#Exam Revision Timetable
fairyhaos · 6 months
when the pre-exam revision kicks in do u guys also get the urge to sort out your entire life at the same time or are you normal
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bf that loves to do maths x bf that cries when he has maths on his timetable 
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aphroditeslover11 · 6 months
How they’d deal with a student with exam stress:
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Jonathon Crane:
This guy literally lectures at a university as a part of his job so he knows exactly what you are going through and what the exams are like. He’s also a psychologist so he understands pretty well what kind of emotions and stresses that you’re going through. When you’re struggling with something he’ll try to help you by finding the answers for yourself to try and build up your confidence. He will hate to ever hear you talking about yourself like you’re hopeless, you get a lecture about how if you can’t do it yet then you will be able to soon. Any tears though and he immediately gets you to give in, he’ll pull some strings with your lecturer at the university and you’ll still pass the course anyway.
He would be the sort of guy that would just sit down with you and try to help you to do it, he wouldn’t see the point of sitting down and anxiously procrastinating when you could just get the worries out of the way. He’s put his glasses on and sit down at the desk with you, taking your laptop and reading down the screen. After he’d puzzled it out he’d start with a “Right, so, what I think you need to do is…” You could expect lots of soft fore head kisses along the way to try and keep you motivated. If you were revising for exams rather than writing something for an assignment then he would make a revision timetable, he’s a fan of an excel spreadsheet to keep things on track. He’s the sort to proactively manage stress rather than letting it sit and get worse.
Lenny Miller:
He’s a bit of a liability to have around when you’re studying. He has a bit of an ego so if you ask for help with something he will insist that he knows how to do it even if he doesn’t. Sitting with Lenny Miller at 2 am as he tries to explain Plato’s allegory of the cave from a Wikipedia article, whilst complaining that it really doesn’t make a difference to the world anyway, is a uniquely irritating experience.
He can be pretty short with mere mortals who simply can’t see the world in any greater depth than what is directly in front of them. The likelihood is though that if he spends enough time with someone to help them study then he is going to make the time and have the patience to help you. He’d be a dream to study with, no matter the topic he would be the annoying sod that could pick up anything if he was given the time and resources, being able to reword passages from textbooks in such a way that you understood them straight away. He’d sit there all night with you chainsmoking cigarettes and sipping from a glass of whiskey. Somehow studying with Oppie was actually enjoyable!
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namelessdeceased · 2 months
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🗞 D-51 ✧ sat ✧ 3.8.24 ✧ sawc day 3
just got home, posting around 4pm. saturday is generally my rest day but ive been resting a lot recently (considering ive been sick and depressed) so im going to rest a little and study a bit the rest of tonight. or maybe not, the perseids may be out tonight so maybe i'll go see those and then be so awake i keep studying. idk
🍂 academic
sort out my EOY timetable FOR THE LAST TIME!
sort through notion page
maybe make a subject index of what i gotta go through
🍞 personal
help my sibling w their exam revision schedule too
research on flights for december holidays
consolidate + review schrödinger's eqn info from tdy
☕ sawc goals
sleep: 5 to 6 hours (i deprioritise sleep A LOT.)
routine: bedtime.
deep focus: 1.5h
body: shower tonight. choreo practice if i have the time
reading: a student's guide to schrödinger's equation
📜 goal productivity time: 2 - 3h
🌙 23 30
☀ 04 30
♬ ~ honeycomb summer 〢 crazy:B (linked)
🤎 positivityposting
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will update.
╰ theo 🧸
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girlsgirl06 · 3 months
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Romanticizing study means Studying in a way that you don't feel bored, sleepy and tired. It can also be referred as "Aesthetic Study" that is a lot more popular term in pinterest.
A lot of students always gets bored up and frustrated while studying when in real they don't even study properly for an hour with focus. Why does this happen lemme tell you the reason behind this:
-Common Mistakes-
1. Overwork
Many students overwork and get tired. They think studying the whole day will give them straight A but it's not true. In fact, overwork leads to stress and frustration.
