#Estate planning appraiser
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How to Be a Commercial Real Estate Appraiser!
People are not once but always confused about the work, duties, and approach of commercial real estate appraisers . The lawyers feel them to be mere apartment appraisers. Are you also the one, who thinks the same about them? Well, then that's totally wrong. Because the scene is totally opposite. And to your surprise, despite just apartment appraisals, these commercial appraisals involve the appraisals of the big properties, ranging from buildings for offices, hotels, shopping malls, restaurants, showrooms, and what not. Including this, they even look for abundant commercial lands, which are likely to be sold or to build a building.
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From giving the best and most accurate valuation to these buildings, they take into account a number of factors. Their marketplace value, the locations, the age, the quality of the constructions, their environment, and of course the trend in the market. And to give a perfect valuation for the building or a piece of land, they need to work really hard. Because it's not a simple and easy job to look at. They have to be updated with the market conditions and value all the other time. Not only that but also, they are fond of practical knowledge rather than bookish ones. So, if you are someone who is in love with this job. And wish to enter the world of commercial appraisal. This article is for you.
Entering the Commercial Appraisal
To become a commercial real estate appraiser , one must have a combination of theory and practical knowledge. Here, not only theory or practicality would work. You must have a mixture of training, education, experience, and professional affiliations. Listed below are some useful steps and points to be noted down, if you wish to be one of the commercial appraisers.
1.     Educational Certifications: Beyond having a bachelor's degree in either of the streams of finance, real estate, business administration, or economics. You must be full of knowledge and skills to practice commercial appraisal.
2.     Filed Knowledge: Commercial Appraisal, as mentioned disrespect of theoretical knowledge requires a lot of market knowledge. Thus, you must be the one to have friendly communication and relations with the people. You must always be updated with what's going on around the market, and then propose your valuations of a property.
3.     Cover AQB Courses: If you are someone, from the non-finance stream, it's better to cover all the courses led by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB), to cover everything detailed of real estate. The skills, and education that you must require in order to become the best appraiser in your area.
4.     Complete Practical Knowledge: Licenses and certificates are mandatory in becoming a renowned commercial appraisal. But at the same time, what you need to do is to gain complete practical knowledge. As time passes, you won't be asked for the degree, rather your experience would speak louder, by the valuations you provide to your clients.
5.     License Approval: Before starting to be a commercial appraiser, you must apply for the license. Given all your documents, from the education degree, to work experience in the state or board agency you will be issued your license. And so, you are credentialed to undergo practicing.
Above are the tips to be followed by one in order to become a recognized and successful commercial real estate appraiser . Once you have all the required experience, degree, and license you can embark on your journey.
More info Call: +1 213 236 3795 or Email: [email protected] ,
Address: Inland Empire, 215 N 2nd Avenue, Ste H Upland, CA 91786
San Diego, 501 W Broadway #800 San Diego, CA 92101
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oconnor2023 · 1 year
Estate Tax Appraisal | Estate Tax Planning:-
O'Connor understands key facets of estate taxes to help clients plan strategically, for the long term. Options to reduce estate taxes include trusts, family limited partnerships, gifts prior to death, gifts at death, and skillful use of partial interests. Here is more information about Estate Tax Appraisal & Estate Tax Planning :- https://www.poconnor.com/estate-tax-appraisals/
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A venture fund and a real estate startup – both with links to far-right organizations – are promoting a residential development in rural Kentucky as a haven for fellow rightwingers.
The promoters have presented the planned development as an “aligned community” for right wingers who want to “disappear from the cultural insanity of the broader country” and “spearhead the revival of the region”.
The development was announced on X, formerly known as Twitter, and in a special edition of the New Founding by Joshua Abbotoy, who is managing director of venture fund New Founding and principal of real estate developer Kentucky Ridge Runner LLC according to company records.
Kentucky Ridgerunner, meanwhile, is an LLC founded in 2022 with Abbotoy at its head according to Kentucky company records. It is the main vehicle for HRP, and owns the bulk of the land which is up for sale to buyers with rightwing sympathies.
Abbotoy’s father, Mark, a real estate appraiser based in Hartsville, Tennessee, is named as managing partner on the Ridgerunner website, and Lazar Lazarovski, a Nashville-based tech entrepreneur and realtor, is marketing director.
The website currently advertises two developments in the vicinity of Burkesville, a town in the so-called Eastern Pennyroyal district of southern Kentucky, around 20 miles north of the Tennessee border.
One of the developments, christened “Longhollow Acres”, is described as “a rolling 550-acre farm situated six miles northeast of Burkesville, and about half a mile to the river”. [...]
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the-boy-meets-evil · 2 years
a simple agreement | kth
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pairing: taehyung x f!reader trope/au: fake dating genre: mostly just fluff, slight comedy? rating: general (unless i add another chapter) warnings: mentions of drinking, taehyung's mother makes an appearance and i love her, reader is kind of snarky, taehyung is in over his head, it's just a fake dating trope because of taehyung's family word count: ~4.5k summary: taehyung comes from an incredibly wealthy family and hasn't ever given much thought to settling down. that is, until his father says he can't take his place at the head of the family business unless he's married. but maybe he's found the perfect solution. a/n: i wrote this initially for another fandom and have been having the absolute worst writer's block. so, i'm hoping this clears it up. initially i'd planned to carry the story on, so if you're interested in what happens next, let me know! it's also on ao3 here if that's your thing
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“You okay, babe?” 
The question broke through Taehyung’s daze as he stared out the window onto his parents’ estate. It was nothing but beautiful green grass all the way to the stables in the summer. Now it was blanketed in fresh snow. Growing up here had not been all bad, he reminded himself, and it wasn’t bad to be back here now. 
He turned around to see you standing in the doorway, a perfect fit for this lifestyle of functions and charity work, a perfect fit for the Kim family. The weak winter sunlight streaming in the window caught your warm eyes, which were trained on him and looked softer than usual, at least for when the two of you were alone. Instinctively, you reached to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, forgetting you had pulled it half up and clipped it, keeping the long strands off your face. The long-sleeved cocktail dress complimented your figure perfectly while still being up to the Kim family standards for an event like this one. Even your heels were simple, all designed to be the perfect fixture on Taehyung’s arm for photographs without pulling too much focus.
