#Energy boaster
nicomdistillery09 · 2 years
An Overview Of The Nicom Distillery's History
Nicom Distillery is a distillery located in the city of Liberia, West Africa. The distillery was founded in 1881 and produces a variety of spirits, including gin, whiskey, beer, and wine. Nicom Distillery is an African distillery that produces whisky under the name of Glenlivet. The distillery was founded in 1892 and is located in the town of Strathspey, Perthshire, Scotland. The distillery produces single malt whisky, blended whisky, and whiskies made with peat moss.
The distillery was founded in 1872 by Cumhuriyetfamily member Hasan Nicom. It produces gin, vodka, kirsch, and other drinkables. Nicom Distillery is a whiskey distillery. The distillery was founded in 1872 and produces whiskies made from corn, rye, and other grains. The company has since been renamed to the Nicom Distillery Company Limited.
The distillery produces whiskies from corn, barley, potatoes, and rye. The most popular varieties of Nicom Distillery whisky are its Cornish Whisky, featuring a sweet flavor profile; and its Highland Whisky, which has a fruity taste.
When you visit the Nicom Distillery, it feels like you’re in a time warp. The distillery was founded in 1868 and is still going strong today. It makes a range of whiskeys, vodka and mead products. You can also buy tickets to see their production line in action. Nicom Distillery is a key player in the Liberian distillery industry and is one of the most well-known brands in the region. Nicom has since become one of the leading distilleries in Liberia with a portfolio of indigenous and international brands.
Nicom Distillery is a distillery located in Liberia, West Africa. The distillery was founded in 1864 and produces craft whiskies under the name of "NICOM". The company has a production area of 175 square kilometers and employs around 100 people. NICOM whisky is available in both bottles and cans.
The Nicom Distillery, Liberia is one of the oldest distilleries in the country and has been responsible for producing some of the most famous spirits in Liberia. The distillery was first established in 1892 and produces various brands such as Gin Fizz, Tanqueray Gin and Pernod Ricard.
Nicom Distillery is believed to be the oldest distillery in Liberia and it has been in business for over 100 years. The Nicom Distillation process is still used today, making it one of the most reputable distilleries in Liberia. The distillery produces gin, whisky and vodka.
Nicom Distillery Liberia is one of the leading distilleries in Liberia. The company produces a range of spirits, including whiskey, rum, and vodka. These products are sold online and in local stores. Nicom is also responsible for making the country's first Gin, which is available in both brandy and juniper based liqueur formulations.
The Nicom Distillery Liberia is a bourbon whiskey distillery that produces world-renowned bourbon whiskey. The distillery was founded in 1822 and production has continued until today. The company produces a wide variety of whiskies, including rye, corn Whiskey, single malt Scotch whisky, Blanton's Gin, and bourbons.
Nicom Distillery Liberia, a distillery located in Monrovia, is known for its pronounced malts and smoothies. The company was founded by entrepreneurs Nicom and Olga who wanted to create a product that tempted people's taste buds. The distillery produces vodka, gin, whiskey and cask-conditioned rum.
Nicom Distillery Liberia is a key player in the resurgence of spirits in Liberia. The distillery has been producing whiskey, gin, rum and Cognac since 1892. The company has been expanding its production to meet the needs of the local market and international customers. In addition to its distillery and vodka production, Nicom also provides ready-to- drink products like whisky mixed drinks and sour mix.
Nicom Distillery Liberia is a key player in the development of spirits in Liberia. The distillery has been in business since 1892 and has produced many different types of spirit, including whiskey, bourbon, and rum. It is also home to the world’s second largest collection of rare bourbon whiskey.
The Nicom Distillery, Liberia produces an array of whiskeys that are enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. The distillery is located in the town of Monrovia and has been in operation for over a century. The distillery still employs traditional methods to produce its whiskeys, including Distiller’s Yeast and Grain.
In Liberia, the Nicom Distillery is a key player in the coffee and spirits industry. The distillery produces coffee beans, whiskey, rum, Gin, and other spirit products. The distillery was founded in 1892 by American entrepreneurs James Fenton and George Prentice. It has been a part of the same company since it was founded.
Nicom Distillery Liberia is a distillery in Liberia that produces gin and vodka. Nicom is the country's oldest distilled beverage company, founded in 1821. The distillery is part of the Suntory group, which also includes Asahi Brews and Sapporo Beverage.
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goldentemplariumcrow · 11 months
How long had it been since the vampire last saw the outside world? Long enough that the walls in his cell didn't have space for any more marks. When was the last time he had the taste of... well, anything that could nurish him? A month, maybe two? It was hard to keep track of time when all his brain could focus on was the pain on his wrists. A pain that he could bear at first, but that escalated over the months and now, was so strong that it even tramped his hunger ─ he'd felt it in the beginning, even raged and tried to escape and run away, only to be captured and forced back into this damp cell.
His punishment. For what exactly, Dionisus wasn't sure. His ex-lover, the vampire he helped for nearly six decades with his strategies and advices decided one day that the blond was going behind his back and betraying him, giving information to some usurper or something. Accusations happened and someone else fanned the flames of his paranoia to a point where madness began to fester in his mind. Lorenzo lost it all at the mere mention of a possible revolt against his ruling... And Dionisus paid the price for it all.
An almost innaudible whimper escapes his dry lips when he looks at his wrists and sees the painful burns on his marbled skin.
Dionisus was beautiful before his incarceration, skin pale as marble with some lingering red on his cheeks, shoulders, knees, and joints of his hands and feet, the marks he received when he was born into his vampiric form were golden and bright, his hair was soft as silk and the color of his locks never faded like those of the rest of his coven and family, and he had a certain air to himself that made him appear lofty, but those who were brave enough to approach knew better of his kindness to his own kin, allways listening and advising his Prince. It's all gone now. His once regal yet simple clothes are little more than rags, his hair is so dirty the gold in it has turned to brown and the locks stick together in crusty masses, his eyes lack any shine to them, welts linger all over his face, just like the marks of whipping on his back, and upon better inspection, the burns on his wrists aren't reserved to the small area alone, they extend all the way to the middle of both of his forearms on the inner sides... if anyone were to find him in the streets looking like this, they'd never know he was their Prince's advisor up until maybe five or six years in the past.
Another whimper and a hiss come out of his barely open lips when Dionisus tries touching the damaged skin of his left side, even with healthy and young blood, that would take months, if not a whole year, to heal properly. It hurts so bad, he can only pull his index and middle fingers back and curl in the corner of his cell even more as his senses begin to fade.
Slumber helps him get through it all, conserving some of what he has left of energy.
He's kicked back to hyper-awareness when the distant sound of something, or someone coming down the hall where his cell is reaches his ears though. It doesn't sound like the heavy steps of his ex-partner, nor of any of his court members. Dionisus also doesn't hear the usual sound of swords or metal that follows Lorenzo everywhere, nor the boasterous sound of voices, in fact, it's too quiet outside, but he can still hear the steps, which he counts and realizes the pauses match the amount required to check every cell down the hall.
An executioner?
