#Ethical Design and Development
pddparthi · 1 year
The Ethical Considerations of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
The rapid advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have brought forth a multitude of ethical considerations of robotics that need to be carefully examined. As robots and AI systems become more integrated into our daily lives, it is essential to reflect upon the potential impact they can have on society, individuals, and the ethical values we hold. In this article, we…
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Dive into the world where human intuition seamlessly integrates with AI brilliance in web development. Elevate your online presence with the perfect fusion of creativity and technology.
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captaingimpy · 5 months
Comparative Analysis: The Design and Impact of "Oregon Trail" and "Papers, Please"
Introduction In the world of video games, few titles manage to transcend the boundaries of entertainment to offer profound insights into the human condition and historical contexts. “Oregon Trail” and “Papers, Please” are two games that do just that, using the medium to educate and provoke thought through the lens of resource management and ethical decision-making. This essay explores the…
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jcmarchi · 2 months
A mindset for fairer AI in criminal justice
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-mindset-for-fairer-ai-in-criminal-justice/
A mindset for fairer AI in criminal justice
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is being discussed nearly everywhere these days, including in legal circles. AI promises efficiency and objectivity, which are sorely needed in the justice system, but there are also horror stories, including racial bias against criminal defendants and even innocent individuals being wrongfully arrested.
The root cause often lies in the inherent biases within some algorithms that power AI systems, but the problem runs deeper than that. It’s also about the data the systems are trained on, the goals we set for AI systems, how those are applied, and how we interpret the results. It’s not just technology – it’s us.
Enter Public Interest Technology (PIT), which we can think of as an essential mindset that focuses us on selecting, implementing, and evaluating AI systems in ways that are fair, just, and human-centered. It’s an approach that sets our sights squarely on the decisions that are most important when it comes to protecting people from the actual harms of bias and discrimination.
Public Interest Technology can act as a guiding framework that supports the development, implementation, and governance of AI in the criminal justice system to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
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What exactly is Public Interest Technology?
Public Interest Technology is a human-centered approach to technology that prioritizes social justice, fairness, and equity in the design, development, and implementation of technological solutions.
Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, explains that PIT focuses less on the technology itself and more on ethics, human rights, and social justice [1]. It emphasizes a socio-technological approach that prioritizes people’s needs over unchecked technological development. In essence, PIT seeks to ensure that technology serves us and not the other way around.
This means designing, using, and regulating technology to benefit everyone, especially those from vulnerable or historically marginalized groups. It’s about making sure everyone has a say in decisions about the tech that affects their lives.
AI in justice contexts
AI is already used in the criminal justice system to identify suspects, predict re-offense risk, and suggest criminal sentences. These are all powerful tools that promise to improve justice outcomes and positively affect society as a whole. 
However, these same tools can and have perpetuated discrimination when not carefully and thoughtfully applied. 
According to the ACLU, “…there have been at least seven wrongful arrests we know of in the United States due to police reliance on incorrect face recognition results — and those are just the known cases. In nearly every one of those instances, the person wrongfully arrested was Black” [2].
Further, recidivism prediction tools, such as COMPAS, have been criticized as unfairly categorizing Black men as high-risk for reoffense when compared to their White counterparts [3].  Some criminal courts are using this information to inform the sentencing decisions judges make [4]. Even worse, these AI tools are often opaque, meaning the decision-making processes they use are either unclear or entirely unknown.
Tackling algorithmic bias head-on
Algorithmic bias in facial recognition and recidivism prediction tools occurs in part due to biased data, poorly devised algorithms, and problematic feature sets.  But it’s also due to a lack of human guidance and governance structures that restrain, shape, and guide the safe implementation of the technology. PIT not only emphasizes improving the technology itself but also stresses continued human management of those systems to recognize, address, and eliminate biased outcomes altogether.
For instance, researchers in New Zealand are developing transparent models for assessing assault cases in criminal courts [5]. Unlike the COMPAS program described above, these researchers are developing transparent AI models that open the model’s decisions to scrutiny. By making the inner workings of the AI clear, it’s easier to identify and correct potential biases and thereby prevent harm. 
This aligns with the core PIT principles of transparency and accountability that contribute to fair outcomes and societal trust in these systems.
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Human in the Loop
In addition to improving transparency, PIT also highlights the importance of human oversight. The concept of having a human in the loop is mandatory to ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency [6]. AI can be powerful in many respects, but it cannot replace human judgment, especially in high-stakes settings like the justice system. 
Humans should not only be involved in developing and using AI, but they should always have the power to override AI-based decisions in any given case. This doesn’t guarantee fairer outcomes (human judges can be biased, too), but it does create accountability for the final result. It’s impossible to hold an algorithm accountable. It’s entirely possible to criticize and potentially remove an unfair judge.
A fairer tech future
PIT isn’t a magic solution. Mindsets alone will not solve the problems that AI poses to society. However, it does focus our attention on implementing AI systems in ways that promote justice and equity, especially in the most sensitive of areas, like the criminal justice system. 
By upholding values like fairness, transparency, and human oversight, PIT can help us minimize AI risks and ensure that this powerful technology serves society as a whole.
As AI becomes further intertwined with our lives, PIT will become even more crucial. By working together – technologists, policymakers, advocates, and the public – we can build a future where AI is a force for good, not harm. 
After all, technology should always be a tool for justice, not a weapon of discrimination.