By all accounts, you were beautiful, both inside and out, and it was something that Taehyung never failed to notice. When he had told his family you were officially together, they had been thrilled. Finally, it seemed their eldest child and only son had found someone he could be serious about. Finally, the papers would stop writing about the playboy heir to the Kim business. Finally, everything was falling back into the plans that the Kims had made for their son. You were poised, had gone to the proper schools, were a good conversationalist, well-read, a philanthropist, connected to the right society organizations. His mother took you shopping and to luncheons with all her friends, his father pulled him aside to express his approval. 
Once the two of you separated from the parents and all the obligations, you would turn off parent mode and you were actually one of the only people Taehyung had ever been able to truly be himself around. You never judged him, never made him feel bad or guilty or anything. Somehow, he could unload things he had never said to anyone and you took it all in stride, staying by his side. On paper, you were perfect. There was only one problem.
None of it was real. From the moment it had started, the whole relationship had been fake. The two of you weren’t in love and never had been. Taehyung had needed a solution and you had been the perfect means to an end.
Taehyung finally pulled his eyes back to yours again and he forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine, darling.” 
You stepped into the room and closed the door behind you, eyes still appraising his face. If you had one fault, it was this. There was no way he could ever hide what he was thinking from you. Nobody had ever been able to read him so well.
“We don’t have to go through with this, you know,” you said softly, watching him as the words came out.
“What other choice do I have?” His jaw clenched almost imperceptibly as he said it but he knew you would have seen. He looked away to buy himself a second.
“Go it alone?” 
It was not the first time you had made the suggestion. Usually, when anyone else had said that to him, he just scoffed and dismissed it. There was just something different in the way you said it, though, as if you knew him well enough to say it from a concern for his happiness rather than anything else.
Taehyung sighed and with it tried to dispel some of the weight he was feeling. “I don’t care about the trust fund, I never have. But the business…”
Because that was the truth. He didn’t care if he lost out on his trust fund that stated he had to be married first. That had never mattered to him. But he did care about having a chance to make a difference in the business. The two had always been separate in his mind. Why should they be tied together? That was when Taehyung’s father had told him that he could not take over the business while unmarried, the investors and the board were all against it. According to them, it was at direct odds with everything the business stood for. That made Taehyung pause in a way nothing else had. Losing out on his trust was one thing, there were other ways to make money. He was not prepared to give up on the business without the fight of his life.
“I know.” Your voice was gentle, soothing, understanding.
“I can’t give it up when there’s still something I can do about it. I deserve the chance to leave my mark on it.”
“You also deserve the chance to fall in love, Tae.” 
Again, there was nothing condescending or judgmental about the statement. There was only concern for him. Even though your entire romantic relationship had been a sham, there was a level of care between the two of you that neither had been expecting. 
“I know,” he conceded.
Taehyung turned back toward the window and lost himself yet again. He let his mind drift back to when this had all started. Had anyone told him this is where he would be less than a year later, he would have asked if they were out of their minds. 
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It was another weekend of doing the exact same thing as Taehyung and his friends did any time there was something to celebrate, bar hopping around the city until they were so gone that they barely knew their own names. And nobody could come up with excuses to celebrate like the group of them, who had been friends since their boarding school days. Taehyung would also argue that nobody quite knew how to party like them and few people could keep up. 
Although the night started like any other, you were different. Taehyung rarely worried about finding women on his nights out like this, partly because he did not want to generate another tabloid photograph for his parents to chastise him over that called him the city’s most eligible bachelor, and partly because none of the women were ever enough to hold his interest. 
That night was different, though. You were different. When he noticed you on the other side of the bar, he immediately called a friend’s attention to you, not even noticing that you were also with a group of friends. But, you had noticed them, the second they had walked in, you later told Taehyung. It had been impossible to not notice them, what with all the commotion they had caused. Despite yourself, you later admitted that you had been amused by the sight of them. 
As the night progressed, Taehyung had been compelled to try and speak to you, to use one of his fail-safe lines as he was quite drunk already. Was it even a good line? Had he delivered it correctly? He did not have those answers. What he did know was that nothing seemed to be working on the mystery woman you were. Instead, you wore an amused grin every time he approached you, which had likely been more than several times.
That was where the night went hazy. It was at that point that his mind had gone into protective mode to save him from remembering anything else that he had said or done. What his mind had not counted on, though, was that you would remind him the next morning. 
Taehyung awoke to the unfamiliar smell of delicious food wafting into his bedroom from somewhere else in the apartment. Odd, he thought, as he lived alone and did not have any memory of bringing someone home the night before. As he shifted to go investigate the source of the smell, he noticed a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water on the bedside table. He reached for the bottle and caught sight of a note written in very elegant curling lettering. 
Don’t take any more of these until 1 pm.
He frowned. It had crossed his mind that maybe some of his friends had crashed at his place last night since it had the extra space, was the nicest of any of their places. Taehyung was also pretty sure it was the closest to the last bar they had been at. But none of his friends had handwriting like that. So, the mystery continued.
Consulting the clock and finding that it was not actually after 1 pm yet, Taehyung stood up from the bed, waiting for the hangover to hit. Surprisingly, it did not seem that bad. Somehow he had managed to get into a pair of his pajama bottoms too, so maybe he had not been as drunk as he assumed. It was time to find out who the mysterious, cooking intruder was, and he braved the walk to the kitchen. 
There were no words when he rounded the corner and saw a woman with her back to him, whisking eggs in a bowl, skillet on the stovetop beside her. Her hair was in a messy knot on top of her head and she wore a baggy t-shirt with a pair of what looked like his joggers that must have been rolled over several times to fit her. The whole scene already made zero sense to him when you turned around. That was when his stomach had really, truly, dropped. The girl from the bar. Parts of the night came flooding back. 
