#Expert Data Annotation
apex-seo-work · 2 months
Generative AI | High-Quality Human Expert Labeling | Apex Data Sciences
Apex Data Sciences combines cutting-edge generative AI with RLHF for superior data labeling solutions. Get high-quality labeled data for your AI projects.
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With a feather plume as gold as maize, uncharted borders are depicted as clear as day
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"I recruited Mika into the expedition team to hone his combat skills. As for why he reports directly to me... Well, since Jean isn't with us, I needed someone trustworthy to deal with all the odd errands, hahaha."
— Varka's "explanation" to "Alder Knight" Frederica after a session of drinking.
◆ Mika
◆ Coordinates of Clear Frost
◆ Front-Line Land Surveyor of the Knights of Favonius
◆ Cryo
◆ Palumbus
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Mika, who is a member of the Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company, always diligently fulfills all the duties that come his way.
Setting up tents, lighting fires for cooking, repairing equipment... Even Hertha, the logistics captain, has nothing but praise for Mika's excellent efficiency.
Mika's dedication to work is not due to a weak character or his inability to say no, but instead stems from the value that he attaches to teamwork, and a genuine desire to learn from his experienced colleagues.
"Helping everyone as much as possible benefits the entire team too!"
Mika's favorite pastime is closely linked to his primary duty as a front-line surveyor.
That is: surveying unexplored regions, recording topographical data, and drawing accurate and effective maps.
"There is an abundance of resources here, but it is surrounded by monsters. Take note to exercise caution."
Mika, whose dream is to become an expert cartographer, adds another annotation to the new version of the military map he is designing.
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macmanx · 1 year
To some extent, the significance of humans’ AI ratings is evident in the money pouring into them. One company that hires people to do RLHF and data annotation was valued at more than $7 billion in 2021, and its CEO recently predicted that AI companies will soon spend billions of dollars on RLHF, similar to their investment in computing power. The global market for labeling data used to train these models (such as tagging an image of a cat with the label “cat”), another part of the “ghost work” powering AI, could reach nearly $14 billion by 2030, according to an estimate from April 2022, months before the ChatGPT gold rush began.
All of that money, however, rarely seems to be reaching the actual people doing the ghostly labor. The contours of the work are starting to materialize, and the few public investigations into it are alarming: Workers in Africa are paid as little as $1.50 an hour to check outputs for disturbing content that has reportedly left some of them with PTSD. Some contractors in the U.S. can earn only a couple of dollars above the minimum wage for repetitive, exhausting, and rudderless work. The pattern is similar to that of social-media content moderators, who can be paid a tenth as much as software engineers to scan traumatic content for hours every day. “The poor working conditions directly impact data quality,” Krystal Kauffman, a fellow at the Distributed AI Research Institute and an organizer of raters and data labelers on Amazon Mechanical Turk, a crowdsourcing platform, told me.
Stress, low pay, minimal instructions, inconsistent tasks, and tight deadlines—the sheer volume of data needed to train AI models almost necessitates a rush job—are a recipe for human error, according to Appen raters affiliated with the Alphabet Workers Union-Communications Workers of America and multiple independent experts. Documents obtained by Bloomberg, for instance, show that AI raters at Google have as little as three minutes to complete some tasks, and that they evaluate high-stakes responses, such as how to safely dose medication. Even OpenAI has written, in the technical report accompanying GPT-4, that “undesired behaviors [in AI systems] can arise when instructions to labelers were underspecified” during RLHF.
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transxiao · 2 years
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Mika ‧ Coordinates of Clear Frost Front-Line Land Surveyor of the Knights of Favonius
Mika, who is a member of the Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company, always diligently fulfills all the duties that come his way. Setting up tents, lighting fires for cooking, repairing equipment… Even Hertha, the logistics captain, has nothing but praise for Mika's excellent efficiency. Mika's dedication to work is not due to a weak character or his inability to say no, but instead stems from the value that he attaches to teamwork, and a genuine desire to learn from his experienced colleagues. "Helping everyone as much as possible benefits the entire team too!" Mika's favorite pastime is closely linked to his primary duty as a front-line surveyor. That is: surveying unexplored regions, recording topographical data, and drawing accurate and effective maps. "There is an abundance of resources here, but it is surrounded by monsters. Take note to exercise caution." Mika, whose dream is to become an expert cartographer, adds another annotation to the new version of the military map he is designing.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
IETM for Beginners A Quick Guide to IETM Code and Pixels
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IETM: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Training Aids to Defence Client
If you are a supplier of defence then along with the system/equipment you also need to provide Training Aids
(CBT) — Computer-Based Training
Charts and Bloups
Video Film
Training Work Modules
Manuals Hard Copies
Evolution of Documentation in Defence
Before — Hardcopies and PDFs in DVDs (Upto 2015)
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What is the meaning of the IETM?
