#Family affairs
anxietyfrappuccino · 11 months
love finding out fucked up family history
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shipcestuous · 1 year
always loved this blog, glad you're still going strong! thanks for all your hard work over the years. also, obscure ship discovery: lately I've been into retro British tv (90s/2000s), and in the wiki for the soap Family Affairs I spotted a bro-sis pairing I never knew of (tbf I was a toddler when the s/l aired). it says c.2001 a character named Polly Arnold resumed an on-off affair with her brother Gavin after he moves to town, breaking Polly & her bf up🤔I haven't found clips yet but am looking
Thank you so much, Anon! I'm so pleased to have you here, and thank you for contributing.
I couldn't find any pics of Polly and Gavin, I hope you're able to find some clips! Old soaps present one of the greatest challenges. But I'm very intrigued by this on-off thing they have.
"Family Affairs" - I'm glad a show with that title had at least a little incest.
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amobilenotary · 7 months
🗿Friendly reminder: Notarizing forms for family members! Make sure to follow the rules and keep everything legit! #NotaryPublic #KeepItOfficial #AMobileNotary #easteredition🐇 #FAMILY #notarypublicstory 📝✅
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harmonyverendez · 9 months
Royal Highness ~ Female!Oc x Isman ( Song Of Crimson Nile )
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Harmony walked close to the gates, her body was Itching to open the gates with her magic. But she couldn't, looking back at her friends.
The brown-skinned female smiled at her friends.
Eva's mouth was wide open, and Ramesses eyes were widened, Remmao was confused. While Dia was smiling, she was the only one showing emotions.
“ See I told you it was real” Harmony spoke out loud to the group. Her friends did not expect this. “ But here we go, let's go inside. And please be respectful and be courtesy when you bow”.
The group followed the soon-to-be queen. The moment she opened the door, it seemed a hundred guards came to their sides.
“ Halt! State your name and your business ”. One of the knights ordered.
“ And the others as well” the second knight demanded.
Harmony bit the inside of her mouth, she was always told to hold her tongue, but at the moment she wanted more than to let go.
“ Tell them it's their daughter” She growled.
The knights didn't budge, nor did they believe her.
Behind her, the group was skeptical. They felt like their friend lied about being a princess.
But it was the truth.
The '𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙 ' truth.
One of the knights nodded slowly after a few moments and walked away. The other guard stayed put, just in case something happened.
A few minutes later there was the sound of footsteps, a second later the double doors opened, and in came two people. Queen and King Adel.
Queen Aurora walked close to the female that claim to be her daughter. She circled around the female, while the female's friends all bowed to the royals.
King Edmond stayed put, he was just observing all the information he was told. And the people in front of him. It was obvious there was a leader. But whom?.
“ You say you are my daughter yes? Then what's my daughter's name and date of birth?” Queen Aurora asked.
Harmony sighed. This was going to be a long day. She told the Queen about her birth name and other information. After telling her, Queen Aurora eyes widened, she stepped forward and placed her hand on the woman's cheek. “ Ana is it really you?” she asked.
Harmony bit her lip and looked back at her friends. “ Yes, mother. But Ana is my birth name. Harmony is the name I go by” she replied. Queen Aurora hummed and opened her arms to embrace her daughter. Harmony didn't like it, but she accepted it.
King Edmund walked forward to hug his daughter as well. “ My daughter, it has been such a long time since I've seen you. Welcome home, my dear”.
Harmony rolled her eyes, but thankfully no one had seen it. Then it was time for her friends to be greeted. They showed their respect and bowed.
“ Mother, Father. This is my friend's. We study together, and my mentor Remmao, he teaches us”. King Edmund greeted Remmao with a shake of his hand, Remmao was shocked but returned the his hands.
This was shocking and still new to him, but nevertheless, he still showed respect. He wasn't that evil. And besides, he could use the princess to get what he wanted. All he had to do was play his cards right.
But unknown to him, that will never happen.
To Be Continued.
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doubtfultaste · 10 months
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Seeds (1968)
my introduction to Andy Milligan.
