#Escape Owos
gremlin-boah · 2 months
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months
Knock Knock
Oh?? Whose there??
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hivemindclown · 6 months
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not so pure vanilla
still can't draw, saving up for a new tablet but till then have an OLD ass drawing i did of that one famous evil vanilla design.
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araccoonnamedgloom · 1 year
When your autistic brain is done with reality... (//escapism)
When your autistic brain has had enough of reality and has no spoons left, and you finally can close your room door and emerge yourself in your art which which you are constructing your own little fantasy world.
A world where nothing can hurt you, but instead gives you comfort.
A world where you don't have to constantly think about what others mean and think.
A world where you make your own rules.
//I'm just really really tired
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monarchborn · 1 year
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"Do not pout, Cor. I know you are more than capable of doing this," Regis assured, voice and expression calm and confident, though inwardly he had to admit that he was quite amused. "You may be my top enforcer, but now you will also be the new face of this fashion brand. If anyone can manage both, it would be you," he assured, watching as designers flittered about the room, taking measurements of the younger male.
He had wanted to make Cor part of the fashion side of things for a while and the launch of a new brand was the perfect opportunity. "After we are done here, I have a different job for you," he assured, knowing that Cor would find some comfort in the fact that he would still be doing what he was originally expected to do.
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donexmiras · 1 year
Only just realized that Momo somwhow went from mischievous ferret with weird unexplained goop ability to a soulless demon with a whole backstory all because of waxy skeleton man
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techniiciian · 1 year
just help me with this, and i'll be out of your hair for good.
there's no good reason why he shouldn't help her. yes, if his brother found out he'd be in deep, deep hutt shit but that seems to pale in comparison to the guilt he knows would gnaw at him if he abandoned her here to suffer whatever fate awaited her if she was found out.
the big bad scary First Order technician facade he'd been attempting, and failing, to intimidate @graysistance with dissipates into a half-hearted, nervous smile as his shoulders slump in defeat. "yeah, alright. i'll uh, help you out."
he offers his hand to take hers before checking the pristine hallways for any on coming trooper or officer traffic. "we'll take the droid tunnels to the hanger, but don't try an get caught in a plce like this again, okay?" a goofy grin stretches across his face, "an tell my mom i said hi." not that she knew who is mom was.
with that said Matt's tugging rey into the unmonitored inner halls that saw only the hustle and bustle of cleaning mouse droids and the occasional service droid. as they tread through the winding, internal paths Matt knows all too well the silence starts that hangs between the pair grows too uncomfortable. its a quick glance and a flashed awkward smile, "so uh, why do you wanna beat up Kylo Ren so bad? are you jealous of his killer six pack or something? Ha ha ha."
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xxchaosjojoxx · 2 months
OP Men got hit by the truth-truth fruit
A/N: first time writing for Zoro and Killer and i hope you like it. Maybe they are a little ooc but why not owo. Enjoy. I added Zoro for @penkura and Killer for @sheerxfiction to cheer them up. (They always cheer me up with their writing <3)
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Sure you could do better than this. You could enjoy the nice weather with your crewmates. Eating some delicious dishes, chilling on deck or even exploring a town when you get a chance to dock on an island. But no, you have to fight this random pirate crew who decides to try to rob you. They were no match for you or the rest of your crew. Every single one was capable enough to defend themself.
As you kicked the weapon away, the big man who sneaked up on you, was retreating. He yelled towards his crew to retreat as well. They jumped on their ship and departed. You could only let out a sigh. Finally you have peace again. As you were about to go back inside to grab a snack you heard some of your crewmates screaming out. You turned around just to see a giant shining orb flying towards you. You couldn’t even try to evade anymore, but that wasn’t necessary at all. As your teammate and long-time crush was standing in front of you, blocking the attack. The orb touched him and he fell on his knees, trying to catch some breath. You couldn’t help but scream his name.
“Oh no, Zoro.” As you were about to stand beside him he stood up and looked at you. “Why do I have to fall for a clumsy idiot like you?” He huffed and you couldn’t help but blink. “What? Do I have something on my face?”
You shocked your head and as Zoro heard the laughter of his crew he looked at them with an angry expression. “What’s so funny?”
Lysop and Luffy couldn’t help but laugh louder. Even the rest were smiling. “You just confessed your feelings towards y/n.”
Zoro's face went bright red. “No way…”
You were shyly looking at the ground. “Did you lie back there? And why did you even say it in the first place?”
He looked at you and was shouting. “Why should I lie? Is it so hard to believe that I am capable of loving someone?” He quickly covered his mouth and was sweating by now.
You couldn’t help but look at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t even mean to say it. Chopper help.” Your crewmates were basically rolling over the floor while laughing out loud, except Robin and Chopper. Even Sanji couldn’t help it. “Seems like a devil fruit power…”
Chopper hummed. “I’m not sure if I can do anything about it.”
