#Fanwork Friday
dreadfutures · 6 months
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Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Let's bring back rec posts, and share some love for the creative work we get to enjoy every day in our fandoms! For ANY fandom, highlight either a fanartist or a piece of fan writing (or both) you love and tag some friends!
FANARTIST: @yolebrat
Today I'm highlight @yolebrat - an amazing artist who I first found through painterly Dragon Age fanart. Since then I've enjoyed commissions, and cute little doodle replies that make me smile!
One of my favorite pieces is a commission yole made for Mel (below) Give it a reblog and follow yole for more art of all kinds. Or buy a commission and get an amazing painted piece of your own!
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FANFIC: Cheating the Dread Wolf by cartadwarfwithaheartofgold
I read this story long ago all in one sitting. It absolutely gripped me, tugged at my heartstrings, and wouldn't let me go. A Cadash/Solas/Varric Tethras rare pair, you have to give this a try.
Rating: E Pairing: Female Cadash/Solas, Female Cadash/Varric, Varric/Solas Chapters: 13/13 Length: 42,657 words Summary: Maria Cadash hung up the Inquisitor's mantle for the Viscountess' crown, but she's unable to stop her desperate and impossible struggle to stop Fen'Harel from destroying the world both her husband and daughter inhabit. The fact Varric, Maria, and Solas are all madly in love with each other just means she may have enough of an edge to win this game.
I'm tagging a lot of people on this one because I want to get this KICKSTARTED. Dragon Age is coming BACK this summer, and I'm trying to get twitter refugees who don't know anyone on tumblr to realize that there's a thriving DA fandom that has been here the whole time. But feel free to recommend from other fandoms! I love finding new fics and new artists to follow.
Dragon Age FanFic server tag list: @warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren | @breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @theluckywizard | @nirikeehan | @oxygenforthewicked | @exalted-dawn | @melisusthewee | @blarrghe | @agentkatie | @delicatefade | @leggywillow | @about2dance | @plisuu
People I Love In My Notes: @fiadhaisteach | @shivunin | @greypetrel | @littlewitchbee | @wildbasil | @peforby | @sucrosesorcery | @layalu | @beebundt | @neonteeth | @galadae | @thiefbird | @mel-0n-earth | @alienturnip | @ndostairlyrium | @v-arbellanaris | @demandthedoodles | @wailing-willow | @the-rebel-archivist | @thedreadblog
(There is a tag limit of 50 people on posts so I'm pushing it lol)
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dujour13 · 5 months
Fanwork Friday
Thanks to @dragonologist-phd and @arendaes for the inspo to do this – great idea!!
I have a lot of beloved fics to recommend but this week I have to start with two criminally underappreciated PWOTR fanfics by authors I admire. They deserve tons more kudos. It's a thankless job writing less popular ships/characters but it shouldn't be.
Stay: Here, With Me, As I Go / The Links In Their Chain series – @silversiren1101
Ship: Regill Derenge/Minovae Arangeir
I admit I first clicked on this because of what was maybe morbid curiosity at the concept of a Regill romance but I AM CONVINCED. Many times Siren has made me cry literal tears over these two.
I am so in love with this couple. Mino is a Hellknight with a heart of gold who’s been through it all and still comes out swinging, a tireless defender of the downtrodden and just a fave OC of mine. Without compromising one iota (because that would be unacceptable) Siren’s characterization of Regill made even my flaky azata ass melt for him.
Incredibly emotionally impactful writing and deep knowledge of the lore that make the setting and characters come to life. I am insane over this.
Savor Its Sweet Bloody Taste / A Pulsing Wound of Need series - urgathoas / @camelliagwerm
Ship: Camellia Gwerm/Valerius Dragavei
This is another one my flaky azata ass clicked on out of morbid curiosity but I AM CONVINCED once again. The gothic horror couple of all time.
It’s sad that in the game a good-aligned KC never gets a chance to know Camellia. Harper fleshes her out in a way that’s chilling but also really endearing and made me fall in love with her (from a safe distance). And then there’s Valerius, the Urgathoan dhampir lawyer who uses his mythic power to turn Drezen into a necropolis. Terrifying man in every evil, power-hungry, bloodthirsty way and so damn cute about Cam.
Gorgeous prose full of just the perfect touches of descriptive detail. So much fun to read.
