#Endgame liveblog
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lettingtimepass · 10 months ago
In honor of 6 years of Infinity War and 5 years of Endgame, it's time....
It's FINALLY time for my back-to-back rewatch. I did some digging and I haven't watched Infinity War since May 2021, and I haven't watched Endgame since DECEMBER 2019. WHAT THE HELL???
So, yeah watch this space!!
Infinity War Rewatch
Gawd, I don't know if the beginning it going to hurt more or less knowing what happens to Loki....
They did Heimdall so dirty idc
Loki saying "We have a hulk" means so much to meeee 😭
The fact that Thor's last words to Loki were "You really are the worst, Brother" probably haunted Thor for so long, and that HURTS.
I will say one of the best things to come out of the Loki series is that all the theories we had about Loki faking his death and actually being alive were actually validated! Yes, Sacred Timeline Loki died, but there was a version that tricked Thanos and lived.
Tony said "no more surprises" to Pepper and then he was in space for weeks/months (can't remember exactly) and came back nearly dead - You get why he fucked off for 5 years.
Tony and Cap "we're not on speaking terms" but he apparently carried the flip phone everywhere for two years? 🥲
STAN LEE 😭😭 We miss you sir.
I wonder if Chris Pratt's downfall actually started with Peter Quill screwing up everything in this movie 😭🤣
I will say, I really enjoy that at least the beginning of IW has a lot of comic relief. I feel like Endgame was more serious overall.
Man I can't remember, how did any of the Asgardians survive Thanos' attack?
"There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?" I love you Bruce.
The couple parallels? Stange+Stark and Thor+Quill with battling egos, Quill+Gamora and Wanda+Vision both trying to self-sacrifice with the other not wanting to give them up.
Chris H truly gave such a great performance as heartbroken Thor 🥺
"Does it have a name?" "Stormbreaker." "It's a bit much."
"Kick names, take ass."
The gasp when Red Skull came back!!
Cap says we're going "home" but Sam implies that they haven't been to Wakanda. For Cap, "home" meant Bucky 🥺
There's definitely something sweet about Bruce being in the Hulk Buster!
"It'll kill you." "Only if I die!" "Yes, that's what... killing you means...." NEVER NOT FUNNY
I mean, Strombreaker being made out of fucking Groot is pretty badass.
"She's not alone." I don't care if it's cringe, I love a girl power moment!! It shows how far we've come!! There no longer just has to be one girl superhero!!
Thor my golden boy, you were so close 😭😭😭
HERE IT COMES...... I'll never forget the gasps in the theater when everyone started dusting....
And now after watching GOTG3 it's so much worse that Groot goes in front of Rocket 😭
Tony and Nebula being the last survivors was inspired.
Me: What was the post credit scene again? Ohhhh yeahhhh, the Captain Marvel teaser! Of course.
And thats Infinity War! I'll be back tomorrow for Endgame! 🖤🖤
Endgame Rewatch
Lila could have been the next Hawkeye if she hadn't been dusted 🥲
Tony and Nebula 😭😭😭
Tony working with Nebula to save them mirroring Tony building Iron Man in the cave to save himself 😭
Steve Rodgers: From "language" to "son of a bitch" MY BOY HAS GROWN
Don't get me started on bringing back Peggy DON'T GET ME STARTED 😤
And DON'T get me started on the symbolism of Nat's hair!! In each movie, she has perfectly intentional hair. Except now that they've lost their mission, he lets her hair grow out. She can't let go of the blonde. The blonde that reminds her what they're fighting for. Of her failure, but also for the last time she saw everyone. The last time things were normal.
The rat being the savior of the universe!
Dad Tony 😭 I'm kinda surprised Morgan hasn't made another appearance yet. Maybe when she's a bit older...
Time Heist!!!
Remember when I was afraid that them traveling in time would mess up the timeline and make it so Morgan wasn't born? God that would've been rough.
