#Even though Damien is in south park
aforests · 11 months
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bleebergeeber · 25 days
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eyes that will lead me throughout the night
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potatobugz · 1 year
uh. uh . uhhhm. here take a bunch of out of context wips from a comic im making. I've been making. ..........for the past four days.
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teacookiesandpeace · 7 months
What if Pip had survived somehow?
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Well, it's kind of hard to imagine that he even managed to survive after literally turning into bloody pink gum in episode 201, but I tried to fit a few things into context. (I don't doubt anything else when it comes from south park)
Well, Pip would probably be in the hospital for a long time since he was totally crushed and turned into a pink bloody gum by Mecha Barbra. I think Joe or the possible family that takes care of him would be taking care of him in the hospital, after a long time recovering, he recovers but with sequelae, he loses the ability to walk and an arm in addition to having scars all over his body
He would also wear different clothes probably, since his clothes were wrinkled as well, I wanted to keep the boy's style as it is something iconic of his
And as for his relationship with other people, I think he would still be kind and polite, but traumatized (honestly, anyone would be traumatized if a giant dinosaur appeared out of nowhere and just crushed you like a bug) I think the boys would continue to make fun of him like they used to, but only when they were forced to interact with Pip since they probably don't care about his existence anymore
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Maybe Pip talks to Damien sometimes, but I wouldn't be too sure, though I'd like to see these two being friends and hanging out together
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I'm pretty sure he'd talk to Butters again, they'd definitely get along, and maybe Dougie would do too
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Even though Estella has completely disappeared from the show, I think she would at least visit him to see how he's doing
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jewbeloved · 2 months
stan,kenny and wendy with a ghost s/o? like s/o died in south park (cause,i mean cmon,if you dont have plot armour are you really gonna survive?) and they just kinda haunt sp.they also have similar abilities to damien (flight,telekinesis,teleportation,ect),maybe they even have a human/physical form like him too 😃?
Stan, Kenny, and Wendy with a ghost s/o💙🧡🩷
warnings: Plasmophobia (If you have it)
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh ⚽
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Blud thought he was hearing things because someone kept calling his name and he didn't know where it was coming from.
Stan began to get irritated and demanded whoever was calling his name multiple times to show themselves.
You just now realized that you were invisible to Stan and he obviously cannot see you. So you make yourself visible while making the place around you cold asf.
The gif above is Stan's brief reaction before he jumps back in complete shock.
It took him a while to realize it was you but in the form of a ghost.....
Stan wasn't really close to you at all when you first came to south park. Probably because he didn't even notice you were there.
He did hear about one of the students dying on the news but he didn't think it was you.
But since you're a ghost that death that occurred confirms it was you after all. He feels guilty that he never spoken to you, not even once before you died.
You both started to have a lot of conversations with each other after your first meeting. Stan obviously snuck out during lunch or free time to go talk to you behind the school.
Stan always talked about you to Kyle though. Kyle thought he had a screw loose since Kyle can't even see you.
You like to tease Stan with your powers and scare him a lot. I'd like to think Stan always puffs his cheeks whenever he's angry and you find that cute :)
If physical contact was possible he would be so happy. If you allow him to be able to touch💙💙💙💙
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🍄
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You both already know about each other.
You always remembered the times Kenny has died and comforted him after he regenerates the next day.
But when he heard that you died he was so sad that he couldn't stop crying because you weren't immortal like him so you couldn't come back to life.
That all changed when he started shivering because his room got cold all of a sudden and this woke him up out of his sleep.
He thought that he accidentally left the window open so got up to go look, only for him to find out that it was never opened.
He then felt a soft tap on his shoulder and turned around immediately while flinching.
"Oh for heavens sake Kenny, It's just me (Name)...".
Wait what?
A ghost?
I guess he shouldn't be surprised just by seeing that. He was so happy and relieved to hear that it was just you.
You really came back to see him...well in a ghostly form anyway because you're dead.... Kenny's happy nonetheless!
You both can go back to interacting with each other again! But he's still a bit sad that he isn't able to feel your heartbeat anymore whenever he hugs you. Please cheer him up.
Since Kenny is immortal, you both can literally spend the rest of your lives together forever now that you're here <33333🧡🧡🧡🧡
🩷 Wendy Testaburger 💮
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Like Kenny, you and her have known each other ever since you moved to south park.....or whatever you did in order to get there.
