Richard Makes Me Happy
97 posts
Requests open Thorin is my king  Lucas is my spy John is also my spy Adam is my husband and Daniel is hot
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
loverichardarmitage · 4 years ago
Summary: When a little boy who lost his mother in the park ran into Henry who was out with Kal, he made it his goal to find his mother. And maybe so much more.
Pairing: Henry Cavill / Reader
Wordcount: 2.070
Warnings: none
A/N: This idea has been ghosting through my head for a long time. I’m so happy with how this turned out in the end.
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His whole body ached as he walked through the front door of his home. He inhaled deeply, smelling the for sure delicious dinner his wife was preparing. Kal trotted towards him, his longest companion still like a puppy every time he came home.
“Daaaaaaaaaaaddy.” Henry heard a scream, followed from tiny teet on the ground running towards him. Henry patted Kal on the head, then setting his suitcase down just in time to open his arms for two tiny bodies to jump on him. Laughing he closed Rosie and William in his arms, closing his eyes as he listened to them beginning to talk right away. Finally he was home.
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loverichardarmitage · 4 years ago
Heyyy would you mind writing me a Henry Cavill drabble with lots of fluff and a bit angst. With the sentences “Please just kiss me already.” And “ If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.” ? ☺️💕
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x black! Female Reader
A/N: I hope you like it @loverichardarmitage
Coming to these types of charity events wasn't your thing. You hated it especially fancy events where you meet fake ass people. People weren't about giving back half the time anyway.
You sigh getting yourself a drink trying to ignore people coming up to you or try to have a conversation with you. You always wish you never met him even though you did like him a lot.
You busy yourself looking around the place when you stare at an art piece on the wall. You thought it was very beautiful to you.
"Back in France, a painter decided to draw us when we visit." You tense up hearing that voice.
You turn around to see Henry with a smile on his face.
"Prince Henry." Attitude evident in your voice.
"Y/N, you have been ignoring my calls." He told you.
You hope he never mentions sit. You have ignored him for a couple of months now. You didn't want anything to do with him.
Henry took a step towards you. "Are you afraid of me? I really like you Y/N." He step towards you standing right in front of you.
"N–No I just–" You clear your throat. "I have no interested in dating a royal prince." Your back hit against the wall.
Henry leans in a bit as his eyes were staring at your lips. "Please just kiss me already."
That made you laugh shaking your head. "I can't no."
"Y/N, I'm not a bad person." His eyes locked on yours. "I have done nothing to you."
You burst out laughing like that was the funniest thing you ever heard. You scoffed. "Really? Because last time I checked you embarrassed me in front of your whole family at one point."
"Y/N I–" He rubs his chin thinking about how to tell you this.
"I can't Henry." You sniffle feeling tears in your eyes. You wasn't going to cry in front of him.
"I love you at one point, but– I can't." You told him.
You tried to walk away from him yet he grabs you pulling you close to him. He looked down at you and said. "I'm–"
You shake your head feeling tears on your cheeks. "If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart." You felt anxiety creep up on you almost.
Henry did just that wrapped his arms around you and rub your back soothingly while he whispers over and over to you. "I'm sorry love. I'm sorry."
Sentence starters <-
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loverichardarmitage · 4 years ago
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
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Rich people showers
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Spacesweepers, Korean movie Richard Armitage participated.
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
It's a bird... It's a plane... It's Superman!
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Summary: When you took your niece comic book shopping, the last thing you expected to happen was to ran into Superman himself.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x fem!reader
Word count: 2521 words
A/N: I know it’s been forever since I posted and yes, I know I still need to finish the August Walker fic. But I really felt the need to write this short story first. Hope you guys like it as much as I do!
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Thinking of maybe adding Geralt of Rivia to my list? Anyone who‘d read that? If interested send a message or an ask, open for your opinions xx
Of course mostly writing R A + characters still.
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Amaaaazing😍😍 this should have a second part😍
Roomies - Richard Armitage x reader
Check out my Masterlist!
Ages ago, my sister from another mister @deepestfirefun​ left me an elaborate RA x reader request. I finally gave myself time to scribble it down, and well- the ones who know me can guess how this goes. This SHORT fic expanded… and expanded… and expanded. There’s angry Richard, cute Richard and of course a little bit sexy Richard, because I can’t just contain myself. What else is new, huh?
Hope you enjoy!
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Summary:  Richard and you have been roommates for a few years. After a particular bad monday morning, his personal assistant manages to screw it up even more, and Richard loses his cool. Luckily, you are there!
Warnings: Fluff, swearing. An hint of angst. Oh, and a dash of sexual tension. 
Taglist: @jeemalou​ @swoopswishsward​ @fizzyxcustard​ @deepestfirefun​ @ruthoakenshield​
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So far, this morning sucked.
Richard was leaning against the kitchen counter, holding his right hand under the lukewarm stream that came from the faucet. The tips of his fingers were throbbing painfully from their recent encounter with the stove. Usually he was a careful man, but apparently caution had left the building today.
Just like his patience. He really didn’t have time for this today. But yet here he stood, wasting away all those precious minutes after he already should have ran out the door. To make matters worse, it was a Monday. And though Richard used to belong to the group of people that defended poor Mondays’ honor against all the haters, this particular one was proving it hard for him to NOT see the pessimistic point of view.
It started with the obvious fact that he, Richard Armitage, had overslept. That never happened and he still didn’t understand how it did, since he clearly remembered settling an alarm for this morning. Then, after a strangled FUCK erupted from his throat and he managed to stumble out of bed, he tripped over his own shoes in his hurry to get to the shower. That one was on him, really. If he hadn’t been so lazy yesterday night after coming home, it could have been averted. That was also true for the discovery that laundry day should have happened a week ago.
After a quick shower, he did pause a moment over that same laundry basket and considered the possibility of calling his personal assistant and asking her to send someone to do it, but it sounded so extremely obnoxious and arrogant it made him cringe. Yes, he had forgotten to send his tailored suit to the dry cleaners and yes that was his fault, but… He needed the damn thing tonight and there was no gap in his busy schedule where he could possibly bring it himself.
While he still was pondering if asking his PA these things would make him a huge dick or not, he quickly changed in a comfortable jumper, black jeans and a pair of Happy Socks that you, his roommate, had gotten him for Christmas. Then he hurried down the staircase and back up because -WHERE WERE THOSE SHOES AGAIN- and into the kitchen.
Especially on days like these, he needed his beloved Moka Express to save his mood. He put it on the stove, filled the container with water and the filter with coffee. Then he turned on the gas and waited impatiently for the cafetière to do its’ work. His fingers drummed on the kitchen counter. He hated coffee on the go, but a glance on his watch told him that he should have left his home five minutes ago.
Fine. This left him no other option than borrowing your plastic ‘boss babe’ travel mug. Just when he reached into the cabinet and found the purple monstrosity on the shelf amongst the hoard of cleaned takeout containers, his phone rung. In his haste to see who would call him this early in the morning, Richard did not notice that the lid of the mug was loose. And as it slipped from the cup, it took the whole pile of plastic down with it.
With the phone still ringing, Richard found the lid and left the mess in the corner for you to find. He wouldn’t say that he was mister cleanliness himself, but the way you stacked the Tupperware shelf was just ridiculous. You could have easily asked him to do it, since you were too tiny to reach the back of the shelf, but then again you also refused to buy a step stool to solve the whole problem.
