makeshiftstory · 4 months
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CHAOS! Sweet, delicious CHAOS has finally arrived! Yes, Danza is a horrible little monster of sorts.
Page 26: https://makeshiftstory.tumblr.com/post/752055724697337857/told-yah-to-stay-tuned-for-track-two-ill-be
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pauls1967moustache · 8 months
it would go like this: john and paul would deem demselves more important than the others and gang up on them to eat them. george and ringo would sense this immediately and get away. then john and paul would start feeding pieces of themselves to each other in a codependent survival ritual, but at some point john would start arguing with paul because paul isn't giving as good pieces as john is giving him, so paul would be like "fine you can have an extra good piece", but he'd be like sooooo haughty about being the sacrificial lamb for john that it would only piss john off more, and then john would just keep pushing him like "fine i want your entire wanking arm", to call his bluff but paul would do it because he's stubborn, until eventually john will have eaten most of paul, which is the point where he'd start feeling guilty, but because he can't accept responsibility for his own actions he'll just keep trying to goad paul into eating loads of him to like even it up so he doesn't have to feel guilty, but paul is like like. dying at this point and he's like "i actually don't even want to." and john would get even more annoyed at him, and then they'd both starve for a while until one night john would wake up and find paul starving, delirous, limbless,chewing on his arm, but he'd be so relieved he wouldn't even be mad about it. and then they'd go back to their beginning deal where they feed each other pieces of themselves until they basically have no body left, and all they can do is pick at what's left of each other with their teeth, and they die with their jaws locked on each other's flesh, and the seagulls have to come finish off their rotting carcasses.
george and ringo got off the island three months ago btw.
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vibingandsimping · 1 year
Would you be willing to write Astarion x a fem!reader (if it matters) where originally he’s slightly annoyed because she just seems like another goody two shoes hero, until she finally gets the chance to punish someone for their actions only to realize that she’s just as cruel and violent as he is, she just directs it at people who deserve it the most. I just wanna be bitchy and judgy with him
My character was an oathbreaker paladin and the best way i could describe her is that she became a paladin in the same way mean girls in high school became nurses, to basically bully people for a job which I thought was a ridiculously fun way to play a character and thought Astarion might approve of it too
DAMN IT. Now I have to make a human tav that’s Regina George and play the game as her. Curse you.
How in the hell was an Oathbreaker so good-natured? You went against your contract. You couldn’t be so heroic. He knew something was beyond the surface. It just pissed him off that you concealed that nature. He craved to see that part of you. Perhaps it was a fluke? A one-time deal that damned you? His snippy behavior towards you was bred from the fact he couldn’t figure you out. At least, he thought that, until you reached the Goblin Camp. Your demeanor was so much more aggressive. It was a delicious sight. It first started with you making a goblin kiss your feet. Gods, he loved that. He wished he were you in that position. Astarion simply clapped in amusement and praised you for the cruel behavior.
Who knew you had it in you, darling? From that on you were much more keen on acting such. Not towards the innocent, much to Astarions disappointment, but to those deserving. You’d bring down karma and justice onto those. Such as telling the goblin in the Shadowlands to fetch after dooming an animal to the shadows. Usually, when killing you were quick about it. Not one to make them suffer for long. He found it quite boring til you were faced with the option to murder someone thought evil. The way you drove your blade into their skin and charred their flesh with spells was violent and bloody. Their screams echoing as you slay them. He never thought you more beautiful, honestly, with the blood staining your face and hands. You two would gossip and chat during adventures. Remarking those you’d punished or killed. He’d snob with you about them. Anything to feed into this behavior he beloved. Watching you climb the ladder of power by evoking your justice onto those
Overall, he finds you quite interesting. He can’t wait til he can peel all the layers and get to know the true you. It’s almost like a challenge.
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miraculousmaker · 3 months
I don’t think i know any other bitch that’s been stabbed more than Arthur Lester. Stabbings Georg if I ever saw one. And the thing is, it’s not even an exaggeration—the dude gets stabbed maybe every other episode, if not all of them? Sometimes multiple in a single chapter, too. It’s to the point that ep 42 was just a ‘here we go again’ situation—the only thing I can think of happening next ep is that the Maggot Queen hauls him off somewhere and realizes that even this flesh is not good for feeding her offspring. Then, for all I know, John will staple him together with bones or something.
I want to see the stats on how many of these work-related incidents are Arthur’s fault versus John’s. Like c’mon, man, the dude can’t see, at least tell him when to dodge. (Ik they get the hang of it sometimes, but their relationship is so rocky that it occasionally just dont work right)
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dangerously-human · 2 months
Your selections are, shall we say, unsurprising. XD Half of these I have snippets for, half are still in the conceptual/outlining stage.
First pregnancy (My Heart Walked into the World): This is from a future chapter where Lucy and Lockwood are sparring in the basement and Lockwood has an "oh this is real real, I'm actually gonna be a dad" moment.
From this angle, the swell of her belly was more apparent; in another month, if she pulled the same move, it would be prodding him in the face. Not that they’d be keeping up with sparring then — or maybe they would; the pregnancy manuals weren’t exactly written with active agents in mind. He’d have to brush up on some of the chapters toward the back of the book later. Suddenly, it was difficult to drag his gaze away from that new shape. There really was a tiny person growing in there, a person he and Lucy had made together. It was incredible and unfathomable and frankly a little bit bizarre, and it was really, actually happening. Contrary to what George might tease, Lockwood hadn’t spent much time imagining this — had assumed, maybe, that if he lived long enough, he’d eventually have children, because that was what adults did. The time before his parents died was foggy at best, so it was hard to guess at his childhood dreams; but as far back as he could remember, to little Anthony Lockwood, the options for adults were either dad or DEPRAC agent, probably, and the latter sounded terribly boring. But that was the future, and before he was ten, the future had let him down too many times to be trusted, so it didn’t bear thinking about in much detail. And then came Lucy. And somewhere along the way, even when she was still Lucy Carlyle, the vision had crystallized. Not so much the when, but the whether. And now that hazy someday was here, and Lockwood was maybe forgetting a little how to breathe.