2. Unrealistic goals
Students tend to make unrealistic goals like working 12 hrs a day. It's a bad idea to make such goals.
3. Packed schedule
Students make a mistake while making a schedule. They forget that rest is too important. And make a heavy schedule. Many students study heavily before a week of exams, because they didn't study for months and then in the end they overwork with packed schedule.
4. Less resting hours
While studying, many students don't take proper rest. For eg. You should work for 30 minutes and then take 15 minutes rest.
5. Wrong method of learning
Many students learn in the wrong way. They should analyse which method suits them.
6. Not making a time table
Time table is very important as it keeps everything smooth. Day wise time table is very effective.
For eg. Monday : English, Economics, Accounts
Tuesday: Commerce, management studies, Accounts
7. Not knowing your strength and weakness
Many students just don't know which subjects are easy for them and need less effort and which of their subjects are weak and need more time and effort.
-Study Hacks-
1. Pomodoro timer
It's a very useful app, it gives 25 minutes for work and 5 minutes for rest. This way we get time for everything.
2. Useful study apps
There are many study apps available nowadays. To do list apps, notes app like notion and many more. You can find many aesthetic apps. It makes you productive and keeps your records. It also ensures productivity in a fun way.
3. Blurting method
In this method read a specific concept for 4-5 times and understand the concept and then write whatever your brain remembers.
4. Make aesthetic notes
Making aesthetic notes is a hack for studying all the time. It makes you feel better and motivated. Those beautiful handwriting with highlighters make it look eye catching and it attracts your mind to study more.
5. Mindmaps
Mindmaps are creative as well as aesthetic. It makes learning easier and attractive. It makes learning fun!!
6. Weekly test
Weekly tests reveal where you stand in your academics.
7. Analysing your strength and weakness
Analyse which is your favourite or strong subject and which is your weak subject.
8. Make a timetable
For eg: Day wise which subject you're going to focus on. Remember the subject in which you're weak should be given more time and effort.
9. Revise
Whatever you read or memorize in a day revise it at night time. Take a quick revision of 15 minutes just read it out once.
10. Maintain Records
Maintain a record of everything you do. Make deadlines. Give challenges. Make schedules for weekly tests. This way you'll become productive and you'll also know where you stand in your academics. Make a list of chapters you want to prepare and after preparing cut it down as a completed task.
Conclusion: Just remember that only marks don't matter. It's also important to develop new skills, love yourself, take care of yourself, do what makes your soul happy and peaceful and take time to love and talk to god.
Thankyou for reading my blog ☺️❤️
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love3velyn · 1 year
♡ My revision tips ♡
Hi everyone! I've got my first A-level exams in the next couple weeks, so I've been focusing on revision and I wanted to share some of my revision tips! I used to find exams very stressful but I have some ways to make exam season a bit easier so I hope this can help •ᴗ•.
1. Create a good study environment
When you start a study session try to create a calm and focused environment. Try find a a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, if this is hard to find try using noise cancelling headphones. Make sure everything you need to study is within reach. I also like to light a candle to feel relaxed and I have a blanket to stay cosy! Creating a good environment can help you get in the mood to work and focus.
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2. Plan your time effectively
Find a way to plan every topic you need to cover before your exam. Some people find revision timetables useful for this. I like to create a revision list based on my confidence levels with each topic and work my way through the list going from least confident to most confident. I will usually focus on one or two topics a day depending on how close I am to the exam. I will also write a few goals for the revision session in my Notion which helps me to stay on track.
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Another tip to plan time effectively is to plan the how long you would like to revise each day. Don't feel pressured to work for hours straight! I know it is easy to compare yourself to others but find a balance that works for you. The goal is to work smarter not harder and revising for long periods of time can be damaging. As an A-level student I try to revise in one hour sessions with 15 minute breaks and I try and do 4 hours of work. I have found this is enough time to get what I want done without feeling burnt out. Remember it's a personal choice and you need to take care of yourself.
3. Use cute stationery!
I personally love cute stationary! I find it really helps me to keep motivated and excited to revise. It doesn't need to be expensive, just find some stationery that motivates you. Some of my current favourites are the Stabilo swing cool pastel highlighters and my Sumikko Gurashi mechanical pencil.
