alkalische · 1 year
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dianaladrislovebot · 5 months
gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part 7
hey there buckos i just realised the last time i did a hcs post was three months ago and we were well and truly due for a new one so here’s an extra detailed one for yall <3
i heavily dislike the way lana’s powers work so im deciding all she really does is speed up the healing process. if something was going to scar if it healed naturally then it scars when she heals it. she can’t heal scars.
on this note, bc i’m an absolute sadist and enjoy tormenting my children, i don’t think there were enough physical disabilities that came out of the fayz due to lana just healing everything. the only one really was like,,, drake losing his arm and that’s not enough for me. that shit was a war zone and they only have the mental scars to reflect it rather than the physical. heaps of kids just straight up died but if they have a healer then why was there no middle ground ? what happened when someone gets injured and lana’s not around to fix it ? bc of this several kids ended up losing limbs bc i said so.
also on this note, some main characters that i’ve decided have major scars : sam kept all the scars from drakes whip, getting shot in the knee, getting chained by gaia etc. astrid has a ringed scar on her neck from the rope in hunger. diana has a gouged scar on her head from drake. caine is covered in burn marks from the thanksgiving battle and all the times he’s fought sam. also has scars on his forehead and hands from penny. all the cemented coates kids have scars on their hands too. some of them go as far as having minor nerve damage in their hands. edilio lost a finger and frederico (who disappears after the first book bc i’m pretending he didn’t) lost an eye. dekka has a huge scar on her shoulder from where the greenies got her and jack had scars from where drake got him in fear. if brianna had survived, im deciding she would have had burn marks on her face and would have lost a leg. it makes more sense to me for gaia to keep her alive to retain her power but make sure brianna can’t use is anymore.
drake has brown eyes. like so brown that if the light doesn’t hit them they just look black. i think it makes him much more menacing (i commissioned a friend some gone art and they suggested brown eyes and i’ve never been so sold on something so quick)
before the fayz, mary liked to knit.
sam is allergic to tomatoes. this has no lore implications i just think it’s funny.
diana listens to emo music. think early 2000’s p!atd, fall out boy, pierce the veil, falling in reverse, mcr, bring me the horizon, etc. she hides it bc, well, it’s 2008 and emo’s got bullied so heavily in the 2000’s it’s not funny 😭
a lot of people think drake and caine were roommates at coates but personally, i don’t think drake had a roommate. i don’t think they’d let him lol. i like the idea of frederico being caines roommate
sam taught quinn to surf. sam always gave me more surfer vibes than quinn as quinn always felt more “weird exuberant guy most people avoid” yk so sam teaching him to surf after they become friends is really cute
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calicohyde · 1 year
Tagged by @winterandwords to share my characters' name meanings. I already posted this on my main, but I didn't repost it when I moved my writing to this sideblog, so I guess I'm doing it now!
Some of these names were chosen for their meanings, some for their associations. I also chose a lot of names based on the character's ethnicity (i.e. Anca instead of Anna, Piero instead of Peter, etc) and also how they sounded together with characters they would interact with a lot.
The Stranger series ("witch noir")
Eddie: from Eduarda. "wealth, fortune". Chosen for its common use as a noir detective protagonist, and specifically Eddie Valiant. Fred: from Frederica/Frederico. "peaceful ruler". Chosen for similar commonality in noir detectives. Jessica: Shakespeare allegedly invented this name, presumably based on Iscah. Iscah means "to behold". Chosen for its association with Jessica Rabbit. Evan: "God is gracious". Chosen for my own personal associations. Lily: references the flower, a symbol of purity. Chosen for the association with the H4rry P0tter character and through that association with JK/R and through that the political movement she's allegorical to. Lol. Angel: from Angelito. "messenger". Chosen for the meaning. Dido: meaning unknown. I don't remember why I chose it. Maddie: from Madeline. "tower". I don't remember why I chose it. Ferris: "man of vigor". I don't remember why I chose it. Anca: "favor, grace". Chosen for the meaning. Raf: from Rafael. "God heals". Chosen for the meaning. Kapua: "flower child". Chosen for the meaning. Wâpo: I fucking lost my reference for what language this is and I don't remember like a tool and my search engine is failing me as usual. I think it's in the Algonquin family of languages, and it's a word for a raccoon. But since I can't find my source I'll probably have to change it. Nine: after a cat's nine lives. Obviously I made that one up, so yeah it's chosen for the meaning lol. Toots: from Antonia. Chosen to fit the nickname, which was chosen for being a derisive endearment in the time period associated with the noir genre. Piero: "stone". Chosen for its association with the disciple Peter.
Vana: "God is gracious" (has the same etymology as Evan, actually). Chosen for its sound; it's the most similar name to the word "vanilla" that I could find. Dara: "fruitful, fertile". Chosen because he's Irish and hot.
Any Publicity
Asher: "happy, blessed". Chosen for the ethnicity and its ability to have a one-syllable nickname. Jordan: "descend". Chosen for the ethnicity and its ability to have a one-syllable nickname. Gwaine: "hawk" + either "May" or "field". I don't remember why I chose it. Brittany: etymology from Briton (as in the people), which means "tattooed people". Chosen for its similar sound to another name. Candy: from Candace. "queen". I don't remember why I chose it. Mason: "to make". Chosen for its similar sound to another name. Beth (Rory, they go by their surname): from Bethany. "house of figs". Chosen for being a nickname-in-common with another name. Keahi: "the fire". Chosen for the meaning. (St.) Pat: from Patricia. "noble". Chosen for its ability to be turned into a nickname/title that is a holiday.
Not Just Us
Milo: "gracious soldier". Originally was Milivoj [mee-lee-voy] and was chosen for the ethnicity and because I Just Like It, but I changed it for easier pronunciation for English readers. The two names have the same etymology. Ken: from Kenshin. "humble, modest" + "trust, believe". Chosen for the meaning and its ability to have an English-sounding nickname (baby is assimilated 😔). Topher: from Christopher. "bearing Christ". Chosen for the meaning. Lol. Buzz: unknown meaning. Chosen for its similar sound to a certain company when paired with his last name. Lmao. Virgo: "maiden". Chosen with inspiration from Persephone Valentine.
I tag @ceph-the-ghost-writer @thewardenofwinter @vhwrites @nvjackwrites and @justsome-di.
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beastofmoss · 1 year
*flops into your askbox like a wet cat* hello
:) for reasons I need you to tell me so so much about your oc enstars unit (outfits, themes, individual motifs yk..)
I am begging I am pleading I am curious I wish to Know and Behold
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I'm picking you up and placing you in a nice aquarium~♡
Here's a post explaining about Socks and Buskins:
Here's a slightly outdated Post explaining about them personally:
I have two oc nutshell post, I still need to make three more but so far I have:
The Blind Jester:
The Final Girl:
A little ramble about the unit:
I'm still working on the uniforms for the unit, but I do know the general concept of it. Each member will have a mask that plays into their role, as well as a bit of their personality. The colors I'm still bouncing around on, switching between more earthy tones(to make nod towards Oberon, Puck, and Titania from Midsummer's night) to more royal colored tones (playing into an actually court). So far for the mask, I'm thinking more Masquerade style.
