#Especially since it's kinda post apocalyptic
darkhatkid · 8 months
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angelpuns · 2 months
Did someone paint the stripes and details on L330-N?? Or did he do it himself, thinking it was important? And, in relation to them, does he ever think about where they came from?
And, to add, does he know (or did know) that he was built to replace someone? Did he react to it at all?? Does ninpō spirit leo think its kinda weird that he has a robot counterpart just a-wandering about or is he just kinda in acceptance that his brothers are shit at coping with loss?
For Kid Leo AU, how is big Leo doing? I get that theres only so much that a younger splinter can do with their limited resources and I do kind of wonder how Leo and Splinter interact. Is it awkward? Does Splinter accidently infantilize him at all (either due to the fact he showed up in such a sorry state or the fact that it's still his baby blue and he doesnt know what else to do)? Does Leo lash out at him at all, either for that or just in general from trauma? And, vice versa, does Splinter bark at him at all when he's stressed or overwhelmed and treat him like an adult when he's still just a teenager (notably a seriously traumatized one, but i imagine going from movie star to coliseum fighter to sewer dweller isnt a walk in the park either..)? Idk im thinking thoughts.
Anyways love your art style and comics and I gobble them up every opportunity i get. Love youuu!! ♥️♥️
I couldn't draw a ton of stuff for this one, so I decided to just answer with text!
Donnie actually painted the stripes on L330-N, since he built L33 to hopefully get Leo back :)
I think L33 probably does think about where they come from when he is able to see them. He's only been able to look in a mirror a few times before, but he's always very fascinated by them!
He doesn't have any memories of 'before'. All he knows is one day he woke up and found himself in an apocalyptic world, and he THINKS he's looking for someone.
I can't say much about the Hamato spirit Leo, cause that'd be spoilers ;)
I assume by big Leo you mean the spinoff Leo :) I haven't thought much about him tbh, though I imagine things are pretty awkward. On one hand, Leo would be glad to see his dad and his family looking healthy and safe and not yet traumatized by the Kraang, but he'd also be sad because he's the only 'broken' one. He and Splinter probably would end up having a heart to heart and its all fine in the end or smthn. I haven't thought much of the spinoff since i haven't really had any ideas for continuing it, especially since its not canon :/ though I'm glad that people enjoy when I do post about it :)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying my art <3
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allthingsfern · 9 months
My 2023 Top 5
Since early May, 2022, when I fractured my right arm (the humerus, right under the shoulder joint), my health, my physical well being, has deteriorated at a fast pace because I stopped being active. Part of that was my not taking pictures because, especially for the first 2 months after the break, I could not lift my camera. Then, this year, my cataracts got worst and I had my right eye surgery in early November, with my left eye surgery rescheduled for next April. (My cataracts in my left eye are not as severe as they were on my right eye and before my surgery scheduled for this month, December, I got a bad case of bronchitis.) It has been a year of deterioration and adjustment and retrospection (in 10 years I will be 80 years old) and of doing photography. Not so much of making pictures, but certainly of continuing my learning my beloved art form and going back and reworking some of my old photos.
So, with all that said, here are my Top 5 for 2023 and why I chose them and what, in some way, they have to do with my explanation above. The first 3 were captured this year and the last 2 are finds from past photos that I overlooked and that the newer, more powerful masking tools in Camera Raw helped me shape into what I think are stunning images. I am getting good at doing the Ansel Adams style manipulations and am also enjoying the process.
Oy vey.
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Circles and triangles and shadows, oh my II. Oakland, 01-28-23.
I went to Oakland, which is a city I love and think is sadly overlooked because of San Francisco's grandeur. Had a great time walking around for a couple of hours and got a few solid photos. What more can I ask for.
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Portrait II. Davis, 03-20-23.
Had dinner with this young man and got a couple of photos. zTHis was my favorite; captured him at his most comfortable because he was reacting to a comment by his roommate. Not the sharpest image, but I love the sense of motion and his expression.
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Roses IX; Municipal Rose Garden. San Jose, 05-14-23.
For my birthday I went down to San Jose and stayed a couple of days. On my birthday, I visited the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden and had a wonderful time capturing gorgeous roses and enjoying the park's festive Mother's Day atmosphere.
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The beauty of decay Vintage trailer: Crockett, 10-01-17.
Kinda creepy/post-Apocalyptic/SteamPunk, this photo came to life once I started editing it in Camera Raw recently. The masking, dodge & burn tools are excellent and its tools for manipulating color also helped immensely even though this is a B&W photo.
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COVID wanderings Outdoor seating? Pier 1. San Francisco, 09-07-20.
While walking around a deserted San Francisco Bay promenade on the Embarcadero, I was struck by the hard, graphic lines and sharp B&W light/shadows of this, which showed that even in the midst of a terrifying pandemic, there was beauty to be found every so often, in the most unexpected, mundane places.
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guro-man · 10 months
Horror Manga Recommendations part 10: Sadako at the End of the World by Koma Natsumi
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Happy Saturday everyone! I'm uploading today's recommendation a bit early cuz I'm gonna be busy this afternoon. This week we're looking at the oneshot post-apocalyptic comedy( kinda? ) ghost story of Sadako at the End of the World.
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"In a world torn apart by an apocalypse, two lonely little girls chance upon a strange video. To their surprise and joy, a girl with long black hair named Sadako climbs out of the TV…But little do they know that Sadako is a vengeful ghost who will kill them in a week! In order to help their new friend, these two sweet, innocent girls begin a journey to the end of the world to look for more victims/friends. Can their bond with Sadako help her find peace and finally break the curse? Or will this tale have a tragic ending…?"
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The story is really interesting because it explores themes of found family and perseverance, but it's also dread inducing because you know what's going to happen when the seven days are up. Especially as Sadako is introduced to more and more people...
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What I especially like about this is that you can read it even if you've never seen/read The Ring. It doesn't assume that you already know how the rules of watching the VHS tape work so it is nice enough to explain things for anyone who wants to read it but is new to the series.
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I will say that since this is a oneshot, the story could've benefited by being a bit longer so it would have more room for development, but it's still an interesting story nonetheless. Love The Ring? Try out this unique take on the story! Know absolutely nothing about The Ring? Try this out and see if it interests you!
This single volume series is available in english from Yen Press!
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angelkitty54 · 8 months
Sonic Prime AU time! (coz this has been everywhere in the last month or so.) Basically just some ideas I had for shatterverse versions of Sonic and Shadow, set after the end of the series.
New Yoke City: Based on the idea in SA2 where it's kinda implied Sonic was also made on the Ark like Shadow (which is never brought up again). Basically Nine stumbles across a pod that contains the New Yoke version of Sonic (Spirit) and excitedly wakes him up. However he quickly finds that this is not the Sonic he met before; Spirit has never been out of his bio-tank thingy before, he is basically a newborn in a full grown body, with the mentality of a newborn too. Spirit is a wide-eyed innocent child, sweet, kind and trusting, a stark contrast to the world around him and the people in it. Nine is having a hard time adjusting, especially since Spirit's keeps chewing on all his power cables. He is also constantly being accused of having cloned Sonic. Which he totally did not! He found this Sonic fair and square thank you very much!
Meanwhile, having lost their power source, the Chaos Council has lost a lot of ground to the resistance. In searching for new power sources and weapons, they discover Project Umbra (three guess who this is). Umbra leans a little more into his alien side than Shadow does, he is also less of an angsty teen and more of a scared, grieving child lashing out at a world that hurt him. He agrees to work for the council only due to the distant family connection, but he doesn't particularly like them or care about their goals. He just wants to see the world burn. Of course, things change when he finds out his baby brother survives the raid on the Ark. Tho he is not particularly happy about this strange fox hanging around, acting all buddy buddy with Umbra's brother. Ugh, the nerve of that guy!