-Actually loved the shit out of this crap, it sure requires some luck to find gems like this. As far as I remember, can't recall any other 60's picture that, while showing so hard to not take itself serious, still manages to deliver such a crazy amount of quality, both aesthetically and story-wise. Also the symbiotic relationship between relatively credible acting and the melodrama subgenre resulted in an overall cheese-dipped crude tone to the movie. Night of the Living Dead '68 and Seconds '66 are the closest 60's works I can compare to this and I admit it's a stretch, so maybe feel free to leave some 60's recommendations or anything that resembles this? thanks.
Also, any hint on which Andy Milligan should I watch next?
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going through my old journals as part of therapy homework and i'm reading a section written in the emotional wreckage of a full-on breakdown when i get hit with this line:
There is never a satisfying answer to ‘Why didn’t they love me?’
like wow babe. good fucking point
#like you were on the ground biting the carpet and dry sobbing while you wrote that and still. good fucking point#not a shitpost#cptsd#and it's true. there's never a satisfying answer#the truth is i know why i wasn't loved#i analyzed my parent's traumas and abuse to death. i understand why i alienated and was alienated from my siblings#i know why my mom was too overwhelmed to be capable of nurturing#i know why my dad vanished into addiction and avoidance#the details of our cycles of trauma and cptsd and family history i have a phd in all of it#i understood perfectly. i spent years studying and now i knew the answer#and guess what? IT WAS NOT SATISFYING!!!#because they still didn't love me! and i still couldn't change that!#it was still a completely unsatisfying state of affairs!#so like. when the people who are supposed to love you...don't.#when the people who are supposed to take care of you...fail to#you can look for answers and reasons and explanations#but that's not actually going to FIX your situation.#and it's probably not within your ability TO fix the situation. (and definitely not your job)#because you don't need answers--you need a new situation#*inserts Just Walk Out. You Can Leave!!! (Running Skeleton) Meme*#and yes. walking out isn't always possible.#but for you i hope it will be one day soon. and i hope you build the courage to take that leap.#stepping away from the people who failed to love you...it feels like being untethered but also like being lighter than air#new and scary. immensely relieving. the future opens up. empty but empty like a canvas. blindingly bright until your eyes adjust#like climbing out of a pit you called home and for the first time realizing how bright the light of day can truly be#when you aren't just getting glimpses from the bottom of a hole
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3x15eddie · 4 months
chris calling buck because eddie won’t open the door vs eddie calling buck because chris won’t open the door……
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softakespics · 2 years
Old short story I found from my uni writing folder
Family Affairs or family life: a five minute clip
It started with a broken picture frame -Emily 
The frame fell from the wall, the glass shattering everywhere. 
“I didn’t mean to!” I shout, looking at my offending elbow. I’d knocked the picture off the wall in the hall as I shrugged my coat off. The shopping bag with the milk I’d just fetched dropped on the floor.  Splitting the carton.
Mum came out from the family room, where she and dad had been arguing. Her face wrapped around a furious glare.
“It was an accident!”
“You were an accident!” she spits out. 
I stare at mum in disbelief. I stammer apologies to her back, looking at the mess on the floor instead of her retreating back as she storms back to the argument. Slamming the door so hard the pieces of glass on the floor skitter backwards. 
I have to fix it, I set about finding the broom and mop. Stashed in the pantry, like it needed to be a secret. Heaven forbid someone knows we sweep or mop our floors.
The frame is split, cracked across the diagonal joins in each corner. A small scuff on the bottom of it where it hit the floor. Nothing too dire.
It’s a picture from a family trip a few years ago. Some family friendly resort in Spain, I have a vague recollection of some giant costumed animal mascot. My sister and I have matching pink bucket hats and bright sunburned cheeks, dad’s in the middle arms round us both. We’re grinning like maniacs with the beach behind us. Mum had taken the picture, then promptly thrown a tantrum about some non-existent problem in the hotel room.
I sit with the pieces on my lap, wondering if I can get it  back together without it looking too broken. I go to find a glue gun in the office, if I can find it under all of dad’s paperwork. I take the long way round, avoiding the family room where the yelling is.
