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killuaisaprincess · 2 years ago
Killua’s tiny, cute, and the most beautiful thing ever. He’s like a perfect little snowflake, with cute curls framing his cheeks that are tinted slightly pink and the slightest amount of glitter under his eyes.
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siesporamor · 24 days ago
Any semblance of happiness leaving my body after Erza's flashbacks.
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k1ra0nloose · 2 years ago
Smg34 + Royal high new campus + Dark fairy x Light fairy
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Smg4 has a massive fear of fight causing him to never learn how to fly cause I said so
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encurrent · 1 month ago
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hippo campus in boston / drove the rental car to the fenway area and met up with my best friend 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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naivesilver · 2 months ago
The lovely lovely LOVELIEST Acorn made me a gorgeous drawing of the puppet bros for my birthday...so obviously the inspiration hit for something where they were sad instead, and then it got SEVERELY out of hand. Sorry 🥰🥰🥰
Mokku realizes where the line sits within a couple months of living in Storybrooke. 
Not that he cares, honestly. The people in this land are a lot more mellow than the ones in his old village, but even if they weren't, it wouldn't make any difference - he's already lost an arm, and the rest of his body is littered with scars and other damage. It's not like anyone could do any worse, except maybe kill him proper, but even that doesn't seem to be a permanent thing, here. 
Still, it's a force of habit, at that point. He needs to figure out what he can or can't do, now that he's real and off to a new home - Picco's still scared he'll get turned back into a puppet if he misbehaves, but Mokku firmly believes that ship's long since sailed, for them. What's anyone going to do? Send tree spirits after him? Hilarious. Those bums never accomplished anything even when he was within reach. 
Hence, the line. There must be one because there's always one, a line he's not supposed to cross, a breaking point he shouldn't reach - once he's figured out he's not as likely to get pummeled for a mistake as he was back home, he needs to know what will prompt that reaction, just to be on the safe side. The other shoe will drop, eventually; he simply has to go about finding a likely reason for it. 
School's a disappointment, of course. They've got all the means to keep kids monitored and in check, and yet sneaking out is awfully easy, though August gets notified about it instantly, and gets on his case every bloody time. Even when Mokku deigns to show up, there's a lot of thick-headed people who think they can mess with him - they look so surprised when they realize he can fight back, it's almost hilarious. If only they knew he used to be able to get his point across even with branches sprouting out of his nose, they wouldn't be so quick to underestimate him, prosthetic arm and all. 
Then there's the stores. He doesn't need to steal anything, strictly speaking; he hasn't quite figured out why August and his father keep feeding and housing them all - pity, most likely, or some stupid sense of duty - but there hasn't been a day thus far where he, Cedar or Picco have gone wanting for something. In fact, there's a good chance Mr. Marco might be holding back from showering them with more stuff, but Mokku can't be sure of it just yet. 
He doesn't need to, but truth be told, it's funny to know something other people don't, and that's reason enough to do it. He sneaks a packet of gum in his pocket and it tastes twice as sweet when he pops it into his mouth. He gets sent to grab newspapers for August's father and he sticks a thin coloring book between them, trusting no one will check, and they don't - he goes home proud of himself and with a nice little gift for his brother, so that's a double win, in his cards. 
He gets caught. Once. It's humiliating and it only serves to make him try harder the next time, but as Emma frog marches him back to the house, he can't help but feel relieved - surely, that'll do it. If the sheriff leading him home by the scruff of his neck doesn't make August and everyone else blow a fuse, he's not sure what could do the trick. 
But it doesn't happen. Mokku gets a stern talking to and a warning not to do it again and his going to the store alone privilege revoked, but it doesn't go beyond that, and that's…weird. Either these people have infinite patience, they’re even dumber than he thought, or they’re planning to do worse when he’s not expecting it; in any case, he doesn’t want to find out, hence why he’s more careful when he gets the urge to swipe something again.
By then he’s starting to wonder whether the others have caught on what he’s doing. August’s about as observant as a teaspoon, and Picco’s blissfully unaware of anything beyond his toys, his food and his nosey duck, but Cedar seems to always pay attention to what's going on around her. Mokku supposes she must've been practicing for a while - she says her classmates at her old school often wouldn't tell her their news, because of her curse, so she had to resort to learning about them on her own. It makes sense that she would still be doing it. 
