#Environmental Education for Sustainable Development
todayworldnews2k21 · 58 minutes
Rajasthan lags behind in women empowerment and economic measures | Data
Rajasthan election campaign: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot during public meeting for the upcoming assembly elections, in Jaipur, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. The Rajasthan Assembly elections are scheduled to take place on November 25. A comparison of the economic, social, and environmental indicators of the poll-bound State with the indicators of other States shows that Rajasthan improved its…
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townpostin · 2 months
Ritu Raj Sinha and School Principals Address Traffic Congestion in Jamshedpur
Tata Steel UISL’s Managing Director and school principals in Jamshedpur discussed measures to tackle traffic congestion during school hours. Ritu Raj Sinha, the Managing Director of Tata Steel UISL, met with principals of several Jamshedpur schools to address traffic congestion during school hours. The meeting included senior leaders from Tata Steel UISL and the Chief of Corporate…
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lloydlawcollege · 4 months
Environment Law Centre
The Environmental Law Center (ELC) at Lloyd Law College, led by Ms. Chhaya, focuses on raising awareness about environmental degradation and sustainable development in Greater Noida - NCR-Delhi. This youth-led initiative educates and unites students, lawyers, and activists to address local and global environmental challenges. ELC contributes to policy-making, collaborates with the UN, and promotes "thinking globally, acting locally" to foster environmental awareness and action.
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internetadmedia · 2 years
Remembering the Legacy of Mario Molina: The Environmental Scientist Who Changed the World
Mario Molina is a Mexican chemist who is widely recognized for his work on the effects of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) on the Earth’s ozone layer. He was born in Mexico City on March 19, 1943, and passed away on October 7, 2020. Molina’s scientific contributions and advocacy for environmental protection have earned him numerous awards and accolades, including the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in…
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Cody Two Bears, a member of the Sioux tribe in North Dakota, founded Indigenized Energy, a native-led energy company with a unique mission — installing solar farms for tribal nations in the United States.
This initiative arises from the historical reliance of Native Americans on the U.S. government for power, a paradigm that is gradually shifting.
The spark for Two Bears' vision ignited during the Standing Rock protests in 2016, where he witnessed the arrest of a fellow protester during efforts to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on sacred tribal land.
Disturbed by the status quo, Two Bears decided to channel his activism into action and create tangible change.
His company, Indigenized Energy, addresses a critical issue faced by many reservations: poverty and lack of access to basic power.
Reservations are among the poorest communities in the country, and in some, like the Navajo Nation, many homes lack electricity.
Even in regions where the land has been exploited for coal and uranium, residents face obstacles to accessing power.
Renewable energy, specifically solar power, is a beacon of hope for tribes seeking to overcome these challenges.
Not only does it present an environmentally sustainable option, but it has become the most cost-effective form of energy globally, thanks in part to incentives like the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Tribal nations can receive tax subsidies of up to 30% for solar and wind farms, along with grants for electrification, climate resiliency, and energy generation.
And Indigenized Energy is not focused solely on installing solar farms — it also emphasizes community empowerment through education and skill development.
In collaboration with organizations like Red Cloud Renewable, efforts are underway to train Indigenous tribal members for jobs in the renewable energy sector.
The program provides free training to individuals, with a focus on solar installation skills.
Graduates, ranging from late teens to late 50s, receive pre-apprenticeship certification, and the organization is planning to launch additional programs to support graduates with career services such as resume building and interview coaching...
The adoption of solar power by Native communities signifies progress toward sustainable development, cultural preservation, and economic self-determination, contributing to a more equitable and environmentally conscious future.
These initiatives are part of a broader movement toward "energy sovereignty," wherein tribes strive to have control over their own power sources.
This movement represents not only an economic opportunity and a source of jobs for these communities but also a means of reclaiming control over their land and resources, signifying a departure from historical exploitation and an embrace of sustainable practices deeply rooted in Indigenous cultures."
-via Good Good Good, December 10, 2023
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lucubratemagazine · 2 years
Sustainable enterprise as a global trend
The environment is crucial to human life; it provides clean air, water and land. It also helps us maintain a healthy ecosystem. Therefore, businesses should respect and care for the natural world.