Manual: Manual means any literature organized or written in a prescribed manner to guide the user.
TechnicalManual: This means the literature is technical, like user manuals, maintenance manuals etc. Hard copy
Electronic Technical Manual: This means the manual is available in the form of an electronic version which simply means digital format or softcopy. It can be a PDF file or a database-driven software application.
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual:
Let us first understand the meaning of Interactive. The meaning of interactive is two people or things influencing each other.
Allowing a two-way flow of information between an electronic device /computer and a user; responding to a user’s input.
Involving the actions or input of a user. Especially
It means when the Electronic User manuals Interact and respond with the user, that is you, it will become an Interactive Electronic Technical manual.
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Interactive Features
Hot Spots
Text hotspot
Image hotspot
User wise bookmarks
Linear navigation
Non-liner navigation
Page Search
Global search
Best matched
Content tree
Related topics
User wise bookmarks
The documents and pages are many hence, for easy and fast accessibility complete content is converted and stored as a database.
Whenever the user wants some information, IETM software produces the information in a fraction of a second.
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Use or Purpose of the IETM?
The purpose of the Manual is to give information related to the equipment to the end user for quick reference.
All the technicality is written in detail so that when an issue arises, the user can refer to the manual, as every time OEM or technical person or subject matter expert might not be available on the spot to resolve the issue.
If the manual has 10 pages users can refer easily.
But any system used by the defence will have multiple manuals and thousands of page counts and many times a user has to cross-refer between manuals, intra-manual and inter-manual to resolve the issue.
Referring to 10- 15 hard-copy or even soft-copy books simultaneously will be difficult and time-consuming.
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How to access the IETM ?
IETM is a web-based application like our bank software or any other web application. The graphic user interface will be provided to use IETM through which users can interact and get the desired data.
Like all other standard software, Unauthorized users cannot access the IETM. IETM is a Login - login-based application. Only users having valid Login credentials can access the software.
Based on the user log credentials data will be provided to the user.
IETM has 2 types of Users and one Administrator
If the operator logs in, the user gets all the content related to operator use, similarly if the maintainer logs in only maintenance-related content is visible for that user.
Ideally, all the content is available for both users, because the purpose of the IETM is to refer to the manual to fix the issue.
Administrators can create users who can see the user’s navigation and log-in history and interact with the users using user dashboards through Annotations.
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What Inputs are Needed? (From OEM to Create IETM)
All the softcopies of user manuals to be converted to IETM.
All images Videos, and drawings to be integrated into IETM.
Subject matter expert to resolve technical clarifications
Table of contents/tree structure.
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Minimum Hardware Requirements?
NO High-end hardware or servers are required to run IETM.
However, if more concurrent users, then a good configuration server with good LAN connectivity must be ensured.
i3 with 8 GB RAM systems is the minimum configuration required for the server or for Node.
BASED DB (Manuals are covered in the Database)
User Manual and Installation Manual
Standards — compliance
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Costing of IETM: (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual)
Level of IETM, is it Level 3 or Level 4
Cost will be based on the number of pages that are to be converted
The vendor calculates the cost per page. And a fixed cost of IETM viewer software
If you want to create IETM by yourself self then you also need to buy IETM authoring software.
What are these Levels?
Level — 1 is any PDF file
Level — 2 is a PDF file with hyperlinks from the table of contents to the body etc.
Level — 3 is an HTML application. More hyperlinks, simple search, a content tree having log a screen with a hardcoded username and password and supplied in the format of EXE so that Windows can easily open
Level — 4 is Software plus Content/manuals converted as Database
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Regarding Level — 5, rest assured, till 2028 it will be Level — 4 only. As of now, there is nothing practically called Level — 5. Few are calling virtual reality and Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence Level — 5.
Pulling data from many user inputs and analyzing and giving results are done in Level — 5. IETM software cannot pull the data from various real-time points as No OEM will give the real-time information to third-party software directly. Yes, if the information is available offline, then that information can be imported into IETM and can be used as a reference.
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dingmoneyonline · 1 year
Guaranteed To Boost Your & Your Clients Video Engagement And Conversion Results!
Video marketing has become an integral part of digital strategies, offering a dynamic and engaging way to connect with audiences. To stand out from the competition and achieve maximum impact, it's crucial to focus on boosting video engagement and conversion rates. In this article, we will explore proven strategies guaranteed to enhance your and your clients' video engagement and conversion results, leading to better business outcomes.