I heat the glue gun, focussing on that rather than the stomps and shouts in the next room. Trying to not hear the words being spewed out. As I hear the words disappear into a low murmur. The silence might well be worse. 
I focus on lining up the frame perfectly. 
Sometimes to fix things you have to pull away any bits that are really damaged to get it to line up again. I pull at some shredded bits of wood, picking with my nails to even it out, sanding it as best I can with the rough edge of my woolly sleeve. 
If I can fix it, it will be better. I can go in, and show it to mum, and she’ll be so impressed. I turn my focus to fixing this thing.
I can make it okay.
I pick up the glue gun pressing the button. It hasn’t been on very long, the glue gun isn’t that warm. But sitting here, feels like an eternity.
“What are you doing?” 
I look up, Paige is there. Shuffling in, in her thick black slipper boots, ripped jeans, purple haired, ‘goth crap’ as mum calls it. She’s got the orange juice by the neck of the bottle. She looks like she’s about to drink it straight. I debate calling her out, but if mum hears it right now she’ll flip her attention to Paige. I make a mental note to not drink that one and open another later. 
She sighs, smacking her lips as she gulps it down. 
“Do you want help?” She asks, raising a darkly shaded, recently pierced eyebrow at me.
I nod, and she takes this as a cue to sit next to me, she quietly takes the frame, lining it up and holding it as I weave the glue into the cracks of the frame.  She shifts the headband of her blue headphones, opening up one ear.
“They’re pretty bad today aren’t they?”
I nod slightly, not meeting her eyes. 
She stares for a second, “Wanna come up to my room for a bit?”
It started with paperwork- Dad (Henry)
It always starts with the paperwork. There’s just so much of it, my desk is always covered. I can’t keep up with it. Every time I feel like I’ve hit the bottom of the pile on the desk my secretary has put more on it by the next morning. It’s in my work-bag, it’s in boxes, filing cabinets and well ordered piles that seem to sneak past the doorway of the office onto the dining room table. 
It never seems to end, I can work till 3 am and there’s still papers to get filled and only I can fill them. 
 I’m exhausted, I could do without having to deal with this today. 
I don’t know when I got to this point. Drowning in paperwork. I’m sure I used to enjoy my job. I’m sure I used to enjoy my weekend. I’m sure I used to enjoy lots of things. I used to have the energy to go camping, or kayaking, or paintballing, or something.
 I used to have fun.
 Now I feel like fun’s doormat. Stuck in a room full of people with muddy boots. 
Now, I come home from work where I’ve dealt with more paper and bullshit meetings, to do more prep for God only knows what, I haven’t even looked at my list for tomorrow. Without so much as a greeting Amelia nags saying we need to spend the weekend repainting the family room because of some reason. I make a non-committal noise. I’m sure if I just take my morning slowly it can wait for a weekend or two. That or it’ll take too long and she’ll either forget or find a decorator. It was the wrong move. I didn’t realise she was in one of those moods.
I zone out for a minute letting her get it out her system, she’s always a bit better after. She shouldn’t bottle things up like this. I don’t know why she’s like this, I could have sworn she never used to be this highly strung. Her brain sort of changed after the kids, she never really got past the pregnancy mood swings. It’s caused issues before. When she stops being my wife and becomes this caricature of herself, some sort of 1950’s-esque nightmare wife.
“Are you even listening to me? 
“Huh, yes?”
“Oh I can’t believe you! I’m trying to talk to you about something important? You can’t just tune out!”
We turn to a crash in the hall. Amelia pokes her head out the door. 
“It was an accident!” I hear muffled through the doorway. It’s one of the girls, I really don’t think they should see their mum like this.
“You were an accident!”
“Amelia,” I hate this, “I think you should go back on your meds.”
It started with yelling- Paige
I heard the voices through my headphones. I don’t know when the yelling started but it's become the usual accompaniment to my music, acting as a thrumming bass filled with fury and frustration. 
The rise and fall of mum and dads fight, an interesting composition. One that’s become so familiar I can almost predict each key of the fight. The pointiest key around, C#. 
