't been a doctor in decades.'
'Sure. Thomas.'
Grabbing Bruce's hand you three exit the Batcave and head to the living room.
Strolling into the living room, you smelt Alfred's mouthwatering breakfast, scented the familiar maple syrup, and took notice of the sizzling bacon.
'I am bringing our guests.' You announced and Alfred cracked a smile as he watched you bring Bruce into the dining room where Damian was already seated. Alfred placed the lofty breakfast on the table. Pivoted to Bruce switching into scolding mode 'Now, young Master, I think we could have a great and lenghty chat about what goes in the Batcave.'
As Bruce stood behind you, Thomas' voice boomed into the ear of the butler 'I agree, Pennyworth. He surely needs that talk."
Alfred froze when he heard that voice. His eyes caught onto Thomas and he felt and thought that he was dead, joining the afterlife as there was no way that the deceased Thomas Wayne was standing before him.
'Master Wayne?' Alfred weaved quietly towards the man, and Thomas smiled 'Hello, old friend.'
He spoke, grabbing the longtime friend into a bone-crushing hug. Smiling at the interaction, Damian stood from his seat, walking towards his alternative universe grandfather 'So by my conclusion…you are my grandfather?'
Thomas stepped and crouched down to his eye level, smiling 'Yes, but I am. From another world.'
'I figured as much.'
Thomas looked at Damian and Bruce, his gaze shifting from one to another 'The resemblance is uncanny. He is your and y/n's copy.'
You felt yourself freeze as you interrupted him 'Thomas, he isn't mine. I--i mean he is my son but he didn't come from my stomach. Damian's mother is a leader of a group of assassins.'
Thomas stood up, watching his son 'You cheated, son?'
Bruce shook his head 'Father, no. Damian's mother and I met before me and y/n. Damian's mother was a --'
'She is a cold-hearted assassin who doesn't care about me or my well-being.' Damian cut in, saying what he considered his mother.
Thomas looks to the side, a bit shy about this situation, thanks Bruce.
Alfred coughs dryly, breaking the tension 'Let us all sit for a nice breakfast.'
Sitting next to Bruce you saw his smile, his true smile. The one reserved for you, comfort moments you both encountered and made, a smile that told you he felt at peace.
As everyone ate you desired to ask questions your father-in-law 'So Thomas, what do you think about Bruce being this world's Batman?'
Thomas looks at you a slight smile 'I always believed in the multiverse, and I alwats hoped that in one of them my son is alive and living his life. Being Batman, I suppose, is a part of the Wayne lineage, but what I mostly hold important in my heart is that my son is happy.' And he smiles bigger. 'And I can see that he truly is.’
Blushing at Thomas' words you looked at Bruce, your eyes twinkling with love while his blue irises showered you in silent praise 'I definitely am.'
Damian whispers to Thomas 'Thanks a lot. Now they will make-out in front of us.' Thomas laughs, whispering in the exact low tone 'That's good. It's better than to fight, besides, Martha adn I were the same. Always in love, never apart.'
Bruce turns to Damian saying slyly, 'You are aware that you are across the table, and not 40 meters away, Damian. We can still hear you.'
Damian rolls his eyes, playfully but nonetheless taking his grandfather's words to heart. It is definitely better for them to be in love and not fight. 'I have to feed Bat-Cow. Y/n, will you help me? I am too short to get the ball of hay.'
Smiling you stand up, leaving with Damian. Alfred, Thomas, and Bruce stayed at the table.
'Bat-Cow?' Thomas asked, perplexed, while his hands tingled
'No worries, Master Wayne. Thankfully, it is not a hybrid of a cow and bat; it is just a plain cow with an artistic name.' Alfred spoke
'Father, stay.' Bruce blurred out, declaring the thing he wished he would receive an optimistic answer to
'Bruce... I can't. If I stay long enough, my universe will disappear. Besides, if I did.... I don't want you to grieve all over again.'