Boscage Maze: Got inspiration from movies like Nausicaa and Origin: Spirits of the Past. So the instead of the prism, the massive jungle was actually caused by a bio-experiment gone wrong which set off an apocalypse. There are effectively three groups of survivors, those that escaped into space (mainly GUN people), those that survived on the surface (whose descendants became groups like the scavengers) that live more or less in harmony with the jungle, and those that made it into underground shelters and were put into stasis chambers where they have slept for several hundred years. The latter two group are often at odds with each other, one wanting their old world back, the other wanting the jungle to stay as is. Dr Nightshade Robotnik and his assistant, Sunny, are among the stasis group.
In this universe Gerald went down the road of cybernetics as well as genetic engineering when creating his Ultimate Lifeform, Nightshade. Their Maria got to live her life to it's fullest, becoming a scientist like her grandfather. Nightshade also dedicated his life to science, wanting to follow Maria's dreams of making the world a better place, even after she passed away. Sunny benefited from their research, as it's thanks to their work into cybernetics that he is able to walk (and run) again. Upon waking in the post-apocalyptic world, Dr Nightshade has made it his mission to find out what caused the plants to grow out of control and hopefully reverse the effects. Sunny, someone who sees the benefits of both the old and new world, hopes that he can help the good Doctor find balance between the natural and mechanized worlds. Meanwhile GUN is up to something rather suspicious up there in space...
No Place Sea: Yay pirate AU!! Honestly didn't have a lot of ideas beyond just pirates tho... Shadow is Captain Blackheart and is like super duper cursed. He is captain of a ghost ship, whose crew is also super cursed and/or undead. All save a single member, his navigator Tempest (Sonic), who is immune to the effects curses due to him being half siren. Tempest does not speak much as his voice is imbued with the charming power of a siren, which he lacks much control over. He has a knack for reading the winds and currents making him an ideal navigator in treacherous waters. He is both drawn to and fears the water, as something in those dark depths keeps calling to him, eager to drag him down down down into darkness... However he can't bring himself to stay away despite the danger, and luckily whatever is hunting him seems to steer clear of the ghost ship. In exchange for shelter aboard his ship, Tempest is helping Blackheart track down and decode ancient sea charts that will lead them to a great treasure he's been hunting. One said to be able to grant wishes: the chaos emeralds!
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furbygoblinxiv · 1 year
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Ok now to be annoying about a completely different flavor of Zelda: That cartoon from the 80s that has aged so poorly I take psychic damage every time I watch it (which has been multiple times (I have problems)). A few months ago when rewatching and being sick of the Link's personality from the show (his best feature is how funny the "Well excuuuuse me, princess" line is) I was like "I wish the quiet kid from the games/art was here instead" and accidentally thought too hard and made an au/rewrite of the cartoon lmao.
Anyways Zelda cartoon au where cryptid boy Link saves the post apocalyptic Hyrule of loz 1 and chills in the castle with cartoon Zelda to defend the triforce pieces that they have while trying to find the last piece before Ganon can find it, stumbling across the sleeping loz 2 Zelda along the way lol. Hijinks ensue as he teaches Zelda the brawns to back up her girlboss and he gets an adventure buddy because its dangerous to go alone and Zelda with her boomerang and crossbow goes hard. I think a monster of the week style plot works for the earlier Zelda games, but an overarching plot could coexist with that since that is kinda how games work lol.
As per usual here are a bunch of slapdash barely related sketches of my ideas with my expanded thoughts below bc I think it'd be fun to share:
I look at the official art of Link being a quiet determined little dude with a backpack of tools and wish that that was represented more. Like look at him! What a guy! Imagine giving a quiet puzzle solving 14 year old a sword, lethal magical weapons, and a wasteland to explore! I would love a show about that! In terms of other characters, swap out that annoying fairy character, put in a Navi clone, at least Navi didn't have a crush on Link🤮. Ganon can stay the same so long as he was always a demon pig and was never a Gerudo man because unlike Nintendo, I do not want to imply that the only prominent man of color in the series has only one big braincell thats just screaming "EVIL" on loop. But! Keep Zelda the same, I love her so much in the cartoon, she's obnoxious in a slay girlboss way, maximum vibes. By virtue of not having a paper thin plot, most other characters that were fine get fixed by proxy.
I think plot wise? It takes place a few years after the first game. Initially, Link saved the royal family and they started rebuilding that area of Hyrule, and Link traveled around to help people. One day, Ganon's minions start making attacks on the castle to steal the triforce pieces back to revive him fully, and a Zelda who greatly admires Links steps up to defend the place. Eventually, Zelda requests Link return to help defend the castle while they search for the mysterious hidden third triforce piece in order to combine the full thing and wish for peace in Hyrule. Link agrees and the hyjinks begin.
IIRC the og Link backstory was that he was the son of the hyrulean queen and the elf king or smth? In the manga? I didn't want him to be hylian royalty but I wanted to keep that cryptid vibe, hence why I have him related instead to the great fairy and the kokiri. He just leaves the forest/cave one day with literally nothing to go save Hyrule, what a chad. I think it'd be funny if people describe Zelda as feral due to how boisterous and headstrong she is, especially out on the field, but Link is the quiet version of wild that you don't notice at first. She is openly intelligent and snarky in comparison to "says 3 lines a day, bombs first and asks questions later, explore under every rock and bush" forest kid Link.
It would be fun though if "rushes into danger" Zelda resonated more with the triforce of power and "solves dungeon puzzles for funsies" Link with the triforce of wisdom, then they both resonated with the triforce of courage upon finding it. idk tho lol
I also think two different young Zeldas coexisting with each other after one awoke from a cursed slumber would be really funny. Like that's gotta be so awkward, especially if one has the fighter girlboss slay up to 11 and the other just woke up from a coma to her family gone and her kingdom destroyed and just kinda wants to read books and drink tea in peace. Imagine being the same age or older than your great (great?) aunt. Or imagine if the old lady Impa nursemaid to Zelda 1 Zelda was the young Impa nursemaid to the Zelda 2 Zelda. Wild.
If I wasn't incapable of remembering to finish writing wips I'd write that series lol. Alas, this is all I can pull for now.
I'd love to call this propaganda to go watch the show but maybe don't because its yikes. This is moreso propaganda for someone to make a Zelda cartoon show instead of the movie that I sense Nintendo is plotting to make. Also, if you've read this far, I should mention I also will probably be posting art from some of my actual long term Zelda aus beyond just expanding on the cartoon, though I may continue to do that if my train of thought continues on these tracks.
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butterflydm · 1 month
more cr103
The fact that the group that has the least exposure to the gods and the least understanding about them is the one that is sorta incidentally saving them while doing something else is... I guess a vibe, lol. But I really do hope that at least some of them take advantage of being in Vasselheim to do some godtalking and at least get even a fraction of the understanding and knowledge that VM or MN had about the gods.
It isn't necessarily all that important for the plot - 'Stop Ludinus' is the plan whether or not you give a shit about the gods, and that motive has been baked into Orym's backstory since day one - but it just feels weird that the party that knows the least about the gods is the one given the most power over their fates.
So it seems like we could end cr3 with a few different possibilities:
a. Bells Hells succeeds; Ludinus is defeated and things go back mostly to normal
b. Bells Hells fails; Ludinus succeeds to a certain extent and we end up with another calamity and cr4 is a post-apocalyptic campaign in some fashion, with the gods either eaten or chased away (Chetney brought this up in the episode, iirc)
c. Bells Hells succeeds but only after the Divine Gate gets torn down for some reason (either by Ludinus or by the gods to fight Predathos), thus leading to a world that is more like the one pre-Divergence (honestly, this one would be kinda funny if only because of how much Ashton would hate it).