He slammed down the boss babe mug and was just in time to take the call, which turned out to be his PA. Turned out she didn’t have a certain foresight about his clothing for the premiere tonight, but she did inform he she had fucked up the one task he had entrusted to her: his schedule. And that was when he lost it.
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Someone was wreaking havoc in the kitchen. You were just walking down the steps, ready for another day at the office, when you heard what sounded like a stack of plastic falling down, and then your roommate’s low voice who shouting. Furrowing your brow, you tiptoed towards the kitchen and lingered behind the door.
Up until now, the Richard you knew had been nothing but a kind and generous person. Though his tall and sometimes intimidating features could suggest otherwise, he really was this sweet, goofy guy who loved acting but wasn’t too fond of all the attention his work gained. In your opinion, it was almost impossible to make him mad…
‘No, this will NOT DO!’ Richard fumed against his phone. ‘HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! I TOLD YOU THAT IT WAS IMPORTANT TO ME- HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK-’ Then he listened to the phone again. His face was twisted in a furious scowl and with his free hand he ruffled his hair angrily. ‘So you tell me you can’t fix this.’ He growled and the tone sent shivers down your spine. ‘And now I’m forced to attend this shitshow while my family in the UK is-’
The Moka Express started to blow steam and Richard paused. The person on the other side of the line was talking fast. Richard shook his head. He turned the gas down and grabbed the cafetière before yanking it down on the counter. Your travel mug rocked to the side. In a flash, you saw Richard reaching for the metal pan support that had shifted on the hob. In his haste, he didn’t notice the fact that he reached too far, causing him to grab the part of metal that had been heated by the gas for the last few minutes…
‘FUCK!’ he bellowed, letting go of the metal. With a loud clank, it landed on the hob again. ‘FUCK, FUCK FUCK!’ Richard hissed as he moved quickly towards the sink and turned on the faucet. ‘No, I didn’t mean you. I had an accident. But just so you know.’ He told the person on the phone. ‘I don’t care how you’re going to fix this, but let me tell you one thing: tomorrow morning I’ll be on the flight to Britain.’
There was a long silence, where the person on the other end of the line frantically apologized for something and tried to explain themselves once more. You could only see Richard’s back, but the change in his demeanor. Whatever the news was, it wouldn’t be good.
‘YOU DID WHAT?!’ he suddenly roared and beside the door, you nearly jumped. ‘HOW DARE YOU CANCEL MY FLIGHT! YOU BETTER FIX THIS, OR YOU’RE FIRED!’ He then pushed the touch screen furiously, you assumed to end the call. When the poor piece of technology didn’t react quickly enough, Richard threw it through the kitchen. With a smack, it landed on the floor.
‘Ahh. Fuck!’ he growled, turning his attention to his fingers again. ‘Fuck!’
You watched him for a few minutes, standing amidst the chaos in the kitchen. Though you couldn’t see his face, he now looked more defeated than anything. The water splashed in the sink. Being a clumsy girl yourself, you had burned yourself enough times to know all the tricks to treat burned skin.
‘That’s an awful amount of fucks this time in the morning…’ you carefully greeted your roomie as you pushed the door open. ‘What’s up?’ ‘It’s…’ Richard sighed heavily, turning a bit towards you. ‘I’m sorry. I seem to mess up everything I do today.’ ‘One of those days, huh?!’ you smiled while bending over to pick up Richard’s phone and inspecting it. ‘That’s still no reason to throw with your phone like that. You’re lucky it still works.’ Richard groaned. ‘I don’t care.’
You noticed that the phone call with apparently his PA was still there, so you held it to your ear. ‘Hey, it’s Y/N.’ you said to his PA. ‘He will call you back in a minute. Burned his hand on the stove.’ Before she could reply, you ended the call and put the phone on the counter. Then you made your way towards your roomie. ‘So… will you tell me what’s going on?’ you inquired softly, while putting a hand on his shoulder. ‘You’re already late, so another 30 minutes is nothing.’ ‘I hate being late.’ Richard protested. ‘We squeezed in this meeting because I had no other option. And now I’ll miss half of it anyway.’ ‘Then you give them a call.’ You shrugged. ‘And on the bright side: you’re a celebrity. People will forgive extravagant behavior.’ A faint smile crossed his face. ‘Stop that. You know I hate the fame.’ You chuckled and rummaged through the cutlery tray until you found what you were looking for. ‘You keep that finger put for the few next minutes and tell me what has happened.’ You ordered him.
Richard watched you jump on the kitchen counter and sitting comfortably next to the sink. A tube with some ointment lay in your hand.
‘As you probably would have guessed, I wasn’t having the greatest morning.’ He admitted. ‘And then my PA called.’ You smiled sympathetically. ‘By the looks on your face it wasn’t good news she was bearing.’ Richard grumbled. ‘No. She was ranting on about some important late night show where she got me in, and that she delayed my flight home from tomorrow morning to the day after.’ ‘Can she do that without speaking to you first?’ you inquired with a puzzled look on your face. ‘Can’t remember she spoke with me about the matter.’ Richard replied. ‘And normally I wouldn’t be mad about it, but since the anniversary of my mum’s death is coming up…’ ‘Oh, Rich.’ You murmured, immediately understanding what set him off. ‘You wanted to spend that day with your family.’ Richard nodded shortly. ‘Instead, it looks like I’ll be spending it alone, on the plane home.’ ‘You’re not going to accept this, are you?’ you questioned while motioning for him to come closer so you could inspect his fingers. He obliged and watched you supporting his wrist with one hand, and gently patting his fingers dry with a kitchen towel in the other one. The water was still running. ‘I guess I have to.’ He finally said. ‘I don’t think I’ve got a choice.’ ‘We’ll see about that…’ You mentioned and grabbed the salve. ‘Turn off the faucet, love.’
You felt his gaze burning on you once more as you dabbed the salve onto his skin. Your fingertips laced his wrist and it caused a slight tingly sensation. A shiver, though pleasant this time, went through you.
You had been living together with Richard for a few years now and the two of you had gotten to know each other quite well. You had been the typical small town girl, who had moved to the big city a few months before. After your latest landlord had given you the obvious choice of paying the increased, doubled rent or move out, you’d been looking for a new home. During that same time, Richard had been looking for a roommate. He obviously did not need the money, but since he lived in alternately in New York and London he found it ridiculous to leave his NY home empty when he couldn’t be there. So despite his PA and agent strongly advised against it, he put a advertisement in the local paper. His agent decided to screen potential roommates first and you were one of the few that made it to the second round.
Though both his employees redeemed it as impossible, you turned out to have no idea who Richard Armitage was, and he adored you for it. He led you through the house, showed you your room and once you both had settled down with a cup of coffee in the kitchen, it was time to discuss the agreement. By then, you still hadn’t asked him why he looked so familiar or if you could take a selfie with him. When Richard finally asked you if you knew who he was, you just stared at him, completely dumbfounded. Then a smile appeared, and you promised wholeheartedly that he wasn’t your type.
In truth, you couldn’t care less if he was kind of famous or not and it sure as hell did not intimidate you. When you promised you wouldn’t fall in love, you meant it. Little did you then know that over time, the guy would disarm you little by little, and by the time you noticed you were falling head over heels with him, it was too late. But because of your promise, you didn’t say a word. You hid away your feelings and hoped they would somehow magically disappear, though the times he had accidently touched you proved you still had a long road to go. Sometimes you allowed yourself to wonder, what would happen if you’d tell. Would he already know?