'Believe me, Master Wayne...Master Bruce still grieves to this day.'
Thomas stands up from his seat, hugging his son 'I love you, Bruce. There is no need to grieve anymore. It won't change anything. You have no idea how much it brings me happiness to see you happy with Alfred, your son, and Y/n.’ Thomas didn't let Bruce stand up, not to see the small pixel-like specs encircling Thomas' legs. Alfred noticed the scene but stayed silent.
'When I see you looking at your son and Y/n I see myself and my life I had before that night. And it makes me so happy to see it. I know that it can be better. You make me proud every day, and will continue to do so."
The pixels reached Bruce's eyesight, standing up to look at hIs father, Bruce weakly said 'Stay...please.'
'It's not me to decide but I am happy I had a nice meal with your family.'
Kissing his forehead, Thomas dissipated back into his universe. Bruce looks at Alfred a small tears escaping his eye. The two men stand up, hugging each other, leaning on this moment. Bruce wanted to talk to his father more to make up for the lost and stolen time. It was time that he wanted nothing more than to be a son again. Alfred wanted to talk more to Thomas about Bruce. To tell him how he has matured, how he traveled the world and yet came back home, in Gotham, to make the city shine brighter than ever. To tell him how Bruce keeps an engagement ring for y/n ever since she moved into the manor but is not sure when to pop the question.
Both Bruce and Alfred wanted to tell him about their path of trying to grasp at straws to find justice in this forsaken town.
Pulling away from the hug Alfred spoke, 'As you can see, your father is proud at you. And I believe that goes for every Thomas Wayne in any alternative universe.'
Bruce looked at Alfred, nodding in confirmation 'I do believe that but I also am proud of the father that raised me as well. The one standing in front of me.'
Alfred's eyes twinkled in appreciation no words needed to be spoken at that response, there simply weren't those words that could how Alfred felt in this moment.
Steps echo closer and closer as you come back, with no sight of Thomas.
'Is he gone?' You ask, seeing Bruce walk to you, a smile on his face.
Bruce nods, hugging you, Feeling a bit sad at not being able to say goodbye to your father-in-law you ask Bruce 'How are you feeling?'
Pulling away Bruce chuckles 'Good. This moment made me realize some things. About my family.'
Bruce understood. The reason he went into that portal and brought his father here, it was a shifting moment for him, a moment to bring him in a more grateful state, he knew how lucky he was to have Alfred as his father figure, his son, and you, possibly his future fiancee.
That is until he pops the question.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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terrortwinss · 2 years
Benny Rodriguez x fem!reader
It was a hot day and you and your four friends Tay, Fay Fay , Coast, and Jezz had decided to go to the pool and do a little sun bathing. When you arrived you all placed your towels down and lay back. Your friends let out a sigh of relief as you closed your eyes.
Suddenly you heard a loud group of boys running towards the pool before jumping in causing a huge splash of water to fly over your group. “UGH!” Jezz yelled you removed your sun glasses ready to fuck up whoever it was causing such a ruckus for you guys.
When you caught a glimpse of Benny Rodriguez you froze. You’ve seen him and his friends around in their jeans and flannels, you always thought he was cute and gained a little crush on him.
“I can’t stand you lot, always causing trouble for the kids around ya!” Jezz yelled at them wet hair sliding over her face.
A fairly chubby boy with a lot of freckles on his face made a comment under his breathe but she heard it, “what the hell you say?” She sneered. You giggled to yourself, when you felt small hands shove you forward and into the pool.
“AH!” You let out a short lived scream before you hit the water clinging to the closest thing in reach which was Bennys arm. Your friends shoved squints into the pool, when you pulled your head from under water you wrapped your arms around Benny’s neck.
“Woah, woah calm down” he chuckled guiding you over to the rim of the pool and sitting you on the edge or the pool. “You okay?” He asked tilting his head a bit you nodded, “you can’t swim or something?” He grinned.