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4. Try to avoid just taking notes
While note taking is effective in class and when first learning the content, I have found it less useful when it comes to revision. Re-reading notes or textbooks can be helpful to jog your memory but it can be boring after a while. One of the best ways to revise is through active recall. Active Recall is all about retrieving information to make it easier for your brain to make connections between things. This can be done by using revision cards to test your knowledge, or on websites such as Seneca or Quizlet that help you to learn content, then test you on it.
5. Treat yourself
Revising is difficult at times and it can be tiring. Be sure to look after yourself and treat yourself with kindness. If you are having a tough day it's okay to leave revision for that day. It is better to rest than push yourself too far. I like to treat myself by having self care baths, taking time for my hobbies like gaming and reading and by spending time with friends and family.
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I hope these tips are helpful to someone and make revision a bit easier. Good luck to everyone taking exams, I believe in you! ♡
Love, Evelyn x
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plantingatree · 5 months
Tips on how to ace exams ??
hii i hope the exams coming up for you go well!! here are my fav things to do to ace exams!! 🩷
1. if you need to memorise lots of content, use anki. anki is a computer software or website you can use to create flashcards. it automatically reschedules them for you so you can review them every day using spaced repetition. make sure you review the ‘due’ cards everyday (especially if you’re cramming) because otherwise the content to go over again will quickly build up and feel overwhelming.
2. if there’s math involved in your studying, do as many questions as you can. take pictures of questions that you get wrong and go over them again in a few days or weeks time (depending on how much time you have) to ensure you’ve learned from your mistakes and still remember what to do. there’s never enough questions you can do, the more you can get done, the better.
3. if you have access to past paper questions, do them alongside learning the content. exam technique is a whole new skill altogether that is super important to learn in order to ace the exams. a lot of certain exams also reuse the same questions / word them in a similar way so it also helps with memorisation and getting use to the style of questions and how to answer them.
4. Remember that although it’s stressful studying and anticipating these exams, it’s a temporary feeling. stress can be good to get you motivated but sometimes an overwhelming amount of stress can make it too difficult to study. take a deep breath, take it slow, and start again.
5. make sure you understand the content while learning it, too. i like to make mind maps that are similar to the flashcards so i can grasp the concept of the topic while also memorising it. some people rely entirely on exams being almost like ‘memory tests’ but they also examine your understanding of the topic, too.
6. get into a routine. wake up at a certain time, work at a certain time, take breaks at a certain time, and go to sleep at a certain time. keep these times consistent and make them into a habit like the way you make showering or brushing your teeth a habit. and remember the breaks you take are AS important as the revision. if you take no breaks you’re going to burn yourself out completely.
here are some timetables i like to use:
that’s 8 hours of revision with sufficient breaks.
that’s 7.5 hours of revision but with smaller breaks, but you finish much earlier.
thats 6 hours of revision with good breaks.
7. get good sleep, please. if you get bad sleep you’ll be too tired the next day and trust me that will mess EVERYTHING UP.
8. when learning flashcards, i like to read it three times, and then press ‘again’ (when using anki, or if you’re using paper flashcards, put it to the back of the pile). when it comes back up, i try to recall it. if i don’t get it right, i read it 3 times again, and then scribble it down on some paper — then press ‘again’.
10. use forest (or flora, the free version) forest is an app where you can grow pretend trees and ‘plant’ your own garden depending on how much you revision you do. if you end your timer before it ends, or go on a different app, it kills your tree! the more revision you do, the more coins you get and you can buy different types of trees. (message me if you get forest and you can add me! not flora tho, i don’t use that one)
i hope this helped!!!! good luck!!! 😁😁😁😁
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sysy-studyblr · 5 months
Can you give tips for studying maths for a 11th grade student??