Compelling and Concise Content: Crafting compelling and concise video content is essential for capturing and retaining viewer attention. Keep videos concise, focusing on delivering a clear message or value proposition. Use storytelling techniques, strong visuals, and compelling narratives to evoke emotion and captivate the audience from the start. High-quality content that resonates with viewers increases engagement and encourages them to take the desired action.
Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Including a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) is vital for driving conversions. Whether it's subscribing to a channel, making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting a website, guide viewers with a concise and visually prominent CTA. Clearly communicate the benefit or value of taking the action and make it easy for viewers to follow through by providing clickable links or directing them to relevant landing pages.
Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive elements within videos enhances viewer engagement and interactivity. Include interactive quizzes, polls, or annotations that prompt viewers to interact and actively participate. These elements make the viewing experience more immersive and enjoyable, increasing engagement and conversion rates. Interactive elements also provide valuable data and insights that can inform future marketing strategies.
Optimization for Mobile Devices: With the increasing use of mobile devices, optimizing videos for mobile viewing is crucial. Ensure that videos load quickly, have responsive design, and are easily viewable on smaller screens. Mobile-friendly videos improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, and increase the likelihood of viewers staying engaged and taking desired actions.
A/B Testing and Analytics: Implement A/B testing and utilize analytics tools to track video performance and identify areas for improvement. Test different video formats, CTA placements, or video lengths to see which variations yield higher engagement and conversion rates. Analyze viewer metrics, such as watch time, click-through rates, and drop-off points, to gain insights and make data-driven decisions to optimize your and your clients' video content.
Social Media Promotion: Leverage social media platforms to promote videos and boost engagement. Share videos across relevant social media channels, optimize captions, and utilize targeted advertising to reach specific demographics. Encourage viewers to like, comment, and share videos to increase organic reach and generate buzz. Actively engage with comments and respond to inquiries to foster a sense of community and loyalty.
Collaborations and Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to increase video engagement and conversions. Partnering with influencers allows you to tap into their established audience, gain credibility, and amplify the reach of your videos. Influencers can provide endorsements, guest appearances, or collaborations, resulting in increased engagement, conversions, and brand exposure.
Conclusion: By implementing these proven strategies, you can guarantee a boost in video engagement and conversion results for both yourself and your clients. Compelling and concise content, clear CTAs, interactive elements, mobile optimization, A/B testing, social media promotion, and collaborations with influencers are powerful techniques that enhance viewer engagement, increase conversions, and drive better business outcomes. Embrace these strategies, continuously monitor performance, and adapt to changing trends to maximize the impact of your video marketing efforts. With an optimized video strategy, you can achieve significant results and stand out in the competitive digital landscape.
To more details click this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yRP8QxoL5iam9IGMpp1QlsuMss-fOs8I/view
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forgaeven1 · 2 years
*  hob + more random hc about his 21st century career.   thank u to zina for shaking my brain like a salt n pepper shaker.  u let me rant about hob for like 5 mins and now i have all these headcanon that i desperately need to write somewhere.  some details may change with respective partner(s) or plot(s).
•           hob is a teacher.  this was confirmed by neil gaiman.   fun fact: i knew there was a scene of dream walking into hob who was teaching in a lecture hall that was written but never shot ( also confirmed by mr gaiman i believe but i have no idea where it is ) — so i’m torn between making him a high school teacher,  or a university lecturer.  i’m leaning more towards the second because i think the possibilities are insane and probably more fun to explore!
•           so the basis of how hob decides to teach is easy.  one day he saw an open,  free-admission seminar about a war or a battle he once apart of.  he walked in,  mostly out of curiosity,  and instead started to get into a heated argument with the guest lecturer because that did not happen.  the argument led them to argue abt it some more at a bar  —  maybe even fist fighting had ensued  —  but the next day, the professor invited hob into his research team and ...  well. that’s how it began.
•            i might get into it another day,  but hob quickly learn that proving what happened is far more difficult when what he knew and personally experienced ( from his immortality ) could not be proven,  scholarly-wise  —  especially if his old friends are no longer alive,  and there are no manuscripts,  or reliable scriptures,  or written documents that could support events that he knew had unfold.  perhaps even,  this was one of his first venture into an academic scene.