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fadedsweater · 2 months
Fan Work Friday Funday
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Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase ONE fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links).Then tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :) If you have more than one person to highlight, consider spreading it out!
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
Thank you @dreadfutures, @rosella-writes and @broodwolf221 for tagging me in this many Fridays ago! Blue specifically tagged me to rec fanworks about Thedas at large or about Solas specifically, so I am of course going to go with the latter. Today I'm gonna recommend Keturagh, who writes some of the hottest (and most interesting from a character perspective, imo) kinky dom!Solas fic I have ever read. They also write gorgeous, lyrical, poetic prose and have *such* a firm grasp of Solas's character. This meta essay about Solas, for example, has lived rent-free in my brain since the first time I read it.
WRITER: Keturagh | @gangrelslut
Fic: The Fire is Burning
Solas could not unpiece his thoughts. He wanted to dream, for she was too pressing, too soft and real and good, and she kept bringing him back to this camp in the hills. Help, he thought, help. This was no spirit’s landscape. How had he forgotten about this boundary between waking and dreams, this linearity of sensation? It went: she touched him. He felt. She loved him. He loved.
I am obsessed with how well Solas's POV is handled in this fic. Yes, it's smut, yes it's kinky, and yes it's very hot -- but Solas also sounds so ancient and esoteric and it's a fascinating look into his head. The angst is also absolutely positively delicious.
Fic: mornings
There’s an urgency to how he holds her in the night: arms like twisted sheets, his chest pressed against her back and sticky with his sweat, his mouth on her shoulder — his head moves sometimes in the night, his dreams troubled, and she feels his lips gently brushing her skin.
This is a sweet little fluff fic, and it's also the first fic by Keturagh I read. It just says so much about Pangara and Solas's relationship in so few words and endeared me to them immediately.
Fic: False Fruit
Wrenched asunder, the living soul left form behind, then became a shining blade, and the blade fell up into the sky. This is how it was: no longer were there hours nor days nor nights nor seasons, but only tidal shifts. This is how it was: no longer were there distinctions. Above, the river of blades. Below, the blades were stars and the river was pulled. Sometimes the river jumped her banks; that is how it was. Then from that Void, a voice. Dear friend. I miss you. 
This one is longfic in progress that I'm still in the process of reading, but I cannot recommend it enough. It plays with form in a way that's so delightful and refreshing, and the premise -- a time-travel back to Elvhenan fix-it fic with a twist -- is so cool and unique. The writing, of course, is absolutely gorgeous.
I tag forward (and of course no pressure to join in 💛 - and apologies if you've been tagged before, it's hard to keep track) @bdafic | @queenaeducan | @mel-0n-earth | @thebookworm0001
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shivunin · 6 months
Fan Work Friday Saturday
Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Thank you for the tag @dreadfutures! I think this is a fantastic idea c: I am also going to do one of each!
Fanartist: @ndostairlyrium
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I think the first piece of art I saw from Ali was this piece of her Inquisitor Ankh and I was floored! She has such a talent for tucking as much color and detail as possible into every piece. The way she draws expressions is incredibly compelling to me and the piece she made of Fenris and my Hawke (above) continues to bring me infinite joy. Just a genuinely funny, kind, and incredibly skilled person who's made just so many DA art pieces that I love!
You can find her commission info here or check out her DA blog here c:
Fanfic: Portrait of a Man by Dulcidyne
Rating: T Words: 3,136 Pairing: Cullen/Inquisitor Trevelyan Summary: It was an excellent painting: the man in it heroic, his face imposing to the point of intimidation. She opened her mouth to say that it looked nothing at all like Cullen but stopped and realized that it did look like Cullen the way most people saw him--the way she had seen him when they first met under a sky tattered and full of demons: a soldier, a leader, a man devoted to a cause, a man incapable of smiling probably.
This is one of my favorite Cullen fics! I love anything that delves into the tension between public and private perceptions for those who've been forced into a very public position (as the Inquisitor has been). This piece is one of those short fics that you immediately scroll back up to the top and read again. It's sweet, it's funny, it made me think, and I've read it many times!
(Also, this author has written some of my favorite Mass Effect fic too: Big, Dramatic Love Confession (Explicit; set in ME3) and Experiments in Diplomacy (T; Andromeda), the latter of which is just. man. so beautifully written)
Tags under the cut!
