#Essential Plastering Services
rmthompson1 · 11 months
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Cost-Effective Plastering Tips for Homeowners in Liverpool
Prepare your surface 
Keep it clean 
Just add water 
Turn off the electrics 
Plan your plastering 
Give it two coats 
Use Quality Materials
Repair Before Replacing
Minimize Wastage
Maintain Proper Ventilation
0 notes
discordantwritings · 7 months
Captain’s Orders (Buggy x Reader)
Warnings: NSFW 18+ MDNI, gn afab! Reader, angst, Buggy is bad at feelings, canon typical violence, oral, PiV sex, creampie
WC: 8.4k
Summary: Getting a job as the chronicler of the Buggy pirates was the best, then worst, then best thing that ever happened to you.
Notes: The second I realized I hadn’t done a solo buggy fic I wrote this I’m so sorry buggy
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No one tells you how hard it is to keep a job on a pirate ship. Unless you manage to land with a big name captain the chances your job sinks to the bottom of the sea is pretty high. Which is what happened to your last three jobs- you were so tired of ending up on a dingy paddling away from a lost battle that you had no say in. You were a chronicler after all- not exactly a fighting pirate.
Despite being a non-essential crew member a chronicler was a sought after person. Every pirate thinks they are going to be the one to find the One Piece so, naturally, every pirate needs to have someone to log their journey to becoming king of the pirates. It was a little tiring, hearing the same story over and over again, writing the same few chapters only to end up waterlogged and searching for a new ship at the end.
But you needed to eat and you could only afford to live at this tavern for so long. You’d posted your services on the local board, listing your name and where you were staying in hopes of drawing in a pirate captain. One that hopefully won’t be going under in less than a month. And if you were really lucky- one that wasn’t so painfully textbook.
Really you should have known the gods were going to get you for wishing that.
When the clowns first walk into the tavern you wonder if you missed some signage that a carnival was coming into town. But when a distinctly dressed blue haired pirate captain walks in behind them- you put it all together. The Buggy Pirates were docked here. Their chronicler probably had their hands full but at least it wasn’t the same boring-
You notice when the barkeep points Buggy the Clown in your direction. The two of you make eye contact across the room and you quickly run through your memory to try and figure out what you could have possibly done to be hunted down by a big name pirate. As his heavy boots thud against the wooden floors you can’t think of a single time you’ve even brushed shoulders with any clowns let alone pirate ones. As Buggy looms over your table you frantically try and think of a way out of whatever sorry situation you’ve accidentally gotten yourself into only for that hurried train of thought to be abruptly derailed.
“You the chronicler who has that ad posted?”
It takes you probably too long to respond with a squeaky- “Yes?”
“Great!” The clown takes the chair next to you and sits down, quickly putting his feet up on the table. “Do you have examples of a resume or whatever?”
“You don’t already have a chronicler?” The question is out of your mouth before you can stop it and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from saying more stupid things.
“Nope.” He shrugs and you see the rest of his crew settle in around the tavern.
“Oh. Well-“ You reach off to your side and take out a leather bound journal that has some of your work plastered in it. “Here’s some snippets.”
As you hand it over to Buggy you feel as his sea green eyes rake over you for a few moments before he finally takes the book. He flips to the first page, looks at it for maybe all of two seconds before snapping it shut. “How would you write about me?”
Then why did he even- “Well I think- see people sometimes assume a chronicler only writes down the basic facts are events but I think a real chronicler tells a story that the average person didn’t get to see or hear about. For example a lot of people heard about the Straw Hats taking you out at Orange Town-“
He sits up a bit, gaze hardening but you quickly continue. “But- I think there’s a different story there! They fought the fishmen so soon after your encounter with them and it’s no secret that the Arlong Crew was pushing their luck in the East Blue. So the story there should really be about how you used your genius to let the Straw Hats go and sent the Arlong Crew after them- letting your opponents fight it out and weaken each other.”
There’s a long pause where you feel the clown practically searing holes into your skin with his gaze until he finally breaks into a smile that rivals the one painted on his face. “That’s exactly it! You get it! People just need to hear the right side of the story! Start writing that down. That'll be your first entry as our chronicler.”
That is probably the most presumptuous way you’ve ever been offered a job but you certainly were not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Great!”
It’s only after Buggy then orders a round of drinks in celebration and the cheering begins that you realize something.
“I don’t have to wear a clown costume do I?”
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You didn’t have to wear a clown costume but already in the few weeks you’ve been a member of the Buggy Pirates your wardrobe had gotten more colorful. A sequin scarf here- a bright blue shirt there- these things just landed in your bunk and it did help you fit in. You minded it less than you thought you would, being in a crew that actually put thought into how they looked was a pleasant change.
You tied a striped sash around your waist over your pants as you prepared to have your nightly debriefing with your new captain. During the day you flitted about the ship, taking notes on everything that happens. Every night though Buggy always wanted a check in. From letting him know what happened while he was doing other duties, to telling you some previous journeys that he and his crew had been, to embellishing the stories of the day.
It was nice having a captain who actually cared about what you were writing. Most had just left you to your own devices and didn’t much care for your craft beyond the fact it made them look good. But Buggy actually wants to listen to your words and he provides some actual good feedback (admittedly in a sea of crazy unbelievable ideas, but the point still stands).
Journals and pens tucked under your arms you navigate to the captain’s quarters, finally feeling comfortable navigating the large ship after walking this route twice a day. It’s not that long before you’re knocking on the large door and hear Buggy’s voice, muffled through the wood.
“C’mon in.”
You push through the door and see Buggy behind his desk, face laying sideways on a pile of paper. You take a seat across from him.
“You alright?” You ask, eyebrow raised.
“Being a captain is not all fun and games my dearest chronicler.” He pushes back on the desk, flopping back in his large seat and swinging his feet up on the desk, knocking over the papers in the process. “Responsibility is a heavy burden to bear.”
You look over the mounds of untouched paper work that have been sitting there since you first arrived. “Seems like it.”
“But now you are here to save me. Tell me my story weaver- what is the tale of the day.” When he looks at you you know you have his undivided attention. There was something so fulfilling about capturing his attention, something you’ve learned is so finicky and flighty. But for you? He’s never been distracted.
“Well, it’s been a pretty standard day.” You go into every detail that matters- what acts were practiced, who's flirting with who, what crew member Richie managed to bite a finger off of- that kind of stuff.
“You know- we should have a whole section where we track body parts Richie has eaten and see how many full people can be put together with the parts.” Buggy adds as you finish up your recap and you huff a laugh as you write that down.
“I think we’ll have a lot of spare fingers.” You point out.
“Good point. Full bodies and hands.” Slightly more sensible… kind of.
“Got it. I’ll start logging and asking around for people who have lost limbs to Richie.” You make the note and you see out of the edges of your vision as Buggy’s legs come off the desk and he leans over, getting a bit closer to you.
“Y’know I’ve told you many stories already- what about you?” His head settles in his hands, perched up by his elbows.
“What do you mean what about me?” You tilt your head, genuinely confused.
“Your stories! You said you were the chronicler for a few ships before mine, you must have had some adventures out on the great wide East Blue.”
“Ah, well… no.” You admit a bit awkwardly.
“No?” Buggy raises his eyebrows, clearly looking for more.
“I was just a chronicler. I didn't really do anything on the previous ships I worked on. Hell, you’re the first captain who actually wants to hear about what I’m writing. For everyone else it was just an ego trip to have someone writing for them…” Your pen slips into your journal as a placeholder as you close it and pull it close to your lap.
“That’s…” Buggy frowns. “What losers! Most pirates won’t know talent if it slaps them in the face.”
You try to bite back your smile but it’s pretty ineffective. “You’re very kind captain.”
“You’re going to have to learn to take some compliments because with my crew? We are going all the way to the top and your stories of our journeys are going to be known across all four seas!” As he talked he stood up, wildly gesturing as he talked about his grand plan.
When other captains of yours had talked about getting the One Piece it had always annoyed you for some reason. The hunt for fame and money was… well it was cliche. But there was something about the earnestness that Buggy talked with- the grand scale he always thought on that made you believe it.
“Well, I guess I will have to work on that.” You say as you look up at him.
“Yes. Captain’s orders.” He hops up to sit on his desk just adjacent to you. His right foot lightly knocks against the side of your left calf.
“Then I’ll have to do it.” You smile wide, his energy was infectious.
“But seriously, not a single story? There has to be one fun thing you can tell me.”
“I guess… there was this one time-“
You break into a small, stupid story but Buggy hangs on your every word. The second you’re done he shares a similar experience and you go back and forth like this for hours, journal where you were supposed to write these things down long forgotten. Somewhere along the way you both ended up sitting on the floor, leaned up against the desk and legs side by side as you both gesture wildly through your stories. You don’t know how long this goes on, but when you feel yourself fighting to open your eyes after you blink you think it might be way late.
“I should get to bed.” You nudge Buggy’s shoulder with your own, working up the strength to stand up.
“Oh yeah it’s like-“ His hand detaches and he grabs something off his desk before bringing it down to his face. “Oh shit- 3 already?”
“Wow-“ You look at the clock he grabbed and sure enough, 3:21 am. “Yeah I really need to get to bed. You too, captain.”
You get up with a grunt of effort and once you’re standing you turn around and offer up your hand to help Buggy up. There’s an awkward pause as he looks up at you and he must be just as tired as you are with how long it takes for him to clasp his hand in yours and pull himself up.
“See you tomorrow night captain.” You squeeze his hand before letting go and walking out the door.
You’re not sure why you feel a low buzz in your body, nerves up from some unknown source. It’s not a gnawing anxiety… something else you can’t place. No matter what the second your head hits the pillow you’re out like a light, body getting ready for another long day.
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The Buggy Clowns were weirdly affectionate. Not all of them, mind you, you don’t think you’ll ever get Cabaji to even smile at you, but the camaraderie they have is intimate. Most of the time not in a sexual way (though you’d be remiss to ignore the raunchier performers in the circus), but in friendliness and touchiness. Never before have you been on such an affectionate crew.
Every time you put more than 10 seconds into your appearance you got hoots and hollers from most of the crew members. When you grab lunch in the mess people fight over who gets to sit with you and be documented. Even Richie has a soft side- you’ve managed to pet him without adding a body part to the now running list.
It’s been a few months now and they still fight over you at meals- a quirk you would have thought would die out long ago. Everyone is eager to tell you about their day and try and loop you into spending the rest of the day with them. Today the tightrope walkers win out- or at least they think so. Secretly you’ve made a schedule for when you follow each group and no one has caught onto your pattern yet. But it makes it easy for you and makes it so no one is favored.
But when they cheer and lean into you, arms wrapped around your shoulders you still feel like shrinking away in embarrassment. It’s not bad- you can’t deny the little ego boost it gives you- but there’s something that always makes your face burn. But all that is nothing compared to Buggy.
You quickly figure out that, like all crew attitudes, it trickles down from the top.
Of course Buggy isn’t going around hugging crew members (when he’s sober) and he does lose his temper often, but there’s also a softness to him. He’s got nicknames for everyone, and everyone gets their time in the spotlight. He personally reviews all the circus acts and when someone wants to do something new it’s rare he says no.
Everyone in the crew is a misfit, but because of that, no one is. A group of people who have never felt respected or wanted before suddenly find themselves belonging- it makes sense why everyone was surprisingly warm. But you still have a hard time handling it, especially when it comes to Buggy.
It’s the damn nicknames.
Story weaver, dearest chronicler, writing star. And the worst part? It’s always his.
My story weaver.
My star.
Never in a tone that makes you feel owned or degraded- quite the opposite really. You’re treasured, respected, seen. It’s been too long since you felt that way and the reblooming of those emotions was… uncomfortable.
But you don’t think you’d ever want it to stop.
“My lovely chronicler-“ It’s Buggy who suddenly throws you out of your thoughts with affection and a hand on your shoulder. “I have to cancel our meeting tonight.”
“What? Why?” You want to kick yourself for sounding even slightly hurt.
“Not your fault- turns out I’m a few days behind on planning out supply orders for when we dock tomorrow.” By a few days you know he means he hasn’t thought about supplies since they last docked.
“Oh, well, do you need help?” The second you finish your sentence you feel a light elbow in your side from one of the tightrope walkers but before you can turn to look at him your attention is grabbed by a clap from Buggy.
“Great! See you tonight!” He says, already walking away.
You turn to the source of the elbow. “What was that for?”
“I’m sorry, you totally just got suckered into doing all his paper work.” He says apologetically.
“Yeah, he’s done this with just about every crew member. You’re the only one who doesn’t know his trick.” Another one explains.
“Well, he is the captain, he could just make one of us do it.” You say, still very confused about this whole situation.
“Yeah, but then he has to admit that he messed up and needs someone else to do his work. This way he is just, I don’t know, reveling in his crew’s generosity.” Yeah, that sounds like him.
“I’m not going to get any sleep tonight am I.”
“Nope.” You get a few reassuring pats on the back as you slump onto the table.
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“Captain?” Later in the day you knock on his door and come in at his usual ‘come in’.
You walk in and see papers everywhere. There’s no organization, no sense that he’s actually began to work on anything, just papers on almost every flat surface you can see. You don’t think half of these are relevant to what needs to be done.
“My darling most beloved star.” Buggy calls from behind his desk. He’s laying it on thick so you don’t run away.
“Did one of your bombs explode in here?” You carefully walk over to his desk, hopping over random papers on your way.
“Yes?” It’s obvious he’s lying.
“Well… I guess we have our work cut out for us.” You make it across from him and start looking at papers, trying to find some sense.
“Yes. I trust you implicitly- now I’m just going to go-“ He stands up and you glare at him.
“You’re not going anywhere.” You’re a little annoyed, but there’s no real malice in your words. Despite that, Buggy still shrinks back.
“But you’ve got this.” He says, confidence quickly draining from his voice.
“It would go a lot faster if we work together. Come on. We will start by organizing. Figure out what actually needs to be done for tomorrow and go from there.” You gesture to the mess on his desk before you get to work on the papers discarded on the floor.
“No.” You cut him off without even looking at him- you know he’s using his puppy dog eyes.
“Fine.” He grumbles and you hear the shift of papers that tells you he’s at least pretending to do something.
It takes you hours to get everything sorted but after that the actual work doesn’t take that long. You have a pretty good knowledge of what supplies everyone needs and the average use of those supplies in a day- you write it all down typically. All in all you’re done and dusted just before midnight, an accomplishment really.
Buggy is moping at his desk, the reward of a job well done isn’t really enough for him after he actually had to put in some effort. You’ve set up a schedule for him too- something he’ll probably ignore but you’re pretty hopeful.
“That’s it right?” His voice is partially muffled by his face being smooshed down into the wood of his desk.
“Yes, we are all done for the night.” You reply, straightening out the last stack of files on his desk.
“Yay.” His voice is flat and devoid of all joy.
“You’re pretty childish for a captain, you know that?” You take a seat across the desk, not quite ready to leave.
“That’s part of my charm darling.” He lifts his face so his chin is resting on the desk.
That was a new one.
“It’s not your best feature but I guess it is a part of your whole deal.” You admit, still trying to shake off the weird stirring of emotions from the new pet name.
He perks up instantly, sitting up in his chair. “What’s my best feature?”
“You said it’s not my best feature, which implies you know my best feature. What is it?” His smile is wide, matching his face paint.
“Ah-“ Well. You know exactly what his best feature is but you hesitate to say. It’s not what a pirate captain typically wants to hear but… well he’s anything but typical.
“I think your best feature is that you care. Genuinely. You yell and stomp around at the crew but you always make sure all of our needs are met. To some people finding the One Piece is just the thing pirates do but you care with every fiber of your being. When you want to do something, really want to do it, you throw yourself into it for better or for worse. Your risks end up paying off more often than not and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
There’s an awkward pause where Buggy’s smile drops a bit and he stares at you and you think that you’ve fucked up. He is still a pirate captain with an ego and not telling him that his strength or intellect was his best feature was a dumb mistake. But then he coughs, a fake awkward cough and you’re not sure what’s going on.
“Oh that’s- yeah- I mean what am I if not the best captain to work for in all of the seas.” The smile returns to his face but there’s something you can’t place and you feel like you’ve misstepped.
“It’s late- I should go-“ You stand up and quickly head to the door but Buggy’s voice stops you right before you exit.
“Hey-“ You turn and look at him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” There’s more hovering in the space between you but none of it can be put into words.
You leave.
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Even if the Buggy pirates were worlds different from any other crew you had worked with they still party like every other pirate crew after a victory. Just a little more explosive. Literally.
You had never seen fireworks before so you were laying down on an upper deck while the loud party raged a few decks down, reveling in the bright and colorful explosions that shattered across the sky. You know Buggy made them all himself, he was surprisingly talented in pyrotechnics. It was overwhelming to your senses in the way that Buggy often was-
You’ve found yourself thinking more and more about him recently. You don’t want to think about what that means so you just shove those things down and focus on the shimmering colors dancing around the sky.
Until, of course, your captain finds you.
“My star! We are all missing our chronicler at the party!” His head peaks up over the ladder as he calls to you but you wave a dismissive hand.
“I’m just enjoying the fireworks, I’ll be down later.” You say, perched up on your elbows.
Buggy pulls himself all the way up the ladder before walking over and taking a seat next to you. “I’m glad someone is enjoying all my hard work.”
“I’d never seen fireworks before tonight.” You admit, laying back down fully.
“Really? Well I’m glad I could introduce you.” He lays down as well, only a few inches separating you two as you both lay flat on your backs.
“It’s- I mean I have no idea how you do it. It’s seriously magic.” You turn your head to look at him, admiring the profile of his face under the multicolored lights of the fireworks.
“It’s all chemicals and patience. I know, surprising that I have that.” He looks at you, a sly smile on his face.
“There really is nothing our fearless captain can’t do when he puts his mind to it.” You half joke, nudging his arm with your elbow. “But really- how do you get all those different colors?”
As the different fireworks explode in the sky he tells you the different chemicals he used to get the respective colors and effects. Somewhere in the explanations and pointing he’s right next to you, arms and thighs pressed together. You can’t help but lean into his warmth against the cool wind of the sea.
“I guess there will have to be a chapter on fireworks in your chronicle.” You say after the fireworks slowly die out, all of them used up by now.
“You can just slide that chapter in when things get too boring. Wake readers up with an explosion!” His hand gestures over both of your bodies.
“I’m not sure there will be any time where your story will be too boring. I’m pretty sure just by being a clown pirate you’re always interesting.”
Out of the corner of your eye you see Buggy turn his face towards yours. In turn you move your face as well, and you can feel his warm breath fan over your face.
He’s really quite beautiful in the moonlight.
“Do you really think that?” He asks, so quiet you almost don’t hear him over the low drone of the party below.
“Of course.” You answer automatically.
“I uh-“ You see a panic set over his face and you wonder if you’ve done something wrong. He sits up and you sit up in turn, confusion on your face.
“I should get back down to the party. It’s been-“ He stands up and practically trips over his own feet. “Nice.”
You watch him quickly descend the ladder and you’re suddenly very aware of how cold it is out on the deck at night.
You’re not sure what you did, but you messed something up.
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You stop having your nightly meetings. It’s once a week now and he blames it on the recent partnership with Alvida and her crew but you know there’s something else. You got too comfortable with your captain and distance had to be created. You were disrespectful and you needed to learn your place.
You weren’t his anymore.
Chronicler, sure. Star, sometimes. You almost despised when he used your actual name. The burning feeling of being discarded weighs in your chest every time you see him.
It was only after how painful and hard you took the slightest bit of rejection that you realized you might have feelings for your captain. Stupid inappropriate feelings. You hadn’t put the label on it before, pushing any feelings down into the pit of your gut but with how quickly they turned sour you couldn’t help but feel them rise up and burn your throat.
Stupid how you realize these things too late.
Because now there’s a new crew, a new partnership, and plenty of shiny new objects for Buggy to be enamored with. None of them you.
You still did your job through- dutifully chronicling each day. Your emotions will pass and this job is still far and away the best you’ve ever landed. You won’t throw it away over a stupid unrequited crush.
It’ll pass.
But today isn’t that day as a pang rings through your chest as you see Buggy loop an arm around Alvida’s shoulder and pull her in close. You know there’s nothing going on between the two of them (you’re fairly confident Alvida doesn’t swing that way) but seeing him pay attention to someone else the way he paid attention to you-
You sounded like a child didn’t you.
You were just about to excuse yourself from the area when Buggy spots you and calls you over with a quick shout of your title. Taking a deep breath you steel yourself and put on a smile before walking over.
“Yes captain?” You say, overly formal as you hold your journal close.
“I was thinking maybe you could do a few weeks with the Alvida pirates, you know, get a better look at their side of things! Wrap them into the story of the Genius Jester!” He gestured grandly with his free hand.
“Oh, well, if that’s okay with captain Alvida…” You look towards the dark haired woman who shrugs.
“I’ve never had a chronicler before so I guess I wouldn’t mind seeing what it’s all about.”
“Great! Our perfect partnership continues!” Buggy looks at you. “How’s a month sound?”
A month. He wants to get rid of you for a whole month. You swallow down your emotions. “When have I ever not followed my captain’s orders?”
“You are a loyal crew member. And it’s not like you aren’t going to see all of your crew mates! It’s just shifting focus for a bit.” It’s true, both crews frequently overlap ships but you know you’re going to be glued to that gaudy pink ship (not that the ship you were currently on wasn’t gaudy, just a different kind).
“Fine by me captain.” You say, making your voice as cheerful as possible.
There’s a long pause where the two of you are just standing there, Alvida casting glances to both of you.
“Well if that’s all I’ll go pack some of my things for my stay.” You say, already taking a step backwards.
“Yes, good idea! Always taking initiative!” He waves goodbye and you turn around as fast as possible, walking at a brisk pace when you really want to run.
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Working with Alvida wasn’t bad at all. You checked in with her once a week and she was pretty receptive to your work, provided you added in a lot of extra pages about how beautiful she was. At first it was annoying, but once you got used to it she was surprisingly nice to you.
You were two weeks into your month with her and she was already asking you about how to hire her own chronicler. It was rewarding to know that you’ve done a good enough job so far that she would seek out someone like you. You were working hard, trying to shift your focus from your emotions into something more productive.
It didn’t work.
Every day you found yourself looking around the decks hoping to catch a glimpse of your captain visiting. He was never there.
You saw plenty of your other crew mates- both crews frequented both ships as you sailed together. It was nice having that familiarity, but the reminder that you were specifically sent away while they got to go back to their ship every night stung.
“Ah, chronicler.” Alvida’s voice shook you out of your thoughts, having zoned out while recording what the meals were for the day in the kitchen.
“Hello Alvida, was there something you needed?” Your finger slipped into your journal as a placeholder as you turned your attention to her.
“Yes. I just finished discussing some business with Buggy and your good work came up.” You couldn’t help but puff up a bit- You did want him to know you were still exceeding at your job. “And then he made me an offer that I’d like to extend to you. He said if I wanted you full time I had his permission, so. Would you like to be my chronicler?”
There’s a full 30 seconds that you have to take to process the words that were said to you and come up with a response that doesn’t sound like your heart just got shattered into a million pieces.
“Oh wow, that’s quite the offer I- uh-“ Your mind is struggling to work under the weight of your emotions and Alvida catches on that you’re overwhelmed.
“It’s a big change so you can take some time to think about it. Just come to me when you have your answer.” She gives you a curt nod before heading off, leaving you with your spiraling thoughts.
You manage to hold back your tears until you’re at you bunk, burying your face in your pillow to catch your flow of tears. There was something so painful about being shipped off to someone else, being so unwanted he couldn’t stand to work with you anymore. You’re not even sure what you did wrong which might be the most frustrating part.
If you could lead this all back to one action you took maybe you could make it better- maybe you could go back.
But you didn’t.
You know when you’re not wanted.
Later that day you knock on Alvida’s door and accept her offer. All your stuff is already on her ship so you don’t ever have to step foot on Buggy’s ship ever again.
It’s easier that way.
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A month has gone by of officially being the chronicler of the Alvida pirates. It’s… fine. Painfully fine. Perfectly average.
You stop wearing bright colors, swapped out for the pinks and reds that cover the ship. You still keep your old clothes, tucked away in a box that also has the journal you used to chronicle your time the the Buggy pirates. The sequins and stripes keep it safe and far away from you, letting you pull back at the last second before you obsessively repour over the pages to find where you went wrong.
You were getting better.
You stopped crying every night, you stopped longing looking over the bow at Buggy’s ship, you stopped searching for him whenever your old crew came over.
The lingering feelings will pass soon, and you eagerly count down the days until your heart patches itself up and moves on.
It was easy to ignore your emotions during a storm. All your energy focused on locking up your stuff and going where you were needed- you were a chronicler but all hands on deck meant all hands.