[1] Walker, D. (n.d.). Deprogramming Implicit Bias: The Case for Public Interest Technology. https://doi.org/10.1162/daed_a_02059
[2] Wessler, N. F. (2024, April 30). Police Say a Simple Warning Will Prevent Face Recognition Wrongful Arrests. That’s Just Not True. | ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union. https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/police-say-a-simple-warning-will-prevent-face-recognition-wrongful-arrests-thats-just-not-true#:~:text=To%20date%2C%20there%20have%20ben
[3] Angwin, J., Larson, J., Mattu, S., & Kirchner, L. (2016, May 23). Machine Bias. ProPublica. https://www.propublica.org/article/machine-bias-risk-assessments-in-criminal-sentencing
[4] Hao, K. (2019, January 21). AI Is Sending People to Jail—and Getting It Wrong. MIT Technology Review. https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/01/21/137783/algorithms-criminal-justice-ai/
[5] Rodger, H., Lensen, A., & Betkier, M. (2022). Explainable artificial intelligence for assault sentence prediction in New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 53(1), 133–147. https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2022.2114506
[6] Mosqueira-Rey, E., Hernández-Pereira, E., Alonso-Ríos, D., Bobes-Bascarán, J., & Fernández-Leal, Á. (2022). Human-in-the-loop machine learning: a state of the art. Artificial Intelligence Review, 56. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-022-10246-w
Interested to know more about bias and the human mind?
Make sure to give the article below a read:
A snapshot of bias, the human mind, and AI
Understanding human bias, AI systems, and leadership challenges in technology management and their impacts on decision-making.
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g3writes · 2 months
ಮರದಿಂದಿಳಿದು ಕನಸಿನ ಮನೆಗಳವರೆಗಿನ ಪಯಣ
ಹೇಗಿರಲಿ ನನ್ನ ಕನಸಿನ ಮನೆ? ಭಾಗ ೧ (ಸಂಗ್ರಹ- Image of Neanderthal hunters from Genetic Literacy Project– November 6, 2017) ಯೋಚಿಸಿ ನೋಡಿ. ವಿಕಸನದ ಹಾದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮರದಿಂದಿಳಿದ ಮಾನವನು ಸಂಘಟಿತ ಬಾಳ್ವೆ ಶುರುಮಾಡಿದ್ದೆಲ್ಲಿ? ದಟ್ಟಾರಣ್ಯಗಳ ಮೂಲೆಮೂಲೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಹಂಚಿಹೋದ ಗುಹೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಬೃಹದಾಕಾರದ ಮರಗಳ ಪೊಟರೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಬಂಡೆಸಂದುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಮಳೆಯಿಂದ ಪೊರೆಯುವ ಕಂದಕಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಬಯಲುಗಳಾದರೆ ಆದಷ್ಟು ಎತ್ತರದ ಸ್ಥಳಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂದಕಗಳ ತೋಡಿ ಬೇಲಿಗಳನ್ನೆತ್ತಿ. ಹವಾಮಾನವನ್ನವಲಂಬಿಸಿ…
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webzininc · 5 months
The Role Of Ethics In Software Development: Navigating Moral Dilemmas
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In the fast-paced world of software development, ethical considerations can often be overlooked in the pursuit of innovation and efficiency. However, navigating moral dilemmas is crucial for creating technology that truly benefits society as a whole. Join us as we explore the complex and important role of ethics in software development, and discover how to make responsible decisions when faced with tough choices.
Introduction To The Topic Of Ethics In Software Development
Ethics plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives, including software development. As technology continues to advance and permeate almost every aspect of society, the ethical considerations surrounding its development become increasingly important. In this section, we will explore what ethics means in the context of software development and why it is essential for developers to navigate moral dilemmas.
At its core, ethics refers to a set of principles that guide individuals’ behaviors and actions towards what is considered right or wrong. It encompasses values such as honesty, responsibility, fairness, and respect for others. In software development, ethics refers to the moral standards that govern how developers design, create, and implement technology products.
Software developers have immense power when it comes to shaping our digital world. They are responsible for creating systems that can greatly impact people’s lives – from managing personal data to controlling critical infrastructure. With this power comes an equally significant responsibility to ensure that their work aligns with ethical standards.
One primary reason why ethics is crucial in software development is because technology directly affects the daily lives of individuals and society as a whole. Whether it’s through social media platforms influencing public opinion or algorithms used by hiring companies that may perpetuate discrimination – unethical practices in software development can have far-reaching consequences.
Understanding The Importance Of Ethics In The Tech Industry
In recent years, the tech industry has grown at an unprecedented rate, shaping and transforming the world in ways that were once thought impossible. With this rapid growth, however, comes a greater responsibility to ensure that ethical considerations are at the forefront of all technological advancements. The consequences of unethical practices in software development can be far-reaching and have significant impacts on society as a whole.
First and foremost, ethics play a crucial role in building trust between companies and their customers. In today’s digital age, data privacy breaches are becoming increasingly common, causing consumers to become more vigilant about how their personal information is being collected and used. Companies that prioritize ethical practices not only protect their customers’ sensitive data but also build brand loyalty and a positive reputation.
Additionally, ethics promote fairness and equality within the tech industry. Unconscious bias is prevalent in software development, leading to products that may discriminate against certain groups or perpetuate harmful stereotypes. By actively considering ethics during the development process, these biases can be identified and addressed before they become embedded into the final product.
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Examples Of Moral Dilemmas Faced By Software Developers
In the fast-paced world of software development, it is not uncommon for developers to encounter moral dilemmas in their day-to-day work. These ethical challenges can arise from various sources such as business decisions, technical requirements, or personal beliefs. As a result, software developers must be equipped with strong ethical principles to navigate these complex situations.