You giggled but shook you head causing his friends to let out barking laughs your friends jumped in after them chasing them the best they could in water leaving the two of you alone on the edge of the pool wall.
“Well, I’m Benjamin Rodriguez, but everyone calls me Benny. And that’s ham the rest of them might run off later on so no point in tryna help you remember their names.” You smile,nodded and gave him your name. “That’s a pretty name, isn’t it?” He teased laughing when he saw the smile you let out, “well thank you Benny, you’re a real doll aren’t ya.” You complimented putting your finger under this chin and raising his head to meet your eyes.
He flashed a pearly white smile and tilted your head to where the golden sun caught your eyes, you saw a light tint of red burn it’s way on his cheeks as you lent down he gently closed his eyes and rose up to accept your kiss when s pound of water caught you off guard and pulled you away inches from him.
“BENNY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND SHOW THESE SISSIES WHOS BOSS!” Ham yelled trying to hold Jezz in a head lock, Benny looked back over to you and pulled you to a slightly shallower end with the group. As you inched over to watch Tay and fay Fay basically drown Benny and his Ham as he released Jezz from his freckly hold.
“I saw you over there with the Rodriguez kid.” Coast said leaning over to your ear, “Gotta admit I really thought you would’ve kissed him those damn boys, always causing a ruckus without even realizing.” You let out a breathy laugh and watched the three girls gang up on freckles and Benny the rest of his group had swam off to bother some other kids on the other side of the pool.
“Now who’s the sissies, huh?” Jezz grinned holding ham in a head lock once in a minute dunking his head fully into the water, “okay imma go release her hold before she kills the poor kid!” Coast said pushing off the wall the two of you were resting against, you watched with mild amazement had Jezz held a vice like grip to the boys head.
“Strong girl.” Benny said causing you to flinch you didn’t realize he was right there, “hell yeah, she’s always been that way, coast is always the best at prying her off!” You chirped “sweet” he mumbled glancing over at you.
You all stayed in the pool until 30 minutes till closing was when you all decided to dry off and prepare to leave. Fay Fay and Tae were joking around tripping each other up while Coast was keeping Jezz from killing ham and you were hanging back with Benny talking amongst yourselves.
“It was real sweet of you helping me when squints pushed me in, ya know..” you said swaying from side to side looking at the ground, “it was nothin, I could teach ya how to swim if ya wanna!” He smiled running his hand through his wet hair. “I would like that a lot, thanks.”
You friends were walking a head of you two laughing and yelling at each other, Benny quietly wrapped his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer to him. You couldn’t help but giggle at this as you pushed closer against his hip, when the intercept for your street and his came up your friends said their goodbyes and continued walking slowly waiting for you.
“This is me, cya around Benny….” You said pulling yourself away him, “yeah, cya around.” When you turned to walk away you felt him grab you wrist and turn you back around his face was bright red and his nose was scrunched up.
He quickly pulled you into a kiss not letting it linger to long before he pulled away and ran down his street leaving you there shocked, you could hear you friends behind you “ooooohhhhh!!” As they hastily pulled you toward home ready to spend the whole night talking about your new “boyfriend” as they called him.
As you all ran down the street you couldn’t help but let a giddy smile cross your lips and giggle, you couldn’t wait will tomorrow.
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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Apparently, Molly is low-key a major gay icon, and honestly, I get it. After all, Molly did *really* like her pretty teacher, Miss Campbell. If you think about it, it makes sense that lot of future lesbians would absolutely love Molly. Most dolls in the 90s were hyper-feminine princess dolls, and Molly was... not. I’d imagine the market for girls who want to play with dolls that aren’t pretty pink princesses is pretty large and the supply is pretty small. Just like there’s plenty of boys out there who want to play with something other than GI Joes. Molly (and AG in general) fits neatly into that market, which I’m sure is why she was so successful.
