#Everyone is miserable in the brute ending those are the rules
A while ago I wrote out how I imagined the endings of a couple of love triangle routes (with two of the boys and the reader) might go for some friends in private. I had a lot of fun doing it (because I love coming up with tragic endings) so I thought I might write one here. Warning for angst and character death. Also this is written in the style of a route summary rather than a full piece of writing.
How I imagine the endings in a Reiji versus Shin route in a DL game going down:
Set up:  After being sent to the Sakamakis as a sacrificial bride, you choose to spend most of your time with Reiji. In spite of his harsh punishment, you find that you come to like the uptight vampire and he finds you to be more agreeable than many of the brides they’ve had previously.
One night, Shin appears and kidnaps you. He reveals that your heart is that of a founder and that he needs to remove the vampire taint from your blood so that he can use it. 
Carla’s Endzeit is in the final stages and so Shin purifies your blood himself and, while he’s cruel to you, you can’t help but feel sorry for him. When Carla dies, you end up helping him cope and Shin starts to see you as more than just a tool.
Reiji’s not about to let you be taken away however, but he quickly realizes that he doesn’t have enough power to take you back from Shin.
In order to gain the power to defeat a founder, Reiji realizes he will have to kill Karlheinz, so he goes to Eden.
Brute ending: Karlheinz refuses to so much as even show himself to Reiji, stating that as he has not truly obtained Eve, he cannot become Adam and therefore would not be able to kill Karl anyway.
Frustrated, Reiji heads to Banmaden and challenges Shin to a sword fight. Although he lands a couple of hits on Shin, he is ultimately no match for the first blood. After being badly injured, Reiji reveals that before they fought, he coated his blade with samples of Endzeit he’d obtained from Karlheinz’s lab, so that one way or another, Shin would be forced to hand you over as it would be in your best interests.
Shin doesn’t believe him and beheads Reiji before you can stop him. You continue to live with him in Banmaden as he works on purifying your blood so that he can restore the founder lineage. Within a few months however, Shin starts to develop the first symptoms of Endzeit and he realizes Reiji was telling the truth and that he’s been infected. Out of fear of you somehow catching it and knowing that he’ll soon die, Shin takes you to the Tsukinami mansion in the human world. 
After spending one last day with you, he tells you that he has to take care of some business in the demon world but he’ll be back soon. Even though you try to come with him at first, he eventually convinces you to stay behind. Days pass but he doesn’t return, so you go to the passage to the demon world in the Tsukinami house only to find it sealed. It’s then you realize that Shin was never intending to come back and that you’ve been left all alone in the human world.
Manservant ending: Karlheinz appears before Reiji but notes that you are not with him and that it is unlikely Reiji will be able to defeat him. The two fight and while Reiji manages to significantly weaken Karl, in the end he is defeated, although not killed. 
Karl is in the middle of telling Reiji that unfortunately it appears he cannot become Adam when Shin appears from nowhere and is able to stab Karl through the heart now that Reiji has weakened him. Having pure demon blood, Shin is able to fulfill the criteria for being Adam and takes Karl’s powers. 
He reveals that he had his familiars watching Reiji’s movements and that when he found out Reiji was heading to Eden, he realized what the vampire was about to do and saw it as a golden opportunity to kill Karlheinz and dispose of Reiji in one go. 
Reiji asks Shin if you know where he is and if he thinks you’ll forgive him for this. Shin tells him that you’re still in Banmaden, being guarded by his familiars and that he has no intention of letting you find out what he’s about to do as, regrettably, you still seem to be fond of Reiji.
Reiji tells him that you won’t be so easily deceived but Shin dismisses him and kills him using his newly gained powers.
When he returns to Banmaden, he tells you that Reiji was killed by Karlheinz before he got there. Shin then uses Karl’s powers to take back the hegemony of the demon world, becoming not just the king of the founders, but effectively the ruler over all of the demon clans. He marries you and, although you’re saddened by Reiji’s death, you decide to pursue a happy future with Shin.
Vampire ending: Karlheinz agrees to face Reiji in a duel and Reiji actually manages to defeat him. Before he dies, Karl transfers his power to Reiji and tells him to reunite with Eve. 
Reiji confronts Shin in Banmaden and is able to overpower him.  Before Reiji can kill Shin however, you put yourself between them and tell him that although you want to be him, you don’t want Shin to die regardless. 
Shin says that it’s better for him to die than bow down to one of the other sub-races, especially a vampire, and if you won’t be with him then he won’t be able to carry on the founder race anyway. You plead with him to live but he replies that you’ve already made your choice and it’s not him. 
Reiji on the other hand, has no intention of fulfilling Shin’s wish, stating that death is not punishment enough for stealing you away. Before you can react, Reiji takes hold of you and teleports you outside of Banmaden. There’s a flash of light and he reveals that he’s placed the same seal on Banmaden as his father did and that as you wished, Shin will still live, but he won’t be able to bother the two of you anymore.
Reiji takes over as the vampire king and promises you that he will never let you be taken away from him again.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
The Kaiser wasn’t very good at being a villain (and that’s the point, actually)
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Ken’s journey of redemption is generally well-documented overall, and it was explicit enough in the series that there’s only so much you really need to explain it, but due to the blurred boundary of what was supernatural influence from the Dark Seed and what was Ken’s own emotional problems wreaking havoc, it’s somewhat more difficult to bridge that gap between the Kaiser and Ken, and how they can be the same person.
The easiest way to understand it comes from both directions. One is that Ken, even in his normal element, is much more assertive than he’s often given credit for -- it’s just that the Kaiser is a (fragile) manifestation of that very carefully cultivated to channel that in all of the wrong directions. The other has to do with the fact that the Kaiser is actually really terrible at being a villain, and the persona itself is very fragile and difficult for him to maintain.
Rewatching the first half of 02 shows multiple indications that, for all he seemed to be the stereotype “evil genius”, Ken was forcing himself into the mold. He was never cut out for it from day one. Even from the beginning, Ken’s actual nature as a lonely and inherently kind eleven-year-old child was tearing apart at the Kaiser persona, and the fateful episode 21 was not so much a single turning point for him as much as it was the last straw in a series of things tumbling down for him.
Before we continue: While all of the meta on this blog is only possible thanks to support and input from a handful of friends (whose names will not be disclosed on account of privacy requests), this one in particular arose from a long and extensive discussion with said friends that I am extremely grateful for. As always, I hope I was able to convey your points well.
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Well, firstly, it’s important to understand that, much like nearly any other character in this series, Ken’s surface demeanor is a bit deceptive. The Crest of Kindness has the original Japanese name of yasashisa (優しさ), which has a secondary meaning of “gentleness” (lost in translation, but still apparent with the bubble metaphor in 02 episode 23). That also ties into the secondary meaning of “kind” -- it’s not just about being naturally “soft”, but actively choosing to be gentle with others even when you’re theoretically capable of not doing so. (For those of you who have seen Appmon, the entire point of that series was about what it means to consciously and deliberately choose to be kind, and, in fact, quite a few parallels could be made between Ken and Haru...)
The contrast between Daisuke and Ken goes far beyond just the surface. Daisuke’s surface demeanor is abrasive, but he’s not actually very good at being assertive until push comes to shove, and he otherwise tends to bend easily to others or get overwhelmed; in contrast, Ken has a more polite demeanor and for the most part seems non-confrontational, but has much stronger control of his emotions and is more easily able to be assertive than Daisuke is. (Of course, both of them share the common point of being like-minded when it’s something that really matters, but Ken is much better at imposing his will and getting what he wants done before Daisuke ever gets to that point, which is what fuels the whole punchline of Daisuke and Ken’s Shopping Carol.)
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So, the point is: Daisuke is kind out of instinct and just “naturally” being so, but Ken is kind because he consciously believes in treating others well and not causing conflict, and not causing pain to others.
That’s not to say that Ken’s behavior is out of suppression or anything! It’s not a case like Takeru, who’s trying to push complicated emotions down while pretending they’re not boiling under the surface, nor is he like Hikari, who’s compulsively pressing her emotions down out of a desire not to burden others. Rather, even as early as 02 episode 26, he’s very straightforward about what his issue is and what he thinks about it. Ken’s “shyness” during the latter half of 02 is largely due to shame and hesitation from not knowing the other 02 kids well, but as the series goes on and as we go into post-02 material, he indicates that he’s perfectly wiling to be vocal about what he thinks without necessarily fighting any compulsion to suppress it. For someone who claims he doesn’t know much about his own heart, he arguably seems to have the best grip on understanding himself compared to a lot of this cast!
So in essence, the main take-home here is that Ken is theoretically capable of being strong-willed and assertive, and is very good at choosing when he wants to be assertive and when he wants to hold back. And he likes seeing people get along, and he wants everyone to be happy, and he doesn’t like seeing people be hurt or hurting others, and under normal circumstances, Ken has very good control of his emotions for the most part and quite a lot of self-awareness. That’s why Ken is the one to get the unique designation of this Crest; everyone in this cast can be said to be generous and supportive of others in some form, but there’s a difference between being a “natural” doormat who defers to others by default (Daisuke being a very good indicator of how this kind of mentality has a flip side of lack of self-esteem and high insecurity, and Tamers’s Takato being a good indication of how “being deferential” doesn’t necessarily preclude you from having tendencies towards selfishness or cowardice), versus choosing to be kind by understanding everything and still being gentle out of a belief that it’s the right thing to do (again: see Shinkai Haru). And it’s why Wormmon says in the 02 episode 23 flashback that Ken’s kindness can be used against him; being “kind” in this way requires a lot of mental fortitude, strength, and guts, all of which are things that could easily be very bad things when applied in the wrong direction.
This means that all the Dark Seed really needed to do in order to turn him into the Kaiser...was make him lose grip on that self-control.
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Actually, Ken says it himself in less-than-subtle words in Spring 2003:
…It was revenge. But who was this revenge against? Did I want to triumph over the ones who made fun of me? The ones who looked down on me and used me? But… In the end, it was revenge against myself. I couldn’t do anything but deny the kind of human being that I was.
So in other words, the Kaiser persona was, effectively, a self-loathing eleven-year-old boy throwing a massive tantrum. A lot of the Kaiser’s actions in the first half of 02 are honestly rather petty -- he’s basically upset at the kids spoiling his holiday in 02 episode 6, he attempts torturing Daisuke out of a petty grudge over a soccer sliding tackle in 02 episode 8, and everything to do with expanding his territory and eventually (hopefully?) becoming ruler of the Digital World is frankly very sloppy. For all he’s said to be a genius, his genius only seems to extend to book smarts, and his “tactical planning abilities” never really expand beyond that of a soccer field sort of affair; his way of locking down control on other things is basically just “brainwash it harder” or “whip it harder” and applying harder brute force instead of doing something in the long-term like, say, trying to rule with charisma and recruiting allies.
(Again, bringing Appmon back into this, seeing Cloud in action will give you a much better example of a charismatic human villain who’s actually competent at his job. Or, heck, you can even look back at Savers’s Kurata, who at least was savvy enough to pull strings with people in powerful positions. Or even the Kaiser’s predecessor Saiba Neo from V-Tamer, who may have been openly sadistic but still had the sense to align himself with background power. Really, compared to all of these folks, the Kaiser is downright pathetic.)
Remembering that Ken fell into the Kaiser persona partially as a desperate attempt to become a “perfect person” like Osamu, Ken “imitated” Osamu’s cruelty to him because he felt that was how he could improve himself to become a “strong” person better than him. But the irony here is that Osamu’s “cruelty” was something that he himself never liked, and mainly came from lashing out at Ken due to feeling like he had a lack of control over his own life. So Osamu was never happy in that position, and Ken, who is indirectly pointed out via the bubble metaphor to be even more fundamentally inclined towards gentleness, is probably even more miserable.
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Because everything Ken does as the Kaiser is “unfocused lashing out at everyone”, the Kaiser has less control over his emotions than Ken normally would. Takeru manages to emotionally pin him to a corner by confronting him with enough assertion in 02 episode 19 (this is before he punches him), and correctly points out that the Kaiser isn’t capable of winning with words (i.e. ideologically) and resorts to violence as the first thing he can think of. You’d think that if the Kaiser were actually someone with the self-confidence to consider the other Chosen Children beneath him, he wouldn’t even bother giving them the time of day, but Takeru just happening to be a little assertive is enough to make him lose his composure and start falling apart, and a lot of his shaken “insects!” yelling comes from him seeming pretty desperate to cling onto that rather than being all that confident about his natural superiority over anyone. 02 episode 20 establishes that he’s getting himself in over his head by tampering with the powers of darkness he can’t control, and while, on a plot level, it means that he’s misjudged his own capabilities, on a metaphorical level, it corresponds to the fact that even Ken himself is incapable of getting himself out of the emotional abyss he’s in.
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And on the flip side, one of the biggest “tells” that Ken is still miserable during all of this is 02 episode 9, where he’s seen ruminating on the “glory” he’s getting in the real world despite having just decided to leave it all behind. The episode prior, after all, had been called “The Digimon Kaiser’s Loneliness”. The media is using him like some kind of “hot topic”, his parents’ affection (in his mind) is shallow and based only on his achievements, and he has no friends (how much of a role Akiyama Ryou played in his childhood is unclear, but either way, he’s no longer around now). With no emotional support coming from any direction in the real world, he’s resorting to at least trying to have some “fun” in what he perceives to be a “game”, and yet he’s still not having fun at all.