Robin was still smiling. “Seems like you have to wait til the effect wears off. In the meantime we can ask you some questions, just for fun.”
The day went on as your crewmates asked Zoro all the questions they could think of. Zoro on the other hand tried to hide and fight them off. He wanted to sleep and be alone, especially after he confessed his feelings for you like this. But there was no escape. This crew is way too persistent. “What do you think about Sanji’s Dishes?” - “They are the best things I’ve ever eaten.”
“Do you really hate Sanji?” - “I’m not so sure. But I admit that he is loyal and capable.”
“What color are your underwear?” -” They are mostly black. But I’ve found one with a cute puppy on the backside.”
They just had way too much fun and later on he could retreat towards the crows nest, resting and being alone for once. This was until you climbed up and were sitting beside him.
You smiled at him as you decided to sit down. Zoro broke the silence by looking at you while speaking. “I’m wondering, why don’t you ask me anything? I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”
You looked at him, fiddling with your hands. “I have but, I don’t wanna hear them like that. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“If you wait until the effect wears off, there might be a chance that I will lie to you.”
You nodded. “You will tell me the things when the time is right. I’m sure of it. Plus I’m pretty sure, telling me like that wasn't the best way, right?”
Zoro smiled at you, and your face felt warm. “You’re right. That’s why I like you, I suppose.”
“Law, NO!” You kneeled beside him and tried to support him. “Why didn’t you use your shambles?”
He locked at you with an annoying look on his face.
“Because I was stupid. I can’t think straight when it comes to you.” He blurted out and covered his mouth with his tattooed hands. You tilted your head in confusion, like the rest of your crewmates. “W-Wha...What? Why do you say something like this?”
He tried to shut his mouth, but it was no use. “Isn’t it obvious? It means I like you.”
Again he tried to cover his mouth. He stood up and ran inside the Polar Tang, leaving your crewmates and especially you speechless. Did he just confess his feelings towards you?
“What just happened?” Penguin asked and you could hear them mumbling and rambling, until you heard Jean Bart talking. “I heard of it. This might be the power of the truth-truth-fruit. Everyone who got hit by it, needs to be absolutely honest for the next 48 hours.”
“So we just need to wait 48 hours? Doesn’t seem like a useful ability, I mean that even won’t harm people.” Shachi said with a grin but Hakugan shook his head. “I wouldn’t say it like that. Being absolutely honest, could harm people. Captain is not in the right mind to lie but he can’t stop himself from speaking as well.”
Ikkaku nodded. “Hearing the truth is not always the best. It might be pretty hurtful to hear some things. Plus it can create chaos, as you can see.” She said and was looking towards you.
As time passed, Penguin, Shachi and Bepo tried talking to Captain. But he was shutting himself inside his room. Telling them to “shut up for once, you guys annoy me sometimes” even so he didn’t mean it that way. He knew what was wrong, they told him. And he also knew that they tried to comfort him. “Please just leave me alone. I can’t control myself right now. I don’t wanna say things that might hurt you. Please leave me be at least til the effect wears off.”
“Especially Y/N?” Penguin asks and he could hear law groaning on the other side of the room. “I’d love to see her.”
“So that’s a ‘Yes, Y/N shouldn’t be near me for the next 2 days’, got it captain.”
Shachi said with a little laugh.
Of course you knew it would be better to leave him alone, but you wanted to know if he really was honest with you back there. Did he really like you? Like more than a friend perhaps? You need to know and you were sneaking towards his room. With a gentle knock on his door, you got his attention. “If that’s food, you can leave it here. I’m not that hungry right now.”
“It’s me, captain.” - “Y/N I am happy to hear your voice, but I thought we said, no visits.”
You gulped. “Yeah but I need to confirm something.”
“And what is it?”
“Do you really like me?”
It was silent for a second. “To be honest, I love you.”
You felt a blush on your cheeks. “W-Why didn’t you say so sooner?”
“Because I’m afraid that I might lose you, if I show you how I really feel. No matter if you reciprocate my feelings or not. I already lost way too many people I love.”
“Would it change anything If I would say that I love you too?”
“Y/N, leave please otherwise I can’t control myself.”
“You don’t have to be afraid. I will stand by your side and protect you no matter what.”
“That’s not the problem.”
Before you could ask him what he means by that, he shambled you right in his arms. Hugging you tightly. “If you really love me as well, how can I ever let you go?”
“L-Law” you said while stuttering. “You don’t mean it like that…right?”
He looked at me with his golden eyes and smiled softly. “I could never lie to you. Especially not now. And I really wanna kiss you right now.”
“Penguin, hey. Why did you do something stupid like that?”
You shaked his shoulders. Suddenly Penguin was looking at you and smiled. “Because I am stupidly in love with you.”
“There’s no time for jokes. You could’ve died.”
“I will die without your love.” You blinked a few times.
“Are you nuts or did you hit your head?”