She one day saw that you weren't home at all and she panicked thinking you went missing.
It wasn't until your parents told her that you recently had died (Or if she finds out on her own if you don't have any parents).
You and her had a close bonding relationship and she was devastated to hear the news.
She will wear anything you had left behind before you died (hats, scarfs, etc.)
When she was cleaning out her locker for her next class. She saw a bunch of students running away from the janitor's closet, screaming about how the closet is haunted or something.
Wendy brushed it off as them being weird until Bebe told her that she saw a ghost in the closet. Wendy signed and went to check it out for herself since she trusts Bebe.
She opened the closet door and saw nothing inside.
She was about to go and confront Bebe for lying to her until she saw a ghostly figure that looked exactly like her.
She screamed until you shifted back into your normal self and reassured her that it was just only you.
She couldn't believe it, she always thought ghosts weren't real...how is it possible for someone to be able to see ghosts????
She's going through the five stages of grief right now that she can't even mutter another word out. Eventually she can't escape reality in the end.
She doesn't know exactly what to do now that she is seeing you again as a ghost?? But those tears streaming down her cheeks told you everything you needed to know about how she feels.
You noticed that she was wearing your stuff (If you had any) while you were hugging her.
You kept hugging and comforting her until she stopped crying. Telling her that you would never leave her even in death. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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mxviko · 2 months
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The first reference and side notes for an au story I’m making and actually very passionate about!
It took a lot to actually finish this because half way through I didn’t like the style anymore and it would be a lot to redo (demotivating,) and would also be weird when I post the other characters in the style I want to do
So I’m posting Pip first and separately. It’s probably weird to do but I don’t want to burn out as I start. Anyway! I don’t have a name for the au yet, either Curse park or something like that. In this au one leak of a bit of dark magic causes a string of effects and effects on different characters, the leak being Damien sewing and magicing Pip back to life..though it wouldn’t be a South Park au unless Pip is kind of crazy or weird or kills people in someway.
I’ve really actually thought this story out and didn’t get stuck so I’m kind of excited about it and plan to maybe draw comics for it. I even looked at urban legends to get ideas, did you know Colorado has a haunted road that is (I could be remembering wrong ah) sometimes called the entrance to hell? Very convenient for me.
I have my foreign kids sot au I wanna continue to draw and concept for, but I feel really inspired for this. I hope to post more about it soon :3
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tyranitardude · 5 months
Most South Park Fans and what they think they are: Accepting and respectful people who believes that stereotyping is wrong.
Most South Park Fans and what they really are: Racist, sexist and antisemitic hypocrites that engages into misogyny towards the girls for doing and saying things that the boys have also been guilty of saying and doing, clearly only like Tolkien and Nichole together for a completely racist reason (though not all of them are racist), only want fully fleshed out characters so they can make them as one-note stereotypes, uses the double standard that toxic straight couples are bad but toxic LGBT couples are good and (oftentimes indirectly) support the myth that being a homosexual is a choice.
You said it! They'll complain about Stendy because of its unhealthy traits, but then they ignore the unhealthy traits of Style, which in turn is technically more toxic than the unhealthy traits of Stendy, while giving Dip a free pass even though Damien set Pip on fire. And when it comes to which fourth grader ship that is currently canon is the most unhealthy, Clybe takes the cake, since Bebe used Clyde for free shoes, Clyde downright refers to Bebe's texts as "stupid shit" while, of course, using ChatGPT to text her, and unlike with Stendy, neither of these two made up after the whole ChatGPT thing. Despite that, Clybe gets a free pass but Stendy doesn't.
And the South Park fandom also gets butthurt when people merely criticise their headcanons or ships. If you feel personally attacked by the slightest of criticism of your headcanons or ships, that's a you problem.
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
" VACATION " a south park x reader
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RINKY-DINK TOWN || info. - past : next
        You did not want to come to some rackety, old, boring, snowing, cold, shabby, stupid-ass fucking town for your summer break. Be honest, who would?
        Maybe you'll change your mind later on, but right now, this has got to be the stupidest shit you've ever gone through, and that's something, especially when it comes to you.
Name: [Y/N] NIAKI
Age: 16
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual, general attraction to anyone regardless of gender. || asexual, no sexual attraction to anyone at all.
