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secondblooms · 5 months
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klaudia96art · 2 years
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Illustrazioni dell’ libro di Ginevra disegnato da me è la mia storia scritta grazia ha @marcello.cavalli.74 publicato con la casa editrice @incipit23.libreria @incipit23.bistrotletterario con la collaborazione di @tomasonigris e Cristiana costa grazie ancora di cuore di aver lavorato insieme alla mia storia ❤️ se volete acquistarlo ecco il link dove potete trovarlo 🤗 https://www.incipit23.it/negozio/libri/libri-per-bambini/il-giardino-segreto-di-ginevra/ scoprite la magica storia di Ginevra 🌸🌺 nel suo magico giardino
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Arabella Tulley was the heart and beauty of her clan. Waves of deep auburn hair swung about her waist.  Warm chocolate eyes revealed swirls of warm honey in firelight.  A Soft spray of freckles dusted her nose and soft cheeks perfectly, which were flawlessly structured above a smile as gorgeous as it was contagious.  Her voice sang so sweet it was near angelic as words danced from her tongue and enchanted all those who bent an ear.  Countless men and women thought themselves in love at the sight of her.  More often than not, she found little gifts at her door.  Bouquets of roses, peonies, and foxglove were her favorite.  She’d been gifted boxes of fudge, little toffees, baskets of cheese, smoked meats, and, not least of all, poems and letters.   Shopkeepers offered her lush gowns of velvet and satin without charge only to find themselves sold out of every last piece in weeks to come.  Everyone wanted to emulate the gorgeous Arabella. While her beauty was the pleasure of those around her, it was nothing but a burden to Arabella herself.
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bookrabbit · 7 days
Getting a Pascha Pumpkin Halloween begins when you find a Pascha Pumpkin
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Ghost Story Finding a Pascha Pumpkin   Halloween starts with this book/Challenge
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noam-easter-bunny · 11 days
Ghost Story Finding a Pascha Pumpkin   5Star Children’s Book Series
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thefaeryscribe · 1 year
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This autumn I'll be having a DOUBLE release: a new novel AND a new folk album!
Both of these have been a little long in the making. I wrote the first draft of this novel back in 2014, and my band, Wildwood Minstrels, has been working on the album for a couple years now. Special shoutout to Jason Reece for all of his awesome guitar work! The album will also feature a few special guests: Olivia Harding and Asia Lupo from Music the Gathering (let's play!), Jeremy Johnson, and Phil Woodhull.
I'm so excited to finally share both of these projects with all of you!
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nocnitsa · 6 months
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Frank C. Pape- "Now he could reach up and touch Swanhild's hands."
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lesbianaglaya · 2 years
the thing about daud is he had absolutely nailed down this grand metaphor with the masks, the whaling knives, living in the flooded and abandoned financial district he’s really successfully hitting the whaling metaphor of bloody slaughter for financial profit that the city runs on. he’s putting on a sort of tongue in cheek show for the city of pseudo respectability (except not really because he doesnt really ever seem or want to seem respectable hes just making. A Joke.) in that hes pretending at having this societally important profession while the people who hire him like burrows have this. barely concealed disgust and open fear of him. And he does this juuuuuust to be petty. And then like a tiny bit of the reality behind the metaphor hits him (maybe the whales suffer daud!), not even the whole force of it (endless bloodshed isnt a stable way to run a society!) and he absolutely loses his fucking mind and does the dunwall equivalent of selling off all your things and emptying your bank account to go live hashtag off the grid combined with a little saint augustine confessions rp. and we see the start of the manifestation of this breakdown. In a whale oil factory. Knife of dunwall truly game of all time.
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dearopheliaimsorry · 1 year
I'm on Season 1, Episode 10 of Grimm
and Monroe is my boy. How dare you hurt him bc of his bestie, that's mean. Also, his favorite color (Red) is very important to me.