The first note; nit-picking of dumb things runs as a long semibreve dominating the first two bars. This usually takes the form of weird fixations. There’s mud on that skirting board. Then it becomes we need to paint the skirting board. Then it's actually… hmmm….the whole wall needs painting. And she usually decides it has to be right then in that instant or the immediate Saturday one of the only days both she and dad have off. 
The next few bars of warbling quavers and semiquavers, usually clashing seconds. As she freewheels between emotions, fluctuating between introspection, sorrow, and fury. 
In between songs on shuffle I hear, “It was an accident!”
“You were an accident!”
Oh shit, looks like Em’s caught in the crossfire. Normally I’d ignore it, hoping it would help her figure out her own survival tactics. But I heard a crash and something’s probably broken which means Little Miss Perfect will be very upset.
She just hasn’t learned yet, gotta fly under the radar. It’s taking her a while.
Stupid kid.
I descend into the ‘heart of the home’, under the guise of orange juice retrieval. I’ll check out if she’s chill enough to come up to my room. If she calls me out for drinking from the bottle, she’s on her own. If she’s cool I’ll help her keep out of sight and mind for the rest of the day till everything settles down. 
She’s hunched over a picture frame. 
I can’t leave her like that, she looks so lost, desperately wiping at the edges of the wooden frame. Wide eyes shocked that I’m downstairs. I offer help. She doesn’t speak when I talk to her, her eyes shine with tears, and her cheeks are bright red. We sit fixing the frame in silence.
 “Wanna come up to my room for a bit?”
It started with the end- Amelia 
I’m done. There’s just so much crap everywhere. If it’s not paperwork it’s something else. Socks, shoes and coats strewn about the hall. Just for once I would like some peace and quiet and a tidy house. 
That’s all I ask. Pick up your crap. I’m exhausted from the monotony of my days. I say the same things every morning, I pick up the same stuff, I trip over the same shoes.
No one listens to me. 
How can they not see how cluttered and dirty everything looks? Piles of papers on the table, socks in the hall, shoes next to, not on the rack, coats everywhere, stray gloves. There’s a PE kit, there’s a phone charger trailing on the floor, a random book which should be on a shelf . So on and so forth, I walk through the room looking at all the things, just left out.
I don’t want to think about the milk that’s been left out curdling on the kitchen side.
I just don’t understand how they can’t see all of this? How everything seems to be falling in against me. I’m trying to do everything. I get finished with one task only to have three more a minute later. I’m constantly chasing my tail trying to balance sixty plates at once. It’s impossible. 
Some days I just want to leave it all, get away. Pretend I’m not me, pretend I’m living another life. There’s a crash in the hall. 
Great, more mess.
“It was an accident!”
“You were an accident!”
 It’s Emily, the shock in her eyes evident even through my cloud of rage. It slowly filters through as I slam the door. Shutting her out. Oh God wait, why did I say that?
“Amelia, I think you should go back on your meds.” He states in a low whisper. He looks serious, of course he’d take the kids side. He always takes the kids' side, it's them over me every time and I’m sick and tired of it. He never listens to me 
“Don't make out like I’m the crazy one here!”
“I’m not. I’m just suggesting you go back on to your meds for a month or two. It helps.”
“It helps what? Who does it help?” They help them sit around and pretend like I’m calm when all I feel is empty. “Who does it help, Henry?  I’m not crazy, I don’t need them.”
“There’s no shame in taking them.”
He doesn’t want to help. If he wanted to help, he’d see how messy this place is. If he wanted to help he would just listen to me for once. This crap comes from nowhere. It builds so quickly, it must be a conspiracy of some kind. 
I can’t do this. I can’t keep living like it’s groundhog day. Having the same chores, the same meals, the same fights over, and over again. All because no one listens to me. 
What can I say to make him listen to me?
“I want a divorce.”
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crumb · 3 months
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Drag Queens Trixie Mattel & Katya React to A Family Affair | x
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londonspirit · 11 months
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Taika puts his kids into his things...