“I’m completely honest there. I can’t stop it.”
While you two were arguing back and forth, Law was scanning him. “Seems like he is right. Hey Penguin, did you steal Shachi’s sandwich last night?”
Law knew Penguin did it, and this was the fastest way to confirm that he got hit by a devil fruit ability.
Shachi asked him this morning and he denied it.
“Yeah and it was the best sandwich he ever made.”
Shachi went over to him and punched him on the head. “I KNEW IT!”
“What’s going on here, Law?” You asked and Law smirked. “Seems like Penguin can’t help but tell the truth. I could try to remove this effect, but I am sure it will only last for a few hours anyways. Plus I might be interested in hearing some truthful answers. Like what happened a few months ago in the surgery room.”
He glared at Shachi and Penguin. “Like we said, captain. Nothing.” Penguin tried to speak but Shachi covered his mouth. They fought for a few minutes, til Penguin could speak freely. “We played hide & seek. And we bribed Bepo with ice cream so he wouldn’t tell you.”
Let’s say the following minutes were pretty interesting, while Shachi and Penguin got enough lectures for a whole month.
When dinner was ready you were looking at Penguin. “Say Penguin… are you really in love with me?” You had a blush on your face and even Penguin couldn’t help but blush.
“Of course I am. It’s so hard not to fall in love with you. You are so pretty and funny and I wanna shower you with all the love and praise that I could ever get you, but I want someone to punch me so hard, so I could be knocked out. I feel pretty embarrassed now to be honest. If you keep looking at me like that, I have to jump on the desk and kiss you.”
You couldn’t help but stare at him in disbelief. Your face felt hot and you couldn't comprehend everything he said. “Cringe, dude.” Shachi said and smacked him.
“Thanks Shach.” Penguin sighed while the rest of your crew snickered.
He was looking at him directly and you could see his eyes clearly. “Is it ok for you, if I jump on the desk to kiss you?” He asked and waited for an answer. The moment you nodded and he was about to jump, Law was kicking him mid air. “First of all, we want to eat in peace and not seeing you two lovebirds. Second, don’t jump and stand on a desk.” You rushed over to him and gently touched his head. “I guess you knocked him out for good, captain.” You said and were glad that he returns your feelings. And maybe you can ask him on a date whenever he wakes up again.
“Killer. Is everything ok?” He turned his head towards you and nodded while standing up. “Yeah, despite the fact I need to shit.”
It was silent for a while. “What?” you asked in disbelief. “I ate too much of this chili and now I need to shit. I wanted to go earlier but then these idiots attacked us.”
You blinked. Your captain Kid was the one who broke this weird atmosphere. “Haha Killer. Did you finally realize saying everything out loud is the best way?”
Killer looked at him. “It’s not, but I was just answering y/n question.”
Kid groaned at him. “You’re not fun at all.”
You touched his arms. “Are you really ok? You seem different right now?”
He gently held your hand and you couldn’t help but blush.
“I’m glad that I was able to protect you.”
You gulped. You were pretty sure that something was different so you decided to ask him once more.
“Why did you protect me in the first place?”
Killer tilted his head, while caressing your hand with his thumb.
“Why shouldn’t I protect the person I adore?”
“YOu … adore me?”
He nodded. "Yeah, of course." I tried many times to approach you, but I guess I was too afraid.”
Kid was yelling. “The fuck is wrong with you? Can you stop this lovey-dovey shit? That’s disturbing.”
“The only thing that’s disturbing is the way you speak Eustass.” Killer said calmly and your crew was busy enough to hold back your captain, who was about to rage.
You couldn’t help but stare at your raging captain. The only things you could hear were words, you didn’t even know til now.
“I can’t stop answering with the truth it seems.”
Killer said with a calm tone as you looked at him again.
“While I’m in this state I should probably do it now. Say, y/n, would you be interested in going on a date with me the next time we dock on an island? I would love to treat you to a nice dinner and a walk afterwards.”
While Kid screamed and yelled things like “Are you fucking kidding me? I thought your name is ‘Killer’ not ‘Vanilla Boy’ you asshole” you nodded and smiled lightly at him. “I would love to, to be honest with you.”
“I’m glad.” He said and released your hand. “If you excuse me. I really need to use the bathroom and maybe let Kid punch me after this for once.”
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dystopyx-blog · 3 months
Yandere oneshot
He held you tightly in his arms—
Not that you knew that, of course—you were out cold. 
But the man holding your unconscious figure was a large one, his intimidating figure only accentuated by the large, heavy coat he wore. His skin tone was a soft peachy color, which felt like false advertising considering his skin was most certainly not soft—no, the man’s skin was rough and weathered, just like the rest of him. He stared on with cold, dead eyes.
Except, however, when he would look down at you in his arms. His typically cold chocolate brown eyes (eyes that matched his short cropped hair) looked down at you with such warmth that you would surely melt under his gaze. 