José's mask would have some King motifs as well as stars. The king motifs plays into his role as the leader/"King" of his unit while the stars are more personal. José doesn't see himself as a star, not like others—something that Frecil, his mentor, disagrees with. Also, the Star in tarot is a huge factor as well.
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Sierra's mask would be asymmetrical—something that would play into her double-edged nature. Very elegant and eye catching. I mean, she's the Queen—so she has to stand out, right? Her mask concept is still a wip rn.
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Frecil's would be very jester-like with small scattering of feathers. Their mask would cover their eyes, both visualizing the Blind aspect of their character and, in a sense, themself. The feathers would be a small reference of their past work as a single idol.
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I do have some inspiration for their vocals:
Frecil's voice would be very similar to Sodikken and how they sing. Sodikken was also a huge inspiration on Frecil to be honest.
José's inspiration for both vocal and past-vibe was actually Corpse Husband. Although José wouldn't have such a deep and raspy voice as Corpse. This was before José was upgraded (All Socks and Buskin ft. Cherry were slightly different when I first made them)
Sierra doesn't have any vocals inspiration, not right now.
Here are some songs that I think describe my babies:
Some character playlists (I'm still working on/need updating):
Thank you~☆
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darkmarkets · 12 years
The Horrors of Dark Marketing, part 2: Social Media
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I'm not related to any used car salesmen. I've never personally known any used car salesmen. What I'm about to say might be terribly prejudiced, but sadly, it works to convey my point because the common perception is that used car salesmen are irritating, selfish money grubbers without the capacity to shut up.
I don't say this out of hatred. I say this because advertising on social media makes us all sound like used car salesmen.
Social media is supposed to be social. Like a backyard BBQ or Baby's first slaughter-of-innocents party (which is just like a BBQ, but with more chanting.) You show up, you bring potato salad, you ask about everyone's kids, and generally try not to fall over the kiddie pool full of ice and six packs of Natty Light. This is what social is; note that nowhere in the term is the word "business" encompassed in the word. And, yes, business certainly falls into social functions sometimes—your Aunt Petunia wants you to help with her bake sale, or Cousin Frederico needs you to help chant—but mostly people are just there to hang out.
When you've got that one guy, like Granpa Biff, who just won't shut up about his pre-owned Volvo lot and he's all like, hey, you need a Volvo! And for a limited time only, it'll only cost $9999.99—well, that just ruins everyone's time. Suddenly, friends and family aren't friends and family anymore; they're stacks of cash.
Of course, it's possible to use social media more reasonably than Granpa Biff. I'm sure there are used car salesmen in the world who are good people. One or two mentions on Facebook or Twitter about our new books coming out—there's nothing wrong with that. Obviously, people won't buy our books if they don't know about them, and what better way to start the viral wildfire than talking to our friends and family?
But then two mentions become three, and three becomes five, and before you know it, you're selling Volvos.
Don't worry; it's not our fault we end up looking like jerks. All those lovely how-to-write-books advicey peoples are to blame. They always say "Use social media to market your book! It's great to get the word out!" But they fail to mention the fact that people can know all day long you've written a book; that doesn't mean they want to buy it.
Are you writing the kind of book that all your friends and family like to read or endorse? Is your book an ambitious socio-erotic polysci thriller farce? Do any of your people read socio-erotic polysci thriller farce? Have they ever even driven a Volvo? If the answer is no, then you're not selling a lot of books to them.
What we need to sell books is an audience, a group of people who read the sorts of things similar to what we're writing. Hence, their willingness to read us. Trying to hawk our wares to people who don't normally buy such things just makes us look like jerks. If Aunt Petunia usually reads inspirational romance, she's not going to want your splatterpunk horrorcore. If cousin Frederico just like traditional commercial narratives, he's not going to buy your experimental fourth person poetry. And we all know Granpa Biff just reads Popular Mechanics. These people like us for reasons other than our writing, (or they like us because mom told them they had to) and to not respect that makes them feel like stacks of cash.
And, frankly, if they were stacks of cash, we'd be drinking something better than Natty Light at our slaughter BBQs. I mean, c'mon; Pabst Blue Ribbon, at least.
To be continued...
Lorna D Keach
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ablaske · 5 years
me @ my dog: how about an icecube, baby? :)
my dog: this is the most delicious treat I've ever had i owe you my life
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weeinterpreter · 3 years
Ok but we need an story where Butler retires, finds love, has a child and just lives a somewhat normal life. Imagine: Saturday afternoons waking up to the smell of pancakes, his wifey struggling to get their child in a high chair, making jokes about growing old and stuff. Butler would pack lunches and leave little notes in the bags with self defense tips. Yes, I have been crying over this for past few days 🥲 this man has been through too much to not find peace 😭
Butler woke up the moment the door to the bedroom swung open. He kept his eyes closed, lying perfectly still. Almost perfectly still except for the grin tugging at his lips. He smelt the coffee. And so did Sofia. She stirred.
"I told him not to use the gas on his own," she croaked.
Butler tightened his arms around her waist, pulled her closer and kissed her bare shoulder.
"I made coffee," a tiny voice said from the foot of the bed.
Butler lifted his head to see a small boy with wild curls and an enormous coffee mug in his hand, only filled with about an inch of coffee. Clever boy.
Sofia raised herself on her elbow, the movement seemingly spending her last strength. Accepting the mug from the child, she downed the coffee, sighed, and let her head fell back on her pillow. The boy furrowed his brow.
"You need to get up now, Mama. It's morning outside."
Sofia groaned. "It's Sunday, Frederico. The day of the Lord, let me sleep."
"But you had coffee," Frederico protested.
Butler chuckled and rolled out of bed. Frederico's face lit up.
"Make more coffee," Sofia called out to them as they walked into the kitchen.
Butler eyed the chair that Frederico had used to make the coffee on the stove. He considered telling him for the umpteenth time not to handle the gas flame without his parents around. Not that it would do much good. Frederico took every "no" as a challenge that he needed to overcome.
"Let's feed the chickens," he said instead, placing the chair back at the table before turning to the backdoor.
"I've already done that," Frederico quipped proudly. Butler threw a look outside the window. Ten excited chickens filled the courtyard, after Frederico had forgotten to close the chicken coop.
"So you did."
"I also collected the fresh eggs, and ran around with Bello to keep him active."
"With or without the eggs?" Butler asked dryly.
Frederico placed his hands on his sides and gave Butler a stern look. He had learned that from his mother, no doubt. "Without the eggs, Papa. Really, I am no baby anymore."
"I can see that," Butler said, the lines around his eyes growing deeper. "Looks, like you have already done a lot today."
"It's 6.30 in the morning, Papa. Carp the diem. That's what Uncle Artemis says. That's why I have also checked our… po-visions."
He pulled a piece of paper from the table and showed it to Butler. On it, the boy had drawn pictures of eggs, milk, flour and different fruits. "We have everything for pancakes today."
