#Fab yellow boots
houseofcatwic · 4 months
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Late 1960's Mary Quant Boots.
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eden-has-rotted · 7 months
more kj slang (this time inspired by mcr songs)(not exclusively danger days songs)
[to] spike = to kill a Drac 
shed [your] yellow = let go of inhibitions, "live a little" 
pixie dust = what remains of someone after an explosion 
[to] fly home = [to] die
[set the] ferris wheel ablaze = destroy a location controlled by BL/ind 
[only] two cubes down = in the Zone neighboring someone's location 
icy blues = a sad memory, specifically a memory of someone's life in the City 
as snow falls = as someone is dying
best damn dress [I] own = the favorite jacket, pair of boots, etc. that a 'joy owns
[your] hopeless hair = the BL/ind mandated haircut a 'joy has, presumably before customizing it themselves
[their] elevator only goes up to ten = [they] are not capable of much 
the keys to the hotel = the form of payment for something 
[a] killing jar = a bottle of BL/ind mandated pills 
spent the night dancing = got drunk
take [your] gloves = leave 
[my] Aunt Marie = a person (oftentimes a family member) who was left behind when a 'joy left the city
[a] Jenny / [a] Johnny = [a] transfem / [a] transmasc
Generation Nothing / Gen. Nothing / Gen. N. = Generation Y (Millennials) (the generation of the Fab Four)
[something] outside your window = close/nearby, "just around the corner"
if your folks don't mind = "if that's alright with you"
[see through] [your] playground eyes = to experience something for the first time, oftentimes bad things
duct tape scars = top surgery scars
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gumnut-logic · 6 months
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It all happened so fast.
But then this was International Rescue and Scott Tracy, everything happened fast.
A plane on an irrecoverable dive towards the ocean. Fifteen passengers needing to be saved. One daredevil brother perched atop the aircraft, lasering a hole into the dying craft’s fuselage so he can yank those fifteen people out of their flying coffin.
Virgil at the helm of Two executing the fine control needed to keep his ‘bird a pace and able to lower the rescue rig to get those people off the plane.
Fast, extremely difficult, and one of International Rescue’s ‘Tuesdays’.
That completely went to all shit just as fast.
Virgil had pulled up all fifteen souls and stashed them safely in the belly of his ‘bird and Scott was the sole person remaining. Virgil saw him stand up and call One with his wrist control.
Just as the dying plane shook, causing Scott to stumble. Something flew off the front of the craft and hit Virgil’s brother from behind.
The pilot fell face first and onto the back of the plane, obviously not entirely unconscious, but the lack of response from comms as both Virgil and John called their brother’s name again clearly indicated that something was not right.
“I’m getting erratic vitals, Virgil, and he is not responding. Sixty seconds and that plane is in the water.
Virgil was already moving. “You have Two. Allow for my remote adjustments.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Two.”
Fast and ever so professional.
Two was flying parallel to the ailing plane, directly above, but simply lowering himself wouldn’t be enough to reach his brother. Calculations bounced around his brain as Virgil attached his grapple line and activated the hatch.
Wind tore at his helmet.
Scott was still prone on the back of the aircraft. It was a miracle he hadn’t been thrown off.
The ocean loomed far too close below.
Calculations made, Virgil jumped.
It was a wild ride, something his older brother would have revelled in. For a moment, Virgil was virtually weightless until his boots hit metal.
Then he was fighting the wind and running the length of a falling plane.
He didn’t have time to scan his brother, the ocean was far too close. So, it was with a prayer to the universe itself that he grabbed Scott, holding him close, and leapt off the plane. It collided with the water in a violent spray and died an all-consuming death.
Virgil grit his teeth as Two caught their line and coasted them just above the waves until John could push the Thunderbird into an gentle climb.
Scott’s head lolled against Virgil’s shoulder, limp.
He clung to his big brother.
Virgil hooked Scott’s harness to his own and set the grapple line to retrieve. They were safe.
He held Scott ever so tight all the way up, regardless.
Surfacing inside Two’s cockpit was a relief battered only by Scott’s unknown condition. Unclipping Scott’s harness, Virgil lifted his legs properly into his arms and carried him over to one of the pull-down stretchers. Virgil nudged it with a foot and it unfolded, letting him place his brother down gently on the soft surface.
A flicker of yellow light and the mediscanner declared that while Scott had a pile of new bruises across his back, his only major complaint was a concussion.
As if the diagnosis was a trigger, Scott groaned and attempted to curl up.
“Hey, relax. You’re okay.” Virgil reached over and unclipped his brother’s helmet, sliding it off carefully and lowering his head to the pillow.
“Virgil?” Scott screwed up his face and raised a hand to his head. “Ow.”
“You’re okay. Just a little encounter with some random fuselage.” He gently pulled Scott’s hands away from his face. “Let me see those baby blues.”
“Not babies.”
Virgil arched an eyebrow as Scott opened his eyes and squinted.
The baby blues disappeared quickly into a grimace.
His grunt was affirmative.
“Hang in there. I’ll get you something and then we’ll get you home.”
“One?” It was a single syllable, but it meant everything.
“John has her. Don’t worry.”
Another grunt. Scott’s face was still scrunched up and Virgil grabbed a kit, hunting for the anti-nausea meds.
“Yeah?” He was going to have a word with Gordon. Why was this pack out of order?
Virgil turned to his prone brother and found those blue eyes struggling to stay steady enough to convey exactly what he felt.
Virgil reached out and placed a hand on his brother’s arm. “Hey, anytime. You know that.”
His brother groaned again, and Virgil went back to locating medication before he had to clean up a mess.
Fortunately, he found it and, moments later, both brothers breathed a sigh of relief. Scott melted into the mattress, knotted muscles unwinding and Virgil leant against the side and took a moment.
He would have to pick up control of Two shortly, deliver the fifteen passengers to the nearest GDF base, and then fly home.
But right now? He reached over and brushed a stray hair off Scott’s forehead. His brother wrinkled his brow in response, eyes still closed, and Virgil couldn’t help but smile just a little.
Injured, but safe.
Thank god.
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stoptellinglieslois · 8 months
Red black and blue
From their first meeting they knew there was something special between them.
Superman x Robin/Nightwing pairing.
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I made it to Gotham on time it was my first time coming here as Superman it smelled of pollution of all sorts, flying down here was a big difference from Metropolis sunny skies to Gotham grim city that gave me no warmth at all.
I waited for batman on the roof where the bat signal was, It wasn't on I didn't want to turn that thing on anyway, I don't think he would like that.
It started to rain lightly I looked up as I saw no stars in the night sky in this city.
I waited looking around the flashy neon lights down below the roof. I waited for a few moments as I noticed a dark figure descending from another roof top on to this one.
And I saw another smaller figure coming at the same time as the larger shadow.
Coming closer to me Batman advances and then another small colourful of green red and yellow costume, Little boy who should be asleep by now who should be in the comfort of his home and not out here hanging off a roof.
Batman came in front covering the boy. "Superman thank you for coming I am glad you responded to my call." Batman said. He cut to the chase. "I didn't know Joker and Toy man are joining forces I am also sorry you had to deal with Joker breaking out of arkham and ending up in Metropolis." Yes that is a mess that I never thought that I would have to join up with batman and clean it up.
This isn't the first time I worked with Batman only three times before, And they were all brief encounters of us teaming up.
This time is different from the last time teaming up with Batman. Joker and Toy man decided to tag team and they are still loose somewhere. I didn't say anything at first but the little guy was there every time the Batman cape would blow in the light rain wind would push it out of the way and I would get a small glimpse of legs and green boots.
The rain started to pick up heavily this time and the wind blew the cape more and I saw more of the little guy, Green shorts and small little boots I could only see the bottom half of him his little heart beating so loud in his chest.
Batman caught me watching. "So what now we've got two crazies on the loose where do we start." I told him. My curiosity about this child is getting to me Batman hasn't introduced us yet.
I feel I need to take this into my own hands.
"I've also noticed you are not alone Batman." I said loudly. The boy of many colours came out of his hiding place with a big million watt smile on his sweet little face, His little heart beat a million times more than his smile.
"Hello there I was wondering when you would come out of your hiding place. What's your name." I bent down to be in his level of sight. "Robin I'm... Robin." He said. he is so excited and adorable his black hair is a bit wild. "How old are you." He got a little closer to me so sweet. "I am eight Sir." I laughed when Batman didn't interrupt the meet and greet but Joker and Toy man did on some sort of intercom loud and clear so the whole city could hear.
"Greeting Joker here with Toy man.... "
"And also Harlequin." A female voice broke out of nowhere and the microphone crackled horribly.
"Yes well thank you Harles like I said before greetings folks we are three fab villains." And I was hoping this night would be a quiet one.
"Me and Toy man have decided to visit the city of Metropolis to visit Superman." Joker rolled the last part in such a way I had to admit it was funny.
"Please note me and Toy man will be going back and forth into both cities first what will we do heaven knows." And a big loud honking boomed the city with evil laughter.
"All of this sounds terrible and a trap." Batman said. Robin just looked at me still in the rapture of meeting me even if Joker was in front of him I think Robin wouldn't be fazed at all.
"I will go to Metropolis."
"No we can't spilt up now."
"We need to stay here. How will I be able to communicate with you if anything happens I am in no way going to scream out at the top of my lungs and yell ! Superman come to Gotham." Batman replied sarcastically. Robin wanted say something but closed his mouth quickly.
I looked at him and bent down towards him my cape flowing behind me. "You want to help us out." I used my best fatherly figure tone for him to come out of his shell.
"We could use small devices to communicate B was trying to get me one he's inventing these types of stuff for us to talk all the time." Robin said. He looked up at Batman.
"Good work Robin that's what we will use to communicate in case of an emergency." I smiled at Robin who smiled back at me, He was so young to be out here crime fighting I wasn't sure of all of this and where he came from I hope Bruce would tell me the story before the media does.
"Deal then." I said as I was about to fly up to my city.
"Hang on don't fly yet... I am having a gala I would like it if you came and covered it like the press." Bruce said looking up at me, My feet are hovering above the roof top.
"I would love to catch them sooner before the gala." Batman said. I nodded in agreement Robin looked up at me with his hand on his small chest he saw me slowly lifting off the ground his mouth in the shape of an "O".
"Goodnight." I say to both of them as I left them.
I got to the gala Joker and Toy man is MIA they laid low.
I walked around as I watched people talk and mingle fancy expensive dresses and tuxedos adorned by the rich. I saw a lot of big wigs here and a couple of celebrities.
I took a couple of pictures of them Jimmy let me borrow his camera. As I noticed Lois coming towards me she wasn't supposed to be here, A man beside her hooking an arm in her's Lex ! I was so shocked and I wanted to yell.
I asked her out not too long ago and she said no to me for Lex. "Clark hey." I didn't know what to say to her no words would come out of my mouth I was too stunned. "Lex Luthor great work Mr.Kent I enjoyed the piece on the piece you did on-" I didn't listen to him my arch villain was talking to me and I didn't want to here it at all I was angry.
"Excuses me I need to use the restroom." I bolted out of there like I had ants in my pants.
My emotions are all high till I see a group of people gathering around looking up. A small boy wearing an expensive suit hanging off a crystal chandelier it made a chiming sound as the little boy swung from side to side.
I didn't want him to get hurt. People only stared and pointed but no one came to his aid. "Hey come down from there." I said to the boy my arms stretched as I went underneath the chandelier. "Come on darling." I don't know what it was but the boy stopped and looked at me and jumped down and the on lookers clapped as he got down.
I frowned as the little boy looked at me and smiled and did a back flip towards me. "Dick I' am sorry everyone it's just that he's not used to all of this without entertaining a crowd." Bruce dressed in his best pulled the boy away from the crowd and scolded him as they retreated far away from the group of onlookers.
With that I see Lois coming closer towards me Lex in toe. I needed to hide from these two. I maneuver away from the group and made my way towards an empty corridor I found an empty room and I walked towards a sofa and sat down it was nice and quiet here.
I could also do some work here and start on tonight's story and not be seen by them. I couldn't believe she did this but she doesn't know Lex is evil, I can't begin to explain to her how I know it led to.... Superman I can't do that.
An hour later in typing my paper I had enough material for a paper it was most of the same old same old.
Until I looked to my side and the boy who hung from the chandelier was in front of me, Where did he come from I didn't hear him come in here I was here for a while.
"Hello there remember me." I closed my laptop as he watched me. "Yes... what are you doing." He says looking at me getting close to me as he sits down next to me.
"I am a reporter I am doing a paper." I said. He looked at me with his little hands pressed on my leg to sit back more on the sofa. "Oh I was an acrobat." He says to me his blue eyes looked at me intently like he's searching for something.
I looked back at him with a smile on my face he is such a sweet looking boy. "Where's your parents fella." I stroked his back reassuringly. "They are dead... B takes care of me now." My eyebrows shot up. "Who's B." I say my hand is still on his back. "Bruce Wayne." Oh I see but I didn't put two and two together.
My hand is still on his back he got up off the sofa and stood in front of me.
I watched him as he got closer to me and took off my glasses. I wasn't expecting that at all he locked his blue eyes onto mine and for the first time in a long time longer than I can remember I felt like I connected to someone.
"My name is Dick." He whispers so sweetly we didn't break eye contact.
"I am Clark.., it's nice to meet you Dick." He blushed at that.
"Superman....." Dick says I take a long exhale of breath this unveiling was more profound then well when I revealed myself to Bruce.
"Yes." I reached for my glasses and he gave them back gazing back at me.
I put my glasses on slowly I smile at him "We better get back or someone will think we are missing or worse you've gone missing." I smiled.
"Ok. Let's go I hate these types of parties." He pouted it like something snapped and the moment left as we exchanged something much more than what I could even explain at this very moment.
We go into a room where the gala is taking place and find Joker and Toy man rounding everyone hostage.
Three months later.
We defeated Joker and Toy man putting them back in arkham and prison.
It is Christmas eve I invited the Wayne's to come and have Christmas here with ma and pa.
I wanted Alfred to come as well he needed to be here with us. I did this on purpose so Dick could have a Christmas that does not result in him being on patrol on Christmas Bruce agreed and tried to weasel out of it only to just send Dick and leave him behind and that was not my plan at all.
I didn't want to do that at all everybody needed to be on board. So I got what I wanted for Christmas I sat on the sofa as I watched ma and Alfred fuss in the kitchen.
I sat on the sofa watching them preparing dinner, Tinsel and glowing multi-colour lights flash on and off. As I looked through my old family album pa sleeping on the single sofa snoring.
Dick showed up out of nowhere the popcorn that was supposed to be laced around the tree is now dragging on the floor and in his mouth. "What are you looking at." Dick says chewing popcorn.
I laughed at him chewing popcorn I didn't stop him from telling him that it's for decoration. "You wanna look at pics of me when I was your age." He nodded so eager to see what a young Superman looked at his age.
"This is me when I was five I went to the harvest festival." I heard two heart beats at that moment I looked up and saw Bruce's cool gaze locked into mine.
I invited him in my gaze to a secret offer his gaze skirted away from mine he rejected my offer of whatever I was willing to give, He didn't want what I was offering instead he listen to Alfred and ma talking about turkey and how to prepare it.
This is the second person who rejected me this year more and more people just pushed me to the side, If I could swear I would it wouldn't solve anything but it would make me feel good.
I breathed in and out as I flipped the next page. I put that thought somewhere in my mind and tucked it away for now. "Wow is this you." Dick exclaimed as he pointed a photo of me in the third grade. "Yup that's me." Dick little fingers skimmed over the picture in amazement. "I like this one." He says a light blush on his face from between my legs as I caught sight of the blush.
I had a lot of these pics they made duplicates of these I have in another album. "Do you want this one Dick." His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh yes please." His eyes are wide like a saucer.
I knew Bruce heard this not saying a word looking away like he never heard a thing, I knew all to well he was paying attention to every detail of my interaction with Dick.
