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mortifiedandawesome · 1 month ago
Everything Right Is Wrong Again
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sy666th · 9 months ago
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A very good saturday in Rome: the Italian Pride, and a Ghost cover band.
What else?
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I used to watch a lot of insanity videos and just remembered how much I love this monster 🎶
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john-gosh-darnielle · 9 months ago
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I waited so long
and now I taste jasmine on my tongue
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larkral · 2 years ago
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Heyo!!! You know that feeling when you're blocked on writing something but you don't realize that's what's happening because you had another brilliant idea and LIFE is happening all around you? Turns out I was actually a bit blocked on the Simon's Mums AU, which is partially why I've been going so hard on Holsom Timeloop. Learned this when I went to write some Simon's Mums yesterday so that I'd have something to show y'all.
Being blocked, for me, looks like this: I have an idea of what happens next and I've tried to write it a half dozen times and nothing is working. The resolution usually comes when the thing that happens next is totally different from what I anticipated. In this case, I was thinking the mums needed to meet Mitali. I have Google mapsed the route between Harrow (where the mums and Simon live) and Hounslow SO MANY TIMES, you cannot even comprehend it, given I have written and deleted one sentence for this section over a dozen times.
Anyway, turns out the mums are going to meet Malcolm. 🤷 Whatever, it's working for me. This is like eleven sentences because I just am, I?
Malcolm Grimm may as well be an eponym. He is sour-faced and stoic as I cross the room to meet him and he doesn't stand to greet me. He asked to meet me at his London club, and it's the kind of regressive place that calls women "Mrs. Husband's Name" and will only forgive me my slacks by virtue of the fact that I have my court collar laid overtop of my oxford.
I don't offer my hand this time. Instead I sit down across from him and reach for my water. I take a sip.
"Ms. Stephenson."
"Mr. Grimm."
He makes a face like he's terribly constipated, like he's smelling something he's disgusted by but has to pretend to enjoy. "I was moved," he says, finally. "By what you said."
Tags and also Holsom time loop under the cut.
Holsom time loop, now coming in at nearly 28k words, i.e. more than twice as long as Simon's Mums AU. Again I cannot overstate how much I LOVE writing this. It is very fun.
Have some sleepy kissing:
Holster descends, lips seeking out Justin's. He doesn't support himself over Justin, just lets the weight of his body press into him, and fuck, it's good—being smaller, being a little bit out of control.
He groans into Holster's mouth and leans up, seeking more contact, more pressure, more of the slide of Adam's tongue against his own.
But Holster is pulling away. Justin feels wanton under his gaze, syrupy and stuck, like he's let too much of the lovey-dovey goop inside of him leak out where his hands are still holding on to Holster's waist.
"You have hella sexy morning eyes, Rans."
Thanks for the tag @forabeatofadrum, and everyone else who tagged me the past few weeks. And I'm tagging @stitchyqueer @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb @ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @petedavidsonscock @takitalks @artsyunderstudy @yeonjunenby @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars @nausikaaa @nightimedreamersworld  @chen-chen-chen-again-chen  @ionlydrinkhotwater @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @shrekgogurt  @palimpsessed @fatalfangirl @blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @orange-peony @j-nipper-95 @whogaveyoupermission @wellbelesbian @rimeswithpurple
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kylieforeverandever · 2 years ago
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Confide In Me ▪︎ Surrender ▪︎ If I Was Your Lover ▪︎ Where Is The Feeling? ▪︎ Put Yourself In My Place ��︎ Dangerous Game ▪︎ Automatic Love ▪︎ Where Has The Love Gone? ▪︎ Falling ▪︎ Love Will Pass You By
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drondskaath · 1 year ago
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Br​ü​nndl | Br​ü​nndl | 2024
Italian Pagan Black Metal
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kryptoniteandcatnip · 1 year ago
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86x 😳🫢🫠
I’m nothing if not predictable ✨🖤✨🙌🤭🤘
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theceilingunlimited · 2 years ago
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ranticlesandorangejuice · 4 months ago
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swampflix · 4 months ago
New Orleans Film Fest 2024: Documentary Round-Up
Normally, when I scan the New Orleans Film Fest line-up for titles I might be interested in, I rely heavily on the “Narrative Features” filter on their lineup.  This year, I only caught a couple narrative films in-person at the festival: the Zambian funeral drama On Becoming a Guinea Fowl and the Australian stop-motion comedy Memoir of a Snail.  Most of my NOFF selections were filed under the…
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peripheryaghast · 1 year ago
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viniche · 7 months ago
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Hehe preeeemo
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bricedavismedia · 1 year ago
Dame Dash Reveals Kanye West Trolls Fashion
Dame Dash Says Kanye West's crackhead fashion is a troll while on Willie D's "Eponymous" podcast. He also goes in depth with Kanye's mental state and how it affects him.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/bricedavis Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bricedavismedia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bricedavismedia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BriceDavisMedia Website: https://www.TheBriceDavis.com
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This is great! I had a quick look on the Wikipedia lists (A-K, L-Z) and one that made me laugh was sideburns!