Butler tousled Frederico's hair, wondering if–
Butler blinked, looking from Artemis, sitting behind his desk to the tray in his hands.
"Apologies," he mumbled, and placed the teacup on the desk.
"You are a bit distracted lately, old friend. You aren't coming down with the flu, aren't you?"
Butler shook his head, hurrying out of the study.
"Of course not, Artemis. Lunch will be ready in another hour."
I apologise that this (again) has only been a (day) dream of Butler. It's not that I don't want him to be happy (I really do!), but as long as I haven't finished writing "Diamond Blue and Cinnamon Gold", I don't want to jump ahead of time. I still hope you enjoyed this, and hey, if you want to have some fluff for Butler, feel free to check out my series. 😉
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sapphicbeautyy · 2 years
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left to right: Sienns (caiden's mom), Frederico (his dad), Nadia (his sister, adopted), Tara (his twin), Meera (radha's sister), Deborah (Radha's step mother), Devi (her mom)
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with their roommates, left to right: Shabnam, Alysha, Aleena, Radha, Caiden, Tara, Anaya
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My second favourite family of this generation, radha and caiden. They met in middle school in an afterschool homework club for nerds and started dating in highschool after caiden's sister tara and radha became really good friends and radha started coming over a lot. Unfortunately radha got pregnant just a little while before caiden graduated and an entire year before she did, her mom and step mom were furious and kicked her out of their home. Caiden's parents were shocked and upset but agreed to still pay for part of caiden's college and a single bedroom in a shared house for radha, caiden and the baby.
They moved in together and had Raj. Radha got a part time job with highschool and caiden got two with college. Luckily they were able to save up because tara agreed to watch raj for free when she could. Eventually Radha graduated (aged up) and got a job as a paralegal and they got married in a small ceremony in the backyard of their home. Radha worked from home as much as she could to save on childcare and caiden took up odd jobs whenever he had free time so by the time they graduated they were able to afford a small apartment in san myshuno on chic street.
Now they're living there while they pay of Caiden's student loans with plans to move soon and expecting another (unplanned) baby becuase unfortunately sex ed was not one of the life lessons they learned as teen parents.
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lapizsilkwood · 7 years
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For love of you, the air, it hurts, and my heart, and my hat, they hurt me. Who would buy it from me, this ribbon I am holding, and this sadness of cotton, white, for making hankerchiefs with? Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you! 
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tigirl-and-co · 4 years
@bees-self-ships wanted to see my Madagascar OCs because I got overexcited and made a bunch. I’m still working on their designs, but these are their descriptions!
Voaozona (Vo or Voa for short) the Aye-Aye: my si/sona, she’s a sweetheart but everyone thinks she’s cursed because she’s pretty weird and looks like somebody drowned the grim reaper’s cat. Loves going places with her friends, please take her shopping with u. Golden retriever in the body of a furry murdered victorian child. (shipped w/ Maurice uwu he doesn’t get why people think she’s creepy lmao they’re both simps)
Frederico the Falanouc: “Hey guys, I’m back from my two year trip to the Netherlands!” “oh dang dude we thought you died” Tells people stories about his adventures, nobody knows if he actually goes on adventures or if he’s lying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Has a story for every situation, even when maybe it’s not the time. Platonic life-partners w/ Sarah, they’re bffs, he always asks how her girlfriend is doing
Sarah the Malagasy/Striped Civet: Short, sassy, will kick your ass. Firm believer in tough love but not in bullying. She’s really pretty but nobody’s brave enough to ask her out. Which is probably for the best, she keeps mentioning her girlfriend but nobody has ever seen her, except apparently Frederico. Platonic life partner with Frederico
Ricky the Lowland Streaked Tenrec: Nervous wreck, just… somebody get this boy some tea or hot cocoa or something. He’s like 1 jumpscare away from a heart attack at all times. His quills are almost always puffed out due to nerves. Also a conspiracy theorist, he’ll mutter about them under his breath when he’s especially nervous. Is often found either in his own home or at Micheal’s.
Micheal the Broad-Striped Malagasy Mongoose: Foppish, snarky asshole. Rich kid who’s not really a kid anymore. BUT he genuinely loves his friends. Yeah he’ll make fun of them but he’ll also give them the shirt off his back without hesitation. If he catches you being mean to his friends, he’ll either lay you a verbal beatdown so intense you’ll just start crying, or he’ll plot your downfall and humiliation. It might take a while, but there WILL be hell to pay. Especially Ricky. Teases and bullies Ricky endlessly, because he lowkey has a crush on him and doesn’t know how to deal with that.
Violet the Ring-Tailed Mongoose: Very pretty, very very shy. It’s a running joke that people will try to confess to her, but when the camera pans over to her she’s just,,, disappeared. Poof. The baby of the group, always shows up to events with homemade food and pastries if she has the time, or candy if it was spur-of-the-moment. If you mess with her you basically aggro the ENTIRE rest of the group. Sarah and Micheal especially have some sort of ‘violet-is-upset’ sixth sense
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dianaladrislovebot · 9 months
why do i love frederico so much. we know nothing about him. he shows up a total of three times. everything about his character is made up. he’s practically an oc at this point. he disappears completely after the first book. why do i think about him so much. where’d my baby go.
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February Picks
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And just like that another month is coming to a close. I can’t believe how fast it has gone by. I’ve continued watching some favorites from last month and am sad some have come to an end. Meanwhile a bunch of shows came back from their winter hiatus, so it was a lot of fun getting back into their story-lines again.
Be prepared for spoilers once again...
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Masterpiece’s Sanditon ended this past Sunday, here in the states, and I am jumping on the campaign that we need a season 2! It can’t end like that with so many open ended story-lines (okay maybe just one or two, but still we deserve more). 
Who would have guessed that Esther would become one of my favorite characters in this series and that’s mainly thanks to her well written character development. From the “villain” in episode 1 she grew into so much more and was such a complex character. I really enjoyed watching her story unfold. I am SO HAPPY she married Babington and his speech to her about living side by side, knowing he loves her more and just wants to see her happy. Wow....Goals. I want to see this relationship progress even more (if that’s possible) with a season 2. Speaking of things I want to see: Will Sanditon be rebuilt and how long will it take? Will there be an alternative allowing Sidney to be with Charlotte? Major twist there as their relationship doesn’t end with a happily ever after (very un-Austen like for the main protagonists). When he returned at the end stopping Charlotte’s carriage, I seriously thought he would have said he broke up his engagement, but alas. The previous episode I really wanted them together (thanks to Sidney’s speech to Charlotte when he told her his ex-fiance left and how Charlotte makes him a better person *melts* and of course their dancing scene the episode prior was amazing). In the early parts of the season, while I knew Charlotte and Sidney would be a thing-eventually, I couldn’t help but have a soft spot for Young Stringer’s character and my appreciation never truly left. I felt he was paired well with Charlotte. Such a tragic ending for him. He wanted to better himself (much like the Parker brothers) but after his father’s death he no longer will. Throughout the series, I enjoyed Miss Lambe’s character, but I agree with many reviews that I was reading that her character was kind of dropped at the end. I’m curious what her reaction will be when she finds out about SIdney’s engagement...