If you were aware of it, that is. 
But no, you are still fast asleep, unaware of the man holding you in his lap as his chauffeur drives you and the man somewhere far far away from all you previously knew. 
The man would occasionally tear his attention away from you (though it was clear he would prefer not to) and gaze foreword, staring out the front window of his limo wondering when they would finally reach their final destination. When he did, his eyes would revert back to their cold, empty gleam. Then he would look back down at you in his lap and a soft sigh would escape his lips, which would always slowly form the tiniest, but most genuine, smile. 
Sometimes he would lean down further and place a chaste kiss on your forehead. Other times he would look up at his driver and bark out some order in some foreign language. 
Eventually you both arrived at your destination. The destination which, unbeknownst to you, would be your final destination. 
Not that you were in any physical danger! No, no, far from it. It was clear from the way the large man gently picked you up, moving you ever so softly from the seated position in his arms to a bridal carry, and the way he gazed at you with such warmth, such adoration, that this otherwise cold man had absolutely no intention of ever harming you. 
He carried you up pristine marble steps to the outer walls of a large mansion—which, of course, you cannot see, and which you may never see if he had his way. His chauffeur opened the large oak door and allowed the man in before starting the process to lock the several golden locks on the door. 
The large man made his way to a grande staircase and began making his way up, up, up. Eventually, at the very top, he made his way into a large room decorated with all sorts of soft and plush items. Blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, everything, blanketing the room but in a very thought out and practical way. He stopped in front of a large, canopied bed and began gently lowering you into its plush embrace. He watched as you unconsciously cuddled further into the bed and pulled the covers over you. You once again unconsciously adjusted yourself further, seemingly much to his amusement. The large man then leaned over and placed another kiss on your forehead. He whispered something in that foreign language again, then whispered softly, ”Sleep well, my angel.” 
He walked over to a large rocking chair, grabbed a book, and began reading as he waited for you to awake.
But, of course, you knew none of this, as you had been knocked out the whole time. 
OwO what’s this?
character definitely not inspired by 2p Russia you can’t prove that 
cross posted on quotev (rip)
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miam0re · 1 year
you're the Best! haha ok so, may i please request something with Blade and Breeding kink? i need that man inside me rn, like, for real XD also thank you for your kind words, this may be weird, but i consider you as a friend, really, you've been really nice with me and i aprecciate it, thank you 💞 -Dain's Wife
huuehueh sorry this took a while. Im so happy you think of me as your friend owo i hope you like this
Breeding Kink w/ Blade
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NSFW, Fem!reader, Breeding Kink, more stuff i probably missed.
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He’s always got this carnal look in his eyes when he stares at your naked body, your hole gaping and waiting for him to claim your insides. Now what is the best way to fill up a submissive little doll like you with little chance of his cum seeping out of your cunt. 
“You can bite the pillows, rip the sheets, whatever you want. But you’re not escaping this.” He chuckles wildly. Your ass is up and face down as he thrusts into you, balls smacking your body further into the bed till your moans are muffled against the fluffy pillow you’re chewing on. 
He’s pumping you full of cum, slamming his dick against that sensitive spot inside you, deliciously pressing into it till you cummed over and over again. Squeezing around his thick shaft. Every time he’d fill you with his hot seed, he’d pull out and spread your asscheeks, watching his creamy cum ooze out of your hole. Just another excuse to fuck another load into you till you can feel his cum pool in your panties for days. 
Your moans and arching back only motivated him further, seeing how eager you were to be inflated with his cum. “Once more. Just one more time.” He’d say while shuffling his dick past your spasming walls to coat your walls in his cum once again. He just can’t stop creampieing you, daydreaming about how your gorgeous body might just mother a child of his own. 
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linesonwhite · 2 months
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Zero Escape spoilers for VLR. OwO
I just had that bit of Tenmyouji's lines from the Another Time ending in my head. They're probably the one bit I remember most from VLR's spoken dialogue.
Kind of surprised I managed this on a work night - although I did do most of the line art last night, and left today for colors, haha
This one's on twitter too!
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versadies · 7 months
missing you | neuvillette x reader
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SALUTATIONS. missing you
ADDRESSED. neuvillette x gn!reader
STAMPS. a really short drabble on neuvillette being a clingy monster after being away from you despite only not seeing you for a few hours (he misses you okay :(()
CONTENT. ooc!neuvi (?), fluff/no-angst, married life
POST-SCRIPT. this is my first ever neuvillette fic!! i was very excited to try and tackle on neuvillette the moment i came back from my hiatus. he’s genuinely one of my fav fontaine characters besides navia and wriothesley so i hope i at least did well with his character >_<
LINKS. masterlist \ taglist
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Head empty, just Neuvillette, who had finished his duties from the court early and decided to wait for you — his beloved spouse for two years — near your workplace with patience and eagerness.
