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shirefantasies · 5 months ago
Once you feel up to it, could you please write a oneshot of Fílí meeting a hobbit girl on his way to the Bag End and falling helplessly in love with her?
I have always imagined that Fílí and Kílí had arrived to Hobbiton a whole day early and spent it walking around - that, given how lost their uncle always was, Dís had sent them on the road earlier than necessary to ensure that they arrived in time.
So when they arrive to Hobbiton, the brothers are left to explore the market - and that’s when the coup de foudre happens - Fílí sees a hobbit (with strawberry blonde hair, please, if you don’t want to do reader-insert) selling all kinds of flour and has very short conversation with her. To his utter disappointment and annoyance, Kílí is responsible enough to talk him out of buying the huge bag of flour.
And, to be honest, that’s the reason behind Kílí’s grin and Fílí’s smirk we see when Bilbo opens the door.
Thank you soo much!
Please, take your time and care!
‘Cuz’ of Death- Fili x F!Hobbit!Reader
This is so long in the making 😅 but yay, brain finally brained! Enjoy some Fili fluff 🥰
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Warnings: one suggestive comment
Hobbiton’s rolling hills are green as ever as you struggle to pull the wheelbarrow along the path to the market. Your wares are your charge, of course, but that does not stop you in the slightest from wishing you had someone to share in your burdens. And your victories. Not that some great many victories are won in the illustrious world of flour salesmanship, but the thought still stood.
Thoughts. Such are yours for the remaining duration of the trip, flitting about your mind in fancy until you enter the bustle of tents being raised and tables being lain with all manner of honeys, meats, fishers' catches, freshly baked bread, and so many more colorful and tantalizing offerings of your great land. A smile fills your face at the sight. For some, they are overwhelming. For you? Your livelihood. Livelihood and the secret charm of possibility that you might meet someone you do not know, someone from some far reaches of the Shire. Or beyond.
Snorting at that particular notion, you heft bags of flour onto the table your neighbor was kind enough to set up for you, sorting them once all of them are up there for a moment of muscle rest. You hang your sign, a wooden piece carved for you by your father, and take up your helm of sale.
Sunlight has fallen such that it casts into your eyes; cursing your short form, you shade yourself with an arm as two shapes enter your line of vision. Tall shapes. Men? Dwarves? Dwarves, judging by their garb, which appears to be that of mountain folk. Heavy tunics, fur linings, heavy boots and beaded braids. They also are not so towering as the men you’d met on a trip to Bree once.
The blonde one's eyes slide between your wares and you, alternating until you break into a smile.
"Could I interest you in any of these fine flours, sirs?"
"Sirs," the black-haired one snickers, though completely without malice, only humor.
"What's this one?" Pushing his neighbor aside, Blonde points at a medium-sized sack.
“Buckwheat flour,” you answer with a smile, “Good way to make your cookies tender if you don’t use too much. That is, if you make cookies much. I’m not sure what you like.”
“I have been wanting to get into baking.”
“What are you doing?” Black Hair hisses, a whisper just loud enough for you to hear. “We’ve got the party!”
“Yes,” Blonde agrees jovially, glancing back to you, “It is prudent to bring a gift, isn’t it? What about a nice bag of-”
“We’ve got a while yet! I’m not carrying that around for an hour! Are you?”
“Come on, Brother.”
“Brother?” You burst out before you could stop yourself. The pair doesn't look so much alike- perhaps they each look like one parent.
“Oh, my apologies, madam,” Blonde whips around and gives a bow, spinning his hand as he folds, “Fili, at your service, alongside my little brother here.”
Giving your name, you accept Fili’s proffered hand and giggle as he presses a kiss to the back of yours.
"Kili," the little brother pushes in, offering his hand, too, "And we were just leaving."
"What about the buckwheat?" Fili turns from Kili back to you, leaning on your table. "I'm quite interested in the...tender cookies? What on earth does that mean? Does that make them firmer or less firm? Or more...chewy?"
"You don't bake." Kili again, this time with less urgency and a great deal more amusement.
Fili must have made some disastrous attempts, you think, unable to stop the amusement that begins creeping across your lips. You picture him hunched with a look of dramatized defeat over a pan of crumbled, blackened cookies with smoke spiraling off them.
"I could learn," the elder retorts in a surprisingly determined tone.
Something about it moves your heart, loosens it further, speeds it even. These dwarves are nothing like you expected- not in appearance, manner, or of course location there at your table traveling some humble Shire market.
"I could teach you," you tell him, running a hand through your hair.
"I'd like that," he replies, "We aren't here much longer, but this place is very beautiful. I think we'll be back."
Kili looks between you two, jiggling his eyebrows up and down as Fili suddenly kneels to the ground, rising again with a little pink flower pinched gingerly between his thumb and index finger.
"At least I will be for those baking lessons. Speaking of which..." He chuckles to himself. "A flower for a flour?"
After you accept the flower, Fili reaches for your sack of buckwheat flower yet again, only for Kili to knock his hand away, initiating a comical skirmish of slaps that finally cements in your eyes that these two are undoubtedly brothers. Your gaze bounces between each volley as you twirl your baby bloom, heart leaping at the feeling of it, at the imprint of Fili's mischievous smile and gleaming blue eyes upon the back of your brain.
"Ignore him," Kili finally says, breaking you from your flower-induced, pollen-dusted golden reverie, "He's looking for an entirely different set of goodies."