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If you look carefully at a lot of the Kaiser’s actions during the first half of the series, one thing you’ll notice is that there are multiple indications that he’s not quite up to par to being as sadistic as you’d think he’d be. Recalling that we learn in 02 episodes 20-21 that the Kaiser is under the impression that the Digital World is like a game that he can “reset” and the Digimon in it not real living beings, it has interesting implications of the fact that he’s actually very hesitant to physically harm other human beings -- he certainly likes emotionally toying with them, but even when he’s trying to take petty revenge on Daisuke in 02 episode 8, he goes out of his way to set up a trap with Bakemon to torture him rather than, well, actually using the kids as hostages. That’s a hell of a lot of work to do, but he instead uses this extremely roundabout way to get them out of the picture in a somewhat less harmful way, risking having them escape (which is exactly what happens).
And in 02 episode 19, when Takeru confronts him and he ends up whipping him, you can hear a slight “...gh?” in the Japanese audio for a split second right after that, meaning that the Kaiser is, for some reason, having a hard time dealing with the fact that he just hit Takeru, and he does a very poor job defending himself against Takeru punching him out despite ostensibly being trained in judo. (Seriously, if you watch the animation of the scene, he’s just lying there while Takeru repeatedly punches the hell out of him, because he’s so out of it.) Regarding the Digimon, he’s convinced himself that they’re not living beings, but regarding the human Chosen Children, who undeniably are, no matter how much he might look down on them, he has a suspiciously hard time harming them as much as he could...
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On top of that, one interesting question that might come up to one rewatching the first half of 02 is the strange “contradiction” of why the Kaiser ostensibly seems to hate Wormmon so much, calling him an unworthy idea of a partner in 02 episodes 10 and 19, and yet does remarkably little to get Wormmon away from him or off his case (he hates Wormmon calling him “Ken-chan”, yet doesn’t really try very hard to stop him). He could have easily locked Wormmon away in a cage or something if he really wanted to -- actually, there’s the question, why doesn’t he slap an Evil Ring on him? Because in the end, Wormmon is the only emotional support he’s really getting, and so it’s likely he unconsciously doesn’t want to lose that. Recalling that Digimon are fundamentally linked to the inner self, the Kaiser rejecting Wormmon for being “weak” is analogous to Ken rejecting his own self for being “weak” and “not perfect” -- which means that the fact he still keeps Wormmon around is analogous to the fact that Ken hasn’t really been able to bring himself to completely let his fundamental nature go. And, hence, it’s why he gets so initially incensed at Wormmon’s “betrayal” at 02 episode 10 (and yet still keeps him around despite that), and is ultimately emotionally destroyed by his death in 02 episode 21.
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Although, actually, if you look carefully at 02 episode 21, it’s not quite Wormmon’s death that necessarily does it -- the turning point where he sheds the Kaiser persona is right before that (and in case you have any doubts, the animation puts highlights in his eyes for the first time in the series right at that point). Wormmon’s death is the first major consequence of his actions that he has to deal with, but what actually brought Ken back to his senses was his own realization that Digimon are living beings, that his actions have had permanent effects this whole time, and that he can’t take back anything he’d done.
Remember that 02 is a series that is largely about moving on and accepting that you can’t change the past, and that you have to move forward regardless of that. Ken’s fall into sadism was only possible by driving him into extremely deep-seated denial -- he was already starting to face the potential reality of Digimon being real, existing beings in the real world an episode prior. He says, outright, in 02 episode 21, that part of the reason he came to the Digital World to do all of this was escapism -- and, presumably, under the idea that any mistake he made could be rolled back and redone, unlike Osamu’s death. But the Digital World is not a place you can reset like a game, Ken will have to live with the consequences of his actions again, and moreover, every single one of the actions he’d been convincing himself were relatively meaningless had caused severe and permanent harm, and the entire thing overwhelms him.
It’s also important to point out that this was probably where the Dark Seed had to work a lot of magic to get Ken to embrace this kind of denial so easily -- after all, it’s established in the final quarter of the series that it does have a tangible impact on personality and puts a damper on one’s ability to feel empathy. In the flashback in 02 episode 23, regardless of whether Ken considered the Digital World to be a “game” or “able to be reversed” or not, he clearly still didn’t care and treated those around him with proper kindness (even if he did consider it to be all of that, it probably wouldn’t have been entirely unlike how a lot of us have a hard time picking rude choices in video games). It’s a very complicated chain reaction of events that allowed this to be even possible, and it was so against his fundamental nature that once the denial broke and Ken reached his limit, he wasn’t able to do it anymore. The Chosen Children’s main role in 02 episode 21 was really just cleaning up the massive mess he’d made in the form of Chimeramon, but as far as the whole thing about the Kaiser’s persona completely falling apart and Ken being forced to confront his own self goes, that was pretty much all Ken and Wormmon, in a series of dominoes that had already been collapsing for episodes on end.
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The following episodes have Ken treat the 02 team with a certain amount of detachment, and this is often construed by a handful of people as being reflective of Ken being standoffish of some sort. The fact that Daisuke and Ken are often promoted in franchise materials as “rivals” mainly due to them being in the “protagonist and right-hand-man” position such characters are in might tempt you to think that way, but they are most definitely not!! (Considering that even saying that Taichi and Yamato fit that mold is a bit questionable, and neither Ruki nor Jian quite fulfill the expectations of the role in regards to the genre-subverting Tamers, Frontier, which is explicitly said to be deliberately written to be conventional, is probably the first proper execution of this trope in the form of Takuya and Kouji.) Ken’s detachment from the group at this time in the series is something he actually gives the reason for quite directly: he believes it’s his fault and doesn’t want to burden them with what he considers to be his job, and in the end Daisuke ultimately breaks through to him and they become completely normal friends who get along. “Rival” what?
Ken is, at worst, distant during this point of the series, but he’s actually very straightforward about what he wants and intends to do; it’s just that he’s being a bit blunt about it because he’s still drowning in his shame and not sure how to approach them. (Also, consider the fact he was rather lacking in friends or a support group before all of this; he doesn’t have a lot of experience in socializing, either.) So he keeps everyone at arm’s length, and the reason he comes off as so standoffish is because he’s so assertive! He directly and bluntly makes some very strong remarks about how he believes everyone else shouldn’t be getting involved! Again, when left to his own devices and not being manipulated into by a supernatural evil seed into multiple levels of denial, Ken is very in control of what he wants and thinks, and is even very open about speaking his mind.
That’s even when they’re not good decisions, mind you. Ken starts off the climax of 02 episode 26 being very firm about wanting to suicidally throw himself into the reactor in order to stop it, and 02 episode 30 has him consider himself a burden to the team after the fallout with Iori and try to stay out of it despite them very badly needing his presence, which Daisuke (of all people!) rightfully calls him out for being childish about. But he also listens to reason very quickly and acknowledges the others’ point very easily, with Daisuke reminding him in 02 episode 26 that his suicidal recklessness is actually pretty self-centered and short-sighted of him, since it’ll prevent him from doing anything else to take responsibility for his actions going forward, and Miyako, uh, slapping him in 02 episode 30. (But he comes quietly right away as if acknowledging his own idiocy, and never holds it against her thereafter.)
Nevertheless, the point is: you can see that this kind of assertiveness is the same kind of assertiveness he had as the Kaiser, just channeled in a different direction and for a different purpose. But as the Kaiser, he was angrily lashing out at anything and everything and stepping on anything he could just so he could have a show of power; once he comes back to his senses, he reserves that force for it being something he consciously believes is the right thing to do (regardless of whether it’s actually the right thing to do or not).
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Because of the fact Ken spends a lot of the last quarter of 02 suffering and parsing a lot of trauma, a lot of people have tended to pin him as constantly sad and being a soft crybaby, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Despite all the emotional pain he goes through, Ken has a hell of a ton of strength through all of this -- he even flings a well-aimed quip at Oikawa in 02 episode 44 despite being in a completely helpless situation, and in 02 episode 45 he himself is the one who volunteers to open the gate to the Dark Ocean, despite knowing exactly what it entails. That takes a lot of guts, and all things considered, his recovery from being the Kaiser spans only four months and is altogether incredibly fast given what he went through -- it did not take long for him to regain his bearings and get himself back on track. Again, it’s the same kind of “assertiveness” and capacity for action that fuels what the Kaiser did, just better controlled and in a direction Ken knows he actually wants.
This is also why I tend to object to insinuations that Ken would be overly touchy about or traumatized by the mere discussion of him being the Kaiser in the aftermath of 02, because the series itself, multiple times, portrayed him as being very able to talk about his experiences bluntly and honestly, at worst maybe considering it a bit of an awkward topic. He has no problems admitting that it was a thing that happened, especially if it involves discussing it as part of taking responsibility or preventing further damage -- it’s just that he of course doesn’t enjoy it either, and is equally as open about the shame he feels as a result. All of the times Ken loses his composure in the latter half of 02 involve either physical pain being inflicted on him, or a lot more actively vicious invocation of his memories and insecurities, and even then he gets himself back on his feet with a rather prompt amount of speed. Poorly timed of a statement as it may have been, Miyako is not incorrect when she says in 02 episode 31 that he has a certain amount of natural resilience that he carried from being the Kaiser.
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All the way back in 02 episode 9, shortly after it was revealed to the group that Ken was the Kaiser, Iori, Hikari, and Takeru all label Ken as someone who doesn’t look like someone who could do something so horrible, and Hikari even says that his smile looks “gentle” (note that this is yasashisou, a word derived from the same root word used for his Crest). So in other words, even all three of them were able to catch on to his actual nature betraying himself even during that awful period of time. It’s still poking through, all things considered.
But we as the audience know he’s putting on that face for the camera, and his eyes are still as dead-eyed as they are for the first half of the series, and when Miyako accidentally makes him laugh during the Christmas party in 02 episode 38, it’s very much framed as probably the first time Ken has been this genuinely happy in a long while. He was never able to be this happy even when “satisfying” himself by stepping on others as the Kaiser.
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And that’s why it’s so extremely unlikely that Ken will ever be able to lapse back into the Kaiser persona after the events of 02, even with the Dark Seed technically still inside his neck. He wasn’t enjoying it anyway; the Kaiser persona wasn’t a habit that he fell into out of emotional suppression or even catharsis, but rather him forcing himself into a role he was never comfortable in to begin with. He was never truly satisfied with anything he was getting out of it, and moreover, it took the combination of supernatural influence and a hell of a lot of denial to allow it to get that far in the first place, because of how far against his fundamental nature that was.  (Again, for those of you who have seen Appmon: think about what it would take to get Haru to embrace sadism.) Even Osamu wasn’t enjoying being cold; being kind and living your life with positivity is a lot more fulfilling and fun, anyway.
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In 02 episode 48, Ken describes the influence of the Seed as “horrible” in retrospect; even if it didn’t involve physical pain and exhaustion the way it did for the Dark Seed children, the entire experience sucked even back then. And while Ken theorizes about the Dark Seed’s influence being countered by the power of love earlier in the episode, when you look at the whole of 02, it’s not just his family’s love -- Ken now has the emotional support of his family, and Wormmon, and his newfound friends, and that’s giving him all of the fulfillment he wanted that putting on a front of sadism wasn’t giving him, and he doesn’t really need anything else anymore.
02 itself is very much about the fact that it’s not a bad thing to rely on the support of others to be happy; the Ken and Kaiser are undoubtedly the same person, but the latter’s existence requires a very specific lineup of events and factors to happen, and one of the massive parts behind that was a severe lack of emotional support or anyone who properly understood him. And by the end of the series, Ken has more than enough strength of heart to accept everything that’s happened and move on, and to stop reaching out to denial and clinging onto the past, and he has emotional support and understanding from a whole new group of friends that thoroughly understand everything he did and went through, and wholeheartedly accept and love him anyway.
He is never going to have a gaping hole in his life like that again.
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
On the cultural lore behind the late Hunter Exam Arc and the Testing Gates Arc.
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Hi ! Today I want to talk a bit about Togashi’s use of mythology, legends and lore as a way to emphasize the narrative in his story. 
It’s no secret that Togashi loves to use details and symbolism in his story, but I think the Testing Gates arc is the one arc that uses this writing technique the most. In only a few chapters, Togashi manages to reference and intertwine 3 different legends to highlight the message in his narrative : Gon’s rescue mission is emphasized by the legend of Orihime & Hikoboshi, the legend of Eurydice & Orpheus, and the legend of Izanami & Izanagi.
As you may know, the early part of Killua’s character arc reflects the Tanabata legend, and it’s reinforced by the fact that his birthday falls on July 7th, the day Tanabata is celebrated. I’m going to link this post that is better written than anything I could ever write on this, so I suggest reading this before reading this post ! I’ll still go over the general details of Tanabata below though.
The legend of Tanabata can be closely paralleled to Killua’s early story arc. 
Orihime worked relentlessly for her father and weaved the most beautiful clothes. She was very, very talented and worked very hard for her father. 
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However, Orihime lamented the fact that because of her job, she couldn’t meet someone and fall in love. All she craved was human connection, and her working for her father kept her from meeting someone and falling in love.