hello!!!! thanks for the ask, for credibility of my tips, I was the kid who was never good at math, actively hated it, wanted to drop it when I was in year 6. I was a like 30% - 40% scoring math student [in year 8 & 9], who moved to the high 80%s - 90%s in my last years of high school [year 12 & 13] - to the point I was regularly topping my class, I scored the highest in math out of all my subjects, and I am dreaming of pursuing physics. I did get a wonderful tutor, who helped me a ton in getting better, this is what I learned:
math is seriously mostly just practice & consistency
study 4 hours a week above what you do in school
do not ever give up on a question without attempting it at least thrice - in revision, not an exam of course
the whole point is getting so good at the methods of solving they come naturally to you
as well as analysing what method of solving helps in certain criteria
building math is like building a muscle, it takes consistent effort, you have to build math skills like you would build a muscle in the body, repeatedly, until it feels normal
if you struggle with a topic, give it the most time, - I am not particularly great at mental math, but I have been working on memorising my timetables (yes I am 19 years old) because my brain muddles up the numbers a lot
take your time solving questions, practice the motion of solving it, before trying to go fast - you will naturally speed up the better you get
meditate - staying mindful when doing math helps see clearly & think clearly. mindfulness has helped my problem solving tenfold.
also, it does not matter if you are bad at math, because you can always get better, being bad at something is impermanent, and can always be changed.
you aren't stupid, or dumb for not being as good at math as your peers (this was me, for quite a while). you're just struggling with a subject, which is normal - and you can get better if you work on it!
I think thats most of it!!! best of luck! let me know if you need anything else !!!
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edisco · 8 months
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five days late, my february spread. this month i'm aiming to get my exam revision timetable ready to start studying after term break/at the start of march. the tiny mushroom mood tracker is making me happy on its own lmao.
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stingraystudiess · 5 months
⬆️Some history homework (I love history incredibly). I have also tried a new angle today, lmk what you think!
Have 2 tests this week and and one next week. Our exam timetable just came out too, 😀 where has this year gone.
Anyhow, positive attitude as always, and remember, its never too late to start. Whatever it is, studying? you are right on time! homework? better now than never! life? never!!!
Now I shall go through my chemical revision guide before bed and then catch some 💤
Ok tysm for reading
Signing off~
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pairing: percy weasley x fem!oc (olympia slughorn)
word count: 1.04k
warnings: none
series masterlist
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percy weasley strived for validation of the academic kind, wanted to set himself apart from his ragtag group composed of five brothers and one sister that was designated to him at birth. he had no choice, each one of his siblings had something about them that set them apart from the rest.
ginny's was obvious since she was the only girl and the youngest, ron was somewhat friendly towards the muggle children who wandered into the fields surrounding the burrow every so often, which put him into his father's good books for learning about the 'fascinating' way that they live. fred and george had each other, like they were two peas unable to be prised out of their pod. charlie was sporty and had offers to go professional with his quidditch playing but turned it down for an even more rugged job handling dragons in eastern europe, bill was devil-may-care and living it large in an entirely different continent and was breaking curses in the last year of you-know-who's power.
everything that he, percy, was not.
where they were cool he was awkward, where they were popular he sunk into the shadows, and where they were doted upon he was given a book and a drink to keep quiet.
merlin, even ron seemed to be more favoured than him, and he was starting his first ever year of hogwarts with twin brothers who took the mickey out of him ( fred and george ), an even older brother who tried do disassociate himself from lower year riff-raff ( percy ), a legacy left behind by brothers who'd graduated to become great things, and no possessions that were originally his own.
the only things he had in his trunk that hadn't been passed down from brother to brother was his collection of homemade knitted jumpers, the pile of corned beef sandwiches he gagged simply at the sight of and the writing set he'd been given on his eleventh birthday by their great aunt tessie.
but, where percy lacked a brain of street smart tips and popular wizard culture, he made up for in ingenuity and drive to over achieve even if he fizzled out before his newt exams in three years time. and yet, percy still wasn't doing anything original or generically 'him' he realised when his prefects badge had landed in his bowl of porridge at the breakfast table one morning - bill had already been a prefect and then gone on to be head boy, charlie had smashed it out the park with his outstanding newt results too.