“Morning sleepyhead,” you said cheerily.
Just as he was about to say something in response, the doorknob of the door to the flat turned and caused Taehyung to turn towards it with a sharp panic. Only one other person had a key to his apartment and would do something like this, dropping by unannounced, and incidentally, it was the last person that he would have wanted to walk in at that moment. There was no time to say anything to you, to tell you to hide, or explain why you ought not to be there. No, this was happening and he was in for it.
A well-to-do older woman with perfect skin and dark, almost black, hair pulled into a tight bun atop her head stepped cheerily over the doorstep. As always, she was immaculately dressed, with shoes and a handbag color matched to her outfit. Her eyes went to Taehyung first, a frown replacing the previous smile at his appearance. However, he was saved from the tut forming on her lips as she seemed to realize someone else was in the flat.
“Oh! Taehyung, I didn’t realize you would have company,” she said, throwing her son a glare as she looked at you in the kitchen.
Not missing a beat, you (Taehyung was calling you the beautiful mystery woman from the night before) smiled brightly and wiped your hands off, stepping forward.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Kim,” you said and gave your full name.
Taehyung was struck with several thoughts all at once. How did you know his surname? How did you know this was his mother? How had he not remembered such a pretty name? And most importantly, how was your voice so chipper and pleasant after a night out? 
“You as well,” Mrs. Kim said, not bothering to offer her first name to you. “I hadn’t meant to intrude…”
“Oh, you’re really not. Several of us went out last night and Taehyung was kind enough to offer some of us to stay here to not have to head such a long way home. You’ve only barely missed Jimin and Jeonghan,” you said quickly but without a hint of untruth behind the words. “I couldn’t help myself, though. I wanted to make sure to leave some breakfast as thanks before heading out myself.”
“Jimin and Jeonghan were here as well? Such lovely young men,” Mrs. Kim said, softening a bit. “Did you have fun?” 
“We did, and we were very careful to avoid anything that...well, you know,” you said, almost conspiratorially to the older woman.
What was happening? Taehyung wondered, not even for the first time, who this mystery of a woman that was completely charming his mother with no notice was.
“You should let this one come out with you more, Taehyung. She’s got a good head on her shoulders,” Mrs. Kim said to her son with a touch of affection and a larger hint of affection toward the stranger. 
“Have you eaten? I haven’t put the eggs on yet, I can easily add more,” you said.
“Oh, I’m fine, but you’re very kind,” Mrs. Kim said. “No, I was just in the area and was going to twist his arm here to come to lunch with me, but I’ll take a raincheck. Maybe if I play my cards right, he’ll bring you along as well.”
“Mother,” Taehyung said, speaking up.
“Oh, he does speak,” Mrs. Kim tutted. 
“You haven’t given me much chance,” Taehyung said and Mrs. Kim waved a hand dismissively. 
“Don’t forget the function tomorrow night and don’t you dare bring that Jennie or whatever her name was, she was awful,” Mrs. Kim said and went to kiss her son’s cheek.
“That’s tomorrow?” Taehyung asked, clearly having forgotten. 
“Yes, and you had better be on time with an appropriate date or so help me,” Mrs. Kim said before turning to you. “Say, what are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Mother,” Taehyung said again, warningly.
“What?” Mrs. Kim asked, feigning innocence. 
“You can’t just invite someone to a function at the last minute and put her on the spot,” Taehyung said.
“Why not?” Mrs. Kim asked. There was no hint of embarrassment behind her words. She just existed in an entirely different world.
“For one it’s a Saturday night and she may have other plans, for a second thing, it’s incredibly short notice, and for a third, she may not have an evening gown just ready to go,” Taehyung said, cheeks going red at having to have this conversation in front of you.
“As it happens, I’m not busy tomorrow night and I do have several dresses in my closet that work for a function,” you said and Taehyung snapped his head to yours in complete shock.
“Lovely, I’ll see you both tomorrow then,” Mrs. Kim and headed out the door. 
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During his reflection on that first meeting, you had moved to stand beside him, not interrupting the silence that washed over the two of you. That was something he had appreciated from the beginning. While you were incredibly interesting to listen to and capable of holding a conversation on such a wide variety of topics, you were also just as happy to let the silence settle between the two of you. You were not like the other vapid society girls, unable to understand when their very existence was annoying. Then again, your existence was never annoying. 
Glancing over at you, he found that you were also gazing out the window. As if feeling his gaze on you, you turned your face slightly to meet his, your eyes again hinting at depths most did not get to see with the public face you wore. The two of you were somewhat the same in that regard, both used to putting on a show when you were around groups of people.
“I was just thinking about the first time we met,” he confessed and saw the corners of your lips twitch up into a smirk.
“What you remember of it,” you responded, not missing a beat.
“I suppose I should be glad I don’t remember more,” he admitted and you laughed, a melodic sound that routinely brought smiles to those around you.
“I wish I’d recorded you,” you said and he chuckled at the thought.
“You should’ve, it would be worth quite a lot now to the right buyer,” he responded and you turned to face him fully, eyes alight with mischief and joy.
“Maybe I’m just pretending I haven’t recorded you and I’m saving it for the right moment,” you mused and he rolled his eyes.
“You’re exhausting,” Taehyung responded without any real bite and you smiled wide.
“Which is exactly why this works, because I challenge you,” you shot back and he sighed. You were right, again. Not that he liked to admit how often you were right. And not that you needed him to. It was one of the many unspoken truths.
“I suppose we’d better go join the party,” Taehyung said and adjusted his suit nervously before fumbling with the buttons on the jacket. 
Your hands carefully brushed his out of the way and deftly fastened the jacket where he had been struggling. When you finished, you looked up into his eyes, studying him. “I meant what I said, you know.”
“About what?” Taehyung thought he knew, but he needed to hear you to say it one more time.
“About forgetting everything, calling the whole thing off.” 
Taehyung studied you for a moment, trying to find a trace of annoyance or insincerity, but there was nothing there apart from the same care you had shown from nearly the beginning. He took a deep steadying breath and fixed a smile on his face. 