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Her father eventually allowed her to meet someone, Hikoboshi, and they instantly fell in love.
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But sadly for her father, that meant that Orihime didn’t focus on her job anymore and only focused on appreciating her time with her lover.
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In anger, her father decided to separate the two lovers and forbade them to meet. (don’t take this too literally - the Zoldyck family in its entirety represents Orihime’s father)
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As you can see, Killua follows Orihime’s story pretty accurately. He used to work for his family as a skilled assassin, the most skilled one in the entire Zoldyck family’s history. However, Killua lamented the fact that because of this, he couldn’t make friends. That’s his primary reason for leaving the Zoldyck Mansion : see if he could make a friend. And then, he met Gon, and it was pretty much love at first sight. The two of them enjoyed their time together, joking around and sticking together most of the time, until the final phase of the Hunter Exam where Illumi forbids Killua from seeing Gon and manipulates him into going back to the Zoldyck Mansion.
This isn’t how the Tanabata legend ends, but this is where the other 2 legends I want to talk about come into play.
Gon, after being passed out for hours as a consequence of his fight with Hanzo, learns about Killua’s fight with his brother and completely flips out. He proceeds to confront Illumi about it directly and asserts that Killua is his friend and that he’ll bring him back no matter what. After this, Leorio, Kurapika and Gon make their way to the Zoldyck Mansion to get Killua back. As they arrive at the Mansion, the tour guide proceeds to explain one of the particularities of the Zoldyck Mansion : there’s a huge gate that can only be opened by brute force. Anyone can enter, as long as they go through this door. And this is where it gets interesting.
The tour guide mentions that this gate is called “黄泉への扉”, yomi he no tobira. The gate to Yomi.
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But Tele, why the fuck are you mentioning this, you may ask.
Because 黄泉, Yomi, is the land of the dead. Togashi is expressing that this is the gate to Yomi, the gate to enter the land of the dead : the Zoldyck Mansion. The Zoldyck Mansion is directly compared to Yomi. 
In Japanese mythology, Yomi is where all souls go after they die. No matter if you were good or bad, you’ll end up in Yomi. It’s not Heaven, it’s not Hell, it’s just…. A place where you end up rotting forever. It’s described as gloomy and dark, empty and cold. It’s not burning in hellfire, it’s just a place where you just sort of wander aimlessly, empty for the rest of eternity. 
And this cold and gloomy, empty atmosphere can directly be correlated to the Zoldyck Mansion. The tour guide mentions that this is the gate to Yomi, because if you enter, you’ll never come back, but this applies more to Killua. Killua is in Yomi right now after a trauma-induced dissociative episode. He was forcefully sent back to the Mansion, and is now being tortured by his family. If Killua stays there, it’s obvious he’ll never come back psychologically from this. He’ll be trapped in this meaningless existence, cold and empty, devoid of any passion. A life his parents chose for him, a life he doesn’t want to live, a life as Zoldyck heir. He’ll be stuck in Yomi, the land of the dead, forever.
But Gon won’t let that happen. He planned this rescue mission because Killua opened up to him about who he wants to be. He doesn’t want to live according to his family’s plans for him anymore, he wants to live a life for himself and be free. And Gon wants to help him achieve that, because he saw the good in Killua. Which is why he insisted he’d rescue Killua himself and will drag him out of the Zoldyck Mansion. He’ll get him out of Yomi.
Which leads us to the story of Izanami and Izanagi. Yomi is commonly known as Izanami’s retreat after her death, so when you hear Yomi, you automatically associate it to Izanami. And there’s an interesting piece of lore when it comes to Yomi and Izanami : Izanagi’s rescue mission. Izanami died a horrible death after being burned giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi : she descended to Yomi. However, Izanagi, her husband (and brother but we don’t talk about that) found himself miserable. He missed her terribly and couldn’t live a life without her. That’s why he decided to make the trip to Yomi to get her back. Izanami ended up pleading to the Gods of Yomi to let her go back to Izanagi, and the Gods ended up making her an exception and allowing her to leave.
I’ll spare you the details but the story ends tragically with Izanagi trapping Izanami in Yomi forever, her ruling over it and the both of them pretty much getting divorced. 
Anyways. What matters is that when you talk about Yomi, it’s automatically linked to Izanami, and Izanami is automatically linked to Izanagi and his rescue mission. A rescue mission that also happened in HxH. Just like Izanagi, Gon decided to take the trip to Yomi, as the tour guide said, to rescue Killua from eternal damnation and be reunited with him once again.
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Additionally and still in the spirit of the Yomi lore, the etymology of Yomi (黄泉) is uncertain, but it is theorized that it could come from 山, yama, meaning mountain. Izanami was buried in the mountains and Yomi was thought to be located in the mountains in ancient society, which is leading me to believe this could be the reason why the Zoldyck Estate has a mountain. So it could simply be because the Zoldyck Mansion is referred to as Yomi, and Yomi was thought to be in the mountains : hence the Zoldycks living on a mountain, fitting the Yomi lore perfectly.
There’s one last interesting thing about Yomi. Since Yomi is not Hell, it’s not where peoples’ souls go to get punished but more of a place of eternal wander, it’s oftentimes related to the Greek Underworld also known as Hades. So usually, when japanese media refers to something as Yomi, translators choose to go with “Hades”, which is the translation choice Viz made here.
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So by insinuating the Zoldyck Mansion is considered as Yomi, it also connects it to the Greek Underworld, since the two are deeply connected. And interestingly enough, the first thing that pops into my head when I think of the Underworld is Orpheus and Eurydice’s story.
Orpheus and Eurydice fell in love at first sight, and enjoyed all their living moments together, however, this provoked the jealousy of one man who despised Orpheus and desired Eurydice for himself. After multiple events including a chase through the woods, Eurydice got bit by a deadly snake and died, leaving Orpheus heartbroken and alone. He couldn’t do anything but grieve and he lost his will to live without his beloved. That’s when he decided to take a trip to the Underworld in an attempt to get Eurydice back. Orpheus, armed with his lyre and his voice, was pretty much protected by the Gods as he walked through the Underworld and sang his song of love to anyone who would listen. His song and story brought tears to Hades and Persephone’s eyes, and Hades eventually accepted to make a deal with Orpheus : Eurydice has to follow him and he must not look back under any circumstance as long as they’re in the Underworld, or she will be sent back there forever. 
I’ll once again spare you the depressing details, but basically, Orpheus turned back because he couldn’t bear to not look at his beloved anymore, they got separated again and Orpheus ended up grieving his entire life, ending up being killed because of it.
So once again, here, there are similarities between Gon and Killua and Orpheus and Eurydice. Falling in love at first sight ; Illumi despising Gon and wanting Killua for himself and his family, thus ending up causing a separation and sending Killua to the Zoldyck Mansion ; Gon deciding to get Killua back. And for this one, there’s one interesting thing, and I thank @gallyl very much for telling me this, but it’s very important to note that Orpheus got Eurydice back because he sang songs of love and proved his devotion to Eurydice. Gon did the exact same thing. During those 7 chapters where Gon rescues Killua, the word friend is highlighted 7 times.
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Gon, and therefore Togashi, makes it a point to emphasize that his rescue mission is solely based on his love for Killua. He’s doing it out of devotion and care for him. Just like Orpheus rescued Eurydice with his song of love and brought tears to everyone’s eyes, Gon managed to go through every hardship he faced by highlighting that Killua is his friend. That’s how he managed to convince Zebro to let him train to pass the gates, that’s how he got to Gotoh and to Canary, and eventually to Silva. Because he kept on saying that he’s doing this because of his love for Killua, which eventually softened all of these people and made them get on board with his rescue mission. 
Another parallel is the fact that Hades strikes a deal with Orpheus with a condition, and should the condition be broken, Eurydice will return to the Underworld. Here, it’s slightly different but still under the same spirit. Silva strikes a deal with Killua, making him promise to never betray his friend, and that if he does… he will be unworthy of his friends and will have to return home. 
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There are also a few other references to the Underworld in the way Togashi portrays the Zoldyck Mansion and Silva and Kikyo, but I won’t get into it too much for fear of not being too objective and reaching, so I’ll just go over one. The Greek Underworld is kept by Cerberus, a gigantic 3 headed dog. And while Togashi didn’t make Mike a 3-headed dog, he did include 3 different dogs as gatekeepers of the Zoldyck Mansion, thus keeping a connection to the Cerberus lore.
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So by making one random character talk about Yomi, the japanese underworld, Togashi calls back to those two myths : the japanese myth of Izanami and Izanagi and the greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Togashi put imagery for both of these legends to emphasize that they are connected to the story, and as a way to further highlight the narrative of someone rescuing someone they deeply care about.
I never finished talking about Orihime and Hikoboshi’s story, so I’ll do it now! After being forbidden to meet, Orihime pleaded for her father to let her see Hikoboshi again, until he finally agreed to let them reunite on the 7th day of the 7th month. However, when they reunited for the first time, there was no bridge to cross for them to be able to meet. That’s when a flock of magpies came and promised to help the lovers reunite, creating a bridge between the two of them, and allowing them to finally reunite.
This is once again reminiscent of the Testing Gates arc. Killua asked his dad to be able to see Gon again, until he finally accepted. However, Gon found that it was hard to cross the metaphorical bridge that are all the hardships of the Zoldyck Mansion, until a bird finally helped him : Canary. Canaries are birds that symbolize happiness, freedom and that spread joy. On top of that, I could even reach a bit and highlight that magpies, the birds that reunited Orihime and Hikoboshi are mostly recognizable by their long black tail. Canary and Gotoh, butlers, are the main reason Gon managed to get to Killua, and butlers outfits are characterized with a longer back, reminiscent of a tail, detail that Togashi also put. So it’s easy with that to associate the butlers with the flock of magpie, since they’re the reason Gon managed to get back to Killua.
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The Tanabata lore started from the moment we got introduced to Killua’s character up until Killua and Gon finally reunite, and this lore was complemented by 2 other legends that highlight this beautiful narrative of rescuing a loved one.
All 3 of these legends share common themes : they feature lovers who got separated for multiple reasons and one of them pleading to higher forces to let them have their lover back. There’s a common theme of love and devotion that ends up moving the higher forces and lets the person be reunited with their lover at last. All these missions were rescue missions done in the name of love : Orihime pleaded with her father out of love, Orpheus sang his song of love to plead to Hades to let him get Eurydice back, Izanami asked the Gods to let her come back to Izanagi. And Gon begged everyone to let him see his friend. He shouted on top of every rooftop that Killua was his friend and that he’s rescuing him out of love and devotion for him, and that’s exactly what made people help him get Killua back. It’s seeing Gon’s love that made people help him, just like in those legends.
So by giving us references to these legends, by making Gon and Killua follow the same tropes as these myths, Togashi is highlighting the beautiful narrative of Gon’s rescue mission. Togashi is putting little details and symbolism to give his story more depth and make us subconsciously link together a legend about lovers wanting to reunite after being separated, and two legends about people going on a rescue mission to save their loved ones. 
Killua’s story follows the Tanabata legend closely, he meets Gon and it’s love at first sight, they are happy together, until they’re separated. Then he gets sent back to the Mansion, Yomi, the Underworld, which prompts Gon to organize a rescue mission out of love, just like Izanagi and Orpheus. It’s thanks to this love that he moved Zebro, Canary, Gotoh and finally Silva, just like Izanami’s pleads moved the Gods and allowed her to (almost) leave, and just like Orpheus’ love songs moved Hades. Finally, they are reunited by a bird, Canary, and a flock of magpies, the butlers, just like in the Tanabata legend. The lovers are reunited at last, after a long rescue mission.
I can already feel the panicked asks, “but Tele, all these tales end tragically, is Killua and Gon’s relationship broken forever? Are they going to die?”. No. HxH is not a retelling of common legends. It’s not accurately and faithfully translating myths into a manga. It’s using cultural references to emphasize some narratives, and here, it’s the narrative of two lovers going against all odds to reunite with each other once again after being separated. I’ll link you to this post by @/buzzykrueger that explained it better than I could, but don’t worry, I can promise you, Togashi will never head this way. HxH is not a retelling of old tales, and he loves to subvert common classical tropes. He already subverted them many, many times in his manga, and I can guarantee you that Killua and Gon will be fine in the end.
Also, yes, I’m referring to Killua and Gon as lovers in this post, because Togashi made the conscious choice to refer to 3 pieces of lore focused on romantic love. 
Thank you for reading this ! If you’re interested, I’ll link all my references below! Also, Tumblr hates me and won’t let me appear in tags anymore, so reblogs are very appreciated. Ty for reading!
• On the general legend of Tanabata : here and here
• On Yomi : here and here
• On Izanami & Izanagi : here and here
• On Eurydice and Orpheus : here
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ushiwakatrash · 4 years
On your knees, King! (Part 3)
Bakugou x reader, Todoroki x reader
Fantasy AU
!Warnings!: Swearing, betrayal, lil dash of angst, shitty writing, abuse, physical harm
Bakugou is the esteemed King of the Kingdom of Barbarians and because he succeeded in ruling the lands that were once governed by the Yuuei Kingdom, an offering must be made for the peace of the people. As the so-called ‘black sheep’ of the royal family, the King of Yuuei a.k.a. your father, offered you–naming you the most precious thing he could give; but you know the truth behind his words.