The confusion you feel at that last comment as you watch the younger dwarf physically drag his brother away from your flour assortment lasts all the way through the rest of the market, all your actual purchases, and even up to your trip to your cousin's house to deliver a loaf of bread your mother had made him.
The hearth is warm and the kitchen scented of the herbs he's preparing for supper and calming tea. He welcomes your steaming parcel of sourdough with open arms and puts a second fish and helping of vegetables on to roast while you chat about your day. Your unusual day.
A tale of your dwarf-filled day...interrupted by a dwarf. This one exactly what you've always pictured, even taller than the brothers and more imposing, complete with a long beard, tattoos, and an intimidating stare. He is quite blunt about the fact that he isn't familiar with you or Bilbo, but gracious as your cousin is he shoots you a look of sympathy and quickly slides you his other helping. His look quickly melts into frustration the more the dwarf goes on and takes from him and rearranges, sharing with you an exasperated glare that has you giggling.
"Dwarves," he shakes his head before opening the door to another, older one, "What is it with today and dwarves?"
"I don't know," you reply quietly, reaching up to gently caress Fili's flower, which you have tucked behind your ear.
The second dwarf, Balin, is surprised to see you there, but then, so are you to see him. He chuckles at that and asks you for direction, which you shyly give; when he asks about chairs, you lead him around the corner into Bag End's larger dining room, where the long table rests under a chandelier's cozy yellow light. Bilbo follows soon behind, peering skeptically at your little congregation with furrowed brows and muttered questions. The sound of the bell ringing yet again, however, distracts you from the hearty laughter of this new set of dwarf brothers. Tapping across Bag End's hardwood floor, you cross your cousin's home once more, slowly opening the great round door. Voices sound behind it, voices that increase in volume as Bag End opens wider to welcome them.
"I can't stop thinking about her. I tell you, Kee, she's going to be the death of me-"
Perking up with a wide smile that quickly melts into more of a smirk and gets directed at his brother, there stands Kili before you.
“Well now, brother, look who it is!” Kili exclaims your name, still looking right at his elder sibling as he sticks a hand out your way. “Can you believe our good fortune?”
“No,” Fili answers with a smile, blue eyes never falling upon his brother from their gaze into yours, “I cannot.”
His eyes trace over from yours, catch sight of his flower still tucked up by your tresses, and he stumbles into your cousin’s home with parted, wordless lips. He stands so close to you you’d collide with a single step from either of you, finally darting his eyes away and surveying the warm light of Bag End.
“So this is the fabled hobbits’ home?”
“It is,” you agree.
“I love it,” he breathes, a glow of awe coloring his expression, “It suits you just like that flower. It’s cozy. Sweet. I can definitely foresee myself upon many a return visit here.”
“So are you Mister Boggins’s wife?” Kili interrupts, tone bordering on urgent.
“No,” you shake your head, “He’s my cousin. I’ve come to deliver him a loaf of bread, but what of travelers like yourselves? Why have you come to a party Bilbo was not even aware of hosting?”
Inching a wee bit closer, just a tad, Fili extends his hand just like before. Just like before you take it. Instead of pressing a kiss to it, though, this time he holds it fast, his grip strong and warm and sure. The hearth’s warmth feels much closer despite you standing at a door open to the night on the end farthest from it you could be.
“Could I interest you,” Fili asks, leaning so close as to almost whisper in your ear, “In an adventure?”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @kpopgirlbtssvt @rivendell-poet | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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edwardallenpoe · 10 months ago
concept: meeting the family
We already know that Bilbo has met Fílí and Kili of course, but meeting Dís? What would that be like? I've read fics that they hit it off or are neutral about each other but like. What if she's unbearably stoic and off putting and cold and skeptical because she thinks that him and Thorin are together and she's testing him. Like maybe it's a dwarven tradition that immediate family members to the dwarf courting/being courted are hounds of hell to their partner. Fílí and Kili wouldn't act this way because they've SEEN him prove himself a million times on the way to Erebor. And what if he accidentally proves himself to her and suddenly for no reason she adores him. And he has no idea why. While Fílí and Kili are cracking up.
And what about Thorin meeting Bilbo's family? What would that be like? Would they be polite? Would they be passive aggressive? And what about Lobelia Sackville-Baggins? I haven't read any fics where Thorin and her interact for more than two seconds and I just. I love meeting the family as a fic concept. I eat it up everytime.
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lavvyan · 1 month ago
Looking for a story I read on AO3 some years ago.
Remembering nothing whatsoever about it except that it had courting gifts as part of the plot and mayyybe there was some arguing about a gift being good enough? It had to be something the other party would never refuse. The conclusion was (possibly fem!)Bilbo going "Hey Fílí, give this to your uncle for me" and tossing him the Arkenstone.
I really liked that twist, but the stories I've read in the last few days, while great, weren't that one. Anyone happen to have a link or at least the title?
Thanks in advance!
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rocketxpilot · 5 months ago
Thorin and Bilbo realize Frodo has been sneaking out (POSSIBLY w/ Fílí and Kílí's help) so they set up a stake out to catch him and confront him to hear his wild excuses (they are not fooled but bilbo ruffles his hair and tells him he's a clever hobbit when thorin takes a breath in lecturing)
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just messed around with some screenshots, they're so funny, I can't 😭😭
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bitter-sweet-farmgirl · 4 years ago
Fílí Masterlist
A Letter to Fili – Fili x OC – OC writes a letter to Fili while he’s gone on the quest to reclaim Erebor.
Don’t Be Ashamed – Fili x OC – Fili comforts the OC after they battle the Goblins since she had never been in a battle before and everything just overwhelmed her.