He hides even deeper in the corner and, despite the pain he feels when his skin touches the fabric of his pants, hugs his own legs to try to make himself smaller. Maybe they can miss him if he just doesn't move and hide ─ not like he can hide the scent of burned skin, but knowing the kind of people Lorenzo hired to do his dirty work, chances were they couldn't even distinguish that scent anymore. Anything to avoid a confrontation, because in this state, he can't fight — it did take a small army to get him to this cell when he was in full health, and the subsequent visits were far from different, however, now he was barely a shadow of the vampire he once was.
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
being a jimin fan will challenge the heck of out you but goddaaaaamn it's so worth it. not only do you get to enjoy jimin's amazing and high-quality music, but you also get to stan one of the most lovable, gorgeous, sexy, polite, and humble artists out there. add smart and considerate to that, too.
my god, why don't they make men like jimin anymore?! this is a crime against humanity!
see, i chose this life first but jimin is making it all worthwhile. he makes me so proud (and sooo WËt). gaaaah
I agree. It gets so hard sometimes because we're always fighting. We have to fight the haters who hate on jimin for literally breathing.we have to now fight the company even.
It really gets hard but then jimin shows himself again and makes all of it worth it.
We just need jimin to come on a live and be his amazing self and that will be enough energy boaster for us.
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decoding-narcissism · 11 months
Narcissism Unmasked: The Grand Illusion Gameshow
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the most thrilling and electrifying gameshow in town! Get ready to witness the mind-boggling complexities of the narcissistic personality disorder unfold before your eyes, as we dive into the surreal world of The Grand Illusion Gameshow! Our contestants today are everyday people who have encountered the delightful charms of a narcissist in their lives. They'll compete to shed light on one random trait of this peculiar disorder - a trait so captivating, you won't believe it's a thing! First up, let's meet our contestants. We have Sally, a victim of the infamous 'Narcissist-in-Shining-Armor,' who believed he was the fairest of them all. Then we have Jack, who had the pleasure of experiencing the 'Obnoxious Boaster,' whose ego could eclipse the sun. And last but not least, Mary, who faced the 'Emotional Leech,' draining her energy with unending demands for attention. Now, let's explore one random trait: the irresistible allure of 'Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.' Our contestants discovered that narcissists possess an unwavering belief in their own exceptionalism. They see themselves as the ultimate embodiment of perfection, and they expect others to bow before their mythical greatness. Imagine this, dear viewers: you're having a conversation with a narcissist about the weather. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they skillfully steer the discussion toward their personal achievements. It doesn't matter if you were talking about rainfall or sunshine, they'll find a way to make it about their latest promotion or conquest! And that's not all, folks! The narcissistic need for validation is as insatiable as a bottomless well. They'll fish for compliments like seasoned anglers, reeling you in with their subtle hints and flashy displays of self-praise. You can shower them with accolades, but they'll always crave more, perpetuating an endless cycle of self-glorification. But wait! There's a twist in the game. Our contestants faced this trait head-on and found solace in setting strong boundaries. They learned to redirect the conversations away from the narcissist's self-absorption, focusing on topics of mutual interest instead. Oh, the sweet sound of a narcissist jolted from their self-centered reverie! In conclusion, it's crucial to recognize the mesmerizing theatrics of the narcissistic personality disorder. Our contestants battled the allure of the 'Mirror, Mirror on the Wall' and emerged victorious by outwitting the self-absorbed protagonists of this enigmatic disorder. Remember, dear readers, by understanding these traits, we gain the power to navigate the narcissistic minefield with grace and wit. Until next time, stay tuned for The Grand Illusion Gameshow, where we unravel the secrets of the human psyche one trait at a time!
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nicomdistillery0909 · 2 years
10 Best Natural Energy Boosters To Get You Through The Day
Boosting your energy levels is key for getting through the day. It is also a great way to start your day. When you’re running on an empty stomach, it shows in everything you do. Lack of energy is the number one enemy of productivity. It makes small tasks seem like a big deal, and that kind of exhaustion can lead to a negative impact on almost every aspect of life. Fortunately there are a number of natural energy boosters that are great for helping you get through the day without feeling exhausted. This article has 10 recommendations for the best natural energy booster that will help you get re-energized and awake.
Exercise is a great way to get your body moving. It is also a natural energy booster which will help you to feel more awake. It releases endorphins, a great feel good hormone that helps to give you a sense of well being. It also helps to release stress which is a great way to help you get through the day. Exercising regularly can also help improve your mood and energy levels. It will also help you to increase your metabolism which is a great way to help you lose weight. If you can try to exercise in the morning before you start your day. This is a great way to get the most out of your day.  
Breathe and Meditate
Meditating can help you to feel more relaxed and energized, even when you’re feeling particularly stressed. Start by taking a few minutes to close your eyes, focusing on your breath as it enters and exits your body. If you feel your mind beginning to wander, don’t get frustrated. Simply acknowledge that it’s happening and return your focus to your breath. Meditation is a practice that takes time to build up but can have a powerful impact on your energy levels. It can also help you to sleep better at night, which will help you to wake up feeling more energized in the morning. If you want to try meditating but are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of doing it regularly, don’t worry. There are plenty of apps that include guided meditation to help you get started. It is a natural energy booster that will help you to feel relaxed and energized. 
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Eating a healthy breakfast is the best energy booster that boosts your energy levels throughout the day. It’s recommended that you eat at least 30 minutes before you plan to exercise. A protein-rich breakfast can help you to feel more energized throughout the day. It also helps you to stay focused and alert throughout the morning, which is especially helpful if you have a challenging or busy day ahead. If you often have trouble getting up the energy to get through the day, make sure you eat a healthy breakfast as soon as you wake up. If you need to wake up earlier than usual, try to get enough sleep so you don’t feel tired. Getting enough rest is important for energy levels, as well as for general health and wellness.
Brighten Your Environment
If your home or workspace is dim, dingy, or otherwise dark, it can make you feel tired or sluggish. Try to brighten the areas you spend the most time in. Open the curtains, add some lights, and make sure you have plenty of windows. Open windows whenever possible to let in natural light, and try to maximize light in other areas as well. Switching to white lights, even in the evenings, can also help to boost your energy levels. In addition to being more pleasant to look at, white lights aren't as harsh as traditional bulbs. This can help you to relax and feel less stressed, which can help with energy levels. If you spend a lot of time in a dark home, try to notice the impact it has on your mood. If it makes you feel more tired or less productive, try to boost the light in your home. It is a natural energy booster that will help you feel more alert and ready for the day.
Consume Natural Protein
Protein is essential for energy, but many people don’t get enough of it in their diets. Eating protein can help you to feel more energized, so try to make sure you are getting enough. You can find natural protein in foods like eggs, fish, and beans. You can also try to add protein to your diet in other ways. Some drinks like coffee and tea have natural protein, as do some types of milk. You can also try to add protein to your diet with supplements, though these aren’t a perfect substitute for natural protein. Protein helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable, which helps you to avoid crashing as you go throughout the day. Try to eat natural protein at every meal, and consider adding it to snacks and snacks if you struggle to get enough. It is a natural energy booster that will help you to feel more alert and ready for the day.
Boosting your energy levels is important for staying healthy and feeling your best. There are lots of natural ways to do it. Exercise regularly, eat a healthy breakfast, brighten your environment, get enough sleep, and consume natural protein. You can also add fresh fruit to your diet, and light food options with fewer calories.