“I’m still in if you are,” he said and turned to extend his arm.
“Course I am,” you agreed breezily and took his arm.  
“Then let’s go.”
The pair of you left the room and descended downstairs to the party, eyes on you from the moment that the two of you appeared at the top of the stairs. It was a party to celebrate another year of Taehyung, after all. Almost immediately, he found his mother’s eyes and she smiled warmly at him. There was a small part of him that felt guilty about it all, worried that she would find out the whole relationship had been a lie from the moment she met you. His mother had grown fond of you almost immediately, as had every other person who met you. 
His mother immediately came up and whisked you off to talk to another friend of hers about some function or other. Taehyung was honestly not listening, but his eyes followed you as you walked off anyway, catching the wink you threw back at him when you caught him watching. All he could think about was being nervous about what he was about to do. He had put the nerves down to not wanting anyone to realize that it was all fake and not considered any other possibility.
Before he knew it, and certainly before he was ready, Taehyung met your eyes across the room and saw you nod nearly imperceptibly. It was crazy to be nervous. The two of you had planned the whole thing out and Taehyung had practiced what he was going to say. Had practiced until he was completely sure and comfortable with how it was going to go. This was supposed to be the easy part. The hard part should have been convincing everyone that the two of you were in love, which had turned out to be surprisingly easy. Everywhere the two of you went, you both heard what a stunning couple you were, how lucky you both were to have found each other, how wonderful you both were to have around.
He stepped up to where the band had been playing but was now taking a break, grabbing hold of the microphone. It was traditional that he gave a speech to thank everyone for coming to celebrate his birthday. Nothing odd about this. He tapped the microphone and noticed how quickly the silence fell.
“Thank you all for coming to celebrate my birthday, it means a lot to see so many faces here tonight. Of course, the real thank you goes to my mother, who tirelessly planned such a wonderful event,” he said and paused to raise his glass to his mother. “I have to admit, I was not really looking forward to turning 27, I was kind of dreading it, actually. But then something happened that I never could have imagined.”
Exactly as the two of you planned, Taehyung found you in the crowd of people, standing right next to his mother, as you both agreed you should be. You gave him a dazzling smile and he felt immediately at ease again. It was just like you had told him. Focus on me, you had said, and pretend I’m the only one in the room.
“Then, I met one of the most beautiful, kind, intelligent women in the world. Her smile lights up every room she’s in and you can’t help but be happy in her presence. But, most importantly, as my mother will tell anyone that asks, she has no problem putting me in my place.”
There was laughter at this, just as you had assured him there would be. His mother was nodding along and gave you a smile. Taehyung made it seem as if he were taking a thoughtful pause.
“So, although we’re here celebrating my birthday, I hope you’ll indulge me in this,” Taehyung continued. “She’s been the most wonderful person to have by my side for the past nine months and I know it might seem like I’m moving fast, but someone once told me that when you know, you know.”
Here, Taehyung paused again to look over at his father. It came directly from a conversation the two men had before Taehyung had even met you. Using it here was showing that he had learned from his father.
“I’ve realized that I don’t actually know nearly as much as I thought I did, but what I do know is that I don’t want to learn with anyone else by my side. I don’t want to share adventures with anyone else. I don’t want to go through life without her for a single day,” Taehyung said as he stepped off the stage and moved through the parting crowd towards you and his parents. When he reached you, he withdrew a box. “My darling, will you marry me?”
You had a hand over your mouth as if you were in shock and Taehyung just gazed at you, showing nothing but the care he genuinely felt. This beautiful, kind, captivating woman had been the most supportive friend he had ever had and he had not even known you for a year.
Everything that he said in the speech was true. You were as beautiful as you were kind, as intelligent as were charming, and you challenged him in a way nobody had ever been able to challenge him before. This was the first time he could remember not getting bored of someone in a long time, possibly ever. When anyone else stood up to him, he would write them off. When you did it, however, he stopped and listened. There was value in what you said and you had a way of getting through to him even in his foulest of moods.
He watched as you brushed tears out of your eyes and was in awe of you yet again. How were you able to cry on command on top of everything else that you could do? Honestly, there seemed to be nothing that you were incapable of. It should have annoyed him and yet, there was no way to be annoyed with you.
“Yes,” you said, having pretended to compose yourself enough to answer. “Yes, Tae, of course I’ll marry you.”
Your always dazzling smile had gotten somehow brighter as you flung your arms around his neck and pressed your body against his. He realized that the two of you had not talked about what was going to happen once you said yes and there was a moment of panic. Of course, you had it covered though. You pulled away from him and placed your hands on either side of his face as you pressed your lips firmly against his. Instinct took over and he wound his arms around your waist more tightly, the box still in one hand, pressing you tightly against him. It was like he was on autopilot as he deepened the kiss. You, never missing a beat, matched him. Time stood still and Taehyung forgot that there were people all around until you gently placed your hands on his chest and pushed the two of you gently apart. At the same moment, Taehyung snapped back to reality and heard the applause all around the two of you.
In front of him, you smiled at him, eyes full of affection, as you held your hand out to him. Remembering that he had the box in his hand still, he slid the ring onto your outstretched finger. It fit perfectly, as he knew it would because you had already tried it on. He had wanted you to come with him to pick it out, but you reminded him that someone could see the two of you and it would spoil the plan. So he had taken a friend of his instead and picked out the most stunning ring he could imagine, knowing his mother’s approval was just as important. 
The rest of the party seemed to fly by in a whirl of people congratulating him and wanting to see your ring. You, ever the perfect companion, showed off the ring and gushed along with whatever anyone was saying. To anyone that didn’t know you, you would have seemed just a vapid as every other woman that ran in these circles, only caring about superficial things. But, Taehyung did know you and he knew that you were just going along with the plan you both made. That was what made you an infinitely better person than he was. It only served to reaffirm what he had said after the function his mother had roped you into: you were too good for him. 
