#I’m surprised I got this far <3 tank you
mxviko · 2 months
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The first reference and side notes for an au story I’m making and actually very passionate about!
It took a lot to actually finish this because half way through I didn’t like the style anymore and it would be a lot to redo (demotivating,) and would also be weird when I post the other characters in the style I want to do
So I’m posting Pip first and separately. It’s probably weird to do but I don’t want to burn out as I start. Anyway! I don’t have a name for the au yet, either Curse park or something like that. In this au one leak of a bit of dark magic causes a string of effects and effects on different characters, the leak being Damien sewing and magicing Pip back to life..though it wouldn’t be a South Park au unless Pip is kind of crazy or weird or kills people in someway.
I’ve really actually thought this story out and didn’t get stuck so I’m kind of excited about it and plan to maybe draw comics for it. I even looked at urban legends to get ideas, did you know Colorado has a haunted road that is (I could be remembering wrong ah) sometimes called the entrance to hell? Very convenient for me.
I have my foreign kids sot au I wanna continue to draw and concept for, but I feel really inspired for this. I hope to post more about it soon :3
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I hate/love you
John Egan X Plane mechanics! Reader
Summary: Bucky "hates" the new mechanics...
Warning: Ennemis to lover/ smut/ 18+/ p in v/ oral sex (m and f receiving)/ unprotected sex/ swearing/ use of Y/n/ violence/
Word count: 3.2k
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She didn’t know why, but he infuriated her. His cocky attitude, his dumb moustache, his curly hair and his devilish smile. But sadly, she had to see him everyday, as a W.A.C, she had to be on the base all the time. She was an airplane mechanic, and for some reason, Lemmons liked to assign her to work on John Egan’s plane each time his plane needed to be fixed. At first, he didn’t bother her, but time went by, and he started to bother her; his plane had a weird noise, he blamed it on her, the mission didn’t go well, blamed it on her and the weather was shitty, it was Y/n’s fault. She needed that job, and beside him, she loved her job. When the planes came back today, she fixed her ponytail before heading in her jeep to drive to the runway. When she arrived, she saw Major Egan’s plane and drove towards it. She took a deep breath before getting out of her car.
‘’Y/l/n, we have a problem with engine 3, it barely shut down. I thought I was going to blow up!’’ he spat. ‘’Hello Y/n, how are you, by the way I have a problem with engine 3, can you please look at it? Of course, Major, since you ask so nicely, I’ll do it right away!’’ she said sarcastically. ‘’Whatever, can you fix the plane, please’’ he taunted. Y/n snorted before rolling her eyes. ‘’Right away, Major’’ she blinked multiples times and said it with a sweet but sarcastic voice. He cursed under his breath before walking away. ‘’Girls, hook it up and bring it in the workshop’’ she ordered the other mechanics she worked with.
She’d been working on Major Egan’s plane for hours, the sun was down, and she was hungry, other girls went to bed, it was late. She decided to stay up all night to work on his plane, because recently, they flew more missions. Y/n was only going to eat, and she would go back to work after. When she entered the cafeteria, she saw the one person she couldn’t bear. ‘’You got to be fucking kidding me?’’ she mumbled, annoyed that he was here. Non the less, she took a plate that was left and went to sit as far away from him as possible. ‘’How is the fixing going?’’ he asked. She was surprised that he was speaking to her, she stops chewing for a second and swallowed her food. ‘’Good, I’m almost done, why?’’ she was genuinely curious about why he was suddenly interested in her and her work. He rose his shoulder before shaking his head. ‘’Just wanted to know, and I wondered why you were still awake’’ this hole conversation was awkward, but it was the first in a long time that they weren’t mean to the other. ‘’Because I’m fixing it alone, the girls worked hard enough today. I thought I was going to be okay alone, but it’s complicated.’’ She explained.
He rose from his seat, plate in his hands and came to sit in front of her, she was surprised. But she didn’t say anything. ‘’Maybe I could help’’ he proposed. She blinked and looked at him with a confused look. ‘’Why would you want to help me, you can’t stand me and then you want to help me’’ she states. He scoffs and looks at his plate. ‘’Yeah, you’re right, but I want my plane ready for tomorrow’’ he fakes smiles. Y/n rolls her eyes and exhales. ‘’Alright’’ she breaths out.
She ties her overall around her waist, it’s so hot inside the workshop. Her hair is in some kind of a messy bun, but it’s too messy to tell. She has a white tank top that’s covered in grease. ‘’Can you pass me the screwdriver?’’ she asked as she whipped the sweat off her face with a tissue. ‘’Which one?’’ he asked, looking at the table were the tools are. She rolled her eyes and pointed one screwdriver on the table. ‘’No, not that one’’ she exhaled. He scoffed in annoyance. ‘’Which one, Y/n? There’s like 7 screwdrivers on the table’’ he exclaimed. She slid down the plane, he looked at her breast as she did so. She took the famous screwdriver and took a breath. ‘’Can you help me get back up?’’ she asked. He nodded and began helping her get up. His hand came close to her butt. ‘’If you touch my ass, I swear I’ll sabotage the engine’’ she warned. ‘’It’s either your ass or you fall’’ he sighed. ‘’I’d rather fall’’ she muttered as his hand pushed her ass up to help her. She puts her legs each side of the plane and bends over to reach the engine. Bucky had a perfect view of her ass.
‘’Can you start it up?’’ Y/n asked. Bucky was seated in the cockpit, waiting for the woman to boss him around. He kind of found it convenient, because for a wicked reason, he had a boner. He spent almost 45 minutes watching her ass and that white tank top embraced her tits beautifully. Even though she was seated next to him, he could try and hide his growing problem. When he started the plane, the engine sputtered a little bit before fully starting. ‘’Christ on a stick! It’s working!’’ she cheered, resting her arms behind her head, making her tits pop out a little bit. ‘’You kiss people with that mouth?’’ he teased. ‘’I kiss whoever I want with that mouth’’ she replied. She turned to look at him, but when her eyes trailed down, she noticed a weird shape on his pants. She scoffed as she looked at him in the eyes. ‘’I thought you hated me’’ she laughed. He fixed his jacket, to try to hide it, even though it wasn’t necessary anymore. ‘’It’s a hate boner, I swear!’’ he exclaimed. She laughed even harder; she couldn’t believe he was hard right now. ‘’Shut up!’’ he exclaimed. ‘’Make me’’ she dared.
Before he could do something about it, the bomb raid siren was heard. They quickly got out of the plane and made their way to separate bunkers, she couldn’t believe she almost kissed him; him! Why was she feeling like this, all flustered and hot. She tried to get him out of her head, but even the bombs dropping near by couldn’t distract her. Neither could they distract him, plus he still had that stupid boner he needed to get rid of.
That morning, she woke up after having a wet dream about him. It was disturbingly hot, and she couldn’t get it out of her head. It made her angry, why the hell was her brain sex dreaming about him?! She got dressed in a new pair of overalls as she made her way inside the cafeteria, she spotted him instantly. She shook her head as she made her way to her table with her girls. Y/n tried to ignore him, without success. ‘’Hey! Bitch, can you come fix my engine!’’ one pilot said. It was something the girls were used too, but Y/n was not having it, not this morning. She got up and looked at the man. ‘’The fuck did you say?’’ she confronts him. ‘’Come here and fix my engine’’ the man had his hands in his pants. She scoffed. ‘’As if you had an engine to fix’’ she sassed. The girls at the table laughed and the man reacted. ‘’Why are you being such a skank?’’ he spat. Bucky looked at the man. ‘’Dude just shut up already!’’ he groaned. Y/n was surprised and mentally cursed herself and her uterus for reacting the way it just did. The sexist man sat back down and so did Y/n. ‘’That was amazing’’ one of the younger girls exclaims. ‘’Thanks – ‘’ she cuts her off. ‘’Yes you, but Bucky protecting you’’ Anna giggled. Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed. ‘’Whatever, my coffee is not finished and it’s too early to have this conversation’’ she said.
No one had the right to be an asshole to her but him! Who did this guy this he was anyway?! ‘’What the hell was that?’’ Curt asked. ‘’What was what?’’ he asked. ‘’That, standing up for her’’ he said, moving his hand in a circular shape. ‘’That was nothing, that dude was annoying.’’ He tried to explain. The guys at the table didn’t believe it, but they didn’t want to push him. He watched her from the corner of his eyes, he couldn’t believe what happened last night, he almost kissed her if it wasn’t for this damn siren, who know what would’ve happened.
‘’Faster please’’ she moaned. He was trusting inside of her as one of his hands played with her breast. ‘’I love it when you beg for me like that. It makes you sound so desperate’’ he teased as he rolled his hips harder, hitting her g-spot. She arched her back as she rolled her eyes. ‘’Keep rolling your eyes like that’’ he ordered.
She was zoned out, thinking about her wet dream. Anna snaped her fingers in her face. Y/n shook her head as she looked at Anna. ‘’What?’’ she mumbled. ‘’What planet were you on?’’ she chuckled. ‘’Let’s go, we have to do some touch up on planes’’ Y/n got up and went outside. Bucky watched her as she left, looking at her ass as she passed next to him.
She jumped out of the plane since everything was okay, but she was in front of the prick from this morning. ‘’I just fixed your actual plane, your welcome’’ she smirked. ‘’Thank you, bitch’’ he spat. Y/n whipped her hands on a tissue. ‘’Shut up, asshole’’ she responded. Before she knew it, he grabbed her by the throat and pressed her against the plane. ‘’I’ve had enough of your bratty attitude. You’re going to do as I say. Now say Yes Chris’’ the man named Chris ordered. Y/n had enough room to try to fight. She tried to wiggle her way out of his grip, Chris’s hand loosens his grip, only to slap her. But Y/n took the opportunity to hit him in the balls. Chris falls on the ground, moaning in pain. ‘’Fuck you, Chris’’ Y/n says, out of breath, before walking away.
When he saw her walking with a bloody nose, he felt worried about her. What the fuck happened? He walked up to her, trying to contain his anger. ‘’Oh, hi Major’’ she said, surprised to see him. ‘’Who did this to you?’’ he asked, touching her upper arm to prevent her to walk away. ‘’No one, I, uh, hurt myself while fixing the plane.’’ She lied. He knew she lied. ‘’Who. Did. This. To. You?’’ he insisted. ‘’Chris, the guy from this morning. But I dealt with him. Kicked him in the balls’’ she admitted. ‘’I’m going to fucking kill him’’ he mumbled.
A bloody Chris was walking towards her, she was so confused. ‘’Y/n, I’m sorry for slapping you.’’ He sounded nervous. ‘’It’s, uh, okay? Are you being held at gun point?’’ she asked, concerned. ‘’Kind of, Bucky said he’ll kill me if I touch you again, and he hit me’’ he explained. She scoffed, in complete shock. ‘’Apology accepted’’ she mumbled. She turned around and walked to her room. When she closed the door, she was still in shock. ‘’WHAT THE FUCK?!’’ she exclaimed.
He saw her coming from the air, driving her jeep like a champion. He was still angry with Chris, that idiot had no right to touch her like this. When he landed, Y/n practically ran to his plane. ‘’Hey, Y/n, the engine 3 is still messing around, could you look at it please?’’ he asked nicely. ‘’Are you sick or something or was that you actually being nice to me?’’ she said ironically. She looked at her colleagues. ‘’Hook it up and bring it to the workshop, like usual!’’ she mumbled the last part. ‘’No, I’m not sick, I just tried to be nice’’ he said. ‘’Okay, that’s weird, but nice. I gotta go’’ she said, in a monotonous tone. ‘’Hey, uh, could I help you out later?’’ he asked, scratching the back of his head. ‘’Sure, whatever’’ she jumped into her jeep and drove away.
She was alone, working on the goddam 3rd engine of this freaking plane. She heard the door opened; she didn’t see who it was. ‘’Anna, I told you to go to sleep!’’ She said, keeping her head down. The person that was in the room didn’t respond. ‘’Hello?’’ she asked. ‘’Hey, you’’ Bucky said, walking beside the plane, looking up at her. ‘’Major, you scared me’’ she breathed out. She slid down the plane, landing in front of him. He watched her tits, again. ‘’I have a question’’ she asked, wiping her hands on her overall. ‘’What’s up buttercup?’’ he said. She rolled her eyes. ‘’Did you punched Chris this morning and threatened him if he didn’t apologise to me?’’ she asked. He smirked and proudly nodded. ‘’Are you kidding me?!’’ she shouted. ‘’Not at all, that asshole had it coming’’ he stated. ‘’I can’t believe you. And I clearly don’t understand you either?’’ she exclaimed. She tried to climb up the plane, but almost fell. He did like he did yesterday, put his hands on her ass. But it annoyed her. ‘’Put those hands away!’’ she snapped.
Bucky was walking her up to her room, he didn’t want to be alone. ‘’Why did you punch Chris?’’ she blurted out. ‘’Because he was being a dick’’ he responded. She face palmed, as she started to feel rain drops on her skin, damn English weather. ‘’You can’t punch people just because they’re dicks! Otherwise, I would’ve punched you a long time ago!’’ she exclaimed. Bucky smirked. ‘’Sorry I should’ve let you handle it?’’ he raised his voice. The rain was pouring, they were both soaking wet. ‘’Maybe, I had it under control without you!’’ she exclaimed, moving her arms as she spoke. ‘’Fine! I’ll let him beat you up next time!’’ he breathed out. ‘’Why do you even care?!’’ she asked. They were both panting from the emotions. He came closer to her, practically breathing in her face. He could see her chest rising from the heavy breathing. ‘’I care because you invaded my mind. There’s not a second that goes by where I don’t think about you. The idea of another men touching you infuriates me. You’re mine, Y/n, don’t you get that?’’ he said, against her mouth. She looked at him, then his lips and his eyes again. She blushed hard. ‘’Fuck it’’ she mumbled before pressing her lips against his.
As they entered her room, he kicked the door to close it, there was no going back. The tension they felt was finally broken and they were hungry for the other. He pressed her against the wall while still holding her thigh. ‘’You don’t know how much I’ve thought about this’’ he growled. ‘’Shut up and show it to me’’ she said eagerly. ‘’Bossy, I like it’’ he mumbled against her lips. He laid her down on the bed, taking her overall off at the same time. ‘’God you’re breathtaking’’ he praised. ‘’And you talk too much’’ she said, pulling him by the tie to kiss him. Their tongue danced together as she worked a way to take his shirt off. She trailed her hands on his abs, biting her lips. ‘’How can we go from hating each other to wanting to do the most unholy things to the other’’ she teased. ‘’Right now, I don’t hate you’’ he said, unbuckling his pants. She crawled to the end of the bed, where he was up. She seated in front of him, her face was right in front of his hard dick. She looked at him, her eyes were killing him, so innocent, yet filled with dirty thoughts. Y/n took her shirt off and threw it on the ground, she didn’t wear a bra, so she was left in her panties. Her hand was touching his lower stomach, she loved how his breath deepened when she was near his boxer line. She gently tugged them down, still maintaining eye contact. Slowly, she took his length in her mouth, pressing kisses to the tip, before fully taking him inside her mouth, he let out a shaky breath. ‘’Oh shit’’ he moaned. She started to bob her head at a sensual pace, maintaining eye contact with him. Bucky’s hand found her hair and pulled it slightly, from pleasure. ‘’If you keep doing this I’m going to cum.’’ He warns, she giggled, the vibration making him moan. ‘’Afraid you can’t keep up, Major?’’ she teased. He lifted her by under the shoulder, he made her back up from the bed, he laid down between her legs.
‘’Tell me, do you care about those panties?’’ he asked, she shook her head in confusion. He tears her panties off, like actually rips them off her body. ‘’Did you just?’’ she looks at him, confused. ‘’I’ll buy you a new pair’’ he said before diving in between her legs. He kissed her inner thigh before pressing small kisses on her clitoris. She moaned as she arched her back, he smirked as he continued his work. Y/n’s hand found his hair, tugging hard. He was grinning like the town idiot. ‘’As much as I’m enjoying this. Please Major, fuck me, please’’ she begged. He thought he was going to faint; she was begging him to fuck her. ‘’God, you’re so pretty when you beg’’ he grins.
He rests on top of her, she bucks her hips, trying to have contact. ‘’Look at you, so desperate for my cock’’ he teased. ‘’News flash, Major, you crave my pussy too’’ she moans against his lips. With one trust, he penetrates her, she arches her back and moans his name. ‘’Keep moaning my name like that, shit’’ he moaned. She bites her lips, trying to hold her moan. Bucky rocks his hips to a fast pace, they’re both close and crave a relief. Her breast that he like so much bounce up and down with every trust, he lowers his head to go and kiss them. She tried to match his pace with her hips, but her walls were clenching, and her breath quickened. A part of her didn’t want this to be over, but it felt too good to hold back. ‘’Come on, Y/n, come for me, let me hear those pretty sounds. Come for me’’ he praised. That was all she needed to let the knot explode in her stomach, she came hard, her back arched even more and she was saying his name like it was a prayer. He kept thrusting into her for a split second before releasing into her, he growled her name as he crashed on top of her. ‘’Y/n’’ he moaned.
She was playing with his curls; they were still naked and tangled up together. ‘’I’m sorry for all the mean things I said to you’’ he apologized. ‘’Trust me, I forgive you’’ she giggled. He chuckled before kissing the top of her head. ‘’I have to go; I have a mission tomorrow’’ he sadly announces. ‘’It’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, Major’’ she said, smiling to him. As he was getting dressed, he kept looking at her, smiling to her as he did so. ‘’I’ll see you tomorrow, my dear’’ he said, kissing her before he left. That was definitely not a one time thing for them…
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
My Personal Hashira 🍆 Size Ranking
Warning: if it ain’t obvious, this contains smut lmao — therefore Muichiro is 100% not included in this. We’re talking about 🍆, length, girth, all the fun stuff. So if PPs make you uncomfortable keep on scrolling babes </3
A/N: these low key stress me out cause I feel like people can get pretty defensive over these types of Headcanons. Especially if my own thought differs from yours. Regardless, these are just my personal takes/HCs. My word is not law so do not be upset if my HC does not match yours / don’t feel the need to change how you HC these things to fit my POV. This is why I refrain from describing size in my fics, I want y’all to imagine it in a way that you like lololol
Lastly, idgaf if you see some of this as unrealistic, these are fake, fictional drawings of men, if I wanna give Gyomei a 44ft long 🍆, I can and will (I didn’t but you get the point.) Anyways enjoy my personal thoughts on this matter
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1. Himejima Gyomei
Is anyone fucking shocked that this 7’2 (220cm) man is packing the biggest schlong among the male Hashira?
I mean let’s be logical real quick, his dick is as big as the rest of him. This man’s dick is dragging on the floor.
Soft: 11.2
Hard: 12.3
Call it unrealistic idgaf this man is LONG
Girthy too, he’s fucking beefy all over
This man’s dick will feel like he’s shoving his wrist up in there ong bro
It curves downward slightly when hard, I mean shit that thing is heavy, it stands no chance against gravity
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2. Uzui Tengen
Again, the man is 6’6 (198cm).
Height comes into play when it comes to our two tank Hashira
Therefore none of you should be surprised that they are the top two
Soft: 9
Hard: 10.3
Your guts are getting rearranged, he knows the length he has but often underestimates how far he can go…
He’s long but doesn’t have a crazy girth to him, which thank fuck it doesn’t take as much prep to take him
He’s pretty straight when hard and manages to flex it and keep it up (he totally does dick tricks & you can’t convince me otherwise)
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3. Tomioka Giyu
I’m standing by my “big dick Giyu” head canon. I just know this man is packing a weapon down there
What’s crazy is he wasn’t even aware of how good he had it until he overheard other corps members chatting
Soft: 6.3
Hard: 7.4
He’s got a decent girth and as weird as it may sound, it’s pretty, like really pretty to look at
When hard, it curves upwards and stands at attention which makes him a bit embarrassed
He knows how to use it, because of that he’s pretty confident in that aspect which is wild for him
He will also rearrange your guts unintentionally (or intentionally hehe)
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4. Shinazugawa Sanemi
I don’t wanna hear one PEEP from any of you that Sanemi should be above Giyu.
My man is forth on the list but that ain’t mean shit, he’s still got a lot going on down there
Soft: 6
Hard: 7
He’s girthy, will tear you up girth, needs thirty minutes of prep minimum because of how wildly he fucks girth
He sticks straight out, no curve in sight and honestly looks like he defies gravity.
He’s like Tengen, can do dick tricks. But unlike Tengen he doesn’t make that known / show you lmao.
He’ll break your back, he may even hurt you (fully unintentional) if he gets too into it. That thing is fr a weapon
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5. Rengoku Kyojuro
He’s fifth on the list but trust me he’s not lacking
He’s second smallest, but he’s not small, if you get what I mean. It’s kinda like how we rank the Hashira weakest to strongest but regardless they are still the strongest in the corps… that make sense?
Soft: 5.8
Hard: 6.8
He curves upwards, very prominent veins running along his shaft (heh, shaft)
Girth wise, he’s about normal. Not too intimidating but def offers you a good stretch, forgoing prep is real bold tbh
He’s a quick learner so he quickly masters how to fuck you
He will strive to go as far as your body will let him, so expect to be bruised / sore
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6. Iguro Obanai
My king. He may be “smallest” among the Hashira men, but that doesn’t mean shit.
He’s not self conscious of his dick, he knows how to use it. He’s also pretty content with it’s size
Soft: 5.6
Hard: 6.5
See? You can’t come for me cause he ain’t even SMALL
Obanai’s dick is pretty, too. It curves upwards slightly, since he’s pretty pale, his veins are prominent
He’s got an average girth, he doesn’t need to prep you forever to get you ready. Which works in his favor cause he likes to “punish” you with no prep & going in raw
He can and will abuse your cunt, he’s not satisfied until you genuinely can’t walk without limping for a few days
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knine-nights · 6 days
Genloss Theory 12
Long one again but I’ve got pics this time!
Why was there a weapons store in the Showfall mall in Episode 3? What even was it?
There was a store that Charlie and Ranboo took temporary shelter in during Episode 3 that was filled with odd items. It was trashed, much of it was empty, but it was well lit which is more than you can say for most of the mall.
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Inside the store, some items they find include an axe, a knife, afrying pan, and a bulletproof vest:
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So what gives? Why the fuck would this be here?
Well the first conclusion you might reach (and the one I did the first time I watched) is that it’s a supply/hunting store from before Showfall took over. There are obvious remnants all over the place that this was once an active and functioning mall. Like how Charlie and the other streamers were in the small restaurant booths you’d find in a food court. So it wouldn’t be that surprising to find a store with some scraps from before Showfall right?
Except that doesn’t make total sense. Sure at first glance it may seem like that kind of store, with the knife, bulletproof vest, nets, and camo designs all over.
But so far I’ve only mentioned items they grab. I’m not going to show images for all of the following, you can double check if you doubt me, but there are also things including a giant hammer, a leaf blower, an old fashioned gas mask, a small crocodile head, a bell, several jackets, a bucket labeled SLIME (which I talk briefly about in Theory 11), a fire extinguisher, a helium tank, a mannequin body with a scarf, and several bags and jackets.
Why would a store have those? And they’re not haphazardly thrown in piles, some of these things are hung on the walls or in the display cases. These were placed here intentionally.
It’s not 100% clear why it’s like this, but my theory is that this was a ploy by Showfall. Charlie and Ranboo were meant to find this store because the items here would give them supplies and give them hope that they could find their way out.
After all, why else would the store be open and fully lit up? If it was a defunct old storage space, it wouldn’t be so perfectly inviting for Charlie and Ranboo.
In Theory 8 I speculated that Showfall might have had more control in Episode 3 than we were led to believe. That they were still pulling the strings. This whole situation sort of supports that. If Showfall was in control, they could easily herd Charlie and Ranboo into the store by having the employees chase them and have the store set up beforehand to give them the objects and tools that Showfall wanted them to have.
Ultimately, I think this might have been originally a hunting supplies store (something reasonably common in malls across the USA) before Showfall took over, but they used it partially as a place to store extraneous props but also a set up for Charlie and Ranboo.