Last year, with its re-launch of the classic dolls, AG put a post on it’s instagram, “To all the Molly girls in the world, we see you and celebrate you,” which a lot of folks on Twitter took to see as confirmation that Molly was gay. When asked if they just outed Molly, AG gave a very non-committal reply. AG has always had a distinctly feminist slant, but it’s only ever toed the line of actually being LGBT inclusive. So far the only actual inclusion we’ve seen from them is a Girl of the Year with a pair of gay aunts. Even that tiny whiff of queerness was enough to set off a frothing horde of angry conservative moms screaming for a boycott. Since Mattell is only motivated by profit, I doubt we’ll get more representation any time soon, but we can dream.
Anyway, World War II was pretty gay to begin with.
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A lot of historians point to WW2 as the starting point of the modern gay rights movement because before it, you had very many people living on isolated farms and never going very far from home in their lifetimes. With mass recruitment of men into the military, gay servicemen were able to find other men like themselves and build a community. It was much the same way for women who went to work in factories, joined the WAC or WAVES, and joined women’s baseball leagues. That’s right, the league of their own was gay as FUCK.
As far as Molly’s fashion goes, I love her lack of pink. I’m glad there’s a doll out there that isn’t hyper-gendered, and I wish there were more dolls like her out there.
With sweaters coming into fashion in the 1920s and 30s, the sweaters of the 40s started to see more complex and colorful knits coming into style.
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Much of the fashion of this era was dominated by frugality. Europe’s couture houses were shut down, and fabric was rationed. Hems were shortened and baggy cuts and useless frills were done away with. Britain introduced the “Utility Scheme” which hired designers to make chic ensembles using as few resources as possible. Because of this, separates and outfits that could be made with scraps of fabric were very popular, and at-home knitting and sewing continued to be highly popular.
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“After the United States entered World War II in 1941, companies began to experiment with various materials in anticipation of rationing and shortages. This example is a prototype from Nina-Fay Foundations, which uses plastic for closures and stays instead of the usual metal. Although metal was not ultimately rationed, the company was experimenting with alternatives to metal zippers and hooks in the event that it was needed for the war effort.”
(The Met Museum)
Women were taking men’s jobs and taking on masculine roles
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But they were still expected to maintain a certain level of femininity, “To give our boys something to fight for.”
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Because of all of this, the gender politics of the 1940s are really complicated and interesting.
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Hello, would you happen to have any book recs on arthurian retellings? I've read th white, malory, tolkien and steinbeck and was wondering if there's anymore around that leans into the more fantastical or weird. Either way, any recs would be appreciated please and thank you!
Retellings, no---unfortunately, once you move outside of Malory and de Troyes etc., you're largely in the world of literary classics (e.g., White) or YA novels (e.g., Gerald Morris, my beloved). There was a brief period of resurgence in the 70s with authors like Mary Stewart and Thomas Berger trying their hand at Arthuriana, and the 90s were lousy with juvenilia (I was there, I remember!) but few of them lean into the fantastical in the way you mean.
....that said, there's an unexpected wealth of novels that aren't straight adaptations, but do play with the mythos in interesting ways.
My actual reason for reblogging that post was that I just finished Perilous Times, by Thomas D. Lee. It's set in a future world when the UK is being swallowed by rising seas, half the country has been sold to private corporations, and the other half has devolved into factionalist infighting---oh, and this is about when Sir Kay is roused from his eternal slumber, and told to go kill a dragon. (Slowly, you discover that eternal slumber isn't really "eternal"; he and his fellow knights have been called up a dozen times, each worse, bloodier, and more morally implicating than the last.)
It is a weird as hell set up, and it doesn't get any less weird once you throw in the fay, Welsh independents, refugee camps, and explosions. Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself immensely.