Thank you again, Andrew Davies. I was not expecting to like this adaptation so much.    
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The best way to describe one of NBC’s latest shows is that I feel happy and in a good mood whenever I finish an episode. (And then I’m immediately upset that I have to wait a week for the next one. I watch them too fast.) I’ve heard many people compare it to Glee and while I could definitely understand that I keep getting drawn back to Abc’s short lived Eli Stone. There Eli (played by Jonny Lee Miller) could hear people around him sing and dance, which helped him solve upcoming law cases. In this show he was experiencing a brain tumor, but so far Zoey seems all clear. Instead, a freak accident while she is getting an MRI scan and listening to music, allows for her to hear people sing (and perform) their innermost feelings. There’s still some logistics to discover like what Zoey looks like when she watches these performances (does she move around or look like she’s just staring into the air. I might be thinking into this too much...I know). We just recently found out that sometimes she can speak to others as they are happening. Each time she hears someone sing she is meant to help them with something in their life. It could be a family member, co worker, friend, or like this past week her boss. While there’s one major problem (that she has to fix), there are often multiple songs in one episode which I really enjoy. The cast is also very strong, both musically and as actors. I can’t wait to see where the rest of the season is headed!
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When the first film was released on Netflix about 2 years ago, I was instantly a fan. I was unfamiliar with the book, but quickly added to my TBR list. (My to read list is extremely long, so I still haven’t gotten to it. Story of my life.) I really enjoyed watching Lara Jean experience the results of having her secretive love letters distributed to her past crushes. I was definitely Team Peter and Lara by the end of the film. They were adorable. The sequel was released earlier this month and I kind of forgot about it. It felt like we had been preparing for the sequel for a bit and then I must have been watching too much Disney Plus to miss the trailer. Watching P.S. I still love you, I just missed the original film. There were parts I liked and I was a big fan of John Ambrose (and of course Jordan Fisher because he’s great), but overall I felt like much didn’t happen. Also, Lara and Peter’s relationship kind of bothered me in parts. I understand that for both of them this was the first time they were in this kind of relationship and could feel awkward about certain things (like the Valentine’s singing-gram or writing an original poem). The main part I did like about them was towards the end when he arrived at the retirement home. I don’t say this often, but I have no want to re-watch it any time soon.   
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Speaking of Disney Plus....
In a quick month and a half I have successfully watched ALL 80 episodes of season 1 of Violetta. I feel so accomplished and know the withdrawal will happen very soon. (I just finished last night and I’ve been listening to the music a lot recently). I’m so upset that season 2 has not be released on Disney Plus yet. I thought it would be by now because the streaming service has been up for a good amount of months and this show was so popular around the world. Unfortunately, I have not been lucky with my Google searches for when they’ll release it and no luck with YouTube either (no English caption options). I’ve been hearing that season 2 is really great because season 1 did a nice job of establishing these characters and now we get to see more story-lines. I will miss the students and teachers at the Studio as well the home-life at the Castillo’s house. Throughout 80 episodes it’s understandable to love and hate several characters as you’re with them for a good amount of time. For some people it was a roller coaster, but there were a good amount that I liked pretty consistently. I am a fan of Violetta and Leon and they had some super cute moments. I think it was about episode 35 where I truly felt like connection. When Tomas left the love triangle for a bit I actually grew to like him and would often joke how he never smiled and had a Tomas face. I really liked You Mix and the introduction of Frederico. Some great songs came out of that section like Ven y Canta and Tienes el Talento, but my favorite is definitely Ser Mejor. And of course, I will always have love for Pablo. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m going to miss reading subtitles (I really do feel like I know more Spanish now). Definitely check out this show if you want something drama filled and funny at the same time. 
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I know I dedicated a whole post to Chris Wood’s return as Kai Parker on Legacies. (See the article here:https://talesofafangirlwithadvr.tumblr.com/post/190761328673/omg-legacies-2x12) But I still had to include it in this wrap up because once again Legacies is doing a great job this season. I was so excited to see it when it came back from the mid-season hiatus. Since the return of Wood it has gotten more of a TVD vibe than usual, which is great. I haven’t watched the last episode, but have seen a clip of Kai masquerading at the school. I am going to be very interested to see for how long he hangs around and how long it takes for them to discover him AND how Josie handles the evil inside of her. 
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Thank goodness this show got renewed (and picked up from NBC). When it started a couple of weeks ago, I was reminded how much I missed it. I can’t get over that this is already the second season on NBC. As usual the hi-jinks of the Nine Nine have been entertaining to watch. The Jimmy Jab games were great. I loved how Hitchcock was so desperate to win that he was taking Scully’s array of pills. What an ending with Debbie! Did not think she could be capable of that. I can’t wait to see the outcome next episode. I’m so excited for a Santiago-Peralta baby. It was a great episode when they were hiding it from Charles and Adrian returned. I’ve seen the movie Memento and it is great! It was hilarious each time he was like, ‘I don’t know what that is’ and then saying ‘Finding Dory’ solved everything. I am so happy that this show was suggested for me to watch and fill my Office and Parks and Rec void. Whenever a new episode’s on the DVR I can’t wait to watch it.      
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And last, but certainly not least, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has once again not disappointed me this season (I know it’s still early, but I’m optimistic). It started at the end of January following the events of Crisis and I liked how this season transitioned with all the changes (the major one being the introduction of Zari’s brother). I am really happy to see her again though and how she is having these flashes of her old life on board the Wave-rider. I can’t wait to see that reveal happen (especially because as of right now only Nate knows the ‘truth’). I love seeing Ava as a permanent part of the Legends crew and as stepping in as Captain when Sara was away. She is a great addition and I like how quirky she is since we first met her. Her and Sara are perfect. I also love Ray and Nora. Nora as a fairy godmother is fantastic. One of my favorite episodes was the one with the 80s dance. Her role in all of that was great and her realization with what she can provide for these kids. I feel like this is going to be the reason Ray leaves the Legends. I remember seeing Brandon Routh’s Instagram Post about leaving the show and this feels like the reason he will. I hope that isn’t for a while though because I am going to miss him a lot. 
Until March!   
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
The death of Lucille Ball’s father at an early age had a great impact. Throughout the four situation comedies built around her, the “Lucy” characters had mothers, but references to their fathers was rare. Here’s a tribute to the precious few dads found in the Lucyverse! 
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Henry “Had” Durrell Ball (1887-1915) ~ Father of Lucille Ball and Fred Ball.
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Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y Alberni II (1894-1973) ~ Father of Desi Arnaz and grandfather of Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz IV. Desi Jr. is now the father of two. 
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Ricky Ricardo (aka Ricardo Alberto Fernando Ricardo y de Acha aka Enrique Alberto Fernando Ricardo y de Acha III) ~ Father of Ricky Ricardo Jr. (Keith Thibodeaux). Actually, Ricky’s son was played by 8 actors over the course of the series.