(and from what I've seen Alex had family there too!)
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... but what I love even more this time around is, that we got the woman who's basically RESPONSIBLE for the whole damn show as it is because she came across that strange Gentleman Pirate and told her genius writer husband about it!!!
Coming full circle with that one and i couldn't love DJ more (and I fucking love him to the end of the world and back already!)
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Lad(ie)s and gentlepeople, Hellcat Maggie aka Josie Whittlesey aka David Jenkins' fabulous wife!
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THANK YOU JOSIE indeed!!!!
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rejectingrepublicans · 5 months
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metranart · 4 months
My one and only wants you, so he’ll have you (Part 3)
ft. Sensei! Gojo Satoru, sensei! Suguru Geto, reader insert.
Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto happily married, you, their lovely student and the cause of their ragging temptation. The problem: their son, Megumi, your best friend.
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𖦹 Warning tags: Gojo x Reader x Geto, threesome, married couple, Suguru and Gojo happy married couple, polyamory, Teacher-Student Relationship, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, breeding, obsessive behavior, horny sorcerers, idiots in love, being the willing pet of your senseis, best friend! Megumi, Jealous! Megumi, anal plug, Secret Relationship, Domestic Fluff, falling in love, Pregnancy Kink, Hurt/Comfort, smut, rough sex, shameless smut, creampie, explicit sexual consent, sexual tension, shameless flirting, scratching.
"Hello, I'm home." They heard their adopted son shout from the floor below, both clean up as best they could, pulling a t-shirt over their heads and adjusting their pants so they could go down. "I brought (Y/N) for dinner, I hope you don't mind."
Megumi continued saying to his parents, or as he tagged them, guardians. A little taken aback by their unusually, stunned faces.
"...Is there a problem?" Megumi asked them, airily. The young sorcerer almost looked radiant, besides his usual stoic expression. Yes! There was a fuckin’ problem, even so, they numbly shook their heads until Suguru found his voice again.
"N-No problem, Megumi. You're always welcome, (Y/N)."
You looked just as bewildered as them if not more. The only one unaware of the tense discomfort, Megumi, who actually looked quite satisfied. Both professors just couldn't stop following you with their astonished gazes while their set the table and prepare dinner, growing something beyond confused and why not, jealous… since what was driving them internally crazy was the infuriating fact that from the moment you set foot inside the house and until that moment: Megumi and you were holding hands.
Numbly, Suguru went straight into the kitchen to start doing dinner while you and Megumi followed Gojo to the living room, each hit of the knife against the wood could almost go through the cutting board at how hard Geto was hitting. The black-haired man loved Megumi more than his own life, but right now he felt his blood boiling and it bothered him a lot, it had been years since he had felt the nasty sting of jealousy, like a hormonal teenager, raw and nasty.
“My adorable students,” Gojo huffed, wearing a thin grin full of hidden contempt, “I hope that during your stay in the library this afternoon you also did your homework and not just used the prohibited book aisle to suck face.”
Suguru snickered low at hearing Gojo’s comment in his usual playful tone, but he could easily see beneath the act. The cynicism and annoyance that his cheerful smile actually hid. Gojo was as confused and mad as him, if not more.
“Behave.” Megumi scolded with a deep frown, cheeks dusting red at his tutor's inappropriate comment, “…it's none of your business what we do or don't do in the library—”
Gojo laughed loudly, cheerful and carefree, his playful but annoying personality doing its best to make Megumi uncomfortable enough that he had to leave the room, so he could have a moment alone with you, the white-haired sensei playing nasty since he felt his loins, burning and inflamed to know what was going on between you two.
“Megumi-kun, I'm just joking, there's no need to get defensive, my boy.” Gojo shared between chuckles. “I know what it's like to be young and in love—”
Megumi huffed, irritated, passing a rough hand through his hair to then squeeze your hand in his, the mere act brought him so much comfort he felt his back muscles immediately relax, with a sideway glance noticed the crimson dusting your cheeks as well, and his stomach danced with butterflies at knowing you might be feeling as flustered as he did. 