More Theories
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chvnnie · 2 years
skz reacting to you flashing them?
you don’t know how excited this ask made me - i’ve always wanted one like this and this is my first one! thank you for this request :’)
warnings: mentions of food, public flashing, dirty talk, exhibitionism, use of the word “slut”, brat tendencies, mentions of gagging
i went hard (who’s surprised) so pls enjoy <3
you know that embarrassed look chan gets after he flashes his abs on stage? the way he giggles as redness creeps up his neck? when you flash him in the studio, his reaction is the exact same - except he’s flushing with arousal instead of embarrassment. it came out of nowhere. first you were cuddling in his lap, fingers lazily drawing circles on his side as he worked, then suddenly your tits were in his face, a tent immediately pitching in his pants. how else is he supposed to react? it was so sudden, so unexpected. “come on baby, don’t tease me.” he says, reaching towards your bunched up shirt when he freezes. like they have a mind of their own, his hands move towards your breasts, cupping them gently. they’re so warm and soft, perfectly fitting in his hand. “fuck, keep an eye out, would ya?” is the last thing he says before his lips latch onto your nipple.
minho is expressionless, the only thing he’s giving you is a few rapid blinks before turning around and continuing down the walking trail. “hurry up or i’m leaving you behind.” he calls over his shoulder, breaking you out of your stunned state. you pull your tank top before jogging to catch up with your boyfriend, frustrated at yet another failed attempt to catch your boyfriend off guard. this was the ideal place - flashing him in the middle of a public, often busy walking trail should have worked out perfectly in your favor. instead, you’re walking beside him with a pout, more upset than embarrassed. it didn’t work. your grand scheme really ended in yet another failure. when were you going to get him? when was it your turn to win? your pity party was cut short by minho grabbing your forearm, pulling you off the walking trail and behind a cluster of trees. pressing you up against a tree, he clasps a hand over your mouth to silence any noise you might release. “that was a cute little stunt you pulled.” his foot is kicking your feet, spreading your legs out. “almost got me this time.”
weddings are either a blast or a drag, and unfortunately for you, this one was the latter. sitting at a table in the back of a crowded reception hall, you spun the mixing straw in your drink to give you something to do. it felt like you’ve been here for years rather than hours, cursed to spend an eternity making small talk with people you don’t know. changbin plopped in the seat next to you, leaning over to peck your cheek. he had been the social one this evening, whisked away by any and everyone here, charming smile and jokes making everyone swoon. it was fun to watch, for a bit. but now you were bored, and the suit he had on did nothing but make you needy. the idea that crossed your mind was so inappropriate, so wicked that it might just succeed in getting you out of here early. a hand on your lover’s thigh, nails digging in to grab his attention. when changbin whips his head towards you, mouth opening to speak, drool comes out instead at the sight of your dress pulled down just enough to showcase your tits. it’s brief - you don’t want anyone but him to see - but it’s enough to have him standing up quickly, subtly adjusting his pants before holding a hand out. when you take it, his hand squeezes yours a bit too firm, causing it to tingle. “when we get to the car, your panties better be off. i’m not in the mood to waste time.”
it wouldn’t surprise you if hyunjin’s jaw unhinged, it dropped so far and fast. in his defense the last place he expected you to flash him was in the middle of a movie theater. granted, it was a good place to do so - it’s dark, you two are sat in the back corner, there’s hardly anyone in the theater with you two. he just wasn’t expecting it - as a self proclaimed exhibitionist, he would’ve seen expected this in a more “public” setting, like a grocery store or the farmer’s market. this seemed a little tame for you … or is that what you want him to think? “can you put your shirt down? i can’t focus with your tits out.” he tries to seem uninterested, like he isn’t trying to get another glance at them out of the corner of his eye. you pull your shirt down, and he really thinks you fell for it - but he’s always been a bit naive. you’re inching closer to him, legs spread out across his lap. cold hands grab his warm ones (sweaty with both nerves of getting caught and from how fucking horny he is), bringing one up to your mouth and the placing the other on your upper thigh. as your mouth latches around three of his fingers, move the hand on your thigh closer and closer to the cuff of your shorts. that. that’s his breaking point. with a roll of his eyes, he pulls his hands away from you to grab the loops on your shorts, bringing you as close to him as possible without being suspicious. “you’re fucking insatiable.”
who knew a plastic cup hitting the ground could be so loud? not you - not until jisung short circuited, brain checking out for the day at the sight of your bare chest in the middle of the company’s hallway. it takes him a moment to process what’s happening, then a moment to admire the sight (after all, he’s nothing if not the biggest titty enthusiast to ever walk the earth), and a moment to remember his surroundings. by the time all the bases are covered and he’s grabbing at your shirt, you’re giggling at the cute look on his face. shirt back in place, you reach up and squish his cheeks, cooing about how precious he looked. any other day, he’d let you gush over him, the praise boosting his ego and going straight to his cock. but today, showing off what’s his where anyone could walk by? just to see him freeze? he all but throws you over his shoulder, dragging you into the nearest practice room. when the door is locked, you’re pressed against it, bottoms already nearing your ankles. “you’re so funny, pulling this shit and thinking you’ll get away with it.” jisung doesn’t even fully removed your shirt, pushing it up enough to expose your chest to him. he spits directly on your nipples, humming happily as he watches them harden as goosebumps surround them. it’s always a delight, seeing your body react to his touch. “if you want to act like such a slut, i’ll treat you like one.”
“yah, baby!” felix cries out softly. he was so taken aback to turn around, coming face to face with your boobs with no warning. not that he was necessarily complaining - it’s one of his favorite sights in the world - he just didn’t expect it. you completely threw him off his rhythm, making him almost forget about the pan of brownie batter in his hand. he looks back and forth between you and the oven, brain making the wise decision to put the dessert away before focusing on you. you stood on the other side of the kitchen island, his hoodie hiked up to reveal your boobs, perky and plush and fuck, is his mouth watering? the whines you release, begging for his attention makes his knees weak, sweatpants a lot tighter than they were just moments ago. when he calls you over, you practically run, pulling the hoodie over your head before you crash into his arms. lips connected, he spins you around, pining you between his body and counter. you’re moaning into his mouth, the tugs at his dark hair making felix moan as one hand cups one of your breasts, the other reaching behind you. when he finds what he’s look for, felix breaks the kiss, stepping a half step back. you’re whimpering, about to beg him to come back to you when you feel a thick, room temperature liquid drop on your chest. you look down to see the excess brownie batter being dripped on you from felix’s mixing spoon. once he deems it enough, felix bends down, tongue rolling out and onto your body as he laps the sweet batter up. he’s moaning, tongue move rapidly as he licks all around your nipple to clean you up. “taste even better on you.”
he’s not going to lie - seungmin is a bit annoyed. just because you’re bored doesn’t mean you have to make it seungmin’s problem. he told you to bring a book, or your switch, or something to do while he worked. it’s not his fault you were stubborn, insisting your phone was enough of a distraction for the unspecified amount of time the two of you would be here. he knew you would grow bored of tiktok eventually, refreshing the feed on all of your accounts, praying for new content to occupy your time. seungmin saw this coming - which is why he told you to bring a back up plan. little did he know your back up plan was trying to seduce him. your bra slid across his laptop keyboard, his eyes rolling as you giggled at him. he shook his head, picking up bra up and shoving as much of it as he could in his pocket without looking back at you. ignoring you to the best of his ability, he tried to focus until your string of “minnnnniiieeee”s was too obnoxious to ignore. spinning around, he finds you topless, playing with the frill of your skirt. “really?” he asked with a sigh, making you pout and ask him if he didn’t think you looked pretty. of course he did, you know that as well as him, the hard on he’s now sporting only backing the evidence. but he doesn’t give into you that easily, turning back to his work without another word. he listens to you whine, debating putting headphones on to drown you out. that is, until- “fine. i’ll just play with myself since you don’t want to.” and if you thought he was annoyed before, he’s even more so now. he’s over to your seat in a flash, knee pushing up in between your thighs as he grabs your throat - not squeezing, just to grab your attention. “stop being such a brat before you make me do something i’ll regret.”
jeongin saw it coming a mile away. the mischievous twinkle in your eyes, the way you triple checked your surroundings, teeth pulling your bottom lip in. he caught your wrists the moment they were at your shoulders, pulling your shirt back down and your body into his. you try to gasp, but are quickly cut short by jeongin’s lips on yours. “nice try.” he mumbles against your lips, pecking them twice before moving away from you. this wasn’t the first time you’ve done something like this, and he knows it won’t be your last. it was almost like a game at this point - how far could you get with exposing yourself before he stopped you? he only slipped up once, so frustrated with himself that he pulled you into a closed exhibit at the art museum you were visiting and railed you against a fairly expensive painting. you had gotten bolder since then, trying it out in places that were more crowded with more witnesses, the witnesses changing from strangers to jeongin’s peers, superiors, coworkers. friends. it’s much more fun when there’s more of a risk. today you had picked the riskiest place of all - the hallway the leads to his family’s living room. every member of his family frequented that area often, making it extra risky for both you and him. the moment he invited you to visit home with him, he knew you’d try something like this. and he’s nothing if not always prepared. letting go of your wrists, he takes a step back, hand cupping your face as he rubbed the smeared lipstick off the side of your lip. “i hope you enjoy dinner, my dear. it’s the last time you won’t be gagged for a while.”
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Number Neighbors Pt.3
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha masterlist     Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1k
Summary: When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
You and Nat began texting regularly back and forth every day, despite her initial hesitance to talk to a stranger it seemed like maybe she was beginning to open up to you, and it was safe to say she was on your mind 24/7- which after one too many glasses of wine and rom-coms lead you to pick up your phone and send her a text you were far too drunk to think over
Heyyy segg-c ;)
The response wasn’t immediate although you could see she had viewed your message, you pouted at her lack of reply and sloppily typed out another message. You were relying solely on auto-correct to convey your emotions
Don’t ignore m3 :(
What’s up?
I’m lonely
How cme no one un New York wants to date me?
Maybe because people in New York suck?
I want to agree but technically I live in New York 
which means your saying that I suck
And I mean
-If the shoe fits
Shhh my brain can’t think grammar right now
Currently sobbing and not because of the Rom-coms
I’m kidding
You only wear Duck socks anyway
How did you know I was wearing them?
Well last time you were watching TV you were wearing them
I just guessed
I don’t believe you
I knew you were an FBI agent!
You got me.
 wait really?!
Yep, I’m actually right outside your window
You, being in the drunken excited state that you were in, immediately dropped your phone on the couch and ran to the window, searching for signs of anyone but the local crackhead on the streets. Much to your dismay, no one was there
Meanwhile, Nat was silently praising herself for getting you to believe her story, but it was obvious you were probably under the influence of some sort of substance and despite you being a total stranger you were remotely interesting and she could humor herself a bit longer.
You’re mean
Just so you know I’m laughing so hard right now
I don’t tolerate liars in the sacred house of Y/n
I didn’t know you were a religious figure
well when you look as hot as I do…
People can’t help but worship you
I’m sure you look great
 Although your cheeks were already red from alcohol consumption, you were sure that if you had any friends they would point out the noticeable blush on your face
Thanks ;) 
 I’m sure you look great too
People are falling over themselves as I sit in my Pajama pants and Tank top
Nat looked up at the sound of someone entering the living room. Clint, surprised that someone else was in the room, tripped over his own feet and fell straight onto the floor, Nat chuckled to herself while Clint just groaned. Huh, guess she was right. 
“What are you doing awake Nat?” Clint stood and rubbed the back of his neck, stretching his now-aching muscles
“I could ask you the same thing” Nat shot back
“I’m just getting a snack,” He explained, opening the fridge and taking out some leftover pasta that Wanda had made, Nat lifted her brow in a silent question but Clint just shrugged and grabbed a fork
“Whatever, fine, don’t tell me I didn’t even want to know” He mumbled as he walked back to the elevator to go to his room
Nat decided her room would probably be a more appropriate space for privacy and left the living room for the solace of her bed
She knew she could look you up and find out who you were in seconds but it was nice to finally talk to someone new who wasn’t a target for a mission. And you were actually pretty fun to talk to. Maybe she’d just take a peek in the morning. For now, she was reveling in the moment.
What kind of pajama pants?
Was the question Y/n had sent, along with a picture of her own pants, which had rainbows all over them. She laughed to herself, haha gay. 
She needed to drink less next time.
Nothing as interesting as those
Nat debated sending a picture of her plain gray pajama pants and after what felt like ten minutes of internal struggle, finally snapped a quick photo and sent it
Booooo! Gray
You know a person's pajama pants say
A lot about their personality
I’m offended
Good, you should be.
I’m offended too
Offended that you’d even consider buying pants so boring
What’s wrong with gray?
It’s a great neutral color
Is that what you want your personality to be Nat
Well what would you suggest I wear then 
Miss Rainbow pants?
Since you’re so grumpy all the time
You’re really pushing your luck
Might just have to delete your number now
I thought we were friends
Strange friends.
Don’t you have a job or something? 
How come you’re always up so late?
You should sleep
Don’t You have a job??
Maybe you should go to sleep
I’m trying but this crazy stranger keeps
Texting me all night and keeping me awake
They sound like a great person
You two should definitely meet
Goodnight Y/n.
:( fine
Good night Nat, good luck sleeping in your Gray bed
Nat scrolled up and checked the picture that she sent, confirming that her bedspread was in fact, not in the photo
How’d you know it was gray?
 like I said-
A person’s pajama pants say a lot about them
Nat just shook her head as she shut off her phone, a smile on her face, You really were something. The more she talked to you the harder she found it to stop texting you.
-I had a random number invite me to a birthday party not too long ago. What’s your weirdest random number story?~ Starry
Taglist @romanoffsgal
232 notes · View notes
artyandink · 5 months
we could be more | dean winchester | 3
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer was practically a trained killing machine. Stripped to the bone then built back up by her father in order to become one of the best, like he was. She was forced into hunting when she was nineteen, having developed powers that couldn’t be explained. That is, until she was paid a visit by Azazel’s lackey. Her powers were gone, she needed help, and that’s when she found her father’s journal. Pointing to Sam and Dean Winchester.
I walked down the stairs, and when he saw me, Dean choked on his morning coffee while Sam sipped it, amused. 
“Morning, boys.” I smiled, walking over to the coffee pot and pouring one of my own, adding creamer. 
“Morning.” Sam smirked.
“Is that what you’re wearing on the case?” Dean asked, putting his hand over his chest. I looked down at my outfit, wondering if I should start teasing him or not. I was wearing a black cropped tank top, high-waisted slim jeans and was wearing a baseball cap. 
“Yeah.” I shrugged. “What, can’t call me Beanie now?” 
“I still will and you know it.” 
“Course you will, but what about my outfit is distracting, Dean?” 
“Yeah, Dean?” Sam chuckled. 
“Nothing.” He coughed. “Let’s just get in the Impala as quickly as we can. I can’t wait to drive her again.”
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We were now in the Impala, driving to Red Lodge cause we’d gotten another case. Dean was happily singing along to the music, while Sam and I watched him, amused.
“Whoo! Listen to her purr! Have you ever heard anything so sweet?” He whooped, grooving along to the music.
”If you two ever wanna get a room, let Sam and I know.” I quipped, making Sam laugh.
”Oh, don't listen to them, baby. They don’t understand us.” He cooed.
”You’re in a good mood.” Sam smirked.
”Why shouldn't I be?” 
“No reason.”
”Got my car, got my case, things are looking up…”
”Wow, Dean, give you a couple of severed heads and mutilated cows and you’re Mr Sunshine.” I chuckled, making Sam cackle, and Dean laughed too, to my surprise.
”How far to Red Lodge?” He asked.
”300 miles.” Sam replied.
Dean’s eyes glanced back to where my bandage used to be, thinking. ”Beanie, are you good for me to-“
”Dean, I’m not fragile, just floor it.” I rolled my eyes, and he pressed the pedal to the metal, speeding up. 
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We walked up to the sheriff in his office, who admittedly had an impressive moustache. 
“Hello sir, we’re with World Weekly News.” I introduced. “My name’s Lily Carter, and these are my partners Fred Logan,” I pointed at Sam, “and Jensen Barnes.” I gestured to Dean. “Is it alright if we ask a few questions?” I asked, and Dean and Sam looked at me in masked surprise, wondering how I lied so naturally. 
“The murder investigation is ongoing, and that's all I can share with the press at this time.” He replied coldly. 
“Sure, sure, we understand that,” Sam nodded, “but just for the record, you found the first, uh, head last week, correct?” 
“And the other, a, uh, Christina Flanagan.” 
“That was two days ago. Is there-“ A lady knocked at the door, pointing at her watch. The sheriff turned back to us, frowning. “Alright, you three, time’s up.” 
“One last question-“ 
“Yeah, what about the cattle?” Dean interrupted, stopping the sheriff. 
“Excuse me?” He asked, eye twitching. 
“You know, the cows found dead, split open, drained... over a dozen cases.” 
“What about them?” 
“Is there no connection at all, Sherriff?” I persisted, writing down my notes in a notebook. 
“Connection… with..?”
”First cattle mutilations, now two murders? Kinda sounds like ritual stuff.” Sam insinuated casually. 
“Satanic ritual stuff.” Dean added. 
“You’re not kidding…” The sheriff trailed off.
”Those cows aren't being mutilated. You wanna know how I know?” 
“How?” I asked. 
“Because there's no such thing as cattle mutilation. Cow drops, leave it in the sun, within forty eight hours the bloat'll split it open so clean it's just about surgical. The bodily fluids fall down into the ground and get soaked up because that's what gravity does. But, hey, it could be Satan. What newspaper did you say you work for?” 
“Weekly World News.” Dean said confidently. 
“World Weekly News.” Sam corrected. 
“Weekly World-“
”World Weekly-“
“World Weekly News.” I finished, closing my notebook. “They’re new. We’ll be leaving you to it, officer.” I walked out, prompting the two to follow after. 
“How are you so good at lying?” Sam asked. 
“You get good once you become a freak of nature.” I replied. “Hide your name or people will be after your blood and secrets.”
“What next?” Dean asked. 
“Examine the bodies. I’ve got a couple of doctor’s coats in the car.” 
“You touched my baby without telling me?” 
“I cleaned the fingerprints off, Dean, you’re fine.”
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We walked over to the front desk of the morgue wearing our doctor’s coats. There was an intern at the desk, and when we walked up to the desk, Dean took a look at the tag, which read ‘J. Manners’. 
“John.” Dean guessed. 
“Jeff.” Jeff grimaced. 
“Jeff.” He repeated. “I know that. Dr. Dworkin needs to see you in his office right away.” 
“But Dr Dworkin’s on vacation.” 
“But he’s back and he’s screaming for you right now, so if I were you, I would…” Dean whistled, and Jeff ran away. 
“Real smooth, Dean.” I sighed, taking a lock-picking tool and opening the door, letting us into the room with the heads. 
“Yeah, I know. Hey, those satanists in Florida, they marked their victims, didn't they?“ 
“Yeah, reversed pentacle on the forehead.” Sam confirmed. 
“Yeah. So much f'd up stuff happens in Florida.” We got three pairs of latex gloves and put them on, wheeling out a tray of a corpse with a box between it’s legs. “All right, open it.” 
“No, you open it.” 
“No, you-“
“Both of you are wusses.” I rolled my eyes, carrying the box to a table and opening it. They both approached, wincing at the sight of the decapitated girl’s head. “So, decapitated head, which is nasty, but the forehead is clean.” 
“Wow. Poor girl.” Sam tutted. 
“Maybe we should, uh, you know, look in her mouth, see if those wackos stuffed anything down her throat.” Dean suggested. “You know, kinda like the moth in Silence of the Lambs.” 
“Yeah, here, go ahead.” 
“No, you go ahead.” 
“You thought of it.” 
“‘Put the lotion in the basket.’” Not a quote from Silence of the Lambs. 
“Again, you’re wusses.” I searched in the mouth, checking the teeth and airways.
”Beanie, do you need me to catch you if you-“
”I’m not going to faint, Dean, but you might.” 
“Just checking.”
”Dean, get me a bucket.” Sam asked from behind me. 
“Did she find something?” 
“No, I’m gonna puke.” 
“Hey, guys.” I beckoned them over and lifted up the lip again, and both of them retched. “Oh, grow up. Look at the gum. This hole here?” I pressed a hole in the gum, and two pointed teeth sprang out. 
“It's a tooth.” 
“Sam, that’s a fang.” Dean corrected. “Retractable set of vampire fangs. You’ve gotta be kidding me.” 
“Well, that changes things.” Sam grinned. 
“Ya think?”
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We entered a bar, where there was a man smoking at the counter. We were moving to sit down when Dean pulled out my chair for me and tucked it in when I moved to sat down. Sam and I gave him a weird look, but let it go. 
“How's it going?” Dean nodded, sitting down. 
“Living the dream.” The bartender replied coolly. “What can I get for you?” 
“Three beers, please.” 
“So, we're looking for some people.” Sam started nervously. 
“Sure. Hard to be lonely.” 
“Yeah. But um, that's not what I meant.” He dropped a 50 dollar bill on the table, and the bartender took it. “Right. So these, these people, they would have moved here about six months ago, probably pretty rowdy, like to drink...” 
“Sleep all day, party all night, kind of thing.” I added. 
“Barker farm got leased out a couple months ago. Real winners. They've been in here a lot - drinkers. Noisy. I've had to 86 them once or twice.” The bartender informed, cleaning a glass. 
“Right, thanks.” We got up, leaving our half-finished beers on the table. The man who was at the bar was gone, but his cigarette was left. We walked out, and I took my gun out of my pocket, holding it inconspicuously. 
“Do you also see the guy behind us?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, we do.” Dean hissed. “Let’s lose him then question him.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” I whispered, and we quickly went to the right, and heard the footsteps behind us stop. 
“Beanie, stay back, cause if this guy’s a vamp, he’s dangerous.” 
“The hell I will. Why are you being so protective?” 
“He’s here.” Sam muttered. 
“We’ll talk about this later.” Dean grumbled before he sprang out, taking out a knife and throwing the guy against a wall, holding the blade to his neck. “Smile.” 
“Show us those pearly whites.” 
“Oh, for the love of -- you want to stick that thing someplace else? I'm not a vampire.” He looked at Sam’s stunned face and nodded the best he could. “Yeah, that's right. I heard you guys in there.” 
“What do you know about vampires?” Sam interrogated. 
“How to kill ‘em. Now seriously, bro. That knife's making me itch.“ He started to pull away, but Sam reached in and pinned him harder to the wall. “Easy there, Chachi. We’re trying to keep me conscious here, aren’t we-“ I pulled Dean’s hand away from the guy’s neck and hook punched him, making him groan. 
“You’re not in charge here, we are.” I growled, cocking my gun and holding it up. “So you better give us something before you find this at your temple.” 
“Alright, alright!” He pulled up his lip, showing us his gum. “No fangs, happy? Gorgeous form, by the way.” Sam let him go, all of us relaxing.
“Damn, Ivy.” Sam breathed. 
“Damn it is.” Dean chuckled. 
“I like her.” The man chuckled, gesturing to me. “She one o’ your girlfriends, or somethin’?” 
“They’d be honoured if I was.” I smirked. 
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” 
“Ivonne Rainer.” 
He looked surprised, raising his eyebrows. “Rainer? You’re Mick Rainer’s girl?” 
“Mick Rainer?” Dean repeated. 
“Yeah, I’m his daughter.” I breathed. “What of it?” 
“I’ll be damned.” He grinned. “I’m Gordon. Come with me.” We started walking to the car park. “And you boys?” 
“Sam Winchester.” Sam introduced. “And, uh, my brother Dean.” 
“I’ll be damned again. John Winchester’s boys? It’s like I’ve hit a jackpot.” We reached his car, and he opened it, revealing an arsenal of weapons. “Sam and Dean Winchester. I can't believe it. You know I met your old man once? Hell of a guy. Great hunter. I heard he passed. I'm sorry. It's big shoes. But from what I hear you guys fill 'em. Great trackers, good in a tight spot. Then there’s Michael Rainer.” He turned to me, whistling. “I ain’t ever met a man who can wrangle a spirit, demon, ‘geist, you name it- faster than he can. Shame he passed away as well.” 
“Your dad’s dead?” Sam asked me, looking concerned. 
“Again, story for another time.” I groaned, folding my arms. 
“You seem to know a lot about our families.” Dean frowned. 
“Word travels fast. You know how hunters talk.” 
“I don’t think they do.” I scoffed. 
“There’s a lot your dads didn’t tell you, then.” 
“So, um, so those two vampires, they were yours, huh?” Sam asked. 
“Yep, been here two weeks.” I looked at his arsenal until I saw the hook, which had bloodstains on it. They were fresh. I looked back at Gordon, biting my lip. 
“You ok?” Dean whispered in my ear. “Anything hurting?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I snapped back. 
“Just checkin’, Beanie.” He turned back to Gordon. “Did you check out that Barker farm?” 
“It's a bust. Just a bunch of hippie freaks. Though they could kill you with that patchouli smell alone.” Gordon shook his head. 
“Where's the nest, then?” 
“I got this one covered. Look, don't get me wrong. It's a real pleasure meetin' you fellas. But I've been on this thing over a year. I killed a fang back in Austin, tracked the nest all the way up here. I'll finish it.” 
“We can help.”
”Thanks, but uh, I'm kind of a go-it-alone type of guy.” 
“Come on, man, I’ve been itching for a hunt.” 
“Sorry. But hey, I hear there's a Chupacabra two states over. You go ahead and knock yourselves out.” Gordon got in his car, looking out. “It was real good meeting you, though. I'll buy you a drink on the flip side.” He drove off, leaving us to stew in the events. I slipped the keys to the Impala from Dean’s pocket, storming over to the car. 
“Bea- Ivonne!” Dean called, walking behind me. “What the hell?!”
Sam’s footsteps joined Dean’s. ”Dean, let me handle this-“ 
I got into the driver’s seat, slamming the door. Dean and Sam got in, Dean in the seat beside me. I groaned in frustration, thankful that I didn’t have my powers. “Stupid Gordon revealing stupid everything-“
”Revealing what- Ivonne, talk to me! What the hell’s going on-“
”Dean!” Sam silenced Dean, leaning forward. “Can we talk about this once we’ve actually gotten a place to stay? Cause I personally don’t wanna die in a car crash and the last thing I hear is you two yelling it out!” 
Dean sat back in his seat, groaning. “Fine.” 
I didn’t say anything, I just started driving.
When we got a motel, the first thing Dean did was round on me. 
“Is that the person who died, Ivonne?” He interrogated. “Cause you seem a whole lot angrier since Gordon mentioned Mick Rainer’s death.”
”What happened to my dad is none of your business-“ 
“A lot of things about you is none of our business!” Dean burst out. “Hell, the most I know about you is your name and what kind of coffee you like! You said your dad wasn’t around a lot and now both Sam and I know why, but you’re not telling us anything!” 
“What about you, Dean, huh?” I countered, stepping forward and sizing him up. I was shorter, but oh well. “You’re not tellin’ me a lotta things either. You’re acting like I’m gonna collapse and die any minute, asking me if I’m doin’ ok, pullin’ out my chair, so what’s the deal about that, eh?” Dean seemed at a loss for words. 
“We get that the subject is sensitive, but our dad died too.” Sam calmly explained. “We’d know how you feel.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“It’s hard to believe, but we do, and we want to help. We’re here to protect you. Tell us what happened.” 
I stayed silent.
“Then we’ll wait.” Sam assured, then hugged me. Dean stood there awkwardly, looking guilty. But not for this, I don’t think. When we stepped back, Sam smiled. “I’m gonna go get us some dinner.” He left, and Dean went into the bathroom. I opened my satchel, taking out some spare pyjamas and changing into them, laying joggers out for the boys. I changed into shorts, but the moment I pulled my top over my head, Dean walked in. He looked me up and down for a moment, at a loss for words again. 
“Damn.” He coughed, then seemed to realise. “Not damn, bad Dean-”
”You’re good.” I smiled briefly, pulling my pyjama top on. “We’re gonna be in this kind of situation a lot. I, uh, packed some joggers for you.”
”Thanks.” He picked them up, looked at them, paused, then put them down. “Look, Ivonne, I’m sorry.”
”For what?” I chuckled. “You’re right. You don’t know anything about me.”
”But what happened to your dad is your business. I’m not gonna pry, just tell me when you’re ready.”
”I can work with that.” 
“And about the protecting you and all that jazz, it’s cause I blame myself for that knife in you.” I immediately turned to him, folding my arms. 
“Hey, no, it wasn’t.”
”It’s just… it was my job to locate that guy and if I’d done it a little faster, your life wouldn’t be on the line.”
”You’d only find me dead with a knife in my jugular.”
”That’s specific.” He joked until he quietened down.  “That’s how your dad died.”
”Close.” I smiled. 