"Oh thank you uncle Clark." I took the picture out of it's plastic keep and gave it to Dick.
The picture is of me wearing a red sweater and a blue shirt under neath a small smile on my face, I looked at Dick and maybe he found comfort in this picture.
I watched him stare at the picture for a long second and he wandered off from between my legs.
Later on at dinner time I sat in between Dick and Bruce at the dinner table and my parents and Alfred sat in front of us. I enjoyed the meal very much the ham was so smokey and the outer part was crisp to perfection.
"Ma and Alfred goodness this is so good hmm." I all but purr through talking in between bites. "Hmm." Dick copied my reply I ruffled his hair.
"Yes Martha this is so good Alfred I have to hand it to you this is hands down the best damn meal I ever had." Pa said. Praising them both.
They felt so good about themselves I like this Christmas eve it is low key full of Christmas cheer.
We finished and made it to the living room and all of us gathered around the tv. I sat on the floor with a cushion underneath me and I looked over my shoulder Dick sat right beside me.
I looked at him and he looked up at me I smiled and he smiled back it is comforting to have a sweet little guy around. I was alone most of the time or at work It felt nice to have the Wayne's around here really good for ma and pa.
We sat there watching a classic Christmas movie pa has fallen asleep. Bruce and Alfred and Ma went to the kitchen to prepare the turkey for tomorrow's dinner pa snored so loud I chuckled a lightly.
Dick was awake he leaned his head on my arm feeling very comfortable as he snuggled close to me. "Hey I hear Santa's coming you better get to bed then." He looked up with no sigh of sleep in his eyes it wasn't late I just wanted Dick to rest well while he is away from Gotham.
"I don't believe in Santa I would prefer if Superman came for a visit." He said looking up at me with a smile from ear to ear.
"I... I guess that could be something... ok sure." Dick looked at me with pure joy in his blue eyes.
"Can Superman give me a gift can I fly with him." Dick said. As he got up off the floor bouncing up and down. "We should ask Bruce first and we will see." I told him I sat looking at him getting excited he didn't even get an answer from Bruce yet.
Dick did a continuous summersalt in one spot and it also woke up the pa.
Christmas morning.
I slept on the sofa and ma was already in the kitchen fixing everything for today's meal.
"Merry Christmas ma." I got up and rubbed my face I forgot to take off my glass last night.
"You to hun." I got up and went to the washroom no one was up except me and ma.
I hopped in the shower it felt so good against my skin the sprays are like therapy to my impervious skin, I got out of the shower and dried myself off I could have sworn I closed the door when I got in here the door is cracked open just a bit.
That couldn't be. I wrapped a towel around my waist I didn't want to cause concern where it needn't be, I listened to the heart beat it's small and beating fast like a drum.
I didn't know what to do instead of opening the door and confronting Dick I shaved and continued my morning grooming.
But he is still outside the door.
Ignored it.
Later that morning we opened all the presents and ate breakfasts, Dick came up to me and asked. "Can you take me flying." Dick had a light blush dusting his sweet face.
But I remember what happened this morning.
Bruce had said yes to Dick's proposal of me taking him flying as a Christmas present.
Dick needed to know what he did was not ok I needed to tell him without letting anyone know what just happened this morning.
"Have you been naughty or nice Dick." I looked him in the eyes. "Of course he has Master Clark." Alfred said. Joining in Dick never took his eyes off of me.
"well I would like Dick to answer that." Dick looked at me thick long lashes fluttering closed and then opening up again looking at me nervous etched on his face. "Yes I've been a good uncle Clark." He said. Hmm the boy seemed to know exactly what I've been talking about but is playing a good poker face.
"Clark take him." Ma said. Shoeing us out the door with her hands.
I got up I didn't want to make this into an issue in front of everyone so I got up.
Dick followed me out the door and we made it into the far distance. None followed us out the door they all stayed inside where it was a bit warmer.
I super speed my clothes off and into my costume Dick looked at me in amazement.
I picked him up he all but squealed with glee as I held him in my arms.
I looked at him before taking off. "Hold on to me ok." And we were off Dick put his arms out as if he was flying as I didn't go fast at all. "I think you were naughty Dick." I told him.
His heart skitter crazed I flew lower and more lower for his heart rate. "I.. don't know what you're talking about uncle Clark." I knew he was lying I didn't want to push this but we are alone and I wanted to tell him I knew he's been peeping on me.
"I know Dick about this morning." I told him he didn't look in my direction just kept his arms stretched out eyes closed. "Dick." I sing song his name he slightly smiled at my off beat melody.
"I never looked at you uncle Clark."
"How do you know you looked at me when you said you don't know what I am talking about." I said to him shaking him a little in my arms.
He said nothing to that I caught him and he chose to side step it.
"I hope it won't happen again ok Dick." I said to him.
We came down to earth and he ran to the house I let him run he didn't open the door yet.
I reached the porch I bent down to his level I held up his chin. "little bird this stays between us ok." I told him he nodded but made no other comment.
Bruce left me on my birthday to go on a business trip.
I had no one to be around me, He told me my friends can come for my birthday party but it's not fair.
I was turning nine why does he always do this to me I wouldn't do that to him.
I am alone in the house except for me and Alfred.
I am mad I am really really mad.
I needed someone to talk to.
I remember the communicator B gave me and Superman, B didn't bring his on the trip.
I tapped on the ear piece and I heard grown ups talking a man shouting.
I heard static on my ear piece as I listen to Perry talk about the latest media princess scandal. [Uncle Clark...] I heard Dick's little voice on my communicator, I didn't answer him because Perry is on fire right now any movement and he will hone in on me and rip me a new one.
[Can you come to my birthday party.] He sounded so alone and sad. "Clark I want you to cover this piece." Perry pointed his finger at me everyone is looking at me I shook my head in agreement, I felt like the spot light was on me.
I needed to talk to Dick in private.
I walked to the washroom.
I scanned and no one was here. "Hey little bird what's wrong Darling." I heard a bit of sniffling. "Bruce left me on my birthday can you come please." I didn't know what to do I needed to write this story it is the scandal of the year.
I don't usually go for these pieces but Perry's the boss I can't fight turning down these types of stories just yet. "I am a bit busy this weekend Darling." A heavy sigh in my ear and I felt my heart plummet it to the floor.
I felt for him and I thought to change my plans and accommodate the weekend and tried to be more flexible for Dick. "Ok Little bird I'll do my best to show up and be there for you this weekend." The energy shifts quickly and Dick is happy again.
"Ok kiddo I gotta go talk to you soon." I had to close the connection and get back to work and start on this story as soon as possible.
I blew the candles of my cake as most of my school friends started singing happy birthday no sign of Clark where is he. B isn't here now Clark I didn't like this I hated this.
Until I saw him hat on his head and brief case in hand he came in clumsliy tripping over nothing I smiled at him. "Uncle Clark." I jumped out of my seat we are in the backyard it's hot and Alfred decided to have the party outside.
I launched in his arms and he mumbled his apologies to me. "You're here that's all that matters uncle Clark." I was over the moon to see him I wonder if he will ever take me there one day.
I all but drag him where they are making animal balloons. "And what will you be having young man." The old man was talking to uncle Clark I laughed at the way the old guy was talking to him. "A giraffe kind sir." I giggled he did quick hand movements and handed over uncle Clark the giraffe.
"I would like a monkey." I said. They looked so cool most of the kids had few and I wanted one just like them, He handed me the balloon of green and blue.
"I am so happy you came uncle Clark can you sleep over." I asked him I hope he says yes. "I .... I'll talk to Bruce and see if that's ok with him if I stay over the night." I did a perfect twirl with my feet and I held his hand as we walked around the massive garden.
Bruce agreed for Dick to stay with me for a few nights in Metropolis.
I loved spending time with Dick he is such a sweet boy.
I was typing my article when I heard small feet coming towards me, Dick sat next to me swinging his feet I could tell he is staring at me.
"What you up to Dick." Still typing without taking my attention off the laptop asking him. "Nothing." I felt him leaning into my arm I looked over his eyes drifting off to sleep.
I finally finished the story I looked over my shoulder and Dick was fast asleep, I smiled I enjoyed watching him sleep like an angel resting on my arm so sweet.
I picked him off the couch and gathered him in my arms and took him to my bedroom, I put on my bed and tucked him in like a bug in a rug I thought.
I walked back to the living room and went to lay down for a few moments to collect my thoughts on the sofa.
But I dozed off before I got a thought and I didn't realise it was midnight. I felt a small pressure on my chest and felt something warm on it, It's Dick sleeping on my chest his light breathing I didn't know he got up and found me....
I stroke his back soothingly I didn't want to admit to myself but I needed this, It's hard to come home every night and have no one to come to.
I should wake him and tell him to go to sleep in the bed, I didn't do that I lay there and I let him sleep on me, I felt good and secure knowing I got him.
I rubbed a bit too hard as he stirred in his sleep and he snuggled on my chest to get more comfortable. I stroked his black locks liking how to have someone with me even if it's this little guy giving me attention.
It helped not being alone in this world that I am trying help save.
Was that bacon hmm it smells so good I got up and found uncle Clark cooking by the stove.
"Hey there little bird want breakfast." I got up and did a cartwheel I was careful not bang anything while I did my cartwheel, Uncle Clark looked at me but he wasn't smiling. "Stay here ok kid I'll be right back." Uncle Clark backed away as he said that to me.
He changed so fast I couldn't even understand what I just saw and then Superman was in front of me.
"Dick stay right here don't go anywhere ok here I'll get the pan off the stove." And then he leaped out the window.
So I made toast and put the pan back on the stove and fried bacon and cracked some eggs.
I ate my breakfast and I waited for Superman to come back.
He did come back. "Sorry Dick I had to go to Hawaii for a sec." He is in his costume I smiled wide I couldn't understand why but I was in aw with him I could't control my emotions I just loved to see him I knew I am lucky to have him around me.
He sat down at the table with me I knew I was blushing I looked away, His blue eyes are so blue it looked like the colour really didn't belong on this planet.
"I haven't given you a birthday present yet."
"I wanna go flying uncle Clark."
Thank you for reading
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madisonmaison · 1 year
Embrace Italian Elegance with Stylish Mara Bini Shoes
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Italian fashion is known for the craftsmanship it involves in making elegant and refined pieces that travel around the world, getting people awestruck.
Mara Bini Shoes are another refined example of this Italian magic. Here in this article, we will take you into the world of these stylish pairs to find how they are worth being in your fab realm. 
It’s A Style For Eternity
Certain shoe styles always stay on the trail when it comes to trends. Boots, flat and heeled loafers make up some of the choices. Mara Binni is one stop destination for these types of trends. It will be safe to state they have something for everyone so no one feels like zoning out in style.
Loafers have never-ending bestsellers like jeweled and heeled pieces, and then there are punky sophisticated and style boots that have maintained their significance for years, especially among celebrities.
Something Creatively New
When you are brief to add something creatively new to upgrade your shoe wardrobe, a yellow embellished, block heel, and tan silhouette is topping the list for you. 
Mara Bini boots have a collection of sophisticated silhouettes and comfortable heels that you can pull up for any occasion and season, from date night to office meeting and from summer to winter.
Mara Bini shoes, especially their boots, are a beacon of sophistication and style. With their exquisite footwear collection, you will have something that always invites you to experiment with something new.
Refined Italian Elegance
With Mara Bini, Italian elegance takes on a whole new meaning. Their shoes are not merely accessories but wearable works of art that exude confidence and grace.
The brand effortlessly blends tradition with innovation, creating designs that resonate with women who appreciate timeless beauty and contemporary style. 
The attention to detail in Mara Bini’s shoes is simply breathtaking. From the luxurious leather finishes to the subtle embellishments, each chosen element adds an extra touch of elegance.
Handmade Luxury
The delicate handcrafted embroidery, the gleaming hardware, and the intricate patterns combine to create a visual feast for the eyes.
It’s no wonder that Mara Bini has become a favorite among fashion connoisseurs seeking to embrace the allure of Italian elegance.
From boots to loafers, Mara Binni offers intricate designs in everything so that all eyes are on you whenever you are out.
Unmatched Quality and Comfort
Style should always strive for comfort; Mara Bini understands this perfectly. With a deep commitment to quality, the craft behind every shoe provides the utmost comfort and support.
The supple leather molds to the contours of your feet, ensuring a perfect fit and long-lasting wear. Mara Bini shoes are not just a fashion statement; they are a testament to the brand’s dedication to creating footwear that is as comfortable as it is stylish.
A Symphony of Craftsmanship
When creating masterpieces for your feet, Mara Bini leaves no stone unturned. Every pair of shoes has been meticulously crafted by skilled crafters who have honed their craft through generations.
Mara Bini shoes embody Italian craftsmanship, from the selection of premium materials to intricate hand-stitching. Each shoe is a harmonious symphony of design and functionality, combining classic elements with contemporary flair. The elegant lines, graceful curves, and refined detailing of Mara Bini shoes exude an air of sophistication.
When embracing Italian shoe-making and elegance, Mara Bini stands in a league of its own. With their stunning collection of shoes, they invite you to step into a world where craftsmanship, style, and comfort converge.
Let Mara Bini’s comfortable shoes embody your style, elevating every step you take with timeless sophistication. Experience the magic of MADISON MAISON and indulge in the beauty of Mara Bini shoes – your feet deserve nothing less. Embrace Italian elegance and let your footwear tell a story of grace, beauty, and enduring allure.
Are Mara Bini shoes made from high-quality materials?
Absolutely! Mara Bini commits to using only the finest materials in their shoe production. They craft each pair of shoes from premium leathers and fabrics sourced from reputable suppliers. The brand’s dedication to quality ensures that every shoe boasts durability, comfort, and a luxurious feel.
Can I find a variety of styles in Mara Bini’s shoe collection?
Yes, Mara Bini offers diverse styles to suit different tastes and occasions. Whether looking for elegant pumps, stylish flats, sophisticated boots, or trendy sandals, you’ll find a wide selection in Mara Bini’s shoe collection. From classic designs to contemporary interpretations, there’s a perfect pair for every fashion-forward individual.
Are Mara Bini shoes comfortable to wear?
Mara Bini prioritizes both style and comfort in their shoe designs. The brand understands the importance of wearable footwear that doesn’t compromise comfort.
They meticulously craft each shoe with ergonomic considerations, ensuring a comfortable fit and foot support. Whether wearing them for a few hours or an entire day, you can trust Mara Bini shoes to keep your feet feeling great.
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personalized-chaos · 2 years
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My contribution to colab organised by @/symboslug on instagram where he compiled different versions of the fab four by multiple artists (Jet Star, Kobra Kid, Party Poison, Fun Ghoul)
As well as new redesigns of fab four!
ID: Digital drawing in western comics style of fabulous four in order of Jet Star, Kobra Kid, Party Poison and Fun Ghoul from left to right. Jet has one leg up on a rock and hands in pockets, he's wearing black jeans with a hole on the right knee, purple boots with silver chains, black jean jacket with ripped right sleeve and missing left sleeve, black top, purple strap harness in the shape of a star, white cloth over his right eye, purple lipstick, top of his hair is dyed purple and has two purple star painted next to his left eye. Kobra is crouching down he's wearing yellow top with black stripes, red racing jacket, white racing pants, yellow and black racing boots, black leather gloves, sunglasses and has tattoos of black stripes with the number 27 and a tattoo of a snake on his arms and have several ear and facial piercings. Party is standing with right arm up and slightly swinging their hips, they are wearing light pink skirt with chain as a belt, black crop-top, yellow bandana around their neck, blue Dead Pegasus jacket, yellow and black boots on platform, ripped nylons, brown fingerless leather gloves, have tan line in the shape of their mask on their face and four black triangles painted above and below their eyes, they are holding a soda can in their left hand. Ghoul is standing with legs wide and slightly bending in waist forward with hands in pockets,she has on robotic arm, it's wearing black cargo pants with green straps like trip pants have, dark green boots, yellow t-shirt, yellow fishnets on their normal arm, green military vest, it has numerous scars on his face and white make-up similar to her symbol. The background is light yellow with big spider.
