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Thoughts and feelings are temporary, transient visitors. You are not their slave. You are their master. And if there's something in your life which isn't in alignment with the pure truth of your heart & soul...all you need to do is take radical responsibility for your role within that specific thing. If you seek new solutions, then just simply focus on your desired outcome... and drop all your attachments to the details & the timing. Your life is meant to be an expression of your authenticity. And if there's any moment where you notice something that doesn't seem to be in alignment with the unconditional love that's the real truth of you, me, everybody, & everything... ... then chances are you're getting caught up & attached to a temporary attribute.. and then subsequently labeling & judging it according to your expectations. For, everything is really all a matter of perception. And when you strip away all external egoic labels & justifications...all you're left with is the light of your spirit.. the energy of your essence for which you were born into this physical body with. That light in your eyes which is eternally available to shine. For while many people, places, things, experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, actions, etc...while all these eternally fluctuate within their timing, frequency, power, etc.. like crests & troughs of waves... You are the ocean. You. Your energy. Your being. Your spirit. It's permanent. Come high tide, low tide, or whatever.. the Atlantic Ocean is still the Atlantic Ocean. You are that eternal Ocean of existence. Deep within your heart & soul. Infinitely. Eternally. Forever & ever. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #Ocean #waves #life #consciousness #infinite #eternal #UnconditionalLove #truth #existence
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Anything is possible, in life. It's all a matter of perception, something which, isn't fixed. Each moment is an opportunity to choose fresh in an infinite amount of ways, with regards to everything in life, if you choose. For, within the plethora of options within the thoughts, ideas, & beliefs buffet.. choosing what most aligns deeply for you & simultaneously harmonizes within the greater good of all.. always benefits the experience of existence in infinite ways. All energy is innately connected within infinite ways. This is why/how karma exists. The more you simply cleanse & purify yourself to align with your most natural state.. the more all else does as well. Because you can recognize inherently within it all, the connectivity of the energetic frequency of the experience of life. Every person, place, thing.. every interaction.. everything infinitely has an energy which is eternally dancing. Something which cannot be perceived with the human eye, yet science has found ways to exemplify this. And so, to firmly attach to any belief without being open to possibilities which could extend beyond your own senses of perception, is to limit yourself & your experience of life. Whereas, it all exists way beyond measure. Yet, the more you align internally with your heart & soul, and the unconditional love that's the truth of all of existence.. the more you illuminate your integrity of the commitment to your own authentic self-expression. Freely, openly, & warmly. The more you create a space for others to do the same. Yet also, you expand your capacity to experience life because... realize that each moment is presenting you with infinite thoughts, feelings, & emotions to choose from. Which are fully independent of all circumstances. And within your own life force energy, you have the capacity to consciously align yourself with whatsoever sets your soul on fire. (Continued in comments)
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There's so much more to life than we're able to perceive with our 5 humanly senses. For, the Universe is infinite. And within the vast scope of it all, we are merely freckles upon the face of existence. A myriad of phenomenons taking place within infinite dimensions, things which energy workers, shamans, & psychics may have a connection with to some degree. Yet still, all ideas are inherently filtered. Or, are they? Is there a space for which to truly connect within the eternal realm of consciousness? To fully realize it in a rational sort of way? Well, when you take into account that.. like anything else, consciousness is energy. Or at least, it has some sort of energetic representation. Also, when you consider the old saying about "walking a mile in someone's shoes". By aligning with your own consciousness of yourself, you're "walking a mile" within the infinite realm of Universal Consciousness. When you're objective & rational about your experience through this trajectory of life, you connect with your own consciousness. Thus, innately aligning with the Universal Consciousness which is at the root of everything in existence. For, consciousness is not like some sort of measured thing. There's no walls saying where it stops & ends. It's an infinite energy that's apart of every molecule of everything throughout the entire cosmos. The more you have this sense of awareness, the more life presents itself to you as just a very fascinating journey of pure unconditional love. Because you realize how we're all apart of this phenomenon together. It's a universally shared concept which delves deeply within the natural state of being. Everyone knows this & honors this in some way. Yet, the depths to which it has the capacity to transform the experience of life is rather astounding when you align yourself within your own natural frequency. Because then, it becomes less a matter of recognizing the consciousness of existence, but rather simply just an unfolding of your dreams. (Continued in comments)
