the-iron-fjord · 2 years
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 year
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Shippo really asked Inuyasha if he and Kagome did the dirty yet
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nemesis-the-menace · 1 year
Inuyasha reboot but the main change is that everyone is allowed to swear a lot more now. I think Inuyasha himself should be allowed to say fuck as much as he wants
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synthiapanda · 2 years
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He loves his found family
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maidofthewaves · 8 months
I'm watching the Inuyasha episode where they're all looking for Kagome after the panthers abducted her and Inuyasha uses the Wind Scar to help Shippo from being chased by a mob of panthers, albeit almost hitting Shippo in the process, and Miroku tells Inuyasha to be careful. I thought because he almost fuckin obliterated Shippo with his Wind Scar, but then Miroku finishes by explaining because they don't know if the panther's are hiding Kagome in any of the houses 💀
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shinidamachu · 2 years
I also noticed in my reread of the manga that the anime made Kikyo seem more powerful. In the manga Inuyasha easily parried Kikyo’s attack when she was first resurrected and chose to throw aside the sword to reason with her, and even got ready to strike her down and cracked his knuckles in order to bring Kagome back. In the anime he was easily overwhelmed by Kikyo and was only saved by Kagome waking up. I’m seeing Sunrise’s bias 🙄
And there's nothing wrong with making Kikyo seem more powerful. Inuyasha was constantly getting upgrades for Tessaiga without us as much as batting an eye over it.
The difference is that we were there when he found and got Tessaiga. We were there to see him struggle to master it. We were there for each and every single breakthrough. We know the how and we know the why.
Kikyo's power-ups, on the other hand, seem to come out of thin air most of the time. I'm sure she must have worked for it, but it wasn't shown, so there's a bit of a disconect between her journey getting there and the audience, which makes her achievements turn out to be not as satisfying as they could have been.
It's like, we know what the stabilished powers of a pristess are and so we think we know what Kikyo's powers are limited to, but then she does something new that doesn't fit that criteria and our only explanation is that she was the most powerful priestess of her time. Which makes sense, but also tells us that it's not important how she came to be so powerful, only that she is.
So why should we care when she uses a new trick? It's probably something she has known how to do for a while, anyway. We weren't rooting for her to get it right. We weren't anticipating it. We just roll with it.
The problem is that, in order to make Kikyo seem more powerful, Sunrise often gave her scenes where Kagome was originally the one kicking ass and taking names. And that's what I have issues with. Take this scene for instance:
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Kikyo is the kind of character who doesn't do anything without a reason, so why would she interfere? She doesn't really knows Koga. She has probably no idea of his connection to Inuyasha — and even if she had, I don't peg her for comeone who'd care, considering how she treated Kagome most of the time. Koga is a demon with two jewel shards. Why help him out instead of taking them from him herself or waiting Naraku's incarnation finish the job to sweep in and do it? Because in the manga, Kagome is the one who saves Koga:
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Which makes infinitely more sense and proves that there was no actual reason behind this "creative" change other than making Kikyo look cooler. The entirety of Sunrise's adaptation is full of these little shenanigans. Do you want to see a practical example of how this affects the general perception of the audience regarding the characters?
Here's Kagome diligently destroying a Naraku puppet to save an unconscious Kikyo. She actively uses the bow and arrow she didn't know how to shoot in the beginning of her journey to save someone she judges to be her love rival. And she suceeds without overthinking it or breaking a sweat.
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But Sunrise thought it would be better to just do this instead:
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The result? People naturally praise Kikyo for being the biggest girl boss in Inuyasha for stuff that was originally done by Kagome:
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Don't get me wrong, it's great that people will appreciate Kikyo — this was exactly what Sunrise was going for, anyway — but it rubs me the wrong way that it came with the price of Kagome getting constantly criticized for being a "damsel in distress" who never does anything.
