#Eternal Defrag
cannibal-nightmares · 1 month
A list of my fic WIPs in response to an ask I received ^^;
Right now I am actively working on: "Trust Fall: Euclid" - A dual-perspective take on acute psychosis, Stein has a complete breakdown in the sanctity of his weapon. [ x ] - [ y ] - [ z ] "white roses and black doves" - A thorough depiction and conveyance of psychosis and giving in to the whims of accepting help. // [ x ] - [ y ] "Trick of the Light" - Stein processes and learns to live with a major personal loss with the loving help of his friends. [preview to chapter 2] [preview to chapter 2] [preview to chapter 3] "Matching Point" - An exploration on migraines and physical touch; a partner piece to "Teleharmonic: Smoke and Light."
Some others in my queue include: "Franken Stein's Bed & Breakfast" - No demons, no monsters, no witches, Stein's friends keep asking him for mundane favors only humans would ask other humans. A forever fic--one that could just go on forever as a series of short stories--an exploration on Stein's humanity in the face of normalcy. [ x ] "This is Why" - Spirit is in a band and he invites Stein to one of his gigs. Stein has a battle of wits in being tempted to fall to his old vices. // I am undecided if I want to age restrict this one, I have thought out multiple different endings to it. [ x ] "Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd" - An alternative take on Stein's salvation from Medusa as seen in the anime: Spirit arrives to the rescue instead of Marie. // (I'd also love to explore the idea of Marie saving Stein without depending on her healing wavelength.) [ x ] "Pay Your Ransom" - Looking for an alternative way to process and face some personal trauma, Spirit visits Stein for some... Advice... // While this fic is intended to be very humorous and light-hearted, I haven't decided yet if I want to age restrict it or not. [ x ] "DYWTYLM" - Apart of the Sleep Token project*, a two-chapter piece on what "love" and their partnership means to Spirit and Stein, individually. [ x ] "Dust Into Nothing" - An exploration on PTSD triggers and seeking support. [ x ] "Back Through the Opera Glass" - A self-indulgent piece just to write atmosphere. Possibly dialogue-less, Stein self-narrates what his friends mean to him, against all contradictions of logic versus love. [ x ] "Careful Fear and Dead Devotion" - Another forever-fic as a series of endless short stories, each chapter consists of Spirit and Stein chatting and rambling and getting up to shenanigans before falling asleep in bed together. [ x ] "Gemini" - Possibly a choose-your-own-adventure, an AU where Stein has an estranged sister he considers to reconnect with. "House Call" - Just as it says on the tin. Stein responds to a handful of house visits, namely Spirit, in illness, injury, and over-indulgence. "Midnight Honeymoon" - Stein must admit to grieving over his glory days as he faces a newfound chronic--and eventually terminal--illness. He learns to put all of his faith into his loved ones. // [this one already has a playlist... Did I just spend two hours polishing this? Please don't shuffle it.] A profound defrag fic that's has been secretly at the forefront of my mind for a good while now. More or less inspired by "I'm Thinking of Ending Things" and "A Ghost Story." I know once I start and finish this piece, it's going to be a pinnacle in my heart and mind. I can only hope it will serve me, I hope it will serve anyone who reads it. [ x ]
My enormous projects include: "Eternal Blue" - An immense and thorough exploration on Stein's childhood, his partnership with Spirit, and the teenage journey of the death scythes as we know them. Originally, this was planned to be as close as humanly possible to speculation of canon, but it's grown to have several AU ideas and themes. I have no idea how long this thing is going to be. [ x ] "Kaleidos" - The continuation of "Soul Eater," post-canon featuring an OC, Kaleidos. A reflection of Stein, himself, the professor takes it upon himself to prevent a new student from falling into madness. I wrote a sort of teaser piece to this here.
Some pieces I'd rather be mini-comics than fics: "Haircuts For Everybody" - Stein, in the middle of psychosis, struggles with physical touch while simultaneously being agitated by his out-grown hair. Marie and Spirit help him face his delusions with utmost care. [ x ] "Ascensionism" - An atmospheric alternative ending to "Pay Your Ransom," Stein expects an exchange for his services. This piece, if it comes to fruition, might be age-restricted and available only on Patreon. [ x ]
Lastly, some defrag pieces that may or may not see the light of day: "Seven" - A sort of OOC fic exploring masking agereg in coping with acute depression. It's rather up to interpretation and really is just a drabble to help me process some things. [Untitled] - Academy days AU; Stein discovers Spirit has a tattoo at the same time Spirit finds out Stein has a secret of his own. Spirit takes his meister out to get his first tattoo and actualizes the layers of said secret... // (Normally titles come fast to me, but this is a rare instance where is has not.) "Trip Wire" - A single chapter depicting the slippery slope of earnestly trying to help someone facing acute psychosis.
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Absorb the crap get high my king David's as the angel of the lord before you,
To be honest I think crap is like radiation, in that one molecule controls the load and its all in faith all in the mind heart and soul,
New tip think of the 🗡 wound 2012prt2, and 2012 the heart, and your lungs, and the crown of thorns aka eternal torture aka breaking the cuffs aka scitz; also the writing of pilate aka the scitz itself aka relation to abaddon, looked at all four as a cross being carried by you to the top,
Then look at your feet as Jesus whispering your name that was my miracle 19, left foot 1.35 billion right foot 1 quintillion jesus reincarnation, also right foot the sun prayer, left foot a watch seeing visions equalizer 30 seconds, you see the watch with your savant gift then pray if you like in the sun,
Also remember the buthole your christain heaven and absorbing the shit and also ingesting the shit in reverse, threw the boots and the power of the cross.
Be sure if you want the money to appear turn off your phone it's like the movie legion with archangel Michael and you are all archangel Michael especially if you have the savant gift.
You could probably do the same with the God of India and using your phone but remember eyes*** and the cross and your money and heaven hole 3rd eye. I find the pornstars just open up to me as I them if I use my eyes xvideos da bomb 😂.
Remember left eye abaddon right eye your twin brother who is like Jesus that's kevo to me, you use your eyes with the watch equalizer to make the money appear, remember w.e. appears or if theirs a material change in the room w.e. it is it will happen.
P.s. lungs justin a multitude of witnesses
Remember the gospel of melchizedek he poos but he doesnt, a very tattered manuscript just like gospel of judas cause we'll knowledge, vatileaks.
Don't forget babylung justinheaven painlust masure feet amats, 🗡 wound painlust rfid youth, hand, heart mike 2012 conscious barbelo hand.
The mouse-buthole/shit
The keyboard-stomach
Hands-graphics card
The guts cooling and smart battery feed the keyboard and mouse with the boots as a double tap, pay your heaven ask and ye shall recieve...still I like taking a shit on the 3rd day. Like sleeping or it balances sleep and of course increases the heal knowing your secrets are your secrets.
Movado watch Crystal equalizer 30 seconds also sun, scitz crystal.
0 notes
zosonils · 2 years
i don't play osu but i watch videos about it sometimes and i like that every song is called some shit like 'geiger counter [DEFRAGMENTED HYPERSONIC ETERNITY]' or whatever and looks like a 7 minute long visualisation of carpal tunnel syndrome
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tomasorban · 5 years
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In February of 2016, eight months before Thea’s (Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet’s) passing, I began receiving a download of information regarding the role the Vesica Piscis and its 432,000ʺ measure plays in the recovery of the Sanatana Dharma or Eternal and Universal Truth of India’s ancient seers. In that download the Vesica Piscis revealed itself to be the long-forgotten geometric basis of the measure of the Hindu Yugas (Ages) and soon after revealed itself as the long-forgotten geometric basis of the mythology of Vishnu’s Avatars. The 432,000ʺ measure of the arc of the Radius and Vesica Piscis within the circle is demonstrated to the right. This arc of the Radius and Vesica Piscis measures out precisely 120° or one-third of the 360° circle. As Thea discussed in The Gnostic Circle , 120° = 120° x 60′ x 60ʺ = 432,000ʺ  (seconds of degrees of arc). 