It was a nasty storm- lighting and high waves bashing against the hull repeatedly and ruthlessly. You were down below deck, sent on your own to grab emergency medical supplies from deep storage, two crew members had already broken bones and there were probably going to be countless other injuries before the storm let up. Boxes shoved in your arms you were making your way back up to the medical bay when you heard it- the sound you never want to hear below deck.
The sound of wood breaking.
You hear the hit of a strong wave before the groaning of wood and then that dreaded sound. You only have a second to process it before you hear the flood of seawater rushing in. Dropping the boxes you quickly jump to the ladder, scrambling up as you hear water flooding in behind you.
You make it up the ladder and halfway to the next one before the next wave hits. Your world jolts under you and you’re flung to the floor and the back of your head hits the deck- hard.
Your vision swims as you feel sea water rushing over your body and you push yourself up, ignoring the nausea overwhelming your senses. You crawl to the ladder, water threatening to grab and pull you under. Grasping the rung of the ladder you try to pull yourself up before your realize just how hurt you must be.
The pain, the blurry vision, you barely have control over your body. There’s no way you can pull yourself up the ladder. The sea was going to take you and you didn’t have the senses about you to swim. It was over.
You hang your head, watching the water swell up around your body as you wonder if all your works will go missing to the sea. Maybe there will be nothing left of you. Or maybe someone will find your journal- just dry enough that the words haven’t dissolved and run together. Maybe someone will remember you.
Somewhere in the distance someone shouts your name.
You’re confident it’s your addled mind playing tricks on you until it’s louder and right above you- loud and frantic. You look upwards and see Buggy, rain soaked and panicked.
Now you’re really confident you’re seeing things.
“Grab my hand!” He lays down on the deck above you and extends his hand and everything becomes real painfully fast.
“Get out of here! The water- You can’t-“ You yell out, head throbbing.
“I said grab my hand! Captain’s orders!” He shouts and you don’t think you’ve ever heard him so serious.
Gathering up all the strength in your body you pull yourself up a few rungs until you can reach out and grab his hand, quickly being violently pulled up the rest of the way.
“Can you walk?” He asks, yanking you up to your feet. You fall into his body, answering his question for him. “Alright.”
Suddenly one of his arms is under your knees and the other is around your shoulders and you’re being carried, your vision obscured by Buggy’s clothes. It’s better that way, you think hazily, to see him and not your death waiting to swallow you up. Maybe it’s a trick your mind is playing and you’re down in that lower deck, knocked out and drowning. But as you curl up against him and your thoughts fade to nothingness it’s a trick you’re willing to accept.
If your last thoughts are of him it’s not a bad way to go.
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You wake up with a start- jolting up in bed before realizing how much that sudden action hurts. Your hand flies to the back of your head and you realize it’s been bandaged up.
“Hey- take it easy.” Eyes flicking up you see Buggy standing up from a chair in the corner of your room.
Your room- back on Buggy’s ship.
“You really should lay back down.” He’s a few steps closer now and in the dimmed light of the room you can finally get a good look at him.
He looks like shit. Dark circles under his eyes, he probably hasn’t shaved in a few days, and his normal face paint is missing. He’s down to just his vest and pants, normal bright accessories missing.
The memories of the ship sinking come rushing back to you and a panic sets into your chest. “Wait what happened- the ship- the crew-“
“Hey, hey, it’s alright calm down.” He sits down on the bed and takes one of your hands in his. “Alvida’s ship sank, but we managed to get everyone out and on here before she went down.”
Your breathing evens out and you relax a bit. “Good.”
“We were calling everyone to get on board here right when you had left to go grab supplies- you were missing so I came and got you.” He explains, putting the remaining pieces together for you.
“Just wanted to make sure you woke up alright so now I-“ He drops your hand and stands up. “Will go.”
He gets to the door before your words stop him.
“You shouldn’t have done that. It was- you could have easily died. You can’t swim and you didn’t even-“ You screw your eyes shut, brain still putting itself back together from the hard hit.
“Captain’s duties.” He explains shortly, hand still on the doorknob and not looking at you.
“Yeah but, you’re not my captain. You made it painfully clear you did not want to be my captain.” You swing your feet off the bed, glaring holes into his back as weeks of repressed emotions come leaking out the broken and battered seams.
“It’s not like that-“ He says, forehead meeting the wood of your door.
“Then what is it like then? Because I’m just confused and hurt! I don’t understand!” Your hands fist in the sheets of your bed as tears well up in your eyes.
“Please don’t-“ He turns around and you see the hurt in his eyes. “Don’t cry.”
“Then tell me what I did wrong!” You shout, hot tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Nothing. You did nothing wrong.” He wrings his hands and looks down at the floor. “You’re too- you’re too good for me.”
The words ring in the dim space and confusion comes over your already frazzled mind. “What?”
“You- okay.” He takes a deep breath and shift from foot to foot. “You have this grand idea of who I am. You think I’m smart and caring and a good captain and that’s just not true. I’m not any of those things. I’m just a huge faker. I was never meant to be a captain- I just keep doing it because I have to.”
You look over his anxious form and finally see what he’s been hiding under all those flashy clothes and bright face paint. He was truly and painfully insecure.
You go to stand up, slipping off the bed to try and land on your feet but your vision blurs and you slip and you’re sure you’re going to crack your head on the floor again. But before you can land your being held, Buggy’s hands having quickly detached and grabbed you. The rest of his body runs over only seconds later, connecting his hands back and placing you delicately back on your bed.
You’re sitting up again, Buggy anxiously standing next to the bed as he looks over your body, checking to make sure you’re okay. This time you reach out, taking Buggy’s hand despite the fact you can see him wanting to run away again.
“Buggy, you’re really stupid sometimes.” You see his face shift into pure confusion and you elaborate. “I don’t think those things because of all the acts you put on- I think those things because that’s what I really think after spending so much time with you. I know who you are, don’t think I don’t.”
Buggy practically collapses, sitting next to you on the bed. “Don’t say that.”
“Why not?” You grip harder on his hand, pulling yourself closer to him.
“Because I don’t want to disappoint you.” He admits, his voice cracking under his emotions.
“You- all this time- Buggy, look at me.” You pull at his hand, urging him to follow your directive.
He does and you see all the emotions you’ve been feeling swirling in his eyes. “I care about you. And I don’t care if you think you’ll disappoint me! I just want you.”
You feel something break as you stare into each others eyes and in a flash he’s on you- lips pressing harshly against yours. He’s messy and harsh and frantic as he overwhelms you and you let him. Your freehand tangles in his hair and holds his head close. Neither of you break the kiss until you absolutely need to, pulling away gasping for air as spit still connects the two of you.
“Do you mean it?” He whispers, forehead pressed against yours.
“Did it feel like I meant it?” You grin, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I don’t know… I might have to check again.” You see a smile creep back onto his face and you pull him in again.
He kisses you like a man starved, eagerly throwing himself into you. He nips at your lips, pulling playfully as he slides on top of you, your body sliding down into the bed in turn. You can’t tell if his hands are attached to his body or not as you feel them wandering your skin, pushing up under the hem of your shirt and grabbing onto your waist. You whine into his mouth and he pulls away quickly.
“Did I- sorry is this too fast we can-“ You shut him up by pulling him in for a quick kiss.
“I want more.” You say against his lips and he nods so furiously you think his head might fall off.
His lips trail down, kissing where your jaw and throat meet. As he does so you feel a deft hand undo the fastenings on your pants and sliding into them, plunging past the hem of your underwear and to your folds. Your hips buck up as his fingers ghost over you and you hear him chuckle.
“Don’t laugh at me!” You lightly hit his back, unable to stop smiling.
“I’m not, I’m not.” He claims, but you know otherwise. It’s hard to be mad at him though when his fingers pry open your folds and he sucks in a breath when he finally dips in. “Fuck you’re wet.”
“All for-“ You’re cut off by your own moan as two fingers press into you. “All for you.”
His motions still for a second before he’s biting into your neck as his fingers sink all the way into you. “Can’t just say that stuff. Fuck you don’t know what you do to me.”
You feel him grind up against your leg and that sends a thrill through you and you push further. “Missed you so much- thought about you every day-“
“My lovely star-“ He breathes into your skin, fingers pumping in and out of you.
“That- I missed that. Missed you calling me yours.” You admit through moans as his fingers stretched you out.
All of a sudden his fingers are pulling out and you whine as he sits up. In a flash hands are tugging your shirt up and off your body while he shimmies down your bed. Once your shirt is discarded he can pull down your pants, hands smoothing over your thighs. He takes a few moments to just look at you and your face heats up.
“See you still need to learn how to take a compliment.” He jokes as he lays back down, pushing apart your thighs so he can settle between them.
“This is not the same.” You try and argue, your hand drifting to his bright blue hair as he kisses up the inside of your thighs.
“Whatever you say.” You want to argue further but all coherent thoughts leave your brain when you feel his breath on your folds.
You feel his fingers spread you apart before he dives in, tongue eagerly lapping up your slick. Your hand fists in his hair as he pushes his tongue into you, the thick muscle a welcome sensation. When his tongue leaves you, you whine but it quickly dissolves into a moan as he wraps his lips around your clit.
“Fuck- Buggy- Just like that!” You buck your hips up into his mouth and you feel his fingers slip back into you.
He listens, repeating the motion and adding a third finger inside you. His other hand comes around to the back of your leg, hiking it up over his shoulder so he can have better access. His tongue swirls between your clit and thrusting in with his fingers. As your orgasm builds up you pull tighter at his hair in warning and you feel him groan into your folds. The vibration against your clit edges you ever closer so you pull again, not missing the way his hips jerk up against the bed as you do.
He sucks on your clit as his fingers curl inside you and the dam breaks, orgasm washing over you. Buggy slowly pulls his fingers out of you but you still feel his tongue on you, lapping up your slick as you come down.
You gently pull on his hair, urging him to come closer to you. He gets the message, sliding up your body until he’s face to face with you, his lips and chin glistening with your juices.
“Can I repay the favor?” You ask, your hands sliding down his body until he shakes his head.
“Baby- if I even see you on your knees in front of me I’m going to blow my load before I can get inside you.” His confession makes your skin run hot as you surge up to him, kissing him deeply.
“Then get inside me.” You say when you finally pull away, your own taste lingering in your mouth.
“Oh, who’s the captain now?” He grins as he slides off the bed to quickly take off his vest and pants.
You can’t help but stare at his cock, long and curved and you need it inside you now. He sees you staring at it’s the ego boost he needs as he crawls back in bed, slotting his hips between your thighs. His hand guides his tip to rub against your clit and you whine impatiently. He chuckles but lines himself up with your entrance before slowly pushing in.
“You’re so- warm- tight- fuck-“ Buggy thrusts into you despite himself, every inch of him inside you all at once and you practically scream his name.
“Can’t help myself baby you feel-“ His body covers yours as he mouths at your collarbone and throat and whatever skin he can find. “So much better than I thought.”
“You thought about me?” You manage out, breathless.
“Every damn day and night I-“ His thrusts are erratic but you can’t bring yourself to care when he’s still making you feel so good. “Sometimes, after you left our meetings I’d- I’d touch myself the second you left I couldn’t stop imagining you on my desk I- fuck-“
Knowing he thought about you like that did things to you and you drag your nails down his back and hook your legs around his waist, unable to verbalize through your moans. You can tell he’s close already, the throb of his cock and the way his filthy words are getting increasingly slurred. You’re close too, and you reach up and grab Buggy’s hand, urging it down to your sensitive bud. He takes the direction well, his thumb rubbing right circles that make you see stars.
“Where- I’m so close-“ He chokes out and as he goes to pull out you clench your legs tighter, trapping him inside you.
“Fill me up, please Buggy.” You whine and that’s it for him.
You feel hot ropes of cum fill you up as he groans into your neck. He manages to still work your clit so it’s only a few moments after him that you’re orgasming again, milking every drop of cum out of him. Breathless, he collapses on top of you, softening cock still in you.
You wrap your arms around him, holding him tight as though letting him go means he’d drift away from you again. He nuzzled into your neck and must sense that somethings up.
“‘m not gonna be that stupid again.” He says, pressing a kiss to your neck. “Not gonna let you go.”
“I’m your chronicler again?” You ask, voice weak with emotions.
“Until the end of time.” He promises, and you trust him completely.
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theamberplumbob · 23 days
My Thoughts on Inzoi
I figured since my post about the whole Inzoi terms of service debacle blew up in a way that I never would have predicted, I should probably give a more nuanced explanation of my stance on the game and the discourse around it in general.
First off, I will just say right off the bat that I am not a fan of Inzoi, and unless some very big changes are made to the game, I am not interested in playing it.
I also want to make clear that my dislike of Inzoi is NOT motivated by any sort of love or loyalty to EA or The Sims. If there's one good thing to come out of Inzoi its breaking the monopoly that EA has over the life sim genera and giving The Sims competition. I also want to say that I despise EA for what it has done to the Sims franchise, and while I have played an absurd amount of hours in The Sims 4, I think it is objectively a bad product.
My biggest problem with Inzoi, first and foremost, is it's the use of AI. Inzoi allows players to use generative AI to make custom textures, designs, and paintings within the game. You may not agree with me on this but I am fully of the opinion that real artists should have been hired and paid to create all of the textures/paintings/designs for this game. Allowing players to upload their own photos and videos is one thing, but Krafton, a multi billion dollar company, chose to not support real, professional artists so they could save what is essentially pennies to them. All this results in, frankly, ugly and uncanny looking generated designs plastered all over the furniture and decor. For this reason alone I do not support Inzoi, but there's so much more to it than that.
There's also the fact that we have no idea how their AI is trained. Krafton apparently has an "AI Ethics Committee," but we have no clue what their actual code of ethics are. While it's bad faith to assume, they could be using stolen artwork for their AI. It is also very likely that whatever images you upload into the game, as well as any use of their facial scanning feature, could also be used as material to train their AI. This could lead to all sorts of ethical and legal issues I don't even know where to begin.
Secondly, I have to say, looking at the early access footage from youtubers and everything else I've heard about the game, it feels like its only going to repeat most of TS4's mistakes. In youtuber NotMalcolm's most recent video he discusses Inzoi's overly sanitized approach to various aspects of life, most notably that you can't try for a baby unless you are already married (source). Just like TS4, Inzoi is appealing to a younger demographic and sanding down the rougher aspects of life in order to cater to them. I fear that Krafton is likely taking it a step further and not only watering down the game for the sake of potential child players, but also using them as an excuse to enforcing extremely traditional values on its players. I have no interest in playing a life sim that only allows me to play out a single, socially acceptable way of living.
It also, like TS4, feels like a Young Adult Wish Fulfillment Sim™. The gameplay looks shallow, and it feels like it exists more to make aesthetic screenshots than it does to be an actual game.
I think when people say that Inzoi is missing the "quirky weirdness" of the Sims, what they actually mean is that Inzoi is devoid of personality. One thing that stuck out to me immediately is that the animations are so stiff, robotic, and lifeless. Again, everything is made to be ~*Aesthetic*~ with no regard to an actual sense of identity or personality.
I know people will say that its only in early access, but given how close public early access is to release, I highly doubt any significant changes are going to be made to improve what will be given to us when the time comes.
On a similar note, there's the fact that Krafton has never made a game before now that hasn't been riddled with micro transactions. I personally predict that Inzoi's monetization strategy will be just as, if not more predatory than TS4's is. The fact that we are drawing so close to public early access and have not heard a single word on their method of monetization speaks volumes. I simply do not trust it.
Now, of course, I need to elaborate on the whole Terms of Service Situation. I understand fully that Krafton's terms of service is industry standard and not too dissimilar to EAs, however, this post highlights that whats really concerning about Krafton's ToS is how difficult and confusing it is for players to access and review it. I find it understandable that Krafton's proud use of AI makes people a lot more nervous as to what their data could potentially be used for, and are going to be a lot more weary of Inzoi's ToS. Though I understand that it is only speculation, many have made the assumption that Krafton may use user's personal data to train AI.
I did not expect my post on the subject to make so much traction, and I now regret how impulsively I made the post. I feel I've contributed to fear mongering, even though I feel my concerns at the time were valid and I felt like people had the right to know. I could have done more research and given more of an explanation for what my concerns were instead of basically saying "Yikes..." and leaving it at that.
I was also told through an anonymous ask that the auto accepting of the ToS on closing the game was a bug that had apparently been fixed the first day the character creation trial was available. I of course cannot verify this myself, but I will take them on good faith.
I would also like to touch on two other talking points that have been very prevalent in the Inzoi discourse:
Diversity - I think this links back to my previous point about the game's goal of being as ~*aesthetic*~ (and marketable) as possible at the detriment of everything else. The game is clearly catering to a very specific, very pale and thin standard of Korean beauty, and I think that everything that doesn't conform to that standard was sidelined as a result. I will be fair and say that the Inzoi team still has ample opportunity to fix this and add more options over time. TS4 was also severely lacking on release, but over the years has made great strides in regards to representation. However I would have hoped that Inzoi, a game planning to release in early access in 2024, would do a lot better than a game that was initially released in 2014.
Partnership with Curseforge - I've seen many people accuse critics of Inzoi's partnership with Curseforge of being hypocritical, since TS4 also has a partnership with them. Of course, one would have to ignore the massive, community wide boycott of Curseforge, and the pressure the community has put on CC creators to stop using the platform for that claim to hold any water. I also think there is a notable difference in EA choosing to partner with Curseforge before the Israel/Palestine conflict began, and Krafton actively choosing to partner with Curseforge now, during an active genocide taking place, in which Curseforge's parent company, Overwolf, actively advocates for and donates to those committing said genocide.
In conclusion, there are a lot of valid reasons to not like/be suspicious of Inzoi. Of course I can't tell you what to do or what games you play, nor can I force you to agree with me, but don't be so quick to write off or demonize those who are simply trying to raise awareness or drawing boundaries regarding Inzoi and those who choose to make content with it.
I also encourage you to consider the points I've made and maybe think twice before investing yourself in yet another game that will very likely exploit your attachment to it in the very same way that EA and the Sims has. You need to make them deserve your time and money, which is why I'm encouraging you to advocate for a better and more ethical game.
You deserve better. We all do.
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shyvioletcat · 27 days
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Day 1 of Rowaelin Month! I thought it might be fun to revisit this one for Long Distance Surprise. Head over to @rowaelinscourt for more Rowaelin Month goodness.
~ Masterlist Pending ~
Aelin knew what she was getting into when she decided to enter a relationship with a global singing superstar. She was no stranger to fame herself with her highly successful talk show and it had been what had brought her and Rowan together in the first place. It still didn’t make certain aspects any easier. She could brush off the constant rumours plastered on the front of the tabloids, the lies for a quick sell didn’t bother her. They were both old hands when it came to the lack of privacy and they did the best they could in that regard. It was the time spent apart that took its toll, now more than ever. 
They were newlyweds and they were having a baby, a time they should have been basking in their overabundant love. But instead Aelin was alone and absolutely miserable about it.
This pregnancy wasn’t planned and that came with some obstacles. Rowan still had obligations, locked in months in advance, and he had done his best to work his way out of the non-essential ones. After they’d had their fun with the stunt on Aelin’s show they’d taken a fortnight off work. Those two blissful weeks were far too short and then Rowan had needed to leave for a tour in Rifthold. For more than a month Aelin had been moping around, missing her husband and trying not to think about how sad she was.  
Rowan hated it too. He was very vocal about his displeasure and the tirade he’d directed at Lorcan in their living room the night before he left had been one for the history books. Lorcan, the levelled headed manager than he was, calmly explained Rowan was under contractual obligations and the fallout from breaking those was not worth it. Rowan was ready to throw the remainder of his career out the window, but Aelin had managed to convince him that they could survive a few months, there was no reason to risk giving up doing what he loved. Right now Aelin had regrets about her practicality. 
She was alone in her dressing room, the call to be out on the soundstage was in about 15 minutes. The phone call she’d had with Rowan this morning had left her in tears and she could still feel the lingering effects. It was usually a video call, but Rowan explained he didn’t have enough service for it to work properly. He ran on her schedule so sometimes he only had a few minutes. Aelin had got used to seeing his face and giving him a bump update, soaking in his words of pure adoration he had for her and their baby. This morning she’d missed that, luckily she had been able to keep it together until she hung up the phone. As soon as the red button had been pushed Aelin had promptly burst into tears. Her face still felt puffy and her eyes felt heavy. If she didn’t have work to do she’d just sleep. 
It was the hormones, she was sure of it. They had to be the reason she was so teary all the time. Everything set her off, just last week one of her guests had told a story how they missed out on their favourite doughnuts and Aelin had been reaching for the tissues. That had been embarrassing to say the least and it had taken a lot of placating and a spicy kind of call with Rowan to make her feel better.
Just like that and her thoughts were back on Rowan. Aelin looked up to the mirror in front of her and watched as her eyes mist up her reflection, threatening to ruin the make-up that had just been finished. She had to pull herself together. Another hour and a half and she could hide in here, lock her door and cry her eyes out. Then she would go home and eat an entire block of chocolate and wait for her evening phone call with Rowan. It was as easy as that. Aelin stood, snapping a photo of herself and the bump, another ritual for her and Rowan while they suffered through this hellish long distance separation. The flower bouquet on her vanity that Rowan sent her every week was starting to wilt, she was more than confident another one would appear today. She was surprised it hadn’t already. 
By some miracle Aelin had made it through the whole show without shedding a tear despite her horrid mood. The segment on the local animal shelter had pushed her close to breaking, but she held out. Phone in hand, Aelin was headed back to her dressing room, ready to try and call Rowan despite knowing he wouldn’t be available. When the message tone pinged Aelin excitedly flipped the screen into view, hoping it was a text from her husband. It wasn’t. It was a reminder from her doctor about her scan appointment tomorrow. 
She was meant to get it when she was closer to 20 weeks, not 23 weeks that she was now. But Aelin, miserable and busy as she was, had been delaying it. Now her doctor was insisting and there was no real reason for Aelin to delay any longer. It was routine and the doctor had no real concerns so she hadn’t felt too guilty in waiting. Of course she had wanted Rowan to be there, and that might have been part of the subconscious reasoning behind her avoidant actions. This unfortunately was one of the sacrifices they had to make. It wasn’t like he was missing the birth and he promised he’d be able to video call her through the whole thing. They were meant to find out the gender, and that was a moment Aelin had wanted to share in real life. 
The first thing she noticed walking into her dressing room was the giant bouquet of kingsflame obstructing her mirror. It was damn hard to miss, even with the smallest of glances that she given the room. With a heavy sigh she turned and locked the dressing room door ready to follow through with her plan so that she could wallow in peace. 
“Locking the door without even knowing I'm in here?”
Aelin whiled, hand going to her stomach. Rowan was sitting on her couch, arm draped along the back of it and looking devastatingly handsome and right there. Not a grainy image, not a voice through a phone, the man was physically in her dressing room. 
“Should I be worried about your lapse in personal security?” he raised a brow at her, the corner of his mouth following. “Or did someone give me away?”
“Rowan?” Aelin said she didn’t know why it came out like a question, like maybe she had fallen asleep and was dreaming. 
“Aelin,” he said far too smoothly, his eyes darting over her. She saw the way his gaze softened when it landed on her stomach. 
They were locked in that moment for a heartbeat and then Aelin was striding forward as fast as she could manage. Rowan was on his feet a second later waiting to catch her once she threw her phone on the couch cushions. Aelin threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest, breathing him in and just so happy to be holding him. Rowan’s arms gently wound around her too, and he pressed a single kiss to her head before resting his chin there. 
“What are you doing here?” Aelin asked, voice thick and tears already falling.
Rowan’s hands were gentle as he cupped her cheeks, wiping away the dampness from her cheeks. “It’s the scan tomorrow, I couldn’t miss that.”
Aelin broke completely, a sob shaking her entire body. Rowan just held her, running soothing hands down her back. He knew she just needed to let it out, he would wait. Her ever patient husband was everything she needed right now. 
“Come on, love. Let’s sit down,” Rowan insisted after a while. 
Aelin’s laugh came out on a bit of a choke, it had been five minutes and he was already fussing. Rowan sat down first, helping Aelin to ease down with him. She did the best she could to sit so she was facing him but her bump was making it a little difficult to get her legs how she wanted them. When she managed to get comfortable Aelin sighed, smoothing a hand over her dress. Rowan tracked the movement, his hand reaching out and resting on her stomach.
“You’ve gotten so big,” Rowan said, awe in his voice. If it hadn’t been for his pure amazement Aelin might have hit him, but he quickly realised his mistake, glancing up with a shy smile. “You know what I mean.”
She did. The last time she had seen Rowan, Aelin was really just starting to pop. Now she had a defined 23 week old bump. There had been some necessary wardrobe updates and she only saw more in the imminent future.
Aelin was never more thankful for her choice of couch. The seat was deep and the cushions were soft—it made her impending plans all that much easier. Tired of being so far away from Rowan, she shuffled over and despite the baby between them she manoeuvred herself to sit straddling his lap. Rowan was more than accommodating, helping her until they were both comfortable. It was a little difficult but thanks to Rowan’s hulkish size it made things easier, and Aelin managed to rest her head on his shoulder. 