I do think that the recording wouldn't have as much of an impact on faith in the gods as Ludinus thinks that it would -- everyone who knows about the Calamity already knows that 'the gods destroyed Aeor', or at least I believe that's part of the established history/lore of the series; and we see two of the gods (Everlight & Dawnfather) actively seeking to not have to destroy the city the entire time that they're there.
It would make some people lose faith, but it would also endear the gods more to others (like it has done for Launda). I just... given how wide-spread faith is irl without anything like the pluses that faith-based people get in Exandria, I would just find it unlikely that the orb would have the impact that Ludinus wants. We've seen that the only people it really 'convinced' were people who were already inclined to be unhappy with the gods (Ludinus himself, Dorian, and maybe Ashton, but I think Ashton just dislikes any kind of authority/structure and I'm not sure if the orb actually had an impact on that one way or the other)
But, of course, if the world doesn't immediately agree with him, that only gives Ludinus more reason to invade and conquer and destroy, because now his pride will be hurt over the fact that people aren't listening to him ("I am talking!").
As someone who isn't a believer irl, my main feeling about fantasy gods tends to run along the lines of "are they more helpful or more harmful?" and the Exandria gods as a whole have shown themselves to be more helpful than harmful over the course of the three campaigns (*cough* defeating Vecna *cough*), so I'd like them to stick around (since they've shown that they can mostly keep the betrayers in check with the Divine Gate in place). There are fantasy worlds where Ludinus might well be doing something heroic by wanting to take out the gods... but I don't think Exandria is one of those worlds.
Exandria is a world where the prime gods were willing to take a hard look at the consequences of their actions and do something to prevent more harm in the future, even at the cost of losing something incredibly important to them. As far as fantasy gods go, they're pretty nice! Especially the ones we met in Downfall, I feel very fond of them.
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fernsnailz · 8 months
What is even the point of Silver living in the future? It’s not his future anymore and he has no friends or family there. There’s nothing for him there. Now that he has precognition he should just live in Sonic’s time and get visions of disasters.
Seriously there’s no point in his future or time travel. We’ll never see it, Silver only cares about the state of it and he can only go to Sonic’s time anyway.
i might have missed something but as far as i know silver doesn't have precognition? like the whole point of him being sent back in time to fix stuff is that he has no idea what's going to happen to change the future. did i miss something??? idk
regardless, i understand where you're coming from - i agree that parts of it feel kinda pointless mostly due to the fact that we really don't know anything about silver's future. i think that it's likely he has people he knows in the future, but it's impossible to really know since his future is constantly in a state of flux. when it's not in a post-apocalyptic form, what does he do? what places does he like? does he know anyone? what keeps him going back?
it's hard to understand silver's place in the future when it feels off-limits narratively. however, i don't think the solution is to completely remove silver from the future, because there's still a point to its existence - like you said, silver cares about it regardless of how it treats him. he cares about the people living there even if he doesn't know them, and he cares about the safety of that world even if he can't find a place in it. i think these traits are essential to silver - even when he doesn't know how he fits into everything, he's determined to find a path forward for everyone else. i think these concepts should be further explored through stories set in the future so we get a better understanding of silver's place in all of this - i'd really like to see silver stories in the future explore that setting and how silver fits into it, especially since IDW is currently examining silver's place in the present with the rest of the cast. and hey, why not have some of the other characters travel to the future as well? idk get wild with it
i think silver's world is a really cool setting that hasn't been utilized in a while, and i don't want to see it scrapped forever. maybe after returning to it, silver does decide that his place is in the past/sonic's present - and i think that's an earned choice. but i don't think that decision should come without exploring silver's future and understanding what it means for him to leave it forever.
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b7ngt4n · 9 months
The Last Remaining | Part 04
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-> South Korea was left abandoned after a 'zombie' virus sweeps the nation. Left to save themselves, Y/N and a group of seven men, who she's found safety in, rely on each other to stay alive as they travel to the south side of the country on the hunt for a rumoured 'z-free' haven. But nothing is ever easy. Especially when they find it's not only just zombies they need to watch their backs for.
-> A female reader x BTS zombie apocalypse AU
-> Genre: Post-apocalyptic, action
-> Warnings for Part 4: swearing, violence
-> Word count: 2,195 words
-> Interactions are greatly appreciated xoxo 💖
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Part 04: Unpleasant Ambush 🧟
The hard feeling of cold steel pressed against the back of your head made you slowly raise your hands in the air. You were usually the rebellious type, not wanting to obey without a fight. But having a gun pointed at you was not really fair now, was it?
Multiple people started yelling at once, “get down on your knees!” You didn’t hesitate to listen, feeling the gun penetrate into your head harder as a way of asserting authority. The concrete felt cold and uncomfortable against your skin. You could feel the harsh tiny rocks scrape against you from under the thin material of your tights.
Your eyes sneakily danced around as much as they could without turning your head. From the corner of your eye, you could see Yoongi with his arms raised and held at gunpoint like you. In front of you was Namjoon. He wore a serious frown on his face while staring down whoever was behind you. Out of everyone, only Namjoon could see the perpetrators as he was the only one facing them.
“Put your hands up!” the stranger yelled in a loud and threatening way. You recognised the voice belonged to a woman. She had a deep and powerful shouting voice. It reminded you of those shows you used to watch on TV of reality boot camps and the female trainers had some of the most strongest military voices you had ever heard.
Namjoon, you presumed, stared at her. She seemed to have the leadership position among the ambushers. A quality you've also noticed in Namjoon in the brief time you've known him. He raised his hands up agonizingly slow before he spoke, “we don’t want any trouble.”
“On your knees now!” she ignored him, continuing to yell commands. You could hear clicks against steel, a noise you didn't think sounded so positive.
"Alright, alright," Namjoon complied, getting onto his knees with his arms raised in the air.
“We don’t want any trouble either,” the woman spoke in a more calmer tone but still sly sounding. You heard the car engines start up again. You watched as two men quickly removed the spike strips off the road. They're faces were covered in bandanas so you could only see their eyes. Cowardly bastards, you thought.
“No hard feelings everyone!” she said in a soulful voice like this was all a game to her. You felt the gun had retrieved back and shortly later you watched Jungkook’s motorcycle and their cars speed down the tunnel, disappearing into the distance. You could hear them cheer, celebrating by pumping their fists out in victory at the stunt they just pulled.
Their cheers and the noise from the cars died down and was soon replaced with the loudest silence between the eight of you. Jin was the first to speak up.
“They took mine and my brother's car,” you could hear in his voice he was trying his best to not cry. It broke your heart having to listen to him try not break down. You never realised the cars held such significance that the entire situation just now hit differently. They weren’t just some random cars, they actually meant something more to him because they belonged to him. You watched as Jin stood up to walk away, but you could hear his sobs only grow louder the further he walked. Jimin followed shortly behind him, likely going to console him. Since when had the apocalypse, apart from the zombies, become so cruel?
“Not to be a bitch, but um... all our food and water were kinda… in there,” Taehyung broke the painful silence. He received a harsh push on the arm from Jungkook, who had a clearly annoyed expression on his face. Taehyung groaned, rubbing his arm, but stopped himself from retaliating back to avoid making the situation even worse.
You glanced between the boys who were all sitting in deep reflection and shock about what just happened. Nobody could believe that all their supplies were gone in just a matter of seconds. There were eight of you, how on Earth could you find enough to support you all?