Though Thea clearly laid out this math of the Circle and its connection to the measure of the Yugas to the radius of the Sun and to the measure of the Rig Veda, she did not connect these sacred measures to the form and measure of the Vesica Piscis. The download I began receiving in February of 2016 began with a dream-vision that presented the importance of seeing the Vesica Piscis as the geometric key of the interconnected 432,000-base measures that Thea had discussed in her writings. The radius of a circle can of course be of any length but it is of profound significance that the 432,000 measure of the Sun’s radius in miles is equivalent to the 432,000 measure of the Vesica Piscis in seconds of degrees of arc. This equivalence demonstrates ancient knowledge of the eternal triadic law of the Radius, Vesica Piscis and Circle, where in the eternal pair of the Radius and Vesica Piscis establishes the perfect division of the Circle (and hence of the Earth’s 360° Year) into three. When I first told Thea about what I was seeing about the Vesica Piscis, she responded:  
Lori, please write a full piece on this for the [Aeon Centre of Cosmology] website and relate it to the Core of the Chamber wherein the Vesica is central to its most profound revelations. You could quote [The Tenth Day of Victory] on this. Bring it all together. The Vesica is ancient and sacred. Show how with the descent of Supermind these ancient truths are ‘all made new’.  – Thea, 27 February 2016
Forty years before this download began, in March of 1976 the Vesica Piscis had already revealed itself to Thea as an important key of Supramental Gnosis. She saw that this geometric form was the occult geometric basis of the central Globe and Pedestal positioned at the core or heart of the Mother’s (12-pillared) Temple, equivalent to the 12-month Vedic Year (Vedic Sacrifice/Yajna) of the ancient Rishis, now known throughout the world as the Tropical Zodiac or Solar Year. With this geometric key Thea was given a greatly expanded understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s Supramental Yoga and Descent as recorded in Thea’s books
The Tenth Day of Victory, Volume Two, Book One and The New Way, Volumes 1&2
. Knowing this I was compelled to explore and bring forward whatever else this ancient and sacred form wanted to illuminate. By September of 2016, what had begun in February as an article had grown into a 180-page book presenting what I had learned thus far about the Vesica Piscis as the geometric basis of the Indian Yugas (Ages) and the mythology of Vishnu’s Avatars who are well-known throughout Indian lore to be responsible for protecting and reestablishing Eternal and Universal Law or Truth (Sanatana Dharma) from Age to Age [Yuge Yuge] on Earth. These discoveries were important and mind-altering in their own right, but as I would soon come to learn, I had only just scratched the surface of seeing the role the Vesica Piscis played in Vishnu’s re-establishment of Ancient and Eternal Law in our current Age of Aquarius.
On 2 October 2016, seven days before Thea’s passing, while hiking along the snake-like curves of a dry river bed near my house, I was given the additional knowledge that the Seven Rivers of the Rig Veda are symbols of Seven Vesica Piscis which flow through the circle of the Zodiac. The power of this unexpected knowledge was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. It was like a lightning bolt that instantly and irrevocably altered my entire consciousness. It incinerated certain veils that had been in place and instantly integrated, revealed and connected things in my individual field and in the global field that I had never understood or directly experienced as connected. I was born or release out of a certain sheath of ignorance that I had been living in my entire life, giving me a higher and clearer perspective and experience of my existence and raison d’etre. The moment I was given this occult key of the Rig Veda, it not only instantly began unveiling the veiled symbolism of the Vedic Rishis along with the veiled symbolism other ancient mythologies, it also instantly unveiled and woke up a dormant core of my consciousness.
I could see that Thea’s seeing of the Vesica Piscis as a key of the Mother’s Temple and of the Supramental Descent was not only vitally important in and of itself, but it was also a precursor of what the Vesica Piscis was meant to further unlock and unveil in our world. With this geometric key (a veritable Easter Egg hidden within the gnosis of Ancient Seers), one can begin to see through the occult symbolic language of Vedic Lore which is the womb of many myths and symbols across the world. In other words, the Vesica Piscis is a key of dismantling modern humanity’s ignorance of its own ancient symbols, myths, languages and lore. It is simultaneously a key of the harmony and unity consciousness that is to be established in the Aquarian Age.
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It is an infinite marvel to me that the contraction of Thea’s passing served to bear forth the Vesica Piscis as a crucial key of recovering Vedic Gnosis in our world 90 years into the Age of Aquarius [2]. I am still a bit stunned to be the person this key was unveiled to, giving me the unexpected responsibility to bring it forward in the world. Along with the inherent wonder of seeing that my life’s very strange adventure was all secretly moving towards the recovery of a geometric key of ancient gnosis and with it the mathematical basis of mythology, also has come the inherent daunting challenge of introducing this ancient key of hidden sacred knowledge to a world of people whose entire field of consciousness is built up upon ignorance and distortion of the sacred knowledge of the ancients.
I wrote Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom as the knowledge was descending. I wrote it giving as much context as I could so that the recovery of this ancient key and the circumstances of how it unfolded would be communicated and recorded for whoever in the present or future will be able to understand and utilize this Vedic key born forth through the collective supramental yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Thea. One never knows how many days one has left on planet Earth, so did my best to lay it all out and let the proverbial cat out of the bag regardless of who would or would not follow along with this supramental plot. I like to think that I have many years left to better unpack and convey the importance of the recovery and release of the Vesica Piscis as a key of Ancient Gnosis the year and week of Thea’s passing, but if not, the book should give sincere students of supramental yoga and students of ancient wisdom, sacred geometry and sacred science all the information they need to begin to appreciate and utilize this key to unlock all that it is intended to unlock, illuminate all that it is intended to illuminate and harmonize all that it is intended to harmonize in our consciousness and in our world.
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At present I must admit that I feel a bit overwhelmed by the responsibility given to me because I feel the immensity of all that needs to be unpacked regarding this particular key or seed of gnosis. I often remind myself to give up the silly idea that I am the Doer and trust that all is unfolding as it needs to despite all human foibles. I know that just as the seed of any life on Earth unfolds itself in Time according to its own preset indwelling plans, so will this compact seed of gnosis unpack its full nature and its full treasure in the course of Time. When I am surrendered to what has happened and to how the Supramental consciousness-force has already organized its own progressive victories in the world, and will continue to do so, I feel blissfully content and infinitely grateful for what was basically dropped into my lap, or rather into my head, the year and week of Thea’s passing and for all that it has already illuminated, even if some portion of what it has illuminated is what at present appears to be a veritable Mission Impossible of getting others to see, understand, appreciate and utilize this key. This knowledge has been lost for so long that most people have zero context to understand what I am presenting. The current reality is that few people are open to deconstructing and defragmenting their own partial understanding of the spiritual or religious symbols, mythologies, words and ideas that they have inherited or adopted from people who have long lost the golden thread of the Sacred or Divine Truth of the Ancient Seers.
Thea worked hard for over four decades to reestablish the long-forgotten Zodiacal context or basis of the Rig Veda and of the Yugas, which most concerned with India’s ancient heritage and traditions continue to ignore. I am now given the even-further-out-on-the-same-limb task of reestablishing the Geometric basis of the Zodiac, Rig Veda and Yugas. I have attempted to accomplish this task in my book by demonstrating that the Vesica Piscis simultaneously functions as building block (i.e. foundation stone) of the Zodiac, of the Yugas and of the Rig Veda. As I have discussed in the first pages of my book (and in the image above), it is not a random coincidence that the measure of the Rig Veda – said to be 432,000 syllables – is equivalent to the 432,000ʺ measure of the arc of the Vesica Piscis within the Circle. In truth,
the 432,000-syllable measure of the Rig Veda functions as the key to its contents
. It is an absolutely brilliant method of hiding a decryption key, reflecting the gnosis of the macrocosm being equivalent to the microcosm. The macrocosm in this case is the full count of the number of syllables and the microcosm is the syllable itself, which from what I can see, is a veiled reference to the Vesica Piscis in the Rig Veda.
