#Evo speakers
luminescentchimera · 3 months
Jimmy au lore
So Jimmy is a speaker which is meant to cause chaos, basically once watchers start eating suffering they create(?) speakers to make suffering for them. Speakers are meant to go into player worlds and cause chaos.Speakers also feed off suffering.
Jimmy was really bad at being a speaker because he didn't want to harm his friends. The watchers got mad and put him in the life series so he'd be forced to hurt people, it is a death game.
Third life happens and Jimmy... gets married peacefully and dies. At first the watchers are upset but then they realize his death causes Scott tons of suffering so they curse him so he'll keep hurting people.
He starts working with the listeners to get rid of his curse. He's guilty because every time he dies he gets to feed on his team mates suffering.
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marzghost · 1 year
Martyn said speakers were a thing, and I just had to. We know next to nothing about them and what their role is in the lore, other than they exist, and that's enough for me. I went with orange for the speakers main color, seeing as watchers are associated with purple and listeners with green, both of which are secondary colors and it just so happens that orange is scar's favorite color and is the last secondary color yet to be used. I went with a more Saint/Preacher kind of look for the speakers since I wanted them to come across as more friendly and humble than watchers and listeners. They are the ones who tell the stories and the ones who gave magic to the players. They created the language used to enchant and love to be seen as the good guys wherever they go, which is easy to do when their the ones that are actively involved with players and spreading their lies.
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simple-seranade · 1 year
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Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring
I promise you, they'll sing of every time
- The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil
speaker scar brainrot! wanted to experiment with a bit more of an eldritch abomination form, so… yeah! tiny little Third Life thing! i’m really proud of how this turned out!
anyways thinking about the scars on his body being where the his mouths appear in Full Speaker form, something about turning pain to sound that echoes across skin and air
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marsmarbles · 7 months
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I know this breaks away from the lore stuff but this is most definitely what Grian sees.
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Scott’s just the smiley type, guys.
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kiyagem · 9 months
★✭ Speaker Scott ★✭
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Another version with star things??
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gotta love Speaker!Scott
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obsessedwithao3 · 5 months
Headcannon timeeeeeeeee
First of all,I headcannon that there are watchers,listeners and speakers
I also headcannon that there are 3 types of watchers.The normal watchers,the runaway watchers(same species)and a subset of watchers,the viewers.
As the name suggests,the viewers are us.The viewers (a.k.a everyone who I headcannon as a watchers chat)also appear as eyes.However unlike watchers the eyes are all different.Some are more square some circular,some have lashes some don't that kinda stuff.
There are the mouths(speaker equivalent of viewers)and the ears(listener equivalent of viewers)some mouths are red,some wear lipstick,some don't.Somd ears wear earrings,some dont
I headcannon a lot of ppl as something that's not in their original lore so I'm going to go server by server
Grian(runaway watcher)
Etho(spirit which made a body to posses)(I stole that from somewhere I think)(kitsunei spirit)
Scar(runaway speaker)
Joel(tanooki hybrid)(the propaganda)
Jimmy(runaway listener)
Scott(some kind of god being that the watchers hate)(starborn maybe I'm not sure)
Dream( watcher)
Eret(Herobrines child)(that might actually be cannon)
Ranboo(time traveler)
Bad(fallen angel)
Clown(eldritch horror being thing)
Branzy(phantom hybrid)
Rekrap(runaway listener)
Squido(deity that doesn't know she is a god)
Planet(alien species that body is made of light and works like the stars)(white light=young,orange=medium,red=old)
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pseudocyance · 1 month
Bear with me, this is going to be a very unorganized rant
@aurum-the-yapper I'm gonna @ you bc you are my mutual that likes this stuff-
OK SO the domains of the watchers and speakers are really important to them
watchers = the end, this is bc of color pallete, enchanting language, void symbolism and evo
speakers = the nether, this is bc of color pallete mostly lol
listeners = the overworld, it's the last one and having living things match the green color might be cool
Whats a prominent feature of the overworld? ANCIENT CITIES. What's in ancient cities? WARDENS. HOW DO WARDENS FIND THEIR PREY?
My theory/personal lore is that wardens are dead/corrupted listeners. The ancient cities are the listeners' old domain but they died out somehow.
I don't know if anyone has made this connection before me but I feel very smart-
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ask-grian · 3 months
Oh my! The "all migthy" have come to advise their duckling! Or parrot,may i correct myself.
Forgive me for mockery but its just what i got to do! Y'know what they do when mocking birds don't sing!
[Looks at Grian.]
As...not a watcher...or a listener...of the whole...you may as well,like in your own words...be a knower!
