#Enjoy your stay. I post stickers :]
stick-by-me · 1 year
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Making music together 🎶
New follower sticker for: @bizabumblebee!
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harrysfolklore · 4 months
Harry Styles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
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this was posted on my patreon a few months ago, enjoy ! MASTERLIST | MY PATREON
"Hi I'm Harry Styles and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview."
Harry introduced himself to the camera and you smiled, you were currently at WIRED Studios for Harry's long awaited autocomplete interview that he finally agreed to do thanks to yours and his fans persistence.
You were sitting behind the camera with the rest of the crew, watching him with a small smile.
A crew member passed the first board to him, he looked at it confusedly for a minute before speaking.
"Okay so. I'm answering what I think or what?"
Everyone in the studio laughed and the director quickly explained to him how the game worked once again, you rolled your eyes with affection and he sent a wink your way.
"Alright, how is Harry Styles?" he said after taking the little piece of paper off the board, "I'm good, I'm really enjoying being home in London, I was away for a while on tour and I'm going to stay here for a bit so that's exciting."
"How did Harry Styles," he paused to rip the next paper and reveal the rest of the question, "Become famous? Well, when I was sixteen years old I auditioned for a singing show called The X Factor, I got put in a band with four lads and we didn't win but we put out a song called What Makes You Beautiful," he smiled for a second, "that one put us on the map, we released a bunch of albums and now I'm here."
"How did Harry Styles meet his wife?" at this, he turned his gaze to you to give you a big smile, you immediately mirrored his and nodded your head, signaling that you were okay with him talking about it.
"We could say that it was basically a blind date, we had a friend in common who thought we would be a good match and set us up, we had an amazing first date but then I had to travel to Los Angeles for work so we couldn't really see each other after that but once I was back in London we hung out all the time, and now we're married."
He smiled at you again and you couldn't help but feel your heart melt, you had been married for 6 months now but the married life was still new for the both of you, and everything he called you his wife butterflies made its way to your stomach.
"How is Harry Styles still alive?" his eyes widened in surprise and he looked around the room, making a few present laugh, "Um, that's a weird thing to search on the internet, but I guess, I don't know if I can answer that, I don't think anyone can answer that we're just lucky to still be around and enjoy life."
He gave the camera one of his infamous "frog smiles" and handed the board to a crew member who was ready with the next one.
"Does Harry Styles have tattoos?" he revealed the first question of the new board, "Yes, he does. I have a lot of tattoos actually, they're basically all over my body. The most recent one is right here," he pointed at the back of his right arm, "It's my wedding date, actually, everyone might call me a sap but I was reserving this arm for tattoos about my wife a and future kids, so I guess it's finally time to fill it."
It was safe to say that  fans watching at home and everyone in the studio absolutely melted, especially you.
"Does Harry Styles have siblings? I do I have a sister, she's older than me and her name is Gemma. A lot of people claim she's cooler than me for some reason but I don't thing that's true," he shrugged and revealed the next question, "Does Harry Styles speak Italian? I would like to think that I do, I spend a lot of time there and I've learned how to communicate pretty decently."
"Is Harry Styles an actor?" he said after peeling the first sticker of the new board, "He tries to be an actor that's for sure," he laughed and everyone in the room did as well, "I mean, I've been in a couple of movies, I've auditioned for a bunch of roles and my agent has sent me scripts to go through," he shrugged "So I can say that makes me an actor."
"Is Harry Styles american?" he shook his head at that one, "He is not! He's Britain, born and raised okay? He's very proud of it."
"What's Harry Styles BeReal? I don't have a BeReal, but if I did I wouldn't tell you," he pointed to the camera jokingly, "What are Harry Styles fans called? I think they are referred to as Harries, but I don't like to speak on behalf of them, you should ask them."
"What was Harry Styles first song? My first song was Sign Of The Times, I wrote it with friends that I love, and that is my wife's favorite song I've ever written, right love?"
"That's correct." you said from your spot, pretty audible so you know it would make it to the final cut of the interview.
"What are Harry Styles songs about?" he peeled the last sticker of the board, "They're about a lot of things, life, friends, love, my wife," he shrugged, "I even have one about the female orgasm."
You quietly giggled, knowing that his fans would go crazy over that last sentence.
"Did Harry Styles go to college? He did not, he became a singer."
"Did Harry Styles win a Grammy? He somehow won Album Of The Year last year, which is absolutely insane if you ask him."
"Did Harry Styles finish high school? Oh I'm glad the internet asks," he laughed, "Contrary to popular belief I did finish high school, I completed my GCES and I graduated, I don't know why there's a rumor there that I didn't finish high school tho."
"Anyway, last one!" he comically threw the board to the floor and grabbed the final board a crew member was handling him, "Who is Harry Styles best friend? Um, I have a ton of best friends. Jeff who's also my manager, Mitch who plays in my band, my childhood best friend's name is Johnny, so yeah, I'm very lucky in the friends department, I love my friends."
"Who does Harry Styles look like? My mom, I would say. A lot of people point out that we have the same smile," he shrugged, "My mom is a beautiful woman so I'm flattered."
"Who did Harry Styles write Love Of My Life about? My wife and London."
"And final question," he slowly peeled off the sticker for dramatic effect, "Who does Harry Styles love? Okay, that's cute that people search for that on the internet, um, I love my family and friends, I love my wife that's for sure, I love making music and performing," he listed with his fingers, "And love love, yeah, love is great."
He smiled to the camera and put the board aside to say his goodbyes.
"I thought my Google searches were much more appropriate that I expected. I was fun to see what people wonder about me, so yeah thank you WIRED for having me."
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utahlive · 8 months
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Hello everyone!! SO sorry for lack of updates. A few little announcements :3
First off, I just wanted to say thank you all for enjoying the blog!! All the support means the world to me <3 It still baffles me that people like this blog enough to make art for it qwq That being said sometimes Tumblr (or my brain lol) fucks up and misses some of your fanart, so if you've drawn something and you want it featured on the blog, feel free to ping me again in your art post or send the link via asks :D
Second, thank you to everyone who got a sticker! They are still available (link in pinned post lol) and there are a few I will be mailing out later this week :3 if you've had any issues, feel free to send a message through Etsy and I can help you out!
As you've noticed I reblogged some peoples' stickers and some fanart today, and tomorrow will be some more fanart before episodes resume!
That's all I really wanted to say :D Stay tuned tomorrow for a special episode <3
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All I Wanted - Part 3
summary: when you are kidnapped discovered by TF141 they can't help but fall in love.
pairing: 141 x fem!teen!reader (platonic)
warnings: mentions of child abuse, drugs, canon typical violence, kidnapping
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: so uh.. not dead.. I kinda forgot about thos between school and life so apologies for not posting.. for two months.. anyways, enjoy the chapter <3
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Soap continued to ramble on about this and that, with Gaz occasionally butting in when necessary, as the pair showcased the base to you and how they weren't staying much longer. Something about how they had better chances finding this Nombre person in Mexico, where they were originally.
Gaz brought up the other members when they entered the shooting range, just past the training room. Apparently the barracks were deeper into the facility, (how much you believe that you aren't entirely sure). He pointed to two figures standing next to eachother, conversing with adoration in their eyes, "That's Alejandro-" you followed his finger to the taller of the two, "-And that's Rudy, they're a package deal if you get what I mean," To ensure his comment came across perfectly, Gaz shot you a wink.
With a clap on the back, Soap pushed you towards the two lovebirds. It was Alejandro who noticed you first, "Ah, here she is! Hola, niña, estas muy pequeño!" Rudy looked at the man fiercely before elbowing him in the ribs, "Qué? I was just pointing out the obvious mi vida!" A long sigh left Rudy at Alejandro's incompetence.
"So sorry about him, Ale can be, stupid occasionally," Rudy's smile was warm and inviting. Alejandro scowled at Rudy before giving a sympathetic grin towards you, a nod of the head as an apology.
"Do you want to show us how well you can shoot?" Soap gestured to the gun poking out of the duffle bag, a cheeky look in his eyes.
You moved too quickly for them to register, the eye piercing pink with hello kitty, kirby and cat stickers moulded into the metal of the rifle. A sparkly purple keychain dangling from it, blue stars twinkling alongside. The hold was confident, strong and firm, an aim to please familiar to the hardened soldiers.