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Apis Mellifera (Honeybee)
I'm very excited to introduce ya'll to Tar and Mellie. Thank you very much to whymylife (on ao3) for beta reading this!
rating is teen!
Summary: Tar endeavors to make a meaningful gesture for Mellie.
Scuttlebutt gets around fast, especially on a ship so small (compared to a civilian vessel, they're still several thousand strong on this ship). Tar likes to keep track of these things, so maybe he finds out a little faster than most. Mellie is being considered for a promotion soon. Everyone else that might have been qualified for one has gotten theirs, so he and everyone else is pretty confident that she will get it. She hasn’t really said anything, even to him. He knows she knows.
Tar’s problem, he thinks, is he's not quite sure on how to celebrate. She’s been in a bit of a somber mood lately. Maybe something less like a party and more…not heartfelt, but personal? Maybe he could play off of her name, there was nothing really more personal for her than that.
They’re on a ship that regularly scavenges battlefields, and for a lot of different things. Raw recyclable material, shipments that never made it but are still usable, bodies so that scientists and engineers can fab up better armor. His inventory (read contraband stash) is vast and very squirreled away, much like everyone else.
Surreptitiously peering over the side of his bunk, out of the corner of his eye, Tar can see the sergeant already asleep by the wall closest to the door. He’ll wait a little while longer to make sure he's really asleep and not just faking it, because sometimes there's an asshole who does that.
Plotting the route, plotting the excuse- Tar lays his pad down to the side. Sits up, surveys. Decides the sergeant is deeply asleep enough to risk it. His sleep clothes aren’t necessarily ideal in any other scenario, but this way he doesn’t have to worry about the rustle of plastoid when he least wants it to.
Tar slips down the bunk and whispers out the door in a length of time long enough to be a lifetime and short enough to be a blink. Only the door whirring open and closed is audible.
No boots means he just pads down the hall. The night cycle renders the ship dim and still. A while ago they had made planet-fall and Tar marched through what he thought was called an artificial forest once. The tree trunks were all the same size and the stillness of the air unnerved more than one trooper. The ships branching hallways have a distinct lack of fog, though.
Tar’s mental map leads him to a supply closet, where hopefully there's still a spare length of wire and some tiny pliers that no one else has found.
The supply closet where he last stashed some shiny bits is right where he left it and the hall is empty, so he doesn’t even feel self conscious about tip-toeing exaggeratedly right inside.
Rooting around reveals most of his stuff is still there. An ideal outcome if he's being honest with himself. Missing loot means you can't even look for it- without revealing you’re missing something you aren’t supposed to have anyways. “Contraband” it is called. Something everyone on this ship conveniently forgets exists when they feel like it.
Now Tar has run into an unforeseen problem: he has no idea what a honeybee looks like. This is one of the most critical details to plan “Make Mellie A Good Luck Charm”. He knows bees are small insects, with six legs and wings. They are mostly yellow and black. It's not a lot to go on. Maybe round? For all that he plotted earlier, he forgot this one detail that he could’ve easily looked up. He will make do with a bit of guesswork.
The wire twists easy and pinches his fingers easier. Frowning at the final product, Tar resolves to make a second better attempt. It’s a gloriously lumpy thing that looks closer to a Gelagrub. He settles in behind a crate, placed to give him an advantageous view of the door.
Time passes quickly on the disassembly of the first attempt and the construction of the second “bee”. The wire color isn’t even right and Tar is loath to admit it because he has literally no idea what he's doing let alone what a bee looks like. They make honey (somehow and what the hell is honey even for?). Is it a stretch to make a honeybee for Mellie?
Tar fretts right through noticing the door whoosh open, so focused on making a little wire bug.
Mellie slinks up to the crate he's using as cover and crouches on it like a mischievous gargoyle. If he looked up he'd see the gleam in her eye right before she strikes. She leans in close-
“Out of your bunk soldier!?” she shouts right in his ear.
Tar startles, drops his creation and swings with his right fist. Mellie catches his fist, swinging up without momentum was never going to get Tar very far. She yanks his arm down, falling forward onto him. His breath whooshes out of him
This pins Tar with her weight and he rolls to his left further dragging her off of the crate and onto the floor, right hand between them, letting him shove her against the wall and pin her with his weight.
It works briefly, and Mellie shrieks with laughter. They're both parallel to the wall, boxed in by the crate.
She hooks her leg under his and moves to kneel, using his thigh as a lever, bracing her other leg against the wall. Tar lets it happen (his wrist is bending in strange and unnatural ways and he's sick of it), rolling on his back she over shoots on the pivot and lands on her face, palms slapping against the floor.
With his arm free, he grabs her back down by the waist to get her in a headlock. Mellie worms a hand between his arm and her throat. The buffer space is Tars downfall.
Mellie plants her feet on the crate and heaves up onto her toes, uses that buffer to fling her head back- headbutting him right on the mouth. He rears back, grunting in pain. Tar lets go and Mellie rolls off to the other side of the room. Hands on knees, they gasp for air, waiting for the other to make the next move.
This lulls them into a truce more standoff than ceasefire.
“Alone on a Friday night Tar? God you're pathetic”, Mellie pants invigorated by the playfight.
“Make like a tookagirl and climb a tree.” Tar fights the urge to tackle her and bite her right on the bicep. Instead he tries to locate the half made charm. If he plays this right he can still salvage a partial surprise. Eyes squinted, he scans the ground hoping Mellie can’t see where he's looking.
“Try hiding behind two crates next time, that’ll really cover your fat head!” she throws back at him.
“MY fat head?” The gleam catches his eye, conveniently already half hidden in a corner. Shifting his foot to cover the rest of it from Mellie would mean drawing attention to it, but also signaling the end of the truce by half a step to the right. Best to just come clean, he can always get her back later.
He drops the half crouch stance, a move that visibly throws Mellie. Picking up the lumpy charm that escaped being dented catches the light, sparking a gleam in her eye. She’ll want this one and the one he perfects.
“What's that?” she says, far too casually. Tar very seriously considers throwing it out the door and down the hall after saying “a really important screw that fell off the ship last time I space walked.”
Tar huffs, considers, decides, says, “Wire bug. Bee.” She suddenly looks very touched, like him remembering the existence of bees was a grand gesture.
“A little bee?” Maker alive, she sounds teary. He should’ve known something like this would happen. He opens his palm to her as she steps forwards to inspect. “Fuck, that’s ugly, but great job with limited intel!” He's going to lick his palm and smear it across her shoulder plate right where she can't reach.
“It would look better if you hadn’t startled me right in the middle of the second attempt.” He’ll never admit that the wire was already bumpy after the first attempt, even if it's clear to see.
Mellie looks visibly excited now. “I have pictures of bees,” she whispers.
“Okay?” It would be helpful.
“You need to see, so you can make it look more like a bee and not a deformed blurg. Be right back.” She leaves as suddenly as she seemed to show up.
Tar watches her leave just as abruptly as she announced her presence. He sits down to finish this second attempt. Right as he's reaching for the third attempt stretch of wire he hears the door cycle open. Oh great, she brought an entire ‘pad and suspiciously quickly to boot. There is an elaborate plot he's been caught in that he previously was not aware of. Tar knows it deep down in his bones, but that's something to worry about after they leave this closet.
“You will look and be struck with knowledge on the appearance of honeybees.” She brandishes the pad like a weapon. “Read it and weep.” He muses while Mellie enlightens him.
Her enthusiasm is infectious. And he really is learning the ins and outs of bee anatomy and appearances. How the fuck is this the thing she focuses on? Fascinating, they are very round, but apparently this is the bumblebee class. Some of them look less like these tiny bees and more like full fledged sentient species you would find on the outer rim, or so he's heard. Imagine that, a bee that stands on two legs.
The lump of metal wire sort of looks like a bee, but he was getting too detailed with it. Round body shape. Round head. Teardrop wings. A little loop. Five shapes. Far more do-able than trying to add six entire legs. The second strand of wire, the third attempt finds its way into his hands. Right. Mellie is genuine as she talks about how- “Honey bees have five eyes, two normal ones and three ones on top of their heads that are really small and see in UV.” Jango wept Mellie! Next she's going to talk about how they also have hairy eyeballs.
“And there is actually little hairs growing ON the eyeball and it's probably like that for navigational purposes.” Mellie continues. What do you know, there is actually hair on bee eyeballs.
This third attempt is coming along far better, the body is pleasantly round and the wings are even sizes so far, but his fingertips are starting to dent. He hands her his last piece of salvaged wire. “Want to make something too?” he asks. He's offering her a chance to make something, but also sharing more than physical space. Mellie knows this.
“Yeah, sure.” She turns it around in her hands, thinking it over. She starts twisting little beads of it in succession. It looks like it was woven together but really it's all the same wire just twisted in some parts.
Tar picks his almost finished bee back up, working on where the wings meet and the head begins, eyeing her pattern. It takes less finagling than his, but it's detailed as well. They should finish around the same time. An easy silence settles and before he knows it he's tucking in the wire ends and checking for catches. Mellie has her tongue stuck out a bit, concentrating on the last twist. He sees the shape she made, like a drip of viscous liquid falling over an edge. She adds a loop for a chain or string and looks up at him.
They silently exchange the charms sitting on the floor of some supply closet on some ship, in the middle of nowhere.
“Do you want to talk about it?” ventures Tar, after a beat.
“Not really.” She purses her lips together, making a twisted frown. “Thanks for this.”
“No problem.” Tar yawns, stretching out his legs.
“Right.” Mellie stands and offers a hand to Tar, pulling him up. “Long day tomorrow.”
He nods and follows her out the door, neither of them saying a thing when he slips his first attempt into her back pocket.
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c-rose2081 · 4 years
Chiffon & Steel
(or how Jeff Tracy and Penelope Creighton-Ward first met)
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Summer was in full swing on Tracy Island, yet somehow in the midst of oil fires, asteroids and hurricanes, they still found time to be together for a monthly barbecue. With Alan home for the long haul, it was ruckus as usual, the boys splashing about in the pool trying to dunk one another. Tin-Tin (growing up nicely, one could note) had found a spot to take in a bit of sun, while Kyrano and Ohana worked the grill. The Island had visitors today in the form of Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward and Aloysius Parker. The lady’s chauffeur had found himself a nice lawn chair and was reading the paper, while Lady Penelope sat with Jeff Tracy, overlooking the scene before them.
“I don’t know how you do it, Jefferson. Truly, I don’t.” Penelope mused, staring at the chessboard which was spread between them, “so much boyish fuss.
“Ah, but that’s the best part.” Jeff mumbled, still caught between moves. Sliding a pawn across the board, he grunted slightly in displeasure, “you always were better at chess then me.”
“Fathers doing I’m afraid,” Penelope sighed, taking said pawn with her knight, “Such a stuffy game, chess.”
“I still don’t know why you put up with that empty old house of yours. You really shouldn’t box yourself up so much.”
Jeff moved another pawn to try and counter Penelope’s impending check, and succeeded as the woman chuckled and tipped her head.
“You know this life isn’t for me, Jeff. The excitement of it all. My father would throw a fit if he ever found out what I’d been up to before we met. And can you imagine what the tabloids would say? The scandal.”
Moving her rook, Jeff once again grumbled and held his chin.
“Yes, I suppose he would. But you were so young then, Penny. You’re still so young.”
“I found my first gateway wrinkle the other day Jeff,” Penelope mused, kicking over one of Jeff’s pawns, “check.”
But the man wasn’t focused on the game anymore, rather the caged woman sitting before him.
“Penny, I remember those days before International Rescue like they were yesterday.” He insisted, causing sapphire eyes to glance up in surprise as the man half rose from his seat, “We chased stolen weapons through the Venetian canals and hunted for smuggled gold in Peru,”
“Jeff…” Penelope breathed, a flush of red coming
to her cheeks as the man continued, his hands waving in the air as his tone grew wistful.
“We jumped trains to avoid traffickers in India, sunk the boat of marine poachers in Argentina, and crossed borders in Mexico for crime lords. Don’t you ever miss those times?”
“Not particularly, no,” Penelope insisted, gasping as Jeff hauled her up from the chair. Having an audience didn’t seem to matter as he spun her dramatically on the concrete, causing a giggle to leave her throat.
“Come on, Pen. We danced salsa by firelight in Cuba. You remember,”
“Yes I do.” Swinging into Jeff’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her, Penelope rolled her eyes dramatically, “you held me just like this while you were madly in love with another woman, and with a son already on the way.”
The man giving a hearty chuckle as Penny shook him off, she straightened out her dress and folded her arms defiantly, “I hardly recall any of those moments being remotely good. Running for my life to avoid getting captured, tortured, or shot at isn’t necessarily a dream vacation. You haven’t forgotten the day we met, have you?”
“Of course not,” Jeff insisted, puffing out his chest with pride, “the boys at poker love to see the scar.”
Before the banter could continue between the pair, a harsh cough caught their attention. All eyes were on them, even Parker, who was watching from behind his paper.
“Sorry to interrupt, lovebirds,” Gordon mocked, sitting on the end of the diving board, “but are you going to let the rest of us in on this little song and dance, or do we have to guess?”
“It’s nothing,” Penny insisted, placing her hands on her hips, “just a reminding your father why I stay in my stuffy old manor,”
“Hardly. That day was the beginning of the beginning,” Jeff insisted, “you wouldn’t believe it boys, but when I first met Penelope, she shot me.”
The ‘what’s!’ That chorused across the pool deck made the commander of International Rescue grin in victory as Penelope held a hand to her forehead, blushing madly with embarrassment.
“You shot our dad, Lady P?” Alan accused, “why?”
“I wish I could say it was simply a lucky break on my end,” She admitted, “but it was your father who walked right into the middle of a war zone.”
“I didn’t walk into anything. I was in front of my hotel.” Jeff complained, “you were the one holding the rifle.”
“It was a .47 Phantom Striker. Top of the line back then.” Penelope insisted, waving a finger in Jeff’s face before jabbing him in the chest with a manicured nail, “and I still have it in the boot of FAB 1 if you want another something to show to your poker friends.”
“Alright, that’s enough. Break it up you two, this isn’t the place for a lovers tiff.”
It was Virgil who came between them, forcing the two adults into their separate chairs as Penelope steamed and Jeff continued to chuckle, “since you’ve made a scene already, you,” pointing at Penelope, “need to tell us how you managed to shoot dad.”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” the woman complained, “I was 18 years old, I’d only just learned how to shoot.”
“That's a bluff and you know it,” Jeff insisted, still grinning as Penelope sat back into the wicker seat with a nose huff of indignance, “I don’t know what they taught you at that finishing school, Pen, but it wasn’t how to hold a tea cup. Kyrano!”
Leaning over his shoulder to summon the man from the grill, he came over with a smile, spatula still in hand.
“Yes, Mr. Tracy?”
“Could you fetch a photograph from inside my office? The one inside the bottom drawer.”
“Yes of course, right away.”
“You didn’t keep that blasted thing did you, Jeff?” Penelope whined, “Oh please tell me you didn’t keep it!”
“Of course I kept it, Pen. It’s one of my fondest memories of you.” Jeff chuckled, taking the paper which Kyrano handed to him only a few moments later, “take a look boys.”
Crowding around the table still in their swimsuits, the photo itself was old and had worn edges and corners. The two figures in the photo sat in the back of a military jeep, surrounded by a landscape yellowed with dust. A younger looking Jeff Tracy sat on one side of the bed, his arm in a cloth sling and a youthful smile hidden under a dirty fedora. Penelope — still on the brink of adulthood in the picture — sat on the other side, leaning her weight on a long muzzled rifle. She too was smiling, but smaller, like the sun and sand had been physically beat into her.