George-centric babyfic: This one's a little tricky only because I originally started it before I had any intention of writing the first pregnancy fic, and there's a good bit of information (mainly about our faves' futures, but also about life and culture during the Problem) I was trying to convey that makes more sense there than here. In actuality I think this will be a good thing: this fic was turning into a lot of infodumping and needs to find its own identity instead. But it's going to take some rewrites, and, well. Redoing things is never my favorite. But I'm very attached to this fic; it plays a lot on George and Lucy's friendship, which is always one of my favorite things to write, and it's also sort of the foundation of the Restore the Years 'verse, in that I kept daydreaming this scene and invented seven Lockwood children to justify it and started establishing headcanons and then went, hmm, maybe I should actually flesh out how we got here. 20+ works later...
Right, so. This one does feed quite a bit off of that post that's like, we all know George lives with Lucy and Lockwood until at least their third child (this is #4), and Lockwood gets all sad puppy eyes when he says he's moving out and Flo tries to extricate him from the Lockwood commune, etc etc. My take on that:
“It’s not about that, Lockwood. You know I love Ivy, and the twins, even if I am convinced they conspired to steal all my beakers last week.” “They’re all of eight months old, George, they’re not conspiring on anything,” I said, punctuating my statement with a hefty eyeroll. “Their worst crime is mouthing salt bombs. That, or using those fancy new teeth to bite their sister.” “Nonetheless, my point stands that it’s not about the kids. As I was saying, Flo’s finally getting less antsy indoors, and I think it’s high time we started our lives together properly.” Lockwood frowned. “Now, don’t feel like you need to rush into anything—” George snorted. “Oh, yes, moving in together two years into marriage, that’s really a scandalously condensed timeline.”
Laundry and taxes: Still in the planning stage. This is the Locklyle proposal from Lockwood's POV (Lucy's POV being Where O Grave). Lockwood buys the ring (as we saw in Here's a Safe Place to Lay Your Heart Down), and then takes to carrying it with him everywhere as he tries to figure out the perfect way to propose. Everything he comes up with either doesn't suit Lucy, doesn't work out, or gets vetoed by Kipps. Eventually he's just doing laundry in the basement with Lucy and can't wait another second, and pulls out the ring from his pocket. My nickname for the story comes from that quote from Everything Everywhere All at Once (which I really need to actually watch!) about, like, "I would have liked just doing laundry and taxes with you," and my fondness for the way accepting a mundane life together is actually a really important part of the development of Lockwood's romance with Lucy, and the way the necklace of devotion symbolizes all that.
Torture but married: Basically the Winkman interrogation scene but what if they were married. I actually haven't fully decided who's in which role in this scene, although they both get beat up, so I'll be happy either way, lol. Lockwood and Lucy are doing some undercover investigation work related to their mission on the Other Side, and one of them (probably Lockwood) gets captured and mid-interrogation, the other (probably Lucy) intervenes to rescue him, also gets whammied a little in the process, there's lots of worry for each other, and the comfort and wound tending we were denied in the show episode. Also there's a line in there where he's pleading for his captors to let him go and he's like, "I have a wife and child and child at home, please," and because the entire point of this fic was for me to get to write a "that's my wife!" scene for Lockwood, eventually he gets to go, "yeah, actually that's my wife who's currently making problems for you, the baby's at home with the nanny though" and then they get to cuddle Ivy when they get home because I never got over that scene in The Peacekeeper Wars of a bloodied, nearly dead John cradling his newborn son with Aeryn looking on.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Ben Cohen
One of Canada’s leading French-language news outlets abruptly removed a crudely antisemitic caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from its website on Wednesday morning following a storm of protest from Canadian politicians and Jewish advocates.
The image, drawn by veteran cartoonist Serge Chapleau — who has won several awards for his work and was honored with the Order of Canada medal in 2015 — was published by the Montreal-based newspaper La Presse and appeared on the front page of its print edition. It showed Netanyahu as Nosferatu, the titular character of a classic 1922 German Expressionist silent movie about a blood-sucking vampire, Count Orlok, who preys upon a real estate agent and his wife under the cover of purchasing a house and who, later in the film, unleashes a plague of rats onboard a ship on which he is traveling. The film is based on the famous 1897 novel Dracula, set in Romania.
Chapleau’s cartoon imposed Netanyahu’s features on that of a vampire wearing a grim, lifeless expression, with his hands replaced by long claws. An accompanying text displayed the word “Nosfenyahou” — a contraction of “Nosferatu” and the Francophone spelling of Netanyahu’s last name — dripping with blood. Another text beneath declared “On the way to Rafah,” the city in Gaza where Israeli troops have been battling Hamas terrorists.
Historically, antisemitic caricatures of Jews frequently depicted them as blood-suckers, building on earlier Christian libels that falsely accused Jews of using the blood of Christians in their religious rituals. Since the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel, the same motif has appeared across the Arab world in relation to Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, with news outlets in Morocco, Jordan, and Qatar all publishing cartoons of Netanyahu drinking the blood and consuming the flesh of Israel’s adversaries.
By the middle of Wednesday morning, La Presse had removed its contribution to the genre following widespread protests on social media. However, the paper has not apologized for the offending image nor offered an explanation as to why it was published to the 860,000 followers of its feed on X/Twitter.
“No big deal, just the second-largest newspaper in French Canada caricaturing Jews as vampires,” David Frum — a Canadian-American writer and former speechwriter for US President George W. Bush — remarked in a post. Frum added: “That’s how antisemitism often works. A rich inventory of anti-Jewish images and themes pre-exists: the Jew as bloodsucker, the Jew as child-killer, the Jew as alien enemy. When a user wants to vent rage or dislike … the resource accumulated over centuries is waiting for him.”
Canadian politicians who condemned the cartoon included Quebec Senator Leo Housakos, who said he had been “appalled” by it.
“While Mr. Netanyahu, as with any politician, is not above criticism, this kind of antisemitic trope is reminiscent of the 1930s. I’m saddened for Jews across Canada for the level of hate to which we, as Canadians, have co-signed,” Housakos’ X/Twitter post continued.