Gaz gave a soft chuckle at the obvious excitement, pointing in the direction of the shooting range. Lines of plywood separating lanes with hip level metallic benches. Long pathways with human shaped targets, most paper but a few were made of a harder substance such as cardboard. Some of these were hidden behind more bits of scrap wood.
Practically skipping over and setting up the perfect first shot. And that's what it was; well maybe to some it could have been better but instantly the gun continued to fire again at a different target, and then another and another. Bullet casings falling past your face at each reload.
To be honest, you could have gone the whole day, it was when a hand on your shoulder pulled you away from the rhythmic sound of metal hitting the cold concrete. The action made you jerk, a startled yelp following as you whipped your head to the side, staring up at Skully. A very audible gulp was heard throughout the now silent room.
For a while nothing happened. A staring contest happening between the two of you before he spoke up, "..Sorry.." his voice was rough and deep, the words so softly spoken you were sure you misheard the behemoth of a man. "Good shot kiddo, but think about breathing. You're gonna make yourself pass out if you hold ya' breath for that long, hmm?" His eyes were an endless void of darkness, the coffee and gold colours swirling into a beautiful helix of patterns. The words soaked into your brain as you came to the conclusion.
"Yes Sir!" The smile plastered on your face was one of pure adoration, the twinkle in your eyes matching that on the glitter sparkling on the rifle, still clasped in your almost too small hands.
The shooting lasted a while. Each man giving tips and tricks to you, letting you improve on your gunmanship. Eventually, the sun slowly lowered in the sky, and the canteen opened for dinner. A selection of grimy looking slop, greens, beans and a lukewarm soup.
They gave recommendations of what to have and what to avoid (mostly the slop). The soup was better than you thought. Leek and potato. Though, there weren't any potatoes in it, just soft clumps of leek with other veggies thrown in to pad it out.
Tables weren't assigned in the mess hall, but it seemed each group had claimed a table. You bit your lip, standing in the middle, tray in hand. A whistle caught your attention, Gaz calling you over to their table.
You set the tray down next to Ghost before Price walked in, marching over to table 141. He gave you a warm smile as he saw you eating. "Glad to see ya eating, dolly," in return, you gleamed up at him, a spoonful of soup making its way down your throat.
At least half an hour passed, the group chattering and giggling at the stories and jokes that were passed around, before a yawn interrupted the fun. It was Soap who noticed - "Aye lass, ya tir'd?" a meek nod a was All it took before he started to rise, being stopped by the Captain.
"I've got her Johnny. Cmon dolly, I'll show ya you're room," A hum was all that followed.
The walk was comfortable, going back through the winding halls and plain walls. Price stopped abruptly at one of the doors, Knockin on the solid wood. "Here ya are. I put ya next to me, hope you don't mind, you get a bigger room- and~" He drew out the ending as he opened the door, "-an ensuite bathroom!"
You giggled at the man, going in and exploring the room a bit. "Does that mean I have to listen to your snoring, sir?" It was said cheekily, the smirk evident on your face and the chuckle on his lips.
"Aye, so better invest in some ear plugs!"
Giggles erupted from you, turning to face him. Braces were on show with how wide your grin was. "Thank you.." was all that was said. And a nod was all that was needed, Price turned leaving the room with a click of the door.
You faceplanted onto the bed, soft duvet covers wrapping around you like a burrito as sleep quickly overcame you. Soft snores left you as the moon rises high into the sky.
taglist: @urfavsunkissedleo @greenkiki @daryldixonh0e @elijahssuit @theunknownartistsworld @rafaelacallinybbay @cycy-nicole @romanticizedillness @thedeluded @blueoorchid @guiltyconfessions @r3dc4ndy @unnoticed-human @crazyfandomist @jaymum @chb-7 @chromslover @connierk690 @lilpothoscuttings @darkfaethedestroyer @cptg00s3 @elvyshiarieko @8-29pm @howlerwolfmax @minkyungseokie @tapioca-marzipan @cinnamoroll-things @kittythebloodykiller @thicc-plum @phoenixmistycal @marytvirgin @eddiesbitch83 @dwkfan @kdkj122920 @deakyspuff @dressycobra7 @swaggbella @sarraa-26 @autrefleur @revengze @elvyshiarieko @dweebsthings @maeplayscello
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r3starttt · 6 months
Modern gf!abby hc’s
a/n: first of all sorry if this sucks a bit lollll. Second of all, I’m obsessed with abby, a lot. (pls repost if you like this, I’d appreciate it a lot🩷)
Warnings: none, pure fluff :)
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- massages, Abby loves massages. She loves giving them to you more than she likes receiving them. Her favorite ones are scalp massages, of course while cuddling.
-Because of the scalp massages thing she loves when you do her hair and also enjoys doing yours. It doesn’t matter what type of hair you have she’ll learn about it and would be soooo patient while taking care of it. She’ll ask you about it and would always be running her hands trough it as well. She just loves you sm :(
-when you help her do her braid she’d fin it extremely relaxing, she’ll stay still and close her pretty eyes while you do it, and would ofc thank you after with a kiss.
- Abby adores cuddling. Most of the times she’s the big spoon ofc but sometimes she just wants to be hugged as well, even if she’s way bigger than you. She loves the type of cuddle when you’re on top of her, just the weight and the warm she feels and ofc the view she has, she finds it the most relaxing and lovely thing ever.
- She adores pet names idc. Loves being all sweet and cheesy when you’re alone and cuddling and hugging and kissing.
- Absolutely adores proximity. The smell of your perfume when she nuzzles on your neck, how soft your skin feels when she hugs you or holds hands with you, the way your body feels in general, she loves it. If you’re in public she’ll always find a way to hold you and be close to you. She definitely likes holding you from the waist a lot.
- She would only have Instagram and maybe tik tok just to see what you send to her, she’s the kind of people that only sees reels that were already viral on tik tok months ago.
- Most things on her social media are gym related, like diets and goals and that kind of stuff. Her feed is full of muscular people, book recommendations and some cute dogs.
- She likes and comments each one of your posts and stories, nothing too cringy just probably a smiley face or an emoji.
- She only uploads stories with you, any time you both have dates she’d post pictures of you or of the places you two visited. And ofc she has a highlight about you.
- She likes memes, a lot, she also uses a lot of emojis and stickers and most times will finish her sentences with a :). She has good writing as well, she takes her time writing texts and would correct any misspelling she might make because of her fingers not fitting the keyboard properly.
- She loves apple products, she definitely has an iPad that uses all the time for everything.
- Even though her style is mostly masculine and usually wear the same type of clothes in the same type of colors she enjoys shopping clothes with you. She lets you choose some clothes for her and does the same for you.
- She owns a camera and takes pictures of everything, including you ofc
- Anytime you watch a movie together she’ll immediately fell asleep, she just can’t stay awake when she’s so close to you, all warm and cozy.
- She does wear makeup (idc if you agree, she does, I’ve seen her) and also knows the basic about skincare. She’s learned most things because of Instagram. It’s not a routine or anything and ofc her makeup it’s super basic.
- She lets you do her makeup sometimes too, she’d let you try on her all the makeup products when you go shopping.
I want a gf so bad 😪
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z0mbi3k1d · 4 months
Romanticizing life part 1
School 📚
School sucks it's probably the worst part of anyone's day but Hot girls romanticize everything so life becomes more fun and enjoyable. Here are some tips and tricks for romanticizing school!
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In class🖊
Do your work!! It's even cuter to be smart and attractive
If you finish your work you can read or doodle
Try and work with friends, it makes the work more fun
Listen to music! Make a playlist specifically for school (I'm not gonna link mine because it's not specifically for school it's just my music taste)
Get cute supplies, your favorite colors or ones with cute little characters on them
Notes 🧷
Highlighters and pens!! They make your work look sooo cute!!
Stickers! They also make your notes look more aesthetic and adorable
Practice handwriting, PLEASE omg my hand writing is so bad I have to practice too but your notes will look so cute
Look up borders on Pinterest and use those on your paper they look so cool fr
Organize your notes, weather it's boxes, bullet lists or lines. It just makes it look neater
Social stuff 🖌
Stay out of drama!! It's not cute!!
Use manners and be polite at all times, no body likes someone with an ugly personality. And if they do that's someone you should satay away from
Have good relationships with teachers, say hi and smile to them, it could make a worlds difference!
Have a positive attitude, not everybody is terrible!
Find a club you enjoy, it's easier to make friends with people who have similar hobbies!
Confidence!! 🖇
Be confident you're hot so act like it!!