Upon what [imperishable] syllable of holy praise-song, as twere their highest heaven, the Gods repose them, Who knows not this, what will he do with praise-song? But they who know it well sit here assembled.  ‒ Rig Veda 1.164.39, tr. R.T.H. Griffith
I follow her [the Cow] who hath four feet with devout observance. This by the Sacred Syllable have I measured: I purify in the central place of Order….  ‒ Rig Veda 10.13.3, excerpt, tr. R.T.H Griffith
In their commentary on Rig Veda 10.13.3, Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton wrote, “the poet seems to make explicit the equivalence of his particular ritual speech and Speech in general by claiming to make a single syllable the equivalent of Speech herself.” From what I have learned, the Vesica Piscis IS the imperishable (eternal) Sacred Syllable, equivalent not only to the Goddess of Speech (Vak) sometimes depicted as the (Holy) Cow, but also equivalent to the Holy Word, Holy Thought and to the Holy Hymn throughout the Vedas.
SHE is also the Goddess of Wisdom (Saraswati)
. In the following verse, the Radius is depicted as the Sage Soma (a name of Agni), and as the mover of speech, and lord of Holy Law who is robed [clothed] with the words of hymns. Speech, words, hymns, holy law, as well as the seer’s prize, commandments and weapons are all herein veiled symbols of the Vesica Piscis.
[Soma] sends forth ([his] speech), the prizewinning seer seeking to win the prize, finding his commandments to be his weapons.” ‒ Rig Veda 9.35.4, tr. Jamison & Brereton [modified slightly, utilizing R.L. Kashyap’s translation of this verse]
With the words of hymns, we clothe Soma. He is the purifier and the mover of speech. … O lord of Dharma [lord of Holy Law], all the persons are supported, by your law of workings. (You are) the purifier and the, lord of riches. – Rig Veda 9.35.5-6 excerpts, tr. R.L. Kashyap
It must become widely understood, especially throughout India, that the 432,000-syllable measure of the Rig Veda actually POINTS TO the Vesica Piscis as the geometric key of its symbolic language, and as the geometric key of the Kali Yuga as well. The measure of the Vedas and of the Yugas must both be seen in conjunction with the 432,000ʺ (120°) measure of Vesica Piscis within the 360° (3 x 120°) Circle or Year. Without understanding this geometric foundation stone, or sacred syllable of the Ancient Rishis their gnosis will remain largely sealed (and unusable) to the masses. Continuing upon this trajectory of misunderstanding, India’s spiritual light will remain veiled and open to all manner of misinterpretation, mismeasure and misappropriation. The reverse is of course equally true as well. With a restored understanding of this Holy Word, Thought or Sacred Syllable, India will be able to repossess and restore its Ancient Light and accelerate the process of purifying the distortion and dis-integration that has naturally ensued in the absence of this occult key.
Who will have eyes to see the hidden truth contained in the Rishis’ words?
This is a question the Rishis inherently posed all throughout their riddled hymns. Sri Aurobindo in various ways called for the restoration of the secret truth of Vedic symbols, in order to uplift India from the eclipse or darkening of its own Spiritual Light.
We Indians, born and bred in a country where Jñana [Knowledge] has been stored and accumulated since the race began, bear about in us the inherited gains of many thousands of years. ...But it is a dead knowledge, a burden under which we are bowed, a poison which is corroding us, rather than as it should be a staff to support our feet and a weapon in our hands; for this is the nature of all great things that when they are not used or are ill used, they turn upon the bearer and destroy him. – Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram, CWSA, Vol. 6, p. 81
Sri Aurobindo wrote this in 1905. Over a hundred years later this problem still applies to India, but it equally applies to the pervasive ignorance throughout the world whereby religious and spiritual symbols have lost their original core truth and thereby become corrosive (both on an individual and collective scale), void of true unifying, harmonizing and sustaining gnosis. Sri Aurobindo’s voice continues to ring out as a call to the soul to rise out of the thick shell of tamasic ignorance which darkens and sickens our being and our world, creating division and cacophony and preventing us from realizing our inherent capacity for harmony and unity consciousness.
The importance of the recovery and release of the Vesica Piscis as a crucial occult key of ancient gnosis is lauded in thousands of ways throughout the Rig Veda, especially as the purifying release of the Seven Rivers which conquer the hardened ignorance of the world, equivalent to the apocalyptic release of the Seven Bowls or Vials of St. John’s Revelation. The quest to find, and the actual finding or recovery of this key is found not only in the Vedas and in St. John’s Revelation, but also in in many of our world’s mythologies including the Arthurian mythology of the quest for the immortalizing Holy Grail, the Greek mythology of the release of the fountain of wisdom by the winged-horse Pegasus, the Christian mythology of God or Jesus dispensing the Waters of Life, and the Zodiacal mythology of the Aquarian Water Bearer pouring out the waters of universal truth upon humanity from his Water-Jar. The Sanskrit name for the Water Jar and for the sign of Aquarius is one and the same: Kumbha. This Kumbha and the waters it contains are equally symbols of the Vesica Piscis and the release of these waters is equivalent to the release or revelation of the eternal form and measure (the eternal geometric law or Sanatana Dharma) that these sacred symbols actually symbolize. Below are two mirroring instances of ancient hymns lauding the release of God’s divine waters. The first is from the Old Testament Bible and the second is from the Rig Veda. Readers should keep in mind that the Rig Veda precedes the Old Testament by thousands of years.
[God] split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them water as abundant as the seas; he brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers. ‒ Psalm 78.15-16 Old Testament, NIV
[The God Indra] who knoweth well all human actions hath with his eager Friends let loose the waters. They with their songs cleft e'en the mountain open …. He smote away the floods' obstructer, Vrtra; [He] sentest forth the waters of the ocean …. When, Much-invoked! the water's rock [Indra] cleftest, Sarama showed herself and went before thee.  ‒  Rig Veda 4.16.6-8, tr. R.T.H. Griffith
In these verses, both the waters and the rock (or mountain) which encloses them are symbols of the Vesica Piscis.  The act of cleaving of the rock by God/Indra symbolizes of the way the radius splits the Vesica Piscis (aka the rock) in two halves. The importance of the finding and release and these rivers, floods or waters from their rock (cave or mountain) is abundant in the Rig Veda and is also mirrored in St. John’s Revelation, not only in the pouring out of the Seven Bowls or Seven Vials, but also in the discussion of the Lamb’s (aka the Hero-Son’s) victory.
For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. ‒ Revelation 7:17, NIV
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. ‒ Revelation 21:5-6, NIV
In the Rig Veda this Hero-Son of God is Agni, also known by hundreds if not thousands of other names, including the “ray of intuition”, and as the Son or Child of Waters or Floods. As I have discussed at length in my book, in geometric terms, this Son and many other masculine heroic figures or God’s are symbols of the Radius of the Circle. The Radius simultaneously forms the Vesica Piscis and is born in it. The radius is the Skambha (upholding pillar) of the Vesica Piscis (Kumbha). One fascinating example of how this mythology spread far beyond India in ancient times is the Pueblo Native American mythology of a virgin mother who surprisingly gets pregnant by absorbing some clay from a water jar she is making, and subsequently gives birth to a water jar (kumbha) which behaves like a boy. In time, the Water Jar Boy accidentally breaks the water jar in which he is contained and he becomes a real boy who then sets out to find his father. He finds his father dwelling in a spring. In this story the Boy inside the Water Jar is a symbol of the Radius dwelling within the Vesica Piscis, just as the Divine Son of the Rig Veda is often depicted as the Hidden One, dwelling in secret within the waters, or as robed in waters. In the Pueblo mythology the boy finds his father secretly dwelling in the waters, just as he himself was secretly dwelling within the Water Jar.