•           with that said,  hob is a very bad academia.  not because he’s not smart.  i simply just think he has no patience to actually annotate every research he discovers.  he still does it,  but it’s slow,  and he’s not anal about keeping his datas neatly or seek for it fervently.  which is why i think he also gets impatient enough to simply forge (qualification) documents so he could get a position to teach.  maybe not at a renowned school though;  hob doesn’t like prissy students ksjdksh
•           hob is a history teacher.  and if i do go down the route that he is a university staff,  i do think he would at least specify the area of history he is in.  i’m torn between him specialising in ancient warfare ( maybe in a period before he’s alive,  simply because he felt like he wanted to “close the gap” for years he didn’t live ),  or an expert of the hundred years war,  or the war of the roses,  or perhaps historical accounts of wwi or wwii.  i might be going more of him for the caroline war (during the period of 100 years war), simply because he wants to mention the black plague;  that’s how he lost his family and village after all.
•           because hob is horrible at annotation,  he has a small research team that helps him organise his research (in the event he is invited to contribute to a study journal, or book, or a full thesis itself etc).  i don’t think hob participate in these long-term,  though.  some researches take years,  and hob is always cautious that,  since he couldn’t age,  he can’t raise suspicion if he continues to be apart of studies like these. what happened if his colleague realise he hasn’t greyed or wrinkled like them?
•           i do think hob still likes learning.  maybe he’s not very good nor has the perfect patience for a scholar’s routine,  but hob finds some sort of fulfilment finally learning why the wars he was apart of had needed to happen.  maybe in a way,  he’s trying to see if his purpose then was worth it.  maybe he will never find the right answer,  but i still think he encounters peace once he does know.
•           hob is a very popular teacher!  he’s naturally charming and friendly,  and he encourages his students to always question the validity of his statements or claims,  which in turn,  easily turns the class into a whole debate session.
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cdroofingma222 · 11 days
Quantum Shift Digital
An SEO and content development consulting firm based in Cleveland that has been serving national B2B clients for 21 years 
Our search engine optimization (SEO) strategy has been around for 21 years, and in that time it has helped countless websites achieve higher Google rankings SEO Agency Cleveland OH more traffic, and more qualified leads. 
We do tests on our own websites to make sure a plan is effective before implementing it. 
Greetings, everybody! We can consult with you to build trust and establish your content as an expert while you focus on what needs doing. We can also improve Google's metrics for page load and performance. 
How We Use Tests to Guide Our SEO Services: An Annotated Map 
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Whether you're a startup or a Fortune 500 company, our Cleveland online marketing agency offers full-service SEO. 
If you want more people to view your website and more quality traffic, you need our SEO services. Our comprehensive SEO services include keyword research, on-and off-site page optimization, content marketing integration, local and national SEO, and much more besides. 
For better exposure in search engine results pages (SERPs), we employ cutting-edge technology and methodologies along with a data-driven, test-based approach. 
You may rest assured that we will not make any changes to your site without first conducting extensive internal testing. 
We can tailor an SEO strategy to meet the demands of any business, from mom-and-pop shops in Cleveland to Fortune 500 companies. You may monitor your development and observe the concrete outcomes of our endeavors since we are committed to being honest and open. 
To ensure that your business can adapt to the ever-changing landscape of search engine algorithms, our team of 20-year SEO experts is dedicated to keeping up with the latest industry news and developments. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a tool for growth, not merely for boosting a company's search engine results. That is why we spare no effort in our pursuit of search engine visibility for your website. Our number one goal is to improve the user experience, boost conversion rates, and target the correct demographic. Until we have tracked your SEO approach and verified it helps you reach your business goals, we will not stop. Because we want you to succeed as a partner, we will be by your side the whole way through, making modifications and providing support. 
Methods for Search Engine Optimization in the Cleveland Area 
Cleveland businesses should prioritise developing an effective local SEO strategy. If you want more local clients in your area to find and engage with your business, our local SEO services can help your business become more apparent in local search results. We are well-versed in the Cleveland area and can help you take advantage of the latest local search trends. 
If you want more people to see your website, you should use our SEO services.After we investigate your company and the Cleveland market extensively, we will develop an SEO strategy tailored to your needs. To begin, we will enhance your GMB page by adding pertinent keywords and verifying their accuracy and completeness. Incorporate eye-catching visuals, operating hours, and compelling copy that emphasizes your USPs. We also build and manage local citations in pertinent directories, make sure your company's information is consistent across all internet platforms, and increase your profitability by attracting targeted website traffic. Our comprehensive SEO services include keyword research, on-and off-site page optimization, content marketing integration, local and national SEO, and much more besides. 
We use local citations and GMB optimization to target your Cleveland audience with tailored content strategies. 
As part of this, I will be writing about and making landing pages on local events, issues, and subjects. Since customer reviews have such a significant impact on local search engine rankings, we also take great pains to ensure that your clients provide positive evaluations. We can boost your company's visibility in local search results, boost foot traffic, and increase conversions by implementing these strategies into our comprehensive SEO plans. 