Keep your head up high, I know it's scary but you'll look more approachable
Pretend you are your favorite character, act like them
Listen to music that makes you feel confident
Wear clothes that make you feel confident, confidence>>looks
Fun little things 📌
When listening to music in the halls pretend your in a movie/music video
Take pictures and record videos with your friends during any free time for memories
With your friend take a paper and write down sweet things about each other, my friend and I do this and it's really fun
You can also pretend you're the main character in a shojo anime!!
Look good, feel good 🖍
"Life isn't a fashion show" yes it is!! Wear things that make you feel like yourself and you'll win!!
Please wear perfume smelling good is a must!!
Make sure your hair is brushed/fixed and looks good
Make sure your bag looks clean please!
Lunch 🍱
Try and pack your own, it's definitely healthier
Please eat lunch, it's important for you to stay adorable!
If you don't have friends sit near people you think are cool, they might end up talking with you!
If you don't want to do that then you can sit by yourself, people don't usually tend to care if you sit at their table as long as you don't bother them
Links ✂️
Cute Amazon school supplies list:
Upcoming posts 📖
Romanticizing gym class
Downtown girl aesthetic guide (rq)
Thanks for reading!! 🩷
Have a great day pretty girl, stay safe and drink tons of water!!
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what if it's you, and what if it's me, and what if that's all that we need it to be
bruiseshipping exchange fic for @fancypersonaskeletonturtle! I hope you enjoy it, I managed to get all the prompts combined into this <3
cross posted to ao3
Cole’s thoughts were all jumbled up as he and Jay hiked up the mountain. They’d finally gotten him back after so long, but Jay was amnesiac. He couldn’t remember anything from before the Merge. Nothing about his parents, or his time as a ninja, or their relationship together. That last one hurt the most. But that was why they were going up this mountain right now — maybe if Cole brought Jay to places they’d gone before, he would remember.
“It’s not much further,” Cole told Jay. They were about three-quarters of the way up, only half an hour or so before they reached the top. 
“O- okay,” Jay stumbled over his words. 
Cole should probably talk. He had been silent for most of the trip, not usually a problem when someone else was doing the talking, but Jay wasn’t as talkative anymore. It was like being in the Administration had stripped him of all his personality. “Um, the view up there is very nice,” he said awkwardly. “You can practically see all of the realms from there.” The view hadn’t always been like that — before the Merge it showed a lush forest. Now it showed a nonsensical mix of landscape that ranged from tundra all the way to desert. Cole had spent days trying to track down the mountain now that the world was so different.
“Even Imperium?” Jay cracked a dry smile. 
“Well, maybe not Imperium, but pretty much everywhere else,” Cole said sheepishly. He twisted the bracelet on his wrist, a habit he’d picked up while in the Land of Lost Things. 
“Must be nice.”
“It is.”
Reaching the top of the mountain, they really could see all the merged realms. Cole looked over at Jay, searching for any hint of recognition. He didn’t find any. 
Jay sniffled. “I… I don’t remember this,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
Cole pushed down the pang of hurt he felt. It wasn’t completely unexpected for Jay not to remember this, and not fair of him to be upset about it when it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Nobody could have predicted Jay’s amnesia. “That’s alright. This place is pretty different from what it was before the Merge.”
“We can still stay for a while though, right?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Getting back to the Monastery took another three hours. The trek to the mountain had taken quite a while, and climbing up took even longer. By the time they arrived home, Jay was ready to collapse on his bed and sleep. Of course, he used the term ‘home’ loosely. The Monastery was more home than the Administration, but he couldn’t remember any of it. Couldn’t remember any late movie nights that must have taken place, or training sessions, or even just goofing around with his friends. 
Jay knew that it must hurt everyone for him not to remember. Going to the mountain with Cole had been an incredible experience. He only wished he could remember the first time they went together.
Cole knocked on the open door, a nonverbal request to be let in. “Door’s open,” Jay said. 
“I brought a photo album,” Cole said quietly. He held up a bright blue monstrosity of a folder, decorated with stickers and glitter. “I thought maybe this could jog your memory?”
“Yeah, sure,” Jay patted the space next to him on the bed. Cole sat down and opened the folder. 
“I didn’t realise people still used those,” Jay joked. Anything to get rid of the awful mood that hung in the room.
Cole shrugged. “Probably not a lot, but Master Wu is — was old fashioned. And I think it’s more sentimental than a phone.”
“I guess,” Jay turned to look at the photos.
The first page of the book showed two handwritten notes. The first was obviously written by Cole. To Jay, it said. I love you more than words can express. Meeting you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You mean the world to me and I love you more than what can be written on this paper.
The second seemed to be from Jay. He had no memory of writing it, of course he didn’t, but it seemed very heartfelt. I love you, Cole. You’re my best friend, my love, my soulmate, my ride-or-die. Cheers to a new beginning <3
Jay could feel Cole staring at him, begging wishing hoping for him to remember. Jay turned the page and looked at the photos pasted on it. There were several on this one: a selfie of them at some sort of cafe, holding up pastries and smiling; a picture someone else had taken of them curled up on the couch asleep; them covered in mud and dripping wet, with the caption ‘went fishing and failed.’ All sorts of memories that Jay desperately wanted to remember but couldn’t. Looking at these photos made him feel like a stranger peering into someone else’s life.
Jay’s gaze drifted to the next page. It showed similar pictures, of them making flower crowns and having lunch together and smiling and laughing and being happy. He stroked the one of them dancing a duet. The photo was dimly lit, and the resolution wasn’t great, but Jay could tell it was one of the best memories just from how happy they looked in it.
Cole looked at Jay and tried not to cry. He was showing no recognition of anything so far, but they weren’t even halfway through the book yet. Maybe something would click later on. He watched as Jay flipped through the pages. His heart stuttered when Jay touched the photo of them dancing a duet. Did he remember that one? To Cole, it was one of the most important moments in their relationship.
“So, first date?” Jay looked at Cole hopefully. He put on an award winning smile and held out his hand. “I have plans, if you want to.”
Cole laughed. “Haven’t we already gone on a date?” He teased. 
“Fighting evil together does not count!” Jay swatted Cole’s arm. “I was thinking more of a night out. Not for fighting the forces of darkness or anything, just us going to the club and having fun.”
“A club? You’ve found one that will let in two underage teenagers?”
“I have my ways,” Jay smirked. “Soo, do you want to, or no?”
“You already know the answer to that, Sparky.”
“Stop and let me live out the teenage romance movie, please?”
“Of course, my good sir.”
Jay smiled and tugged on Cole’s arm. “Our chariot awaits!” He pointed at the lightning jet — it had been given a makeover for the occasion, with fairy lights and fake candles scattered about. Even the windows were decorated with little heart stickers. 
“You did all this?” Cole looked at Jay in surprise. 
“Of course! It’s our first date and you expected no romantic lighting? The horror!” Jay faked fainting, draping an arm on his head and the other around his stomach.
“You’re such a dork.”
“It’s one of my best traits,” Jay said. “Get dressed and we’ll meet here in ten?”
Getting to the club took only a few minutes. Jay had chosen a good place, and going by air meant the commute was even shorter. 
“Good sir,” Jay bowed and opened the door for Cole. He was especially striking that night, dressed in a navy blue suit. His hair had been gelled to the side, obviously with Kai’s hair products. 
Cole smiled. “Thank you,” he said as he stepped out. The entrance to the building was lit up in neon lights, blue and pink and red and green. 
Jay walked over and hooked his arm around Cole’s. “We’re gonna be the best dressed couple at the dance,” he joked. “Absolute ten-out-of-ten.”
“Well, yeah! Or at least, you will. I mean, you’re stunning! Not that you’re not always stunning, but—“ 
Cole put a finger to Jay’s lips. “You look amazing as well, so shut up.”
“Tickets?” A gruff voice interrupted the moment. Cole looked up at the security guard. 
“Oh, yeah. Here,” Jay pulled out his phone and showed it to the guard. 
Whatever he had shown must have been satisfactory, because the guard grunted and let them in.
“Wow,” Cole breathed. The club was incredible and kind of overwhelming — bright disco lights bathing the room in colour, a snack bar with people crowded around, music blaring loudly.
“Yeah, that was my reaction too,” Jay grinned. 
A loud crashing sound from outside stopped Cole from answering. “— no, we’re here on official ninja business,” Kai’s voice said. Of course the others had followed them. 
Jay rolled his eyes fondly and grabbed Cole. “C’mon, let’s outrun them.”