“Suguru-san.” Megumi called to his other tutor for support. 
“Satoru, knock it off.” His scolding was heard from the kitchen. “—Leave the lovebirds be.” He teased back to Megumi’s dismay, and you giggled adorably, forcing yourself to do it as natural as you could to lower the growing tension. 
You succeeded, since Megumi turn to look at you with a soft, light grin on his face. “So glad that at least you find it funny.” He said in all honesty and to Gojo’s growing despair and frustration, had to witness first-hand how his adoptive son lifted your hooked hands to place a soft, tender smooch in the back of your palm. That lovesick expression in his boy’s face beyond painful to him.
Your cheeks lit up like live fire, and Megumi's follow, and Gojo's as well… but for a totally different reason.
Out of the sudden, Megumi's gaze, full of adoration, felt unbearably heavy on you. You gulped once, and you could almost swear heard Gojo snort, but you couldn’t know for sure since you refused to meet his face, instead you broke eye contact almost as if Megumi’s gaze were burning holes in you.
“H-How rude of me, I'm going to see if Suguru-san needs assistance with dinner-…” 
“Suguru-sensei.” Gojo corrected in a tedious tone, out of habit and ended up clearing his throat awkwardly to quickly change the subject and disguise the slip. 
"A-And why didn't Yuji and Nobara came along, it would have been great, like when you were on first year..."
Gojo start and you hurried to stand up and leave the room. Leaving Megumi and Gojo behind, your shoulders felt less rigid, and oxygen began to flood your system normally again, you entered the kitchen with the hint of a strained smile and were immediately greeted by Suguru Geto in an apron. 
“(Y/N),” he greeted you, “how thoughtful, you didn't have to bother.” 
“It's n-no bother Suguru-san,” you said almost timidly, wearing slow, measured steps to approach him, you were reluctant when suddenly Suguru made room for you to join him in chopping vegetables. 
“Let's see how skilled you are with the knife—” he said loudly so that it could be heard outside and once he noticed that Megumi's attention was totally captured by Satoru’s incessant ramblings, he asked in a conspiratorial whisper. 
"Are you two a couple?" your current lover questioned in a firm, icy whisper.
You shook your head, weakly.
“Don’t lie to me, pup—” This time he sounded close to angry.
“I’m not lying to you,” you assured in an equally firm whisper, “—We….” You made a meaningful pause to collect your thoughts and slowly Suguru’s hands stop chopping, waiting for you to continue. 
“You?” he pushed, and at your lack of speech, grunted. “You...” he stressed to crash with the same frustrating silence, and fed up, gave some choices for you to choose. “Maybe you…. you find it exciting to fuck our adopted son under our own roof while we sleep in the next room?”
Your head turn so fast to him that even your neck creaked. Eyes opening wide at his strong statement, never have you ever seen Suguru Geto mad, not in all these years as his student and fellow sorcerer… and somehow, he was way scarier than Gojo could ever be. Those deep, sharp eyes piercing you like obsidian daggers.
“N-No… I don’t…. this isn’t exciting at all…” you tried to put your ideas in order but were failing miserably, his hard gaze pulverizing your anxious mind, “Suguru-san-”
“What is it, (Y/N)?” 
Out of the blue, Geto flipped your body around rather violent, so your ass ending up pressed against the counter as his thick arms caged you under his massive frame against the same, his face slowly closing the gap. “Tell me, pup. Did you suck his cock after we left you? Does Megumi’s cum tastes better than his daddy’s?” 
You froze. Suguru was awfully intimidating, he was certainly seeing red. Even so, had never treated you like this, so contemptuously, so rude and haughty... and that lit a fuse in you, the same fuse that had given you the strength to seduce your sensei in the first place was now prompting you to defend yourself from his wrong accusations, with the same arrogance. 
“—I don't know what Megumi's cum tastes like, Suguru-san, I haven't sucked him off..." you stated, finding your courage, "...but if he’s something like his parents, who fuck me every second of the day without even asking me anymore" you smashed his misdoings to his face, and the professor’s lip twitched a little, "he's surely going to give me a taste today, whether I wants it or not."