Still, it unnerves him, thinking about being watched all the time, so he makes a point not to think about it. It doesn't really work, but he figures he'll find out if it was just paranoia once he's been proved right about the other stuff. 
Except- no one has the grace to prove him right. They must have their limits, he knows they've got to have some, but he can't fucking find them - it drives him nuts, and that makes him nervous, and snappish, and short-tempered, and if it doesn't come to a head soon, he fears he'll explode. 
But then it does. Predictably, when he wasn't thinking about it, but less predictably, when he's fighting with his brother. 
What he thought about Picco was true - the boy doesn't have a single malicious bone in his new, chubby-cheeked body, and sometimes he seems to look at Mokku like the latter hung the moon. Picco's blameless. He's too small and empty-headed to do anything harmful. 
But Picco's also sharing a room with him, and he's loud, and mostly, he's got a whole lot of stuff Mokku will never have, like healthy limbs and a shot at growing up away from fairy meddling way earlier in life. He had no choice about it, if one's looking at it reasonably, but it's hard to be reasonable when you're already jealous and tired and quarreling over dumb stuff, so that's moot. 
Afterwards, Mokku won't even remember how it started. It's like it escalated out of nowhere, and suddenly they're yelling from opposite sides of the backyard instead of playing together - suddenly, he's so mad he can't even think straight, and though he doesn't hate his brother, he could never hate his brother, he hates this whining, pestering little boy who always seems to win in life, no matter what he does. 
Suddenly, he's sneering at Picco and going, “Stop that, you crybaby.”
“I'm not a crybaby!”
“Yes, you are. You cry like a baby, and August's gonna abandon you like one, just you wait!”
And then he freezes, just as the words are leaving his mouth. He's so shocked by them he stands there gaping like a fish, staring right ahead. 
Picco, for his part, looks just the same. His eyes grow wide and wider, like a cat in the dark, and he clamps his mouth shut as his chin begins to wobble despite his clear efforts to stop it. 
Then he turns on his heel and storms back inside, sobbing loud enough to be heard by the whole neighborhood. 
Mokku watches him go numbly, not even trying to stop his brother before there's an even bigger ruckus. It takes him several seconds to snap out of his trance, and when that happens he doesn't even walk away, and instead simply sinks down onto the back step, dropping his head in his hands. 
Great. Just great. He's been told time and time again how much of an idiot he is, but he's never agreed with it quite as much as he does now. He hasn’t just crossed a line - he’s stomped all over it like a crack in the pavement. He’s messed up so thoroughly he doesn’t even know where to start with it, honestly. 
Why he did that would be a good start, though. He was furious before, but now all his anger has vanished into thin air, disappeared like a puff of smoke, and- did he have to be so specific about the bullshit that he said? If there’s two things Picco’s terrified of, it’s being called whiny and being left behind, and Mokku’s just packed them neatly together in a handy little bundle to be more hurtful. Really, someone should hire him at the hospital, he’d probably be a hit with the patients.
He’s not even supposed to know about the business with the baby, for fuck’s sake. Emma told them about it once, but she insisted that it was all in the past, and that bringing it up again wouldn’t do anyone any good, so even if he manages to avoid any problems due to being an absolute arse, he’ll surely get in trouble for his big mouth. Lucky him.
The backdoor opens with a creak behind him, making him startle. He curls into himself, instinctively almost expecting a blow that doesn’t come, but it’s not the heavy steps of any of the men in the house - it’s just Cedar, her battered, paint-stained sandals stopping a couple feet from him as she looks down at the embarrassingly pitiful figure of her brother.
Then she says: “Just because you're having a bad time, doesn't mean everyone else needs to do the same, too.”
“I'm not having a bad time,” he mutters, his relief turning into displeasure. Can’t he wallow in his own stupidity in peace, for once?
“Oh, so you're just trying to have one?”
Mokku winces at the sharp disbelief in her voice, though he does his best to hide it. Cool, so his suppositions were right. What a good moment to find out. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
He feels, more than sees, Cedar roll her eyes at his response. “Please. You've been in a mood for weeks now- I’ve noticed, August has noticed, everyone has noticed. Either something's wrong, or you're just pissed out of nowhere. Which one is it?”
For some reason, her mentioning August sends a spike of anger through Mokku’s chest, burning like the stake. “Well then maybe everyone should mind their own fucking business, for a change!” He barks out, before he can think better of it.