“They’re such stalkers,” Cole agreed.
 They pushed through the crowd to the dance floor, where the chances of being found were slim. “A dance?” Jay held out his arm. “I’ve been practicing for weeks.”
Cole took his hand. “Good thing I can dance too, then,” he said. 
They slow danced like that for what felt like an eternity in the best way possible.
Cole snapped out of his memories to the sound of Jay turning the page. “This is all us?” Jay asked. His expression was strange — not exactly wistful, but it was something close. As if he didn’t quite understand the photos, but wished he could.
Cole cleared his throat. “Yeah, that album is just the two of us, but there are more that have the others.”
“There’s a lot in here,” Jay said softly. He gestured to the dozens of pages, all of which  held at least three photos each. 
“We knew each other for a long time,” Cole shrugged. “That’s like five years of photos.”
“Five years,” Jay said, like they were foreign words. 
“Five years,” Cole agreed. 
The next day, Cole brought Jay to the old coffee shop they used to frequent. The place hadn’t changed despite everything — even after the Merge, it was still painted the same shade of grey and the floor was still suspiciously sticky. The menu hadn’t gotten anything new added. The same display case showed the exact same pastries as five years ago. Even the cat looked the same, unkept orange fur and a confused expression. Everything about this place made it perfect for jogging Jay’s memory — the mountain was pretty different now, but old Mr. Chan’s coffee shop was exactly the same.
“This is Mr. Chan’s,” Cole said to Jay. “We used to come here all the time. It hasn’t changed a bit,” he chuckled. 
Jay still had that mildly confused, sorrowful expression on. “And we got… coffee? Here?”
“Yep,” Cole nodded. “Is anything familiar?”
Jay paused for a moment, seemingly considering it, and then shook his head. Any hope Cole had felt shattered.
“That’s alright,” Cole smiled. He hoped that Jay couldn’t still tell the difference between which of his smiles were genuine and which were forced. “You wanna order?”
Jay stared down at his coffee. It was delicious — perfect amount of sugar and cream, and the coffee itself was amazing too. Cole sat across from him, drinking an abomination of sugar and caramel. How he could stand to drink that, Jay would never know.
Cole must have noticed him staring, because he looked up. “You enjoying it?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” Jay said.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
Jay shook his head and pretended not to notice Cole deflating at his response. He really wished that he could remember, could be the person that Cole clearly needed, but his brain was empty. Trying to think of anything from his past drew up a blank. He hadn’t even known the ninja’s names before they introduced themselves.
“It’s okay not to remember,” Cole said. “We’ve dealt with amnesia before.”
“Yeah, Zane‘s gotten it a bunch of times. Nya too, and one time all of you collectively forgot me,” Cole laughed like he had told a funny joke.
“But has it ever taken this long to remember?”Jay clutched his takeout cup a little tighter. It had been five years since the Merge, which meant five years of no memory. At this point, was it even possible for Jay to remember? He still couldn’t recall his parents. Two people who must have raised and taken care of Jay, and he didn’t know their names.
“Zane was amnesiac for like sixty years.”
“Zane is a nindroid. I’m not,” Jay frowned. “Tell me, Cole. Is it possible for a human to remember after so long?”
Cole looked immensely uncomfortable with this conversation. “I’m not sure,” he finally said, “and I’m also not sure if we’re even human at this point. So…”
Jay sighed and got up. He couldn’t stay here anymore, not when he wasn’t the person Cole remembered. Cole needed support and care, not whatever Jay could provide. He was probably better off with Zane or Kai or literally anyone who wasn’t an imposter pretending to be his loved one. “I’m going back to the Monastery now,” he said.
Cole stood up as well and followed Jay out the door. “You can’t get back without driving,” he reminded him. “And I have the keys.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“C’mon, let’s go back,” Cole opened the car door and got in. It was a very awkward drive back to the Monastery.
Cole lay on his bed face down. He’d locked the door and closed all the windows, effectively shutting himself in darkness. The blackout curtains really were his best investment. 
Coffee had been a disaster. Not only had Jay been unable to remember, Cole had also succeeded in making him feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t Jay’s fault that he had amnesia, and Cole’s prying had made everything worse.
Ugh. Cole was probably the merged realms’ worst boyfriend. Did he and Jay still count as boyfriends? Probably not. Why did everything have to be so complicated?
“I’m an awful person,” Cole groaned into his pillow. Zane would chastise him for moping like this, but Zane didn’t get to judge Cole’s relationship issues, not with how much sulking he’d been doing in Pixal’s absence.
He stayed buried in his blankets for only a few more minutes before he got bored. Cole forced himself out of bed and looked at the photo album instead — he hadn’t bothered putting it back in its rightful place yesterday. He flipped through, stopping at the photo of him and Jay curled up on the couch asleep. Nya had taken that picture; she’d found them asleep in the living room and took the opportunity. Jay had printed it out when they were putting the album together. “I like it,” he’d said, “you look so peaceful in it.”
“Peaceful? I tackled you and sent us both crashing to the floor,” Cole raised an eyebrow.
“It was a bonding moment.”
Cole smiled at the memory. It was another moment he thought of fondly, though that didn’t really mean anything when he thought of all their time together like that.
Jay was gaming, entirely focused on the screen in front of him. He wasn’t paying attention to Cole, who sat next to him boredly.
“Ha! Take that, ya stupid turtle!” Jay cackled at the screen.
Cole jolted upright at Jay’s sudden burst of laughter. His boyfriend wouldn’t be done with the game for a while, likely not until he was forcibly dragged away. Problem was, Cole wanted Jay to be focusing on him. But it would also be a tough challenge to get him away from his beloved video games. Nothing short of physically tackling him would get his attention.
Hmmm.  That wasn’t a bad idea, actually. Cole positioned himself so that he could jump onto Jay with minimal injury. Jay was so absorbed in the game that he didn’t notice until Cole had slammed into him and they’d both ended up on the floor.
“Cole! What was that for?” Jay took a second to process before he spoke.
Cole tried not to smile. That would give him away. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said. 
“You— you liar!” Jay screamed hysterically. “You definitely know what I’m talking about!”
“Nope!” Cole grinned.
“You’re so clingy.”
“Don’t know what you mean by that, blabbermouth.”
Jay sighed and accepted his fate. “Fine, we’ll stay here tonight. But any sore muscles are your fault, okay?”
“More than okay.”
I should go talk to him, Cole thought.  He needed to talk to Jay, clear the air a bit. It had been even more awkward than usual since yesterday.
It hurt that Jay couldn’t remember anything, of course, but it wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Just the universe screwing them over, like always. Their lives truly were one disaster after another.
Cole sighed and got up, making his way to the door. He rehearsed what he’d say to Jay over and over. Then he knocked on the door and waited for Jay to respond. 
A knock at the door had Jay crawling out of bed and coming face to face with Cole, both of them standing there awkwardly until Jay spoke.
“Um, come in?” He squeaked.
“We need to talk,” Cole said. He gave no indication that he’d heard Jay speak, instead sitting down on the bed and looking at Jay. His eyes made Jay think of those creepy porcelain dolls in antique shops — they stared right into your soul, pulling out all your secrets.
“Talk about what, exactly?”
Cole got a guilty look on his face. “That sounded a bit ominous, didn’t it,” he mumbled. “Sorry. I just wanted to say that. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, lately. It’s just that you’re my best friend. And I’m trying to make you remember, because of course I want you to, and I’m pretty sure you do too, but it isn’t fair of me to keep pushing to make you remember when you can’t, and it’s not your fault, and—“ Cole was crying now, streams of water coming from his eyes. “I just wanted to say that you mean so much to me, and that it’s not your fault that all this happened. I’m being unfair, pressuring you to remember like this. It’s not fair to either of us.”
“I want to remember,” Jay said softly. “I want to know all the inside jokes that we had, and all the memories of our first date or birthdays and all the other stuff. You mean a lot to me too, I swear. It’s just that I can’t remember anything, and that means I can’t be the person you need. I can’t support you when I don’t even know your favourite colour, much less how to help with all the other stuff.”
“It’s orange,” Cole said suddenly, turning to look at Jay. “My favourite colour is orange.”
“And you’re the black ninja?”
“It’s ironic, I know,” Cole laughed. “But in all seriousness, it’s okay for you not to remember. Just be yourself, I guess. You’re still the same person. And I’m not letting go of hope that you’ll get your memories back with time.”