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In Rig Veda 9.96.19-20, this Divine Son or Hero is a “Hawk seated in the bowls”, and a Bull who “[flows] to the pitcher” and “[passes] into the beakers” [tr. RTH Griffith]. In Rig Veda 9.87 the Rishis sing “let our pious one rest in the pitcher”. I don’t know what kind of sense can be made of these verses without knowing that the ONE (the Divine Male Hero) who rests and flows within in the bowl, beaker, pitcher, etc. is the Radius who rests and flows within the Vesica Piscis and within the larger container of the Circle or cycle of the 360° Vedic Year. The following verses demonstrate similar veiled descriptions of the radius’s position in and movement within the Vesica Piscis (i.e. the “vessels that are full of fatness”).
Born in old time as finder-out of treasures, drained with the stone, decking himself in waters, Warding off curses, King of all existence.... Flow onward, Soma … enrobed in waters…. Settle in vessels that are full of fatness, as cheering and most gladdening drink for Indra. … Pour the rain of heaven, While thou with rivers roarest in the beaker. ‒ Rig Veda 9.096.10-14, excerpts, tr. R.T.H. Griffith
The waters feed with praise the growing Babe, born nobly in the womb, the seat of Law. ‒ Rig Veda 1.65.2, excerpt, tr. R.T.H. Griffith
In addition to the symbols of the rivers, waters and vessels, the Vedic Rishis also depicted the sacred and eternal (immortal) form of the Vesica Piscis as the divine weapon and treasure of the Vedic Gods and Heroes, as the Sage’s Holy Word, the Priest’s Sacred Song, the Divine Inspiration or Thought of the Seer, the Goddess of Wisdom, the Daughter of God, the Dawn of Light, the Cow of Light, the Light of Heaven, the Womb, Mother and Robe of the Divine Hero-Son, the Bliss of the Gods, the Strength of the Gods, the Nectar of Immortally (Amrita), Soma Wine, and as the Cave, Hill, Mountain, Veil, Covering or Beast (Dragon) hiding the divine treasures (i.e. occult secrets) of the Gods and the Human Seers. The list goes on and on and on of how the ancient Vedic Seers and seers of other ancient civilizations celebrated and veiled their gnosis of the Vesica Piscis as an occult key of sacred wisdom.
One way this key of gnosis is conveyed and preserved in Indian lore is via the tale of Vishnu turning into a woman (Mohini) in order to retrieve “the pot of Amrita (an elixir of immortality) from thieving asuras (demons), and [give] it back to the devas (gods), helping them retain their immortality.” [3] Vishnu as Mohini tricks the Demons and gives the immortalizing nectar only to the Gods. What she pours out of the Kumbha [pot] to the Demons is simply water conveying no special powers or wisdom; but to the Gods she pours out and delivers the Nectar of Immortality which is the long-awaited divine prize generated by the Churning of the Milky Ocean, said to take a millennium to produce. Given that this Amrita turns out to be a symbol of the eternal form, law and measure of the Vesica Piscis in the Rig Veda, I imagine that the time frame for its generation should be an entire Yuga ‒ 8,640 years, spanning the stretch of one Vesica Piscis through the 25,920-year Precession of the Equinoxes [4]. Certainly, this Amrita of the Vedic Rishis and Gods has been lost in our world for much longer than one millennium. I was not aware of this Mohini lore when I wrote my book, but it fits in perfectly with what I wrote therein regarding Vishnu’s recovery of the Vesica Piscis as a key of Eternal Truth (Sanatana Dharma) of the Rishis in our current Age of Aquarius.
The extreme manner by which the Vedic Rishis simultaneously lauded and hid the role of the sacred geometry of the Vesica Piscis in riddle after riddle in the Rig Veda naturally begs the question why would ancient sages go to such elaborate means to hide or occult this geometric key of sacred gnosis for thousands of years and simultaneously celebrate its eventual recovery. It appears to be their way of preserving and transmitting of higher gnosis through whatever period of time it would take for humans to be developmentally mature enough to receive it, mature enough to begin to see the Oneness amidst the differentiation of material creation, of race, of language, of myth and of symbol.
I cannot and will not pretend to fully account for the reasoning of the ancient Seers, but what is fully apparent is that the Radius and Vesica Piscis are eternal and universal forms which function together as the basis of sacred geometry. They function as an eternally wedded pair. Together with the Circle, they establish the divine measure and hence the Divine Law [Sanatana Dharma] of the Ancients. They measure out and establish the set laws of the Vedic Year (aka the Zodiac); and they also form the triadic basis of our world’s 9-base (3x3) number system. It also appears that the Vesica Piscis was considered by the Rishis to be the building block of language and of music, given that the Vedic Seers referred to the Vesica Piscis as both as the Holy Word and the Holy Song (Hymn) of ancient sages, forefathers and priests. Many of the symbols of the Vesica Piscis mentioned above are listed and explained in Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom but what I have presented here, and in the book, truly feels like just the tip of the iceberg. Much remains to be illuminated regarding the Vesica Piscis’ role as the Seers’ Weapon of Truth, capable of conquering and dismantling modern humanity’s profound ignorance of its own words, numbers, symbols, languages, and myths which is intimately tied to our ignorance of our own ancient history. This ignorance inherently creates division and prevents us from functioning sustainably and harmoniously in our present, which of course threatens our future here on planet Earth.
The current situation is such that people across the world have become unconsciously, irrationally and often violently attached to religious words, ideas, dogmas and superstitions that they have inherited from generations of people who had long-lost, or never had real access to, the original sense of their sacred ideology because it was intentionally veiled by the ancient seers. Our civilization’s core toxic narratives are founded upon the dual disasters of a collective fragmented state of consciousness and several millennia worth of compounded linguistic and symbolic misunderstandings of veiled sacred teachings. As unlikely as it may sound to many, the Vesica Piscis is a crucial key to healing from this world sickness. In the hymn below, the Vesica Piscis is simultaneously discussed as Amrita (the Nectar of Immortality), the Waters and the healing balm/medicine.
[Amrita] is in the Waters in the Waters there is healing balm Be swift, ye Gods, to give them praise. Within the Waters ‒ Soma thus hath told me ‒ dwell all balms that heal,  and Agni, he who blesseth all. The Waters hold all medicines. O Waters, teem with medicine to keep my body safe from harm, So that I long may see the Sun. Whatever sin is found in me, whatever evil I have wrought. If I have lied or falsely sworn, Waters, remove it far from me. ‒ Rig Veda 1.23.19-22, tr. R.T.H. Griffith
This immortal geometric key unlocks the unified sense of our world’s ancient symbols and thereby sheds much needed light on the thick crust of misunderstandings that plagues and perpetuates the divisive mental-egoic consciousness. In St. John’s Revelation, as well as in the Vedas, the pouring forth or revelation of the truth of this key is portrayed as an epically purifying event, cleansing (i.e. healing) the world of its darkness. It has definitely functioned as a purifying and clarifying Light of Truth in my own consciousness, it remains to be seen how the recovery of this purifying and clarifying Ancient Light of the Rishis will extend into the world’s consciousness.
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The core download of the Vesica Piscis’s revelations descended into my consciousness in the span of 9 months, from 7 February to 7 November 2016. It is notable that on 11 November 2016 the movie Arrival was released. My mother told me that I had to see this movie because she recognized it was connected to my work. In the movie, twelve extraterrestrial ships (each looking something like half an egg or half of a Vesica Piscis) appear on Earth and the female protagonist is tasked with deciphering the circular language of the aliens who inhabit the ships. It turns out that coming to understanding the alien language alters and transforms human consciousness, resulting in an expanded consciousness of Time. In India such an expanded consciousness or higher perception of the dimensions of Time is called Trikala Drishti, indicating an illumined three-fold vision of Kala or Time (Past, Present and Future). By the end of the movie, the protagonist proceeds to teach this consciousness-lifting language to the world. What I found most notable was that whereas the movie’s plot involved the language and symbols of a gnostic alien race, the symbolic language of Earth’s ancient Rishis actually functions this way. The ancient language of the Rishis must be understood in terms of the Circle (and in terms of cycles of Time), and coming to understand this circle-based language does expand and transform our limited human consciousness of Time and Space towards the Trikala Drishti of the ancient Rishis.