“And you’re attached to the name Lily Carter too.” He deduced.  “She close?”
”They.” I paused, sitting on my bed. “Lily and Carter Rainer. My brother and sister.” Dean sat beside me, clasping his hands. Sam walked back in, and, sensing the situation, pulled up a chair. “I think I should tell you what happened. You guys told me the deal with your mom, so it’s fair play.”
”When you’re ready.” Sam nodded.
“I was meant to be the eldest sibling of five. It was me, then Carter, fifteen, then Quinn, Carter’s twin, then Lily,  thirteen, then my mom’s unborn child, just 18 weeks in. I was 19. Quinn had been diagnosed with cancer just before mom got pregnant, and died soon after. It broke everyone, and even the gender reveal of my baby brother didn’t cheer anyone up. It was like we were soulless, and I didn’t talk to anyone for a long time, especially not Carter, who started acting up.” I paused, breathing out shakily. 
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“You need to cut that attitude, young man.” I growled, facing Carter. “Quinn and dad are both dead, I know-“
”You don’t know!” He shouted.
”The hell I do! I’m trying my hardest to-“
”That’s where you’re wrong, Ivonne, cause you’re not trying at all.” Carter seethed. “Lily was taken out of school cause she kept crying and where are you during the day when I get into a fight?”
”Taking care of our mother.” I frowned. “Y’know, cause she’s pregnant with our brother and dad isn’t even alive to help so that means that I have to step in. Heck, he wasn’t even here in the first place. Just… go to your room!” I pointed to his room, and he stalked off, giving me a nasty look.
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“Take your time.” Dean murmured.
”Nah, I need to… I need to get this out.” I gulped, trying to stop my voice from breaking. “If I don’t, I’ll explode. One day, we get the news that dad was found dead, but his heart was carved out of his body, almost so perfectly it was surgical. I completely bricked out Carter by then, cause I thought he didn’t need me and I had my own problems. Seems like a dreamwalking demon found his emotions good enough to feed on. In the night, I hear a scream, and then silence.” Tears started to fill my eyes as my voice broke. “I run to investigate and I find Lily dead with a knife stuck right through her jugular.” 
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I was reading a book, flipping the pages absent-mindedly. I frowned, looking at the introduction of the main character’s younger brother-
“IVY!” I heard Lily scream. “IVY, HE-“
“Lily!” I called, leaping out of bed and rushing up the stairs. “LILY!” I burst into her room and almost collapsed, and she was lying in her bed, eyes open and a terrorised face. 
But there was a knife stuck straight through her throat. 
“Lily!” I cried, running over. “Lily…” I felt tears run down my face as I kissed her forehead, smoothing back her hair. I cradled her, sobbing as I tried to ignore the gaping hole that had appeared in me where Lily once was. “I’m so sorry, Lil. I’m so sorry…” 
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“God.” Dean breathed.
”Then I hear mom scream, then silence. I go up to her bedroom and there she is, a knife through her jugular and another in her belly, where my unborn brother was. We were going to name him Nathan. He wasn’t even alive yet and he was murdered…” I wiped a tear that went down my face. “Carter was there, smirking as if he did me a favour. Then another knife appeared in his hand, and he was about to do the same to me when he stopped and he…” I let out a loud sob, burying my face into my hands. Sam instantly moved to side hug me, while Dean gripped my hand. “He stabbed the knife… straight through his own  throat. He was dead before he hit the ground. He wasn’t even awake in the first place.”
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I’d barely finished mourning over Lily when a second scream pierced the house, which was my mom’s.
I left Lily reluctantly, sprinting up the stairs two at a time to try and get there before the killer left. “MOM!” I kicked down her door, and I screamed at the sight. Blood stained her sheets, and there were two knives in her, one in her jugular and the other in her belly, where my now dead unborn brother is. I looked at the perpetrator and almost screamed. 
It was Carter.
He was standing there, eyes glazed but a wicked grin on his face as he held another knife, preparing to throw it at me. However, in the nick of time, I felt my hand close around something. I didn’t even think about how I could use whatever was given to me, I just raised it, my finger pulled something and two loud bangs emitted from it, two holes appearing in my brother’s chest, and just after a black smoke flew up and out of the window. I stared at what was given to me with shaking hands, gasping in horror. It was a gun.
I’d shot my brother.
I ran over to Carter, taking the nape of his neck in my hand as I looked into his eyes. They were still glazed, as if he was sleeping. 
He was sleeping. 
“A dreawalker got to you, Carter.” I whispered, my quiet sobs turning to racking ones. I checked the gun wounds, which were black and like a crater, almost. The gun was still in my hand as the front door was knocked down, policemen filing in.
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”After that, I completely broke down. My family was gone and murdered. So I got out of the police case innocent, fled Jersey and I’ve been moving ever since.” 
“That…” Sam paused. “I don’t even know what to say.”
”My mom made my middle name Hazel cause it’s what she originally wanted to name me.” I whispered. “Her death, little Nate’s death, haunts me everyday. Even dad’s. I tried to buffer it by making the excuse that dad wasn’t there for anything and that mom cheated on him when she got the chance to, but it still hurts like hell. I can’t help but think if the dreamwalker will come back to finish the job with me.”
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“Daniel Elkins?” I called out, venturing in. An old man turned around, frowning. 
“Who’s askin’?” He rumbled, standing up.
”Ivonne Rainer, Michael Rainer’s daughter.”
”You’re Mick Rainer’s girl?”
”That’s right.” He took a look at my face, nodding.
”You look just like him. Got a little bit of Audrey too.”
”I’ve been told.”
“I’m sorry for your losses.”
”Thank you.” I nodded, then held out the gun. “I developed a sorceress’s powers the night I got this gun, my powers gave it to me, but it’s not an ordinary one. I talked to hunters who knew my dad and they pointed me to you.” I gave him the gun, which he examined.
”Your powers are a blessin’, girl.” He said gruffly. “This is called the Colt. Can kill anyone an’ anything and all you have to do is pull the trigger and have good aim.” 
“Can you handle it?”
”Course I can. Who d’you shoot with this?”
”My brother, just after a dreamwalker left his body.”
He clapped my shoulder, looking solemn. “Ain’t your fault, sweetheart.”
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”Ivonne, I am so sorry.” Dean pulled me into a hug, kissing my head. “I don’t have words either. But what happened isn’t your fault.”
“And we won’t let that dreamwalker hurt you.” Sam assured.
”We’ll kill it before it does.”
I felt kind of grateful for having Dean and Sam with me, but I also felt guilty.
”Do you need one of us to stay with you tonight?” Sam asked softly.
”Most likely.” I smiled awkwardly, then Dean raised his hand. 
“I’ll do it. Sammy’s gonna take up the bed, him and his giant DNA.” Dean volunteered, clapping Sam on the shoulder. He turned to me. “Whatcha thinking about?”
”I wanna track this Gordon guy.” I told them. “If he’s hunting vampires, he’s gonna do it tomorrow night and one may kill him. We don’t need another dead hunter.” 
“She’s right.” Sam nodded. “We can track him down in the morning.”
”In the meantime, I packed joggers for you guys.” I gestured to the joggers. “I figured that we’d need a change of clothes if we happened to stay the night anywhere.” 
“So that’s where that pair went.” Sam chuckled. “Nice one.” 
“Now we don’t have to sleep in jeans.” Dean grinned, picking his up.
Dean emerged from the bathroom with just his joggers on, making Sam groan. 
“Dean, it’s not you and I anymore.” He sighed. 
“You’re acting like I haven’t seen a guy shirtless.” I smirked, making them double take. “Yeah. I have flings too.” 
“Is Alex Wilde one of them, Beanie?” Dean smirked. 
“Well, there’s always time for it.” 
“Ivy, are you comfortable with it?” Sam asked.
“Course. I practically raised Carter, so I can handle you both. 
“That’s settled, then.” Dean grinned, shoving himself under the blanket. I quickly did my hair into a rope braid, and Dean’s eyes seemed to be… somewhere… on me. 
“Dean…?” I raised an eyebrow, turning. 
“Yeah, Beanie?” 
“What are you staring at?” 
“Yeah, Dean.” Sam smirked.
”I-I was staring at your necklace.” Dean stammered. “Wasn’t there before.” 
“Ellen gave it. It was my mom’s.” I grinned, ruffling his hair. “But it’s cute when you’re flustered.” I got into bed, laying down next to Dean, both of us facing the ceiling. Sam turned off the light and laid down, falling asleep soon after. I heard a shift next to me. 
“Beanie?” He muttered.
“Yeah?” I softly replied, turning my head to face his. 
“What was Carter like?” 
“He was like Sam, really. Smart, loyal, brave. Stubborn as hell. There’s not anything I wouldn’t have done for him. But he became a wreck after Quinn died, and it was so hard to recognise him. I guess that’s why I went so hard on him. I think I was trying to restore him in the worst way possible when I couldn’t deal myself.”
”I get that.” He whispered. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Sammy.”
”I can tell.” I smiled. “Even though you two fight like raccoons sometimes, you protect him. I just wished that I could have had the same thing with Carter.” 
“You did what you had to do.” He assured. “Poor kid could’ve suffered worse had he woken up and been arrested for the murder of his family.”
”I suppose.” I shrugged. “Then again, I would’ve put my prints on the knives and said that I did it.” We stayed silent, just staring at the ceiling.
I shivered; it was cold. And, as if he had a radar, Dean sat up on his elbow, looking over. “You’re cold.” 
“Excellent spot, Dean.” 
“Sammy once said that staying close can preserve body heat.” 
“Dean Winchester, are you trying to hit on me?” 
“No, no! I do not. It’s that… I’m really warm, and I don’t want you to be cold cause then you’ll be uncomfortable-“
”I get it.” I grinned. “Sure.” 
“Alright, uh…” He chuckled. “How are we gonna do this?” I scooted up to him, laying my head in the crook of his neck while my hand rested on his chest. His arm wrapped around me, fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on my arms. 
“You weren’t kidding.” I laughed. “This is like a radiator.”
“And you weren’t kidding about being cold.” He kissed my hair, sighing afterwards. “It’s only been a few, Beanie, and it doesn’t always seem like it, but I care about you. You take care of Sammy when I can’t. Heck, you’ve even saved my life-“
”Don’t say it.” I whispered, looking up. “Cause I know.”
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I opened my eyes, yawning softly. Dean’s eyes were shut and Sam was cocooned in his blanket, so I pried myself out of Dean’s arms and quickly changed into a Led Zeppelin band shirt and jeans, pulling a black beanie over my head. Carter’s beanie. I got out a map, sat at the table and started triangulating the two murders and finding out the third location.
”Thanks, dad.” I whispered as I circled the third. I left a note for Sam and Dean, walking out and coincidentally running into Gordon. 
“Morning, Ivonne.” He nodded.
“Gordon.” I replied with a small smile. “I thought I was the only early bird today.”
”I like to get a head start.” He grinned, and I felt unsettled a bit. 
”Hey, uh, the gun you pointed at me, was that your dad’s gun?”
”It was.” I took it out of the inside of my jacket, holding it up. 
“Mick Rainer’s gun.” Gordon chuckled. “Stuff of legend among hunters. There’s talk that it dated back farther than the Colt, and every owner, before passing it on, heats the metal and remoulds it, making the pattern-“
”-in the image of the next chosen holder, complete with their name.” I stored the gun back, smirking. “I know that story off by heart, thanks. Now, if you excuse me, I need to get breakfast for the boys.”
”BEANIE-“ Dean rushed out then stopped, still pulling on his shirt. “Oh.”
”Dean, I left a note.” I sighed.
”But I had to check!” He slumped. “Fine. Sam is cranky.”
”We better get that breakfast then.” I grinned. “Nice running into you, Gordon.” We walked off, and Dean turned to me, leaning in.
“Got a beer in your satchel?”
”I have a breath mint.”
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That night, we were driving up to the farm which I’d said was Gordon’s next hit location. We went over, and there Gordon was, close to getting decapitated. Sam sprang into action, pulling Gordon out, while I punched the vampire, Dean rushing in to deliver another hit while I kicked him. The vampire was shoved against the belt, and Dean reached up, bringing the saw down on his head.
I watched while a vampire got brutally killed. And as he stared down on the body, with blood splattered on his face, Dean didn’t look guilty. Not in the slightest. 
He looked like he enjoyed it. 
I frowned, looking down as Gordon laughed, looking up.  “I guess I owe you that drink.” We headed to the bar, where Gordon paid for the drinks. “I insist. Thank you, sweetie.“ He raised a glass, and Dean did too. “And another one bites the dust.”
”That’s right.” Dean smirked, both of them clinking glasses.
”Dean.” Gordon cackled. “You gave that big fang one hell of a haircut, my friend.”
“Thank you.”
”Beautiful. It was absolutely beautiful.”
”Beautiful?” I cut in. Sam just stayed silent, laid back in his seat.
”You alright, Sammy?” Dean asked.
”Yeah.” Sam nodded.
”Well, lighten up, Sammy!” Gordon encouraged.
”Only Dean and Ivy get to call me that.” 
“Okay. No offense meant. Just celebrating a little. Job well done.”
”Right. Well, decapitations aren't my idea of a good time, I guess.”
”Oh, come one, man, it's not like it was human. You've gotta have a little more fun with your job.” 
“See? That's what I've been trying to tell him. You could learn a thing or two from this guy.” Dean gestured to Gordon, but I tilted my head. Really? This dude?”
”Yeah, I could.” Sam grimaced, then stood up. “I’m not gonna put a downer on your parade. I’m going back to the motel.”
”I’ll go with him.” I stood up as well, smiling falsely as I walked behind Sam. “You boys enjoy yourselves.” 
“Hey, Sam?” Dean called, making Sam and I turn around. “Remind me to beat the buzzkill out of you later.” He threw the keys to Sam, who caught them. We walked out in silence, until Sam looked up. 
Sam coughed. “Is it just me, or-“ 
“Is Dean being a douche?” I smirked. “Yeah. Big time.” 
“This Gordon guy seems really off.” 
“He does.” I nodded. “So I’ve got a way to find out who this guy is.”
We hung the keys in our room, and I dialled a number, putting it on speaker. 
‘Harvelle's Roadhouse.’ 
“Ellen?” I grinned. “It’s Ivvy. Sam’s with me, and you’re on speaker.” 
‘Ivvy, Sam! So good to hear from you.’ 
“Same here, Ellen.” Sam laughed.  
‘You three are ok, aren’t you?’ 
“Yeah, we just had something to run by you.” I looked at Sam, patting him on the shoulder. 
‘Yeah, shoot.’ 
“Has a guy called Gordon Walker ever stopped by your bar?” Sam asked.
‘Yeah, I know Gordon.’ 
‘Well, he's a real good hunter. Why are you asking, sweetie?’ 
“We ran into him on a job and we’ll, we’re kind of working with him-“
‘Don’t do that, Sam.’ She warned. 
“I thought you said he was a good hunter.” I frowned. 
‘Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. Look, he is dangerous to everyone and everything around him. If he's working on a job you boys just let him handle it and you move on.’ 
Sam looked concerned, so he spoke up. “But Ellen-“ 
‘No, Sam- you just… listen to what I’m telling you, ok?’
”Alright, Ellen.” I nodded then said bye and cut the call. “Do we trust her information?” 
“Rather her than Gordon.” Sam shrugged. “Besides, he sounded spooked.” 
“We need to warn Dean.” I sighed. “Before it’s too late and he’s a copy of Gordon.” We went out, Sam putting coins in a machine and taking out two Cokes. He gave one to me, and I cracked it open and drank some out of it. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, but I ignored it. 
“Do you need my to get some food from the other one?” I asked. 
“Two packets of crisps, maybe.” He nodded so I went to the other one-
Oh, god. 
Noises of fighting rang out behind me, in which Sam was knocked out by two people, one holding a telephone that was used to knock him out. I pulled out my gun, aiming it at the woman who was holding it, 
“Bad move.” I growled. “You never attack someone when their back is turned.” One of them bared their fangs at me, but the woman stopped him. “Take one step, I dare you.” 
“She’s holding Michael Rainer’s gun.” The woman whispered to her companion. “She’s his daughter.” 
“What of it?” I frowned. 
“Can we trust her?” The man asked her. 
“We can try.” She whispered, then spoke up. “My name’s Lenore. I knew your father.” 
“Many people did.” I scoffed. “You’re just another Joe and Jane.” 
“He helped us.” She smiled. “And you can too. We need your help, Ivonne. He told us you could, if you ever found us.” 
I lowered my gun a little, then stiffened up. “How can I trust you?” 
“‘One bullet can make one family and break another as well, so be careful where you use it.’.” She cited. “He told us a lot about you. About the scar cutting across your eyebrow and where you got it from, which was your first hunt.” She gestured to her own eyebrow, and I started to get the thought that she wasn’t lying. “How you stole his old leather jacket and love wearing beanies. How he would’ve given anything to see you more. We need your help, so please, don’t shoot.” 
I took a deep breath before lowering my gun. “Fine. But I go anywhere Sam goes.” 
“Ok, but you have to promise not to tell anyone where the nest is.” She begged, and I nodded.
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I was waiting for Sam to wake up, when I heard a familiar voice call my name. 
“Ivy?” I turned, seeing a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes who was making his way up to me. I laughed, standing up. 
“Will?” I hugged him, grinning. “No way!” 
“It’s so good to see you.” We stepped back, a goofy grin on his face. “I thought you wouldn’t wanna talk to me after we broke up.” 
“It’s not the principle that you were a vampire.” I sighed. “It was the principle that I move around a lot for my work.” 
He stared at me for a moment, a charged air in between us. “You like your work a lot, huh?” 
“I’ve minimised vampire killings.” I smiled. “Only the evil ones.” 
“That’s good.” He nodded. “I’m glad Lenore listened to my pitch.” 
“I’m really proud of you, Will.” I paused, “Even if animal blood is the broccoli of your world.” 
“I just wanted to protect you.” 
“And I owe you my life for that. Honestly, I thought you’d have gotten over me by now.” 
“You’ve probably heard this a million times, Ivy, but you’re impossible to get over.” He looked down, rumpling his hair with his hand. “I was just beginning to come to terms with our breakup and… now you’re here.” 
“Should I be happy or sad about that?” I chuckled. 
“I’d rather you be happy.”
“Will.” Eli came in, rounding the corner. “We need the girl.” 
“I’m coming.” I walked with Eli, and the moment Sam saw me, he started struggling. 
“Did you turn her?!” He growled, trying to break free. 
“I’m ok, Sammy.” I assured, kneeling down in front of him. “These guys are clean, trust me. They do drink animal blood.”
“We choke on cow's blood so that none of them suffer. Tonight they murdered Conrad and they celebrated.” Eli hissed. 
“That’s enough, Eli.” Lenore warned.
”Yeah, Eli, that’s enough.” Sam teased. 
“What's done is done. We're leaving this town tonight.” 
“Then why bring us here?” I asked. 
“Believe me, I'd rather not. But I know your kind. Once you have the scent you'll keep tracking us. It doesn't matter where we go. Hunters will find us.”
“So you’re asking us not to follow you.” Sam realised. 
“We have a right to live. We're not hurting anyone.” 
“Give me one reason why I should believe you.” 
“You know what I’m gonna do?” She got closer. “I’m gonna let you go.” She turned to Will, gesturing to us both. “Take them back. Not a mark on either of them.” 
“We need to stop Dean.” Sam whispered. 
“Yeah, we do.” I nodded.
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We got back, and I leaned in the window to the driver’s seat. “Thanks, Will.” 
“It’s nothing.” He smiled, leaning closer. 
“Trust me, I owe you a lot for what you’ve done.” I grinned, tilting my head. Resisting drinking my blood, making the switch to animal blood, tackling members of your own family just to keep me safe, it’s a lot-“ I was silenced by his lips on mine, and I cupped his cheek, grinning stupidly when I pulled away. “I owe you for that too.“ 
“Pay me back later.” He smirked. “Your friend there looks like he’s gonna burst out into laughter.” I heard a snort, and I turned to Sam, who was looking up to the sky. 
“Don’t mind me.” Sam giggled. “I’m just looking at this really interesting pitch black sky while you two are smooching.” 
“Shut up.” I pulled a newspaper out of my satchel, thwacking Sam across the head before stuffing it back in. “You’re such a child.” 
“I never knew that you were a romantic.” 
“I was.” I smiled. “Will was a boyfriend.” 
“Looks like the boyfriend. You met him in the nest and now you’re both kissing. Will and Ivy, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G-“
”Scratch that, you’re a baby.” I opened the door to the motel room, and our smiles were wiped off our faces to see Gordon with Dean. I hung up my jacket, and my arm holster, which contained my gun, was left exposed.
”Where you been?” Dean asked. 
“Can we talk to you alone?” Sam asked, and Dean seemed to agree. 
“Mind chillin’ out for a couple minutes?” He followed us outside, and I shut the door. 
“Dean, maybe we've got to rethink this hunt.”
“What are you talking about? Where were you?”
”The nest.”
”You found it?” 
“They found us, man.” 
“How'd you get out? How many'd you kill?” 
“Well, they didn’t just let you go-” 
“That’s exactly what they did, Dean.” I frowned. 
“All right, well, where is it?” Dean asked. 
“We were blindfolded, so no, we don’t know.” I lied. 
“Well, you've got to know something.” 
“We went over that bridge outside of town, but Dean, listen. Maybe we shouldn't go after them.” 
“Why not?” 
“We don't think they're like other vampires. We don't think they're killing people.” Sam urged. 
“You're joking. Then how do they stay alive? Or undead, or whatever the hell they are.” Dean asked, looking angry and confused.
”The cattle mutilations. They said they live off of animal blood.” 
“And you believed them?” 
“Look at us, Dean.” Sam gestured to him and I. “They let us go without a scratch.” 
“Wait, so you're saying... no, man, no way. I don't know why they let you go. I don't really care.” He started walking, and we didn’t have much time to convince him. “We find 'em, we waste 'em.”
“What part of vampire do you not understand?” Dean growled. “If it's supernatural, we kill it, end of story. That's our job.”
“So you would kill me if I still had my powers?” I asked, silencing him for a moment. “We kill ‘evil’, Dean, not just any supernatural force. They’re not killing people, so we don’t kill them.” 
“Of course they're killing people, that's what they do. They're all the same. They're not human, okay? We have to exterminate every last one of them.” 
“No, Dean, I don't think so, all right? Not this time.” 
“Gordon's been on those vamps for a year, man, he knows.”
“Gordon.“ I scoffed. 
“Yes.” He nodded defiantly.
“You’re taking his word for it?” Sam asked cynically. 
“That’s right.” 
“Ellen says he’s bad news, Dean.” I persisted. 
“You called Ellen?” Dean raised his eyebrows. We nodded. “And I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely know her, Sam. You may know her, Ivonne, but no thanks, I'll go with Gordon.” 
“Right, cause Gordon's such an old friend.” Sam seethed, fists clenching. “You don't think I can see what this is?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“He's a substitute for Dad, isn't he? A poor one.” 
“Shut up, Sam.” Dean’s teeth gritted, and I could practically feel the tension rising. 
“He's not even close, Dean. Not on his best day.” 
“You know what?” He chuckled, backing away. “I'm not even going to talk about this-“ 
“You know, you slap on this big fake smile but I can see right through it.” Sam growled. “Because I know how you feel, Dean. Dad's dead. And he left a hole, and it hurts so bad you can't take it, but you can't just fill up that hole with whoever you want to. It's an insult to his memory.” 
“Okay.” Dean nodded, then punched Sam. I didn’t think; I just felt red hot rage boil up and my hand swung round, slapping some silence into Dean. He just stared at me, holding his jaw. 
“Go.” I ordered, furious. “Go to your new best friend Gordon and when you’ve realised that we’ve been telling the truth, you’re come back and say sorry. And you better beg.” 
He seemed to regain his pride, gritting his teeth. “I'm going to that nest. You don't want to tell me where it is, fine. I'll find it myself.” He left, and I turned to Sam, turning his face. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah, I don’t think there’s bruising.” He nodded. “Are you okay, though? You seemed to blow up.” 
“Yeah, I just thought of Carter.” I nodded. “If anyone touched him, they’d be on the floor in seconds, I don’t care who they are.”
”I didn’t wanna hurt Dean. He’s just blindsided.” 
“Luckily I’m here to slap some sense into him, then.” 
“But we really do need to convince him.” 
“Fine.” We went back into the motel room, where Dean was gathering his stuff. 
“Gordon?” Dean called, but there was no Gordon. 
“You think he went after them?” Sam asked. 
“Most likely.” 
“Dean, we have to stop him.” I urged. 
“Really, Ivonne?” He scoffed, hand moving to his cheek, which was red. Good. “Cause I say we lend a hand.” 
“Just give us the benefit of the doubt, would you? You owe us that.” I paused. “You owe me, Dean.” 
“Real good negotiator you are, Ivonne.” 
“Careful, or your cheek might turn purple instead of red.” I shot back. “Think about it, Dean.” 
“Yeah, we'll see. I'll drive. Give me the keys.” We looked to where the keys were supposed to be, but they were gone. 
“He snaked the keys.” Sam whispered. We ran to the car, getting inside through picking the lock.
“I can't believe this. I just fixed her up, too.” Dean groaned while hot-wiring his car. ”So the bridge, is that, uh, is that all you got?” 
“The bridge was four and a half minutes from their farm.” I informed, looking at my own map. 
“How do you know?” 
“I counted.” 
“They took a left out of the farm, then turned right onto a dirt road, followed that for two minutes slightly up a hill, then took another quick right and we hit the bridge.” Sam mapped out, tracing the path. 
“You two are good. You’re a monster pain in the ass, but you’re good.” Dean grimaced. 
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We reached the house and went in, and I found both Lenore and Will tied to a chair, weak. 
“Sam, Ivonne, Dean. Come on in.” Gordon grinned, holding a small bloody knife. 
“Hey, Gordon. What's going on?” Dean asked, looking around.
”Just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man's blood. She's going to tell us where all her little friends are, aren't you? Wanna help?” 
“Look, man-“ 
“Just grab a knife. I was about to start in on the fingers.” He made a cut down Lenore’s arm, and she wheezed weakly in pain. He did the same to Will, who groaned a bit louder, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to resist the pain. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, let's all just chill out, huh?” 
“I am chill.” Gordon replied coolly. 
“Gordon, just put the knife down.” Sam ordered, starting forward, but was stopped by Dean. 
“Looks like Sam here needs to chill.” 
“Just step away from her, all right?” 