Lucubrate Magazine, January 11th, 2023 Many people love to live in nature, but human actions may damage the natural environment. Human activity has led to significant changes in many wilderness areas and has caused damage to forests, seas and other regions previously protected from human exploitation. However, humans have also shown compassion and ingenuity by finding ways to co-exist with…
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greenfue · 2 years
Dr.Tarek Kapiel: The Relationship between Environmental Education, Raising Public Awareness, and Achieving Sustainable Development in Egypt
Dr.Tarek Kapiel: The Relationship between Environmental Education, Raising Public Awareness, and Achieving Sustainable Development in Egypt
It was clear that the current development strategies are not sustainable and harm the environment, and that the main factor affecting the environment is man. Raising children’s awareness is the main way to educate the public. Given that education and training are key to raising public awareness, they are also keys to achieving sustainability. The latest research shows that raising public…
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educationmundo · 2 years
Teach green and put environmental issues at the heart of school life
Teaching green and promoting environmentalism in schools can have numerous benefits for both students and the wider community. Not only can it help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet...
Teaching green and promoting environmentalism in schools can have numerous benefits for both students and the wider community. Not only can it help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the planet, but it can also foster a sense of responsibility and encourage students to make more sustainable choices in their daily lives. Here are a few ways that schools can incorporate green…
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cleopattes · 2 years
Remplacer par rien du tout!
Avant-propos : les opinions avancées dans ce texte n’engagent que son auteur. Son but n’est pas de culpabiliser, de moraliser ou de susciter ce genre de perception négative, mais au contraire de provoquer un débat quant au sens que l’on peut donner à la notion de développement durable versus la consommation individuelle de biens manufacturés. Vos commentaires seront appréciés!
Je lisais dernièrement le livre « SOS Planète Terre », sous-titré « Des voix s’élèvent pour un monde meilleur ». Le programme est noble et définitivement bienveillant. Une bonne vingtaine de figures connues y témoignent de leur engagement à participer à la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Citons par exemple Marc Benioff, Al Gore, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, ou encore Barack Obama et des personnalités des arts et du spectacle, sans oublier Greta voguant sur le voilier carboneutre du prince de Monaco. D’aucuns trouveront leurs propos allant dans la bonne direction, même s’ils finissent par être redondants. Les intentions sont excellentes, mais peut-être que certains ont tendance à « prêcher pour leur paroisse ».
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Ce qui me chicotte le plus dans cet ouvrage, ainsi que dans le discours mondial ambiant voulant concilier environnement et économie, c’est l’obligation qu’on doive toujours générer de la sacro-sainte croissance, il faudrait donc que la somme des valeurs ajoutées des productions aille indéfiniment en augmentation d’année en année. Mais semble-t-il que ce serait « ben correct », tant qu’on respecte la notion de « zéro émission nette »… Sachez toutefois que le « overshoot day », jour de l’année auquel l’humanité a utilisé toutes les ressources naturelles que la terre peut regénérer en un an a été fixé au 29 juillet en 2021 (à comparer au 25 décembre en 1971, on les aimait nos gros V8 à carburateurs en ce temps-là!). Si tous les terriens consommaient au même rythme que les habitants des É-U, cela ne nous prendrait pas moins de 5 planètes pour soutenir le rythme (liens : World Economic Forum, Earth Overshoot Day). Vite vite vite, je garroche aux vidanges mon téléphone à seulement 4 cameras pour en acheter un autre qui en a 5 ou 6! C’est comme si l’on vivait sur du temps emprunté, pas l’fun comme sentiment.
Le sujet de la diminution de la consommation de biens manufacturés de tout un chacun pour enrayer la prédation des ressources naturelles est (encore) tabou, nonobstant il évolue vers la thématique de la « consommation éco-responsable », ce qui représente un pas nécessaire. En 2022, aucun ministre de l’économie ne montera sur une tribune en déclarant « Vive la décroissance », surtout dans une perspective électorale! En 2023 non plus.               
Oui, limiter les émissions de GES pour que toutes les énergies soient renouvelables fait définitivement partie de la solution. Toutefois, si cela passe par un processus d’extraction d’autres matières minières ou naturelles, on contribue encore et toujours à l’épuisement des ressources (l’éolienne qui siffle au-dessus de nos têtes, il faut la concevoir et la fabriquer!), sans oublier que les technologies dites « vertes » peuvent s’avérer gourmandes en métaux et électricité.