← Part 2           Part 4 →
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Things started to get hectic in both the Yuuei and Barbarian kingdoms for only a few weeks were left until the wedding. Seeing the decorations being put up only meant a reminder for both Shoto and (Y/n) that it was real, it was happening-- but it was happening too fast for them to comprehend.
The princess was in a daze during her meal time with the only family she had left, her father. Ever since her mother passed away, things turned into hell.  Before fully agreeing to give their daughter away, the queen stood her ground in protest and resisted the King’s order. 
Blinded by rage, he threatened his wife with a sword but still, her gaze was firm and decision never wavered. The last string of patience the king had snapped and he swung his sword towards the woman, slicing her deep from the chest to her abdomen. 
In his state of shock, he stood there, hands shaking. His lover was no more and all because of the stupid Barbaric king, all because of his useless daughter, he lost more then just his kingdom. He had lost his wife.
 It took a long while for the king to come to terms with the thought of his diseased lover but he channeled all his pain into making another’s life miserable. 
Out of everyone, he had to choose his poor daughter, who he had blamed for everything.
“(Y/n)! I expect you to be on your best behavior and for once not be a failure to this family. Am I clear?” A tired nod was all she could answer. The king quietly stood up from his seat and hastily made it to (Y/n)’s side. A loud smack resounded in the room.
“I am a king here and I expect you to treat me like one, you useless bitch! When I ask you a question, answer me properly!” This was the king nobody from outside knew about. Only the people inside the palace knew about the true nature of this ‘kind’ king.
“Yes, your majesty. I have made a mistake.” The old man just scoffed and retreated to his room, leaving his daughter alone to dine. Because she is the Princess of the commoners, people from the palace were often enraged to see her being treated poorly by the only real family she had.
With no words being said, a cloth with cool water was handed to her by one of her most trusted maids, Ochako. “Milady, it is to avoid swelling.” (Y/n) gratefully took it and dabbed it over the reddening spot on her cheek.
“Now that my father is away and in his quarters, won’t you maids join me for my meal? Let’s leave some for the guards standing in the doorway as well.” This occurrence happened frequently. They knew it was no bribe from the princess, but pure genuine kindness. She was a far better ruler than her damn father.
“But ma’am...” the princess slouched in her seat to get comfortable “Oh come on, we’ve been doing this for quite some time now! I don’t wanna eat alone” she unleashed her puppy eyes and the maids couldn’t refuse any longer.
Her hand maid ushered the rest of the servants in the room to take their seats and they joyfully shared stories over the table. See, (Y/n) was really interested in the commoner life not to compare to her own, but to get to know the ways of her people. 
This is why even if the king treats her badly, the servants in the palace would never turn against her and if they had to take sides, they would all go to princess’ aide. 
“Milady, how are things with your fiancé?” the bold maid named Mina asked. “M-Mina?! You can’t just ask things like that!” The head maid Momo scolded. “No it’s okay Momo, guys you’re my friends just drop the Milady shit and call me (Y/n)”
Mina gave a victory smile to Momo and the the latter just sighed. “I haven’t met him yet in all honesty, but I think we’re going to their castle in a few days, or maybe tomorrow. I didn’t really listen to what that stupid old fart told me” 
They held their laughter at the nickname the king’s daughter had for him. “I hope even if he is one of those Barbaric bastards, he treats you fairly” Ochako had a sad smile on her face. The princess already had enough of her father’s torturing so having a bad husband would only continue her hell.
“In all honesty, I thought you would be wed to Prince Shoto. You were such a good match! I’m sure you would be happy with him” “Yes, Jiro that was the plan but it seems that fate had decided to push us apart. I’m sure I would have been happy but I’m not closing my doors to the thought of the new King as a husband. Maybe he can entertain me.”
“You can hunt together or maybe go on horse rides to lakes to watch the sunset!” (Y/n) knew this was too good to be true. Her soon to be husband was a brute, it would be weird if he was indeed that romantic. “Hah. I doubt he even has a romantic bone in his body. Anyway, I’ll be leaving first, girls. Ochako would you be a dear and please prepare my bath after you’re done eating. Do not worry, you can take your time and rest. Goodnight to all of you.”
“Sure thing princess!” “May you rest well.” “Nighty, (Y/n)”!”
“Oi hag, what kind of woman is she anyway? If it’s just some pissy girl I’d rather decapitate her family.” The older blonde smacked hiS HEAD. “Watch that stupid mouth of your brat! I’m sure she’s the perfect match for you. When has your mother been wrong?” The former queen smirked.
“She better not be weak. I don’t want my reputation to plummet because of some woman. I’m leaving with Kirishima to go hunt!” “Bring me a fat boar while you’re at it!”
Kirishima flew freely in the skies with Bakugou sitting snug on his back. At the same time, (Y/n) went to the woods after eating to let off some steam. Every time she thinks about her stupid father, rage fills her head. Nothing was her fault so why was she treated so badly.
The special spot (Y/n) and the friend who gave her necklace was her safe place. It was also the best spot to hunt boars, pigeons and if you’re lucky, deers.
She brought a bow and a sword with her and began to position herself to be hidden from her preys. Her sharp gaze caught a healthy fat boar in sight and the same time her arrow hit, a blade fell from the sky.
“Who’s the fuck did this to my fucking boar?!” A big gust of wind blew and standing before her was a huge red dragon, scales as red and as shiny as rubies.
“That’s my boar fuckface! Look for your own!” A blonde muscular man hopped off the dragon’s back. The Princess had put her cloak on to seal her identify, the man had a hood on too but his muscles were out for the world to see.
“You deaf, boy?! If you weren’t flying so high, you could have seen that my arrow had already pierced it before your dull blade could. Hands off my catch!” The man pulled the sword out of the boar and pointed it at the princess.
“No way, it’s mine! If you want it, fight for it!” (Y/n) wasted no time as she unsheathed her own weapon from it’s scabbard and went in for an attack. The blonde was surprised at the sudden movement of the woman but blocked her sword nonetheless. 
“You got spunk woman, but can you even handle my strength?” “Hah please, I can take you on any day, dandelion!” Their sparring took quite a while and Kirishima just sat at the back with a slight worried look on his face.
The girl took notice of the dragon’s structure and thought maybe it was hungry, but in fact Kirishima was just getting bored. When she managed to push her opponent back a little, she ran towards the boar and threw it at the dragon.
“Here boy, catch!” the smell of meat made Kirishima quickly respond and at the end of the duel, it was the red dragon who immersed victorious. 
(Y/n) laughed at the face the man made when their loot was snagged by the dragon. “Oi Kirishima! Why’d you eat it?!” The dragon just huffed in response. The girl went close to the dragon to try to pet it and because of the treat given by her, Kirishima bent his head to get the pats he loved. 
She then directed her attention to the male with a huge scowl on his face. Digging through her pouch, she handed him a loaf of bread and cheese. “Here, take it. I enjoyed our spar. I would have loved to ask for your name and to spar another time, but I think it’s impossible now.” she smiled sadly.
The blonde on the other hand only got curious “Why?” “I’m getting married soon. I can’t just hang around guys freely.” The sun was starting to set and people may have started to look for her in the palace.
“It’s time for me to go. If we see each other again, let’s exchange names, dandelion. I hope you can take me to the skies some time Kirishima! Have a safe journey home”
She didn’t wait for their response as she fled the scene quickly. 
Taglist: @the-sander-fander @cathwritestragediesnotsins @emilymikado @itsmysticalmystery
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arjuna-vallabha · 3 years
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In the years leading upto the Battle of Plassey , Bengal was going through some extremely tough times . Accounts by contemporary writers describes vividly the problems faced by the common man .  This was a period when the East India company was gaining more political power . The true ruling class , the Nawab of Bengal and his aides immersed themselves in luxury and debauchery . On the other hand infamous zamindaars such as Devi Singha made life miserable for the common folk . And then there was famines , epidemics , droughts and inability to pay taxes . But still the people fought on with a smile on their lips . But even that seemed to disappear with the onset of Maratha raids into Bengal in mid 18th century . The “bargee” attacks , as they became popularly known , was so devastating and horrifying that they have been permanently etched in Bengali memory in form of lullaby songs . Even today bengali mothers lull their babies to sleep singing “ Sleep fast my child , for the bargees are coming ! The bulbul birds have eaten all crops , how are we going to pay taxes ? “But who were these ‘bargees’ ?The word bargee is thought to derive from Persian ‘Baargee’ which denoted a cavalry soldier . The other type of  cavalry men used to be called Shiledaars . The government used to provide horses and weaponry to the baargees . The shiledaars on the other hand had to source these themselves . In those times , the sultans of Ahmednagar developed the art of sudden stealth attacks , which came to be known as ‘baargeer-giri’ . This mode of guerrilla warfare was effective and gained massive popularity all throughout the Deccan , including Maharashtra . In the year 1740 Alivardi Khan defeated and killed his master and the then Nawab of Bengal , Sarafaraz Khan and himself sat on the throne of Bengal . But the brother in law of Sarfaraz , Naib Nazeem of Orissa Rustam Jung turned against Alivardi to avenge the wrong done to his brother . Alivardi defeated Rustam Jung and dethroned him from his Orissa office . In retaliation , Rustam Jung went to Nagpur  and sought the help of Raghuji Bhonsle , the then ruler of the region . Raghuji Bhonsle’s Diwan , Bhaskar Kolhatkar AKA Bhaskar Pandit launched an attack on Bengal with all his might . The raids continued for a period spanning 9 years and according to contemporary Dutch estimates , four lakh people died in the bloodbath . It devastated the economy of Bengal and created a period of anarchy and terror . The bargees gradually approached uptill the capital at Murshidabad and sacked the city and plundered the houses of the rich . The Britishers of East India Company on the other hand became anxious about a possible attack on the emerging prosperous city of Calcutta , their main hub . To deter any attack , they began digging a giant moat around the entire town . Luckily the bargees did not attack Calcutta and the work on the moat was discarded midway . The moat was eventually filled up in 1890s and made into upper and lower circular roads ( Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose road & Acharya Prafulla Chandra road presently ) A certain poet named Gangaram composed a poetry describing the affairs of the bargee raids in his book called “Maharashtra Puran” . Parts of it describe the horrors faced by civilians in those times – “ They round up everyone and loot their gold and silver . They cut off the hands of some . To others they cut off the nose and the ears . For the rest they simply chop off their heads . The pretty ladies they take away and tie them up . Then they take turns to rape until they start crying to be spared . The set the homes of the rich on fire and destroy all the temples of Vishnu . They tie up their captives , fold up their hands and kick on their chest with their heavy boots . Those who have money give it to them and escape death . Those who don’t have money have no other option other than to surrender to death . The Brahmins flee with their sacred books under their arms ! The goldsmiths flee with their measuring insruments . The shopkeepers flee with their wares . The metal workers flee with their copper and brass . The blaksmiths flee along with earthen pot makers . The fishermen flee with their nets . Rich men’s wives unaccustomed to walking flee with loads over their heads ! The khetris and the rajputs also flee in fear dropping their swords . The gosais and the mohants of temples flee on palanquins . The Mughals , sayeds and sheikhs also flee in terror hearing of the bargees . The pregnant women are forced to deliver their child along roadways . “None managed to escape the wrath of the bargees. Numerous temples of Bengal were looted and plundered . Fables narrate how the iconic neem wood deity of Dhameshwar Gouranga ( Chaitanya mahaprabhu ) , worshipped by Bishnupriya ( Consort of Mahaprabhu himself ) also had to be buried for quite a few years to save him from the bargee raids! Such lawlessness continued for almost 9 years . In the end , the nawab of Bengal entered into a pact of truce with the bargees conceding Orissa to them on the condition that they would never return to Bengal . During such tumultuous times , the bargees reached upto the capital of the Malla dynasty kings – Bishnupur . Mallas have been a dominant power in that part of the state for more than a 1000 years ! When the bargees approached , the people panicked and started praying to the presiding deity of the town , Madanmohan . It is said that during this time people saw Madanmohan manifest and rush into battlefield ! He lifted up a giant iron cannon and started firing into the bargee hordes that were trying to enter the city . The cannon would later get the name ‘Dala-mardana’ or “destroyer of hordes” and can still be seen in Bishnupur . Madanmohan successfully defeated the bargees and protected his devotees . This tale has been narrated for centuries in Bishnupur and has become one of the popular religious folklores of Bengal .  But this Madanmohan is not originally a deity of Bishnupur . He is said to have been brought to Bishnupur from elsewhere by Malla king Bir Hambir .One source opines that Madanmohan originally resided at the ShriPaat Chaatraa of Srirampore . This was the residence of Kashishwar Pandita , one of the associates of Chaitanya . Bir Hambir brought Madanmohan to his kingdom and after installing a new deity of Radharani beside him , honoured him with the status of ‘Nagar devata’ of Bishnupur . The entire story raises some fundamental questions and doubts – The first question is , if the marathas are considered the champions of Hinduism and viewed largely as upholders of indian valour , why did they plunder and loot the Bengali temples  ?! The second question that may arise is , did Madanmohan indeed manifest and do this impossible act ? In order to answer this , one must understand that history is never unidimensional and one pointed as we tend to think . History has many complex layers . As the saying goes – “ history is written by victors “ . If we twist it slightly it would be safe to say that history is written by the privileged . Or perhaps , History is most often written with an agenda ! Therefore history , by its very nature , can never be complete nor foolproof . We tend to overlook the fact that in history two opposing ideas can also be true simultaneously . Therefore , every Brahmin need not be a tyrant evil oppressor nor every low caste an oppressed . Every deity taken away from a temple may not amount to a sacrilege and dishonour of hinduism . Taj mahal is not a name changed hindu shaivite temple . Gyan Vapi is not a mosque built on virgin soil . A thousand such historical over simplifications or agenda driven narratives have done more damage to true history than good . It is very necessary to have an open mind while discussing such a tricky subject as ‘bargee attack’ . I will lay down some points which will provide the readers with food for thought . But it is upto them to interpret why the bargees did what they did .1 – Bhaskar pandit organised a full fledged Bengali styled Durgotsav in Dainhaat of Bardhaman district . New pratima was built , new chandi mandap temple constructed and  thousands of sacrificial animals were brought in and grand preparations were begun . But in the night of MahaNavami , Alivardi Khan sent a message of truce and took Bhaskar Pandit into confidence and had him killed . The puja remained  unfinished . Even today ruins of the chandi mandap can be seen at Dainhaat . Understandably , Bhaskar pandit was not anti bengali or anti hindu per se and he embraced Bengali customs and culture . In this context it is worth remembering that the cult deity of Marathas , Tulja Bhawani ( from whom legend says Chatrapati Shivaji received his sword ) is also an image of Mahishamardini . Presumably , the marathas quickly saw the sameness in the rituals and ideas and were glad to adapt . 