When your adaptation changes the story so much that people wrongfully perceives your female lead as useless despite the many, many scenes you still animated of her saving the day — and specifically saving the life of her supposed rival, who they judge to be much stronger and independent than her — that's when you know you fucked up.
And the worst part is that people are either blissfully unaware of this irony — because they haven't read the manga — or straight up dishonest about it.
The funny thing is: Kikyo didn't need any of that. What Sunrise did was the equivalent of taking original scenes of her being kind or compassionate and giving it to Kagome instead. It wasn't necessary. Kikyo was stabilished as a powerful woman from her very first appearance:
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Kagome was the one who needed to prove herself in battle because she was the 15 year modern girl who was tossed untrained in the middle of a feudal era "life or death" situation. She was the one I wanted to see exploring and using her spiritual powers, because that's what her character needed to grow.
What Kikyo needed was humanization, glimpses of the ordinary woman she has always wanted to be. Empowerment is important, but it's also multifaceted and it falls flat when it focuses on power for the sake of power.
I'd gladly exchange any of those changes for scenes of Kikyo coping with taking a human life or using women's souls to stay on the world of the living. Scenes of Kikyo realizing she has become the very thing she used to fight against and how seeking for revenge affected the people she loves.
Scenes of Kikyo regretting decisions she can't take back, scenes of Kikyo bonding with Kaede both before and after her death, scenes of Kikyo acknowledging the part she played on the way her relationship with Inuyasha ended and apologizing for the hell she put him through over it.
That's how you make her character relatable and empathetic. That's how you highlight her complexities and makes her interesting. Kikyo being pretty while shooting arrows is absolutely stunning on screen, but it does little to create a truly emotional attachment to her character, at least for me.
As for the particular scene you brought up, Inuyasha was, in fact, easily overwhelmed by Kikyo in the anime. When she first attacks him, he just... lets her.
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While in the manga, Inuyasha is quick to dodge it.
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He does try to defend himself in the anime. However, Kikyo's arrow manages to stop Tessaiga's transormation and almost hits his heart.
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None of which happens in the anime, where Inuyasha not only defends himself but also actively pushes back.
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Sure, Kikyo still succeeds in zapping the hell out of him, but only because Inuyasha threw Tessaiga aside to reason with her, like you pointed out. When that didn't work, he cracked his knuckles in order to strike her down, before realizing he couldn't do it and then Kagome comes in with the save. In the anime, he didn't even try.
And the hug I mentioned, when he's attempting to appease Kikyo and she cries on his arms for a moment? Completely erased in favor of making her push her elderly sister aside twice and hurting Inuyasha more than originally intended while also referring to him as "beast", "monster" and "half breed."
I understand why Sunrise wanted to give Kikyo more screen time – she's a key character and people seem to have a good time drawing and animating her – but they focused mostly on making her look "cool" by kicking up a notch on the whole "vengeful spirit" thing and ended up shooting themselves on the foot by going too far.
They really thought the nonsense added scenes, like Inuyasha watching her bath or telling the audience they were always by each other's side – while actually showing them sitting far apart, Inuyasha being left to chase after the carriage she was in instead of being there with her, etc – would make up for the hug they cut out in order to give Kikyo more "badass" moments.
That's because they realized the couple had no substancy whatsoever and to remedy that, prioritized telling us that they were together for at least a couple of seasons instead of making the effort to show us this so called deep love. The hug was meaningful and made sense. Inuyasha dramatically laying on the ground while mentally screaming her name after telling her she needed to return the last piece of Kagome's soul – which is how Sunrise decided to end the episode – did not.
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Especially because in the manga, he checked on Kagome before...
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And after he left to try and get the remaining piece of her soul back – knowing what it would mean to Kikyo.
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Plus, while obviously sad about Kikyo's "death", he also seems to accept this was for the best and acts like he is pretty much ready to move on.
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Not to mention how he panicked when Shippo brought up the possibility of Kagome not being Kagome anymore and how absolutely relieved he was when he realized it wasn't the case.