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Yep. Can easily see why he lent his surname to the Victorian facial hair craze
From the blog of K. J. Charles dated 19th April 2024, copy-pasted for Tumblr history nerds and historical fiction writers.
A quickie blog post today, inspired by Benjamin Dreyer’s entertaining rant on the distinction between eponymous and titular (it’s in footnote 1 for a clearer explanation than I am inclined/able to provide), and also by the fact that one of these sneaky little bastards nearly got me in a recent book.
So. An eponym is simply a word taken from a person’s name. Obamacare is an eponym, so is Reaganomics. If you hoover your carpets, the verb comes from the eponymous brand of vacuum cleaner. (We do not use the capital letter, no matter what the Hoover corporation may think: that ship has sailed, as demonstrated by the fact that I hoover with a Dyson.)
If you write historical novels, eponyms are one of those damn things. They tend to be extremely and usefully specific in meaning, but they are also extremely specific in dates, meaning you can’t rely on the old “well it was probably around for decades before it made it into the dictionary” line.
Here for your advisory is an incomplete list of eponyms that may trip you up, depending on period.
Boycott: The name comes from 1880 (Ireland, Charles Boycott, a shitty land agent who was socially and economically ostracised). The practice is older: there was a widespread boycott in the UK of slavery-produced sugar starting in 1791, during which sales plummeted by something like 40%. It is totally historically plausible to have a consumer or personal boycott in your Georgian or Regency novel, but you can’t call it a boycott for several decades more.
Chauvinist: Named for a French vaudeville character. Meaning ‘blinkered nationalist’ it dates from 1840; you can’t use it for a male pig until 1960.
Fedora: The hat beloved of men who spend too long on the internet getting angry about Star Wars sequels actually used to be a symbol of female liberation and cross dressing. Comes from the 1887 play Fédora starring Sarah Bernhardt.
Fuchsia: You will be able to spell this if you remember it’s an eponym for Mr Fuchs. The flowers are so named in the UK in the 1750s, the colour not till the 1920s. Do not put your Regency heroine in fuchsia, is what I mean.
Maverick: Supposedly from a US cattle owner, Samuel Maverick, who let his calves run wild. 1880s US at the very earliest, more probably 1930s. Yes, that is irritating.
Mesmeric: He may have compelling eyes but they ain’t mesmeric before the 1860s. The hypnotist Mesmer flourished in the late 1700s, giving us mesmerism (hypnosis); mesmerise wasn’t a verb till the end of the Regency, and even then it still meant ‘to put into a hypnotic trance’.
Sadistic: Marquis de Sade, as you already know, but NB that sadist/sadistic aren’t in general use till the 1890s or so when sexology got going, along with masochism (also an eponym).
Sandwich: 1762 since you ask.
Silhouette: The outline picture is named for French finance minister Etienne de Silhouette. Used in France from 1760. However, despite there being a craze for silhouettes in England, the actual word didn’t come here till the mid 1820s, which is sodding annoying if your novel about a silhouette cutter happens to be set in 1819 I’M JUST SAYING.
Sweet Fanny Adams: This UK usage originally referring to something no good, now often used as an alternative to ‘sweet FA/fuck all’, came in from 1869 and cannot be used before 1867. You really don’t want to know where it comes from but here if you must (be warned, it’s genuinely grim). (My note: tw for CSA and child murder.)
Thug: Originally from India. Used to describe the Thuggee (as Brits then called it) sect from 1810. Didn’t become generalised to all violent lowlifes till 1839. You can’t be assaulted by thugs in a Regency unless they are actually Thugs.
Trilby: Another hat your Regency gentleman can’t wear. Comes from George du Maurier’s mega hit Trilby published 1894, which also gave us svengali (the name of the baddie in the book).
Feel free to add to this in the comments, there’s always something!
Death in the Spires, my Oxford-set historical murder mystery, is out now. The silhouette book, The Duke at Hazard, publishes in July.
End c+p.
KJ Charles is one of my absolute favourite writers in the world and the contemporary star in the crown of the MM historical romance genre. Her blog is also worthy of following because she reads incredibly widely and diversely and posts book recommendations as well as good advice about writing.
Re: Dreyer's rant, I am absolutely a prescriptivist, and if you use the word "nonplussed" in that unholy way I'm blocking you. We colonized folk of the former Raj didn't learn the intricacies of this cussed language for you to change meanings on a dime because you couldn't be bothered to crack open a dictionary.
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profanepurity · 7 months ago
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Some of y'all seemed to really like Alpha with a ritual blade, so I doodled this lol. Primo always gives the ghouls little 'reminders' before rituals.
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