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scaryspears · 5 months
Havik Rant + Wasted Plotential and Theory
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Warning: This is a long post, so read if you have the time.
I love Havik in the 3d era, and I guess it's because there's so little of him that sets him up for mystery, but I mainly love his face. The way half his face is ridden of flesh and his eyes glow as if he's some kind of Skeletor adjacent creature. I always look at him and go "How did it get to this point?", but in a way where I'm laughing about it, 'cause what did bro do to his face?
I hope Titan Havik will be a great break from the cartoonish evil that is Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and the others. (Don't get me wrong with Shang Tsung, I love him, but his belief system is equivalent to a power ranger villain. He's basically Valtor if he was successful. I'm not talking about MK1 Shang btw.)
I also can't picture Havik working with or for villains like Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, and Shinnok. Havik wants to spread chaos, yes, but I don't think he views this as enslavement and feeding off misery. Another thing I'd like to note is his voice and delivery, courtesy of George C. Cole. Havik is calm, patient and almost kind. Shao Kahn actively sounds dominant, Shang Tsung is calm but cruel and impatient, with Quan Chi being condescending.
In the small glimpses that I've seen Havik through the later games (before MK1) he seems like a pretty chill guy. Now get this, Chaos is his way of life because that's the world he comes from. Chaos is basically the equivalent of freedom, so Havik wants to share that freedom. In Deceptions Konquest mode he describes water in a way you only expect from a scholar with a love and sense for nature, and I interpreted this as him believing everything should go naturally. In a Christian perspective, humans are naturally evil, and it's in our nature to be attracted to wicked things. Havik wants us to embrace who we are, and our deep desires.
In Noob Saibot's MK9 ending he meets Havik and shares an 'understanding' with him. Havik helps him with taking over the Netherealm before saying goodbye and returning to the Chaosrealm, no back stabbing or anything. Next there's Joker's ending in MK11, and we all know how Joker is. But there's also Mileena (before NRS let fans bully them into making her dlc), whose bloodlust is fuelled by her Tarkatan blood, a trait she cannot help because it's instinctual. Finally, in MK: Deception's Konquest mode he agrees to train Shujinko if Shujinko helps him in return, and he does but in his own way. Experience instead of practice. Havik doesn't come off as evil but chaotic neutral.
Wasted Plotential
I try not to complain about anything these days because I know NRS are gonna disappoint us anyways, but if I was to really complain about things then I'll start with the storymode, and with the previous games.
MKX could've just been about Sub Zero and Scorpion finding out about Quan Chi and stopping Shinnok. How? Idk, Johnny uses the amulet to trap Shinnok, the Special Forces find Sektor's files and reveal them to Scorpion, who gets his revenge and yada yada. Helps them free Sub Zero and Jax, blah blah.
Scorpion defeating Shinnok is more believable since he's stronger and cooler (sorry Johnny), and has more familiarity with the Neatherealm. (What was the point of building up Johnny just to nerf him in MK11?)
Johnny and Sonya get divorced earlier on because of their differing views on the world (and parenting), so Cassie becomes a UFC fighter or a pro wrestler (as a reference to Johnny's quote in his MK9 chapter about possibly winning a belt in the tournament). I remember coming up with an idea where Jacqui leaves the Special Forces and gets trained by the Shirai-Ryu, but saw an AU fanart design where she was trained by the Lin Kuei, which sounds so much better since it separates her from Takeda. Jacqui shares strong ideals with her father but his overbearing reluctance caused her to be more rebellious and find another way to defend Earthrealm without him possibly intercepting. Instead of being a Jax variant she shares more similarity to Human Cyrax (technology + ninjutsu assassination), and that can introduce a little beef with Frost and have them both deliver lines that feel more personal since they have the same teacher, but have different morals that make them butt heads. Johnny ends up leading the Kombat kids with the Wu Shi instead of the Special Forces, edging Sonya to check on Cassie more often by trying to be involved with their missions. (During MK9 Johnny was glued to Raiden's side and his focus was more on the tournament than on Sonya. After Cyrax defeats him it's Raiden that checks on him.) Instead of Cassie saving the day, have Scorpion save the day because Shinnok is Quan Chi's master, and Scorpion needs to fix his mess. Also because Scorpion would have better control with his powers and has more experience.
The next game can introduce Havik, with the chaos happening in small ways at first, like trees slowly decaying and technology acting against them. Havik is a lesser evil than Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok, but he's nothing Scorpion or Sub Zero have handled before since he's less predictable and isn't paranoid about someone threatening his power. Bro just wants to spread some joy and laughter (sarcasm). I'm pretty sure Havik wouldn't even have an army, and I doubt his minions will be anything like the aggressive jobbers that are seen in Outworld. With Shao Kahn it's power and being served, but with Havik it would be everyone serves each other, meaning they will inflict pain on each other and themselves = This game can be about the heroes and villains turning on themselves, by being more honest and less co-operative.
The Special Forces start being wary of the Wu Shi, Sonya interrogates Dark Raiden on information he could be withholding about the realms, Raiden counters back with how she is trying to enlist the Kombat kids behind his back when they are already content with their current positions.
Frost has stolen Sektor's body parts from the Special Forces, and plans to cyberise herself with them. Jacqui and Cassie are sent to stop Frost's cyber initiation plans. Cassie defeats Frost, but Jacqui has the need to rehabilitate her, which sets her at odds with Cassie who doesn't believe Frost is worthy of it, and that they must follow Raiden's orders.
Noob Saibot is working under revenant Liu Kang, but just like his MK9 ending, he starts plotting against him and the other revenants. Noob confronts Hanzo about his loyalty to Quan Chi, and how Hanzo worked with him even after Noob was killed. Noob's revenge is forcing Hanzo to shift between himself and Scorpion, ensuring that the Lin Kuei and Shirai-Ryu will never have peace with Hanzo continuously reliving the past and trying to kill Sub Zero.
Kung Lao reports that the head of Shinnok is missing, and Liu Kang accuses Kung Lao of having something to do with it, and so the revenants turn on themselves. A civil war begins in Neatherealm.