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In “Return Home From Europe” (ILL S5;E26), Ricky insists that he is not the father of baby Cheddar Chester!
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Below are all the fathers on “I Love Lucy”!  
But first, a (Father’s Day) word from our sponsor!
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Will Potter ~ Father of Ethel Mertz. Besides Ricky himself, Will Potter (Irving Bacon) is the only father of the main characters on “I Love Lucy.”  Although all four have living mothers (two of whom are characters on the show), only Ethel’s father is alive and well and appears on screen in “Ethel’s Hometown” (ILL S4;E16). 
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Charlie Appleby ~ Father of Stevie. Charlie makes two appearances on the series, although each time he is played by a different actor: Hy Averback played him in “Baby Pictures” (ILL S3;E5) and George O'Hanlon (inset photo) in “Lucy and Superman” (ILL S6;E13).
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Harry Munson ~ Father of Billy. Harry and Grace live about a mile from the Ricardos in Connecticut. Harry is played by Tristram Coffin in two episodes: “Lucy Misses the Mertzes” (ILL S6;E17) and in “The Country Club Dance” (S6;E25). 
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Ralph Ramsey ~ Father of Bruce Ramsey. The Ramseys live across from the Ricardos in Westport. Ralph (Frank Nelson) was only seen in two Connecticut-based episodes: “Lucy Gets Chummy With The Neighbors” (ILL S6;E18) and “The Country Club Dance” (ILL S6;E25), although Nelson appeared in many more episodes as different characters. 
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Danny Williams ~ Father of Rusty, Linda and Terry, although Terry does not appear in “Lucy Makes Room For Danny”, the cross-over episode that brought “The Danny Thomas Show” to CBS. In fact, for its first three years, the show was known as “Make Room for Daddy.”  Subsequently, Thomas did a sequel called “Make Room for Granddaddy” and Lucille Ball guest-starred on it in 1971.
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The Sheriff of Bent Fork, Tennessee ~ Father of twin girls Teensy and Weensy. Will Wright played the character in “Tennessee Bound” (ILL S4;E15). 
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Mr. Stanley ~ Father to nine girls! When “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16), Ricky meets a man in the fathers’ waiting room (played by Charles Lane) anxiously awaiting the birth of his latest (and he says last) child, whom he hopes will be a boy. His hopes are dashed - times three over!   
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The Italian Farmer ~ in “Lucy’s Bicycle Trip” (ILL S5;E24), claims to have nine  children: Teresa, Sofia, Luigi, Pietro, Dino, Gino, Rosa, Mario, and Antonio!  The Farmer is played by Mario Siletti, but his "multi bambini” remain off screen!
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Ernie Kovacs ~ Father of Kippie and Bette, unseen but mentioned characters in “Lucy Meets the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3) in 1960. The girls are said to be making friends with Little Ricky, while their father entertains at Lucy and Ricky’s (last) party. 
Moving on to the Fathers of “The Lucy Show”...
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Theodore J. Mooney ~ Father of Bob, Ted, Arnold, and Rosemary, who was never seen, but is said to live in Trenton and to have had a baby, making Mr. Mooney a grandfather as well! Gale Gordon played Mr. Mooney from 1963 to 1968. If the character was ever given a spin-off, it might have been called “My Three Sons”!  
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Father Time ~ Played by Sherman Bagley (Ralph Hart) in “Chris’s New Year’s Eve Party” (TLS S1;E14). He is accompanied by Baby New Year played by Jerry Carmichael (Jimmy Garrett). In the series, Sherman’s father Ralph is mentioned, but never seen. Jerry’s dad is deceased and never given a name.  
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Kenneth Westcott ~ Father of Debbie, who is a friend of Lucy Carmichael’s daughter Chris and Principal of their high school in 1963′s “Lucy is a Chaperone” (TLS S1;E27). He is played by Hanley Stafford. 
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Mr. Sanford ~ Father of Timmy, who is having a birthday where Lucy and Viv are hired as party planners and the entertainment in “Kiddie Parties, Inc.” (TLS S2;E2). Mr. Sanford is played by Lyle Talbot. If he was ever given a sequel, it might be called “Sanford and Son”!  
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Jonathan Winslow ~ Father of Charlie, Danny and Bobbie (aka Roberta) in “Lucy the Babysitter” (TLS S5;E16). What Lucy doesn’t realize is that the Winslow children are actually baby chimps!  Mr. Winslow was played by Jonathan Hole. 
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In “Lucy and Harry’s Tonsils” (TLS S2;E5), Mr. Phillips (Jack Collins) plays an father expecting his first child who believes Mr. Mooney is there for the same reason, while Mr. Mooney thinks Mr. Phillips is there for a tonsillectomy! Phillips (having his third child) is similar to the character of Mr. Stanley (who is having his ninth – all girls!) in “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16).
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“Lucy Becomes a Father” (TLS S3;E9) finds single mom and widow Lucy Carmichael trying to be both mother and father to her son, Jerry. She joins five other cub scout dads on a weekend away, trying desperately to do what the other dads do. The fathers include (left to right): Hal Smith as Mr. Wilson, George ‘Red’ Fox as George (hidden), Gale Gordon as Mr. Mooney, George Niese as Mr. Carter, and Buster West as Tom. Coincidentally, Gale Gordon had the surnames Carter in “Here’s Lucy” and Wilson in “Dennis the Menace” but neither were dads! 
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In the play “The Founding of Danfield” staged in “Lucy and Arthur Godfrey” (TLS S3;E23) in 1965, Godfrey plays “Daddy” of Lucybelle (Lucy Carmichael), and [spoiler alert] Conrad P. Field (Mr. Mooney) turns out to be the daddy of the Honest-But-Poor Piano Player Dan (Vinnie, played by Max Showalter). In real life, Godfrey was the father of three.  
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The Father of Our Country ~ George Washington, as embodied by Lucy Carmichael when “Lucy and Viv Open a Restaurant” (TLS S2;E20). Viv (Vivian Vance) dresses a George’s wife, Martha, to promote their new Colonial-themed restaurant. 
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In “Lucy the Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25), Lucille Ball plays both Lucy Carmichael and a look-alike gun moll named Rusty, who performs the Cole Porter song “My Heart Belongs to Daddy”!
And now the Dads of “Here’s Lucy”....
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Mr. Caldwell ~ Father of Laurie in “Mod, Mod Lucy” (HL S1;E1), the very first episode of “Here’s Lucy.” Lew Parker played the over-protective dad of teenage Laurie (Nancy Roth). His wife is played by Nancy Howard. Parker was best known for playing the father of another TV character, Ann Marie (Marlo Thomas) on “That Girl.” In real-life, Marlo’s father was Lucy’s friend and co-star - one of the most famous daddies on TV - Danny Thomas!  
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On “Lucy and Johnny Carson” (HL S2;E11), while appearing on “The Tonight Show” and playing Stump the Band, Lucy Carter chooses a song titled “Snoops the Lawyer” that she says her father sang to her when she was a child.  This is the only mention of her father on the series. Coincidentally, Ball’s real mother is one of the audience members (Carson is sitting on the arm of her chair). Since the song was not written until 1920, and Lucille Ball’s real father Henry died in 1915, this cannot be a real-life recollection from Lucy. 