“I missed you so much,” she sighed. 
“I missed you too,” Rowan said. 
Then he tilted her head up and kissed her and Aelin was cursing herself for crying and not getting to this sooner. She ran her hands over his shoulders, his neck, wanting him closer like she would never have to let him go again. Rowan wasn’t idle either, his hands were a heavy presence on her thighs, holding her steady as she took everything she needed from him. Aelin could feel the scratch of his stubble under her fingers and her lips as she kissed a path to his neck. She would have kept going but the baby moving startled her out of her plans.
Aelin sat back, hand on her stomach. “That still feels so weird.”
Rowan’s hand followed to cover hers. “I still won’t be able to feel it, right?”
”Not for a couple more weeks, but I know that won’t stop you from trying,” Aelin said. 
The smile that Rowan gave her had Aelin’s heart lodging in her throat and she was crying again.
“I’m fine,” Aelin assured her husband before he started fussing again. “It’s the hormones, I’m crying at everything these days.”
Rowan’s chuckle was light, refraining from wording the teasing that was in his eye. Then his expression turned thoughtful, head tilting as he looked at the door. 
“Why did you lock the door?” He asked. “You’ve never bothered before and we’ve been interrupted so many times. We have literally traumatised Lorcan.”
Aelin couldn’t look her husband in the eye and hoped he didn’t notice the flush on her cheeks. Being caught out about her crying session shouldn’t be this embarrassing. But she was so dedicated to keeping up the appearance that she was one hundred percent okay while he was away, she didn’t want him to know about this. 
“Aelin,” Rowan said, the name half scolding and half pleading. 
Aelin sighed, her head tilting to the ceiling. “I locked it so no one would walk in on me crying my eyes out.”
”Fireheart,” Rowan said sadly, like that admission broke his heart. 
“I just missed you so much.” Aelin looked at him and brought her hands to rest on his shoulders. “I just needed a good cry to make myself feel better.”
“Well, I’m here now,” Rowan said resolutely before his voice dropped lower in a way that had Aelin leaning closer on instinct. “Let me make you feel better.”
This time when Rowan kissed her, Aelin held nothing back. Nothing would distract them now, not when they were about to get utterly lost in each other. Today might not have started out terribly, but it was ending much better than Aelin could have ever predicted.
Thanks for reading!
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cutieeva · 1 month
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Female reader
Warnings : Love bombing. Power abuse. Threats. Coercion. Molestation. Profanity languages. Slut shaming. Rape. Violence. Framing. Attempt home invasion. Molestation.
❛ ผู้หญิง ❜ Muse and Seduction, it is a well known name of the most Luxurious Adult Entertainment Complexe in Thailand also the least respected profession (Y/N) works in, not aware it will soon turn into a memory of calm before the storm in form of a man.
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Thailand, a country known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking landscapes, also has a complex and multifaceted adult entertainment industry. While it's true that this industry is visible and widespread, it's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and nuance. From bustling cities like Bangkok and Pattaya to tourist destinations like Phuket and Chiang Mai, adult entertainment venues and services are indeed present. These can range from go-go bars and massage parlors to street workers and karaoke bars offering private rooms to many more and despite the shame and stigma associated with these works, many women still engage in this profession due to limited job opportunities and economic necessity. The pay can be more convenient and immediate compared to other respectable jobs, which may require years of education and experience to achieve similar financial stability.
Alike to the above explanation (Y/N) also choose to work in such environment—All for money and did she succced in having what she wanted ? Yes because the place she works in is called Muse and Seduction, one of the top Adult Entertainment Complexes— it's a adult entertainment where almost all of the sexual activities could be done, separately and wonderfully. It has sections of Cabaret : where dancers perform for their male guests. Private room also known as Lounges : where sex could be given if requested and money are fullfilled. Strips clubs : where adult dances or lap dances available. Sex clubs : only available to VIP members for the privacy of their group sex, fetishes activities and message parlor : to offer erotic messages or intimate service and adult theater : to watch porn without shame and more sections based on how well the adult entertainment complexes is going and her complex has it all that even surprised the past self of (Y/N) who didn't had the slightest idea of such things exist—no she wasn't naïve rather in awe to have so varieties like a deck of cards laid out before her. Despite its grandeur, the complex remained hidden from the public eye, accessible only to those who knew where to look letting her past self marveled at how seamlessly it blended into the surrounding landscape, a testament to the discretion and secrecy that shrouded the adult entertainment industry.
Quickly that time she entered not for the sex work she thought could only pay her rents and shield her from her runaway abusive parents rather at the Cabaret where dancers danced contrast to not being the most skilled or pretty, she impressed the manager with her passion and raw talent. Offered a job on the spot, she found a refuge and purpose in the vibrant world of dance and before she knew it she sat on the position of manager of Cabaret section where she once only stared and worked hard.
"(Y/N) !" The (H/C) haired woman turn around at her name call meeting the eyes of the old general manager who's wiping his sweat yet a smile plastered on his lips.
"Yes, sir". Politely she asked having a hint of some excitement news to be heard noticing the uncontrollable smile and fire on his eyes.
The air was electric as he made the announcement, his face splitting into a wide, toothy grin. "Today, a very, very, very special guest is coming!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious yet puzzling.
She raised an eyebrow, her head tilting slightly to one side. VVVIP visitors weren't uncommon in their establishment, but the level of excitement radiating from him was unusual. Whoever this guest was, they must be incredibly influential and wealthy to warrant such anticipation.
Her (E/C) eyes watched him practically bounce with energy, a shiver ran down her spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that this visit might bring trouble, particularly for the women who work here. A nagging sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach, her mind racing with the possibility that someone might be coerced into doing something against their will.
"Understood". She dry chuckle, darting eyes to her pratice hall and to the general manager.
"That's why you also need to perform today". Ah ! No wonder he came to her because despite being a manager she still performs for the double money she is paid.
"So the party is hosted in here ?" Insinuating her sections making the general manager nod.
"Yes, unfortunately they want entertainment to be amused not pleasure". The grin turn into a scoff merely thought of lost profits, his eyes clouding with disappointment.
"They ? Didn't you just said one guest ?" (Y/N) was confused.
"Oh—actually it's group of men from a wealthy company but in mist of that is the golden egg would be". Oh ! She sink the information so rather than entertainment, it's to secure a lucrative deal. The company was willing to do whatever it took to secure success. What a classic tactic.
"Okay, please state the time, date and all the needed details". He nod giving her the paper written all the instruction. "Well then I goona go". Waving gently she enter her dance hall.
Tomorrow at 8:30 pm with Chinese Silk dance theme.
"So, the man is Chinese ? Or have those liking ?" She thought so for better she would single out the Chinese girls just for their safety to not caught the eyes of animalistic men.
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Night descended, darkness enveloped the world, like an inky shroud suffocating all in its grasp. Yet, the moon, now a silver crescent in the sky, cast an ethereal glow, as if to defy the all-consuming shadows. Stars twinkled like diamonds scattered across the velvet expanse, their gentle sparkle a beacon of hope.
(Y/N) stood transfixed, her gaze riveted on the clock's ticking hands, mere moments away from striking 8:30 pm. She inhaled deeply, the air filling her lungs like a promise of new beginnings. "Today has to be perfect" she whispered to herself, a fervent wish born of hope and determination.
In her mind's eye, she envisioned a evening unfolding with grace and harmony, each moment a delicate brushstroke on the canvas of time. No embarrassing missteps, no unwilling participants, just a gentle, pleasant tone that would soothe the souls. The clock's ticking grew louder, a countdown to a symphony of perfection, as (Y/N) steeled herself for the moments to come, her heart beating in rhythm with the night's dark beauty.
"Beauties. Everything has to be perfect and do not worry I am here to protect you okay ?" Once more she reassure the women standing in a row each one a vision of elegance and mystery. Golden jewels encircled their arms, a radiant contrast to their varied skin tones, like sunlight dancing across a canvas of diverse beauty. The traditional Chinese dresses, with their revealing midriffs and flowing slit sleeves, seemed to shimmer in the soft light, as if the very fabric was alive. Their face however remained hidden behind delicate veils, a whispered promise of secrets and allure. The veils, like silken whispers, caressed their skin, casting an air of enchantment and subtle mystery seemed to embody the essence of ancient Chinese beauty, where subtlety and restraint whispered tales of untold stories.
"Yes mam". Each one in unison spoke with confidence knowing their mentor for several years.
"Hey (Y/N) I needed—" A man holding few papers walked in the practice hall when he frozen in his root staring at (Y/N) who turn around giving his amber eyes the look of her dress mirroring the several women however he appeared to be mesmerized by her.
"Oh manager Somchai, is there anything I can help you with ?" Jewels trembled with each her step, unleashing a cascade of sparkling light, like tiny stars waltzing across her (S/C) skin.
"Oh—Ah—I-I-I-I forget". Few laughes escape from the women behind (Y/N) watching the bar manager make a fool out of himself.
"Hush ! It's unladylike". In swept the crowd held their laugh at their own manager's scold yet few roll their eyes knowing it was harmless. "Excuse them". (Y/N) apologies to Somchai who shake his head still unable to part his lips and hide the tip of blush on his ears.
"So, how can I help ?" She repeated holding her own smile, catching his flustered face.
"I-I— it's the list of drinks that the guests should buy for our profits". Quickly he shoved the paper on her hand surprising her and himself at the rough action. "I-I am sorry". Closing his eyes, his tense hands clap together in forgiveness along the rigid fingers intertwined, forming a tight knot, like a prayer offered to the heavens. The sudden, earnest movement was almost comical, yet endearing, making her giggle at the sweet, silly gesture. The contrast between his serious expression and the childish motion only added to the charm, rendering her helpless against the tide of amusement that swept over her.
"W-what happen ?" The way his innocent doe eyes stare at her never would anyone unaware of his profession could assume he works in an adult industry.
"Nothing. You are so endearing". And as she expected his entire face burst into flame creating a teasing ohh from the women who ship them together hard earn a harsh "Shut up". From their senior.
"Thank you". Finally without stuttering he smiled and part his lips to speak when the clock's loud tick reverberated through the air, signaling the precise moment of 8:30 pm.
"Oh—I am sorry I must go". Swiftly she offered apologies, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Don't be". He disagree, silently encouraging her at their eye contact making her smile wider. Without anymore utters she led the procession of women, their golden jewels glinting in the soft light. At the threshold, (Y/N) paused, her slender fingers fluttering as she donned her own veil at the last moment, the delicate fabric whispering against her skin.
"Everyone ready to go ?"
"Yes". They mutter lightly. (Y/N) take a deep, calming breath as she pushed open the door, and a warm, golden light enveloped them, like a gentle caress. The room was aglow with sensual ambiance, the soft glow of table lamps and floor lights casting a hypnotic spell. The guests, already seated on plush, velvety sofas, turned to regard the newcomers, their faces bathed in the warm, golden radiance. Beers chilled on an opulent, dark-wood table, adorned with delicate, crystal glasses, reflecting the soft light like tiny, shimmering mirrors.
Soft, melodic music whispered through the air, weaving a subtle spell of relaxation and indulgence, as (Y/N) and her companions glided into the room, their veils shimmering like moonlit mist, their long, flowing sleeves rustling softly, like leaves in an autumn breeze. The atmosphere was alive with anticipation, the scent of perfume and the promise of mystery hanging heavy in the air, like the whispered promise of a secret shared among friends.
"Thank you for your services. We shall begin". her voice dripped in honeyed sweetness greeted the awaiting men as her eyes swept across the room, scanning for the golden man the general manager spoken of and then, in an instant, her gaze landed on him—an aged man, with a stomach as round as a full moon, adorned in the finest, most lavish attire, from the glittering gold chain around his neck to the diamond-encrusted watch on his wrist.
Her eyes narrowed. "He must be the one". Sighing deeply she bowed gracefully with a subtle, enigmatic smile, her body begin dancing like unfolding a lotus flower, petals of movement swirling around her. The men's screams of delight and admiration crescendoed, their eyes aglow with hunger and desire, yet she remained an untouchable, ethereal vision. Her dance was a masterful symphony of seduction and grace, each step, each gesture, a testament to her skill and artistry.
As she danced, she wove in and out of the tables, pouring wine with a flourish, her hands moving in tandem with the other women, who mirrored her movements with precision. The liquid gold flowed like a river, filling the glasses, as she continued to enthrall her audience, her body swaying, twirling, and bending in impossible ways.
Regardless of the provocative nature of her dance, she maintained an air of detachment, her skin never once touching the eager hands that reached out to her. Her eyes, like a hawk's, scanned the room, ever vigilant, ensuring none of the men dared touch her or her junior companions. The other women, too, seemed to be under her protection, their eyes locked on hers, moving in perfect synchrony, a testament to their trust and loyalty. The men, entranced by the spectacle, remained at a safe distance, their longing and desire hanging in the air like a palpable mist, yet they knew better than to cross the unspoken boundary. She was a queen, a goddess, and they mere mortals, privileged to witness her glory and forbidden to touch.
Soon the music reached its crescendo, (Y/N)'s dance came to a smooth, graceful close, like a summer breeze gently caressing the skin. The room, electrified by her performance, exhaled a collective sigh of relief and admiration. Though some of the men, entranced by her beauty, had attempted to brush their hands against hers, they had respectfully refrained from any further advances, acknowledging the unspoken boundary. The VVVIP guest, too, had maintained his dignity, his eyes never leaving (Y/N)'s face, yet his hands remained clasped together, a indication to his self-control. With a satisfied smile, he raised his glass in a silent toast, and drank, savoring the moment.
As the final notes of the music faded away, (Y/N) and her companions bowed, their movements fluid and synchronized and they departed like a gentle whisper, a soft breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers, leaving the men to ponder the memory of their enchanting performance.
Free-spirited and unencumbered, (Y/N) and her companions walk outside the hallway, sharing laughter and whispers echoing down the corridor.
"Today was fun".
"How amazing".
"Thankfully they knew the rules to not mess even the VVVIP was respectful unlike some of the others".
"This is my first time performing Chinese dance ?"
"Really ? Well I am Chinese but never did I also danced so sensually".
"But (Y/N) was best".
"Of course she would be when she is our senior".
Their joys whispered to one another filling (Y/N)'s ears in relief nothing unfortunate occur to one of the women and god forbid— to her. Wiping the line of sweat from her forehead she walked to their resting room passing through the living hall where main events of dances held.
"HELP ! HELP—". A cry of help echoed the room following with a loud thud alike to a slap making all the women wince.
"What was that ?"
"Isn't it sound like a woman ?"
"Also a slap ?"
"I am scared".
A knot of unease twisted in (Y/N)'s stomach, like a pit of pooling darkness, as her mind conjured the worst assumptions. A envision of woman, desperate and trapped, crying out for help in a place where hope seemed lost. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and without hesitation.
"Girls ! Go !". She commanded her workers to retreat to their quarters, their faces etched with concern.
With a deep breath, (Y/N) steeled herself, her determination burning brighter than her fear. She barged into the lavish hall, the doors swinging open with a soft crash, like a declaration of war. The room, once filled with laughter and music, now seemed tainted, its opulence mocking her. Her eyes scanned the space, searching for the source of her unease, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum.
Until her (H/C)'s eyes fell upon a scene that made her blood boil, a tableau of cruelty that seared itself into her mind. A man, his face twisted in a snarl, sat atop a woman, her body helpless and trembling, her clothes torn and disheveled. He laughed, a cold, mirthless sound, as he cursed with his words coated with venom while the woman's cries, like a wounded animal, filled the air with her sobs as the man rape her in front of others.
The room, once a haven of indulgence, transform into a den of depravity. Some men, seated on a large sofa, laughed and jeered, their faces flushed with excitement, while others watched with a mixture of fascination and disgust. A few, attempting to distance themselves from the scene, silently drank their plain disgust by the beers, their eyes averted, however their presence still complicit.
Red. (Y/N)'s vision was consumed by a sea of red, a crimson haze that fueled her fury. In an instant, she sprang into action, her movements swift and deadly, wordlessly she launched herself at the man, ripping him away from the woman with a strength born of rage. The sound of crashing furniture and shouting men filled the air as she hurled him aside, the group scattering in surprise.
Her eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for something to cover the woman's exposed form. But there was nothing —no cloth, no blanket, no shred of dignity left. So, with a swift motion, (Y/N) grasped the nearest ground mat, tearing it from the floor, and wrapped it around the woman's shivering body, shielding her from prying eyes.
That's when the same man lashed out, his hand closing around her forearm like a vice. (Y/N)'s jaw clenched in pain, her eyes flashing with anger, as she gazed straight into the man's raging eyes, their faces inches apart. "Why is he angry ? No—how dare he is angry ?" Complex emotions once more fueling her brain, hatred spite for the man so far her fingers itch to slit his throat and watch him bleed to death.
"No. No. No. No. (Y/N) you can't do it. Stay calm. Stay calm". Her inner rational self repeated after all the power held is by men not women.
"You fucking bitch ! What do you think you are ! Fucking cunt ? How dare you lay a hand on me ?" The man twisted (Y/N)'s arm only for her to stood firm, her eyes blazing with defiance. Pain was nothing new, and she refused to yield, her silence a challenge to his dominance.
Holding her trembling fist—not from fear rather from anger she calmly utter. "Dear customer, this section is cabaret not private room so please refrain from doing sexual activ—".
"Fuck you woman ! You all are slut what happens if I fuck one of you". Tension weighted heavy on his offensive words suffocating even her lungs by the audacity of this man. How dare ? How dare this man found the chest to spoke about them. This illiterate garbage.
"It seems you are illiterate because the meaning of cabaret is dancers in our complex. Pardon us for not explaining actually, we didn't knew an uneducated person would come to our threshold". Blazing her (E/C) eyes into the man, his grip tighten and she felt the heat of his body underneath the fat meat.
"What did you say you bitch—".
"Or are you perhaps deaf too ?" Her voice not a lace with sarcastism or mock. It's purely fill with rage. Rage of being helpless, useless and shame. Because no matter how this man violented the innocent woman and assulted (Y/N), the fact still stands—he is their customer.
Despicable. (Y/N)'s throat felt dry and cracked at the fact, as if the man's crushing grip had drained the last drop of moisture from her body. The pain was numbed by her revulsion and anger, emotions that seethed like a cauldron as she gazed up at his face, illuminated by the eerie purple and pink lights above. His features, once human, now seemed twisted and grotesque, a stark contrast to the inhumane actions that belied his civilized facade. Tears of rage swelled over her vision, casting a blurry veil over the scene, yet she continued to stare, transfixed by the horror of it all. A twisted sense of guilt slithered in, its dark tendrils wrapping around her heart, whispering cruel lies of blame and shame, as the colorful lights above seemed to mock her, casting an otherworldly glow on the nightmare unfolding below.
The door finally burst open again, this time however by the security guards. They finally trapped the man, even tearing his iron grip that left purple bruises—her eyes stare. This will heal, but what about the innocent woman ? The woman's who crimson blood flow out of her private part in front of so many eyes ? (Y/N) will have her untainted skin back without bruises but can the woman have her virginity back she oh so hard frought only to lose. Sorrows finally slide down mourning the unconsciously woman as she bend down, helping the cloth to prevent her nudity from exposing in process her eyes met a onyx eyes, a depthless pool of intensity that seemed to hold a thousand unspoken emotions burning with a fierce inner fire that she couldn't quite decipher regardless of the black spectacles that meant to conceal, only seemed to accentuate the piercing quality of his eyes. Quickly she avert the burning gaze. "He is no different than that man". Snarling her face, she walk not knowing his sight was set on her from the very moment she step inside.
She find herself sit outside the makeshift medical area, her eyes fixed on the curtain that shielded the woman's privacy. Beside her, the private female doctor, a specialist in treating victims of abuse, tended to the woman's wounds with gentle hands as the moonlight's pear through the window shimmering her unremoved outfit. Suddenly, the general manager burst into the room, his face etched with concern. However, he halted outside the curtain, respecting the woman's privacy. (Y/N) rose to meet him, her eyes questioning.
"What happen ?" she asked, her voice low.
The manager's eyes darted to the curtain, then back to (Y/N). "The security told me everything. Is she g-going to be okay ?"
"Yes but—". She paused, expression somber. "Her clit has tore, virginity is take away that's why it will cause her a lot of trauma". The manager nodded, his face set in a determined expression.
"So, she might not able to work right ?" Before (Y/N) could answer the female doctor pull the curtains closed.
"Yes, she isn't at the headspace to do. I am even afraid that it might also cause a trauma of men which is very much about this job". Discreetly (Y/N)'s fingers curl into fist holding the urge to suffer the perpetrater.
"Gosh ! Why did it had to happen in front of the VVVIP man". The man mutter a curse. "Our reputation and woman is lost face in front of him". A frown ink in between (Y/N)'s brows.
"What ? VVVIP ? But he was entertained and happy. We did our job perfectly". Pluzzed she elaborate. "Also sue the man not the innocent woman".
"I never want to sue the woman. It's not at all her fault rather I am angry at the man because that asshole is the one who last minute came here change the perfect schedule of attending your dance instead went to the living hall dance with completely different setting. A modern one".
"What ?" A grasp lip past her.
"Who was it ?"
"A man with black suit, black spectacles and his name is Wang Ji-Hyuk, he is a Korean man but his entire business is at China that's why we choose a chinese traditional theme also it was said by the asshole but he ruined it !" Fumes smoking out of his ears. "I am goona sue him". Bit his lips, he dial the number of the said VVVIP (Y/N) mistook.
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"Wait ! So that man from before ?" (Y/N)'s mind reeled as a quick flashback assaulted her senses, transporting her back to the living hall mere seconds ago. She relived the moment when her gaze met the VVVIP's, the intensity of his stare still seared into her memory. But before she could even process her thoughts, the general manager's urgent grip on her arm yanked her back to reality.
"He's still outside, we should apologize," He whispered hastily, dragging her toward the door.
(Y/N)'s confusion deepened as she stumbled alongside him. Apologize? For what? She couldn't fathom what she had done wrong. The VVVIP's behavior had unsettled her of how a man so boredly sat and watched a woman get rape is truly inhumane, what apologize does she own to the VVVIP ? For protesting against the rape ? Protecting a innocent woman ? Or causing a scene unnecessary. Her thoughts swirled in a jumbled mix of emotions as she struggled to keep up with the general manager's rapid pace. Why were they apologizing? What part was her fault? None, she believes. Still the questions swirled in her mind like a vortex, leaving her bitter.
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At the reception, they found the said man standing with his back to them, his imposing figure radiating an aura of authority. The soft hum of conversation and gentle clinking of foot filled the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside (Y/N).
Just as they approached, the head manager's voice cut through the calm, "Ah, sir, I see you're still here."
The VVVIP's back stiffened, and he slowly turned around, his movements deliberate and calculated and he faced them, his eyes locked onto (Y/N)'s once more, the intensity of his gaze making her heart skip a beat.
Time seemed to suspend as their eyes met, the air thickening with tension. The general manager's words of apology died on his lips, and the head manager's smile faltered, sensing the changed atmosphere. Pursing his lips, he nudge her hand allowing her to look away.
"W-we are sorry. Extremely sorry for the lack of professional and such unpleasant scenes to be caused". What ? What was her lips utter ? The way her mouth moved, forming words of apology, as if driven by a force beyond her control. Her voice was barely audible, a mere whisper, as she spoke the words she didn't mean to say. Her head bent down, weighed by the shame that wasn't hers to bear.
She felt like a puppet, her body no longer her own, but a mere marionette controlled by invisible strings. Her limbs moved, her lips spoke, but her mind was a distant observer, helpless to stop the charade.
The man's gaze still held her captive, his eyes burning with an intensity that seemed to strip her of her autonomy. She was a leaf blown by the wind, a feather tossed by the breeze, completely at the mercy of forces beyond her control.
"Yes, we are very sorry". The head manager bow respectfully making the VVVIP tilts his head.
His voice was laced with a jaded tone, as he asked "Are you ?" The words hung in the air, a lazy drawl that seemed to imply he already knew the answer.
"Yes we are—" His gaze shifted, those onyx eyes slicing through the manager like a knife.
"Not you". He said, not hiding the disdain as the manager's words were cut off, left dangling in the air like a severed thread.
His eyes narrowed, returned on (Y/N) solely. "Her" He said, the single word a cold, calculated stab.
A gulp pass through her throat fighting the conflict of emotions ranging all together among his gaze piercing through her like a challenge, a dare to deny the truth he already knew and the air vibrate with tension pressuring her to say something against her will even if it's the truth.
"Yes". No. "We are very sorry for the inconvenience". As soon as they passed her lips, a look of disappointment settled upon his face, like a shadow cast by a cloud. His onxy eyes, once piercing and intense, now seemed to regard her with a disinterest that was almost worse than his earlier disdain. He turned away, his movements economical and precise, as if he had already dismissed her from his thoughts.
