#FANTASTIC MCC to join into lets go
catzgam3rz · 2 years
THAT was a fucking good show
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ender1821 · 1 year
nobody likes pearlescent (froglights) — clips from impulse’s latest stream
transcript and bonus Pearl responses below!
Impulse: —a lot of stuff, actually. Oh, man, I got some building I need to do, I don’t want to spend my entire week restocking… Look at that, we’re out of the froglights, too.
Impulse: Ooo, okay, not those (pearlescent) ones though. Dang it, man, nobody likes pearlescent.
Pearl, in his chat: OH
Pearl: WOW
Impulse, laughing: Love you Pearl! I’m playing, you know I’m playing, oh…
Impulse: Yeah so I’m gonna raise the desk, if the stream ends, it’s because a cable got caught somewhere. I’ll be back. *audio becomes more distant*
Pearl, in game chat: Wow, someone must really like the Pearlescent block, because it’s sold out — guess you have to restock impulse
Impulse: *laughs* I just read Pearl’s message, oh that’s fantastic… oh man
Impulse: I think the thing is though, I don’t think my farm is working… The question is, did she actually pay for them?
Impulse: *checks barrel* she did! Oh! Missed some, she didn’t see that barrel. Gosh… I’ll take it, I’ll take it, thanks Pearl.
Impulse, reading chat: Will I be signing TCG cards on stream? Uh, yeah probably, I dunno, I thought it would be kinda cool if— *reads that Pearl joined the game* oh no.
Impulse: I thought it would be kinda cool if I got together with Tango, and maybe Tango and I can hang out together signing cards, you know what I mean? Maybe we could stream that, that could be a cool thing.
Impulse: *laughs at Pearl being stuck at his elevator*
Pearl: Your elevator is the— It’s the worst!
Impulse: What is happening? Are you stuck? Are you stuck in there?
Pearl: I hate your elevator! I can’t do it! I suck at it man… Here we go—
Impulse: MCC champion here everyone— oh wait, not yet. So…
Pearl: The crown on my head is all that matters, okay? Don’t mock me! Yeah, there we go.
Impulse: You did it! You went with the reverse exit, I like that strat, let’s see…
Pearl: Apparently any other way just does not work, and uh… that’s how it goes, I guess.
Impulse: I don’t understand… It literally doesn’t work for you to just walk out?
Pearl: No it doesn’t, I just slide down it.
Impulse: Oh, you poor thing… You can’t afford this whole barrel.
Pearl: How dare you. How dare you even say that? Who do you think I am, sir?
Impulse: I guess you did just do that big job for the Scar cleanup, so… Maybe—
Pearl: Oh, he hasn’t paid me yet.
Pearl: —another situation
Impulse: What are your plans for all these froglights you just bought?
Pearl: I dunno what you’re talking about, I didn’t buy those.
Impulse: Okay…
Pearl: Someone really likes pearlescent blocks, y’know? *cough*
Impulse: Yeah…
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player-tag · 3 years
dsmp!grian, part 1 [more if people want it!]
it was on grian that he fell, really, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. he was admiring his and pearl's building, treeza (he still didnt like that name, but couldnt think of anything better...) when he backed a little too far.
he suddenly felt the ground under him disappear.
of course. he didn't even have an elytra on. he'd lose all his stuff. he was going to have to grind so hard for his stuff back. fantastic.
he sighed as he fell down. screaming would be no help, nor would crying. he knew to be calm and try his hardest not to make himself in a bad mood. so he waited until he fell out of the world.
he waited. and waited. and waited and waited and-
"hold on," he said, trying to move across the dark void.
he floated across, seeing nothing but the usual void you see. there was nothing for kilometers around, and everything felt empty.
then it appeared. it looked like what you would imagine a biblically accurate angel to look like. a hundred eyes spread across its body, halos circling it. its cape flowed majestically around, the stars hidden in the cape's inner side. it wasn't a star pattern, actually stars. they moved and grian saw multiple constellations in there. it had a spherical white head, detached from its body. XD was written on it.
who are you?
it didn't physically say it, but grian heard it in his head.
"grian," he replied, looked at the XD sphere. it felt like the best place to look.
hmm, you're not from our world, are you? you're from a more... powerful one. a more... peaceful, server.
grian nodded. he must've been teleported to a different server. he didn't leave his hermitcraft server often at all, expect for mcc. and even that was rare. he didn't know what other servers would be like. hopefully not too bad.
i do not have the power to teleport you back, i'm afraid. you'll need to find and speak to your own admin and this world's admin. i'm afraid this admin isn't... the best person, to say the least. he will not let you leave unless he wants to. i am sorry.