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Every moment is a chance to shine. To reflect back upon all the possibilities for which you are. To concede to the towering inferno for which is your life experience, as the notion of time fervently burns away at your past. Forging a trail of new ideas, hopes, dreams, & wonders. For, each moment is fresh. And, every outcome in all areas of life which are important to you remain open to the art for which you create through your expression. There are no rights, nor wrongs. Only choices. Patterns can be repeated, broken, or created at any moment. It's what you do with the information presented which influences the unfolding of your experience. You are always safe, protected, & infinitely loved by the Universe. When you quiet yourself, separate your focus, & direct your attention inwards towards your truth.. and follow that fully above all else, life naturally reveals itself to you. The path becomes more clear each moment, because you're more naturally aligned with the light that's within your heart & soul. This is how you honor & love yourself, for who you truly are, and create a safe space for others to do the same. Because it's not about directing, dictating, pushing, nor trying. It's about being, aligning, & flowing. For, life is a journey, not a destination. The more you do this..Burn away all outdated layers of the past, and rise like the phoenix.. the more space you create for your being to stretch itself & fly. Infinitely. Eternally. Up into the cosmos. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #eachmoment #fresh #infinitepossibilites #riseup #transformation #personalgrowth #life #journey
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Eternal fulfillment recipe In one bowl blend: 1 cup: detachment Dash of 'could' Dash of 'should' Dash of 'would' In another bowl blend: 1 cup: embracing all infinite cups: perceived notions of time Combine both bowls together.. *Measures are appropriate. Make necessary adjustments whenever. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #fulfillment #recipe
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Original post by @theeverydaystoic "No man is rich enough to buy back his past." - Oscar Wilde Inspired these words from my heart: Can't do it over, but you can certainly think it over. Be grateful for what has occurred within your life. All of it, without exception. For, regardless of your interpretation, it's always in full alignment with your path somehow. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #oscarwilde #stoicism #dailystoic #inspiration #love #life #love #unity #empowerment
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Original post by @dailystoic "No man is rich enough to buy back his past." - Oscar Wilde Inspired these words from my heart: Can't do it over, but you can certainly think it over. Be grateful for what has occurred within your life. All of it, without exception. For, regardless of your interpretation, it's always in full alignment with your path somehow. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #oscarwilde #stoicism #dailystoic #inspiration #love #life #love #unity #empowerment
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Each moment passes so fast, yet we're forever within the infinite now. Eternally bounded to a timeless space of being & existing, which goes beyond the scientific laws of nature. Liberated within our freedoms of self-expression, discipline, & guidance. Inspired by love, honor, respect, & mutuality. For, within you I see me. And within everybody I recognize the multitude of universes, eternally blending together to form one. The pieces of us scattered amongst the cosmos like glittery fairy dust, inspiring worlds to combine, & frequencies to merge. Rising amongst our beings in order to serve the light that shines from within our hearts & souls. For, we are all truly Divine. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #infinite #eternal #existence #divine #union #harmony #love #peace #compassion #understanding
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Thoughts and feelings are traveling passengers. Sometimes they stay for a while, othertimes not. Regardless, they are separate from you. And you have a choice which ones you choose to honor. When you rely upon an external source in order to provide you with those thoughts & feelings, you make yourself dependent upon something unreliable. For, the external world is fleeting. And unless there is a directly shared upon agreement & commitment between you and that source, then you are setting yourself up for failure. You cannot change the external world, nor can you coerce it into being exactly how you choose. But what you can do is rely on yourself, and your own internal immortality as your source, rather than anything outside of you. The thoughts and feelings which were originally made dependent upon that external source can instead be accessed within, eternally. The external world is merely an added bonus, or it can be, should you choose. However, true fulfillment always comes from within. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #fulfillment #within #infinite #eternal #internal #reality #external #illusion
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Anything is possible in this world. It's not so much a matter of necessarily going anywhere, but rather of just simply being. Each moment presents in of itself, the opportunity to be fulfilled within your own heart & soul. The illusion is that there is some sort of achievement that needs to be made, in order to receive the feeling. But the fact of the matter remains is that, within yourself, you have the internal capacity to experience that state of being.. & all feelings associated with it, regardless of anything externally. Once you align internally to the truth of your heart & soul, the unconditional love that's the truth of all of existence, then you are fulfilled. Eternally. And whatsoever occurs within the physical realm won't be able to shake the sense of internal stillness of that for which you truly are. Each moment shall simply present itself as an opportunity to more deeply align with the self, & the humanly person for which you are responsible for. For, the true being of you is like the infinite eternal observer for which is the source of all states of consciousness. And through it, you are blessed with the ability to perceive pieces of the realm of existence, through the cognitive humanly senses of perception. Sometimes immersed, othertimes the witness, yet always the depths to which it all orignates from. And like a light, you shine upon all the fields of being, emanating through your natural vibrational frequency. The harmonic of your *being energy*, the µHz of your being. As life reflects back upon onto you, the lessons which tune your notes into harmonics. Ensuring you're on-key within the grand orchestration of life. Yet, the *secret* is that you always are, regardless of anything. (Continued in comments)