‘Y/N.’ Richard said softly, pulling you from your thoughts. ‘I-’
Dear lord, you were holding onto him too long, weren’t you? Your cheeks burned and you quickly let him go whilst keeping your gaze glued your hands. ‘That should do it.’ You said. ‘The salve should be absorbed by the next few minutes.’ ‘Thank you.’ He muttered awkwardly, stepping backwards. ‘I can be terribly clumsy sometimes. Erm- Would you like some coffee?’ You glanced over at the cafetière on the counter and grinned. ‘You’d think I pass on the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee brewed by the best barista in the house? Hell yes.’ Richard laughed and picked two cups from the cabinet with one hand. ‘I’m already late, so I’d better salvage this morning ritual and take my time.’ ‘That’s the spirit.’ You hummed, watching him pour the dark liquid in the cups and offering you one. You took a sip and heaved a dreamy sigh. Perfect. ‘You’re having an important meeting?’ he inquired, gesturing at your elegant attire. You shrugged and smoothed down your skirt. ‘Nothing too special. There’s a new client that my boss’s keen on reigning in. She put me on it.’ ‘You’ll charm him or her, no doubt.’ Richard agreed, knowing you were an excellent consultant when it came to business. He leaned against the counter next to where you were seated and gave you a wink. ‘If it was me, I’d do anything you would advise me to…’
If you’d advise him to ravish you right here and now, would he do that?
‘Even if I tell you you should probably send your suit to the drycleaners before your big premiere tonight?’ you teased. ‘You can’t toss a suit that fine in the washing bin. Is it tailored?’ ‘It is.’ Richard grudgingly admitted. ‘But I don’t know where my lucky shirt is, so I probably end up renting something anyway.’ ‘Richard Armitage has a lucky shirt ánd a tailored suit?’ you chuckled. ‘Really?’ ‘You do know you signed the roommate agreement, right?’ Richard reminded you. ‘If you ever share this with the world, my reputation is in ruins.’ ‘I wouldn’t dare.’ You smirked. ‘You know every secret is safe with me. Talking about secrets…’ ‘Huh?’ he gulped, almost spilling his coffee over himself.
Oh clumsy, sexy man…
‘Were you planning on nicking my beloved boss babe mug?’ ‘I was in a hurry.’ He explained with a pained face. ‘I’d never take that awful thing with me on purpose, I promise.’ A giggle escaped you and you slapped him on his arm. ‘It’s not awful! It’s supposed to be empowering!’ ‘Ah, just as empowering as phrases like ‘best roommate ever’, I suppose.’ Richard joked. ‘Okay!’ you challenged. ‘You owe me a travel mug what that exact print on it now.’ He shook his head, smiling. ‘Fine. Shall I throw in a new copy of the Talon Saga by Julie Kagawa for you too, then? I feel sorry for that book in your purse, it’s manhandled and it deserves better.’ ‘Careful.’ You warned. ‘Don’t you dare to insult my baby.’
It was true. It was your favorite book of all time and everywhere you went, the book did go too. Richard knew you were reading it on the subway every day to work, because you refused to be sucked into the world of social media on your phone and rather enjoyed parts of your favorite story again. That was another thing you had in common.
‘You really should try Audible.’ He suggested. ‘Then you have all the stories you’d possibly want available on your phone. I know it’s-’ ‘That is some shameless advertisement, I tell you that mister Armitage!’ you shrieked. He shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t work with them if I did not believe in the concept myself…’ ‘Uhuh.’ ‘Oh, Y/N.’ he murmured, draining the last of his coffee. ‘You’re too stubborn for your own good.’ ‘There are no points you can make this morning, mister throws-his-tailored-suit-in-washing-bin-Armitage.’ ‘You know, you almost sound like the wife I’ve never had…’ You narrowed your eyes. ‘I will not iron your clothes, if that’s what you’re going for.’ He put his cup on the counter. ‘Not even because of clausulae D of our contract?’ ‘Surely not, because that states the list of things in this home that belong to you!’ you objected. Richard held up his hands, clearly defeated. His eyes twinkled. ‘Looks like someone knows the agreement by heart.’ ‘I had no choice.’ You purred. ‘Since I never know when a certain someone will trick me into doing stuff for him.’ ‘Ahh. Please tell me I’m not that bad!’ ‘For a roommate you’re okay, I guess.’ You told him. ‘But as your imaginary wife, let me tell you that you have to try a lot harder.’ He lifted a brow. ‘Any specific points for me to start working on?!’ ‘Chores like the laundry.’ ‘I have people for that.’ Richard answered with a smirk. ‘Oh, watch that tone, mister arrogant!’ ‘I’d call it confident.’ He purred while nearing you. ‘Uhuh.’ You managed to blurt out.
Goodness, what was he doing? Your thoughts wouldn’t stop racing when he leaned in, his lips almost touching yours. Your heart hammered in your chest, blood pulsated through your veins. Shakily, you drew a breath. ‘I’d like to take up another duty…’ he whispered against your lips.
‘Oh, shit.’ He hissed, turning away and grabbing his phone that was causing all the commotion. ‘It’s Julia again. Is that the time already? I have to go now and somehow bring that sui-’ ‘I’ll do that.’ You promised. ‘And while I’m at it, I’ll see what I can do for you about that flight.’ ‘No, I couldn’t possibly ask that from you!’ Richard protested. ‘You have to work and-’ ‘Hush.’ You interrupted. ‘I dabbled in the wondrous world of personal assistants myself when I graduated college, remember? I have a few contacts left who are happy to return the favor I did them a few years back.’ ‘You are a dime.’ Richard exclaimed and moved forward. His mouth crashed into yours and for a short moment, you lost yourself. He had you writhing. Your skirt rode up your thighs as you moved your legs around his waist. Hips shoved against one another. Richard moaned when your fingers delved through his hair.
Then his phone rang again.
Richard groaned and tore himself away. He reached for his phone, but then hesitated and glanced over to you. ‘Go.’ You breathed. ‘We’ll finish this later.’ His hands cupped your cheeks. ‘Is that a promise?’ You grinned. ‘No. It’s an order.’
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A week had gone by and you had to admit that you missed Richard’s presence. Suddenly you did check your phone every so often, to see if he had sent you a message. Though a few quick calls on your side had made sure that Richard’s suit was done just in time for the premiere and he got a seat on a plane to London early in the next morning, it meant too there hadn’t been time to discuss what happened between you. You knew you should leave it up to him and give him some time, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss him.
You had already gone to bed when your phone beeped. You took it from your nightstand and blinked when the sharp light from the screen flashed. There was an email from one R.C.A. You opened the email, which contained a large audio file. A deep frown appeared on your forehead and you scrolled down to see the written message. It said this: To the imaginary wife I’ve never had:
I’ve finally read your book myself and I must acknowledge I liked it more than I could have imagined. I hope you and your stubborn ass will enjoy this on the train to work… Can’t wait to kiss you again.
RA x
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Thank you for reading this story. If you liked it, support me as an author and give a reblog! You can also check my Masterlist for other content!
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Take A Little Chance
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This was requested by lovely @loverichardarmitage​ Enjoy! It´s 4 parts long, I´ll post one part per day :) I hope you´ll like it, hun!