He chuckled dismissively, and stopped himself from turn you around, press you hard against the vegetable chopping table and fuck you stupid like he wanted to—that attitude of yours made you awfully enticing. But in fact, if you wanted to play the self-righteous victim with him, he can play the same card outstandingly well.
“I never heard you complaining when I screwed you on top of the desk of my office after classes,” he recalled rather cynic, his patience thinning second by second. His thick, muscular chest gluing to your front as he sluggishly dug his leg between your thighs, “… I never heard you complaining while you came on my tongue praying my name or my husband's," he reminded you of your own sins and how gladly you committed the crimes that now you threw at his face. You squirmed and trashed under him, and he grinned pleased, slowly beginning to sway his leg, back and forward, to spark alive that sensitive bundle of nerves that drive you feral. It was amusing how Suguru couldn't tell if the blush on your cheeks was from shame or anger, “—or when Satoru buried his long, fat cock deep inside this slutty ass…” his big, powerful hand squeezed your buttcheek until the fat slip between his fingers and you had to bite your lip to contain the needy moan. Suguru Geto chuckled, low and darkly. "...Right now, I don't hear you complaining, on the contrary, you look insurmountably pleased riding my thigh."
You whimpered and nodded, unable to form words when your lips were stuck harshly bitten between your teeth. 
“Yeah, thought so.”
Smirking devilishly at having you so easily at his mercy, his thumb worked its cruel intentions replacing his thigh and circled your clit, outrageously delicious. The pathetic gasp he received in turn made him chuckle. 
“Does my pretty pup want to come on my thumb?" His thumb pressed harder, and your head fell back, eyes tightly shut. “Somehow you don't strike me as the victim in all of this-”
“I’m—” You practically hiccupped through a whine, eyes squeezed shut, readying yourself to burst, you needed it, you wanted it. This was way more enticing that any other occasion, perhaps, was the fact that it was forbidden... not that it wasn't before but now you could see what was a stake, not only your reputation was on the line this time and that simple fact, was immensely trilling. “Ple—Please Suguru-san....”
Geto's assault continued, he wouldn't deny it, he was pumped, having Megumi and Gojo on the other room while he undid you on his fingers against the kitchen counter had him painfully hard. 
"I asked you a question, pup." Pressing his face against your cheek, you felt him grind you harder against the counter, grinning his wicked grin as he brushed up on your clit roughly, it felt unfairly good and you whimpered, like a wounded animal. Your hands crushing the carrots scattered under to resist Geto’s merciless fingering. 
You shook your head, you were stubborn and a headstrong, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction. “No—”
You shook it more vigorously now, and your hands rushed to perch on his strong shoulders for leverage. “No.”
“Yes, pup,” he breathed, laughing. "Such a stubborn pup, we have." He purred, devilishly and you felt like soft, melting butter spread on freshly made bread. “I love Megumi more than I care for my own life—” he stated.
"And I don't care how thrilling it feels," He knew because was experiencing it firsthand, "you're not going to hurt him!" he spat severely and you shook your head, without knowing that he was saying those words to himself, urging himself to behave for his son’s good. "I'll be damn if I let anyone hurt him-"
“I’m not, I love M-Megumi too,” you insisted, eyes wrenching themselves open to look at him. His lips were trembling, out of fury or pleasure you didn’t know. Nevertheless, there was a pinch of wicked amusement in his eye, he couldn´t hide it. Suguru Geto was depravedly amused by the situation he got himself in, guiltily pleased and thrilled, but still remarkably composed for how ruthlessly he was teasing you. “I just–”
He waited; all his attention poured in your next words.
"I just want you and Satoru sensei, so bad-"
He snorted a laugh, and you feared the sound would bring someone upon the spectacle. 
“Seriously?” Geto wondered, fingers coiled around your panties and shoved against your heated flesh. Your sultry pussy, wet and welcomingly, warm to his touch.
You nodded, and he shook his head. 
"Then why Megumi?" He muttered. 