Promise Me – Fili x OC – Fili’s beloved goes into labour right before BOTFA.  Link to an ‘edited’ version I created for my family to read.
Labour in Laketown – Fili x OC – OC goes into labour in laketown and Fili delivers his own child.
Oath – Fili x OC – A Middle Earth twist on the dystopian movie ‘Noah’.
Friends -- Fili x OC -- Fluff about friend-zoning and Fili working up the nerve to tell a special lass he likes her.
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grimmnoir-art · 3 years ago
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A sketch halfbody of #Fíli from #TheHobbit for @sagahafter on Instagram!
Ended up rewatching the movies with my mom too for the references as well as just because I love them and I had the most amazing time! Fílí and Kílí were some of my favourite characters in the series and I was so excited to draw one of them!!
I tried a new sketch style here and I was wanting to do something a little more realistic? I'm super happy with how it came out! ☺
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lilxberry · 4 years ago
Fond Of This Dwarf - Thorin Oakenshield
Requested By: @heyitsgarnet​
Hi! I really love your writing! Could I request a Thorin x elf reader who's with the company? He's kind of an doushe to her but then she saves his ass from orcs or something and he's like "oh shit I'm in love." thank yooou! <3
This probably isn’t exactly what you were looking for but I think it’s sweet and does just a good a job. I’m so sorry it took me forever to finish your request, I really wish I could’ve done something for you sooner. Thank you so much for being patient 
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Warnings: Probably a bad word somewhere lmao. I guess racism??? Angst. Fluff. Mentions of war and death. Pretty much it, I reckon.
Words: 2,331
Parings: Thorin Oakenshield x Reader (x elf reader) (x female reader)
How on Middle Earth had Gandalf think adding you to a company that consisted of multiple dwarves were a good decision you’ll never quite know. You’re completely certain that the grey wizard knew of the dwarves hatred for elves, of course he knew, definitely explains the precautions he had taken when introducing you to those who you were to travel to the lonely mountain with.
Luckily, that hatred slowly dispersed as time passed during your journey. All the dwarves had eventually taken a liking to you, apart from the ever grouchy, complacently brooding Thorin Oakensheild. Even Dwalin had begun to be a more civilised dwarf towards you, for Valars’ sake!
The first one to show some form of kindness to you were Balin. Obviously, he had reason to be all sorts of rude and crude towards you because of your race but you figured he has witnessed enough hostility within his lifetime so refused to show any when truly nessicary.
Ori had been next. It took some time considering he was under the watchful eyes and influential words of his older brothers. Fílí and Kílí followed after that and before you knew it, they all began to follow suit.
Needless to say, you and Bilbo had no issues from the get-go. In fact, you were and still are joined at the hip. And Gandalf, well, he’s Gandalf. You’re not even sure he can actually hate anything.
The journey had been long and treacherous, but you were getting closer and closer each day, even with each and every hindrance and snag you faced. Running everyday for survival is outright exhausting but utterly needed, which is what you were currently partaking in.
“I spy-“
Ori was swiftly cut off with a collective groan from the company whilst you and Bilbo shared an amused look, no doubt Gandalf had a similar expression across his face at the front of the group.
“Not again, lad, for the love of Mahal, please.” Dwalin grumbled as he pressed his fingers against his forehead as if trying to sooth a forming migraine. Ori visibly deflates and sighs quietly, looking like a kicked puppy.
“No, go on, Ori. I’ll play with you.” He perked up just as quickly as he had been denied moments earlier. He beamed up towards you as he straightened out his posture.
“I spy, with my little eye, something…beginning with…T!”
“Tree.” The company’s response was almost automatic, the answer as clear as daylight.
You and Bilbo chuckled before you both turned your attention to the dwarf beside you once again looking down and ashamed. “Don’t worry, Ori. I’m sure as we get closer to the lonely mountain, we’ll find more things to spy.” Bilbo’s encouragement was so sweet that you just had to jump in and help brighten the young dwarfs sour mood also.
“Definitely. Don’t get me started about the endless possibilities for ‘I spy’ inside Erebor.” Ori smiled his widest smile towards you and the hobbit as the others chuckled. All finding amusement in your merriment of a silly childs’ game. All except one.
“You humour me how you would think I would allow you to step foot inside my mountain.”
All humour, all happiness quickly faded until there were scowling faces amongst everyone. You furrowed your shaped eyebrows and slowed to a stop and burn holes into the back of Thorins’ head. You shook your head and began to walk once more with haste, shouldering the rude dwarf as you pass him and race ahead of the company.
You wouldn’t admit it, not verbally, not so outwardly, but his words and distain towards you hurt, very much so. Even though Thorin has shown nothing but his dislike towards you, you couldn’t help to admire his strong will, his caring side that he had shown his kin, his handsome appearance-
-‘NO! Y/N, stop it!’ You scolded yourself mentally as you shook your head to rid yourself of those thoughts just as quickly as they had entered your mind once more. He didn’t like you, not your race at least. He made that more than obvious for you and everyone around you.
You sighed inwardly before slowing your strides, allowing the company to catch up to where you had stormed off. You could hear the scolding the few bold enough to do so were giving Thorin, though you knew that the probability of him actually considering of what they were saying were nought.
Someone, who you presumed to be Gandalf, cleared their throat, noting the proximity between you and the group now they have caught up to your small steps. The silence consumed the company as they all sluggishly dragged their feet as they trudged along, awkwardness surrounding each and every dwarf, once again, all except that stubborn royal pain in the jacksie.