2- Just like the Mughal army had hindus in their ranks or the british indian army was largely constituted of the Indian soldiers , in the same way the bargees also had men of all castes and religions in their ranks . They even had large battalions of muslim men . It would be unfair to expect that the Islamic bargees would be respectful towards bengali idolators and their practices . 3- human ethics and moral values have underwent massive changes in recent times .  In ancient times , we did not have human rights commission , supreme court or the like . Survival of the fittest was the mantra for the times . In an event of attack it was normal for the army to indulge in plunder and loot . The rulers unofficially allowed their men to have a free hand in ‘exploits of war’ after a hard earned victory . This was a sort of incentive for the men ! Remember in those days warfare had more to do with brute strength and direct combat than with intelligence as it has become nowadays after advent of computer controlled war machinery ! During such post war plunders , rape , looting , rampage and selling humans into slavery became the norm .This was true for the entire world throught history !4 – The temples in Bengal which harbour tales of bargee attacks are mostly vaishnavaite shrines , namely Radha Krishna or Gouranga ( Chaitanya ) temples . Both these divinities would have been unknown to the Marathas whose own brand of Vaishnavism were centered around Vithhal , Rukmini and Satyabhama  . It is possible that unknown gods attracted more wrath .5- But interestingly the marathas were also one of the chief patrons of the Puri Jagannath temple . The hati vesha or Gaja vesha of Jagannath was directly due to Maratha influence over Jagannatha cult .  The  form of Jagannatha too would have been largely unknown to the marathas . That being said , they would have definitely been aqquianted with the tirtha mahatmya of Puri and the name of Jagannath from the puranas and scriptures . 6- In all probabilities Bhaskar Pandit did receive some support from the local hindu populace . The records of his durgotsav mentions throngs of villagers coming to participate in his puja . Presumably , there was both an element of fear and awe working amongst the masses . 7- It is hard to answer whether Madanmohan manifested in form or not , from a point of view of history . Such things are matters of faith and are best left untouched by history ( or even historians ) . However if we introspect purely from a historical perspective some hypothetical probabilities may be suggested . In hindu society when a man narrowly escapes a danger , he often attributes his miraculous escape to the mercy and compassion of his cherished deity . Its common for such a bhakta to say – “ I got saved due to intervention or madanmohan “ . It is very much possible that the Malla dynasty kings who ruled over a jungle infested tricky terrain and whose subjects largely comprised of martial races and tribes , overrun the bargees by their military strength and the pious king attributed the win to the mercy of Madanmohan . In due course of time this popular way of saying aqquired more realistic and literal connotations and became etched in collective memory as madanmohan manifesting in person ! Just a “what if” …. but worth a thought nonetheless !8 – It is also possible that the bargees themselves chose not to attack the malla kings , who in any case had been famous as champions of Hinduism for the last 1000 years . I have laid out the points to contemplate on . It is upto you to draw the final conclusion . History is never straightforward . All we can do is record and mention the loose ends . If the ends meet , well and fine . If they do not , it is best to be honest and admit that history is unclear thereafter  , rather than to try make them meet by force and end up projecting a personal political or sociological agenda unto history . But even after so much , the people of Bishnupur could not keep their beloved Madanmohan in their town . Malla Raja Chaitanya Singha got into a financial debacle and had to take a loan of a thefty sum of money from rich zamindar businessman Gokul Mitra of Calcutta . By this time , the sun had already began to set on the glories of Malla dynasty and Calcutta had begun to emerge as the next economic and political capital of India . In exchange of the money , Chaitanya Singha mortgaged his nagar devata Madanmohan to Gokul Mitra . When Malla king was unable to return the money back in due time ,  Madanmohan was left back at disposal of Gokul who went to build him a grand new temple . Even today visitors to Kumartuli in Calcutta can see the grand temple of madanmohan built in typical greaco roman neoclassical colonial style . At Bishnupur a replica deity was installed which also got stolen a few decades back . A second replica of Madanmohan is presently housed in the original temple back at bishnupur . So did Madanmohan really manifest ? Well, the eyes of a rationalist seek out different things from the eyes of an artist . To an artist , his divine manifestation is of much more importance because it has ‘rasa’ . It has the power to soothe the mind and senses from the drudgery of daily monotonous existence . To the artist , the supernatural is more appealing than the natural . But then again it is the ‘natural’ that gives birth to the ‘supernatural’ .  In this painting I have strived to bridge the gap between the two with the string of bhakti . Jay Madanmohan .
Text an art by Halley Goswami
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sweetobseesion · 4 years
About Wang So :Did he deserve better?
Sweet ,serious ,intoxicating Wang So.One never gets enough of him do they ?
We all have our reasons for liking the character.I like him for his duality, whereas others seem to like him for various reason and sympathise with him on a deeper level.
I get that .Wang So was very much, from the beginning to the end of the drama “a political hostage”, only differing in various contexts. He couldn’t do what he wants or be with who truly wants to be because of “the throne”.
He went through abhorrent, extreme amounts of abuse.Both physically, from his hostage clan and emotionally, by loneliness and by being caught between his parents, one who favoured him and one who abandoned him.He was also caught between the feud of two rival clans .
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He grew up,learning survival and sharpening his wit.All this is made very clear in the beginning of the drama.
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Obviously,  he never accepted his fate. Soon, he learned to kill ,hunt and wield his sword and excelled at it. He used his sword to save himself many times and it resulted in building him a savage , scary reputation.But he did not deny it, but instead he thrived of the fear and power it got him.
This is pretty much shown in his opening scene.
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There has been hints of his “hunting tendencies” and his cruelty through the first episodes. Whether it’s what he says to Yeonhwa , or what people say about him and his “cruelty” to the members of his clan. He’s obviously very trained and experienced at both hunting and killing.
We see that when he assassinates the monks and sets the temple on fire.
The way he closes his eyes and lets his senses to do the work pretty much shows how skilled and experienced he is. 
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My points for deliberately emphasising on these aspects of his character is to point out that these are internalised parts of his character that he never loses,but doesn’t exhibit when he no longer has any particular need for it. I believe we tend to overlook it because the drama doesn’t show it much and it strategically begins the storyline from his entry into the palace,making his childhood nothing more than a tragic backstory for the audience to sympathise with.
Now ,enter Hae Soo. A modern woman with a heart of gold ,brute bravely and very modern,and in those times,unorthodox thinking and sensibilities.She has her own pursuit but she keeps butting into his and ruining his plans.
He doesn’t mind even threatening or raising a sword to her neck or going to duel with Wook to put an end to it.He’s very short tempered,emotionally explosive and has his feelings all over the place .
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But she keeps going after him. And seeks him out even when he’s at his most deranged.
And even then,she spares him kindness and understanding,giving him exactly what he’s been craving for : Acceptance.
He takes his time,but he eventually understands and acknowledges his feelings and admits it to her.
She rejects him,countless times but he pursues her, relentlessly.His deep emotional attachment to her is no joke.But it’s also not a heroic ,epic form of love that should be held to a higher standard. Though I admire his ability to give her space ,respect her choices and seek her out whenever he can,I don’t appreciate how he blatantly disregards his own well-being or position to save her.As far as I am concerned,Hae Soo hates it too.In fact ,the two most “romantic” or “epic” moments in the series showcase this.
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Though it’s safe to say that it did make Soo look at him in a different angle ,it also made Soo feel very guilty,as she starts to think he ends up where he is because of her.As much as I would like Soo to understand that everyone ended up where they are because of their own personal choices, I can’t deny the fact that she is partly right.
Given his already shaky position at court,him throwing everything away for the sake of a girl only makes him look irrational in the eyes of Goryeo society. From a prince who is savage and feared,he is now a prince who cares little about his position,throwing it all away for the sake of a Water Maid.If he had proceeded with a marriage,he would have looked like a buffoon and someone who’s clearly not suited to be King. They clearly would not have been very happy for long,because even if he’s stripped of his duties he would still be a prince by birth and thus be a target for whoever sat on the throne.
Besides ,him not being King would probably change history for the worst, as it would completely change the order of Kings,which would probably lead to change in the order of dynasties as well and the entire future of Korea ,maybe even Asia.
Many fans, still hold it that what Wang So got in the end was a very tragic fate and that he deserved better. But I will argue against that . For me ,it shouldn’t be a question of if he deserves better but what he deserves more?
The throne or love ? Its easy to conclude he needed love the most seeing how lonely he is. But the thing his being King is a lonely and paranoid Job. The show illustrates that very clearly by showing the lives of all three Kings before him. All of whom who died. lonely, miserable deaths.Even King Taejo ,who in the sense of the world ,had everything anyone could ask for: The power, the wealth, the Women, Children, friends and the woman he loves by his side for most of his reign, died a lonely ,miserable death.
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We have very little idea of what truly went on between Court Lady Oh and King Taejo, besides how they ended and the miscarraige plot. We never Know if Court Lady Oh stayed truly due to her wishes or becuase the King refused to let her go. What we do see is ,the King being lonely and paranoid throughout the course of his life in the drama. But he only realises it after her death. Worse, he pretty much blames her for the way things ended and was probably, in denial of how miserable the woman he truly loves was for most of his life. There’s no guarentee So and Soo would have been different if she had continued to stay in the palace.
Most fans hold it that So is so different from his father, that he puts the woman he loves before anything else. But throughout the course of the drama, it doesn’t bring protection or comfort to Hae Soo, but puts her in danger and makes her more miserable than anything else. Because, in the political sense , Hae Soo is nothing more than leverage to be used against him. That has also been illustrated very clearly.
When she used by Yo & Wook to control So
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When she was used by the Hwangbos to pressure him into marriage and to question his legitimacy as King
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Even in death, her name is still used by Yeonhwa to hurt him. Making it clear, wherever she’s at, she will always be his weakness in the political sense. And his ability to put her before everything else, only makes him look like a weak, incompetent ruler in the eyes of the Goryeo society. As long as she stays, he would never fully concentrate on his duties as King and would never be able to rule the way he wants. Though its never said, it’s explicitly shown throughout the series.
Her leaving was a strategic move on her part, as it left him to do pretty much whatever he wants with the throne, and saved their child from danger. Though in the end, he may seem lonely and lost, it cannot be denied that in the eyes of the world, he has everything. Though it may seem like he has no freedom to do as he pleases, he has the freedom to rule as he pleases.
And it all comes down to the fact that he has no visible weakness or family. Though lonely, he used his power to enact laws no other King before or after him dared to. Though he was hated in his times,with his power and his work as King, he went on to become the most powerful King in history of Goryeo. Even Wook is forced to grapple with the fact. 
Having the freedom to rule as he pleases is a freedom only few Kings can afford. Since this drama is focused on looking at him through the romantic lens , we pity him and say he has lost everything. I feel through that perspective, we are looking at it through a narrow spectrum, becuase once you look at the bigger picture, you will relaise how much he has gained than lost.
From being a lowly, absued political hostage that was hated and disrespected enough to be thrown stones at, he rose to become one of the most powerful king of Goryeo, all in his own merit. His rise in rank is clearly expressed through his clothes. Now everyone, who either threw a stone at him or abused him are under his mercy and there’s nothing they can do to escape it. From someone who’s life was controlled, he became someone who controlled everything. Though history is harsh, it isn’t free from the fact that he was a wise, capable ruler.
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Which brings be back to my question of what he deserves more. From my perespective its obviously the throne, as only it had the power to reveal his true potential. Love is an an easy answer, but not a sensible one , becuase there’s no happy ending for them in Goryeo. As mentioned, he cannot escape his birth identity as a prince no matter how hard he tries, and politically, he will always be targeted by whoever sits on the throne. He would’ve gained very little if he were to choose that. Thus, I believe this ending is Karmic Justice, given the way the things turned out. And if this isn’t the most satisfactory underdog story to ever happen, I don’t know what is.