Cole took Jay’s hand. “We should spend a day together, get to know each other again. Go for a walk in the Crossroads or something. It would be fun.”
“Yeah, it would be,” Jay smiled.
“Maybe tomorrow? You know, before the next world shattering crisis arrives?”
“I’d like that.”
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dollsque · 3 days
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ❝ ONLY YOU, DARLING, ONLY YOU ❞ 💚
Word Count: 1.2k
Short Summary: All the ways you two say “I love you.”
Notes: Fluff, Hobie Brown x Reader, Y/N used sparingly, no mention of gender, one-shot, sfw
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🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did leave out special post-it notes on the windows around the house while patrolling that told you to stay safe, eat well, drink well, get some afternoon beauty sleep, and some silly little quick doodles.
However, even with the loving intent behind it, he does sometimes do this just to ease your mind that he’s okay when he drops off the notes. You’ll be watching TV, window free of a post-it note, then a while later you’ll see a Post-it on it with quick, messy, and unmistakable handwriting (or a quick doodle) with an added timestamp and small handwriting at the bottom that told you he’s alright. He wanted to make sure you didn't have the same stressful, worrisome days he had.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did take care of his wounds after he came home from patrolling no matter how tired you are. No matter how many times he assures you that his super healing will do most of the work, he knows his effort is futile when you’re already opening the med kit and getting ready to get to work with a tired but determined expression as you listen to his daily stories.
You then checked for anything else you missed, any small scratches that would have healed on their own, and some that may have needed a bandaid. After you’re done, you give him lots of kisses and hugs for his hard work, which he gratefully accepts.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did make some room on his beloved guitar for your signature and adorable chibi drawings that you somehow turned into stickers. Any small little gifts you made like some bracelets, he wore like a champ. He owns that shit.
All the handmade little cards you’ve made for a holiday like Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, all the birthday cards, and all the cards you made are in a very special box with a bow on it. He secretly reads them all every night when you’re asleep, and some of them date back to when you guys first truly became best friends.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did spend some time repairing his suit when sometimes he was simply too tired to do it. You knew that being Spider-Man was hard. You didn’t want him to do it all alone. You knew you couldn’t help much, but you knew that even the simplest of things like repairing the tears and scratches in his suit, washing it, and making sure that it would be good as new the next time he needed it, was good enough for you.
His huge smile, happiness, appreciation, and the way he flickered between the colors purple, pink, and yellow, were always worth it. All the hugs and kisses you received, and how he told you he’d make it up to you somehow, told you that you had done your part and that you did it amazingly, and that was enough for you.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did try and get into your interests and hobbies, like reading books for example, so he could bond with you over more things. Once you finished a book, he’d pick that same book up and read it so that he could talk to you about it. He would even get upset when he was in the middle of reading, his spider senses would go off, meaning he had to continue later.
He would always enjoy the way your eyes lit up when he started talking about the book you had recently read. You two would share your opinions, some even clashing sometimes, but it still was enjoyable and an amazing bonding moment. Sometimes, he’d even go to the library and pick out two books that he’d think you’d enjoy. He’d pick out a book for himself to hide the fact that he went solely for you.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did decide to bake him some treats and pastries like cookies or little cupcakes to share with him just because. You think you both deserve it after long days, and you would like to cheer him up. You loved seeing the animated eyes of his Spider-Man mask squint in happiness and delight as he turned yellow at the smell. Yellow for happiness, you knew.
Paper pastries would float about around him for just a split second as he ate them with you before they disappeared, but you swore that one day you’d touch one of the floaty-thingies (as you called them) one of these days to seriously see if they were actually paper or if they were even grabbable in the first place. But for now, seeing him happily eat the pastries while complimenting the hell out of your baking skills was enough to make the both of you happy.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did pay attention to the things you said you liked in your many conversations with him. He particularly paid attention to the part where you said you adored the lily of the valley flowers. He immediately went into action the next day, researching the hell out of those flowers. Once he finds out that they’re poisonous, he moves on to plan B: paper lily of the valley flowers.
Two days after that conversation he surprised you with his handmade lily of the valley flowers, which looked close enough to the real ones. He explained that he didn’t want you getting poisoned to death over pretty ass flowers, so he made them for you instead.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that as long as you didn’t eat them and wore gloves, you’d be fine, but honestly? Those were way more fucking precious than receiving the real thing from him, just because of the extra love and care that went into them. You showered him with hugs, and kisses, while he received them with a goofy, lovesick grin (and yes, he did turn pink with the little floaty-thingy hearts, but you were too busy showering him with physical affection to remember your little mission).
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did try to shower him with affection whenever you could. You wanted to be the one to make the move to hold his hand. You wanted to be the one to give him a big hug. You wanted to be the one to initiate the cuddles on the couch as you two watched a movie. You wanted to hold his pinky with yours every chance you got. You wanted to initiate the sweet little kisses that you often stole from him.
You wanted to make him feel like he was the most loved boyfriend on the fucking planet. He already did that for you, making you feel like the most valued partner on the planet, so now it was your turn, and you planned on making him feel that every time you showed him physical affection.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ BUT WAIT A MINUTE—YOU HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER THIS WHOLE TIME! It’s just that actions speak louder than words, and you both were able to feel it during all those moments, even while apart. Your love could never be broken, for it’s equally as strong whether you two decide to say it, or whether you two decide to show more than tell.
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© 2024 dollsque - all rights reserved; do not copy my works, repost my content, edit my works, or translate my works on tumblr or anywhere else. it is strictly forbidden.
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prosperdemeter2 · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Not watermark this time but another AU that I am having WAY too much fun writing... I give you a glimpse of Retail Manager!Eddie and Fire Marshal!Buck. I'm actually really excited for this story to be finished, I have so much planned for it.
Eddie was going to commit arson.
Which probably wasn't the smartest thought to be having while the much too attractive Fire Marshall listed out every single thing the previous store manager had screwed him over on but…. But Eddie was going to commit arson. At this point, it would probably help the company out to just burn down the whole store, take the insurance payout, and start over from the ground up. Preferably while still keeping him employed but, well, beggers couldn't be choosers and all that. “Your score is horrible,” the guy said with a tone of voice that meant that he was at least mentally, laughing in Eddie’s face. “Like, seriously, I don't think I should even let you stay open for business with a score this low.”
“So shut us down.” Eddie grumbled, kicking his sneaker against the scuffed up, unfinished concrete floor in front of the management desk.
He had been there a week.
A week. And Eddie had already had to argue with several customers over the return policy because the previous manager - may she rest in absolute hell (no, she wasn't dead, she had just gone to another store down the road and Eddie hated her on principle) - had thought the sign explaining it was tacky and removed it from the registers (which was illegal. They had to be posted). He had already had three workers put in their notice, the assistant manager kept looking sorry for him and annoyed by his questions, and now this. The Fire Marshal's inspection.
Eddie had worked his share of retail jobs and none of them enjoyed when the Fire Marshal visited. Granted, none of his stores had failed as hard as this one was apparently going to, but he figured there was a first time for everything.
The Fire Marshal snorted, “I'm not shutting you down.”
Great. Of course he wasn't. He was just wasting Eddie's time by pretending to care about his job. “Listen -.”
“I get it,” the Marshal said, pen tapping on the clipboard he brought with himself. It had several stickers on the back. Eddie had spied one that had said ‘hello, I'm anxious and I'm trying my best’. It looked like Chris’ folder for school. “It's, what, your first week?”
Eddie tried not to twitch and, instead, crossed his arms firmly around his chest. “Yes.”
“We'll call this a test run. You see what I do this time around, I give you a… Progress report or whatever. I'll come back in a few weeks when you've had some time to settle in and fix stuff up. Give you your real grade then.”
“That's…” Nice. Unfairly kind, actually. Something Eddie really hadn't expected. Every Fire Marshal Eddie had ever had the honor of being inspected by had shown up in a stuffy suit and tie, their badge clipped to their front pocket, and the air of someone who was almost good enough to be a firefighter permiating their being. This guy had shown up without any grays in his hair, a stupidly kind looking professional smile, a crisp white shirt with a small stain on his sleeve and a dark navy tie. He had introduced himself with a quick, firm shake of Eddie’s hand and said hello to the cashiers. He had worn his badge on his belt loop, not his pocket, and he had waited until Eddie was done with a customer before asking go to his office. Eddie didn't have any reason to be being so cold towards him. He almost felt guilty about it.