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Vous me voyez enfin venir avec le titre de la chronique! Personnellement, je suis heureux avec 2 caméras sur mon cell (c’est de l’humour). N’étant pas plus vertueux qu’un autre, je me suis interrogé du comment je pourrais contribuer à cet effort pour participer bien modestement à un futur un peu plus durable, dans mon arrière-cour. Je ne suis pas un modèle et je ne donne aucune leçon à quiconque. Les solutions proviennent certes des grandes corporations, des gouvernements agissant de manière concertée, mais surtout à la base des citoyens pour qui un effort envers Mère Nature ne représente pas une renonciation importante. Je vous partage ainsi deux exemples personnels concrets :
Étant en télétravail en temps normal (merci à mon employeur), je me suis séparé de mon véhicule, sans le remplacer, sachant qu’en s’organisant bien, on peut vivre en banlieue avec un seul véhicule (oui, je le sais, cela ne s’applique pas à toutes et à tous). Pour l’instant je suis confortable avec ma décision;
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« On s’est aimé comme on se quitte », pour paraphraser la chanson
La piscine hors-sol : c’est quand même proche de 30 tonnes d’eau que l’on entretient avec des produits chimiques, pour une utilisation moins fréquente que l’on souhaiterait, les ados ne s’y intéressent plus. Poser la question de son utilité, c’est y répondre. Il devient donc logique de s’en départir. Un nouveau beau jardin, ensoleillé celui-là, va la remplacer dès le printemps prochain! 🌞 J’ai hâte de goûter aux tomates.
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À la suite du démontage de la piscine, le sable a été enlevé (un peu de terrassement quand même…), cela représente plusieurs verges-cubes.
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C’est toujours incroyable comme un tas de feuilles mortes peut se compacter de lui-même en s’autodigérant, mais il est important de mélanger le tout avec de la terre ou compost déjà existant au sortir de l’hiver.
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Finalement, ce sont des choix avec peu d’impacts personnels qui ne changent pas grand-chose à notre qualité de vie familiale et, une fois multipliés peuvent produire une réelle différence. Ayons à l’esprit ces évidences à l’allure de truismes, la meilleure énergie est celle que l’on ne produit jamais, la meilleure automobile demeure celle non-fabriquée qui n’encombrera pas les routes, et le meilleur déchet, c’est celui que l’on ne génère pas (En as-tu besoin de ce cossin?). D’où l’idée corolaire ultime de remplacer par rien pantoute! Je le concède, ce n’est pas facile quand on a toujours été habitué à penser autrement.
Concluons cette conclusion, non pas par les propos de son auteur dans son sous-sol de la rive-sud de Montréal, mais par ceux du très excellent journaliste économique de Radio Canada, Gérald Fillion :
« Ensuite, il faut bien le dire : fondamentalement, rien, mais absolument rien n’est fait pour changer, modifier, réévaluer nos choix de consommation malgré l’urgence climatique de notre époque. Alors que la dernière conférence sur le climat, la COP27, s’est terminée sur un résultat sans grandes ambitions, une fois de plus, il n’y a rien dans l’espace public et surtout dans le discours politique qui nous appelle à faire d’autres choix de consommation, plus écologiques, moins destructeurs pour l’environnement… […] Les gouvernements misent essentiellement sur la technologie pour affronter le défi climatique. Pas de nouvelles cibles de réduction, pas de décisions exigeantes, et des émissions de gaz à effet de serre qui continuent de monter, alors qu’elles devraient déjà être en chute libre pour espérer atteindre la cible de 2030 et limiter le réchauffement, déjà catastrophique, du climat à 1,5 degré Celsius. »
Quoi d’autre à ajouter?
Crédits photos : photo de la couverture du livre « SOS Planète Terre » prise par l'appareil téléphonique de l'auteur (Thierry Lagrange), éoliennes, clichés personnels de l'auteur réalisés lors des travaux
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sunsblogs · 1 year
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Functional medicine is a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Rather than simply treating symptoms, functional medicine practitioners aim to uncover underlying imbalances or dysfunctions that contribute to disease. By addressing the root cause of disease, functional medicine can provide more effective and sustainable solutions for patients. This approach recognizes that each symptom or differential diagnosis may be part of a larger, more complex pattern of dysfunction and aims to address the underlying causes of these patterns. Another basic principle of functional medicine is personalized medicine. This approach recognizes that each individual has unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that contribute to their overall health and well-being. By taking a personalized approach to care, functional medicine practitioners can tailor treatment plans to each patient's specific needs and goals. This may include nutritional guidance, supplements, health coaching, and other interventions that address the individual's unique needs and challenges. By treating each patient as an individual, functional medicine can provide more targeted and effective care. Functional medicine also places a strong emphasis on patient empowerment and education.  By providing patients with the information and tools they need to take control of their own health, functional medicine practitioners can help patients achieve long-term health and wellness. This may include nutrition education, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, and other strategies to improve overall health and well-being. By enabling patients to take an active role in their own health, functional medicine can help develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for one's own well-being, leading to better health outcomes and improved quality of life.