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Life is an illusion. A game of mirrors. The more you dance to the rhythm of your spirit, the more life plays your eternal song. Surrender to the unconditional love & release attachment to: people, places, things details, specifics, & timing. Have trust & faith in your connection to your heart & soul. This is the key to ultimate fulfillment, in each & every moment. Simply going within & aligning with your truth! Life is really this simple. Fulfillment is yours. Simply a choice. Nothing & nobody externally is required in order for you to receive. You've just simply got to be. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click lnk in bio to receive. Email to schedule a Reiki and/or life coaching session. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #reality #illusion #dream #choice #commitment #moment #now #existence
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Right vs wrong. All ego-based mind games which feed into the illusion of the imaginary "separation" between us all. The truth is that we all belong to one consciousness. And each of our individual energetic frequencies combine together to form a more cohesive whole being. All of the physical labels, justifications, & judgements are the equivalent of water molecules looking at each other & declaring their significance.. yet meanwhile all apart of the Atlantic Ocean. The more we come from the compassionate space of unconditional love, the further we can experience the pleasures of the flesh for which we are all destined to experience. For, it is our birthright to share "Heaven on Earth", and it begins with each of us taking *radical responsibility* for our own selves, the direction of our thoughts & our focus, & the actions we take which would be in alignment within thereof. Radical responsibility doesn't negate nor justify any sort of thing, but rather it just puts those things aside in order to simply take accountability for the desired destination. Because, while it may be tempting to get caught up within the realm of logistics & reasoning.. when you focus on something temporary within the present moment.. you give it more weight through your focus, & drag it along into "the future". Whereas, if you simply step aside & break from your subjectivity in order to serve the greater good of all... the solution always presents itself, miraculously & effortlessly.. simply through your detached objectivity. And rather than relying on outdated paradigms & ways of being, you can simply choose each moment to start fresh. Leading by the example for which you determine, based upon the Utopian ideal, for which is at the core of your being. For, the only way to truly determine the future of fulfillment is to... honor your heart & soul each day, taking steps which are geared towards your dreams. Moment by moment. #StayInspired Click bio link for free e-book. #cjoyvibrancy #author #writer #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #life #truth #consciousness #utopia #ecstacy #dream #reality #responsibility #choice
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Time is an illusion created by man, utilized as a tool to create structure within our existence upon a watery rock ball that's rotating around a fireball in a vast sea of nothingness. And yet, the utter irony of it all is that... regardless of whatsoever time it is.. no matter when you look at the clock... it's always "right now". We base our existence upon an alleged incremental rotation around a fireball & think absolutely nothing of it. Because we're so busy placing attention upon other things within the physical realm which hold no significance within the greater scheme of things. Distracted by the perpetual group of mirrors, ever so delicately reflecting back to ourselves the thoughts we attach ourselves to within our mind, & the frequency for which our hearts & souls are geared towards. Forever is the time for which there is the opportunity to align with the infinite eternal nature of being. The physical material world adheres to such fervent commitment through its own timing & details. The miraculous space for which we exist within, an infinite loop of possibilities. And our role simply to discover what forever that means. #StayInspired Would you like an book filled with words like this? There's a few. Link in bio. Would you like a Reiki and/or life coaching session? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #life #mystery #flow #discover #time #illusion #infinite #eternal #existence
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Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, yet it can be transformed. Masaru Emoto, known for his famous water experiments, provide solid evidence that words affect the molecular structure of water. This is why affirmations for us, can be so powerful, when recited & believed. Because we are made up mostly of water. Words, are the physical actions of the mind. And so, they carry a greater depth & weight to them, in an energetic sense. They are a great tool for authentic self-expression, when utilized in the purest sense. Yet, they can also be utilized in order to transform oneself. By choosing words & actions that are in alignment with the purity of our heart & soul, we align our frequency with our dreams.. Because essentially, your deepest passions are your desires because you believe that once you achieve them, that you will experience some sort of elevated emotion or feeling. Yet, the reality of life.. and the key to it as well.. is the realization that there is never an "in order to" for anything. And you don't ever have to wait to be fully self-expressed in who you are & to love every moment of your life. It's just simply a choice. Your energy is priceless. And the more you are consciously aware of the direction of your focus of it, the more you can guide yourself towards the destination that rings truest to you.. in the deepest way, on all possible levels. That is all that matters in life. Each moment, living life to the fullest. Embracing the possibilities of perception through the 5 humanly senses. Delving deeply within into the ultimate fulfillment of self. The more you do this, the more you are aligned inwardly. The more you release attachment to results, because you recognize that there is never anywhere to get to, to do, nor to achieve. All there is, is to just simply be. #StayInspired Would you like a book filled with words like this? There's a few! Also, one for free! Click link in bio to receive. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #words #integrity #dreams #possiblity #reality #thoughts #power #create #life