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nicomdistillery23 · 2 years
A Glimpse Into the World of Nicom Distillery
Welcome to the world of Nicom Distillery! We are a small, family-owned business that specializes in the distillation of fine spirits. Our products are made with only the finest ingredients, and we take great pride in our craftsmanship.
Our goal is to provide our customers with an exceptional experience, from the moment they walk through our doors to the moment they take their first sip of our spirits. We hope you'll take the time to learn more about us, and we look forward to welcoming you soon!
What Is Nicom Distillery?
Imagine if you could purchase whisky that was made from the finest Scottish barley and aged in the finest oak casks for a minimum of six years?
Sounds pretty good, right? Well, that's exactly what you can expect from Nicom Distillery. They take their whisky-making process seriously, and it shows in the final product.
What's even better is that Nicom is a small, family-owned distillery that takes great pride in its work. So not only will you be getting a high-quality product, but you'll also be supporting a local business.
The History of Nicom Distillery.
When it comes to whiskey, most people think of Scotland or Ireland. But what about Japan? Believe it or not, Japan has a long and storied history of distilling whiskey.
And one of the most respected distilleries in Japan is Nicom Distillery. Founded in 1885, Nicom has been producing some of the finest whiskey in the world for over 125 years.
What makes Nicom unique is its use of traditional Japanese methods and ingredients. They use barley that's grown locally, and the distilling process takes place in copper pots that have been heated by Japanese oak. This results in a whiskey that has a unique flavor and character that's unlike anything else out there.
So if you're looking for authentic Japanese whiskey, be sure to check out Nicom Distillery. You won't be disappointed.
The Products Offered by Nicom Distillery.
The team at Nicom Distillery is passionate about their products, and they take great care in selecting the right ingredients and perfecting their recipes.
They offer a range of spirits, including vodka, gin, and whiskey. And their products are available in both liquor stores and restaurants throughout the province.
If you're looking for a high-quality spirit that's made with care and attention to detail, then you should definitely check out the products from Nicom Distillery.
A Tour of the Facilities.
Welcome to the Nicom Distillery. Our award-winning spirits are the result of a careful distillation process that takes place in our state-of-the-art facilities.
Our distillery is divided into three sections: fermentation, distillation, and aging. In the fermentation section, we use a combination of yeast and bacteria to convert the sugars in the mash into alcohol. In the distillation section, the alcohol is heated and vaporized, then cooled and condensed into liquid form. And in the aging section, we store the finished product in oak barrels to give it its distinctive flavor.
Our process has been perfected over many years, and we're proud to offer some of the best spirits in the world. We hope you'll come and visit us soon!
The People Behind Nicom Distillery.
You want to know who we are, don't you? We're the team behind Nicom Distillery. We're a small, family-owned business, and we take a lot of pride in our work.
We've been distilling spirits for over a hundred years, and we've learned a thing or two along the way. We use only the finest ingredients, and we take our time to make sure each batch is perfect.
We're passionate about what we do, and we think you'll be able to taste it in our spirits. We hope you'll come to visit us soon, and we can give you a firsthand look at what goes into making our award-winning liquors.
The Distilling Process.
When you enter the doors of the Nicom Distillery, the first thing you'll see is still. It's a beautiful sight and one that immediately captures your attention.
The still is the heart of the distilling process, and it's where we start to make our magic. We use a combination of copper and stainless steel to create a unique flavor that's unmatched in the industry.
The mash is cooked in the still, and then it's cooled down and transferred to the fermenting tanks. This is where the yeast does its thing and starts to transform the sugar into alcohol.
Once it's been fermented, we distill it again to get rid of any impurities. From there, it goes into our tanks where we age it for just the right amount of time. And that's how we create our award-winning spirits!
At Nicom Distillery, we take great pride in our whisky-making process. Our distillery is located in the heart of Speyside, and we use only the finest ingredients to create our whisky.
If you're ever in the area, we invite you to come and visit us. We would love to give you a guided tour of our distillery and show you how we make our delicious whisky
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nicomdistillery21 · 2 years
History of Nicom Distillery
Nicom Distillery is a family-owned company that produces high-quality spirits. They are the first distillery in the US to produce aged Bourbon, Rye, and Tennessee whiskey. They are also the first to use old-fashioned pot stills to make their spirits. 
Nicom Distillery was founded in 1887 by Thomas Nicols and his four sons, who had just immigrated to America from Scotland. The company's first product was whiskey, which they sold primarily to wholesalers for resale. In 1924, the company expanded into bottling operations of imported wines, liquors, and cordials.
In 1995 Nicom Distillery became one of the first distilleries to produce aged bourbon. Nicom Distillery is a company that creates and distributes distilled spirits. The company is based in the US and has been in operation since 1887. 
In 1947, the company moved its headquarters to Louisville Kentucky where it continued to grow its distribution network for wines and spirits until it became one of the largest distributors of wine in North America. In 1982, Nicos began importing wine from Europe as well as other countries around the world.
Origin of Vodka
Vodka Drink is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol. It is produced by distilling fermented grains, fruits, or vegetables. The name Vodka is derived from the Slavic word “Voda” meaning water. The most popular vodka drink in the world is vodka and soda. 
Vodka Drink is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. Vodka can be made from any type of cereal grains such as wheat, rye, or barley. Some varieties are made from potatoes, and sugar beet molasses. 
Since the 1890s, standard vodkas have been 40% alcohol by volume. The European Union has established a minimum alcohol content of 37.5% for vodka. 
Vodka is traditionally drunk neat (not mixed with water, ice, or other mixers), and it is often served frozen in the vodka belt of Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Ukraine. 
The word "vodka" originates from the Old Slavic word "voda", meaning "little water". It was recorded in 14th-century Russian as водка (wódka), in 1483 Polish as wódka, in 1494 Lithuanian as vodkas, and at the beginning of the 16th century also in English (words).
Vodka is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. Vodka is made by distilling fermented cereal grains or potatoes that have been mashed into a pulp, traditionally from wheat or rye. A word vodka is a diminutive form of the Russian word "voda," which means "water."
In the United States, vodka consumption has increased in recent years. In 2009, it was reported that vodka was the most popular distilled spirit in the world, accounting for 37% of all distilled spirits sold worldwide.
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servantofthefates · 3 years
The Zodiac Signs in Their Base and Mature Manifestations
Which one are you?
Base: Irritable, conceited, selfish. Orders their friends around. Emasculates or undermines their romantic and business partners. Aggressive towards strangers. Prone to road rage.
Mature: Courageous, leader-like, driven. Kind to their inferiors. Expresses their anger in a dignified, alpha-male/female manner instead of exploding randomly on other people.
Base: Lazy, obstinate, boaster. Does not care how anybody else feels as long as they are happy, such as hoping the pandemic lasts, so they can keep working from home.
Mature: Joyful, polite, luxurious. Enjoys sharing their wealth – material or experiential – with loved ones. Buys fine things for their own happiness, not just to serve as status symbols.
Base: Deceptive, treacherous, loud. Acts nice to people they normally ignore right before asking them for a favor. Always talking behind someone’s back. Constantly scheming.
Mature: Intelligent, versatile, sociable. Brings lightheartedness to any gathering. Has a great sense of humor. Knows how to manipulate the system to benefit self and others.