Research Cleveland-Based SEO Firms That Actually Uses Testing To Help You 
We have been search engine optimization specialists for over 21 years. In our time, we have witnessed the evolution of search engines from their infancy to the sophisticated algorithms used today. Years of expertise have given us a deep understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) concepts and how to tailor them to the needs of your business. 
We started out in the early 2000s, at the dawn of search engine optimization. From little Cleveland enterprises to major, nationally recognized brands—our clientele has grown substantially since then. We have learned more about the intricacies of developing and implementing effective SEO tactics with each job. With our extensive experience, we ensure that our clients not only make it through Google's algorithm changes, but thrive in them. 
Maintaining our status as industry leaders is something we are very proud of. Each and every one of our team members is a master in search engine optimization. Content marketing, local SEO, technical SEO, and countless more fall under this umbrella. Thanks to our interdisciplinary team, we can take care of your entire online presence. We are capable of carrying out whatever strategy you may have for your website, be it an effort to build links, a new content strategy, or even just an upgrade to the site's infrastructure. 
We customize our approach to align with the values and personality of your brand, taking into consideration the uniqueness of your company. Make sure your brand is adequately reflected in every aspect of your website, from the design to the tiniest elements like the material in the footer, so your clients can make the most of what you sell. 
Since 2016, we have made it our aim to boost online exposure and conversion rates while reducing marketing expenses. Countless Fortune 500 corporations are among the businesses that we have assisted with this. If you sign up for one of our plans, we'll advertise your business to potential customers. 
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outsourcebigdata · 13 days
Custom Data Processing Services for Industry-Specific Needs
At Outsource Bigdata, our experts use AI-based tools to transform raw data into valuable insights through cleansing, enrichment, and database design.By outsourcing data processing services to us, you can focus on your core competencies while our experts handle data-related tasks. Moreover, your business can run more efficiently and effectively by outsourcing services.
Visit: https://outsourcebigdata.com/data-automation/data-management-services-companies/data-processing/
About AIMLEAP Outsource Bigdata is a division of Aimleap. AIMLEAP is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified global technology consulting and service provider offering AI-augmented Data Solutions, Data Engineering, Automation, IT Services, and Digital Marketing Services. AIMLEAP has been recognized as a ‘Great Place to Work®’. With a special focus on AI and automation, we built quite a few AI & ML solutions, AI-driven web scraping solutions, AI-data Labeling, AI-Data-Hub, and Self-serving BI solutions. We started in 2012 and successfully delivered IT & digital transformation projects, automation-driven data solutions, on-demand data, and digital marketing for more than 750 fast-growing companies in the USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada; and more.  -An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified  -Served 750+ customers  -11+ Years of industry experience  -98% client retention  -Great Place to Work® certified  -Global delivery centers in the USA, Canada, India & Australia  Our Data Solutions APISCRAPY: AI driven web scraping & workflow automation platform APISCRAPY is an AI driven web scraping and automation platform that converts any web data into ready-to-use data. The platform is capable to extract data from websites, process data, automate workflows, classify data and integrate ready to consume data into database or deliver data in any desired format.  AI-Labeler: AI augmented annotation & labeling solution AI-Labeler is an AI augmented data annotation platform that combines the power of artificial intelligence with in-person involvement to label, annotate and classify data, and allowing faster development of robust and accurate models. AI-Data-Hub: On-demand data for building AI products & services On-demand AI data hub for curated data, pre-annotated data, pre-classified data, and allowing enterprises to obtain easily and efficiently, and exploit high-quality data for training and developing AI models. PRICESCRAPY: AI enabled real-time pricing solution An AI and automation driven price solution that provides real time price monitoring, pricing analytics, and dynamic pricing for companies across the world.  APIKART: AI driven data API solution hub  APIKART is a data API hub that allows businesses and developers to access and integrate large volume of data from various sources through APIs. It is a data solution hub for accessing data through APIs, allowing companies to leverage data, and integrate APIs into their systems and applications.  Locations: USA: 1-30235 14656  Canada: +1 4378 370 063  India: +91 810 527 1615  Australia: +61 402 576 615 Email: [email protected]