The head manager's words, a futile attempt to salvage the situation, trailed after him like a forgotten echo. "Sir, please, let us—" However he didn't so care to offer the head manager a face going out leaving a exhausted (Y/N) from the long journey she endured today. Hopefully he never comes back is what she wishes.
A wish that is bluntly ignored by the gods or heavens above after the next day he shown his face once again like a calm before the storm.
"O my gosh ! He came again !" The manager appeared to be in elated mood. "Also he requested for you specially !"
"Alone for me ?" He nod excitedly as if he were to dance in front of the VVVIP. A tangled web of emotions evocated her like : revulsion, obligation, and fear wrestled for dominance as she was asked to dance alone for the same man whose behavior had disgusted her. Her mind recoiled at the thought, her heart heavy with the weight of conflicting emotions. The memory of his jaded gaze at the living hall scene made her skin crawl, her body trembling with the effort to suppress her true feelings. Uncertainty and powerlessness shrouded her, like a ship torn from its anchor, adrift in a stormy sea. "Understood". As common it was such unfortunate things for women to happen in this industry she learnt the past years to forget those memories as soon as possible.
"What is the theme ?" She asked.
"No theme". He answered. "Also he has bring a dress only for you to wear". He added causing a tension.
"What kind ?"
"You will see once you wear". Giggly he answered.
Soon the answer was present as her feet glided into the room, her (slender/plump/bony) figure draped in a flowing, silvery-white gown that cascaded down her body like a river of moonlight. The dress, crafted from the finest silk, hugged her curves with a soft, ethereal glow, its smooth texture catching the light with every subtle movement and the gown's neckline rose to her jaw, framing her heart-shaped face with delicate precision. Around her chest, layers of flowery, silvery-white fabric bloomed like a whispered secret, adding a touch of whimsy and romance to her overall allure.
While her shoulders were cushioned by puffed sleeves that fell to her forearms, leaving a tantalizing expanse of skin visible beneath. The sleeves themselves were a masterclass in subtle drama, with delicate folds and creases that added depth and visual interest to the overall design. As she moved, the gown's silken fabric rustled softly, releasing tiny whispers of sound that seemed to match the beating of her heart. The hem of the dress swept the floor with a gentle, lapping motion, like waves caressing the shore.
"How can I dance in this properly ?" (Y/N) asked noticing the man's eyes glossing over the material.
He ignore her question. "It must be expensive. Because you of course looked beautiful but now you look drop dead gorgeous". A strained smile came to her lips despite feeling the nagging rings on her stomach.
"Thank you". The old man waved his hand.
"Okay, now go ! Go fast". Pushing her back tenderly (Y/N) was faced to face into a private room with Ji-Hyun.
"Thank you for requesting me, Mr. Wang—".
"You look beautiful". His gazed at her, his voice barely above a whisper. "More than I imagined." His eyes devoured her, drinking in every inch of her being, as if attempting to memorize her contours. His gaze lingered, branding her image onto his soul, claiming her as his own. Time seemed to bend, stretching out the seconds as he feasted his eyes upon her like the world around him melting away.
"Thank you". Nervously she thanked. "So, Mr. Wang, what dance would you—".
"Huh ?" She felt her ears misheard. "I said sit". Perhaps not because her sight followed his palm patting the cushion beside him causing her heart sink.
"I cannot".
"Why ?" Almost like an genuinely question he asked.
"Because I am here to dance not to talk if you want to talk, you can go to the host section where women will talk—".
"I know," he drawled, his tone laced with ennui along his face unreadable. Yet, his next words dripped with intention: "But I want you." The phrase hung like a challenge, freighted with unspoken consequences.
She began asking, "What do you—". But he truncated her inquiry.
"Well, I'm not here to talk, rather to propose something only to you". The hidden meaning behind his words sent her heart racing, as multiple worst-case scenarios flashed through her mind like a chilling slideshow. "That's why sit down". She obeyed regardless of her mind commanding the opposite.
"Good". A smile curve finally. "So, I want you to be my girlfriend".
Silence. For few seconds the words pass her mind registering not to process rather how to defy without offending because he isn't the first person to offer such kind of want from her, many did and will in the future for sure.
"You mean, sir. You want to have sexual relationship with me ?" He must be, because no man in their right mind would offer a cabaret dancer to be their girlfriend for romance unless it involves the sexual favors. Right ?
"I do". She bit her bottom lips. "However I want full ownership of yours. Like partners do. I want to be your boyfriend not just a sexual client to satisfy my needs". Ji-Hyuk with straight face explained, his piercing eyes bore into hers.
"Ownership ?" She is at loss. Truly, because men offered their advances for her services she crearly doesn't work for—never confess their love.
"Yes. I crave a bond that goes beyond mere physical satisfaction. I want to own your heart, just as you own mine." The intensity of his emotions left her breathless, his words echoing in her mind like a promise of forever she didn't ask nor want. Uncomfortable flooded her body, confuse to know the right way to react to a VVVIP guest who suddenly profess his love for her when she met twice or more like met eyes twice.
"What if I reject ?" Her own voice whispered in the almost silent room if overlooking the light pleasant music from behind. Her fingers dug in the cloth that isn't belong to her to earn comfort.
"Why would you ? I have everything a woman needs in a partner so you shouldn't have to reject me". His nonchalant attitude was eerie to her and it gave her the answer she needed. She can't reject him. She shouldn't. Because the way his gaze pinned her, heavy with expectation. The dress, a luxurious trap over her body along his weight with unspoken threats with the air thickened seem to have clear his intention. He isn't here to hear no. Let alone from a woman like her who's expected to be impressed, to be grateful, and to accept thoughtless like a doll to buy and show off.
Still she choose to say. "I am sorry but I can't, sir. I am very very sorry". More than the consequences she fears her freedom stolen, controlled and tramped by a wealthy man she is yet to even know.
"Okay," Ji-Hyuk said, his voice flat and emotionless, like a door slamming shut. He turned and walked away, leaving the dancer alone in the private room, surrounded by the suffocating silence. The soft click of the door echoed through the space, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside her. His abrupt departure left her thoughts reeling, anxiety swirling like a maelstrom, as she struggled to decipher the true meaning behind his enigmatic answer.
Was it a genuine understanding, or a cleverly disguised manipulation? The uncertainty hung in the air, a heavy fog that refused to lift. Soon the head manager burst into the room, his face flushed with urgency, and demanded
"What's going on? Why did he leave so abruptly ?" His voice was laced with a mix of frustration and concern. However, (Y/N) was too engrossed in her own thoughts to acknowledge his presence similar to Ji-Hyuk, who sat in the backseat of his luxurious car, puffing on a cigarette, his eyes gazing into the distance. His mind with how first and hard he fallen in love, and the rejection that came with it. The smoke from his cigarette swirled around him dwelling him to how he fell.
Trash. He thought, the moment these Thailand business men invited him to a Adult Entertainment Complex, he already judged them and cancelled the deal in his mind. Because two types of men are pathetic, one if they are consumed by greed lost rationality and another drown in lust lost control by their lower part that's why he doesn't make deals with entertainment industry, with what tragedy did he accepted their proposal. Huh ? Merely thinking of the chaos he is about to witness create a mirgrane however he still decided to go, why ? Because he wanted some relaxment too however his meaning of relaxment wasn't watching a barely adult woman getting rape by one of the trash from the Thailand worker.
"I regret coming here". He thought drinking the bitter beer. Gosh, he should have ordered wine, beer never suited his taste nor his class what father told him and he was right. Dull the mood has transformed and he outstretched his hand to his private secretary when the door bust open by a woman, a beautiful one and clearly from this industry judging from her Chinese theme clothes marched with pure rage towards the trash.
Intrigue fill his interest, he partly expected the woman to be naïve and display her emotions however he was beyond delightful to find her compose yet fierce personality. The way her eyes twitch yet not a wince slip her lips when he twist her arm, the way her delicate jaw clench in anger and those (E/C)'s burn like flames and the light hues from above shone at her so beautifully, gorgeously, he wished right there and that moment to claim her as his especially given his initial disappointment with her timid apology before departed the complex.
But now, Ji-Hyuk's lips curled into a sly smirk, the cigarette dangling precariously from the corner of his mouth, as he savored the unexpected turn of events. "She rejected me". She isn't as timid as he thought who needed a little push to be claimed instead turn out to be a little firecracker, who knew exactly when to withhold her flames, leaving him intrigued and wanting more. Her rejection was a tantalizing challenge, a hint of a deeper intelligence and inner strength that he found irresistible. A smart woman, one who could match wits and defy expectations, was a far more captivating prize than a naive, submissive one.
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"(Y/N)!" The manager's sharp voice cut through her intense focus, snapping her back to reality. She blinked, her gaze shifting from the task at hand to the manager's expectant face.
"Yes, manager? Why did you come?" she asked, her tone measured, but her mind still reeling from the sudden interruption. Lately the manager has been coming to her a lot from the moment that VVVIP's existence came—her throat constricted, memories of the previous day's conversation with Ji-Hyuk flooding her senses.
"What conversation did you had with him ?" Her (E/C)'s eyes stare at his unusual stress expression.
(Y/N) paused, her eyes avert from his.
"So, I want you to be my girlfriend".
"However I want full ownership of yours. Like partners do. I want to be your boyfriend not just a sexual client to satisfy my needs".
"Nothing special". Lies smoothly roll her tongue.
"Is it really nothing special ? Really ?" The manager asked, his voice raising enough for to flinch.
"Why ? Yes, nothing special". In low voice she said, as her palm reached out to placate the middle-aged man. Her hand made contact with his shoulder, a gentle touch that spoke of reassurance. While a quick smile to others who stare at the raised voice.
"Then explain why did not only that Thailand business company cut our services but also all of our Thailand business companies !" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, a mixture of confusion and dawning recognition swirling within them. The manager's words hung in the air like a challenge, forcing her to confront the unspoken questions she had brushed off earlier. Why were there fewer people than usual today ? And now, all of their Thailand business companies? No. It can't be. Why did he leave with such a short "okay" if he was going to take this step ?
"Look ! (Y/N), you are my long term employee, I have watched you from the start of your life in this grey world of lust and men so I know you wouldn't do something to hurt our complex, will you ? No right ?" Immediately she shake her head. "That's why tell me if you said some offense words, we can apologize to him and correct the mistake". Past his calm voice suggesting, (Y/N) could clearly see his trembling hands.
"How did you know it's him. It could be anybody more powerful". She questioned, not want to confront the reality just yet. How could she ? After she rejected him ? If indeed he is behind the work, the cabaret manager can't limit her imagine of how power he has in his palm.
"Because, today every single Thailand client called at the same time, canceling their services. Of course I forcefully asked one of them where he told me the truth that a powerful person ordered them". He revealed. "And Mr. Wang is one of the top business man who has hands all over the Thailand industry even if the companies don't work together, it's easy to pull strings of connection". (Y/N)'s gut twisted into knots, her stomach churning with a sense of foreboding. The weight of the manager's words settled upon her, making her feel like she was drowning in a sea of responsibility. The pressure was suffocating, each breath a struggle as she tried to process the magnitude of the situation.
With a sense of resignation, she nodded her head, agreeing to take the fall for the mistake. "I'll go apologize," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. The words felt like a betrayal, a admission of guilt that she didn't fully understand.
"Then let's go ! We must hurry to seal the deal". Excitedly the manager without sparing a look at her, guide her to outside.
Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? WHY ? like a annoying ring on her head spin around making her unconsciously deep her crescent scars on her skin. Like a holding her inner demons to explode. How ? Why ? How can fate always make her the victim of pathetic humans ? Huh ? Why she ? Wasn't her inhumane father trying sell his own daughter for few dollars enough that fate somehow brought a man to toy her entire meticulous bulit like crumble down. Yes, Roman wasn't built in one day but it sure burned in one day.
A cruel reminder that even the strongest foundations can be razed by the whims of fate.
Clenching her jaw, her heavy feet step towards the destiny she very much fears at the same time loathes. That's when a hand hold her wrist spinning her around and her eyes wide seeing the man.
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"Hello, Mr. Wang. Thank you very very very much for letting us in. The fault entirely lies on us that's why Miss. (L/N) came to apologize with me". Forcing his hand together he plead in front of the Ji-Hyuk who across him sat lounged on the massive sofa, his casual attire—a light blue shirt with white line strips and grey trousers —a stark contrast to the gravity of the tense situation. One leg crossed over the other, his back leaned against the plush cushions, exuding an air of relaxed superiority while his gaze was fixed intently on the woman beside the manager. (Y/N) herself sat rigidly, her posture a picture of tense contrition. Her head bowed, chin tucked in, and jaw clenched in a tight line. Fingers curled into fists, her hands rested on her lap, betraying the turmoil brewing beneath her subdued exterior. A portrait of contained anguish.
Reading the obvious implication of his attention over her. The manager nudged her arm to which she part her lip. "Mr. Wang, please forgive me if any of my words that I didn't knew held much power offend you personally that's why I am sorry". She bow slightly. "Hopefully you can look past my mistakes and still continue to be in our services".
Click ! The soft scratch of the sliver lighter to a fleeting spark, and the gentle whoosh of flame embracing tobacco. Ji-Hyuk's eyes never left (Y/N) as he raised the cigarette to his lips, the tip dancing with each inhale. He smoked with deliberate slowness, exhaling wispy tendrils of smoke that curled around his words. His gaze, calm and collected, held (Y/N) captive as he spoke, his voice low and even. "So, will you finally accept the proposal you rejected?"
The woman swears she doesn't need a glance to feel her higher up head swirl to her side with perplexed written.
"If I do, will you continue to be in our services and spread good words among other business ?" His eyebrows rise in intrigue and the message clearly send to cut the trouble and make it back to normal.
"This". A gleam of satisfy flicker in his eyes. This passion, fire was he expecting from the woman he desires and he wasn't disappointed.
"Yes. Will you be my girlfriend". He asks, a question from his side however a taunt to her after all, 'no' was never an answer.
"Yes". Finally a smile touch upon his lips along his eyes crinkled at the corners.
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏' 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒚
After the chaos subsided and (Y/N), her boss drove out of the mansion by his personal driver, the air was electric with the buzzing of phones. The screens lit up with notifications, a flurry of activity that signaled the return of Thailand's services—and more. New companies, behemoths in their industries, had flocked to Ji-Hyuk's empire, eager to tap into his influence. The sheer scale of it all was suffocating. (Y/N) felt a wave of disgust wash over her as she realized the true extent of Ji-Hyuk's power. He had effortlessly manipulated the situation, bending the world to his whim. The thought made her skin crawl, her anger simmering just below the surface.
She was nothing but a tiny, insignificant doll in his vast playground, subject to his every caprice. He could trample her, walk all over her, and she was powerless to stop him. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, her resentment growing with each passing moment. Snatching her wrist, she glance at the decorative lights of the cities with moon light donning from above and the next thing she knew she found herself standing in a cramped, dimly lit room, surrounded by the faint scent of perfume and smoke. She was dressed in a revealing theme outfit, her reflection staring back at her from a mirror-lined wall like usual ready to entertain the customer alongside her coworkers, equally dazzling in their attire, bustled around her, their chatter and laughter a cacophony in her ears.
Suddenly, the door slid open revealing Ji-Hyuk and the enigmatic owner of Muse and Seduction she never been lucky to catch glimpse of, stood before her. Mutters ring behind her, reeling her mind and she watched him come near her.
'𝑪𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
"From now onwards you aren't allowed to dance ever again". And her entire world crumble down once again.
"Am I getting fired ?" She swears, (Y/N) swears to not sweep desperation and hurried in her voice however her eyes also betrayed her vulnerably in front of the same man her fate is controlled by.
"No. You are just only allowed to work for me". Ji-Hyuk replied nonchalant as if he didn't taking away her dancing too, the only source of her income and comfort of identity.
𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒂𝒚
"Can I reject ?" She tries but she was aware of the defeat the moment his eyes racked over her figure and the owner of her complex cleared his throat.
Her answer doesn't matter. Never did and will. How unfair as her (E/C)'s in agonizing slow motion as her juniors slipped away, one by one, into the private rooms without her felt fresh twist of the knife hollow her inside.
Never again.
Suddenly the sanctuary, being to transform into a shrinking cage as its walls closing in with oppressive force, squeezing the last vestiges of hope from her lungs. Suddenly every tick of the clock was a countdown to her demise, suddenly the silence seems to be a uncomfortable noise she can't ignore and eyes of his heavy like a death warrant above.
Softly, she breathed: "Are you satisfied?" Her whisper hung in the air, a fragile question mark, as her gaze remained fixed on the empty space where the women had vanished, their absence a haunting echo.
A smirk lift his lip and with a sign of hand Ji-Hyuk command the owner to leave the couple alone to which he obeyed.
"Yes". Anticipation bumble within him as he stare at her waiting for the gaze to be returned.
She looked at him.
Chill. Straight chills ran through his body the way her numbed eyes bore into his, as if she could see right though his soul. Oh ! The taste of breaking a strong woman is like conquering a fire with bare hands. His fingers tremble to touch her.
So he did. Snake his hands around her waist and tighten the hug almost burying her into him.
𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒘𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌, 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏' 𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌.
"How about we spend the night together. Alone, only you and me ?" The question mark lingered, a sly taunt, as if daring her to respond but she knew better. Only humans are worthy of consent or choice, not a pig, even the one who is about to be butchered. No one asks a pig if it wants to be slaughtered so does she that's why she nod lifting a smile.
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The mini city lights twinkled like diamonds from the car window is once again a wonderful sight yet her inside remained heavy with a numbness that suffocated any spark of awe or happiness. Only pumping heart mechanically, a mere reflex before the slaughter.
𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
His tan slender palm, hold hers on her lap that she dared to glance at him finding his eyes already on her. He was about to speak when the driver announced.
"Sir, we have arrived". The master nod, merely going outside on his own before signaling her and her (E/C) eyes saw the familiar mansion like the previous time of her asking to apologize with her manager—not alone making her wonder if she not come, would her fate had been different ? Perhaps—for worse. She likes to delusion.
His palm finds her and almost drag her inside ignoring few numbers of servents bowing to them walked straight to the white stairs. Only noise of her racing heart and heels clicking echoed the eerie mansion until they arrived at his bedroom—she guess.
He released her hand, only to shed his professional armor, his fingers deftly untying his tie and unfastening his cuffs, the soft clinking of metal and rustle of silk. The cabaret steeled herself, bracing for the inevitable prepared to be used as a merchandise and discard at his whim.
As expected he closed in, his chin whispering against hers, their faces inches apart, the air thickened with anticipation. But just as their lips were about to meet, he detected the slightest hint of defiance—her hyoid bone tensed, a tiny rebellion, and her fist, clenched in a secret gesture of resistance. His onyx eyes, burning with intensity, snapped to hers, searching for surrender, but instead found a spark of refusal that turn him on so hard.
As their lips entwined, he was transported to a realm of pure bliss, his senses ignited by the sweet nectar of her mouth. He felt like a man blessed by the gods, granted the ultimate treasure to savor and devour. Every fiber of his being thrilled with ecstasy, his heart soaring on wings of delight, as he indulged in the tender flesh of her lips. The world around him melted away, leaving only the intoxicating taste of her, a divine elixir that left him drunk with pleasure. He was a king, and she was his conquest, his prize, his heavenly gift.
Unawarely he concerned her to the wall, cornered (Y/N) further than she was trapped. A nausea threat to pile over as she was clawed, touched, sucked into the unwanted torture. Tears swell her eyes, she wanted to bite his tongue and shove him away but against her want she continue to let the starved man indulged because the pig is layed, its flesh inspected, and now the blade poised about to slash its throat, mirroring the brutal violation of her own dignity.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
Greedy hands tore at her outfit, exposing her flesh alike the pig's carcass, his onyx eyes devouring the sight of her breasts. His palm fondled one, hunger burning in his gaze, as her fingers instinctively wrapped around his hand, her nails digging deep enough to draw blood, a primal reaction to his violation.
Her breath hitched.
His lustful eyes snap to her.
Oh no. No. No. No. What did she did. She wasn't suppose to protest. She shouldn't be. A mistake—apologize—right she should apologize but why no voice is uttering. Suddenly his gaze burn her bare flesh, shame her.
And to her surprise, he retreat his hand. A displease paint his expression. Not to her intrude as she is thinking rather Ji-Hyuk realize this fire isn't his yet. She still doesn't belong to him.
Body, yes. Mind, yes but heart ? No. A not astonishing information wash cold over him. No, this is not good. No, not at all. He wants her everything. From her body to her fire to her heart—too. He wants her every bit to feast or else she never belonged to him at all.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
That's why he shifted away. Marching to the bathroom leaving (Y/N) with a command. "You are staying the night".
That night, they lay in bed, a chasm of silence and space between them. He had freshened up, and she had too, separately, as if seeking solace in solitude. They faced away from each other, feigning sleep, but (Y/N) was wide awake, her senses heightened. She felt his gaze upon her, multiple times, as he quietly turned to watch her pretended slumber. His eyes lingered, a silent scrutiny, as if seeking answers in her stillness. The darkness was palpable, punctuated only by the soft rustle of sheets, as they both waited for the dawn, their minds racing with unspoken thoughts. The distance between them seemed to grow with each passing moment, a heavy, unbridgeable gap, as they lay there, lost in their own private worlds.
As the sun's golden rays peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on her side of the bed, she quietly sat up on the soft mattress she rarely gets to touch let alone sleep, her gaze drifting to his peaceful form. His sleeping face, relaxed and serene, is a sight to behold, his features softened without the stiff spectacles that usually framed his eyes. Yet, as she beheld his tranquil countenance, a morbid thought crept into her mind. "Would he look as peaceful, as serene, if he were to die with his eyes closed ?" The question lingered.
"This is the first time you are so eagerly sparing me a look," His sudden, raspy voice sliced through the silence, making her jump as she realized he was awake, his eyes now opened to meet her surprised one. "What ? Why so shock ? Can't a man wake up early ?" He chuckle, sitting up and she shifted away as much as possible. Ji-Hyuk notice it.
"Well, good morning ?" He greeted expected to be returned.
"Good morning". (Y/N) replied.
Then he silently rose from the bed and vanished into the bathroom, leaving (Y/N) alone in the quiet morning light.
A soft knock on the door preceded the entrance of a maid, who curtsied and presented (Y/N) with a neatly folded outfit. "It's the master's order," she whispered, her eyes cast down. (Y/N) nodded, accepting the clothes, and followed the maid to a separate bathroom she used yesterday to freshen up and she changed into the new outfit, her movements were quiet and obedient. After finishing, she made her way to the master bedroom, where he awaited.
The moment she stepped into the room, his face transformed, a warm smile spreading across his features, like a sunrise breaking through the clouds. It was a sight she noticed how frequently he is showning alike she recalled the gentle curve of his lips in the morning, and the soft smile he had worn the day before raising a question is he letting his guard down ? Good then.
"It really did suit you. Looks pretty." His eyes crinkled at the corners, and his voice was low and smooth.
"Thank you". Ji-Hyuk stood up, walked near her.
"What would you like to have in breakfast ?" She narrowed her eyes on his caring question.
"Anything". Meekly she answered.
"Even grass ?" He smirked at her clenched jaw action.
"What ? What was funny ?" She wanted to yell yet knew to keep her mask on of compose and said. "I am sorry. No. Rather I do not have much preference as you like sir, order it". Polite and low her voice sounded however to Ji-Hyuk, it sounded distant and cold.
"Well, what country are you from ?" (Y/N) is confuse at his sudden question session.
"Hmm..then order something from your home country". The dancer paused a second to realize why he asked about that and it twist something alike a knife inside her guts of how caring his thoughts might be, it's ironic to his actions and power use he done.
"Ji-Hyuk". He called his name. "Call me by my name".
"Understood—". His onyx eyes burn into her eyes as if waiting for his name to roll out of his name. "Ji-Hyuk". And the sound certainly lighten the mood of the VVVIP due to his wider smile like a boy got his desired candy.
Soon they entered the grand dining hall with they sat at opposite ends of a sprawling, polished table. The long, empty plates stretched out before them like a canvas of fine china, adorned with intricate silverware and crystal glasses. At the head of the table, the private butler from the previous day she seen stood poised, his eyes fixed on her with a silent expectation, his presence exuding an air of refined elegance and discretion.
The butler approached, his eyes inquiring, and asked, "May I take your order?"
She parted her lips to say when under his watch she said her favorite meal from her home country while he opted for the Grilled Salmon. As they waited for their food. (Y/N) felt his gaze without looking the entire until their meals arrived, they ate in awkward silence.
"So, why did you start working in this kind of place". He sliced into the salmon, his knife gliding smoothly as he watched the juice trickle across the white plate.
She paused a quick second to meet his gaze thinking whether she should be honest or lie and as if reading her mind he answered. "I will know about your background anyway". She smiled quitely at his sentence because then why ask her ? It feels like being interrogated by the police.