"Oh!" you piped up, suddenly remembering as you slipped off your backpack, "I have some food and water in my bag,” showing them your bag you had previously stuffed with snacks and water bottles back in Seoul.
A soft smile slowly returned to their faces, “that’s good,” Namjoon said gently, “it’s a start.”
You felt someone rubbing your shoulder. You turned around to find Jungkook, looking at you with a proud smile on his face. "Good job," he whispered to you. A smile naturally appeared on your face from his praise. But you quickly turned around when you felt your face heat up, smile fading when you realise he was making you blush. Get it together Y/N, you thought.
"I wonder where they got their guns from," Yoongi mused aloud. Hoseok hummed, agreeing with him.
"They could've stolen it from a police station," Taehyung responded, "maybe even a military base."
"Guns could provide us good protection," Yoongi said in a suggestive tone as he glanced at Namjoon, looking like he was seeking his approval. Namjoon nodded, agreeing with Yoongi while pondering in deep thought. He was likely imagining the pros and cons of carrying around guns.
"Plus we could maybe prevent a situation like this happening again if we were armed like they were," Yoongi continued, frustration obvious in his voice as he angrily ran his hands through his hair.
"And protect ourselves better from zombies," Jungkook added. Yoongi sent him an approval nod.
Speaking of zombies, you were lucky you were inside a tunnel. There weren't any abandoned cars nor zombies since it was a concealed space. Though, there was still a likeliness they'd find you in here, being attracted by the previous sound of loud vehicle engines. You were safe for now, but being without wheels left you much more vulnerable.
"We'll go to the next town. The sun has already passed halfway so we need to find some shelter to spend the night. Our other goals are to find weapons and more food. We can figure out what to do after that," Namjoon announced in a serious voice. It was clear to you Namjoon was the dedicated leading figure around here.
"Sounds good," Hoseok replied. Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook nodded in response. They all silently turned their attention to you, glancing at you.
"How do you feel about that Y/N?" Namjoon asked, wanting you to have an input too.
You met his gaze with an enthusiastic smile, "let's fucking do it," you responded firmly.
Hoseok clapped his hands together eagerly with a pleased smile, "yes, that's the spirit Y/N! I'll go tell the other two," he stood up to head to where Jimin and Jin sat isolated. Jimin was rubbing Jin on the back while he sat there with a blank expression, zoned out on the ground. It was saddening to see Jin upset.
"Alright, let's make a move," Namjoon declared. You all got up and began to make the walk out of the miserable tunnel that bought you nothing but misfortune and a stronger sense of vigilance.
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It felt odd to be walking along the highway when usually you would be driving in speeds as high as 80-90 kilometres. The road was practically empty, apart from a couple of dead cars that were no use to you. But no soul in sight. Not even undead ones.
According to Yoongi and Namjoon, the next town is supposed to be Suwon if you followed the highway. But for now all you could see was mountains and bush since you were in the rural areas. It was alarming to you that you didn't know when you'd find the next town. But the boys admiring how beautiful Korea's landscape was made you forget about ever being worried as soon as you emersed yourself in the scenery too. It's only when you stop to think about how beautiful nature is that you realise how peaceful rural Korea is. Anyone could fall in love with it so easily.
"So," you started the conversation between you and Jungkook who hung at the back of the group, "how do you know them?"
Jungkook smiled to himself, "we all knew each other before the apocalypse."
"Oh really?" you marvelled. You shouldn't be so surprised. Thinking back it was obvious they all shared a bond that felt stronger than plain old friends, strong enough that even you could feel it.
"Yeah, we all met through Namjoon a few years back," he reminisced, sighing to himself as all the memories came flooding back to him, "we all just clicked instantly and have hung out all together since then."
You were impressed by their friendship, considering you've had a fair run of friends that come and go. "So were you guys all together at the beginning of all of this?"
"Yeah," Jungkook recalled, thinking back to the very traumatic day, "we were eating at a restaurant, celebrating Yoongi's birthday."
You frowned, glancing at him to find him staring down at the road. "That's so sad," is all you could say to him. You were at lost for words, unsure of the right thing to say.
Jungkook nodded in agreement, "it is. We had to camp out at a nearby supermarket for weeks until we ran out of food and water. We took Jin's car to his hometown, Gwacheon, and found his older brother there. He was the one who told us about Mokpo. He turned trying to save us."
You didn't say anything as you allowed yourself to absorb all this new information. Actually, you didn't know what to say about that. All you could do was feel for Jin. Loss is never easy. Jungkook glanced at you, smiling at the serious look on your face.
"Enough about us. What about you?" he asked.
"What do you mean about me?" you replied absent-minded.
Jungkook chuckled, nudging you playfully, "I mean like what's your story? What happened to you before we met?"
A sour look appeared on your face as the only memories you had were shit ones: every single day feeling like it lasted forever, getting your hopes up when you see a helicopter only to be let down when it disappeared again, your food and water supply shrinking as the days went by. You were depressed, anxious, and alone. It was a shit time you wished to forget.
"I stayed in my apartment for a month," you told him.
"Were you with anyone?" he questioned, curiosity getting the best of him.
"No," you answered, lips pursing into a straight line, "I was all alone."
Jungkook noticed how you got quieter, realising he may have crossed a line or two. He cursed himself out in his head for stepping past your boundaries.
"I'm sorry," he apologised, making you glance at him with a baffled expression, "That you were alone, and for bringing up something you may have not wanted to share."
You blinked profusely, nearly stuttering your words out, "no it's okay, Jungkook, you're alright," you assured him as he looked at you with a guilty frown, "yes, it is a bit hard to talk about, but I feel safe talking about it with you."
A shy smile appeared on his face as he looked away. "I ran out of food just like you guys, that's why I left. I was inside a convenience store when Kang and Gihoon found me, hit me unconscious, and took me."
"So that's those bastards' names," Jungkook fumed, jaw clenching as he clicked his knuckles.
You giggled, finding his protective nature over you endearing, "And then you found me."
He glanced at you, the corner of his lips tugging into a small smile.
"You and Jimin saved my life," you continued, staring at him with grateful eyes, "thank you Jungkook."
None of you spoke as you stared at each other. You could feel the tension growing stronger between you two the more you hung around each other. Part of you liked it, but at the same time you were scared. Scared that if you were to let him into your world and if you were to lose him one day, you would never be able to recover. Romance was such a strong thing, but it was so dangerous at the same time.
"Hey!" Taehyung shouted, causing you both to quickly turn away like nothing happened between you two. Even though there wasn't physically, there was something emotionally and spiritually. You looked at Taehyung to see he was pointing at a sign in the distance. But before you could read it he yelled it out for you, "Suwon interchange up ahead!"
"That's good. Let's get off the highway before we run into someone," Namjoon advised to which everyone hummed in agreement.
"Or zombies. The lack of zombies here is extremely suspicious," Taehyung noted, kicking at rocks as he walked.
"Finally, Hobi finished most of Y/N's snacks!" Jimin groaned, exposing Hoseok who tried to explain himself but was met with complaints and criticism, mostly from an annoyed Taehyung.
