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genralhouse45 · 5 months
 Deep House Cleaning Services near me in Dubai
Are you looking for Deep House Cleaning Services for your home into a spotlessly clean and organized space? Look no further!
Our deep house cleaning services Near Me in Dubai are designed to give your home a thorough and meticulous cleaning, leaving it fresh, tidy, and free of dirt and dust.
Deep House Cleaning Services in Dubai – Near Me
VILLA Deep House Cleaning
FLOOR Deep House Cleaning
OFFICE Deep House Cleaning
SOFA Deep House Cleaning
KITCHEN Deep House Cleaning
AC DUCT Deep House Cleaning
APARTMENT Deep House Cleaning
BALCONY Deep House Cleaning
GARAGE Deep House Cleaning
RESTAURANT Deep House Cleaning
CLUB Deep House Cleaning
GYM Deep House Cleaning
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dwvinylfloorcleaning · 9 months
DW Vinyl Floor Cleaning Singapore
DW Vinyl Floor Cleaning Singapore is a Vinyl floor care & protection specialist - providing reliable and professional vinyl deep clenaing and vinyl protective coating services. We also provide floor cleaning services such as vinyl floor cleaning, vinyl floor deep cleaning, floor deep cleaning, terrazzo floor cleaning, porcelain tile cleaning, and tile cleaning - all at reasonable prices. We also offer floor polishing services such as marble floor polishing, parquet floor polishing, and wood floor polishing. Our team of experts will ensure effective solutions for your vinyl flooring by giving it the attention they deserve. Do not hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp at +65 8241 0032 for any of your queries!
1090 Lower Delta Road #04-06D, Singapore 169201
+65 6233 2193
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kagoutiss · 10 months
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his divinely induced hyperthyroidism
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bamsara · 1 year
Accidentally drank floor cleaner. It does not taste like the lemons it smells like
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hilsonisthecure · 1 year
amber is so different from all of the girls who came before her and by that i mean she actually took care of wilson and put his needs before hers. this is the first relationship that most likely would have gone on and on, inevitably ending in a marriage that does not fail. when you think about the things amber did for wilson, like pick out the mattress he liked, she was putting him first. once again this show defines love as doing word!
i think their relationship was so successful because amber is the type of person wilson should be with. shes bold, feisty, and unafraid of confrontation. the writers made her exactly like house because that is all they could do at the time (early 2000s). but if you look at it, amber buys the mattress for him, wilson buys the organ for house, house gives up his life for wilson. i think amber and wilson's relationship was the writers way of saying "if house and wilson got together, it would look like this and it would not fail."
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
It’s dark when Eddie comes home, but he knows Steve‘s home, working on all those damn essays and papers and whatever the horrors of academia might have in their repertoire for him today. Lights out might either be a really good sign or a really bad one. Eddies hoping for the latter as he pulls off his shoes and shucks his jacket.
He doesn’t call out to Steve, doesn’t want to wake him if he’s asleep or startle him if he’s overwhelmed, potentially making it worse. Eddie hates making it worse.
Stepping into the living room, he finds his love lying on the floor. Still, could be incredibly good or incredibly bad.
“Stevie,” he says gently, almost a whisper, and smiles when he gets a reaction rather immediately. It’s too dark to really see his eyes, but—
They catch the light just so when Steve moves his head to look at Eddie, and he can see unshed tears in them. His heart aches and he’s on the floor beside him in a heartbeat.
“Oh, love, hi,” he says.
“Hi,” Steve says, smiling through the hoarseness of his voice. “Didn’t wanna turn on the lights.” He sniffs, reaching up to wipe at his face.
Eddie just shakes his head and lifts a hand to comb through Steve’s hair, ruffled and wild and absolutely adorable. “That’s fine, don’t worry about it. Lights are overrated anyway.” He leans down to kiss Steve’s forehead, the tip of his nose, and finally his lips. “Did the essays win?”
“No,” Steve says with a sigh, m reaching for Eddie’s hand to keep him close. “I won. But at what cost.”
Eddie snorts at that, a laugh bubbling out of his chest as he quickly lies down to join Steve, their fingers still laced in a gentle but secure grip.
“At the cost of me not having to wipe the floor tomorrow, so that’s actually great,” he jokes, revelling in Steve’s chuckle.
“You never wipe the floor, Eddie.”
“Hush, love. We’re having Floor Time.”
Steve sighs and makes it sound like cuddling close to Eddie and resting his beautiful head on the Black Sabbath print is the greatest hardship life could possibly throw at. God, Eddie loves him so fucking much.
“I love you so fucking much.”
“Hush, love,” Steve retaliates with a smile and a kiss to Eddie’s jaw. “We’re having Floor Time.”
So fucking much.
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grant me strength, I have to scrub and then mop my old linoleum floors
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queenerdloser · 7 months
i know i've made this post before but it regularly irritates me that people are Right about how a clean space effects your mental stability. fucking hate that i always feel better about myself once my apartment is clean. what's next? exercise that actually improves my mood? fuck off.
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crystallinee-waters · 5 months
I am gonna become one of those “sorry for the late update but…” AO3 writers (i admire them). I was actually gonna update my fanfic tomorrow but I woke up from period pain from hell in the middle of the night, the pain was so bad I fainted when I got up, I fell down and hit my flower vase on the table, cut up both my hand and my foot and fractured my ribs. So now I can’t update (yet) 😂
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
virgil is eligible for legal compensation for having to deal with remus for so many years
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
nothing like showing up to your boyfriend's house in the middle of the night like hi bby i just had nightmares worthy of sleep paralysis but i'm not going to say that in front of you so considering the fact that i have basically f*cked up my own life from the get go and then we decided to get involved with each other is there anything you'd like from me going forward. any specific positions you'd like to try
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televinita · 19 days
I spent 4 solid hours working on it but finally, the entire bedroom floor has been cleared and thoroughly vacuumed! Even the closet floor with stuff spilling out has been cleared enough that I can finally close the doors again! Length of time I have been putting this off: maybe a year idk.
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littledragonkana · 2 months
Someone invent an oven that isnt hard to clean pls
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ilostyou · 2 months
someone deep cleaned my room today and it’s making my eye twitch a little
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