Request: Heyy I have an idea for my Lucas north request now :) can you do one where Lucas and reader work together and began to develop feelings for each other and where Lucas tells her how he feels and they end up together, spending the morning together as well? :)) if it is not too much. 
notes: the story is set on season 8, particularly on episode 5
Pairing: Lucas North x reader
Warning: angst, shooting, mention of death
Series masterlist 
Part 1
Walking down the quiet streets of London early in the morning, you sipped your take away coffee relishing the flavor of caffeine hitting your taste buds. Ah, that was heaven. Humming with a bright smile on your face, you headed toward your workplace, the Grid.
You were one of the skilled field agents of MI5, Harry Pierce had contacted you little over a year ago when he was in need of a new employee when one of his long-time agents wanted to retire after the pure hell they went through.
Ros and Ruth was wary of you at first, a small, foreign girl stepping into big boots. They weren´t sure if you were cut out for the job but you proved them otherwise in only a few months when they had an issue with the Russians.
Tariq was impressed by your skills with computers and soon started calling you the wizard of Oz, much to your annoyance but you let it sly as he was so darn adorable with his big puppy brown eyes and messy dark hair.
And then, there was Lucas North, top of his class, smart and dangerous…god the man was divine. Soul piercing ice-blue eyes and short black hair. Athletic, tall frame and deep, smooth baritone voice matching with a one-sided smirk. At first, you were little scared of him when Harry introduced you to him saying Lucas was going to be your superior on the field as Lucas shifted his curious gaze on you. You sensed he was reserved toward you, friendly but reserved.
On the field he was firm with you, making sure you assimilated every order he gave you. It irritated you at first but soon realized he was hard on you because he didn´t want to see you get hurt or worse. You weren´t sure, why he was so protective over you making you feel like he was babying you half the time but after a few loud arguments about it, you learned to shut your mouth and do as he told you.  After a few months, you started to think it was rather flattering but when Lucas got involved with Sarah Caulfield, your hair rose up.
There was something about that woman, you didn´t like. She was a cold-blooded killer, you recognized the type when you saw one but witnessing Lucas been over his heels in love with the blond, you kept quiet.
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Glancing both sides of the road, you skipped with light steps over the other side and walked in through the doors that let to your workplace. Quietly humming a familiar tune you pushed the elevator button and stepped in pressing the top floor where the Grid´s office located. Taking another sip, you thought back when Sarah´s boss was killed. Harry wasn´t convinced he had killed himself as Sarah had told. Lucas was as supportive of her as she was clearly mourning the death of her boss but it felt overacting to you.
You haven´t trusted that woman ever since Lucas had told you Sarah tried to bug his flat when he had told her he was going out of town for a few days.
The fact, that Lucas had confided to you made you wonder if the friendship between you and him went beyond simple friendship as Lucas wasn´t exactly the type of guy who confided to people about his personal life but you brushed it off. You two were good colleagues and as Ros had said once before, relationships tend to go messy, so she preferred being just friends with the people she worked with and Lucas seemed to agree. Rather than thinking if something could come with Lucas one day, you concentrated on the task in hand.
Digging every possible information about Walker´s movements you and your co-workers tried to find any possible clue if Walker really committed suicide or was there foul play behind it. But it was an annoyingly slow process and you were growing irritated. Walker was your mentor back in the day when you first started this job before moving out to a different country with his blessing and now he was dead. You couldn´t believe it.
With a bing, the elevator doors opened allowing you to step out. Walking down the hall you were greeted by Ros and Tariq when they saw you.
“Hey, morning sunshine!” Tariq grinned from behind his computer when he glanced up and saw you, earning a grin of your own.
“Morning Tariq,” you replied going around the desks toward yours.
“You´re in a good mood so early, did something happened after work yesterday?” Ros chuckled glancing at you from her computer amusingly.
“Maaybe….” you hummed pulling the chair and sitting down you placed your coffee cup next to the keyboard and switching the computer on.
“Oooo do tell girl!” Tariq wiggled his brows causing you to laugh out loud.
“Get your mind out of the gutter! Nothing like that!”
“But something did happen?” Ros was now curious too as she saw the glimmer in your eyes.
You didn´t have time to answer when Harry´s office room´s door opened and Lucas walked out.
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“Morning early bird!” you smiled when your gaze landed on the man wearing dark blue jeans that hugged his muscular legs and a black dress shirt. His solemn expression melted into a friendly smile when he lifted his eyes meeting your bright smile.
“Morning, did you sleep well?” he asked lowly, flashing his signature smile your way earning Ros and Ruth to glance at each other.
“No, not much, I was working half of the night as I couldn´t shake the feeling I have must have missed something,”
Raising his brows Lucas sat behind his desk and crossed his fingers in front of him looking at you expectantly.
“Oh? Did you find anything?”
“Nothing…zero, nada, and  it´s frustrating me,”
Lucas was about to comfort you by saying something when Tariq waved his hand to get yours and Lucas´ attention.
“Hey, I got the data at last!” he grinned leaning forward looking at the screen of his computer.
“What data?” you were confused standing up and walking to Tariq’s desk Lucas behind you.
“From the building where Walker killed himself, or what Sarah claims that´s what happened,” Tariq answered going through the huge amount of data surprisingly quick.
“That´s interesting….”
“What is?” asking curiously you leaned in staring at the screen. Lucas leaned in too on Tariq´s other side frowning.
“Wanna share what is so interesting?” he muttered glancing over Tariq´s head looking at you briefly before returning his eyes back to the screen.
“The building was empty the time Walker killed himself, no one has swiped the cards to get in or out,”
“So nobody was with him when he committed suicide?” you glanced at Tariq not wanting to believe your old mentor really jumped into his death.
“He wasn´t there either,” Lucas replied glancing at you making you frown.
“Recording to the database, no one went in or out, not even Walker himself,” Lucas said his expression solemn.
“How´s that possible?” you asked inquisitively looking at the two of them furrowing your brows deeper.
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“We all know Walker made a call from a payphone to Harry at 6.43 pm, but after that, there´s no record of him swiping back in, which means he never was in the building when he killed himself,” Tariq leaned back turning around looking at you, Lucas and Ros.
“So what´s the deal?” Ros asked.
“Someone wiped the data, see those zeros?….that´s the intel we wanted, there´s nothing at the 20 minutes window, so we don´t know who was in when it happened,” Tariq explained pointing the screen where there was a line of zeros telling the cold fact. Someone was covering their tracks. Groaning you tilted your head back staring at the ceiling. Sometimes you hated this job.
“Looks like it was done in a hurry,” Tariq hummed.
Lucas merely chuckled at your reaction glancing at you smiling.
“Don´t give up yet, we just need to think another approach on this,” he purred making you turn to look at him.
“You make it sound so easy,” muttering you turned to look at the screen again.
“We´ll figure this out, it´s just going to take some time,” Lucas replied turning around and walking back to his desk.
You merely sighed watching his back, biting your lower lip. For a serious-looking guy, Lucas was oddly optimistic about it.
But this wasn´t the only problem MI5 was facing at the moment. Someone was killing their agents and everyone was struggling to find any connection between the three people, why they were targeted. Making matters worse, whoever it was had full access to every file in MI5 had on their employees.