Hotaru meets up with the heroes and tells them that Havik is behind their plight, and offers Seidos help if Earthrealm helps them with the resistance in Seido. Kung Jin and Takeda are sent to aid and they witness the injustice and lunacy of Seidos rules. Kung Jin being Kung Jin speaks against this, and Hotaru has a problem with it, Takeda tries his best to keep the peace. Kung Jin defeats Darrius, Dairou and whatever. Although Hotaru keeps his word about the help thing, he is overbearing when it comes to the rules and their strategy, even getting in the way of the Special Forces.
Skarlet teams up with Tanya to find Mileena's soul (Because why not?They're sisters). Ermac doesn't have it, so they must find it through the Neatherealm. They meet Noob, who admits that he consumed it, but points out the location of the Flesh Pits for a calling of clues. Skarlet combines her power with Noob's to give life to the clones encased in glass (blood + shadow). The clones unleash chaos throughout Outworld, but Skarlet is not finished in her revenge.
Johnny reveals to Dairou that Darrius is behind his family's murder, and sets him free to let him get revenge. Sonya argues that he's made a terrible mistake, but Johnny says that she let Kano live and how that keeps screwing everyone over.
Johnny decides to get a drink at a bar, and Havik will show up, calm and collected. Johnny compliments his costume, and Havik expresses that his fake-ness is an interesting weapon.
I don't know what else.
I think Havik's hero equivalent would be Johnny Cage, which is where he would come in as the hero instead of defeating a former elder god. Havik isn't Godlike, I'd say his power level is identical to Edenian/Outworld, and if Sonya can handle defeating Kitana and Jade at the same time, then Johnny can handle his own against Havik. Just like Havik, Johnny has a separation from the other heroes concerning his traits and/or beliefs, even sometimes clashing with Cassie, who is always noted to be much like him in personality. Johnny has an easy going attitude that pisses off just about everyone around him, to the point . I think he would be the first to pick up on the odd energy surrounding everyone.
First off he likes to give everyone a nickname, much to their displeasure. Very adamant on giving them those names, but Havik would arguably (probably) be more accepting. I'm quite certain that Havik's name is a title given to him or a name he's made up himself. There are some fans who speculate that he doesn't even have a name given at birth and made up 'Havik' to be his name, suggesting that the name is somewhat earned through experience.
Chaosrealm doesn't have a real name, like Edenia and Seido, it's simply called Chaosrealm. They don't have a name for themselves, simply a representation of what they embody.
"Grandmaster Blueberry Ice, eh?"
"Only Johnny Cage may use that name and live."
Johnny's humour is fuelled by his insensitivity, even while fighting on the side of good he is self-serving, superficial and has a self confidence that almost everyone is eager to stomp on (he's basically a normal person). Even when he clearly doesn't mean to be insensitive (speaking the truth or what's on his mind), people still get offended by what he's said and express some form of aggression. Hell, Bi Han kicked the hell out of him just for touching his arm in MK1.
Now I'm going to get really technical here: In MK11 Skarlet was present and you could tell she was a stand-in for Mileena, which is shown in her sibling rivalry with Kitana. Now let's say Joker was a stand-in for Havik, and in his ending he voices his displeasure about the roster "But these nincompoops? They didn't really get me. Not even that pretty boy, Ninja Mine. Goodnight, sweet Prince!" meaning Joker saw some potential in Johnny Cage. Saw something that suggested that they are similar.
Johnny Cage's humour aside, there has to be something else.
Now let's get into Johnny's MK9 ending: Johnny starts to have spasms where a burst of energy would escape him and destroy everything around him, so he is sent to Seido to learn how to better control it.
Next, to Havik and Johnny's Armageddon endings: Johnny becomes enlightened, freed from vanity and leaves the acting business. What seemed like the joys of life before became meaningless to him, and wanted no part in the shallow lifestyle. Then there's Havik, whose dream for chaos becomes absolute.
(As a bonus let's compare Johnny's ending to Hotaru's, where everyone was forced to bow to Hotaru or be changed into someone they're not. Havik gets the worst end of it by being turned into Hotaru's 2nd in command. What's even funnier is that in the Armageddon intro I can spot Hotaru as the one who impaled Li Mei, but Li Mei is on the side of good while Hotaru is suspiciously on the opposite, despite being against the forces of evil. Why would he be on the same side as Havik when they are enemies? I would also like to point out that Johnny was fighting Darrius, a man resisting the Order of Seido.)
I already wrote something similar to this in another post I made like a year ago, but I'm gonna say this anyway. Johnny found out by himself that all the luxuries and fame that he sought in life weren't worth it. In his MK11 ending he ends up going on adventures with Cassie after coming to this realisation, choosing a life where he can always spend time with those he loves, not ruling over the world or being a dictator. There's chaos within Johnny, but there is a want or need for peace and stability.
Johnny should've been the one that was super pissed about being in a death tournament. Up until that point Johnny has never killed anyone, yet suddenly is expected to in exchange for his own life. How does he, a Hollyweird actor, fit into all this? He got tricked into this yet was able to adapt. He's fine with it, or pretends to be, handling it better than everyone else around. The "Sure, let's go and ruin someone else's life." quote from MK9 always runs through my head when I think about his dedication to defending Earthrealm and trusting Raiden.
When the tournament took place Johnny didn't really know Raiden personally, but Johnny trusted him. Johnny had no reason to be loyal to Raiden, yet he was, unlike Liu Kang who ended up losing faith and rebelling. Johnny has all the recipes to let his ego get to him and potentially betray Raiden, but he never does so.
If Havik and Johnny were to have anything in common, I would say it's a strong sense of faith in what they believe in. Johnny fights for the betterment of Earthrealm, Havik fights for havoc.
I'm very certain that even though Johnny changed over the years, the people around him still hold a dislike towards him to some degree. My first candidates for this are Sonya and Jax.
Read this if you can be bothered: [No matter what, Jax cannot stand Johnny, even at an age where they're more familiar with each other.]
Sonya and Jax are basically the order to Johnny's chaos. Being around them has also influenced (turned) him into someone he wasn't, which was a self hating Special Forces aid (What are is credentials?). It was Hotaru's Armageddon ending but slower.