“I’d been sleeping on the ground for a week when this was taken,” Penelope mused, shaking her head slightly as the image was passed from person to person, “it was my first solo assignment. It was supposed to be intelligence only, cut and dry. But a move had been made which my...hem, supervisors, weren’t expecting. So the plan changed unexpectedly.”
“If that’s the word you want to use for it, Penny.” Jeff chided, causing the woman to roll her eyes as the boys looked between one another.
“Well now you have to tell us the whole story,” Scott complained, “right guys?”
The group made noises of agreement as Penelope once again found herself blushing, watching the group gather around the base of the table like a primary school reading circle. Even Tin-Tin had caught ear of the conversation, and dragged her lawn chair across the pool deck as to be closer.
“Come on Penny, it’s a great story,” Jeff insisted, “and I know you tell it better then I do.”
“Oh...very well. I do love a captive audience.” Penelope insisted wistfully, “The year was 2047 I believe, and I had been in the small county of Asafar just North of Iran for almost two weeks…”
For those of you who saw the gif and thought I was stealing, that was 100% NOT my intention. So I took it off and am adding some stills instead. Thanks to the one who reached out and let me know so I could make the adjustment.
A/N: Thunderbirds 2004 has a very special place in my heart. I love Sophia Myles as Penelope, and I adore the flirty combo of Penny and Jeff portrayed in the film. This was written with that dynamic in mind ❤️
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The Lost Boys OC Moodboard
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Name: Elizabeth Whitlock
Nicknames: Liz, Beth
Series: Good Times (upcoming)
Fandom: The Lost Boys (1987)
Hair color, style, and length: Dirty blonde, styled into a mullet and goes just past her shoulders.
Eye color: Peridot green (normal), violet (succubus)
Sense of style: Likes to wear short dresses. Short black dress with spaghetti straps.
Chunky heeled boots or heels. If heels they have straps and are mostly all black.
Wears fake fur coats (because she's a fab bitch). Mostly leaning towards tasteful leopard print.
Color palette is black, mixed browns are muted oranges. Gold is the go to metal for jewelry.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Birthday: March 31st
Zodiac: Aries
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Species: Succubus
Partner: Paul
History: Turned into a succubus in the early 1970’s. Doesn’t exactly remember how it happened, she really has no memories of her past or of any former family or friends.
Family: She doesn’t remember her original family. Once she turned into a succubus, her new family became Varian, Kurt and Wendy.
Fav Color: Yellow
Likes: Yellow roses (which she gives to Paul as a symbol of her love and devotion to him).
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Honey whiskey
- Cigarettes
Theme Song: Purity by Lilyisthatyou
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gumnut-logic · 9 months
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“It’s the last house at the end of the street, Virgil.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Five.” It was said without the usual spark. The grey of the destroyed landscape sucked everything from everything. A pall of smoke and haze, black remnants of lives, homes and the tragedy of the night before.
International Rescue had been called to a massive bushfire in the Yarra Ranges in Victoria, Australia. The CFA had had it under control the previous day, John keeping an eye on it anyway, but an unexpected change in wind direction in the evening had it jumping firebreaks and tearing through an unprotected valley and directly through a township.
With the vast tall forests of mountain ash, eucalypts full of volatile oil just waiting to burst into flame, combined with the hot and blustery northerly, not even IR could stop the firestorm from taking lives and property.
Thunderbird Two had her fire suppression equipment, but the massive plane was a speck against the wall of flame.
There were forces of nature that just couldn’t be stopped.
The Tracys dodged and nabbed trapped people. Thunderbird Two deployed a huge water cannon, sourcing water from the local reservoir, as the CFA water bombed around them, desperate to protect what lives they could. But nothing was stopping the fire.
It tore through the town leaving agony in its wake.
Dawn was grey and dismal, but it brought rain. The sky rumbled, threatening to spark more fires in the ranges, but the deluge came and dampened the remaining flame enough to once again get the front under control.
But it was too late for the town.
It was gone.
Virgil walked the length of the street, his exo-suit rubbing on aching shoulders. Burnt out cars and collapsed homes lined the road from one end to the other. The skeletons of black trees marched off into the distance behind it all.
Haze hovered above ash-clogged puddles in the pavement.
It wasn’t what Christmas morning was supposed to be.
The last house at the end of the street had fully collapsed in on itself. A burnt-out car sat in the driveway, its trunk lid and one of its doors open.
Virgil closed his eyes for a moment, knowing what that likely meant.
He steeled himself and walked past the remains he knew he was going to find in the car.
Nothing could be done.
He focussed on the whine of his suit as his boots stepped in wet ash and strode across the front yard to the remains of the house. He had to clear his throat to speak to John. “Tell me where, Thunderbird Five.”
“Possibly in the basement? The lifesign is below ground level.”
The house had been old, the wooden floorboards disintegrating in the heat. Virgil leapt through the remains of a wall, landing on rubble in what had likely been a wine cellar. The heat had been so intense, that glass bottles had become slag.
Glass crunched under his boots. “Right or left?”
“Eastern side, southern corner.”
There was a mass of rubble collapsed against the only standing wall of the building.
“This is International Rescue. Can anyone hear me?”
He turned up the pickups on his exterior mikes.
Nothing. It was probably a blip. How the hell could anything survive this holocaust?
His shoulders dropped.
But then...something? A whimper?
Virgil began digging.
It took him a good fifteen minutes of solid work to move enough burnt masonry to reach a hole in the wall at the very base of the structure. And in what appeared to be the bottom of a dumb waiter he found the lifesign.
The little puppy whimpered at him, trembling with fear.
Aw, hell.
“John, lifesign is a dog.”
“One moment, Thunderbird Two.” The puppy stared, the green, yellow and blue of Virgil’s suit reflected in its brown eyes. “There is no dog registered at that address. Deliver to the local authorities. You are needed to airlift some survivors to Melbourne. Report to Scott on the other side of town.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Five.”
Virgil slid his arms out from the suit and bent aching knees. “Hey, little one, do you want to come with me?”
The puppy shivered and looked him up and down, hesitating.
“I’m with International Rescue, we’re here to help.” He took a step closer. “It’s okay, I promise.”
Maybe it was something in his voice, his stance, or simply because the puppy had no choice, but as Virgil reached into the box it was sitting in, the puppy made no protest as he picked it up.
A quick examination for injury revealed her to be a girl. She shuddered up against Virgil’s chest. “Don’t worry, it’s all over, you’re safe.”
Sliding one arm back into his suit, he started making his way out of the ruined building, turning his back on the tiny hole that had somehow saved the little dog’s life.
Perhaps it was because she sat so quietly with him. Perhaps because it was Christmas Day. Most likely it was because Virgil had reached his limit of pain.
When he found the RSPCA tent, specially set up for lost pets, he gently handed over the little puppy. She let out a whimper and began crying.
No barking, just this godawful crying that tore at his heart.
“You will be fine here, little one.” The attendant was one of those kindly older ladies and she hugged the gangly bundle of fluff to her chest as Virgil turned to leave, Scott in his ear.
But the puppy let out such a scream of anguish, Virgil turned around without thinking. She was struggling in the volunteer’s arms and before either of them could react, she managed to wriggle free and dash over to him, her little body trembling on his left boot.
He reached down and gathered her into his arms. “You can’t come with me. I can’t-“ But she was rubbing her head up under his chin, little sounds in her throat.
And he couldn’t.
Just couldn’t.
His eyes met the eyes of the lady volunteer and she smiled. “We will keep her details if you would like to take her with you. If anyone contacts us, we can let you know.” And the volunteer was just as hopeful as the puppy in his arms. After all, there was no life at the RSPCA unless a home was found.
He looked down at her little brown eyes again.
No, he couldn’t.
Damnit, Scott was going to kill him.
Maybe for just a few days?
The excuse provided a simple solution, so he took it.
Without a word, he handed his IR contact details to the volunteer, and, puppy in hand, turned his back to the tent and strode towards the big green hulk parked in the distant haze.
“Well, little one, you have definitely made an interesting choice. Let me introduce you to my big green partner.”
It was well past Christmas lunch, or rather the lack of it, before IR was given the all clear to return to base. During the entire time, the little puppy sat beside Virgil’s pilot chair, apparently unfazed by the deep bass rumble of Thunderbird Two.
When he picked up both Gordon and Alan the dynamic changed just a little.
Gordon dragged himself onto the flight deck first, a groan in every step. “Christmas just gets more exciting every year.” It was true. Nine out of ten Christmas Days were side-swiped by a disaster, to the point that the Tracy Christmas tradition was a modular and movable celebration nowadays. No guarantees and no defined day. It happened around December twenty-fifth, there about, when they could, between call outs.
Suddenly the little puppy was in his lap.
“What is that?”
Virgil looked up. His brother was covered in soot and looked as tired as Virgil felt. “This is Bo.” And he had no idea where the name came from, it just seemed right and the moment clicked.
“Yeah.” Newly christened Bo peered up at Gordon around Virgil’s arm. “She survived the fire.” A swallow. “Her family didn’t.”
Alan, as always, had more energy than any of them, and showed it as he waltzed into the cabin. “So why aren’t we moving?”
Bo let off a sharp bark.
Everyone jumped.
“What the hell, Virgil?”
Bo was literally glaring at Alan.
“Hey, Bo, calm down, that’s just Alan. He’s annoying, but tolerable.” The little puppy looked up at him, her gorgeous brown eyes just melting him inside. He was so gone.
“Hey!” That from Alan.
“Scott’s going to kill you.” That from Gordon, who was approaching slowly.
“Yeah, I know.” It was a sigh.
Gordon crouched down beside Virgil’s chair. “Hey, little one, what gave you the idea to attach yourself to this big oaf?” Pulling off one of his gloves, the aquanaut reached out and offered the puppy his hand. She eyed him warily before tentatively sniffing at his fingers.
She sneezed.
Alan snorted.
Bo blinked and stared at Gordon for a moment. The aquanaut kept still and eventually she sniffed at him again, before nuzzling at his hand. He blatantly took that as permission and gently rubbed behind her ear. “You are a cute little thing, aren’t you.”
She licked his wrist.
“Oh, I can see why our heavy lifter fell for you. You’ve got it all in those brown eyes of yours, haven’t you.” Gordon shrugged. “Though I will admit they are the best colour for manipulation.”
“And he speaks from experience.” To Virgil’s surprise, Gordon actually jumped. “Did you forget I was here? Not absorbed by those brown eyes are we?” He couldn’t help but smile at his brother. At least one was as besotted as he had to admit he was.
Yes, Scott was definitely going to kill him.
“Shut up, Virgil.”
Bo backed off, once again hiding behind Virgil’s baldric.
“Hey, Gordon, watch the tone.”
“Sorry, Bo.”
“Are we actually going home at some point? I have a date with my bed.”
Gordon stood up, pulling out the co-pilot’s seat. “No rush, Allie, she’ll wait for you.”
“Sit down, Alan, I’m just finishing pre-flight.” Tired and cranky could easily become nasty if not attended to.
Bo curled up, nestled against his harness, as Alan grumpily pulled out his seat.
“Virgil, where the hell are you?”
Speaking of tired and cranky... “Launching now, Thunderbird One.” As if prompted, he received clearance from Australian Air Control.
TB2 rumbled beneath as he activated VTOL, ash and dust swirling up around them. As soon as he had enough height, he engaged her rear thrusters and tore off over the Alps, across the coast and out into the Tasman.
“ETA fifteen minutes.” At least they weren’t too far from home.
Bo fell asleep in his lap.
Virgil was on the verge of joining Bo in slumber as Thunderbird Two spun slowly in her hanger, eventually coming to a final stop.
So tired.
Beside him, Alan poked Gordon awake. “Ugh, what? Oh.” You could almost hear his brain booting.
Virgil worked around Bo as he did his post-flight checks, his brothers, well, mostly Gordon, groaning as they got to their feet and waddled towards the hatch. “C’mon, Virg, Alan’s pining for his bed.”
“You two go ahead. I just need to finish post-flight.” He didn’t turn around, but he could feel Gordon’s eyes on him.
“Sure, whatever.” And he heard the hatch lower to the hangar floor.
His brothers gone, Virgil let himself relax back against his chair, his shoulders sagging. He let out a long breath. “So, Bo, how are we going to do this?”
The puppy woke as if on command and turned to stare up at him. Gently her tail began to wag.
Virgil let a tired smile cross his face.
Encouraged, Bo jumped up and put her two front paws on his chest, reaching up, trying to lick his face despite not quite being tall enough.
The smile became a grin.
“Okay, okay.” He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up as he pushed his seat backwards and stood. Immediately he was bathed in puppy drool. He couldn’t help but laugh. He surfaced above her licking and cradled her in his arms. “We need to get you some food.” His stomach rumbled ominously. “We need to get me some food.”
And a shower. A shower definitely wouldn’t hurt.
If he could hold off the sleep.
If he didn’t call it a stagger, it wasn’t a stagger, but he had obviously been sitting in his seat for far too long ferrying all those survivors to Melbourne on repeated trips. It was his turn to groan as both his back and legs complained loudly at the sudden demands for movement.
Bo started chewing on his glove.
Somehow he made it back to his rooms without encountering anyone. Shutting the door, he let Bo loose on the floor and began stripping off his uniform, hitting the buttons on his preprogrammed shower cubicle. Moments later he walked under the spray and let it wash the day from his skin.
God, that felt good.
As his muscles relaxed under the heat, sleep became more and more attractive, and by the time he stumbled out of the water, all thoughts of food had vanished.
He took the three steps across his room from the ensuite and threw himself facedown on the bed, still partly wet, still naked.
He was asleep within moments.
He was being kissed.
Her lips were warm, her tongue wet, her whiskers soft against his stubble...
She licked his eye.
Virgil, always slow to respond upon waking, opened said eye only to get an eyeful of slobber. A soft paw thwapped him on the cheek. Huh? he blinked attempting to clear his eyesight, a hand coming up to defend himself.
Fortunately, his brain came online and memory kicked in. “B-Bo?”
A tongue wrapped around his nose and left it wet.
He wiped his face with his hand, stretching backwards on his pillow, desperate to get out of reach.
The puppy landed on his chest, her paws kneading his chest hair, her little claws completing his wake-up process rather abruptly.
Oh god.
“Bo, down, honey, down.”
He was completely ignored.
Sitting up, he attempted to grab her in his arms, but missed. The little puppy landed on things that puppies had no right to land on. Or stomp on for that matter.
He winced.
“Ooh, okay, come here.” He lifted her off his lap, holding her close, her tail pummelling his belly. “I’m awake, okay.” Again he found himself pinned by her brown eyes. “Aww, c’mon with the cute, Bo, you’re going to melt my brain.”
“Assuming you have a brain to melt.” And Scott was standing in his doorway.
Virgil glared up at him. “Don’t you knock?”
“I did. Grandma sent me to tell you that Christmas dinner is ready.”
Virgil frowned at his brother over the top of Bo’s ears, ignoring the glare the blue eyes were directing at the puppy in his arms. “I thought we’d do Christmas tomorrow.”
“We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Grandma thought it would be best to sneak it in tonight, since it is Christmas Day, after all.” Scott’s lips thinned. “Where did you get that from?”
“She’s a rescue.”
“Usually we leave our rescues on the continent we find them.”
“She had no one.”
“Unfortunately, that is nothing new.” And one of his hands had moved to his hip.
Virgil sighed. “Scott, it’s fine, it’s only for a few days.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
Virgil held back his retort. He knew to pick his fights and now was not the time. “Her name is Bo.”
Scott looked at him and then at Bo. “Hurry up, your dinner is getting cold.” The ghost of a smirk. “And don’t forget to wear clothes.”
“Funny, funny, ha, ha.” But his brother had left.
Virgil let his shoulders drop. “Sorry, Bo, I think you’ve got your work cut out for you.”
Bo just licked him some more.