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And if this wasn't enough, he spent a good three panels blushing over Kagome right after the whole ordeal.
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Those scenes had two purposes. One was to solidify, once more, Kagome as her own person to the audience and to Inuyasha, as well as a love interest. He had the opportunity to get Kikyo back and still wanted her to return the soul – even if it meant Kikyo would cease to exist – because he didn't want to risk Kagome not waking up or not being herself anymore, since he was already falling in love with her. Kikyo herself guilt trips him about it when he tries to convince her.
The other was to contrast Inuyasha's first reaction to Kikyo's ressurection and the information that they were both set up with his reaction after he was told that Kikyo died for him and therefore he owes her his life. The former consists on him standing up for himself and rightfully seeing himself as a victim, the latter consists on him blaming himself out of proportion based on a blalant lie. That's why in the manga he takes her "second" death so well, while the others really take a toll on him. In the anime, however, it's like he is already blaming himself when she falls off that cliff.
I attribute this change of attitude to another scene Sunrise thought fit to delete:
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Of course the anime also has Inuyasha denying Kikyo's accusations, but he is way less effusive about it in there. Originally, when he realizes they were fooled into thinking they betrayed each other, he acts like they were both at fault for distrusting each other and are, therefore, even. So when she "dies" there's nothing he can do but wish for her to rest in peace and move on despite how sad it makes him.
All of this really sucks, because as you can see, the changes they did in favor of Kikyo either didn't work on her favor at all or heavily impacted the characterization of others – Inuyasha and Kagome especially – in a negative way, in addition to creating huge inconsistencies plot and narrative wise.
TLDR: yes, Sunrise's bias is obvious. And ironically, I think if they had liked Kikyo less, she would have been a much better written character because they wouldn't be afraid to give her the development she needed.
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dog-forest-spirit · 1 year
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decided to stan forever
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morsking · 7 months
the average early inuyasha episode
kagome: i brought chicken nuggets from the future!
inuyasha: haha i'm eating all of shippo's chicken nuggets!
shippo: waauugghh inuyasha you're such a jerk!
kagome: those chicken nuggets are a symbol of our friendship! sit, boy!
inuyasha: d'aauugghh!!!
monster of the week demon: mwahahaha i am the chicken nugget demon i have an unbeatable chicken nugget beam that i'll use to wreck you because i lost at poker to your dad 1000 years ago inuyasha
inuyasha: aaaaggghhh i can't get past his chicken nugget beam i'm getting so fucking wrecked
totosai: inuyasha for you to defeat his chicken nugget beams you must use the power of learning to be nice to people and sharing your chicken nuggets
sango or miroku depending on who has had the least screentime: can he do it? can he really learn basic emotional skills like that?
kagome: inuyasha, i don't want a world where i can't share chicken nuggets with you!
inuyasha: I'll... share... my... chicken nuggets... with... KAGOMEEEEE!!!!! *fires back a chicken nugget beam with tetsusaiga*
chicken nugget demon: nooooo!!! how could this beeeeee i'm the great chicken nugget demooooooon *dissolves with a windows movie maker effect*
miroku: you did it inuyasha you learned to share your chicken nuggets!
inuyasha: *remembering the time kikyo shared her bento with him 50 years ago* hmph! i just couldn't stand the sound of you idiots crying over me. who cares about stupid chicken nuggets anyway
kagome: chicken nuggets are important! sit, boy!
inuyasha: d'aauugghh!!
naraku, somewhere far away: hehehe... we'll see how much good that chicken nugget beam serves you with what i got in store for you, inuyasha *ominous shot of the mozzarella stick demon properly introduced next episode*
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ckreadsblog · 1 year
People don't give InuYasha enough credit for being a fucked up anime.
Yknow, just watching my lil' comfort show. Cute and fun. Did Shippo just come face to face with his father's corpse worn like decoration by the guy who killed him?
Did that demon then take Kagome so he could melt her down and use her as a hair growth potion?