so he worked day and night, stalked the garden for muggle fireflies he could keep in a jar on his desk to observe for his summer task from the muggle studies teacher, poured himself over text book upon text book, any reading material he could get his hands on to put him in good standing for his owl year starting in september. percy snatched coloured pencils from ginny's desk draw when she was helping ron fling disorientated gnomes over the garden hedge to draw himself up a revision timetable, scheduled to start the first day back after the welcome feast.
he was going to pass his exams with flying colours, attend every single optional class and wrangle help out of his teachers if it was the last thing he did. even getting over himself to ask one of the students in the year above who was taking newt level potions to boost his grade up from an 'e' to a 'o'.
anything to see the look on olympia slughorn's face when the name 'percy weasley' was printed above hers in the top slot when the student rankings in each class was posted anonymously at the end of each month, like they had been since before his parents could remember.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
olympia slughorn was in a deeply committed one sided relationship with percy weasley - she hated him more than anything in the world and she wouldn't trust him as a confidante as far as she could launch him with a beaters bat. it wouldn't be too great of a distance compared to those who were on the slytherin quidditch team could hit, but she still had a good shot and that was enough for her.
he poked his nose into business it didn't belong, tried too hard to cosy up to his teachers by snitching on members of his class if a piece of homework was overdue, and constantly tried to ask her overly complex questions about origins of ingredients for her potions in effort to throw her off. it never worked, though. olympia had prevailed at the top of only one class in her entire four years at hogwarts thus far, and that was potions.
it ran though her blood, it was the one thing the slughorn's had in their legacy apart from her great uncle horace's self titled 'slug club' from his teaching days at hogwarts. he'd retired the year olympia was due to start attending the magical boarding school but still sent her various potion ingredients and recipes to create during the term time.
potions was the only subject she was predicted an 'o' in.
potions was the only thing she wanted to continue doing for the rest of her life.
there was no other option. percy weasley had to learn his place in the pecking order, and olympia knew just the way to ensure it.
she holed herself up in the small library room of the slughorn estate, significantly smaller in size compared to the lestrange manor that was dissed and had fallen into disrepair and the malfoy manor guarded with towering iron gates and white peacocks. there was seven floor to ceiling book cases in the library dedicated to potions, ingredients, poignant moments in wizarding history that advanced the world of potions, magical creatures host to rare ingredients that cost an arm and a leg to purchase.
olympia prized her validation just above thwarting anyone that was standing in her way, deliberate or not. she would snap her vintage muggle 'the beatles' records over the stone gargoyles over the front door of the house if the student rankings were posted and the name 'olympia slughorn' was printed below 'percy weasley'.
next part here
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luvdiosblog · 2 years
Healthy Morning habits 2023
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• sticking to a morning and night routine. One of my goals for this year is to stay consistent and productive and get as much stuff as I can done daily instead of procrastinating as it doesn’t get me anywhere so having a routine has helped me as well a using a to-do list
• Doing some sort of daily exercise has helped me SO much honestly I’m in love with just moving my body whether that being going out for a walk or doing at home workout I love growwithJo workouts and Shirlyn Kim they have helped me a lot but I would really love to get into pilates and do something new. Exercise has increased my mood and just makes me feel good honestly.
• Sundays are reset days for me where I take a breather and relax where I clean my room get everything ready for the new work and just focus on self care and my skincare to help my mind, body and soul.
• Journalling I didn’t think that journalling would really help me but wow it does. I journal every morning and night if I don’t I feel somehow out of routine I always journal my affirmations for the day, daily intentions, gratitude etc. To help me get ready for the day.
• Schedule I love to schedule my day and try to incorporate studying as I have exams coming really soon I need to try to incorporate time for school each day which is why I’ve made a revision timetable which has helped me as I have a certain time to do one subject then I switch to do a different subject instead of doing the same one.
• Listening to more podcasts lately I’ve been listening to podcasts or watching educational channels instead of watching boring videos or listening to music I would rather like to educate myself some more also some podcasts that I recommend the mindful mentor, theplaygirldiaries, growing with jo (spotify) and lynette adkins.