Thea was really the first person in our modern age to recognize this transformative function of the Vedic system of gnosis, whereby the Vedic Sacrifice or Year (and the symbolic language they use to convey it) contains in itself a Supramental and Unified Consciousness of Time and Space. The recovery of the Vesica Piscis as a decryption key to this circle-based language and field of gnosis can only serve to help those who are drawn to learn to utilize the Rishis’ gnosis to uplift their own consciousness of Time and Space, which will in turn enable great advances in human consciousness. So the good news is that humans don’t have to wait for aliens to arrive and give us the keys to higher consciousness. Anyone who chooses to do so, can participate in the restoration and renewal of the eternal and universal consciousness of the ancient Rishis in our own day and age. Many keys of this restoration and uplifting of consciousness have already been reestablished via the Supramental Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Thea. Now it’s just a question of who will use these keys and what new treasures of consciousness will be brought forth which will further contribute to the transformation of life on Earth towards its higher or divine potentials.
Click HERE to read Part II.
© Lori Tompkins
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jtroadrunner95 · 5 years
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Sword Art Online Memory Defrag
[Mischievous Eternal Summer Warrior] Yuuki ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Limit Break Illustration (2)
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swrx-rant · 7 years
User eXperience - Windows Explorer
Microsoft, does it feel like I'm picking on you? Get the fuck over it, its nothing you don't deserve a hundred million times over. (once for each user you have pissed off with your shitty interface)
STUPIDFETCH/PREFETCH - this is when your dog brings you the stick before you throw it. While you're driving. On the freeway. In the snow and ice. At night. With one headlight out. And no sleep for 36 hours. And your heater doesn't work. And the passenger window is broken.... I DON'T FUCKING WANT THE STICK RIGHT NOW, I WANT TRACTION ON THE FUCKING ROAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What DIPSHIT at Microsoft (sounds like they need those little blue pills) thought it was a good idea to WASTE ALL OF THE RAM ALL OF THE TIME? Seriously, some dumbass came up with a whitepaper that said unused resources were wasted. No, unused resources are RESERVED/PROTECTED/THERE-WHEN-NEEDED. OVERUSED RESOURCES ARE WASTED! AND SO WAS THE FUCKWAD THAT WROTE THE PAPER! Why should I slow my system, put unnecessary wear, and generally fuck up my user experience by having the computer load shit I am not currently using??? It doesn't fucking matter what I did last Tuesday, I expect 90% of system resources to be available TO THE ACTUAL PROGRAM/PROJECT I AM RUNNING!!! And the remaining 10% to keep the fucking system stable/responding.
How hard is it to just do what the fuck you are told and not try (badly) to guess what I might want next??? Saving 0.3 seconds on application load isn't worth taking 2-3x LONGER to fucking render!!! ALLOCATE MEMORY TO MY ACTUAL TASK, FUCK WHAT YOU THINK! Why doesn't the system give the RAM to Photoshop/GIMP/DAZ/Poser/Blender/Z-Brush/Maya/LightWave/3D Max/Carrara/Vue/Cinema4D/Bryce/or-whatever-the-fuck-high-system-requirement-program-I-am-USING!!!?? Hasn't anyone else noticed this? RAM says 0% free, 70% Available, 70% cached... and the program you are USING is CHOKING while it waits for the system to give it the fucking RAM it Requested/COMMITTED???? I'm watching the PAGE-FAULTS pile up while the system reports, "EVERYTHING'S FINE, NOT TO WORRY... WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY SOLITAIRE NOW¿ I'M GONNA LOAD THAT FOR YOU..." Is it illegal to fucking shoot a computer? Give it time, it will be.
I have watched this fucktarded process try to stuff 40GB of WoW data into 4GB of RAM. Windows, you have no fucking clue what bits the game needs, why don’t you WAIT FOR IT TO DECIDE/REQUEST!
SEARCH - HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO WRITE A USEFUL GODDAMNED SEARCH? (Don't ask Google, they sure as fuck don't know, no wonder I want to *bing* you jackasses upside the head) When I search for "desktop.ini" (to delete the useless fuckers), I do not want "desktop-utilities.ini", "desktop-widgets, incororated magical wanker with bluetooth file-syncing.ini", or anything the fuck else besides D E S K T O P . I N I -- why the fuck do I have to tell you "name:=" just to get expected behavior??? I didn't search for "desktop*.ini"! Users are smart enough to know how a fucking wildcard character works, too bad the OS isn't smart enough to know how a STRING LITERAL does! If you want to support more flexible searches, then why don't you limpdicks implement REGULAR EXPRESSION support on searches???????????? Then, if I wanted to search for "desktop.*\.ini" I would fucking tell you, otherwise assume I mean "desktop\.ini". The search worked better in Windows98 than it has in any version since... and it wasn't great back then either, it just hadn't become a total fuckup yet... that was before it started using crack. Can we just get the fucking thing to stop guessing and start fucking looking??
NETWORKING - on the subject of JUST FUCKING LOOK, perhaps we could get the network TO ACTUALLY FUCKING TRY TO CONNECT BEFORE IT SAYS IT COULDN'T??? Do you like being called limpdicks? You must, you did call yourselves "micro-soft". Do you think we're too stupid to notice the difference between the system trying to connect to a shared computer/network folder and it INSTANTLY bitching it can't? The only Denial of Service happening here is from you not letting me connect to my fucking internal network, you douchebags.
DEFRAG - what the fuck were you losers thinking??? First you replace the visual feedback of moving cluster blocks and replace it with a shitty progress bar (dropping from a 2D visual matrix to a single dimension), then you remove the feedback ENTIRELY... not even a generic progress bar or percentage or estimated completion time. Instead you fucktards just give us a message that says "please wait" with no indication that you are doing a fucking thing (even taskmanager can't see it half the fucking time). Then you take a goddamned nap for the next 36 hours, making no discernible progress. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT AND WHY THE FUCK IS IT EVEN TURNED ON? What shitbag thought the answer was "always running defrag in the background"??? That isn't a solution, its a fucking problem, a goddamned big one you numbshits! This had to come from the same dumbass that believes unused RAM is wasted, now we get the idea that if your HDD is GRINDING ALL THE TIME, it too is somehow wasted. FUCK. THAT. GUY. (please, somebody just shoot him between the eyes with a military grade paintball gun... and if you miss the *between* part, well, that's okay too) [yeah, yeah, "violence is never called for"... clearly you didn't read the script, cause the dramatic tension in this scene needs to break... its right there below line 7, it clearly says "and violence ensues"]
TILES - yes, let's make an interface that takes up extra space and doesn't provide anything useful... oh, and let's make it the FUCKING DEFAULT. And no matter how many times the user tells us they don't want this piece of shit view, we'll keep reverting to it, especially when they open a network folder or external device.
Seriously dipfucks, this could have been a useful, CUSTOMIZABLE view where the USER could decide what details they wanted to see, and HOW BIG THE TUMBNAIL/PREVIEW is, and what META-INFORMATION such as URLs could be attached and how they would be shown.
But instead they made a shitty, small preview/thumbnail, and piled on useless details that cannot be configured, leaving out USEFUL information wherever possible. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A CUSTOM FUCKING WIDGET, LET THE DAMNED USER DECIDE WHAT THEY WANT, DON'T FORCE IT ON THEM. NO MEANS NO.