"To escape my abusive parents". Her eyes then slide to her own meal.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
"Oh, physically or mentally ?" She furrowed her brows, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked up, meeting his gaze and he simply smiled, seeming to revel in her reaction because he had intentionally asked the question to draw her in, to make her willingly meet his eyes. After all, he had never gone to such lengths for a lady like her— dining together, wasting time, and inquiring about her past, which he could easily access. But he knew that to truly captivate her heart, he needed to understand it first. And so, he watched her, his eyes sparkling with amusement and curiosity.
"Both". He nodded, putting a piece of salmon inside his mouth not averting his own gaze.
"Then why didn't you go to sex work ? It pays more than cabaret do".
"It's uncomforta—it's uncomfortable to be in pain. As a woman, I always have to be in pain at my first period, my first sex and probably for my first birth that I decided not to have the latter two for the sole sake of pain". His notions paused as slow, knowing smile spread across his lips sinking the realization of her touched and in this moment he knew he had chosen perfectly. "Unlike men". She added noting all his reactions.
"Sounds almost to me you want to become a man".
"No". She chuckle bitterly. She wants to crush men. Cutting her meal she missed the way his eyes glowed in astonishment.
𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
"S-She smiled ?" It's the first time she smiled willingly and it's beauty so captivating that his breath caught in his throat.
"Ji-Hyuk, could I ask which country are you from ?" Her question snap from his daze.
"You already have known it".
"Not from you". Ah ! This wit is what drives him crazy. The challenge is to his liking. Too liking.
"Korea but stayed at China my most childhood due to my father being Chinese and his business in here".
"Then your friends must have celebrated birthdays together". (Y/N) smiled in envy.
"Yes. Very happily". Ji-Hyuk answered. "When is your birthday ?"
"(M/D), yours ?" It created a smile at his lips knowing her interest awaken on him.
"Mine at August 31". She nod noting.
"I would like to celebrate my birthday with you". An order it is she understood from his tone.
"And what about your parents ?" She asked something quickly.
"Well, they are dead. Both died in their arms". Smiling Ji-Hyuk said. "What a love. I want that too". Glancing at her he tilts his head making her look down in uncomfortable.
After that he continued to engage her in conversation, asking about her interests and hobbies. However, she responded with brief, monosyllabic answers while also trying to slip some questions about him.
Finally the breakfast ended with her glancing at the lavish clock attached on the white wall. "Ji-Hyuk, then I should go ?"
"Where to ?" He straightforwardly asked.
"Home". Ji-Hyuk clench his jaw. "Can't this be your home ?" He was tempted to say but he didn't, too soon.
"Okay," (Y/N) breathed, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she turned to leave. When Ji-Hyuk next words stopped her in her tracks. "But—" Her heart sank, her lungs tightening once more as she turned back to face him.
"Give me your phone," he said, his hand outstretched, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity.
Finding no excuse to refuse with a sense of detachment, her hand reached into her bag and handed over her phone. The VVVIP's fingers closed around it like a vice, his thumbs flying across the screen with a speed and accuracy that made her skin crawl and when he handed it back, (Y/N) felt a chill shiver her spine. Her GPS and location services were now enabled, her every move trackable.
Holding her phone tightly with a bright, empty smile, she waved goodbye, feeling like a puppet on strings as his personal driver escorted her to the car, and she was driven away from the mansion towards her own home.
The driver's silent gaze met hers in the rearview mirror as he pulled up to her apartment building, the unassuming structure a stark contrast to the opulent villa she'd just left. (Y/N) felt a mix of relief and anxiety as she gathered her belongings and stepped out onto the familiar sidewalk.
"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engine.
With a nod, the driver waited until she disappeared into the building before pulling away, leaving (Y/N) to climb the stairs to her apartment with a sense of trepidation.
As soon as she locked the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. Somchai, the bar manager.
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𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏' 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏
Three hours of silence. Three hours of utter disregard the woman he waste so much time isn't caring to pick his call nor seeing his messages making Ji-Hyuk anger seethed, simmering just below the surface as he glared at his phone, willing her to respond. But she didn't. She was ignoring him, dismissing his attempts to contact like he was nothing. The thought sent a venomous rage coursing through his veins. Who did she think she was, anyway ? Didn't she know he wouldn't be ignored ? He should have kept her locked away, hidden from the world, where she couldn't humiliate him like this. Now, he have no choice but to confront her by going to her home, hopefully she isn't with a man being a whore. Just the mere thoughts made his skin crawl, his mind racing with visions of her with another man. He couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let that happen.
The business man almost burst out of the car if his driver late to scramble open the door one second and Ju-Hyuk is at this point consumed in rage and jealousy. He reached floor and stood at her door, his hand slamming into the bell three times, the sound echoing through the hallway.
"Bitch ! If there is a man. I will fucking kill him". He swore and the no answer only fueled his anger, he began pounding on the door, his fists shaking with fury. "Open up!" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. "I know you're in there! You can't hide from me!"
And before he thought to break the weak wooden door, it swing open by (Y/N) herself who's surprise cross her expression finding his disheveled appearance, for the moment his heart skip a beat as his gaze lock into her beautiful (E/C) eyes and his anger falter until a glimpse of an unfamilar man behind her sat on the sofa, seems to be waiting for her.
𝒔𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒆 '𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰'𝒎 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚, 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔
"Bitch, fucking bitch". He mutter under his breath, staring at the man and snap ! As if the thread of holding his inner demon exploded and all his vision could see was red and his mind the urgue to kill the man alive.
He pushed (Y/N) aside, his hands shoving her away like a mere obstacle. She stumbled, her eyes wide in alarmed seeing him march into the room.
"What is he doing ?" (Y/N)'s confusion dissipated in an instant when the VVVIP's palm curled into a fist, poised to strike her co-worker. Her eyes widened in horror with her piercing screams earning Somchai's attention who now noticed his menacing stance is already too late. Ji-Hyuk fist flew, connecting with a sickening crunch that sent Somchai stumbling backward. The sound of the impact was like a crack of thunder, making (Y/N)'s heart skip a beat on contrast to his satisfaction.
"Stop it ! What are you doing ?" She scream and jumped before him to defense the only man who ever treated her like a human angering him more.
"Move". She shake her head.
"Please tell me why are you doing this ?"
"Because you are fucking having an affair". Flames coating his voice as he narrowed his eyes to her pluzzed gaze.
"What lead you to believe that ?"
"Well, this alone of him being in your room proves that and the reason of not answering my messages and phone calls". She openly for the first time scoff.
"First of all I had no idea of your messages and phone call because it was charging in another room and". She paused, looking at her side. "There are people with me". The table turns and Ji-Hyuk turn to the side with his eyes wide finding two women and another older man standing in horror holding few papers related to work. "They are all managers like me in Muse and Seduction".
His eyes dropped, falling to the floor as the weight of his mistake crushed him. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. His hands, still clenched into fists, now felt limp and useless, painted with the innocent manager's blood. "Fuck !"
The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the managers, who were still trying to process the scene that had just unfolded and Ji-Hyuk's mind is a jumble of emotions, his thoughts racing with the realization of what he had done. All his hard work, all the progress he had made in building trust with (Y/N), had been undone in an instant, all his hard work in drain and now start from square one again. What a fucking idiot. Never did he knew one day his emotions overshoadow his logic that he so thinks is pathetic at the same time a newfound realization set in. He can't anymore bear the loss of this woman. How beautiful yet tragic.
"It was my fault. I-I will pay the bills of his medica—".
"Sir, could you please step a bit ?"
"S-Sir ? Step a bit ? What do you mean ?" For the first time in front of (Y/N), he stutter his words, bewildered by the fact she is choosing a random man over him ? Why is she telling him to leave ? "You want me gone ?" His voice accusing and onyx eyes betrayed feeling the regret of letting the man alive.
"No, sir I meant to—".
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒕
"What ?" Aggression evade his face and (Y/N) flinch in pain when Ji-Hyuk's grip on her forearm, his fingers digging deep into her skin "Fucking bitch, what ? Cat caught your tongue".
"Ji-Hyuk, I am simple asking you to move so I can grab my phone to call—". He scoff loud to cut her polite request.
"Now you are calling me by my name ? What a clever little mouse you are ?" He twist her arm a little, gleaming to find a hint of change expression.
"Aren't you a fucking whore ?" He twist some more and she clench her jaw brushing off the memories that comes with the pain, bitter memories of the past men repeating the action.
"Aww, is my whore daughter crying ?"
"What bitch ? Spread your leg, why can't you open your legs like a bitch in heat".
"What a little woman we have here ? Listen, woman are submissive, not wild cards".
"Fuck you woman ! You are all slut, what happens if I fuck one of you".
"So, (Y/N) fucking (L/N) talk, do you want to me to leave ?" Bottled anger and resentment simmered, a potent brew of fury and fear the more he speaks. The echoes of past men's condescending voices swirled around her, a cacophony of control and possession that threatened to consume her.
"Talk ! Can't you fucking talk ?" Each word, each phrase, was a drop of water, slowly drowning her, suffocating her.
"(Y/N), answer me !" Her lungs burning, her heart racing, as the weight of their collective entitlement crushed her. And then, something inside her snapped.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP". She exploded and he was silenced. "Yes I do indeed want you to be gone. So please for god's sake go away with your sad excuse of a man". She straight glare at him making him falter a little and without a word he left.
For few seconds she stood silently before Somchai's gently pat on her back bring her to reality.
"I am sorry for the scene". She asked forgiveness to her co-workers who shake their head, brushing off her apologize. "Also I am sorry, Somchai". She said to the man who watched and seen the entire thing and couldn't help feel pride swell his chest.
"Don't be". Shortly making eye-contact he smiled silently telling her it's not her place to apologize.
Gingerly, (Y/N) asked, "Should I call an ambulance or take you to the hospital ?"
His response was nonchalant "No need, it's not my first time." A hint of a reckless past lingered in his words, leaving (Y/N) wondering what kind of life he had led to become a bar manager in this Adult Entertainment Complex along the lines his teenage years, he claimed, were a blur of wild abandon and devoid of serious goals or direction.
The meeting had reached an impasse, with Somchai and the others swiftly exiting, leaving (Y/N) alone to ponder the consequences of her action, sitting on the sofa. She massaged her forehead, trying to ward off the looming headache and speak of the devil, her phone buzzed, a message from Ji-Hyuk, popping up on the screen.
"Make sure to come to my birthday tomorrow". (Y/N) was taken aback by Ji-Hyuk's calmness in the message as she brace herself for anger, resentment, or even threats only to get this ? Her initial unease grew more, scared of unpredictability. When another notification pop. "Or else you have to pay for today". A clear threat despite the indirect words still she felt a twisted sense of relief after all at least she knew he was indeed still mad and have a temper because another one of the lessons she had learned on this job is the unreadable ones were always the worst. It's never known when they would explode or what they were brewing inside the calm facade so, with Ji-Hyuk's overt threat, she could prepare herself, unlike the unpredictable ones who kept her on edge.
"What a headache". She hold her head on her hand and slumped on the sofa not having the strength to move.
Beautiful the color blue is and Y/N looked absolutely stunning in the silk light blue dress sent by Ji-Hyuk this morning. The delicate fabric hugged her body perfectly, and the soft hue complemented her skin tone exquisitely with her hair cascaded down her back like a golden waterfall, with loose strands dancing in the gentle breeze as she stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the taxi to arrive she booked few seconds ago.
"What is going to happen ?" Worried cast upon her face imagining his treatment for talking back at him yesterday. She hated it. Hated being scared of little things, little mistakes makes her reminiscent back to the days of her parents where her mother unnerving, unforgiving eyes follow her around along her father's hating her guts for being merely a female. Her (E/C) eyes stare at the gift she held, a expensive watch—not with much thought she brought but it hurt her to spend her hard worked penny on to someone she doesn't care plus with her finance—the gift is too much for her. Hopefully he doesn't break it into pieces.
She was lost in her thoughts when a sleek, lavish car pulled up beside her, its black windows gleaming in the sunlight caught her attention. "It's his". Shs understood and confirmed more when the window rolled down, revealing the familiar face of the driver, who greeted her with a courteous smile. "Come inside, ma'am."
Wordless she obeyed feeling to step into a world of wealth and power, the scent, the softness, the space all makes the car so much more lavish to sit on, a mix of surprise and curiousity brew inside her soaking on the money she never dreamed to be inside and the door closed behind her with a gentle thud, snapping her out of the admiration.
Soon they pulled up to the grand estate, the driver opened the door, and she stepped out, her smile faltering for a moment as she gazed up at the imposing structure. The familiar mansion loomed before her, its beauty almost painful in its intensity. The sunlight danced across its facade, casting a warm glow that made it shine like a golden palace of the gods.
As she entered, her eyes observed in awe at the opulent interior. Crystal chandeliers refracted rainbow hues, and intricate frescoes adorned the ceilings. The air was alive with the sweet scent of exotic flowers, and the soft hum of classical music whispered through the halls. The decoration certainly more heavenly than before.
And at the heart of this splendor stood her master, his eyes locked onto hers, and she felt the familiar tug of the invisible leash on her neak holding on his hand.
𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
His hand outstretch and she smile like a pretty doll letting him hold it like a prince he is and they walked together towards the private ballroom where faint party noise could be heard and her (E/C)'s glance at him. "Happy birthday...". She tailed off. "Ji-Hyuk". Finally she added making him smile and caress.
"Thank you". He said caressing her hand by his thump. "You look beautiful in the dress I choose".
"Here's your gift". (Y/N) extended her hand, offering the gift bag. "It's not much, but I hope you like it." Ji-Hyuk's eyebrows shot up in amusement as he accepted the bag, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and he opened the packet, revealing a sleek watch with a black leather strap— a luxurious and expensive timepiece indeed, yet to Ji-Hyuk, it was surprisingly plain and almost...tacky.
"This ?" His gaze narrowed, his expression hidden the disdain staring at the color black seemed dull and unrefined to his eyes, a far cry from the sophisticated and elegant accessories he was accustomed to making him wonder about (Y/N)'s taste. Had she really thought this was something he would appreciate? Shouldn't she have at least asked him before bringing something so...pedestrian into his home?
The air was thick with unspoken questions as Ji-Hyuk's eyes met (Y/N)'s, his expression a mask of polite gratitude. "Thank you," though his voice neutral, still his eyes betraying a hint of disapproval. And (Y/N) notice it.
"Your welcome". She look away clenching her fist.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
"By the way you are staying the entire night with me". He commanded leaving no room for argument not like she has a tongue to argue. Once was a mistakes. Twice wouldn't be so she bit her tongue.
Then they stepped into the resplendent golden ballroom, the air was alive with the gentle clinking of champagne glasses and the soft hum of conversation. The room was abuzz with people from all walks of life, each with their own agenda, yet united in their anticipation. They mingled and chatted, forming tentative bonds, their eyes gleaming with a shared desire— to curry favor with the elusive Ji-Hyuk.
However beneath the polished smiles and courteous laughter, a different story unfolded. Each guest harbored a secret hope, a dream they dared not speak aloud. They were all waiting for the host, the enigmatic Ji-Hyuk, rumored to possess the power to make their deepest desires come true and once they spot him, a collective hush fell over the room. Ji-Hyuk's arrival was met with a subtle yet palpable shift in the atmosphere. The masks of civility slipped, revealing glimpses of avarice and longing. Eyes gleamed with an unspoken hunger, as if the very presence of Ji-Hyuk might unlock the doors to their wildest ambitions.
"Terrifying". She mutter under her breath, clearly feeling eyes burn her skin along his as the spotlight is on both of them together.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
As Ji-Hyuk's lips grazed her cheek, a shiver ran down her spine. His gentle whisper, "Let's go, sweetheart". sent a mix of emotions swirling within her. Their steps harmonized, drawing them closer to the crowd, and with each stride, her anxiety intensified. The air thickened, making her feel like she was being slowly suffocated, as if the walls of her lungs were closing in.
The crowd loomed before her, a sea of faces blurring together like a den of hyenas waiting to pounce. Ji-Hyuk's reassuring squeeze on her hand only added to the pressure, a reminder that even the gentlest touch from the most powerful predator could be overwhelming. The thought sent a tremor through her veins, as she felt like a vulnerable prey being led into the heart of danger.
"Welcome, Mr. Wang".
"Oh my friend, long time no see. Happy birthday".
"Happy birthday. Just didn't saw you for few years and you look more younger than before".
"Happy birthday. Mr. Wang, here meet my wife".
"Mr. Wang nice to meet you".
"Mr. Wang, you seem such a busybody ?"
"Mr. Wang, thanks to you the new wine business is going smoothly".
All their voices come mush to her yet when she glance he looks as unaffected rather he looks composed, calm and smiling and answering to each one of them.
"Oh ! Mr. Wang, who is this beautiful lady in your arms ?" This earned her attention holding her breath to hear. A escort ? A girlfriend ? A nobody ? Hopefully he choose one of these.
But her heart sank.
"My soon to be wife". Her eyes wide and breath hitched. Chest racing and almost as if feeling her eyes he slide to meet hers.
What ? Wife ? Wasn't the deal to be his girlfriend ? Why ? What changed ?
As if reading her mind he part his lips speaking wicked words. "And I am proposing to her right now. In front of her".
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
Her body froze, shock and fear rendering her immobile. She couldn't look away, couldn't speak, could only watch in horror the scenario unfolded. A waiter approached, bearing a dark blue box, which Ji-Hyuk opened with flourish as if it's hold a treasure in it, revealing a stunning ruby ring. Without a word, he slid the ring onto her finger, his eyes glinting with triumph.
The room erupted into applause and cheers, the noise almost deafening her. Ji-Hyuk's smirk grew, his lips curling into a cruel smile as he mouthed the words, "You are mine now, forever." Pleasuring from her tears sliding from her eyes the guests that the guests are oblivious to her distress, mistook her tears for joy, or simply chose to ignore them.
Is all she felt. Those negative feelings spread thoughtout her body like a poison bit by the snake in front of her a man, who is smiling so wide, so happy she wish to crush it and watch him suffer, cry, beg. Anything but happiness.
"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom". Without hearing his reply she march toward to the escape, gripping her grown and dug her fingers on the innocent fabric she wish to tore it right there and then. While the business man observed her every single little moments and drowning in her torment after all it's her punishment. Her punishment for humiliating and shaming him yesterday in front of those pest. As much as he urged to rip her head off he also realize she was a wild cat without a leash so as a good master he brought a leash on his name and put the ring of forever to always remind the woman she belongs to him in eyes of law and all and she should be submissive. Ah, the pleasure of breaking her fire.
𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
With arrogance drunk his mind, he mindlessly exchange strings of words to the pathetic men he deems until he frown glancing at his watch to still not find (Y/N) at his side. "Where is she ?" Certainly not ran away because it's stupid and such action from her is honestly disappointing so hopefully she won't sad him. Right ? Right. Because excusing himself he went to their shared bedroom and about to go outside not finding her when his ears perk at the shower water and immediately a smile curve.
His eyes burned with anticipation, his mind consumed by the promise of forbidden pleasure. He shed his tie, his movements deliberate as he walked to find the door unexpectedly open. Sweet, such a two-faced woman. It's really a sign of inviting him isn't it ? And indeed it was beholding a sight that made his heart race because there she stood beneath the shower's gentle caress, her clothes plastered to her body, accentuating every skin, every contour. The water had transformed her outfit into a translucent second skin, making her irresistible. Ji-Hyuk's onyx eyes devoured the sight, his gaze lingering on the way the fabric clung to her, highlighting the softness of her skin that he noticed the subtle stiffening of her shoulders, a whisper of awareness that she was no longer alone. A sly, sensual smile spread across his face as he stepped closer, his movements silent as a predator's. With a gentle, yet possessive touch, he wrapped his hands around her waist, his fingers brushing against her skin.
The water continued to cascade down, creating a sultry melody that accompanied his whispered words "Such a siren you are". His breath caressed her ear, his lips grazing her skin, as he pulled her closer, his body aligning with hers, the heat between them palpable.
Finally she turned, her movements unfolded like a tantalizing dance, each moment a promise of surrender. Her expression remained serene, yet her half-lidded eyes alike to velvet curtains covering her beautiful (E/C) eyes with water continued its gentle caress, dripping down her face, tracing paths of desire and her pink lips, inviting and plump, seemed to whisper a silent invitation, begging to be kissed, to be claimed.
Sending a painful thorb in his pants and without second thought forgetting the party, the people awaiting and everything he descended, anticipating a tender kiss when her grip on his shoulder electrified his body with a sudden, searing pain. She slammed him against the wall, his head cracking against the hard surface, sending a jolt of shock and taken a back through his veins escaping a low groan from his lips yet she showed no mercy, her fingers tangled in his hair, yanking his head back with a fierce cry. His vision blurred, the room spinning around him, as she smashed his head into the wall once more crashing his vision to be lost only seeing glimse of her hateful eyes.
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𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒘𝒆'𝐥𝐥 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘
As Ji-Hyuk's eyes fluttered open, a throbbing, sharp pain hit him like a sledgehammer, forcing his lids shut again. The harsh glare of the bathroom light bulb pierced through his brain, making him question his surroundings. Why was he in the bathroom ?
Gingerly, he sat up, and the pain struck again, making his head spin. Memories began to resurface, fragmented and hazy, like a dream. He recalled inviting (Y/N) to his birthday party, proposing to her in front of everyone...and then following her when she stormed off.
The memories came flooding back, and with them, the anger and humiliation widen his eyes. She had pushed him, violently, against the wall. The audacity! How troublesome women could be. She thought she could escape him? Ha! He would track her down, and when he did, he would be polite, coaxing her back with a gentle touch...or else she might flee again.
Ji-Hyuk stood up, shrugging off the stiffness in his shoulders and back. He dusted his already immaculate clothes, a habit born of precision and control. He walked outside to the bedroom, expecting to find her gone, "as I thought". A wry smile twisted his lips as he confirmed his suspicion.
Rolling his eyes, he headed downstairs to summon his butler, intending to order a thorough search of the mansion. After all, no one thought to look for a hiding person in their own home, do they? But before he could issue the command, the servant approached him with a knowing look.
"Master, I think I should inform you...she left last night," the female servant said, her voice neutral. "She took her luggage and instructed us not to disturb you."
Ji-Hyuk's laughter echoed through the hallway, a low, menacing sound. "Ah, how delightful. She thinks she can outsmart me ?" His eyes gleamed with amusement, impressed by her audacity.
𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐, 𝒘𝒆'𝐥𝐥 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘
Ji-Hyuk's expression turned glacial, his voice dripping with calm anger. "Find her right now. I want her in front of me within 24 hours." His demeanor had shifted from amused to menacing, leaving no room for failure.
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘)
His butler, usually unflappable, appeared before him with a panicked expression. "S-sir, I-I have something to report..." he stuttered, parting his lips to deliver the unthinkable words: "She's gone forever, sir."
Ji-Hyuk's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. What? How? What did he mean by gone forever" ? He demand an explanation when the door burst open, and a group of police officers entered, their presence a jarring surprise.
The sudden invasion of his private space, combined with the butler's ominous words, made Ji-Hyuk's head spin. He felt a growing annoyance, his control slipping. "What is the meaning of this ?" he demanded, his voice cold and authoritative.
𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃 (𝒘𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘)
"Mr. Wang, you are under arrest for tax evasion, embezzling money from your shareholders and series of crime that are still under investigation". He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his mind reeling with the implications.
"What ?"
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒎 𝑰 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 (𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐)
The butler's whisper jumbled words added to the chaos "All of the bank contracts, shareholder agreements and those important evidence are missing...and I've got a message from the bank that all of our money is gone, finished." Ji-Hyuk's gaze snapped to the butler, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and shock. "Someone took today early morning verifying it's you, sir".
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆 ?
The butler's voice cut through the chaos, "And I believe it's—" but Ji-Hyuk finished the sentence himself, his voice dripping with venom, "(Y/N)'s work, right ?" The setvant's nod was like a confirmation of the most unpredictable he never imagined.
"And the shareholders are very anger along other companies who's contracts are missing".
𝒐𝒉 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏', 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏', 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝐫𝐞 𝒔𝒐 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆
Ji-Hyuk's laughter echoed through the room, a cold, mirthless sound. "Ha! She was playing the bigger game, huh? I underestimated her...this time." He felt a wave of fury wash over him, realizing he was not only facing arrest but also financial ruin, all because of the woman.
Ji-Hyuk's smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with a manic intensity as he muttered, "Oh, such a fierce woman cost me my ruin." The police officer's words droned on, a familiar litany of rights and warnings, but Ji-Hyuk's mind was elsewhere. How classic, he deem men pathetic who lost control by their lower part and here he is the same.
"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you and you have the right to an attorney..." The irony wasn't lost on him —he couldn't afford food let alone a lawyer now. The thought sent a fresh wave of complex emotions coursing through his veins.
His mind was else where though while the police's the cold metal of the handcuffs and the police officer's firm grip on his arm. Still Ji-Hyuk's smile never wavered, even as he was led away in disgrace, wondering where (Y/N), who he was ruined by is.