One common moral dilemma faced by software developers is the issue of privacy and data protection. With the increasing amount of personal information being collected and stored by companies, developers are often tasked with making decisions on how this data should be used and protected. For instance, a developer may be asked to design a feature that collects sensitive user data without their explicit consent. This raises questions about the responsibility of developers in protecting user privacy and upholding a sense of trust between users and companies.
Another moral dilemma commonly encountered by software developers is related to intellectual property rights. In today’s digital age, it is easier than ever for code or ideas to be copied or stolen without proper attribution or compensation. Developers may face pressure from their employers or clients to use copyrighted material without permission or give credit where it is not due. This can put them in a difficult position where they must balance legal obligations with their own ethical values.
How To Approach Ethical Decision Making In Software Development
When it comes to software development, ethical decision making is crucial for creating technology that benefits society and does not cause harm. However, navigating moral dilemmas in this field can be complex and challenging. In this section, we will discuss some key principles and approaches for approaching ethical decision making in software development.
1. Understand Ethical Theory: Before delving into the specific ethical considerations of software development, it is important to have a basic understanding of ethical theory. This involves familiarizing yourself with different schools of thought such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Each theory offers a unique perspective on what constitutes a morally right action and understanding these perspectives can help guide your decision-making process.
2. Identify Potential Ethical Issues: When embarking on a new software development project or making changes to an existing one, it is essential to identify any potential ethical issues that may arise. This could include data privacy concerns, security vulnerabilities, biased algorithms, or the impact on vulnerable populations. By anticipating these issues beforehand, you can take proactive measures to address them during the development process.
3. Consider Stakeholders: Software developers must consider the various stakeholders who may be affected by their work – users, clients, employees, shareholders, and society at large. It is crucial to understand their needs and values when making decisions that could potentially impact them. For instance, if your software collects personal data from users, you must ensure that their privacy is protected.
4. Utilize Ethical Frameworks: In addition to understanding ethical theories and identifying potential issues and stakeholders involved in the project’s development process; using ethical frameworks can also aid in making sound decisions ethically. Some well-known frameworks used in software development include IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (SECEPP), Microsoft’s Ethics Framework for AI Development (AIF), or Google’s Responsible AI Practices.
5. Communicate Openly: Open communication and transparency are also crucial components of ethical decision making in software development. Developers should create an open environment for discussing potential ethical issues and encourage feedback from all stakeholders involved. This can help identify any blind spots and ensure that everyone’s concerns are addressed.
Ethical decision-making in software development requires a combination of understanding ethical theories, identifying potential issues, considering stakeholders’ perspectives, utilizing frameworks, and fostering open communication. By following these principles, developers can navigate moral dilemmas successfully and create technology that aligns with moral values while advancing innovation.
The Impact Of Unethical Practices On Society And Technology
In the interconnected web of society and technology, the repercussions of unethical practices are far-reaching and profound. From data breaches and privacy violations to environmental degradation and societal inequality, the consequences of unethical behavior permeate every aspect of our digital lives. As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the need for ethical considerations in its development and deployment becomes increasingly critical.
The Ripple Effect Of Unethical Practices:
1. Erosion Of Trust:
Unethical practices undermine trust in both corporations and technology itself. When individuals feel that their data is not safe or that their privacy is compromised, they become wary of engaging with digital platforms and services, hindering the potential for meaningful connections and interactions.
2. Amplification Of Inequality:
Technology has the power to either exacerbate or alleviate societal inequalities. However, when wielded irresponsibly, it can amplify existing disparities. Unethical practices, such as biased algorithms or exploitative labor practices, widen the gap between the privileged and the marginalized, perpetuating systemic injustice.
3. Environmental Degradation:
The environmental footprint of technology cannot be ignored. From the production of electronic devices to the energy consumption of data centers, unethical practices in technology contribute to environmental degradation. Without sustainable practices and responsible stewardship, the digital revolution risks further endangering the planet.
4. Stifling Innovation:
Ethical lapses can stifle innovation by creating a culture of fear and mistrust. When companies prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability or cut corners to meet deadlines, it hampers creativity and inhibits progress. In the absence of ethical considerations, innovation becomes stagnant, and society misses out on the potential for transformative change.
Charting A Path Towards Ethical Technology:
1. Prioritize Transparency And Accountability:
Transparency is the cornerstone of ethical technology. Companies must be transparent about their practices, from data handling procedures to supply chain management. Moreover, they must hold themselves accountable for any breaches or misconduct, taking swift and decisive action to rectify the situation and rebuild trust.
2. Embed Ethics Into Design And Development:
Ethical considerations should be woven into the fabric of technology from its inception. By incorporating ethical design principles and conducting thorough ethical assessments throughout the development process, companies can mitigate the risk of unintended consequences and ensure that their products and services uphold principles of fairness, inclusivity, and sustainability.
3. Foster Collaboration And Diversity:
Collaboration and diversity are essential for fostering ethical innovation. By bringing together diverse perspectives and engaging with stakeholders, including employees, customers, and communities, companies can better anticipate and address ethical concerns. By listening to the voices of those affected by technology, developers can create more inclusive and equitable solutions.
Steps Companies Can Take To Promote Ethical Development Practices
In an era defined by rapid technological advancement and digital transformation, the importance of ethical development practices cannot be overstated. As technology continues to shape nearly every aspect of our lives, companies bear a profound responsibility to ensure that their innovations uphold principles of integrity, fairness, and accountability. By prioritizing ethical considerations in the design, development, and deployment of technology, companies can foster trust, promote inclusivity, and drive positive societal impact.