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somepinkthing · 5 years
thirty four is a rough age when you’re a shitty sect leader
A/N: Basically a collection of post-canon NHS centric fics. My OC's pop up on occasion too! But the story can be read without worrying too much about them. Qinhe Nie is just free real estate given we do not know the name of a single disciple or servant so I needed to create some. This is part 1!
Huaisang found himself at a loss these days. He never really thought that the death of Jin Guangyao would fill the hole in his heart that his brother left, but he at least thought it would make his life a little easier. Foolishly, he’d believed that once his world stopped being constantly tinged red with rage that his life would become clearer. Like maybe life would seem a little clearer to him instead of this hazy fig. As if this one event would make his life less like a pathway crumbling rapidly behind him at a pace that left him scrambling forward. One month and a hundred hours of paperwork later and Huaisang suddenly was hit with a horrible realization.
“Oh shit. I actually have to start being a sect leader on my own now.”
“I’m surprised you’re actually willing to talk to me.”
Wei Wuxian smirked, downed another drink, and leaned beck with a sigh.
“Is there any reason I shouldn’t be willing to talk to you, Huaisang-xiong? Have you done something wrong?”
Nie Huaisang smiled that perpetually gentle looking smile of his and matched his drinking companion by downing his own cup like he was drinking water. An absurdly high alcohol tolerance was one of the perks that came with being a Nie and while Huaisang had fallen into the short end of the gene pool in all other areas, he somehow managed to inherit this particular trait. 
“Don’t be like this, Wei-xiong. Is there any need for these games anymore?” he asked before pouring himself another drink and gulping it down just as fast as he had the last five.
Wei Wuxian copied the action. “No, probably not. I just figured you wouldn’t want it getting out is all.”
“Whether it gets out or not is out of my hands now, isn’t it? I just have to believe I’ve covered my tracks well enough. That’s all I can do at this point,” Huaisang said in a wry tone.
“That’s true.”
“Besides,” he continued, “As far as convincing you or the others at the temple anymore... well, there’s really very little chance of that, isn’t there? I can learn from the mistakes of my enemies, Wei-xiong. Some things you just have to let go. I’m afraid that no matter what I say, it won’t make any of you think any better or worse of me. That’s the way it is with these things, isn’t it?”
It occurred to Huaisang that perhaps he’d had a bit more than the six cups he’d thought he had and that maybe, just maybe, he was a little too tipsy to be entrusted with his own secrets. Still, nothing he’d said was untrue nor was any of it damning. It was just... what it was at this point. 
Wei Wuxian hummed in agreement. 
“So how’s the sect leader life?”
Huaisang raised one perfectly curated eyebrow. “Same as it has been for thirteen years?”
Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes.
“Now who’s playing games?”
Huaisang really didn’t want to get into this. He’d taken Wei Wuxian up on his invite more out of curiosity that anything else. The last thing he wanted was to admit to the man how much he truly sucked at running a sect.
Because he did. He sucked. Reason number one of many with the plan of “Just Kill Jin Guangyao And Go Back To Normal” was that, well, his normal sucked. Huaisang truly was awful at being a sect leader! He didn’t have the presence or brute force his brother had. He had taken classes in diplomacy but only went as far as had been expected out of the sickly second young master and the son of a courtesan to boot. When he’d first approached his brother’s sworn brothers for help, it had been out of sincerity. He’d had no idea about the truth that early on! He hadn’t been trying to get Jin Guangyao to underestimate him back then! He really was just bad at leading a sect! And, as it turned out, spending over a decade playing at incompetence didn’t make him any more competent at running a whole providence. 
Apparently leading a sect involved more than playing deadly mind games, late night detective work, and honing your ability at espionage.
Apparently being perceptive and cunning and secretly good at managerial roles couldn’t totally make up for a lack of experience and leadership ability.
Apparently leaving most of his sect’s important affairs to Gusu Lan and Lanling Jin for the past decade in the attempt to gain their trust actually had consequences.
Apparently secretly plotting the death of your arch nemesis didn’t magically make you a respectable sect leader. Apparently it couldn’t make your presence more commanding, it couldn’t make your weak little arms and stronger, and it couldn’t make suddenly having no support any less daunting. Apparently relying on a man you intended to see dead was a bad long term plan for the continued success of your sect.
Go figure.
But like hell he was going to admit that to Wei Wuxian in the middle of a seedy bar in Caiyi. 
“Why am I here, Wei-xiong?” he asked instead. An obvious change of topics but hopefully Wei Wuxuan had learned how to take a hint in the long years since they'd been children.
Wei Wuxian smiled that same blinding smile that had seemed so strong and comforting to Huaisang a lifetime ago. 
“To drink, of course!” 
Huaisang mildly wondered how Wei Wuxian managed to make inhabiting someone else’s body seem so seamless. Mo Xuanyu had been his own person with a his own lifestyle and his body reflected that. 
Mo Xuanyu had been his own person....
And now he wasn’t. 
Was that Huaisang’s fault? He certainly hadn’t tied the boy’s hands and forced him to do what he did. He hadn’t created the situation the boy was in. In fact, the information he’d provided Mo Xuanyu had been blatantly upfront about what he could expect to happen. Mo Xuanyu chose his fate knowing what it could cost. He'd wanted revenge with the same fervor Huaisang had. All Huaisang had done was suggest a possible option. That was fine, right?
As if. Huaisang was weak and cowardly and afraid to face his problems upfront, but he was also raised a Nie. He knew better than to try and deflect blame. He had made his choice, there was no point in sugarcoating the facts now. True, Mo Xuanyu had chosen his fate but Huaisang was the one who benefitted. He did not kill him nor had he either forced or coerced the boy's hand but he had knows what would happen when he'd approached the boy. He'd known that the decision would be, had seen the same hatred he saw every morning in the mirror burning in Mo Xuanyu's eyes. It's not as if murder and blackmail were the only crimes a person could commit (they were just the most heinous, right DaGe?).
“Huaisang-xiong~” a lilting voice called out to him, breaking through the shroud of guilt that he feared may have been all too visible for someone as sharp as Wei Wuxian.
“Huaisang-xiong, you’re really spacing out a lot today. Rough month? Can I offer you a drink in these trying times?”
Huaisang couldn’t help but laugh a little. With everything else in between them, he’d almost forgotten how easy it was to like Wei Wuxian. 
“Don’t be like this, Wei-xiong. Don’t tease me about my suffering! As if a glass of wine could possibly solve all my problems,” Huaisang lamented dramatically, “Do you have any idea how much paperwork goes into being a sect leader? It’s one thing to see a stack but to fill it out? I haven’t slept in weeks! Weeks!”
“Ah yeah, I know what you mean. Lately Lan Zhan’s taken to sleeping at his desk filling out all that garbage.”
...since Zewu-jun is no longer in any condition to.
It probably wasn’t what Wei Wuxian had meant with that comment but it was certainly what Huaisang heard. 
“Well I understand his pain,” Huaisang commiserated, swallowing down his bitter feelings surrounding the first jade with a swig of sweet wine, “Sometimes a desk is better than nothing.”
“But he doesn’t have nothing!” Wei Wuxian whined, taking another huge gulp, “He has a husband! A lonely, lonely husband who’s rotting away waiting for him in the jingshi!”
Upon finishing, he dramatically threw his head down into his arms and groaned at the counter. Instinctively, Huaisang brought his hand up to pat Wei Wuxian on the back.
Suddenly Huaisang had an inkling of why he was here.
“Wei-xiong, were you feeling lonely? So you invited me out?”
It was a notion so preposterously simple that it seemed almost unbelievable. And yet...
“Well, of course!” Wei Wuxian replied, “Why else would I have flagged you down on your visit? Do I seem like someone who just goes out drinking with everyone I see? I’ll tell you what, maybe that’s what I was like in my youth but I’m a married man now! I can’t just do things like wander off with anyone who catches my fancy anymore. I have my husband’s reputation to think of...”
His voice trailed at the end. Wei Wuxian was always the kind to be openly joyful but was as tight lipped as Lan Wangji when it came to his pain. But a childhood of living with his brother and a decade of learning Jin Guangyao’s tells had made Huaisang a little bit of an expert at reading in between the lines. Wei Wuxian was laughably expressive in comparison to that fox if one just learned where to look.
“I can’t imagine trying to marry into the Lan family,. How many rules is it now? 3000?”
“Over 4000,” Wei Wuxian moaned miserably, “Can you believe that? Are there even that many things to restrict?”
If there were, Huaisang couldn’t think of them. Then again, with rules like “no excessive sadness” he supposed it was easy enough to come up with 4000.
“If I’ve heard correctly, one of them is that no one is to speak to you?” Huaisang couldn’t help but to dig deeper, it was practically second nature at this point. And besides, he really just wanted to know how that worked. For all that he knew Lan Qiren to a proud and slightly ridiculous man, he was a bit flabbergasted when he heard of the most recent rule the Lan’s had chiseled onto that mountain.
“Hm, your information is as sharp as always, Huaisang. They barely put that up a week ago. How’d you hear of it so fast? Someone leak it to you?” Wei Wuxian was the kind of person that couldn’t help but dig either it seemed.
“Nothing like that!” Huaisang replied honestly, “I’m simply in correspondence with the disciples we send to the Cloud Recesses. Some of them I’ve known since they were children. They mention night hunting with you quite often so I was curious as to how that worked.”
Wei Wuxian laughed lightly. “It doesn’t really. The kids there are all really good kids and most of them are more used to answering to Zewu-jun or Lan Zhan more than they are to Lan-laoshi at this point. But they’ve been avoiding me a bit out of fear of punishment ever since the rule officially went onto the wall. Lan Zhan assures me that it’ll die down within a week and that he’ll see it removed from the wall soon.”
Wei Wuxian smiled fondly before catching himself and coughing while hiding his blush. 
Interesting how admitting to want to bed a man didn’t embarrass him but admitting that he thought fondly of his husband was enough to send Wei Wuxian reaching for the wine.
“I didn’t even know that was possible,” Wei Wuxian continued after downing another glass, “I mean the rules are literally chiseled into the wall. But Lan Zhan said he’d do it so...”
Huaisang also doubted it was possible but he also remembered how easily Bichen had sliced through the thick stone walls of his ancestral tomb. He doubted the mountain face would fare any better against Lan Wangji’s fierce protectiveness.
“Still,” Huaisang said, “even with that new rule in effect, surely you didn’t need to hunt me down in order to have a drink? Wouldn’t someone else have been closer?”
And less dangerous? More trustworthy? A better candidate in general?
Wei Wuxian snorted.
“Huaisang-xiong, you may be overestimating me. Even I cannot afford to single out juniors to take out to drink. And Lan Zhan is great but he’s my husband! Some time apart is supposed to be... beneficial. And-and...”
Wei Wuxian shrugged, no longer interested in finishing his sentence it seemed. But Huaisang heard him loud and clear:
“And other than that, who else could I ask? Who else would be willing to even receive an invite from the Yiling Patriarch?”
Newly cleared as his name was, many cultivators still held onto their hate. Not an entirely unexpected reaction given all the damage and death dealt by one man alone but it would make it hard for Wei Wuxian to find willing friends his own age.
Huaisang wasn’t a fan of bloodshed or the rules of war, but he had been raised a Nie. Contrary to popular belief, he had some understanding of honor and duty (though he was well aware his actions hardly reflected that). That “conference” had been a war council. And even before that, the ambush at Qiongqi Pass had been as good as a declaration itself. You didn't attack a man during peacetime without the intention of starting something. So, for all the blood that was shed, Huaisang himself held no ill will towards Wei Wuxian. If you pick a fight then, win or lose, you better be ready to finish it--that was something his father had drilled into both his sons before passing. Huaisang had always taken that lesson to heart, it was why he didn’t pick any fights!
"Well. If that's all then let's go somewhere with nicer wine. I don't know how much more of this I can choke down. If we plan on drinking the night away let's go find wine that's drinkable."
"You don't seem to be having much of a problem."
"I just have an excellent poker face."
Somehow, they both woke up in The Unclean Realms in Huaisang's rooms.
"How did we get here?" Wei Wuxian asked, groggy and holding his throbbing head.
"Maybe we flew?" Huaisang answered thinly, still hiding his head under covers.
"Impossible. I can't fly and you can't carry me."
"Well," a rumbling, amused voice jutted into their conversation, "I can both fly and carry two drunkards. What do I win?"
"Fan HuaLan," Nie Huaisang sighed, "get lost...."
"Now is that any way to speak to your savior?" she asked.
"Is that any way to speak to your sect leader?" Huaisang shot back.
HuaLan barked out a loud, utterly grating laugh. "It is when you're the sect leader."
Huaisang groaned at the volume. HuaLan was a mysterious woman and, by nature, didn't say much... except with him. He took a second to mourn the days where she would salute him like a proper subordinate and didn't speak out of turn.
"You're fired and I'll have you stoned to death for this disrespect," Huaisang muttered into his pillow.
"Try it, trick-ass-bitch."
There was a noise outside.
"Huaisang?" ZiShen called in, voice slightly muted but still loud as hell drifting through the closed door, "Huaisang are you awake?!"