The sky above seemed to stretch out in endless splendor. The white clouds, fluffy and soft like cotton candy, gathered around the plane, casting a serene shadow over the landscape below. The sprawling cities, once bustling and overwhelming, now appeared tiny and insignificant, a testament to the power of perspective.
She couldn't help but gasp in wonder, her eyes fixed on the breathtaking view. She had never been on a plane before, let alone in first class, and the experience was almost surreal. The gentle hum of the engines, the soft glow of the cabin lights, and the attentive service of the flight attendants all combined to create an atmosphere of luxury and tranquility.
Somchai's voice cut through the hum of the plane's engines, his words dripping with genuine interest. "So, how are you liking it?" he asked, his eyes never leaving hers, as if she was the only view worth beholding.
(Y/N) met his gaze, a laughter-filled smile spreading across her face. "Amazing," she replied, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "I've often seen how it looks from phone and TV, but never in real life...due to financial problems." She shared her truth without hesitation, her words unfiltered and raw.
Somchai's expression remained soft, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled, leaning on the seat besides her. "Well, now you won't have to," he said, his voice low and reassuring. The words hung in the air, a reminder of their shared secret— the plan to steal Ji-Hyuk's money, the plan that had brought them together.
Clenching her jaw, her heavy feet step towards the destiny she very much fears at the same time loathes. That's when a hand hold her wrist spinning her around and her eyes wide seeing the man.
"Somchai ?" The least person she expected to see stood in front of her.
"Boss, can I...for few seconds talk to her ?" He pleaded the general manager who looked skeptical however she didn't wanted because the only bit of dignity of her should be remain at her work place.
"No, Somchai. Please let me go". She tug her hand for him to lose yet not go.
"I am sorry, (Y/N) for holding you wrist against your will. But please, please talk to me". The way his eyes begging and brows frows together she nod getting the boss's permission too "Thank you. Thank you". Then only he let go before apologizing to hold her wrist.
After they went to another room.
She asked. "What is it ?"
"You are not really going to apologize right ? After all working in this industry I know this much first it's not your fault". Her eyes flick clenching her heart at the reality how by little humanity from a man seem like a blessing when it's nothing. "And second your life will forever be trapped once you she step foot into his mansion because he wants you".
"I know". Without emotions she lowered her gaze.
"And you are okay risking it all ?"
"Woman never have choice". Bitterly she said and he realize.
"Then how about create a choice ?" Her eyes confuse.
"What do you mean by that ?"
"The entire reason you are force to do this becsuse you lack financially and even if you did not lack it the man is powerful enough to strip you down until you are nothing so why not steal the reasons of your imprisonment ?"
"What ? How ?" She breathed looking at him as if he had horns in his head. However he smirked telling his plan of her pretending to be with him when in reality she is going to find Ji-Hyuk's all documents and papers of bank to steal his money and fly somewhere he can't find her in case he wants revenge or simply her.
"It's risky". (Y/N) shake her head. "And crazy". She added.
"Well it's better than doing nothing also I want to see you smile and free like you deserve". He smiles. "Like all women deserve.
As soon as she locked the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. Somchai, the bar manager.
"Come to my place immediately ! I have gps tracker on my phone and I am sure people will tail me if I go out so come to my place". After that he went to her apartment where she showed him all the detail bank records she took when he was asleep.
"But there is something else too". (Y/N)'s words earned his attention and his eyes wide seeing even the shareholders and business companies contracts and corruption. "And I think we should leak the corruption and take the shareholders and other companies's money to frame him of stealing money also leaking their private information". Making them plan not only running away but also ruining him for once and all before running away that's why at the proposing day she knocked him out to escape.
"Thank you, Somchai, without you I do not what I could have done".
"It's alright". He simply shrug.
"Well, I am going to my home country where my father earlier transferred from to thailand but—". She side eyed him. "Why are you coming with me ?" And he put a hand on his chest, acting as if he is in pain.
"Ouch ! You wound me. I thought you would be happy".
"I am but..." She tailed off laughing. "You seem to be a romeo helping his Juliet after all. O my gosh ! What am I saying, I do not like that story at all". A disgust expression cast her face.
"Ah ! Why not ? It's such a tragic love story". The bar manager argued.
"Right, love story more like a impulsive infatuation". She roll her eyes.
Somchai chuckled humbly "Also, indeed, I am not a Romeo." He confessed with a sheepish grin, acknowledging his unromantic past. After graduation, Somchai was a free spirit, splurging money with his friends, and living life on his own terms. His days blurred together in a haze of adventure and recklessness until one day he saw a girl, a beautiful girl he swear took his breath and her name is (Y/N) (L/N) and her profession, rather than shocking him, filled him with admiration for her fearlessness and dedication. Unlike his past self, who had been coasting through life on his father's wealth, (Y/N) worked tirelessly, unapologetic inspired him to stop relying on his family's influence, left bad influence and joined the very same complex to protect his secret crush blossomed into love from alongside even if she isn't his, Somchai is proud of her independence as long as he can stay beside her.
"Good because I can't see you becoming one".
"Really ?" Amused he laughed.
"Really". She sweetly said. "Somchai". At her smile his heart swelled with joy, knowing that he was the cause of her happiness making him bliss to simply be near her, to bask in the warmth of her presence, and to watch her shine.
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"You really know how to make a person—".
"What ?" (Y/N) cut him off excited.
Laughing he finished "Enslave".
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⌜ This story is inspired and I thought to turn the lines of song ❛ make you mine by public ❜ into my dark thriller. It was fun and hopefully you like it ⌟
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pepsiboyy · 7 months
starboy part 2
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P1 P2
pairing: y/n x chris sturniolo
summary: y/n, born and raised in los angeles, moves across the country to boston. when she feels like she has nobody, she makes some new friends at her new job. she grows particularly close with the sturniolo triplets, where she finds a lot in common with one of them.
warnings: just cursing
lowercase intentional!!!
author's note: hi guys! PLEASE send feedback on the story so far! part one is already doing so much better than i thought it would?? yippee???
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honestly, the travel from moving caused me to lose a lot of sleep. and of course, last night was the night it decided to catch up to me. expecting my body to naturally wake up somewhere between ten and noon, i didn't set an alarm and here i was, quickly changing to make it to work within the next twenty-three minutes.
i slid on my pants and stumbled as i buttoned them, putting on a belt and cursing under my breath as i struggled. with a quick glance in the mirror, i sighed and looked through a few bags to find my last essentials. some earrings, my chapstick, my earbuds and sunglasses. i slid on some socks and some dunks, quickly springing to my feet and booking it out of the door.
"are you just getting out of bed?" my mom called from the living room, where she was sipping a coffee. i scoffed and nodded, reaching into the refrigerator and grabbing a water bottle. "yeah, i think the lack of sleep finally caught up to me," i mumbled, plugging in my earbuds and sticking one into my ear. "i need to go now, though. love you mom, i'll be home later." i smiled and waved, quickly heading to the door as i placed my other earbud in my ear.
i walked through the doors at work at 4:02, a deep sigh leaving me. i ran to the back and quickly clocked in before grasping my chest to catch my breath. the last thirty to forty-five minutes really woke me up yet tired me out at the same time.
"are you coming or what?" i heard a voice call from the customer service desk, causing me to whip my head over. "ah, yeah-! i'm sorry," i breathed, looking towards the doorway. i slipped out my earbuds and shoved them into my pocket before quickly making my way out while putting my nametag in its place.
i helped kill the line down, and when a moment finally came, i looked to the girl who had spoken to me when i clocked in. "i'm so sorry for being late. genuinely, i think the tiredness from the travel caught up to me and i woke up late." i chuckled and held out my hand. "my name's y/n, it's nice to meet you."
the girl looked down at my hand. as i was talking to her, she looked me up and down while re-applying her lip gloss. she's really pretty, i thought to myself at first. she had stick straight blonde hair and deep brown eyes.
"maeve." she stated quickly before rubbing in her lip gloss with her lips and turning away from me. i looked at her, a bit puzzled as she began collecting her things.
she was wearing a skirt. a very short one, at that. was that allowed? i remembered being told to only wear pants and none with holes. i was ripped away from my thoughts as she began walking towards the back. was she clocking out. "wait- are you.. are you already done for the day?" i stuttered, blinking a few times as i followed her and stopped at the doorway.
"i mean i'm out at 8, but i have somewhere to be," she told me, and i tilted my head. "you can do that?" i questioned, confusion plastered across my face.
"i can. you can't," she stated as she pressed the clock out button while staring directly at me. she then carefully shoved past me and began to leave.
"but i don't even know how to close," i started, but it was no use. she was already walking away and swaying her hips in a way that made my face crinkle. "excuse me?" i whipped my head over to the counter and smiled softly at the customer standing there. "sorry for the wait, how can i help you?"
the last two hours truly went by way too fast, but my body was beginning to ache. i had asked for help countless times, and i felt terrible. what was i supposed to do? this was literally my second day on the job and i was left alone at customer service. where people as questions and expect an answer. i had maybe three answers in total today, and a lot more angry people.
i finally managed to get somebody to cover me as i made my way into the breakroom, pushing into the door and letting out a deep sigh. i looked up and was greeted with a familiar boy and a pepsi can attached to his lips, bottom of the car facing upward as he chugged.
"hey," i breathed, and he jumped so hard that it almost scared me. "shit, did i scare you? sorry." i chuckled and moved to sit beside him, making sure to leave a chair between us for respect.
chris set down the pepsi and grasped his chest, chuckling between each deep breath he took. "jesus. hi, y/n." he smiled and carefully turned to face me more. "how's it going?"
i shrugged. "i mean... it's going? i'm alone at customer service on my second day. how good can it get?" i questioned, rubbing the back of my head before looking down in my lap.
"yeah, i hear you nonstop asking for help over the walkie," he joked, and i felt my face light up. "listen, i'm trying okay?" i smiled softly and he quickly waved his hands. "no worries. there's a reason i just do inventory. you're a trooper out there." he mumbled, and i smiled to myself. that made me feel a little better, knowing i was doing something that was harder for others. and getting through it, at that.
we sat in silence for a few moments and i scrolled through my phone. putting in my earbuds as i nodded my head softly to the music. i closed my eyes softly as i allowed the music to sink into my mind, feeling myself relax.
"whbhjf lisdfnnk tgjo?"
i ripped out my earbud and stared at chris. "sorry?"
"whatcha listenin' to?" he repeated, and i chuckled.
"ah, sorry. i literally had no idea what you said." i hummed and glanced at my phone. "can u feel your face by landon cube and lil gnar." i smiled softly, and his eyes lit up. "i love that song," he replied, visibly relaxing a bit more.
i smiled softly at him as he sat beside me. i blinked a few times before moving to sit in the chair closer to him, and offered him an earbud after careful investigation to make sure it was clean.
chris smiled warmly at me and we listened to music together until our break slowly came to an end.
i deep sigh left me as i looked over customer service. there was stuff everywhere, and i had no idea where any of it went. i felt a wave of stress run over me as i looked at the time. we closed three minutes ago, and i still had to take out the trash, wipe the counters, and go through returns and papers all over the counters and the floor.
"need some help?" i heard chris from the other side of the counter, and i smiled softly. "ah, i should be... fine..." my voice audibly sank lower with each word. chris shook his head and hopped the counter to come to the other side.
that may or may not have been the most attractive thing i had ever seen.
"i'll help you. i may not work up here but i know where things go." he mumbled and began picking some things up, making me smile softly at him. i wiped down the counters and took out the trash while chris organized the returned items and loose objects in the area.
with his help, we finished within fifteen minutes. "i really appreciate you," i breathed and smiled softly. "no problem," he started, before he paused and blinked a few times, looking over to me. "wait.. don't tell me."
i looked at him with a bit of confusion before fully turning my body to face him.
"did you walk to work again?"
i bit my lip and chuckled. "yeah, i don't really.. have any other way here." she smiled.
chris smiled and let out a soft laugh. "i can walk you home if you want?" he offered, and i blinked a few times.
"no no, please don't waste your time." i chuckled and looked down, rubbing the back of my head.
"i wouldn't be. you live right there, and i can't drive, so... i have to walk too." he chuckled, and i smiled with him.
after clocking out and collecting our things, chris and i began to walk. i held a hand against my stomach as i winced slightly. i was starving.
"you okay?"
chris's voice pulled me away from my thoughts as i turned to him and smiled shyly. "i um... haven't really eaten yet today." chris's face dropped. "y/n! we need to get food now." he scoffed as he blinked at me a few times, very clearly shocked.
"no no, please, i can get something at home. i really don't want to waste your time." i bit my lip as i looked up at him, but he shook his head fairly quickly. "y/n, i'm hungry too, so no, you aren't wasting my time... in fact, that won't ever be the case," he reassured, and i blushed slightly. "right," i nodded.
"there's a mcdonald's across the street. wanna get that?" he offered, and i smiled softly. "sure."
as we walked, he took out his airpods and handed me one of them. i smiled to myself as the music kicked on. way back by travis scott.
we reached the mcdonald's and he carefully opened the door for me. i entered and chuckled softly. "thank you, mister gentleman?" i joked, and he smirked. "don't even start," he replied, causing me to smile to myself.
"what do you get here?" i asked, looking at the large screen on the kiosk in front of us. "umm.. i don't know, it usually changes depending on what they got going on. can't fail with a ten piece though, right?" he asked, reaching over to press the button on the screen to add a ten piece chicken nugget to the order.
i smiled and nodded, pressing the same button. chris added a large fry and two medium drinks before taking out his phone and pressing it to the pinpad, apple pay visible on his phone screen. i blinked a few times.
"chris- i can pay for myself," i started, looking at him with a crinkled face. i absolutely hated when people paid for me.
"don't worry about it, i dragged you out to mcdonald's after insisting that i was hungry too," he smiled at me as his phone beeped, indicating the payment went through. i scoffed slightly. i guess he was right. "and you just got the job, so no paycheck yet," he added with a sheepish smile. i lightly smacked his arm. "shut up," i chuckled, and he laughed as we went to sit at a table and wait for our food.
my mind wandered as we sat and listened to the music playing lowly in each airpod. but then my mind landed on one thought.
"hey, you know maeve?" i questioned, blinking a few times.
chris seemed to throw his eyebrows up. "maeve, like at our work maeve?" he questioned, and i rolled my eyes. "no, the other one."
"don't be like that," he quickly responded with a soft chuckle, and i smiled. "yeah, that one."
"yeah, what about her?" he asked, and i bit my lip. "schedule said she was supposed to leave at 8, but she left at 4, right when i came in. i had no idea what i was doing for my entire shift." i mumbled and looked down. chris nodded and scoffed. "weird. she knows she shouldn't be leaving like that. pretty sure she got a warning for that a few weeks ago." he mumbled, and i nodded.
"she was kind of rude to me too, so.. i don't know, i'm probably overthinking it. sorry. i don't want to cause drama in the workplace. just wondering if she's normally like that." i mumbled, looking at my hands on the table.
chris nodded, listening closely to me. "i haven't seen her act that way before. i mean, maybe she's just upset that there's a new girl that's really pretty and she's jealous?" he stated nonchalantly, and i blushed darkly as i looked away with a soft smile.
it seemed to kick in, what chris had just said, because his face grew pink. "i mean- not that she's not pretty, even though you're prettier... but i mean not in a weird way," he rambled, and i chuckled, quickly causing him to hush.
"i appreciate it, chris." i smiled warmly, my face still red. chris chuckled shyly as he looked away.
"order 272!"
we both whipped our heads over, and before i knew it, chris was already grabbing the bag and thanking the lady who looked like she loved her job.
"ten piece for you, and ten piece for me," he stated as he pulled the items out with a bright smile. he spread out some napkins on the table and poured out the large fry before smiling proudly. "help yourself."
i chuckled. "wow, thank you," i responded and hummed, beginning to eat. i gasped as i remembered our drinks and stood up. "what do you want to drink?" i asked, standing up. he hummed softly, seemingly in deep thought.
"they only have coke products, so... i guess dr pepper will make do."
i smiled to myself. that was what i was going to get, too.
i nodded and made my way to the drink machine, deep in thought.
i had known this guy for two days and he was already making me feel nervous around him, and i didn't know how to feel about it. i swallowed and placed lids on the drinks, biting my lip. did i like chris? okay, let's be realistic. yes. i did like chris. we listened to the same music, he was cute, and a really nice guy... i guess i would see how things play out between us.
by the time i finished my thought, i was setting the drinks against the table and sitting back down across from him. "thanks, y/n/n." he mumbled, and i blinked a few times.
he looked at me mid-bite, blinking a few times. "sorry, is it okay if i call you that? i should have asked." he mumbled. he didn't seem to think of it as a big deal, but i blushed softly. i thought it was cute that he came up with a nickname for me so quickly. "i don't mind at all," i replied, smiling gently. he hummed in content.
the rest of the night was simple enough. we finished our food, talked about music, and he walked me home. it was chilly out, but i lived so close that i didn't bring anything up. when we reached my house, i sighed and turned to him. "thanks for tonight, the food and stuff.. i had a great time," i mumbled, and he smiled.
"me too. we should hang out more often. i like our vibe?" he said, a hint of confusion at the end as if he were trying not to come off as weird. i scoffed and nodded. "yeah, i agree." i hummed and began to step back towards my house. "you work tomorrow?" i asked, and he shook his head. "i'm off tomorrow. but i'd like to chat still?"
i stopped in my tracks and cocked my head to the side. "can i get your number?" he asked, and i blushed slightly. "oh, right, yeah sure..!" i stumbled over my words, and he handed me his phone.
i couldn't believe i was putting my number in this guy's phone. but i was happy i was. i smiled like a dork as i took his phone in my hands and began typing in my number. after finishing, i typed in my name with a little star emoji before handing it back to him. he furrowed his eyebrows.
"why a star?" he questioned, and i scoffed. "you know... star market?"
"i don't want to know you just for being my coworker," he muttered and smiled softly, blinking a few times. "but i'll leave it. it fits next to your name, anyways." he smiled as me and hummed. "okay, get some sleep. do you work tomorrow?" he asked, and i shook my head. "no, i'm off tomorrow."
chris smiled brightly. "same. i think nick works, but matt and i plan to hang out if you wanna tag along? i can text you about it later." he smiled, and i smiled back. "i don't want to intrude on your brother time. let me know." i replied, and he chuckled and nodded.
"text me when you get home?" i asked, and he nodded, smiling warmly at me. "i will." he hummed and stepped back. "have a good night!"
i waved and began to walk up to my porch and into my house, shutting the door.
i sighed deeply and looked up to see my mom staring at me. "who was that?"
i practically choked. "mom, why are you up?" i breathed, gripping my crewneck. "who was that? he's cute." she mumbled and i blushed darkly. "mom, he's just a guy from my work," i defended, trying to walk past her to the kitchen, but she followed quickly behind me.
"just a guy from work? y/n, you got off at midnight and it's almost two.." she smiled cheekily at me.
"he just.. offered to walk me home and we got food on the way." i mumbled, my cheeks pink. "his name's chris. he's a triplet." i smiled softly.
she throw her eyebrows up and hummed. "a triplet, huh? you don't see that every day."
"that's what i said!" i scoffed and hummed as i took a sip of my dr pepper. "anyways, i'm exhausted. i'm gonna try and get some sleep." i mumbled, and hugged my mom softly. "sleep well," she breathed, and i nodded before heading up the stairs.
after getting cozy and laying in bed, i made sure to set an alarm for 11am. no way i was sleeping through the day again. my phone buzzed and i turned to check it before smiling at the unknown number. i quickly changed his contact name before reading the message.
from: chris⭐ got home 🫡
i smiled softly to myself and reacted to the message with a heart, before beginning to type.
from: me glad to hear you didn't get kidnapped. going to bed?
i hummed and laid in bed, staring at my phone as it lit up my face in the darkness of my room.
from: chris⭐ nah, gonna run up some fortnite w matt
i scoffed, but that sounded about right.
from: me get that dub
i smiled softly as he reacted with a heart, and he began typing again.
from: chris⭐ i will bc u said that from: chris⭐ sleep well
i bit my lip. no way i was smiling like a little kid who just got what they had always wanted for christmas. i reacted with a heart and shut off my phone, setting it on the table beside my bed.
what have i gotten myself into?
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HEYYYY heyyyy heyyyy ........ I HOPE THIS IS AWESOME SAUCE????? DEVELOPMENT FOR CHRIS AND Y/N!>"?>k@juof anyways i love u guysssss let me know what u think so far and what u guys want from this series !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love u all
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chadfallout76podcast · 7 months
Major Update: Life...is a changing for me/us (and a sneak peek of Vault-Tec Rises!
Good afternoon!
I wanted to give you all an update on Vault-Tec Rises as well as an update on myself and some major life changes happening this year that may impact our season while the dust settles. Firstly, I'm more than halfway done with our next major feature length episode, "Vault-Tec Rises"...which is technically episode 16, set BEFORE Little Sanctuary of Horrors. It essentially is the story of how everyone came to be there in the first place, what Vault-Tec and the Enclave are really up to, and is the start of our last 4 episodes of the season as the Battle for Appalachia begins.
Secondly, I've shared quite a bit about the journey of these past 10 years with my husband Travis and his struggle with mental health. Many of you were kind of enough to support or share our GoFundMe to help take the pressure off the crushing debt we were under with mounting medical bills and his bills, none of which was covered by insurance fully. Trying to keep us afloat financially has been a long-term struggle of mine and here's in New Hampshire we just haven't been able to get ahead. After having to cancel some of his services last week as we couldn't afford them, we made some major decisions.
The next few months I'll be doing a lot of painting, landscaping, plastering and prepping to list our home on the market. Financially we can't afford to buy again for a while, so we're stuck renting. Based on what things are selling for in the area, I'm not too worried about getting out of it fairly quickly. We'll be moving to Texas, in between Dallas and Fort Worth in a really beautiful, new planned community where leasing and the overall lower cost of living will save us $20k a year which will allow us to not only fix our debt issue permanently, but also they have one of the leading centers in the country for C-PTSD. Once settled, I'd be able to get him more direct help he's needed that we just don't have access to out here.
Texas is going to be a big, big change for us...a huge move, but one I'm eager to make. Our backup editor is continuing to plug away at stories as well as I've had my hands full with work trying to keep the lights on (literally). I wanted to explain all of this with clear honesty so you know what I've been doing, what I'll be doing this year and why it often takes us so long to ship episodes to you. Your patient and support of me really, really means the world to me. The other benefit of this move is that once I'm not strangled hustling for work 7 days a week, I'll have more free time to actually create. Something I really want to do...as there are still two more seasons of Chad and some other projects I really want to share with you all.
I hope to have our 3-hour feature length Vault-Tec Rises completed in the next few weeks, so stay tuned. :) And if you can please excuse how hectic this year will be between selling and moving halfway across the country I'd appreciate it.
Much love to you all,
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jaded-jezz · 1 year
Secret Smiles
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Hi, this is my first one-shot so I obviously had to have Jack Champion kick off this account! Let me know your opinions or requests too!
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
Jack Champion x F!Reader
☁︎ Fluff
summary: your relationship with Jack is still private so you communicate across events in different ways.
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The Emmy Awards. I've heard that so much recently that its starting to sound like a made-up word. I still get goosebumps every time I remember I get to attend these prestigious awards with my cast, friends and-
"Y/N, as beautiful as you look right now, it is time to get up"
And- my boyfriend.
Jack and I have been together for almost 7 months and due to me living in England most of the time, we have been able to keep it a secret. Our relationship is like that Taylor Swift song “London Boy” but flipped. Because god he loves the English.
I give in to the whispering voice and slowly start to stretch to wake my body up. As I open my eyes I realize the curtains have been opened and warm yellow light is pouring down onto the mop of curls bouncing around me.
"Compliments already Champion?" I ask grinning as Jack whips around to see I'm awake now, "Maybe I should stay asleep forever if you think I look that good."
"Yeah but then all my bad jokes would never be laughed at again" he says as he walks towards me offering his arm and bowing slightly, "M'Lady, breakfast is waiting and it'll be cold if we don't hurry" he exclaims in his best British accent before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the hotel room in a fit of mischievous giggles.
He had ordered my favorite from room service and had it set in front of the window with a view of the beach in the distance. Although I woke up later than planned we were still ahead of schedule so we took our time eating and just talking to try and ignore the nerves for tonight.
A knock at the hotel door made us jump and we remembered Jack was supposed to stay in his own room. I tried to whisper that he should wait somewhere until it was safe to leave but my manager and the rest of my team walked in. I'd forgotten they had a key.
"Oh... I let myself in as I thought you over slept but I can see-" She glances at Jack trying not to break her serious face, " you are awake and have company"
Everyone glances at each other for a few moments before erupting into laughter as it's almost an unspoken tradition that me and Jack don't listen to staying separate before something so nerve wracking as The Emmys.
Sadly, Jack was kicked out swiftly so that my team could help me with my hair and makeup and eventually get into my dress. This is one of my favorite parts of the day because everyone is talking and having fun while music plays as background music for us to dance, sing or just listen to. One thing we love to do is make TikToks about the process of my makeover.