It's absolutely not the most fucked up anime out there but damn was it a formative one for my tropes 😂
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the-iron-fjord · 2 years
You know what the most beautiful thing about that Inuyasha flashback was.
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bottle-of-harpoons · 7 months
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Bruv, this took soo fucking long.
New AU dropping, boys.
So basically it's a hybrid between the 'toxic chain/possessed Kieran' AU and the 'Kieran is Ogerpon' AU.
In this AU, the events of the teal mask play out normally.
After Kieran looses his fight to Julianna, he starts hearing a mysterious voice in his head. It starts playing with his insecurities and telling him he needs to be stronger.
"That's why the oger didn't want you as a trainer. You were too weak".
Thanks to the voices advise and 'encouragement', Kieran quickly rises through the ranks of the Blueberry League and becomes champion. However, he also becomes a massive jackass.
The voice tell him that everyone is beneath him. He starts bullying other club members until the point were everyone is too imtimidated by him to hang out with him.
He is distant and aggressive towards the Elite 4. He doesn't even attend meetings and barley does any of his champion responsibilities, causing Amarys and Crispin to step up. Lacey was too busy helping Cyrano with academic duties. Drayton dedicated all his time to helping out the trainers Kieran bullied.
Kieran started skipping classes and dedicated all his time to training. The only person who still talked to him was Carmine.
However, after months of trying to reach out, Kieran finally snapes at Carmine, causing her to retreat from him. After this, Kieran finally realises he is truly alone. But thats when the voice makes a deal with him.
He could continue living his life alone and unloved or he could dawn the mask and start a new life. Kieran takes the mask, not fully understanding the deal. He ends up loosing his human form and turning into an Ogerpon. It is then that the voice reveals itself as Pecharunt and it steals Kieran human life.
Because of Kieran's shitty behaviour, he suspended from the academy for one month and 'Kieran' is sent back to Kitikami.
Kieran is left roaming around the Terrarium, dealing with the fact that he is now a pokemon and a whole fuck load of self esteem issues.
However, he is eventually found by Carmine and the new exchange student, Julianna.
Some notes in this AU -
Kieran isn't evil. He's a young child who needs help and the only people who notice are also children themselves. (Carmines doing what she can but she's still young and inexperienced)
Pecharunt has no control over Kierans actions or emotions. He basically says things to Kieran to encourage his negative thoughts and continue his unhealthy downward spiral.
I didn't explain this earlier but when Kieran put on the Ogerpon mask, he left behind a human mask that represents his human form. Pecharunt is currently wearing it.
Pecharunt wants a family again. He woke up many years later to find the old couple he used to live with had died. He wanted a family again but he wanted to live equally among the humans as well. So he started scheming to steal Kierans human life.
His plan just consists of him manipulating Kierans life until he was completely cut off from his friends and family. Once Kieran has nothing, he could trick Kieran into trading him his human life, then he could rebuild Kieran's life from the ground up.
Kieran's not having fun adjusting to life as a pokemon but he believes it's his punishment for being a dick to everyone.
Juliana's meowscarada is called Verde (haven't figured out what the rest of her team consists of yet). Carmine's mightyanna is called Subarashi (Suba for short), her sinistchi is called Chia, morpeko is Kamu and ninetails is Kyu (I used google translate for this, sorry if they're weird). Kieran's furret is called Shippo and his hydrapple is called Ringo.
Fun fact - This plot concept was taken from an old submas fanfic I started writing but never finished. Short summary was Ingo coming back to modern day Unova but he still has amnesia. His and Emmets relationship becomes very strained. Emmets ends up making a deal with Giratina to help turn him into a zorua and use hi illusion powers to get close to Ingo again. (I may post a full summary of the story one day)
Because of this, in the original draft, Kieran was going to turn into a zorua. I changed it just incase I ever wanted to revisits the old fic. Also I thought it would be funny if he turned into ogerpon.