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Lee Wong ~ Father of Linda Chang and Sue Chin in “Lucy the Laundress” (HL S2;E17). The single father and business owner was played by James Hong. 
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Moose Manley ~ Father of milquetoast Wally in “Lucy and Wally Cox” (HL S2;E21). Moose was played by Alan Hale Jr. and his timid son by Wally Cox (insert). 
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Harrison Otis Carter the First ~ Great Grandfather of Harry Carter IV (aka Harry). Gale Gordon’s image was used to create Harry’s great grandfather.  Harry claims he was one of the founders of Sinclairville, New York, and was father of 17 children!
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Konstantin Kasos ~ Grandfather of the Bride in “Lucy’s Wedding Party” (HL S3;E8). The role was played by Bruce Gordon (”The Untouchables”) who was really just 55 years old playing a 77 Greek granddaddy. 
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Vincent Price - Father of Victoria aka “Little Vicky”, the name of Price’s real-life daughter, who is mentioned by Lucy, but does not appear in the episode “Lucy Cuts Vincent’s Price” (HL S3;E9). 
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Alfredo Colucci ~ Father of Ricardo, Anna Maria, Louisa, Luigi, Vincenzo, Dino, Lucrezia, Alfredo Jr., Margarito, Bruno, Rosa, and Frederico - all of whom appear in the final moments of “Lucy and Harry’s Italian Bombshell” (HL S4;E3) starring Kaye Ballard. Emile Autuori plays Alfredo, but the twelve children appear uncredited. 
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Claude Wolff ~ Husband of Petula Clark, who was noticeably pregnant when they played themselves on a “Here’s Lucy” in 1972. In real-life, Wolff became a dad for the third time with the birth of his first son, Patrick. 
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Harry Carter (Gale Gordon) finally got to play a working class dad to two unambitious teens when he appeared in a TV commercial during “Lucy and Cousin Ernie’s Fun Farm” (HL S1;E23) in 1969. 
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Harry Carter (Gale Gordon) pretends to be a husband and father (to be) when he convinces Lucy to play his pregnant wife to scare of a domineering suitor (Jean Willes) in “Lucy, The Part-Time Wife” (HL S3;E14).  
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The Lucyverse has plenty of room for fathers of all kinds. Father Lambros (Paul Picerni) showed up for a Greek wedding in “Lucy’s Wedding Party” (HL S3;E8).
And Finally, “Life With Lucy 
All Lucy Fathers come back to Gale Gordon - a man who never had children in real life!  
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Curtis McGibbon ~ Father of Ted McGibbon and Grandfather of Ted’s children Rebecca and Kevin. Gale Gordon played Curtis, the patriarch on “Life With Lucy,” with Larry Anderson as Ted, Jenny Lewis as Becky, and Philip Amelio as Kevin.  
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In “Mother of the Bride” (LWL S1;E8) in 1986, Lucy Barker and her sister Audrey (Audrey Meadows) mention their father during a private conversation in the kitchen.
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felassanis · 5 years
Everything I love about Assassin’s Creed
1. Ezio da la la la
2. If you idle for long enough in Odyssey Ikaros comes and lands on Alexios’s/Kassandra’s arm and then alexios/Kassandra will greet him.
3. Edward’s outfit is by far my favourite Assassin robe. It looks so fooking cool.
4. Alkibiades
5. The first mission in Assassin’s Creed III. Finding the temple and it coming alive with all the lights and the humming was so fucking cool and the theatre with Haytham was such a good way to start the game, I loved the environment that went with the theatre and the parkour was really good too, everything was good even though I had no idea why we were there in the first place lol.
7. Edward’s tattoos being the only reason why I go whaling in AC:Black flag
8. The dynamic between Jacob and Evie, I’ve always wanted a twin duo in a game and Jacob and Evie Frye were awesome and y’all keep sleeping on them.
9. The different colour schemes in Assassin’s Creed 2 for the different cities gave the locations their own feel and vibe and it differentiated them from each other while also ensuring that the landscapes were utterly gorgeous. For example, Venice had cooler colours, very blue and silver while Florence was warmer, with more orange and brown thrown into the mix. It really gave those maps their own identity and it was great.
10. All of Lineage. all of it, it was flipping fantastic and I know it’s not a game but it was brilliant and the other Assassin’s Creed movie will never top it despite Michael Fasbender being in it.
11. That cutscene in Black Flag where Blackbeard lights his beard on fire, I love that historical accuracy because it was very likely true and it’s so SO bad-fucking-ass
12. Alkibiades
13. How quickly I fell in love with Frederico Auditore despite the fella only having about 5 lines.
14. Also just how quickly I came to love the Auditore family, that was how well written they were, that I fell in love after 30 minutes with them. 
16. Desmond Miles’s snark.
17. ‘Hey whatta matta with you altair,’
19. How buffy Kassandra is
20. The hookblade was actually amazing in Revelations and I’m in full support that it shouldbe brought back. The noise it made was also oddly satisfying too?
21. The Glyphs in AC2 were spooky and ominous and I refused to do the last mission until I had found all of them and uncovered the Truth. Because that entire side quest was full of anticipation and the creepy vibe the Glyphs gave off and how the footage of Adam and Eve was cut up and glitchy was just really interesting and it peaked with a climax.
23. The golden beads in Alexios’s hair.
24. And Alexios just being an overall gorgeous human being who’s face was chiselled by the gods.
25. The flying machine mission in AC2 while really aggravating if you didn’t do it the first time was also really fun and getting to see Leonardo all giddy and happy made it worth it.
26. I don’t know if it’s just me? but Connor’s hair? like I know for a fact that I like men with long hair but something about his hair and the feather intertwined into it was just really appealing? and while I know why Connor shaved his hair I couldn’t help but screech when he did lmao but that’s because it’s obviously not my tradition and it’s abnormal to me. pfft
27. Revelations is one of the best AC games and I’ll fight anyone on this. It was phenomenal given how it finally concluded Ezio’s story (and remember Ezio was the face of the franchise for years and he was fan favourite and still is so there were some pressure and expectations) and how it also concluded Altair’s story.
28. Altair wasn’t that interesting in the original game but Revelations added depth and layers to his characters and made him way more intriguing. The game also gave this character important significance to the lore and I think that’s the perfect way to honour the guy who started it all. As much as we love Ezio, Altair came before and without him, Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t quite be the way it was today. (although it’s up to you if that’s a bad thing or not lmao)
29. And seeing Ezio old and matured, becoming this wise legend of a man was really cool and getting to play as him in his final journey was both heartbreaking but satisfactory.
30. I have to give a massive applause to Ubisoft for making Leonardo gay as well in Brotherhood prominently. I don’t think it was ever proven historically if he was? but it was rumoured? and yet Ubisoft went and made it canon giving that representation while also having Ezio outright say he’s okay with Leonardo dating men?! Like, in that time period if you were gay you could go to prison and the general view of homosexuality was that of disgust and yet Ezio is just here supporting his best friend? hell yes.