“Out of the way, elf.” He spat the name of your kind with such distain and disgust that your heart panged with an immense pain, your chest tightened, your intake of breath quick and sharp. You felt the burning of tears build up within your eyes as he passed you gruffly but refused to let them fall.
You will NOT seem weak in front of people- no, dwarves- like him. Bilbo caught up to walk beside you and places a gentle, comforting hand on to your forearm, smiling up at you sympathetically. The rest of the walk was silent, that was until you all heard the shrill cry of an orcs horn.
Your lungs begged for air, every inch of muscle within your body burned and longed for rest. Fatigue was catching up with all of you and fast.
“We cannot run any longer, we must stand our ground!” You couldn’t tell if Dwalin was pleading or trying to be demanding with Thorin and Gandalf, all you knew was that his tone was as brass and harsh as usual.
“We can take them, of do you really have such little faith towards your company, Thorin?!” You huffed, clearly just as agitated and enraged as the others.
Thorin halted immediately and swiftly turned on his heel to face you, a deep, raging fire of hatred filled his gaze. He groaned in aggravation and drew his sword, ensuring the others quickly followed suit. You deeply exhaled through your nose and you spun yourself around to face the oncoming threat as you unshouldered you bow and raising it higher.
You withdrew an arrow from your quiver, quickly lining your body perpendicular towards the enemy and drawing the arrow back towards your cheek, staring down the length of the arrow. You exhaled as you released your firm grip and so, first blood had been drawn.
It was nearing the end of the gruelling battle but in truth, it was difficult to tell, exhaustion taking over every single one of the company. It felt as though the enemy just kept coming, multiplying as you take a singular orc down.
Blood coated you and the others, mainly that of orcs and Wargs alike, dried and cracked. As you took down yet another enemy, you heaved out a shaky breath, exhaling heavily with a slight groan.
You looked towards the others, all seemingly fairing well, all grouped together, all except, you guessed it, Thorin. Two orcs atop their Wargs brought the dwarf down on to the hard, filthy ground, defenceless, weapon astray. He crawled backwards, even that looked like such a struggle for him though.
The Wargs snarled and growled as they closed in on the drained dwarf, the orcs straddled upon their fur coated backs grinning wickedly. As quick as a whippet, you powered through your own exhaustion and pain and sprinted towards the predators closing in on their prey.
You released a cry of anger and frustration as you withdrew your elven sword from its place on your back before bringing it down on to the beasts head, emitting a pained whimper before it fell harshly against the floor, body now limp and lifeless.
The orc that once sat atop the dead creature stood from where it landed next to its Wargs’ corpse with a seething anger and charged towards you. You swiftly cut him down and turned your focus to the final orc/Warg duo all the while Thorin looked on with wide eyes and bated breath, watching you with a new found admiration.
Almost as quickly as the last, you had taken down the enemy and collapsed down to your knees, exhaustion washing over you completely. Your eyes squeezed tightly shut as you inhaled and exhaled heavily in repeat.
“Are you…okay lass?” Balin approached you cautiously as the others watched on, concern and their own tiredness evident on their faces. All you could offer in response was a single nod of your head.
Thorin snapped out of his reverie and slowly came to a stand, but before he could proceed to close the gap between the two of you, you raised to your own feet and began to walk away from the group. “We should keep moving. No doubt another pack or two is a day behind them.”
“Yes, Miss Y/N makes a valid argument. Come on.” Gandalf had gruffly agreed with the statement made from over your shoulder. And with that, the company tiredly trudged further along, leaving behind the corpses of their slain foes and the final dwarves’ disdain towards you.
“We make camp here.” Thorin’s authoritative command travelled throughout the clearing within trees and into the ears of the company. Pained grunts, relieved sighs and heavy knapsacks thudding against the ground were Thorin’s confirmation that he had been heard.
He dragged his feet as he walked over to lazily slump against the bark of a sturdy tree, exhaling heavily through his nose and closing his eyes, basking in the knowledge that he lives to see a new day. His eyes barely reopen as he scans across each and every member of the company. Or at least, nearly every member.
He luckily caught a smidge of your form disappearing past the treeline and his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Surely you were tired? You had to be from all the walking and fighting you’ve done. Why would you head off away from the others?
With a huff of air, he pushed himself from his leaning position against the sturdy trunk and headed off towards the direction you disappeared in. Thorin kept himself quiet as he walked weaved passed trees, his strides small and light footed. He came to a slight clearing which was perfectly illuminated in the moons light, a heavenly glow across the small, vacant area.
And then he spotted you.
Sat precisely in the centre of it all, eyes softly closed, eyelashes resting on your cheek ever so delicately, the light breeze brushing your hair back from your face, a face that, even though is covered by the dried and cracked crimson smears, looked fair and filled with serenity, a calmness that was affect Thorin in many ways.
He had become so entranced that he hadn’t realised that he walked out into the opening further as he stared, stared at someone who he considered the enemy for far too long, at someone who he now admired, at someone who has kindled a newfound feeling deep within him.
“Are you going to keep standing around like some lemon or are you going to join me?” the sudden sound of your voice actually caused the dwarf to jump ever so slightly, taken off guard. You peeked an eye open, finding the situation amusing at a miniscule amount.
Thorin cleared his throat and wiped his hands down his front with a tinge of nervousness before making his way over and lowering himself beside you, arms rested atop his knees. A silence that was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable passed before he spoke.
“I’m sorry.”