Cultivating A Culture Of Ethical Development:
1. Establish Clear Ethical Guidelines:
Companies should define clear ethical guidelines and principles to guide decision-making at every level of the organization. These guidelines should reflect core values such as respect for privacy, commitment to diversity and inclusion, and environmental sustainability.
2. Provide Comprehensive Training:
Educating employees about ethical considerations in technology development is essential. Companies should offer comprehensive training programs to raise awareness about ethical issues, promote critical thinking, and empower employees to make ethical decisions in their day-to-day work.
3. Incentivize Ethical Behavior:
Companies can incentivize ethical behavior by incorporating ethical considerations into performance evaluations and reward systems. By aligning incentives with ethical values, companies can create a culture where employees are motivated to prioritize integrity and responsibility.
Embracing Transparency And Accountability:
1. Transparent Communication:
Transparency is key to building trust with stakeholders. Companies should communicate openly and transparently about their development practices, including data handling procedures, algorithmic decision-making processes, and supply chain management.
2. Accountability Mechanisms:
Companies must establish robust accountability mechanisms to ensure that ethical standards are upheld. This may include appointing ethics officers or committees responsible for overseeing ethical compliance, investigating complaints, and enforcing consequences for ethical violations.
3. External Audits And Reviews:
Regular external audits and reviews can provide valuable insights into a company’s ethical practices. Companies should engage independent third-party auditors to assess their compliance with ethical standards and identify areas for improvement.
Integrating Ethics Into The Development Process:
1. Ethical Impact Assessments:
Companies should conduct thorough ethical impact assessments throughout the development process to identify and mitigate potential ethical risks. This may involve evaluating the potential social, environmental, and cultural implications of technology products and services.
2. Diversity In Design And Development:
Diversity and inclusion are essential for promoting ethical development practices. Companies should prioritize diversity in their design and development teams to ensure that a variety of perspectives are considered and that technology solutions are inclusive and equitable.
3. User-Centric Design:
User-centric design puts the needs and interests of end-users at the forefront of the development process. Companies should engage with diverse user groups to understand their preferences, concerns, and values, and design technology solutions that align with user needs while upholding ethical principles.
In the dynamic landscape of software development, ethics serve as the North Star guiding responsible decision-making and conscientious innovation. By prioritizing privacy, fairness, accessibility, and sustainability, developers can harness the transformative power of technology for the betterment of society. As stewards of digital progress, let us embrace our ethical responsibilities with humility and dedication, navigating the moral complexities of software development with integrity and empathy. In doing so, we can pave the way for a future where technology serves as a force for good, enriching lives and fostering a more just and equitable world.
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Sustainable Software Development: Environmental and Ethical Considerations
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As technology continues to advance, where innovation drives progress, an often overlooked aspect of development emerges - the sustainability of software. Software isn't just lines of code; it's a powerful tool that can significantly impact our energy consumption and, consequently, the health of our planet. This sustainable software approach considers the ecological, ethical, and economic impacts from the software's creation to its end. Here is a look at the positive effects of sustainable software development on the environment.
Software is the backbone of the intelligent solutions we use to address environmental challenges like deforestation and emissions reduction. But here's the twist – the way we develop and use software can actually contribute to our growing carbon footprint. It's not the software itself that's energy-hungry, but the hardware it relies on. As software continues to expand, so does our dependence on energy-guzzling machines.
For instance, consider the blockchain, which powers green solutions like microgrids, but also fuels energy-hungry cryptocurrency networks. In fact, maintaining the Bitcoin network consumed more energy than the entire nation of Switzerland! The information and communications technology sector is expected to account for 14% of the world's carbon footprint by 2040, up from just 1.5% in 2007.
The development of software can also be energy-intensive. Training artificial intelligence models, for example, requires substantial energy, and the computational power for large AI models is growing exponentially. This is where sustainable software development steps in.
Sustainable software engineering is an approach that focuses on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability throughout the software's lifecycle. Here's how it works:
Optimization: Developers strive to write efficient code that minimizes energy consumption.
Deployment: Choosing energy-efficient deployment methods, like containers over virtual machines, can make a difference.
Architecture: Selecting application and infrastructure architectures that reduce energy usage is crucial.
Data Centers: Picking eco-friendly data centers and practices can further cut energy consumption.
Lifecycle Management: Reducing environmental impact during development, maintenance, updates, and disposal is essential.
User Engagement: Educating users on energy-efficient software usage and providing tools for monitoring consumption can contribute to sustainability.
Continuous Improvement: Sustainable software engineering is an ongoing process that involves regularly assessing and improving efficiency.
So, how does sustainable software benefit businesses? It's cost-effective, results in higher-quality products, helps meet ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals, enhances employer branding, and boosts customer satisfaction.
To go green with software, companies should follow a three-step process:
Articulate a Strategy: Set clear boundaries and metrics, allowing flexibility for engineers to innovate and learn.
Refine the Development Life Cycle: Focus on minimizing environmental impact from the very beginning, make informed choices, and continually assess efficiency.
Make the Cloud Green: Explore sustainable interventions in data centers, like data optimization and server architectures.
Sustainable software development is the way forward. It's a win-win – better for the planet and your business. As we move into a future where technology plays an even more significant role in our lives, embracing green software is a step towards a more sustainable and ethical digital world.
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designaday · 11 months
Advice from a UX Manager: Patience
I'm currently managing designers that are embedded in a number of product teams around our organization. Some of them are supporting products for commercial aviation, some are working on tools for training, while others are supporting military customers. There's a lot of variation in UX maturity from team to team, and I sometimes have to weight my time towards teams that are experiencing friction.