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evoldir · 14 days
Fwd: Workshop: CzechRepublic.Genomics.Jan5-18
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Workshop: CzechRepublic.Genomics.Jan5-18 > Date: 5 September 2024 at 06:13:33 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Hello EvolDir Community! > > A reminder that the deadline to apply for the 2025 Workshop on Genomics > (see below) is in two weeks time (18th September). > > PHILOSOPHY > Our philosophy is to train participants in the most relevant topics in > genomics, in a vibrant, immersive and inclusive environment. The Workshop > on Genomics was developed in response to the increasing demand for training > on how to effectively analyse and manage data generated by modern > sequencing technologies. The Workshop curriculum includes extensive > coverage of fundamental techniques required of all studies utilising modern > sequencing data. This is the 14th time the Workshop on Genomics will be > held in the Czech Republic. > > APPLICATION > The Workshop on Genomics 2025 is now open for Applications! Deadline is > 18th September 2024. > https://ift.tt/HTeSu8k > > > DATES > The workshop will be held from the 5 - 18th January, 2025 in Cesky Krumlov, > Czech Republic. The workshop runs daily from 9 to 22 for two weeks, with > Sunday kept free for town activities. > > PROGRAM > The 2025 program can be found here: > https://ift.tt/C6mI2wD and includes all things > genomics, from UNIX and R, genome assembly and annotation, SNP and SV > calling, pangenomics, population genomics, transcriptomics and RNAseq gene > expression analysis, comparative genomics, microbiome analysis, > transposable element analysis and BIG data. > > WHO WE ARE > Organisers: we are a friendly and approachable group of scientists working > in diverse fields of genomics. Every year we gather a group of experts in > genomics from across the world to come and teach genomics in the beautiful > Czech Republic. > > Our workshop team this year includes: Mike Zody (New York Genome Centre), > Guy Leonard (University of Oxford), Merc� Montoliu Ner�n (Uppsala > University), Rayan Chikhi (Institut Pasteur), Camille Marchet (University > of Lille), Antoine Limasset (University of Lille), Katharina Hoff > (University of Greifsald), Fritz Sedlazeck (Baylor College of Medicine), > Erik Garrison (University of Tennessee), Chris Wheat (Stockholm > University), Evan Eichler (University of Washington), Vincenza Colonna > (IGB-CNR, Naples / University of Tennessee), Brian Haas (Broad Institute), > Rachel Steward (Lund University), Sonya Dyhrman (Columbia University), > Francesco Cicconardi (University of Bristol), David Barnett (Maasricht > University), Marcela Uliano-Silva (Wellcome Sanger Institute), Valentina > Peona (Swedish Natural Museum / Swiss Vogelwarte, and Dag Ahr�n (Lund > University). > > COST > The Workshop registration fee is $1,950. > Note that this amount does not cover travel, lodging or boarding. > Please note that we also have Equal Opportunities funding available for > participants travelling from low / middle-low income countries. Please see > https://ift.tt/XAK2zlQ for more information. > > FAQs > https://ift.tt/ME3mRXr > Any further questions or queries should be directed to > [email protected] > > The Workshop on Genomics 2025 Team :) > > Josephine Paris > Rayan Chikhi > Joan Ferrer Obiol > Guy Leonard > Merc� Montoliu Ner�n > Daniel Kintzl > Scott Handley > > evomics workshops
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visual-sculptors · 15 days
Crafting an Effective White Paper for the UPSC
1. What is white paper UPSC? 
  A white paper in the context of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) represents a detailed and authoritative document that addresses significant issues, policies, or proposals relevant to governance, public administration, and the broader socio-economic landscape. These documents are crafted to present a thorough examination of critical topics, often accompanied by empirical data, case studies, and evidence-based recommendations. For UPSC aspirants, white papers serve as an indispensable resource, particularly for preparation related to the General Studies papers, which encompass a wide range of subjects. By delving into these comprehensive analyses, candidates gain insight into the complexities of contemporary governance and policy-making, which are vital components of civil services. Engagement with white papers not only bolsters candidates' knowledge of pressing current affairs but also hones their analytical abilities and critical thinking skills. As they navigate through intricate discussions on economic strategies, social justice, environmental sustainability, and other pertinent issues, aspirants cultivate a nuanced understanding of the interconnections between various sectors of governance. This intellectual rigor is essential for developing well-rounded perspectives, enabling future civil servants to approach challenges with a well-informed and balanced viewpoint. Ultimately, the assimilation of insights from white papers equips candidates with the analytical tools and contextual awareness necessary to excel in the civil services and contribute meaningfully to public administration.