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via launching or joining a tech startup, focused on innovative technologies or disruptive business model, via work in community organization or activism, via work in digital marketing or social media management, via providing consulting services to businesses or organizations, advising them on innovation strategies, product development or new market exploration, via work in crowdfunding or fundraising. You feel abundant when you align with social causes, focus on group dynamics and embrace innovation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in investment management, focusing on building and managing portfolios that provide stable returns, via art colleting, dealing or curation focusing on pieces that have enduring value, via work in interior design, via work in hospitality management (in luxury hotels, resorts or event planning). You feel abundant when you embrace sustainable and ethical practices, when you practice patience and persistence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via engaging in activism, advocacy work, via work in public relations, graphic design, via creative writing, screenwriting, content creation, teaching, tutoring, joining or starting a tech company focused on innovative products or services. You feel abundant when you are focused on community, collective goals, when you stay versatile and adaptable.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in early childhood education or childcare, nursing, caregiving, mental health services, via work in family and parent education, pursuing culinary arts or catering, engaging in art and design. You feel abundant when you focus on community, social connections, embrace technology and innovation, promote security and stability and use your intuition and emotional intelligence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can find abundance by managing a charitable organisation. You can earn money via work as a creative director or manager, overseeing projects in fashion, advertising or design, via writing, blogging, content creation focused on inspirational and motivational themes, via work in charity or fundraising, work in teaching (drama, art, public speaking). You feel abundant when maintain confidence in your vision and abilities, when you embrace charisma, leadership and when you pursue a creative career.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in tech support, quality assurance, systems analysis, work in non-profit management, pursuing teaching or training roles, engage in environmental research, when you organise workshops or seminars on practical skills, health and wellness. You feel abundant when you focus on health, wellness, when you network, collaborate and when you use technology.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Virgo Sun people in your life. You can create wealth by creating and selling DIY kits or tutorials. You could also learn digital or 3D art. You could sell photos on sites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock. You earn money via event planning, specializing in weddings, social events and community events, work in legal services, such as family law, meditation or contract negotiation. You feel abundant when you embrace collaboration and partnerships, focus on aesthetics and creativity.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via holistic healing, alternative medicine, energy work, via astrology, metaphysical studies, spiritual counselling, via biotechnology, healthcare technology, environmental technology, via work in cybersecurity, data analysis or investigative journalism. You feel abundant when embrace deep, transformative work, engage in financial and strategic roles.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via career in diplomacy, teaching, lecturing, work in tourism industry, work in educational publishing, work in broadcasting or journalism, work in editing or translation. You feel abundant when you engage in social and humanitarian causes, focus on education and communication, when you embrace international cultural perspectives.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via real estate development, work in corporate training and development, taking on leadership roles in non-profit organizations that focus on social justice, community development or environmental sustainability. You feel abundant when emphasize practical, realistic approach, when you use network and social connections.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via streaming on platforms (Twitch), participating in esports or creating gaming content. You earn money via scientific research, when you create or support educational programs that focus on skills for the future (digital literacy, innovation), when you create content that explores futuristic concepts, technology trends or social change using platforms like YouTube, a blog, podcast. You feel abundant when you focus on technology and future trends and when you stay true to your unconventional nature.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via storytelling, work in holistic healing fields, massage therapy, via painting, writing, music or film, via offering spiritual or life coaching services. You feel abundant when stay true to your intuitive insights, embrace spiritual and healing practices and when you focus on humanitarian and compassionate work.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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2spirit-1spoon · 8 months
I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race.
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It's time to actually put the people in America first. We do that by meeting everyone's basic human needs. This includes guaranteed housing, universal healthcare and education, UBI, and environmental/infrastructure reform. In doing this, we give people a fighting chance to create a more sustainable model for society that ensures the general welfare of people within our borders for generations to come.