One of my most valuable contributions is helping designers that are being inserted into teams that haven't had UX support before. This requires the application of a lot of soft skills, but the word that I'm using a lot in meetings recently is "patience."
In general, there's a serious lack of patience in the world. Empathy and understanding require patience. Empathy and understanding are necessary for teams to incorporate a new role. Adding a new role, with that role's methods and goals, will significantly change the way a team functions. Change is hard. Change requires patience.
A team must learn a lot to integrate UX for the first time.
What is the value of UX?
How does a designer work?
How does a designer work with us?
What is a designer responsible for?
What tasks does a designer perform, and where do they fit in the overall development process?
How long do those tasks take?
What kind of output do we get from a designer, and what do we do with it?
How long is this list of questions going to get before our team is functioning smoothly again?
It's going to get much longer. It's going to take time to answer all of those questions. That requires patience. At the same time, the designer is trying to learn the team's processes and the domain in which they work. That requires patience, too.
You can think of patience as grease. As long as people are patient, things keep moving forward smoothly. People learn. Relationships are nurtured. Respect is built. When patience runs out, friction occurs. Tempers rise. People say and do things that hinder progress.
Have patience. Have an abundance of patience. Have enough patience to get the full story, see issues from multiple perspectives, and understand motives. Listen to what people say, seek understanding, and build bridges.
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cmexpertise · 1 year
The Future of Web Development in 2023: Ten Emerging Trends and Technologies
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In today’s high-speed world, the web advancement climate is continuously extending, stretching the boundaries of what is possible on the web. Web developers and designers need to stay aware of the recent developments and technology that are impacting the field of web improvement in 2023.
Since the beginning, web development has advanced significantly. Early versions of dynamic, interactive websites that offer customized experiences have replaced static HTML pages. In 2023, user experience, performance, and security will continue to be the driving forces behind web development. Websites will need to load incredibly quickly, have a pleasing design, and be device-adaptive.
Be at the forefront of innovation: Explore the Top Ten Emerging Trends and Technologies.
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1. Headless CMS: Revolutionizing Content Management
Traditional content management systems (CMS) frequently have flexibility and scalability issues. The solution is headless CMS, a decoupled method that isolates the frontend presentation layer from the content management backend. This enables developers to create dynamic and tailored user interfaces for a variety of platforms, such as websites, mobile applications, and even Internet of Things devices.
Key Features of Headless CMS:
API-driven architecture for flexible content delivery.
Separation of content and presentation for scalability.
Integration with various front-end technologies.
Collaboration and multi-channel publishing capabilities.
Robust version control and content workflow management.
2. PWAs (Progressive Web Apps): Bridging the Gap between Web  and Mobile
Progressive web apps have been quite popular in recent years, and this trend is anticipated to continue in 2023. These apps give consumers an app-like experience right from their browsers by combining the greatest features of mobile and online technology. PWAs are transforming how companies interact with their consumers because of features like offline capabilities, push alerts, and flawless performance.
Key Features of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
Offline functionality for accessing content without the internet.
Push notifications for real-time engagement.
Fast loading and smooth performance.
Cross-platform connectivity.
Installation for an app-like experience on the home screen.
3. : Voice-Enabled Experiences for the Web
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As voice assistants have progressively merged into our daily lives, it is crucial to incorporate speech user interfaces into web development. The way people engage with websites and apps is changing as a result of voice search, voice commands, and voice-guided interactions. Web developers must now optimize their projects for voice-based interactions, ensuring seamless experiences for users.
Key Features of the Voice User Interface (VUI):
Hands-free interaction through voice commands.
Voice search for quick information retrieval.
Natural language processing for accurate understanding.
Voice-controlled navigation and commands.
Integration with voice assistants.
4. Web Development with Augmented Reality (AR): Creating Immersive Experiences
A few of the sectors that have been greatly impacted by augmented reality's great popularity include gaming, retail, and tourism. We are expecting AR to find its way into web development in 2023, allowing developers to create immersive and interactive experiences simply by using web browsers. From trying on virtual clothes to visualizing products in real-world settings, AR is set to revolutionize how users engage with web content.
Key Features of Augmented Reality (AR):
Overlay virtual objects onto the real world.
Interactive and immersive experiences.
Real-time object tracking and recognition.
AR markers and geolocation-based AR
Integration with device sensors.
5. Blockchain and Web Development: Enhancing Security and Trust
Web development uses blockchain technology, which is well-known for being safe and centrally controlled. Developers can strengthen security, enable transparent transactions, and promote data integrity with blockchain. Blockchain-based decentralized apps (DApps) and smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize sectors including banking, supply chain management, and digital identity verification.
Key Features of Blockchain:
Decentralized and secure data management.
Smart contracts for secure transactions.
Improved authentication and identity verification.
Transparent and auditable transaction history.
Tokenization and digital assets management.
6. The Impact of 5G on Web Development: Faster, More Responsive Websites
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With the introduction of 5G technology, internet speeds are going to increase, and buffering will be extremely low. To design websites that are incredibly dynamic and immersive, web developers may make use of this speed and responsiveness. With 5G, websites can load instantly, videos can stream seamlessly, and real-time applications can deliver unparalleled user experiences. The implementation of 5G opens up a new era of web development possibilities.
Impact of 5G on Web Development:
High-speed internet access.
Low latency for real-time interactions.
Support for bandwidth-intensive applications.
Seamless multi-device synchronization.
Improved network capacity and stability.