It wasn’t until he went looking for his boots that he discovered the wonderful deposits Bo had left for him on the floor.
And apparently one of his favourite boots had served as a meal also.
He closed his eyes and sighed again.
Half dressed, he cleaned up the mess, and five minutes later he waltzed downstairs, Bo in his arms and barefoot. Time to face the inevitable music.
A Tracy Christmas used to be snow, roast turkey, stockings by the fire, the occasional Christmas carol and family.
Since starting International Rescue it had changed.
Firstly, they were in the tropics. The only fires available in those temperatures were ones that required firefighting equipment. Having grown up with snow, it was still extremely weird. But it had its advantages. For one you could go outside in the minimum of clothing, something Gordon took advantage of every day of the year. There were no snowball fights, but these were fast replaced with water fights. There was no ice skating, but there was water skiing if anyone could get up the energy to get the boat out. And surfing, let’s not forget Scott’s attempts at that. Virgil would admit that he didn’t mind a little surfboard action himself. He wouldn’t say he was very good at it, but at least Gordon had never had to save him like he had Scott.
There were still Christmas trees and tinsel and stockings that no-one ever considered wearing hung from the nearest mantelpiece-looking piece of furniture.
There was still turkey and roast potatoes and all the yummy food crucial for a good Christmas meal, but it was often cooked outside in barbecue ovens and seafood and cold food had been added to the menu. In fact, the traditional dinner had become more of a banquet by the pool.
As Virgil walked out onto the patio, he couldn’t help but smile at the Christmas tree that had obviously been hurriedly moved out here from the comms room. It sat a little lopsided and the star on top was having a few issues with gravity. That was new, as was the liberal tinsel and Christmas lights strung from palm tree to palm tree, across the pool and back several times.
“Fifty bucks says Gordon tries to water volleyball the tinsel at least once.”
Virgil smirked as he stepped up beside his next youngest brother. “Not touching that one. I value my money.”
John was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and had a beer in his hand. Bo was immediately interested in this new person. She strained towards John, her nose literally twitching towards the hand holding the beer.
His brother must have caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and instinctively took a step away.
“Oh, sorry, John, this is Bo.” Bo was climbing over his arm, desperate to get closer to the astronaut. Virgil held her tight, worried she would fall.
“Uh, hello.” John turned towards them, frowning. “Since when do you own a dog?”
“Since this morning.”
“Does Scott know?” They both instinctively looked over at their eldest brother who was hovering over one of the barbecues energetically discussing something with Grandma - probably how not to burn the food.
“He does.”
“And you still have it?”
“Good luck with that one.” John drank his beer.
“She had no one else.”
John arched an eyebrow at him and then frowned. “Oh, Virgil.” His shoulders slumped.
“I am an adult now, John. It won’t be like last time.”
“God, I hope not.”
Virgil stared at his brother, only to see the genuine concern in his green eyes. A sigh. “It won’t happen again.”
John reached out and gently touched his shoulder. “No, it won’t, because you will remember that you have four brothers who are all here for you, won’t you.” God, that green gaze was penetrating.
“It will be fine.”
Bo yipped at John, her tail beating Virgil’s chest.
The astronaut smiled and offered the little dog his hand. She sniffed and licked him almost immediately.
“I think you have been approved.”
John smiled and Virgil couldn’t help but do the same.
“Virgil!” And Grandma was arrowing in on his position.
“Incoming.” John was smirking.
“Hey, Grandma.”
But his grandmother only had eyes for Bo. “Who is this?”
Virgil smiled again. “This is Bo. Bo, this is Grandma.”
Bo whacked him with her tail and literally leapt from his arms into his grandmother’s.
“Woah.” Suddenly with arms full of wriggling puppy enthusiastically licking her face, his grandmother was laughing. “Oh dear, you are a cutie. Let me have a look at you.” And she held Bo out at arms length, her eyes critical. “A little hard to tell at her age, but my bet says she’s of boxer stock, around three months old. Such a beautiful brindle and that face.” Virgil couldn’t help but agree. Bo looked like she had dipped her face in a pot of ink, her brown eyes surrounded by gorgeous black coat that quickly bled to brindle down her back with a spot of white on her front. “Where did you find her?”
Virgil looked at his feet, remembered why they were bare, and looked back up at his grandmother. “This morning’s rescue. She lost everything.”
Grandma turned her attention back to Bo. “Oh, honey. You survived the fire?” Bo licked her nose. “Well, you are safe here.” Grandma curled her arms around the puppy and scratched her ears. “Has Virgil fed you anything yet?” She glanced at him and he shrugged. He got frowned at for his trouble. Grandma turned away, walking towards the barbecues with Bo in her arms. “Let’s get you something to eat.”
Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Well, that didn’t take long, did it?” John was still smirking at him.
A series of barks and a yelp from Grandma, and suddenly Bo was dashing amongst legs in his direction. “Woah.” He crouched down and caught her as she leapt for him. She wriggled and licked, her little body trembling under his hands. “Hey, hey, honey, it’s okay, you’re safe.” She snuggled up under his chin. He couldn’t help but return the hug.
Grandma approached, worry on her face. “I’m sorry, Virgil, I didn’t realise.”
“It’s okay.” He reached an arm around his grandmother, bringing her into the hug. “She’s just had a scary day.” He pulled both of them close.
Scott was glaring at him from a distance.
John smiled at them and drank his beer.
Bo started chewing on his collar.
As the evening progressed, Bo slowly let herself part from Virgil as each of the members of his family, bar Alan and Scott, came to say hello or fed her from the table. There was one interesting moment when the little puppy encountered Sherbert for the first time.
Bo yipped.
Sherbert yapped.
And as the entire party fell silent, the two dogs stared each other down.
Virgil was poised for a rescue and Penelope was not far behind him, but a moment later Bo licked Sherbert across the nose, Sherbert gently butted the little puppy with his head, and from that point onwards they were best of friends, Sherbert quite proudly showing his new friend around.
But never out of sight of Virgil.
Bo and Parker had a staring moment not long after, but Sherbert barrelled on in and head butted the driver, snapping him out of it. It wasn’t long before the little puppy had him rubbing her ears as well.
Kayo stood her distance, assessing Bo as much as the puppy was assessing her. A calm arched eyebrow slowly rose as Bo tilted her head up at the security specialist. She pressed her lips together and faced Virgil. “There will be training.”
Virgil blinked and his sister turned and stalked off. Bo eyed her the entire time, only finally distracted by a yelp from Alan as Gordon threw him in the pool.
The engineer was left wondering if he should be worried or not.
The meal was delicious, of course. Scott had managed to keep Grandma away from the barbecues and MAX had been on task for a good part of the day. There was the mandatory turkey, and this year a couple of large snapper had been baked to perfection, along with some crayfish, oysters, salads and roast vegetables. This was followed by pie, oh, so much pie, Christmas cookies, and Christmas pudding with custard and the option of ice cream.
Virgil, as usual, made sure he took advantage of all the options. Consequently, post-banquet found him sprawled on a pool lounger staring up at the stars amongst the tinsel overhead. Bo, who had also eaten probably more than she should have, was curled up between his feet.
The soft sounds of quiet carols and muted conversation wafting across the water lulled him gently to sleep.
Scott felt like Scrooge. He was tired, worried and even a little angry. He was not enjoying himself, no matter how hard he tried. Grandma had cornered him at least twice, her hand on his shoulder trying to soothe his ire.
The annoying thing was that he wasn’t even sure what he was angry about. The rescue hadn’t been the best, but they had done what they could and some lives had been saved that otherwise wouldn’t have. The team had performed well, no one had been injured, they were all back home safe and sound.
And there was food, family and Christmas. There wasn’t really much more he could ask for.
His eyes settled on Virgil, asleep on one of the loungers, oblivious to the tinsel being draped across his hair by Gordon behind him.
Scott sighed.
But then a little head bobbed up between his brother’s bare feet and Bo barked at Gordon quite firmly.
Virgil was obviously far too out of it to wake, but Gordon looked appropriately abashed at the challenge.
Scott found himself smiling.
Realised he was smiling, dumped the smile and frowned.
Gordon scampered off leaving a sleeping Virgil in a crown of silver tinsel.
The little dog leapt off the lounger and chased after the aquanaut.
Okay, he had to admit the dog was adorable. He could see what had captured his brother’s eye, and Scott certainly had no objection to adding to their family.
But Virgil...when Virgil loved, he loved with his whole heart, and last time he had lost a pet, it had been bad, so bad.
They had lost so much in their lives already, why volunteer to lose more?
He sighed. It was stupid to think that way, but part of him could remember that devastated teenager, the depression and the mess that followed. Virgil had been as broken as the rest of them when their mother died, but when his dog died two years later, his reaction had been so self-destructive he had needed counselling and a therapist. Scott didn’t know if the two incidents were related or if it was how his brother connected to pets, or whatever. He only knew he never wanted to see his brother go through that again.
Their father was missing, and here was Virgil with a pet once again.
Sure, he was an adult now, and had tackled so much loss since, but...
Another sigh.
A yip and he looked down to see said dog staring up at him with a mouth full of tinsel, tail wagging.
“Yesssss, masster?” His brother sidled up with a bow.
Scott rolled his eyes. “Did you want to face your brother having to tell him that his new puppy died choking on tinsel?”
“Oh, shit.”
The aquanaut scooped up the little dog and with gentle words extricated the tinsel from her mouth.
A moment later Gordon held her up to his cheek and Scott had the experience of two sets of brown eyes staring at him adoration.
“Oh, for the love of-“
“A puppy?” Gordon grinned at him. “She is a rather cute, isn’t she?”
“Leave it, Gordon.”
His brother frowned. “What’s chewing on your underwear?”
“Hey, it was a legit question, bro. You’re a grumpy ass on Christmas Day. Where’s the merry? We have food and there will be presents. And there is a puppy. You couldn’t ask for more cuteness.” Gordon held up Bo who attempted to lick Scott’s nose.
“Nope, so not going down with you, bro. We’ve earned some happy. We’re all here, in one piece, it’s lovely weather. Cheer up, for goodness sake.” Despite himself, Gordon frowned. “Here have some puppy love.” And suddenly Scott found himself with his arms full of wriggling Bo. Gordon turned and walked off, eventually calling out to Alan, no doubt looking for mischief.
Bo tilted her head to one side and stared up at him.
Aw, hell, weaponised cuteness.
She jumped up and licked his nose.
Scott sighed.
Voice low. “You know, you better look after my brother. He’s a good man and he does a lot of good things.” A swallow. “He’s a little prone to heroics. Perhaps we can team up in that department and help keep his butt alive.”
Her tongue lolled out one side of her mouth and she grinned.
“Maybe try that on the Hood and solve all our problems.”
He gave in and drew her close to his chest, rubbing under her chin.
“I really hope we don’t regret this.”
Alan’s voice cut through his slumber and shook him awake. Wha-?
“Time to wake up, sleepy head.” Scott’s voice.
A sharp little bark.
He flung his eyes open, and immediately squinted at the fairy lights floating in the light breeze far above. A blink and to his left a shadow formed into his eldest brother. His blue eyes were smiling as he sat on the next lounge over, holding Bo, scratching her gently. She was obviously enjoying it.
Virgil frowned. “I thought you were pissed at me.”
“I was.” His brother shrugged. “I got over it.” Bo was licking Scott’s fingers.
Wow, the ability to tame the savage big brother. The little girl must be heaven-sent.
There was a whir of wheels and MAX tore out onto the patio decked out in tinsel and lugging brightly coloured presents. MiniMAX darted in behind him carrying a smaller present which was deposited carefully on the table before he disappeared inside only to return with another.
“You okay?”
“Huh?” Virgil peered up at his brother before stretching the length of the lounger. Several joints cracked and the ache across his shoulders from the morning vaguely made its presence known. A yawn. “I’m fine. Just tired. This morning sucked.”
Tinsel slid down his face. He sighed and threw it off. Gordon was getting repetitive.
Scott dipped his head, attempting to hide a smile, and looked down at Bo. “True.” He scratched her under her chin one more time before offering her to him. “Here.”
Bo didn’t bother to wait for him to sit up, she bounded out of Scott’s arms and onto Virgil’s belly. “Oof.” She then danced up and down on it.
Scott grinned at him. “She’s not going to be little when she grows up.”
“Augh, she’s not little now.” He managed to capture her enough so he could sit up, but she struggled free excitedly and dashed from his arms, jumping on the lounger, just as MiniMAX buzzed over with a small present.
Bo barked at him and MiniMAX dodged to deposit the present in Virgil’s lap. He caught it, but with his hands now occupied, he wasn’t fast enough to grab Bo before she let off another bark, jumped excitedly and latched her teeth onto the little robot.
The result was immediate.
MiniMAX shrieked, several of his legs caught in the puppy’s mouth, and with a whir of rotor blades, took off madly across the patio.
With Bo hanging on.
“Bo!” Virgil dropped the present and made a grab for the pair, but missed.
Every eye turned to see what the commotion was about. Virgil stumbled over the lounger and kicked it out of the way. He was vaguely aware of Scott doing something similar. “Brains!”
MiniMAX was obviously panicking. The little robot darted about trying to shake off his assailant. Bo was whining in her throat.
Virgil dashed after them.
Despite the puppy’s weight, MiniMAX still managed a great deal of height, Brains’ ‘build ‘em tough’ policy obviously carrying through to his robots. Despite having the strength to carry the puppy, the off-balance mass hampered MiniMAX’s navigation and they were wobbling all over the place.
All Virgil could see was a tragedy in the making. The pool, the concrete, anything horribly solid. He ran beneath them, desperately attempting to reach the now whining puppy. Family members and furniture were dodged and shoved out of the way as he clambered after them.
A chair ended up in the pool. Gordon squawked and almost joined it. Virgil leapt off an empty lounge, made a grab for them, missed and ended up in the Christmas tree.
Fake pine needles jabbed him in the face as he went down in a pile of tinsel and Christmas baubles. He swore, his clothing caught, his hair caught, and his everything tangled in tinsel, but he made it to his feet just in time to see Bo let go.
Oblivious to everything other than the puppy falling, Virgil finally got traction under his bare feet, took a running leap and grabbed Bo from the air. He instinctively wrapped himself around her, rolling in midair, tinsel and baubles flung in all directions.
As he plummeted into the pool.
The splash took his senses, muffling exclamations, and repeated shouts of his name. There was dark blue, and wet, and, for a moment, blessed silence.
Then logic reasserted itself and he kicked for the surface.
Sound, light and cool air on his skin. He blinked water out of his eyes as he lifted Bo up so she could breathe, his legs kicking to keep them afloat.
She whined at him as if to tell him off, sneezed, and began enthusiastically licking the saltwater off his face.
He couldn’t help but grin, and he knew he wasn’t the only one as laughter drifted across the water.
“You trashed the tree, Virg.”
“I don’t think he cares, Gordon.” He looked up to see Grandma smiling at him.
And no, he didn’t. As Scott poked him with a pole to help drag him to the edge and Bo decided his ear might do for her next meal, he suddenly felt joy. It could simply have been relief, but he was going to tack it up as Christmas joy and enjoy it while he could.
“Only you, Virgil.”
“It wasn’t intentional.”
“I have no doubt of that, it never is.”
“Aw, c’mon, Scott.”
“If it was intentional then I would have to accuse you of doing it deliberately just to get out of helping with the Christmas dishes.”
“We have a dishwasher.” Bo let off a bark as MiniMAX flew past dragging a bag full of recyclable cups, plates and cutlery, giving Virgil and his dog an extremely wide berth. “And there are hardly any dishes.”
“You are still getting out of clean up.”
“C’mon, Scott, you know me better than that. Ow!”
“Sit still. I’ve almost got all of it.”
Virgil leant back against the lounge, Bo curled up in his lap. “I’m not particularly happy about this either you know.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“I know that, Ow!”
“Well, if you would watch where you were going, you wouldn’t have collided with the Christmas tree. And what’s with the bare feet anyway?”