He half expects the girl to just up and leave. He wouldn’t blame her, even if she did. She’d be better off going inside and comforting Picco, like as not. He’s being insufferable. Actually, he’s probably losing her affection left and right.
Instead, she descends a step and comes to sit beside him, her voice lowering a notch. “Would you like that? If we all stopped worrying about you forever after?”
“No! I mean- I just- Ugh.” He burrows his head in his hands again, fingers tugging at the coils of blue hair. “I just want these guys to stop acting like everything's fine. Like- what do you think they're gonna do once Picco tells them I've been an ass to him? They'll bitch and bitch about me trying to do better, and then they won't do anything. I could steal August's bike and run someone over and no one would lift a finger. What's wrong with them? What d'you gotta do to make them tick?”
There’s a long, heavy lull of silence, where the only sound is his sister’s foot tapping against the wood of the porch in a rhythmic, thoughtful pattern. Then she says, evenly: “Do you remember why I decided to stay here, even though I miss all my friends fairy much?”
Mokku can’t help but glance at her, eyebrows raised. What in the world…? “Because you wanted to be real without having to sign a book of stupid rules? You've told me this story before- what's that got to do with anything?”
He hears Cedar scoff, sounding quietly amused. “Well, yeah. Having the option to become a real girl without the whole destiny debacle was definitely a bonus. But that's not the only reason.” Unexpectedly, she reaches out to take his hand - the good one, the one that doesn’t need machinery or magic to function, that can still feel the warmth of her brown skin against his own.
“People are nicer here, Mokku. Back home, they- you couldn't do anything out of the ordinary without older folks, or- or Royals breathing down your neck. They couldn't hurt us, but they did everything they could to make our life miserable if we didn't make the right choices. 
“But in Storybrooke, it's all different. Snow White is friends with the Evil Queen, and she's not constantly asking her for a poisoned apple. I'm real, and I didn't even have to get turned into a donkey. There's no- no danger everywhere, but even so, everyone's looking out for me. For us. 
“You want to know why they don't get mad at you? Or me, or Picco? It's because here, if we mess up, they're not angry- they start worrying. They want to know why it's happening and if we're hurt. You can push August's buttons all day, every day, but he's not going to kick you out just because. You're just going to make everyone sick with worry.”
She sighs again, shaking her head. “Look- what happened to you was messed up. But if you keep acting like you've been acting lately, you'll just hurt yourself again, and you'll hurt us, too- but that would be cruel, and you're not cruel, Mokku.”
“I bet Picco's going to disagree, if you ask him later,” he mutters, and he hates hates hates that his voice cracks, thick with an emotion he can barely place and that makes his eyes sting and his throat burn. He doesn’t want to listen. He doesn’t. He’s not going to.
But Cedar is still talking, mindless of the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. “I'm not saying what you did was smart. But you know you didn't mean that, and- and he'll understand, too, if you apologize. But you have to apologize, and then you need to explain yourself to someone. Someone grown up- it doesn't have to be August, because I know you're a royal pain when it comes to talking to August, but someone. We can't fix it if you don't talk and just elbow people in the teeth. 
“Just… Please, don't shut us out. I'm scared, too, but I promise that everything will be fine. Okay? Please.”
She squeezes his hand again, tight and firm, without another word. Then she gets up and ducks back inside, leaving Mokku alone with his pounding head once again.
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banvaine · 2 months ago
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Ban and Yvaine Real (KI)
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urmomw4ntsme · 1 year ago
4, 23, 25, 15 for the ask game <3
hiiii lilyyyy <3 ty for the ask
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
ok so it depended on which teacher u asked ig? cus my language teachers adored me (😋 academic validation yes) but my p.t. teacher LITERALLY H A T E D me like from day 1 to day last she LOATHED me i have a suspicion why but forget that but my science teachers also loved me mainly cus i was good at science then 😭
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
okay well we never had to read books for assignments but we had library books that were switched weekly from 5th grade right? and i wud say my fav book that i read out of those was probably 'The Twins at St. Clare's' by Enid Blyton or the Secret Seven series. i love love loveddd these ones i would literally beg around asking for who had the next book in the series so that i could exchange my current book with them next week. another series i literally loved sm was the fairy chronicles by J. H. Sweet. like, r u kidding me? just look at the names of some of the books they SOUND so good
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and they are kind of spiderman-esque? like, i dont remember very clearly because i was literally 10 when i was reading these but i think it was smth like there is a secret fairy society and these girls are fairies but they can't tell their parents or any normal human but they have to save the world whenever there's smth wrong it was SOOO GOODDDD. anyway i'll stop ranting about them now 😭 (also one last thing, i loved the twins at st clare's sm that i actually googled if st clare's is a real school where i can convince my parents to let me go to BECAUSE IT SOUNDED SO AWESOMEEEE AAAA)
23. strange habits?