This was heavily inspired by the Kieranpon au, the possessed Kieran au and the movie 'a whisker away'.
Sorry for any spelling errors. No excuse just can't spell for shit.
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mamabearcatfanart · 10 months
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"Inuyasha, I'm cold."
"I'm not fuckin' surprised", he snarled, trying to move her closer to his body. Any closer and she'd actually be sitting in his lap, which normally he'd be feeling some mighty strong feelings about, but right now his strong feelings weren't the happy kind. He'd already removed her sodden shoes and socks, but before she could get changed into some drier clothes they needed the fire going.
Shippo and Kirara were doing their best with damp kindling and an even damper cave, while Sango sorted through Kagome's backpack for dry clothes and medical supplies. Thankfully, no one else had been injured during their battle against the boar youkai.
Just Kagome.
For once, Miroku was keeping his trap shut, understanding that now was not the time for teasing. After one glare from Inuyasha as he had pulled the shivering Kagome close to his body, he had busied himself by walking further down into the cave to make sure it contained no more unwanted surprises with pointed teeth and a large appetite for shikon shards. Thank goodness for small mercies.
"You're angry at me, aren't you", Kagome whispered. It didn't sound like a question.
"Whatever gave you that idea?" he muttered, rubbing her back gently as she shivered against him.
"Oh, I don't know. The growling maybe. Your shoulders feel like rocks you're so tense."
Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
"I'm not angry at you, I'm angry near you. There's a difference."
"It doesn't feel like a difference", she said in a small voice. "Why won't look at me?"
Inuyasha pointedly kept his face turned aside and she sighed, tugging on his sleeve.
"Hey. I didn't know that bit of hill was going to give way."
That earned another growl. He almost looked at her, then turned his face away again.
"Why do you think I put you and Shippou over near the trees Kagome! You're the one who's meant to be smart with all that reading you do. Even you should have been able to tell it was unstable with all this rain!"
She tugged on his sleeve again.
"I couldn't get a good shot from where I was, so I moved to a better spot. And I took him out too! Before I fell I mean. But I helped! And we got another shikon shard!"
"For fuck's sake Kagome, you could of been really hurt!"
"But I wasn't."
"You've taken half the skin off your face! And your leg and your arm!"
"It'll grow back. Sango'll help bandage it up and it'll be good as new in a week or two - you won't even be able to tell it was there at all. And because I ended up in the river, it's washed all the dirt away, see? I'm just a bit cold, but I'll warm up. Inuyasha? Please? I don't know why you're so upset."
He growled again; she could see him biting the inside of his cheek as he stared out into the heavy rain outside the cave.
"Inuyasha, look at me. Please?"
Grudgingly he turned his head. She could see the concern in his eyes, the worry, the self blame, even though none of her injuries were remotely his fault. She tried to smile, but had another attack of the shivers.
He sighed, rubbing her back again. He tucked a long dripping lock of her hair behind her ear.
"You look like a sad wet cat."
"I kinda feel like one", she smiled, and then hissed, because smiling actually hurt quite a lot right now.
"A sad wet stupid cat with mush for brains", he sighed again, using his palm to turn her head gently so her uninjured cheek rested on his chest. "What am I gonna do with you?"
"Help keep me warm?" she shivered, wrapping her cold arms tight around his chest.
He rested his cheek on the top of her head, and she smiled, even though it hurt, and then giggled. She could feel his grumbles rumbling against her body as he pressed her even tighter against him.
"I guess I can do that. But you're grounded."
"What? How do you even know what that means?"
"I know plenty. And you're grounded. No more stupid heroics from you, or I'm taking away your keeping warm privileges."
"You wouldn't!"
"Watch me."
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lazulisong · 27 days
One down three to go
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A friend offered me a hundred bucks to make them four napkins with swears on them. My mom said, "one hundred dollars???" And I said "mother between labor and materials she is getting a steep, STEEP discount for being friends for twenty years and we both know it."