“Bo ate one of my boots.”
Scott snorted and pulled out yet another tiny piece of glass Christmas bauble from the bottom of Virgil’s left foot. “She hasn’t been here twenty-four hours yet and she has already caused havoc.”
“She’s a puppy.”
“I noticed.” Scott sighed, peering through his magnifying visor at his brother’s foot. “I think that’s all of it. Please don’t do that again. You’ll be limping for a week.”
“I’m not planning on it.”
As Scott wrapped his foot in gauze, he eyed the puppy on Virgil’s lap. “And you, young lady, I thought we had a deal.”
To Virgil’s surprise, Bo’s head bobbed up and she looked distinctly guilty.
Scott arched an eyebrow. “Hmm, don’t let it happen again.”
Bo yapped at him.
Virgil stared at both of them. “What?”
“None of your business, you just lay back and look after yourself.” And Scott was smirking.
He relaxed back against the lounge and stared up at the fairy lights above.
Bo stomped up the length of him and licked his eyeball.
He coughed up a laugh and grabbed an armful of wriggly puppy.
“I think that was a Merry Christmas, Virg.” Scott held his injured foot and grinned. “Merry Christmas.”
29 notes · View notes
hetaczechia · 3 years
I found description of some very fabulous looking doctor in my time travel fic.
"His dirty blond hair were cut short and dyed black on ends, his eyes were bright green and he had deep scar under left eye. He wore black sleeveless shirt, green-black-yellow jacket, black ripped pants, black heavy boots and black fingerless glove on his left hand."
His dad and sis look fab as well.
"The man looked quite old. He had very short hair in many shades of grey, dark blue eyes and deep scar under the left ear. He wore long white coat over his light grey suit, light green tie and black boots."
"The woman looked quite young. Her dark brown hair were cut short and dyed platinum blond on tips. Her eyes were greyish blue. She wore black long-sleeved shirt revealing her stomach, dark green vest, dark green shorts, knee-high black socks, green-brown heavy boots and dark brown fingerless gloves."
3 notes · View notes
britishchick09 · 4 years
beatles yellow submarine livewatch
here’s my thoughts on the yellow sub movie as i watched it! :D
Tumblr media
omg it’s sgt. pepper’s lonely hearts club band but it’s pepperland :D
jules verne reference :D
pretty music :D
the captain guy is sweet :) (not just because he has flowers)
oh no blue meanies!
i didn’t know this movie had a plot cool :D
why apples
captain plz no ded
why is there a blue hand
ha ha glove :D
wait does one meanie have MICKEY EARS NO MICKEY IS TOO PURE FOR YOU
captain: “the meanies are coming!” band: *does NOTHING*
lol at the lincoln reference
cool font on the credits tho
it’s england :D
not even a minute later and it’s song time again
all the lonely people are watching now yay :)
RINGO!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
“an old splintered drumstick”
ringo look behind you sweetie
oh so he knows
your outfit isn’t logical RINGO
help the poor captain RINGO
my dad just turned it on in the living room and it’s on an earlier part so it’s weird
“i’ll just park it here :/”
hey marilyn monroe
frankenstein has a SISTER
john is frankenstein comfirmed?
of course george is in an indian music room
george looks cool bro
ha ha lol georgie :D
he sounds WAY better than the cartoon george ♥
omg car chaos
it’s john driving isn’t it
on the tv paul appeared but a train rammed into a door on mine so idk about that
omg the real world exists
hey it’s day in the life music
and they all died :)
jk they’re in the sub
“so THIS is a submarine” what did you think it was paul
the chop the tree verse played on the tv when mine started so it’s way off
omg seizure fishes
“it’s time, the TIME’ stop sounding like tony clock from dhmis john
since when were you the smart one paul
“you surprise me ringo”
why are they smol n’ chubby
is this like sailor moon supers movie when they become kids
yo it’s 2009 now
they’re waving and it’s cute :D
yo that hair
why does george look like god
flying boots tho
nice flowers :D
yo trippy
cool music :D
“he just wrote it like that”
why is it a seizure warning
“he must be a bicyclops”
i refreshed the page and the tv is still a few seconds off but it’s not as bad as before :)
yo why is there a torso horn man
a school of whales
“university of whales” lol
“STEER CLEAR!” “yes dear”
“don’t touch that button!”
“there goes ringo”
yo what a big cig
why is ringo always the one in danger in beatles movies :(
“so long sucka” -george harrison 1968
“jus press a button”
“how was it ringo?’ “harrow-ing”
cool typewriter bro
nowhere man is cool :D
awwww ringo is so nice ♥
my dad tried to sync the movies up during nowhere man and now it’s closer but still off :/
he’s wearing the beatles shirt i got him for his b-day (his has the let it be cover) and i’m wearing one of his (beatlemania) so it’s cute :D
yo is that a bunny
trippy mind land woah
yo john’s voice is trippyyyyyyyy
is this lucy
yo this is cool but trippy
this is about drugs i can tell
omg what’s going on
this truly is trippy sorry beatles it’s a drug song
and nice disguise ;)
hey it’s a 20s girl kewl
i like jeremy :)
circles why
“what do you know about hooooooles”
“the boob is making more and more sense”
"where’s jahnny”
yo is this the spongebob intro
they made it! :D
music man is back! :D
“we’re quite cute” SURE PAUL
yo rainbow hats kewl
he burped AND IT WAS GROSS >:(
all the lonely people :(
my dad’s reaction when the apples fell:’ah hah :D’
gloves inside feet shoes oh no :o
being chased by a giant glove would be terrifying actually
nice disguise bois :D
mouth meanies :(
shut up ringo plz
they’re becoming the pepper band :D
“oh ek”
*LOUD CRASHES* and yet they sleep
“john love” “what did he say?” “shhh!”
cool green hair paul
“on tip toe”
“tip toe through the meanies” nice reference ;)
yo why the wobbly camera
safe in the forest :)
“teeny weeny meanie”
i think that ‘breakfast’ is the mean apples
oh no they’re not blue-ish
why is a beat six john
sgt. pepper’s lonely hearts club band est 1948 (or 2007?)
i love how they’re tying in the previous album :D
“i’d love to take you home ;)” JOHN NO
and everybody loved that :D
oh no it’s fading
“the hills are aliiiive :)” “with the sound of musiiiic” nice meanies ;)
stop laughing meanie
he’s actually creepy tho :(
w h o ?
“there you aaaare my little flower” mommy the blue meanie is being scary again :(
what did those nasty meds do tho
g l o v e
“open your mouth john” it’s ringo saying it BUT IF IT HAD BEEN PAUL...
♫ all you need is love all you need is love love is all you need ♫ :D
an act of true love can defeat a blue meanie’s heart :)
george floats so fab :D
love truly does win! :D
yay no more meanies! :D
it’s the pepper band! :D
“it’s sgt. pepper’s” “lonely heart club’s” “band”
*john rambles about einstien* john truly is the smart one :D
“nothing is beatle-proof”
“i got a hole in me pocket”
they back! :D
twinsies! :D
yo pepper john has no stache
“beatles to battle!”
is this hey bulldog because the dogs are barking
you go johns :D
the meanie dogs are john fans i see ;)
one of them likes the song cute :)
this is a trolling song ain’t it
the sing a long is even on the talking parts lol
jeremy plz be careful
sad meanie is good >:)
“a rosy nose?” lol :D
yay for roses! :D
yay jeremy! :D
“i knew he was somebody” :’)
“where could we go?” “argentina?” lol
jeremy is a somewhere man now :D
the tv froze so my dad went to his phone (although he could watch it on the computer with me) JUST AS THAT AWESOME ROCK CHORD PLAYED YO
this is trippyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
jeremy trippy spin :D
yo that sun tho
wow what a trippy world this is
"a hole in my pocket” lol :D
“what’s the matter john love?” ;)
paul has a cute wink :)
i’ve seen the live action song before and it’s so cute :D
wowza that was amazing!!!!!!!!! :D
i give it a blue 8.5/10! :D
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leradny · 5 years
its 430 and i cant go back to sleep so here are some Thoughts abt party and kobra
1) THEY SHARE COLORS!!!!!! party's gun and mask are yellow like kobras shirt and hair, kobra's jacket and gun are red like party's hair. given how the runners are super individualist and treat color as a major factor of self expression, its actually rly sweet that kobes and party would not only share the two most eye catching primary colors, but on such significant items (mask, gun, jacket) as opposed to patches or armbands.
2) they have matching boots!!!!!!!!! lewis leathers with blue stripes painted on!
3) within the fab 4 they both have alliterative names!
4) as much as we love neon hair in killjoycore, party and kobra are actually the only ones in their whole generation with obviously dyed hair+roots showing and when i have more sleep ill try and explain why this pings me as Significant
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missilekidding · 5 years
5,6,7 for the fab 4 and if it's allowed for your two ocs too? 👀 also 9 for the witch, 7 for the girl too maybe 👀
5. Do they have a particular style?
The fab four all have pretty distinct styles in my mind. You’ve of course got my Polar Opposite to Soph’s Iconic Goth Party Poison with my scenekid Poison, very very pure 2005 myspace energy channelled straight through him. Lots of just. Neon and tacky prints and studs. My Kobra is somewhere between like. annoying uk roadman style and proper grunge so a lot of windbreakers and torn shit that looks like it hasn’t been washed in way way too long. Jet likes the traditional rocker look, he owns a lot of leather jackets and aviators, and is also more often than not wearing two or three very worn jumpers at any one time. Ghoul is traditionally punk, with the big boots, chains, pins and torn black clothes look.
Glory is entirely customised outfits - she has safety pins upon safety pins, her boots that Grenade painted for her and her trench coat that’s entirely embroidered with tiny forget-me-nots. Grenade’s look varies pretty widely but they mostly just value the drama of an outfit - they’ll wear anything from all leather to the floatiest lace dresses, but they are inclined to a good pair of boots and cargo pants.
6. Any absurd fashion choices?
All Poison does is absurd! The guy will wear anything, the weirder the better. That said, his all tend to be in the name of fashion - he made a crown out of some sticks once and hung little plastic Hello Kitty dolls all over his head, which looked ridiculous and was so impractical, but it did match his look. In terms of the person with the most absurd outfit coordination, Jet definitely wins - its not that he doesn’t care, its just that if he likes all the items of clothing individually he doesn’t really understand why they wont look even better together.
Of Glory and Grenade Grenade probably wears the weirder fashion - they have this “outfit” that’s really just a length of relatively thin red fabric that they wrap around their torso a few times. It’s not that shocking an outfit to see in the zones, but it certainly doesn’t so them any favours in a firefight.
7. What’s their favourite article of clothing?
Kobra, of course, owns a bucket hat. Its super tacky and annoys the shit out of Ghoul on the basis on just how Ugly it is - its got this like marbled pattern with various greens blues and yellows on it, and although Kobra’s love for thing may stem hugely from their desire to piss off their friend, they does also love it as a way of covering their face from the sun. Poison has a pair of red latex boots, with the stupid high block-y heels and all. Jet has this blue jumper with a huge tiger face embroidered in the front, and it is in his opinion the comfiest of his collection (Ghoul thinks its just really itchy). It may sound insignificant, but Ghoul’s favourite item of clothing are the pairs of socks he rotates around - there’s nothing special about them, they’re just socks, but when you’ve got sensory processing disorder like Ghoul has finding a pack of really soft cotton socks can be a real blessing.
The Girl loves her belt! Jet made it for her, carefully gluing and bolting down all the bottle caps himself. Although all her clothes since coming to the Zones have been gifts, this was the first thing she was ever really given, as a sort of offering from Jet, trying to show her that she was safe and cared about. 
Glory’s favourite item of clothing is her jacket. The little embroidered flowers took her years of work to complete all over, and it has huge pockets that she can put all the trinkets she collects in. Grenade’s favourite item of clothing is any of their jewellery - they have a ring on every finger, at least three necklaces on at any one time and many facial piercings. Nearly all their jewellery has some meaning behind it, every piece special and treasured.
9. Do they have a weapon of choice? If so, what is it?
The Witch rarely actually has to fight anyone, and even then never has to use an actual weapon with the power she has. She does have one though, from before she held the power she does. She only ever had to use it a handful of times, before retiring it to the back of the little home she keeps outside of Zone 6. Behind her huge and overflowing bookshelf, leaning carefully against the wall is a Katana, with huge green gems in the handle and barely even a scratch on it.
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oneandahalfwolf · 5 years
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happy birthday to the mun behind @bloodsorceress​. i hope you enjoy this and have a fab day.
Iley wasn’t sure what had happened or what was going on.
All she could remember was the enemy sorceress shouting a spell the brunette had never heard of, in an unfamiliar language to boot, before slamming the base of her staff onto the cavern floor. Then there had been a blinding flash of light, and now everything was just pain.
The mage was on her knees, curled forward with her hands over her ears and eyes screwed tightly shut. Even with the barrier of her palms she could still hear the fading buzz of magic in the air and the retreating footsteps of the sorceress as if she was running around her rather than away. Then the next second everything was muffled and quiet before suddenly she could hear the scurrying of rats from somewhere in the distance. The fluctuating volumes and changing sounds made her ears throb terribly.
She tried to open her eyes in an attempt to see what was causing these bizarre auditory anomalies, but she barely got her eyelids open a crack before she had to squeeze them shut once more. A whimper, one that was rather more canine than normal, escaped her lips as more agony ripped through her. The light in the cavern was dim but even that was too much, eyes stinging and burning so hard it felt like someone had just thrust a spike through both of them.
For a moment she thought she was going to die. She couldn’t remember the last time something had been this painful. But then something broke through the agony. Something much more important.
She cringed at the sound of Ben’s voice, the sound so loud it was as if they were screaming directly into her ear despite her knowing they were likely across the room. But the fear and pain in their voice tugged at her heart. Her mate was in trouble. She had to do something.  
“Ben?” she shouted back, hands lowering and head swivelling as she tried to locate the wolf-kin. The only sound she got back was a keening whine but it was enough. She snapped her head towards where they were and took a breath before slowly opening her eyes.
She winced but it wasn't nearly as painful as before. In fact her eyesight seemed better, sharper and more focused. She pushed that brief thought aside as her gaze landed on Ben, exactly where she'd guessed - or somehow known - they'd be. They were lying face down on the stone floor, hands clasped tight against the sides of their head as they squirmed in anguish, ears pressed back and tail between their legs. Iley struggled to her feet and stumbled forward, rushing towards them and skidding to a stop beside the wolf-kin after barely a second. She frowned at the speed she'd managed to cross the distance. 
How could she have… 
A whimper from Ben snapped her out of her confused internal questioning. She knelt down and reached out a hand to touch their shoulder. They flinched away from her and the brunette was suddenly assaulted by the strong scent of fear and pain. It was so potent it made her eyes water before she had to sneeze into the crook of her arm. She sniffed and shook off the feeling, the smell thankfully gone as quickly as it came, before she turned her attention back to her mate. 
"Ben?" she asked, one hand going to their shoulder again while the other rested over one of their own pale limbs. "Ben, what's wrong?"
“The voices,” her mate managed through gritted teeth, voice thick with tears. “They won’t stop… Won’t stop singing. Too loud. Make it stop. Make it stop.”
Iley frowned. Voices was something she was used to. Both she and Ben suffered with voices from the past tormenting them even now, so them hearing that in their head wasn’t what gave her pause. No what perplexed her was the singing. Ben’s voices didn’t sing. They never had. 
Not to mention that when they held their head like how they were now, it was usually enough to keep the voices at bay. Or at least not let them be debilitated this much. Not anymore. Not like when they’d first been afflicted by them. This was rather uncharacteristic.
