#FF Nasi Lemak
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raphies-art-blog · 2 years ago
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Slight blood warning below
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blakeandaffairs · 5 years ago
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Food Fantasy Monocolored Series 8/?
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art-geekm · 4 years ago
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Day 8: Draw your Least Favourite Food Soul
For the record, she’s not my least favourite, just disturbs me slightly to the point where I kinda fear her. Her design is super cute, and I love how she stands out from the others, just kinda creepy over all.
Rip Orange Juice and Mango Pudding, y’all are at the bottom of my list anyways so it’s kind of fitting you’d end up in this day. Day 8/31
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red-lobster-man · 4 years ago
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DAY 5: Draw your favourite skill link team
I don't exactly have a favourite but this team is quite interesting with how they dislike each other
DAY 6: Draw your favourite food soul collection group
I couldn't pick so some good ol' fast food is the key it's unhealthy so don't eat too much
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rynsama · 6 years ago
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I didn’t have the heart to draw Raindrop Cake in a wheelchair :c
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fuckyeahfoodfantasy · 6 years ago
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September 3 CN Server Events!
Get Yakitori and the latest Black Tea Skin in the new team up
Yogurt bingo skin
Fruit Tart permanent log in reward starting on thursday
Fight normal and hard levels to collect items to trade for crepe summer skin
Chances of getting FS shards in team up is greatly increased
Complete tasks everyday for rewards and a final gift package
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varian-polis · 5 years ago
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Tempura the babysitter
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Orange Juice: I just don't understand. Everything I hugged died...
Nasi Lemak: Of nosebleed.
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malcriada · 5 years ago
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the drop-rate boost is treating me very right this time
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un-jaseur · 6 years ago
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an old-ish sketch but i kind of want them to be friends. 
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Could you post your ToastPudding story please? I'm going to write one of my own and I would really like to have some inspiration to keep me going!
i kinda wanted to write one buti never found the right time to do so because of work and stuff ( i once posted a little bit it’s in the ff toast tag i think)but i could give you some headcanons if you’d like:
(i went kinda overboard lol)
against what most people think it was pudding who confessed first . as soon as he reliased his fellings he thought about it and deducted that it would be the best move (thats what he likes to say but it was actually jello’s idea)
it wasnt romantic or so they were closing up for the evening and pudding just told him after he then had done his cleaning
toast was suprised he didnt see it coming (and almost droped the dishes he was putting away)
afterwards pudding quickly leaved 
at first toast thought it minght be a dare or so but then again pudding wouldnt do something like that 
toast then wanted to speak with him about it but pudding started to avoid him
when toast went to the ice arena he left, he would volunteer for the air ship / orders and stuff
toast went to jello for help and she got pudding to listen to toast( he dosent know how and pudding wont talk about it and when he asks jelly she just smiles)
and they just hit it of after from then on (i seriously havent thought about this part yet i love drama so im better at coming up with misunderstandings and such than the resolving ending)
toast likes scratching pudding with his stubels
toast found out that pudding knows how to style hair from jello (because he does it for her sometimes) 
after a lot of presuasion and a promise to not tell anyone pudding agreed to do his hair (omurice would either tease him or be jealous about him doing jello’s hair and he’d rather not have to deal with that)
toast may have one or two spare glasses but puddings collection is on a whole new level ( when he first found it he was alone in puddings room because he had to get something but as he returned he found toast wearing at least ten pairs simulainiously)
pudding steals toasts shirts (when he first saw that toast almost died it was too much for him)
toast gets pudding to relax and turn his manager mode off which is something even jello cant pull off that often
they kept their realationship a secret at first , pudding just wanted to keep it profesionel and not because he’d scream at every food soul who’d try to talk about romance with him out of embarrassment ( toast saw through him almost immediately played along)