His eyes instantly soften when he sees you coming out from your building, causing him to automatically come up to you as though you’re a magnet to him.
He gently intertwines his fingers with yours as soon as he’s near with a soft “hello, my love,” escaping his lips, his smile growing slightly when you greet him back with that bright smile of yours that never fails to make his day.
With you, his aloof demeanor drops ever so slightly and he instantly becomes relaxed and soft with you, pulling you into his arms and giving you a loving kiss on your face; the two of you are wrapped in each other’s arms perfectly, like a completed puzzle that’s finally been solved.
Neuvillette, who holds your hand for the rest of the day as the two of you are walking your way back to your sweet home that you both shared together even before you both got married. He refuses to let go of your hand, as if he’s afraid that he’ll lose you if he did. Though it does help that you occasionally squeeze on his hand, a way of reassuring that no, he’d never lose you at all.
As soon as the two of you arrive home and close the door behind you, Neuvillette is quick to not hold back from his ambush of affection, kissing you all over your face as your laughter echoes in the house.
Your shared home is a sacred space that’s reserved for your love towards one another, where you get to be you, and he gets to be him.
Just the way you both like it.
“Let me love you,” he’d say to you before going back to kissing you more as his arms snaked around your body for an embrace that he’s been missing for the past few hours since he was working. “I want to show you how much I missed you.”
With such a deep stare that makes your legs go weak, you couldn’t help but allow your husband to do as he wishes.
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PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @ragnvdnr @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @astrequa @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd @somberrock @yevenly @lemontum @nghing @shaiah @miss-lady-witch @yashe @imkaaayy @badlywrittens @0rah-s @totallynotaraidensimp @garlicforthewin
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kisakis-boyfriend · 11 months
on my knees begging and sobbing for more freminet content
maybe afab!freminet x vampire!reader ??? owo
Freminet x vampire reader
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Author's Note: As usual, Freminet is 20+ — Woohoo more vampire HCs!! I hope you enjoy these, dear anon :D
Pairings: Freminet x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, vampire!reader, sub/bottom!Freminet, trans Freminet, consuming blood, biting, hair pulling, eating out, fluff
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Oh this little cutie...he's so so shy and timid, you truly want to eat him up
Vampires are predators, and the way that Freminet instinctually tried to escape when your sharp fangs went to pierce his skin for the first time set your own instincts in motion
Whenever you both felt a bit more playful he would take advantage of these instincts:
“Run all you like, little one. We both know who's faster~” You purred dangerously, stalking after your beloved as he turned the corner in your large abode. Running down yet another hallway with his heart pounding in his eardrums from the excitement of this little game you both liked to play. The familiar clicking of your footsteps on the wooden floors pulled his full attention behind him, though the human had no time to react as a strong hand reached out and yanked his frail body backwards by his hair
“See? I told you running was useless. What will you do now, darling?” Freminet always found your voice extra sexy when you hunted and inevitably caught him, whimpering as your breath fanned against his sensitive ears
The human grasped at your arm, begging for you to claim what was rightfully yours. “Ah! N-no please...I'm sorry...I'll let you bite me, I-I promise I'll b-be good now...” Freminet stammered, pressing back against your chest
While the young blond was fearful when you first met, he soon grew to adore you just as much as you adored him
The way you treat him gently and kindly, helping him during conversations when his social anxiety acts up, sends his heart aflutter
Freminet viewed himself as weak and even useless sometimes, but you knew that those things weren't true. You helped him speak of himself a bit more kindly, praising his efforts and ingraining positivity into his pretty little head whenever possible
The human was especially insecure about what existed in between his legs, or rather...what didn't
But, as usual, you couldn't have that. What kind of lover would you be if you let your darling think of himself so poorly?
“Oooohh~ Oh y/n... d-don't tease me like– Ah!” Freminet gasped as your lips connected with the fragile skin on his thigh again. Another bruise blooming on the surface from your harsh sucking
“Sorry, baby. I can't help it, I just love your thighs so much~” You whispered against his skin, trailing feather-soft kisses upwards until you reached the area around his entrance, giving his cunt a few kitten licks while he mewled in embarrassment
Freminet bucked into your mouth as you began licking and sucking on his sensitive pussy, lapping up the slick dripping out the longer you teased him. Using your thumb and forefinger to spread his lips apart, your tongue dipped fully inside of your lover's heat, penetrating him as a moan escaped your lips. It was a well known fact that human blood tasted delicious, or else your kind wouldn't so eagerly feed from them, but who knew that a human's other fluids could taste this good too?