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  Forever taglist: @fizzyxcustard @shikin83 @amyf20 @c-s-stars @theincaprincess @xxbyimm @evyiione @abiwim @catthefearless @tomssweetbouquet @calicoskatts @raindrops-on-roses142​ @nellindreams @imgoldielikehawn​ @disneymarina​ @starlightintherain89 @wilhelmyna @captain-almighty​ @gypsytraveler86 @sdavid09​ @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​ @serpensortia06 @carenakchoate @blankdblank @wittysunflower​ @sunnysidesidra @emrfangirl​ @rachel1959 @legolaslovely​ @thophil2941btw @tigereyesf  @patanghill17​
Richard Armitage taglist: @inhabitant-of-the-void​ @c-s-stars @sherala007​ @nowiloveandwilllove​ @thestorybookmistress​
25 notes · View notes
loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
A dream
Take A Little Chance
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@loverichardarmitage​ second part of this request, enjoy darling! <3
Pairing: Lucas North x reader
Warning: none in this part 
Series masterlist
Part 1  Part 2 
Tariq, Harry, Ruth and you stared at the screen as Jack Colville was yet again trying to access into MI5 files to get the next name they were going to target in. It had taken some effort but you and others had managed to figure out who was behind the killings when Ros noticed the manuscript Jack had given her to read, bore a hidden little secret allowing Jack the access to MI5 files.
“He´s getting revenge, Colville is getting revenge,” Ros said as she kept her eyes on the screen watching what Jack was up to.
“He´s trying to access the system,” Tariq pointed feeling nervous.
“We have to let him back in,” Ros turned to look Harry who gave her disapproved gaze in return.
“And risk another officer´s life?” Harry grunted, frowning as he wasn´t keen to play ball with the limited options they had.
“We have to Harry, it´s the only way we find out what he´s after,”
You nipped your lower lip trying to think a solution for this problem while Lucas glanced at you frowning. He knew that look on your face and it never involved a good plan.
“The moment I say, be ready to cut him off,” Harry gave the order as he watched how Jack was downloading the files one by one. Tariq only nodded.
“He´s drilling down….”
“He´s accessing Mina´s file,” Tariq stated.
“He´s after some signature officer,”
“That´s a lead officer in that case,” Harry said and that was when you decided to go with your gut.
“Change the name to mine,”
“What?” Tariq glanced at you over his shoulder.
Lucas turned his shocked expression toward you as if he couldn´t believe that was your grand idea.
“You got 20 seconds to change it, Tariq, do it,” you told him, not bothering to explain further.
“Y/n it´s too dangerous,” Lucas nearly growled turning fully to stare at you. He didn´t like your idea one bit.
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“Tariq just do it!” you grunted ignoring Lucas´growling next to you.
Tariq managed to change your name just in time when Jack downloaded the signature officer´s slot. Harry turned to look at you worriedly so did Ruth.
“He may not come after you,” Harry said softly gazing at you seeing the determination in your demeanor.
“This could be all for nothing,”
“In all other cases, he killed in hours after accessing the files. This time won´t be any different,” you hummed narrowing your eyes looking ahead toward the screen.
“Other on the street, or in my flat. He won’t wait till tomorrow,”
“You don´t have to do this Y/n,” Harry tried to turn your head although he knew it wouldn´t work.
“I know,”
“I mean it,”
“I want to Harry, I need to,” you sighed refusing to back down. From the corner of your eye, you saw Lucas staring at you. The expression on his face was hard, serious, almost cold but in his eyes, you saw the flicker of deep concern and it warmed your heart a little.
“We need a plan. You won´t be walking around without back up,” Lucas voiced not leaving any room to argue about it. You merely nodded turning around and walked out the room. From now on, two teams would watch your every move until Jack was either captured or killed in action.
Walking toward your apartment, you glanced at your surroundings every now and then. Every passer-by, every car that drove passed you made you glanced around as you were approaching your home.
Wearing a wire, you heard Harry´s voice in your ear.
“Approaching now, home sweet home,” you whispered almost chuckling to yourself.
“Checked, flat´s clear,” Tariq smiled as he kept surveilling the screen.
“I hope they polished the floor,” you joked but Harry behind Tariq wasn´t smiling at all. He didn´t like this plan and was already fearing the worse outcome.
“Alpha team stand by visual on the woman,”
To say you were feeling nervous was an understatement. You were top 3 field agents in MI5 and yet every time someone came after you it made your nerves tighten like a string in a guitar. It never was a pleasant feeling to know, there was someone out there who was ready to kill you cold-blooded.
Taking a calm breath you walked down the sidewalk, taking in a woman in her car talking seeing the earpiece in her left ear. Taking another glance around, you saw a black van parked on the other side of the street. Inside were agents fully armed ready to come to your aid and Lucas who was monitoring your every step ready to give the order. Two women with baby carriages were coming toward you talking to one other but you knew, they were also MI5 officers.
Turning to your stairway you felt your hands shaking lightly as you placed the key into the lock and opened the door stepping in. The door behind you closed, the noise of it echoing through the staircase. Climbing up you headed toward your apartment senses high alert occasionally glancing down over the rail to see if anyone else was with you.
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Lucas was sitting in the dark van with a few swat team members staring at the screen of the surveillance camera deep frown on his face. He didn´t like this plan. You were always a bit of a hothead on the field but this was a whole new level of recklessness from your part. Fisting his hands Lucas´ jaw clenched as he listened with full focus what you were doing inside your apartment.
Lucas didn´t want to admit that the feeling he was experiencing right now had anything to do with love. Hell after Sarah betrayed him the vilest act possible, his trust toward women had plummeted down the gutter, he didn´t want any other relationship again part from a friendship between co-workers. But this nagging feeling in his gut when he was watching you walking toward your home, and possibly toward a death trap was unnerving. It tightened Lucas´ every nerve in his body getting ready to fight off any enemy who dared to come near you.
And yet, here he was, ache in his heart every time his gaze met yours. It shot butterflies right in his stomach and he turned into an awkward schoolboy again. Chuckling quietly to himself it became clear now. The only reason he came involved with Sarah, he was too afraid to confront his true feelings and ask you out. He was scared you might turn him down, so, he tried his best to deny them.
Lucas had loved you longer than he realized. Although he wasn´t sure, Lucas hoped you would feel the same as he thought back. You were always supportive when he had a hard time with Sarah when she had tried to bug his flat, Lucas was furious practically tossing her out of his home. He had taken his phone and called you without thinking asking if he could come over because he needed someone to talk to.
That evening Lucas had told you far more of his life than to anyone else before. Not even Harry knew things you knew now. You didn´t judge him, instead, you offered your shoulder to cry on and friendship Lucas now cherished beyond measure.
And he valued your efforts to make him smile when you saw Lucas was down and needed cheering up.
Taking a deep calming breath, Lucas wiped his face deciding when this operation was over, he would tell you how he felt no matter what the outcome would be. He needed to tell you.
Walking around the apartment, you looked if anything was out of ordinary. You saw nothing unusual and placing your key s on eh kitchen table you were about to tell everyone you were safe and alone in your home when you suddenly heard a phone ringing. You picked up your phone from your jeans pocket only to see, it wasn´t your phone that was ringing.
“Get a trace of the call,” Harry ordered but Tariq shook his head.
“it´s not her phone,”
 Finding the phone that was hidden in your kitchen you frowned as you answered it.
“Hello y/n,” Jack´s voice greeted you.
“What the hell are you planning Jack?” your voice was laced with the annoyance of being played but also with worry that he had access to your home.
“I have always respected you, y/n,”
“Can we meet somewhere and talk?”
“It´s a little late for that don´t you think?”
“No, I don´t think it´s never late to talk,”
“In that case, you better come and find me,” Jack spoke and before you could respond he hang up.
You clenched your chin putting the phone down.
“I thought this place was clean,” you huffed in your earpiece looking irritated.
Blinking, Tariq swallowed.