Suddenly the doors burst open and a veritable giant of a man bolted in, jumping right on Huaisang's bed illiciting a pained yelp from his sect leader.
"You should have seen yourself!" ZiShen said with a smile, "I don't think I've seen you that out of it in years! You threw up on JuDuo-daren! It was hilarious!"
Zhang ZiShen. As loud as the day Huaisang met him all those decades ago, when a better man ran the sect.
"Nie Huaisang, shut that guy up..." Wei Wuxian moaned.
"If I could, I would. Just ride it out."
"Hey everyone!" ZiShen called out the still open door.
Huaisang paled. "Zhang ZiShen, don't you dare! Shut your mouth!"
Huaisang never regretted The Unclean Realm's long, echoing hallways more than he did now. Not even when his brother used to roar down them about saber training or whatever else it was that Huaisang had recently skipped out on doing .... Huaisang took it as a small victory that the memory of his brother's booming voice brought more fondness than it did pain. He really was hungover.
A crescendo of loud, mostly annoyed voices started heading towards them almost immediately. Huaisang got up reluctantly. No point in going back to bed now. Might as well get on with his day.
"By the way," HuaLan stage whispered to him as soon as he found his footing, "who's your friend?"
"Wei Wuxian. The Yiling Patriarch. Better watch out."
HuaLan raised an eyebrow at Huaisang. A silent question. Huaisang shook his head. He was safe. Even Wei Wuxian wouldn't be bold enough to try anything within the halls of this fortress.
"Huh," HuaLan carried on with a smirk, turning to appraise their guest, "I thought he'd be taller."
Huaisang watched Wei Wuxian's groggy facial features immediately twist into afront.
"Wei-xiong. Shut up."
"I'll tell Xichen-gege that you're doing well."
"I doubt he'd be interested."
Wei Wuxian smiled an actually genuine smile. The kind that Huaisang used to try and coax out of him in those months they'd had together.
"You don't just stop loving people once they hurt you, we'd all have an easier time if that were the case."
Suddenly, a lot of things made sense. The sudden invite. Wei Wuxian's abnormal friendliness. HuaLan knowing precisely where to find him. Wei Wuxian's silent observation during this morning's commotion despite it being just the type of chaos he usually revelled in.
"And you accuse me of being the sneaky one," Huaisang muttered without any malice. As far as sneaks getting into his home, this one he didn't mind so much.
Wei Wuxian only laughed.
"Tell Sect Leader Lan that I am doing fine. The Nie Sect isn't the type to fail just because of one man's incompetence."
"Let alone the fact that no one around here seems incompetent," Wei Wuxian said.
That caught Huaisang off guard. Was that... a genuine compliment? Aimed at him? Or at his disciples? Or a pointed comment? Unsure of how to take it, all he could do was stay silent and try not to gape.
Wei Wuxian didn't comment on the sudden silence. Instead, he looked off to where JuDuo was yelling at HuaLan who was obviously not listening. ZiShen stood off to the side, trying to listen in without drawing either of their ire. The younger disciples nervously flapped around, trying to get them to stop in vain. Huaisang figured they'd stop soon enough once GuanJia finally dragged himself over to the training field and drew all of JuDuo's ire and energy just with his presence.
"This is nice," Wei Wuxian muttered so softly that Huaisang almost didn't catch it.
It occured to Huaisang that perhaps, like any good lie, Wei Wuxian's ruse had held a bit of truth in it. Truly, who else would be willing to recieve an invite from the Yiling Patriarch? Who other than the Headshaker? And perhaps Huaisang felt for him, just a bit. He too knew the crushing feeling of that the empty, lonely hole left behind by those already passed and the sharp sting of having no one else to turn to.
......Huaisang shouldn't. This would be bad for his sect and awful for him. Wei Wuxian would report everything to his husband and there were things Huaisang definitely didn't want confirmed. This was a bad idea.
But then again, when was the last time he'd had a good idea? And when was the last time he'd made a decision without the fear of being found out? Was he to live like this until the end of his days? Was this fear and secrecy all that was left for him now that he'd killed his enemy? Was that to be the climax of his life, everything before building up to that moment and everything after consumed with recovering from it? Had Jin GuangYao stolen this from him as well?
"If it's nice," Huaisang said carefully, unsure, "then feel free to stop by more often."
Now it was Wei Wuxian's turn to be caught speechless. That was fine, Huaisang knew how to wait.
"I-I couldn't possibly intrude on the sanctity of your home, Sect Leader Nie," Wei Wuxian finally choked out with his signature it's-all-fine smile. So easy to see through, so transparent.
"Nonsense. If you hadn't noticed yet, there's no sanctity in this home anymore. Nor is there much worry about intruding. My subordinates are all vile beasts," Huaisang said, trying to keep as much affection out of his tone as possible. It wouldn't do for them to think he approved of nosiness, funny as it was.
"But they seem to like you," Huaisang continued, "and I could do with a drinking partner. All of them are lightweights except for ZiShen. And I value myself too much to drink with him."
Huaisang didn't consider himself an overly sentimental man (not anymore anyways) but the way Wei Wuxian's head snapped up, the way his eyes shone hopefully, made Huaisang feel warm. Like maybe he'd made the right choice for once.
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mr-entj · 7 years
1) welcome back! You were missed! 2) Do you think certain MBTI types are prone to certain problematic behaviors and 3) if so which ones really bother you or you dislike?
Thanks. Yes, certain MBTI types show trends when it comes to problematic behaviors. My top one for each cognitive function:
High Te (ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ): The Sledgehammer
Summary: Uses a one-size-fits-all solution for different sized problems.
Using brute force to power through situations that might require more patience, finesse, and reflection.
“This worked great for me, you’re dumb not to do the same.”
“Don’t pursue a career in art, you’re going to be poor. Go into business, law, or medicine.”
Impact: The problem with being a hammer is that you’ll start to see everything and everyone as a nail. It also makes people feel like their opinions and points of view are less valuable than yours. It also falsely presumes that the choice which yields the best output objectively (example: the job that yields the most money) is the best. It negates the reality that people have different indicators for success because there isn’t only one correct answer to every question.
Solution: Incorporate subjective variables into your objective logical frameworks.
High Ti (INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP): The Hamster Wheel
Summary: Invalidates everything in a perpetual logic loop.
“Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?” x1,000,000
Impact: You succeed at winning debates but fail at solving problems. Whether or not you can rationalize the validity of money doesn’t take away from the fact you still have bills to pay at the end of the day. Whether or not you can rationalize the value of grades and traditional education doesn’t take away from the fact you’ll be denied entry into many careers without the right qualifications. Whether or not you can rationalize that having children is a logical idea or not doesn’t take away from the fact that many people aspire to be parents. The validity of other people’s goals, dreams, concerns, and issues are not contingent on whether or not they can explain them to your satisfaction.
Solution: Create solutions, answers, and actions for every hole you poke in other people’s logic– not more problems.
High Fe (ENFJ, ESFJ, INFJ, ISFJ): The Guilt Trip
Summary: Guilt trip. verb. to make (someone) feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something.
Example: Self-explanatory.
Impact: This is manipulation. You’ll get on people’s nerves and make them miserable because you’ve forced them into situations they didn’t willingly want to enter or participate in of their own accord. Secondly, you haven’t provided solid concrete reasons and logic for why someone should do something, it’s an argument made without taking into consideration the other person’s comfort or needs. 
Solution: Explain clearly and transparently why you want someone to do something (yes, it’s really that simple).
High Fi (INFP, ISFP, ESFP, ISFP): The Cloudy Mirror
Summary: Judges people for things they don’t want to be judged for.
“I wish society wouldn’t judge me for not wanting to have children and not wanting to be a housewife.” [Proceeds to judge people who want to have children and want to be a housewife]
“Not everyone wants to be rich in life, we all have different definitions of success that should be respected.” [Doesn’t respect people who want to be rich in life, automatically think these people are greedy sell-outs]
Impact: This is hypocrisy. It also comes off as illogical and presumptuous when people’s intents and motivations are automatically filled in by you. Some people buy sports cars because they actually have a passion for driving– they’re not necessarily materialistic. Some people seek high-paying careers at the expense of personal passions because they have obligations and goals they’d like to reach– they’re not necessarily greedy. Some people like traditional gender roles in relationships because that’s their personal choice– they’re not necessarily oppressed and/or close-minded. 
Solution: Accept that “conformity” in behavior, goals, aspirations, appearance, etc. doesn’t equate to misery and/or lack of authenticity.
High Ne (ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP): The Whiplash*
Summary: Chronic quitting and the inability to commit due to impatience and lack of discipline.
*Whiplash: noun. a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip.
“I’m going to do A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J … Z!” [Does none of it]
“Let’s do this. Let’s do that. Let’s go back to doing this. Let’s go back to doing that.”
“I want to have six-pack abs! I’m going to be SHREDDED.” [Exercises and eats well for one day then goes back to bad habits the next day]
Impact: People stop taking you seriously because you can’t execute on your promises, it dilutes the weight of your words and it corrodes respect (ex: “Yeah, uh-huh, sure you will, buddy.”). No one is immediately an expert at something the first try– seeds take time to grow and you’re no exception to this rule. Developing expertise and skills require time, commitment, and consistency. Results don’t happen overnight.
Solution: Underpromise and overdeliver– don’t overpromise and underdeliver.
High Ni (INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ): The Nutcracker
Summary: Hits people below the belt using knowledge those people shared against them.
Someone is insecure about their weight, you insult their weight.
Someone is insecure about their skin color, you make a comment about their skin color.
Someone tells you a secret, you expose it.
Impact: People won’t confide in you for fear you’ll use what they told you against them. This creates barriers to having close and meaningful friendships because people will view and treat you like a ticking time bomb they can’t let their guard down around. Understand that certain topics and comebacks are off-limits no matter how you feel about the person at the moment; certain words and actions have a lasting impact on your relationships. Memories fade but scars last.
Solution: The nuclear option should be your last resort, never your first.
High Se (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, ISFP): The Blindfire*
Summary: Leaps before they look.
*Blindfire: noun. The term referring to the act of operating a firearm without looking at what one is shooting at.
Winging it, all the time.
“Go go go go go!”
Google Search: “Donald+Trump”
Impact: Your lack of foresight and lack of planning will set you back even further from your goals because immediate rewards and instant gratification often only provide short-term benefits that rarely last. There’s a proverb that’s applicable here: “measure twice, cut once” which means that investing time and energy up front to do it correctly the first time will save a ton of time, money, energy, and grief later down the line.
Solution: Stop, drop, and roll think if the path you’re on actually leads to where you want to go.
High Si (ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ): The Helicopter
Summary: Micromanaging, nitpicking people to death.
“Write the email but let me review and edit before you send it.”
“What are you doing right now? Where are you going? When are you coming back?”
“I noticed when you loaded the dishwasher you put the spoons and forks in before the pots and pans, you should put the pots and pans in before the spoons and forks.”
Impact: Half the internet is writing posts complaining about you, the other half is writing posts complaining about having to read all the posts complaining about you. Micromanagement saps people of confidence and motivation, it also increases the chance that the bad thing you’re trying to prevent will actually happen. Additionally, you’ll feel paranoid and anxious that something will go disastrously wrong if you’re gone which results in burnout because you’ll always need to be there to keep an eye on things. This is counterproductive for everyone involved.
Solution: Choose your battles wisely– focus on the “what” (the goal) and not the “how” (the method).
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mkkusi1990 · 7 years
The 15 Greatest Heavyweight Fighters of all time.
The 15 greatest heavyweights of all time
1)     Muhammad Ali- The greatest heavyweight champion of all time. Like George Foreman, he went through 2 incarnations. The first one was the fastest heavyweight of all time, whose defense made him untouchable. Ali had good power, but not great power, but he would fire off his punches like a machine gun. Most times, like in the case of Brian London, they were overwhelmed. Then the exile occurred and Ali came back three years later. He was slower of hand and foot, but stronger, and Ali used this strength in the clinch. Ali could also hit harder, and he discovered he had an iron chin. Ali’s chin is one of the marvels of the sports world, and no one could take a punch like Ali. Ali used this durability to not only survive fights, but to win them. Ali is the greatest because he always found a way to win using different styles.
2)     Joe Louis- Joe Louis was deadpan, silent, and one of the greats. He was the greatest puncher of all time, and put together his combinations with speed, power and accuracy. His punching technique was as pure as Arthur’s Excalibur, which stayed with him to the end.
Louis was also no slouch at defense. Nat Fleischer ranked him with Jack Johnson in terms of defensive technique. His style started with the crouch and the jab. Louis fought out of the Blackburn crouch and used his jab to break down opponent’s defense while setting up his offense. He was perfection on offense, and opponents could not afford to make the same mistake twice. Louis was 10-0 in rematches with 9 knockouts and of his 25 title defenses, 22 were knockouts.
3)     Jack Johnson- Johnson was the first black heavyweight champion, and as a result, there was a move to get a White Hope. But for the most part, these people were wasting their time. Johnson had probably the best heavyweight defense, and mastered most of the defensive techniques such as ducking, blocking, parrying, slipping and leaning back. Johnson also had one of the best uppercuts in heavyweight history. He would throw it from an upright position to further confuse opponents, who could not anticipate when the uppercut would land. He was the consummate counter-puncher, who made life miserable for his opponents when he was in the ring.