“Mmm~ Angel, you are so amazing. You know that?” The compliment caught Freminet by surprise, earning a squeak of embarrassment in return while he turned his head to the side as an attempt to hide the growing blush on his freckled cheeks. The reaction caused you to chuckle, swiftly returning to devouring the adorable man's pussy, using your fingers to pinch and rub at the puffy clit just above his entrance. Your tongue continued exploring the wet hole long after Freminet had cum, graciously tasting every drop that he provided for you, even as painfully pleasant overstimulation kicked in
Human blood is similar to any food or drink that they would consume; everyone has their own distinct flavor profile, even amongst the same blood type
Freminet's blood is crisp, refreshing, and slightly cooler than most humans' tend to be (perhaps due to his cryo affinity?)
Though he is a more timid individual, he oh so enjoys your feeding sessions. Sometimes he even begs you to bite down or suck harder, clawing at your back and leaving angry red scratches on your skin
The aphrodisiac that vampires inject with their bite turns Freminet into the most adorable whimpering mess, begging to take your cock as if he needs it to survive
And you happily give into his desires~
If Freminet begs you to pound him against the wall or bend him over something, you do just that
If Freminet begs you to fill his cunt with cum until it's gushing out around your dick, you do just that
If Freminet begs you to pull his hair, slap him, spank him, or spit on/in him, you do just that
Your human is just too precious. You're always trying to indulge in his kinky requests, eager to be a good master for the boy
Especially because, after it's all over, you're the one who gets to soothe him. Singing his praises while you caress his darling little body, kissing him breathless while his pretty blue eyes flutter closed, falling into a content deep sleep
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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earthnashes · 1 year
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"By the moon we glide under, I despise you, Detective," Demona hisses, hefting the woman up by the wrists as if she weighed nothing. She yanks her close and bares her teeth in clear threat.
"Thank whatever gods you pray to I value my daughter's wishes. Otherwise, you'd be gutted like a fish by now."  
"Yet after all this time I'm still here. Alive... with barely a scratch on me. Angela has nothing to do with that, now does she?" Elisa hums, and Demona visibly bristles. The gargoyle can strike fear in the hearts of the coldest opponents-- has done so countless times in her pseudo immortal life-- but the detective was never among them.
The oddity of a human meets her piercing eyes without flinching. She does nothing to try and escape her grasp, simply allows herself to hang. By all accounts, helpless, but she looks as smug as she's ever been, trying (and failing) to hide the smirk curling across her lips.  
"If I didn't know any better, Demona," Elisa purrs, her voice is dripping with amusement, "I'd think you liked me-"
Haha whoops. :)
So I legit wasn’t gonna post this outside my patreon yet because I still have no concrete ideas, but I’m pretty proud of how it came out honestly. So here ya go. owo
I wanna do a Gargoyles AU, but like I said, no concrete ideas yet, largely because I need to rewatch the show (it’s been years since I’ve last seen it). But the basic idea I have so far explores the possibility of Demona’s redemption. One that is rocky and hard, but from what I remember she actually has the capacity to be redeemed, if she let her pride and anger go for literally like, three seconds.
As such this takes place after a piece I’m currently working on, so that one should give some more context. Until then though, enjoy a grumpy Demona and a smug, kinda flirty Elisa. uwu
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anystalker707 · 2 months
a treat for a treat
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gn, afab] Reader Summary: Reader is a little insecure about the weight they've been gaining from being pampered by Sanji, but he makes sure his lover feels loved Tags: ☆ transmasc friendly / ☆ chubby reader / loving and sweet / eating out (reader receiving) / thigh fucking / tummy, thighs, ass squeezing / mention of chest, cunt and pussy, but still gender neutral
Requested by @faglegsanji ["hiiii!! would you be open to write sanji x ftm!reader who is chubby (from enjoying all the treat sanji makes for him) and insecure about it? with some soft nsfw body worship and lots of sweet talk and nicknames? thank you!!! (owo)/~"]
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          Sanji always made too much food, and how could you possibly not eat some of everything he prepared? It was torture, in a good sense. Moreover, Sanji had certainly been preparing more food after noticing your love for his work—you’d absentmindedly mention certain food when talking with the others and have it in front of you within minutes.
Your reflection seemed a little more pudgy as you stood in front of the body mirror while changing into more comfortable clothes for the day, noticing how your shirt clung to your skin more than usual. Damn Sanji. 
“Mon amour,” Sanji called in that sweet voice, twirling as he walked in and made his way over to you with a tray in hand, with what looked like a glass of juice on top of it. “For the prettiest one, ever.” He lowered the tray in front of you, making your heart flutter at the same time you groaned.
“Sanji… I swear,” you breathed, taking the glass.
“What, cœur? That you love me?”
The words you died on your tongue as you scoffed and shook your head before taking a sip of the juice. It was heavenly, as always. “You’re— Nngh, what are you doing to me? I’m getting all chubby,” you mumbled with a sigh, and your cheeks grew warm when Sanji chuckled lightheartedly, setting the tray on the desk.
“Mhm, and what’s so bad about it? It means you’re eating well,” Sanji said as he moved to stand behind you, placing his hands on your hips. “That I’m taking care of you very well,” he whispered and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, ignoring how you glared at him, cheeks red. “You’re shaped like a deity, mon amour, absolutely celestial, I don’t see what you’re complaining about.”