“You’re right, I’m wasting my time. These two will never talk. Might as well put them out of their misery.” He pulled out a knife. “Don’t worry, I sharpened it, so it’s completely humane.”
”Gordon, I'm letting her go.” Sam frowned, stepping in Gordon’s way. 
“You’re not doing a damn thing.” Gordon seethed, pointing the knife at Sam’s chest. 
“Hey, Gordon, let’s talk about this.” Dean protested feebly. 
“What's there to talk about? It's like I said, Dean. No shades of gray.” 
“The hell there is.” I took out my gun from my arm holster, pulling the trigger and hitting Gordon’s knife. It broke in half, the metal clattering to the ground. 
Dean stepped in. “That vampire that killed your sister deserved to die, but this one...” 
“Killed my sister?” Gordon cackled. “That filthy fang didn't kill my sister. It turned her. It made her one of them. So I hunted her down, and I killed her myself.” 
“You did what?” I seethed.
”It wasn't my sister anymore, it wasn't human. I didn't blink. And neither would you, Dean.” 
“So you knew all along, then?” Sam scoffed. “You knew about the vampires, you knew they weren't killing anyone. You knew about the cattle. And you just didn't care.” 
“Care about what? A nest of vampires suddenly acting nice? Taking a little time out from sucking innocent people? And we're supposed to buy that? Trust me. Doesn't change what they are. And I can prove it.” He slit Sam’s arm with the jagged knife, and Lenore’s teeth emerged, and she started to hiss and snarl. He pressed it to Sam’s throat, dragging him closer to Lenore. 
“Let him go! Now!” Dean ordered, taking out his gun and aiming at Gordon.
”Relax. If I wanted to kill him he'd already be on the floor. Just making a little point.” The blood from Sam’s cut hit Lenore’s face, making her eyes turn red. “You think she's so different? Still want to save her? Look at her. They're all the same. Evil, bloodthirsty.” A tear ran down Will’s face at the sight of Lenore, and my jaw clenched. 
“No, no…” Lenore sobbed, regaining control of herself. 
“You see that, Gordon?” I snapped, taking the knife away from him and using it to cut Lenore and Will free. He collapsed into my arms, trying to stay upright. I cupped his cheek, his forehead leaning against mine. “I’ve got you. It’s ok, I’ll make sure you’re safe.” 
“We’re done here.” Sam fumed. 
“Sam, Beanie, get ‘em outta here.” I helped Will outside while Sam did Lenore, taking out a cloth and cleaning both of them. I was still holding my gun, and I changed the cartridge, chucking it away. 
“You’re going after him, aren’t you?” He asked.
”I have to.” I nodded. “Dean’s good, but Gordon knows more tricks.” 
“Wait.” Will coughed, and then he kissed me gently. “Don’t get hurt. Please.” 
“I won’t.” I assured before running inside. Dean flew through the air, hitting the wall and collapsing with a groan. I raised my gun, shooting Gordon in the shoulder, making his body fall back with the shock. His head hit the wall, and he slumped, unconscious. 
“Good talk.” I smirked, training it on him.
”You came back?” Dean coughed, getting up.
”Yeah, I’m not leaving you with this sadist.” I picked Gordon up, slamming his head against a doorframe on my way to the chair that Will was previously tied up in. “Oops.” I drawled, dropping him in the chair. Dean tied him up, looking sick with himself.
”All that talk about black and white, but you’re the one who’s tied up.”
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We were back at the motel, when we got out, I faced a now recovered Will with a smile.
”Thanks for saving my life.” He grinned. “I guess you don’t owe me one anymore. Kind of wanted an excuse to see you anytime.”
”I want to give you that excuse, really.”
He realised, nodding sadly, but masked it with his winning smile. “You’re leaving.”
”Sadly.” I bit my lip. “I wish we had more time.”
”Yeah, now I have to start another cycle of getting over you.” He joked, but still looked heartbroken. 
“Well, I’m gonna make it harder, cause I still have to pay you back.” I grinned.
”Pay me back-“ I grabbed his collar, pulling him in for a kiss that he melted into instantly. His arms wrapped around my waist while mine went around his neck, my head tilting. His hands threaded in my hair-
“HAUN HAUN!” I heard Dean yell. “Mademoiselle et monsieur s’embrassent ! Que puis-je dire, c’est la vie !
“Ivonne et Will, assis dans un arbre!” Sam called. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
We pulled back, laughing. I turned to the boys, kissing my teeth. “You just HAD to say it in French!” 
“Yeah!” Dean grinned. 
“That was the WORST French I’ve ever heard!” 
“Thanks!” Sam snickered.
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It was a week since the Gordon incident, and we had returned to my house. I was reading a book on my bed, engrossed in a scene from it simply because the main character was dying and I don’t see that, like, ever. 
”What the hell?” I muttered. “What is this person playing at-“ I swept the curtain aside, and almost broke down laughing at who was heckling at my window. “Dean?!”
”Tis I!” He yelled, gesturing dramatically to himself. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
“Apologising!” He called back, a goofy grin on his face. “You said I needed to beg!”
”I never meant literally!” 
“Too late!”
”No, sounds like enough slander.” I smirked, gesturing for him to continue. He then got down on one knee, making Sam, who was watching from the other window and recording everything, lose his cool, cackling loudly. 
”Blasphemy.” Sam repeated. 
“Should I?” I asked Sam, who was losing it. 
“I don’t know, this is fun.” 
“If I give you a kiss, Dean, will you stop?” I sighed, and he contemplated the situation before nodding. I went downstairs, swiping something from my drawer before meeting him outside. 
“Where’s my kiss, milady?” He smirked, standing up. I took his hand and placed something in it: a Hershey’s kiss. He grimaced at me while Sam almost fell out of the window in his mirth. “Ha ha, very funny.” 
“Needed to have an excuse to get rid of the last one.” I laughed. “But yeah, I forgive you. Now you need to repeat the act for Sam.” I grinned, patting him on the shoulder.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Thunder In Our Hearts (Part 4)
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Summary: The reader and Soldier Boy have begun to be more relaxed around each other which leads to a very important conversation for Ben...
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x reader
Word Count: 3,500ish
Warnings: language, nudity, violence, drug/abuse/sexual assault/torture mentions
A/N: Spoilers for Season 3 of The Boys in this one! Aw, could this be the breakthrough Ben needed?…
You woke up sweating, sunlight pouring in the room. After your talk with Soldier Boy, you headed to bed to try to catch at least a few hours of sleep. It’d been pointless though, nightmares plaguing you the whole time.
“Are-” You jumped in bed, Soldier Boy in the doorway sporting a clean pair of black sweats and a red and white sweatshirt. He held up his hands, realizing your own were shaking. “You doing okay, sport? That’s your fifth screaming nightmare in the span of an hour.”
You shut your eyes. He’d killed twenty nine people for you so far. Twenty nine. Not to mention everyone at that facility.
Fuck, you were just as bad as he was. 
Maybe even worse.
Something was tossed at you and you blinked, spotting his sweatshirt in your lap. 
“The cold causes nightmares.” He turned and left, waving hand in the doorframe. “Coffee’s in the pot.”
“I don’t have a coffee pot,” you groaned, falling back in bed. “That’s a water tank, not a coffee pot.”
“No wonder it tastes like shit.” With a shake of your head you got up and dressed for the day, slipping on his sweatshirt. 
“Soldier Boy I appreciate you trying to take care of yourself but you have to follow the directions I…” you trailed off, Soldier Boy smirking as you looked at the keuring and cup of hot coffee next to it. “Were you messing with me?”
“Me? Never,” he teased. He sipped out of your favorite olive colored mug, licking his lips. You gratefully picked up the blue mug, surprised to find he’d already put cream in it. “How’d I do, boss?”
“Good job. All we’re missing is bacon.” He smiled, the room quiet for a beat as you drank your coffee’s in a content silence. “Soldier Boy?”
“You going to try to talk me out of trying to kill my son?” You shook your head. “I’m all ears.”
You thumbed over the blue porcelain before setting it in the sink. “I have one more name on my list before we start going down yours.”
“Not a problem. We’re moving through yours pretty fast.” 
“The last guy is going to be an issue. He’s in the CIA.”
“So he’s smart enough to know that I’m the one behind the killings so far and smart enough to know it’s you doing it for me. We have to be more careful. I don’t want to wind up dead and I don’t want you captured again.” He cocked his head and put his mug aside, crossing his arms. “I know it’s silly to worry but-”
“Sh.” He stepped over, pressing a finger to your lips when you went to speak. Dark green eyes looked you up and down, a small shake of his head worrying you. 
“Soldier-” His hand covered your mouth, finger tapping your nose after a moment.
“Here I thought when all was said and done you’d be turning me in to get the government off your back.”
“What?” You narrowed your eyes, pushing his hands away. “I’m not going to fucking betray you. You don’t deserve to go back to that place.”
“Yesterday I deserved to have been tortured. Today I don’t deserve to have to sit in a box for all eternity?” You brushed past him, hands going to your hips. “Make up your mind, kid.”
“I have made up my mind.” You spun around, shaking your head at him, watching him run his hand over his face. 
“And? Everything about you says you’d throw me to the wolves to save your own ass.” 
A loud slap echoed throughout the house. The stinging of your palm was at the back of your mind though. 
Because Soldier Boy was laughing his ass off.
“What is so damn funny! I would never do that to you and I have never indicated to you once that I would.” He doubled over in laughter. The only logical answer was he’d snapped. Instead of going on a killing spree, he was having a mental break. “What is wrong with you? I slap you and you start acting like a maniac?”
“Oh you’re still so innocent it’s adorable,” he chuckled, righting himself. He cleared his throat, pressing his chest to yours. “I pissed you off on purpose. I was curious about how you’d react. If you were going to be afraid of me or honest. I was not expecting to get smacked. I thought it was funny that little old you has bigger balls than anyone I’ve ever met. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re starting to like me.”
“Man-child,” you grumbled, quickly taking your computer and going outside to work.
When the storm clouds threatened to unleash themselves that afternoon, you were forced inside, grateful that Soldier Boy had started a fire in the fireplace, a cozy warmth filling the house.
“Ben,” you said, his eyes glancing over the top of his book at you. “I do apologize for hitting you. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You have PTSD and I pushed your buttons. No big deal.” You raised an eyebrow, eyes drawn down to the cover of the book he was reading.
“Are…are you reading my post-combat trauma book?” He hummed, turning a page. “I thought you didn’t believe in that stuff.”
“I believe in shell shock. Seen plenty of good men suffer from it. I don’t have it is all I was saying.” You laughed, his eyebrows furrowing. “Don’t.”
“I didn’t say anything.” You sat down at the table, jotting down a name. “Ben?”
“What?” You looked over your shoulder, his nose stuck in the book again.
“I’m going to follow up on a lead. I’ll probably be gone until tomorrow night. You okay on your own until then?”
“Don’t you think we ought to stick together?” You grabbed the notebook and shrugged. He rolled his eyes, not even noticing when you snuck into his room before heading out.
“Well, well,” said Soldier Boy the next evening. He was on the front porch with his book, smirking as you walked through the pouring rain for the house. “If you wanted to run off and do the last kill on your own you could have told me.”
You paused at the door, Soldier Boy standing, putting a flat hand against your chest. Long fingers pushed open your rain jacket, tapping the vest you wore. His vest.
“Stronger than any bullet proof vest ever could be. A bit big for you so more coverage. Only question is why take the risk? I’m indestructible. You’re not.” 
“Some people you need to look in the eye.” You opened the door as his large hand curled around your bicep.
“Why him? You don’t kill your father or those other men and they did horrible things. What made this one so special?” You smiled, eyes roaming up to his shoulder, stopping at his green eyes. 
“Didn’t you kill your girlfriend when she sold you out? When you loved them, it hurts worse, doesn’t it?” 
He blinked, letting you go inside. In the bathroom you saw the dried blood on your face, a few splatters on your cheek. Your eyes snapped shut, wishing you could forget about the last two weeks. 
Everything had been so much simpler back then.
Soldier Boy was nowhere to be found after your shower and honestly, you were glad for it. You weren’t in the mood to talk, to explain. 
He’d been back at some point in the night because his uniform and shield were gone. But he wasn’t there for breakfast. Was missing at lunch when you got back from the store. He’d missed dinner too.
For some insane reason, you missed the son of a bitch. He was crude and jerked off too loudly and smoked too much weed. It was disgusting to watch quite honestly.
But there was something…raw about him. Like an open wound that couldn’t heal. Maybe that’s why you didn’t want him to leave just yet. He understood that kind of pain, the kind that lived down in your soul. 
You jumped when the door suddenly opened, Soldier Boy stepping inside, hair soaked from the rain.
“Where’d you go?” you asked. He took off his muddy boots, leaving them by the door before he bypassed you, going straight to the bathroom. Maybe it was better this way. Keep things casual. Complete your deal and be done with each other.
A loud thud from the bathroom made that thought fly out the window. You rushed over and opened the door, Soldier Boy laying on the ground with closed eyes.
“Ben?” You knelt down and pushed on him, his chest rising and falling softly. “Ben, wake up.”
“Hm?” He fluttered open his eyes, smacking his lips together. “How’d I get home?”
“Did you hit your head?” You ran your fingers through his wet strands, Soldier Boy groaning as he sat up. “Are you okay?”
“Fuck’s sake I’m high.” His pupils were blown out and you spotted the faintest bit of white powder under his nose. Of course he was high. He’d taken your money and gotten drugs and did god knows what else while he was out there. “Take a shower with me.”
“No and I don’t want you doing hard drugs in my house.” You reached a hand into his pocket and found a bottle of pills, Soldier Boy snatching your wrist before you could even get them free. “Let go.”
“Give me my pills,” he growled. 
“You pathetic disappointment,” you said with narrowed eyes. His eye twitched and suddenly you were on your back in the hallway, Soldier Boy on top of you, eyes blown out as he raised his shield over his head. He shouted as he threw the shield hard, straight through one of the kitchen chairs. 
“I am not a disappointment!” he spat out. He climbed off of you, storming into his bedroom. There was another small thud and then sniffling.
Oh fuck. The most powerful supe on the planet was having a mental breakdown in your guest room. It’d probably be safest to leave and never come back. Most likely he’d strangle you if you went in there and god forbid, found him crying. 
Yet you found yourself stepping into his room anyways, Ben sat with his back against his bed, facing the wall. You sat down leaning against the other side of the bed, resting your elbows on your tucked up knees. He cleared his throat, his stare hot on your back before it melted away.
“If you want me to leave, I will.” 
“I want you to not self-medicate with pills and weed and alcohol. I want you to take that advice in that book you’ve been reading seriously. Ben I know you’re going to react badly to this but you have PTSD. Well, I have it to. I’ve lived with it too, for a long fucking time. You’re gonna feel like shit. You’re going to overreact and get pissed and cry for no reason. It’s why I haven’t thrown you out yet. Deep down, I don’t think you try to hurt me because you want to. I think it’s because you’re scared and someone needs to be your punching bag while you learn to handle it.”
“You think I’m going to talk to you about my feelings like some woman? You shove that shit down like a man.” 
“Pretending pain isn’t there doesn’t make it go away. All it does is fester. It won’t heal.”
“Do I look like a fucking chick?” he snapped. “I’m not talking about this, most of all not to you.”
“You don’t have to talk to me Ben.” You stood, braving going to his side of the bed. With a deep breathe you sat beside him, careful not to look him in the face. “You don’t always have to feel the way you do is all. It’s your choice if you want to try or if you want to stay the way you are. I won’t make you change. But you will not get high in my house anymore. You won’t push me around. If you can’t change, then you need to stay somewhere else while we finish our deal.”
You stood, turning for the door when a gentle hand grabbed yours. 
“You’d keep our deal?” You nodded without looking back at him. “Why?”
“Like I said, I won’t betray you. We had a deal and I’ll honor it. You’ve held up your end and I’ll do the same.” 
“Sit.” You slowly sat back on the floor, his hand warm when it nestled over top of yours. Carefully, you risked turning your head. His eyes were resigned, no sign that he’d ever been upset. He pursed his lips, exhaling deeply. Your fingers laced with his, Soldier Boy blinking once.
“You can say whatever it is you want to, Ben.” You stroked over the back of his skin, his head turning down to where your hands sat between you. He reached into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out a bottle of pills. 
“Get rid of them.” You cautiously took the bottle, Ben’s gaze focused on the hardwood floor beneath you. 
“You don’t have to change.”
“Yes I do.” He raised his head, meeting your face with a barely there smile. “Or else I’ll die.”
“You’re not going to die. You basically can’t,” you said. He shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek.
“I’m not talking about my body, Y/N. If I don’t change and get with the program, more and more of the world will see me as a relic…something less than human. You give me a pass because you get it but even you barely tolerate me. Either I change or I might as well go back in that damn box because I won’t be considered a person to anyone else anyways. They might as well just think of me as a meat suit at that point.” 
You swallowed, squeezing his hand. “But what do you want? Honestly.”
“I wanted my dad to be proud of me.” He parted his lips, pausing a beat. “I faked a lot but not all of it. I did fight sometimes. I cared about the men I fought with. Some were assholes but some were good guys. I wanted him to know that I was a good guy too. A real man.”
“Ben.” You knew you shouldn’t have but you cupped his cheek, the well over hundred year old looking like a little boy all of a sudden. “He’s a ghost.”
“He was right about me. I am a disappointment. A pussy. I was too damn weak and I wasn’t there for my son and he turned out the same way. Pathetic. You have always been right about me.” He closed his eyes, turning into your touch. “I don’t know what to do. Change and become even weaker? Or stay the same pathetic man I am and live the rest of forever isolated? They’re both horrible choices and I don’t know which to pick.”
You stroked his cheek, Ben breathing deeply. 
“Your father failed you. The time you grew up in failed you. They made you a weak man. But you, Benjamin, for all your faults, on occasion were a real hero. I read that in your file too. You are capable of being a strong man. But you have to let your father, the idea of what it means to be a man, go. You’re not too old to change. You are not insane like your son. He is weak and he always will be but you? Ben, you can be so much stronger than him. If you learn what it’s like to be a man, to own that you made mistakes in the past, you’ll be that person in your head you wish you were. Only when you are him, you’ll be happier. Kinder. You wouldn’t be afraid. I know what path I want you to pick but you have to do this yourself. I can’t pick for you.”
He pushed your hand away and stood up quickly, staring out the back window. You sighed, shifting to stand when suddenly you were on your feet, a loose arm around your waist. It released you, Soldier Boy shoving his hands in his pockets instead. 
“How’d you get over your dad not loving you?” You shrugged, crossing your arms.
“Love comes from the heart, not from blood.” 
“I said that at the end of The Last Payback, when the team rescues me.” You hummed, a soft chuckle in the air. “I thought you said my movies were dumb.”
“They are. People like corny action movies. But I always liked that scene. It didn’t feel fake.” You said.
“There was a time I thought my team was my family. S’why I ad-libbed that line. But I was the neglectful, abusive father to them too, wasn’t I? Turned out just like my daddy, the son of a bitch.” That was a level of openness you were not expecting, Ben closing his eyes. “Kid, you got more faith in me than I do if you think I’ll change. Fuck, I think I’d be a good dad but I’ll probably be exactly like mine was.”
“Soldier Boy, I was in the service for over a decade. Most of that I worked in black ops.” You felt his heated stare on you. He’d worked more than a few of those jobs with the CIA himself. “I was good at my job and people like that, they date in that pool.”
“The ex-boyfriend you went and killed.” You nodded, inhaling sharply.
“I told him I wanted to report my superiors for what they’d done to me when I was younger. I thought I had a support system in him, that he’d have my back, the two of us together reporting such a thing would have a lot of merit. Instead my boyfriend kidnapped me and informed the CIA of my plans. Those officers were too important to be reported on. He was in their little club of awfulness and I was just some dumb whore. He betrayed me, a man I cared for. One I lived with and thought when we got out, we’d have a life together, a family.” You turned your head up at Soldier Boy, his face stoic. “This probably sounds insane to you but you’d make a hell of a better father than he could ever hope to be.”
Ben laughed, shaking his head. “Oh yeah? How’s that?”
“Because you don’t betray people. You honor your deals and are open about how you actually feel which is more than most people. Someday, you could be that amazing father and let it be the biggest fuck you to your dad you could ever dream of. To me that seems like the best revenge you could dish out to a dead man.” He was quiet as he took off his gloves and removed his vest, setting them on the bench nearby. 
“I need to think this stuff over when I’m not high. And I need a cold shower.” 
“Have you eaten?” you asked as he unzipped the front of his uniform, revealing a bare chest beneath. He tossed the top aside, his strong muscles on full display. 
“No. I’ll make myself something. Don’t worry about me not pulling my weight.” He undid his fly, laughing as you watched him remove his pants. “Well if you want to see the rest you better be taking that shower with me.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, his tone teasing and friendly. “In your dreams, Ben. I’m going to go out and pick up a few things for you, including dinner.”
“Pick up some lube. I’m running low.” You shook your head and gripped the pill bottle tight as you walked out. “Kiddo.” You glanced back, Soldier Boy nodding. “That was quite a bit of money. You’d be better off selling them than chucking them in the trash.”
“How much?”
“Eight hundred.” Your eyes went wide and he winced. “I’ll pay you back.”
“Damn right you’re paying me back. Eight hundred bucks for drugs! Where’d you go? The five start resort of drug dealers?”
“Pain clinic,” he said with a smile. 
“Guess who’s doing manual labor around here for the next, oh, six months?”
“Six months!” he said. You waved your hand as you walked out and into the family room, Ben clearing his throat. You grabbed your wallet and phone, his tall, body leaning against his bedroom door frame. “You really gonna keep me around that long?”
“That’s what you get for stealing my money, grandpa.” He smirked, pushing down his underwear and tossing them over to you. “Dude we have really got to work on your personal space.”
“Sweetie, I’m willing to try and change my whole life. If I want to walk around naked, I’m fucking walking around naked. Figured you’d appreciate the sight.” He flashed you a wink and you flipped him off, grabbing your raincoat. 
“I’ll be back. Try to keep the house in one peace while I’m gone please?”
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
Bury A Friend - Part 9
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Series Masterlist
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
Part Nine <3 | Previous Part
October 18th, 1985
9:57 AM
You wake up to Nick’s tight grip on your waist and you smile to yourself, nuzzling your head further under the comforter. 
  You waited up for Nick last night, which was probably a mistake as he didn’t get home until around twelve in the morning and you were exhausted by the time he walked through the door. After you asked him about the case and how it went, the pair of you were off to bed.
  As you were falling asleep, your mind drifted off to Beth. Things were going so well. Why did she have to break the peace? And why on earth would she ever think that Nick was the one who attacked you?
  Ending the friendship was hard, but it also felt inevitable. She would never be able to accept the fact that Nick made you the happiest version of yourself, and you were done giving her chance after chance.
  Well, there was a slim chance that maybe, maybe, in the far future, you’d be able to forgive her for her mean and uncalled for words, but not yet. And not for a while. 
  Nick wakes up a few minutes later, and after making small talk for a while, he points out probably the only positive outcome of your now ended friendship with Beth. “At least one good thing came out of last night,”
  You hum in question, not bothering to lift your head from his bare chest. As you trace circles on his skin, his arms tighten their hold on you. “What’s that?”
  “Now you have one less reason to go back that place,”
  That place meaning Shadyside. “Yeah, I guess that’s true,”
  Nick contemplates his next words before deciding to just get it over with. “I know you’re close with Eve and all, but maybe you can try getting a job at the hospital here. I’m sure they’ll love to have you there, you’re a hard worker,”
  At that you smile. You loved your job, and the bond you had formed with your co-workers, but maybe it was time to leave Shadyside in your past. “Thanks, baby,” you lift your head and press a chaste kiss to his lips. “I’ll think about it.”
  Your words were surprising to him. He has never brought up the possibility of a workplace switch, and part of him thought you would shut it down right away. 
  “Okay,” he says quietly, a peaceful grin on his face. One of his hands moves upwards to caress the side of your face, connecting your lips once more. You kiss back, pressing against him while your own hand reaches up to tug on his hair. 
  It was clear where this was going, that much was obvious by the groan that left Nick when he heard the sound of the phone ringing. He pulls away from you, muttering under his breath as he gets up.
  You smile to yourself, using your arms as a pillow as you lay half on your side and half on his. 
  Within seconds, Nick was back in the room, his eyes scanning the room for his police uniform. 
  “What’s the matter?” You ask once you caught a glimpse of his furrowed brow. 
  Nick tugged his pants on and threw his shirt over his head. “There’s something going on in Shadyside,” he said as he sat down next to you, bringing his leg up so he could tie his boots. “Two dead and one injured.”
  “Oh, my God,” you say and sit up, letting the sheet fall off your shoulders and exposing your tank top covered chest to the cool air. “Did they say who they were?”
  “No,” he stood up and grabbed his button up from the chair. “I’m sure it’s just some sad sack involved in an armed robbery or something.”
  You weren’t sure how to respond to that, so you cross your legs and rest your hands on your lap. 
  Nick comes over to you and grabs the side of your head, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. “I’ll be back this afternoon, hopefully,” he said as he turned around and headed for the door. “I love you.” He called out to you, his voice fading the further away he got.
  “Love you,” you trail off, knowing he couldn’t hear you. 
All day you had a sinking feeling in your chest, like something was seriously wrong. 
  It was driving you mad, and no matter how hard you tried to ignore it, it just kept coming back, and stronger than the last time. 
  After cleaning the entire apartment, you sit down on the newly made bed, your eyes on the TV in hopes that there would be an update that would calm your racing heart. 
  The reporter looked too happy to be reporting the death of two people, but anything to get paid, right? “I’m here with officer Kapinski here, on scene of a gruesome murder. Now, officer, can you confirm that there were, in fact, two deaths that took place here, late last night?”
  “Yes, I can confirm that there were two bodies, as well as one with serious injuries. The roommate of the victim is the one who brought this to an end by shooting the perpetrator after she got a few stabs into him,” Kapinsi explained and your heart hurt for the victims, despite having no idea who they were. 
  “Can you tell us who these two people were?” 
  “I didn’t identify them, myself. My new partner, Nick here, did,” the camera pans over and your boyfriend comes into view. He looked nervous, which was surprising as he was usually really good at hiding his emotions, especially in public. 
  “Oh, well, who did you identify the bodies as?” The reporter asks, shoving his microphone in Nick’s face. 