I think that's my takeaway---if you've already read the greats, you can branch out into those authors using Arthuriana as a tool rather than an end in itself. For example, I just started Donald Barthelme's The King, which is the Arthurian cycle transliterated to WWII. I've only read the first bit, but this exchange had me in hysterics:
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In the end, I've already read Malory, etc. I'd love a truly mystical Arthurian retelling, that takes advantage of how wide, deep, and unexplained, inexplicable, the world was around the Round Table. However, barring that, I like it when an author does something with all the paper dolls left behind---even if it involves Merlin licking mushrooms, or Lancelot's bloody mace being stolen from the pub washroom.
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solokabuto · 7 months
So what are your Fate yuri rarepairs?
Thank you so much for asking!!! I treat fate women like immensely complicate barbie dolls i can roll around in my mind until they slot together in ways that make the deeply ill recovering catholic lesbian in me squeal so you may or may not notice some general themes, I’ll be including hcs and fic ideas in here because my brainrot is terrible rn so have fun with this:
Dobrynya Nikitich x Morgan Le Fay
Now this is largely due to the fact that i noticed similarities in them (white haired mothers that are more than they seem and definitely not who they seem with fucked up daughters that have pink hair and pent up rage) and admittedly I’m not in Tungsuka sanctuary so I don’t have a vantage point on Dobrynya’s personality like at all outside of adorable fanart but they seem like they’d be cute. They’re one of those couples that would largely only exist in au’s where Dobrynya runs the daycare that Morgan drops Baobhan at or something. And the entire story is just Baobhan being terrorized while Dobrynya and Morgan make out in the background.
Okita Souji x Nitocris
That moment when you (living vessel for your brother’s vengeance who immediately committed suicide upon fulfilling your goal due to perceiving the cold embrace of death as warmer than the cruel clutches of your fellow man) come across another girl (a hollow mockery of a human being born and bred to slaughter without a care who relates better to broken bones, sinew, and blood than she does to living beings and can kill her friends at a simple order)and link up (have intense homoerotic discussions about death dying and purpose) over tea and wine (cups of literal blood) and fuck nasty (memento memori style)
Olga Marie Animusphere x Ereshkigal
If you haven’t read Afterlife by nd7878 and you have any form of attachment to Olga or Ereshkigal or see the similarities between the two please read it, it’s amazing and I love it so much it fulfills my Olga Marie cravings very well. Anyways i think these two are cute, like super cute like insanely cute and I’d like to imagine Olga would bring out the more forward and irritable side of Ereshkigal and the two would clash in a way that’s still friendly. I dunno she’d make eresh more lively and make Olga feel more loved. I really love afterlife, please read it.
Jeanne D’ Arc x Barghest
I just think the idea of a woman who already sees herself as an offering, offering herself up to a worthy warrior who desperately wishes to stop destroying things she loves to be incredibly interesting. Especially because in my mind Jeanne would probably have little issue with letting Barghest eat her regularly as long as she recovers decently enough. They’re interesting i have fic ideas for them i think Jeanne would enjoy being devoured gruesomely. The knowledge of having a set place for your body to go rather than being burned and desecrated just to be tossed into the river and washed away. I am far too invested in Jeanne D’ Arc. A part of me thinks she would enjoy having something resembling a proper corpse since she was torched to ash and thrown into a river rather than properly being laid to rest. I have vivid images of their entire routine can you tell u have been plagued by yuri visions for far too long?
Baobhan Sith x Galatea
You know how popular girls in hs always have that one girl that isn’t popular or important or really much of anything to a majority of the student body that they don’t play about? Yeah that’s Galatea to her. They hit it off over sculpting because Baobhan has a general affinity for art that includes her love of fashion and eventually they become friends which is incredibly strange to Baobhan because she is deeply unused to being cared for and loved by anyone that isn’t her mother and even then the way she goes about it is very much not like her mother (it’s okay Morgan you tried sweetie). I just think it would be nice to see Galatea slowly help Baobhan build a healthy relationship with love, loving and being loved. They’d be cute. I also think Galatea would find having her blood sucked to be an interesting experience considering she probably finds the fact she has blood to be quite novel.