(a/n: hey my cuties thank u so much for the recent love 🤗💖 hope you guys like this one xoxo thank u for the support i appreciate it a lot 💖💖
now that i’m looking back after posting i realised i ended this part rlly shit n honestly could’ve kept going but i js wanted to post something cs i hadn’t for a couple days 🙏
to be honest i did rush thru this 😭 i did not take as much time as i should’ve to perfect and be happy w the final product ✋ so i will js point out now that i could take a few days to post parts. i know nobody has complained but js wanted to say it anyways 😊 that’s all have a lovely day mwah)
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elendsessor · 3 months
spoiler warning for smtvv! i won’t shut up about vengeance’s endings because they’re genuinely so interesting to me
consider this the follow up to one of my other analysis posts. i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again: i love how both vengeance endings allow vkun to keep aogami forever and that neither law nor chaos ends on this note of everything sucks ass. more of a hopeful feel if anything. in general, i love how vengeance’s endings challenge the pre existing story structure of most smt games. so did nocturne, but in terms of the same old law-neutral-chaos thing, yeah this was such a nice shake up.
it’s not bc i love aogami to death or bc i love the pairing but more i’m kinda really tired of how mainline smt always has to have this everyone dies and/or loses their humanity quota. this is a really welcome change in my opinion. usually, the leading lady is the only one safe but it is just ran into the ground.
aogami has such a strong arc inherently about gaining individuality. if anything, he becomes more human. vkun stops being the implied outcast and actually doesn’t just completely shove aside all chances at even a friendship compared to how most protags say “fuck you” to the ones who aren’t on their side. having him keep a healthy relationship especially with a demon is something actually unheard of mainline-wise.
4 apocalypse did this too but the difference comes in terms of tone. as a 4a defender i will admit the plot’s a lot less smt and more generic anime-y with 4’s world building sprinkled in. with vengeance, as i mentioned in a previous post, the events still happened so characters that died only to be revived in the law ending still died, and the characters are aware of this. da’at still will be reborn, demons still exist, etc.
the theme of vengeance’s conflict between tao and hiromine is definitely cautious optimism. don’t be a doomer, but recognize that things won’t always work out in a picture perfect way. yeah even with chaos doing a nuke the world thing, it did leave on a somewhat positive note. the way relationships with demons have also changed dramatically in mainline with 5 is nice too. not all demons are bad but they’re often times not fleshed out and are usually relegated to the two extremes of the spectrum. again aogami’s arc is reflective of this, but even hiromine learning to open up more. to have characters gain or retain humanity instead of becoming a cookie cutter rep is super nice since a lot of the actual law and chaos reps don’t come out of it being actual decent beings and tend to be full on inhuman dicks, which tbh doesn’t entirely make sense.
you’re telling me someone can’t be radical in their beliefs without giving up what makes them human? because fun fact, radical people are still people.
also despite being doomed yuri, tao and hiromine don’t truly hate each others’ guts??? they actually do get influenced by one another positively??? they change and grow through their interactions with one another and don’t constantly butt heads, more use their differing views as talking points??? do you have any idea how happy this makes me. to go one game without the law and chaos reps being so against one another that what actually sparks the real imma kill you part is some angel/demon confirming their preexisting beliefs. to have them actually again grow and change. challenge what they know about the world. because you do actually see glimpses of that with them and that’s like actually how some people interact. people can change opinions, they can challenge beliefs, and dammit this is the step forward i really wanted. they’re more respectfully disagreeing as opposed to wanting to strangle each other.
it’s definitely not the most smt ending, but there’s still that looming sense of uncertainty/a bit of dread akin to nocturne’s freedom ending. post apocalyptic fiction needs a lot more of that cautious optimism instead of it being either everything’s okay or everything’s not okay.
so yes taomine shippers won big time. actual best law x chaos pairing.
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candyheartedchy · 7 months
Yo I'm curious.
I know a few but not all of them, who are all your Dana crushes?
Feel free to gush too 👍👍👍
There’s Scratch/Todd, a ghost (the blue ghost with the big nose) who separated from his body that literally “gave up the ghost” and eventually goes back to his body (Todd) that was kinda on auto pilot after being separated. Not only is both this character’s ghost and human design is cute, but I relate to his character the most and helped pull me out of a dark place at the time when the series first started. So he means a lot to me.
Master Shake, a giant talking, narcissistic and selfish milkshake that was an experiment from a mad scientist. Shake was my first of Dana crushes since I use to stay up late at night watching the show as a kid.
Baby Ball is a crass and cynical game ball that’s apart of a post-apocalyptic world were him and his teammates fight other players. His design is simple and cute, especially his gap teeth!
Danger Planet, a sentient arcade cabinet who gets stranded on a planet who protects a human baby that him and another bot found from, well, a dangerous planet. He only showed up in a cartoon pilot but his excitement for every thing is adorable!
Gazpacho is a woolly mammoth fruit fruit vendor that wants to be a stand up comedian who lives with his overbearing mother. He’s big and pathetic but also great with kids!
Question Hound is a comic character that you might recognize as the “Everything Is Fine” meme who Dana voiced in an TV bumper and then had a spin off comic.
Now this one character (the green octopus looking alien) only shows up in one episode but was named “Puppet Master” on his character sheet but his story is that he was exiled on a moon for crimes against the universe and puppets people into being his friend out of loneliness.
And then there’s Dr. Colosso, an evil villain from a live action sitcom who got turned into a bunny and forced to live with a family of superheroes. He’s very hammy and over the top which makes him fun to watch!
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lordjimp · 1 year
What I think the vanillia FO4 companions eat on a normal day.
“fanfiction-y headcannons i sscratched out this morning. Lol idk when the sun rises in america so this might be completely weird and off. Sun rises 5:30 or 6 where i am. i suppose it shouldn’t matter too much tho. im not a writer, i was just possessed this morning so please dont take this too seriously, thx.”
Some companions I headcanon as having some poor (but pretty normal) eating habits (eg; forgetting to eat, not eating for long periods of time in the day, substituting not-meals for meals, or eating habits that are synonimous with depression or other mental illnesses). If in general topics about eating habits make you uncomfortable, best to skip this one. 
Codsworth:[read first]
Breakfast(8:00am)-when sole is around, he would naturally cook for them. Some friends (and settlers) started joining Sole for tea some days, which slowly turned into him cooking pretty much every day. Breakfast is always coffee, fried eggs,fresh fruit, and grilled meat if they have it.
Lunch(12:00pm)- spends the first half of day running around getting ingredients, will go out hunting if he has to. He has lots of different michelin star recipes in his code, but he has to get creative with what he has. If your not showing up to lunch you better tell him, he’ll be really upset if you usually come but decided to flake off that day.
Dinner(7:00pm)- starch, meat, veg, and carb. The time of the day where. Shit. gets. Real. expect no less than beef wellington, or an apocalyptic adjacent wellington. it also means bad table manners will not be tolerated. You get amazing free food, but if you put your elbows on the table or get unruly, codsworth is gonna whir around and bonk you on the head with his metal claw.
breakfast(10:00am)- wakes up too late to have what codsworth cooks. And girl is hungry. No such thing as breakfast ick with her. One 4 egg omelet, salted, and a coffee. 
lunch(12:00pm)- 2 servings of whatever codsworth makes. If she can help it, she will not cook. Not a huge fan of mirelurk if there's any.
dinner(7:00pm)- starch and meat, she doesn't care about anything else on the table. Despite drinking, she is surprisingly well behaved. The fights start after dinner is over though.
breakfast(5:00am)-tea, extra sugar
snack/lunch(12:30pm)-she usually forgets. it's hard trying to read her new body, especially when she can get so consumed by her study. Codsworth usually brings her something to eat or tries to tear her away from her work. He doesn’t mind seeking her out since shes always so polite.
Dinner(10:30pm)- steps out of her chair to stretch for the first time in hours only to realize she's on the verge of fainting- oops. It annoys her since she knows exactly what would constitute a perfect diet, but just can't perform it. Has a serving of dried muit fruit and something canned. Not technically a vegetarian, but she does avoid meat. 
Danse(post brotherhood):
Breakfast(4:30am)- 3 boiled eggs (destroying the egg supply #3) and a ‘black’ coffee (extra extra sugar shhhh). After he goes on his morning jog and then workout, he’ll go on until basically lunch if he has nothing to do.