Height: 5'11
Personality: Blunt, tired, easily irritated, quiet, occasionally playful, rarely flirtatious.
Current Thoughts: 'Even if I only have to be in this boring and cold place that can barely be called a town for only two months, there's nothing anyone here or anywhere who can convince me to stay the moment I get the chance to leave.'
Kyle Brovloski
Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Tolkien Black
Kenny McCormick
Stan Marsh
Leopold "Butters" Stotch
Jimmy Valmer
Scott Malkinson
Pip Pirrup
Damien Thorn
Dovahkkiin "Douchebag, The New Kid"
Wendy Testaburger
Heidi Turner
Bebe Stevens
Red McArthur
Nichole Daniels
Annie Knitts
Welcome to South Park, my beloved! This story is going to contain mentions of:
Hey there, []! This book has no outline so far and I'm honestly throwing bullshit that I make up at three in the morning at this right now. There's going to be really slow updates. Enough about that though, time for some secrets!!
1. Yep, instead of the overused 'I just moved here, yadda yadda' scenario, you have actually only came here for summer vacation!
2. You were forced to get out of your house by your parents and they set up this whole trip thing without telling you until a week before departing. 
3. Your parents didn't have half the mind to tell you that you'd also be living there alone for two fucking months, some parents am I right?
4. Luckily, they did already have your stuff packed and had the house rented out and everything else. You're a freeloader! Yay!
5. Oh yeah also, you're rich. Just because. Use that black card, spend all your money, ain't nobody there to stop you!!
6. Nobody in South Park knows of your soon-to-be arrival.
7. There is no school because, you know, summer vacation. This means a lot more free time to get roped into some crazy and immoral shit laze around.
8. Cartman's going to be a little shit about your pronouns, but he's going to be forced to use them because he has zero fucking clue what your gender is.
9. Speaking of fatass, he's not a love interest mainly because I can't write an asshole character suddenly falling love. I just can't. Makes me want to just evaporate.
10. You will get to at least befriend him though. Yay..?
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knightinink · 11 months
More parent Dip headcanons! A lil’ angsty this time, but rewarding in the end☺️
(Inspired by @i-enjoy-south-park-milfs69 newest fic which you can read here!)
-Pip has a habit of comforting their baby anytime he starts crying, & the baby quickly learns that crying=dad’s attention. Damien tells him to stop before the problem gets worse, but Pip won’t hear any of it, not wanting to listen to his poor baby cry.
-The reason Pip does this is because he doesn’t want his child to suffer like he did. When Pip was a baby (& a little bit as a toddler, to the point when he stared remembering things), he was under the care of his older sister. Because she hated his existence, she would just let him cry his little lungs out, even when he actually needed something. (& she wouldn’t let Joe comfort him either, as she was dominant over him & what she said goes.) Little Pip would sometimes cry to the point where he’d make himself sick. If he let his son do the same thing, he’d feel infinitely guilty about it.
-After talking to Damien about this, giving him a reason why he comforts their son, the demon softens, but still thinks that Pip needs to nip this behavior in the bud before it becomes too much for them to handle. Very reluctantly, Pip agrees, knowing it’s what’s best for their child, & wanting nothing but that for him.
-The following night, Pip tried his best to stay in bed, curled up against his husband & staying put, even when he hears his baby start crying from his bedroom. (I’m thinking of that one super nanny episode where a mother had to do this) Eventually though, Pip would sit out in the hallway, still in the baby’s view from his crib, but wouldn’t look in the child’s direction, not acknowledging him at all as he wails.
-After just having his back to the baby, Pip turns slightly to sit up against the wall, head burried in his knees as he continues to listen to the non-stop crying. He’s crying very quietly to himself now, feeling helpless & like the worst person & parent in the world for letting his child cry & not doing anything about it. He almost caves in, until he feels a presence sit next to him & wrap him into their arms.
-Feeling his husband’s distress from their room (because demon abilities), Damien goes out to support Pip; he knows that this is a very difficult trial for him, but the demon just keeps reassuring him that he’s doing amazing, & that he’s so proud of him for being strong. He knows how hard this is for his husband, but he also knows that he can get through this stage in parenting, & that he will be there with him every step of the way.
-After HOURS of this continuing, their child eventually seems to get the message, or just exhausts himself, & finally, finally, the crying stops.