A sigh escaped your lips, and you put the now-empty glass aside, furrowing your eyebrows at Sanji. “I don’t know. Some clothes aren’t even fitting anymore!”
“C'est malheureux!” Sanji said with phony sadness while walking around you and cupping your cheeks so that he could pepper your face with kisses, compelling your heart to flutter. His goatee and mustache tickled your skin, but you were somewhat used to it already. “Then we might as well just buy you new clothes, miel, ones that suit you well, comfortable ones,” he said simply. “I would love to go with you buy new clothes and help you choose what looks better on you.” His hands landed on your waist as he leaned in, kissing your cheek, almost kissing down your neck, while your hands met his shoulders.
“No, but… Sanji, I shouldn’t be gaining weight…” It sounded like a small whine, almost muffled by the love that Sanji smothered you with.
Sanji scoffed lightly, confusion lacing his features. “Well, I don’t see any bad in it. You’re enjoying good food, you’re exercising, since we are always on the run, you’re healthy… Then what’s there to worry about? You’re still looking as beautiful as ever if that’s what you might be wondering. I love you no matter what, so you shouldn’t worry about it as well,” he said casually.
Sanji’s lips pressed to yours in a soft kiss before you could say anything else, making the words escape your grasp, replaced by his tender love. “I love every single curve, mon chou,” Sanji whispered against your lips, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist as he trailed kisses down the side of your neck. “Can I show you? I want to kiss every inch of you, mon ange,” he said, dropping sweet words between kisses as he held you close to himself. His hands trailed down lower, grasping the fat of your ass to pull you even closer, pressing your body flush against him. 
Sanji knew how to make you melt so easily that it was almost shameful, snatching soft little sounds from you while he covered your skin with kisses. “I need you, mon amour. May I? Please?” He pulled away just enough to look you in the eyes, with such an enamored gaze…
Everything Sanji did to you was laced with love, from how he looked at you to how his hands slid along your body while removing your clothes. Adoration dripped from Sanji’s touches when he groped your tummy, thighs, chest, ass, appreciating every curve, wordlessly demonstrating his care and affection for every inch of you.
Sanji only took his clothes off because he knew you enjoyed the sight of his body, the feel of touching his body, it is. Otherwise, he would’ve kept his clothes on because the spotlight belonged to you and only you for the time being. His hands settled on your hips, gently compelling you to step back until the bed hit the back of your legs, and he let go of you so that he could guide you over the mattress, climbing on top of you.
Your back had barely hit the mattress, and Sanji’s lips were already all over your chest, kissing over wherever he could while his hands held firmly onto your waist, facial hair tickling your skin. He cherished the skin with loving kisses that intercalated with nipping and love bites, leaving faint marks on your body as he descended, slowly.
The kisses on your chest sent shivers down your spine, contributing to the feeling stirring in your lower stomach and tingling between your legs, making you squirm under him. Sanji’s focus was unwavering, the pleasure continued despite how your fingers tangled with his hair or sank into his shoulder—his lips kept latched around your nipple, tracing and sucking on it as he slowly adjusted himself between your legs. Sparkles ran down your body when Sanji’s teeth sank into your nipple lightly, almost making the throbbing between your legs unbearable.
“Sanji,” you gasped in a whiny moan.
“Mon chou, you’re irrésistible,” he moaned in response, nuzzling the middle of your chest before his lips trailed lower, holding eye contact for a few seconds.
Sanji wanted to do a lot of things at once, please you in every way he was able to, hence he could barely organize his thoughts. He kissed your tummy softly, sometimes nipping on the soft skin, just because he loved how you squirmed whenever he did so. Still, Sanji was surprised with the way you reacted when he nipped on your hip, his hands holding your thighs firmly to prevent you from squirming—or at least trying to.
“You’re so sensitive, mon amour.” Sanji’s breath tickled your skin. “Has it really been that long since I last touched you like this?” He pressed his face to your skin, pampering it with kisses and nipping as he adjusted your thighs over his shoulders. His fingers sank into the plump skin, holding it tightly, as his lips trailed soft kisses along your inner thigh. His eyes locked on your pussy, and the fact you were so aroused, so wet, all for him made Sanji’s cock twitch painfully against the mattress. This wasn’t about him, either way.
Sanji’s eyes looked for yours, but he soon gave up, more satisfied that you were too lost in the haze of the moment to bring yourself to look down at him. He watched your knuckles turn white around the bedsheets while his kisses and nips got closer to the pool of arousal between your legs, holding onto your trembling thighs firmly.
A moan spilled from your lips as soon as Sanji’s tongue dipped between your folds, testing your wetness, tasting you, just experimentally at first, testing the pace he’d need to take things so that it’d last. Not to mention how he’d need to balance it with his own hunger.