Lunch(12:00pm)- always joins for codsworth’s lunch, he can get a little ‘homesick’ about the BOS. and eating at the exact time every day with everyone at the same table gives him back a little bit of that routine he was so used to in the brotherhood.
dinner(7:00pm)- same goes for dinner, routine is his best friend. He also just wants to eat with his best friend, Sole. Nobody else really, well… talks to him… I laugh but it's kind of very sad.
Breakfast(9:00am)- used to eat fresh muit fruit every morning, but for unknown reasons now muit fruit gives him the ick. Now he usually has Canned soup, tomato is his favorite.
lunch(12:00pm)- yes he's showing up for free food, but hes not close with everyone at the table so he is kinda quiet and standoffish during lunch.
dinner(7:00pm)- he’ll go if he's in the mood, but its alot of people and with Codsworth always breathing down his back about his manners, the vibe at dinner just really pisses him off. so it really depends if he's up for it. If he isn't, there is usually somebody else who didn’t go making stew or something around he can mooch off. He’ll also eat something sweet after, religiously believes in dessert.
breakfast(8:00am)- eats breakfast with the sole survivor every day. Breakfast it's a good time to do a morning briefing. Coffee addict btw
Lunch(12:00pm)- he honestly wouldn't eat lunch if it wasn’t for codsworth. He gets so anxious and kinda spirals in his head. As the day goes on he’ll either just forget or not really have the appetite to eat. Eating with people also makes him feel much more relaxed, and he’ll have an easier time having an appetite.
dinner(7:00pm)- gets paranoid that the spread is an improper use of resources, and takes it up with codsworth at times. Codsworth defends that he gets everything himself and none of the food is ever wasted, but then Preston says something about corn beef being a more sustainable use of food and gets kicked out of dinner for being problematic (problem? Corn beef is the worst.) (piper; first time?). Everybody’s mouths were too full to disagree with codsworth. 
breakfast(5:30am)- cigarette. Wow, she's so french /j
snack(??:??)- snacks on gumdrops and lollipops constantly throughout the whole day. When she eats natural sugars she feels                   n o t h i n g
dinner(9:00pm)- she eats way later because she's always bouncing around and its hard for Piper to center herself to sit down and eat. she’d go eat what Codsworth cooks, but he usually kicks her out. It's like the fact that he gets up and arms about things at dinner makes her want to act up. Whatever, she's having blamco and some dandy boys.
snack(9:30am)- his diet is inconsistent and random. Hes actually already been up and down since one, the first thing he has is a handful of potato chips.
lunch??(12:00pm)- if he's up for it, he’ll show up to lunch. But, he barely eats anything. Mostly has a bit a coffee which he still doesnt finish. Dogmeat sits in front of him the whole time under the table getting pats and fed. Then he leaves before anyone is done eating.
snack(2:00pm)- finds someone else having lunch and picks off their food while they aren't looking
snack(8:00pm)- rest of the potato chips- he acquired salsa.
dinner??(10:00pm)- has a few beers and a bit of fruit. Maybe. He's probably just gonna drink. To wrap up, he’s a serial snacker.
snack(5:00am)- dug up bone from dinner a few days ago.
snack(9:00am)- no bad guys, all is well. Back to the bone.
lunch(12:00pm)- will circle around the lunch table and give everyone puppy eyes. If he’s there, stays by deacon, easy gains.
dinner(7:30pm)- fed dinner leftovers or dog food by either preston or sole. dogs arn’t allowed at dinner apparently, so no shaking down his friends for food ,’( 
breakfast(2:00pm)- wakes up after lunch and immediately goes to Codsworth to ask for leftovers. If there are leftovers, hell make some weird cold leftover sandwich. If not, he's happy with canned beans.
snack(4:00pm)- Snack cake, courtesy of Danse. Well, like- STOLEN from Danse.
snack(6:30pm)- Bourbon, hey it's 5pm somewhere. Heh. what? It is 5pm?
dinner(7:00pm)- attends dinner. Great food, great company. Nowhere else he’d rather be. *gets kicked out*
snacks??(12:30am)- wanders into Danses room drunk and/or high, wakes Danse and Hancock gets caught snooping through his fancy lad stash. Danse hated that, and he won't let him live it down until he repays him back. What? He's serious about his lads, stop laughing.
breakfast(5:30am)- has a smoke with piper. Same spot every morning. Piper talks shit the whole time.
breakfast(8:00)- usually just pops in to see everyone, but if he stays, codsworth will pour him a black coffee. It doesn't do anything for him obviously, but it feels nice to just sit and have breakfast with friends 
dinner(7:00pm)- I like the theory that the reason Nick’s asked by Vadim to drink his moonshine is so he can test the alkaline or ph level, or whatever it was. So he comes to dinner and has a glass of whiskey, and the sensation is almost like he can taste it. Dinner is a nice change of pace. People sitting around a table civilly enjoying good food reminds him of certain happy prewar memories with prewar nick and his family. He's content sitting there with an empty plate just enjoying the conversation. 
 dinner(7:00pm)- the others call it his snake meal, it's always exactly 2000 calories (he works it out in his head) and he eats all of it in like 5 minutes. It's actually really disturbing. He shows up first for dinner. Fills his plate with food. And, like an eating competitor, stuffs it all down his throat with a straight face. Then leaves without ever saying a word. X6 says it's so he doesn't have to waste time with allocated eating, but so he’ll still get his required fuel. This is how he's always done it, no one can convince him it is bad or unhealthy because he's so sure it is more efficient.
i forgot strong oops. might do him latr soz
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professoruber · 9 months
Thoughts and speculation regarding Meridian before Birds of Prey (2023-) #5 drops!
Spoilers for Birds of Prey (2023-)
Please also keep in mind I am a novice when it comes to comics and their lore. I am also tired and writing this in my iPad, so please let me know if I am misremembering or overlooked any details.
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Maps Mizoguchi! Or rather, Meridian! A very surprising addition to the latest Birds of Prey series. As someone who is a fan of Gotham Academy, even sometime before I started really becoming interested in comics like I have been recently, this definitely caught my attention and has led me to following this series in interest.
However… currently I have a number of thoughts of Meridian which I would like to get off my chest now before #5 releases and either gives us more questions or (hopefully) more answers.
I suppose my big question thus far is… why Maps in particular? Especially given the fact that her constant departures due to the apparent limitations of her time travel tech means she subsequently has limited ‘screen time’ to justify her involvement. Why was it a time travelling future Maps who kicked off events and not anything else?
I like Maps, but I still have begin to find her role somewhat odd; perhaps in large part due to a simple question it raises….
Is Meridian Maps’ destined future hero persona (instead of Robin)?
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Maps wants to be Robin, it’s been a thing since Gotham Academy, and it’s a goal which has been given both some focus and some credit via both the main Batman run and also the non-canon Batman Black and White.
The goal of becoming Robin is one which she was shown to be still determined towards even after experiencing the dangers which would come with the job.
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So with this in mind, it seems kinda odd how they’ve also introduced the Meridian persona for Maps. While I do like the name well enough, the fact that it’s a geography term being a neat nod to her nickname, I can’t also help but notice that Meridian… doesn’t really seem to display any of the typical Robin or Bat-related skillsets?
She teleports around and shoots people with lighting, and I’m pretty sure that’s about it. She doesn’t appear to be notably tactical, nor does she display any martial arts (she just points her fist and shoots), which is honestly a tad disappointing. Maybe that’s just me, but I guess it just feels a bit odd.
Cresting such advanced technology also wasn’t exactly something I’d expect from Maps; but tbh she would’ve had plenty of time to learn science as she grew up so… hm.