The simple two-word statement accompanied by his deep, gruff voice caused your eyes to widen slightly and snap your head towards the dwarf to your right. “W-what?”
“I’m sorry. For how I acted before. It wasn’t fair of me to judge you based purely off of who, or rather what, they are. I’m greatly disappointed with myself. Please forgive my ignorance.”
You were flabbergasted. THE Thorin Oakenshield, a prideful and stubborn dwarf, was apologising, hell, even begging, for your forgiveness. Thorin must’ve thought you were trying to imitate that of a fish out of water, your mouth opening and closing multiple times as you searched for the right words to proceed.
You recomposed yourself impossibly fast before flashing the sheepish, nerve wracked dwarf in royal blue and furs a kind, sweet, small smile. “It is okay, Master dwarf. It isn’t as if you had no base reason for your hatred towards my kind. Hopefully, like the rest of the company, we may put our bad blood behind us and move forward working together.”
Thorins’ sigh of relief was large and fairly loud, causing for a small giggle to pass your lips. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards and he flashed you the smallest, microscopic of smiles. “I’m glad. Oh, and thank you. For saving me.”
You gazed at him with such a soft and gentle expression that he was certain he could have melted at the sight. “Your most certainly welcome.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his hair covered cheek before ever so gently laying your head atop his broad shoulder. His whole body tensed at the actions before slowly unwinding, leaving him red in the face and bashfully playing with his fingers.
A peaceful, comforting silence quickly engulfed you two as you sat side by side, his arm now loosely wrapped around your waist, basking in the beautiful surrounding area. You weren’t sure how long you two had sat within each other’s embrace, but you weren’t one to rush a nice thing when it presented itself, so you continued in your contented bliss with a dwarf you had grown quite fond of. Fond of indeed.
That’s right ya dang bunch of cutie pies, I ain’t dead
My uploading is still extremely slow but I thought, since I’m close to being on top with my college work, I would finally finish this fic
It’s weird and probably makes no sense but it’s the best I can do with the amount of stress I’m enduring ‘cause of college so bare with me peeps
Anywho, I hope you enjoy reading this
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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angry-depressed-student · 3 years ago
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Fílí and Kílí at your service
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years ago
I’ve just binged all of your master list and I love all of them so much! Especially the Fílí ones. Could I be added to the permanent tag list? I really wanna keep up to date on all your wonderful posts.
Thank you so much!! 
I’ve seen you work your way through it and I love it when people do that :)  I added you to the permanent taglist, I should be posting something new this week if everything goes to plan. 
Happy to have you!
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gayferatu · 5 years ago
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My very first attempt at a drabble on here. Please let me know what you think!
I AM TAKING REQUESTS!!! Send me anons with a prompt/imagine, your description and ship. I will do Thorin, Fili, Kili, Legolas and Thranduil for now!
Unless you specify your gender/preferred pronouns or what you would like to be described as (for NSFW, which I would love to do as well), I will write it gender neutral for I find that there is not nearly enough for us guys or NB peeps.
  Thick fingers in your hair, pulling it away from your face slowly, gently. A low hum surrounds you, originating from his chest, making something in yours vibrate with emotion, every small touch his fingertips make when they brush your temples sending small shocks down your spine.
The intimacy of the moment isn't anything you're used to but you indulge him, sitting wrapped in furs in front of the fireplace. It's been several days now that the battle has been won, and both of you are still tired, still sore and still grieving for those lost in the fight.
Somehow through some miracle, perhaps fate or destiny, each and every single one of your friends lived to see the aftermath, though their eyes now shine less, darkness lingering behind them and you cannot wait to see it lift in the years to come.
 When you followed your king and his nephews out of the Blue Mountains that day never did you once imagine you would end up here, Durin's heir braiding your hair for you, affection and hope for a future with him filling your chest. Your eyes are closed as you are seated facing the fire, the warmth of it making you glow from inside, the furs hot against your skin where it is bared from under white linen covering your torso. Continuing to listen to him humming a random melody as he works, you are almost overcome with it, the significance of this act, the two of you hidden away from the others, a secret to be shared in the morning when you emerge together.
It's been long overdue, the tension between you both rising over the course of the journey, stolen moments of almost. When he helps you up, his hand clutching your forearm as you rise to his side, holding on to you to steady you a second too long. A clap of camaraderie on your shoulder that turns into something just barely more when he touches his forehead to yours briefly, eyes open and burning as he grins in the revelry of another fight survived and his eyes flicker to your mouth. You know he is thinking the same thing as you and you also know that it is not a good idea. Not then. 
 But now, the worst is behind you and during the feast of earlier this night, his eyes would find yours often, raising his tankard in unison with you, eyes bright despite the exhaustion of a long day's work. Thorin had insisted on helping the wounded and organizing the encampments before any sort of celebration would take place. Kílí and Fílí had thrown fits, the both of them. You smile at the memory of their disappointed faces when Thorin had thrown his orders around. Of course, you had all felt it but had known the wisdom behind them as well and relented.
Your body hot, not yet from desire, but the fire roaring not just in the fireplace. In your heart, and his. So much to be said, so much to be confessed but neither of you have spoken much this evening. After the feast he had downed his ale and bee-lined to you as you had prepared to leave. The others too drunk to notice but for some reason, the both of you had not partaken quite that much. You wonder now if both of you had been planning this or at least expected it unconsciously. His hand had found yours for the first time, not clutching your arm or shoulder as usual, but warm palm shifting against yours and when you had looked at his eyes you knew this was it, a moment you had been waiting for finally arriving. Saw him giving in to the attraction and you had smiled. confidently or shyly, you can’t remember, but you were squeezing his hand and followed him silently to the room you sit in now, knees drawn to your chest, a thin blanket over your shoulders and furs covering your legs.