1) Housing- Decommodify housing and eliminate rent, mortgages and property taxes 2) Healthcare- 100% coverage including vision and dental 3) Education- universal education up to and including doctorate level studies 4) UBI-a monthly disbursement based on the cost of living in a resident's state 5) Environment/Infrastructure reform- Abating the damage caused by climate change through sustainable development and creating an infrastructure that fosters community
The Jasmine Sherman for President campaign envisions organizing through various strategies. They aim to leverage social media and technological advancements for rapid outreach to a wider audience. Direct action and mutual aid will be prioritized to attract like-minded individuals and build a strong support base. The campaign will also focus on nurturing relationships established through past coalition-building efforts, aiming to strengthen connections and amplify the campaign's impact. By combining these approaches, Jasmine Sherman's campaign aims to effectively engage, mobilize, and expand its reach in pursuit of its organizing goals
Source on ballotpedia
Their campaign site:
Jasmine Sherman wants to help the at-risk and vulnerable communities by providing Guaranteed housing, Landback, Universal basic income, Free Education, and Universal healthcare, for all. They also believe in the rights of the child, the rights to gender affirming care, ending the disability restrictions, restorative justice, abolishing the police, abolishing prisons, triple bottom line accountability for corporations, reparations, a progressive tax, an index living wage, immigration policy reform, sustainable energy, decriminalizing all drugs and sex work, age caps and term limits for all elected officials, and rewriting the constitution.
They seem like a very good candidate and I hadn't heard of them before, tysm for bringing them to my attention!
Looks like the Green Party has ballot access in 46 states as well! Additionally, The Green Party will host a primary debate on May 11th. Definitely something to pay attention to!
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townpostin · 3 months
Motilal Nehru Public School Jamshedpur Embraces Green Future
MNPS Partners with Tata Consulting Engineers for Innovative Eco-Initiatives Educational institution takes bold steps to reduce environmental impact and cultivate eco-consciousness among students. JAMSHEDPUR – Motilal Nehru Public School (MNPS) has unveiled an ambitious plan to transform its campus into a model of sustainability and environmental stewardship. The initiative, spearheaded by Tata…
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hello!! I hope you are doing well
this is more of an ask than a request but given their occupations in the modern au it seems unlikely that the M6 would meet each other, but how do you think the M6 would meet??
whether it was during childhood or as adults
this just seems like a fun little drabble/hc, ofc if you're not up to writing it that's perfectly ok/g 🥳🥳
Phew, this ran away with me, but here's a modern pre-prologue setup for you anon friend!
Julian and Portia are siblings, of course, who lost touch when he went off to college and med school for that student debt life (and stayed out of touch because Portia resented him getting the opportunity when she's still struggling to pursue her education). They've since gotten back in touch and Julian is being allowed to help with the application process.
Nadia and Lucio met in the back of one of his nightclubs because she was the highest paying VIP member and he recognized her family name and figured he'd do some networking. It quickly devolved into drunken complaints about parental pressures and expectations and led to the infamous Vegas drive-thru wedding we've all heard about. Nadia stuck it out because she wanted to stick it to her family and needed space to build her own legacy as the city's mayor (backed by Lucio's network), and while it wasn't ideal it worked because she lived at her office and he let off steam with one of his business partners (Valerius).
Their marriage ended on paper when Lucio faked his own death in an arson case because his tax evasion was catching up with him.
Asra and Muriel grew up in the foster system together, Asra's parents having gone missing when they were a child and Muriel being an orphan. They attended the same highschool as MC, whose aunt would often open the back room of her shop to them when they needed to study together (or just a safe space). When they aged out, Asra was able to access his inheritance and used it to buy a piece of land with a crumbling old house on it that Muriel found for the two of them to work with.
They started out working evening/night shifts at clubs together, Muriel as a bouncer and Asra at tables, while Muriel put himself through community college on a scholarship for biochemistry and environmental science. Asra eventually achieved underground success as a DJ, and after getting his degree, Muriel moved to working full-time on their property to transform it into sustainable living research.
Asra started doing magic shows at kid's parties as a favor for a friend, and found that the pay was better than expected and the event was plenty of fun. Now they DJ and magic on their own schedule and rent a studio apartment in the city to save themself the commute.