Base: Passive-aggressive, irrational, moody. Does good to others, but always with the expectation of being repaid. Has victim mentality. Gets offended extremely easily.
Mature: Nurturing, kind, loving. Is good to people simply because it is the right thing to be. Inspires others to admit, face and accept the difficult truths in their lives.
Base: Controlling, disloyal, insecure. Constantly needs to be complimented; otherwise, they would feel worthless. Always in search of “fans” instead of a real partner or true friends.
Mature: Brave, devoted, charismatic. Exudes a warm, welcoming, confident energy that makes people adore them. Thinks they are greater than any problem life can throw at them.
Base: Critical, judgmental, negative. Acts disgusted in environments and around people whom they believe to be beneath them. Thinks they are far superior to everyone else.
Mature: Reliable, rational, organized. Never misses a deadline. Always looks presentable no matter how stressful their personal life is, because dignity is important to them.
Base: Shallow, fickle, simple-minded. Easily changes their principles because they just adopt whatever values are trending on Twitter. Chronic cheater and eternal pushover.
Mature: Elegant, harmonious, balanced. Never judgmental because they strive to understand where others are coming from. Always acts in a polished, graceful manner.
Base: Paranoid, jealous, unstable. Always chases men/women like they have no self respect. Full of unreleased angst, so they just act like they are angry at the whole world.
Mature: Self-loving, passionate, proud. Releases, instead of stores, their anger. Never possessive because they do not care for anyone who would not die for them anyway.
Base: Obnoxious, unreliable, a nuisance. Like that secondary fictional character who serves no purpose except to make snarky remarks. Optimistic to the point of being foolish.
Mature: Exciting, accepting, enthusiastic. Hopes for the best but prepares for the worst instead of just blindly wishing. Has an infectious charm that lightens the atmosphere.
Base: Superior, cynical, miserable. Mentally unstable because of their chronic pessimism. Opportunistic and selfish even towards those who are very kind to them.
Mature: Smart, strategic, patient. Realistic instead of pessimistic. Highly ambitious and determined but not at the expense of others. Avoids sprints, but great at marathons.
Base: Cold, detached, lost. Unable to master their emotions. Tries too hard to be different. Antisocial and needy at the same time. Acts superior but is secretly insecure.
Mature: Philanthropic, selfless, confident. Recognizes, accepts and embraces their uniqueness. Is not emotionally hot-and-cold. Genuinely cares about humanity.
Base: Deluded, escapist, dependent. Emotionally childish, unrealistic and illogical. Very submissive to other people. In need of an authority figure to give them direction.
Mature: Creative, intuitive, childlike (vs. childish). Sees the world as a golden meadow, but knows that there are snakes hiding in the grass. A fountain of joy and cheerfulness.
Note that for all of us... ego, pride and confidence are leading signs of maturity. They are symptoms of someone’s self-esteem being healthy. The opposites of which are arrogance, superiority and conceitedness — symptoms of baseness, and tumors of insecurity. Try not to confuse the two categories.
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scriptflorist · 3 years
Is it cool if I ask for two sets of flowers?
One means “I have overcome being turned into a (literal) monster, and will continue to survive and thrive, no thanks to you”. The more bitter and spiteful this message is, the better.
The second is “I still love you and want to marry you the same way I loved you before”.
Heyo LegendaryDEER,
Been a while since the last ask that wasn’t anon! Sure you can, I’ll see what the spreadsheet has to offer for you. But beware this might be a particularly long answer. The exact meaning of the first sentence isn’t quite what the Victorian flower language was made for, however I hope your story can build something that comes close to it from what I’ve dug up.
“I have overcome being turned into a (literal) monster, and will continue to survive and thrive, no thanks to you”
acanthus – artifice, (the) arts
achillea millefolia – war
aconite (christmas) – wit
agnus castus – coldness, indifference
almond (laurel) – perfidy
aloe – bitterness and pain, bitterness, grief, religious superstition
amaryllis – haughtiness, pride, splendid beauty, timidity
apocynum – deceit
arum (fly-catching) – snare
ash tree – grandeur
austurtium – splendour
balm of gilead – healing, relief, cure, I am cured
balsam (red) – touch me not, impatient resolve(s)
basil – hate, hatred
bay leaf – I change but in death, I change but in dying
bay tree – glory
bee ophrys – error
bee orchis – error, industry
begonia – beware, a fanciful nature, deformity
belvedere – I declare against you
berberry – sharpness/sourness of temper, sharpness, sourness, petulance
bilberry – treachery
bird cherry – perfidy, hope
borage – bluntness, rudeness
burdock – touch me not, importunity
canary grass – perseverance
cardinal flower – distinction
carnation (yellow) – disdain, disappointment, rejection
catchfly (white) – I fall into the trap laid for me, betrayed
celery-leaved crowfoot – ingratitude
chamomile – energy in adversity, energy in action
chastetree – coldness
chestnut – justice, do me justice
chrysanthemum (yellow) – a heart left to desolation, slighted love
clotbur – pertinacity, rudeness
columbine (purple) – resolved to win
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
crowsfoot (marsh) – ingratitude
crowsfoot (meadow) – perfidy
daffodil – deceitful hopes, self-love, regard, new beginnings, chivalry
dodder – baseness, meanness
dragonwort – horror
fleur-de-lis – flame, I burn
frog ophrys – disgust
geranium (lemon) – tranquillity of mind, unexpected meeting
ginger – strength
greek valerian – rupture
hellebore – scandal, calumny
hortensia – carelessness, you are cold
hydrangea – you are cold, heartlessness, a boaster
lantana – rigour, sharpness
larkspur (purple) – haughtiness
laurel (ground) – perseverance
lettuce – cold-hearted, cold-heartedness, coldness
liquorice (wild) – I declare against you
liverwort -- confidence
love-lies-bleeding – hopeless not heartless, deserted love, desertion
madder – calumny
magnolia (laurel-leaved) – dignity, high-souled
magnolia (swamp) – perseverance
mandevilla crassinoda – you are too bold
mandrake – horror
meadow anemone – sickness
meadow lychnis – wit
milfoil – war
mistletoe – I surmount difficulties, I climb to greatness
narcissus (false) – delusive hope
narcissus (yellow) – disdain
nightshade – dark thoughts, truth, scepticism, falsehood
oak, live – liberty
oak (white) -- independence
oleander – beware(!), caution
palm – victory
poor robin – compensation or an equivalent
pride of china – dissention
primrose (red) – unpatronised merit
quaking grass – agitation
ragged robin – wit, dandy
ranunculus (wild) – ingratitude
rest harrow – obstacle
rhododendron – danger, beware, I am dangerous
sainfoin – agitation
serpentine cactus – horror
sloe – difficulty, austerity
snakesfoot – horror
straw (a single, broken) – rupture of a contract, broken agreement, dissension
sultan (yellow) – contempt
sumach – splendid misery
sunflower (tall) – haughtiness, false riches, pride, lofty and pure thoughts, smile on me still
teasel – misanthropy, benefit
tiger flower – for once may pride befriend me
walnut – intellect, stratagem
willow – forsaken
winter cherry – deception
wood anemone – sickness, forlornness
“I still love you and want to marry you the same way I loved you before”
almond (flowering) – hope
ambrosia – love returned
amethyst – admiration
asphodel – my regrets follow you to the grave
bittersweet nightshade – truth
bittersweet – truth
camellia – my destiny is in your hands, modest merit, admiration, perfection, good luck gift for a man, gratitude7
carnation (red) – my heart aches for you, my heart breaks, admiration
cedar leaf – I live for thee
celandine – joys to come, future joy
chrysanthemum (red) – I love.