2. What makes a successful white paper?
 A successful white paper serves as a vital tool for organizations looking to articulate a specific problem or challenge while proposing a well-researched and actionable solution. The document typically opens with a clear and engaging introduction that not only captures the reader's interest but also establishes the significance of the issue being addressed. Following this engaging start, the white paper delves into a thorough analysis of the problem, utilizing credible data, relevant case studies, and expert opinions to substantiate its claims. This rigorous approach not only enhances the paper's authority but also builds trust with the target audience. Throughout the content, maintaining clarity and conciseness is paramount; even the most complex ideas should be communicated in an accessible manner, ensuring that readers from various backgrounds can grasp the essential points without feeling overwhelmed. In addition to a well-structured body of work, a compelling conclusion plays a critical role in the overall effectiveness of a white paper. This section should succinctly summarize the key findings and insights presented in the document, reinforcing the main arguments and emphasizing the importance of the proposed solution. Moreover, offering actionable recommendations provides readers with clear next steps, thus enhancing the paper's utility and impact. By effectively informing and persuading the audience, a successful white paper not only addresses the immediate issue at hand but also positions the author as a thought leader in the field. This elevated status can lead to increased credibility, foster engagement with stakeholders, and ultimately drive positive change within the industry or community addressed.
3. What are the margins for a white paper?
When crafting a white paper, the importance of margins cannot be overstated; they play a critical role in enhancing both the readability and professionalism of the document. Standard practice recommends a margin of one inch on all sides, which provides sufficient whitespace that facilitates ease of reading. This margin width not only allows for comfortable viewing but also serves a practical purpose, such as accommodating annotations and ensuring that the text remains intact during binding. In specific instances, the use of wider margins may be beneficial, particularly when incorporating footnotes or graphical elements. These adjustments can significantly enhance the visual appeal of the document, creating a more engaging experience for the reader while also ensuring that the information is presented clearly and effectively. Moreover, maintaining consistent margin settings throughout the entirety of the white paper is essential for cultivating a polished and cohesive appearance. A uniform margin layout contributes to the overall aesthetic of the document, which is vital for establishing credibility and professionalism in the eyes of the target audience. Such attention to detail can foster trust and engagement, encouraging readers to invest more time in absorbing the content. By adhering to these margin guidelines, authors not only improve the document’s readability but also enhance its reception and utility—making it a more impactful tool for communication and persuasion in a competitive landscape. Ultimately, the meticulous consideration of margins is a subtle yet significant factor in the successful presentation of any white paper.
4. What is a problem statement in a white paper?
A problem statement in a white paper serves as a critical foundation for the entire document, articulating a specific issue that necessitates exploration and solutions. It goes beyond merely stating the problem; it situates the issue within a broader context, examining relevant factors that contribute to its complexity. This context not only includes the historical background of the problem but also the socio-economic, political, or technological dimensions that may influence its evolution. By effectively identifying the significance of the issue at hand, the problem statement captures the attention of stakeholders and decision-makers, emphasizing the urgent need for a thoughtful and strategic response. It is essential for the statement to reflect the voices of those affected by the problem, thereby underscoring the human element and the real-world implications of failing to address the issue.
Moreover, an effective problem statement serves as a roadmap for the ensuing discourse, guiding the reader through the gaps in current knowledge or practice that must be addressed. It lays the groundwork for the proposed interventions or strategies that will be elaborated upon in the subsequent sections of the white paper. By framing the problem clearly, it engages the audience and establishes a compelling rationale for the research or analysis that follows. This clarity is crucial not only for promoting understanding but also for inspiring action among stakeholders. Ultimately, a well-crafted problem statement acts as a catalyst for collaboration and innovation, paving the way for actionable insights that can lead to effective solutions and positive outcomes in the face of complex challenges.
5. What is issuing white paper?
Issuing a white paper is a strategic communication tool that organizations utilize to convey complex issues, present rigorous research findings, or propose innovative solutions to specific challenges within a given industry. These documents are typically comprehensive and meticulously researched, serving as an authoritative source of information for a variety of stakeholders, including policymakers, industry professionals, and prospective customers. A well-crafted white paper not only informs but also educates its audience by presenting in-depth analysis, robust data, and relevant case studies that substantiate its arguments. This thorough approach not only adds weight to the organization’s claims but also enhances its credibility in the eyes of readers who seek reliable information in an increasingly data-driven world. Moreover, the publication of a white paper can significantly bolster a company's position as a thought leader within its sector. By addressing critical issues and showcasing expertise through well-researched content, organizations can foster trust and engagement among their target audience. This proactive dissemination of knowledge encourages informed decision-making, as stakeholders are better equipped to understand the nuances of the challenges at hand and the potential solutions proposed. Ultimately, a white paper serves as both a marketing tool and a vehicle for dialogue, enabling organizations to build stronger relationships with their audience while influencing industry standards and practices.
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mvishnukumar · 20 days
What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating data visualizations?