ok so out of the habits i do know that i have, some strange ones are:
i am one of those people who will crack(?) their bones sm it will either terrify you or piss you off. not kidding. i start with my back, the typical try to bend backwards with some kind of support halfway till your back, and then i twist my upper back all the way to the left and then to the right and it literally sounds like gunshots. (i think theres sm up with that, gonna go to the doc soon) next i crack all my knuckles etc etc etc i do it with my elbows and my knees too its sooo satisfying but it drives my dad crazy aksjks
i touch my nose a lot. this is smth i have noticed recently but i feel like whenever im having a convo with someone and dont know what to say i scratch the bridge of my nose or just touch it or smth and its SO SUSPICIOUS 😭 like i feel like the person's gonna think im hiding something or lying i promise im not suspicious im just nervous or smth 😭
i......sing. like, when you're saying smth but u realise that that sentence is a song lyric too and then why would u say it normally when u cud sing it like an i-deserve-a-grammy-person? yea. that. i do that a lot 😔 do u still think im cool
25. first song you remember hearing?
i donttttt knowww i guess it would be a lullaby or a nursery rhyme? i really dont remember any songs from my childhood 😭 like i guess i remember the theme of this one cartoon i used to watch which was called 'chhoti anandi' (its so cool i still sing it sometimes) but i think i was around 8-9 when i started watching it? pretty sure i listened to more songs at that time and before that too but ig thats one of them so 💪🏽
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miredesart · 2 years ago
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fairy of nature :)
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roseshiptea · 5 months ago
ofc i went to take a photo of the "that's that me espresso" icon, miss sabrina carpenter, in a café. like duh
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months ago
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months ago
Okay no joke, I generally forgot the Ever After High doll diaries confirmed the next Blue Fairy was basically fucking dead and at the end of her diary, Farrah flies off to find Cedar, determined to help her in the late Blue Fairy's place.
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entrehormigones · 1 year ago
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quarter-lif3crisis · 1 year ago
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Weightlifting Fairy Bokjo (2016-2017)
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naivesilver · 2 years ago
ASK MEME HUH? 😏 prepare yourself here :^)
okay okay so. (for the kid fic ask) 2 or 8 (toddler) or 3 (teenager)? with any parent child combination you feel like
I know this is a prime chance to write some angst but I have entered silly mode at some point lately so you get AU silliness only SLIGHTLY tinged with angst, I hope that's alright ssadkajshdnkbfk
(It also got longer than I'd anticipated, F in the chat for us all)
Kid/Parent Fic Prompts
3. "Everyone makes mistakes, it's okay."
"Hey, August, your dad said I'd find you..." Emma trails off, stopping halfway through the door as she takes in the scene before her. "...here. What are you guys doing?"
To Marco's credit, his son is, in fact, sitting in the shed just like the man had said. The only issue is that he's not alone - in fact, a swooping three of the kids in his care are crowded around him, typewriter pushed to the side as they peer at something taking center place on the table.
August looks up from it momentarily to shoot her a slight grin, which does nothing to soothe her confusion. "Scientific research."
"On a lamp? Thought that had been patented a while ago."
"Yes, but this is a monad lamp. We're trying to figure out if there's actually a cricket in here."
Emma's gaze moves to the object in question, eyebrows raised. "And that other guy's letting you? Isn't this literally attached to his hip most of the time?"
"We traded for the day!" The smallest of the puppets chirps excitedly, all but bouncing on August's knee. "Gina's showing him around, and we get to hang out with Gemini!"
"I see."