-Feeling immensely proud of his husband, Damien hugs him close & whispers his praises to him. Pip feels accomplished, but he’s also very exhausted, both physically and emotionally; this was very hard on him & it hurt. But they both know they did the right thing.
-Quietly, Damien leads an emotionally drained Pip back to bed, & the blond is passed out within 30 seconds in his husbands arms.
-This is the first “good” night of sleep they’ve both had in months.
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halloqween29 · 3 months
My lonely little world
Lol fanfiction! Kinda a vent fic of mine and Damien is a bit of a self insert but just a silly lil guy
Don't expect a shit ton of updates bc I kinda just randomly came up with this idea on my own on my way home :p
I've never written fanfiction before so it honestly might be very obvious
Anyways, this fic takes place in 2008 and pip is 14. He ran away from the orphanage when he was 9. Damien is still in hell, however pip talks to him through an ouija board (this was inspired from a fic on ao3 where the same thing happened by emibug called solace and it hasn't been updated since 2021 come back plz pookie). Damien is a mallgoth. Pip has anxiety, he's not good in social situations. Idk how to do this help. If this is interesting someone who's good at writing fanfiction plz give me tips. I ramble a lot I just write what comes to my mind. This might be edited a lot.
Pip pov
It was a fairly warm and sunny day in the small town of south park. Pip had just gotten home from his job at the little bookstore up the street, relieved to finally be in his quiet little home off the backstreets of the town; a place where most of the misfit's resided. A place for pip and his lonely little world. He didn't have many friends, the few ones he did had either moved away when they were children or were always off with other people themselves. pip was the lowest of the low when it came to popularity the only other people who knew him were the ones he hated most. The ones who hurt him most and the only people who ever paid attention to him. He never tried to make friends though he was polite, always flashing smiles or giving tiny waves. He always stayed to himself, never wanting to bother anyone. He enjoyed it he enjoyed the quietness when he got home the quietness of the bookstore the quietness of school, but in all honesty it made pip lonely. All pip could wish for was for someone to pay attention to him, for someone to acknowledge him without it ending in him getting beat. Is that too much to ask for?
As pip made his way to his bedroom he began to remember his past friends. Gregory, Christophe, and this one other boy he couldn't quite put his finger on, when they hung out he'd always ramble about the music he loved and how cool some of the middle schoolers looked and how he wanted to look like them. A few times he'd pick on pip but never to the extent the others did. Was it Danni? Daron? He couldn't remember but he did know it started with a D. He opened his room door and plopped on his bed not bothering to even shower or change, it was a long day.
7 am
It was the early morning, the sun shined through onto pips face as he fluttered his green eyes open. Slowly making his way to the bathroom he saw something mysterious out of the corner of his eye, a black shadow ran past as the hall got cold. Pip stood stunned for a minute before mustering up the courage to speak a timid 'he-hello?'....no awnser. Instead of standing and wondering about the strange shadow he brushed it off and went on with his day. No entity was gonna ruin his lovely quiet life he worked so hard to achieve, where he could hide away from the scums of the earth , where no one could hurt him, where he didn't have to talk to anyone apart from work and school. His apartment was his hide away from the disappointed stares and judging faces of strangers on the street. Studying his face for what was wrong with him.
'ring ring'
Pip walked into the quiet bookstore, the smell of paper stinging through his nose. Walking into the backroom he saw a mysterious boy, he had black hair and red almost fire like eyes. He looked right into pips eyes and smirked before he disappeared. Then it hit pip, that boys name. Damien.
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alister312 · 1 year
i saw your tags on that style post plleeeaseee talk about gregstophe parenting!!
i don't remember which style post i hijacked the tags to talk about gregstophe parenting on bc i am so sorry to my beloved fellow stylers out there but i cannot help myself. anyway YES I WILL TALK ABOUT GREGSTOPHE PARENTING
to start: i do have an actual, vaguely canon (to me) child i think about when i think about them as parents? he's now a part of my sp next gen au thing but he started as a fic idea i had wherein gregory and christophe become parents solely bc christophe accidentally orphans a child on a mercenary job and he panics and just. takes the kid. my first sketches of this idea, forget if i've shared them here or not:
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his name is William Elliot aka Will aka Billy Elliot bc Gregory can't help himself and he would name his child something musical theatre-y but he'd try and be a little subtle about it
Will my baby boy aside, general headcanons:
i personally imagine both Gregory and Christophe having a lot of hang-ups about their own parents? Christophe obviously has a lot of conflicts with his mother and I imagine Gregory's parents, while more loving than Christophe's mother, had some extremely high expectations that left him with much anxiety. as such, the two of them are hesitant to become parents themselves.