The property Muriel works from is still owned by both of them, and between the royalties from Asra's mixes, the rapidly accumulated value of the compound Muriel's built, and Muriel's ongoing research, the two of them live comfortably at their own paces. They both keep in touch with MC, though Muriel much less frequently so because he's so hard to reach. Asra's highschool crush on them never disappeared and he often uses his unusual schedule to avoid them for a month or two, because he's in denial about it being more than a crush and he's terrified of losing half of the closest thing he has to family.
Asra and Julian knew of each other from kid's parties they both attended (Asra as the magic show, and Julian as the pediatrician who the kid considers a dear friend), but officially met when Nadia hired both of them after Lucio's arson and fake death stunt. She needed to investigate the circumstances of Lucio's death, which needed Asra as an inside informant on general behaviors in the club and Julian's opinion as an expert in crime-related injuries from his previous stint in forensic medicine. Julian developed a habit of stopping by for drinks after a long shift and the two had a brief friends-with-benefits situationship while the investigation was ongoing. They ghosted each other to focus on their personal lives when it wrapped up, and Nadia (who had become a dear mutual friend) was too busy juggling being mayor and managing Lucio's business to keep in touch.
During the last week of the investigation, an abandoned warehouse right next to the arson scene blew up when a forgotten pile of explosives triggered several weeks late due to Lucio's sloppy planning. Asra, Nadia, and Julian were right next to it when it happened, and would later find out that MC, Muriel, and Lucio were all nearby for their own reasons as well. While several of them sustained severe concussive injuries which messed with their memories, MC took the worst of the blast and ended up in the hospital in a comatose state.
Asra blamed themself for it because they'd been going through a period of trying to (and failing) to forget about them (again) and found out that MC had texted them their location after they thought they spotted Lucio and decided to follow him. He had a bit of a wake-up call watching them in a near-death state in the hospital and realizing that he was the only listed next of kin. They took on the role of MC's caretaker for the long recovery process, moving them into their flat, and eventually helping them take over their aunt's old shop for a steady source of income and independence.
Portia and Nadia met when Portia quit her Home Depot job to work in the mayor's office. A visiting constituent was so impressed with her efficiency and people skills that they suggested she apply to a recently-opened secretarial position. Portia took it for the pay increase and did her job so competently she rapidly rose to her current position as Nadia's personal assistant. Nadia has slowly become aware of Portia's interest in veterinary work and, without Portia's knowledge, is planning to add a new benefit to her position that lets her work part-time and go to school fully funded.
All's well, until the city's mayor comes knocking on a neighborhood shop's door after hours because Lucio's been spotted meeting up with Valerius, an ongoing business partner, and MC was a forgotten key witness ...
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sunshinesmebdy · 9 months
Pluto in Aquarius: Brace for a Business Revolution (and How to Ride the Wave)
The Aquarian Revolution
Get ready, entrepreneurs and financiers, because a seismic shift is coming. Pluto, the planet of transformation and upheaval, has just entered the progressive sign of Aquarius, marking the beginning of a 20-year period that will reshape the very fabric of business and finance. Buckle up, for this is not just a ripple – it's a tsunami of change. Imagine a future where collaboration trumps competition, sustainability dictates success, and technology liberates rather than isolates. Aquarius, the sign of innovation and humanitarianism, envisions just that. Expect to see:
Rise of social impact businesses
Profits won't be the sole motive anymore. Companies driven by ethical practices, environmental consciousness, and social good will gain traction. Aquarius is intrinsically linked to collective well-being and social justice. Under its influence, individuals will value purpose-driven ventures that address crucial societal issues. Pluto urges us to connect with our deeper selves and find meaning beyond material gains. This motivates individuals to pursue ventures that resonate with their personal values and make a difference in the world.
Examples of Social Impact Businesses
Sustainable energy companies: Focused on creating renewable energy solutions while empowering local communities.
Fair-trade businesses: Ensuring ethical practices and fair wages for producers, often in developing countries.
Social impact ventures: Addressing issues like poverty, education, and healthcare through innovative, community-driven approaches.
B corporations: Certified businesses that meet rigorous social and environmental standards, balancing profit with purpose.
Navigating the Pluto in Aquarius Landscape
Align your business with social impact: Analyze your core values and find ways to integrate them into your business model.
Invest in sustainable practices: Prioritize environmental and social responsibility throughout your operations.
Empower your employees: Foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and contributes to the social impact mission.