“It was,”
“Then how the hell did he get a phone in here?” you nearly growled at his ear.
Lucas was staring at the screen in the van solemn expression on his face, he had heard every word and he was worried. The last thing he needed was you going out to play cat and mouse but knowing you, that was exactly what you were about to do.
“Did you get a trace?” asking clearly frustrated you waited for Tariq to tell you where the phonecall had come from.
“Not possible,”
Turning to look around you, you wanted to scream, it angered you to no point that this guy was taunting you, playing with you like a cat playing its prey. Thinking you bit your lip staring blankly ahead.
“He´s near Harry, I can feel it,” you muttered.
“Get out of there,” Harry ordered but you ignored it.
“The place is compromised, get out of the building now,”
“Don´t you think he would have known that?” you asked hands on your hips as you thought about your next move and what was Jack after.
“We have to see this through,” you sighed not eager of your options either but you didn´t have a choice.
“Five minutes and then I´m pulling you off,” Harry responded not happy with the situation. Neither was Lucas who stared at the screen tilting his head slightly, he had a bad feeling about this. No one on the field was happy about it but they waited for your move, backing you up, guns ready.
Taking a hidden gun from your fireplace, you headed toward the roof following your instinct. Walking through your apartment you got into the fire latter climbing up.
“Y/n is on the move,” one of the agents informed seeing you exiting your home.
Walking through the roof you suddenly spotted Jack and broke into full-on sprint trying to catch him. Following him toward an empty space that had been some storeroom at some point you pulled out your gun looking through the smeared half-broken window.
“It´s over Jack!” ou shouted your gaze locked on his figure.
Jack merely halted, turned to look at you with an expressionless face and started walking again.
Following him in, you slowed down keeping your gun pointed ahead, you nearly tiptoed through he hallways, heart beating so loudly in your chest it almost made you deaf.
“Now is not the time to freak out,” you reminded yourself silently. He was a killer, ruthless at that and it wouldn´t take him more than a second to kill you too if you weren´t cautious.
Coming into an open space with supportive pillars, yo halted, looking around.
“Y/n?” Lucas asked anxiously his voice worried. Just as you were about to answer him, Jack appeared from behind one of the pillars gun pointed at your head.
“Put the gun down y/n! Hands where I can see them,” he commanded. Turning to look at him, you cursed in your mind of being careless, letting him surprise you. Slowly you crouched down lowering your gun onto the floor and straightening back up keeping your eyes on the man in front of you.
“I´m too old for this” Jack said as he kept an eye on you.
“Why?” you simply asked making him shrug his shoulders irritating you.
“I think you own me more than that,” you snarled.
“I don´t know what to say y/n,” Jack answered nearly making you roll your eyes.
“Try the truth,” you huffed, glaring at him.
“If anyone deserves the truth, it´s you, I realize that. It´s not easy….”
“Y/n?” Lucas´ deep voice in your earpiece alerted you but you kept quiet.
“I don´t know myself half the time…” Jack kept talking like he wanted you to pity him.
Lucas on the other end of the wire was getting more worried because he wasn´t getting an answer from you. Suddenly he heard a gunshot and your frightened yell making his heart skyrocketing and the blood pumping through his veins as the adrenaline kicked in.
“Okay! Move! All units, go go go!” Lucas ordered as he took his gun and rushed out to help you.
Inside the building, you picked up the gun and started chasing Jack while outside, every agent ran toward the building guns pulled out, Lucas among them.
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 Forever taglist: @fizzyxcustard @shikin83 @amyf20 @c-s-stars @theincaprincess @xxbyimm @evyiione @abiwim @catthefearless @tomssweetbouquet @calicoskatts @raindrops-on-roses142​ @nellindreams @imgoldielikehawn​ @disneymarina​ @starlightintherain89 @wilhelmyna @captain-almighty​ @gypsytraveler86 @sdavid09​ @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​ @serpensortia06 @carenakchoate @blankdblank @wittysunflower​ @sunnysidesidra @emrfangirl​ @rachel1959 @legolaslovely​ @thophil2941btw @tigereyesf  @patanghill17​
Richard Armitage taglist: @inhabitant-of-the-void​ @c-s-stars @sherala007​ @nowiloveandwilllove​ @thestorybookmistress​
19 notes · View notes
loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Take A Little Chance
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@loverichardarmitage​  next part of this tale :)
Pairing: Lucas North x reader
Warning: mention of suicide, fluff 
Series masterlist
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
They entered your apartment seeing it was empty. Lucas was restless as he walked through the apartment trying to calm himself and figure out where had you gone off to.
“Lucas, I have lost y/n´s contact,” Tariq spoke in his earpiece while Lucas looked around, his brain fuming. Then he noticed your keys on the kitchen table and following his hunch he tracked your footsteps through your home into the bedroom and saw lightly opened the door that led into the fire latter. Going through the door Lucas climbed the latter into the roof and twirling around trying to find you but obviously, you weren´t on the roof.
“Y/n where are you?” he asked through the earpiece hoping you would reply to him but nothing. He was getting scared now.
“Y/n´s contact is still down Lucas, I´m working on it,” Tariq replied.
“Still no answer,” he spoke again.
“Keep trying,” Harry whispered behind him. Everyone refused to think you were dead.
“Lucas, I want to know the moment you see her, right now Jack Colville is capable of anything,”  Harry warned Lucas who without saying anything rushed forward trying desperately to find you, hoping you would be alive and well.
“She could be anywhere,” he finally spoke up, slightly out of breath looking around. it was like finding a certain needle in a pile of needles.
“Keep looking Lucas,” Harry´s commanding tone of voice left no room to give up. Not that he was going to. He needed to let you know how he felt about you, that he loved you and wanted to see if there was a future between you two.
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 In the meanwhile, you were following Jack´s steps into a dark tunnel making you agitated, your breathing hitching going shallow. Then all of a sudden you felt a barrel of the gun pressed against the back of your head halting you in the mids of walking forward.
“Just give me the gun y/n,” Jack spoke quietly behind you.
Cursing, you closed your eyes for a moment before giving up and handing him the gun.
Taking the gun from you he nudged his almost making you flinch.
“Now just keep going, don´t turn back”
Pulling away from you Jack waited for you to start walking forward in the dark area not knowing where exactly you were but hoping someone would come to help you. Looking around you concluded you were down in some cellar but when Jack switched on the blue light, you frowned. it looked like someone had set an office or hiding place of some kind in there but you weren´t sure why Jack let you down here.
“If you´re thinking about calling help, don´t bother, no one can reach us here,” Jack stated like he was reading your mind.
“Why did you do it?” you asked turning to look at him.
“Someone had to pay,”
“For what?”
“Mina…,” Jack spoke the name in a way you knew she had a manor part in his life.
“You signed her death warrant,”
“What are you talking about?” you were genuinely clueless about what he was talking about but that gave you some time for anyone to be able to find you.
“What she was to you Jack?” you asked after hearing him explaining what he thought you knew very well.
“You were in love with her,” you stated, little surprised but that revelation made him more dangerous than ever. A man losing the love of his life was one of the most dangerous creatures in the world and one stood right in front of you, gun pointed on your face. You were in big trouble and now it started really to sink in just how deep trouble you were.
“They gave her a new identity and a place to stay. Even I didn´t know where she was, but it was the price to pay. We could be part but she would be safe, that was the promise….until you broke it,” Jack accused anger flashing in his eyes. Deciding it was best to keep quiet and let him rant you watched and waited.