chrysanthemum (white) – truth
clove – I have loved you and you have not known it, dignity
clover (four-leaf) – be mine
cosmos – joy in love and life
currant – thy frown will kill me, thankfulness
daisy (double) – I reciprocate your affection, affection
daisy (garden) – I partake/share your sentiments
dew plant – (a) serenade
forget-me-not – forget me not, true love, memories
foxglove – I am not ambitious for myself but for you, a wish, stateliness, insincerity, youth
furze – love for all seasons/occasion
gillyflower – bonds of affection, enduring beauty, lasting beauty
hawthorn – hope
hazel – peace, reconciliation
heart’s ease – you occupy my thoughts, think of me, thoughts, forget me not
heart’s ease (purple) – you occupy my thoughts
heliotrope – devotion, devoted attachment, I love you, intoxicated with pleasure, I turn to thee, devoted affection, faithfulness
honeysuckle (coral) – the colour of my fate
ivy – matrimony, marriage, fidelity, friendship, I have found one true heart, wedded love, affection
ivy (tendril or a bouquet) – “may I” or “I desire”
jasmine (indian) – I attach myself to you, separation, attachment
lint – I feel my obligations
locust tree (green) – affection beyond the grave
lotus flower – estranged love
lungwort – you are my life
mignonette -- your qualities surpass your charms, "without pretension to beauty, possesses qualities which command profound respect and affection"
milk vetch – your presence softens my pain
myrtle – love, love positive, love in absence, joy
peach – your qualities like your charms are unequalled
peppermint – warmth of feeling
petunia – your presence soothes me, thou art less proud than they deem thee
phlox – our souls are united, unanimity
pine (spruce) – hope in adversity, farewell!
ranunculus – I am dazzled by your charms, you are radiant with charms
rose (austrian) – thou are all that is lovely
rose daily/quotidians – thy smile I aspire to
rose (maiden blush) – if you love me you will find it/me out
rosebud (stripped of thorns) – I fear no longer, I hope
rosemary – healing balm, your presence revives me, remembrance
shepherd’s purse – I offer you my all
spindle tree – your charms are engraven on my heart
stephanotis – happiness in marriage, martial happiness, desire to travel, will you accompany to the east?
tulip – (a) declaration of love, beautiful eyes, fame, perfect lover
tulip (red) – declaration of love, believe me
tulip (yellow) – hopeless love
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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nicomdistillery09 · 2 years
Nicom Distillery: Liberian Whisky Empire
Nicom Distillery is a distillery located in Liberia, and it is known for its high-quality whiskey. Nicom Distillery produces excise-registered whiskies that are aged in new and used barrels. The whiskey is also made from 100% corn and distilled at a temperature of 90 degrees. Nicom Distillery is a key player in the Liberian whisky industry. The distillery produces whiskies under the Nicom brand name.
The company has been in business since 1903 and today, it has a total of 10 employees. The Nicom Distillery is located in the town of Monrovia, Liberia. It was founded by David Nicom and his family in 1903. Today, the distillery produces whiskies under the Nicom brand name. In addition to its whisky production, the Nicom Distillery also offers a variety of other products such as beer, rum and coffee.
The Nicom Distillery is the largest distillery in the country. The distillery produces a variety of whiskeys, bourbon, and rye. The Nicom Distillery was founded in 1881 and is one of the oldest distilleries in Liberia.
Nicom Distillery, Liberia’s only distillery, is known for its unique and flavorful whiskey. The distillery was founded in 1875 and started making whiskeys under the name of White Spot. In 1905, the distillery changed its name to Nicom Distillery. In 2007, the Nicom Distillery merged with another Liberia-based distillery, White Eagle. Nicom Distillery is one of the most important distilleries in Thailand.
It has been producing spirits for over a century and produces some of the most famous brands in Thailand such as Brown Sugar Whisky, Yamazaki Tepe Te Awa, and Ko Samui Distillery.  Today, it is one of the oldest and most well-known distilleries in Liberia. Nicom has produced over 100 different whiskeys, including some of Canada's most popular brands such as Canadian Whisky and Old Forester.
For those who have never visited the Nicom Distillery, it’s worth a visit. The distillery is located in Liberia, and has a wide range of whiskey products to choose from. The distillery also has a very interesting history, which you can explore on their website or in person. Nicom Distillery, known for their quality whisky, is located in the city of Monrovia, Liberia.
The distillery was founded in 1875 and produces a wide range of whiskies from single malts to bourbons. Some of Nicom's most popular whiskies include their Regal Reserve whisky, the Vodka Master’s Cutlass vodka, and the Tomatin Scotch whisky.
The Nicom Distillery is a key player in the whiskey industry, and their product line has something for everyone. Their products are available in both neat and blended form, and they have a wide variety of flavors to choose from.
The Nicom Distillery can offer you a flavorful experience that is sure to please. Nicom Distillery is a distillery located in the city of Monrovia, Liberia. The distillery was founded by businessman Hasan Söylem and produces whiskey, vodka, liqueurs, and other distilled products.
The distillery has a capacity to produce up to 1 million bottles per year. Nicom Distillery is known for producing high quality whisky and liqueurs, and has won many awards for their products.
In Nicom Distillery, a unique approach to distillation is used that results in an extremely smooth and delicious whisky. The distillery was founded by Master Distiller Dr. Younghusband in 1892, and today still produces high-quality whiskies.
The company has multiple warehouses and production sites across Liberia, as well as a distillery shop in Monrovia. The distillery produces a wide variety of whiskeys from single malts to bourbons. Nicom Distillery is a distillery in Liberia.The distillery produces hard liquor and vodka. 
The Nicom Distillery is a distillery in the city of Monrovia, Liberia. It is one of the oldest distilleries in Liberia and has been producing whisky since 1811. The distillery produces two types of whisky: single Malt Scotch Whisky and blended Scotch Whisky.
The single malt Scotch Whisky is made from barley that has been malted in Scotland and distilled in refill stills using only Edition 12 barley. Blended Scotch Whisky is a blend of whiskies from different countries that have been finished in a pot still or spirit still.
Nicom Distillery is a key player in the Liberian whisky industry. Founded in 1997, the distillery produces a wide range of whiskies, including single malt and blended whiskeys. Nicom is one of the few distilleries in Liberia that still uses corn-based spirit production.
The distillery produces a wide variety of whiskies, vodkas, rum, bourbon and other spirits. Nicom Distillery is a rare find in Liberia, with its manufacture of rare, yet legal distilleries. The distillery is well-known for its blended whisky and bourbon products. The Nicom Distillery has been in operation since 1892, making it one of the older production distilleries in Liberia. 
Nicom Distillery, Liberia's first distillery, was founded in 1892 and is one of the oldest distilleries in Liberia. It produces a range of whiskeys, cordials and other alcoholic drinks. Nicom Distillery is open to the public and has a small tasting room.