Does this mean Maps is not going to become Meridian? Maybe?
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A very interesting observation and suggest by @transpanda-1 was that Meridian was not in fact Maps Mizoguchi, but rather Katherine Karlo (the blonde girl picture with Maps in the comic snippet a little higher up); the daughter of Clayface. This is based both on uncharacteristic behaviour from Maps herself as well as her departure being described as looking like she is “made of dirt”, a very specific and odd way of describing what would otherwise be assumed by readers to be her disappearing in a flurry of static or energy.
Of course; any oddities, as well as any differences in the behaviours and skillsets of Maps vs Meridian, could be easily justified by the fact Meridian apparently comes from a post apocalyptic future, plus the general effects of aging.
But even still, I do really like this theory and think it makes a decent amount of sense. Especially given the whole “dirt” descriptor.
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Katherine Karlo has displayed the ability to be at multiple places at once in the past, seemingly controlling multiple bodies with the same consciousness. She has also impersonated Maps in the past.
However, Katherine appears to be inspired by Annie, a character from BTAS who iirc was a ‘daughter’ Clayface who was created when part of him got separated from his main body and so developed a distinctive identity seperate from the main consciousness. I don’t think Katherine’s backstory has been delved into (correct me if I’m wrong) but I assume it was something similar. Therefore, if she is Meridian then perhaps the reason Meridian keeps disappearing is because maintaining control of a part of her so far away takes a significant amount of effort? Or maybe it is a time travelling Katherine instead?
Hard to say for sure. And also probably doesn’t exactly explain the lighting powers. But tbh I kinda would also kind of prefer this?
Would give Maps more of an opening/hope to still become Robin one day.
Motivations and Answers
This is the final bit of this rather long-ish post which may or may not get totally disproved by #5 tomorrow. But I’ve gotten this far so might as well cap off my thoughts.
If I remember correctly; Meridian is the reason for the general secrecy of this mission, not only from Diana and the other Amazons, but also from Barbara. I feel that big secrets from close allies, especially given Babs’ importance to the Birds of Prey, require big reasons. But from what I can recall we have yet to get any actual look into her reasons… or how she convinced Dinah for that matter (it’s not as if Maps Mizoguchi is some close confidant of hers, I doubt they’ve met before this).
If Meridian is a time traveler then perhaps she’s already attempted this mission via other methods which have failed, hence the reason for specific exclusions this time around?
Or maybe this is an evil future/alternate self kind of deal. I don’t think Meridian has acted overly suspicious apart from this secrecy but it’s still possible. At the very least, she may not have been entirely upfront with all her plans/motive/knowledge.
For all we know, maybe Barbara is involved and pulling the strings for whatever reason? Maybe not, but still.
I guess the reason I’m thinking on this is I feel excluding Barbara and causing a “hero vs hero” conflict seems like the kinds of things which require a very good reason for. And Dinah presumably found said reasoning quite convincing since she went along with it.
If Meridian isn’t from the future, then that just adds further mystery since it means for some reason Katherine Karlo (or someone pulling her strings) has posed as a future version of Maps to direct the Birds of Prey in a mission to rescue Sin. Why all this deception would be needed is another question (assuming she’s not from the future, anyway).
Let’s start wrapping things up. Despite my confusion/semi-complaints, I’ve generally enjoyed Birds of Prey so far and am looking forward to seeing how the story continues. I also am a fan of Maps and am curious at what kind of role she will have as this fort continues, and I also hope she gets her overall dream of becoming Robin one day.
Maps would make an awesome Robin.
For now I guess we shall see whether #5 provides any answers, and if it does then we’ll see if my random speculation and thoughts were off the mark or not,
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mayordea · 3 months
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so i have posted my elaborate “the robins are separate entities and siblings” headcanons and i think i’ve said too many damn times that i wanna extend a similar headcanon post for morgan and now it is TIME!!
(im also a lot less nervous sharing this time teehee)
more info about the guys under the cut :]
the girl one
robin’s adopted daughter. parents died after grima goes bananas and robin decided to take her under his wing. i like to think robin held out a little longer than the rest of the shepherds once the apocalypse started so he was able to teach morgan what he knew. plus she self taught herself magic and tactics using his notes even when he’s dead
can be blunt, hates being the butt of the joke, but has a pretty dry and witty sense of humor. sometimes clashes with lucina’s inability to pick up on jokes
since she was a kid when grima goes bad, she is the oldest among the second gen. older than lucina by a few years perhaps
has a close sisterly relationship with lucina. she and lucina sort of reflect robin and chrom’s relationship in the group, with the exalted leader having a wise magic man by their side. given the situation in their family tree (though morgan is adopted, she is still lucina’s cousin) i’d refrain from defining it as anything romantic (besides i hc lucina to be aroace anyway. queerplatonic relationship, perchance)
since morgan was only able to cross paths with lucina and the rest of the second-gen shepherds through her adoption from robin, it is unlikely that she will meet lucina in the good future or at least have the same very close relationship with lucina since she’ll be raised by her bio parents. (one may argue that none of the second-gen shepherds will meet or form a close band without the backdrop of acopalyptic bonding in the good timeline, but the point is that morgan will live a significantly different upbringing if the grima threat is taken care of). lucina sometimes worries about this possibility, but morgan’s conviction to change the future for the better is stronger than this uncertainty. this conviction was also probably inspired by lucina’s drive to change fate
ngl this is all i have unfortunately 😭 but i do wanna work with her more, especially her relationship with lucina
the boy one
chrom and reflect (girl robin)’s son from… a different future. he does not hail from the same doomed timeline as lucina and the rest of the kiddos. instead, he’s from a timeline where grima was vanquished with the falchion (keeping reflect/the vessel alive). he was born shortly after the war ended (though in actuality he’s born after chrom and friends leave smash bros but that’s a whole other can of worms)
the youngest of the future kids
due to his unawareness of the apocalyptic future and grima in general, he has a much more jovial attitude compared to the rest of the kids
brash and a bit of a jock
has a little bit of aptitude in magic from his mom, but he has no interest in actually touching a book
lucina (and the rest of the kids) were confused about this guy’s existence and why he was sent to the past but they embrace him as one of their own anyway (he still doesn’t really know what’s going on)
tbh i have even less going on with him, but i think exploring the silly sibling dynamic he’ll have with lucina should be fun in future projects
his design is kinda messy atm, i do not know if ill fully settle on the one here idk
OH and lastly: his mark of the exalt has not surfaced yet at his age, but i think it’ll appear on either the back of his right hand (like the defile brand) or on his upper back (jojo reference). or maybe even in his right eye like inigo (but that sorta feels like his thing so i don’t wanna rip it off lmao)
anyway that’s it!! i’m kinda pressed for time rn but i wanted to get this out before i forgot lmao!! will edit if needed ough
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guys...... post apocalyptic henry danger au belowww......
do you like apocalypse aus!!! do you like unincorporated county of swellview (an AMAZING fic series by octoberbardo on ao3 go check it out)!!! do you like sweet tooth!!!! and also slightly the last of us!!! do you like oc content!!!
fear not good friend because i have come PREPARED WITH EVERYTHING to feed each one of those ideas!!! all packed into one au!!!
it's kinda a big mush of everything i enjoy rn— the hybrid / sense of dread aspect of sweet tooth, the underlying corruption and politics behind swellview and rays job as a hero as a whole with unincorporated county of swellview, lowkey tlou vibes (but also highkey yaelokre vibes to me too), it's just like AGRGRHGHH BUT ANYWAYS
ok so it's based kinda off of a fix called unincorporated county of swellview, but also inspired off of sweet tooth, and also loosely inspired by the last of us
ray manchester is a government employee
which is obvious— as a hero, he works under the influence of the mayor of swellview, for the greater swellview county. and, to an extent, for the government of the five quint cities (rivalton and bordertown, adjacent city, neighborville, and swellview).
