The trust I gave you
Everything I had put into it
And I realize that
I don’t even want you to touch me.
Because every touch reminds me
You are only a moment from
Hurting me.
I don’t even want to speak to you
Because the hatred in your voice
Echos in my mind,
Even when you
Pretend to care so you can
Feel close to someone.
Have I ever been a
Love to you?
Or perhaps something to use
Someone to feel the pain
Like you felt for so many years.
And I can say with all my heart
That I love you.
That somehow through years
Of feeling unwanted, hated
And broken
That I can still say I care.
That I can still look somewhere
Inside you and find
An ounce of good.
One day this too will become
A memory
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Sometimes I feel the space
You put between us
And I wonder what I’m doing here.
I sometimes feel like I’m looking at my life
On a screen and nothing is real.
I had so many hopes
So many dreams
And sometimes the only time you care
Is when I feel like I need to leave.
Why would anyone
Who loves a person
Say the things you say?
Why would anyone
Who loves themself
Ever want to stay?
I guess that’s why you chose me
Because I’m still here.
I hate myself and it works for you;
You have nothing to fear.
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Someday, I hope someone really loves me, I hope I can deserve kindness. I hope one day I can be happy and someone will be happy with me. I hope that I’m enough and I feel it. Someone who can hold me when I cry, who can hug me tighter when I shake, and really just cares when I am hurt. Haven’t you ever wondered how lovely it would feel to get that kindness back sometime. I’m sick of feeling so much and never getting that from another person.
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Sometimes I remember feelings
As colors in my past.
I remember every shade,
And while I couldn’t tell you,
Where it ended or where it began,
I could paint you a masterpiece
In my memories.
I remember the sunrise
Sitting on a damp porch in my pajamas
Waiting for that first light
With my favorite people in the world.
I remember when the sky was as blue as the ocean
And when I was young enough
To be amazed by it
I remember when I saw that sun turning the sky into bright reds and yellows
And on long walks by myself
I found a reason to love being alive.
I remember all of the sunsets
Sunsets that turned lavender,
I remember breathing in fresh air
And feeling the sadness let go
For a minute or two.
I remember sunsets turning to dusk
While I sat in the car with him
And when I knew that we wouldn’t
See another one together.
I remember long winter nights
When the world stood still,
And I could see my breath,
When I spoke to you for the last time.
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I sometimes sit and wonder
What I don’t have, that she did.
And I read old love letters you
Wrote to her in secret.
I think about all those little things
That I do that must make you
So sick.
And all the things about her
That you just didn’t mind as much.
And I wonder if I could ever
Reach a point where I feel like
I could ever be the one you truly wanted.
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I’m tired of trying so hard
Tired of trying to catch your eyes,
While your eyes seem elsewhere.
And I will never be made to feel bad
For being sad about that.
I ask so much
Why am I never enough,
When I should be asking
What am I worth to myself.
I know what self-hatred does,
I know that there are times
I’d rather not exist,
But that doesn’t make me nothing.
So look at them,
All those girls you’d rather see,
And convince yourself it isn’t wrong,
To think of them and not me.
But do not be surprised
When I don’t look to you anymore.
Don’t be surprised when I am thriving
And you find yourself lost
In the cheap love that costed you
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Fearful, tired, my brain
Searches every corner
Afraid that it will find you.
You, that theif
Who steals a person’s
Love for me.
I can feel it’s presence
Nearing closer
In every little conversation;
In his growing hatred
Of the things
He told me that he loved.
And the thing is
I know it’s stupid
I know my worries end in sadness
But I can feel his fire
Going out;
The same fire inside me
That still burns
So brightly.
But I can feel it
And that’s what makes
It real to me.
His short temper;
How angry I can make him
With words meant for love.
How he can’t rest near me anymore
Because my very presence
Gives him unease.
And how I am the cause
Of every problem
That he sees.
I wish he
Loved me.
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The bluish hue of the sky,
The bluish hue of my veins.
You can fix it if you fix you,
But if he doesn’t want you, then you can’t.
Tell me things to convince me
Why I should be alive?
To live unwanted by the people that
I’d kill just to stand beside.
No, want cannot be convinced.
And maybe I wish it could be.
But the fact is I can’t do anything
If he doesn’t want me.
Allow the feeling to take you
Worthlessness washes through.
Let tears clean you of your sorrow,
Let pain clean the fear in you.
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He is asleep.
I should be too,
But it’s hard when
The tears are so cold
That I shiver.
He told me
My tears don’t affect him
I wonder if
My self hatred does
Or when my heart hurts
So bad that it’s hard to breathe.
I wonder if
Anyone on this earth
Can hear my sadness.
I don’t deserve better.
Why should he care?
Why should anyone?
I’m so worthless.
A waste.
I get sad too much,
I feel so much.
And I will always
Be sorry for that.
I guess some nights
It’s so hard to hold
the sadness in.