the master attendant was the first one to find out. they were missing some ingredients so pudding volunteered to go to the market real quick and toast decided to tag along they had a rather romantic evening but what they didnt expect was that the master attendant decided to go tp the market as well shortly after them  (a suprise order came in so they had to buy more stuff) so just imagine this moment : toast and pudding hug/kiss beneath a street lamp the sun is setting the town is painted in a warm red/orange the street is empty because atmosphere. they remain standing close for a bit longer afterward and then the fucking master attendant just exitsa near by store and walks by not even stopping and pudding immediately freezes, toast the has to convince pudding that the MA wouldn’t tell the others about them or do anything else they wouldn’t want. pudding agrees but as soon as they entered the restaurant almost every food soul sits in the dining part (with jello being rather amused at a tomato red pudding) and they all just go “so how long??” and ask questions with chocolate declaring that they can and should come to him if they have problems he’s after all the love expert. a horrified pudding stormed into the storage room where the MA is preparing the order and ask them way they told everyone the visibly confused MA can’t even declare their innocence before jello (who as well as toast followed him) says that it was orange juice /nasi lemak (i have this headcanon that those two are the central figure of any gossip spreading around the restaurant) both had accompanied the MA earlier pudding and toast were just to surprised at a wild MA appearing to see them( i actually eanted to draw a comic about that scene but i acidentally deleted the wip and went to bed)
the whole comotion died down rather quickly after black tea gave everyone disaponted glare and the MA threw a “i expected more from you “at them 
it took pudding some time to actually ask the MA what they thought about the realtionship (they just gave a tumps up a wink and said to “keep it quite while working”) 
after doing one too many fake kissy sound around pudding omurice gets kicked in the shines so hard he minght have cried if he jello hadnt been around 
after the big reveal toast find himself having chocolates pat his shoulder followed up by a “feel free to talk with me about anything” almost daily (mainly because pudding just gave chocolate a judmental glare and silence the one time he did that with him)
jello now drages pudding along to almost every “girl talk” about romance (chocolate wants to be invited to those but he kinda went overboard that one time and lets just say they dont want to shoulder another flower bill and the MA’s disapointed head shake like this again)
the only time toast listend to chocolate was to just buy pudding flowers he bought him a smal yellow bouquet because it remined him of puddings eyes (and he actually managed to talk chocolate ,who had decided to tag along, out of buying the biggest rose bouquet the shop had)
pudding looked like as if he’d explode any second thats how hard he blushed  (he even forgot that they were infront of the restaurant and everyone could see them .the MA just looked at them and said “nice” before going back to work)
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hunger-the-emotion · 6 years ago
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Day 1: Favourite Food Soul Girls
Drew my Top Three Ladies (in no particular order)
1. Black Tea - Love everything about her; her aesthetics, her story, her personality and as a Elegant Westernised Asian, she’s prime Chicky Projection Material
2. Rum - She has a pretty lit design; when it was revealed that she’s actually female, it made me like her even more. I just love my butch Cuban pirate lesbian who ditched the Navy cuz of their BS.
3. Nasi Lemak - Another Projection Target (short, brown, SEAsian girl with some cute and crazy in her). I want the best for her and will pay to see her healing from her terrible experiences and grow. Also I saw someone else mention that she looks like Aph Seychelles and Sey was also best girl in APH so yea.
Also there’s some honourable mentions:
- Milt
- Milk
- Tiramisu
- Osmanthus Cake
- Cornbread
- Surstromming
- Stargazey Pie (unreleased)
- Blood/Black Pudding (unreleased)
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noodle8 · 6 years ago
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Assorted Food Fantasy stuff :)
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ffaizen · 6 years ago
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The petty bitchy fights that go on between these three must be absolutely incredible.
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And then there’s Jello.
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rynsama · 5 years ago
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Christmas commission?
Christmas commission.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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fuckyeahfoodfantasy · 6 years ago
What are some of your favorite FoodFan skins? :3
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These are just some of my faves!! 
(no i am not biased whatsoever what art u talking abt)
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