While part of Taehyung was present in accepting the congratulations, another part of him was somewhere else entirely. The kiss consumed his thoughts. The two of you had never kissed, not like that at least. Any kisses had been quick pecks, usually on the cheek as was the custom in these social circles. Both of you had been very careful drawing up the lines and careful to not cross them. Both of you had agreed on that. This worked because things were not messy and the two of you had not gotten drunk and slept together, though Taehyung had considered it a time or two. Or ten, maybe, but who was counting?
She kissed you back, said a small voice in the back of his head. It was true. He knew that he had been the one to deepen the kiss. But you had gone along with it too. What Taehyung did not know, though, was if you were still playing the game or not. And more importantly, he did not know why it mattered so much to him if you were. This was all just a fake relationship, right?
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lynxindisguise · 9 months
Oooh I love these asks. 🤣 and 😍 please!
😂 a funny or crack WIP snippet
shockingly, I don't think I actually have anything?? (sorry cursed adventures). but there is a moment in the dorian gray au coming up that feels like crack:
His eyes swept over Sirius as he lowered her hand, almost appraising, before he broke into a grin—not jealous then. “I take it this is Lord Black.”
“Indeed.” Sirius offered his hand. “It’s a pleasure, Mr. Goodman. That was splendid, truly.”
Rather than shaking it, the playwright brought Sirius’s hand to his lips as well, grin widening right along with Sirius’s eyes. “Perhaps we could all share a drink back at my flat. I was gifted a lovely bottle of brandy.”
Miss Selwyn looked to him hopefully. Of course—this would be the only acceptable way for the pair of them to slip away together. He’d been planning to use the [redacted] as soon as possible, but perhaps it couldn’t hurt to wait a bit longer if it meant further strengthening his alibi. And if Miss Selwyn were to serve as his alibi, even unknowingly, it was only fair that he helped her in return.
“By all means,” he said, offering her a wink.
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
ooh okay I had so much fun with all of pride and prejudice and werewolves, but my favourite part is:
From the scraps of information he manages to wrench from Sirius as they assess the tangled web of curses afflicting the entryway alone, it would seem that he only learned of his mother’s death and consequent ownership of the estate this morning. And while he feels ‘nothing but unbridled joy at the old bat’s death,’ he’s now hell-bent on stripping the entire mansion to the bone in the course of one night.
This process involves manually ripping up the carpets, tearing down the curtains—apparently Remus is here on the basis of his height despite the fact that they’re both literal wizards—incinerating troll leg umbrella stands and shrunken elf heads, and transfiguring all the furniture to make it as ridiculously whimsical as possible. 
A process that Sirius is now doing shirtless after peeling off his shirt and chucking it at a horrified elf—an interaction that Remus is still struggling to make sense of, especially since all of his mental space is currently being occupied by the tattoos littering Sirius’s lightly toned torso.
"Damn I look hot here, don't I?" 
"W-what?" Remus stammers, following Sirius's finger to a giant scorch mark on the drawing room wallpaper.
snippet ask game
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empirearchives · 9 months
The Napoleonic Cadaster (land registry)
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(Cadastre napoléonien – Section I de la commune de Caen)
I’ve compiled a list quotes about the Cadaster in France. According to the exhibition by the European Union’s digital collections, Europeana, the Napoleonic Cadaster was “a tool for equality before the law”.
“In an attempt to make sure that these obligations were equitable, Bonaparte in the Year X ordered the formation of a commission to determine how to allocate real-estate taxes with the greatest possible equality. The commission demanded a survey of ownership. Its recommendation was in keeping with the feeling of the Revolutionaries that only a Cadaster, or general survey of the whole nation for appraisal purposes, could make sure everybody paid his fair share; the Convention had ordered a general Cadaster in 1793, but, despite increasing evidence of the need for one, it was begun only under the Consulate.”
— Robert B. Holtman, The Napoleonic Revolution
“Land tenure was better established with the creation of the Cadastre, decided on June 30, 1802, tested from November 2 and extended on October 20, 1803. This Cadastre (the idea of ​​which had been under study since the beginning of the Revolution) was to make it possible to make the land contribution fairer by giving their true value to the plots.”
— Thierry Lentz, Le Grand Consulat
“A law of September 15, 1807, ordered a general survey of each parcel of land, such as the Convention had had in mind. Until the survey was completed in a commune, the value of a parcel of land was to be determined by acts of sale or by the amount charged for leases. The principle of stability of cadastral evaluations laid down by the 1807 law, that an assessment would remain fixed for a long time and would be changeable only with respect to gains or losses of taxable items, has governed French evaluation ever since.”
— Robert B. Holtman, The Napoleonic Revolution
“The cadastre was improved and enhanced under Napoleon with the so-called 'Napoleonian cadastre' (1807). It allowed a fairer taxation, taking into account the rental value of each parcel and the income of each owner. His system was implemented, often complementing existing ones, in several countries such as the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, in which we still find the traces in nowadays cadastre. Far from being only a tax instrument, the cadastre aims to bring equality of all before the law. Therefore property tax can no longer be linked to social conditions: it is now an individual matter, and property is recognised as a sacred and inviolable right.”
— (Europeana exhibition: Napoleon and urbanism in the 19th century / City planning)
“He was inordinately proud of having overseen the introduction of the cadastre, the land registry, which he described as being tantamount to a new constitution in itself, since it fixed everyone's rights to the property they possessed but also because it fixed their taxable status and therefore their position in society. They no longer needed to fear having their property seized, but in return had to submit to the state, in which they thereby gained a stake.”
— Adam Zamoyski, Napoleon: A Life
“The state was there to govern and to lead everyone, without exception. To this end, in 1807, Napoleon himself ordered the most ambitious land survey ever undertaken in France, the Cadastre Parcellaire. This sought to register every piece of property in France, according to ownership and usage. France was divided into twelve districts, each with an inspector-general in charge of the survey, and by 1814 9,000 French communes out of a total of 40,000 had been fully surveyed, and the work continued under the Restoration. The practical aim of the survey was to set taxation on a more accurate footing following complaints from officials and property-owners, alike, over the less detailed cadastre drawn up in 1805. Its significance is much wider, however. Napoleon had both the will and the means to undertake the survey; he had the untrammeled power to make landowners open their properties to government agents, and a civil service ready to carry out the work. He told his Finance Minister, ‘Half measures are always a waste of time and money. The only way forward is to survey all the land in all the communes of the empire.’”