“It’s okay Wolfie,” Iley said, voice soft and reassuring as she pulled on Ben’s fur shawl to try and sit them up. “It’s okay. They can’t hurt you. I’m here. I’ve got yo-”
Her words were cut off with a gasp as Ben's left hand shot out and grabbed onto her forearm. But it wasn't the grip that had shocked her. Nor was it even the fact that said grip wasn't nearly as strong as it should be, or that there were no claws digging into her skin which sometimes happened by accident. 
No what had startled her deeply was the colour of Ben's eyes. They weren't the cool grey she was used to and loved with all her heart. They weren't even the burning yellow of the Wolf that she had also grown attached to. 
They were a blazing blood red. 
Her mouth gaped like a fish as she reeled from the sight of her mate having eyes like she'd never seen before - at least on them, she'd seen that colour on herself. She tried to say something, anything, but her words were stuck in her throat. Just when she almost had a coherent sentence Ben's grip on her arm tightened, her half stuttered word turning into a yelp. 
"Ben?" she managed in a pained gasped. 
The wolf-kin didn't seem to notice she had spoken, nails digging into her arm and hand twisting against skin. Quickly the pain was overtaken by a light-headedness. She looked down and saw the cause. Where Ben's fingers touched her flesh, the veins in that area had become more prominent, but instead of blue they were black and pulsing in the direction of the wolf-kin.
Her mate was leeching her life force through blood magic. 
Ignoring the fact that Ben shouldn't be able to do that at all, Iley tried desperately to pull her arm free but her sibling had too good a grip. She could feel herself growing faint before she straightened with a surge of strength. Her eyes burned and anger bubbled in her gut. 
"Ben," she said through gritted teeth, her gums itching, "You have to let go." 
They once again didn't seem to hear her and Iley could feel that sudden strength falter. She made a low growl, one that started in her chest rather than her throat, and without thinking lashed out. Her free hand shot forward and grabbed Ben's left forearm in an attempt to force them to let go. 
It worked as the wolf-kin cried out in pain, concentration breaking along with the connection as they let go of their sister's arm. Iley inhaled sharply as the tether to her life force crumbled and she felt like she could breathe again, energy and power restoring just a little. She quickly let go of Ben’s arm when they whimpered, realising she was hurting them.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, her voice sounding a little gravely at first before returning to normal, “I’m sorry.”
Ben seemed to have at least heard her this time, but they didn’t answer. Instead they were staring down at their arm. There on top of their pale flesh, exactly where Iley had grabbed them, was a deep purple bruise in the shape of their sibling’s hand. They frowned in confusion. There was no healing warmth rushing to the site. The bruise wasn’t going away. In fact it was getting darker. 
“Why isn’t it...” they mumbled absently, “There’s no...” Ben looked up, eyes thankfully grey once more, and stalled. They gaped much like Iley had, leaning back a little with a half puzzled and half awed expression. “Iley… Why are your eyes yellow?”
“Wha...” The brunette blinked, hands lifting up and fingertips hovering over her cheek bones, just under her eyes, as if she could feel the colour change. She pulled her hands back and looked at Ben again, eyes fading back to brown. “Why were yours red?”
Ben’s eyes widened, brows furrowing as their mouth dropped open further and their ears folded with uncertainty. They searched Iley’s gaze for any sign she might be playing with them, but she was being completely sincere. They shook their head slightly and gave a weak shrug. They finally closed their mouth and swallowed, licking their lips before letting out a shaky exhale and turning their attention to their mate.
“What’s happening?” Iley shook her head and bit her lip.
“I don’t know,” she said quietly. She noticed Ben shiver and frowned. Despite the breeze in this cavern she felt fine. She moved forward and carefully put her arm around her mate’s shoulder, ignoring their flinch despite how it hurt her heart. “Come on, we should get out of here and make camp. We can get a fire going and figure out what’s going on.”
The wolf-kin nodded and allowed Iley to help them up. Once standing they tried to take a step and immediately stumbled, feeling weak. The brunette caught them and easily propped them up. She put an arm around their waist and pulled at their arm, taking their weight like it was nothing. Ben was surprised. Yes they were a skinny twig and didn’t weigh a whole lot, but they were much taller than Iley which usually gave their mate a bit of difficulty. Right now she was holding them as if they were their teddy bear. Something else was off too.
“You’re all hot.” Iley laughed as she started to pull the wolf-kin towards the exit.
“Now isn’t the time for flattery. Let’s get going. Nightfall will be soon.”
Ben didn’t get a chance to say much more as the brunette basically half carried, half dragged them out into the forest. 
It was quite strange really. Not only had Iley managed to carry Ben out of the cavern and set them up in a clearing not too far away, she also managed to sprint back to the cavern and collect their abandoned packs, slinging both heavy bags over her shoulders, before returning to where she’d left her mate. All without breaking a sweat. In fact she still had more than enough energy to go back into the forest to collect firewood, bring it back, and build said fire. 
Once the wood was arranged she sat back and aimed her right hand towards it, muttering the easy incantation. But nothing happened. Not even a spark. The brunette frowned, deeply confused. Fire was her easiest spell, the very first she’d learned. Why wasn’t she able to make a simple flame?
It was then she realised she couldn’t actually feel her magic. That buzz that she usually felt in her veins and the whispers in her mind for blood were gone. No… Not gone…
The buzz was constant rather than pulsing, and instead of originating in her chest it seemed to start in her gut. There wasn’t any whispering, but there was a… presence, in her head. It wanted blood too but… not in the same way. Not to mention it was growling harshly rather than speaking softly.
Ben, who had been focused on the not healing bruise on their forearm for most of the time, looked up and saw their mate lost in thought. She was obviously having trouble with the fire so they decided to take that worry off her hands. They lifted their right hand towards the wood, fingers splaying out. A small ball of fire burst forth from their palm and hit the structure, the wood igniting and flames erupting upwards before settling into a gentle flickering.
Iley jumped at the sudden heat, falling backwards and shuffling away from the fire. Ben saw her eyes flash yellow again, nostrils flaring with fear. A fear they could smell, but not as strongly as they usually did. It was like when they were younger, before the bite. Softer and fainter. They saw the brunette blink, seemingly confused by her fear, before she looked over at them. They offered her an apologetic nose wrinkle.
“Sorry. You seemed to need a hand.” 
“It’s alright,” Iley said absently. She shuffled around the fire, giving it a bit of a wide berth, before she sat down next to Ben. She leaned back against the rock too before a second later her stomach rumbled and knotted with hunger. She didn’t even have time to think that it wasn’t often she felt this hungry, even when she hadn’t eaten, as she was already reaching for her pack and rooting around inside for her rations. She pulled out the pouch of dried meat and jerky, opening it and immediately shovelling pieces into her mouth, barely chewing before she swallowed, desperate to fill the void in her stomach.
Ben stared at her with wide eyes. They’d never seen their mate eat like this. Not even when she’d been incredibly hungry. Iley seemed to feel the wolf-kin watching her and turned, her cheeks full. She held the pouch out to Ben, offering them some of the food, but they shook their head. Surprisingly they weren’t feeling hungry. Not in their usual way. It was like that gnawing hunger of the Wolf was just… gone.
Iley shrugged and went back to eating. Soon she had polished off every last morsel from her ration bag, dropping the empty sack to the ground. She sighed and leaned back against the rock. She’d never felt so sated in her entire life. Well… once but that had involved Ben’s blood and wasn’t something she wished to repeat.
“So...” Ben said quietly, “I think that spell definitely did something to us.”
“Yeah,” Iley replied. “Given the evidence… I’d say that sorceress swapped our powers, so to speak.” Ben stared at the fire, processing her words.
“That means that… You’re now a werewolf… And I’m...”
“A mage,” Iley finished. “Obviously with the blood magic too.”
“Sorry about that,” Ben said guiltily. 
“No, no,” their mate said quickly, placing a hand on their shoulder, “It’s okay. I did worse to you the first time I lost it, remember.” Ben cringed a little at the memory of that incident. 
“Yeah but -”
“No buts,” Iley said with a scowl. “We’re not supposed to do that remember.” Ben snickered and shook their head. 
“You’re right.” They sighed. “This is going to be a… strange one to say the least.”
“We’ll get through it. We always do.” She chuckled. “Plus we’ve both been through these things before. We can help each other.”
“We always do that too.”
Iley laughed and Ben couldn’t help but join in. Their cheery disposition didn’t last long as the small brunette suddenly yelped and covered her ears. Ben’s eyes widened and they scrambled up onto their knees, hands hovering over their mate. They whined with concern but it only made the half-elf cringe away from them.
“So loud,” she whimpered, “Everything is… so loud!”
Ben’s laugh and whining was loud. The fire was loud. The wind in the trees was loud. The animals out in the forest were far too loud. If it was near it was loud. If it was far it was just as loud. It drilled into her ears and hurt her head.
The wolf-kin knew exactly how she was feeling. When they had first been bitten they’d had horrible periods where their senses went haywire, especially their hearing. It was hell. So they felt for her.
“It’s okay Princess,” they said softly, shuffling closer and placing their hands on her shoulders. “It’s okay. Just focus on my voice. Focus on me. Listen to my heartbeat instead. Concentrate on only that.”
Ben pulled Iley into their chest, wrapping their arms around her and resting their head on hers. The half-elf resisted at first but soon let her mate move her closer. Slowly she moved one hand away and rested her ear against their chest. Slowly all the other loud sounds faded and she was left with only Ben’s heartbeat in her ear. Calm washed over her and she smiled. That was a sound she had missed sometimes, and was more than thrilled to hear it in their chest. It sounded even better with her new enhanced hearing, and if she listened carefully she could almost make out part of their blood song in the beat. She inhaled deeply and melted into her mate. She’d never had their scent so strong in her nose before. It was like fresh dirt, clean fur, hot metal, burnt wood, and… home.
“Mmm,” she sighed. “That feels better.” She could feel Ben grin above her, smelt their amusement.
“Told you,” they replied, nuzzling into her hair. “It always helps me.” Iley frowned.
“Listening to your own heartbeat helps?” Ben giggled.
“No silly. Listening to your heartbeat helps me.”
“Oh,” the half-elf said softly, blushing a little. 
Ben inhaled and shifted to pull Iley closer. The half-elf finally moved her arms to wrap around the wolf-kin’s torso. She squeezed gently. Or at least she thought she was being gentle. Ben made a choked gasp, and made a series of squeaks as they tapped their sister’s shoulder.
“Too tight,” they wheezed, “Iley, too tight!”
The brunette was quick to let go, apologising profusely. Ben waved her off, claiming it was fine in a hoarse voice even as they clutched their ribs. Iley moved forward again, peppering the wolf-kin’s face with kisses until they started to laugh and try to push her away. After calming down the two managed to arrange themselves in a comfortable position on the forest floor near the rock. They both fell into a peaceful sleep, ears attuned to the other’s heartbeats which helped them drift off.
The next morning, after they had eaten some of Ben’s rations (with the wolf-kin making sure Iley didn’t eat everything this time), the pair decided their best option was to head back to the nearest town. Once there they could perhaps find some books on what had happened, as well as get more rations and take the time to control their swapped powers. Even if they couldn’t find anything to lift this spell on their own, Iley could teach Ben how to scry and they could discover the location of the sorceress. 
Halfway through the day Ben caught the scent of a deer. They pointed it out to Iley, who had wrapped their red scarf around her nose because her sense of smell had been going haywire. She cautiously lowered the material and took their advice to control the sensitivity. It worked and the half-elf picked up the deer scent. Her mouth watered and she almost made a move to sprint into the undergrowth after the smell, but Ben stopped her with a growl. She whined but deferred to her mate’s judgement. 
Ben slid their bow off their back and knocked an arrow before stealthily following the scent, Iley hot at their heels. They slowly approached the small clearing where a dow was quietly grazing. They inhaled and pulled the bowstring taut, waiting a moment before letting the arrow fly and watching as the head embedded into the deer’s neck. 
The second the weapon made impact, Ben dropped to their knees right as the doe fell down dead, bow clattering to the forest floor. Their hands came up to the sides of their head and they groaned in pain. Iley’s attention was dragged away from the fallen prey to her mate, worry engulfing her.
“Ben!?” she asked, dropping down beside them and holding their shoulders - remembering to do so even more gently than she thought gentle. “Ben what’s wrong?”
“The singing,” the wolf-kin moaned. “The singing is back. It’s so loud.” 
Iley leaned forward just as Ben looked up, gasping softly at the sight of their eyes now blood red. She licked her lips and swallowed.
"Okay, it's okay," she said, "Just…" Her eyes widened as an idea hit her. "Remember how you said that listening to my heartbeat helped you stay calm, helped stop everything being so loud?" Ben barely managed a nod through gritted teeth. "Well I do the same with your song. So just find my song. You'll know it when you hear it. Trust me." 
Ben did trust their mate so did their best to take a deep breath and attempt to untangle the cacophony of voices. Surprisingly it didn't take them long to find a particularly melodious tune. They started to relax, ears slowly lifting from their head and twitching along with the song. Their trembling hands moved away from their head and they blinked, finding it easier to breath. The melody started to fade but Ben followed it, eyes coming to rest on the source which was indeed Iley. The blood red receded and grey shining with tears just stared at their mate. 
"What is it?" they asked in a hoarse voice, "The singing." Iley shifted so she could sit down next to them. 
"It's the blood. The blood is what sings." Ben frowned, and Iley fidgeted under their gaze. 
"Do you hear it all the time?" The half-elf shrugged.
"I never used to. There were whispers occasionally. Those whispers grew louder when you… when you were in the castle and I was stuck in that room. But I pushed them back. Then… Then he… made it worse. They grew louder after him, then they were deafening that day I nearly…" Iley sucked in a breath, somehow managing to continue. "But I've mostly been able to shut them up and ignore them. Mostly."
Her gaze was fixated on the ground, unable to look at her sibling. Worried they would think less of her. She was both surprised and relieved when they suddenly hugged her, their long and skinny arms wrapping around her shoulders. She closed her eyes and relaxed, grasping a fistful of their shirt. They stayed like that for a while before her stomach growled, ruining the moment. Ben laughed. 
"Werewolf metabolism is such a mood killer. Guess we should take care of that deer." 
Iley growled, the extra canine element still catching her off guard, before she pulled away from the wolf-kin and shoved them back hard. Hard right now of course, was much stronger than it usually would be. Ben slammed into the ground with a winded groan. The half-elf quickly realised her mistake and gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth as a whine followed. 
They had managed another two days of travel before Iley had started to feel extremely off. Her head was pounding, her hands and feet were throbbing, her gums were itching, and her vision had been going in and out of focus. On top of that, despite having gotten used to the extra heat being a werewolf brought (the half-elf gaining that perk since she hadn't been through the same thing Ben had as a werewolf), she was feeling hot. Feverish almost.
Ben unfortunately knew what this meant. The incident with the sorceress had thrown off their clock. Tonight was the full moon. 
She was going to transform. 
When they had told her that she had nearly had a panic attack but they had quickly calmed her, telling her they would look after her. She believed with her whole heart they would, and it made the whole ordeal a lot less scary.
As night approached they settled in a clearing. After a meal Ben helped Iley undress, mildly surprised when she was comfortable with being completely naked and blushing when she teased them by saying she was always comfortable with them, before stashing her clothes plus their packs under a bush. They cast a very simple defensive ward that the half-elf had taught them the other night over their belongings to keep them safe. After all, they didn’t know what Iley’s Wolf would be like, nor could they be sure someone else might stumble across their items.
Iley could feel it when the moon started to rise. It was like there was a tingle, an itch under her skin that was just growing and growing. She was pacing the clearing, clenching and unclenching her fists over and over. As much as she wanted to just keep doing that, she listened to Ben when they told her to come into the centre of the clearing and get on all fours - even if she did hesitate for a moment. She got in position and watched as Ben sat cross legged in front of her. They reached out with their right hand, Iley taking it in her left.
“I’m right here,” her mate said, squeezing her hand gently, “I’m not going to leave. I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”
The half-elf smiled at them before she gasped and dropped their hand, palm digging into the dirt as a sharp pain stabbed her in the stomach. Her body started to shake and she gritted her teeth as waves of agony started to pulse through her. She managed to make out her mate’s voice, strong and comforting.