“Here,” The paper ripped as he tore off Eddie’s copy, signed the bottom, and handed it to him.
A 23%?!
Eddie balked at the score, “Oh, come on, man.”
“You're lucky it's not worse.”
“How is this lucky? It's an F minus.”
“Your smoke detectors don't even work in half the store.”
“They work.”
“See that blinking red light?” The Marshal pointed to the smoke detector above Eddie’s head. It blinked mockingly at him. “Half your alarms aren't doing that.”
Okay, so that… was a problem. “You marked down,” Eddie glanced at the paper, the neat, blocky handwriting in all capital letters. “That our store is too dirty. We clean it every night!”
“Cleary, not well enough.”
Absurdly, Eddie was insulted on behalf of his dusters. “You're just being petty.”
The Marshal bristled, “No, I'm being thorough.” He clicked his pen and shoved it in the front pocket of his khakis, and like it was mocking him, the overhead light in his office flickered, threatening to turn off completely. “I'll be back in a few weeks. Get this stuff fixed, and I'll give you an actual grade.”
“Get this stuff fixed, and I'll give you an actual grade,” Eddie mocked when he had left, burying his face in his hands with a groan. “Fuck you, Fire Marshal…” he glanced at the papers, to the name written out in print first before signed much too neatly. “Buckley.”
@wildlife4life 😘
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klbwriting · 5 months
Who Am I Really?
Chapter 1
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: violence and attack in this chapter
Summary: Orm is traipsing around the surface when he decides to visit an animal shelter. While there Atlanteans soldiers attack. Orm is able to fight them off before they can report him back to Atlantis, but in the process he loses his memory
Notes: Hello! This is one of 2 fics that I will be posting! This one will be posted daily in the morning. I hope you enjoy! Comments/critiques are appreciated!
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Orm Marius was many things. He was a disgraced king, a mighty warrior, a proud Atlantean, but a good surface dweller he was not. He couldn't figure out why they did so many stupid things. Why did they throw out perfectly good food? Why didn't more of them know how to grow things, how to make things? He had grown up with servants yet he knew how to grow his own food, mend his own armor and clothes, make sure there was not unnecessary waste. He couldn't understand why surface dwellers weren't taught these simple things. He wandered the land, learning more about the corruption and hatred they held also. Arthur liked this place? His own mother loved someone from this hell hole? How? Then he started noticing something else. He noticed community gardens that were flourishing, with volunteers helping to harvest and give the food to those in need. Atlantis could learn from that. For all their merits about being environmentally conscious and able to take care of themselves they didn't do as well taking care of each other. He saw a news story on one of those TV's about a house fire and neighbors coming together to raise money to make sure the family affected could build a new house quickly, offering their own homes to stay in while they waited. And finally, he found a person who did something he could not even imagine. This person saved animals. Marine life seemed never ending to Atlanteans. They would eat every part of the creature but they weren't pets. When his first animal companion, a sea turtle, had died, his father had found him mourning and had made sure he understood that animals were nothing to mourn. The scars on his back were enough that he never mourned another creature again. This woman fascinated him.
He entered her shelter, a small compound by a lake he had been camping around, just to watch her and how she interacted with the small creatures. She smiled happily at him, introducing herself.
"I'm Y/N, can I have your name and reason for your visit? Are you just looking or adopting?" she asked, bringing up a clipboard. Orm frowned a moment.
"I'm Orm," he said finally, knowing this surface dweller wouldn't know who he was from anyone else coming in. "I was just looking, never had a pet before, wondering what all the fuss is about." Y/N nodded, writing his name down and pulling a sticker off the clipboard. She put the nametag on his chest. "What is that for?"
"In case you need help, I just met you, I'm not going to remember your name after one meeting," she said. That was a lie. She had seen Orm's blue eyes and knew she wasn't going to forget him, but she still needed to be professional. Orm nodded slowly and she blushed a little, making him smile. She was pretty and by the blush he figured she might find him pretty as well.
"What is the purpose of this place?" he asked. She smiled a friendly smile now, it lit up her face. She waved him through to a door towards barking.
"I started this shelter slash adoption center around five years ago. I've always wanted to help animals but wasn't really smart enough to be a vet, not steady-handed enough to be a groomer, so here I am, trying to save strays and get them into forever-homes," she said, walking them through a hallway with what looked like dog apartments in it. "This is the inside sleeping area, it links to the outside through that little door. In the summer we keep it open all the time, the outside area is contained and they can sleep or just sit out there as long as they want." Orm stooped down by a few of the dogs, looking into their eyes. They looked well fed, even happy. They had some toys, blankets, beds, everything you needed to be comfortable. Just no home. Orm understood that right now. He followed Y/N as she moved to the next area. She finished the tour of the dog wing before standing by another door. "Would you like to see the lakeside play area? I'm really proud of that."
"Ya, let's take a look," he said. He didn't know why he was so pulled to this place, to this person, but it felt like home here, among these other strays. He felt welcomed and like he could be happy here. They stepped outside and he stared. The lake was shimmering in the early sunset, glittering. It was clean, not like other lakes he had seen, and there was a large fenced in area that had dog play equipment and even went so far that the dogs could run into the shallow water if they wanted. "This is nice."
"Ya, I love animals, but I love the water too. There's something so freeing about floating, letting the waves carry all your worries away with them," Y/N said. She frowned, squinting her eyes as she looked over the water. "Is someone swimming?" she muttered. Orm frowned, looking closer. Atlanteans. Three of them. Soldiers if the gear they were wearing was any indication.
"Go inside, lock the doors," he said. If his tone wasn't so commanding she might have argued but Y/N did as told, going inside and locking the doors. She started even getting the dogs inside and locking the doggy doors to that side of the compound. She then sat in a corner and waited, listening to the sounds of a fight, something beyond a human brawl, going on outside.
Orm surveyed the three soldiers around him. He had a chance against 3, anymore he might have had real trouble, but 3 he could handle. They all pounced at once, but even without a weapon, he was ready. He bent, building the strength in his legs, and when he felt hands from the first attacker he twisted, bringing his fist up, sending the first soldier flying back several feet, knocking him into a tree, forcing his sword out of his hands. Orm would need to get that before the soldier fully recovered. He turned his focus to the other two, kicking one backward as he moved to grab him, then punching the other in the stomach to double him over before bring his elbow down on the back of the neck, disabling the water apparatus to suffocate him. That was one who was completely down now. He turned, seeing the first soldier scrambling to get to his weapon. Orm ran faster, grabbing it and slicing. Two soldiers were taken care of. Now just the last one. He turned, seeing the other one with a pulsar of some type. Orm looked around, grabbing the body of the Atlantean he had slain, throwing it towards the other one. He caught the body and fell back, rolling into the lake. The body drifted off on its own while the still living attacker recovered. Orm moved to the other body he had created, throwing it as well. Y/N didn't need a mess when she came back out. The attacker dodged this one, moving to climb out of the water again. Orm repositioned the sword, getting ready to throw it. Just as he launched it at the final attacker, the attacker fired the energy weapon, hitting Orm in the chest and knocking him back into the solid wall of the shelter. The last thing Orm saw was the attacked falling, sword impaled in him, into the water and sinking. Then Orm himself sinks into darkness.
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rott1ngbra1n · 6 months
Sorry for being sudo inactive!! I’ve been on a trip, where I got to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway!! Genuinely such a good show. If I went on about how amazing it was, we’d be here all day
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But on the note of me being gone for a bit, ya boi has been crafting! Along with some more ramblings as usual-
More art below the cut (under my ramble-)
The chapter one outline of the Alley Cat AU has been completed! Now it’s on to drawing some panels out and finalizing the draft! Of course I will probably post more concept work before then, as some details still need to be worked out. But we are making headway!
I’m going to also work on making a masterpost here soon, so that way everything is in one neat spot. But the story will be hosted here! Here’s some more smaller concept work to tide you guys over until the next post! I obviously want to finish a couple chapters but I’ve also started work on a chapter explaining how Morro met his cat! Originally the cat was unnamed but I think Wisp works well for them, I will try to finish the reference sheets for all of the characters before I post any chapters.
I’m also going to finish up my work on chapter one, before posting any of it. So that way the wait between isn’t as awful (fun fact that’s been my New Year’s resolution- to try and post more-) but please be patient with me, I’ve never really worked on a project this big before and I am a full time college student with a job. So I will do my best!