"wait, you aren't you the admin?" grian asked, confused. this creature looked like a god. how could it not help him?
no, unfortunately, i am not. please do not be scared, though, for i will help you as much as i can. i will teleport you to the physical overworld and send my sister, drista, to check on you often. i will not harm you, but not even i can control the occupants of this broken world, so they may act hostile. please do not provoke them. try to be nice and compliant, for it will help.
the creature had started chanting in a foreign language.
∴𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ∴ᔑᓭ ᔑ ∴ᔑᓭℸ ̣ ᒷ↸ ᒷ⎓⎓𝙹∷ℸ ̣ 𝙹リ ||𝙹⚍∷ ᒷリ↸ ᒲᔑリ ꖎᒲᔑ𝙹
"okay... but one more question!"
it stopped.
"what is the name of this world?"
it sighed, lifting up its arms.
dream smp.
and then it snapped its fingers.
the spawn looked nice. the rest of the world though, was a post apocalyptic wasteland. creeper holes, half cut down trees, and literally no way to indicate which way you should be going to reach the main 'hub'.
he had spawned with a communicator with him. as soon as he spawned in, it exploded with messages.
grian joined the game.
tubbo_: new member pog???
foolishgamers: tommy did you invite a person without dreams permission again?
tommyinnit: stfu that green bitch is in prison, and no i didn't
wilbursoot: what the fuck???
the_eret: guys be nice maybe they’re a visitor!
grian read the messages over. he'd heard these names before, probably from mcc.
he was expecting someone to come zooming in with an elytra or something, but instead a blond boy dropped in with a trident in his hand.
“who the fuck are you?“ he asked, pointing a netherite axe at grian’s chest.
“who are you?” groan joking asked, lowering the boys axe with his finger. the boy glared at him, obviously threatening to cut off his arm. grian gave an awkward cough, and smiled.
“i‘m grian, from the hermitcraft server!”
”okay, so you’re british, judging from your accent. hermitcraft, did you say? isn’t it that server thats like all powerful and peaceful and has rules and shit, innit?” the boy rambled, circling grian and looking him up and down.
”uh, yeah. nice to meet you, but I really must meet the admin so I can go back,” grian said, looking around and checking his communicator to see if anyone was willing to help.
”well, dream is currently in prison, so you’d have to schedule a meeting with sam. wouldn’t recommend that though, becuse dream would probably kill you before letting you go. he‘ll probably ask for some shitty favour or somthin’,” the boy explained.
grian swallowed. why was their admin in prison? that’s not good.
“um, i’ll still try. can you help me, uh... what‘s your name?”
“so, can you help me, tommy?”
“sure. not like I have anything better to do.”
andddd that’s part 1! if yall want part 2, then I might do it lmao.
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acerace · 3 years
Purple Pandas appreciation post they popped the hell off they did so good!!!
They came what top 4 in all 3 pvp games???? Pete pvp arc real?? Grian misclicking and spawning a creeper on top of him and Oli in Sky Battle, killing them both? Lime throwing for Purple in Parkour Tag? The team's absolutely amazing communication?? Grian being the wool guy for Battle Box and Martyn complimenting his building skills and saying he should join Hermitcraft and make a career out of placing blocks?
Pete being team leader and coming up with strategies left and right? Oli mixing up Martyn and Grian and saying all British people sound the same?? Grian cheering for Aqua in Dodgebolt and changing to Blue because he "loves the drama"? The gong??? The gong not working through Discord so Grian just saying "gonnnnnnnngggggg" really slowly to calm everyone down??Pete getting the top time in Ace Race and coming first overall?? The entire team placing top 24??
Oli making to to top 10 in HitW for the first time?? Grian repeatedly going "flying is my forte" in Ace Race and overshooting the finish line each time anyway? Martyn being so proud of Jimmy for winning and joking that he'd apparently been holding him back, after 180 no-scoping him on the practice server before the event? Grian's tried and true strategy of "follow Fruity B" in TGTTOS? The entire team mourning the loss of Sands of Time multiple times? Grian coming 24th individual, again?