as a result of being a hero, ray is forced to perform different sorts of favors for the mayor in order to keep him on top. at some point, he is asked to assist with a third, different kind of favor. not just for the mayor, but to directly assist the quint city government. as a lab rat child—because ever since carl manchester accidentally made his child indestructible, why wouldn't he conduct experiments to make sure he stays that way?—who better to ask about what to do with these new findings than ray himself! besides, these new findings aren't just findings, they're people. people that the quint city government is collectively banding together to kidnap and use for their "new" discovery; the side effects of the trans molecular densitizer when used on other humans beings
originally made to make unbreakable glass, the machine made ray manchester the world's first completely invincible man. and by making him a hero, of course the government wanted to know if they could do it with other people. turns out, they can't. but the amount of radiation and chemical shit pumped through the bloodstream during those moments in the densitizer is enough to alter the chemical composition of any human being who goes through it. giving them freaky abilities and features. and carl manchester knew this— of course he did, because he'd done it himself with a bunch of different people a dozen times after ray. tweaking it and fixing it to make whoever went through it only indestructible and not have some weird, off putting physical tie to remember the experience by for the rest of their lives. it was a fail, ray was just a miracle. but that's not how these higher ups viewed that.
some of those abilities were, indeed, completely useless, and some were incredibly useful for the government. especially in this time of crisis— the world is on a cusp of a war the quint cities started due to bad negotiations and treaties with foreign nations. nobody wants to fight in that war, and those who do aren't skilled enough to last. but people like these are, people who are chemically altered to harbor animalistic features. sharp claws, animal ears to hear long distances. and it's exactly why they ask carl manchester to alter the densitizer for soley this purpose, and for ray to supervise the process for quality assurance. oh, and to conduct tests on these super humans, to make sure they're indestructible and that their abilities are useful enough to keep them around for. if not, they'll probably just put them back through a molecular transducer and try again with someone else.
ray is fucking outraged when the mayor tells him everything. he has to keep it a secret and he isn't happy about it at all. it's the only time he takes his public presence and uses it in direct opposition to the government he's under rather than working with it, because he would rather die than have to supervise over the same torture he went through being endured into others. who wouldn't?
ray isn't sure what keeps him from not quitting his job as capitan man as he starts publicly spilling secrets about the five quint cities and the greater swellview county, "a place where nothing ever happens". he starts small and works his way up through public speeches, grand openings, and even social media posts soley based around exposing the mayor. because he won't stand for this— as a protector of swellview, this is the only way to protect his citizens as he sees fit
two months later, ray manchester goes missing without a trace. all posts made contradicting the quint city government are taken down. people who speak up about it go missing too— it's like they're trying to pretend ray never existed
five months later, the boom happens & nuclear warfare practically destroys the world
a year later, hybrid children are born (supposedly) from the surviving mothers. without explanation.
ollie and sovilo— who used to work for ray behind the scenes before the world began dismantling itself and before ray went missing—are convinced there's a greater force acting behind all of this. ray's dissaperance had something to do with all of this, and if he's still alive out there, he has every answer they seek. but with the fall of technology, it's increasingly harder to get there than before. all his hints that ray could have possibly dropped publicly that could help find him were only documented through video captures, and those are now lost to nuclear explosion upon nuclear explosion. it all eradicated technology and the internet as a whole— there's practically no use in trying to find someone to fix it, especially with a good 3/4ths of the population dead. if that information only found on a device wasnt truly lost and unrecoverable, the only people who could probably provide the duo with it are probably dead already
factions begin to rise in the coming years after the end of the world at large. the last men, the harbingers. all factions that connect to ray somehow—all that connect to the Mayor somehow, because it has to— but that man still being alive is just an unproven rumor nowadays and there's no way for ollie or sovi or anyone to know for sure unless they go looking for both the mayor and ray
the only people they could possibly turn to for assistance with that were henry, charlotte, jasper, and schwoz. a painstakingly long trip to dystopia which brought about hundreds of different challenges for the duo brings up nothing. they're all dead— dead long before they could have even thought of reaching them. radiation poisoning is a bitch, and they probably died without knowing who was trying to find them at all. but, in their wake— or rather, in mainly schwoz's wake—they leave clues. clues to these groups of children, and to a whole different faction. clues that point towards ray, and all they have to do is follow them
if you made it this far i am so proud thank you so much
i don't really know how i wanna go about telling this story but i do know i really really want to tell it!!! theres so much stuff i wanna say or draw or write or anything about this au but im not rlly sure how, but if anyone has any ideas or questions or comments dump them here or in my asks or whatever rlly!! ask things!!! have comments!!!! i love talking to ppl about the things i create sosooososo yes yes anyways i hope this was enjoyable :)
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minkschasijasi · 1 year
About "disaster twins" there is so much room to play in half brothers of the same age but dont shars a birthday, raised together but not twins both middle children struggling with issues stemming from that but without a particularly strong bond (as compared to the collective) between them. I personally find it a shame how strongly the fandom latched onto the twin idea ignoring what word of god has said about it. Its a unique dynamic as is.
Real. Honestly, idm disaster twins that much ,, i think they’re a great duo ,, heck—it’s a sturdy dynamic. Sometimes i just get struck with the thought that their twin roles are not at all canon and it breaks my perspective of the entire fandom for a moment.
Cause jeez! Mkey’s mystic injuries on his arms didn’t seem canon, by the way they showed it near the end of the sequence where Leo was pulled out of the portal and into Staten Island
Or Raph being partially or becoming fully blind in one eye because of his kraang transformation
Even the entirety of the future family in the kraangpocalypse are non-existent, we only know leo and mikey’s designs, that they are leo and mikey in the future, and that they were one of, if not, the last groups to be alive during the end of that starting scene. Majority (shoutout to Cass Apocalyptic Series and L.O.V.E.!) took deleted scenes from the opening, the actual opening shot as well, and spun a wild story out of it.
No shame though, i love every one of those guys i absolutely die inside out of sheer excitement when these guys post.
Kinda crazy though, how literally 50% of my hyperfixations are complete headcanons and alternate universes
Shows how starved we are as rottmnt fans 😭
More words under cut <3 (duh)
But to follow with anon’s thoughts on the twin shtick with the blue and purple turtles, i guess it just follows the majority’s preferences on how much bullying we can create out of these chaotic middle children. Out of the four turtles, those two are most likely the most popular—and we all probably know the rule with our favorite character/s.
Either we give them the entire world, or we make them suffer tremendously before giving them the entire world.
I see the half-brothers-same-age-but-not-twins idea being a really cool change from the usual disaster twins content ,, they’d both strike me dead, positively.
With them having similar placement issues on the team, i find that without the twin dynamic between them would have to build a more sturdy relationship instead of the route a lot of people, probably including me, take—which is to say they already had that bridge build to each other and are able to confide in each other their said problems and complaints.
Though the twins idea does bring up a more dramatic and conflicting flares between the two when it comes to sibling fights, especially serious ones. Cause, when you’re siblings you got a connection, but when you’re twins (fraternal or not) you’ve probably got a bigger bond than the usual. This is probably one of the reasons why so many rottmnt fanfic writers or even people who don’t do that and just make rando content on the two prefer this connection—it allows that sweet, sweet angst.
I guess, we just play around with this a lot. I mean, thing with cutting shows in half is that it will allow fans the freedom to do whatever they wish with it, especially since this show started growing in popularity a while ago. I just enjoy being in the fray of it all :)))
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