7. Ethical Design: Prioritizing User Privacy and Accessibility
The importance of ethical design in web development has increased in the current environment of privacy concerns. Every site developer should keep user privacy and accessibility in mind. Ensuring that websites are inclusive, accessible to people with disabilities, and mindful of user data privacy are all parts of adhering to ethical design practices. By prioritizing ethical design, developers can build trust with their audience and create a more inclusive web.
Key Features of Ethical Design:
Compliance with accessibility guidelines.
Privacy-focused design principles.
Secure communication protocols and data protection.
User-centric design and intuitive navigation.
Ethical use of data and transparent practices.
8. The Future of E-commerce: Web Development and Online Shopping
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E-commerce has experienced remarkable growth, and web development plays a crucial role in shaping the future of online shopping. From personalized product recommendations to seamless checkout experiences, web developers are focused on creating intuitive interfaces, optimizing performance, and integrating advanced features like augmented reality and chatbots to enhance customer engagement and drive conversions.
The Future of E-Commerce:
Personalized product recommendations.
Streamlined and intuitive checkout processes.
Integration with secure payment gateways.
Advanced inventory management.
Integration with CRM systems.
9. Chatbots and Conversational Interfaces: Enhancing User Engagement
Chatbots have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years, thanks to advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI). These conversational interfaces transform user interactions on websites, providing instant assistance, personalized recommendations, and streamlined customer support. Chatbots offer a more interactive and engaging experience, helping businesses deliver exceptional customer service.
Chatbots and Conversational Interfaces:
Instant and 24/7 customer support.
Natural language processing for meaningful interactions.
Personalized recommendations and assistance.
Integration with knowledge bases.
Multilingual support.
10. Web Design Trends for 2023: Minimalism, Dark Mode, and More
Web design trends play a crucial role in capturing users' attention and delivering visually appealing experiences. In 2023, minimalism will continue to dominate, with clean and clutter-free designs emphasizing simplicity and ease of use. Dark mode, with its sleek and energy-saving interface, is gaining popularity across platforms. Additionally, other trends like micro-interactions, bold typography, and asymmetry are pushing the boundaries of web design, creating visually stunning and memorable websites.
Web Design Trends for 2023:
Minimalist design with clean layouts.
Dark mode for reduced eye strain.
Micro-interactions and animations.
Bold and expressive typography.
Asymmetrical layouts for unique experiences.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Web Development with CMExpertise
CMExpertise is your partner in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of web development. We deliver cutting-edge solutions that drive digital success. Our user-centric approach prioritizes privacy and accessibility, ensuring high-quality websites tailored to your business objectives.
With advancements in headless CMS, PWAs, VUI, AR, blockchain integration, low-code and no-code development, micro frontends, and WebAssembly, web developers have an array of tools and technologies at their disposal to create exceptional digital experiences. We can influence the world of technology, promote innovation, and realize the full potential of the web in the years to come by embracing these new trends and technologies. So let's explore these innovative developments, try new things, and push the limits of web development in 2023 and beyond.
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theladysunami · 10 months
I was thinking about Bingqiu messing with common horror video game plot-lines by doing their whole Bingqiu thing.
Imagine Shen Yuan transmigrating into a vaguely Christian mythology based crapsack video game world, where he is the cruel monk, Shen Qingqiu, who teaches at some terrible underfunded orphanage where one of the orphans, Luo Binghe, is *gasp* the antichrist.
Rather then doing what his character is supposed to do (mostly harass the child with abusive exorcism attempts, get defrocked for it, then do the whole Cassandra thing where he tries to warn everybody Binghe is evil but they don’t believe him) Shen Yuan does his Shen Yuan thing instead and dotes on Luo Binghe constantly.
Luo Binghe was supposed to keep finding himself abused by various corrupt organizations, only to rise to the top and get the better of each one through karmic and often creepy demon shenanigans, leaving them as ruined husks in his wake, and gradually losing more and more of his fragile ‘humanity’… but apparently that won’t be happening.
All the totally deep and meaningful allegories indie developer Airplane put in there about the antichrist merely being a reflection of humanity’s own evils… Gone!
Shen Qingqiu taught Binghe loads about ethics, and while Binghe isn’t quite sure he gets it (and does still harass and kill a good number of particularly nasty people with his demon powers) he’s a lot less scorched earth about things.
It is very important he doesn’t make his beloved teacher (*cough* the future Queen of Hell *cough*) sad! Shen Qingqiu happens to like the earth being in one piece, so in one piece it will stay.
Airplane transmigrates into his own game later as the Player Character.
The Player Character is meant to be an amateur investigative reporter who gradually reveals Binghe’s life story by investigating all the ruined, haunted, and demon infested locations left in his wake, and then ultimately attempts to save the world from the apocalypse. Instead Airplane discovers that besides a few powerless asshole ghosts and some well contained eldritch horrors, everything is fine actually.
He tracks down Binghe while trying to figure out what the hell happened to the plot, only to find the man playing housewife to his former asshole teacher???
Don’t worry, Airplane! The apocalypse is canceled, and the only soul Binghe wants is Shen Yuan’s… by which I mean he wants it bound to his own in eternal matrimony.
Go hang out with that cool ice demon you designed for that one level.
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devsgames · 1 year
As a dev who didn't really follow Baldur's Gate 3's development I was incredibly surprised at the number of people who have been making really sweeping and baseless claims about its success: stuff like "the game is made well by people who are passionate", or claim that other devs "just have to make good games", or that it's successful "because it doesn't have microtransactions". It's not that surprising I guess since Gamers tend to say these things about any product they happen to like and agree with, but I guess it was surprising to me how much people were saying it about this game specifically.
I'm sure the devs were passionate and I've sort of been enjoying my time with it, but frankly the success of BG3 absolutely does not feel like a design or development thing to me, but it's an obvious marketing and business one.