despite that, they are both pretty good candidates to be excellent parents! as a revolutionary, Gregory definitely cares about leaving the next generation better off than him so I think he'd actually be passionate about working with kids. maybe not little little kids, but certainly tweens and teens. Christophe, while scary, is also kind of childish when he lets down his walls. he may seem serious but he is still doing that buttfor joke WELL into his adult years. it's a riot with little kids. they love his potty humor and animal impressions.
Gregory is of course initially very strict about everything. it's how his parents were with him, after all, and he turned out well, didn't he? the baby must be brought up with only the best quality children's programming, proper manners, a good tutor as soon as they enter school, etc. Christophe would push back against this, citing that Gregory did not turn out as perfect as he presents himself and also that Christophe's mother was super controlling too and he turned out even worse.
this leads to them reaching an agreement to try their best to keep each other honest about striking a good balance. Christophe keeps Gregory from being too meddling and Gregory keeps Christophe from closing himself off or being too aggressive/touchy about emotional subjects.
anyway whatever child they raise is like. insanely good jack of all trades. Gregory insists on a well-balanced education and is thrilled to teach them about anything they ever ask about, complete with a full reading list for further research. Christophe would definitely encourage them to be kind of rough and tumble, appreciate dirt and athletics and the mercenary/espionage stuff he knows. this results in the cleverest gremlin child you've ever met. exponentially more so if they're raised in south park.
this child's "aunts" and "uncles" (aka other adults that are Gregory and Christophe's friends that they have around often) would probably include Damien, Estella, and Kenny. this encourages the gremlin side. Pip, Wendy, and Kyle (some other aunts/uncles) try to help but they end up just encouraging the clever side. the child is chaos incarnate.
Gregory and Christophe are extremely proud and protective of their kid, though. no matter what. sure there's consequences for any horrible actions but they both heard enough from their parents about not being good or good enough and they refuse to perpetuate the cycle.
in short: they're the best fucking dads ever. thank you for coming to my gregstophe parent ted talk or scrolling past all that and just stopping where the big text is.
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checkergoat · 8 months
Me once I post finally South park head canon
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• Gregory and Herbert do fencing together, however Gregory stop because Herbert was surprisingly much better at it than him
• Damien has autism and he bites things as a stim like random pieces of furniture or his clothes. he stopped because his father bought him like chew toys and necklaces
• Estella still write notes to pip even though he's dead (Estella doesn't know however)
• Pip fucking despises Christophe but he would never say anything to him because he's a bit scared of him
• Gregory still has feeling for Wendy but he too shy and cautious about telling her 
• Herbert is the tallest out of the rest of the foreigns
• If Damien and Christophe even met, They would fight a lot
• Ever since Pip moved to America, he became more emotional since he gets bully but he managed to not to show keep his emotions inside. However he seems like the type of  person get emotional whenever anyone shows him kindness or affection (Jesus Christ that's long)
• Gregory's parents are divorced and so, he lives with his mom (His dad was a dick to him and his mother)
• Christophe and Gregory are homeschooled and they usually hang out after they done with homeschooled but if Gregory not able to hangout with Christopher, he either hangout with himself  or hangout with Kyle whenever he's free
• Gregory is known for being intelligent and thoughtful but I feel like every once and a while he's willing to pull a practical joke on Christophe
Okay I leave now
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kaleeatinghoe · 3 months
southpark kids musical headcanons woohoo
(just the ones I have thought about)
gregory plays clarinet + musical theater. he prefers musical theater but also just likes doing plays. as you may expect, he practices incessantly and as a result is the best in his band class, (which may have also had something to do with his prior musical experience at yardale.) whenever there is a solo to be gotten, the teacher makes it out to be a huge surprise whenever they select the soloist, but nobody is ever surprised and likely groan when gregory is selected.
wendy plays clarinet too, also playing it quite well, although not as excessively as gregory does. same with musical theater. she’s fairly good at singing in the sense of being in key nearly all the time, and having a strong voice, and competent on stage. she has a lot of interest in common with gregory in the music field, hence their friendship. (I’ve had an idea floating around in my brain of wendy auditioning for belle and grwgory gaston in beauty and the beast xDD) shes also one of the best in the band room and practices frequently.