For the first time, though everything up until this point he had felt cruelly driven, your mere presence spring him to action, turning him into this shameless, imitation of a worthy man, who truly only wanted you for himself. He felt his cock twitch, and his mouth water at eye-opening revelation. HIS, you, being his and only his. His pups growing inside your belly, so full of him, branded from the inside out. 
After a couple of contemplative seconds, he hummed in denial of his own desires and force himself to forget what he had just learn about himself to instead ask again. "I asked you a question, (Y/N). Why Megumi?" 
“I-I” you stuttered, face going hot with embarrassment and guilt, "I couldn't-… I couldn't say no." you finally revealed, hiding behind your eyelids as if it would help mitigate the fluster, you were so fucking close, inching that sweet orgasm with each wicked rub of his masterful fingers… and then he stopped.
Suguru Geto sighed, long and deep, craning his neck so his forehead bumped your shoulder, where ended up depositing a chaste kiss before letting go of you, uncaging you from his massive frame, spined on his heels and pass a hand through his disheveled, long hair, burdensomely.
You were left heaving and panting, sweaty and heated cheeks slowly cooling down at the lack of friction. Your breathing slowly growing normal and even, equally placid as frustrating at not having reach the promised glory.
Your body immediately missed him. The cold he left behind felt wrong, not having him nested between your thighs felt wrong, not having him working your clit while wearing your name out felt nefariously wrong, you wanted him back in your arms… so bad.
"So, you choose him over us." The tall sorcerer snorted a cruel chuckle, his broad back to you, making it impossible for him to see you deny your head. "I get it, Megumi's dangerously handsome for such a timid boy—"
"You are not wrong," you replied, acknowledging his previous statement, and he grinned, defeatedly. "Megumi is dangerously handsome…. but I don't want him," your small hands snaked indiscriminately fearless and possessive around his waist, "I want, and I chose you and Gojo." 
His relieved sigh rumbled through his strong back even when the sound never left his mouth. You grinded harder against him and repeated firmer. "You, Gojo and me."
Geto smiled, letting his head fall back and cuddle on the crown of your head. 
"You are not just saying what I want to hear, are you, pup?"
You shook your head, hugging him harder and burying your face deeper against his warm back. "I don't want Megumi...-" you made a meaningful pause and Geto waited with the little patience he had left. "—Nevertheless, he wants me."
Geto's eyebrows furrowed and carefully turning around pushed you in all gentleness by the shoulders to look straight at your blushing face. 
"Did he finally declare his feelings to you?"
You were surprised when the words left his mouth. Your mind unable to processing what you had just heard.
"D-Did you know?"
⭕️ Find in my PATREON NSFW art from this chapter and more NSFW art of the story and lots of content from JJK, exclusive smut fanfiction and more interesting stuff. ;)
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selfieignite · 3 months
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Sherry Cola: "John Cho is single-handedly keeping me bisexual."
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WTF is wrong with these RepubliKKKlan assholes!
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blackthornluce · 3 months
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Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron as Brooke Harwood and Chris Cole A FAMILY AFFAIR (2024)
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Charles Leclerc Masterlist
All of my Charles Leclerc fanfics in one convenient location and hopefully all the links work. If not, look for the fanfic title in the masterlist tags
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Mini series
TikTok Challenges
Drive Thru Test Fiancé Girlfriend Book Boyfriend Challenge
TikTok Pranks
Say It Back Can You Get Out? Wrong Name Pay For Dinner That’s Not My Name
Charles Leclerc x Single Mom
Meet and Greet First Date
Charles Leclerc x Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
The Happy Throuple Nobody Everybody Knows Family Meeting
One shots
Prince of Ferrari
Can You Be My Boyfriend?
A Cinderella Story
Meet the Family Part 2
Move to Miami
The “Affair”
That’s That Me Espresso
Missing Journal
Attached at the Hip
Nerdy Glasses?
My Trainer’s Daughter
TikTok Gone Viral
Model Behavior
Ex Girlfriend
The 25 Year Old “Virgin”
Not Your Average WAG
Grill The Boyfriend
World Tour
Emo Girlfriend
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