The problem with these kids, in Emma's mind, is that while they might have fairly contrasting personalities, there's something in them that betrays their connection even at first glance. Cedar's a sweet girl and the strange one with the metal arm is prone to brooding, and the two younger boys (she needs to find better nicknames to differentiate them than Big One and Little One, honestly - they bring to mind Tweedledee and Tweedledum, sometimes, but they'd probably take offense to that) are just unruly children like any other, and still they all share faint traces of past events that make her understand August a little bit more.
Right now, for example, the man has got a boy perched on his lap and Cedar leaning onto his shoulder, the other boy sitting on the tabletop with his ruined legs dangling over the edge, and yet they're all looking at her like they're about to tell her to take a leap of faith...or blow something up and ask her for help, at least, given Big Pinocchio's tendencies and those of the guy they call P. Emma should be backing away before it's too late, honestly.
"Doesn't that thing talk, anyway?" She hears herself asking instead, as if that were the most pressing matter. "Can't you just ask?"
"He's recharging," Cedar replies, ever the most helpful of them all. "That's why P left him at home. Grandfather said Gemini's not allowed to be around us unsupervised anymore, since the last time he tried to teach some nasty words to-"
"Hey!" The Pinocchio sitting on the table glares at her, a thunderous look on his face. "That's none of your business! Don't be a snitch!"
"It's not snitching if it's true! You only want to know because you've got a point to prove, anyway."
The boy sniffs haughtily, turning away. "I don't need to prove anything. I'm right. We've all got a cricket, so P should have one too."
"You're wrong. I never got a cricket, and Dad doesn't have one either-"
Emma can clearly see August barely stifling a laugh, the bastard. "Don't let Jiminy hear you say that, Cedar- I can assure you, he helped me quite a lot before he got a degree."
"I don't have a cricket," the little one says, beaming, seemingly unbothered by the squabble. "I just have Gina."
"Gina counts."
"Gina does not count, she's a duck." Cedar sighs, shaking her head of dark curls. "Why are you so worried about this, anyway? Your cricket isn't here, either."
One would expect Big Pinocchio to have a snappish retort for that, as well, and yet, none comes. Instead he seems to curl even further into himself, his glower even deeper, like a turtle tucking head and tail into its shell. "Yeah, but he was there," he mutters, much lower than before. "No one else could see him, so they thought I was making him up, but I wasn't. He was real, and I wasn't crazy."
The two adults exchange a look, the mood grown a tad more somber all of a sudden. This, perhaps, is the other thing these children have in common, and it's much less amusing than the first one - they have had some awful experiences already, for being so young, and sometimes they mention it in such an offhanded way, it sounds like everyday stuff, like making the bed or running errands.
Maybe it was everyday stuff for them, before. That doesn't make it more reassuring, either.
"That's okay." August sounds softer, too, as he leans closer to the boy and tries to meet his eyes. "We know you're not crazy. Those boys in your old school- they didn't have the full picture. Everyone makes mistakes, when they don't have the full picture."
And that, a smidge more teasing, once he has finally gotten Pinocchio to look up: "And I mean everyone. You know, Emma here, she didn't believe I was made of wood, in the beginning. Guess who proved her wrong later."
"Seriously?" Emma exhales heavily, relieved that her friend has been able to handle the situation so well and yet resigned to the fact that August continues to be, well, himself. "You only butt into this argument to throw me to the wolves?"
"You wouldn't want me to get in the way of a scientific debate, do you?"
If this were a normal conversation between the two of them, she would tell him to stop being so cheeky; but as it is, there are three more people in the room with them right now, people who have barely stopped looking wary and guarded before returning to their analysis of an otherworldly piece of machinery. There is little Emma can do beside playing along, distracting them from whatever effects the past still has on them all. She owes them that, at least.
"Alright," she says, dragging a spare stool closer and finding a spot near the table, mindless to how Cedar moves to lean on her instead, as is the nature of things.
"Let's crack this, then. I came over to ask something else, but you guys got to me. Show me what you've got, Gemini."
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warm-mangoes-with-chai · 2 years ago
I adore Kennie JD! She's so funny! Makes me wish I was better at makeup 😔
Same bestie 😮‍💨 she always does really creative looks. Though, I typically just put one of her vids on when I do something else, then come back and watch watch it later lol
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indianmovielinks · 5 months ago
A man (Ranveer Singh) from a crime family falls in love with a woman (Deepika Padukone) who is resistant to her family's choice of a husband for her. Based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
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