“Reap and sow, y/n, reap and sow. Tell me, did you know about Mina and me? And decide to do it anyway?” Jack asked sounding hurt.
“Or was it just another name, another anonymous victim to you?”
“I didn´t sign anything,” you finally confessed, calmly as you could saw him nearly chuckling to your arrogance.
“There´s no point in trying to deny it. I expected more of you,”
“When we found the chip, we changed the name in the database. You have the wrong person Jack,” you told him, watching his expression changing as he realized you were telling the truth. The nerve on his cheek twisted as he stared at you.
“That´s not possible…” he said quietly looking at any evidence you were lying to him.
“Who was it? Who signed the authorization?” he demanded while starting to lose his composure.
“Does it matter?”
“It matters to me!” he growled letting anger taking hold of him,
“I don´t know who signed it. An officer who happened to be behind the desk that day. Could´ve been me, could have been anyone, even you,”
“No,” Jack shook his head not wanting to believe a word you said.
“We all would have done the same,” you continued.
“The information we got was valuable. It saved hundreds of lives,”
“And that makes it okay to sacrifice Mina´s life?”
“Yes, yes, it does, to save countless lives, we have to be able to sacrifice a few innocent people along the way. that is what this job is all about Jack,”
“No, no, no, no,” Jack kept shaking his head while staring at you. He was in total denial.
“Don´t make the decision you can´t live with,” you pointed out staring at him right back in the eye.
“There has to a reckoning….” Jack sighed making the decision that would haunt you for a while.
“Goodbye y/n…,” he spoke and turning the gun at his temple he pulled the tricker and shot himself in front of you.
Looking at him dropping onto the floor you turned away feeling sick hiding your face in your hand. You didn´t see that coming. You didn´t think Jack would be someone who would shoot himself but you guessed, a man in love was capable of doing anything if they saw no way out.
Taking the shaky breath you pushed the urge to vomit back down while your whole body was shaking like a leaf. You needed to get out of this place. Avoiding to look at Jack´s bleeding body you managed to walk back into the stairs and headed out as quickly as you could.
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 Lucas was about to lose it when he suddenly saw you coming out from one of the staircases he hadn´t checked yet.
“Harry, I see her! She is alive,” Lucas spoke up hearing everyone wearing an earpiece to sigh in relief.
“Good, bring her home,” Harry replied.
Lucas ripped the earpiece off of his ear and rushed toward you seeing you were shaking, clearly in shock.
“Y/n!” he shouted as he got closer looking at any signs that you were injured but saw nothing.
Lifting your gaze you saw Lucas running toward you concerned expression on his face.
“Lucas….” you murmured and before you knew it, Lucas had his arms around you pulling you into a tight embrace.
“God I thought I´ve lost you when I heard your yell and the gunshot earlier,” he whispered in your ear caressing your hair. You felt safe at that moment and the adrenaline in your veins slowly faded away leaving you merely shocked by what you had gone through. gripping his jacket you buried your face in it breaking down into helpless crying.
“Hey, hey, …you´re safe….” Lucas tried to comfort you, he was surprised you would start crying in his presence since he had always thought you weren´t a crier.
“What happened? Where´s Jack?” he asked quietly listening to your sobbing ignoring the fact you were soaking his shirt.
“Dead…” you managed to say tightening your hold on his jacket.
“He shot himself,”
Lost in words Lucas guided you back to your apartment where his team was still waiting and when they saw you were alright, a mess, but alright they closed the operation heading back to the Grid.
You were guided to a couch while Lucas went to your wardrobe ordering you to come into his place for the night. There was no way he would let you sleep alone after what you had gone through.
“Lucas, seriously, I don´t need a babysitter,” you sighed after calming down and wiping your face you watched as Lucas packed your bag giving you a stern look.
“Yes, you do. I was scared to death that something had happened to you. I don´t want to feel that way ever again,” Lucas turned his attention back to your clothes missing the baffled look on your face.
Sighing Lucas closed his eyes before turning back to face you. Here goes for nothing he thought to himself.
“I love you, ever since I told you what Sarah had tried to do, you stayed by my side trying to cheer me up and give me something else to think about. I guess I had always feeling for you but since I wasn´t sure if you would return them, I settled being friends with you and got involved with Sarah. Which was a mistake, I realize that now but when I heard the gunshot I was genuinely afraid I had lost you before I had the chance to tell you how I felt,”
You stared at him doubt founded, blinking. He loved you? You were speechless. You had budding feelings for him ever since you saw him the first time but to think, Lucas loved you threw you in a spiral of emotions you weren´t sure how to handle.
Lucas saw that in your face and deciding now wasn´t the time dwell in deeper to that subject he merely ushered you out the apartment toward the black car that two agents had been driving.
“You two can drive the van back to the base,” Lucas ordered earning a nod from them while you sat on the passenger seat.
Getting in the car, Lucas started the engine and drove down the street toward the center of London where he was living at the moment. You were more than a little nervous about sleeping at Lucas´place after his confession but as the car turned into the highway you weren´t able to back down anymore. Although the look he had given you told you he wasn´t going to listen to your complaints about it either.
Staring out the window you let your mind go back to the moment where Jack accused you of killing his girlfriend before shooting himself. Was there any sign that could have indicated he was going to kill himself if things didn´t go his way? Was there anything you could have done to prevent it?
Every question you asked of yourself the answer was no,  you did what you could in that given situation but you still couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. You felt suddenly so very tired, wanting nothing more than a hot bath and go to sleep. A sigh escaping you earned a glance from Lucas.
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“You´re alright?” his deep smooth voice startled you and straightening yourself you turned to look at him.
“Yeah, just tired,” you hummed settling in your seat staring ahead watching the lines passing you swiftly.
“That´s understandable, you can have a shower and go to sleep when we get there. I´m gonna go through some paperwork before going to sleep myself, we can talk about what I told you earlier in the morning,” Lucas offered a warm smile.
“Sounds good,” you yawned hearing Lucas chuckled as he turned his attention back to the road.
Lucas parked the car in his parking space shutting down the engine while unbuckling his seatbelt you doing the same. Stepping out of the car Lucas took your bag ushering you to follow him inside. In the elevator, you two kept quiet as if neither of you knew how to start any small talk but Lucas figured it wasn´t necessary at this point. You had plenty of talk about in the morning.
Stepping out of the elevator, Lucas guided you through the corridor in front of his apartment´s door, unlocking it he allowed you to walk through the doorway first before entering himself, switching on the lights.
“It looks rather cozy,” you sounded surprised as you looked around. The living room was spacy, with one huge black couch, two armchairs, dark wood coffee table, and a big tv.
Staircase to the second floor lured you to take a peek but you managed to stay put waiting for Lucas to show you your room.
“You sound surprised, what did you expect to find?” Lucas chuckled taking off his jacket before walking in the living room handing you the bag.
“I don´t know…typical mancave perhaps,” you mused earning amused headshake from the man as a chuckle escaped from him.
“Sorry to disappoint you,” he smiled.
“Your room is upstairs, follow me,” he continued climbing the stairs you not far behind.
Opening the door he let you in the quest room. It had light grey walls, one big bed, desk, bookshelves two seated couch and entry to a private bathroom.
“Make yourself home, I´ll cook something for supper,” Lucas smiled watching you stepping in the room setting your bag onto the bed glancing around the room.
“Alright, I`ll take a shower in the meanwhile,” you hummed seeing Lucas nod and closing the door behind him leaving you alone.
