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redslug · 2 years ago
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Doctor Fabre
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bonbonanza · 1 year ago
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quercusfloreal · 5 months ago
How did Fabre choose which fruit, object, vegetable or plant would go on which day ? Did he put papers in a huge jar and choose randomly ?
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transrevolutions · 2 years ago
welcome to the french revolution. we've got catty bitch of a journalist who got executed for being a catty bitch, even cattier bitch journalist who somehow didn't get executed but wrote from his bathtub, big loud guy who cheats on his wife and cheats in his financial reports, fancy dressed lawyer who takes his dog on two hour walks, broke 26 year old goth genius, a few women who burn down buildings and kill shopkeepers, another woman who suicide baited the dog walking lawyer, failed playwright who commits white collar crime, hot bisexual with an orgy cave, another journalist whose paper is primarily expletives, two guys who blew up civilians for no good reason, guy who brings a knife to the government to threaten his fellow officials, guy who thought he got paralyzed from having too much sex, asshole mathematician whose grandson became president of france, and a guy everyone calls bonbon.
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comite-de-salut-public · 10 months ago
General public warning that if you see an account by the name of either @eglantine-small-organ or @virtueinbedwithmywife, please do report them to us! The first is running some kind of investment scam I believe, and the other one seems to be posting... thirst traps?
(The thirst traps aren't what we're really worried about, the actual issue is that someone spotted some shipment crates in the bedroom... that are definitely supposed to be at the army bases on the front and not at someone's house.)
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nesiacha · 5 months ago
The decrees concerning the discussion of the release of Ronsin and Vincent
Here are links to the parliamentary archives (unfortunately the texts are in French, impossible to translate them, I really don't have time, believe me I'm sorry) concerning the discussion relating to the request for the release of citizens Ronsin and Vincent, during the session of 14 Pluviôse Year II (February 2, 1794) as well as the reasoned discussion of Vadier who announces the impossibility of the Committee of General Security to present a report on the accusations brought against Ronsin and Vincent for lack of documents, during the session of 23 Nivôse Year II (January 12, 1794)
Which confirms my ideas: we know that it was Philippeaux and Fabre d'Eglantine who proposed the mention of arrest (especially Fabre) but let's be honest they are not the only ones responsible for their arrests, the majority of the CSP and the Convention who voted for are also responsible. The point is that contrary to the ideas of films of the French revolution Danton mostly let his colleagues speak for him (Desmoulins, Fabre, Philipeaux led the boat in the "faction" I put it in parentheses because it is more complex). Although we are at a time when Danton feeling condemned begins to go on the offensive (he has this in common with Hébert who backtracks in the most critical moments and sometimes lets Momoro and Ronsin lead the boat of the ultra revolutionary "faction") There is also as an ally of Danton Legendre who asks to speak. Bourdon de l'Oise is the one who is the most on the offensive against Vincent and Ronsin. To be fair Danton speaks out he asks for the release of Vincent and Ronsin in the same way as Fabre although it seems unfair to me for his colleague and ally Philippeaux (some would call Danton's attitude cowardly even if I find the word a little too strong). Interestingly, if Danton is applauded for his speech, the announcement of the release of Ronsin and Vincent is also applauded. This shows that the ultra-revolutionary faction is popular in Paris but still enjoys at this time a good respectability in the Convention although deputies are opposed to their release. Another most important point: the divergence of agreement between the Committee of General Security which announces not having found any pieces or evidence of accusation against Ronsin and Vincent and therefore in favor of their release (Vadier and Voulland) and some of the members of the Committee of Public Safety surely against . But to be fair Voulland and Vadier are for their releases but Bourdon de l'Oise is against the release (I think he was a member of the Committee of General Security) so there is a significant split. Another important point Levasseur announces that Mazuel, a Hébertist friend of Hanriot who would later be executed with Ronsin, Momoro, Vincent, Hébert and many others, had been arrested a first time on the proposal of Fabre d'Eglantine and was released very quickly. The Hébertists were therefore often attacked, which was not to help a possible reconciliation with the Committee of Public Safety (the Hébertists also have their share of responsibility, let's be honest I have the impression that all the "factions" and many deputies share the responsibility for these internal struggles)
The links:
Decree, proposed by Voulland, for the release of citizens Ronsin and Vincent, during the session of 14 Pluviôse Year II (February 2, 1794):
Discussion relating to the request for the release of citizens Ronsin and Vincent, during the session of 14 Pluviôse Year II (February 2, 1794)
Discussion motivated by the report of Vadier which announces the impossibility of the committee of general security to present a report on the accusations brought against Ronsin and Vincenzo for lack of documents, during the session of 23 Nivôse year II (12 January 1794):
What is interesting is that Vadier complains rather that the Basire, Chabot and Delaunay affair is rather very slow.
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frevandrest · 1 year ago
Great thanks to @robespapier for pointing out this local curiosity:
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It's on this street:
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francepittoresque · 10 months ago
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SAVOIR-FAIRE | Maison Fabre, un siècle d'histoire familiale dédié à la fabrication du gant ➽ https://bit.ly/Maison-Fabre-Ganterie Des gants de Grace Kelly à ceux de l'armée, de la prospérité au dépôt de bilan, Maison Fabre, ganterie depuis quatre générations à Millau, dans l'Aveyron, a tout connu en cent ans d'une existence tumultueuse que l'entreprise célèbre cette année
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empirearchives · 2 years ago
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postcard-from-the-past · 9 months ago
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Saturnin Fabre on a vintage postcard
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etmourirdeplaisir · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Fabre! (I understand that today is a sad day tho)
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redslug · 1 year ago
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Loaf, performed by Doctor Fabre
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bonbonanza · 1 year ago
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comite-de-salut-public · 9 months ago
You seem to have thoughts on this new calendar system. Do you perchance, have qualms with it yourself?
I actually quite like it. The plants of the day have been very amusing to track, and I'm looking forward to the multiple-day New Year celebration at the autumnal equinox. This seems to be one of the occasional positive things Citizen Fabre d'Églantine has accomplished as of late.
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frevandrest · 2 years ago
saw the ‘tallest deputies’ post so was wondering..who were the shortest?
I only know Marat and Fabre. Marat is typically described as being under 150cm (4' 11") but I can't say if this is in Pieds du Roi or converted to modern measurements (if Pieds du Roi, then he'd be taller, around 155 cm?)
Fabre I am not sure, but he is constantly described as short, so whatever was "short" for them.
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frevandrest · 6 months ago
look at the republican calendar and see which animal/plant/item is associated with your birthday ok. if you're born january 14 you get the day of the cat
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