— Michael Broers, Europe Under Napoleon
“The general plot land registry, known as ‘Napoleonic’, was set up by the Finance Act dated 15th September 1807 (decree dated 27th January 1808). Like the land registry by crop mass and nature, it allowed for taxation by distribution, a fairer type of taxation since it took into account the rental value of each plot and the income of each owner.”
“A ‘plot’ was defined as a portion of land with the same type of crop and belonging to the same owner. To establish the land registry, the plots of land in each commune were surveyed, mapped and classified according to soil fertility. Properties, whether they were built (such as houses and buildings) or not (such as meadows, vineyards, fields and so on) were identified, along with each plot owner. The project, which included measuring, estimating and drawing plots of land in about 40,000 communes, i.e. several hundred million plots, would be carried out over several decades.”
“In addition to their fiscal purpose, cadastral documents also had an administrative purpose: proving property ownership. The land registry was made up of two main types of documents: topographical land documentation (plans) and handwritten land documentation (registers). Three documents were produced in the 19th century: the plan, the section status and the matrix. The plot plans showed every plot of land in the commune, with each plot being numbered. In section statuses, the plots of land in a section were listed by number and for each of them, the name of the owner, the nomenclature and the tax data on the date the land registry was drawn up were indicated. Cadastral matrices were registers indicating the list of plots belonging to each owner.”
“For each commune, cadastral plans were drawn up in two copies: the minute plan was kept in the commune and was the one on which the chief surveyor worked, and the ‘department’ or ‘prefecture’ copy was kept at the property tax office to which the commune belonged (there was one office per district). The latter copy was deposited in the Department archives.”
— (Napoléon en Seine-et-Marne)
“A general land register is a monstrous operation which will cost more than thirty million and will take at least twenty years. Measuring and evaluating are not the most difficult operations. It is the knowledge of the relationships between the various departments.”
— Antoine Claire Thibaudeau, Mémoires sur le Consulat
“Speaking of the land register, as he had decided on it, the Emperor said that it could have been considered in itself as the true constitution of the Empire, that is to say the guarantee of properties and the independence of each: because once established and the legislature having fixed the tax, each immediately made his own account, and no longer had to fear the arbitrariness of the authority or that of the assessors; which is an essential point, and the surest means of forcing submission.”
— Las Cases, Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène
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cttncndi · 4 months
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Life had always been whatever Gabriella had desired it to be. From her first cry, surrounded by the softest creamy pink cotton blanket money could buy, the impling girl desired nothing. She never ever had to ask. Gifts and glitters were always handed off when even the tiniest inkling of want or need shimmered across her eyes. And all that was ever asked of her, for all this luxury and contentment, was that she obeyed. Head down, mouth shut. A fetching adornment to caravan in front of rivals, family, and friends. Shown off. Appraised. Dangled in front, hungry mouths and eyes. A pound of prestigious flesh to be ogled until she could be upgraded from glided bird to bargaining chip. Just like her mother had been. Their family was only as powerful as it was now because her parent's marriage had caused the joining of two families of the Greed ring together through the unholy union.
( tw // sexual coercion, abuse, controlling and neglectful behavior from paternal figures , coping with sexual exploits )
And she would do the same. Or so that is what her family had planned. But how Gabriella saw her life panning out quickly became unaligned with whatever ideas or promises her father had made. She wanted freedom. She tried to do as she pleased, when she pleased, with whoever she pleased. But over the years, the palace she had once called home was melting into a cage. Shackled and clipped. Kept locked up till it was time to dance again, all under the watchful eye and heavy thumb of the head of the family. But she craved, despitefully, for affection and attention. And she found it. Through screens and voxnet, she found a community of desperate, hungry eyes, drooling mouths, and deep pockets. People who wanted her, the real her. Bare and hungry, as those who dropped those hefty donations for her to go longer, harder, and louder.
Now, a lot of people have turned their noses up at OnlyHorns. A cheap gimmick for cheap talent. A place for demons who couldn't actually make it in the adult film scene, one review said. But that place has given Gabbi everything she could have desired. A residence for her to speak and act and show who she really was. Unfiltered, unbound. And they liked her -- hell, some even said they loved her, among other crudely written declarations of devotion. Through her explicit community of chomping maws and fevered messages, there was this newfound liberation, and she started plotting her escape.
If there was one thing she had learned from her family, it was that men were most compliant with either greased palms or empty balls. Unfortunately, the bodyguard who caught her the night she decided to execute her master plan wanted both. But in all honesty, she was lucky it had been Jagger. He had never hidden his lingering gaze or snickering comments when her father was out of hearing the shot. And after the shark demon had gotten his fill, he all but carried her to the back entrance of the estate, letting her out like a rabbit to be hunted by hounds as he waved her off.
" Catch ya later, princess. "
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stickthisbig · 1 year
Would the plan at the end of Horse Sense have worked?
I hate that this lives rent-free in my head, but god help me, I am a conservation/preservation easement specialist. I am not a lawyer. BUT.
Could they have formed a land trust to save the farm?
Could it have worked?
Unfortunately, yes, or I wouldn't have to write this. Let me explain in horrible detail.
A land trust is a body that is organized to take possession of and administer different kinds of property. There's loads. Some protect certain categories of land (American Battlefield Trust), others certain regions (West Virginia Land Trust) or biomes (Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust). I don't know if there's a relevant Montana one but I'm sure there is. There are... six? in my small state, not incl national organizations.
What they would have had to do is contact the land trust and say "hey, this land is chock-a-block with wild horses and it's about to be repossessed or whatever." At this point, the trust would evaluate the property and their own liquid assets to see if it was a suitable investment.