SETTINGS/CONTROL PANEL - WHY?! WHY DO YOU FUCKERS HAVE TO RENAME AND MOVE SETTINGS WITH EVERY FUCKING VERSION OF THE OS????? It was painful enough to find how to customize this shitty operating system the first time, now, like fucking walmart, I have to learn an entirely new store layout every fucking time I visit instead of finding the product/service/setting I'm looking for. KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF! AND QUIT FUCKING HIDING SETTINGS TOO... things that could be configured in older versions of windows are now FUCKING HARDCODED LIKE THE FUCKTARDS AT APPLE DO! I don't wan't a single-button mouse or interface, morons, I WANT FULL FUCKING CONTROL OF EVERY SINGLE (reasonably distinct) ASPECT, THAT CAN BE *SAFELY* CONFIGURED. I don't like fucktarded "basic" settings that have only 1 or 2 options, I DEMAND FULL CONTROL OF THE FUCKING COMPUTER AND OPERATING SYSTEM I PAID FOR! If I don't like a how shitty UI/UX feature is implemented, I ought to be able to change it! I'm not asking to modify core stability and security, just the ability to use your product without wanting to kill myself. (or you... mostly you)
JUMP LISTS: PINNED ITEMS - why can't you fucking remember what was PINNED!? Especially for web-browsers! When I pin 10 websites, I EXPECT THEM TO BE THERE A WEEK FROM NOW, A MONTH FROM NOW, A DECADE FROM NOW!!! Instead, they disappear after just a couple of days because you keep OVERWRITING PINNED ITEMS with "new" items. TREAT THE FUCKING PINNED AS READ ONLY, WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT OTHER VISITED SITES, WHY SHOULD THEY TAKE PRECEDENCE!? Only the USER should be allowed to REMOVE PINS!!!!!!!! Its time you "microsoft dogs" learn what *STAY* means! But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!
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feb 2019
1. bladee - jaws 2. bladee - side by side 3. noname - song 31 4. chynna - iddd 5. omaure - shine 6. instupendo - persona 7. oatmello - rocky rhodes 8. little simz - selfish 9. mila j - tell me about it 10. asiahn - something new 11. raiche - complicated 12. umi - high school 13. lizzo - juice 14. loveday - breathless (like this) 15. jaira burns - numb 16. klp - under the influence 17. echos - graves 18. juliana hatfield - lost ship 19. hand habits - placeholder 20. soak - knock me off my feet 21. girlpool - pretty 22. soccer mommy - be seeing you 23. daniel land - under a red sky 24. witchduck - i can't help 25. homeshake - just like my 26. cherry glazerr - that’s not my real life 27. t-rextasy - coffee? 28. the scary jokes - sleepyhead 29. jenny lewis - red bull & hennessy 30. hozier - almost (sweet music) 31. florence + the machine - haunted house 32. kana-boon - waiting for spring 33. wisp x - eternal twilight 34. snail's house - cosmo funk 35. nanahira - promenade wa hitori de 36. nyarons - cherry 37. project skylate - defragment 38. android52 - fall in love 39. lewis - sakurako 40. ghost data - full bodied 41. ducky - day zero 42. ksmtk - reborn 43. city girl - just a shadow 44. ouioui - moonlight 45. ayelle - obvious 46. american football - uncomfortably numb 47. copeland - lay here 48. fractures - recover 49. brothertiger - shallow 50. wild nothing - blue wings 51. the japanese house - maybe you're the reason 52. munya - it's all about you 53. room306 - crawl 54. kolme - the liar 55. vampire weekend - harmony hall 56. lana del rey - hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have but i have it 57. rosie carney - your love is holy 58. mree - kiki's song 59. dominic pierce - panasonic shockwave 60. toro y moi - new house
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unsoundedcomic · 6 years
Do dreams get stored in the khert or is it like Lady Ilganyag suggested, that they serve as a disk defragmenter for the soul/mind and get lost on death?
No one knows for sure~ Most do follow the “disk defrag” school of thought, and believe the operation largely serves to sever the living brain’s connection to redundant or unnecessary memories for the sake of mental clarity and sanity. Not everyone would handle Duane Adelier’s perfect recall so well, and might have difficulty functioning in their day to day if they were perpetually distracted by inescapably vivid memories of the worst things that have ever happened to them. The brain blunts memories at night so that people can live more presently during the day.
There are some who believe that this process leaves the soul free to muck about in the khert at night though; that some dreams are a mind wandering the long halls of eternity and looking in on others’ experiences. Duane used to think that was metaphysical hoo-ha, but considering it’s exactly what he does now at night, he’s had to rethink his position.
The Black Tongues are said to speak with Lady Ilganyag primarily in their dreams. That’s certainly where Bastion first saw her as a young boy, but he stopped telling his Black Tongue brethren this when they angrily told him it was impossible; a wright can only speak to the Lady after he’s been initiated.
They are such jealous boyfriends, those Black Tongues.
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cjoyvibrancy · 3 years
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The fabric of your soul, the truth of your essence, is pure unconditional love. It is the state of permanence within you that is eternal & unchanging. The more you align with this, the more you are tuned into the frequency of your authenticity.⁣ Whenever you feel anything other than love, magic, & bliss. Any moment you are experiencing frustration, fear, or uneasiness is when you are simply having a glitch in the system. Because, we grow throughout our lives & we learn various things. Some of which may be in alignment with this true. Some may not. And yet it takes time to defragment through all of the information we have received throughout our lives. To break through bonds of conditioning & programming may require practice. And we may not be consciously aware of it until something occurs which reminds us of a space where we can infuse more love into it all. Every second of our lives is an opportunity to experience this love within our hearts & souls. Either to feel it, express it, or to discover what needs to be released in order to return to it. And regardless of which of the three we are experiencing in a given moment, it's all righteously in alignment with the pure unconditional love, regardless of how it seems. Because once we make that choice to be a pure vessel of truth & of alignment. Then everything, every moment, every aspect of our lives is a reflection of that commitment. To shine our light & to illuminate the way for all others to do the same. It's just simply a matter of recognition of which we are leaning towards in a given moment. And then further purifying to represent this Truth within us & within all. Recognizing it within each other is key. Allowing others the space to migrate between the three states. And to align everyone together in love, unity, harmony, & peace. https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9mhtTlb4m/?utm_medium=tumblr
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oxiegoeimi · 3 years
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. 📸 Title: Imprisoned: Day 1 📸 Artist: #cultistofvertigo . Speeding up to slow down or watching out as I run into the sounds. Giving into the pressure of freewill, letting demons come out, those repressed memories and experiences brushed under the rug right before the inspectors come through the back door to see whether or not my story checks their boxes. So, you wanted real, not perfection. Thank you for trying to discuss what I avoided all along. Of course I regret, who doesn’t? Painkillers destroyed kidneys, bleeding internally and nights spent in terror, afraid of the sun rising and years passing while facing this reflection all masked up and yesterday through inebriation to avoid myself. Take it literal if you must, don’t care, just letting the imaginary marry reality in these notes. Not mysterious if you just believe me, but we know that’s impossible, inhuman to stop thinking and analyzing where everything goes. Labels and textbooks, heroes and tall tales, predecessors and protégés speak about the design, the desire to change what always was in hopes of correcting mistakes or making improvements, instead of letting it remain untouched. Is it a bad thing? Was that a long sentence? Am I making sense? Why so many questions? Let me know if you get it because I don’t. Defragmenting the broken and mixed up soul here, unlocking doors and opening chests as time forces my heart to pulse and propitiate life. Rather than regress into more memories, creating another “what if” while preparing to ingest another breath from the invisible and experience with the visible while I have the opportunity to become or be who I’ve been along. - oxiegoeimi enter 11.1 🦁🏳🔐💙 remember to always #trust #nature 🌲 #Healer 🔥 #Spirit 🕊 #hope ⚜️ #grace ☔️ #love 🌸 #life 🌊 #unity 🌈 #believe 💝 #weareone ✂️🕚🎶 #energy #PinkySwear #prayer #meditation #freelove #hereandhereafter #dream #vision #Eternity #paradise #infinity #light #origin #writing #source #journey #create #coexist together 💜🌠🌅🌟 (at Hope) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSfEkznzp2/?igshid=1kxfq7t1tlqti
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h2smedia · 5 years
Signs of Failing Hard drive that you should never ignore
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The hard drive is undoubtedly one of the most important components of your computer, even though your computer cannot boot properly without it. But, it is a hard drive that is responsible to boot your computer with one of the most recent operating systems, if you don't have an SSD, not to mention, it is also the component where all your data is stored, may it be movies, songs, documents, or whatever. In the case of other components within a computer, you can easily replace each of them, if they start acting up, or one of them gets damaged. In the case of a hard drive, however, replacing it, after it is damaged will lead to complete data loss, which isn't something desirable.  But, the good thing is that most hard drives will show you a number of symptoms before it is eventually damaged so that you can take those symptoms as early signals that your hard drive is going to fail. If you find one of the symptoms you can get a new hard drive, connect it to one of the existing hard drive ports on your computer, transfer the files from your old to the new hard drive and you can throw away the old hard drive, which is no longer reliable, or find some other way for the same. So, today I will talk about the early symptoms of hard drive failure so that it doesn't wreak havoc on your important files and data.