Merlin (Prototype) x Morgan Le Fay
With benefits. I don’t know what to call their relationship so they’re just with benefits. Morgan would just vent out her frustration on her while Merlin just takes it because why the hell not, being half-succubus has its perks. Additionally, she’d rely on Merlin to have a few moments of complete thoughtlessness and freedom from the stress and general fuckery of Faerie Britain by just allowing herself to fall for the effects of her beauty. Honestly it’s more so method of relaxation for Morgan then a genuine relationship but I think it’s interesting. They probably have insane conversations about the world that usually end in Morgan forcing her to shut up because she says something she doesn’t want to hear but isn’t untrue. Occasionally in moments of weakness Merlin will ask Morgan if she wants her to take her away to Avalon and leave this place for the faeries she hates so much, and Morgan will always refuse dispute herself.
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mightydyke · 1 year
Dolls of New Albion is structured so that once the story moves on a generation, characters from the previous generation leave the stage. Which is practical, because it means that you can have the same actors play different characters so that only a few actors are needed. But it's also interesting because we don't get to see any interactions between parents and children in the McAllistair family, despite the fact that the whole thing centres on the McAllistairs liking Jasper in fucked up ways because of their fucked up relationships with their parents. I've talked before about how Annabel and Byron "love" Jasper in a way that they see him as an escape from their lives, as a representation of everything that they want. Annabel wanted to create something incredible (Jasper) because her parents made her feel that she was worthless if she didn't, and she wanted a friend (Jasper) because her parents isolated her and didn't allow her to make friends. Byron used Jasper as a symbol of rebellion because he's rebelling against his dad, he wants to "reject his father's world". He probably resent Edgar for trapping Fay in a loveless marriage. Also, Edgar uses Jasper to blackmail Fay into staying with him. Could Annabel dying when he was only ten years old have anything to do with him being unable to handle rejection and needing to be loved? Family relationships are at the heart of this story, but we only see the effect of these relationships and not how they play out. The narrative keeps moving on, "the future beckons and won't wait". I think this just goes to show that the characters have such a short amount of time to make an impact on the story. You only get one chance, so don't waste it. This could be why Priscilla sacrificed herself, because she couldn't keep waiting and wasting time, she has to do what her predecessors failed to.
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sparrowsong-7 · 10 days
10. Stable
“Aetheric readings nominal” the technician double checks the numbers, “compression chamber is stable. Ready to proceed at your signal ma’am.”
You keep your eyes glued to the aetheric vapors circling throughout the chamber, every muscle in your body tense. You reach and hold down the intercom button
Canary sat alone behind a stack of crates within Oblivion HQ, the only sign of her presence a trail of smoke gently wafting into the air. She had been lost deep in thought for what seemed like hours, gently tumbling a small violet crystal in her hands. Ayami had elected to give her space after finding out the truth and given the look Canary had seen on the younger woman's face, she probably needed the space too. She flicked the butt of her cigarette into an ever growing pile and sigh heavily, peering down at the small shard.
“I wish you were still here…”
“What happened?!” you cry, your voice a mix of fury and grief.
The technician, the one still alive that is, is scrambling to the monitor, trying desperately to get a read on the situation. “I don’t know ma’am!” they cry back, flinching when another set of tubes goes up in explosive flames, “everything was stable! It should have gone off withou-”
They’re cut short as another explosion sends a piece of shrapnel into their skull, and with that you slam the emergency blast shield down. The cleanup crew starts to shuffle in a few minutes later, once everything has calmed down.
You break down not longer after.
Ayami and Canary stood at the edge of the Shroud, near the ruins of Amdapor. Cradled in Canary’s hand was a small violet crystal, chipped and cracked. Her tears flowed freely. She gently lowered the crystal into a small hole she had dug and covered it in soil, weeping all the while. She stood slowly, wiping her face on her sleeve. She gave Ayami a small, silent nod before they both turned away from the grave.
The headstone read: 
Here lies L’vinia Fay, 
dearest doll, 
dearest friend
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