If the bank is about to foreclose, they MIGHT be able to say "here's a purchase option based on these three comps that's contingent on a favorable appraisal, please stop." The bank MIGHT say yes, especially if there's negative press or earnest money.
Then they'd wait for several months.
I have no idea how long a Yellow Book appraisal took in the 90s but it's over a month now. The land trust also needs to fundraise and potentially apply for federal grants. I think there are public notices? They take a month each. Anyway, when they have the money, they pay off the loan and acquire the property, with a life estate or fee simple.
THEN they have to do what the movie thinks a land trust means: they have to draft, review, and sign an easement.
*deep breath*
The land trust signs a legal document that grants a qualified easement holder (Montana DNR or something) access to the land in perpetuity and the ability to pursue legal remedies if the land trust abuses the property. The land trust writes into the easement that the Lawrence family or whatever is allowed to stay on the property for a span of years or at the end of someone's lifetime (Andrew Lawrence?) at no or a nominal rent. This easement is filed with the relevant counties and is legally binding.
At that point, the land trust owns the property and the family has a measure of protection against eviction.
I don't wanna fuckin get into what happens if the land trust transfers it, as is their legal right.
(n.b. I haven't seen the movie and I'm not gonna. They could be talking about keeping their property "in trust", i.e. a living trust. I'm not a lawyer but that seems like it would have not worked even harder.)
The whole problem is
1. Transferring property to a land trust takes six months, a year, sometimes multiple years
3. I know all this off the top of my head, to my horror. I should have gone to law school like my dad wanted.
Stay tuned for why a psychic dog can't have a document notarized
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commercialrealestates · 10 months
What are commercial real estate services?
Commercial real estate services refer to a range of professional services and activities related to the buying, selling, leasing, managing, and investing in commercial properties. Commercial properties include office buildings, retail spaces, industrial facilities, hotels, warehouses, and other income-producing real estate assets. These services are typically offered by real estate professionals, companies, and organizations specializing in the commercial real estate sector. Here are some of the key components of commercial real estate services:
Brokerage Services: Commercial real estate brokers help clients buy, sell, or lease commercial properties. They facilitate transactions, negotiate terms and conditions, and provide market insights to help clients make informed decisions.
Property Management: Property management companies oversee the day-to-day operations of commercial properties on behalf of owners. This includes tasks such as rent collection, maintenance, tenant relations, and financial reporting.
Leasing and Tenant Representation: Commercial real estate agents and brokers specializing in leasing help property owners find suitable tenants for their spaces. Tenant representation services assist businesses in finding suitable properties to lease.
Investment Services: Investment firms and professionals provide guidance on real estate investment strategies. They may help investors acquire, manage, or divest commercial properties to optimize returns.
Appraisal and Valuation: Appraisers determine the market value of commercial properties, which is crucial for financing, taxation, and decision-making purposes. Valuation services help property owners understand the worth of their assets.
Development and Construction: Developers and construction companies focus on creating new commercial properties or renovating existing ones. They handle the design, permitting, and construction phases of commercial real estate projects.
Financing and Mortgage Services: Lenders and financial institutions offer loans and mortgage products tailored to commercial real estate projects. These services help property buyers secure the necessary capital for their investments.
Market Research and Analysis: Real estate research firms provide market data, trends, and analysis to assist clients in making informed decisions. This includes information on vacancy rates, rental rates, and demand trends.
Consulting and Advisory Services: Real estate consultants offer strategic advice and planning services to property owners, investors, and developers. They may help clients optimize property portfolios, assess market risks, or formulate investment strategies.
Legal and Regulatory Services: Real estate attorneys specialize in handling legal aspects of commercial real estate transactions. They ensure that contracts, leases, and other legal documents comply with local laws and regulations.
Environmental Assessment: Environmental consultants assess commercial properties for environmental risks and compliance with environmental regulations. This is particularly important for properties with potential contamination issues.
Property Tax Services: Property tax consultants assist property owners in managing and minimizing property tax obligations by evaluating assessments and pursuing tax appeals when necessary.
Overall, commercial real estate services encompass a wide range of activities aimed at facilitating the acquisition, management, and optimization of commercial properties, with the goal of maximizing returns and minimizing risks for property owners, investors, and businesses.
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Discover the expertise of Moore Real Estate Group, your trusted partner in commercial real estate appraisal in Los Angeles, California. Our professionals expert provide accurate and insightful valuations, empowering your decisions in the dynamic real estate market. Southern California’s Commercial Real Estate Valuation Experts
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oconnor2023 · 1 year
Estate Tax Appraisal | Estate Tax Planning
Timely, reliable appraisals for estate taxes or for tax appraisals planning. We understand partial interest discounts. Read more at https://www.poconnor.com/estate-tax-appraisals/
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Over the next few years, as Michael grew up, Sophie and Jordan continued their plans to sail the world, bringing their son along so he could see the world for himself.
When they returned to Muttington after his second birthday, Sophie learnt that she was pregnant once again.
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Upon telling Jordan, he smiled with delight and pulled her close.
"We've all come so far on this journey" he mused.
She nodded "We all have. I mean, we were all eight strangers who didn't know each other and now look at us. Most of us have either got married and had children as well."
"Do you think Fleur can give Nigel a robot baby?" Jordan joked.
She playfully smacked his shoulder "Jord!"
"Well, they married, didn't they? Whose to say they can't have a baby?"
"Nigel draws the line there. Why else do you think he said that Ezra would inherit his house and fortune?"
Jordan shook his head in disbelief "The kid is four years old!"
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"And Nigel isn't dying anytime soon" Sophie said with a grin at his antics. "Besides, even if something happened to him, Fleur, Romulus and Kirstie are joint trustees until Ezra is old enough, and then would restrict how and when he uses that money."
"Also hard to believe that even Lucy had a kid, although less surprising that it was with Ricky. I always wondered if they'd had a thing going on when back in the Manor" Jordan mused as he wound his hands around his wife's waist, sliding his finger around the edge of her jumper to feel her soft skin of her waist. Conscious that their son was on the floor next to them, she gave him a look of combined "I'd love to, but the baby is right there."