christophe likely would never want to do any kind of musical anything on his own, although gregory would convince him to join band eventually. he would either join clarinet with gregory, or bassoon. he isn’t particularly good, but not completely lost. he’s maybe at the upper lower end of the”where he needs to be” in band class. I think that grwgory would slowly convince him to join musical theater with him,, but christophe being christophe he would never act on stage, so he would opt for backstage crew.
as for pip, he plays flute and sings in choir. he isn’t amazing at flute, but he’s overall pretty solid. I think he would just be absolutely overjoyed by being able to play that he doesn’t even care if he isn’t very good. he just genuinely likes to play flute, which is why he practices quite frequently. (although not very effectively.) same applies for choir, he just genuinely enjoys singing even though he isn’t THAT good at it. like he isnt bad at it, but his singing isn’t what you would call good either. little fella just having the time of his life in there:DD
i honestly think that estella probably wouldn’t do anything musical at all, but if she did it would be cello. she just seems like a cello kind of person idk. she can play it pretty up to speed. like not incredible but like to the point where she can get irritated whenever people are struggling real bad, which is very common in their orchestra class. she has like six packs on her eyeballs from rolling her eyes at this point. (i feel like all the strings would also be atrocious)
damien would go with alto sax (the one i play :D) or viola. he would also do piano but most schools don’t have piano :’) (atleast mine doesn’t.) his dad wanted him to have some form of extracurriculars but he is too antisocial for sports so his dad insisted on an instrument. whenever guests come over damien is hoping and praying that his dad doesn’t remember he can play an instrument :’) (“did you know that damien is learning an instrument at school? oh my gosh!! he’s gotten so good!!! damien, you should play something for them!!” “*whisper yelling after damien refuses* damien! show our guests your skills!”)
rebecca would do piano, (if it’s available) or violin. she already took violin lessons so she chose that one so she was less lost when she joined mid way through the year. (not that she couldn’t learn it in her own really fadt, bc she totally could, but she has social anxiety.) in the off chance that her parents make her try something new, she would play oboe. Idk her personality js seems like an oboe idk how to describe it :’) she would be really good at it and one of the better players in the room.
mark would also opt for piano if the school offers it, but if not he would go for the French horn because he thinks it’s cool. also he really likes the way it looks, and also he didn’t want to do one of the instruments he already knew because that’s boring. he would get up to speed pretty fast and end up one of the best in the french horn section, which pisses a lot of people off who couldn’t even get that good in the time before mark& rebecca came to the school.
so like these are just the characters who i rlly thought about whenever the hell i came up with the musical idea,, so I might make more. js lmk if you want any particular character/ hc or anything abt the characters in music
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pekejscatbed · 1 year
Take my Lungs (1/4) | Craig x Kenny
high school AU, panic attacks, immortality, smoking, profanity, genderfluid Kenny (he/him this chapter), Satan uses it/its pronouns
1/4 | 2/4 | 3/4 | 4/4
south park masterlist
“Does it hurt?”
They're sharing a cigarette behind the high school (Craig had been out there first, avoiding another sure detention, when Kenny came out and fumbled though his pockets before turning to the other, asking for a drag (Craig isn't quite sure why he said yes)) when Craig asks the question, voice as monotone as ever, the sound deep and nasally.
"Huh...?" Kenny's eyes flash with confusion before a smug grin takes over his features, his tooth gap on full display. "When I fall from Heaven? Aw, how sweet of ya, Tucker!"
Craig rolls his eyes, flipping the blond off on reflex. "No, asshole. To die. Does it hurt to die?"
Kenny pales. His heartbeat picks up and his pulse pounds, his breath growing unsteady as his mind begins to race. Has it always been this hard to breathe? He isn't sure- but his mouth is turning dry, and his tongue is starting to feel like sandpaper, and he's puking up the half a Pop-Tart he had for breakfast that morning before he can even think to hold it in; he coughs and spits and heaves until all that leaves his throat is his stomach acid-
I'm gonna die again. He does- choking on his own spit and bile. How pathetic.