Having a good game obviously very much helps, but the fact of the matter is that rhetoric like this intentionally overlooks or downplays the real industry success factors: that BG3 is the third game in an already-popular and established legacy CRPG series that is built on an engine and mechanics by a studio which already made two other (unrelated) financially successful games on of the same genre, with all of it built on a back of a TTRPG franchise that has for the past few years been undergoing a huge resurgence in popularity and in no doubt funded through that partnership and licensing deals. Franchises like safe bets to make a profit, and this feels like the safest of bets. It really isn't successful because the game isn't adopting user-hostile monetization or because it's approach is radically different from any other game's development, it's successful because all these business factors.
To that end, whenever someone implies that other devs should just make games the same way...it's really funny! Like, the stars have aligned to make this product a hit and this doesn't implicitly make it a bastion or model for equitable game development just because it sold well and doesn't adopt hostile monetization schemes.
The fact of the matter is there's lots of games that are well-made by passionate devs and don't feature microtransactions or hostile monetization schemes, and they don't implicitly do well because of these design decisions alone; usually it's because they failed at marketing or didn't have the AAA budget to promote themselves like BG3. I'm also willing to bet that like every AAA studio, the devs at Larian likely weren't equitably compensated for this success, since most productions on a game of such a massive scale like this only really turn a profit because they undercut those working on it - huge profit and equitable compensation aren't often compatible concepts in game development. It's not like that would be any different here, so the "other devs should look to this game on how it should be made ethically" is a strange pull to me as well.
Basically this is all to say I think it's incredibly reductive to hold a product up on a pedestal by virtue of sales figures and choosing not to enact hostile monetization schemes. After all, I'm severely doubtful a product like BG3 would have done poorly assuming it had microtransactions in the first place. There's just way too many other factors that guided it alonge.
Do we need big budget games to move away from predatory business models that attempt to exploit the most vulnerable players? Absolutely yes I think we do, but I think people would also value from staying aware of real factors at play that define success in these sorts of situations, and not reduce development to "why don't developers simply make GOOD video games!" which I think is fairly baseless and confirmation-bias-y in its own way.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Navigating the Ethics of Digital Humans
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/navigating-the-ethics-of-digital-humans/
Navigating the Ethics of Digital Humans
With the emergence of any new technology, ethical challenges arise. The rise of digital humans is no exception.  
Gartner predicts that by 2035, the digital human economy will become a $125-billion market that will continue to grow further. When deployed at such scale, the digital human economy is here to dramatically change how businesses (and our society) operate. 
As these AI-driven avatars integrate into every corner of our lives—from customer service and healthcare to education and entertainment—the ethical stakes are higher than ever. For instance, in customer service, digital humans can handle inquiries with a level of empathy previously seen only in human interactions, dramatically enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. Banks use them in their ATMs to guide users through transactions and provide real-time answers to questions. In healthcare, they assist in patient management and therapy, providing consistent, 24/7 support and reducing the strain on human workers. Educational platforms use them to create personalized learning environments, while the entertainment industry deploys them to offer new forms of interactive storytelling.  
It is therefore crucial to address the ethical considerations inherent in their development and deployment. Digital humans offer tremendous potential to improve human experiences, but this potential must be balanced with a commitment to ethical principles that prioritize transparency, privacy, respect, inclusivity, and collaboration. 
The ethical principles of digital humans 
1. Set transparency boundaries
Expanding on the principle of transparency in digital humans, it is important to recognize that this goes beyond just disclosure that one is interacting with an AI. The integration of digital humans into business and social contexts requires a clear distinction between human and AI interactions to maintain trust. This approach not only helps in creating a seamless user experience but also reinforces the ethical boundary by ensuring users are never misled about the nature of their interaction—whether they are dealing with a human or an AI. 
Moreover, the development and deployment of digital humans must adhere to principles that prevent misuse, such as using these entities to spread misinformation or engage in deceitful practices. By embedding ethical considerations into the core design and operational processes, businesses can leverage digital humans to enhance customer confidence and engagement. The need for transparency is also crucial in building long-term trust, a factor that cannot be overstated nowadays where skepticism towards digital interactions is often high due to past breaches and misuses of technology.  
2. Respect user privacy
To maintain user privacy, several measures are essential. Firstly, ensuring that digital humans do not capture or store personal data without explicit permission is fundamental. Additionally, they must only utilize the amount of personal data necessary for their function, maintaining a strict adherence to the principle of data minimization.  
Creators of Digital Humans must emphasize the importance of clear and transparent data use policies. Their privacy policies detail the types of data collected and the purpose behind their collection, ensuring users are fully informed. Furthermore, robust technical and organizational security measures are implemented to safeguard personal data against unauthorized access, destruction, or alteration. 
This approach not only aligns with global data protection regulations, such as the GDPR, but also builds a foundation of trust by respecting user privacy and emphasizing transparency in every interaction with digital humans. Such practices are not merely about adhering to legal requirements but are integral to creating a trustworthy digital environment where users feel safe and valued. 
3. Design to enhance lives
The ethical use of AI in creating digital humans plays a pivotal role in advancing societal benefits and enhancing individual lives across various domains such as healthcare, workplace interactions, and personal communications. This ethical framework focuses on promoting beneficial practices while actively avoiding negative actions, such as the dissemination of misinformation or engaging in unlawful activities. It is imperative that digital humans foster interactions that are not only positive but also embody respect, privacy, and inclusivity. This holistic strategy ensures responsible usage of these technologies, emphasizing their potential to improve human experiences significantly. By adhering to these principles, digital human design aligns with broader industry standards on AI ethics, underscoring the commitment to developing AI interactions that are supportive, reliable, and trustworthy, thus enhancing the quality of human life. 