I love that now the kids love Hulk though 🥹 "Dab!" He deserves this!!
Man, Pepper and Tony really love each other so much 🥺 Peper knew Tony might not make it back. But she also knew Tony wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't try.
Oh no, how did I forget about Bruce and Rocket going to get Thor? 😭
The Russos were so sick for making Thor's trauma a joke. However I kinda understand why they did it because otherwise it would have been WAY too dark.
The amount of regret Clint must have felt after Nat died and he realized he could have spent the last five years with her and chose not to.
Scott being the only one invested in Thor's story 😭
The elevator scene!!! "Hail Hydra" everyone was GAGGED!!!
There goes my baby girl to meet the love of his life 🥹 (Loki stealing the cube)
Thor's smile when he gets Mjnolnir 🥹 "I'm still worthy." Yes you are ❤️
"Make love, not war!" ✌️
Ugh, the double Nebula thing is really annoying. I guess they had to do it to get Thanos in the mix but ehhh.
THE OG BIG THREE!!! And Thor's transformation with Mjnolnir and Stormbreaker! So badass!
When Strange signals ☝️ to Tony, is he saying Carol was their one chance to win, or was he just telling Tony, this is it?
The fact that Peter basically became an Avenger and then lost Tony in one day 😭
The fact that Chadwick was sick when they were filming these movies kills me 😥
Happy taking care of Morgan 😭😭
I still love that they brought Harley back 🥹
Bucky knew Steve wasn't gonna come back. He knew he was gonna choose Peggy over him 💔
"No, I don't think I will" - I wonder if they knew this line would become a meme hahaha
So, did past Steve and Peggy have kids? This feels like it could be a potential plot point.
MY FAVORITE END CREDITS!! I still tear up every time 🥺 The Original 6 just mean so much to me 😭
Also I noticed for Tom Hiddleston's clip they chose Prince Loki in his golden horns, not villain Loki. That's a nice touch. 💚
And there ends an era. Are there things that annoyed me? Yes, but overall I still feel like it was a solid ending for Tony and Cap (and Natasha but we got the Black Widow movie after).
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thedeadestmeme · 26 days ago
Mike Wheeler in Season!1, seeing Will’s body being retrieved from the lake, and his first response is “that’s not Will”.
while Mike could’ve been in denial, i’m just saying,,, characters that know their best friend/partner/lover so deeply and intrinsically down to their bones that they can recognize them anywhere. and in the same breath, they can recognize a lie.
anyway, i got shocked back to Satoru Gojo when he sees Geto. and he says, “my six eyes tell me that you’re Suguru Geto — but my soul knows otherwise”.
and listen,,, this is only episode three. i get it, i get it. but i’m just saying. there’s something about the way that Mike and Joyce know Will to the point that they can recognize him anywhere. and it’s Joyce’s love for her son that makes her so certain that she knows it’s Will, even with the cross-dimensional divide between them. and that paralleled with Mike, who knows Will to the point that he knows that isn’t his best friend within seconds.
i’m just saying. Byler was never subtext, it was written on the walls in bold ass letters.
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bardic-irritation · 8 months ago
I know less about Gerard Keay the longer this episode goes on. he's a teenager? he's been dead for four years? he's a mob boss? he lives in DC?
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indiiglow · 8 months ago
I'mma rewatch the Iron Man movies <3
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kiwioala · 1 year ago
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pmpknsoup · 8 months ago
ive actually known about the magnus archives since it started coming out. obviously —i was an emo middle schooler when it started of COURSE id heard of a scary horror podcast. but id been let down by far too many stories, and i, still to this day, have the personal rule that i dont like to start an unfinished piece of media if i don't already trust the authors work. so i waited until it was finished, and then some, to make sure that i wouldnt Get Invested and then be disappointed.
that is to say, im at mag 192, now, and this is the part where i may start getting more critical of the writing if i don't like it. i REALLY DOUBT i wont. ive enjoyed just about every single narrative choice theyve made up until this point, but this is just a heads up post for ppl who are following my liveblog.