Creating effective data visualizations involves avoiding several common pitfalls that can mislead viewers or obscure the insights you aim to convey. Here are some key mistakes to avoid:
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Overloading Information:
 Avoid cluttering visualizations with excessive data or too many elements. This can overwhelm the viewer and make it difficult to focus on key insights. Instead, simplify the visualization by highlighting the most important data points and using clear, concise labels.
Misleading Scales: 
Ensure that the scales on axes are accurately represented and not manipulated to distort the data. For example, truncating the y-axis or using non-zero baselines can exaggerate trends or differences, leading to misinterpretation.
Ignoring Audience: 
Tailor visualizations to the audience’s level of expertise and familiarity with the subject matter. Avoid using complex jargon or technical details that may be confusing to non-expert viewers. Instead, present data in a way that is accessible and understandable for the target audience.
Inconsistent Design: 
Maintain consistency in design elements such as colors, fonts, and styles throughout the visualization. Inconsistent design can create confusion and make it harder for viewers to interpret the data accurately. Use a cohesive color scheme and clear formatting to enhance readability.
Lack of Context: 
Provide sufficient context to help viewers understand the significance of the data. Include titles, labels, and annotations that explain the key points and any relevant background information. Context helps viewers grasp the meaning and implications of the data.
Improper Chart Choice: 
Select the appropriate type of chart or graph for the data being presented. For example, use bar charts for comparisons, line graphs for trends, and pie charts for proportions. Using the wrong type of chart can obscure the message and make the data harder to interpret.
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create effective and informative visualizations that convey your data insights clearly and accurately.
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allgood-123 · 20 days
Explore the Membrane Protein Structure Database by Shuimu BioSciences
In the vast digital landscape of scientific research, databases are like the libraries of Alexandria for modern scholars. At Shuimu BioSciences, we've curated a treasure trove of knowledge with our Membrane Protein Structure Database, a repository that's as rich in detail as an ancient map and as cutting-edge as the latest satellite imagery. Let's embark on a journey through this digital archive, where every entry is a milestone in the quest to understand life's most complex molecules.
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A Library of Life's Blueprints
The Membrane Protein Structure Database by Shuimu BioSciences is not just a collection of data; it's a library of life's blueprints. Each entry is a detailed architectural plan of a membrane protein, offering insights into the construction and function of these vital molecular machines. Just as a city planner relies on blueprints to build skyscrapers, researchers rely on our database to build a deeper understanding of cellular processes.
The Curators of Complexity
Our team at Shuimu BioSciences is composed of expert curators, scientists who meticulously gather, organize, and annotate the data within our database. They're the librarians of the molecular world, ensuring that each structure is accurately represented and that the database remains a reliable resource for the scientific community.
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From Atom to Application
The beauty of our Membrane Protein Structure Database lies in its applicability. Each structure within the database is not just a static image; it's a dynamic tool that can be used to design drugs, understand diseases, and develop new therapies. It's the bridge between basic research and real-world applications, where the atomic details translate into life-saving interventions.
A Treasure Trove of Discoveries
Our database is a treasure trove of discoveries, each structure a gem polished by the rigorous methods of Cryo-EM and other advanced techniques. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or a curious student, our database offers a wealth of information that can inspire new hypotheses and guide experimental design.
User-Friendly Navigation for Every Explorer
Navigating our Membrane Protein Structure Database is as straightforward as charting a course with a compass. We've designed it with the user in mind, ensuring that even those who are not seasoned database divers can find their way around. With intuitive search functions and clear, concise annotations, our database is accessible to all who wish to explore its depths.
The Membrane Protein Structure Database by Shuimu BioSciences is not just a tool for today's research; it's an investment in the future. As the database grows, so does our collective knowledge, and with each new entry, we're one step closer to unlocking the secrets of biology and improving human health.
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drishti-nayak · 22 days
Choose Precision Tagging Services for AI and ML Projects from EnFuse Solutions - Contact Now!
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EnFuse Solutions offers precision tagging services for AI and ML projects. Their expert team ensures accurate data labeling that enhances model performance. They deliver quality annotations to streamline your AI workflows.
Start leveraging the power of tagged data with EnFuse Solutions today: https://www.enfuse-solutions.com/services/ai-ml-enablement/
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dataentry-expert · 22 days
Outsource Word Processing Services in India
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Word documents are the required elements of any business. So processing such documents such as managing files and improving document consistency is necessary for better business output. Enterprises are now relying on word processing services including text manipulation functions and data error elimination to enhance business productivity. In addition, Data Entry Expert offers other features of comments and annotations, collaborative editing, and diagram referencing.
To know more - https://www.dataentryexpert.com/data-processing/word-processing-services.php
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