32. I have certain feelings with Unity, but I won’t lie that the parkour was spot on in that game.
33. Gideon Emery....just Gideon Emery as Reginald Birch. The character’s a massive prick but god...that voice.
34. Connor mentioning his grandfather Edward as he’s sailing the Aquila.
35. Getting to see the wreck of the Jackdaw in Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry was gut-wrenching.
36. Finally getting to pet animals in ACIII.
37. Finally getting to feed pigs in a video game ^^
39. OKay, I like Shaun because the guy is really entertaining and he’s British like me and I need to see this fucker in future games again...because after Syndicate he just vanishes and we got...Fucking Layla ugh.
40. The Naval combat in Black Flag is unmatched, fighting other ships never felt like a chore and it was fun and thrilling and the rewards felt deserving. And the feeling of taking down your first Man’o War is RIVETING.
41. Rebecca calling the Animus ‘Baby’
42. She’s another character I want to see come back. And she and Shaun better come back and be alive.
43. Lucy being a Templar was a plot twist I never saw coming but I was all for that angst especially when it seemed like they were setting up what I thought was the inevitable Desmond x Lucy romance. But I guessed wrong.
44. Yusuf Tazim being the joy and light of Revelations. fuck you Ubisoft
45. Ezio’s family theme song is the most iconic video game songs ever.
46. The introduction of Alkibiades in Odyssey, what a great way to introduce a character. like seriously, I fell in love with that fucker the moment he started speaking and felt up Kassandra’s arms while being half naked and wasted.
47. Bayek being a breath of fresh air in wonderfully written complex characters whose story was powerful and tragic. He needs a sequel.
48. Assassins Creed Brotherhood’s trailer being iconic.
49. When returning to Florence to retrieve the apple and you bring Ezio back to his old home only to see the ghosts of his entire family waiting for him. I was gobsmacked when that happened and it’s such a beautiful detail.
50. Mary Read/James Kidd being one of the best characters in Black Flag and leader in the ‘did not deserve it’ club. Every minute of her was flipping terrific and her significance in Edward’s story as one of the driving points that turned him into a better man was great.
51. I cried at the end of Black Flag.
52. The little text about Shaun sobbing when you look at the database on Desmond the dog in Syndicate.
53. The lip scar being shared between Desmond, Ezio and Altair was a cool detail.
54. The interchangeable cloaks in ACII.
55. Henry Green was so soft, kind and lovely and I honestly adore him.
56. Cane swords in Syndicate WERE AWESOME
57. NO fall damage in Odyssey. Keep this feature I don’t care how impossible it is for me to survive a jump off of a giant statue of a naked god it’s cool and I want it for every other game about to be released.
58. If you walk through grass in Origins Bayek sticks his hand out like that scene in Gladiator.
59. The scene in ACII Where Ezio uncovers his father’s robes from the chest and holds it up, It’s an incredible scene and the music fits so well with it and if you’ve watched Lineage it’s all the more amazing.
60. Rosa being pretty and terrifying in ACII.
61. The Bleeding effect being that other thing in lore that is SO BLOODY INTRIGUING and I wish it was explored a bit more. Can you actually imagine having the bleeding effect? where you can’t tell the past and the present apart? where you see ghosts from the past and hear voices no one else hears? jesus,..
62. getting answers about Clay/Subject 16. Ever since he left that writing in the wall with his own blood I was hooked on his story and thank god we got answers and a face to the legendary name. I wouldn’t mind more of him though.
63. I’ve always been fascinated with Native Americans and finally getting to explore them a bit more in ACIII proved to be interesting and I hope it was satisfactory representation for Native Americans.
64. finally getting to play in the present day in assassin’s creed brotherhood and 3, like actually getting to run around and explore as Desmond.
(I did a post like this on my old blog and I’ve rewrote them on here but I also got some new things, I just like having a post like this on my blog and I like seeing people who also agree with these brilliant features in this franchise, you can pretty much tell which two games are my favourite lol, Black Flag and 2 will always have a special place in my heart,)
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angsty-nerd · 5 years
Fictober #16
YOU GUYS!!! I cannot believe that I’m past the halfway mark and I haven’t missed a day. I am so friggin proud of myself!! When I started this 16 days ago, I honestly didn’t think I could do it. Now, I’m over the hump, so the rest should be totally doable, right? Yay!
#16. “Listen. No really, listen.”
Roswell, NM Fanfic
Liz & Rosa, High School flashback (fall, Liz’s freshman year, so 2004)
"Listen. No really, listen." Rosa pleaded with a laugh. She pulled her little sister back into their bedroom and closed the door, leaning her back against it and dramatically blocking her sister from leaving.
"Rosaaaaa," Liz whined, "I'm going to be late."
"I don't care if you're going to be late. I'm your big sister and you are going to listen to me before you go. Toma mi consejo, Elizabeth!"
Liz's shoulders dropped as she groaned. "Fiiiiine."
"Let me get a look at you." Rosa directed. "Take a spin!"
Rosa grinned. She knew her sister wouldn't be able to resist that. Dramatically, Liz raised her hands over her head like a prima ballerina, and spun in a circle, the skirt of her dress flowing widely around her. Liz giggled as she came to a stop.
"Bella chica!" Rosa exclaimed.
With a critical eye, she appraised her sister from head to toe. The purple tea length dress was a little too modest for Rosa's liking, but considering that it was fall semester of freshman year, it was probably appropriate for Liz. She would have preferred her sister to let her hair down for her first high school dance, but of course Liz had it pulled back into a high ponytail instead. At least she had some wispy tendrils in front that she had curled to make the look a little more feminine. Makeup was light, but acceptable for her baby sister at this age. Shoes were reasonable, black ballet-style flats that looked cute but wouldn't destroy her feet by the end of the night. Overall, for her freshman year homecoming dance? Little Lizzie Ortecho did pretty good, Rosa determined.
"Okay, I approve. You look adorable. So which boys are you planning to drive crazy tonight?"
"Oh! Um…" Liz blushed. "Well that's not really on my agenda for the evening."
"Come on…" Rosa pushed. "There must be someone."
"I don't know. I'm going in a group with Alex and Maria as friends. We invited Kyle too, but he said he has to do a thing with the football team."
"Interesting." Rosa mused out loud.
"Spill, Liz." Rosa ordered.
"Kyle asked me to go with him. As his date. With the group from the football team. I turned him down since I already made plans with Alex and Maria. But I did promise him a dance."
"Did you want to go with Kyle?" Rosa pressed.
"Not particularly," Liz admitted. "Not if he was going with all those jocks. Maybe if he came with our group. But I don't belong with those guys."
"Es una decisión excelente!" Rosa told her. "Listen to me Liz. I know I'm not that much older than you, and I’m still figuring boys out too, but I’ve realized this much already -- pick a guy that knows you. The real you. Kyle is un idiota if he thought you'd have any fun with those jocks. He was thinking about himself. You want a date who will think about you."