The reason I haven't listed Kuai Liang is because... I think Kuai Liang has a bit of a friendship with Johnny. He's fond of him, but he won't admit it. He even helps Johnny in sending the Kombat kids into a fake mission with the Lin Kuei.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
im curious how you envision bran and jaime's reunion going down? or at least your thoughts on their future relationship? if jaime is making it to winterfell to fight in the long night which i think he does he will certainly have to fight his case. i personally think whats gonna bridge the gap between dany + the starks and jaime is brienne, tyrion and JO bringing the lannister army). but jaime's adwd chapter and the whole idea of forgoing blood feuds is definitely foreshadowing for the starks and lannisters in my opinion. anyway i kinda went off track but yeah bran lol
i do desperately want a bran jaime interaction in the books. and not really like the one in the show. though in some ways the show version is the worst thing jaime can get because it is so ‘neutral’. it is not forgiveness nor is it damnation and judgement/punishment. and from what we have seen in the books and his confessions it does drive him crazy if he does not get an answer. because then he has to fill up the blanks. and that leads to worst case scenario. so that is kind of torturous and sexy to me personally, but what bugs me about the show version is just the handling of bran’s character in general, and also how none of this was fleshed out on jaime’s part either really. in terms of book canon, i actually would really like jaime not receiving forgiveness from him necessarily. bran being unable to fully give it. like i do not think it is necessary for bran for catharsis, though george has his own view of forgiveness, and he expressed it regarding jaime in specific a lot:
“he said something like he wanted to explore the concept of forgiveness (with jaime) and whether it's ever possible to be forgiven for doing such horrible things, and that his goal was to ask the question, not give an answer.” (2006)
“One of the things I wanted to explore with Jaime, and with so many of the characters, is the whole issue of redemption. When can we be redeemed? Is redemption even possible? I don't have an answer. This is one of the areas where I'm asking the next question-just the two of us talking here, but also in my fiction. Is there the possibility of redemption? How do we forgive people? When do we forgive people? You see it all around in our society, in constant debates. Should we forgive Michael Vick? I have friends who are dog-lovers who will never forgive Michael Vick. Michael Vick has served years in prison; he’s apologized … Our society is full of people who have fallen in one way or another, and what do we do with these people? Can they have redemption? Can they rejoin society? Does a good act make up for a bad act? How many good acts make up for a bad act? If you're a Nazi war criminal and then spend the next 40 years doing good deeds and feeding the hungry, does that make up for being a concentration-camp guard? I don't know the answer, but these are questions worth thinking about. I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there is no possibility of redemption, what's the answer then?” (2014)
Interviewer: Your books have a very strong storyline associated with the atonement of sins. For example, the way of Jaime Lannister, do you yourself believe in karma?
GRRM: “I don't believe in karma per se, although sometimes I have my doubts because sometimes I think I see things that could be explained by karma. [Laughs.] But no, I don't really have any beliefs in the supernatural. I do believe in the possibility of redemption. And I believe that human beings, all human beings are gray. And I try to remember that when I write my characters. We are all heroes, we are all villains, we all have the capacity for great good and we all have the capacity to do things that are selfish and evil and wrong. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. In your lifetime, you can be both. And it's making choices that defines us as human beings…There's this sensation of compartmentalism. This eagerness to judge everybody based on the worst thing they ever did, not the best thing they ever did. And you know, I think Shakespeare in Julius Caesar wrote the evil that men do lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones. And sadly that's true. And I think it should be the reverse. We should remember the good things and the noble things that people did, and forgive them for their failures and moments of selfishness or wrongdoing because we all have them. When we forgive them we are essentially forgiving ourselves. Redemption should be possible.” (2018)
the whole concept is a prevalent motif all throughout his chapters very obviously, has been explicitly mentioned since his second asos chapter, and interrogated a lot through his journey in affc. but what i think i would personally like is the reality that sometimes changing does not result in absolution. some actions you cannot come back from like that. you are not entitled to the forgiveness of the individuals you hurt so drastically, even if you have changed. certain things cannot be reversed or undone. but that puts the weight back on you. you might have done things that are unforgivable to certain people. and i like the question that poses. like what then? what is reformation truly about? that should not mean you stop changing. anyhow, the result i would want from a jaime/bran interaction is jaime psychological torture chamber of his own making and some kind of catharsis for bran 😁 jaime is a very mature interrogation of redemption, and george so far did not simplify it or make it easily digestible. despite his personal beliefs, and how they have evolved a little bit over time slightly it seems, i do think george is still posing a question rather than giving a clear cut answer, and i do believe someone like bran not fully forgiving him would fit that. as for the rest, i wont extrapolate that much. we will see, i might change my mind depending on what things happen
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boxboxlewis · 1 year
1 for galex but in a vampire way
1 Who would be first to to bite down anc consume the flesh of the other, euphoric in the taste and the heft and the slide of the blood
anon u are inspired. i would read any flavour of vampire galex but i'm particularly into the idea of vampire george and alex his best mate who wearily keeps his secret and lets him feed when he can't find prey.
like, george stumbles into alex's motorhome, looking weak and grey, and alex is furious ("I've told you before, george, not during a race week, what part of that wasn't clear!") but he still offers his wrist (not his thigh, that's for when he's not pissed off and he lets george drink from him after they have sex, lazy, stroking his hand through george's hair). and then of course george does really well that race, nearly gets a podium, while alex's reaction times are sluggish.
other vampire galex thoughts: toto goes berserk when he finds out, this is NOT the pumpernickel driver he ordered, and george assumes alex told him! as punishment he turns alex! but also he's thinking, very quietly, "now we can be together forever" - except that alex is furious and betrayed (reasonably!!!) and wants nothing to do with george, now...
(thank u for reading my deranged vampire musings. obligatory rec here for @officialmood's vampire chalex, in which alex very much enjoys being bitten down upon 😇)
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Since I already posted that Battler should get his dick and balls cut off, let me dig deeper.
I do believe George is telling the truth because he volunteered before they met Shannon in the hallway. But Shannon's response is interesting to me. I'm not calling her a temptress because that's obviously not what's happening. We are looking at a bigger picture here.