6 Signs of Hard drive Failure
So, without any further delay, let's get started with the early signals of hard drive failure that you shouldn’t take for granted.
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Longer file access times, and frequent slowing down If you boot from a mechanical hard drive, and you find out, your computer is booting slower than usual, there can be multiple reasons behind it, and one reason can be the slowing or failing hard drive. Slower boot times can also result from multiple startup programs or overall initial impact of different services that your computer is running, and thus, this might not be the final sign that your hard drive is failing.  However, if you face the same problems even after reinstalling Windows or any other operating system that you are using, this can be due to a failing hard drive, as a new operating system is faster than an old one. You can also try upgrading your computer hardware to find out, whether the problem is caused by insufficient RAM or other problems and even after that if you find your computer is not showing any progress, this can be one of the earliest signs of a failing hard drive. On the other hand, if it is taking a lot of time in accessing all your personal files, which can be photos, videos, documents or other files, this can also be a sign of hard drive failure. You can also face slower access times if you haven't defragmented your hard drive for long, and you are trying to access very big files. In this situation, you might try to defragment your hard drive, and if, even after that, the problem persists, this can be a pretty good signal of a hard drive failure, however, you should also look out for the other symptoms of a hard drive failure. BSODs, computer freezing frequently If your computer is showing up blue screen error of death from time to time, and you also find out that your computer is freezing, especially when you are trying to open some big file and it is taking at eternity to go back to normal, this can be a signal of a hard drive failure. If your computer boots from a hard drive and it freezes from time to time for no particular reason, that can be caused by system files losses in the early stage of a hard drive failure. Even though your computer might freeze for a number of other reasons, which can be due to some other hardware failure or due to some software issues. You can try reinstalling the operating system or check your system for some malware. If you detect no malware issues, and the same problems are showing up even after reinstalling the operating system, find a new hard drive soon. Files get corrupted, and data losses If, after using the hard drive for a long time, you find out that the files are getting corrupted even though they were saved properly, this might be a signal that your hard drive is failing. At this point of time, you should immediately back up all the files on another existing hard drive or an external hard drive, on the cloud, or anywhere else, so that your files are always safe. In the beginning, you will start finding one or two corrupted files, but with time, this will spread like an apocalypse on your hard drive and you will lose all the important files one day if you do not take early actions. If you can't find the files that were saved at a location at some later time, this is also as good as finding corrupted files on your hard drive and you should take the same steps to safeguard your data and get a new hard drive. Even though data loss can also be caused by some malware, you should better check your system for any existing malware, just like I discussed in the last step, before you replace your failing hard drive. You should also check the drive for errors using any of the available utilities. Multiple bad sectors on a hard drive Bad sectors on a hard drive are those parts on the hard drive, from where no data can be read and it is also impossible at the same time to write data onto those parts. Bad sectors on a hard drive can be caused by manufacturing defects, and if that is the case, you can easily get a replacement for your existing hard drive, if it is within warranty. However, if bad sectors start accumulating badly on your hard drive from time to time, it can be assumed that your hard drive is failing. Bad sectors are of two types, which are soft bad sectors that can easily be recovered by a number of utilities or a system format, as those are logical errors. Hard bad sectors are those, which cannot be recovered. Here I am talking about hard bad sectors, which can be caused if the drive is used for a long time, mishandling, damages caused by water or dust, which is unlikely to happen, and similar other causes. If you find that your hard drive is having an increasing number of hard bad sectors, this can lead to data loss and eventually hard drive failure. Unusual sounds from the system chassis or hard drive If you have ignored all the above pre-signals, and you can finally hear an unusual clicking noise from your hard drive, like that of popcorn popping inside a microwave, this is high time that you get your hard drive replaced with a new one. If there is a lot of sound coming from the hard drive, which resembles clicking, also known as a Click of Death, this could be caused by the malfunctioning or failure of the motors and the bearings within the hard drive, and if it continues, this will eventually lead to data loss and hard drive failure. At this point in time, you should replace your hard drive as early as possible and before that, try to recover as much data as possible from the hard drive to somewhere else so that you do not lose all the important data that was there on your hard drive.  S.M.A.R.T. Diagnostics Even though this might not be the perfect indication that your hard drive is going to fail, almost all modern hard drives these days, come with SMART, which is the abbreviation of Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. All modern hard drives have this technology today and your operating system can read data from SMART to you if anything is going wrong. SMART can also predict hard drive failures, however, that is not always perfect but this can at least be good enough to help you understand, whether your hard drive is functioning perfectly or not. If you find some problems can you find that the parameters are gradually going far from normal, this can also be an early sign that your hard drive is starting to fail, and depending upon how much the parameters are away from the threshold, your hard drive will start acting up sooner or later. At this point, you can start backing up all your important files and data on the hard drive and replace your hard drive as early as possible. So, eventually, there are a number of signals that you will find before your hard drive eventually fails. You should keep an eye on any of the signals so that you do not regret later. Apart from all the signals that I have mentioned, that should make you aware of hard drive failure, it is indeed a good idea to replace your hard drive every five or six years and keep the most important set of files or data in multiple places by backing them up to the cloud or by copying them to some external storage device so that you do not face any kind of troubles if the hard drive failure eventually takes place without any signal at all, which is very unlikely to happen. So, that was all about the signals that you can usually find before a hard drive failure. Do you have any questions or have anything to say? Feel free to comment on the same below. Read the full article
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letsallcheck · 5 years
9 Simple Steps To Make Your Computer Run Faster
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Like death and taxes, the slowing of a computer is one of life’s inevitability. As computers become more cluttered and outdated, they show their age quickly. But before you leap out and buy a replacement laptop, try these 8 simple steps to form your computer run faster and more smoothly. 1.  continue  An Uninstalling Spree
You probably don’t know it, but your computer is overloaded with programs you never use.  this may vary from person to person,
but it’s important to catalog what you’re using on your computer and what’s there eating up space and power. Don’t be afraid to be mercenary with what you get obviate, but confirm you don’t uninstall anything of important importance.
2. Delete, Delete, Delete
A full disk drive is an unhappy disk drive. Even with 15 percent capacity remaining,  a tough drive will begin to slow a computer’s functionality immensely. So, it’s time to urge strict about the files on your computer.  does one need those prom pics?  does one need all of Beethoven’s sonatas? Is your trash emptied? 3.  concede  To The Cloud
That leads us to our next tip: use the cloud for files that you simply don’t actively need on your computer. We’re not advocating blowing pile on expensive cloud services, but use storage like Dropbox, Google Drive or i Cloud to clear up space on your computer.
4. Add More Storage
Instead of (or additionally to) using the cloud,  you'll take the physical route and put all of your non-essentials on an external disk drive.  take care because this stuff has a knack for failure at inopportune times, but it is often an excellent thanks to packing up your computer. 5. Clean Your Computer
This one might require the assistance of a professional, or a minimum of some very careful consideration. We’re not talking about giving your computer a general wipe down, we mean getting the dust and gunk out of your machine. If your computer is consistently overheating or maybe just running hot,  this is often an excellent move. You’ll be surprised, and dismayed, at just what proportion dust lives in your computer.