Tagging: @greypetrel @inquisimer @dungeons-and-dragon-age @blightbear @vakarians-babe @star--nymph @herearedragons @zenstrike @daggerbean @nightwardenminthara @pinayelf please give me your recs!
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greypetrel · 6 months
Fan Work Friday Saturday
Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Thank you so much for the tag @dreadfutures! Saving the second for later on in the week. Listen I have a hard time choosing and I'll do these on repeat if I must.
Fanartist: @salsedinepicta
Starting with her, purely because it's litterally 10 years of me being 👀 at her art, and I do love the way she mixes pictorical techniques with swirly, 2D lines. I am not a fan of pink+green combination, BUT when she does it. Add a lot of historical references and clothing and an expressive use of colour. I'm an absolute sucker for all artstyles that just looks like three paintstrokes thrown at a paper (digital or traditional) and she does that. And, she's a wonderful human being too, which really helps. <3 (she'd hate the attention but let me Will Smith meme her.)
Fanfic: To The Bone, by @shivunin
Rating: M Words: 48,373 Pairing: Cullen/Inquisitor Lavellan Summary: Depending on who you ask, either Sylaise or Andraste set a mark of fire on those who are destined to find each other. No matter how curious each of them is, neither Lavellan nor Cullen are especially eager to actually go looking for this person. Either luck or fate draws them both to the Inquisition anyway.
I debated high and low what of her fics to start from. I chose To The Bone because it's a soulmate AU. And I generally don't like Soulmates AU. But this one? Mo has a way to turn tropes and clichès around in a way that just makes them relatable, visceral and real. The way she renders human fragility and vulnerability is really heart-clenching. I know I always fangirl over her work but it bears repeating. To the Bone is played more than a Soulmate AU -it is important, but not the main focus, which tricks me into loving this- as a big story of two hurt people who needs to learn to trust someone with their own vulnerability. It's all about learning that you can trust other people, and exactly how scary a decision it is, how much it feels like a jump in the blue.
It's relatable, it's gritty, it's not the peak angst Mo can reach (for that, get a lot of tissues and click on Wander the Drifting Roads.), but it was the first of her works I read and it has a special place in my heart. For its themes, for its main character (can I hug her?) and also and particularly because it's a trope I generally don't like. And I do like to be stand corrected.
Tags under the cut!
You two whom I mentioned, if you want consider this a tag too! :)
Also: @melisusthewee @dreadfutures @inquisimer @blarrghe @blightbear @star--nymph @pinayelf @dungeons-and-dragon-age @ndostairlyrium @hollytree33 @theluckywizard and YOU
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rosella-writes · 3 months
Fanwork Friday Funday
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Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase ONE fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links). Then tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :) If you have more than one person to highlight, consider spreading it out!
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
Thank you for the tag @dreadfutures. 💚 I have a writer I'd love to give a shout-out to, as he's doing amazing work and characterises Solas in a really moving, authentic way that gives me so much joy.
writer: @broodwolf221 | @bitterling (ao3)
I first encountered Brood's work through dadwc when he joined and began writing some of the most thoughtful Solas rarepairs I'd seen in some time. His writing is moving, his characterisations of not only Solas but Varric, Bull, and so many others are just masterful, and I really enjoy his writing. Thank you for sharing your talent, Brood. 💚
Here's some of my faves:
Fic: Seeker's Succor
While traveling, Cassandra reflects on how things have changed between her and Solas.
This fic is a sweet glimpse into Cassandra's mind and romantic heart, where her respect and love for a certain apostate has begun to grow. It has so much I love about the ship and really encapsulates Cassandra's sense of duty, her suspicion and devout faith, but also her softness and how she looks for the best in others.
Fic: A Show of Appreciation
Prompt: "Wait, that's mine. You fixed it?" While still in Skyhold, Solas surprises Varric with a kind gesture—and, really, such a thing deserves a proper thanks.
For those of us hungry for Varric x Solas, Brood sure does deliver. This one is so cute with its overwhelming sense of friendship over the entire fic, from the beginning where Solas mends a rip in Varric's jacket, all the way to the *ahem* heartfelt expression of thanks.