Craig doesn't know what to do, doesn't know how to react, so he doesn't. He just stands there awkwardly, watching as Kenny McCormick passes out in a puddle of his own vomit and his pulse slows until it stops. Craig blinks.
"Guess I'll ask again later." The teen mutters to himself then leaves. Someone else'll find him if the rats don't first.
(In the distance, the shouts of a one Stan Marsh and his super best friend, Kyle Broflovski, can be heard.)
When Kenny shows up in front of the gates of hell, Satan is already there and smiling.
"Hello again, son." (It eyes the chain around the teens neck, checking to ensure the dog tag is blue today. It is.) Its voice is deep, though unthreatening; Kenny actually thinks its soothing, having been so used to the red royalty. "What was it this time?"
Kenny shakes his head at the question, replying as he walks through the nine feet tall, steel black gates that close with a loud 'CLANG' behind him. "You don't even wanna know, dude."
"That bad, huh?" Satan falls into step with the deceased teen, who guides them towards the fallen angels house-turned-mini mansion (courtesy of Satan's son, Damien, who demanded the change after hearing his dad take it up the ass one too many times) as if it were his own- and it might've well been, Kenny often passed out on the couch only to be gone the next morning, having been brought back to Earth and rebirthed.
"Someone remembers." The blond walks into Satan's mansion and sits down on the couch he knows he'll be sleeping on later; Satan shuts the front door and follows after Kenny.
"Craig remembers. He asked me how it felt and I- I freaked the fuck out and had a panic attack so bad-"
"-He choked on his own puke and fuckin' died." Damien walks into the room with a sinister look on his face, though the sympathy in his crimson eyes easily betray his façade.
Kenny glares at the Prince of Hell, though his action holds no real malice. "Yeah, that."
"How many times have I told you boys not to curse?" Satan shakes it head, watching its son walk into the kitchen, then turns towards Kenny. "Though this is good, is it not? You've always wished someone would remember."
The blond gives a weak, subconscious nod. "But I didn't want it to be him, and I definitely didn't wanna die in such a pathetic way."
"You've died worse, blondie." Damien (unhelpfully) contributes to the conversation from the other side of the room, where he emerges from the kitchen with a cup of ramen (hey, a demon prince has gotta eat to, y'know?).
"Didn't ask, dickwad." Kenny playfully sticks out his tongue, laughing when Damien threatens to set him on fire as he knew the other teen would. "Been there, done that. Try again."
Satan rolls its eyes at the boys antics, hiding the smile on its face.
(Early the next morning, when the sky is still dark and the stars still shine, Carol McCormick gives birth to another blue-eyed baby boy.)
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mxviko · 7 months
To cope with somethings and to stay in reality
Welcome to
Foreign kids Christmas themed headcanons
Damien is favored for his body heat. It’s too cold? Stand near him and you’ll already start to get warmer. He doesn’t like being touched for too long or sometimes at all depending who it is, but feed his ego and he’ll be like “very well, have the warmth you are deprived of, but do not think I shall spare you.”
Pip hasn’t ever had a proper Christmas, maybe one year with Estella but I can’t imagine he’d ever have the full experience even when in South Park. If he spends the holidays with the other foreign kids, it’ll be something he’s so excited about and feels more festive then ever and can feel magic for the very first time. Totally gets told to chill with how excited he is but doesn’t.
Speaking of Pip, him and Gregory are on decorations no matter where they may celebrate. Pip doesn’t know how to pair colors well, so it’ll look like a hallmark movie but someone tripped with the box and it just fell. Gregory on the other hand doesn’t care much for quality or looks, it just needs to feel cozy and warm. So those two together are quite good for the decoration and both enjoy it, despite Gregory just annoyed by Pips presence but it’s the holidays they’re fine.
Christophe is your typical grump, he’ll put on the damn sweater but he’s not jolly. But that’s only on the outside. If he really didn’t like it he would be there or say anything when someone asked about the holiday…but expect a dramatic monologue about how horrible and stupid the holiday is and how bad god is. Has a fucking great hot coco recipe though.
Estella if she’s involved will not just be grumpy, we all know her. But goodness, this seasons colors were made for her. She won’t mind dressing the part. Estella will also tell Christmas stories, but her favorite and one she actually cares to tell is Krampus. She hates the grinch because Krampus is just so much better and more children should know him. Pip is traumatized.