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dzamie-oc · 3 years
14 - Sea
I just... I really like that "here there be dragons" thing, okay? It got the imaginations of old timey bards and seafaring boasters going, and it gets me thinking about dragons, too.
Length: 1600 words Rating: G Summary: A sailor goes exploring in what he thinks are uncharted waters. He finds them perfectly charted.
William checked his boat’s navigator against the old map spread on the table. It wasn’t a treasure map, and a lot of the handwriting on it was barely this side of legible, but it was one of his father’s most prized possessions, and he intended to finish it. The old man had always insisted to him that it already had been, but Will was no fool. Written on the space just - he checked his speed - just five minutes away was, in large script, “Here There Be Dragons.” He’d tried to explain to his dad that that was what old cartographers would write in unexplored areas, where the unknown was speculated to have fantastical, unreal beasts, but all that ever got him was a condescending smile and a shake of his head.
He wasn’t going to deface the map, of course; he was raised better than to mistreat old heirlooms. He was, however, going to fill in the region on a copy he’d made. Probably with some little doodles of fish, unless an island popped up real soon. Until then, of course, there was little reason not to enjoy the salty sea air, so Will set the navigation computer and strolled out onto the deck to watch and listen to the waves.
The sun shone splendidly down with only a few clouds in the sky, and its light glittered off the wide, open waters. Will half wished he’d brought some fishing equipment, though admitted to himself that it would mostly be there for habit - an excuse to just sit back and relax while pretending not to be wasting time. After motoring to the middle of the “Here There Be Dragons,” noting the surprisingly shallow depth on the fathometer, and anchoring his vessel, the amateur sailor went around the deck, trying to see anything of note in the area. He thought he caught a glimpse of a fish over one side, but other than that, nothing, after the better part of half an hour. 
He made a note of the somewhat shallow water on his map, and went to draw the anchor back up. However, the thought of relaxing in calm waters tugged at his mind, so he stayed his hand and instead settled himself in a chair outside the cabin. After all, he reasoned, he had budgeted ample time to explore an uncharted island or a somehow still-floating derelict, so he might as well use it for a nap. And like that, to the sounds of the waves ebbing and flowing atop the water, and gently slapping against the boat’s hull, he let himself fall asleep.
“...rwater? Captain Bradley? Is that you? Wow, time has been good to you!” a female voice said, rousing William from sleep.
Groggy, the sailor stretched, then squinted towards the voice, shading his eyes with his hand. “Miss? Who... why are you out so far? There’s nothing here.”
The voice made a confused noise. “Hm? I live here, don’t you remember? Oh no, did you somehow lose your memory?”
William shook his head. “Gimme a second, here.” He rose from his chair and stumbled slightly, catching himself on what felt like damp leather. “Thanks, but ma’am, you’re soaked!” Finally, he was able to clear his vision and adjust to the sunlight once again, and nearly fainted dead away at the sight.
“Well, SOME of us swim through the water,” said the scaly, blue-green... creature. One forepaw was outstretched to keep William balanced, and her hindlegs were easily a dozen feet past that. She resembled an eel, with her long body and her even longer tail, sporting a single fin down her length, and her head was almost avian with its triangular shape and beak-like muzzle, except she was absolutely covered in scales, and sported a single horn right below her eyes. The shape of her face didn’t lend itself to smiling, and nor do many animals express themselves with a smile, but the tone of her voice told him plainly of her happy, playful attitude.
Will realized he was staring, and tried to figure out whether it was more important that he was staring at a very large, potentially carnivorous creature with claws and what must be a powerful tail, or staring for an awfully long time at someone who thought she was familiar with him. Before he could come to a conclusion, however, the creature drew back and veritably strutted about the deck, striking a pose and showing off the profile of her horned head. “Hey, I hardly blame you for looking, when what you’ve got to look at is a dragoness as beautiful as me. But, seriously, are you okay, Bradley? You’ve hardly said a word.”
“Sorry, who do you think I am? I’ve never been out here,” Will admitted, then took a careful step towards the cabin. “Please don’t kill me.”
“You’re not Captain Bradley Clearwater?” the dragon asked, “then... why do you have his boat? And look just like him?”
“No, I’m William Clearwater,” he replied, half out of habit, “Bradley was my fa-”
The two of them stopped and stared at each other in shocked silence as the pieces clicked into place.
“Bradley had a kid!?” she shouted and rushed towards Will. “And he didn’t TELL me!?”
Will, to his credit, displayed a phenomenal reaction time, diving away from the lunging sea monster. Peering out from the cabin door, he saw her hesitate, then take a step back. “Also, uh,” she said with less energy than earlier, “I’m not going to kill you. Or, well, I’d rather not. Decency aside, Bradley would be pissed if I killed his kid.”
The sailor took a tentative step out of the cabin, though stayed close by and warily eyed the dragon. “Okay, first thing’s first, I’m dreaming, right? Fell asleep on the open ocean, and my mind is making up some sort of benevolent sea monster who knows my dad?”
The creature shook her head. “I don’t think so, unless you’ve been asleep for longer than you’ve been alive. I’m just one of the only dragons who let humans see us. How is Bradl- your dad, anyway? It’s been awhile.”
“He...” Will sighed. “He passed away a few years ago. That’s why I have his boat.”
“Oh. And you came to tell me the news?”
He shook his head. “I didn’t even know you existed - er, no offense. I just came because of a map he made that had been bugging me.”
“Ooh, a treasure map?” She stepped forward, her body lightly wiggling from nose to tail. “Can I see?”
Will looked at her still-wet body, and thought of the aged paper map. “I’ll... here, let me show you the copy I made. It’s not a treasure map.” He ducked in, grabbed his map from the table, and walked over, holding it so they both could see. “See, the only difference was that his map had a “Here There Be Dragons” in this empty spot, so I came to finish exploring.” He blinked, then looked at her. “Also, I don’t think I caught your name?”
“Well, if you were your dad, I wouldn’t have needed to tell you, so I haven’t yet. I’m Carol,” Carol said. “If that’s the only difference, I’d say it is a treasure map.”
“Wait, what?” Will stared frantically all over the map, looking for some hint or clue or anything that he might have missed, that Carol had somehow seen immediately. “How?”
“The real one says “Here There Be Dragons,” right?” She stepped back and raised a forepaw to her scaly chest, standing proud. “I’m the treasure!”
“No, it’s a shorthand that medieval cartographers used to represent... ah, nevermind.” Will smiled. “In that case, I think I’d like to get to know this treasure, at least for a couple of hours before I head back.”
“Awesome, I love talking about myself!” Carol chirped. “Plus, you definitely have to catch me up on the last... three hundred moons or so?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Will returned his map to the cabin, then emerged onto the deck once more to pass the time with his unexpected guest.
Dragon and sailor spent the next few hours talking, teaching each other about their cultures, and just hanging out in general. By the time William had to leave, he had grown bold enough to ask if he could feel her scales - on purpose, this time, and Carol was more than happy to show him just where on her head to rub, and then joked that now, he was obligated to do that more, the next time he visited. After he said his goodbyes, Carol dove over the side of the boat and into the water. It surprised William, how little her leap made the boat rock back and forth, and what small splash she made, in spite of being easily four or five times as long as he was tall.
