#Enlightened Vibes
universetalkz · 3 months
“Forcing connection is forcing alignment.
Forcing alignment is forcing attachment.
Ego seeks attachment.
Soul seeks connection.
You will never have to force anything that aligns with you.
What is meant for you will feel natural, peaceful, and connected, not forced, chaotic, and attached.”
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blitzwhore · 19 days
Can some Usamerican help me? How tall do you think a human Blitz would be in feet? Like what height vibes does he give? (and Stolas, too)
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crowleysheiress · 4 months
Genuinely so happy about the Simm!Master renaissance on here. I remember when people were viscerally hating him after the Capaldi!Doctor finale (maybe they hadn't watched his season 3 and 4 episodes?? maybe because they had forgotten? maybe because Moffat is an idiot who can't keep characterizations consistent???) and it's so refreshing how positively he's regarded rn. Thank God, because he's wonderful.
And also awful and eats people, as he should.
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stick-by-me · 7 months
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Bundles of joy!
New follower sticker for: @paigrsblog!
(Alas I'm missing one of the set! You can see the full collection here.)
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
I've been devouring the first few seasons of star trek deep space 9 recently and folks... after several false starts we might finally have found the trek that will take my brain down like the weak gazelle of the herd. I love this shitty little space station and the cast of exclusively weirdos that inhabit it so much
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joyfulmile · 6 months
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enlitment · 2 months
also side note but may or may not have almost cried on the subway while reading Rameau's Nephew when I got to the part where Diderot talked about planning an education for his daughter.
Denis is not beating the feminist icon accusations yet!
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calamity-calliope · 1 year
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Maybe the Admiral is a killjoy
(not to worry, friends, he will get better)
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cosmicportal · 1 month
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The heptagram, with its seven points, adds two more points to the typical five-pointed star which symbolizes spirit crowning the 4 earthly elements. These two additional points are often associated with angel wings.
the heptagram represents a winged man, bridging the earthly and ethereal realms. Just as angels are depicted with wings, this symbol suggests a harmonious fusion of human and celestial qualities.
The heptagram also symbolizes the seven directions of space, the seven sources of magic, the seven primary colors, the seven musical notes, the seven chakras or energy wheels, the seven days of creation,the seven seas, freedom, independence, enlightenment, authenticity and self expression.
Get the heptagram unisex tee for only 15$ HERE
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hemingway-papers · 1 year
Much has been said about Disney's The Great Mouse Detective and Atlantis but not enough talk about how Cagliostro-pilled they were when they made Tangled lol. zenigata ass horse
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awesomecooperlove · 4 months
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universetalkz · 6 months
“The only way to improve the world is by improving ourselves, because the only thing we can experience is ourselves.”
~Immanuel Kant
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I accidentally annihilated the last thing I meant to dual read with THE ELEMENTS OF ELOQUENCE, so! Reevaluating that! It turns out the chapters in ELOQUENCE are very short and there are Very Many Of Them, and I don't want them all to bleed together (because, oops, there go the figures of rhetoric into word soup, that way, which is not the goal). Instead, I'm going to dual wield ELOQUENCE and a short story or two out of this every night until they're both done! Easing back into ~horror adjacent writing vibes~ one bite at a time, over here.
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toyastales · 1 year
In society as a whole, people who are artistic and creative tend to be not only undervalued but devalued, and it starts from an early age. During our childhood and formative years we are told to get our heads out of the clouds and to be more practical and to only focus on the logical side. We are indoctrinated to believe that only careers that focus on math and science is valuable to the world. We can be accused of being flighty or kooky when we showcase ourselves and our beautiful creations. We are told that our creativity holds little to no monetary value even though we are the ones who have the vision to create and design the things that people buy and covet. Not only does our work make people think but we also have the power to actually change how people think and view the world. We tap into the emotions that a lot of people are too afraid to face unless forced to, and we help them to understand and to come to terms with those feelings through our creative endeavors. We provide inspiration, innovation, therapy, and understanding. They need us just as much as we need them to survive. Always remember that we provide an essential service and never underestimate your worth and place in society. Because honestly, who wants to live in a world without the arts and creatives? A society without art and culture would lose it's heart.
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hanakihan · 8 months
Listen y’all I just woke up and had the most cracked yet self explanatory headcanon
Goto Ryuji and Lim Tae-Gyu are relatives, and even so are either brothers or cousins separated at early childhood.
That’s literally coming from me mistaking them first time I read SL BUT BEAR WITH ME OKAY I HAVE GOLDFISH MEMORY SPAWN
Consider them both being born in Japan, and after boys were born their parents broke their marriage and while Ryuji stayed with his father in Japan, mother took Fuuka (aka future Tae-Gyu) with her to South Korea for her new future husband. Since she married into new family, she changed her name as well as Fuuka’s hence Lim Tae-Gyu appeared.
Years roll by and it’s first proper meeting with Japanese S ranks, Tae-Gyu knows what they all are saying without translator because for some reason his mother knew Japanese perfectly for some reason and was hell bent on him also knowing it as second language also for some reason, but he never bothered to inform anyone.
And then Goto Ryuji himself enters the scene, and oh suddenly it becomes too quiet as everyone just stare at two men with uncanny levels of resemblance.
Tae-Gyu is just confused why everyone is suddenly so quiet and staring, and he’s especially unnerved by Ryuji’s really intense stare that has usual levels of threat in it but also searching, almost painfully hopeful.
Apparently Ryuji knows he had a brother because he remembers him vaguely and his father always told about him. Tae-Gyu has no proper memories of his early childhood and his mother never really spoke about her previous marriage either, only small specks of Japanese here and there which confused Tae-Gyu.
All Ryuji says after a really long uncomfortable silence is
and Tae-Gyu instantly tenses, starting to glare at Ryuji in return because only his mother ever called him this name at home and it was so precious and personal it IS offending to hear it from a complete stranger even if it’s said with equal undertones of shared understanding and intimacy.
‘Fuuka, did mother allow you to keep Kiryu?’
And oh, that one was a low blow for Tae-Guy because Kiryu - a really old, clearly clumsily child-made plush dragon toy was one of the few things he had from his early childhood and was really attached to, for some reason. He deduced it was probably a gift from someone really important to him back then, because no matter what mother always made sure it’s taken care of and he always had a childish sentiment for it.
‘… How— How do you know about this—‘
And oh, he didn’t even notice slipping to perfect, not accented Japanese. Honestly? He doesn’t care at the moment, because fearsome Goto Ryuji knowing your other name and about your childhood plushie is disturbing.
Lim Tae-Gyu né Goto Fuuka, is confused and disturbed and angry but also terrified and somewhat hopeful. He doesn’t know why man before him knows such important, personal details no one knows, and it scares him.
Goto Ryuji is conflicted, both happy and disturbed. Here, before him, stands his long lost brother whom his mother took away to different county and wasn’t heard of ever since. There’s such a giant void between them, and Ryuji doesn’t know how to cross it and mend relationship with his brother without appearing like a creep with absolutely unbelievable story.
Everyone on side silently watch two stone faced men, who look almost like a mirror reflection, have a silent inner mental breakdown.
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connectingwithsoul · 2 years
I love you the way I love my soul. It's undeniable. It's irresistible. It's always there. And most of all, it is reassuringly peaceful, so much so that my mind is completely quiet.
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