You don't open your eyes until his humming stops and his fingers move from your hair to your neck, brushing the intricate braids to one shoulder, his chin finding the others and you lean to him, bumping your temple to his and you hear him whisper it for the first time.
"Amrâlimê." A small kiss to your cheek, the braids and beads in his mustache tickling your jaw.
"And you mine, Fílí." And you turn to him then, hands finding and framing his handsome, tired face. His eyes are soft, softer than you've ever seen them and your heart soars at the thought that you did that. You kiss him once, twice and then you know you cannot wait any longer. Your gaze flickers to the bed and back to him and he grins. The wretched boy grins.
And so do you.
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
The kings one
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Sooo guys this is my first ever Thorin one shot on tumblr, if you want to read more ask me for my Wattpad where I post most of my stories :)))
Summary: When your parents died princess Dís took you under her wing, while growing up in the blue mountains you and the two princes, Fílí and Kílí became best friends and you have had a big crush on Thorin for quite a while.
Pairs: Thorin x oc Miira
Warnings: fluff, lots of fluffy fluff 🥰
I have straight long brown hair, brown eyes with with light green sprenkles inside them. I‘m different from the other dwarves around here. I do not have a beard which is strange for a dwarf, I‘m even smaller than the average dwarf but no less strong. To be exact I‘m half dwarf. Half dwarf, half hobbit to be even more exact.
My mother was a hobbit from the shire and my father a dwarf Erebor‘s. My mother lived with us in Erebor before the dragon smaug took it. And now both of them are dead. They died in the battle of moria like many others. At that time I was still a little girl, barely twelve years old. Now I am fifty years old, in dwarven years of course. From that moment on I was an orphan until the princess Dís took me under her wing and raised me along with Fílí and Kílí, as her own daughter, for which I‘d always be grateful. I loved her with everything I have and I still do, for she is like my real mother and the two princes‘ are my brothers.
I have lived with them for quite a while now and each passing day my feelings for a certain dwarf king in exile grew. I think you can guess who that dwarf is, who won my heart with his moody behaviour. But he was not always like that. There is a special side to him, not many knew about him, a side he only showed to the people close to him. He would do everything for his family friends and people even when he did not show it, like feelings in general.
Anyway today I was out with Fílí and Kílí, training with swords and my self crafted bow and arrow. Fílí and I were training with our swords while Kílī trained with his bow. As Fílí had tackled me down to the floor he grinned at me victoriously. I just pushed him off of me and he held out his hand which I took gratefully and let him pull me up. At that moment Thorin walked by and nodded at us, before probably walking back home.
I must have stared after him because Fílí smirked at me and elbowed me into the side. A blush crept itself onto my cheeks and I looked down, slightly embarrassed for being caught staring after their uncle the way I just did. Fílí knew I had feelings for his uncle and Kílí must have noticed it, too after he had caught me a few days prior. Hopefully I did not turn into a daily routine.
Fílí caught me once too, as I was staring after his uncle as he had walked by, and the young prince thought that he had to get everything out of me. So I told him everything. Yet I was weary about Kílí. I was not sure if he knew but he was suspecting something. You could see it on his furrowed brow and the lines on his forehead.
Fílí came close to me, putting has hand on my shoulder and gently whispered into my ear ” I have an idea how you could find out if he feels the same way you do“. I looked up at him, face twisted in shock. “ He does not feel the same and he never will, I’m too young and he only sees me as the best friend of his nephews and the adoptive daughter of his sister“. I said sadly, looking back down as tears pull at the corner of my eyes.
It did hurt to know, that he one you loved will never love you the way you loved them. Now Kílí was also standing by my side, giving me an sympathetic smile and placed his hand onto my shoulder as well, but also saying “ how do you know this? Have you asked him?“ “ No of course I have not asked him, I just know that he does not love me back“ I half yelled.
Now the tears I tried to hold back, finally fell down my cheeks. This time Fílí grabbed me by the shoulders and said “ No, you do not know it! You have not asked him and you did not seem to notice tne way he stares at you when he thinks nobody is watching him either”. Now it was time for me to look shocked after his outburst. ' Thorin has stared at me'. I thought to myself and a small smile formed on my lips and I jumped into Fílí’s arms, full of joy kissing his cheek repeatedly. Then I whispered into his ear “ I’m in! What’s that plan of yours?”
Fílí told me his plan but I was sceptic. ‘ This could work out’ , I thought to myself. But I did it anyway. To start our plan Fílí rubbed red berries into my face and the back of my head. Then I laid down, arms crossed over my chest and slowed down my breath, while Fílí and Kílí were running back home to get Thorin. I already heard them arriving and I made my breath slow down even more, so he would think I am dead. They came running back and Thorin fell to my knees beside me, leaning his head over my chest, to feel and hear if I was still breathing.
But then he saw the “ blood” on my tunic, face and head and his breath hitched in his throat. “ No, no, don’t you dare dying here in front of me, I can not loose you, you became so important to me amralimé”. Thorin whispered into my ear, panic and concern evident in his voice as he picked me up into his arms and ran back to his home with Fílí and Kílí following behind us. Smirks visibly shown on their faces.