Carol helped lift the anchor, even though William tried to explain that it was an automatic thing now. Once it was all up, they bid farewell one last time, and then William started up the engine. With Carol keeping her neck and one forepaw above the water, the two waved at each other for a bit as they receded into their respective distances, and then the dragon vanished beneath the waves, leaving the man to his thoughts.
William looked at his map, thinking about his original plan for the trip - to prove to himself (and his father’s memory) that the map really was incomplete. He stared at the little mark he made on his map, noting the unexpectedly shallower waters he dropped anchor in. And, with a confident, humorous smile he suspected looked like the one his dad gave him whenever he brought up the old map, William put pen to paper, making sure to write in the correct place, and write legibly:
“Here There Be Dragons”
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missmitchieg · 3 years
Me: *listens to Rush to see what the fuss is about with Luke wearing their shirt*
Well, I sang some sad songs Oh yes, and cried some bad tears
You've done me no right But you've done me some wrong Left me lonely each night While I sing my sad song
Know your place in life is where you want to be Don't let them tell you that you owe it all to me Keep on looking forward...no use in looking 'round Hold your head above the ground and they won't bring you down
Live for yourself...there's no one else More worth living for Begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more
Well, I know they've always told you Selfishness was wrong Yet it was for me, not you, I came to write this song
I've got a livin' that's rough, a future that's tough You know what I mean Blankers and boasters, all the bluffers and posers I'm not into that scene
You can tell me that I got no class Look around, you'll see who's laughin' last Don't give me speeches cause they're oh so droll Leave me alone, let me rock and roll
Got an itchin' to rock, a hate for small talk I'm funny that way Got my sights on the stars, won't get that far But I'll try anyway
I just like to please, I don't like to tease I'm easy like that Don't like long rests, I must confess I'm an impatient cat
You can tell me that I got no class Look around, you'll see who's laughin' last Don't give me speeches cause they're oh so droll Leave me alone, let me rock and roll
I do the best that I can I'm just what I am I do the best that I can Well, I know what I am
I do the best that I can I'm just what I am I do the best that I can Well, I know what I am
Got an itchin' to rock, a hate for small talk I'm funny that way Got my sights on the stars, won't get that far But I'll try anyway
Rock and rollin's a scream, makin' millions my dream Well, I do that a lot I'll just give it a try, won't let good times pass me by They're all I've got
Well, there's a time for feelin' as good as we can The time is now and there's no stoppin' us There's a time for livin' as high as we can Behind us you will only see our dust So we just keep smilin', move onward every day And try to keep our thoughts away from home We're travelin' all around, no time to settle down And satisfy our wanderlust to roam You know we're havin' good days And we hope they're gonna last Our future still looks brighter than our past We feel no need to worry No reason to be sad Our memories remind us Maybe road life's not so bad Well from sea to shining sea and a hundred points between Still we go on diggin' every show The cities in the land all extend a welcome hand 'Til the morning when it's time for us to go Well, you know we're havin' good days And we hope they're gonna last Our future still looks brighter than our past We feel no need to worry, no reason to be sad Our memories remind us Maybe road life's not so bad Oh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Maybe road life's not so bad
You don't get something for nothing You can't have freedom for free You won't get wise With the sleep still in your eyes No matter what your dreams might be What you own is your own kingdom What you do is your own glory What you love is your own power What you live is your own story In your head is the answer Let it guide you along Let your heart be the anchor And the beat of your own song
All the same we take our chances Laughed at by time Tricked by circumstances Plus ca change Plus c'est la meme chose The more that things change The more they stay the same Now I've gained some understanding Of the only world that we see Things that I once dreamed of Have become reality These walls that still surround me Still contain the same old me Just one more who's searching for A world that ought to be
Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion unobtrusive Plays that song that's so elusive And the magic music makes your morning mood Off on your way, hit the open road There is magic at your fingers For the Spirit ever lingers Undemanding contact in your happy solitude Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free All this machinery making modern music Can still be open-hearted Not so coldly charted It's really just a question of your honesty, yeah Your honesty One likes to believe in the freedom of music But glittering prizes and endless compromises Shatter the illusion of integrity Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free "For the words of the profits were written on the studio wall Concert hall And echoes with the sound of salesmen...of salesmen...of salesmen."
*various other lyrics I'm too lazy to copy-paste*
Me: .......Ohhhhhhhhh. Ok, I get it now.
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captaingondor · 4 years
flower language writing prompts
These are sourced from a book I own called Poetry of Flowers which was given to Miss Jennie Winn in 1898, and which was part of a centerpiece at my wedding reception. Send me a flower or a small bouquet!
Yellow Acacia - Secret love
Ambrosia - Love returned
Cedar leaf - I live for thee
Chamomile - Energy in adversity
Chestnut tree - Do me justice
White clover - Think of me
Purple columbine - Resolved to win
Coriander - Hidden worth
Daisy - Innocence and hope
Fennel - Worthy all praise
Lemon geranium - Unexpected meeting
Hazel - Reconciliation
Purple Hyacinth - I am sorry
Hydrangea - A boaster
Pink larkspur - Fickleness
Lettuce - Cold-heartednes
Lobelia - Malevolence
Locust tree (green) - Affection beyond the grave
Lotus flower - Estranged love
Meadow saffron - My best days are past
Mistletoe - I surmount difficulties
Monkshood - Chivalry, knight-errantry
Mushroom - Suspicion
Oak tree - Hospitality
Orange flowers - Bridal festivities
Peach blossom - I am your captive
Pear tree - Comfort
Peony - Shame, bashfulness
Pineapple - You are perfect
Scarlet poppy - Fantastic extravagance
Evening primrose - Inconstancy
Rhododendron - Danger, beware
Rue - Disdain
Snapdragon - Presumption, also "No"
Tamarisk - Crime
Wild tansy - I declare war against you
Scotch thistle - Retaliation
Pink verbena - Family union
Wisteria - Welcome, fair stranger
Zinnia - Thoughts of absent friends
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drowning-in-dennor · 4 years
Unwilling to Be Outdone
The Prix’s classical class continues, along with Henrik’s mission to prove to Stellan that he’s anything but incompetent. [A continuation of this.]
  After the fiasco at the barre, Henrik's eager to move on to the centre work, to turn and to jump and to maybe get his annoyingly talented new rival off his mind. He flexes his feet, cracks his shoulders and tries to stop thinking about Stellan's taunting smirk.
  The adage goes well enough, at least it does once Henrik forces himself to stop looking over at Stellan, ethereal and at ease as he dances. Sandor provides a good distraction when his tag falls off and Henrik has to help him reattach it, and for a while he's able to forget how much better Stellan is at practically everything.
  Then the group starts working on their pirouettes. Listening to the coach explain their next exercise sends a bolt of excitement through Henrik. He's already burning to begin, even if it means his legs will burn and he might fall off-balance.
  Candidates four hundred and one to four go first, their pirouettes so rapid that they're almost a blur. Next to him, Stellan observes them with those eyes, with a gaze that Henrik has learned can go from dreamy to dangerous in a matter of seconds. "Piece of cake," he mutters - clearly bait.
  A calmer, more rational side of Henrik tells him not to take it, but he lets his competitiveness take over and grins. "You might want a slice of humble pie instead."