What, are you a Speaker?
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tweeksandturns · 1 year
Symbolically speaking, can we talk about the watchers/listeners/speakers?
If the name lives up to the title, then the listeners would be weaker to the speakers, as they would be forced to listen to the speakers words.
The speakers would be weaker to the watchers because the watchers can see the movements and deceptions of the speakers (like when you can tell someone is lying because of their movement.)
And the watchers would be weak to the listeners, because the can hear everything despite not being seen, and the watchers would have to see.
The only issue I have with this is the weakness between the listeners and watchers, but i'll figure it out.
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hermigeddon · 11 months
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burdigel · 4 months
Headcannons and Theories time Pt.8
More headcannons regarding the Watchers and Listeners, what if there was more dieties besides the default Watchers and Listeners in the world of Evolution SMP and similar servers.
Orginally, the Watchers were based off the idea of that the viewers watching the player's videos were to input suggestions through comments. But now has evolved into a seperate entity different from the original premise into an etheral organisation who watches. Although the interpretation of the Watchers differ between viewers, the main concept of them being an evil presence is a common theme between ideas, but what if there was more dieties.
Both the Watchers and Listeners already exist and a common idea that links them is that they are two of the five common senses of the human body. Other fanmade concepts such as the Speakers from marsmarbles their Chained Life AU exist adding onto the original concept but what if there was another entity.
An entity that was there from the beginning. An entity more powerful than the Watchers and Listeners combined. A godly presence who created the Watchers, Listeners and all those who come after them like Khaos (Chaos) from Greek Mythology. A being whose concept relates to the mind as that is the body part that controls and operates the different organs of a body. Like a name of the Overmind(s) who spawned the Watchers and Listeners to help in their endeavor to expand the universe and whose descendants eventually became the Admins.
So in summary, what if there was more godly entities besides the Watchers and Listeners and what if an more etheral and ancient presence existed before the Watchers and Listeners. Thus, the Overmind.
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wasted-by-someone · 1 year
my little hcs for speakers magic
- ‌other players would always listen when the user is speaking and they never can disregard what was said
- ‌the user can make everything sound impactful even if it's not
- ‌the user's words would always evoke a strong emotional response deep inside
- ‌their words aren't bound to the concept of fate
- ‌the ultimate form - the user can order others with power of their Voice (usually this form is unavailable for Players but if the user is in very dangerous situation who knows - maybe Powers That Be will answer)
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medouse · 5 months
okay okay i'm done i swear its now time to go swoon over li speakergame again
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marsmarbles · 9 months
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Listener!Martyn - The Heart Acoustic
“See how it hurts when the sound
begins to ring
And you feel it start to rot
And you beg for it to stop
But you’ve already dug your lot
In the ground”
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kiyagem · 9 months
See no evil
hear no evil
speak no evil
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I was thinking earlier that I really wished that there were more fanart of the speakers and it's such a shame that almost no one has expanded on them (I know they aren't canon but I can believe)
but then it hit me I can draw why not do it myself?
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obsessedwithao3 · 2 months
Headcannon timeeeeeeeeeee part 3(mcyt vers)
General structure of the world
A single player world is considered a "private world".There are 2 types of private worlds,the single player ones,and the ones for like family
A server is like a public domain. It's owned by a person/group of ppl(depends on the server)and those ppl maintain it while other ppl get on the server to play whatever the server provides(minigames,lifesteal,ect)
An smp is a private domain meaning that it's owned by one person or more who maintain it,but,you need to have an invite to get in.
The hub is like the main way to get to other places.thete are lots of portals to servers and smps(but you need permission to get in the smps).
You cannot get from the hub to a private world as you need to either own it and write the command '/tp private world'orr you need to have been invited in which case you do '/accept invite'and you'll get tped there
There are gods in the mcyt world but they have a higherachy
Mojang, Herobrine(pretty much on the same lvl)
The goddess of creation,Clara
The goddess of death, Kristen
God of ?(It's unknown what he is the god of) XD
Goddess of chaos, Drista
Error 303*
*error is more of an entity than an official part of the higherachy but there are ppl who worship it(wither cult)
*watchers, listeners and speakers have their own higherachy listed bellow
Head -(watcher,listener, speaker)
Transformation Inspector (he decides who gets turned who doesn't)
Simple -(watcher, listener, speaker)(they go on missions and do whatever to higher ups say)
"School heads"(thew "train" the turned so they do whatever they say)
Trainees(how do you spell it lmao)(the turned who are training to become watchers/listeners/speakers)
Watchlings/turned(when they've just been turned)
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