I tag forward, to recommend fics about Thedas at large or about Solas (if you're up for it - otherwise, any fics or fanart recs will be appreciated <3 )
@wolfs-dawn | @fadedsweater | @doctormage | @sugawara-kkoushi | @sidhelives | @little-lightning-lavellan
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
Fan Work Friday
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Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase ONE fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links). Then tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :) If you have more than one person to highlight, consider spreading it out!
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
tagged by @dreadfutures, and i want to showcase @bioelectriccell's gorgeous art! ( @shattered-eluvian | @pirpintine )
reo is such a talented artist 😭i fell in love with their work as soon as i saw it - they have such a playful, vivid style and a knack for showcasing emotion! love their character design and the expressions in their art are just so.... chef's kiss
and they share their talent with a number of fandoms!
such as this lovely nick valentine from fo4
gale dekarios (and tara!) from bg3
star trek (beloved salamander child)
and some , dragon age , and solavellan!
but seriously, check out their art! it's all so lovely 🥹💖
tagging others to keep the fun times going:
@inquisitor-julia | @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul | @fadedsweater | @flowerofthekeep | @here-lies-the-onyx
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kakairu-rocks · 9 months
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Hey guys, wishing you all a Happy New Year! May this year be better than the last!
With a new year comes a fresh new start; and we, at the forum, have been discussing things amongst each other to set up some new changes for this year.
As you may be aware, we’ve run a lot of activities such as Meta Monday, Naruto Polls, DDN, monthly Fic Recs, and much more; and you may have noticed that throughout the past year, the consistency and frequency became less and less.
This is because there are only 3 mods here, and irl happenings kept keeping us busy and knocking us down, so the activities became unmanageable.
What we’ve been discussing is how to change that, and how to revive the activities that you know & love without it overwhelming us; and we’ve decided that there will be some slight changes to some of the activities themselves, and the frequency will change. They will still be run regularly, but less often; and as the year goes by, we may change the frequency, depending on how easy they are to run.
But for now, here are the main changes:
Meta Monday & Naruto polls will be run bi-weekly
DDN, Fic Recs, and Creator Spotlight will be run every 3 months
Meta Monday will change from having a Meta question & answer, to simply being a question; and if the poster wishes to answer, they will do so in the comments
Creator Spotlight will no longer be seeking individual creators for interviews, but will be asking everyone questions, so everyone has a chance to talk about & share their creations
We are reintroducing Fanwork Friday, where fanworks will be recced from previous events, such as Valentine’s Weeks & Maze Challenges
These are all the activities we’d like to start with, but we may reintroduce more or increase the frequency as time goes by, however, we have other mod duties, too, such as planning & running events, and doing forum maintenance (creating new emojis, writing how-to manuals to help you navigate the site, etc.), so it all depends on what we can manage on top of irl stuff.
Thank you for being so patient with us, and we look forward to enjoying another wonderful year with you all!
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warpedlegacy · 5 months
Fanwork Friday
Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase one fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :)
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
Thanks for the tag @dreadfutures! Tagging @bluewren and @kiastirling-fanfic.
Today I'm recommending a fic that punched me so hard in the heart that I haven't stopped thinking about it since I first read it:
Cullen/Trevelyan, one shot, domestic bittersweet, 4703 words, T
It's such a beautiful depiction of love's mortality, of its enduring strength and the inevitable bittersweet ending. I wept when I read it, and it left me pondering it in stunned silence for DAYS afterward. @kantrips' writing is poignant and beautiful and emotional, and I would love to see this fic get more love and attention. BRING TISSUES! T_T
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kiastirling-fanfic · 5 months
Fanwork Friday
Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase one fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :)
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
Thanks for the tags @dreadfutures and @warpedlegacy! I'll tag uhhhh @rosella-writes and @demarogue? I'm sure someone else already tagged you but hey. tags.
I'm going to rec a crossover I enjoy quite a lot! It's a WIP between a fandom I've been out of for over a decade (Naruto) and one I'm still well into (Dragon Age) and it's a great mix of funny, dark, and expanding world building based on The Implications(tm)! Also Shisui is a little shit and I love him.
In an act of classic Uchiha Melodrama, Uchiha Shisui leaps to his death… only to be thwarted when he wakes up, chained up and in a dungeon, with a splitting pain in his left hand. Wordcount: 222k Chapters: 32/? Rating: T
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xprojectrpg · 9 months
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It's a Very Guthrie Christmas! Coming Soon to X-Project.