I couldn’t help but smile and at that right moment Thorin looked down at me and saw that smile that lingered on my face. With a confused expression he made his way into the house and gently laid me down on the couch. He crouched down next to me and put his hands on my cheeks, making me open my eyes. His eyes went wild and I winced at his expression. An expression full of anger. “ Whose idea was it?” His voice boomed through the house and Fílí, Kílí and I went smaller and smaller under his glare.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. Fílí and Kílí ran away, leaving me all alone with Thorin. I looked really shocked and then tried to explain what happened, but all that left my mouth were stutters. “ I-it was Fílí’s idea. He said he had a plan, I can not say what the plan was about precisely, but he helped me getting your attention.” His eyes softened just as his voice did. “ If you wanted my attention, all you had to do was to tell me, amralimé.” He said and I looked at him shocked as he got up and went into his kitchen to get something familiar to a rag with water and he leaned back down to clean my face.
“ B but how should have I known it? I mean you are the king and older than I am. I’m not worth being the one beside you.” I said , tears slowly making their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks. He just chuckled lowly and softly before he cupped my face within his hands, which were roughened from his work in the forge, but also were surprisingly soft and leaned down, whispering in my ear “ Well I do not care about the age difference or what the others may think of me. You are my one and I am their king and I won’t let anybody talk bad about you”.
He wiped away the tears and pressed his lips onto mine, in a soft but passionate kiss. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around Thorin’s neck, kissing him just as passionately back. At that Fílí and Kílí came back inside with wide smiles on their faces. They were cheering loudly, making Thorin and I part quickly. I threw a pillow at them for leaving me alone. Yet I must say I’m glad that they left me alone with him or I never would have had the chance to find out, how Thorin really felt about me. They just laughed like Thorin while I pouted and stuck my tongue out at them. But Thorin sat down beside me with a small laugh and pulled me into his chest and kisses me onto my forehead, making me look up at him with a loving smile.
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aeliell · 7 years ago
me, in 2017: fílí deserved better.
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snarkymonkeyprime · 8 years ago
New opener:
Sigrid grabbed her sister’s hand and made it one step before she let go and spun back. Rough stones poked at her slippers as she trotted the shoreline to the boats. Fílí turned at the sound, dark eyes curious.
Suddenly nervous, her cold fingers unfurled her old scarf and tied it about the dwarf’s neck. “For luck,” she whispered, recognising that he intended to make for Erebor that moment.
Fílí blinked at her and smiled. He took her hand and brushed his lips against them. “Then I’m doubly blessed,” he rumbled.
Sigrid’s heart thundered and she jerked away when Tilda began shouting for their brother. “I have to –,” she began, scanning the coast for some sign of her father and brother.
“Yours need you.” She looked back to see him watching the mountains. “As do mine.”
She opened her mouth to say more when a sodden bundle moved through the wreckage on the shore. “Father!”
Even as relief surged, and her feet flew, she could still feel the warm kiss on her fingers.
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 6 years ago
Bound & Entwined
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2J2qJZs
by FlamingSwordsBurningHot
Fílí and Kílí are married after the Lonely Mountain is taken back from the Dragon Smaug
Words: 1960, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Dís (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins
Relationships: Fíli/Kíli (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Durincest, Same-Sex Marriage, Royalty, Traditions, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Marriage ceremony, Married Sex, Dwarf Culture & Customs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2J2qJZs
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bitter-sweet-farmgirl · 4 years ago
Lord Elrond
LOTR Humans:
Prince Caspian:
Caspian X
Harry Potter:
Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ben Solo
Armitage Hux
One Direction:
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bitter-sweet-farmgirl · 4 years ago
Labour in Laketown
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Fili’s beloved goes into labour in laketown and he delivers his own child.
OC(s) Used:  Loka
Word Count:  1,390
Translation(s):  Amrâlimê: My love 
Amrâlizi:  I love you
Âzyungal:  My One
I stood beside Kílí, speechless at what Thorin was saying.  "Kílí, Loka, you must stay here and rest.  You would only slow us down on our journey."  He said, smiling benevolently.
Kílí began to protest wildly, "Uncle!  I want to be beside you when we see the halls of our Fathers!  Please Uncle!"  He pleaded, and I joined him.
"Thorin, I too wish to see the halls of my Father.  I can promise you I won't slow you down."  I said, a pleading gaze upon my face.  
Thorin shook his head slowly.  "No.  I will not allow an expectant dwarrowdame on this dangerous part of the journey.  Especially when the child could arrive any day.  Rest, Loka."  He said, motioning for the rest of the company to follow him.
"Fílí!  Come, we need to go now!"  He called, but Fílí did not move from his place beside us.  "Fílí?"
"I will not leave my brother or my One."  Fílí said, his handsome face solemn, acting as though he didn't care, that we were more important.  But I knew the decision hurt him.  All he had talked about on the journey was seeing the halls of his ancestors for the first time.  To be one of the first to gaze upon them.
Oin stepped back, stating that his place was with the injured.  Thorin nodded silently before he gave the order to sail, the boat gliding smoothly away from the wooden dock.
I watched it go, feeling frustrated about being left behind since I was pregnant.  It wasn't like it was entirely my fault.  
My thoughts were interrupted by Bofur appearing, and Kílí collapsing against Fílí, his face pale.  They all crowded around Kílí, making the decision to head back to Bard's so Kílí could be healed.
I followed wearily, anxious about Kílí's condition.  The morgul arrows were poison, and Mahal knew Kílí hadn't told us until it was too late.
We gained entrance to Bard's house, where only his children were since Bard had become a prisoner of the Master of Laketown.  