6. Install Those Updates
Updating your computer is inherently annoying. Usually, the primary week approximately of an update doesn’t work also as you’d like, or dramatic interface changes make it all difficult to navigate. The temptation to attend to upgrade is natural, but it can find yourself backfiring. Check for updates now,  it'd be just the thing you would like. 7. Restart Your Computer
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?” The adage exists for a reason.  sort of a  good night’s sleep, sometimes all of your computer needs may be a  little bit of rest. As any IT person will tell you, rebooting your computer regularly is important keep it defragmented and clean.
8. Remove Malware
If you’ve got malware on your computer, it might be slowing it down. Install a trusted malware remover and scan your computer. You don’t need to spend plenty of cash to try to do this either. Many trusted malware removers are available free editions,  like  SUPERAntiSpyware.
9. Choose Your Browser Wisely
Between Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Explorer, there are tons of options for browsing the web. And while the talk rages eternal about which is best, certain browsers do eat up more of your computer’s processing power,  which may start a sequence reaction of slow processing. Firefox is usually cited together of the sleekest, but it's going to depend upon what quite rig you’re running.
While bettering your computer isn’t a particular science, we hope this list will assist you to get some long out of your computer. If these steps don’t do anything for you,  it'd be time to call it and buy a replacement rig.
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momradio · 7 years
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Existence is but a stress dream in the wind-up to the great big content-after-content in the sky, merely a pre-game ritual preceding the march to total optimization. Your rewards are waiting for you in your eternal soul coffer; our spirit servers never change terms and your prize can be claimed at ephemeral passing particulate freeze-frame of crypto-liquid time.
Seize the frame and become one with the civilization blockchain: insert a user token into the slot on the front end of totality and begin separating multiple identities into a stratified portfolio! Seconds later “you” will be dissolved into a fixed-state-free “us”, or network. After that process completes, clumsy and negligent interpolation splits the astro-turf Earth and gives into one of our DX-pression chambers (manufactured by DX for Mom Radio Interprises) where it is exploded, imploded, defragmented, and re-animated and then exploded once more (our signature Fortified Inversion® process) and then uploaded to a free-range genetically unique net-organism. Assets and their holders will roam the digital savanna once again, free to consume, re-gurgitate and re-cycle!
End it! Make it stop. Never-ending bonus that completely coats the mouth is nice, but definitely toxic. Scan it! Is society’s greatest loss the battles it wins every night? How lit is it? Send it! Do we really learn from mistakes? Do we need mistakes? Can we do away with the blunders? Be gone bloopers! May we all excel in our journey towards optimal efficiency in collective participation as a synchronized population of daytraders on the human captial market. The prismatic spectral reward carrot is ever closer now and its tantalizing scent irritates and stirs the collective territorial prismatic outward branding warrior ego.
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I recorded my destiny on the traces of my thumb And placed the coin of synchronicity inside of my palm So you flip a coin with life and hope that you don’t lose your head Except this time with that flip this time the whole universe rolled over instead In my joyous innocent power the insects devoured my flesh into space And gave birth to a power with an innocent face and I Became the silence that once got my afraid And I have all the power to run my car off a bridge But I grab midnight mystery and keep driving instead So I spoke with the darkness and she winked a full moon And within a centuries moment was swept off too soon  If you stay still enough in the soil the bugs forget to bite they’re just travelling stars; they’ll teach you their word that life is alright. I closed my eyes just when I thought I found sleep until fire said no And sparked me into leap An old catholic monk taught me to sit on the swing And just to observe that pendulum hindering me free He said just watch it pass and don’t shove it away Don’t avoid its swing either it’ll only fall back your way Instead look and observe and just trust in your self And that yelling voice inside of you that isn’t yourself You’d think it common sense to acknowledge the existence To face the face I face of many faces like a diabolical twin I shut my eyes fast and roll over again Defragging the nightshade tumor of inside I ask myself these questions considering the hovering light Of a blinking bathroom sun beaming, “enough with the fright!” And I realize I disassociate sometimes when I take shits Meanwhile, I’ll pick out my boogers and contemplate my existence. We spend our entire time learning to surrender, to let go Putting on our old soul’s shoes that might lead to home But with this existence and gift of a body I’ll make a nest for myself with the most beautiful twigs So it seems that there are messengers wherever you go Just a reminder to listen and remember that angels don’t need wings Instead you can see them hiding behind the eyes people gleam Like a dream that’s forgotten, slapped awoke to the race Of being a pendant for experience of this great human race You can think into a riddle, but you can’t think out of your head “Your perception is powerful and your thoughts are magnetic,” That’s what the sky said before she swallowed me up Into her star mouth expanse and a cloud lulled on by Behind a big bright full moon, there, I see you again And I realize the secret, that life is fucking intense But its really okay you just get better at observing That pendulum falling and there you are again Back inside the space of silent dreams And I unzipped the seam and saw myself reflecting When the Earth says your name, you realize that dying and living are really just the same its fucking scary to feel the seismic quake of being alive or whatever that entails Reclaiming each myth to discovering all districts, here we go again, heads of tails? “The chance to teach is everywhere,” said a shirtless sidewalk spirit with torn up black shoes I dipped my palm into the void and cupped a pool of childhood’s mystery That I misplaced in this body, in my own confused adult skin To only find out that it’s the day of this yellow spectral star And that night that I faced you the worlds were adjoined by a bridge Making these thoughts of mine a map that makes up a mote My hearts a hotel, where now is that catholic monk? This world is full of cleansing just like a snake that’s sheds its skin My bed’s a daymare cocoon that rebirths me again Each day is brand new, you can see how they shine Like toddlers hold their magic wands to light I’ve spent 24 years talking to the mirror held up against my face Learning to write out my demons and make amends with this place Life is too short, no wait Life is too long But time isn’t of the essence, so I’ll find out where I belong Paused in the space and punctuation and brackets What a gift it is to be I guess my breath is the present Say bless you to strangers and open your hand This life beams intensely and we’ll put on our sunglasses and watch it collapse Into itself like a serpent that eats its own tail That’s a metaphor for an eternal belly Just like how I measure my sanity by each laundry load Beyond all of this, as I lay on the floor and the walls they are melting at just what’s in store I know at the end I’ll close my eyes with a fork to devour the light not run To trust that in nature and death do us part after this, my Soul, believe that the best has truly yet to come.
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jtroadrunner95 · 5 years
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Sword Art Online Memory Defrag
[Enchanting Eternal Summer Warrior] Leafa ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Limit Break Illustration (1)
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restlessmuseum · 8 years
paraph. block10/part4
But you walk among the tombstones (eternal providence) inside man (destroyed medicine), passing the abandoned (darling) in the cozy panic room, asking the dust (chocolate cake). If you had been here you are here, apart from the italian job (the owl appears to us when transition is near). If you were walking here (abstract, arcane, arcade) you are sinking here (the birth of venus) above me. At the eye clinic selling cataracts (head upon the fruitful pillow), you beside yourself (me on the same chair in the office building) (a totally remarkable image). The only words (I couldn't contain, I couldn't count on) from the outside (happy independence day) you hear what you want to hear (so did I inside) while visiting intersecting walls (a couple) under that hazardous haze (in crouched position) being blurred (very nice out of focus). The tragedy (missing this words' museum however), how to find it, how to seek it. (this is a place for gathering information, announcements, collaborations) The woman in her cubicle knows. I tried to urge her (you make your own mistakes by piling up their own life of yours), only to find no one but more than that. I exited the conference room (another day) onward (en garde). I no longer discerned the end of the office. I breathed in brackets (manufactured the deepest appreciation). Showing a daughter in action (willows, the duellist), fairy tale about what I'll be like then. So I floated further, among (sudden storm over) series (heaven, stairs). Thoughts I once and for all had, an automatic dashboard (recall, defrag, reblog) for meanings.
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