  You smile at the way he glared quickly at the man before regaining composure. He stared at the camera, seeming to stare right into your soul before answering the question. “I can identify the two fatalities as a couple of local residents of Shadyside, John Kidsman and….Beth Roberts,”
  At that, your smile slowly faded until your lips quivered with unshed sobs. Tears gathered in your eyes, but they didn’t fall. No. No. This can’t be true. 
  Nick wore a look of pity, almost as if he knew you’d be watching. 
  How? How?
  You felt like the world was caving in on you and your hands tightly grip the comforter. Nick and Kapinski kept talking, but you could no longer hear them. Your ears were ringing and your face burned, your hand covering your mouth in pure shock.
  There was no way, right? You just saw her last night, and she was fine. Upset from the turn of events no doubt, but alive. 
  This couldn’t be true. 
  So, you dried your teary eyes with your sleeve, and turned the TV off, not bothering to watch as your boyfriend’s face abruptly disappeared from the screen.
  After having a lengthy shower, you left your hair to air dry as you took a seat on the couch, the latest issue of Tiger Beat placed in your lap. You lost yourself in reading about Ralph Macchio’s newest movie role, not even hearing the sound of the front door opening. 
  At the sound of footsteps, you look up, your damp hair pressing against the side of your face. Nick stood there, dressed in his work uniform, like how he left you. The only difference was he wore his black jean jacket over his blue button up.
  But his attractive work attire wasn’t what had your heart rate picking up.
  No, it was the look of guilt and he gave you that made your heart kick into overdrive. 
  It was then that you knew that it was true. The disbelief of your best friend actually being dead faded away as the reality sunk in.
  Still, you had to ask.
  “It’s true?” You ask, your voice quiet and shaky. 
  With a slow nod, you felt your heart break for the second time that day, the magazine falling from your lap and onto the rug that covered the floor. 
  As Nick sits beside you, tucking your body into the side of his and pressing his chin to the top of your head, you allow yourself to cry for the first time since finding out about your best friend’s death. 
October 21st, 1985
1:20 PM
Beth’s funeral was today.
  It would’ve been sooner, but it was as if everything in Shadyside fell out of the loop once Beth died. It snowed, briefly, making the ground too cold to dig into, thus postponing the burial until a few days later. 
  That’s where you are now. 
  You wore the same dress you wore the day of Tommy’s anniversary, this time with one of Nick’s jacket’s shielding you from the cold. He stood beside you, his hand holding yours. His thumb stroked your knuckles, his way of calming you down and making you feel less alone. It worked, but only a bit.
  The freshly scattered dirt was all that was left of Beth, her headstone just another marker for the dead. 
  Beth Euguene Roberts.
  April 4th, 1963 - October 18th, 1985
  Loving daughter and best friend.
  Next to her stone was John’s, where Emma sobbed into Steven’s coat, her tears dampening the dark fabric. Her parents stood next to her, her mother crying as well, while her dad glared at Beth’s name, hatred burning in his eyes.
  Soon, the small crowd surrounding the two stones faded, leaving just you and Nick. His hand slipped from yours and wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into him. “How are you doing?” He asked as he rested his head on top of yours. 
  “I miss her,” you say quietly, trying to hold back the warm tears that threatened to escape you. “We were supposed to be friends forever…..move on from what happened that night at the hospital, somehow…….I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
  When the tears fell, you pressed your face into Nick’s chest, burying your face as if he would protect you from the harsh and cruel realities of the world. “It’s okay,” he murmured, wrapping his other arm around you, shielding you from all the bad things in the world. Or at least that’s what it felt like.
  “I was so horrible to her,” you mumbled, your voice muffled. “God, she probably died hating me.”
  Nick shushed you, his hold on you tightening. “That’s not true,” he comforted you. “She knew you loved her. That’s probably what kept her going.”
  “Yeah, until she just went crazy,” you muttered, moving your head so the side of your face was pressed to his chest. “Seems as though Shadyside will finally have someone else to talk about other than Tommy. Neither of them deserved this.”
  “I know, baby,” Nick said quietly, his eyes moving to look at the newest headstone. His eyes read over Beth’s name multiple times, the faintest glimpse of a victory smirk gracing his lips before it was gone, and he was back to consoling you. “It’ll be okay.”
November 3rd, 1985
3:42 PM
Well, you were right.
  Beth was now known as Shadyside’s newest killer, and Tommy was quickly being forgotten about.
  It was something you dreamed of. You couldn’t remember how many times you wished for people to stop remembering him as this cold blooded killer, and instead as the good guy he was.
  But you never imagined that it’d be Beth who would now be remembered for her gruesome murder of her on again off again boyfriend, as well as the attack on his roommate. 
  Cameron, John’s roommate of eight years, was the one to put Beth down. When you learned about the violence she inflicted on both men, you felt sick and lightheaded. 
  Beth had stayed the night with John while Cameron spent the night with his girlfriend, and things escalated from there. 
  It was beginning to be morning time, the sun just barely peeking out and shining into the bedroom. Beth had strangled John in his sleep and when he tried fighting back, she took the claw end of a hammer and drove it into his chest a solid ten times - until he stopped moving completely.
  Cameron, who had just arrived, heard the sounds of struggle and went to see what was going on. He walked in on Beth on top of John, his body sprawled out on the bed and blood everywhere. 
  It was then that she turned her attention to him, getting a few swings at him with the hammer before he shot her in the neck with the gun he kept under his bed. And it was all over. 
  When Nick had finished telling you that, you closed your eyes in horror. He was right, you definitely did not need to know what happened, and you regret talking him into telling you. 
  Despite it being both your days off, Nick was out, and didn’t tell you where he was going or when he’d be back. It was nice to have a minute to yourself, no matter how brief it may be. But since Nick had hardly left your side since Beth died, you were beginning to miss him - despite it only being a couple of hours since you saw him last.
  Maybe you were whipped, but you hated being alone now.
  Sitting on the couch with a blanket thrown over your body, you were watching one of those old, black and white movies on the TV. It was boring, but it gave you something to do. Without meaning to, your eyes glance over at the framed picture beside the TV. It was the one Emma gave you for your birthday.
  Involuntarily, your eyes focus on Beth’s smiling face, her arm wrapped around you tightly. The smiles on all your faces were big and a few of the happiest any of you ever wore. It felt like forever ago.
  What you would give to have that moment back, just to relive it one more time. 
  The sound of the door opening breaks you from your thoughts, and you quickly sit up, wiping away a single fallen tear with your knuckle. Placing your palm flat against the cushion and letting the blanket fall to your lap, you watch as Nick makes his way over to the TV and turns it off.
  You give him a confused look, a small grin on your face. He sits next to you, a nervous look gracing his face. He was breathing heavily, as if he had run up the four flights of stairs without stopping. You place your hand on his shoulder, your finger gently massaging the base of his neck as you study his face. “Are you okay?”
  Nick nodded. “Yeah,” he said quickly. “I’m fine.”
  Raising your brow, you slide your hand up until it rests on his face, your thumb gently stroking his cheek bone. “What’s the matter?”
  He looks at you for a few seconds before leaning in and kissing you. You kiss him back, a bit confused at the sudden show of affection. His hand takes yours as he pulls away, pressing one last kiss to your forehead. 
  “What was that for?” 
  “I’ve been thinking a lot,” he answered and you nod, urging him to continue. “What happened with Beth and John….that easily could’ve been you.”
  You look away from him, your eyes focusing on his shirt as you take in his words. You weren’t expecting him to say that at all, but you find yourself agreeing with him. He was right, it could have been you. Anyone unlucky enough to live in Shadyside could very well be the next resident killer, or victim. 
  “But it wasn’t,” you say, moving your hand back to his shoulder and squeezing slightly.
  “But it could’ve been,” he said again, tightening his hold on your hand. “And I don’t know what I would’ve done if it had been you. I couldn’t live with myself if something had happened to you and I wasn’t there, again. I love you, more than anything, and I can’t lose you.”
  “You won’t,” you say, pressing your forehead to his, “You won’t lose me.”
  “Okay,” he said, pulling away from you and reaching into his pocket. “So let’s make it official.”
  “What?” You laugh as he takes your left hand in his right one. “What are you talking about?”
  When he retrieves the object from his pocket, you freeze. 
  Being held between his index finger and thumb was a ring. It had a silver band with more than a few gems embedded in it, something that looked a hell of a lot like diamonds, and in the center was a bigger diamond. 
  You couldn’t bring yourself to speak as he held it up, your eyes following the movement. “Marry me,” he said quietly, his voice at the softest pitch you’d ever heard it.
  “What?” Your voice was nothing short of a whisper at this point. 
  Nick laughed slightly at your shock. “Marry me, Y/n,” he said again and you felt your heart rate quicken. “Let me spend the rest of my life with you.”
  You meet his eyes, tears blocking your vision slightly. 
  “If it’s too soon-”
  “Yes,” you cut him off, making his face relax instantly. 
  He repeated your words in the form of a question. “Yes?”
  “Yes,” you say again, leaning forward and kissing him with a force that had him nearly falling back.
  He steadies the two of you by putting his hands on your waist. When you pull away, Nick slides the ring on your finger, making your tears spill over and onto your cheeks. You bring both hands up to either side of his face, kissing him again and pushing him backwards so he falls backwards on the couch. 
November 8th, 1985
12:27 PM
You sat in the waiting room, your leg bouncing uncontrollably. 
  Nick sat next to you, his eyes watching as you fiddled with your fingers, an amused smile on his lips. 
  You watched some medical video that played on the TV that hung from the ceiling, the doctor on screen explaining what to do when you experience someone who is having a seizure. 
  You had to admit it, but the Sunnyvale hospital was a lot more welcoming than the one in Shadyside. Even the waiting room was beautifully decorated with plants and paintings. The chairs weren’t plastic and hard, the floors were hardwood instead of stained carpet, and of course, there was a TV.
  After watching you pick at your nails for a bit, Nick reached over and took your hand in his, his eyes lingering on the engagement ring for a few seconds. “Baby,” he said, getting your attention. “Why are you so nervous?”
  You look over at him, smiling nervously when he laces your fingers together, your arms resting on the armrest in between you. “I’m not,”
  He gives you a look, then nods down to your still bouncing knee. 
  Following his gaze, you quickly halt your leg, your face heating up. “Okay, maybe I’m nervous,”
  Nick laughs. “Why?”
  “Because I’m about to be interviewed for a position here,” you mutter. “That’s why.”
  Nick gave you a confused look, squinting his eyes as his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek. “But you’ve been interviewed before,” he pointed out. “What’s so scary this time around?”
  “Because, I was interviewed for a position at the hospital in Shadyside, a place where they are desperate for nurses and workers,” you answer. “This place seems like it’s crawling with them, and they all look really experienced. What if they turn me down?”
  Nick shook his head, leaning back in the chair. “Eve said she put in a good word for you, right?”
  “Right,” you trail off.
  “And I’ve seen how hard you work, so these guys have nothing on you,” Nick assures you, kissing the side of your head. “You have nothing to worry about.”
  Just as he said that, a woman walked into the waiting room, a white lab coat framing her blue scrubs. “Y/n?” She smiled at you.
  “Yes,” you say and sit up straighter. “Hi!”
  “Hi,” she smiled at you, extending her hand out. “I’m Doctor Anne Scott. It’s so nice to meet you.”
  “You too,” you shake her hand.
  “Nick has told me a lot of good things about you,” she wiggled her brows and you playfully rolled your eyes.
  “Of course he did,” you nudge him in the side.
  “Sorry,” he shrugged. You shake your head, pressing a kiss to his cheek before you stand up.
  “Shall we?” Doctor Scott asked and you nodded.
  She led you back to her office, which was decorated with pictures of her family. On the walls there were various paintings that looked like they were done by a child, and a few letters addressed to Dr. Mom. 
  “My daughter, Izzy, did those for me,” she said once she saw you looking at them. “She’s four.”
  “She’s quite the artist,” you laugh as you sit down across from her. 
  She placed her hands on her desk, looking at you with an unreadable expression. “Are you nervous?”
  Your eyes meet hers as you give her a small grin. “A little,”
  “Don’t be,” she grinned back. “Your boss, Eve, said a number of great things about you. Hard worker, on time, observant, loyal. All good things we look for in our team here.”
  “Oh,” you say, flattered beyond words at how kind your boss was. Though it wasn’t all that surprising. Eve took you under her wing the second you met her. She was like a second mom at this point. “Really? That’s awesome to hear.”
  “It is,” she smiled. “Did you bring your resume?” 
  “Yes,” you say and pull out a few papers from your purse.
  “Good,” Doctor Scott says, briefly looking at the pages before sliding them back over to you. “I think you’d be a great addition to our workplace.”
  At that, you give her a shocked look that you quickly covered with a smile. “Oh, really? Wow, I-thank you,”
  She smiled. “I already have your number, so I’ll be in touch with you soon,”
  “Awesome,” you say as you stand up, slipping the papers back into your purse. “Thank you so much.”
  “You’re welcome,” she said as she led you back to the waiting room.
  You see Nick sitting in the same place, your seat being taken by an older woman who seemed to be talking his ear off. He looked extremely unimpressed, his hand pressed flat against the side of his face as his leg bounced, mimicking yours from earlier. 
  “Good luck with that one,” she teased, giving you one last kind smile. “Have a good one.”
“You too,” you say and step into the room. 
  Nick’s eyes were on you instantly and he stood up quickly, excusing himself from the lady. “New friend?” You ask once he stood in front of you.
  “Ha,” he rolled his eyes. “How’d it go?”
  You grin up at him. “It went well,” you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “Now let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving.”
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weixuldo · 2 years
Never Forgotten// ch 4
Vader x F!Reader
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(A/N: omgggg idk how to feel hddjdj this chapter is the longest one so far, so i hope that’s ok :/ but i’m pretty happy w this one and i’m even more excited abt the next one!! thanks for reading <3)
You begin Lord Vader’s treatment.
F/N- First name
Warnings: detailed injuries, mentions of abuse, mention of slavery, bad grammar & punctuation lol
Wc: 2167
You woke up early to finish the final details of the health plan you created for Lord Vader. You would tend to his most recent wounds from his last mission, from there apply salves to his body (well what was left of it) to subdue inflammation. The scar tissue over his burns healed by itself, but it could have healed better with medical intervention. So you would work to alleviate the aching and inflammation, especially where they rubbed on his suit. You knew he often visited his bacta tank, so he was already familiar with that treatment. Once you got further along you wanted to observe his lungs and hopefully increase the time he could breathe without his helmet.
Ready for the day, you gathered your things and put them in your bag. You opened the door. Much to your surprise, you were met with the unmistakable form of your new patient. You covered your mouth to stop yourself from squealing. He turned to face you, tilting his mask to observe your frightened state. 
“Am I that intimidating? You seemed just fine the other night.” He quipped. 
“No, no sir. I was just not expecting anyone to be on the other side of my door. Especially not… you?”
“I have upset you with my presence then.” He said as he placed his large hands onto his belt.
“Of course not sir. I am actually looking forward to getting more acquainted with you” you smiled wistfully.
“I would be careful what you wish for.” 
Your eyes widened as you tried to think of something to say. After a moment he spoke, “you won't be needing that ''. He made a gesture towards your bag.
“Oh, I bring it everywhere with me. It has-“
“You won't be needing that.”
You begrudgingly sat your bag back onto your cot. 
He began to walk. 
“The emperor wishes for you to begin treatment at once. Today you will only have one hour. I have many obligations to attend. Now that I am showing you the way to my medical wing, I expect you to be on time from now on. Should you fail, I may have to reconsider this arrangement with my Master. If I tell you we are done for the day, we are done for the day. No questions. Do I make myself clear?”
Struggling to keep up with his long and powerful strides you nodded your head for him. 
“Good.” Was all he replied back.  
He led you to a secluded wing in the fortress, there were stormtroopers guarding the entrance. Lord Vader walked through as you nervously followed. You reached another door and for this one he typed in a pin. It opened and revealed a large room with all types of materials and even some droids. There was a sort of docking pad in the middle with robotic pieces surrounding it. 
You were so caught up in examining the machinery that Vader’s voice made you jump.
“You should enjoy this” he said as he pressed a button that opened a Panel in the wall. Inside was a walk-in room filled with shelves of different plant species. Your breath hitched. 
Everything you have ever used was in this small room. Shelves of plants, warmed by heat lamps, or cooled in a freezer, even some deep water plants were in pressurized tanks. Some plants you had to travel months for, right in front of you. This was a dream. 
“I-I’m allowed to use these?” You asked, gaping at the sight in front of you.
Vader nodded, “as long as you are employed as my physician, you may do with these as you please.”
You wanted to hug him. He technically wasn’t the one who gave these to you, but he was the reason the emperor sought you out. The reason you had access to…this. 
“Ok! Would you like me to explain the course of recovery I have designed?” You asked, still beaming.
After explaining your plans you began to check his vitals through the suit. He was seated upon a chair on the right side of the room as you hovered over him with your equipment. The beeping of the heart monitor and the steady paced breaths of your patient filling the room. His oxygen levels were low, not surprising. You looked at the box upon his chest, you weren’t much of a mechanic, but you did know what healthy vitals looked like. You were briefed on the inner workings of his suit in the file too, so you did know the box controlled the life support system. 
“May I?” You gestured at his chest.
“Go ahead.”
You gently fiddled with a knob on the box and then flipped one of the switches. Almost immediately his oxygen intake went from 67% to 85%. He gasped at the sudden change of oxygen. 
“Does that feel better?” You asked, your hand still on the box.
It took a minute for the Sith Lord to get adjusted, but once he did he confirmed. 
“Great!” You smiled. Sadly it seemed that even on full power his oxygen wouldn’t go higher than around 88%, his suit looked to be outdated. But getting his levels up to the 80’s was enough for now. You continued to check his blood pressure and heart rate.
Your hand was on his chest box. 
You were the closest thing he got to physical touch in years. He felt his hardened heart begin to race. You were such an interesting woman, getting excited over plants. Ha. He began to study your face as you concentrated on his vitals.
Your brows knitted together, a few strands of loose hair falling in front of your face, your lips drawn thin, your pretty lips. Oh so prett-
“Are you ok?! Your heart rate is unnaturally high! Here let me help you” you exclaimed reaching for him.
He put up a gloved hand. “No! I am perfectly fine.” Did you really have that effect on him? Slightly embarrassed, Vader focused on slowing his heart rate. Ah, back to normal now. 
“Ok, you scared me, Vader. May I continue?”
Not even realizing you skipped his title, he agreed.
Breaking the silence as you finished up what you could do with him in the suit, you asked where in Tatooine he had visited.
“Many places. A notable one being Mos Espa.” He responded
You stopped what you were doing, “Really? That’s where I’m from!”.
Is it possible? He wondered.
“They had a large slave quarter last time I was there.”
“Yes, they did. I lived there as a child. It was hard, but I had people who made it bearable”, Fondness washed over you as you thought of the Skywalkers, especially Anakin.
He had to know. 
“Have you heard of a junk dealer named Watto?”
“Hah, know him? He basically owned me. So yes to your question.”
He felt as if his heart would give out. He was conflicted. He was glad you were alive, and here, of all places. You followed your dreams. You came back to him. But he also thought of himself. He changed so much, did he even have the capability of sustaining friendships? Or even love? Also he no longer looked like the Anakin you once knew. What if you found him disgusting? Would you judge his actions? What if knowing his identity changed your view of him?
What if you left?
“Yeah, it was rough there, but I had a great community. And my best friend Anakin got me through the worst.” You continued on.
“He was a respectable boy, and I just know he was an amazing man. But I don’t think he’s around anymore.”
If only you knew. 
Your voice was so pained when you spoke of him. You truly did mourn him. He wanted nothing more than to embrace you and tell you everything’s alright. He could imagine himself calling your name, you in his arms, you finally his. You could be his empress.
His fantasy was cut short by you loudly rolling a cart up to the side of his chair. “Ok, so I’ve done all I can with you in the suit. But now I’m going to need to see your face for the next part.”
Could he face you? 
You grabbed a salve you mixed up, it was to reduce the irritation of the burns. 
“May I?” You said gesturing to his helmet.
Reluctantly, he nodded.
Your hands reached for his dark mask. He could feel them on the sides of his head. You began to gently remove the covering, curiosity bubbling inside. You were probably one of the only people allowed to see Vader’s face. You couldn’t imagine others seeing him and him allowing them to live. 
You were lifting it slowly so as not to catch him on it. You could almost start to see his skin as he grabbed your wrists. You gasped.
“We are done for today.”
You were just about to start actual treatment, “But I-“
“We are done.” He stated.
He adjusted his mask and rose from the seat. Now towering over you he could clearly see the worry and shock in your eyes. He felt a little bad for startling you so suddenly, but he could not do this today. Hell, he didn’t know if he would ever be able to. 
“This has nothing to do with you, I sense my presence is being requested elsewhere.” He tried to reassure you.
“Oh, ok. T-that’s no problem my lord.”
You looked so scared. He sighed, you used to make that same face when Watto would get violent with you.
“Um… may I stay here? I would like to make some medicines with the plants.”
Of course you could. 
“That is acceptable” he wanted to sound more comforting, but he just couldn’t. 
You thanked him and he went on his way.
You were in the botanical room mixing up calendula, turmeric, and lavender oil to make an ointment that would repair connective tissues and prevent future scarring. 
You hoped you didn’t hurt Vader. Everything seemed to be alright. You talked about your home, asked for his consent before proceeding, what did you do?
He fled to his meditation chamber after he left the med bay. He needed to think. Once inside the ovoidal chamber he allowed himself to be unmasked. Breathing in the highly pressurized air he processed what just happened. 
You were here. You were really here. He had left his past years ago. Everything in that life resulted in pain or heartbreak. Though you never contributed to those feelings…
But he loved Padme.
He loved her so much, even though she could not accept him as he was. 
How could you accept him if his own wife couldn’t?
 You seemed fond of your past with him and his mother. He didn’t want to mess up those good memories for you. He thought of all of your interactions from today and the other. 
He tried to kill you. 
He tried to kill
How could he expect you to stay?
You and Vader’s visits ended the same way as your first, him leaving before you could lift his helmet. This went on for days. You knew you were in no place to tell him what to do, but if he wanted a quick recovery he was going to have to work with you. You sighed as you mustered all the courage you could. 
“Look, we both know you were injured recently and for me to help you heal, we’re going to have to get past the mask.”
He closed his eyes.
“If you’re worried about something you can tell me. This is my life, I live to help others. I am here for you, and you only. I am your physician, It would be against my morals to bring harm to you. I’ve read your file so nothing about you would surprise me.”
He wanted you to be there for him regardless of your profession. He longed to hear those words from you,
 not the botanist,
“You do not understand.” He said
Your features softened, almost pleading you said, “I want to understand Vader. I hate to see you in pain, I want to help you. So please. Let me.”
Let you.
That’s all he had to do. Just let you in.
In the span of a few minutes he felt his life flash before his eyes. He didn't know if he could take another loss. He had you here with him, but he wanted all of you with all of him. But if he told you who he truly was, would you leave him behind?
He couldn’t let you believe he was dead. He felt the emotion in your voice when you talked about him, “Anakin”. You had been so patient with him, asking permission, allowing for him to adjust.
Was he ready for all of that to change?
(a/n: eeekk!! i hope u enjoyed!! this is turning into more of a slow burn than i expected! whoops. anyways little sneak peak for the next chapter….. f/n reunites with anakin)
taglist: @dokoni-mo, @the-official-memester, @wizardofrozz, @guinea-pig16, @jar-of-moondust , @stxrrielle, @astra-1780, @katsukiswrld, @bisexual-snake, @hyojin-2579
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zehglitch · 4 months
The Fallen Angel
Ezephr's backstory
— 3
Content Warnings: Human experimentation, child experimentation, kidnapping, violence, toying with people, mentions of death, abuse/starvation, mentions of children killing each other, dehumanization, bullying, some harsh language
Chapter 3 — A Strong Girl
Today, he’d made his final decision. X1 was far too valuable to risk losing so early on…he needed to implement one of their tests prior to any contests. He was fairly interested in seeing what would happen to it inside of a growing body, but his main motive was preserving the subject. If he got to have a show from doing so, that was just a bonus. He had begun preparations early on, taking any children that managed to survive in the pit so he could perfect the project, test the limits of it. At this point, they had an abundance of important data.
Currently, he’d sent one of the cloaked to retrieve the angel, allowing him to sit back in the office chair and scan over the data. There couldn't be any mistakes in this experiment--none. He wouldn't allow his precious, rare chance to slip away from him so easily. Not now. Finding anything even close to the results he desired this early on in their project was exceedingly uncommon, to the point of never actually happening. He had his doubts, yes, but he’d also never had an angel before. This could very well open new opportunities for them.
He would like to get another one, but they lived in massive groups referred to as flocks. Each and every one of them was a threat on their own, but in their swarms you might as well accept your inevitable death. The only creature with no base element that developed any sort of unlisted magic you could dream of. He wasn't certain what led to them always varying in their power, seeing as inheritance had no affect, but had no way of confirming the cause. To him, that was detestable, but unavoidable. Not much he could do about it.
The doctor smirked. Well, until now anyway. He had an angel in his grasp for the first, and possibly last, time. It was exhilarating. Throwing about the possibilities in his mind for now, he spun the chair and pushed it over to the line of chemicals, double checking the process they were going through. The liquid was still coming out black, despite the many efforts made to keep it the same hue as blood. He hummed, moving on with a shrug. Oh well, that didn't change the quality. Color wasn't quite as important as the function. He looked at a bubbling tank. The implant was ready.
He heard the telltale sign of the laboratory door sliding open with a hiss, bringing him to swivel the chair and face who entered. Perfect, they brought the angel. Maintaining a faux smile, he calmly stated, “Ah, welcome, X1.” He crossed his legs, setting a hand on his knee while the other gestured around the room. “I’m glad you could get here unharmed.” He caught the barely suppressed flinch from his words and nearly lost himself. Mind on the matter, doctor. “Please, lay down over here.” He waved to a silver table.
His cloaked man set the wary child down before moving to block the door, arms crossed behind their back. Exactly as instructed. The doctor watched how the boy looked around the room, wondering what he thought of the items he'd never seen before. Patience…he could pick the boy’s brain as much as he desired later. What caught him off guard, however, was the defiant, closed fisted stance X1 took while staring daggers at him. “Why? Father, what do you want from me after abandoning us?” That was fairly surprising.