Kílí was settled, and Bofur sent off to find Kingsfoil.  I watched from a distance as Fílí sat by his brother's side, trying desperately to keep him still while Oin tried all he knew to bring the fever down.
Bustling by me, Oin glanced at me, then stopped and turned back.  "The child has dropped, Loka."  He said, his eyes searching my face.  
I laughed softly.  "That means nothing, Oin.  I feel fit as a fiddle!  Focus on Kílí, this baby isn't going to appear anytime soon."  I smiled, rubbing my swollen abdomen.
Oin just narrowed his eyes, hurrying past me.  Once he was busy again, I let my cheerful façade drop, exhaling softly as I shifted my feet.  I was in-labour, I knew that since my water had broken while we were heading to Bard's.  But Kílí was in a more serious condition that I, and so needed as much help as he could get.  I would be fine until after everything was over.
I figured I would have hours until the baby finally made an appearance since this was my first child, and I'd always been told that the first labour was the longest.
But I learned rather fast that there are always exceptions to the rule.  Within minutes I found myself on the edge of a bench within the house, panting softly as another contraction washed over me.  
Kílí was growing worse, and Bofur still hadn't returned with the herbs yet.  Just as I figured things couldn't get any worse, the orcs arrived.  
They swarmed the house, attacking anything and everyone.  I screamed as one appeared in front of me, and Fílí sprinted over, quickly removing it of the burden of its head.
"Are you alright, Amrâlimê?"  He asked, blue eyes scanning my shaky figure.  I was about to answer when a contraction seized me, and I groaned, my hands grasping at my knees, bunching the fabric of my dress as I gasped for breath.
"Amrâlimê, why didn't you tell me?"  Fílí asked, his voice becoming panicked.  
"Kílí needed you.  I can wait until he has been healed."  I whispered, but Fílí shook his head.  
"The she-elf is here with Kingsfoil.  She will heal him.  You need my attentions now."  He said, gently lifting me into his arms.  
"Tilda!  Loka is in-labour, do you have a bed for her?"  He asked, and Tilda pointed down a hallway, hurrying over to Kílí's side to hold him down as the she-elf healed him.
Fílí headed down the hallway, murmuring to me as I shuddered in his arms, the pain increasing tenfold with each contraction.
He lay me on the bed, brushing the hair out of my eyes as I panted, my hands clutching at the sheets.  "Fee."  I gasped out, my body doubling over as I bore down, desperate to relieve the
Fílí hurriedly pulled my skirt to my knees, his battle-roughened hands gentle.  "You're alright, Loka.  I've got you."  He soothed as I cried out, feeling as if I was being chopped in-two.  "I'm going to get Oin."
"No!"  I yelped, grabbing his hand.  "Don't leave me here."  Fílí swallowed, nodding.
"Alright, Amrâlimê."  
The experience felt like it would go on forever, my screams mingling with Kílí's as we both fought through our own battles.  I noticed that within minutes, Kílí had became quiet, but my screams continued to reverberate through the wooden walls.  Then the last groaning scream left my lips as the baby emerged.  
I fell back against the pillows, gasping for breath as I blinked the sweat out of my eyes.  The first cry of the baby pierced the silent house, Fílí holding it up in shaking hands.
"I have a daughter.  Amrâlimê, we have a daughter."  He whispered, his blue eyes sparkling as he lay the child upon my heaving chest.  
I cooed to the little thing, hushing its cries as it recognized my voice.  Fílí sat down beside me on the bed, brushing his damp hair out of his eyes.  "What should we name her?"  He asked softly, his lips upturned in a tired smile.
"I was thinking of the name Maeth..."  I said, watching him closely to gauge his reaction.  His smile grew wider.  
"That fits her perfectly, Amrâlimê."  He said, leaning down to kiss me.  
But then the door flew open, Bofur and Oin hurrying through.  Bofur stopped suddenly upon seeing me lying on the bed, but Oin continued forward, scolding like a mother hen.  Fílí drew back, a disappointed sigh escaping his lips.  
We didn't have much time alone these days, and Fílí missed the privacy we had in Rivendell for those few nights when he could just pull me away to kiss me in a corner.  
Oin bustled around me, alternating between observations and scolding.  "I told you the child had dropped, but you wouldn't listen.  Why did no one call for me?"  He grumbled, and Fílí breathed another soft sigh.  
"You were busy with Kílí, and she didn't wish me to leave her alone with the child so close at hand."  Fílí said, and Oin nodded distractedly while he examined the baby.
Fílí gently pulled my skirt down, providing my nether regions with a more secure covering while other men where in the room.  
Bofur hesitantly stepped forward.  "How are ya feelin' lass?"  He asked, making me smile.
Bofur nodded, a smile crossing his face as he watched me take Maeth from Oin, cradling it close to my chest.  
"Would ya like some water?"  He asked suddenly, and I nodded gratefully.  I was parched.
"That would be wonderful."  I murmured, and he slipped out of the room.  Oin followed him, saying he needed to check on Kílí.  
Fílí stood up upon hearing Kílí's name.  He called after Oin, who turned back at the doorway.  "Oin, how is he?"  
"The she-elf healed him.  He's resting now, if you'd like to see him."  Oin answered, continuing walking.
Fílí glanced back at me, and I nodded to him.  "Go check on Kílí, I'll be fine until you return."  I said, smiling.
He grinned back, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips.  "I'm so proud of you, Amrâlimê.  You were amazing.  Amrâlizi, Âzyungal."  He murmured, then hurried out of the room as I watched him fondly.
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