This is indeed the project I left yesterday -- fortunately (?) I only lost half the top fabric and a day's work lmao. They'll be backed with plain periwinkle cloth to match the shippo pattern, both of which I bought from Quilt Shop Twink. Expensive as hell but also: fuck it my time deserves quality.
(Is that much chain stitch a pain in my ass? Yes, but I used stick on embroidery stabilizer instead of having to hoop it, so less of a pain than it could have been. I'm actually really enjoying the stitch stabilizer.)
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inukag-archive · 10 months
Inuvember 2023 Part 1
In honor of @inuvember InuKag Day, the Archive Mods have put together a 30 item InuKag recommendation list: one InuKag fic per prompt. Since this list is longer than our usual, we've split it into two parts. Enjoy!
Day 1 Inuyasha
I Hate That Fucking Well by @kstewdeux (M)
Post-manga. Inuyasha POV. Inuyasha's inner thoughts and monologues. Rated M for fucking language
Day 2 Kagome
Cinnamon Hearts by @fandomobsessions016 (M)
"So, you may be wondering, what’s this story about anyway? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s about how this queen, almost lost her crown, her throne, but worst of all… it’s about how this queen almost lost her king…
Hindsight, of course, has perfect vision, but at the time I did not. I was a girl becoming a woman who fought bitterly against change that was inevitable. I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to see what was right in front of me.
What I wanted more than anything was to keep Inuyasha.
High school forced my eyes open, tested our “unshakable” bond and made me confront my biggest fear. All because…
I caught feelings for my best friend.
I like-liked my king."
Day 3 Sango
Forever Home by KittyKatz (M)
How long had he roamed the earth in a form that was not his? Beaten, dirty and caged, he finds one last bit of fortune when she comes to rescue him from this place. But his road to redemption will not be easy. And he will find, that no matter how the world has changed, his old enemy remains. And this time, they plan to destroy him once and for all.
Day 4 Miroku
Under the Northern Lights by @lostinfantasyworlds (E)
Kagome Higurashi has her dream job, working as a photographer for the internationally well-known Yugen magazine. Her career whisks her all around the world, leaving her feeling lonely sometimes but mostly just incredibly grateful to be doing what she loves. When she gets assigned to Alaska for a month to photograph a series of celestial events, she runs into Inuyasha, a half-demon who lives on his own in the middle of nowhere. A mutual attraction draws them to each other, but Kagome's time there is limited. Will giving in to their desire lead to love or heartbreak?
Day 5 Shippo
Oh, But You're Good To Me by @witchygirl99 (E)
It’s a terrible photo, really. The action figure takes up the entire bottom of the screen and part of both of their faces. Shippo’s giggling though, eyes shut and crinkled in his mirth while Inuyasha looks at him. His expression is clearly fond. It’s the softest Inuyasha has ever, ever seen himself.
This is fatherhood, he thinks a little wildly.
He sends the photo to Kagome.
Inuyasha is a single father. Shippo is his adopted son. Kagome isn't supposed to be in the picture, but somehow, she returns anyways. A story about family, love, and all of its obstacles.
Day 6 Sesshomaru
Whispers in the Wind by @ruddcatha (G)
It has been 500 years since Kagome jumped back down the well to be with Inuyasha. A messenger waits to see her family, and is joined by a surprising guest.
Day 7 Rin
My Life Before You by @len-barboza (E) -- based on a story by Mizune-mei
No English language summary provided. Inuyasha había vivido la mayoría de su vida huyendo, un huérfano medio demonio considerado por la gente una aberración, rechazado por demonios y por humanos, pero quien pensaría que esa era una mejor vida, al menos un propósito lo movía; sobrevivir, que sucede con un hanyo con una vida longeva, en completa soledad.
Day 8 Kikyou
Stolen Soul by Kimberly-A (T)
COMPLETE Kikyo uses a spell to exchange bodies with Kagome, leaving Kagome stuck in the dead shell and Kikyo comfortably human. In the aftermath, Inu-Yasha faces difficult choices. InuKag, not very Kikyo-friendly.