"If I don't rub my boobs on George's arm, I'm afraid he'll get wet (with rain)"
"If I don't become a sex object, I fear he'll become tainted (with Kinzo's influence).
Shannon as a willing escape valve. "This is the least I could do"? "This is for his own good"? "I'm a good furniture"?
What she doesn't realize, is that by doing this George is just getting further and further into the Ushiromiya ideology. You don't tame a lion by feeding it your best human meat. You just make it hunger for flesh even more
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alpinelogy · 8 months
7 & 9!!
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
Galex friendship in the year of our lord 2024? More likely than you think, coming soon to an ao3 feed near you as a few scenes in timeloop fic
In response and to dispel the heavy air between them, George gently shoves Alex so that Alex stumbles closer to the sea and into the sand on the beach. He feels sand fall into his shoes, knows that it is now stuck in his socks and that he won't be able to get it out until he runs them through the washing machine, “George!” He screams indignantly.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet
From my current ideas doc I really want to write a galex royalty AU entirely based on this gifset and the fact that someone on the tags said it looks like a prince and his knight.
Not really fleshed out except it will probably be modern -ish entirely cause I tend to get too particular with medieval -ish world including high fantasy stuff and I don't have the time and patience rn to create a world I would be satisfied with. Other than that it will hopefully be lighthearted and tropey as shit because I havent written something like that in a while.
Maybe this will be my summer project after timeloop and wag au fest are done... much to think about
wip procrastination ask game
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princessnotfound · 1 year
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'Til You Forget Your Engravings // thread with @drcxmlcss
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George is completely and utterly bored out of his mind.
Being bedridden is uneventful enough. Being unable to use his hands makes it all ten times worse; he cannot even scroll mindlessly on social media to keep himself occupied, even if only for a few moments. He'd much rather scan through the meaningless opinions of anonymous nobodies than bare another minute listening to the constant, repetitive beeping of hospital machinery. It feeds into the constant ringing in his ears and nearly compels him to suffocate himself in the awful discomfort of thin white sheets.
Part of him is beginning to miss the company of the pain. At least the dull ache accompanying the filthy browns and purples that now spatter his flesh made him feel something other than exhaustion. Medication eases the excruciating pain he was in previously, sure, but it also pressures him beneath the waves of drowsiness. George's eyelids hang heavy, cupped by dark shadows beneath his bottom lashes, and it takes a lot of willpower just to keep himself functioning. If it weren't for someone intending to visit soon, he would have allowed himself to drift off by now.
It doesn't quite register to him that he is disrupting his much needed rest and recovery time just to appease the presence of his greatest rival. It makes less sense the more he thinks about it, because he does not even have a method of retaliating against Dream, this time. Snarky quips do not fabricate quite so easily when his mind is slowed so severely by the liquid flowing into his veins. He cannot battle back with confident royalty, either, and his hands cannot carry the weight of his armies anymore. Here, George is vulnerable. Entirely so. And he questions why he is allowing Dream to come and visit him at all.
Maybe their competitive matches mean more to him than he would like to admit. Repeated battles among a familiar no-man's land have developed such a deep attachment that he feels lost without it. Just as lost as he feels without the ability to inscribe the ink of his bleeding heart onto pages, just as lost as he feels when he cannot fit thread through a needle. This hindrance has affected him too greatly. His heart aches thoroughly, with or without medication.
George sinks back into the pillow behind him. The lights are off - squinting irritates the bruising ebbing too close to his eye. It's tempting to let himself rest, and as his eyes close, he nearly gives in.
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cloudoffilth · 9 months
The Sprawl
Worked more on applying monster culture to liminal spaces horror. Old stuff.
In liminal spaces the core anxiety is that you are the intruder and do not belong. So, it's a kind of inversion of traditional horror. The liminal space is a glitch in the system, an error which allows us to go outside and become monstrous. The liminal space is an invitation to crime.
Anyhow, I am starting to have some better ideas on how liminal spaces could work without the presence of traditional kinds of monsters. I kind of see an idea of something along the lines of Myst. I feel like it might be easy to slip into some Pocahontas pseudo-anticolonial narrative though.
The liminal space
We are not welcome here. The very architecture seems to shrink and bend away from us.
You are a stranger to this place
You are an intruder in a home
You are not supposed to be here
Thesis 1: The liminal space is a marker of flesh
It bit me! I can't believe it. Best to avoid touching anything funny next time.
The liminal space is a beauty salon
The liminal space is a tattoo studio
Thesis 2: The liminal space can not hold you
We are making good progress. But this place is so big. It's almost like a whole new world.
The liminal space is a crack in the wall
The liminal space is an unlocked door
The liminal space is a treasure with no guards
Thesis 3: The liminal space is a map without a territory
At least, we're never going to get lost here. There are sign posts on every intersection. If only we knew what the signs meant.
The liminal space is a record store of silent records
The liminal space is a library of blank books
Thesis 4: The liminal space is the mother of difference
Somewhere along the way we lost half the group. Some fell behind and some we could not keep up with. I hope they are still safe wherever they are.
The liminal space is a school
The liminal space is a courtroom
Thesis 5: The liminal space has been fenced off to define the possible
We found signs today that some other people have been here before. I mean men like us, not the natives. We found the remains of a campfire, some scattered supplies and papers.
The liminal space is an exit without an entrance
The liminal space is a key without a lock
Someone is hiding the liminal space for a purpose
Thesis 6: The liminal space makes us beautiful and ugly
It has been a long while. We all are a little tanner, a little leaner and a little harder. I envy the strength of some of my men. I worry what they would do without my leadership.
The liminal space is a weight room
The liminal space is a clothing store
The liminal space is a nudist beach
Thesis 7: The liminal space is an undoing
Will I ever be comfortable here?
You are a child returning
You are a question: how does she perceive the world?
You are a question: why has she created you?
Natives of liminal space
The natives of a liminal space are not monsters. If the horror of the liminal space is the fear of trespassing and fear of becoming a monster then the natives should facilitate transformation into monsters. The natives must then be victims: guests, hosts, animals, wandering traders, orphans, young women, widows. Of course, like an angry ghost, victims can transform into monsters upon a violation of taboo.