ANYWAY i really dont think ill dislike anything. but yknow, just in case
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ying-doodles · 10 months ago
// webtoon spoilers (ep 138)
oh also them, they're cute- <3
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carabas · 3 months ago
Dragon Age Veilguard liveblogging, starting the endgame -
One final bit of running around treasure hunting before we go to the point of no return, and I found these guys:
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Dungeon Meshi???
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The very first view of the ritual site and the first thing we see is Falon'din of all the possible gods looming large beneath the eclipse - which, first of all, Rook's god of choice, also, death; Lucanis was so pessimistic about our odds during that last talk and now Rook's staring his own personal god of death in the face.
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The Lighthouse but at the ritual site? Elgar'nan did complain that Solas was copying one of his towers, he was not lying, down to the green streamers.
I guess technically one of the companions was keeping secrets. Rook, from himself. I did think it was odd Varric never had conversations with the other companions outside the big group scenes (and I guess he must not have actually interacted with them in those scenes, huh, just talked to Rook), no one ever visited him in the infirmary the way all the other companions visit each other, but I was thinking along the lines of voice actor availability issues or something maybe, because the lines he has with Rook are so limited too, 'when's the last time you slept, remember to take breaks' on endless repeat, and Claudia Black was brought in relatively late and isn't it odd that Morrigan is our go-between with the Inquisitor when that seems like the role Varric should be in... The limited 'get some sleep, take a break' dialogue was because there's only so much advice Rook can fill in for him, huh? His death was speculated about so heavily after the gameplay trailer that this isn't a shock, but I was so relieved when he survived, dangit! Congrats to David Gaider, he finally got his wish.
The trap, the way the whole shape of the story has built up to this - the heavy theme of regret right from the start, Solas's regrets but also Rook continually being put in a position to form some of his own; and then the contrast that our spirit companion who usually embodies the main theme in these games is not Regret, it's Spite, or as the Lords of Fortune call him, Determination; and this whole time I've so very much enjoyed the way Solas was training Rook into something like the Dread Wolf through all their talks... the way all the threads running through the story come together, beautiful. Chef's kiss. And these are all specifically things that I've enthused about in these liveblogs before!! Everything hit exactly as they intended, I'm in pain and they thoroughly laid the groundwork for this pain and it's beautiful.
Rook was trapped by becoming too much like the Dread Wolf, but escaping traps is what the Dread Wolf does. Both of them, now.
Bianca's been sitting in two pieces on Varric's bedside table this whole time, was that real? I turned the game off for the night before writing these last few flailing paragraphs, but I should go check if she's still there when I get back to it.
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sortasirius · 10 months ago
“Christopher would be taken care of…by you.”
Chat…is this real?
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carelesscuriosity · 5 months ago
“Just because we kissed doesn’t mean we found the one like you guys have” sure sahar 🙄
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purgaytorysupremacy · 6 months ago
I just started the series finale of Black Sails and if Thomas Hamilton is the prisoner they’re looking for on that farm I’m going to DIE.
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isagrimorie · 2 years ago
I'm rewatching Endgame right now and I've completely forgotten the way Admiral Janeway couldn't even talk about Seven when someone from Starfleet Academy brought it up:
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And it's not that Admiral Janeway hasn't had a life, her crew is home and is her family and they've stayed in contact.
Almost everyone's lives have flourished. B'Elanna is the Federation liaison to the Klingon Empire, and so it seemed is Miral.
Except for Tuvok and Chakotay.
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Tuvok's mental illness has progressed to the point he could barely function and Chakotay died the same year this happened... And it feels like Chakotay's death was Admiral Janeway's impetus in going for this plan.
A world without Seven of Nine is a world neither Chakotay nor Admiral Janeway accepts.