I thrive off musical.ly transitions and the fans love it every time, and it makes me so happy. My fans have always been some of my favorite people. When I first started out I followed the first fan accounts and we continue DM regularly after all this time. But even though they are lovely, Jack and I are still wary of hate and also some of the threats that his fans may throw at me. We will tell people eventually but right now its fun to mess with them and give subtle hints for the detectives among the followers.
I am finally ready. I've finished the last parts of TikToks, taken photos and grabbed my bag of essentials like plasters, gum and tissues. I shoot Jack a text and he's at my door in less than 30 seconds. Even though he has seen pictures of my outfit, his eyes almost pop out of their sockets when I open the hotel door.
"Hey-" My face starts to go red after realizing why he has stopped talking "Jesus Y/N, you look gorgeous, like actually breathtaking, I need an inhaler, Do you have to pay for inhalers? Where do you even buy them from?" He rambles as he becomes flustered in front of the beautiful woman he gets to call his girlfriend.
I grab his face, to stop the word vomit, and kiss him trying not to smile too much. "Thank you Jack, you look as amazing as always" I retort "Is it hot in here, somebody catch me I am going to faint, Cause of death: Jack Champion" We both laugh before our managers tell us its sadly time to separate for the ride to The Emmys.
We text non-stop throughout the journey talking about everything that has ever happened because neither of us can stay on one topic without branching off into a rant or an important piece of backstory to the first conversation. But Jack has to arrive at the theater first so that he can walk the carpet at a similar time to his cast mates, and so that I can do the same. So we text our goodbyes.
Stepping out of the car onto the carpet with fans shouting and cameras flashing is a feeling I will never get used to. The rush hits me as I remember to smile and walk properly to not look like Bambi on ice. My manager is that my side lightly guiding me towards the queue of celebrities next to the paparazzi for our official photos. I use the waiting time to scope out the brown head of hair that will calm me down.
I hear him laughing before I see him. He is doing an interview with one of his favorite cast mates and I feel my face already start to ache from smiling at him. However he doesn't spot me until I'm on the carpet.
(Jack's Interview- Jack's POV)
"So yes, we are extremely proud of this movie" I end my answer for the interviewer. They start to ask another but I am distracted by the roar of noise from behind me. Y/N.
She looks stunning. I can tell why she has such dedicated fans, I mean look at her. I finally catch her eye and we do our little signal.
It's like we have made up our own language for these events. Little head wiggles, eyebrows and nose scrunches and sometimes we risk it by lip syncing the words and we just pray that no one can see we are communicating with each other.
I laugh to myself before I'm pulled away from the trance she has put me in. My cast mate is elbowing me and I realize a few people are staring at me, expecting an answer.
" Oh I'm so sorry, I got distracted" Y/N is never going to stop talking about this, "What was the question?"
(Back to Y/N's POV)
As I walk off the end of the carpet my manager appears, telling me all about Jack's distraction and I already knew he was going to be so embarrassed about this even before I pulled out my phone to be met with the long stream of manic texts from Jack.
(Later that night, in the comment section of Jack's Interview)
jackonion: Is anyone else trying to work out what got Jack so distracted? ↳user142: no omg i was trying to do that too! ↳Y/N's.heart: It was definitely Y/N, you can see her dress at the end of the video. I might be going delusional but it's because I ship them.
"Uh Oh" Jack and I say at the same time.
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Wow! So that is the end of my first piece?! Please let me know if its too long or doesn't make sense as I am now paranoid that I just wrote a random bunch of words with my eyes closed. I don't really know if this can have part two but if you think of anything let me know.
Requests are open, so send them through! Use as much detail as you want or have.
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
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helloescapist · 9 months
Hello, is it possible to get headcanons of Hashira!gyutaro with a tsuguko? It's OK if not
Thank you in advance
It's kind of fun to think about an alternate world in which the uppermoons are hashiras, and the hashiras are uppermoons. It's a really fun concept to explore, and I enjoyed it! I imagine that having Gyutaro as a Hashira can go one of two ways at the beginning. He can either be uneasy with the concept, due to his upbringing and his personality, Gyutaro would likely recoil from such interactions, or duties, or depending on a tsuguko who has been blessed in life, he very well would initially be bitter, and aggressive. Since there was no defining characteristic of the tsuguko, I chose to focus more on what Gyutaro would be like. I hope you enjoy!
Hashira!Gyutaro with a Tsuguko
Word Count: 3317
Setting: Hashira!Gyutaro x tsuguko!gn!reader [platonic, but could be romantic if you squint.]
Content Warning(s): blood, gore, red light district, Opposite AU, alternative universe in which Gyutaro and Daki are not members of the UpperMoons, but of the Demon Slayer Corps.
Summary: headcanons for an alternate universe where Gyutaro is a Hashira (essentially, if we were to disrupt the canon time line, and have a demon slayer corps member opt to save, or buy out the siblings’ ownership following the death of their mother, and place them in service of the Slayer Corps.)
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This place is warm, the Ubuyashiki clan is kind. He has known the sympathies of strangers, has met the warmth of blankets, the soothing ointments that help to ease the discomfort from his joints. The welcome of comrades, and for once in his life, to know the security of a full belly at night when he tucks Ume into her bedding.  He has known the safety of the area, and the guidance of a caretaker, one who greets his arrival home, and scolds him when his temper flares.
He is grateful, he is.
This life is more than he had ever hoped for, ever considered possible for one of his nature, unfamiliar and foreign as the kindness that meets pressed lips, but he is not naïve.
He can still hear the scathing remarks of his appearance that he carries with him from his childhood home. The kind pressed lips, as gentle as they try to be, still bear the same discomfort.
Gyutaro is painfully aware of the stutter amongst the staff. The clench of their jaws when he greets them. The distance they provide between bows. The clatter of glass, swift hand movements placed between dinner wary of potential contact.
Unease that dips into forced smiles, first introductions amongst newly recruited members are painful, unbearable. Appraising eyes, withdrawn hands that dare not meet his touch. Whispers amongst mizunoto.
Quiet rememberances, those that dare not scoff him in person, the days of dodged glances, and recoiled grasps of his training days left in the past.
Scrapped clean with his promotion to Hashira, the open commentary of his skin condition, the outright disgust, and horrified urgency in which peers rushed to scrap their hands of implied hazards passed on by his touch had been left in the past, but like ghosts, they clung to his senses. Dwelled in the back of his mind at the unnatural dip of smiles plastered upon faces.
Echoed in the back of his mind, overheard whispers hushed and trembled amongst startled new maids. No shushing able to sooth the inflicted burdens of his mind, nor the way his fingernails threatened to gnaw at his flesh, peppering scars amongst the markings littered across his body.
For the sake of his diminishing pride, and the comfort of the other Demon Slayer Corps members, Gyutaro keeps his presence to a minimum. He will dodge casual visits amongst the other Hashiras, as well as the main house. This is in no  ways a reflection of cold behavior, rather, it really is well intended. For those who are considerate of him, he will maintain in regular contact through his Kasugai crow, sending gifts for significant moments (promotions, birth of a child, retirement, etc).
Because of this, he likely only has a few staff members amongst his mansion, truly for Ume’s benefit. Gyutaro is content to hole up in his means, tend to his own meals, patch his own haori.
Due to his reclusive nature, I imagine that there is a specific kakushi assigned to retrieving the Hashira. The lengths he reaches to avoid unfamiliar attendants until begrudgingly, this specific individual retrieves him. Scolding him.
Gyutaro’s summoning had not been what he had expected. Drawn from the depths of the Tottori prefecture, robbed of his seclusion, and forced to travel from the security of the mountain sides.  The discomfort scratched across his rashes, averted eyes as he wandered throughout the estate before collapsing to his knees before the master. Forehead bend to the mats below him, his greeting met with the most peculiar of circumstances.
A recruit that sat at the side of the wall.
Confusion that captivated his senses, and the quiver of his gaze. Bitten back frustration, and internal conflict upon receiving instruction. Orders not to be refuted, or denied. Dutifully attended to.
The gnaw of his lip beneath his sharp teeth, he was not unfamiliar with the term tsuguko.  Gyutaro had been under the direction of the Water Hashira years ago, and there were certainly a few tsuguko under the current Hashira tier. However, all of these occurrences were, well hand selected. Proteges selected by superior officers, all too aware of the close proximity of apprenticeship.
He’s reluctant, downright uneasy, and shifting his heels. The blank stare he offers, caught at the appearance of your smile gauging him, the bend of your head lower to him. Respectful in a manner that is foreign to him, eliciting a gnawing bitter discomfort that concaves his chest.
Yet, Gyutaro cannot out right deny the commands of the Master,
This does not mean he will make it easy on you.
Gyutaro will not be out right wrathful, at first. The trek to his abode a near gravesite visit. Silent, bitterly gnawing at his bottom lip, scratching at the litter of markings across his cheeks.
Averted eyes, and small mumbled curses across from a campsite. The small glower you receive when you suggest paying for a  inn amongst the journey.
Completely unaware that the villagers would view him as a yokai, an infestation upon their home.
When the trip was not marred by near unbearable silence that shattered under your desperate grasp to make any sort of conversation amongst the voyage. Why do you insist upon learning from him? Why are you speaking to him? Gyutaro really and truly does not understand why it is you SHARED a meal with him.
In truth, he’s not intentionally ignoring you, he is just down right befuddled, and confused as hell as why it is you are teetering after him. If there was ever an opportunity to flee this command, it is this one.
Yet, you follow dutifully so.
The draw of his brow, the gentle confusion that bubbles at each campsite. How unbothered your hand meets his as you share provisions.
When the altitude of the mountains meets the winter season, the snow fall that greets your climb into prefecture, how you do not hesitate to burrow yourself just a little closer to seek out warmth. Batted away from the chill of winter winds.
Gyutaro cannot comprehend your dedication to the Slayer Corps. What has possessed you so to remain pungently faithful? Regardless of being left in the care of a curse?
He’ll resort to placing you in visually horrifying encounters. He assumes that your steadfast loyalty to orders is the result of having yet to wet your blade in slaying.
The Hashira is mournful—the thought has crossed his mind that he would be unforgiving if anyone had ever treated his little sister in such regards, yet he whispers to himself that it is the only way to free you of your apprenticeship.
The swift of your blade, not so much a flinch upon your brow as he utilizes his technique to splatter the battle field in a stomach churning display of blood and gore, the way his very blood has caught at the edge of your cheek. Your only concern to evaluate the depths of his inflictions---
Shit. He’s stuck with you.
Resigned, and bitter. Small bouts of muttering and furrow. Like a wet cat who does not quite make eye contact, yet the moment you dare to sooth its fur, lashes out in a sudden rush before turning from your gaze…
Gyutaro is left to only pray that perhaps, training will be ample enough justification for you to seek out another master. Sure, you’ve been… briefly introduced to the grotesque nature of his breathing style, but to regularly interact with the training.
To endure the nature of  blood breathing, is another matter entirely.
Gyutaro will sort of welcome you to his home—he does not place blame on your presence so much on yourself, but has accepted that you were likely coerced into this arrangement just as much as he was.
Orders are orders after all, however I can’t imagine that Gyutaro is fond of the lavish décor Ume has elicited amongst the mansion.
Likely, he has gifted the main house to his little sister, given her full reign of staff bear in mind that the hashira who raised them would have educated Daki properly on etiquette and manners befitting of a woman of the golden era. As such, I imagine that the main house is in all rightful words, Daki’s to decorate, to run, and arrange as she deems necessary, and it is in her care he will happily hand you off.
Seeking sanctuary in an annex building unoccupied by any others, and without visits amongst the staff of the main house.
Unlike that of her brother, who reassures you that Gyutaro means no harm, but rather finds the company of others stuffy, and leaves him on edge as he worries that he is intruding, Ume is pleased to welcome you into her home.
 Delighted to make your acquantince, and foster a relationship the maids have tired of the Lady of the manner’s unladylike antics.
In many ways, Ume is bright, and playful.
A young woman who has had little opportunity to explore the world, and interactions of others, and upon having a new arrival brought into her home, regardless of how willing it may have been of her brother, she is excited at the prospect.
She’s likely to linger, courageous in the way she bridges conversation.
Shameless and perhaps more naïve than she would admit in gauging difficult topics. Her direct nature having forced out a demand to know why it is you have selected her brother as your master when there are others available. The warmth, charming nature of her smile mixed with the sweet joyful scent of peaches upon her skin, you likely overlooked, or missed the lethality laced within her question. Poised as a cobra, beautiful and enchanting in a dance, only calmed by the soothing response you provide.
The genuine desire to learn.
In this, you will have a loyal and mischievous ally in the young woman.
Ume will not hesitate to place you in compromising positions, one that run the potential of eliciting a fierce reaction from her older brother.  Oh, she cannot help but notice how beautiful the moonlight is, coincidentally, the maids were unable to bring in the laundry, would you mind?
Shamelessly sending you out in the middle of the night, knowing full well that as others are deep in the throws of slumber, Gyutaro tackles the opportunity for training without prying eyes.
You completely unaware of the trap she has set for you, left only torn asunder under a barrage of verbal assaults that could mar your own flesh.
Horrified to be caught training freely amongst the night air, to have your eyes wander across his form with only his hakama at his hips. The chill upon his bare skin, the marks of his condition soothed beneath the snow. Ribs that jutted beneath his weight, a sickening sheer of flesh that fought to bind his bones. Blood that dripped from his finger tips—your snooping having eliciting the worst of him.
Convinced that this was what you had accompanied him for—to witness a monster in the flesh beneath the moonlight.
Whether it was the shudder of your eyes, all too aware of the fury you had elicited in him, or perhaps the shock of his violent outburst, the turn of your back as you fled into the main house and left him empty. Weary. Heavier than expected. Alone.
For the best, he told himself. Convinced that in the morning, your sword amongst your personal belongings would have fled from the mountains.
Instead, it was a rightful slap by his little sister that had greeted him in the morning hours rather than your absence.
The bond will take some time to form; Gyutaro is far more accustomed to the dodged glances of strangers, and shunned touches of acquaintances that your bold welcome to share close quarters leaves him drawn, and shaken.
The concept of friends, of a protégé is so foreign to the Kama wielder that he is naturally mistrustful of your intentions.
Yet, he is observant, he will notice the way you smile as you speak to his sister. The care you take in assisting her with the household duties, or the kind regards you have to even the lowest of the staff members.
A kindness to the lowest amongst the hierarchy despite the lack of benefits it offered you. Such consideration that does not miss his gaze, and slowly over time, he will begin to question if perhaps, you have no alternative intentions as his sister has claimed.
Her acceptance far easier to earn than that of his own.
It will be small approaches. One that are easy to miss, or mistake as kindnesses of his little sister. A fresh cloth accompanied by a water bucket that greets you when you have taken a break from unguided training, submitting yourself to familiar swings in the hope it will offer growth.
Until slowly but surely, Ume’s insistence that you escort his meals to his annex building have landed merit.
The shy way in which he dodges your glances before grumbling a small inquiry. If you would like to share a meal with him, like you had upon your journey to the mansion.
Training with Gyutaro will not be easy, and the small part of him wishes that he could protect you from the inevitable, but to have undertaken the art of blood breathing means that you will have to face grueling conditions, self inflicted wounds, and gore that you would not encounter with other alternative breathing styles.
He will ask if you are sure before he begins your training.
The movements will be the first things that Gyutaro guides you in. You will be surprised out patient he can be have as he guides your forms. Bold in the way that his hand meets the bend of your elbows, adjusts the positions of your footing.
In many ways, he’s tender as a master. As gentle in his instruction as he is in his speech with you, a trait he has carried from his relationship with his little sister into this one.
 Though there are moments in which he is rough, the shred of gravel, warned moments inherited from his own master. The reality is when you have hit a mental block, he will resort to these tactics. In the same way that his master before him had done so, utilized the moment to break you down.
To build you up, to drag you from the mud, and usher in pain that feels near unbearable.
The kindness that meets his features as he presses a compass to your cheek. One hit having landed especially hard, bruised and lacerated the flesh. Tempted to cease training for the day, only pushed to continue beneath your insistence.
Ume will slap him later.
Balancing his natural caretaker tendencies, and the ferocity of his battle prowess. It’s a balancing act that he had never considered—one on one hand to hand combat with someone that was not  a demon is an uncommon occurrence for him, and so just as this is for you, it will be quite the learning curb.
One that will be quite the experience for the both of you.
Some punches will knock you into the ground, fracture your jaw, and others will be little more than a kitten’s swipe. He’ll get there, he will, but it’s going to be a potentially painful experience for the both of you.
Because he feels like shit for accidentally laying you out flat. Worried this is the moment you give your resignation. Praise will be a struggle as well. His first attempts will be mangled, and incoherent.
Dare to ask him to repeat himself for comprehension will result in the most scalding, bitter praise before he strides down the hall way out of sight.
You’re both confused.
Ume is the only one laughing.
Outside of battle, Gyutaro has slower mannerisms. In part this is due to his nature, but also due to the accommodations that he has to carry himself in order to navigate his world.  
Not that he’ll ever admit any of this to you. In many ways, Gyutaro is forthcoming about his upbringing—but only to a certain extent. He will never divulge the especially dark aspects of his upbringing. He doesn’t need any further pity from his tsuguko.
The dynamic you’ve built—he wants to keep that.
Friendly, and warm. One in which he feels… well, he assumes this is what normal people feel like? Able to bear that of your wondering eyes as you catch the little details of how he holds his kama, the turn of his hips during his breathing technique.
Your voice curiously sharing whatever comes to mind, and how his fingers do not nab at the scared flesh of his cheeks, nor at his sides.
He has heard himself laugh—it’s been many years since he’s done that.  The last time Gyutaro can remember was when Ume was a toddler, meowing at a stray cat, proud of herself for identifying the right animal.
Conversation with your Hashria superior is gentle. Casual as it develops. Many would be surprised how considerate Gyutaro can be in conversations, or the way his jagged teeth meet the high of his lips, the apple of his cheeks brightened when you have wandered onto a memory of Ume’s childhood.
How blissfully he shares antics of her upbringing. Heedlessly proud, and all too aware that when this circles around back to his little sister by prying maids—he will receive a verbal lashing.
As your mentor, Gyutaro is proud. Shamelessly so, he will proudly express praise for you at the Hashira gatherings.
Suddenly vocal after years of silence, brought on by the inquiry of your progress. The way he boasts of your accomplishments, emerging abilities.
Teased at how quickly you’ve risen in his company—implications if Ume should be worried about competition. The bitter scoff of his lips, red at his cheeks.
Unaware how off track he had gotten in his open praise.
He’s protective of you, akin to that of his little sister. Gyutaro will not hesitate to restate that he cares about your progress, but will not take slights from the Hashiras at your abilities. You are his tsuguko, and under his care.
To be so, means to endure a brother’s protection.
BONUS: Blood Breathing
First Form: Decapitation Kama, an immediate defense technique in which Gyutaro flows with his breathing, utilizing the bend of a sword user, or hand-to-hand combatant, caught at the bend of the opponent’s elbow. Following through, catches with the alternative kama to go straight for the throat. Second Form: Ketsueki-gata, due to Gyutaro’s routine exposure to poisons amongst his childhood in the Red Light District, he has a natural resilience to a wide variety of poisons. Utilizing this, he eats small doses of wisteria seeds, during battle, Gyutaro will use Ketsueki-gata, a slashed dipped in that of his blood. Third Form: Jubokko, Gyutaro utilizes his blood that has been shed to create a dome in which he can enhance his fury blades. Fourth Form: Uji Vermillion Flow: Gyutaro capsizes on his blood loss, utilizing its location throughout the battle field to flow from blood spot to blood shed, slashing as he goes. Fifth Form: Kuraokami, in a final desperate move, Gyutaro has suffered blood substantial blood loss. By loosing a grip on earth bound ties, he utilizes the remainder of his blood to rain down upon the area, its wisteria acidic corrosion eating through the flesh of opponents, as he makes one last desperate barrage of attacks to take his opponent to the afterlife at his side.
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sugutoad · 20 days
matchup trade for @archive-of-the-lost  !
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Significant Other
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"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." — Wuthering Heights
I ship you with… Jason Grace. Truth be told, this pairing had come to me before I even read what you were looking for. I had intended to give you a character opposite of you to sort of balance it out, but the further I read, I had come to a conclusion that you would be perfect for someone more similar to you. Someone logical and quiet. Someone who wants the best for every one and reaches past their limits. And that someone was the Son of Jupiter. 
Jason does not care for how long you ramble on about your interest and info dumping him. The boy has the patience of a saint and he will sit there beside you, nodding every so often and asking you questions to show that he cares that you are speaking. Not to mention, you look adorable to him while you speak so passionately and so quickly about all that you love — brown eyes twinkling and a smile plastered across your face. Whenever you are in larger groups and you do not wish to speak to so many, he will pull you to the corner, his palm brushing against your knuckles, as you whisper to one another. Also the high difference when the two of you are together is so cute! He is 6 inches taller than you and you always have to crane your neck up to meet his eyes. And his gaze always meets back to you no matter what. 
He is you and you are him. Seriously! There are so many similarities between the two of you that fit so well with one another like a puzzle piece. From you more Earthy vibes in terms of appearance, he is the stark contrast and is the sky. You choose with your brain at all times and Jason does so too. This easily prevents arguments from arising as you look more logically into things rather than be controlled by your emotions which is extremely essential for a demigod. And also purple being your colour? That’s literally perfect. You are purple and he is blue — two colours that are similar and found closely on the colour wheel. 
The both of you greatly value acts of service. Jason is a firm believer that to show your love for others, you need to prove it by doing things for them. I think his other love language is words of affirmation since he always had this ability to convert what he feels through the perfect selection of words. He will you gently in his arms (he loves receiving physical touch due to the fact as a boy he was mainly seen as an object rather than a person), his lips brushing against your ear as he lets your body fall into his — and he will always catch you — arms wrapped around your chest as he whispers little things whenever you are upset. 10/10 boyfriend material.
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Welcome to Camp Jupiter Aurora — child of Minerva! Ok you must be wondering, a child of Minerva?  ‘I thought she never had children’. Well, listen up. Come close… ok. You see, Minerva is a Goddess who is rarely swayed by any men or women. But that does not mean she is always immune to the charm of a mortal. Once every century, a child of Minerva makes their way into the world of demigods and monsters, but rarely do they survive. While most think that children of Athena are geniuses, the children of Minerva are on an entirely different level. I had been struggling with you godly parents, but you are this overachiever who is just naturally smart no matter how little you try and if that does not scream Minerva to you, I don't know what does. Camp Half-blood has more of this chaotic energy that does not ease with you and I think you will appreciate the rules and serenity of Camp Jupiter. 
Similar to the children of Athena, you are a great battle strategist due to your Mother being the Goddess of not only Wisdom, but also War. As I mentioned before, your knowledge surpasses those of any Athena kid. It is not known why, but some theorise that this must be because of how scarce the children of Minerva are. They are amazing with their words, being able to persuade almost anyone. But do not think that they are only book smart, they are also incredibly crafty. Depending on the type of person you are, some children are street smart, while others are book smart. You are also incredibly good with any weapon even with minimum training. They have this ability to conjure any weapons similar to the children of Ares. They are excellent at weaving any threads. And for absolutely fun, children of Minerva have the ability to Mindread so they can know anyone’s thoughts, thus gaining more knowledge.
Most children of Athena/Minerva fall under the curse of Hubris, I think your fatal flaw is your isolation. Most kids would bond with one another during Camp, yet you would stay back and minding your own business, only having one or two close friends. Your dad’s overprotective nature as a child made you this person who never had anything to relate with most people and this alone person who was never allowed out. This made you alienated from everyone. You never knew how to interact with them. And while your introverted heart did not seem to mind this isolation, this affects you horribly. 
Born to the Goddess Minerva and your father, you almost never knew your parents. Your father had shortly passed away after your first birthday, leaving you in a foster home. Every single time you were sent to a new home, something always happened and left you alone again and again. On your 7th birthday, a man with dark curls took you in and he cherished you like his own daughter. After losing his own daughter to ‘mysterious’ circumstances, he saw bits of her in you. It would take a few more years to learn that his daughter was also a demigod who had lost her life during a quest. Your new father became paranoid as you grew older and older. He almost never let you outside and never gave you any phone, forbidding you to even watch tv. This left you to only find comfort in books, but even that you couldn’t read. Your father bought you books written in Latin and Greek instead. Every single time you would see something odd, you would tell him immediately and he would move to another town with you. This left you with very little friends. But after moving to a new place, you met people who understood you and made great friends. But you saw the monsters again. You didn’t want to leave, not like last time. So you never told your father. Oh how you regretted that so much. A few weeks later, there was an attack on your house. The monster, if that is what it was, was terrifying for a girl only 13. The creature took his life in seconds, not before he told you to run and run until you felt safe. And that is what you did. You refused to look back, your own house wrapped in tendrils of fire and tears stinging your eyes. At last, your body gave in and you fell after crossing a river. Opening your eyes hours later, a boy with the sky in his eyes, smiled at you and said “Welcome to Camp Jupiter”. 