“Don’t fight it. You’ll want to, believe me. But it will pass quicker if you don’t.”
Iley nodded, eyes screwed shut as she took deep breaths. Don’t fight. Stay calm. Keep breathing. Ben’s here. Everything will be alright.
There was a loud crack from her spine and she let out a guttural cry of pain, back arching as her hands dug further into the dirt. She growled low, teeth baring and beginning to grow into fangs. Her eyes snapped open, brown replaced by yellow, and she stared straight ahead, barely making out a blurry Ben. They were here. It would be okay. It would…
The air was filled with screaming and the snapping of bones. Ben could only sit there and watch as their sister’s body contorted and changed. They’d never witnessed their own transformation but it looked as horrid as they’d feared. They frowned as white fur started to sprout from Iley’s pores. That was odd. They’d never seen anything like that before. Usually a werewolf’s fur was the same colour as their hair.
Iley couldn’t remember the last time she was in this much pain. Her very soul, her very being, was on fire. Bones were breaking and reforming. Nails were extending into claws. Fangs and fur were growing. There was a wave of darkness, a presence similar to the whispers, washing over her. Pulling her back. Pulling her under. She couldn’t help but fight it. But soon it started to win and she felt herself slipping.
Ben was thankful that Iley’s shift only took about twenty minutes. Their first change had lasted well over an hour. Some might be jealous but not them. They wouldn’t have wished that amount of pain on anyone, especially their mate.
They waited until the last moment, waited until the fur was forming on her new snout and her nose finished forming before they shifted to their own natural wolf form. They didn’t know how together Iley would be after this. They didn’t know if their mate would recognise them in human form. They hadn’t on their first change - though yes they had barely known each other back then. Still it was better safe than sorry. The white Wolf might react better to seeing and smelling another wolf. They might stand a chance to keep her calm.
The Wolf shook off the last remains of its humanity and growled as it straightened on all fours. Iley’s werewolf form was much smaller than Ben’s, but still bigger than their natural wolf one. The white fur was bright and thick. The yellow eyes had pinprick pupils, showing the half-elf wasn’t at the helm of the beast. But Ben had expected that.
Those wild yellow eyes darted about and the Wolf’s head swung from side to side. It was searching for something. There was a bark in front of it. It rotated its head and growled before stopping. There was a black wolf just sitting there. Its eyes were grey and its tail was wagging. Its scent was… familiar. The wolf suddenly bent its upper body, entering a bowing position and giving another bark as its tail wagged harder, tongue lolling out.
The Wolf paused for a moment before it barked loudly back and hopped into the same bow position, paws slamming into the ground and causing a slight tremor. Ben grinned before turning and sprinting off into the woods. They heard Iley give chase, and despite their smaller stature (something that was almost entirely foreign to them) they managed to evade her for a fair while. It helped that whenever she got close they were able to quickly change direction while Iley struggled with the larger limbs of her new werewolf form and often stumbled over her big paws when she tried to turn. But she wasn't getting frustrated, in fact she seemed to still be having fun.
Eventually they let her catch them and instead of being chased they became the chaser. They let Iley run, slowing when she stumbled or struggled so they wouldn’t catch her too quickly. The main aim was to tire her out so the Wolf wouldn’t get into much trouble. The second aim was to let the Iley’s Wolf have some fun. 
Their plan hit a snag when Iley suddenly stopped causing Ben to bump into her. The Wolf didn’t seem phased or bothered, too busy sniffing the air. Ben took a whiff and realised she was smelling a human further down the mountain. The Wolf growled and its body coiled as if to pounce. Before she could Ben gave a loud and gruff bark before hopping forwards a little with a low growl. The Wolf faltered and turned to look at them, giving a pitiful whine and almost pouting. Ben growled again and gave a gentle snap towards one of her forelegs, lifting their right paw and literally putting their foot down.
The Wolf’s ears drooped and it whined again. Ben felt bad but they knew they couldn’t let Iley run off and possibly kill someone. They gave a grin and bumped into the white werewolf before running off. As they reached the treeline they stopped and turned back, giving a bark and hopping a little. The Wolf perked up at the invite to keep playing and gave chase once more.
They kept up the game for good few hours before Iley started to slow. Ben lead the Wolf back to the clearing they left their things and yawned. They curled up on the ground and rested their head on their paws. The white werewolf whined and yawned herself before padding over. Ben was mildly surprised when Iley stretched out behind them and suddenly wrapped a large paw around their middle, the smaller wolf letting out a squeak as she pulled them into her torso. They couldn’t help but chuckle. Even in this form Iley had to be the big spoon.
The pair fell asleep and Iley woke up the next morning, humanoid again and naked, hugging the still sleeping black wolf. She smiled lazily and snuggled back into their fur, inhaling deeply before going back to sleep.
They finally made it to town two days later without another major incident - bar a slight accident where Ben had exploded a tree as Iley attempted to teach them another basic spell. 
Their first port of call had been to head to the inn. They purchased a room, had a bath and a hot meal, before finally getting some sleep. They were both getting much better at doing that. It was just easier when they were together and both worried about each other. Meant they were doing things for the other rather than themselves. Plus their stay with Iley's family had helped get them into a better routine and frame of mind. Like they were finally healing from their run ins from those horrid rulers. 
Once that had been taken care of they'd found the town's library, grateful this small place even had one. The pair pulled every book on magic they could find and spent hours upon hours reading, to see if they could find any clues on the spell that had been used on them. 
Late one evening, the pair having charmed the librarian enough that she allowed them to stay after hours until she left herself, Iley decided to ask Ben a question that had been gnawing at her. 
“Ben?” The wolf-kin rubbed their tired eyes, trying in vain to make letters that had been jumbled in their vision to begin with not so blurry, and gave a questioning hum. “Do you hear the whispering at all?” Her sibling tilted their head in thought, Iley watching closely from the shelf behind them where she had been reaching for a book. After a moment they shook their head. Iley’s eyes bugged as she stared incredulously at the black hair of her mate, taking a long minute to process before finally finding her voice. “No? Really?”
“Well… there’s something there… maybe… but...” Ben’s face scrunched up before they closed the book and shifted in their chair, turning as best they could to face Iley. “Do you hear the Wolf right now?”
Iley frowned, mildly offended at the change of subject, but humoured her sibling. She tilted her head, much like they had, as she tried to listen out for anything like she was used to. Her brows only furrowed deeper.
“No,” she said with a large hint of surprise in her voice. The wolf-kin nodded.
“That’s because you’re more of a normal werewolf. The Wolf has merged with you. You and the Wolf are one entity. Therefore anything related to the Wolf still comes from your own feelings. The hunger is just because you’re hungry. The anger is just because you’re angry. You already have those feelings but they are simply heightened, much like your senses. It’s all still you and would take a while to trace back to the werewolf inside.” They took a moment. “For me… given that I already had my own wolf inside me, the Wolf couldn’t merge with me. My own wolf wouldn’t let it. So the Wolf had to be partially separate. We’re still merged mostly, but not completely. Any moments of excess anger are even more potent because both myself, my wolf and the Wolf are all feeling that emotion. That means that I still hear the Wolf. Those angry thoughts or urges for blood come from the Wolf often, rather than myself. Or if they do come from me, the Wolf quickly chips in it’s own feelings. So those whispers… I already hear those as a werewolf. Maybe not constantly but close enough. I’ve gotten used to ignoring it, or at least listening to something else. It’s not that different. Something I’ve dealt with before. So it feels like they aren’t there really. Does that make sense?”
The half-elf smiled softly and nodded. In comparison to the voices of their past and that of the Wolf, the whispering of the blood was probably nothing to them - only affecting them really when the singing came into play. In a way, while she wouldn’t wish it on anyone except her worst enemy, knowing that the voices Ben heard were even more similar and constant than she had realised… well it made her feel all the closer to them. It also made her feel less alone. 
How did her mate manage to keep surprising her after all these years, all this time.
“Right you two!” The kids jumped as the librarian called out, coming around the corner of another set of shelves. “Time to pack up and leave.” They nodded and made quick work of clearing their workspace, putting books away (which the librarian appreciated) before thanking the old halfling and heading back to the inn.
The pair spent days searching through the many tomes for something that could help them but came up dry. After finally giving up on that angle, they also realised it was probably not a good idea to try and undo this spell by themselves even if they had found something. Ben wasn’t as practiced as Iley so things could go extremely wrong. The half-elf teaching her mate how to scry was a lot easier and less dangerous than any attempt at a complex spell like the one the sorceress had cast on them.
Ben was sitting cross legged on the floor in their room at the inn, eyes closed and tail swishing softly as they tried to concentrate and feel the magic that was now coursing through their veins instead of the Wolf. Iley sat on one of the beds opposite them, munching on some jerky. Her sibling had been at it for hours with very little progress. She could tell they were getting tired and frustrated - and not just because her now sensitive nose could smell it wafting off them. 
The wolf-kin suddenly growled and punched the floor before putting their head in their hands. Iley swallowed the last of her jerky before getting up off the bed and sitting in front of her mate. She reached out and put her hands on their knees. Ben jerked and looked up, face softening as grey eyes locked onto brown. They signed softly and dropped their hands to their lap, fiddling with a thread on their trousers.
“M’sorry Princess.” Iley shook her head, smiling gently.
“Don’t be Wolfie. It’s hard. Especially when you’ve never done it before.” The half-elf frowned, head tilting before she focused on her mate again. “Ben… do you want to try something a little risky? It might make this work better, or at least faster.” 
“I’ll try anything right now,” her sibling said tiredly. “No offence but I don’t think I’m cut out for magic.” They chuckled quietly. “Never thought I’d miss the Wolf.”
Iley snorted too before squeezing their knees. She let go and reached for the dagger by her pack, pulling the blade free of its sheath. She held it carefully as she looked at Ben.
“I think we need to try tapping into your blood.” She took ahold of their left hand, the only one that still had blood flowing through it unfortunately, and held the knife above their palm. She paused and looked at them for confirmation. “Do you trust me?” Ben nodded, mouth in a tight line. “Okay. Just remember to breathe and concentrate on your own song. Bend it to your will and make it follow the path you want it to.”
The wolf-kin nodded again, taking a deep breath before closing their eyes. Iley steeled herself before quickly dragging the blade over Ben’s pale palm. Her mate hissed and stiffened as red blood seeped out of the thin line. Iley watched with bated breath as the wolf-kin’s eyes moved rapidly behind their lids.  After what felt like an age Ben’s eyes snapped open, red staring back at their mate as their mouth broke into a grin.      
“I got her.”
Iley whooped and laughed with pride before throwing herself at the wolf-kin, dragging them down to the floor as she hugged them tight. Ben couldn’t help but join in, tail wagging hard and thumping against the floor. Someone in the next room banged on the wall but they didn’t care. This was the first bit of progress they had made and they deserved to celebrate before they had to plan.
The sorceress had taken refuge at a dilapidated barn a few days travel from the cavern where they had first ran into her. The kids had managed to get some sleep and awoke before dawn, heading out right away - renting a couple of horses to get there quicker. They only had to bed down twice before they reached the area that Ben had scried the woman to. 
They left the horses within the treeline, and approached the barn cautiously. Iley used her much better grasp on the werewolf senses she had been gifted to scope out the situation. The sorceress was inside for sure. Protected by magic. 
They spent a few minutes coming up with a, as per usual, rather risky plan before splitting up. Ben went around the front, drawing one of their swords and approaching the open doorway. As they rounded it they felt the buzz of the forcefield the sorceress had set up. Said woman looked up from where she was meditating, a smirk on her lips.
“I’m surprised you were so stupid to come and find me mutt. Then again given how you and your knife-eared friend tried to take me on the first time, perhaps I gave you too much credit.”
“Reverse the spell,” the wolf-kin growled. The sorceress had the nerve to laugh, grasping her staff and standing.
“Now why on earth would I do that?”
“Because then maybe we won’t kill you.” She laughed harder, even clutching her stomach.
“Now what do you and your little girlfriend expect to be able to do? Especially with your powers switched.” 
It was Ben’s turn to smirk, the wolf-kin tossing their sword to their right and before grabbing the blade with their left. They slid their palm along the sharp edge, smirk turning to a very wolfish grin as blood started to spill onto the floor and their eyes went from grey to red. A look of fear flashed across the woman’s face.
“Don’t… underestimate us,” Ben snarled. 
The wolf-kin thrust their hand out towards the forcefield as the song of blood pulsed in their head, and tried to cast the spell Iley had been teaching them when they exploded the tree. The gambit worked and the sheen of protection cracked and shattered with an almighty boom, an explosive wind whipping through the air and sending the sorceress stumbling back slightly. 
The woman’s eyes were wide as she stared at the wolf-kin, in such a state of shock that she couldn't even react. Her distraction was enough for Iley to run in from the back entrance, moving like a blur thanks to werewolf speed, and grab the staff from the sorceress’ hand. The woman was knocked over from the force and hit the ground, looking up to see the half-elf skid to a stop. The brunette’s eyes were yellow and fangs poked out from gums as she grinned down at the sorceress, shifting the staff to hold it in both hands horizontally in front of her. The woman’s eyes widened as she realised what the half-elf was about to do.
Her shout was for nought as Iley channelled werewolf strength through the muscles of her arms and easily snapped the staff in two. The ground rumbled and the two ends sparked before a blinding white flash encompassed the area. 
Ben felt magic wash over them and the power in their veins shift. As the light faded they felt warmth pool in their hand. The wolf-kin looked down and watched as the wound they had created to cast the magic heal into a scar in a matter of seconds. They grinned, feeling fangs poke at their lips and the Wolf growl in the back of their head. Oh how they had missed that.
The werewolf looked up, eyes no longer red but back to the burning yellow they should be, and locked their gaze on the sorceress. They gave a low growl, one that reverberated in their chest and had a much harsher edge than their last one.
The woman finally broke free from her stupor and scrambled to her feet, making an attempt to run away. She didn’t get far as her body suddenly froze, stuck in place and unable to move. Ben could see their mate behind the woman, her eyes now the red they should be rather than yellow, her palm outstretched and blood trickling down her skin. The sorceress was held in place with the very scarlet fluid that ran in her own veins, thanks to the small mage’s particular magic style.
Ben sheathed their sword and slowly walked over to the frozen woman, her eyes darting wildly in their sockets as the werewolf approached. They lifted their left hand and flexed their fingers, claws popping out. They lowered one towards the woman’s cheek, watching sweat start to bead on her forehead. The sharp claw gently poked her flesh, the werewolf breathing harshly through their fangs. They let the sorceress perspire a little longer before they huffed against her face.
The wolf-kin allowed the snarled word to hang in the air before they stepped aside. A shared glance with Iley was all it took for the mage to understand and allow the magic to drop. The sorceress stumbled and stared at the two before sprinting out of the barn.
Everything was quiet for a long moment before the kids sagged. Ben looked over at Iley, grey eyes locking with brown. Their mate started to laugh and the wolf-kin couldn’t help but join in. 
“I’m so glad that worked,” Ben said. Iley nodded in agreement before she yawned.
“Come on Wolfie,” the mage said, holding her uninjured hand out. “Let’s go give these horses back and get some rest. Then we can head onto our next adventure. I hear there’s a dragon further north.” Ben smiled and walked over, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze. Iley started to lead the way back to the horses, before she paused. “Oh, remind me to send a letter to my maman before we leave town. I haven’t done so yet this month.”
Her mate nodded before tugging her forward. Iley couldn’t help but giggle and give them a playful shove, this time thankfully not knocking them over. That was more like it.
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krystal-prisms · 5 years
Me, in a cropped jean jacket, black leggings, black ankle boots, and a neon yellow with giant ass professional looking camera, by myself, sprawled all over 2 theater seats, lookin hella fab
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