I keep telling George not to but he insists on feeding the animals. It's probably not healthy for them.
Don't feed the birds
Feed the birds
Odd fellows, all gangly limbs and sallow skin. Very skittish and prone to loud yells. Still, they seem to mean us no harm. Very generous.
Keep your distance
Don't start any trouble
Don't take too much
One night while sitting beside the fire a travelling native came to us. He just seemed to want to be warm. We shared some of the soup we were cooking for dinner. He seemed to like it. In the morning the guest was gone. He left behind some green sausages.
Respect hospitality
One of the natives approached us today. He seemed to want to barter with us. George traded a flashlight for stale pastries. The native seemed very excited with the bargain.
Traders want your trinkets
Traders will absolutely scam you
Good news. We met another man today. I mean of our own kind. Victor, a fellow stranger to the Sprawl. He promised to be our guide and show us out. For a reasonable fee of course. The natives seemed to keep their distance from Victor. I am assured we will be safe with him.
Fellow strangers can be helpful
Strangers are often desperate
We found a house of young women as the hosts for tonight. I told the men I expected no funny business.
Do I really have to tell you not to assault young women?
We saw a small one of the natives today. He was just a tiny child. Victor told us not to but George was so heart broken he gave the kid some of our rations.
Give to the poor
One of the natives refused to let Victor inside her home. Victor said it was alright in the end but it was a bit of a kerfuffle.
It seemed like the native woman was trying to tell us something important but there was too much of a language barrier.
Listen to the wise
Last night, Victor killed George and escaped. We are despondent.
The wanderers bear a mark
The wanderers can not truly be killed
The wanderers are not of this world or our own
The wanderers do not want us here
The wanderers bear strange beauty
The wanderers were once men like us
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OMG your post about BNFs. The ASOIAF Meta-Writing Industrial Complex by people who have no fucking clue is one of the funniest aspects of the ASOIAF fandom. Although, I will say, I take a sadistic pleasure in going back and reading hot takes from some Dani stans and seeing that all those blogs are now defunct or deactivated because they obviously saw the writing on the wall after the GOT finale and have fucked off to antagonize another fandom. What DOES still boggle my mind are the few stragglers who are still on tumblr and writing their "metas" about how Dani is a savior and the books will end with Jon3rys marriage, on the IT, with their ugly pale haired kids for that Targ Restoration. Like, how is it almost 2023 and people are still tripling down on this. It's actually embarrassing to read. People really read shit like "mother of monsters, what have I unleashed on the word...bride of fire....daughter of death....you will know three treasons...and my flesh will feed the wolves and carrion crows and worms will burrow in my womb" and they're like, "Yes, this means Dani is the savior of all humanity and a Disney ending with Jonerii on the IT is imminent per GRRM's endgame." The definition of "this sign won't stop me because I can't read" lmao.
The meta-writing industrial complex… anon, your mind!
The most viscious insult you can lob at anyone in the ASOIAF fandom is “you clearly have no basic reading comprehension” and boy do a lot of these people lack even the basic principles of literary analysis.
I remember back in the day lovingly explaining the difference between parallels and foils, because so many of the antis couldn’t tell the difference.
The ASOIAF Meta-Writing Industrial Complex was all too real, and it produced some of the most hilarious takes ever seen by man. No one has ever looked deeper than the surface and everyone is locked tight in the POV trap. Unreliable narrator, who? What do you mean there’s subversion????? The definition of missing the forest for the trees over there, focusing on the tiniest details while ignoring major motifs. We NEED to uncover the truth about lemon trees in Braavos! Ignore Dany’s ramblings about fire and blood, and burning people alive, I’m sure it’s fine. 🥰
And this isn’t even talking about the weird spirals that everyone kept having about Azhor Ahai and Bloodraven. It was really weird. Really weird
I very happily danced on the grave of jonerys, and I would do it again! The fact that anyone denies Dark!Dany in the year 2022 of our lord and savior George Reorge Rartin Martin is truly the great mystery of our age.
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Seymour (Little Shop of Horrors)
Favorite thing about them: His basic sweetness and likability.
Least favorite thing about them: The little problem of becoming a murderer to feed Audrey II.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm at least a little bit nerdy.
*I'm sometimes insecure.
*I give in to persuasion too easily.
Three thing I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not an orphan.
*I don't work in a flower shop.
*I've never fed human flesh to a carnivorous plant.
Favorite line: The lyrics to his verses in "Skid Row" and "Suddenly Seymour"
brOTP: Crystal, Ronette, and Chiffon, if anyone.
OTP: Audrey.
nOTP: Mr. Mushnik or Audrey II.
Random headcanon: He's Jewish by birth, and was raised Jewish by Mr. Mushnik too. Maybe this isn't a headcanon so much as unspoken canon, since both he and especially Mr. Mushnik are so clearly Jewish-coded. They're not really observant, but they do celebrate the holidays (as much as they can afford to, anyway) and don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, although they provide their customers with flowers for them.
Unpopular opinion: I think some people in the "anti-happy ending" crowd put too much emphasis on trying to prove that Seymour is a bad person who deserves to die in the end. If Howard Ashman were still alive, I'd really like to ask him about Seymour's line in the original ending when he confronts the plant about Audrey's death: "You ate the only thing I ever loved!" Some people (for example, on TV Tropes) fixate on the word "thing" and argue that Seymour never really loves Audrey as a person, that she's just another possession he wants. I'd like to ask Ashman if he really meant the line to be read that way, because unless I'm forgetting something, I don't see any other indication that Audrey is just an object to Seymour. I much prefer to think he really does love her, and that he really is "a sweet and well-meaning little man" (as Ashman wrote in his character description in the stage script), because it makes the point that anyone can be persuaded to compromise their morals for the right rewards. If he's secretly a bad or selfish person from the start, then we can write him off as just a "bad apple," and assume we would never be tempted to "feed" our own metaphorical "plants."
Song I associate with them:
"Grow for Me"
"Suddenly Seymour"
Favorite picture of them:
Lee Wilkof in the original 1982 Off-Broadway production.
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With Ellen Greene as Audrey.
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Rick Moranis in the 1986 film version.