PERCY JACKSON was immediately drawn to you. When the Son of Poseidon arrived at the Roman Camp, he took an interest in you. He wasn’t necessarily into you, but you reminded him so much of someone he knew from almost a past life. You bantered with him yet you welcomed him. From your quiet nature to your logical thinking, there was just something so similar that he couldn’t get a hold on. 
ANNABETH CHASE is your sister from your Mother’s Greek side. While the two of you aren’t the closest, there is this unspoken bond between the two sisters. Being the only child of Minerva, you never had a sister at Camp until you met Annabeth. And the two of you would kill anyone for one another. I also think there is this academic rivalry between the two of you with who is smarter. 
FRANK ZHANG isn’t someone who you talk with much. You know from Hazel who often speaks about her ‘friend’, but the two of you have only ever crossed paths once or twice. This is largely because he is so intimidated by you — the leader of the first cohort! And he was… well just Frank, a boy who wasn’t even claimed yet. And your soul just never really reached out to him either. There is a mutual respect between the two of you though. 
HAZEL LEVESQUE is your little follower. Ever since she came to Camp, you were her older sister figure. You were always so perfect, smart and composed, but you were so in touch with your feelings (yet you always made sure you did the right logical things). You always tried to maintain a mask around her, hiding inner feelings to not disappoint the little girl. 
RACHEL ELIZABETH DARE is someone who I don’t think you ever met. While the two of you have certainly heard stories about one another, your paths never met. She was an oracle in Camp Half-Blood and you were a warrior in Camp Jupiter. The closest you have ever been is during the battle with Gaea when both Camps worked side by side. 
NICO DI ANGELO found someone who understood him. He has always felt in isolation and is out of touch with the world. Sounds similar? Well, when he met you at Camp, you sort of took him under your wing after Reyna instructed you to. And he was an amazing boy. The two of you would talk about Magical Card Games and other interests yet you knew when to not speak when the other person did not want to be with anyone. 
CHIRON thinks highly of you. You are a person who is a realist like him and an amazing leader. You were the person who led your cohort into battle and Chiron was incredibly proud of a child he barely knew. During the peace era between both Camps, he often came to you and Reyna for advice because even though he knew his own camp, he didn’t truly know yours. The three of you became leaders of sort for both Camps.
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theotherdeerinhell · 4 months
Breakfast With Alastor
Fiona wakes up to a musky smell. She looks up from the shallow dent of dirt she was curled up in, only to find that she is in some kind of twilit marsh. Fiona sits up and stretches. She doesn't know where she is or how she got here, but at least she is alive. Even the hot and humid air sticking to her thick fur isn't bothering the young sinner. Fiona looks down at her hooves. They are still shattered. Well, Fiona supposes that miracles could only go so far. And are those sweatpants she is wearing? They're unusual from what Fiona normally wears, but they are certainly a lot more comfortable than the dresses and skirts she forces herself into daily.
Fiona's gaze scans over to the left. Over there is a lump of...someone else. They pinstripe pajamas are all in red, matching the fluffy tail sticking out between the shirt and the trousers. The tail twitches from time to time. Fiona could tell that the individual is a fellow deer just from the tail alone. At least she's not the only one of her kind. 
The deer shifts and slowly sits up. His red eyes are still half-lidded, and there is a sleepy grin plastered on his face with a tooth poking out over his bottom lip. His ear flicks and he scratches the side of his neck. That must be Fiona's savior. Her knight in shining armor. He's not the graceful debonair-type Fiona always imagined, but he is quite adorable. But as cute as seeing her savior like this is, something about it feels off. It feels like this is something she's not supposed to witness. That what she is watching is not meant for the human eye. The male snaps his fingers, and his pajamas instantly change into a red suit, complete with his tattered coat.
"Good morning, sir," Fiona's voice comes out softly. There is a slight tremble to it. While there is a chance he is her savior, there is also another chance that she is essentially in the wed of a spider. A sitting duck who lives for as long as this deer is not hungry, nor craving the flesh of his own kind. His pointed yellow teeth is enough to tell Fiona that this stranger likely does get such urges. Or maybe her timid nature is just turning into paranoia. What would the point of patching her wounds be if she is going to be food later?
The male's eyes widen and his gaze snaps right to Fiona's. Glowing eyes meet her own. His grin grows larger, as though there is a hunger buried inside. "My, oh my!" He gets up on his feet and approaches Fiona, "It appears you have survived those injuries. You had me worried that I was about to get a free meal. Don't you scare me like that again." His tone says he's being polite, but his words are nothing but pure mockery. But his voice...she has heard it before. One she has heard every evening on the radio. If her ears are deceiving Fiona, then the coincidence is uncanny.
"Oho! I can see it in your eyes!" The man says, "That is the look of an admirer right there. Yes, indeed, I am who you think I am." He dips down in a gentlemanly bow, "Alastor, The Radio Demon, here! It is quite a pleasure to be of service to you while your hooves are out of commission. Especially for such a rare kind of sinner, but that's part of what makes deer the best breed, don't you agree?"
"I'm uh-" Fiona could hardly believe it. It's Alastor. In the flesh! And he is a deer just like her. What is she supposed to say? What would give her the best first impression? The stakes would normally be high, but since he is her hero...the stakes are even higher. She's freaking out, isn't she? It's okay Fiona, stay calm. Just introduce yourself. Say your name.
No words come out of Fiona's mouth. Instead, a high-pitched sound pushes out of her mouth. Did she just bleat? Blood rushes to the sinner's cheeks and her hands cover her mouth. Oh, this is humiliating! She lost her words and her brain went full deer mode over some old-timey radio host! Her tail is probably swishing rapidly, too. She can feel it move. And since she was put in a hoodie and some sweat pants, Alastor could probably see her little freak out.
"What was that, hmm?" Alastor puts a hand over his ear, "I don't think I quite got your name, my dear. Do you mind repeating that?" Is Alastor really such a goof normally? Or is he acting in her benefit? With Alastor, Fiona knows better than to take him at face value. Fiona has to admit it, though: Alastor's shenanigans are rather amusing.
"It's Fiona," She says, "My name is Fiona. It's an honor to meet you, my lord. I'm such a big fan of your work." Fiona bows her head.  Such an act of reverence makes Alastor's grin grow, as small as such an act may be.
"My, oh my! Aren't you a polite one?" Alastor laughs lightheartedly, "You don't need to be so formal. You will be staying with me until those hooves grow back." Alastor kneels down to get closer to Fiona. His soft smile is twitching. He's containing his full grin. "As entertaining as it is to see fellow sinners coward before me and act like an insect in a spider's web, Charlie would frown on my regular hobbies here, so you best get used to my presence. Now, how about some breakfast?" Alastor scoops Fiona up into his arms. His grin grows when he hears her make a surprised bleat from being grabbed. "I would go with my usual, but I doubt it would be suited for your sensibilities."
It is one thing after another. Fiona barely woke up, and the insanity already started. She met Alastor, who is her savior, and her roommate, and she got carried by him. Now the doe is sitting at a dining table across from him with a plate filled of food in front of her. Fiona barely processed anything with how fast her morning went. And now she's realizing that Alastor handled her naked body to patch up the stab wounds and change her clothes. Which is just-
"Now, before we eat," Alastor interrupts Fiona's mental spiral with his words, "There is a small saying my mother always said. Since you're sleeping in my room, I expect you to be a good guest and honor her word." And he's already integrating her into his life, at least until her hooves are healed up.
Fiona will get to take a look into Alastor's day-to-day in a way nobody ever has before. Most people would kill to be in her position. To see such a private side of the radio demon. Fiona nods her head. "Oh, yeah. I don't mind!"
"Now that is one of my favorite views. A fully dressed little darling, smiles and all!" Alastor chuckles a small bit. Alastor stretches out his hand to Fiona. Fiona looks at it for a second, but she eventually takes it. A green energy surrounds their hands. Fiona's muscles ease up and her mind slows down. Her ears stop drooping and take a soft position. This must be a calming spell Alastor is putting on her. It is a very zen feeling. All her worries are gone in the current moment, and there is nothing that matters but the routine and the hearty breakfast that is about to fill her stomach. Not even the pain of the shattered hooves cross her mind. Fiona inhales deeply and closes her eyes.
"Aux esprits qui me guident, moi et mon invité : merci pour votre sagesse, votre protection et votre assurance que la nourriture est sur la table, délicieuse pour la langue et sans danger pour l'estomac. S'il vous plaît, protégez-nous tout au long de la journée et remplissez-la de sourires et de fortune." Alastor's grip tightens and the glow brightens a little, but once his French words are said, Alastor lets go. Fiona can't even begin to make sense of what she just heard. Was it a curse? Did she just get cursed? Fiona never believed she could wear her ears down any lower, but it feels like they droop a little more. 
The young sinner starts eating when Alastor begins eating. She doesn't feel any different. Just a little more at peace than before, but is that such a bad thing? Plus, this food is delicious! The hotel food has no business being so savory, so warm. Are the chefs that good? Or was she thought was a curse is actually a blessing? Alastor's mind is impossible to read. His grin remains static and he has not a worry in the world. Even while eating, Fiona can feel Alastor oozing confidence. It only makes her feel smaller, but Fiona just keeps watching him eat.
Alastor's grin grows a tad. He picks up a morsel of his breakfast with his fingers. He carefully balances the morsel on his nose, and after a minute, he flicks it into the air and catches it with his mouth. His shenanigans earn a giggle from Fiona. Exactly what he wanted.
"I doubt there is any way you could know what you're eating with your eyes glued to me," Alastor says, "And as handsome as I am, you won't be getting nourishment from me with your eyes alone. Though, you will be devoured before you can take a bite out of me."
Alastor said such a thing so casually, too. As though it is normal banter. Maybe it is for him. Vox has always called cannibals freaks, and apparently not even Valentino would go near them. For Fiona, this might turn Alastor into a double-edged sword for her. On one hand, she will be safe from freaks like Val as long as she is near Alastor. But at the same time, she might not ever be in more danger than she is now by being near him.
"I- I guess I won't try." Fiona's eyes go back down to her plate. It is not her fault that he is so fascinating. Fiona would put Alastor under a microscope if she could. How could her dream version of herself just be casually wandering around, making threatening statements about cannibalism? And why isn't she him? Fiona takes a bite out of her food to keep her mind distracted from such a thought. What if Alastor could read minds?
"Oh come now, there is no reason to give me that look," Alastor says after taking a minute to bite his own food, "I was merely joking. I would let you have a nibble if you asked politely. It is those who prey on the weak that I take for meals. People just like those three goons who ruined your pedicure and broke those hooves of yours." Alastor crosses his arms and tuts with a slightly smaller grin. "A shame, truly. Getting those hooves done up all nice and pretty must've costed you a century."
Fiona looks up to Alastor's words of flattery. She should be the one throwing praise after praise at him, trying to get on his good side. So why does it feel like he's the one trying to get on to her good side? No, something about this isn't right. Alastor is a powerful overlord, she should be the one fawning over him.
Fiona walks into the large office. It is a spacious room, with everything neatly organized. Though the amount of cameras and screens are...unsettling. It's been a week since she sold her soul to Vox, and she was finally contacted for some sort of orientation. Fiona doesn't see the need for an orientation, since she is owned now, but her sinner power is yet to awaken, and most demons are much stronger than she is. So Fiona needs the protection that Vox has promised her and put into contract.
"And here comes my favorite doe!" Vox gets up from his seat and eagerly approaches his new slave. He tries to push a lock of hair out of Fiona's eye, but it falls right back into place. Vox frowns. "You are definitely getting something to get your hair out of your face."
"I like my hair blocking an eye," Fiona says to Vox in the most deadpan way possible, "That way, I only have to see half the bullshit."
"And your attitude will have to go away, young lady. After all, you are the face of Voxtech now," Vox says, "And since you're new, there is one thing we will have to go over." Vox goes back to his desk. He puts his hands on the surface and leans forward. He takes out an old picture and puts it in Fiona's view. It is a picture of a handsome buck clad in red, wearing a charming smile.
"You are never to go near this freak," Vox says lowly, "He will make you think you're on his side, lead you to believe he cares. And as soon as you are far too deep in to his charisma, you are no longer useful and he tosses you aside." Vox looks back up at Fiona in the eyes, "I know, because that is what he did to me."
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sraddhasen12 · 1 year
You Can Add Luxurious Touches To Your Home By Using Wallpaper
Modifying prevailing interior design elements in order to expand your options for accents walls on a limited budget has met a newfound simplicity. Prepare to acquaint yourself with 5 new wallpapering trends of 2023 specifically suited to suit Indian households. Upon entering one’s house, visitors step into the hallway first – making it instrumental in setting off theoretical ornamentation and inspiring people in determining aesthetic imprinted by a resident's abode. Making use of wallpaper products spotlighting designs and hues can recover.
Wallpaper can acquaint your entryway with the other zones in your home and give off a feeling of coziness. This is what has driven so many interior designers to make that feature necessary for various corridors. There no lack of great options for hallways; you have lace, stripes, or painting wallpaper to decorate an individual wall, fully furnished rooms much more subtle pastel colors ideas botanical environment patterns. The customization possibilities are almost unlimited if used responsibly . Hereby some of our best Ideas.
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1-For a chic vibe, use stripes on your hallway wallpaper
Stripes retain their popularity and thus provide an excellent choice for decorating a hallway. Graceful striped wallpaper has an effect of 'elongating' the room. If applied around the entrance area, as depicted in the illustrated example, it can create a well-balanced cosmopolitan atmosphere. Dominant contrasting white and black stencils are refreshing and edgy, essentially breathing new life in to your hall.
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2-Hallway Wallpaper With Zig Zag Design
The entrance hallway of your home offers the opportunity to make an enduring expression. Applying a daring design to the wallpapers willproduce a dramatic result. Observe how this example image utilises blue designto bring out hues in hardwood flooring and take benefit of unpainted beam accents to create a ceremonious outcome. Its swirl design seems like soundwaves adds a splendid element to the space.
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3-For an industrial look, use faux brick effect wallpaper in the hallway
If you want to add a raw, rustic look to your home, then a faux brick modern hallway wallpaper is the perfect option for you. This wallpaper in the image still gives an industrial feel, but cutting the cost of something like actually exposing a real brick wall. The texture captured here perfectly imitates both bricks and stone which adds attractiveness by itself. A rustic brick wall design can be an exciting opportunity if you feel like getting out of your comfort zone with something different.
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4-Wallpaper Designs For A Springtime Floral Hallway!
You can easily inject life and vigour into your corridor by choosing wallpaper rich in flourishing, blooming flowers. Recentering a scene around florals creates authenticity and lyric joy from details such as a rug or congruous patterned textiles or even a simple lampshade--true detailing transcending norm expressions deepens the profundity of observing nature vivid Realization infinite time whilst lingering in hope for life-rejuvenating reminiscent warmth.. By installing floral wallpapers.
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5-In yellow hues, a neutral hallway wallpaper
An ideal wallcovering option for hallways should be pleasing yet inviting. It should instill those visiting your living space with a sense of comfort welcoming them into your home. If created neutrals or vivid colors are an interest for you, pick something that uniquely identified likes so that said subject talks about unifying companions. Plaster a type changing mode backable to the wall with it’s complete entirety outside support because matching other viable floor accents and accessories gives many flow plus positives glow combos.
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Paint Sutra - Wall Painting House Painting
We provide best Wall Painting Services for your sweet home. We do Wall Painting at a reasonable cost. Get free quotation and get in touch on 9700 22 6666.
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Drywall and Plaster Contractors: The Dynamic Duo of Construction
The importance of skilled drywall and plaster contractors in the ever-evolving construction industry cannot be overstated. These professionals are responsible for creating the foundations of interior spaces, transforming bare walls into polished surfaces that enhance the aesthetic and functionality of any building. This article will delve into the vital role drywall and plaster contractors play in the construction industry and provide essential tips for selecting the best team for your project.
The Distinct Roles of Drywall and Plaster Contractors
Drywall contractors work hand-in-hand to create the perfect interior finish for your construction project. While drywall contractors focus on installing gypsum panels to form interior walls and ceilings, plaster contractors specialize in applying various plaster materials to create smooth or textured surfaces. Both professionals bring unique skills to the table, making them indispensable for achieving high-quality results.
Assessing Experience and Skillset
When searching for reliable drywall and plaster contractors, consider their experience and skill set. Seasoned professionals will have the expertise to handle a wide range of projects, from simple repairs to complex installations. Look for contractors with a proven track record in drywall and plaster applications, ensuring they can effectively cater to your specific construction needs.
Licensing, Insurance, and Certification
Before hiring drywall companies or a contractor, verify that they possess the licenses, insurance, and certifications to operate legally in your area. This protects you from potential legal issues and ensures that the professionals have met industry standards and requirements.
Requesting Portfolios and References
To gauge the quality of work, you can ask potential contractors for a portfolio of their previous projects. This will give you a visual representation of their craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, ask for references from past clients to gain insights into their work ethic, reliability, and overall customer satisfaction.
Comparing Quotes and Evaluating Costs
When selecting drywall and plaster contractors, comparing quotes from multiple professionals is essential to ensure you receive a competitive price. Make sure the quotes encompass all aspects of the project, including labour, materials, and any additional services required. While price should not be the sole determining factor, finding a balance between quality workmanship and affordability is crucial.
Effective Communication and Project Management
Choose contractors who prioritize effective communication and project management. This will enable you to stay informed about the progress of the work and address any concerns or questions that may arise. Contractors who are proactive in keeping clients updated tend to complete projects on time and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Hiring skilled drywall and plaster contractors is crucial for the success of any construction project. By considering factors such as experience, licensing, communication, and pricing, you can confidently select the best team to create a stunning interior finish for your building. With the right professionals on board, you’ll be well on your way to achieving construction excellence.
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sitesupply · 15 days
Site Supply: Buy TMT Bars, Plaster of Paris, and Birla White Cement in Lucknow
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At Site Supply, we provide high-quality construction materials to help you build strong and durable structures. Whether you need to purchase TMT bars in Lucknow, buy Plaster of Paris, or get the best price on Birla White Cement, we are your trusted partner for reliable, affordable building supplies. You can also buy TMT bars online from us, making the process even more convenient for your construction needs.
Our Core Products
1. Purchase TMT Bar in Lucknow
TMT (Thermo-Mechanically Treated) bars are essential for building strong foundations and structures. At Site Supply, we offer:
Top-grade TMT bars: We provide high-strength bars that ensure stability and durability in your construction projects.
Corrosion resistance: Our TMT bars are designed to resist corrosion, making them perfect for all types of weather conditions.
Purchase TMT Bars in Lucknow: We offer TMT bars in different thicknesses to suit your specific construction requirements.
2. Plaster of Paris Price in Lucknow
Plaster of Paris (POP) is widely used for interior design, wall finishing, and decorative molding. At Site Supply, we offer:
High-quality Plaster of Paris: Our POP is easy to work with and provides a smooth, elegant finish.
Competitive pricing: We provide the best Plaster of Paris prices in Lucknow, ensuring that you get value for your money.
Bulk availability: Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale construction, we can supply POP in any quantity.
3. Birla White Cement Price in Lucknow
Birla White Cement is known for its superior quality and excellent whiteness, ideal for decorative applications like terrazzo floors, wall finishes, and architectural beauty. At Site Supply, we offer:
Premium quality Birla White Cement: Perfect for both residential and commercial projects.
Affordable prices: Get the best Birla White Cement price in Lucknow when you buy from us.
Smooth finish: This cement delivers a bright, smooth finish that enhances the appearance of your construction.
4. Buy TMT Bars Online in Lucknow
To make your construction materials shopping easier, you can now buy TMT bars online in Lucknow from Site Supply. Our online service offers:
Easy ordering: Browse our selection of TMT bars and place an order with just a few clicks.
Secure payments: We offer secure payment options for a hassle-free experience.
Timely delivery: Get your TMT bars delivered directly to your construction site, saving you time and effort.
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Why Choose Site Supply?
Wide Range of Products: We offer all the essential construction materials under one roof, including TMT bars, Plaster of Paris, and Birla White Cement.
Competitive Pricing: Our products are priced affordably, ensuring that you stay within your project’s budget without compromising on quality.
Convenience: With both online and offline purchasing options, you can buy the materials you need, whenever you need them.
Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of time in construction projects, which is why we ensure quick delivery to keep your work on schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What sizes of TMT bars do you offer?  A: We offer a variety of TMT bar sizes, ranging from 8mm to 32mm in thickness, to cater to different structural needs.
Q: How do I order TMT bars online?  A: Simply visit our website, select the TMT bars you need, place your order, and choose your preferred payment method. We’ll deliver the bars to your location in Lucknow.
Q: Is your Plaster of Paris suitable for detailed wall finishing?  A: Yes, our Plaster of Paris provides a smooth and fine finish, making it perfect for detailed interior design work and wall finishing.
Q: What’s the minimum order quantity for Birla White Cement?  A: There’s no strict minimum order quantity for Birla White Cement. Whether you need a single bag or a bulk order, we’re happy to supply it.
Q: Are there any delivery charges for online orders of TMT bars?  A: Delivery charges may apply depending on your location and the quantity of the order. Contact us for more information on specific delivery fees.
Q: How does your pricing for construction materials compare to others in Lucknow?  A: We offer competitive prices across all our products, ensuring that you get the best deal for high-quality construction materials.
Contact Site Supply
For the best deals on TMT bars, Plaster of Paris, and Birla White Cement price in Lucknow, trust Site Supply to deliver top-quality products at affordable prices. Whether you’re buying in bulk or just need a small order, we’re here to help you every step of the way.
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candcplastering · 16 days
Expert Interior Plaster Contractor and Plastering Services in San Jose, CA
When it comes to enhancing the aesthetic and structural integrity of your home or commercial space, plastering is a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked. Whether you're renovating an older property or building a new one, finding a reliable plastering contractor in San Jose, CA, is essential for achieving high-quality, durable finishes. Check out this article to understand the importance of hiring a professional interior plaster contractor and the various plastering services available in San Jose.
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prodecconstruction · 2 months
Painters and Decorators in London: Enhancing the City's Aesthetic
Painters and decorators play an essential role in maintaining and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of London. From historic buildings to modern homes, their work is integral to preserving the character of this dynamic city. With London being one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, painters and decorators are constantly challenged to adapt to a wide variety of tastes, architectural styles, and design preferences.
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Diverse Expertise
Painters and decorators in London possesses a wide range of skills that go beyond simply applying paint to a surface. They are experts in surface preparation, plastering, wallpapering, and even intricate restoration work. For older properties, especially in areas like Westminster or Kensington, this involves working with delicate structures and traditional materials. Professionals in this field are often called upon to restore the beauty of period homes, maintaining architectural integrity while delivering modern functionality.
For newer developments, such as those in the financial hubs like Canary Wharf, painters and decorators are required to work with contemporary designs and materials, including metallic finishes, feature walls, and high-gloss surfaces. These professionals are skilled in blending the old with the new, creating harmonious environments that reflect the vibrancy of London’s evolving skyline.
Residential and Commercial Work
The scope of work for London Painter and Decorator is extensive, spanning residential, commercial, and public spaces. In homes, they are responsible for creating personal spaces that are not only visually appealing but also functional and durable. The needs of London homeowners can vary greatly, from minimalist interiors in chic apartments to more opulent and ornate designs in townhouses. Whether it’s a full home renovation or simply refreshing a room, painters and decorators ensure the final result meets the homeowner’s vision.
In the commercial sector, these professionals are vital for creating attractive spaces in offices, hotels, restaurants, and retail environments. London’s business districts and hospitality industry rely on the services of skilled painters and decorators to maintain a professional appearance that reflects brand values. The work is often on a larger scale, requiring coordination with other contractors to meet tight deadlines, particularly in high-traffic areas like the City of London.
Sustainability and Innovation
In recent years, sustainability has become a growing trend in the painting and decorating industry. Londoners are increasingly opting for eco-friendly paints that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), minimizing environmental impact while maintaining high-quality finishes. Many painters and decorators are embracing this shift, learning to work with sustainable materials and techniques, ensuring that their work contributes to a greener future.
Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed painters and decorators to work more efficiently and with greater precision. Tools like digital color matching and spray-painting systems help achieve faster results with fewer errors, while also offering more design flexibility.
Painters in London are an indispensable part of the city's infrastructure, contributing to both its heritage and its contemporary appeal. Their work ensures that London continues to be a visually captivating city, whether by preserving its past or shaping its future. The variety of architectural styles and client needs makes their role challenging and rewarding, requiring a unique blend of technical skill and creative flair.
Source & Reference: https://sites.google.com/view/prodecconstruction/painters-and-decorators-in-london-enhancing-the-citys-aesthetic
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