Image created by @nightmareinfloral.
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dujour13 · 4 months
Fanwork Friday
Last week it was vastly under-appreciated fics, this week it’s fics I will keep forever in my heart 💘 (also vastly under-appreciated tbh)
Like the World is Ending / The Intrepid Alchemist’s Guide to Fate, Chance and Demon Apocalypses series - @arendaes
Ship: Ariadne Trias/Woljif Jefto/Daeran Arendae
First a shout out to the series title. Legendary
Pre-throuple relationship set in Daeran’s first quest in the game, with Ariadne and Woljif exploring (sneaking around) Heaven’s Edge, and all three of them exploring a certain fascination for each other. The sweet tension is palpable. Beautifully written from Ariadne’s and Woljif’s POV as they find out more about Daeran’s tortured past. Funny and full of great dialogue with the three of them teasing each other but underneath it all starting to care. Their dynamic is always a huge treat, a personal fave.
Love and War - @dragonologist-phd
Ship: Cleo/Queen Galfrey
Not only does this fic give a heartbreaking look into Queen Galfrey’s lonely life as the figurehead of over a century’s worth of Crusades, for me it’s THE demon path fic. Cleo is wonderful. From barbarian rage to demonic rage, in denial about more than one thing. This fic has given me goosebumps more than once. I need them to have their happily ever after – no two people ever deserved it more. Dragonologist’s prose always knocks it out of the park.
My Lovely Husband Part I – A Shattered Soul - @undyingembers
Ship: Lenarius/Leonosa / Daeran Arendae
Reading Embers’ crossover fic between PWOTR and My Lovely Daughters, an original story in which Lenarius/Leonosa founds a very unexpected and unusual family with his/her husband Daeran, is what first really motivated me to write an original post-Crusade fic too. Adventure and fluff with a fun mystery plot that unfolds over the course of the fic. High stakes and moments of really heart-rending drama. The homunculus girls will forever be dear to me.
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fearstreet2021dw · 1 year
Fanwork Friday is Back!
Hello and welcome to another Fanwork Friday! Please head on over to fearstreet2021.dreamwidth.org and join us in highlighting fanworks we’ve enjoyed, pimping your own work, and/or asking for recs!
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thedetectivessay · 2 years
📢 New Header Alert! 📢
Because we need a new one for the 5th year anniversary 😎 It seems to have stretched a bit, but I promise Jaesuk and Sejeong are there 😅
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greypetrel · 5 months
Fan Work Friday
Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Tagged by @shivunin (tagging you back!)
Fanartist: @daggerbeanart
Hi Chris I know you're probably in FFXIV brainrot right now but you also have a backlog. A lot has been written and drawn in FenHawke department, that's true. But Chris has a way of showing intimacy between people and just how much these two love each other that always gets me. It's a sketchy style and I LOVE sketchy styles: the immediacy of it only adds to the feelings. It's art with a lot of heart about it. It's (he)art. *bonks her own head*
Fanfic: The Möbius Strip by 13pens
Rating: T Words: 5,120 Pairing: Morrigan/Female Tabris Summary: The Hero of Ferelden became a series of stories that she remembered and told to her son, and was soon becoming just that—a series of stories. Until one day, two letters arrived at the same time.
Ok it's a bit dated, but it's a rarepair that doesn't get so many new fics and I really liked this. It's a series of scenes, navigating Morrigan post-DAO as she grows up a son, matures emotionally and reflects about the past. What was, what she did, what could have been... and what maybe could be in the future. I love the character development she has, how it keeps canon and keeps everything happening later. It feels very organic for Morrigan (or how I see her anyway). I am a person who has a VERY low tolerance for meet/cutes, and this is not it. This is a person that has to grow personally... And does it. A little trigger warning if you're particularly sensible to motherhood themes, childbirth and so on and so forth. There's also mention of child death. But if it doesn't bother you so much...
I do love my rarepairs.
Tagging! @ndostairlyrium @dungeons-and-dragon-age @melisusthewee @star--nymph @herearedragons @hollytree33 @inquisimer @rowanisawriter and YOU who are reading!
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harringroversdw · 2 years
Fanwork Friday
New Friday theme we’re trying out: general fanwork recs!
Come on by harringrovers.dreamwidth.org and let us know what fanwork you’ve been enjoying, pimp your own work, and/or ask for recs!
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