I’m so desperate
For someone to care
About it.
But I know I’m
Too much
Even for a
Patient person.
I love you
More than anything.
I’m sorry that
I let myself
Be a burden
All this time.
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They called me needy.
All I’ve ever wanted was to be
So that’s what I became.
They called me loud,
So I tried to be quiet.
I tried to suffocate myself
To silence.
They called me ugly,
So I bought a mask,
And covered every inch of myself
In hatred.
I stopped eating and
Started crying more.
They called me weird,
So I stopped talking
About the things that made me
They called me too much,
Too big,
Too fat.
So I shrank myself down
As far as I could.
I tried to dissect myself
And leave only the parts
That they would love.
But there was nothing
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I always tell you how I feel,
Sometimes in quiet ways.
I’ve seen the tops of clouds,
Soft purple in the early morning;
I’ve been up in the night
Shivering in silent snow;
I’ve rested on the water
While the orange haze fades;
But none of it compares
To being with you.
Love is so vibrant,
I notice colors everywhere.
I’m lost in love like
Rich heat in summer nights.
Your hands touch my skin;
They feel like energy changing me
Love is so tangible.
I feel my heart expand at the thought of you.
I love how I love with you;
I love you.
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I Think
Warm, soft light on my ceiling
Cold, dripping tears falling back.
Is it worth it?, I think.
Let it be, I say back.
Hours floating by; Days, Years
Heart sinking lower than the lowest floor.
I deserve this pain, I think.
Don’t trouble them anymore.
Such a battle every night;
Lone soldier gone to war.
Don’t let it win tonight, I think.
Stay for the good things in store.
Staggered breaths, soaked pillows,
Lungs that it hurts to fill.
I stay for you, but sometimes
I think it still.
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Slow, dull aches spreading;
Branching out like trees.
Cold winds blowing branches,
Anxiety and at ease.
It is the quiet suffering
That kills.
That pain that makes you numb;
That silent cold that gives you chills.
Your words echo in that silence,
Your feelings hurt all the same.
You don’t want me
And I have only I to blame.
Doubt suffocates
Like the tide coming in.
Lonely goosebumps on my arms
Where warmth could have been.
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I Didn’t Ask, I Knew
If you could see me now,
What would you do?
Tears falling on the wooden floor
In front of you.
Let me ask this differently;
I’ve got to be more clear.
Would you prefer me to be with you
Or do you like me over here?
We went to visit.
I didn’t ask, I walked up to the door.
Your eyes said this was private.
I hadn’t seen that before.
You were quiet after that.
Me too.
You tried to cover by saying
Thank you.
A second time we went to visit.
I didn’t ask, I held my seat.
You’re eyes said you were happy
In a way you weren’t with me.
You talked more after that.
I held my silence.
I’ve seen those eyes before,
Upon whom remains quiet.
Those eyes haunt me.
Every night.
The way you had to keep it private;
The way she put in you a light;
The way you couldn’t disguise it.
I couldn’t bear to speak It;
It hurt too much.
In your one-sided conversation
About the woman you really love.
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In the brisk, cold air of our day,
A fog sets in.
Like the uncertainty of our life,
It upsets him.
He reaches for something light,
But it is always out of his reach.
As he reaches into the unknown,
He knows not what he seeks.
Is it the beauty of a virgin
Left untouched?
How tragic that when he reaches,
It’s her beauty he corrupts.
Is it to be someone’s
Only love?
How tragic what a person is
Uncapable of.
To proclaim it is so sad in a way;
He will always search for more.
There will always be another want
That he didn’t realize before.
That’s the conflict in his mind,
Why he’s always left unhappy;
She can never satisfy
Even when she wants to so badly.
In the end, what we want
Is so vastly unattainable
Because the things we desire most
Are so completely unsustainable.
So when you see the tears
Upon her face
Think of all the things she fears;
If your love cannot be had
What has she searched for
All these years?
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How Can I
Even at my biggest
How can I feel so small?
Every bit of confidence
Drips like the drain in a broken stall.
How can I feel so happy
And so dead inside at the same time?
I feel the weight of my decisions
Overwhelming my endless mind.
How can I be enough for anyone?
I cry about it all the time.
Tell me more about all the people
Other than me that you could find.
Tell me about the flowers
Who take in all the sun;
The sun that I could never find,
That you love more than anyone.
Tell me about the trees,
The way they dance at the sight of you
In a way I never could.
Then tell me again your love is true.
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Kindness is not a current.
Unlike the river, it can't always flow.
At some point, when it isn't returned,
The well is empty, more than you could know.
At some point, it grows quiet.
You'll stop crying when you're sad.
And the numbness overpowers
All the feelings you could've had.
This truth isn't unknown
It's happened too many times.
You'll stop sharing the things you love,
Your only words will be your rhymes.
But along with the hurt that's gone
So follows the good feelings too.
If you're not allowed to love things
Then what else is there to do?
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