Sighing heavily while flopping onto the bed you stared at the ceiling feeling lost, confused. Lucas loved you? You couldn´t determine if it was a good thing, something you had wished to hear as you had feelings for him and now it seemed he returned those feelings after all.
It formed butterflies in your stomach but at the same time, it terrified you. What if it wouldn´t work? You worked at the same workplace, he was your superior. And you couldn´t forget, Sarah was still in the picture, as you tried to hunt her down.
Groaning you lied down on your back hiding your face under your arm. You thought about this way too complicated. Deciding to wait until morning you huffed lifting yourself up and headed to a hot shower.
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Forever taglist: @fizzyxcustard @shikin83 @amyf20 @c-s-stars @theincaprincess @xxbyimm @evyiione @abiwim @catthefearless @tomssweetbouquet @calicoskatts @raindrops-on-roses142​ @nellindreams @imgoldielikehawn​ @disneymarina​ @starlightintherain89 @wilhelmyna @captain-almighty​ @gypsytraveler86 @sdavid09​ @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​ @serpensortia06 @carenakchoate @blankdblank @wittysunflower​ @sunnysidesidra @emrfangirl​ @rachel1959 @legolaslovely​ @thophil2941btw @tigereyesf  @patanghill17​
Richard Armitage taglist: @inhabitant-of-the-void​ @c-s-stars @sherala007​ @nowiloveandwilllove​ @thestorybookmistress​
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
WIP list from my laptop
So, I went through my to do-list while waiting for my shift to start, and it´s huge xDDD here´s only a few of them that I have on my laptop, the ones I have written down on notebook needs to transfer in my laptop. Oh dear…
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Jolly Good Chrismas requested by @bakerstreethound​ 
summary:  Sherlock and fem reader are alone for Christmas Eve and they talk about how they never really had traditions and Sherlock mentions how annoying his family is and reader sadly mentions how her family gathering fizzled away, and Sherlock comforts her unsure if she feels comfortable with him or not. She assures him kissing him, but pulls back afraid but he reciprocates and it gets intense.
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Farewell My Dearest requested also @bakerstreethound​ 
Summary:  Would it be possible for you to write something around the same timeline like for Frodo and the female reader is an elf who has to tell him goodbye? And if you do Legolas could it be sad, but reassurance they’ll meet again?
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Riddles, Secrets, Rules…Who´ll Win? requested by @swoopswishsward​ 
Summary: Do think Balin Fuidinson would put in a random just do this to win in contest rules just to see if someone would read the instructions? For example, there is a contest of strength, speed, cunning. Everyone gets a 20-page instruction pack on how to compete. Our reader doesn’t know how they can win against so many great warriors, so they read. Our reader finds an interesting paragraph halfway through. You have a sneaky and doable task that only Balin would know why it was done.
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Hobbit Tales, Amor Shot His Arrow requested by @loverichardarmitage​ 
Summary: Would you mind writing me a fluffy Richard x female reader? Maybe it could take place at the time they shot the hobbit? She is his co-star and they fall in love. With lots of kisses and cuddles?
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Starring Role requested also @loverichardarmitage​ 
Summary: I would like to request a Lucas North x female reader lots of fluff but a little angst! Lucas and reader are in a relationship, but then Sarah Caulfield comes in the picture but Lucas chooses reader and they have a romantic evening.
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High On Meds requested by @dabisburntnut​ 
Summary:  Richard x Fem! Assistant! Reader where Reader has to get her wisdom teeth pulled and Richard’s there for her. High off of the meds, Reader keeps telling Richard how much she loves him and that they’re gonna get married, absolutely cracking the whole room up? 
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Secrets Of The Heart requested by @legolasdeserveslove 
Summary:  Hi!I have a Legolas request.I wanted to ask you if you could do something where reader has a crush on him and she thinks Legolas like Tauriel and she gets sad,but Legolas actually likes her. 
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Dwarrow In The Disguise requested by anonymous.
Summary: Being a Dwarrowdam that goes on an adventure with a Buch of guys who think you’re a male and said the group gets involved with the Company and you’re just praying that none of the Dwarves in the group outs you. 
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Time Goldens The Memories requested by @underthemoon-imagines​ 
Summary: Thorin x Wife!Reader. Thorin is sat with the company and somehow the topic of his courtship came up. He starts telling them about how he met and asked the reader to marry him. She doesn’t quite remember him being so confident though…
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It`s Not Fair requested by anonymous.
Summary: can i request? fem!reader had seen BOTFA and she’s mourning thorin’s death to Richard, please. very fluffy.
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Taming The Untameable requested by @curious-trickster​ 
Summary: I was thinking about something soft like maybe you’re new to the company of the dwarves and pretty much don’t know anything about their customs and traditions as it is your first time adventuring. You have very curly and unruly hair and bc it always keeps getting in the way you ask someone for a knife to cut it off. I think you can imagine the dwarves’ reaction and Thorin decides to braid it for you.
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We All Cry requested by @emilypoole815​ 
Summary: love story with Richard Armitage
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Yess open for that :))
Reblog if it is alright if I come to your blog and anonymously confess something to you.
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
Yesss thanksss so much! I absolutely love it!😍😍😍
Hello love! It’s me again 😅 if it’s possible I would like to request from your prompt list - Christmas and New year’s with John Porter pls❤️
(I am so sorry that this took so long to complete, my love. I tend to bury my head in the sand sometimes with asks, but I hope you like this. It’s a bit angsty, but...Enjoy!)
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Summary: John is heading off on a mission just after New Year, and you are living with the constant ache of him leaving you. 
Warnings: Angst, very slight smut mention, mention of death. 
Comments: Again, my apologies for taking so long to get some of these prompts out to people. I am so appreciative of every one of you for requesting and being so patient. 
On the fifth of January, you would have to watch John disappear again. The closer it got and the deeper the ache seemed to grow, devouring you like a black hole spinning out of control in your gut. 
You put on a brave face, smiling all through Christmas. Even Alex came to see you both, bringing her new boyfriend over on Christmas Eve for dinner. She hugged her father at the end of the night, and you could see the tears in her eyes, which always lingered when a mission was announced. Could this be the last time either of you saw him alive? Or would he return him for the last time, resting in a wooden box? 
Every night was the same; you clung to him, praying that he'd come back safe. And you were sure that John could sense your whirlwind of emotions. He held you tighter than usual in bed, kissed your head and seemed to savour every moment of lovemaking. It wasn’t as playful, daring or rough. Instead he was slow, tender and sensual. 
At 11:59pm, New Year’s Eve, you stood in your back garden, both with a glass of wine. The diamond bracelet that he had brought you for Christmas shimmered in the moonlight. John stepped behind you and wound his arms around your middle, holding you tight and pulling you in. He put his head on your shoulder and swayed you, as if moving you along to a piece of music only you two could hear. 
Fireworks began to bang in the distance. 
“Happy new year, love,” he whispered. 
You turned your head and kissed him whilst curling your arm upwards and around his neck. 
“I love you, John. Make sure you come back to Alex and me,” you said softly, on the edge of tears. 
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
@fizzyxcustard @ramus-mortium @deepestfirefun @mrsthroinoakenshield @luna-xial @thequeenoferebor 💕💕💕💕
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@lyssaisprobablynotaloser @shescassiopeia @ellectric-blue @bakuismybitch @hearth4days @animebsposts @acnalagonblack @justbnhathings @evnscntspul @soradragon
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loverichardarmitage · 5 years ago
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