"Kyle's not that bad," Liz protested.
Rosa just rolled her eyes at Liz. "Was Kyle the only guy that asked you to the dance?"
"Yeah," Liz confirmed. "Why?"
"Hmm." Rosa pondered. "I'm surprised."
"Talk, Rosa!" This time Liz was the one getting pushy.
"No, it's not that big of a deal or anything," Rosa insisted. "I'm just surprised that Max Evans didn't ask you."
"Max?" Liz asked. "Why would Max ask me?"
"Oh Liz…" Rosa laughed. "Now you're the idiot."
Rosa finally moved out of Liz's path and opened the door to allow her to leave. "Have fun tonight, hermanita!"
"You're not going to go?" Liz asked as she gathered her things and walked from the room.
"Come on, Liz. You know high school dances aren't my scene. I figured that out my freshman year. But I hope you have a blast."
"Okay. See you later!" And with that, Liz bounded downstairs to meet her friends in the restaurant.
Rosa, on the other hand, flopped down on her bed, drawing pad and pens in hand, and flipped on some music. A quiet Saturday night was just what she needed...at least to pass the time until she could sneak out later to meet Frederico in the desert.
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larenoz · 5 years
Roswell New Mexico - Live Rewatch - Ep 4 -  Where Have All The Cowboys Gone
Rosa making crack jokes. Too soon Rosa, Too soon.
Yes, high school is kind of a jerk, Liz.
People are the worst drug.
OMG, so much forshadowing - cages around hearts, people hurt you, armour.
Who hurt you? Liz asks. She assumes Frederico but now we know it's probably Iz.
Seriously, how much bottled water does Max keep at his house? Is he a secret prepper?
Damn, it shouldn't work but that short sleeve denim shirt and white tshirt combo really works for Michael.
I gotta hand it to Liz, she is finding out all their secrets pretty damn fast.
Here comes Arturo. Liz, Liz, Liz, it doesn't matter how long it's been.
Meat cleaver. Gotta love the classics
Die Jesse Manes Die
You go Sheriff Valenti. YOu call Jesse on his bullshit.
Yeah, Jesse, reminding the Sherriff that her husband was cheating on her is totes the way to get her to co-operate
No Cam, don't do it.
Pod Squad
Will she forget me. Poor Max
If I say it enough it might happen!!
What I want stopped mattering along time ago. Now where have we heard that before??
Secrets, so many secrets. They really should know that's not a good idea by now.
What's worse, thinking someone doesn't love you  or not knowing that they do??
You tell her Arturo.
That's one thing Liz and Max have in common, a little too quick to pass judgement.
I really want to try churro pancakes. And again more lies
Not Arturo.
There's my MVP, Kyle
Helps Arturo, gets Liz a job.
Michael getting barred from the Pony - again.
Dramatic cowboy angst.
Maria REALLY doesn't like Iz
Fuck, you gotta love Iz's sense of humour - Racist Hank ordering a fruity cosmo
I do love the voice Max does about low pants hanging holligans.
Max, Max, Max the last thing you should EVER want to talk about with Cam is what you did last night.
Seriously dude, you dumped her for another chick while she was giving you a hand job.
You haven't been yourself lately really just doesn't cut it. You should be thankful she didn't shoot you. ffs
I am so glad they made Cam like she is. No fucking bullshit. She calls Max on what he did and that it's about Liz. But in such away that it doesn't come off as the typical jealous chick bullshit.
Queso, tequilla and no less than three orgasms. - possibily one of the greatest lines ever spoken on tv
Fuck, I love that little smile/smirk that Michael does.
Michael, your really are a dumbass if you think getting in between Maria and Isobel is a good idea.
Iz poking at other people hiding the truth, no, no, no
Michael does look a tad bit hesitant about the idea of Iz reading Maria.
Iz, Iz, Iz there is a difference between being blunt and just plain rude. You can't call someone a freak.
"curated, Pintrest page you call your life" That is one class A insult and really, probably a bit too close to home.
And then Maria throws that freak comment right back at her.
Because Rosa hated you.
It's lets call Max on his bullshit day. You go Kyle. Bonus points for using a dying child to rub it in.
My father was real hero. Poor Kyle.
To help people.
"We're just men, we can't play God." oh really says the cop whose an alien with healing powers to the doctor. I think you both play god every damn day.
The backpack.
Oh, why mention where Rosa was going on the bus? Maybe there is another connection to Los Alamos? You apart from the whole nuclear thing.
I do like the way they mostly manage to let the non-Spanish speakers know what the dialogue is about.
OT - watching all the ads for GoT is really weird now that I know how bad they fucked it up.
Max looking at his hands....
No Cam. just following orders is never good enough.
OK, I know this is fiction and everything. But that just isn't how electricity works people.
Detective Liz on the case about to make a massive  stuff up
Liz, this is why we don't jump to conclusions based on limited evidence. You as Ms Science should know that.
Poor Kyle, no baby, he really wasn't such a good husband but that's for another episode.
To be fair, Kyle asking about saving Max at the expense of his Dad isn't unreasonable.
But then Liz is ready to change her conclusion when presented to an alternative theory. Yay
And then Kyle starts dropping big plot points.
"I know what it's like when heroes fall". Damn.
His eyes are amazing.
Downside - taxes and parents having flaw. And what are the perks there Kyle??
Michael watching over Iz. I can't.
He would do anything is Iz.
That is a face that should make you run very fast in the opposite direction.
Oh, Liz and Arturo as so cute together.
Gotta say her pancakes don't sound too tasty.
And here they are about to break my heart again.
Michael waiting/wanting to be saved......
We have each other - but do you Max?
And here he goes, throwing himself on the sword again.
"I'm not gonna let you martyr yourself" (because that's my job).
"You got a good life, Isobel, you got Noah, I got nothing but some old scrap metal"
Fuck I just want to hug him, then shake some sense into him then hug him again.
"I'm gonna confess, after all, I'm the one that killed those girls" dum dum dum
And fuck you Max and Iz for not even fighting him on this, not even a little bit. Just fuck you both sideways - especially you Max.
Not one fucking word in opposition for throwing Michael to the wolves.
And even though it's obvious and easy I really do like the light effect of their symbol at the very end.
I know that at this stage we don't know the whole story and that in fact Michael didn't do it. But even so, the fact that neither Max nor Isobel argue with MIchael makes me really angry.
Like it might make sense for Michael to take the fall but at least put up a fight!! Let Michael know he's worth fighting for.
Exactly, like even a "There must be another way" or something.
Yeah, you might be right on that one.
Yeah, and even though it's possible it might've been Michael, I think it's more that when push comes to shove, Max wants it to be Michael rather than Iz.
That he's always willing to preference Isobel over Michael.
So, not an episode with alot of fireworks. But when you look at it, alot of backstory and alot of people's feelings are out there for the people who need to know
Lot's of inter-character dynamics on display.
I think I'll have to rate the drama quotient of each ep by how many times I say fuck. In which case this ep scores quite low!!
(Commenter) That might be the most Aussie thing I've heard you say, lol
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