He felt both the outrage of his subject questioning him, and the absolute delight over the tenacity shown from a frightened five year old. Gorgeous. He tilted his head. “Whatever do you mean? I never abandoned you, I am simply waiting. Now, lay on the table and I will answer all your questions.” X1 clearly didn’t want to listen, but the doctor watched with satisfaction as the child gave in and approached the table. He didn't approve of someone simple minded, but he did enjoy someone who resisted, but still bent to his will in the end.
Once the angel was situated, having done so slowly and cautiously, the doctor rolled his chair over and offered the boy a smile. He was met with vague disdain. “Stay still, alright? This won't hurt a bit.” He hit the switch and watched with glee as the metal bars came up to restrain him. They snapped down quickly and almost painfully tight, preventing any form of real resistance without causing pain. Of course, the boy panicked…that wasn’t the best response he could've gotten, but it was expected. That's why the doctor frowned.
It was a tad disappointing to have the angel react how any child would, though he’d give credit for the unnatural silence. He turned away from the struggling child, only for his attention to be brought back when the boy spoke up. “You said you’d answer my questions. All of them.” The doctor gave the angel a cursory glance before waving for the boy to ask. “...why did you move us? What sound was mother making when you did?” He seemed to hesitate, as if he needed to think his questions through. “Why am I in here?”
The doctor turned only to retrieve the vial of anesthetic, filling his syringe. “You were moved simply for turning five years old. You had to relocate for the new batch of children and for your graduation. Your mother…I assume she must’ve been growling. It’s a nasty habit of critters, you see.” He tested the function of the syringe and went back over to the boy. “As for your being here…it’s simple, really. You’re better than the rest and I’m giving you my personal care.” To the point he planned to do this operation himself rather than delegate it.
X1 had such a fascinating expression over this information, but in the end he looked the doctor in the eye. Interesting…the subjects usually avoided that. “If…I let you do whatever, will you keep X4 safe and teach me more?” The man blinked in surprise, then gave a soft laugh while shaking his head. That was simply absurd. The boy had such a serious, yet hopeful expression, but he had no clue. The fool. He’d do whatever he liked to this boy…although it could be worth offering a reward. The doctor decided to make note of what had been asked for.
He clicked his tongue. “Ridiculous. As if you had a choice in the matter.” He swiftly injected the anesthetic in the boy’s pinned arm, then reached up and tapped the bar that was over his neck. “You’re just a useful product I’m improving. Don’t be mistaken. Perhaps if you win in the pit, I’ll consider your requests.” He watched the child fade away, patiently waiting for the medicine to take hold. When it had, he undid the restraints and removed the clothes, pulling the container holding the organ closer. “You certainly don’t need all these organs…”
It…wasn’t that surprising they were being treated this way. From the beginning, trust didn’t exist in that strange home of theirs. Not for her. X4 readjusted, waiting patiently for her brother to come back and trying her best to not look around this place. It was full of screams, crying, begging…and not from her cellmates. She knew her change was bothering X1, but how could she explain the dark shape following him around ever since he got hit for their food. For her food. Why couldn't she just bring herself to move and get it without his help?
Guilt was eating away at her more and more as time passed in this cage. She let him heal her, but she failed to protect him. Instead, he used his body as her shield while she did what? Nothing. Nothing at all, except stare at the floor to avoid what she saw present in this cage. X1 was her brother, why couldn't she help him like she used to anymore? When he was taken away from her, she didn't even try to grab for him and…she saw the way his face twisted and tears formed in his eyes. But the worst part was his following resignation.
Did she…do something wrong? X4 chanced looking around their shared cage, trying to understand the situation. She was alone with that girl…and the others, but that girl was the scariest. Reaching up to fuss with her dirty, tangled pink hair, she attempted to distract herself. Would she get to eat with him gone? Probably not. She shook her head, then hurriedly avoided their eyes when that drew their attention. No, please just stay away and continue ignoring the quiet girl. She wasn't going to cause any trouble, they didn’t need to watch her.
She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to block out the world as the voices flooded her mind again. No, please be quiet! Her hands went over her ears to block it out, but that never seemed to help. With a very soft whimper, she pushed herself further into the corner and wished she was hidden. She never asked to be able to see these things, to hear them…they were scary and loud and violent. X4 suppressed her shaking as best she could while biting her lip. She wanted X1 back, finding all her thoughts focusing on that gentle, kind boy. Yeah. She depended on him far too much.
She finds herself woken up by a heavy force slamming into her shoulder. Dully, she hears someone shouting at her as well, but…she had a hard time focusing after coming out of sleep. The scary things were all screaming and cackling and making a raucous loud enough to disorient her. Then a dark foot came hurtling towards her face. With a gasp, X4 shoved herself away, sitting up and scrambling back from the attack. Her heart beat wildly, abandoning the thought of the stones digging into her skin in order to dodge another strike.
Focusing on her surroundings, it took her a considerable moment to distinguish between her cellmate and the strange, creepy things she could always see. What? Her cellmate was attacking her? She was never attack liked this before--oh. X1 wasn't here this time. In a hurry, she shoved her tired body off the ground and moved away from the older girl. Why was she being attacked anyway? The thought briefly occurred to her that she’d slept and X1 was still gone--where was she? Rather than allow her time to wake up, a new attack aimed for her and landed right in the gut.
Can't breathe. She clutched her stomach weakly, looking up at the angry girl and just staring at her. What did she want? X4, with a part of herself returning, managed to stand up and stare the hostile girl in the eyes, of course, she couldn't speak at all, but she wasn't backing down anyway. The girl sneered at her. “What? Just because that dumbass protects you, you think you're safe?” She waved around the cage. “He’s not here.” Her claws jabbed at X4 when she roughly poked the young elf. “And I’m tired of your smug face in my corner.”
X4 just continued to stare, but unlike X1 she couldn't hide the wince when a claw pierced her skin. However…she stepped forward, causing the claw to go in deeper. She wore a glare of her own as she rode through the burn. Faintly, she was aware of something cool streaming down her face, but she didn’t stop. All of this ended when the older girl slapped her, the force throwing her back to the floor. There was momentary silence in their cage, all of them taking in the situation. X4 was much smaller than the other girl, so it hadn’t been interesting in the slightest at first.
Now, they were curious. The older girl growled quietly at the elf. “You…are you just copying that crazy bastard now? I’m calling your bluff, right now.” She gave no time between her threat and swiping at the younger child with her claws fully poised for the attack. X4 bit her lip painfully hard when those claws ripped through her skin and clothes, then tried to kick her attacker. She stepped on her legs, stopping that effort before it hardly began. Her blue eyes, lacking a pupil from her race, stared at the other girl with contempt.
Of course, her attacker wasn't stopping, but the room suddenly exploded to life around the two. X4’s eyes were glowing as she shoved at the girl, shocking herself when an unknown force sent her flying. The elf sat there stunned, watching the creepy and scary things she’d always seen…protecting her. Her gaze darted to her cellmates, finding the angry girl already standing, but not approaching, just staring. Could none of them see this? She didn't stand, dully aware of a horrible ache in her legs from being stepped on, but she scooted away from everyone.
Momentary silence, then the girl shouted, “I’m the strongest here, you can’t do that to me!” X4 had never understood why all the older kids in the cages were obsessed with being stronger than everyone else. Still, that didn't change the fact that she was now being charged. With a nervous sound, she threw her hands out in the hope of defending herself…and watched as the scary things rushed for the girl. A gasp escaped her, seeing that girl being slammed against the bars of the cage. X4 blinked, catching sight of the name on her neck. Y12.
Her long, dark purple hair had always hidden her name and she never answered if asked about it. X4 studied Y12 for a long time, hoping she was okay but too scared to go over and check. If she did, she’d get hurt, right? And if she didn’t get hurt, then Y12 was hurt a lot more than she thought. She really hoped not. That would be really, really bad. X4 didn’t want to hurt her…well, she didn't, the scary things did. The elf looked at the creepy beings, stiffening when she caught them all staring directly at her, as if waiting for something.
She shuddered, a cold chill trailing down her spine. Before she could dwell on it, Y12 groaned and pushed herself up. As if she’d never been knocked down, her dangerous red eyes boring a hole through the child. Everything about her behavior screamed danger, causing X4 to roughly shove herself against the wall. There was an immediate response from the creatures around her, all of them swarming to be in front of her. There was a breeze inside the cage from their movement, and Y12 was studying it closely.
In the end, the girl clicked her tongue and turned away, storming back to the single bed available. “This ain’t worth it. You’re a breakable freak just like that other one.” She whirled around though. “But I control this space. You got that?” X4 didn’t supply a response, merely shrinking into herself and earning a scoff from the older girl. She watched the other lay on the bed, then hugged herself. Did this…mean she was safe? Was she going to be hit more later? Did she get hurt too? X4 squeezed her legs tightly. She didn’t like hurting people.
In the end, she was back to wishing her brother was here for her. Whether she did it or not, she felt like those things had hurt that girl because of her. She was the only one who could see them, after all. Where was he? Was he coming back? If he didn’t come back…she didn’t know what she’d do. She glanced at her other two siblings, catching them staring at her. Weakly, she offered them a smile, the same one she gave all her siblings back home. They both pouted, their bottom lips poking out and their eyes getting teary.
She shook her head slowly, knowing they might get hit if they came over to her. And yet…despite the bad situation, she was happy to see that they were still who she remembered. X2 and X3 were both so kind…whatever the others had been doing, they looked so scared. She wasn’t fully aware of what all had gone on in the very beginning. She could recall zoning out or covering her ears and eyes when the others would scream, but she also knew X1 had always been right in front of her throughout all of that. She wished he would’ve helped them too.
X4 turned away from them, wincing as the movement both brought pain and the sound of quiet whines from her siblings. She touched where it hurt, grimacing at the sharp feedback it earned. When she raised her hand, it was covered in blood. That…probably wasn’t good. Remembering something their mother had taught them, she ripped off the already torn part of her clothes and tried to wrap around the area. Turns out, getting fabric from clothes was really hard if there wasn't already a tear. Having learned that, she used the rip to get more when needed.
Every motion hurt, but she made an effort to get herself patched up. X1 could heal her when he comes back…she held onto that thought desperately. He will come back. She can do this badly and he’ll help her. He’s not gone. She tried to keep her mind off how two people would leave, and only one came back. That wouldn't be him. Her brother was strong…he was kind, but he wouldn't leave her. He told her so. She pulled the fabric tight and winced, but didn’t stop. Mother had told them it had to be tight. While finishing it up and barely maintaining conscious, she wondered again where her little brother went to, and…when he’d come back to her.
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medusapelagia · 8 months
26 AU-gust: Lighthouse - Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3, Part 4
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: Monsters, mermaid torture, blood and violence, mention of mermaid amputation, unconventional mermaid AU WC: 3472
This time he wakes up in a white room with a big tank.
Inside the tank, Eddie is looking at him with his big eyes with no lids.
“Are you ok?” he asks, getting closer.
Ok. The boy replies with his vibrations.
“I thought… I thought they were going to kill you.” 
Eddie shakes his head.
Steve gets up and gets closer to the tank. It looks like a big aquarium, there are some fake plants on the ground and even what looks like a little pirate treasure.
It’s the first time that Steve can see Eddie properly in his true form.
His eel’s tale is drawing little waves on the sand while it moves. It’s dark green with some yellow dots. His eyes look even bigger in the water, always a little bit too far on the side, and even if they have no lids they seem sad, and his skin it’s not white, as he thought, but a pale green.
Eddie’s webbed hand touches the glass between the two of them and Steve puts his hand on Eddie’s.
“I’m so sorry.” he whispers, lowering his eyes.
Eddie doesn’t reply, he keeps looking at him with his sad eyes and then he suddenly goes hiding behind a rock.
Steve sees the reflection of Dr. Brenner and other doctors who are getting into the room and he turns abruptly.
“What do you want? Let him go!” he growls, trying to shield the creature from their vision.
One of the doctors says something that he can’t hear, and the room turns black and they turn on a little projector, then the woman takes a transparent page and starts to write and on the wall appear some words in a tidy calligraphy.
‘How are you feeling, Steve?’
He looks at them surprised. No one is speaking anymore.
“What the fuck does it mean?” he asks, looking at the woman, then at the projection.
‘It’s just an easy way to communicate. You are deaf.’
She erases the phrase and writes ‘We have questions.’
“And I don’t want to answer!” he yells.
The doctors look at each other and they say something he can’t hear, what he hears is Eddie screaming Nooo! while he swims toward the glass, hitting it with a loud thump.
Someone drags Steve away from the room and he finds himself in an interrogation room; he has never been in one of those but he recognizes one when he sees it and it doesn’t take a genius to understand what they are up for.
The first hit caught him by surprise, and Steve bites his tongue while his head turns.
He spits the blood, feeling his cheek throb.
They keep hitting him for a long time, while they keep questioning him.
How does he know the creature?
What is their connection?
Where is his den?
How do they communicate?
Has he ever seen him transform?
How does he do it?
But Steve doesn’t answer any of these questions, he just keeps singing a stupid song he listened to on the radio that got stuck in his head.
When they bring him back to the room he is almost unconscious, every part of his body hurts and he is quite sure that he is not the prettiest boy ever.
He sees some movements in the tank but he is too tired.
When he closes his eyes he dreams. 
He dreams of a huge crack in the ocean floor.
He dreams of hot lava and monsters.
He dreams of sirens and an old man.
He dreams about swimming in the ocean without any fear.
He swims down, and down, everything is blue around him and he can’t see the ocean floor but he knows that he has to keep diving, so he does.
The water is blue and the lower he goes the colder it becomes, but he keeps swimming, even when the light becomes less and less, even when it's so dark that the only thing he can see is the red glow behind the rocks.
And then.
A submersible, Steve’s mind provides.
They are working around the crack on the ocean floor. 
They will close it.
Humans are clever.
But not these humans.
There is a little siren that is resting next to the glowing light.
She seems tired, maybe injured.
The submersible catches her and when it moves away for a moment the light of the submersible catches a glimpse of him.
He starts to swim toward the surface, but the submersible is faster.
Faster. And bigger.
He makes a sharp turn to the right, then to the left, there is a place that he avoids but now it could be useful. He swims until he finds refuge behind some rocks.
The long arms of the submersible try to catch him, but he knows that humans can’t stay too long under the water.
He waits.
The submergible leaves.
And then he feels a sharp pain in his tail.
Steve wakes up with a startle.
His face is still swollen and he can’t open his right eye, but he is definitely back to the white room.
Eddie is looking at him, his eyes big with worry.
“Are you ok?” he asks, and the creature nods.
Steve looks at Eddie’s tale, sees the pale scar, and suddenly realizes that the dream he had wasn’t his.
It was Eddie’s.
There is a a fucking huge crack in the ocean floor and Brenner and his group are kidnapping sirens.
Sirens that should only be a myth.
Sirens that rest near the crack.
Steve sits on the bed, his head hurts and he feels dizzy, so he tries to stay still for a moment while he is processing everything that he has learned.
There is a crack under the ocean.
Eddie knows it.
Brenner knows it.
The sirens know it.
But Eddie wants it to be closed. Why? Is he scared of the molten lava or what?
The bright light makes Steve whimper, while he covers his eyes with his arm.
The doctors are still there, and the questions are the same, but he doesn’t answer, so they inject him with something.
All at once, Steve’s mind starts to wander.
Everything seems so funny.
The doctors.
The questions. 
Even the creature in the tank.
Eddie is staring at him.
But maybe he is doing something more than staring.
He feels it.
It’s not like the siren song, it’s not a song that is dragging him toward the peril. It’s a soft song that keeps him safe.
His mouth talks but he doesn’t know what it is saying.
His ears keep buzzing while his mind gets calmer and calmer by the moment.
When finally the doctors leave Steve feels tired and worn out.
What the hell has happened?
Eddie is still looking at him from behind his rocks.
Those yellow eyes seems more malicious than he remembered.
The answers that he has given to the doctors must have been the good ones, because the next time they drag him away from the white room they take him to a laboratory.
Dr. Brenner shows him his research, pointing at some peculiar discoveries that they have made on the ocean floors.
He never speaks of the crack in the floor, but Steve knows that he is referring to that.
He nods, taking mental note of every piece of information they are providing, and tries to show an enthusiasm that he doesn’t feel.
Brenner smiles, satisfied, and takes him to a bigger area that seems like a warehouse.
It’s cold inside, and the light is very dim, but when Brenner turns on the light Steve sees tens of sirens, mermaids, and any kind of hybrids between humans and fish, swimming in the tanks.
Some are missing a limb, and a couple are swimming upside down, but there is one with a big black tail that looks absolutely furious.
He gets closer to the first tank. He is deaf, they can't enchant him, but what about the doctors?
He looks at the little siren. She seems the one he saw in his dream. Well, in Eddie’s dream.
And she has a scar around his neck.
Oh. They cut her vocal cords. That’s why they are not scared.
“I’m so sorry.” he whispers to the little siren who looks at him offended and tries to shriek, failing miserably.
The doctor asks him if they are not beautiful.
They are.
Every single one of them.
And so sad and depressed.
They don’t belong to a tank.
They belong to the sea.
“What do you notice?” the doctor asks, looking at Steve with amusement.
What does he notice? He gets closer to the tanks.
They are all injured. They had their vocal cords cut. And…
“They are all females.”
“I knew you were special, Steve.” the man praised him “All these hybrids are female. Every single one. There are no males. Apart from one.”
“What do you want from him?”
“From him? Nothing. I just want him to impregnate the other hybrids. See if we can create more males.”
“For scientific purposes, Steve. Everything we do, we do it for science!” the doctor replies but Steve doesn’t trust him. He is in the Navy and has seen some documents that come from the Navy. The Navy doesn’t do research for scientific purposes.
“If you could help us with your friend it would help the entire humanity. Think about that: being able to change form might be the way to beat cancer. Your friend's cells can transform from a tail into a pair of legs. How amazing is that?”
Steve shakes his head. 
He will not help them do whatever they want.
Brenner doesn’t seem really pleased with him when they bring him back to the white room.
Eddie is still staring at him, but he doesn't try to communicate this time.
Steve keeps dreaming.
About the ocean.
About the sirens.
About Dr. Brenner.
His dreams are a confused mix between his memories and Eddie’s, and the more they stay in the same room the more their consciousness seems to merge.
Steve thinks that he learns something new about Eddie every night, and so does he, and he is proven right when Eddie starts to stare at the long scar that he has on his left wrist.
A long time has passed, but he still remembers the anguish and the despair that brought him to the extreme gesture.
Someone brings them food, fish for Eddie, and a toast for Steve.
Not too bad to be honest. Maybe a little bit too dry.
He takes another bite, and he feels something in his mouth. 
Eddie looks at him, confused.
Steve coughs, hiding from the camera, and takes the little piece of paper that reads: tonight.
He stares at Eddie and Eddie stares back at him.
There is no point in showing him the piece of paper, he can’t read, so he swallows it, with Eddie’s eyes still fixed on him.
He opens his eyes. A red light comes from under the door and Eddie is staring at him from his tank.
Fire. Eddie says in his language with no words.
Steve turns toward the door and sees some smoke.
“Can you transform?” he asks Eddie, but the creature looks at the camera with hate.
“You are going to die if you stay in that stupid tank! You will boil like an egg!” he yells, but Eddie is still not convinced.
Something, or someone, starts to hit their door and finally, the hinges give up and two figures with protective suits get inside.
The bigger one shoots at the camera, while the smaller one removes his helmet.
It’s a blond guy with blue eyes.
The boy stares at Steve, then gives him another protective suit, and then points at the tank.
Eddie glares at them, while Steve tries to convince him to transform and escape with him.
The bigger man takes off his helmet too and Eddie gets closer to the glass.
“Hey, little monster. Time to go.”
They help him out of the tank and into one of the protective suits. 
The facility is in complete chaos. 
The blond guy is dragging Steve toward the exit but, as soon as he sees the door of the laboratory Steve stops. They can’t leave the creature there, but they can’t take them away either.
Eddie and Steve share a look.
Can’t help. Eddie says, and Steve knows that he is right. He knows it but…
He hears a song. 
Which is not possible because he is deaf.
He turns toward the laboratory door.
The song comes from there and it’s not a scary song. 
It’s a love song.
Eddie stops too, putting his hands on the door.
It’s Eddie’s song.
The blond boy tries to drag Steve away but he is adamant that he will not go.
They break down the door and when they finally enter and look around all the tanks are empty.
All but one.
The one with the beautiful siren with the dark tail.
She has the same scars as the others but…
You came.
And it’s the same kind of sound that Eddie produces when he speaks.
You came.
She repeats, but she is not looking at Steve.
She is looking at Eddie.
I have been waiting for you for so long… baby.
And then the siren sings a song with no vocal cords.
Something old and full of magic.
Full of memories and secrets.
It’s a story. Her story.
The air starts to get too hot, and the two men in suits yell something and then start to drag them away, while the siren keep singing her song. But the farther they get the angrier the song becomes.
It starts to affect the people in the facility, who turn one against the other.
Scissors become weapons, and while they run away the corridor becomes red with blood.
The siren is still singing.
A song of vengeance.
Outside of the facility, there is a little boat waiting for them and many many sirens, as if someone, or something, summoned them.
They are angry and they demand blood.
Their song is terrible and the two men start to get affected, but on the boat, there is a young boy who beckons them and Steve follows the group. He has three pairs of big earmuffs and with Steve’s help, they put them on the other two and finally escape from the facility.
While their boat sails, the facility explodes in a lightning of angry red. Red as the portal that Steve saw in Eddie’s dream.
The boys are talking so loudly that Eddie is covering his ears but Steve doesn’t know what they are talking about. When they finally get to a little island the blond guy takes a little scrap of paper, points at himself, and writes “Billy.”
“Steve.” he replies, still unsure about why they saved them from Dr. Brenner, feeling really cautious. 
The question is: why did they do it? And how did they know where to find them?
The second question has a simple answer when they get inside the little port hidden between the rocks revealing a big control room with many employees and a little woman who is clearly in charge.
Eddie gets closer to Steve and takes his hand, worried. Steve holds his hand and feels the skin under his finger becoming drier, he knows that Eddie needs water but he also knows that he will not transform in front of other people.
As if she could read their mind, the little woman who welcomed them escorts them to a secluded area.
She points at the little laguna and then she leaves.
It’s better than the tank but it’s not the ocean.
“I can help you go back to the ocean.” Steve says, and Eddie stares at him before lowering his eyes.
No. He says, and then 
“Who was she?” Steve asks, even if he thinks that he knows the answer.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” he whispers, while Eddie gets in the water, swimming to the bottom before transforming back into his mermaid form.
“Your friend is special.” That’s what Brenner had told him and Steve had thought that he was referring to his ability to mutate, but what if was wrong?
What if Brenner was telling him something more?
A loud bum makes him jump scared and surprised.
Eddie looks at him confused.
“I heard that. I fucking heard that!” he yells far too loudly.
When a doctor visits him again, he tells him that his ears are healing. He caused a lot of damage to his own ears but luckily they didn’t get infected and now they are healing. Because a perforated eardrum can heal, and he was the only one not knowing that.
The doctor explains to him that it is going to take long and that he could be experiencing some hearing loss, but his ears will indeed heal.
Knowing that, everyone starts to speak slower and louder around him and he is very glad for that, but what makes Steve worry it’s Eddie.
He keeps swimming in the faked laguna, hiding behind the rock, and eating his food only when he is alone.
He seems to not trust anyone, not even Steve, and that makes him sad.
With his hearing getting better Steve starts to move around the military base.
It took him a little to notice but it’s clear that they are in one of the secret military bases that the navy has around the world.
The little woman, Joyce, seems to be the one in charge, while the big man, Hopper, seems to be her second in command.
One night he finds the man smoking just outside the base and sits with him.
“He still hates me, uh?”
“The mermaid.”
“He has a name!” Steve retorts and Hopper looks at him confused.
“His name it’s Eddie.”
Hopper snorts “So you two have bonded, uh?”
Did they?
He named him, which seems a very personal thing, but now they are not close. Or at least Eddie is pushing him away.
“He is a sweet guy. I remember when he was just a little fish. I could hold him in my hand, you know?” the man tells him, breathing circles of smoke in the air “I thought Brenner was right. That we would be able to beat cancer. And so many other diseases.” he takes another puff “I had a kid, you know. A little girl. Her name was Sarah.” Hopper looks far away, lost in some memories “She was sick. Really sick. And Brenner kept telling me that if we could have managed to understand the anatomy of the hybrids we would have found a cure for my kid. And I trusted him. It was stupid, I know, but I was desperate! And when he managed to impregnate that female. God, I was more anxious than when my wife got pregnant. I kept visiting her, looking at the little eggs that she protected fiercely.” he stubs his cigarette out and turns toward Steve “Only that little fish survived. And he was so precious to us. You will not believe how excited we were the first time he transformed into a kid. God. I really thought that it was the proof that we needed, that he would have healed my kid.” he gets up “I was wrong, obviously. My kid died and the little hybrid disappeared with an old man.”
“Wayne?” Steve asks.
“Wayne.” Hopper confirms “Well. George, before he changed his name.”
Steve thinks back to the day he found the picture in the drawer. Eddie kissed the picture with affection before putting it back.
“And why are you here now? What do you want to do with him?”
“They are not creatures of our world, Steve. They come from a sort of parallel dimension and some portals connect our two dimensions. The majority of the hybrids stay close to the portals, trying to get back to their home. They don’t want to stay here and we don’t want them here. But sometimes these portals open and they fall in our dimension.” They start to walk back to the base “We are exploiting the soil, the air, the sea. They don’t have enough food, especially if they want to stay close to the portals, so they have changed their diet.” he explains and Steve knows exactly what he means: humans.
“And what about you, what are you trying to do?”
“Ideally? Bring all those monsters back to where they came from.”
“And in reality?”
“Close the fucking portals.”
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
Skating Around Us
Summary: An Asher x Baabe Fic. Asher is a hockey player and Baabe is a figure skater. @itsdaifuku is the reason for this fic!!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
It had been about two months since the qualifiers and many a competition had been had since to further themselves to final. They had been putting in a lot of hard work to perfect their free program. They all wanted (needed) to have a contrasting performance to what they did. Lovely and Vincent would be doing a performance of a compilation from the Moulin Rouge musical, Angel would be doing an old time piece and Babe would be, well it’s a surprise.
Asher and Babe had grown so much closer, finally putting a title on what they were and spending more and more time at the others house. Angel was doing the same with David, just a little more conspicuously, or as conspicuous as Angel could be.
Today was the day of the hockey finals. It came down to the Dahlia Wolves against the LA Misfits. Babe heard Tank complain about an ex named Quinn who was the captain of said team.