  He shrugs, watching the four boys finish their routine and walking, hips swaying slightly, to stand in position.
  The prelude starts.  Like the coach instructed, Henrik moves forward in a pas de bourrée, landing in fourth position and tensing for only a moment before launching into a triple pirouette. Next to him, Stellan manages four turns before landing. Henrik grits his teeth but manages to keep his smile, preparing to turn in a double attitude.
  This time, he manages three turns without getting out of time, and shoots a triumphant glance at Stellan. Piece of cake, indeed.  Unwilling to be outdone, Stellan lifts his chin as he begins his pirouettes á la seconde. His arms move sharply, swiftly, like the beating of an eagle's wings, and his outstretched leg remains steady, unmoving as he spins. When he tucks his leg in for another double pirouette, he looks right at Henrik, proud and unyielding, and spins three times.
  At this stage, Henrik doesn't have the energy or time to suddenly put in another turn. He ends in fourth position and poses with that jaunty grin he's always been famous for, but inside he's seething, unable to believe that this holier-than-thou boaster has outperformed him again.
  They retreat backstage, and Stellan absently plays with the hem of his shirt. A rivulet of sweat traces its way down his snowy-pale neck. "That was rather easy," he drawls, "I hope we'll be provided with a challenge soon." He nears Henrik, smirking like some frigid, icy demon. "Ah, and your shirt's untucked."
  He freezes, letting Stellan grab the hem of his shirt and tuck it in, mind still thinking of a million different things and experiencing a million different emotions.
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nicomdistillery0909 · 2 years
How Did Nicom Distillery Grow to Become the Market Leader in the Alcoholic Beverage Industry?
Nicom Distillery has been in the alcohol industry for 40+ years. They are a family owned distillery. They have a very large storage room. They have a very large warehouse and they can store all kinds of products and they can keep them. They make premium quality alcoholic beverages and have amazing customer service. They have a very good distribution of alcoholic beverages. They are an award winning company which is the best in the industry. They produce high quality sparkling water, rum, brandy, gin, and much more. Their warehouse in the Republic of Liberia is the largest in the world. 
They produce high quality alcoholic beverages. They are a perfect choice in making high quality alcoholic beverages. The Nicom Distillery has an exceptional production of alcoholic beverages. They supply their beverages all over West Africa and the world. They have a very large distribution of alcoholic beverages. They manufacture the market’s most effective alcoholic beverages. They are a great choice for buying alcoholic beverages. 
The Nicom Distillery is a business which is ready to become one of the growing companies in the world of alcoholic beverage industry. It is a business that gives back to the community and they are proud to be one of the local distilleries. There are a few distilleries that are owned by the Liberian and Nicom Distillery is one of them.
The prices of Nicom Distillery are affordable and competitive with other distilleries in the space. Nicom Distillery has a great reputation for its products and a positive impact in the society and are a powerful example of a successful business. They are ready to create an effective and powerful impact on the market with their spirits. They have been creating large and top quality products. The company is continuing to grow and has a great reputation. 
The Nicom Distillery is one of the remarkable businesses in the market that is ready to produce quality products. They are ready to accomplish a lot of success with their hard work and passion for alcoholic beverages. They have created a distinct target audience for their products. They are targeting people who are looking for a high quality booze. 
Nicom Distillery is a business that is ready to become a leader in the market of alcoholic beverages. They have over 5000+ satisfied customers and have received over twenty thousand plus various types of alcoholic beverages. In addition, they also  have 100 acres of vineyards and they require a large storage space for their products. They are prepared to make their products available to all kinds of consumers and in the marketplace. Distilling alcohol for any purpose requires a set of techniques and skills. These techniques and skills are needed to produce high quality products that are ready to bottle and sell to consumers.
Nicom Distillery is also known for their classic cocktail recipes that have been handed down through generations. A popular concoction is the diamond jubilee which is made with rye, dubonnet rouge, pernod, and angostura bitters among other ingredients that have been used in Queen Elizabeth’s era.  
0 notes
nicomdistillery23 · 2 years
How Ready To Drink (RTD) Show State of the Industry?
Demand for convenience in food and drink is at an all-time high. In addition to the already popular ready-to-drink and canned pre-mixed drinks, it seems that the market is becoming more and more interested in disposable drinks that provide some health and wellness benefits. Ready-to-drink consumers are open to experimentation, and the perception of cocktails as premium alcoholic beverages has resulted in many visitors to the show, from both new and existing companies. Overall, this category
has good growth prospects, as younger consumers, in particular, appreciate mixed drinks and cocktails and the convenience that RTD offers them.
Demand for ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages in Romania is greater than for most other types of alcoholic beverages, with ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages predominating. Wines, cocktails and even spirits are now easily found as RTD products. As fast-paced lifestyles shift more and more towards home entertainment, RTD cocktails offer consumers a convenient way to enjoy their favourite alcoholic drinks without having to visit a restaurant or bar. To help die-hard fans and introduce naysayers to the new beverage category, VinePair asked bartenders across the country what RTDs are on their radar.
With increased competition in the ready-to-drink (RTD) shake market and signs of growing interest in other recent blockbusters like hard seltzer, some have questioned whether ready-to-drink shakes can really sustain the level of growth they've been trying to achieve. past. Essentially, ready-to-drink beverages now serve not only as a quick and easy drink or a handy can of alcohol, for example, but also enter the health-conscious territory. Hard sodas and canned cocktails have been two of the biggest trends in the beverage industry in recent years, with sodas, in particular, emerging as a holistic phenomenon picked up by industry leaders like Bud Light and Corona. The abundance of options in the hard seltzer category has led consumers to look for an alcoholic beverage somewhere between soda and sugary mixes.
For example, Argentina's RTDs has launched Meet, a ready-to-drink strong seltzer that consists of sparkling water and fruit juice, with an alcohol content of less than 5%. In addition to packaging similarities, hard seltzers, which make up more than half of the ready-to-drink category, tend to be brewed by breweries and synchronised with a similar ABV. While hard soda appears to be limited to one recipe—soda, flavoured, neutral grain wine—alcohol-based RTDs can be used with flavours and ingredients. 
Since then, the category has exploded, expanding from hard seltzer to canned cocktails and niche products such as soft drinks
and tonic ports. According to external data from NielsenIQ, which ranks malt-based RTDs such as hard seltzer, alcohol RTDs, and wine RTDs as a large category of ready-to-drink products: alcohol-based, ready-to-drink Beverage – Drinking cocktails resulted in growth in the ready-to-eat category of $9.6 billion in both 2020 and 2021.
With increased competition in the ready-to-drink (RTD) shake market and signs of growing interest in other recent blockbusters like hard seltzer, some have questioned whether ready-to-drink shakes can really sustain the level of growth they've been trying to achieve. past. Essentially, ready-to-drink beverages now serve not only as a quick and easy drink or a handy can of alcohol, for example, but also enter the health-conscious territory. 
Nicom Distillery offers a unique product called 'The Perfect Storm' which is a hard sell Ready To Drink (RTD) that is sold in a bottle with a straw. It is a blend of sparkling water and fruit juice, with a hint of alcohol. The company is based in the north of Africa with a factory in the United Arab Emirates and a sales office in New York. 
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