The feeling of Sanji’s warm tongue running from your entrance to your clit and then down again was more than enough to have you arching your back deliciously, slowly getting used to the pleasure that Sanji gave you. His tongue was skilled, knowing all your sensitive spots already. Sanji was a good lover—he’d always made sure to learn whatever gave you pleasure, ever since you two got together, and he never failed.
The very same hunger from the beginning was still present whenever he pleasured you, no matter how many times he’d done that. Desire seeped from Sanji’s motions as he mouthed at your pussy, licking and drinking up the arousal that’d pooled there from all the foreplay. He hummed softly, feeling your pussy throb under his lips, motivating him to keep going.
“Mmph, mon amour,” Sanji intended to say, but it all came out as muffled nonsense that only heightened your pleasure because of the vibrations against your cunt.
Sanji’s name left your lips in a breathy moan while your thighs shook, and you really hadn’t been able to do much at the same time you received such a treatment. Thoughts escaped your grasp, clouded by the pleasure, making you forget what you were doing standing in front of the mirror earlier, looking at yourself with such indignation that now didn’t even make sense.
Your clit was swollen under Sanji’s tongue as it pressed flat against the nub before tracing it, giving attention to all the right spots that compelled your thighs to sandwich Sanji’s face, ankles locked behind his back. If anything, he loved every second of it, closing his eyes in delight once he started sucking on your clit.
Every nip, kiss, suck and lick felt measured to please you just the way Sanji intended to, with nothing by chance. He kept you on the edge of a growing bliss, fingers sinking into the fat of your thighs to keep you in place so that he could mouth at your pussy hungrily. He nipped on the outer labia to give you a break, but it felt like nothing, soon with his lips sealed around your clit again before his tongue was pushing into your entrance.
“Nngh, San— J-Ji—” You could barely say it through the gasp that escaped your throat with a louder moan. Your back arched against the mattress, and you really couldn’t keep yourself from rocking your hips against his mouth for more friction. A certain tension was starting to bubble in your lower stomach, fueling the urgency you felt. Your fingers hooked in Sanji’s hair, tugging at the blonde strands, and he moaned against your cunt again, mouthing at it with more enthusiasm.
Sanji’s tongue worked against your clit in an almost overwhelming way, compelling your legs to twitch as your eyes rolled back, and your vision nearly went blank before his attention went back to your entrance. A muffled sound came from Sanji as he ran his tongue flat against your entrance before fucking you with his tongue, nose pressing against your clit, moaning when his hair was tugged again—the pain just managed to make his cock twitch, aching for more. His hands ran up and down your thighs before going upwards to hold onto your hips, squeezing the plump skin that he loved so much.
Fighting the urge to pull Sanji closer was impossible, but he didn’t seem to mind as you did it, tugging on his hair and pressing his face more to your pussy when your orgasm hit you. Your eyes pressed shut as your thighs quivered, sandwiching Sanji’s head, and he kept feasting on you happily, his hold on your hips tight enough to leave behind red marks, but he really needed to keep you in place while drinking up your release and making it last for as long as possible.
The mess was the least of Sanji’s worries about pleasing you; his soaked mustache and goatee, the mix of cum and spit that trailed down his chin and smeared around his lips, all of that was meaningless as he sucked on your clit until you were on the edge of overstimulation.
Your legs had gone limp when Sanji pulled away, gently letting the rest on the mattress so that he could sit up, rolling his shoulders and moving his jaw from side to side as he did so. The sight of your blissful face was like heaven for him, in a way he needed to take a while to observe and drink in every detail of your expression and of your body, from head and down.
Nonetheless, Sanji still had an aching problem between his legs to be taken care of, and he couldn’t expect it just to go away, nor could he force anything upon your overwhelmed form. He groaned as he looked down, observing your thighs before he held your legs together, an arm hooked under your knees.
“Tu es divine, mon amour,” Sanji moaned, biting his lip. The slick that coated your legs was just enough for his cock to slip smoothly between your inner thighs, and he couldn’t help but groan. Your eyes met his, with pleasure still hazy in your gaze, and he felt his cock twitch, hopelessly cumming across your tummy, some of his cum smearing between your thighs. He had come so fast, barely touched, and he felt the shame burning inside his chest—he moved and leaned in to pepper soft kisses across your face and down your neck, hoping to redeem himself. “Sorry, mon ange, I—”
Sanji’s words were replaced by a hum when your lips pressed to his, your hands cupping his cheeks, and he slowly melted into the kiss. “Give me more, Sanji, please,” you mumbled between kisses, and all he could do was nod.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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AAAND I FINALLY FINISHED THE 2ND CHAPTER OF ESCAPE OUT OF NOWHERE SDFJSGLDFGKDGLDFGK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hopefully y all enjoy to read em and...see ya on the next chapter owo d you can read the 1st chapter here btw CHAPTER 1
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