MCC 14 Purple Pandas had fantastic teamwork and communication, they didn't let any mistakes or losses get to them- just acknowledged them, apologized, and moved on- came up with plans for each game and played to their strengths even with the games they didn't think they'd do well in. One of my favourite mcc teams of all time, easily.
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headbucket · 2 years
Ask game answers nobody asked for
Hermitcraft ask game by @cryptid-crw
🐶 What hermits do you watch?
Lots! Bdubs, Cub, Etho, False, Gem, Grian, Impulse, Iskall, Keralis, Mumbo, Pearl, Ren, Scar, Tango, Beef, xB, Zedaph, and Cleo.
🐱 Who was your first hermit?
This gets a little complicated but... as a hermit, Grian. As just a MCYT, Bdubs.
🐰 Who is your favourite hermit?
This is a hard question but... I have to say Etho (yes I admit it I'm an Ethogirl)
🐼 Who is one hermit you haven't watched yet but want to?
Joe - everything I see about him is so unique and hilarious but so far I haven't really gotten into his videos. Maybe someday, though!
🐸 What year did you start watching hermitcraft?
Okay, let's do the story now. In early 2019 I was watching some of Grian's building videos and stumbled onto his Hermitcraft series, which I started watching, got hooked on, and gradually started watching more and more hermits. I was really excited when Bdubs came back towards the end of S6 because I had watched him way back in Attack of the B-Team days, and at some point I learned that he had been in S5 so I went back and watched that. The videos were so familiar and I realized I had seen them before... I had watched his S5... so basically I was watching Hermitcraft before I knew it was Hermitcraft! I only watched Bdubs then, though, and had no idea what was going on on the rest of the server so I consider S6 to be when I started watching Hermitcraft.
🐵 What season did you watch first?
Season 6! I watched Grian's series from the beginning and caught up to episodes being currently released right around the time of the Civil War.
🐧 What is your favourite season?
Season 7! The Head Games, Hermit challenges, HWF, the Button, Boomers, Shade-E-E's, the mayoral race, Turf War, Decked Out, the Upside Down, HCBBS, Sewer Cats, Aque Town... so much good stuff!
🐝 What is your favourite hermitcraft moment?
Man, it's hard to choose, but I think my favorite moment(s) were Etho's meetings with Llama Dad in S7. They were so funny and the Etho and Beef vibes are impeccable.
🦝 Do you watch any streams?
A few! Mostly I watch Tango's Phasmo and stabby streams, and MCC (usually False).
🍂 How many hermits are you subscribed to on YouTube?
18 (70% of them!)
🍄 Do you only watch hermitcraft content, or do you watch their other videos too?
I watch other videos too! I watch just about all the videos of the hermits I'm subscribed to: Traffic series, Empires, Building with Bdoubleo, Naked and Scared, and Etho's singleplayer and modded series are all amazing!
🌻 Are you also in the life series fandom?
You bet! All three of them have been some of my favorite series ever.
🌕 What is your favourite hermitcraft build?
Scar's magical village in S7: the amount of detail was incredible and it truly felt magical. Plus it was only his starter base?!
🌗 Do you have a favourite quote/favourite quotes?
A few of my favorites: "Oh, you declared war! Oh perfect, wonderful - dude, your mayorship is working out fantastic! We've declared war!" -Bdubs, S7. "HCBBS, which I assume stands for How Can Butter Be Solid? Yes, I too ask that question, great almighty countdown clock." -Cub, S7. "In terms of salvation, Cleo, is this one of those six to eight weeks for deliverance deals?" -Joe, S8.
🌑 Do you have a favourite shop?
Hmmm... probably Scar's chest monster shop in S7.
🌙 If you could join hermitcraft, would you?
No, I would be too scared! I'm a perfectly average Minecraft player and I would be very intimidated by all the talented Hermits.
🪐 If you joined hermitcraft, who would you team with?
I would love to team with Pearl! She could teach me some building skills and we could do some shenanigans together, plus she seems super nice.
💫 Have you met any hermits?
⭐️ If you could meet your favourite hermit, what would you say to them? / If you've met your favourite hermit, what did you say?
"I... ah... thank you!" (I'm not sure I could say much more than that honestly)
🌟 Have you been to any conventions?
✨ Do you have any merch?
Yes! I have a Gem hoodie and a Doc beanie (both very comfy)
🌈 Are you immune to the good times? (no, no you are not)
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