If you’d want some shippy stuff Christophe is on a mission and paranoid of mistletoe. He’d rather hit someone with a shovel, but it’s not kissing a random person that scares him it’s possibly getting under with Gregory (who may or may not be around it a little to long a little to often..). The idea makes him die from embarrassment, he can only keep his composure for so long in certain situations..
Damien’s father usually held Christmas parties or events in hell he wasn’t invited to and doesn’t have the biggest opinion on Christmas. He claims to hate it, and uses the reason because it’s Jesus’ birthday, he’s the Antichrist why would he like such a thing. But when he began to spend more time in South Park or be around Pip during this time, the snow and whole process of experiencing it, it felt different then ever before. And his father has since improved since then, so now he enjoys the holiday but will always deny.
Gregory is a good gift giver and the worst to give to, he’ll give you what you need or something he knows you want, both of these things are the same in his head since he knows. He can see what you need or you’ve said so, so he’ll get it. You say you want something or he sees you want it, he’ll get it. He’s not someone who tries and guesses the perfect gift or worries over it. He’s never struggled with the “what do you get the one who has everything?” Issue, but unbeknownst to him, he’s caused that issue for many others to give him anything. I imagine his family is wealthy or high-class so it always seems he has everything. But he’s more of a giver then a receiver and appreciates anything given to him.
Estella doesn’t like mistletoe, she’ll probably kick you if you get near her with it. But, if she’s feeling nice, she won’t mind giving a peck on the cheek…she probably wore staining lipstick that will not get off your cheek without a fight.
Pip is sensitive to spice so all the cinnamon and gingerbread kinda drives him crazy, he likes it but gosh a bite from one cookie and he needs a break. I think he’ll love fruity candy canes the most and marshmallows.
Throwing pocket in there, I imagine he’d enjoy doing stockings for others, he’s very thoughtful and probably has been mistaken for an elf before outside of Christmas so it’s perfect. He’s spent many holidays with Estella and he’s aware technically she’s probably on the bad list but will give her nice treats anyway including those chocolate lumps of coal. Also will put his bunnies in cute bows and take pictures..will make them as Christmas cards.
Christophe enjoys the tree. He didn’t help with it unless it was lifting Pip to put the star on the tree or whatever topper they have, but finds peace in looking at it. Has fallen asleep under it. Many pictures taken of it.
I enjoy headcanons so may do more, and request of headcanons are also welcome
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clydethetacox · 1 year
south park olympics intro☆
Name; andeo is fine, though I appreciate any nicknames hajahaha
Pronouns; he/him only. tytytyty ty ty.
Favorite characters; CRAIG ALAWAYS AND FOREVER, along with clyde, damien, tweek, kenny, bradley, and pip of course. (they are all silly)
Favorite ships; i dont reallt get into shipping that much, but creek and early season stendy are so wwwwhha!!!!!!! (borderline FANON stanky fan even). as long as its not problematic, i dont mind any others though.
headcanons;.. I believe in tall tweek and short craig cuz its super ironic, European tweek (I love this one), bebe and tweek being cousins, kenny wearing extremely oversized clothing, short kenny, blue eyed cartman, and british accent damien. ALSO wendy and bebe playing just dance as seriously as stan and kyle play guitar hero. AND kyle having a heavy jersey accent when he’s mad and not noticing, and tweek having super dialated pupils but really baggy eyes. and. and and and adopted craig, chubby stan, and their town looking exactly like Crested Butte, Colorado. (edit waaaa: i forgot peruvian craig isnt canon but that is also a really good one)
au//tropes;.. zombie apocalypse aus (angst yummm), 2000s scene/emo aus, bakery aus, summer vacation aus, any au involving the foreign kids (pip, gregory, estella etc etc), adventure tropes, platonic sleepover tropes, post covid, and theatre // musical tropes and aus. (edit: CUDDLE PROMPTS WIOLL LITERALLY KILL ME platonic or not they are everything i live for.)
cool platonic bro-ships;.. kevin brimmy and bradley, stan and kyle, craig and clyde, kenny and clyde, kenny and butters, kip and curly hair bradley (they are deffo friends on facebook), tolkien and kenny, jimmy and timmy
sum extra; I thought i should point out that im a huge huge huge space nerd, and i like collecting stuff. my artstyle also changes A LOT. thats all hahahhw
byebye!!!!!!!! let tge games begin. mwahahhahhahahbq….
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