Day 9 Koga
A New Moon, A New Start by @pinestripes (T)
Kouga visits the village near the Sacred Tree. On this particular evening, he finds that a certain half-demon is more on edge than usual.
Day 10 Kagura
The Portal Between Worlds by @neutronstarship (E)
Ten years ago, a portal transported Inuyasha from the demon realm to the human realm. Now a half-demon alone in a world he doesn't understand, he will do anything to get home. When Onigumo brings him a book with all the answers, Inuyasha pushes aside his misgivings and works with the man. He just wants to get home, after all.
Kagome just wants to make an extra buck (and find demons), much to Kikyo’s chagrin. That is why she published Demons Among Us! after all. But strange things start happening when she puts the book online. As if people are using it to open the portals that it hypothesized… When Kagura and Sango join the fray, the stakes grow higher as they try to find the source of the portals.
When Inuyasha encounters Kagome, fate is not what it seems. Not one, but two realms are in danger for their survival. What happens when the final portal opens and an unknowable terror is unleashed? Can the Demon Hunters save the world?
Day 11 Naraku
You Rescued Me by @keizfanfiction (E)
Maybe it was fate that he decided to take the back way home that night, but whatever the reason, Inuyasha was grateful for arriving just in the nick of time to rescue a waif of a woman who had clearly been through hell. He never would have imagined that she would end up rescuing him, too.
Day 12 Band of Seven
Delicate by @akitokihojo (T)
To trust someone, to let them in, what an unsettling ordeal. Kagome is easy and safe, and Inuyasha is difficult and guarded. She can put him at ease with a smile, simultaneously setting him on edge. It was nothing until it was something, creating absolute chaos and uncertainty within the both of them.
Day 13 Jinenji/ Shiori
How Does Your Garden Grow? by @dawnrider (M)
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found...
Day 14 Toga
Taisho School of Acting: A Quick Guide by @jeremymarsh (G)
“Excuse me, what?” Kagome looked at her best friend with eyes as big as saucers, lips parted, and her mind replaying what he had said a moment before – trying to find a sense but to no avail. “You heard me.” Inuyasha scowled, looking down, arms crossed and lips pouting, just like he did every time he didn’t like the topic at hand. The problem was he had started it this time. “Yeah, I did.” Kagome shook her head and inhaled deeply before she continued. “And that’s why I’m asking you to repeat yourself since I’m having problems believing that certain sentences left your mouth.” “I said,” Inuyasha started through clenched teeth, still not meeting her gaze, “come to my family Christmas dinner this Sunday.” He stopped, ran a hand through his silver mane, closed his eyes, murmured something unintelligible and then added: “As my girlfriend.”
Where Inuyasha tries to fool his parents and miserably fails.
Day 15 Izayoi
The Silence of Daisies by Fierywenchxo (T)
Inuyasha shares with Kagome one of the biggest secrets he's ever kept. One-shot.
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anisaanisa · 1 year
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Do you love the colour of Inuyasha? ☆
Pride Month art, all in one place. For @inuyashapridemonth 🌈
In chronological order: "The Acrobat": Yura for Lesbian Day ☆ "The Con Artist": Miroku for Gay Day ☆ "Both? Both. Both is Good": InuKag for Bisexual Day ☆ "The Derby Girl": Sango for Pansexual Day ☆ "The Medic": Kagome for Pink Day ☆ "She was a Punk": Kagura for Red Day ☆ "She Did Ballet": Kikyo for Orange Day ☆ "The Artist": Shippo for Turquoise Day ☆ "The Troublemaker": Bankotsu for Violet Week ☆ "Who, Inuyasha? He only cares about one thing and it's fucking disgusting": Inuyasha for Violet Week ☆ ↳ Bonus: Sesshomaru is Ace. Allegedly. A Satirical!Conspiracy Theory ☆
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