"Lucy's defiantly come a long way" she said instead. "She's less strained and more inclined to laugh at herself now, and admit past mistakes. Both she Martin get on well, and their kids are getting along too. They go to the same school now."
"Have Ben and Bea given up on having more kids?"
"Yes, Bea doesn't want to risk it, not after what nearly happened when she had Eleanor and Henry. She'd rather preserve her life for the sake of them and Benedict."
"I remember how we couldn't stand Benedict when we all moved in" Jordan mused. "He was the person effectively holding us together, in that damn manor."
"And he's the one whose kept us together, to keep us from breaking apart, despite two of his number dying during that time" Sophie reasoned.
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Jordan winched at the reminder of his wife's death and pulled her to him securely.
"No, I'm glad of how far we've come" Sophie decided. "And I think we're all the better for it. The lessons we learnt, the struggles we've been through and the rewards at the end of it."
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"I agree babe, totally agree."
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And that *drum roll* is the end of this "little" series! 😇
Just to recap, here are the characters in their happily ever after endings:
Benedict married Beatrice (on the second wedding attempt!) and had three children with her. Their children (oldest to youngest) are Oliver, Eleanor and Henry. Beatrice has topped the Law career after she was saved from death by Benedict. Due to her almost death when giving birth to the twins, they've made arrangements so Benedict cannot get Beatrice pregnant, and so has she, just in case.
Nigel married his robot creation Fleur. They do not have any offspring of their own (science hasn't got that far yet!) but he has declared Romulus and Kirstie's son Ezra (and any later children) his heirs to his estate and fortune. Fleur is always updating her knowledge of the world around her and is very literate and far better at expressing her emotions and making her own choices in life now. Other than the robot appearance, you wouldn't realise she was a robot.
Sophie married Jordan (after she died and came back to life) and they live on his houseboat. They have one son called Michael and she's pregnant with another baby. Sophie is professional art appraiser and is a celebrated artist in her own right. Jordan works from his ship as a computer programmer.
Ricky (died and then came back to life and now) is with Lucy. They had a son, Daniel. They're not fussed on marrying but are devoted to each other and their son. Lucy has lightened up and isn't so serious. She regrets her phase when she was sleeping around with various men but understand she cannot undo her past. They are both at the top of their respective careers.
Martin married Mattie (after his disastrous relationship with Lucy fell apart) and they have twins but are now trying to have more, both desiring a large family. Mattie was once sacked a chef but has since gone back to top her respective career after becoming a mother. Martin is at the top of the Education career. Their two twins are called Peter and Paige.
Abigail (Benedict's sister) has moved into her own house downtown and is currently dating a townie called Liam. She's progressing in her career but not at the top yet. She and Beatrice get on very well as she now appreciates her own attitude was piss poor. She is now seeing a therapist every week.
Romulus married Kirstie (who got over her crush on Benedict) and they have a previously mentioned son called Ezra. Kirstie has just fallen pregnant again but none of this lot know it yet. Romulus is a teacher at the school that Martin is the headteacher of, which is also the school where most of the kids in the series go to. None of them get bullied thanks to knowing that the big bodybuilder teacher used to be in the army. Kirsite works part time and doesn't desire the tedium of politics like she once did.
Gary is still Nigel's butler and happy to keep serving in the household and is the sign of a (sometimes boring but) stable person to have around. Some people don't cause a lot of drama and you need a breather from it at times.
I didn't initially think it was going to take this long to write it all out, but seeing as I've had a mini hiatus the past two months (and then did a mega session to draft/write up the last 60 posts!) I don't think I've done too badly! Also, the first story I've actually ever finished, which is also a milestone for my writing career. I only hope that I can have the same pride when I look back at Campbell Quay...whenever I get back to writing that series!😂⏱ But the main aim was to complete this one so that when I do get bored of playing Skyrim, I can devote all my energy and creativity towards that.
Thank you to everyone who has read along and continues to like the story. 😘🥰 Thank you for your loyalty and feedback, it means a lot to me.😇📝
As previously mentioned, I am currently playing Skyrim and roleplaying with a new follower mod. If you want to see my screenshot story then I am posting them back on my main blog and you can read that from the start here.
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foppishdandy · 2 years
@redridcr​ was definitely moping.
   “Accuse me of being decent again and I’ll be forced to perform three horrid capers at your expense.  Etiquette demands it.”  Magnanimity was a trait of weakness in too large amount,  but too small of it painted a man as a tyrant.  In polite society  (if it should even be called that)  one had to be aware of it to control their public image.  But the minutiae of it all became suddenly inconsequential,  as Red swept him up into plans that he never intended to be part.
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   “Why would I want to accompany you?”  There it is,  creasing that perfectly manicured set of eyebrows,  the sign that Red had manage to perplex Dorian.  He turned to the comfort of ale,  a cloudy froth nearly on the bottom of the glass.  For as much as he griped,  it was better than nothing.  Better than most alternatives,  even.  Yet he shook his head with disapproval as he partook of the last sip.  An unseen barrier protects his impeccable moustache from wetting.  Freshly hydrated,  his ire returns to Red.  “The point that you’ve missed is that I don’t want this task.  This flower grows in remote locations.  Surely,  you’ve gathered that the outdoors is better suited to ...”  Judgement harshened his eyes as Red was appraised by them,  though softened upon finding his appearance tolerable.  “...you and your mares.  The botanists claim there are nodes in the Emerald Graves,  growing along the paths to the former estate of Lord Ramond Maurel.”
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guam-realtor · 1 year
Discover the Best Guam Real Estate Agent at RomaGuamProperties.com
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When it comes to buying or selling real estate in Guam, having a reliable and experienced Guam Real Estate Agent by your side can make all the difference. At RomaGuamProperties.com, you'll find a team of dedicated professionals ready to assist you in your real estate journey. Whether you're looking for your dream home, an investment property, or need expert guidance on selling your current property, their expertise and personalized service will ensure a smooth and successful transaction.
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