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I first shipped Janeway with Chakotay and was so frustrated when Voyager ended and Janeway/Chakotay never happened when it was so obvious on both their sides.
And then I shipped Janeway and Seven but I could never accept Chakotay/Seven not only because it felt shoehorned but because they barely spent time together but to Jeri Ryan and Robert Beltran's credit they did what they could selling it.
For a first real-life relationship, Seven could do worse than Chakotay. He was respectful and did seem fond of Seven by the time they started dating and was ready to follow Seven at the pace she set.
But I've also come to believe the reason why they were together is because they couldn't be with Kathryn Janeway. In this alternate timeline, I believe Seven and Chakotay did come to love each other enough to marry but also there's an element of guilt involved with Chakotay after alt!Seven died because the person he also and still loved was Janeway. But guilt on Chakotay and Janeway's side prevented them from ever becoming something more.
I also believe Admiral Janeway loved both Chakotay and Seven and didn't want to choose, and their getting married is the safer choice even if it broke her heart because that meant she didn't have to choose and commit.
She'd rather have them both near and alive and untouchable, and in the end, she lost them both.
Honestly, Janeway didn't need to choose.
Anyway, Janeway's time travel adventures might be why my favorite time travel stories are the ones where future versions meet the past versions.
But also the first time Admiral Janeway sees Seven of Nine again, after two decades of not seeing her.
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"Hello, Seven."
Admiral Janeway looks like a sailor who hasn't seen the sea for years, or a traveler crossing the desert who has stumbled into an Oasis.
Also, Seven looks so awkward she didn't know how to deal with two Janeways in close proximity to each other.
Please, she's just a poor confused ex-Borg drone taking the smallest steps toward romance.
I do love that amidst this we have scenes between Tom and B'Elanna and how they both called Voyager home. They're the most low-key OTP and I kind of love that for them.
But also, I do love that Admiral Janeway gets to spend a few moments with both Tuvok and Chakotay.
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This moment when Captain Janeway muses on the strangeness of witnessing her future self talking to both Tuvok and Chakotay
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And not knowing how precious this moment is to Admiral Janeway that she can be beside Tuvok, working and still in possession of his mental faculties, and Chakotay laughing and full of life.
Part 1, 2, 3
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agnesandhilda · 7 months ago
while I'm talking about jjk: twenty episodes in and the state of powerscaling in this series already does not bode well for the future
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neenack · 1 month ago
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So, uh, bad news friends
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alfhildr-the-word-weaver · 9 months ago
It's wild because I have exactly one episode of Vampire Diaries left and I've been saving it since *checks blog* a little over a week ago (versus the six episodes a night I was watching back in season 1) and I keep telling myself I have to watch the ending if only so I know what I'm working with in fic but also I do want to see the return of Elena (and Katherine) but also I don't want to see Stefan die (or Damon and Elena in a flashforward apparently? How will they have time for all this, honestly?) but I do want to see how they manage to break the curse with Bonnie still alive (but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to write my fic without knowing) but I don't know. I'm notorious for not watching the last few episodes of shows I love (White Collar, Psych, Once Upon a Time, although that last I ragequit over many minor grievances with multiple seasons left so it's not really the same thing) but I keep telling myself that if you don't watch the end of a thing then you just have less of the thing that you love but like I turned the TV on to watch it just now and I'm actually so nervous? I both do and don't want to watch it so intensely, so I had to open up tumblr and blog about it. I could save it another week but I want to watch it before the intensity of my obsession starts to fade but I know this is going to hurt me, emotionally and profoundly. Maybe I can stretch it out to two episodes by stopping in the middle or something idk. But aaaaaaaaa I don't know I'm not ready but I feel like I have to watch it. Help me I don't know. I need some of you internet people to come over and watch this with me or something lol I don't know. I'm so nervous I'm not prepared but I don't want to put this off forever either. And once it's done I could start rewatching. But like, aaaaaaaaa!!
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lesbianmaxevans · 9 months ago
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