• Gut I’m trying to have a balanced diet and incorporate healthy greens to my gut as well as trying new foods and to cook more this year.
• Burn out it may be tiring always staying on top of things but it’s OKAY to take a break it can be spending time with friends or family or with yourself trust me take a BREAK.
• Stay consistent with my skincare routine.
Bye girlies have a good day/night/morning love ya! 🎀
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dearestkong · 5 months
cool with you // get up challenge d4
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🎧currently streaming:
🎵it’s cooo-ool with you: do something fun with others^^
went for an long morning walk to get coffee w a friend. summer’s coming and the wildflowers are so pretty🌸
ate dinner with friends in the garden. peonies are blooming.🌿
ditched my work in the evening to play lazy tennis and sing karaoke until 11 with my housemates🐰 (it's not like I was working before that anyway...)
🎶and I think I like your point of view: 1h of thinking outside the box during project research
2.5h in fact … perhaps a little Too out of the box. sent myself down a not-so-nice rabbit hole and now I feel kind of freaked out, but it's cool how vast this subject is. i want to know every corner of it.🐇
🐇sleep: 12:30-6:30 (6h) screen time: 5h32m
❌can you tell from the screen time how angry I am with the day? basically only 30 minutes (or even less) of actual studying for the momentous exams which are barely two weeks away. i'm going to be behind on my revision timetable, which is making me furious at myself. get your head in the game, kong!🫠 but at the same time i had a lot of sweet conversations and it Was kind of a lovely day if you don't count the middle section (rotting in my bed / fighting the broken laundry dryer)... that's life, I guess.
🐰lying to myself to say this is ok because cool with you is my least favourite on the album. my overall fav newjeans song is hype boy🕺
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lizardthelizard · 3 months
On Rimmer's handwriting, do you think he would have practiced writing like an engineer would (so more like the right side copperplate), or gotten any good at it if he did?
oh hi!!!!!!! thank you so much for the unexpected ask! (in relation to this post)
So, here's my take on things: Rimmer is a procrastinator. Rimmer is a man who has spent weeks carefully making and colouring his revision timetable. Rimmer is a man who has spent SO much time working on his revision timetable, that it causes him to have a nervous breakdown and forces him to cram any actual revision into the shortest amount of time possible and, ultimately, fail his exam.
I figure that, Rimmer WOULD have been taught to write in cursive at school because it just makes sense considering his upbringing. However, I also figure that, if he wanted to actively change his own handwriting, then...maybe it would be a perfect form of procrastination. Because spending hours working on his handwriting instead of, you know, actually studying for his exams is absolutely something he would do. The next question is just whether or not he would practice enough in order to make that change in his writing, or whether he would give up because it was too much effort, and move onto a different form of procrastination. (I personally think he would be inclined to give up'/persevere but make negligible progress with it (along the same lines of: Rimmer learning esperanto for 8 years and knowing next to nothing) but feel free to disagree!)
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writingisartdarling · 2 months
I've just returned to school after the summer and safe to say, the beginning of this autumn is going to be one heck of a ride...
Since I began my advanced flute studies last spring, I'll now be playing songs that are a LOT harder and having two hours of lessons every week (instead of the 1,5 hours I had before) and of course about two hours of home practice a week. Eek!
While my timetable is not horrible right now, I still have a lot of schoolwork (and math, which I suck at, on top of everything else) and two classes at the same time so there's quite a bit of extra work to be done at home.
I have my second final exam next month (Swedish - I've no clue how that language works, to be honest, so God help me) and I'll have to spend every single night after school revising for that...And on the weekends, as well...
And then at some point, I'll have to do my homework, eat, sleep and...repeat? I can't wait for it to be Christmas break already!
I mean, I'll have three more final exams in the spring soooo yeah, not Christmas break either because I'll probably spend it revising for those...Let's say, I want it to be the first of June 2025 and that's that.
Aaaannd, it makes me sad because I'll not really have any time for writing and I wish I had :( perhaps one day again...
Okay but now I really have to go read to that exam or I'll not pass it. SOS.
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