tarlyra · 6 years
Me: Incredibly depressed and finds nothing interesting
Also me: Change everything on your Instagram to be themed around ducks
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tarlyra · 7 years
Cute pet names for your SO:
Honey bear
Honey bee
Cheesy Puff
Bran muffin
Perfectly polished snowball
Fungal spore
^or Caspa
Cherubim (or Seraphim, depending on personality)
Fish are friends not food
Edgar Allen Poe
Garlic mayo
Elf on the shelf
Wholewheat spaghetti bolognaise
Giant rooster
Betty boop
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tarlyra · 7 years
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tarlyra · 7 years
The Infinite
Light rolled in waves, Breaking and crashing over the population below. Colours stretched as far as they could see, Contrasting at the horizon With an immediacy and urgency That indicated the awesome beauty found only in pure physics. The universe stretched far above, Unique and wild. The population tiny motes of dust, Lit only in their imagined self - importance. Music played, washing over them, As the air swirled, running and chasing it's own tail. They created something from nothing, or so they imagined. Forgetting how delicate they were and at the mercy of the divine They built majestic structures to worship. Misdirecting their words, The true divine were ignored and maltreated. One day the population will disappear, Their structures shall crumble. Bones in the sand, That too will become sand. But the air will continue to play, Easily amused, forever chasing itself. The colours will stay and the music of the wild will remain. From far away, Ozymadias will laugh, the irony not lost on him. But the beauty of the present will go unappreciated. Seen only through the eyes of the population, long gone.
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tarlyra · 7 years
To you, my saviour
You were my constant companion, My watcher, My follower. And we met over and over again Though recognise you, I never could. You hid in the shadows Until, it was time For us to meet once again And have me see you for who you are. And this time you brought me to my knees. I fell to your harsh embrace, Gave in to the ice spreading In crystals, from you to my heart. I cried again, and again Until my tears dried up And no smiles would ever come to me again. I despaired. You won. But this was one battle, One of many. I have won many more, And like Daniel, I shall fight the lions. Now, I am armed Like Damocles, I shall cut your rope with my sword. Never will I let you hold me up high, I am a survivor. You were a gift, from my father And lived with me through my childhood. You shall never leave my side. But now it is me, not you Who holds power over the other.
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tarlyra · 7 years
Work It
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Her Calvins 😍😍😍
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tarlyra · 7 years
Before the internet, my life had very little memeing.
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tarlyra · 7 years
Smart is attractive
Educate me on some shit I don’t know boo.
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tarlyra · 7 years
If life gives you lemons, freeze them and throw them as hard as possible at the people making your life difficult.
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tarlyra · 7 years
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tarlyra · 7 years
If he can make you laugh and forget how awful your day was, don’t let him go. If he can make your heart explode with nothing but a smile, don’t let him go. If he clouds your mind with happy thoughts and daydreams, don’t let him go. If he can calm you down, not just with his words, but with the sound of his voice, don’t let him go. If he sends tingles up your arm when you brush hands, don’t let him go. If he would do anything to make you happy, don’t let him go, even for a second. Love can slip through our fingers as easily as gravel in the wind, and if you let it go, there’s no guarantee it’ll come back. So fall in love and hold on tight, because when you find the person you want to be with forever and ever and ever, holding on can’t be an obligation, it has to be a choice. But when you’re with the right person, it should be the easiest choice you’ll ever make.
Never Ever Let Go (via scribbled-in-margins)
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tarlyra · 7 years
Actual footage of me....
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tarlyra · 7 years
Can you guys help add some self care tips to this?
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tarlyra · 7 years
The internet is pretty much like the ancient Egypt. People write on walls and worship cats.
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tarlyra · 7 years
I don’t know if you’ve ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. Or something like that.
Stephen Chbosky (via observando)
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tarlyra · 7 years
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tarlyra · 7 years
All I really want to do is mend Every soul that needs a friend Each and every beating heart Can I spread peace and joy through art? Chaos proliferating all around, There’s hateful protesting in every town The earth is trembling & voices too Signs held high They loved once, just like you Don’t give up, Mama said How blessed you are to read the news from your bed I’m crying in bed wrapped in my silky duvet 600 thread count, who am I to complain? I’m living in euphoria amidst the chaos that remains I spent last Tuesday beneath the rising sun While a terrorist was online shopping for a gun I ask for your forgiveness. Because I know I can do more There’s children in Aleppo who don’t know life without war While bombs went off and families said their final goodbyes, I was at peace, under cotton candy skies Waves crashed as I sipped red wine While rates of violence, terrorism, and human suffering took a massive incline It’s time I turn my prayers into actions. Damnit, please stop bombarding civilians Let us plant seeds of peace and love for generations to come And if we all start accepting and understanding our differences, one day those seeds will blossom Let us cherish the times we hear “Honey, I’m home” Before we’re forced to face the true meaning of being alone Teach your mind to only look for the similarities. Show empathy and be a precious jewel through your rarities If you spread anything but light, then why are you here? In a world with too much sadness and not enough cheer In the Buddha’s words, “Happiness never decreases by being shared.” I pray to god one day you can stop feeling scared You have a purpose. You are the change you seek. You matter, you really do; and I dedicate this poem to you Wherever you exist in this beautiful world, let my words be a hand to hold, reminding you, be brave and be bold Harmonize love. This I know is the key. Everyone with a decent heart deserves to be free It’s not about win or lose Your strength and courage can do wonders when you try walking in someone else’s shoes Don’t you ever forget the power of love And may you live for the angels kissing you from up above How do you want to be remembered? What will your legacy be? To inspire one human to rise above hate, that in itself is enough for me Prioritize your education. When your knowledge on the world expands, your potential can only strengthen Because through education the resources to make a difference are provided To someday live in a world that’s not so divided What makes you passionate, my dear? Answer this question and infinite potential is near I know there’s something within you. A match that’s waiting to be lit And once it’s sparked the journey you’ll embark on will be one you’ll never quit Roses are red Violets are blue America’s got a new president And dear god I hope he’ll practice empathy too
gypsies-paradise, “We Are All One” by Riley Burke (via wnq-writers)
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