“You got this Ash! I believe in you!” Babe leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks Babe,” he said kissing them softly before heading off to the locker room.
This was probably going to be the most important match in Asher’s life this far. This was for the California state championship. He wanted to win. He could practically taste it.
Babe walked off toward the benches, they couldn’t help but over hear the conversations of Asher’s teammates on their way.
“Davey, it’s gonna be ok. You got this! I know you’re nervous and that’s ok! But you are amazing, and you will do amazing! You got this!” They pulled him in for a tight hug before pushing him off to the lockers.
“I know Sam…. I know, I’ll be careful.” Tank told the doctor as he held their face. “But I’m still gonna kick some ass.” They grinned up at him.
“I would expect nothin less.” They quickly hugged him before running off to the locker room.
They arrived at their groups spot in the middle, Angel joining them soon after. Vincent and Lovely had opted out tonight as they wanted to get in some extra rehearsal.
The game started out pretty normally. It was fast paced and aggressive, slightly more aggressive than normal. You could tell that both teams wanted it. They were leaving it all out on the ice. The first breakaway Asher had he had missed when the player behind him used their stick to hook him. Fortunately they were able to get the goal anyways, as it resulted in a penalty shot. They achieved one other goal while the opposing team was down one man. Bringing the score to 2-0 by the end of the first period.
During the second period they were able to score twice when Quinn got a check in on Tank. They looked a little disoriented after that and Sam looked like he was gonna jump out of his seat. Fortunately they got back in the game and Cristian scored their third goal.
“YOU GOT THIS WOLVES!!” Angel yelled out getting to nervous to stay quiet.
Babe was bouncing their leg up and down to try to remain calm. They were holding their breath as if one gust of wind would send the puck into the wrong net. The ref blew the whistle signaling the end of the second period. The score was 3-2 and neither team was giving up. Angel stood up and began pacing, trying to get their jitters out. Sam started taking large drinks of his water bottle because his throat kept getting dry.
As the whistle sounded both teams went at it. It was like watching two flames, each one trying to burn the other. At this point Tank has been in the penalty box twice, David twice, and Asher Once. Quinn’s has been in the box three times, two of his other teammates also making the same number of visits.
Quinn was able to get free and score two more goals. They were now a point ahead. That was when Asher’s lineup was put back in. The misfits were pushing hard and the wolves were playing a solid defense now. The misfits goalie left the net to push up as well and that was when Milo received the puck and shot it across the rink. Everyone watched as the puck soared and hit the back of the net. Sweetheart jumped off the benches and cheered so loud the group could hear them from the other side of the rink. Milo pumped his fist in the air and the stadium went wild. The score was now tied and there were thirty seconds left in the game. They quickly got in position. 29, 28, 27, 26, 25.
The puck moved around the rink the dominance switching from side to side. 24,23,22,21,20. The misfits shot and Milo blocked it deflecting it to tank. Quinn skated towards them, but couldn’t get to them as they passed it over to David. 19,18,17,16,15,14,13. David was trying to find an opening when Christian moved over, ready to receive the puck. 12, 11, 10,9,8,7. He skated forward as two defenseman skated over to him. He shot the puck between the space between the two and it was received by Asher. 6,5,4. It was him and the goalie. He moved the puck to the side the goalie diving the wrong way. He moved his stick forward and shot the puck. 3,2,1!!! GOAAAAAAAAAL!!!!! The official California State Champions Dahlia Wolves. The ref blew the whistle and the crowed roared. The entire team skated out and tackled Asher to the ground. Both teams then exchanged fist bumps and good games, as the trophy was brought out. The entire team posed with his taking photos and taking turns holding it completing interviews and such in the process. They headed back to the locker room and Angel, Sam, and Babe, made their way out to the lobby. The first pair that got out was Milo and Sweetheart. They began kissing his cheek and squeezing him tight the moment he joined their side. They ran off back to his car. They would probably have a celebratory party next week.
Next Tanker came out, lip a little cut, eye and shoulder partially bruised. You could see it under their tank top. Sam walked over to them and hugged them tight.
“Congrats Darlin! You played like a rockstar tonight!” He smiled at them. They leaned up to kiss him, pausing, waiting for permission. He met them half way and they smiled bright. The two then headed out the glass doors.
The only two were Angel and Babe. Luckily for them, their boyfriends came out at the same time. Angel immediately ran over and jumped into David’s arms, not caring about the bags he was holding. They littered his face with soft kisses.
“Con-grats- Da-v-ey.” They said in between kisses.
“Thanks Angels.” He said chuckling lightly to himself. “Now get off so we can go home. You need rest if you’re gonna compete tomorrow.” He said as he grabbed their hand and led them away.
Babe waited for Asher to come over to them, not wanting to knock his bags out of his hands. He walked over with the biggest smile on his face and dropped his bags picking them up and spinning them around. They threw their arms around his shoulders and held on for dear life. He laughed, a genuine, loud, happy laugh. He set them down after a few moments and they reached a hand up to his face.
“I love you Babe.” He said, his voice softer than normal.
“I love you too Ash.” They looked at him letting their hand slide down his arm slowly before playing with his fingers. “I’m glad you won,” they looked up at him with big doe eyes and a siren smile. He quickly grabbed their hand and led them to their car. They opened the trunk and he put his bags in it before pushing them to sit down and kissing them passionately. It was fiery, and intense and so full of love. His lips were soft, his touch was soft, he was intoxicating. When the kiss finally broke they were both panting for air. Babe got out of the trunk. They kissed him on the cheek one last time before walking over and opening his door for him. “After you…” they grinned.
His face flushed and he stepped in grinning ear to ear, “Why thank you!”
“You got this babe! You’re gonna do great!” He smiled at his partner before sending them off to the locker room. They were the last person to perform that day.
Earlier Vincent and Lovely performed a duet to ‘El Tango De Roxane.’ They wore black and red outfits, their hair yelled back. Their tops had red diamonds on them, Vincent’s had diamonds stretching onto his right arm and lovely had red diamonds stretching onto their left arm. Lovely had black eye liner with bright red lipstick and Vincent had black eye liner and a more natural lip tone. As per usual they were perfectly in sync. They worked like two pieces of the same machine. Their lifts were so clean, especially the one where he spun lovely around after lifting them on the air. They finished with Vincent dipping lovely, their hand extended to the ground, their other hand around his neck.
After the duos were done it was time for Angel and Babes category.
“How are you doing Skates?” Angel asked changing into their outfit. They wore high waisted tan pants with overalls, a white shirt, and green bow tie, paired with brown skates. They had their hair all pinned back with a red lip and black eye liner.
“I’m good. I’m nervous but I’m excited!” They said to their friend. “And you?”
“I’ll never be more ready. Geez this is like the biggest skate of our lives!! I’m so nervous but there is something thrilling about it.” They answered eyes practically sparkling.
They ended up skating to the song ‘That Man’ by Caro Emerald. It was a swing piece and one that Babe actually suggested. Angel performed like they never had before. There was not one mistake, not one error. It was so precise and thrilling to watch them go. Their technique was absolutely perfect and their outfit read really well from the ice. Babe was sure that if they didn’t win Angel would. IF they didn’t win.
Now it was their turn. They had just stepped out into the hallway when they saw ash coming out from the bathroom. He reassured them before giving them a kiss and leaving. “I love you!!” He yelled.
“I love you more!!” They yelled back laughing.
They were getting ready to go out on the ice. Seeing the person in front of them just finishing. Babe noticed that the performer before them kept stopping and reaching down at the ice, kicking at it a bit, but they assumed that the skater was fixing their skate. Babe walked passed them and stepped onto the ice. They were wearing sparkly gold skates that matched their leotard which was a sheer gold with golden gems across the chest. Golden vines on the sleeves, and on the back was a ruched piece of fabric that gave the effect of a train. Their hair was pulled out of their face, and their eye shadow was gold with a black eye liner and a pink lip. They were skating to the song ‘Golden Hour’ by JVKE. It was a song that Asher suggested to them. They circled the ice a few times, noting that if felt a little off, but maybe it was just their nerves. They skated over to Will and he gave them a pep talk.
“Listen Skates, I am so proud of you! You have accomplished so much and pushed yourself beyond my wildest dreams for what you could become. I know it’s not over yet, but I am proud. No go out there and Skate your but off.” He smiled at them.
“Thanks Will! I’ll do my best.” They shot him a thumbs up as they skated to the middle of the rink. They got in their starting pose. Their left arm was bent, elbow pointing up and hand coming to the bottom of their jaw. Their right leg was crossed behind their left. Their head was facing the same direction as their right hand which was extended in the direction of their boyfriend Asher. The moment the keys played they pushed off, circling their spot before moving forward, they danced to the music in a way that made them look like a literal Angel.
Asher was breathless watching them move. It was like he was watching light come into his life for the first time again. They moved so gracefully, they looked so ethereal. Too good to be true. They went for their first jump combo, a quad lutz into a triple toe loop. It went very well better than they have before. They transitioned from a bullet spin into a full split upright. Then they moved down the rink doing a small skip and pushed their arms forward. They then leaned forward, grabbing their leg and holding it behind them as they soared around the rink. They then built up for their next jump combo a triple salchow into a double axel. From that they draped their hands over their head and rounded heading back to the other side, they did a layback spin into a Biellmann spin. They then moved fast and stopped pushing just holding their arms out to make an extended shape with their body. Then it was time for their final jump a quad flip, when they went to take off they noticed the ice in that part of the rink felt uneven, and when they took off their skate hooked into the dip and they flew forward, they spun out of control in the air and their face smacked the ice first. A loud crack could be heard. Adrenaline was coursing through them.
‘Oh shit’ they thought ‘Get back up!’ They stood back up and pushed off. All they had left was a camel spin into a flying sit spin. They completed it. It was shaky and not as good as they have done it before, but they did it. They rose back to their feet reaching up and looking up, their other arm draped at their side. It was then that they realized something wet was on their face. It tasted salty. So salty. The audience was quiet, and they could hear soft whispers. They then realized someone was talking to them. They hadn’t moved had they? He was talking to them. Look at him? It’s William. He looks worried, then they realize the ice is becoming closer and closer. Oh shit.
When they woke up, they were in a familiar room. They recognized the white walls and ceiling along with the blue curtains. The soft linens and mattress. They were in the medical room. They felt someone grasp their hand a little tighter.
“Babe?” Asher spoke from beside them.
“A…Ash?” They said coming out of their haze.
“Oh thank God.” He stood up to get closer, moving his unoccupied hand to their face. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine…” they said despite not feeling fine. They felt like they got their face punched in. “What happened?”
“The quad flip didn’t go as planned…” he said rubbing the back of their hand.
“Right… the ice, it felt so weird, like uneven and patchy…” they squinted remembering what happened.
“Yeah, your coach noticed that when he stepped over to you so he had the competition staff run an investigation. Turns out the person before you was kicking up the ice and putting bad dents in it.”
“Did they announce the winners?” They asked him. He let out a small laugh and ran a hand through their hair.
“Yeah, they left to get their medals a little bit ago.” Asher informed. Just then they heard the door click.
“Alright I got some ice for when they wake up an some pain killers. Lookin at the X…rays…” Sam stopped talking as he noticed the figure in front of him, very awake. “How are ya doin?” He asked. “Be honest.”
“I’ve been better but… not my worst haha.” They laughed and instantly regretted it.
“I seriously doubt that,” he looked at them and held up the x ray. “Your nose is broken and you got a grade three concussion. We did some scans and it looks like your brain function is fine, but Asher I want you to keep an eye on em. If anything happens, take them to the ER right away.”
“Got it.” Asher said. “Looks like you aren’t escaping me. You’re staying at David and I’s apartment!!” He cheered trying to keep his voice down low as to not ass to their probable headache. Just then the door opened and in walked David, Angel, Tank, Vincent, Lovely, William, Milo, and Sneaks. Babe looked up at them trying not to frown.
“Hey Skates, how ya doin?” Milo spoke first.
“I’m fine. Better than ever.” They smiled.
“Haha,” Angel laughed Sarcastically.
“So you won?” Babe raised their eyebrow smiling at their friend.
“Yeah, I did.” Angel smiled.
“Congrats!!” Babe said genuinely. They were so happy for their friend and they reached out to hug them. When they hugged they noticed Angel slipped something around their neck. It was shiny and silver and had a big fat number two on it.
“What’s this?” They asked shock scanning their features.
“Well, you racked up enough points before the fall and actually almost won you were off by five points. So you ended up in second.” Angel cheered.
“Thank you!! I love you all so much!!”
They all exchanged encouragement and congratulations for their friend before heading out. Asher helped them into their car, sitting them on the passenger seat. When Ash got in the drivers seat they looked at him.
“Ash what are you doing?” They questioned.
“I’m driving, I learned about a month ago. Got my license and everything. I wanted to surprise you, ideally on a date, but this works too.” He smiled at them. They leaned forward to give him a quick kiss and he tilted his head, ever careful of their bruising broken nose that’s all wrapped up. He then moved down and peppered kisses down their neck. “I love you. So much!” He stared at them. “Thank you for coming into my life.”
“Thank you for keeping me in your life! Let’s plan to keep it this way. I love you so much Asher.” He smiles at them in return kissing them one last time.
‘I love you so much more than words can say babe’
A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO @itsdaifuku !! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED WRITING THIS SERIES!! You do amazing work and I love seeing you post!! You are so incredible and I truly admire you and you work!!
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 3 He’s down on his knees
Jared Padalecki x reader
Warnings: sexual, smut, oral, light swearing, age gap, praise kink, dom/sub, bondage, public sex, talks about sex/kinks, first times, self-esteem issues, body issues, chubby reader Just real dirty unless I put feelings into it xD
Just a random movie I’ll make up for this.
I also live for a gay best friend makeup artist
If my future man ain’t obsessed with me I don’t want him xD
Last part <-
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The acting was strange from then on. You avoided Jared like the plague, grew flustered anytime you were around him, forgot all your lines in moments, and acted like a young fan girl. Jared either didn’t notice or gave you space, in your dark times you’d figure he’d gotten over you, realised you weren’t worth it, or you were just the fat funny friend everyone looked over.
It’s been a month since your make-out session and your depression seriously kicked you. You were crying at night debating whether to message him or not. Go visit him down the hotel hall, but you just ran, like you always did. Something that was too good to be true probably was.
You groaned when your alarm woke you, you felt like you drank ten litres of vodka or something. You smacked your phone a little too hard and your alarm stopped. You grumbled into the pillow before sliding out of bed and heading to the shower. A knock came though and you groaned again trudging to the door as you fake cry.
“Yes?” You opened the door a mess.
“Uh hey,” you froze hearing Jared’s voice and looking at him.
“Oh-“ you fixed yourself up, especially your tank top that was barely keeping the girls in.
“I’m so sorry” you muttered hiding behind the door and adjusting yourself. You heard him chuckle lightly and cursed yourself. You straightened out your hair the best you could, ignoring the literal bird's nest on the back. You appeared back and gave a brief smile.
“You ok?” He asked smiling slightly.
“Hah!” You said way too loudly and flushed.
“I mean yes” you cleared your throat awkwardly. Geez, this was the worst.
“I can come back” he offered and you nodded.
“Yes, that’d be great” your stomach dropped.
“Alright, I’ll uh, see you later” he chuckled waving goodbye.
“Ok,” you said waving goodbye before closing the door. You groaned and banged your head gently against the door. You had a shower, wondered if you could jump out the window and live then disappear to Africa or somewhere far. You got dressed and had a shake for breakfast before dreading going to see Jared. You had to face him eventually, you’d just tell him the truth and he’d tell you the truth and all will be peachy.
You knocked on his room door and he smiled as he opened it up.
“You look awake now” he chuckled and you nodded as he let you inside.
“Yeah I’m sorry about that- I would’ve um-” you gulped slightly clutching your phone.
“Hey, it's ok” he chuckled.
“I know you're not a morning person I should've come later” he shrugged hands in his pockets.
“Yeah” you muttered dreading the conversation.
“Hey I'm sorry I've been avoiding you,” you said quietly looking at the ground.
“It's ok,” he said rather softly.
“It's not” you muttered.
“Listen I know what happened, it was an amazing, one-time thing I get that, totally fine with me” you gulped glancing at his face. He was frowning confused.
“I'm not someone you know guys hook up with or get into relationships with so I totally understand not coming back” he still didn't speak and your heart pounded.
“Yeah cool, ok, so we good?” you chuckled nervously, shifting on your feet.
“Excuse me?” he muttered and you froze.
“Oh, not good then? Look I'm sorry about everything, I shouldn't have said anything-” you babbled a bit before lips crashed into yours.
“Shut up” he muttered and you nodded quickly as he kissed you roughly. You moaned softly surprised by the noise yourself as Jared's hands gripped your side. Jared backed you into the couch and you sat down before he laid you down and climbed on top of you. Jared groaned softly hands slipping under your shirt and running over your sides. He wasn't gentle like he had pent-up anger or something bursting. You stopped his hands and he lifted his head as you finally got a chance to breathe. A look of guilt flashed on his face as he say up and sat down, head in hand. You frowned slightly wondering what you did wrong, you just needed a breather.
“Sorry” he muttered voice cracking.
“What are you sorry for?” you asked confused as you sat up too.
“Being intense” he scoffed.
“You avoiding me for so long after what happened, I've got a lot of pent-up frustration” he muttered looking to the ground in shame.
“I knew you'd need space so I gave you it, and then you came here saying that, I kind of snapped” he admitted eyes still avoiding yours.
“I'm not used to normal pace” he chuckled dryly. You didn't know what to say, the amount of romance and fanfiction you read was not anything like this, the real emotions going through you.
“When you said prove it, I expected something irrational” he added sighing and shaking his head as he stood. He stretched, hands on the back of his head, shirt lifting. You cursed the dirty thoughts and stood too. You touched his side and he frowned looking at you as you moved to stand in front of him. You rested one hand on his chest and struggled to keep your heart in your chest. He was all muscle, strange from only knowing your body this whole time. You wanted to feel the skin on skin, feel the warmth through his shirt. You hesitated as one hand held the hem of his shirt. He just watched you with hawk eyes, intently staring, wondering. You shook your head slightly having an inward battle before you slipped your hand under his shirt. He was warm, overly warm now, he shuddered slightly, stomach tightening as your hand travelled up his abdomen. He moved and you stilled as he shrugged off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. Your other hand rested on his chest over his heart. It was pounding much like yours, a quick bah-bump under your hand. It was funny feeling the hair there, sure you had hair but not like this, more like fine blonde hair. You came back from your little daydream though and panicked a little. What the hell were you doing?
“I'm so-” before you could speak Jared kissed you softly, hand going over yours that was over his heart. He held it there while his other hand cupped your neck. You sighed gently into the kiss, this was a better speed, you weren't struggling to breathe. Jared pulled back, leaning his head against yours, body slightly hunched over.
“See what you do to me” he chuckled softly and you grew even more flustered and nodded.
Next part ->
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84reedsy · 3 months
The Mentorship, Part 11
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Part 11 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 5810
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part8 Part 9 Part 10
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing
When another morning came, she was surprised to still feel an aching between her legs. She didn’t hate the feeling, but she remembered what Curt had said last night. She wondered if the soreness would give way if she would just let him do what he wanted. 
She snuck out of bed and into the shower, relishing the hot water. She felt a little torn now. She felt as if some part of her owed sexual favors for all he’d done for her though such a thing had never been insinuated by Curt. But she wanted Scott; she wanted him in a way that made her feel guilty for considering doing anything with another man.
She was still attracted to Curt, but Scott was beginning to flood her mind.
Brinkley was dressed when she left the bathroom, walking into the room to a rousing Curt, who rubbed his head as if it ached. 
“Good morning,” She chirped, trying not to sound too chipper, but clearly in a much better mood than Curt. 
“Mmphf,” was his gruff answer, “Not so far…”
“Well it's early, it could get a lot better!” she stayed positive, trying to get him moving. 
“I don’t think so,” He groaned again, “not today,”
Brinkley walked over to him and sat on the bed. She reached out feeling his forehead, noticing he looked pale. He was definitely warm. This might not be the brown-bottle-flu after all. She wasn’t sure what the protocol was on the road if someone was ill. 
“I think you might actually be sick,” She slid her hand from his forehead to his cheek, “Do I need to see about getting the room for another day?”
“Fuck no,” he said, “We have to get on the road. Doesn’t matter if we’re sick or not,”
“You can’t work if you’re sick,” She argued. 
“Honey, there’s no such thing as calling in sick on the road,” He sat up, chuckling at her concern, “I’ll live,”
“Well, you need to rest. I’m driving today.” She snatched the keys from the table before he could. 
“I don’t need no kid taking care of me,” He scoffed, but fell back to the bed as his head throbbed.
“Kid?!” She slapped his arm, “I may not be an old vet like you, but I’m not a kid,”
“I know, Jesus, you know what I meant,” He groaned as he sat back up. He dressed slowly as Brinkley loaded the car. She made him lay in the backseat as Scott walked up. 
“Damn, you look cute,” Scott looked her up and down, his sunglasses hiding the knowing glint in his eye. Brinkley looked over herself, just in shorts and a tank top. 
“Thanks,” She still couldn’t help but eat up his attention, “By the way, you’re at my mercy today,” she said jingling the keys, “Hennig is sick,”
“At your mercy, huh? I think I could handle that,” he looked her up and down again as he threw his bag in the trunk, “Sick? What the fuck happened to you, Curt?”
“No fucking idea,” He was irritated by their banter already. 
“He’s got a fever,” Brinkley said, looking back over the seat as she slid into the driver’s side, “But he still has to wrestle?” She did feel some real concern for him.
“Yeah, unless you are completely incapacitated, you better just suck it up,” Scott slid in as well, wishing that he’d driven instead;  he could think of things she could do to pass the time. 
“That's not fair,” Brinkley frowned,  but knew full well professional wrestling was about the most unfair industry that she knew. 
Curt stayed in the car while Scott and Brinkley went into the gym. She tried to keep things as normal as possible,  but everyone could see that they were definitely closer than before. The sideways glances, the knowing smirks, the murmured comments all made the rest whisper among themselves.
Brinkley waited in the car while the rest went to the tanning salon, bringing Curt water and checking on him. She sat in the back, his head laying in her lap after his initial protests had failed.  He was secretly glad they did.  Her lap was soft and the way she dragged her fingernails through his hair relaxed him. 
He still felt like shit.  In his mind he was trying to think of what he could possibly take to get through the match.  He didn't dare bring that up with Brinkley. She was still shielded from that side,  though she knew it existed. 
“Is there anything else I can do?” Brinkley asked,  feeling as if she could do more. 
“What you're doing now is helping more than you know,” he crossed his arms over his chest as he caught a chill from the gentle tickle of her nails, “Thank you,”
“You don't have to thank me, I'm always here for you as a friend at the very least. Maybe I could fight your match for you,” she teased. 
Curt smiled,  his eyes still closed, “You'd do that for me?” He imagined her against Kevin in the ring.  She'd be like a little chihuahua biting at a Rottweiler's ankles.
“Of course,  I owe everything to you,” she felt his forehead again,  it felt slightly cooler, but still feverish. 
“That's probably a dangerous thing to say to someone,” Curt looked up at her, “but you're not wrong,”
Curt snuck away long enough to acquire something pharmaceutically strong enough to get him through the next two hours. He convinced Brinkley he was just feeling better. She was suspicious, but didn't pressure him for more details. She was disappointed for a moment that she wouldn't get more ring time. 
Tonight, she stared Kevin down every time he even looked in her direction. He didn't back down from it, daring her to get in the ring. She did, improvising by breaking up a cover attempt by yanking on his hair hard enough that he ended up on his back.  She knew she was going to earn a receipt, but now was as good a time as any to get her first.
Kevin raised his eyebrows as he stalked her in the ring. He grabbed her by the hair, his long reach benefited him. She found herself again with her head between his legs, but Curt wasn't there to interfere.  She was lifted and spun up. She remembered to tuck her head, but the flat bump on the mat was not soft as he flung her down with force.
Her breath was nearly knocked from her lungs, but she lay flat and unmoving to sell it. Curt received one as well,  taking the cover.  She was sure he didn't hit the mat as nearly as hard as she did. 
She let Curt drag her out of the ring and throw her over his shoulder on the way backstage. Kevin waited for her, his hands on his hips looking her over. 
“There’s a ring gym in Cedar Rapids, we can work out something for TV there” he offered, “Good bump,” he followed up before turning into their locker room.
“Damn,  looks like everyone wants you these days,” Curt joked, but wasn't thrilled with the idea of Kevin training her alone. He had to assume Scott would be there though, and that's who he trusted the most. 
“The fact that he doesn't want to murder me is a marked improvement”. 
Her eyes went immediately to Scott as they entered the locker room. He was in his ring gear which she appreciated now more than ever. She hoped she'd get more ring time with him - she found the idea of working a match with him incredibly erotic.
“I think I'm gonna go watch his match from the curtain,” Brinkley moved to follow him out. 
“Girl you need to get all your shit together,” Curt warned, not wanting to stick around any longer than possible. 
“I don't have much, it's pretty much already done!” She fibbed a little, slipping out of the door.
“Don't tell me…” Kevin said as she left. 
“Scott say something to you?” Curt knew better than to substantiate rumors.
“Are you kidding, haven't heard hardly anything from him in the last three days. Hell, last night got back from the bar and he's out cold. Stone cold sober, too. I've had questions…but he ain't told me shit,” Kevin shrugged, but shook his head.
“Well that's not like him,” Curt agreed.
“So I gotta assume it's something with Brink,” he jutted his thumb in her general direction.
“I think that's the first time you've ever called her by her actual name,” Curt realized,  “Don't tell me you're going soft…”
Kevin scoffed, but laughed after.
“Shut up,  Hennig,” he said, unlacing his boots.
“I have GOT to go shopping sometime soon,” Brinkley mumbled in the hotel room, trying to figure out something to wear that she hadn’t already thrown on a thousand times this trip. At this moment, she despised how easily the guys got away with wearing the same thing. A few tshirts, jeans, shorts, on a cycle and no one batted an eye. 
“Want me to drop you off at the mall,” Curt teased, lounging back on the bed as he watched her.
“No,” She huffed at him, “Just…just need something to wear out or whatever,” She dug through her bag as if there were some clothes she may have missed, knowing there weren’t. She grabbed the only thing slightly dressy, a dark floral sundress and dressed in the bathroom. 