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rexscanonwife · 11 months
Thinking about how much I love selkies and how selkies are an Irish folktale originally
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itx-rox-ket · 1 year
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I made a poem about someone(I put the name at the end) and it's kind of hard to read so I'll just retype it here:
"Her golden skin, hair and eyes was the reason for the name she was given. It's true, her hair, skin and eyes were very similar-looking to the color of gold. But, it wasn't just the outside, but also the inside. She was very adventurous, extroverted and joyful. But, it was all just to cover up the spot of rust not only from the world, but also herself because it would reveal that it is only Pyrite, aka fake/fools gold. For if she had, she would be shamed and outcasted like a drop of blood on a newly made wedding dress. Even though red was also her favorite color because her favorite food was an apple. But even apples can be golden after you bite into them, but when they turn too golden they dry and are thrown out to a new place. Just like how she loved to travel. And after all this, the golden name she was given was only based on her looks but still fits her personality if you look deep enough. And that name is not very much used for children nowadays, but is still very well-known to them. The name of gold, Goldilocks.”
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crawlspacefics · 10 months
Fate (Chapters 13 - 17) - Throwback Thursday edition
Telling Ami's mom, Reinako backstory, baby Ami lore (and the first mention of Uncle Kyo), Valentine's Day Pizza, and Makoto's lingering hang-ups.
Minako’s eyes lit up in amusement as she recognized the pictures on the front.  One was Sailor V winking and doing her trademark pose.  The other was a copy of one of the Sailor V game posters.  A grin tugged at the corners of her mouth as she opened the first binder and turned the pages, seeing all the Sailor V trading cards.  When Rei opened the shoebox and dumped out all its contents, including key chains, pencil boards, and stickers all with various Sailor V images, Minako bit her lip hard.  But then she saw the little figure lying on its side.  Rei righted the figure and tapped its oversized head, setting it to bob up and down and sideways.  That was when Minako lost it.
The blonde let loose with an amused burst of laughter.  Tears leaking from her eyes, she clutched her sides as the mini Sailor V grinned and bobbed its head at her.  She laughed even harder when Rei shot her an unhappy scowl.
Rei picked up one of the smaller pillows from the floor and threw it at her soon-to-be-former friend.  “Hmph, see if I ever show you anything ever again.”
Minako calmed a bit and wiped at her eyes.  “I’m sorry,” she managed to get out between giggles.  “But all of this… wow!  I don’t even have half of this stuff.  Where did you get it all?”
Rei grinned as she opened the second binder.  Inside were manga safely sealed away in protective covers.  “I started collecting most of this before I found out I was Mars.  Sailor V was the big thing, and the bookstore at the mall was having a free autograph session to advertise the new manga.  I’ve just been picking stuff up here and there ever since then.  You’d be amazed at how much some of this stuff is actually worth,” she said as she turned to the last plastic page in the binder and showed it to Minako.
Minako took the binder and stared in amazement at what she saw.  “An autographed, limited edition, first print?  How?”
“I have my ways,” said Rei with a self satisfied grin.
“But they only released these in England,” said Minako.  “I had everyone I knew combing every shop from Soho to Berkshire and we couldn’t find even one, let alone being able to get an autograph.”  She started to lift the flap on the cover only to have it snatched away by Rei.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” said Rei as she held the binder protectively to her.  “I was only able to get one copy this time, and it cost me almost a month’s allowance to have it imported.  This one is for safe storage only.  If you want to look at one, take one of the ‘look at’ copies from the shoebox.”
Minako smiled and went back to the trading cards.  “I never knew you were such a big fan,” she said teasingly as she flipped through a few pages of foils and hologram cards.
Rei’s cheeks reddened just a little.  Ignoring the heat she felt in her face and the cute-but-annoying grin on Minako’s, she said, “I’m only missing three cards from that set.  I lost interest for a while after we started fighting youma for real.  Then you showed up, and, after a while, I realized you were just one of us.  Now all the pictures go up there,” she said as she pointed to a photo album on her desk shelf.  Then she picked up a key chain of Sailor V blowing a kiss and twirled it on her finger.  “But I wouldn’t be a proper fangirl if I’d lost interest altogether.  Besides, some of this stuff is just too cute.  But I suppose you’d say that with a model as cute as you, how could it not be?”
Rei started to laugh, but was stunned into silence as Minako leaned forward.  She froze completely as Minako’s lips touched gently against her cheek.  It was a light touch, brief and barely there.
“For my number one fan,” said Minako softly against Rei’s cheek, her breath brushing the spot her lips had just abandoned.  Then she sat back and laughed quietly as she pulled the binder of trading cards back into her lap.
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bookrabbit · 8 days
Halloween begins with this book/Challenge
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Best Halloween children book 5 Star ''Noam Fall Garden''
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