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Just as when you remove all layers of clothing, all that's left is your naked body. When you remove all labels, justifications, & classifications, all that's left is you. The essence of your being, your energy, your spirit goes way beyond any sort of external identities. For, the spirit of you is so much more. The vast depths of your energy, the frequency of your being is absolutely pure. Infinite. Eternal. The truth of you is like a light that shines brighter than the sun, filled with an everlasting amount of unconditional love. That's the best way to describe it within the context of human language & emotion. Yet, the depths of the purity of it are truly ineffable. As are you. As is everybody & everything. And each moment provides itself with an abundant opportunity to align yourself fully to this energetic capacity for which is your ultimate resource of experiencing the fullest depths of existence. Fully recognizing the miracle of being. Utilizing the humanly depths of perception in order to completely soak up this opportunity like a sponge. Unifying the mind, heart, body, & soul together, in full harmony. Taking in the wondrous mystery for which we are eternally fully enmeshed within the everpresent now. For, the truth of living goes further beyond the grasp for which we, as a species, are capable of understanding. Yet, every second we are afforded with the gift to sample a percentage of it, and to continue reveling in the magical delight for which everything truly is. #StayInspired Does this inspire or align with you? Please click like, share, & comment to help the algorithm, so that others can see this message too! #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #you #being #life #miraxle #harmony #joy #magic #bliss #peace #share #message #together
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Every thought you give significance to, creates an energetic action which emanates infinitely into space. The more you are consciously aware of yourself & of the frequency you are emitting, the more you connect with the power grid of all of existence. Tapping into that state of being. And sending warm, loving, & compassionate energy to all. Creating ripples within the pond of consciousness, which elevates all of existence, simply through the innate life source connection. Just as growth within your own personal life must be balanced on all levels, in order to be healthy... as a species, we must integrate as many aspects of ourselves which we are able to have an awareness of. Because while it's wonderful to advance so much within the physical realm, there also needs to be advancement within the mental, emotional, & spiritual realms as well, in order to fully balance it all out. Also, that would be the ultimate way to truly enjoy the "fruits of our labor," as well. Through having the depths of a cognitive & a holistic understanding of it all. The more examples of alignment which are set upon the path of being, the more collectively the frequency of humanity as a whole, aligns cohesively with the unity, the purity, & the truth of all of existence... each & every moment. #StayInspired Would you like a book filled with words like this? There's a few! Link in bio. Would you like a Distance Reiki session, or ongoing Reiki/life coaching combo? Send an email. Link in bio. #cjoyvibrancy #ReikiPractitioner #author #writer #books #inspiration #alignment #mind #heart #body #soul #liberation #love #unity #empowerment #energy #frequency #empath #awakening #lightbeings #intelligentbeings #humanity #harmony
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Unconditional love is the truth of all of existence. The vibrational frequency which is the purity of the energetic time signature of your being. Of everyone & of everything. Always & forever. Whether or not you choose to align with this within a given moment, directly correlates with your own karmic consequences. However, that being said. That does not mean to simply accept others not being aligned with themselves & to take that on as your karma, as well. Nono. For, there must be balance between the two. Karma is always seeking for itself to be transmuted energetically. And it is always done so through unconditional love. Yet sometimes, that means embracing others living within their own perpetual karmic loops. For, that is entirely within the free will of the individual. The key is to release the attachment from trying to control the karmic patterns & the transmutation. For, that is out of your hands. But what you can do is to align yourself internally & to recognize what the alignment looks like in others, as well. To simply honor that, above all else. For, regardless of how aligned you are.. and how much you revel within that space of being & so desire to share that level of infinite harmony with others.. it is within their own free will to determine whether or not they are ready to receive it energetically for themselves. If I create a spectacular 3d movie that I know you will absolutely love, & inform you that in order to see it properly you just need to wear glasses..yet you do not believe me, nor are you willing to put on those glasses, there is nothing that I can do. Because if I try to push you into wearing them, then I will be creating karma of my own. Yet, at some point in everybody's lives, we all succumb to this truth. The infinity of existence. And while it is so much more beneficial in every way to realize it as soon as possible... as with anything in life, the "timing" of such cannot be predicted nor controlled. (Continued in comments)
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