Build strong community partnerships: Collaborate with organizations and communities that share your goals for positive change.
Embrace innovation and technology: Utilize technology to scale your impact and reach a wider audience.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a thrilling opportunity to redefine the purpose of business, moving beyond shareholder value and towards societal well-being. By aligning with the Aquarian spirit of innovation and collective action, social impact businesses can thrive in this transformative era, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change in the world.
Tech-driven disruption
AI, automation, and blockchain will revolutionize industries, from finance to healthcare. Be ready to adapt or risk getting left behind. Expect a focus on developing Artificial Intelligence with ethical considerations and a humanitarian heart, tackling issues like healthcare, climate change, and poverty alleviation. Immersive technologies will blur the lines between the physical and digital realms, transforming education, communication, and entertainment. Automation will reshape the job market, but also create opportunities for new, human-centered roles focused on creativity, innovation, and social impact.
Examples of Tech-Driven Disruption:
Decentralized social media platforms: User-owned networks fueled by blockchain technology, prioritizing privacy and community over corporate profits.
AI-powered healthcare solutions: Personalized medicine, virtual assistants for diagnostics, and AI-driven drug discovery.
VR/AR for education and training: Immersive learning experiences that transport students to different corners of the world or historical periods.
Automation with a human touch: Collaborative robots assisting in tasks while freeing up human potential for creative and leadership roles.
Navigating the Technological Tsunami:
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and upskilling to stay relevant in the evolving tech landscape.
Support ethical and sustainable tech: Choose tech products and services aligned with your values and prioritize privacy and social responsibility.
Focus on your human advantage: Cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence to thrive in a world increasingly reliant on technology.
Advocate for responsible AI development: Join the conversation about ethical AI guidelines and ensure technology serves humanity's best interests.
Connect with your community: Collaborate with others to harness technology for positive change and address the potential challenges that come with rapid technological advancements.
Pluto in Aquarius represents a critical juncture in our relationship with technology. By embracing its disruptive potential and focusing on ethical development and collective benefit, we can unlock a future where technology empowers humanity and creates a more equitable and sustainable world. Remember, the choice is ours – will we be swept away by the technological tsunami or ride its wave towards a brighter future?
Decentralization and democratization
Power structures will shift, with employees demanding more autonomy and consumers seeking ownership through blockchain-based solutions. Traditional institutions, corporations, and even governments will face challenges as power shifts towards distributed networks and grassroots movements. Individuals will demand active involvement in decision-making processes, leading to increased transparency and accountability in all spheres. Property and resources will be seen as shared assets, managed sustainably and equitably within communities. This transition won't be without its bumps. We'll need to adapt existing legal frameworks, address digital divides, and foster collaboration to ensure everyone benefits from decentralization.
Examples of Decentralization and Democratization
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): Self-governing online communities managing shared resources and projects through blockchain technology.
Community-owned renewable energy initiatives: Local cooperatives generating and distributing clean energy, empowering communities and reducing reliance on centralized grids.
Participatory budgeting platforms: Citizens directly allocate local government funds, ensuring public resources are used in line with community needs.
Decentralized finance (DeFi): Peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platforms, bypassing traditional banks and offering greater financial autonomy for individuals.
Harnessing the Power of the Tide:
Embrace collaborative models: Participate in co-ops, community projects, and initiatives that empower collective ownership and decision-making.
Support ethical technology: Advocate for blockchain platforms and applications that prioritize user privacy, security, and equitable access.
Develop your tech skills: Learn about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other decentralized technologies to navigate the future landscape.
Engage in your community: Participate in local decision-making processes, champion sustainable solutions, and build solidarity with others.
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and critical thinking to navigate the evolving social and economic landscape.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a unique opportunity to reimagine power structures, ownership models, and how we interact with each other. By embracing decentralization and democratization, we can create a future where individuals and communities thrive, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world for all. Remember, the power lies within our collective hands – let's use it wisely to shape a brighter future built on shared ownership, collaboration, and empowered communities.
Focus on collective prosperity
Universal basic income, resource sharing, and collaborative economic models may gain momentum. Aquarius prioritizes the good of the collective, advocating for equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. Expect a rise in social safety nets, universal basic income initiatives, and policies aimed at closing the wealth gap. Environmental health is intrinsically linked to collective prosperity. We'll see a focus on sustainable practices, green economies, and resource sharing to ensure a thriving planet for generations to come. Communities will come together to address social challenges like poverty, homelessness, and healthcare disparities, recognizing that individual success is interwoven with collective well-being. Collaborative consumption, resource sharing, and community-owned assets will gain traction, challenging traditional notions of ownership and fostering a sense of shared abundance.