4)     Jack Dempsey- He helped refine the swarmer style and showed how it had to be done.
He used head movement and footwork in his attacks to pressure his opponents and open them to his two-handed punching. His bob and weave technique meant that he was not hit solidly in most fights. Dempsey’s chin and recuperative ability also meant that he was always in the fight. Dempsey’s left hook is the greatest ever, and his right hand was not bad either. His constant attacks made him the heavyweight with the greatest amount of 1st round knockouts at 25. Even in defeat, he managed to knock Gene Tunney down.
5)     Rocky Marciano- Marciano was like the Energizer bunny, if the Energizer bunny had boxing gloves. He was a raw novice when he came to Charley Goldman, who polished him until he was a diamond. Marciano applied non-stop pressure punching at all parts of the opponents. If the opponent covered up, then he would punch the body and the arms until the opponent yielded. Marciano is also the only undefeated heavyweight champion who retired and did not have a loss. Marciano  was harder to hit than he looked. Joe Louis could not stop him from imposing his will and Ali said he hit hard, while being hard to jab. He was an all-time great.
6)     Larry Holmes- Larry Holmes’ jab was an ever-present reminder that there was a higher authority in the fight.  His jab is classed as one of the best ever, and it outclassed opponents. Holmes could knock an opponent out with a jab. That coupled with his speed and technique made him one of the greats. He could beat an opponent by boxing from the outside, or by using punch placement to wreck havoc on the inside. Holmes was the first word in versatility. And above all else, Holmes had a world-class chin. Holmes learned from Ali and took those skills to show the world that much of Ali’s style was still in the ring when Holmes went through the ropes.
7)     George Foreman- Foreman was the tale of two careers. The first career, he emulated Sonny Liston and tried to knock out all comers with power punches especially those coming from his right hand. The second career, he took Ali as his role model and tried to set up his knockouts with patience and timing. Either one of these Foremans is a top heavyweight. When they are put together in an examination of a career he is an all time great. He was very adaptable for a slugger and could cut the ring off with impunity. And his power is one of the best, if not the best in heavyweight history. The class that Foreman is in with regard to power is one of very low attendance. His best wins are those over Frazier and Moorer more than twenty years apart.
8)     Sonny Liston- Liston had the best jab in heavyweight history. His jab was a power punch and it was as if Liston had two right hands. He could also hook off the jabs and throw combinations. He combined boxing skill with brute power. Joe Louis said he would not jab with him, even though Louis had a stellar jab himself. Rocky Marciano said that he would not relish fighting Sonny Liston. Liston was also the intimidator supreme. He did not invent ring intimidation, but he perfected it. Most of his opponents, including Muhammad Ali, were scared of him. Floyd Patterson neglected strategy and went at Liston head on, and was dealt with severely like a disobedient child. Only Ali was able to overcome him when he was near his prime, and the scorecards were even until Liston quit.
9)     Joe Frazier He was the candle that burned brightly before it became dark. Frazier took the  swarmer style and used his strengths to become a nightmare for opposing heavyweights.  Frazier worshipped at the altar of the swarmer. His bob and weave technique was among the best ever and he had a left hook that was carved from the netherworld like Thor’s Hammer. Frazier owns the best victory over an all-time great heavyweight when he defeated Muhammad Ali, and dropped him with that left hook. Underrated speed of hand and foot,  a good jab, an adept ability to cut off the ring, and stamina that could not be tamed help round out the Frazier package.
10) Lennox Lewis- Lewis was the best heavyweight of his generation. Everyone Lewis fought, he won against and the two men who beat him suffered knockouts. He had the punch of a slugger, but also brought the table good hand speed, an exceptional reach, and two-fisted power. He would often look on his opponents with disdain, which hurt him when he underestimated them. But Lewis was never more formidable than against an opponent he saw as a threat, which is shown in the Tyson fight. Lewis’ right hand was one of the best of all time, and chopped down grown men with impunity.
11) Evander Holyfield- Holyfield had the soul of a warrior of ancient times brought to life inside a boxing ring. Sometimes this mentality hurt him, because he was so focused on warring that he forgot to win. He faced the best opposition of anyone besides Ali. And although he did not always win against this opposition, he always gave his best. He was a superb counter puncher and although he did not have the benumbing hitting power of Tyson, Holyfield could string together combinations that did as must damage. Holyfield’s win over Tyson was shocking, but it was the result of intense preparation and focus. Although Holyfield was not the fastest, he could move and use his movement to set up his punches.
12) Mike Tyson-  Tyson was the terror that reigned in the heavyweight division. He was not only modern but ultramodern, trained to fight in ways that other heavyweights did not comprehend or fathom. He was physically gifted and that coupled with intensive training brought him to the heavyweight championship of the world. Tyson’s fights were often a question of how long the opponent would last rather than if the opponent could win. But then, Cus D’amato died and Tyson began to unrival. Tyson forgot his training, and in forgetting his training, he did not use his skillset. The head movement became stationary, the combination punching was reduced to one at a time punching, and body punching was neglected. Tyson in his second career lost as many fights as he won. But Tyson in his first career was one of the all-time greats.
13) Ezzard Charles- He was the small fish in the big sea of heavyweights who managed to rule over them as king. Ezzard Charles made 9 defenses as a heavyweight, which is a statistic that many people are unaware of. Only Jack Johnson, Tommy Burns, Muhammad Ali, Larry Holmes, and Joe Louis made more title defenses. He faced off against the best fighters in 3 divisions. Charles was a technician of style, and many foes found it impossible to beat him. He beat Jersey Joe Walcott and Joe Louis, and managed to give Rocky Marciano 2 of his toughest fights. He had speed, combination punching, defense, a punch, footwork and so much more. Good things indeed come in small packages.
14) Sam Langford- Langford was the best heavyweight who never won a title. He won against Joe Gans when he was young and against Tiger Flowers when he was old. The fact that he knocked out Tiger Flowers when blind further testifies to Langford’s skill and power. A large portion of Langford’s opponents ranked him as the most powerful heavyweight they had faced. These victories speak to the longevity and greatness of Sam Langford. Langford can be seen as an early prototype of Joe Louis, with a moderate crouch, combination punching, and deadly counter punching off of misses.  He combined a potent offense with an impenetrable defense.  Langford had it all but missed the biggest prize of the heavyweights.
15) Jim Jeffries- He was the prototypical slugger of his era, and helped developed this style from being a raw brawler. He coupled learned boxing skill with natural strength and punching power.  Jeffries was the first heavyweight champion to fight from a crouch, and he was very effective with head movement.  But even if a fighter was able to get to Jeffries’ jaw, he could harm his hands on Jeffries titanium chin. Jeffries beat boxer-punchers like Peter Jackson and Bob Fitzsimmons, outside boxers like Jim Corbett, and swarmers like Tom Sharkey. And except for Tom Sharkey, all of these boxers were knocked out and counted out. This speaks to the raw power that was in Jeffries veins and in his fists.
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sleepytimeprophet · 7 years
We All Fall Down end for Callos?
WE ALL FALL DOWN- No one is safe in the end of my muse’s story. Everyone important to the story has perished. This can include your muse or not.
You knew he would come back, you just didn’t know when.
You knew he was out there, watching you from afar. You could feel him creeping into your dreams, raking your eyes out, ripping your heart out of your chest and defacing your body with the blood. You could hear him screaming from his cage in the woods, promising you’d rue the day that you’d dare exile him. You had seen the silent fire in his eyes the day you had resigned to cast him from the bounds of society. If any of your paranoid assumptions had any base, it was that you had seen the rage in the silent soul you had vanquished that day. You had seen it with your own two eyes. You were younger then, more merciful; a trait you’ve, thankfully, long since abandoned. There is no place for mercy in your city.
Revolts were commonplace now. The citizens of your city had realized that there was more of them than there was of the Council and that they all possibly couldn’t be rounded up and executed at once. You were only weeding out the weak with each extension of your trident and each slam of your gavel. You were only fueling more fires, spilling more blood, wishing more carnage. You were thriving off of the chaos. It gave you a thrill that could only be matched by chasing more power down dark alleys and choking out the life of those that stood in your way. A sordid addiction to find yourself trapped in. 
But you didn’t care. In your castle, you were safe.
You’d sacrificed every last one of the useless members of your Council to keep him away, and they’d failed you. Their deaths were meaningless. They meant nothing, they WERE nothing! They were weak, miserable failures, every last one of them!
But you knew he was still coming. You knew he would evade every trap laid for him, every guard, every Council member, every member of the Empress’ militia would prove futile. If you’ve learned anything about Rablon in the hundreds of sweeps since you’ve exiled him, it’s that he’s changed. He’s crafty. He’s honed in on the darkest eldritch majjyks and is able to phase in and out of existence like some form of spectre of the night. He’s learned to use blood sacrifice to fuel his own strength. He’s no longer the silent but sweet brute you’d turned away, he was now a savage. And you’re his target. You could almost feel the noose closing on your neck. 
Clutching your trident in your hand, you paced. You paced as you’ve done for sweeps, the smooth metal near vibrating in your hand from your expended nerves. You should’ve spent your sweeps training for him, training for whatever daemon now inhabited the shell of that fucking nightmare of a troll. You felt this night was different. You could taste it in the air. Something was coming. But you were ready. Oh, you were ready!! He would burst down the door, and you’d just throw your trident at him and you’d vanquish him and Callos would rule unopposed once more!! He stood no chance.
The knocks came, then. Quiet at first. Almost timid. But they grew in strength, in intensity, until the inner sanctum became a living echo-chamber, the air screaming with the feverish knocks. They came from every direction, the sound seeming to travel right through you and root you in your spot, wide eyes plagued with perigees of no sleep staring at the doors. Waiting, watching. All at once, the knocking ceased. An almost choking silence settled over the sanctum and your breath is all you can hear. It’s too LOUD, god damnit! It’s so loud, you force yourself to hold your breath. Any sound was too loud now. You might miss something if you even dared to breathe.
The door. It was unlocked. You hadn’t locked it, the doorwasunlockeditwasunlockedyouknewitwasyouknew– the door creaked open. It was slow as it traversed over it’s built path, creaking with age, though it could have been mockery. Even the doors were laughing at you. In the darkness, you could make out a figure standing there. You knew who it was. You didn’t even have to look. You knew.  You knew, you knew, you knew. 
The figure took a step closer and the trident slipped out of your hand, clattering loudly on the marble below; the past sweeps having had been stained with so much blood that it was near impossible to scrub fully clean. Small rainbow specks dotted the floor in every which direction. As the figure stepped fully into the hall, the door slammed shut behind him. A careful hand dipped the lock into the closed position, a motion so fluid, it was as if he had been doing it for sweeps.
Fear rooted you to your spot, unable to bend for your trident, or even raise up a voice in outcry. It’s not like anyone would rush to your aid anyway, you had killed anyone scared of you enough to obey you. It was just you and him. He took his time approaching you, his steps careful, calculated. Calm. There was no fear in the intruder’s movements. He had recited this moment in his head for sweeps, 800 of them. Had it really been 800 sweeps? You swallow the bile pooling in your mouth and you feel your earfins start to droop as he looms over you in his full height. He was no longer the troll you had exiled. You saw him now for the true horror he had become. Mangled hair, gnarled fingers with claws , deformed facial features, broken horns. He was a monster.
Trembling hands raise and you hear yourself uttering something. The figure doesn’t stop his advances however, moving ever closer. You can taste the Death on his breath as he moves closer, you can feel the air of exile still clinging to him, despite the fresh clothes he wore, and the mangled hair straightened and pulled into a tight ponytail. There were no dirtied bandages, no leaves attached to his clothes, no horrors of the forest. He was clean. He was healthy. He was better than you. Your utters become frantic. You can’t hear yourself, nor do you think he can. Finally, you’re screaming. You’re screaming at him, begging him for mercy. 
Mercy. The word stops the intruder, and he cocks his head a moment, almost as if he doesn’t understand the phrase. Then he smiles.
“Mercy.” He echoes back, his voice dripping with malice. Despite the years he’s had to regain the use of his voice since his escape from exile, it was clear that he still struggled with speech and articulation. “Mercy.”
A gruff hand reaches out and grabs hold of your suit-jacket and despite the fact that you dig your heels into the floor and try to resist him, he moves you as if you are but a small child. He’s approaching the window, the window where the hungry crowd leers below, ready to consume you at a moment’s notice. He does not disappoint. He hefts you off of the ground with a small smile, even deigning to laugh as holds you over the edge of the parapet. You’re crying now, begging for mercy.
“I was just a wiggler,” you choke out, your tears blurring your vision. “I didn’t know what I was doing! I can fix it, I beg of you, Rablon. I beg of you for mercy! We can talk about this like civil trolls, it doesn’t have to come to this!”
Rablon seems phased for only a moment. He smiles again, shaking his head as he tosses you over the window ledge into the waiting maw of the rebels who had been stalking these grounds for sweeps, waiting for a chance for you to slip up. And slip up you had. He hisses out a small laugh beneath his breath as he turns away from the parapet, stepping back inside. “This is mercy.” 
As quietly as he had come, he had left, though only after torching every last remnant of your image, blotting you out of society as you had done to him. When he was finished, no one would even remember you.
Callos? Who is that?
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