I want to let you guys know as well, the ninja and their dynamic with Lloyd will stay pretty similar to that of the show. With them obviously being suspicious of Lloyd and his “cat”, but because they find him and Lloyd doesn’t try to do anything regarding the Serpentine (because Morro shook some sense into him-) there’s no residual “you unleashed the snakes on us-“ vibes. Instead right off the bat Kai takes one look at Lloyd and says “You are now my little brother. You cannot deny this.”, adding more fluff.
That also means we have to find another person who unleashes the serpentine. Because plot reasons and all that jazz, I’m working on it but I think it would be funny if Jay did it by accident or one of the other darkly boys did it. I’ll toy with both ideas and some other ones before I settle on it, I have time. I hope.
I’ve got some other things I’m cooking up, some Ninjago related, others pertaining to other fandoms I’m in.
Aside from that, I also have a Redbubble! There’s some stuff in there I’m reworking, so a minder and apology for that, but I’m going to try to get some more Ninjago works posted up there. Along with some original works! Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out!
I also have a KoFi that I am also redoing and working on! If you’d like to commission me, that would be the spot! I’m still trying to figure it out so if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask! KoFi link here!
I really appreciate all of your kind words and reblog tags (I do see them, they make me laugh and smile), it means a lot and I hope you all enjoy what else I’ve got in the oven!! Thank you so much!!
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im so sorry for the person i became after soob posted these today......
he looks so cuteee my adorable bunny..... but at the same time...🫣🫣
ugh i just wanna wreck and ruin him w the stickers on
like imagine just dolling him up making him all pretty all for the sake of wrecking him stupid afterwards 🤭🤭i bet he'd enjoy that.. feeling so pretty and pouting like this🫠😩
ima really need to go sleep bc i can't function atp every time soobin posts im💔💔
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should i even reply to this?🤨
have you passed your exams yet???🤨
i don't wanna be the reason you are not studying
the scream i scrumpt when i saw those photos-
my dogs were staring at me like i was fucking insane and i probably am-but that is not the point
the point is-i have thoughts-lots of thoughts but the real question is, are you gonna study or think about this?
i'll be nice just this once🙄...BUT YOU GOTTA GO STUDYYY
just imagine one day he comes up to you shyly, telling you that he wants you to doll him all up, make him look all pretty
and gladly, of course you'd oblige your sweet lil' bunny? not that you even thought about saying no, but how could anyone with those cute pout and sweet doe eyes-practically irresistible
so you lay him down on the bed, hair splaying out around his head against the clean (for now) sheets and grab all of your things, sitting on his tummy for the perfect position to make him look all pretty
taking your brushes and makeup out and instructing for him to stay still
lightly scolding him as his body squirms beneath you, his mind becoming hazy under your weight and the gentle commands.
but you ignore that, ignore the very obvious bulge he hopes you haven't noticed. ignore the way his breathing gets heavier and the way he wasn't very good at concealing the mewl that escaped when your hand accidentally brushed over his very sensitive nipples
you ignore that all and continue until the very last sticker is placed on his cheeks before sitting up with a big grin and gushing about how adorable he looks
he pouts, cheeks heating up but that only makes you coo more, leaning down to pepper gentle kisses over each sticker, making sure not to mess anything up
and he whines, hands clutching at your hips,
"please, please, please."
you look up to see how glossy his eyes are, how close the tears are to spilling over and smirk
in that moment he truly, truly realizes the extent of your teasing. just how much you actually knew you were affecting him. "please what bunny? what do you want?"
despite how he knows just the amount of amusement you're getting from this, from torturing him like this. he doesn't care anymore
doesn't care as long as it means you'll do something.
"anything! just touch me!" his fingers slip under your shirt, not too high, just resting on the skin of your stomach, running a thumb over the area "just wanna feel good-please, please, bun' jus wants to feel good!"
the last words are nearly a sob as the tears finally spill over, ruining all your hardwork in the most gratifying ways, eye makeup smudging as he tries to wipe up his tears but stopped as your hand grabs his wrist
"just leave it."
the hem of his shirt is lifted tucked under his chin, a soft hand brushing across the expanse of his chest, leaving backing up into nothing
"to-touch me!" he begs as you watch the tears fall down his pretty cheeks, gasping as your thumb begins to circle his sensitive buds
"oh but bunny, i am."
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crunchchute · 6 months
Hey! Welcome to my (mostly) art blog. You can refer to me as Crunch here. Enjoy your stay!
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🎨 Art info - using my art as your pfp, banner, edits, etc. is OK with credit! Reposting my art is OK only in places where i DON'T have an account, with credit, with the exception of pinterest (i have an acc there but it's OK to repost there with proper credit/link to og post) and i don't mind RP accounts etc. if credited properly. Don't crop out my tag from images or edit them out (exception is a cropped pfp). I don't do requests all the time, only if i make a post about it :] art comms normally closed but i occassionaly make an exception or offer a couple slots.
💚 My main favs change every couple of months, but FNAF and Dynasty Warriors are fandoms i've been in the longest, since 2014, so i always tend to come back to them :] I also enjoy Sonic (specifically non-game media) and have a lovehate relationship with Gorillaz (i just like the art, Murdoc and the music rn). Also got into Sam & Max.
💜 General likes are anything halloween-y, animals, birds and insects; emo, scene, visual kei and dark style of clothing and hair, cute and goofy plushies, and if i ever start talking about cooking or food, Run. I love drawing, sewing, crafting, p much anything creative. I collect furbies, they're my favs :]
❌️ I do not want any terfs and hate towards trans people here, hate towards furries, therians, otherkins, hate towards things people consider "cringe" and i dont answer any weirdos. I don't like bringing heavy topics here unless it's very serious. I have a "live and let live" approach to things, so unless you're doing something actually harmful and/or illegal, i tend to not judge or care. Be nice.
🖤 This is a lgbt safe space. I'm transmasc. He/they prns are interchangeable, it pronoun is okay (think of me as a little bug or a small monkey like my fursona is). I also consider myself unlabeled, but looking into the demi and ficto labels...
‼️ Being overly familiar with me is mostly okay UNLESS it comes off as rude (like calling me "little bro", "bitch", etc. or talking to me as if we were year long friends when you're a total stranger, messaging me for the first time, non-follower etc.) Again, be nice. I sometimes use some tone tags.
👽 English is my learned language so sorry if my vocab is lacking. Sorry if i come off as too serious or deadpan, i have a hard time expressing excitement most of the time. Also everything i post is not super serious, im just a pro hater and gotta meet my quota from time to time 😈 /j and when i theorize it's all just for fun! That's what it should be about!
☕️ You can support me here :] (kofi)
🧷 My Spacehey that i rarely go to
🖍 My Telegram if you wish to talk about art commissions (contact admin)
🐰 TSE Dave telegram sticker pack
🎨 Aggie link
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purplehairedwonder · 4 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @katia-anyway. Thanks, babe! Here we go:
"Underwater Flirtations"
One Piece | T | ZoLaw | 3.8K | Post-Zou, Law and Zoro get caught by the Marines and have a flirty escape
“All right, Captain?” 
"Amid the Falling Snow"
One Piece | T | Lawlu | 6.6K | Law and Luffy get caught in a blizzard and huddle for warmth.
“C’mon, Torao!”
"A Fall in the Woods"
One Piece | G | Rosinante & Law | 1.5K | Rosinante sprains his ankle and Law grudgingly looks after him.
Rosinante glanced over his shoulder to make sure Law was still behind him. 
"Remorse Is Memory Awake"
Dark Rise | T | St. Kempen | 1.7K | James gets his memories back.
Sloane’s head hadn’t even hit the ground before James was dropping to a knee, Ettore’s sword slipping from his grip. 
"To Prove Worthy"
One Piece | T | Drake & Sengoku | 3K | Drake lives in the shadow of Sengoku's late son.
“Enjoying that?”
"To Call Myself Beloved"
One Piece | T | Lawlu | 13.2K | Law, Luffy, and engagement shenanigans.
The celebration of Luffy becoming the Pirate King had been going on for what felt like days, though Law knew it had only been hours.*
*This story began with an epigraph but I chose to include the first line of prose here.
"The Night Is Darkening Round Me"
One Piece | M | Lawlu | 36.9K and counting | Law buys a haunted house. Luffy and the Straw Hats are paranormal investigators.
Law turned his car into a long driveway, absently noting the Sold sticker covering the For Sale sign stuck in the front yard, before continuing up the drive toward the house he’d purchased sight unseen. 
"Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other"
One Piece | T | Lawlu | 2.3K | The Hearts are rescued from Blackbeard, and Luffy asks Law to stay.
It was after midnight when Luffy found Law on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, looking out over the water as the Straw Hats’ ship cut through it like a hot knife through butter in their getaway from Hachinosu. 
"My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands"
One Piece | T | Lawlu | 2.4K | Law wakes up in the Sunny's infirmary after Winner Island.
Consciousness returned in stages, as Law first heard the beeping of monitors and quiet, indistinct voices somewhere nearby. 
"Your Heart, Broken in My Chest"
One Piece | T | Lawlu | 3.6K | Law's heart is acting funny, and Luffy realizes something is wrong.
Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal.
So, it looks like I either start a fic with dialogue or a compound-complex sentence 😂
Tagging @rimetin @hyperbolicreverie @chromatic-lamina @ninhaoma-ya and anyone else who wants to play!
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fernshawart · 1 year
Prompts to develop a cane user character
Hey there ! You may know me for this post, how to write a cane user character :
Over the past year, this post has gathered quite a lot of traction and people seemed to really enjoy it, and I thought I could do more to help all of my writer friends out there ! This time, I decided to give you a bunch of situations a cane user may face to give you some directions to go with your story, and a few exemples to add-on to the idea !
These are overall very focused on young cane users because that's what I am, but I feel like they can mostly be used for characters of all ages.
The character just got their cane. How do they react to it ? The way someone first reacts to getting a cane can say a lot about them. Exemples :
- They don't see it as a big deal, mostly like yet another test to see if something may work. It's kinda like swallowing a pill when you're sick and thinking "here goes nothing". After that, you can also develop on them being very pleasantly surprised that it worked or to stay with the nonchalant style, make them think "oh. It actually worked. Guess I'll be using that from now on"
- They get uncomfortable. They don't want to be seen as weak and look at them using a cane as a kind of failure to be normal. They may even refuse to use it despite clearly needing it out of pride.
- They get extremely excited and immediately try to make it THEIR cane. If it's a metal cane, they play around with the sliding part and move it around a bunch to see how it works. They may try to play with it like a sword to get used to having it in hand (and may even accidentally break stuff with it). If they like colorful outfits, they may doodle on it or add a bunch of stickers/charms to it.
- They take it in front of a mirror and try to pose with it to fully comprehend that this is them now. They can struggle with their vision of themselves because seeing this weird stick always with them now is really weird. But on the other hand, you can also make them try a bunch of poses and have them think "wait ... This is actually really cool. I love how I look now"
See how they react to other people's looks. If a character has a cane, especially when they're young, they're bound to get weird looks. There's always someone looking at you obviously thinking "Why the hell are they using a cane, they probably don't need it" or "Oh no, poor them, they don't deserve to be in so much pain..." What's their reaction to it ? Exemples :
- They get angry. They confront the people staring at them with a "what are you lookin' at, fucker ?!" or just glare at them. They do NOT want to be pitied.
- They get playful and try to act as if these people are only interested in them by their physique. "Oh, I know I'm good looking, but you can stop staring at me darling~" if your character is kind of a classy cane user, it gets really fun to play around it and after a while, their confidence may get a real characteristic of theirs.
- They feel miserable. They don't want to be pitied just because they exist. They're walking outside for five minutes to get groceries and people are pitying them, and that hurts.
- They really don't care. They've seen it all, and don't let the stares affect them anymore. If they did, it would probably drive them mad.
One thing that happens ALL THE TIME with canes is that they fall. And overall, it's really funny to watch. Watching a cane fall down five times in a row is an embarrassing situation and can make some fun interactions ! Exemples :
- The cane user is trying to have very serious talk with someone else. They walk towards them, sits down in a chair, glares at them, puts their cane down against the wall and ... It falls. They put it back. And it falls. They can stay as serious as they want, the other person in front of them is no longer afraid of them.
- The cane user is taking someone on a date at a fun restaurant. They try to sit down on their chair and put their cane away and it falls repeatedly and they start panicking to make it stay up. Their date is very amused by the situation and finds it cute and/or charming.
- The cane user puts their cane against the wall and it falls. Their friend immediately goes to pick it up, but they stop them from doing so by saying something along the lines of "Don't bother. It won't stay up." Or "Heh, it can't fall any lower now."
Oh no, someone is trying to steal your character's cane for some reason ! Maybe it's because they think it was left behind by someone else ? Maybe it has a high market value because it's made of gold ? Any way, they will have to do something about it. Exemples :
- they grab the cane back and just beats the crap out of the thief. You know, it's not rare to see stories where grandpas use their cane to hit people as a joke. But it works ! It's a heavy stick, and often made of metal. You're bound to get some good hits with that.
- They immediately panic and/or cry. Canes can be extremely precious to someone, often because of emotional value. It's something you wear every day, you can easily get attached to it. A lot of people even decorate it, so loosing something you crafted yourself hurts.
- They heavily play the victim to either make the thief regret their action, or people get on their side. It can stem from a genuine emotion, but also from acting if they want to just use the situation to their advantage. Either way, if someone has the audacity to steal from a poor "defenseless" disabled person, the crowd will most likely help them.
- They can just ... Not care much. I mean yeah it was stolen and it sucks but you know, most canes cost what. 12$ ? They're annoyed but they won't make too much of a fuss about it, and running to catch the thief may not be worth it if their legs aren't really healthy.
You know, if your cane user is a little young, some people are bound to think that they are "too young to be disabled". How do they react to that ? Exemples :
- They heavily mock the person who said that. What, just because you think someone is too young to be disabled, they're no longer disabled ? Ha, I wish it could work like that !
- They reply with a good old "If I break your legs, I guess you'll still be able to walk ? Cuz you look too young to be disabled too."
- They get doubts and question if they're really disabled enough to wield a cane. Usually, people only use it when they have big problems or when they're old ... Maybe that person's right ... (No they're not, of course)
- They get extremely serious and explain their situation is nothing to be discussed by people won't don't know them personally.
And that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this little guide <3 if this gets a bit of traction as well, I may write more in the future ! Good luck to all of the writers ~
Oh and one more thing ! Feel free to link your stories down below for everyone to look, will it be a Tumblr post, an AO3 link, a google doc ... I love to see your creations, and I think sharing ideas with people is a GREAT way to develop more varied representation.
And if you want to thank me in a way or another, you can always take a look at my art on Twitter (@FernShawArt) !
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wrathofrats · 3 days
wrathhh tell me abt your chamber/la forum ghoulette names/hc's ♡♡ (i only just figured out my own yesterday lol)
Hi my icon, here’s my initial post on my main headcanons as well as the names (I took them from slippy lmao they were the first person I saw post about them so I imprinted)
But pls have some more stupider headcanons now that I have some stuff established.
- Loves chocolate, has a giant sweet tooth and often has some candy with her to snack on. Sol always takes some, if it’s there why not steal from her girlfriend?
- Femme, dresses very preppy most of the time. Makes her feel nice to be dressed professionally and important.
- Has named certain constellations after the rest of the ghoulettes and always points them out when she sees them
- Decorates her horns with gold star stickers
- Constantly in the practice room, some of the time Callie will join her but she’s often in there alone. She practices when she’s stressed and needs an outlet to let things go.
- Loves to hang in the greenhouse with Ivy working on plants. She enjoys growing herbs and gathering spices to refill things in the kitchen for those who can actually cook.
- Can tend to take things too seriously. She doesn’t understand friendly competition. She is here for blood.
- Energetic, adhd incarnate, either hyper focused for hours or can’t stay on one task for 5 minutes
- Often scares the other ghouls because she’s fucking silent and short, creeps in the shadows. It’s on accident but it’s always a bit funny. Dew keeps saying they need to put a bell on her
- Makes really good coffee. Like makes lavender cold foam and has a bunch of syrups (obviously with the help of Eden who watches from afar but supplies the ingredients)
- Is Callie’s shadow. Stands with her very often and hides behind her because she is tall and lorie is not.
- Loves sappy romance movies. Will cry every time. Aether usually will join her and hand her tissues
- trips over her own feet and slams into things constantly
- Eats ice when she runs too hot. Has a cup of ice or ice cream and the rest watch the steam come off of her head
- Think she can make lava, somehow … she can make lava
- Has a hard time controlling her powers. Those around her most wear fire proof fabrics in case she loses her control. She’s trying her best
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