Examples of Collective Prosperity in Action
Community-owned renewable energy projects: Sharing the benefits of clean energy production within communities, democratizing access and fostering environmental sustainability.
Cooperatives and worker-owned businesses: Sharing profits and decision-making within companies, leading to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
Universal basic income initiatives: Providing individuals with a basic safety net, enabling them to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Resource sharing platforms: Platforms like carsharing or tool libraries minimizing individual ownership and maximizing resource utilization, fostering a sense of interconnectedness.
Navigating the Shift
Support social impact businesses: Choose businesses that prioritize ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and positive social impact.
Contribute to your community: Volunteer your time, skills, and resources to address local challenges and empower others.
Embrace collaboration: Seek opportunities to work together with others to create solutions for shared problems.
Redefine your own path to prosperity: Focus on activities that bring you personal fulfillment and contribute to the collective good.
Advocate for systemic change: Support policies and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental protection, and equitable distribution of resources.
Pluto in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity to reshape our definition of prosperity and build a future where everyone thrives. By embracing collective well-being, collaboration, and sustainable practices, we can create a world where abundance flows freely, enriching not just individuals, but the entire fabric of society. Remember, true prosperity lies not in what we hoard, but in what we share, and by working together, we can cultivate a future where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Seven federal agencies are partnering to implement President Biden’s American Climate Corps, announcing this week they would work together to recruit 20,000 young Americans and fulfill the administration's vision for the new program. 
The goals spelled out in the memorandum of understanding include comprehensively tackling climate change, creating partnerships throughout various levels of government and the private sector, building a diverse corps and serving all American communities.
The agencies—which included the departments of Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, Labor and Energy, as well the Environmental Protection Agency and AmeriCorps—also vowed to ensure a “range of compensation and benefits” that open the positions up to a wider array of individuals and to create pathways to “high-quality employment.”  
Leaders from each of the seven agencies will form an executive committee for the Climate Corps, which Biden established in September, that will coordinate efforts with an accompanying working group. They will create the standards for ACC programs, set compensation guidelines and minimum terms of service, develop recruitment strategies, launch a centralized website and establish performance goals and objectives. The ACC groups will, beginning in January, hold listening sessions with potential applicants, labor unions, state and local governments, educational institutions and other stakeholders. 
The working group will also review all federal statutes and hiring authorities to remove any barriers to onboarding for the corps and standardize the practices across all participating agencies. Benefits for corps members will include housing, transportation, health care, child care, educational credit, scholarships and student loan forgiveness, stipends and non-financial services.
As part of the goal of the ACC, agencies will develop the corps so they can transition to “high-quality, family-sustaining careers with mobility potential” in the federal or other sectors. AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith said the initiative would prepare young people for “good-paying union jobs.” 
Within three weeks of rolling out the ACC, EPA said more than 40,000 people—mostly in the 18-35 age range—expressed interest in joining the corps. The administration set an ambitious goal for getting the program underway, aiming to establish the corps’ first cohort in the summer of 2024. 
The corps members will work in roles related to ecosystem restoration and conservation, reforestation, waterway protection, recycling, energy conservation, clean energy deployment, disaster preparedness and recovery, fire resilience, resilient recreation infrastructure, research and outreach. The administration will look to ensure 40% of the climate-related investments flow to disadvantaged communities as part of its Justice40 initiative.  
EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the MOU would allow the ACC to “work across the federal family” to push public projects focused on environmental justice and clean energy. 
“The Climate Corps represents a significant step forward in engaging and nurturing young leaders who are passionate about climate action, furthering our journey towards a sustainable and equitable future,” Regan said. 
The ACC’s executive committee will hold its first meeting within the next 30 days. It will draw support from a new climate hub within AmeriCorps, as well as any staffing the agency heads designate."
-via Government Executive, December 20, 2023
This news comes with your regularly scheduled reminder that WE GOT THE AMERICAN CLIMATE CORPS ESTABLISHED LAST YEAR and basically no one know about/remembers it!!! Also if you want more info about the Climate Corps, inc. how to join, you can sign up to get updates here.
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