4. Promote respectful interaction
Promoting respectful interaction in the design of digital humans is crucial for achieving inclusivity and ethical engagement. It involves creating AI that can understand and adapt to diverse cultural and individual needs, which ensures that all interactions are respectful and considerate of users’ backgrounds and abilities. Digital humans should also be designed to detect and manage disrespectful or harmful behavior effectively. This could involve programming them to disengage or redirect conversations when abusive language is detected, thereby establishing a standard for respectful interaction in digital spaces. Furthermore, it’s essential that these digital avatars are designed to be accessible to people with various disabilities, promoting equitable technology access. By ensuring that digital humans are versatile and respectful, designers can create more inclusive digital environments that reflect and enhance societal values. 
5. Embrace diversity and collaboration
Embracing diversity and collaboration in the creation of digital humans significantly enhances their relevance and effectiveness across varied user demographics. By integrating diverse perspectives throughout the development process, designers can address a wide spectrum of needs, thereby mitigating biases and preventing exclusion. A co-design approach is pivotal, as it ensures that digital humans are not only reflective of diverse communities but also embody respect and inclusivity. This methodological inclusiveness is vital for the success and acceptance of digital humans, allowing them to resonate deeply with users from different backgrounds and effectively serve their intended roles. This approach helps ensure that digital humans can function effectively and empathetically in a variety of social, cultural, and professional contexts. 
In conclusion, as digital humans continue to revolutionize industries and redefine human-AI interactions, prioritizing ethical considerations is essential. Transparency, data privacy, positive impact, respect, inclusivity, and collaborative design are foundational principles that guide the responsible development and deployment of digital humans. By adhering to these principles, we can ensure that digital humans enrich human experiences while upholding ethical standards and respecting individuals’ rights and dignity. 
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g3writes · 2 months
The Odyssey of Human Habitation: From Trees to Dream Homes
‘What Should My Dream Home Be Like?’-Part 2 (source-Image of Neanderthal hunters from Genetic Literacy Project– November 6, 2017) Imagine, if you will, the journey of humanity from the trees to organized society. Where did it all begin? Our ancestors found shelter in the dense forest, inhabiting caves, large tree hollows, rocky crevices, and trenches that shielded them from the elements. Those…
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The Cass Report is fatally flawed in its methodology, and as a result, its recommendations are harmful. Speaking on behalf of TransActual, Keyne Walker said: “It undermines the legal competence of both children and adults to access medical treatment and dismisses almost all existing clinical evidence on trans people’s healthcare by applying impossible evidence standards which, if applied to other medicines would invalidate more than three quarters of the existing treatments used in paediatric care which, like puberty blockers, are currently being prescribed off-label.” The report’s primary conclusions rest on excluding 98% of the relevant evidence on the safety and efficacy of puberty blockers and hormones for lack of blinding and controls. What this means is that they require studies in which some patients are given the treatment, and others are unknowingly given placebos. This is not only a clear breach of medical ethics and monstrous suggestion, but also impossible due to the obviousness of the impacts of puberty blockers and hormones.  The report also strays far beyond its scope and competence in recommending a review of adult services and in suggesting that young people ought to stay under the care of children and young people’s services until the age of 25. The latter is based on highly questionable understandings of brain development which have been repeatedly debunked as an oversimplification of the constant changes in human neurology over the course of our lives.  This recommendation, especially in a context of an already broken system of care for both adults and children, has the potential to have a significant negative impact on the lives and wellbeing of trans people in the UK.  Underpinning this report is the idea that being trans is an undesirable outcome rather than a natural facet of human diversity. This is clear not only from the recommendations but also from the exclusion of trans researchers from the design of the review process and the links individual members of the research team have to anti-trans groups, which the Cass team were warned about. Download the full briefing
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The Ontario Divisional Court recently released its decision on Jordan Peterson’s challenge of the College of Psychologists of Ontario’s order that he complete a coaching program on professionalism in public statements. The Court’s decision, which upheld the College’s order, has generated a fair bit of commentary in the media, much of which argues that the order and decision are assaults on Peterson’s freedom of expression, or will empower “woke” organizations to curtail individual freedoms. However, I look at the matter from a different lens. While I may have the right to freedom of expression, how I exercise that right may have implications. For example, at a very basic level, if someone expresses a strong opinion on one side of a subject, they may risk relationships with family or friends who have strong opinions on the other side. In the case of Jordan Peterson, the potential implications are that the manner in which he is choosing to exercise his right to freedom of expression may impact on the privilege of being licensed as a clinical psychologist by the College of Psychologists of Ontario.   License to practice – A privilege not a right You may note that I referred to being licensed as a privilege; that is by design, as there is no right under the Charter to practice any particular profession. Instead, being licensed to practice any particular profession is a privilege, and many would argue that it imposes certain responsibilities upon those who are licensed. Further, as a self-regulated profession, the College of Psychologists of Ontario has a mandate to regulate the profession in the public interest, and to that effect it has developed Standards of Professional Conduct and adopted the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists. This Code of Ethics provides that “psychologists acknowledge that all human beings have a moral right to have their innate worth as human beings appreciated,” without regard to factors such as ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, “or any other preference or personal characteristic, condition, or status.” The Code also provides that “psychologists do not engage in unjust discrimination based on such factors and promote non-discrimination in all of their activities,” and that psychologists must “Not engage publicly … in degrading comments about others…”.
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