“‘Cause you wanna look hot for Scott, right?” He smirked at the way she tried not to fidget at the sound of his name when she emerged, the dress almost too flattering.
“I just want something NEW,” She argued without denying his assumption, “And I really want to get another ring outfit,” She couldn’t help but whine, stomping her foot even.
“Brinkley, come here,” Curt beckoned her by curling a finger. She crawled onto the bed kneeling at his side, “Nope, all the way,” He patted his lap. Brinkley looked unsure at first, but did swing her leg over him, straddling his waist, “Much better.”
“You know…” his hands rubbed slowly up and down her thighs, barely under the hem of the skirt, “Nobody here gives a shit what you wear, we all know you’re hot,” He tried not to picture what outfits he might want her to wear. 
“The girls do,” She countered, knowing the other women in the organization would definitely notice, “I have room in my bag,” she picked at the buttons of his shirt, trying to keep her pout minimal.
“I’ll buy you a new ring outfit,” He grumbled, “I know someone we can call something into and figure out a way to get it shipped on the road,”
“Really?” She perked up a little, squirming. He looked down to his lap and back up at her. She bit her lip as she went back to sitting still, “That would be awesome! I want something purple this time. And more sparkly. And maybe some ORANGE!” She had ideas rushing to her head now that translated into spirited movements, “Thank you,” 
“Speaking of thanking me,” His hands squeezed her thighs a little, “I think I recall someone last night issuing me a rain check,”
“But you’re sick,” she reminded him,”Even though somehow you were magically all better at the show…” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’m not that sick and I do feel better…” He ignored her accusational tone as his hands slid up farther and gripped her hips, “Be a good time to give this old man a good ride,” 
Brinkley couldn’t deny that there was a rush of arousal that made her sex twinge, but there was an uncomfortable nag in the back of her mind that she couldn’t quite place. 
“I’m not…you’re not buying it for me because we’re having sex…right?” She wanted to clarify because she knew things could get misconstrued very quickly.
“Fuck no!” Curt was almost offended at her question, but calmed his tone when she seemed to pull back from his harsh response, “No, not at all…just because you’ve earned it. You’ve worked really hard out here on the road and put up with all of us veterans and our bullshit better than most.”
“I don't want you to feel obligated to buy me things…that's all. I get paid to do this job, too. Might not be as much as you,  but you paid for the rooms, the car…I already feel like a freeloader,” she counted off the examples.
“You're not a freeloader,” Curt bit back telling her she'd earned her keep; that would negate his insistence that she was trading sex for favors from him, “Maybe we should stop, if that's how it makes you feel,”
“It doesn't make me feel like that…” she mumbled, only being partially truthful, “Maybe, sometimes…”
Curt couldn’t ignore that part of him felt crushed and extremely guilty for making her feel that way.  Perhaps moving her to other trainers and putting some distance between them was for the best. 
“I don't want you to feel like that. Ever.” He slipped his hands over hers, “That's my fault baby girl,” he chuckled a little, “Guess I need to find you a new nickname,”
“What? No! I like it when you call me that…” she protested, wiggling on him a bit. He hummed a little as she pressed against his lap. 
“Might not be very professional - I'll try to come up with a new one,” he bit his lip, looking where her legs splayed over him. 
“Do….do you think it really would make you feel better?” She was working herself up sitting on him like this.  She couldn't ignore the hump she was sitting on stiffening.
“Brinkley…we probably shouldn’t,” he had to force the words from his mouth. She nodded and slipped off of him. It took all he had not to grab her and pull her back on top of him. 
A knock at the door only added insult to injury when Scott stood on the other side. Brinkley's bright, wide smile didn't help. 
“How ya feeling, Curt?” He walked in,  “ you look better than this afternoon,”
“Yeah, don't think I'm going to be going out though,” he could tell by the way she was looking at Scott that she'd be wherever he went that night. 
“Mind if I borrow this one to keep the boys in line,” Scott winked at her.
“Up to her,” Curt said rather than saying what he really wanted to. 
“Where are we going?” She excitedly asked Scott.
“Shhhh baby, or we're gonna have an audience,” Scott grunted, holding his hand over her mouth as she moaned. He had her pinned against the brick wall outside of the bar, plowing her roughly.
There was only so much of her ‘fuck me’ eyes he could take throughout the night without some kind of response. He'd drug her out the back door and into the alley. He was glad she'd worn such a short dress. 
Brinkley had only his large frame to hold on to, her thighs hugging his waist tightly, her hands gripped into his shoulders. The bricks were digging into her back as she was fucked against them. 
He was not gentle, ramming his raging hard cock deep into her cunt. He didn't take his time either, his punishing pace clearly too much for her. Without his hand smothering her cries of pleasure,  they'd definitely be found. 
The straps of the dress fell down her arms and the front fell away from her breasts, only adding to Scott's fevered arousal. He dropped his hand from her mouth to palm her tits roughly. 
Brinkley could hardly ride out an entire orgasm without being tempted into another by his thrusts. She was grateful for his strength, she would have collapsed long ago without it.
She bit her lip, trying her best to keep quiet. She found it nearly impossible whe Scott's intense stare met her's. The pleasure she felt was so much more profound with the intimacy that came with holding each other's gaze.
“Dammit,” he growled, gritting his teeth, “I gotta cum in that pussy,” 
She nodded quickly, begging him to do so.
“God, yes, please cum in me. I wanna feel you cum,” She whimpered almost as pitiful as she felt, completely at his disposal. She felt a heat flood her as he buried himself completely. He grunted loudly in time with his spasming cock.
She struggled to catch her breath as he leaned heavily into her body, out of breath himself. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tightly to keep from sliding down the rough wall.
“Scott, that was….that was…” she searched her blank mind for words that refused to come to her. 
“I agree,” he chuckled airily, “Fuck, that was hot.” He held onto her legs, feeling them shaking a little.  He lowered her slowly, making sure she was steady before letting go.  He tucked himself away as she fixed the bodice of her dress and straightened the hem.
“HALL!” A booming voice came from the back door as it flew open,”Where the fuck did he go now?” Nash looked around until he spotted them near the corner of the building. They had only just made themselves decent, but still seemed to be suspiciously catching their breath. “Are you fucking kidding me??” Kevin looked at them with a knowing, judgmental glare.
“What?” Scott held up his hands, shrugging, “needed some fresh air,” he knew the excuse was lame and out of anyone, he wouldn't get anything past Kevin.
“Did you find him?” Steve popped out of the back now, followed by Rick and then Eddie, “What..what's going on out here?” He motioned between them, surprise on all of their faces.
Brinkley hoped the darkness hid her flushed face. She wanted to hide behind Scott at this point,  wondering if anyone would believe any innocent excuse.
“Geez guys, like I'd be lucky enough to hit something this hot. She was light headed, needed some air.” Scott rolled his eyes, playing off the lie well. He knew that he wouldn't be completely believed,  but they would be less likely to question him. 
“I thought I was gonna get sick,” she admitted sheepishly. She could feel his cum soaking into her panties and though she felt like a fraud, they seemed to back off at her untruthful admission, “but I feel better now,” 
“Well let's tie another one on then,” Eddie motioned for them all to go back into the bar.
She followed Scott in, only followed by Kevin.
“I bet you do feel better,” Kevin smirked as she looked over her shoulder at him, “that's pretty much the same thing every other broad he's nailed has said,”
“We weren't doing anything,” she reiterated, turning away from him. 
“Sure, sure,” Kevin answered sarcastically, “Might want to make up an excuse for why your back is all scratched up then…”
Kevin’s comment made her self-conscious as she tried to keep her back to everyone. Thankfully, the bar was dimly lit. She tried to drink away her discomfort, forgetting that someone they’d need to get back from the bar was supposed to be her.. 
Scott was too far gone to drive and she was in no shape to drive either. She knew that Curt would be upset if they left the car at the bar, but had little other choice. Kevin offered to drive, the least inebriated of the crew. Brinkley essentially passed out as soon as she slipped into the backseat. 
“A little young isn’t she?” Kevin said as they pulled away, knowing Scott too well to believe his excuse earlier.
“Man, she’s a good kid, you’re too hard on her.” Scott tried to take Kevin’s words incorrectly on purpose. 
“I think you’re hard on her enough for both of us,” He scoffed, “You really think I can’t tell when you’re fucking someone and when you’re not?”
“It’s just been a couple times, not like we’re eloping,” Scott shook his head, knowing Kevin had had his fair share of road tail, too much to be judgemental about anyone else. 
“But…I mean you know Curt’s tappin’ that too,” Kevin said as if it were common knowledge, “She probably jumped on his dick as soon as that mentorship started,” He surmised. 
Scott felt a surprising anger surge as he bit back an impulsive response. He hadn’t thought it was that obvious, but he’d known about it since the tour started. 
“He may not like you moving in on his territory,” 
“He doesn’t own her,” Scott snipped a little, “She can do what she wants,” He shrugged, but knew he’d rather have her exclusively. 
“Maybe I’ll take a run at it, I mean as long as she’s handing it out,” Kevin wanted to see what kind of reaction Scott would give him. He had a suspicion that Scott may have been a little smitten, when he should be in it only to get his rocks off. 
“Dude, back off. She’s not like the rest of those whores,” Scott vaguely referred to the female talent that was more interested in notching their belt than winning one in the ring. 
“You sure about that?” Kevin posed the question. He was only bringing it up to make sure Scott was thinking straight, but it was likely not going to work after a night at the bar. 
“Back off,” Scott warned him once more. Kevin just sighed and shook his head. 
Scott didn’t bother to see if Curt was still awake, carrying Brinkley into his and Kevin’s room and laying her in his bed. Kevin was not thrilled with the idea, but Scott wasn’t interested in his opinion on the matter.
“She’s sleeping, I’m exhausted. Just go to bed and forget about it,” Scott suggested, climbing into bed himself. He hoped he’d pass out soon to keep his hands from doing their own wandering.
Scott woke first, feeling a little lethargic, but not terrible. He heard Kevin’s occasional snore and felt Brinkley against his side. She must have nestled up to him in the night. Her bare thigh lay over his and her skirt had bunched around her waist in the night. He probably couldn’t get up to get a condom without waking Kevin up. He cursed at that fact. 
He wondered if he could wake her and sneak her to Curt’s room - he might have a better chance at letting her work out his morning wood. 
Several sharp raps at the door stirred everyone, Scott cursed again as he rose to answer it. 
Curt stood at the door, looking irritated as he immediately looked around Scott into the room, seeing a waking Brinkley. 
“Jesus, at least let me know what’s going on when you leave,” Curt was relieved, but still upset over waking up in his room alone, wondering if she was ok. 
“Sorry,” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes, “I think I passed out,”
“Well, it's not these guys' job to make sure you don’t fall down drunk, that’s my job. Let’s go,"he snapped. 
Brinkley slid out of bed, embarrassed by being chastised by Curt in front of Scott and Kevin. She couldn’t bring herself to snip back at him now, but she would when they were alone. He couldn’t treat her like a child just because he was pissed off at her. 
Scott didn’t like it either, Curt should know he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. But it didn’t seem like the time or the place to confront him about it. He would have his hands full of Kevin’s smug ‘I told you so’s’ this morning.
“You didn’t have to embarrass me like that,” She snidely remarked as Curt slammed the door behind him. 
“Oh, I didn’t?” He stood with his hands on his hips, “I was just supposed to assume you weren’t in a gutter somewhere??”
“Good god, you knew I was with them,” She rolled her eyes, taking a handful of tylenol, “I know how to take care of myself,”
“The hell you do,” He seethed, “If you knew how many of those guys backstage would fuck you and not care if you wanted it or not, you’d never leave my side,” 
“They do not,” She replied, but not sure if she believed herself. 
“I’m not saying you can’t trust anybody…but you have to be more careful than most. It's not fair, but that’s what it is,” He wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. 
“But you knew I was with Scott,” She tried to reason.
“Yeah, but I don’t know if he really cares about you or if you are just an easy hole to fill,” He didn’t like the words as they left his mouth and he could see that they definitely struck her harshly. She looked away from him, crossing her arms across her chest protectively. 
The silence that stretched between them was thick and he regretted his tone more by the second. 
“I’m going to take a shower,” She replied, more meekly than she’d like, but her voice was shaky. 
Curt cursed silently to himself, running his hand through his hair. He knew part of him was upset that he woke up feeling completely better and wanted to see if she would still be receptive like she almost had been the night before. She deserved to know he cared about her. She didn’t deserve to be slut-shamed for doing something he was mostly responsible for anyway.
He sat on the bed, leaning forward on his knees as the shower stopped. She opened the door, looking out as if hoping he’d left. He felt guilt gnaw at him again. What a mentor he was. 
“Brinkley, can you come here for a minute,” He asked much more kindly than before. He could tell she was skeptical, but tightened the towel around her. He was relieved when she walked up to him, “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that to you,” He reached out, taking her hand in both of his. He leaned his forehead against her knuckles, “I was worried, probably jealous, not thinking straight. That’s all on me, not you,” 
Brinkley felt relief spread over her with each word. She did not like feeling as if she’d disappointed him. She craved his approval so much that anything to the contrary felt awful. But she also realized she couldn’t let him know that he could manipulate her so easily. 
“Thank you,” She said, not pulling her hand away, “I know you care about me and I’m not saying you shouldn’t worry. But you can’t treat me like a china doll or some toddler. I might be young, but I’m an adult and if I make bad choices, I have to live with the consequences. I’ll never learn that if you keep trying to fix everything for me.”
Curt nodded, still looking at her hand. 
“And yeah, I don’t know Scott like you do, and I’m young and dumb still, but I don’t think he’s just using me.” She wanted to believe her words, just hoping they were true, “But…if he is, then I’m going to have to deal with that,” 
“I know. I know I have to back off, I just didn’t know it would be so hard,” He looked up at her, realizing that he’d been so cocky that he hadn’t reigned himself in like he should have, “I’m sorry,” he looked up at her with genuine sincerity. 
Brinkley resisted crawling into his lap to make him feel better. That was exactly what he was talking about. They had blurred too many boundaries and it wasn’t going to do either of them any favors to keep blurring them. 
Why did she want him so badly right now?
At the ring in Cedar Rapids, Curt sat down with Brinkley as they sketched out her new outfit. They were able to scan and upload the sketch and email it to his contact.  After a brief phone call, the details were solidified and Brinkley was extremely excited, only bummed that she'd have to wait at least another week and pick them up during the Florida leg of the tour. She was grateful Curt generously paid for it to be expedited.
She let Kevin’s remarks from the bar roll off her back as he and Scott worked with her in the ring. Curt remained a silent observer, though he had to bite his tongue multiple times.  But he was relieved when Brinkley would fall back on what she learned from him. 
“You're sandbagging him, girl,” Scott called out as she took repeated bumps from Kevin body slamming her. 
“I know,” she said, laying on the mat out of breath, “Sorry,  just tired,” she spun up though, ready to take another. She jumped better this time, making his lift effortless, but instead of slamming her down, he carried her across the ring. He handed her off to Scott, who laughed, flipping her so she was lounging in his arms instead, “Cute…” she narrowed her eyes at Kevin, “You really showed me,” she scoffed sarcastically.
Scott leaned into the side of her head, mumbling softly.
“Get ‘im, tiger,” he encouraged her smart mouth. He sat her on the top turnbuckle next,  turning his back to her and leaning into her.  She rested her arms on his shoulder.
“Gotta get through him if you wanna get to me,” she referred to Scott as her shield and he snarled In Kevin's direction.
“Jesus, get a room,”  he rolled his eyes stepping over the top rope, “ 15 minutes, then we're back at it,”
“I can make 15 minutes work,” Scott leaned between her legs more.
“I'd rather you have as much time as you want,” she whispered back.
Curt tried not to look on too much,  but to anyone it would be obvious that something was happening between Scott and Brinkley. He wished people backstage would let them be,  but that was unlikely.
He had to admit, Brinkley might have been on to something about Scott’s interest being genuine.
After the break, Kevin brought in a local female wrestler about Brinkley's size. It was an adjustment working with someone not hulkingly larger than her. It felt different,  it felt more real. The match was as basic as could be,  but all three men complimented her afterwards as she thanked the other woman for sparring.
She couldn't stop smiling in the back of the car on the way to the venue, thinking about how somehow she managed to find people that would help her, even if they weren't necessarily her biggest fan. 
Curt noticed her happiness in the rearview. He needed that to be his goal, he needed that reaction to make him feel like he'd done his job and it was working.
Tonight was another TV night and though she was nervous, Kevin still ribbed her about how long she wanted to make out that night. The more he did it,  the more she was irritated by the joke,  but the more she thought of a way to finally get him back. 
She dragged Scott to a quiet place the first chance she had.
“Finally,  I wanted to ask you a favor,” she whispered in the dark hallway, she looked around the corner to make sure they weren't followed.
“You read my mind,” Scott leaned down, holding her face as he kissed her with some urgency. She couldn't push him away, gasping with surprise, but letting her arms wrap around his neck. He was already dressed and partially oiled up. She oddly wondered how he’d taste if she blew him directly from a match,  still sweaty and spent. She tried to shake the torrid thought from her mind. 
“As much as I'd like to keep that going…I had another idea…if you think you're game,” she pulled away from him with regret.
“You look like you've got something pretty devious,” he noted the wicked gleam in her eyes, “What do you need?”
The crowd was definitely reacting differently to her and Curt, booing Kevin as he walked in after them, accompanying Scott.
Curt and Scott locked up and Brinkley knew to keep Kevin in her periphery at all times.  Even as she jumped up on the apron to distract the ref, she kept Kevin in sight. She interfered with Scott’s cover and he stomped Curt once more before stalking her. He grabbed her by the hair as she tried to free herself, wagging his finger at her. He encouraged Kevin to step up to the apron and dragged her over towards him. 
“No,  no,  no!” She tried to pull away from Scott as she neared Kevin. But just as Kevin closed his eyes and stuck his lips out for an animated kiss, Brinkley grabbed Scott’s waist instead, pushing him into Kevin's waiting kiss. The men's lips touched and both reacted animatedly disgusted. The venue filled with laughs and cheers, Curt rolled a distracted Scott up for a three count. 
He slid out,  celebrating with Brinkley on the side as Kevin and Scott acted furious. Brinkley pointed and laughed, waving her fingers at Kevin as they backed up the ramp.
“That was pretty damn good,” Curt said into her ear while the crowd still cheered, “You come up with that on your own?”
She bit her lip and nodded, still giggling. She beamed as she could see the pride in Curt's face, “I got him so good,” she stuck her tongue out at Kevin from afar. 
She owed Scott big for the assist. She couldn't say she hated the dark, angry look he was shooting back at her. 
She made sure that someone was between her and the doorway when Kevin and Scott returned to the locker room. Everyone was watching one of the two as Brinkley paced and kept herself somewhere with an escape plan.
“I didn't think you had that in you, Brink,” Kevin said.
“Maybe I have a flair for theatrics after all?” She tried to keep a straight face, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
“You got me back, you embarrassed the opponent, you got a hell of a pop from the crowd…I'm pretty sure you just got yourself a spot in the next pay-per-view,” he counted off the points on his fingers, “and even better, you got Creative's attention. They are wanting to talk tonight,”
“This isn't one of those things where you try to get my guard down then jump me in the back is it?” She narrowed her eyes at him, but looked at Scott, too.
“I promise, this is on the level.  Get dressed and let's go,” Scott affirmed. She hoped she could trust him,  she was too excited not to. 
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terracottaheart26 · 1 year
Ya Amar
Chapter 4
Pairings: Marc Spector x Female!oc, Steven Grant x Female!oc, Jake Lockley x Female!oc
Genre: Fluff (angst and smut later on)
Summary: About 6 years ago, Marc Spector had a small whirlwind romance with a young woman after leaving home, though he fears attachment and leaves her behind. When he finally meets her again after 6 years, with a few surprises, could he bear to face her and reveal his truth?
Attn: Hey! Sorry it too me this long for chapter 4, been busy with work and some writers block, but glad you’re liking this series so far! Thank you! Also not much Steven or jake this chapter, but more to come soon <3
Steven and Jake waited impatiently while Marc typed up a simple text. He had a little difficulty though, tapping his foot with furrowed brows on the creaky floorboards of the old London flat. Why was this so difficult? It’s not like he was asking her out on a date, maybe at some point, but he’d want to try and go slow this time around. Wanting to try and spend some time with the three of them. Try and get to know them.
“Doesn’t mean you don’t also wanna do a ‘one on one’ jefé”
Jake snickered in the mind space, earning a soft chuckle from Steven. Marc flushing a bit and wishing they go away. Not like he wouldn’t want to spend time with her again.
“Guys, I’m trying to concentrate here” he mutters, throwing the phone aside and laying down onto the couch. Done with their bickering. It was like having two angels on his shoulders! Steven couldn’t stop fawning over how cute the twins were, and Jake needed to keep his own opinions to himself. He had enough of listening to what a MILF Terra was.
A small beep interrupted his thoughts.
Scurrying up from the bed, he found his phone and saw he’d received a message from an unknown number. Oh wait, she’d texted him, not like he was the only one who got a number after heading out from the bed and breakfast.
[Terra] Hey! Didn’t know. If you were up, but I was wondering if you would wanna hang out with the three of us tomorrow? The kids want to head to the zoo :)
The zoo? Him in a zoo. He hadn’t gone to one since he’d lived at home, since Randall, and it seemed like a fun idea. Would it seem forced though? Maybe the kids wouldn’t want him hanging around their mom.
“It’s a wonderful idea! This is a chance we were looking for, innit?
Not like he was wrong, it would be a good opportunity to know the twins some more. And now thinking about it, they did seem to like him the other day, finding Terra smiling from across the way. She seemed to be admiring him.
He’d sent a text back as quick as he could, smiling a bit from. Her quick response back.
[Marc] That sounds good, what time would you want to meet up?
[Terra] We’re going to meet up at the bed and breakfast and use my cousins car to drive there, 10 am! See you then!
“She seems excited, huh?” Jake laughs, not like he hadn’t noticed Marcs reaction to the text as well. From the tank, he watched Marc plop himself up, grabbing and fixing some clothes from his closet. Trying to figure out what would be best.
“Not like you wear anything different besides a shirt and button up” “Says the guy who wears too many layers and nothing else”
And there they bicker again. Marc groaning and just dropping a light great t shirt onto the chair, along with a pair of jeans and his usual boots. Not like he was one for dressing up anyway, better to go casual right? He figured that was best and got ready for bed. Setting an alarm before he slept.
Cellphone. Check. Watch? Check. He combed his hair back, fixed his jeans and tied his boots, grabbing his keys and wallet, and heading out the door. Taking a deep breath while rushing out the door. On the way he’d gotten a thumbs up from Steven, and an small smile from Jake. It was the best he could ask for.
He arrived a few minutes earlier than scheduled, thankful there wasn’t much to deal with on the train, and soon spotted a few figured in the distance. The gentleman, Terra’s cousin, handing the keys and patting the kids on the heads before heading back inside the house.
He’d tensed up a bit but took another deep breath and silently approached them. She looked happy to see them, little Luke hid a bit behind his mothers leg but Leia full on gave a wave and grin. Happy to see him.shed trotted over, throwing on her hood and giving a small twirl.
“I got this outfit from auntie, is it cute?” She asks, big doe eyes gazing up at him.
It was adorable. She was dressed in a red panda onesie,her brother in a matching one. With her twirl he even noticed their costume came with tails. She awaited his answer, and all he could do in response was smile softly at her and pat her head. “It’s adorable” that earned a soft giggle from her. Helping lead her towards her mother.
And with that they were on their way, after setting the kids in their booster seats, Terra drove the entire way there. She’d noticed Marc a little tense now that he’d gotten in the car and buckled himself up, so she once again held his hand in her own. Feeling his hand loosen and ever so slightly grip her own back. She smiles.
“Kinda quiet huh?” She quips, looking back and spotting the twins having fallen asleep, knowing well they always did during car rides.
“I’m sorry, I just, is this really okay? Me being here?” He coughs and gripped her hand a little tighter. Hoping for some reassurance.
Terra smiled a warm smile. He might seem tense but it showed that he really thought about this. “Marc, I wanted you to come, the twins too, I’m happy you’re here”
After a long drive, they’d finally arrived. Using a pass her cousin gave her, the twins woke up fast, ushering themselves in and wanting to bolt to the first enclosure.
“Guys! Wait for us!” Terra calls out, holding Marc’s hand to bring him along. He just hoped she didn’t feel how fast his pulse was. The bit of red on his cheeks. He heard a mental quip from his head, snickers, even a jab at his heart racing. ‘Shut it’ he barks back mentally, feeling himself stop and finding the twins climbing the bars of the enclosure.
Terra stepping forward to lend them some support so they wouldn’t fall.
They just observe every stop they could at that point. The twins favorite being the tiger enclosure. Both sitting as still as possible while watching the tiger pace back and forth by the glass. They did let out a small shriek of joy when watching the large cat lay on its side, facing them, the twins bouncing on their heels.
A laugh from their mother.
At the afternoon mark, she’d suggested they get some food. There happened to be a picnic area nearby, searching for her wallet to buy some food, but Marc offered to pay instead. Insisting she had driven them there after all.
Bellies full, they continued on their way, after a quick bathroom break of course.
Now Marc had been offered a hand, Luke’s, and he’d gone along with him behind his sister and mother who’d bolted further ahead at a particular exhibit. The older man looked down and saw the small yawn. His small fist rubbing his eye softly.
“Need a hand little man?” He wonders, not knowing what would he should do in this situation. “M’tired” he got in response.
He got that, felt it in his very being, so he did the only thing he thought was right. “Okay little guy, hold on, I’m picking you up” A small huff, Marc lifted up the child with ease, and set him on his shoulders. Should be a casual thing right? He felt the small hands rest on his head, legs dangling on his shoulders and over his chest. “Better?”
Marc’s heart melted when feeling a hug, and a small nod in response. “Mhmm” was all he heard. Catching up to Terra, he noticed she had Leia in her own arms. The young girl having her smaller arms on her mothers shoulders, struggling to keep her eyes open but to no avail. Small head resting on her shoulder.
“Think we should head back for the day before they become cranky” she insists, patting Leia’s back softly with a small hum.
“Didn’t think they’d fall asleep this fast” “Well, they woke me up early for this, but also got excited you’d be coming along” Terra admits, a small blush of her own. “And honestly, me too” Seeing both twins asleep, she raised up a bit and gave him the softest peck on the cheek. “I’m glad you came along”
Marc could only blush and smile in response.
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