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Hunter Foster in the 2003 Broadway revival, with Kerry Butler as Audrey.
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Anthony Rapp in the 2004 US tour.
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Jake Gyllenhaal in the 2015 Encores! production, with Ellen Greene as Audrey.
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George Salazar in the 2019 Pasadena Playhouse production.
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Jonathan Groff in the 2019 Off-Broadway revival.
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covenofwives · 2 years
Hi Coven! I’ve been following your blog for. A while. Hello. Llama and I were chatting about your XD vs canon!XD and came up with a pretty interesting idea? And I need to introduce myself somehow so I guess I’m telling you about it now.
So, as per the ask I sent a few days ago (yes that was me lol) coven! and canon!XD are VERY different. And something interesting about how canon!XD acts is that. He’s not really HUMAN — he doesn’t really react like one at ALL. Where your XD is a fully fleshed out character (who I love very much) canon!XD is the one character in the whole series that I might actually pin down as Pure Evil. He has his moments, sure, but a lot of the time it almost feels like a mimicry of life instead of an actual example of it. Not to mention his whole thing about literally feeding off of misery and pain, to the point where he’s created this whole Limbo space to act as his digestive system. For context, there’s this person I follow on Dreblr (the-final-sif, she’s incredible, highly recommend) who often talks about “viruses” as they would exist in a world made entirely of code. And it kind of got me thinking: what if canon!XD was a virus?
Consider: Dream and coven!DreamXD have a falling out of some sort like you’ve indicated before, something about Dream pushing XD away as he grows up and then feeling rejected when XD reluctantly isn’t as affectionate with him anymore. Point is they don’t talk so often nowadays: XD is off doing other things, and Dream is now making his very first server and he’s so EXCITED :3 Because this is going to be a Happy Place for him and his One Big Happy Family :33 And hey, if he does a good job then maybe XD’ll come back someday — who knows??
And then a virus somehow latches onto the world’s code.
As the Admin, Dream is kind of…connected to the world. And in most circumstances he’d probably be able to detect the virus and get rid of it immediately. But, as luck would have had it, this is a virus that is INCREDIBLY advanced — advanced enough to be able to avoid detection. And it does this by — basically feeding off of Dream’s memories, taking his memories of coven!XD and becoming a caricature of how he remembers his older brother. And it tampers with those memories in the process, making them fuzzy and hard to recall, so Dream can’t see the difference.
And then, with a body stolen from Dream’s memories of coven!XD, the virus becomes canon!XD and starts feeding off of the server like a parasite.
It creates the Three Lives system, and instills it in the memories of the server members. It creates Limbo as a place where it can eat off of the players’ codes. And it does all of this while remaining near-invisible to those within the server’s borders. Dream can’t detect it, and can’t even really remember his brother much anymore — and the memories he still does have are caricatures of who coven!XD actually was. Some of the other players, those who’ve met coven!XD before, they can tell that something’s off — George, mainly — but it’s. Well. Who’d suspect something like this? It would mean suspecting that reality itself is bending in around them.
Bonus: canon!XD’s existence is feeding off of Dream a LOT. At first it’s barely noticeable, but as the plot progresses and he becomes more and more unstable the parasite gets a firmer grip, and by the time someone finally notices he’s kind of. Mentally destroyed. Even moreso than in canon, somehow. Maybe his motor functions have begun to give out or something, I dunno.
Bonus x2: coven!XD comes to visit after a while and is horrified at 1) the state of his little brother, 2) the parasitic bundle of code that has ruined the server his baby brother was so excited to make for him and his friends and 3) that…is THIS really how his little brother sees him?
Soup. Soup...soup...first off. I am honoured. I see the stuff you and Llama have created and I am just so blown away by the talent of you both. Now to find out you know of me and my blog AND you have sent me an ask is amazing. I am just flooded with feelings right now. You are like this to me 😎 I forever see you as a cool, sunglasses wearing anon who is just so much cooler than me.
pls, take my feelings under this cut
Virus XD is such an amazingly dope concept I love it so fking much. Not only does it beautifully tie in with canon!XD but it's such an amazing character design because XD does, in canon, sort of act like a virus. Messing up peoples lives and taking them to feed. That's actually an incredible idea.
And then XD morphing and pretending to be coven!XD 😭 omg omg using Dream's own feelings towards his brother so the creature morphs into that. An aloof, uncaring, maybe downright mean version of coven!XD and Dream just can't tell the difference from the corruption. I'm so imagining a scene between Dream and canon!XD arguing, and XD is loving it. He's loving the misery off Dream (and maybe with the more intense negative feelings from Dream it gets canon!XD stronger like there's more to feed on) and Dream is so enraged but sad because he's saying "Why are you like this?? You were never like this!" and canon!XD can just answer "Wasn't I?" and Dream can't deny it because his memories are already messed up beyond repair but he remembers some good feelings from XD. He remembers feeling safe and happy with XD but he has no memories of it actually happening. Which just confuses and frustrates Dream more.
AND I LOVE how it feeds of Dream makes dream more unstable. Mentally. Physically. EVERYTHING. Which I think fits perfectly to dream's predicament and plans. His mind is being messed with and he's mentally all over the place, so he acts out negatively to those around him. Which in turn makes everyone react hostile to Dream, which makes Dream act hostile to them in return again, giving virus!XD more to feed off of. A cycle the virus is deliberately making to grow stronger. Maybe it's full power can only be taken when Dream is so mentally and physically drained. Maybe (say after the prison break) Dream is just so unused to his own body he cannot move for long. Like he's forever with pins and needles all over his body, it all doesn't feel right.
AND THEN coven!XD coming back and seeing whats happened. I just it kills me to imagine him finding Dream first, so limp and weak in his body but when coven!XD goes to help, Dream is crying and telling him to get away and XD is just "???" so confused. Meeting the virus!XD 😭omg cause the first thing he'd probably think of is "how did Dream ever think that was me?" and then realising that that is how he's been acting to Dream. Of course it's all overexaggerated but that's how Dream saw it and maybe it isn't far off from the truth. But firsts things first, he has to absolutely go and kick a virus ass.
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